Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Beach Time!": Shoulda let her strings go, Ike

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, another baller vacation, this time in Alabama, where they pretty must do every expensive excursion you could possibly do at the ocean.  This is their "yearly" trip to the ocean, says Kate, and by yearly she means if they are filming she will finagle a trip to the ocean. They also finally train their almost six-month-old puppies, who should have been trained four months ago. Don't try to figure it out, one has absolutely nothing to do with the other. You know, why does one get puppies over the summer anyway if you know you're going to be out of town so much? Part of the reason they're so poorly behaved is because their owners are not providing them any consistency.

Kate again emphasizes they came in late last night. We were all shaking our heads to realize they filmed the space camp footage and traveled a six hour drive to the beach house all in the same day. What reason would she have to lie about that? Wouldn't she lie and say the opposite, that they filmed it over several days, so as not to give the appearance of over-working the kids? We had a discussion on the blog about this show's budget, and all signs are suggesting it's been slashed dramatically. From having to film everything in just a day or two, to hauling in their own food from grocery stores instead of eating out, to now, vacationing in the deep South in the dead of summer, when prices tend to hit rock bottom because it's so hot and muggy. God bless Alabama, but it's not so comfortable in August.

There's an aerial shot of the beach house, and it's huge. It's a mansion, with a big dock right along a beautiful inlet. In the background, you can see the city just a hop, skip and a jump away. And this after Kate claimed the house was in the middle of nowhere so they had to bring all their own food in. No they're not.

They're about to go parasailing, and Kate demands they all finish up lunch quickly or she "might ask the man to let the strings go." I'm all for having a sense of humor with your kids, but why is Kate constantly teasing about things that could either kill or cause great bodily harm to her children? It's truly creepy, no joke.

Those "girls" of Kate's, oy! Put them away, especially in the kitchen. Is this a brothel or summer vacation?

The parasailing instructor Ike introduces his crew but gets bored when Kate tries to introduce herself and instead he just keeps giving directions, cutting her off. Heh, I have a funny feeling he really doesn't care who she is or what this filming is all about, this is just another customer to keep safe and provide a good experience to and on to the next one. He will soon go the way to the river raft man, I feel this one coming.

Oddly, there is no discussion of seasickness this time. We have to have the conversation on every other boat ride, what gives? The three youngest girls whoosh up first, and love it. Everyone is shocked how high they go up when parasailing, including me. 450 feet?! Yowser. Okay, I'll give Kate a pass here on not liking this. This is way too much like skydiving, only even worse, there's no instructor with you and the harnesses look really flimsy. The boys and the twins take a crack at it, too. You guessed it, this was fun.

A long discussion from Kate about how she didn't want to be pressured into doing this. What dramatics. I didn't see anyone pressuring her. It's no skin off Ike's back whether she goes or not and the kids don't care. In fact most kids wouldn't care what mom does or doesn't do. It's all about them at this age. The kids were enjoying their own fun on this ride, and telling her all about it, and if she wants to do it fine, if she doesn't, it's not their problem. This actually is part of her narcissism, that she thinks anyone gives a damn what she wants to do with herself. Nobody does. Heh, I like the flashback to the New Zealand bungie jumping, where Brad pushes her off the ledge. One of the few flashbacks they should just keep playing over and over. Ike is finally like well are you going or not, decide now. That's right, it's really freaking annoying when someone is holding up the group with their indecisiveness. Oh good Lord, she's crying now. Ike is like, okay, nope abort. Seriously! I love that he's not putting up with her shenanigans. Either jump in the deep end or not, but if not, get off the damn diving board so everyone else can carry on with their fun.

Of course Kate refuses to abort because at the end of the day she knows good and damn well she will do this, that this is all for maximum show and attention and making sure this is all about her. She demands Ike only send her up a few feet.  Once again in an effort to make herself feel better, she's made the ride more precarious. Common sense suggests that's terribly unsafe. You wouldn't get as much wind in the sail that way, and if anything goes wrong, there's absolutely no room to correct it before you slam face first into the back of the boat. Idiot. Nope, that's not how it works, is essentially Ike's response.

Kate eventually gets on the ride, with the obligatory screaming and screeching and parentified Aaden and Cara going up with her to comfort her. Kate remarks once again that it was not being able to swim that was one of the things bothering her. Good God, then get some swimming lessons for the love of holy heck and then that fear will be solved. Holy moly. And by the way, from that height, not being able to swim is not going to be the problem if anything does malfunction. I mean, you're dead from 450 feet if it failed. Is she dumb, or just stupid? By the way, in some brief googling about parasailing accidents, I found that the Federal Aviation Administration has regulated parasailing to 400 feet maximum. So, was Ike exaggerating when he said they would go up 450, or breaking the law? Hm.

Let me be clear here, there's nothing wrong with not liking parasailing. I'll admit it, I would never do this and do not feel unfulfilled for not doing so. About on average one death every 1-2 years doing this is enough for me to say no thanks. But to cause all this drama is uncalled for.

You know, the kids were having fun. A blast. They loved seeing the sites from up high and no one was fighting or bickering, or feeling sick to their stomach, or upset. Doofus ruined a rare pleasant outing. And I think a huge part of her disturbing psychology is that she can't help but ruin it. One, because she's petrified it won't be good footage because calmness in her mind is boring to viewers. And two, she can't help but want the attention all on her. Quite the opposite, I enjoyed seeing the kids relaxed like this, it was good to see them have a moment where everything was working out. It only got obnoxious when the plot turned to her freak out.

Kate does a weird nervous slithering snake thing with her tongue on the ride. The twins make fun of it. It's almost like a tick, which may be just a tiny clue into the chemistry of her brain. That's something a six-year-old would do when they are stressed, not a mature adult woman who has control of herself. If you don't believe something is very wrong with her upstairs, I don't know what to tell you.

Heh, they do a private interview with Ike once back on shore, who calls Kate a basket case. He should have let her strings go, eh?! I expect about five years from now Kate will be trashing him just like she did the rafting instructor from five years ago, because that's how this woman rolls.

The next "day" (I'm keeping track of the days now, it's got my attention), they go on a segway tour.  Joel's segway won't go fast, to which Cara calls him "stupid." Um, no, he's not stupid. His segway wouldn't go fast because it was on "beginner" mode. It had nothing to do with Joel. These kids always jump to the most cutting, nasty remarks about each other, and often it's completely unjustified. One of the instructors fixes it for him and he starts going at normal speeds, no big deal and no cause for cutting him down, Cara.

They were "naturing along" on the segways and it started to rain. Naturing??

It's a little hard to tell what's going on next amid all the whining, but it certainly appears that Mady and Kate are ready to make the whole group call it quits because of the sprinkle that's messing up their hair. Many of the other kids are very distraught at the idea of cutting this short, as they should be. What the hell? It's not pouring nor do I see any lightning which would make this unsafe, and once again, it's hella rude to quit a group activity when so many other people would like to continue, not to mention the instructors who made great efforts to set this up nice for you. And probably, are doing so with the understanding built into this that filming will include some free promotion. Therefore, quitting early is even more not cool in this scenario. Same as what they did on the horseback ride in the Poconos! Just quit!

I'm well aware Mady is just a child, but she is extremely selfish and spoiled, and I have never once heard Kate tell her she is being selfish and spoiled, to knock it off, get back on her segway, and suck it the F up, as she should as the parent. In fact in this case, Kate backed her up! What?! The instructor wants to know if these kids always complain this much. I'll answer: yes. Kate doesn't seem at all embarrassed a perfect stranger has within minutes pegged her kids as massive bellyachers. She should be mortified they are behaving this way in public, or at all.

Kate gets mad when Lex stops in the middle of the path, and blames Lex for almost making her crash. No, Doofus, you need to pay attention to what's in front of you and be ready to stop if you need to. I wonder how many cars she's rear-ended in her lifetime. I'm guessing a lot. And it was their fault too they stopped you told the cops, right?

Kate refuses to turn the speed up on her machine, yet is complaining (after that guy just told them they complain too much) that kids are darting in front of her on the road. Cara explains that the reason everyone is darting in front of her is indeed because she's going too darn slow. Well, that makes sense.

"I'm so tired of getting picked on about everything I do, just leave me be!" says 12-year-old doofus here.

Sigh. You weren't being "picked on," Kate. You were being called out, correctly so, for being obnoxious on a fun activity. Same with the parasailing; if you can't keep up, sit it out. But don't insist on doing something you really aren't mentally prepared for, and then spoil everyone else's fun. It's refreshing to see the kids call her out now that they're older, yet at the same time, I'm really sorry that their lives have to involve calling out their raging lunatic of a mother so much. It looks stressful.

It's their last day. So, I clocked the beach portion of the trip at three full days, plus their one full day at space camp, for a grand total of four full days on the trip to make two episodes, not counting flying days. Wow. What is the point to travel this far for less than a week?! These kids must be absolutely beat.

Kate makes half full coffee cups of oatmeal with a few drops of liquid brown sugar, and a third of a small cup of orange juice, which is not nearly enough food for kids this age, period, especially those about to do a very physical activity. We watch her pour the oatmeal into the pot and can see how little she puts in for eight people. Thankfully there are a few big croissants floating around, but it's unclear how much they each got to eat of each of them. An airy croissant is not going to fill a kid up either unless they eat a lot of them. I never hear the kids complain they're hungry, I wonder if they've just accepted the dainty portion sizes. So many of them seem irritable all the time, one really has to wonder if it's because they're getting hungry within a few hours of eating. Once conditioned to under eat for so long, they might not recognize and connect their irritability to their hunger. I think I was one of the bloggers here in the past to ere on the side of concerns about their food intake are probably overblown, but I've been rethinking it lately. The undersized portions are much more noticeable now and much more concerning now that they are older and need to eat more. Almost all the kids are thin, and I daresay a lot of them have a dull look to their skin (or bad skin in general) and hair which can be a strong indication they're not filling up on all those yummy calories a 12-year-old craves or drinking enough. Another thing to note is that everyone got the same exact portions. With eight kids, there's going to be some kids who are eating more than others. It's unlikely they all need exactly the same amount. For instance, at this age the boys and the twins should be starting to have appetites that pull away from the younger sisters. In some cases, a 12-year-old boy will want to eat nearly double what the girls are eating. In any case, nothing starts a day off terribly than not getting enough to eat and drink.

The kids take over this big floating trampoline thing in the middle of the water. Huh, is that theirs to use? And who is lifeguarding this when Kate can't swim? Incredibly dangerous. Oh, and by the way, once again she won't let them dish up the amount of oatmeal and brown sugar they would like. She has to portion it out for them like they're in a nursing home. It would have been nice to just stay at a hotel with a breakfast buffet and let them fill up their own trays, full of as much waffles, yogurt, eggs and biscuits 'n' sausage gravy they want. And a tall glass of juice.

This is getting tedious. Next they go kayaking, where this instructor has to tell the group to relax and calm down, and that they're here to have fun. Again, isn't it embarrassing that a perfect stranger has to tell your family to relax and calm down? Is anyone in this family feeling chagrinned at all, or are they so used to making a scene it doesn't phase them anymore? Ha, I'm liking Alabamians. This instructor, Chris, flat out tells them, eh, I'm not gonna remember any of your names but whatever, sure, you're Kate. Lol. She must just hate this blasé attitude by the locals. No one seems at all impressed by them or seems to know who they even are.

At some point Mady loses phone privileges because she pushed Kate's kayak away. Huh, what? Kate has an absolute meltdown over who even knows what. Kate is convinced this was an intermediate kayaking trip. Not in the slightest! It was a flat little inlet. Baby to beginner at best. What is she even talking about? Not really relaxing though, right under a freeway overpass. Heh, drowns Kate out though.

The instructor finally gives up and tethers his kayak to Kate, towing her back. What a dolt.

Heh, the instructor jokes that they have four miles left. Well, he'll go the way of Brad and river man in short order.

The way Kate angrily grits her teeth and says "Hannah, stop paddling!" was flipping scary. It's the tone of voice nasty parents use right before they yank their child's ear two feet up. In all seriousness, there are a lot of red flags present that this woman still harbors a very, very serious anger management problem. If she can't even keep it together while on camera, it is frightening to imagine what her limits are off camera. (Here are some of the tell-tale signs of an anger issue and Kate pretty much displays all of them just in this one episode: Criticizing, belittling, putting down, lack of patience, irritability and short temper, blaming everyone and everything else, people avoid you, people feel like they're walking on eggshells around you, and so on.)

Well this is sad. The instructor in his private interview said he had intended to take the group out to collect some trash and do a mini environmental clean-up, but he had to scratch that plan. Good job ruining everything, Kate. Again.

The vacation comes to an abrupt end and now we start the completely unrelated storyline of training the puppies. Naturally they get private one-on-one training with professional dog trainers, which is exorbitantly expensive. Kate spends a long time explaining how much of a crazy dog lady Kate is, with little to no clips to really back that up. I mostly get the impression the dogs to her are, depending on the day, a mild inconvenience to up to a total nuisance. Meanwhile when the dog trainer lady comes in, I know instantly she's a sincere dog lover without her just talking about it, as she greets the dogs down at their level in that baby voice true dog lovers use to speak to their dogs: "Who's a booo-tiful girl, yes yoo are!"

Kate? That's a crazy dog lady. Not you.

The dog lady is using clicker training? That's going to be way too complicated for this family. You guessed it, right out of the gate Kate is arguing with the trainers. What a pest she is.

Cara's picking lint again as Mady is explaining what is at the end of the day pretty boring.

I do like the trainer's firm emphasis on positive training. She believes in never punishing the dog at all, which is what I believe, too, mostly because I believe it is the most humane, but also because it just works better. Kate desperately needs this kind of training in parenting teens, I'm serious. She would really benefit from some one-on-one parenting training, I really think it would make everyone all around happier if she used some other technique, any other technique, other than being such an obnoxious nag yelling at them all the time. Click, Kate. Click click!

Kate says she has to say "come" 500 times. That's what she said.

The kids are having fun during all this, wrestling a bit, and there's Kate yelling and hollering at them again and making snide, unfunny remarks. She doesn't see the irony in all this emphasis on positive reinforcement, as she's being nothing but negative to the kids.

She thinks her joke about how the kids need children training is so funny she says it twice to the trainer and yet another time on the couch. I get a kick out of it when she gets so proud of herself for coming up with the most minimally clever dumb lines. Heh. In any case, no, Kate. The children are fine. They are children. You are the one who needs intensive, one-on-one parenting instruction. It's you. 

Oh stop the presses, at age six months, someone is actually teaching these dogs how to walk on a leash. My God. Hint, put your dog on a leash and get them used to it the moment you bring them home and you won't have such an issue with a dog who looks nearly full grown looking at a leash like a confused child stumped by a math problem. That's pretty damning evidence these dogs have never been walked before in their lives. Another huge reason they are poorly behaved. It is not enough to just let a dog run around a big yard, they must be actually walked by an owner, on a leash. There are numerous articles all over the internet explaining why if you're interested in knowing more about that.

Next up, Sweet 16 for the twins. I kind of question whether a kid who picks lint on the couch the whole time during these episodes really wants her birthday party filmed. Sixteen, whew. Digest that for a second, the twins are sixteen and still being filmed. For the record, we first met them when they looked like this. That's them in between their parents:

Sixteen candles, Kate remarks. Heh, a poor man's Molly Ringwald.

See you next time.

1789 sediments (sic) from readers:

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capecodmama said...

It can't be Kate in Rutland. Can you imagine her giving anyone a tip!

capecodmama said...

Holy cow! Mama June does look like Kate! As someone posted up thread, however, she is going to need to get that turkey neck taken care of.

White Organza said...

(179) ... that's the point is that somewhere along the way Maria felt her childhood was not carefree. I don't think she's exaggerating and I think her words should be taken seriously as words of caution.

I agree. Her childhood wasn't carefree: her mother did imposed a very harsh study regimen on her and at a very young age. But still, her childhood was private as I don't consider singing in a school production at 16 as an invasion of privacy; more as an invasion of her own desires and dreams by her mother's and maybe that's what Callas meant by "my childhood should have been private" as her mother's actions could be considered as a take over of her daughter's inner self.

It reminds me of that other TLC family, the Irish singers and dancers. They were all incredibly talented but it was obvious in the individual interviews that touring as a musical family was not everybody's dream. I remember one of the older boys wanted to compete in modern ninjas competitions but couldn't because of their touring schedule. Another one who's preferences were definitively leaning more toward modern music had to keep his writing in the irish-folk style. And one of the girl who was absolutely terrified of being lead singer in some of the songs but being forced to do so by the father.

Children should always be able to thrive to achieve their own self, to live their own life, their own dreams, their own passions and not force to live a life their parents imposed on them.

In that sense, yes, I do think that Maria Callas's words should be taken seriously as words of caution.

NJGal51 said...

Jon is doing a live feed on instagram and he's actually pretty good.

Jeanne said...

Next Kate episode is apparently push Kate down the hill on skis while she screams and cries. How amazingly boring. Can they really not come up with ANY other ideas for filming? Pack suitcases and scream. Drive for hours and whine and complain. Go skiing and have Kate cry and break down. Come home and do couch interviews while picking lint. I can't believe people watch this.

TLC stinks said...

She gave a tip because she gets reimbursed for travel expenses by TLC. Not a penny comes out of her purse.

FYI said...

This was posted of FB. Yup, they're in Rutland, VT

19 hrs · Rutland, VT ·
Kate Plus 8 are in town. Just been seen at a local restaurant.

The poster stated that they were at Ben & Jerry's. The guy who posted about the tip on twitter probably works there. ~ Administrator said...

Pack suitcases and scream. Drive for hours and whine and complain. Go skiing and have Kate cry and break down. Come home and do couch interviews while picking lint. I can't believe people watch this.


This is the same plot of the past several episodes I recapped. It's like Groundhog Day.

TLC stinks said...

I am so, so disappointed she is dragging those kids on yet another TLC vacay. Apparently her numbers are still good enough to get a contract renewal. I guess we'll just sit back now and wait for her teasing about a renewal. I bet this is her birthday vacay because she always must treat herself. Sauna, anyone? Massage? Anyway, this filming was inevitable with the tups turning 13 this year. She needs to squeeze out yet another birthday extravaganza from TLC. Freakin' unbelievable.

I'm just really done with Jon and all his talk. Unless he got custody of Collin, he's as bad as she is with exploiting this whole situation.

jamesvader1194 said...

@TLC stinks If they're filming then i have to wonder about Collin.Is Kate playing games with people and wants them to think hes not home until the episodes come and she'll talk about how hes return home and is all better now?If hes not home then TLC has reached an all new low for this family.

NJGal51 said...

This is the same plot of the past several episodes I recapped. It's like Groundhog Day.
Yes but this will be even more stressful for TFW and more exciting (!!!!!!!) for us because she'll have to supervise the packing of all sorts of winter paraphernalia. Can the kids do it without all the screaming, crying, fighting? Will TFW be able to do it without tongue flicking and gnashing of teeth? Will the puppies have outgrown their coats and need new ones? Will Shoka be invited or will he be left behind and never mentioned much like Collin? Tune in for this and much, much more of the same old same old.

Lanc Native said...

And when you start out that obese, losing weight alone will not get you a good body. She would need a body lift for all the extra skin that would be hanging.


Next up. Episodes on Skin Tight, skin removal surgery. Watch for it. She will milk this as long as she can.

We had a high of 68 degrees here yesterday, and snow before dawn. Absolutely crazy weather. It was only a coating with no trace of it left, but tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day of the winter, with a major storm coming on Tuesday. I'll believe it when I see it. If Kate loves warm weather, then she's missed some gorgeous spring days while she was on the slopes. The kids need to be home by Monday since school resumes on Tuesday. Just in time for the big storm.

Layla said...

The show will the be family shopping for complete new sets of skiing gear (which will never be worn again) for all the Gs. Then packing (can't forget packing!). Why do they think all this packing is interesting for viewers? Or is it just filling time? After the long drive (guaranteed to make Kate stressed before they even get there), they'll all fight and complain about their totally inadequate lodgings. Then comes skiing. IIRC, she didn't even bother to try skiing when they went before, but she won't get away with that now. Let's see, it will be cold, she's afraid of heights, and she'll be forced to hurtle down a hill on skis. Total meltdown guaranteed. That is, of course, exactly what TLC wants. The kids will be whining and complaining that they are cold, they hate skiing, they don't want to do this. The last time they went, the only one who liked it was Cara. By the time they get back in the van to drive for hours to get home, Kate will be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and her kids will be left to deal with her.

I wonder if the overseas viewership is what makes the show worthwhile for TLC. It can't be the ratings here. If they get a lot of viewers in other countries where it airs, and add that to what they get stateside, then they might find it worth their time and money to keep the show.

Lanc Native said...

I'm just really done with Jon and all his talk. Unless he got custody of Collin, he's as bad as she is with exploiting this whole situation.


Who is Jon exploiting?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wonder who the Designated Nanny was on this trip. Andrea? Deanna? Even if no one is shown on screen, we know TFW doesn't take care of those 7 kids by herself. Especially when she wants her precious makes-me-a-good-Mommy spa time alone.

ncgirl said...

If they're filming a ski trip in VT, Milo will be a pantin' and a grinnin' to see snow bunny Kate. Maybe they have an indoor pool so Kate can rock the bikini and fake boobs for Skeeve.

They went skiing once before on the show with Jon. Was it Colorado?

Lynne In RI said...

NJ (18): "If they're filming a ski trip in VT, Milo will be a pantin' and a grinnin' to see snow bunny Kate."


Don't forget a droolin'. Rumor has it that she got a Costco special deal on bibs. The more you buy, the more you save.

Layla said...

ncgirl (18)
THey went to Park City, Utah. Kate never bothered to try skiing, and all the kids except Cara hated it.

RoxyHelen said...

Layla said... 20

ncgirl (18)
THey went to Park City, Utah. Kate never bothered to try skiing, and all the kids except Cara hated it.


I'm pretty sure some of the tups actually enjoyed skiing(Leah for sure, one of the boy tups-Aaden maybe? Hannah?). I'd have to see the episode again to say for sure but definitely not all the other kids hated it, at least not according to the footage and that's all we have to go by.

GollyGee said...

Didn't Jon and Cara go on a ski trip by themselves to Colorado?

I just remember how happy Cara was to be with her daddy and I remember the smile on her face. She was truly happy. Had to be happy being with her daddy that she adored and being away from her overbearing, albatross mentally ill mother.

Anonymous said...

No golly gee, it was Utah.

I actually think Kate would ski this time, but perhaps one of the twins is touring a college.

Red Balloon

Andrea said...

Maddy Ziegler from Dance Moms has written a tell all book. In it she does not name any names but she has some interesting things to say about het time on Dance Moms. I have not read the book yet. Here are some interesting quotes I got from the media

“I was eight years old at the time, and there were cameramen following me around everywhere I went, I would just ignore them and go about my business. Eventually, you feel a little exposed because you’re on all the time. Your life is what the show is about, but you’re also trying to live it. I just wanted to dance; I didn’t want all the drama.”

“Before I met [Sia], I would say yes to a lot of things I didn’t want to do, Because I thought I had to – I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I’d be overwhelmed by the amount of work on my plate. Sia always tells me you have to have time off, step back and appreciate the moment.”

"I haven’t loved every dance we’ve done. Some I thought were a little weird or silly, or even inappropriate for kids our age.”

I still have mixed feelings about the book coming out while Maddy is still underage. At least she is better protected now that she is working in CA as a professional dancer. I know it is her dream, I just wish it could have waited until she was older. Childhood is so short.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gee, I hope Kate's back at the compound on Tuesday so she can post pics of her favoriteish toy, the snow blower!
You guys up in PA might get the brunt of the storm.

BTW, if Kate is in VT filming, will she be bitching and moaning about how cold it is and throwing food on the ground?

Tucker's Mom said...

I still have mixed feelings about the book coming out while Maddy is still underage. At least she is better protected now that she is working in CA as a professional dancer. I know it is her dream, I just wish it could have waited until she was older. Childhood is so short.
Absolutely. She's way too young to understand the impact of putting life out there.
Meta irony...

Layla said...

RoxyHelen (21)

IIRC, Hannah and Leah both wanted to go back to ski for a second time but then both had meltdowns and had to go back to the house. Cara was the only one who was interested in continuing. But I remember Jon being irritated about taking the little girls out and all they did was cry and want to leave.

Layla said...

RoxyHelen (21)

IIRC, Hannah and Leah both wanted to go back to ski for a second time but then both had meltdowns and had to go back to the house. Cara was the only one who was interested in continuing. But I remember Jon being irritated about taking the little girls out and all they did was cry and want to leave.

Formerly Duped said...

Andrea said... 24

I always thought while being on Dance Moms was exploitative to Maddy and the other girls, the Sia video with Shia LeBeouf and the flesh-colored skintight leotard Maddy wore was worse.

Sad but true said...

Andrea said... 24
I still have mixed feelings about the book coming out while Maddy is still underage. At least she is better protected now that she is working in CA as a professional dancer. I know it is her dream, I just wish it could have waited until she was older. Childhood is so short.

At least she was allowed to pursue HER dreams, not her parents'. I still believe that "reality" TV, which bears so little resemblance to actual reality, tends to be bad for most of the people who get caught up in it. Let alone defenseless children who get encapsulated in someone else's delusions of grandeur. I don't think that in later life, the Gosselin kids' notoriety will stand them in good stead. Hopefully, there'll be enough money left for them individually that the sting will be somewhat mitigated.

Jeanne said...

Chloe from Dance Moms had a part in the newest Center Stage movie last fall. She was actually fun in it. She might be over 18 now. I am not sure who is controlling Maddy's career but it feels like she does what someone else wants.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#30), I totally agree with you.
What in the world is "real" about a supposedly single mother of 8 being able to take her children on vacations around the world, with no steady means employment?

I, too, worry about how fame will effect the kids' future relationships Their celebrity is probably old news with the gang at school right now. But how will having a decade (and counting) of their lives exposed on TV effect them when they go to college? Job opportunities? Romantic relationships? I think some people will gravitate towards them because they were famous, and some will prejudge them negatively for the exact same reason. And the bad news? They had zero say in the matter. They were signed up for an experiment that will impact them permanently, and they never got the chance to opt out of it. ~ Administrator said...

I, too, worry about how fame will effect the kids' future relationships Their celebrity is probably old news with the gang at school right now. But how will having a decade (and counting) of their lives exposed on TV effect them when they go to college?


It's very concerning. I'm starting to wonder too though if what might be even more of a struggle for them is developing an understanding of work ethic and an understanding of valuing what things cost and how long you have to work for them. In fact that's a good exercise for people to do. For this $3,000 vacation, I'll have to work X amount of days. It's a good way to see if you can really afford it.

It's very unlikely most of them will ever be able to afford multiple vacation in a year. The average American can't. Of those who can afford vacations, most people can only afford one a year or every couple years. And many people cannot afford vacations at all or very rarely or they will have to work many years before they can.

And, if these kids grow up and can afford vacations, it's even more unlikely they would also be able to afford to have one parent stay home with the kids full time too.

It's just such a skewed view of reality. They are growing up in an incredibly unique situation where someone is doing nothing but being their nag self in return for a very posh lifestyle. It's just not going to work like that in the future and I don't get any sense from them at all they either appreciate this or understand how rare this is. It's a virtual certainty that at least some of the kids are going to feel like they got hit by a semi truck when real life enters in as adults.

RoxyHelen said...

That's not how I remember it but if there is a new G skiing episode, I'm sure we'll get a flashback to the Utah trip and it might settle things. I remember Leah crying now that you mention it but I think she was crying for Hannah, because Hannah had stayed home. Joel had spend the previous day crying on the slopes and I remember Collin at home on day 2, stacking some cards or something so I think on day 2 Cara, Aaden, Alexis and Leah went back and other than Leah(whom Jon bribed with gum) I don't think the other kids cried. It's been years so I've no idea why I still remember these things lol.

In any case, speaking of the Utah trip, remember before they left, Jon and Kate put tape over the tups names on their backpacks so that strangers wouldn't try to "lure" them. They had been on tv for 3 years at that point. America, Canada, half of Europe and some part of Asia knew everything about those kids, down to how long it took them to be potty trained. But hey, their parents put tape over their names so all's well.

RoxyHelen said...

Double comment but, also speaking of the Utah trip, since budget has been a topic, wow, what a difference! Back then the Gs got a whole winter cabin to themselves(huge one), all skiing equipment donated plus the flight and all they enjoyed there(spa for Kate, the begginer classes for 8!! kids on day 1 and 4 kids on day 2, the rented equipment, the meals). I would guess it all exceeded 10k, maybe even 15k. Or remember the 4th of July trip? They had tons of seafood and also a huge house(aaaah those beautiful memories of Kate threatening 4 year old Aaden that he will become an orphan if he steps out of the house, onto the porch by himself, of Kate excluding Joel from making the stupid cake and then claiming the girls didn't want Joel there...). I bet Kate misses the old days. I mean sure, these vacations are good too but the budget seems very cut so I bet Kate wishes the glory days of 20k trips would be back.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Imagine being only 13 and having many things from an adult's "bucket list" for travel already crossed off?

Admin (#33), I wonder if some of the kids may grow up to hate any travel period, having been schlepped hither, thither and yon under strict production schedule constraints for so many years. It may remind them of unhappier times.

Layla said...

These kids won't be able to afford the lifestyle they are accustomed to when they are adults. They most likely will not be able to afford the kind of house they live in now, and they won't be able to afford to go on multiple vacations each year. They learn from their adult role model, which is mainly Kate. She doesn't work a normal job, yet buys 3 cars just for herself, visits spas and salons, lives in that house, and travels constantly. That is what they will expect, and they won't know how to do things differently. Real life might end being a rude surprise for them when they have to provide for themselves.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Layla Some of us here have been wondering what her ratings are like in the U.K.Is there a website where you can look at British Tv ratings?There was a U.K fan who asked Kate in an IG post if the show aired in the U.K so i dont know if the last season even started there. "so_disney_princess @kateplusmy8 was the show not aired in the U.K. ? We love our yearly catch ups with your family" 👍🏻🇬🇧

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 36
Imagine being only 13 and having many things from an adult's "bucket list" for travel already crossed off?

Admin (#33), I wonder if some of the kids may grow up to hate any travel period, having been schlepped hither, thither and yon under strict production schedule constraints for so many years. It may remind them of unhappier times.
March 11, 2017 at 12:02 PM
I think the boys like to travel and probably the girls some of the time, depending. We know for certain that not ALL the kids want to film ALL the time and that Kate was full of crap when she said if anyone want to stop filming, she'd stop it.
I've said an still say that all the hullaballoo about their college funds is so very precious. The kids and their totally distorted view on life isn't going to make them the types who will work hard for rewards that come after a long time, nor not at all.

Anonymous said...


Chloe is only 15. She will be 16 this year.


Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Double comment but, also speaking of the Utah trip, since budget has been a topic, wow, what a difference! Back then the Gs got a whole winter cabin to themselves(huge one),


I don't watch the shows, but didn't they just have a big, beautiful rental house on a recent episode? ~ Administrator said...

Having worked for a very wealthy family, it's interesting to see how now grown adult children, the out of college ones, have chosen to live. At least with them they saw and understood that all the perks of being that wealthy were the result of parents working darn hard and never being around.

One lives in a very modest house in the suburbs with their spouse and children. The house can't be more than 1500 square feet. They bike around town and teach yoga and the family has a jeep. They are not interested in money. Apparently, they just wanted the picket fence and that was it.

Another one lives in an exorbitantly expensive condo in an extremely expensive part of town and drives a brand spanking new Tesla, funded by the parents.

It's strange how some kids reject the lifestyle, while others want to keep it going, even if it means not earning it yourself. The problem is Kate's not going to be able to keep paying for the kids to all have their tesla's and condos.

Tucker's Mom said...

The problem is Kate's not going to be able to keep paying for the kids to all have their tesla's and condos.

Kate won't fund a darn thing for the kids. She will tell them to work hard like she did.

RoxyHelen said...

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 41

Double comment but, also speaking of the Utah trip, since budget has been a topic, wow, what a difference! Back then the Gs got a whole winter cabin to themselves(huge one),


I don't watch the shows, but didn't they just have a big, beautiful rental house on a recent episode?


Yes, but they've had to buy groceries and they appeared to have stayed a lot less too. The house may be the one thing left from the old days of glory, now that you mention it.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 43

Work hard and back up your fertility treatments with imports from Canada. ;)

Tucker's Mom said...

OT- watched Trumbo this afternoon. VERY good!

ncgirl said...

"Kate won't fund a darn thing for the kids. She will tell them to work hard like she did. Irony."

Just take fertility drugs and have twins and sextuplets, easy peasy. And act like a raving bitch all the time.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

ncgirl (#45), the way TFW became famous was a combination of a lucky spin of the fertility wheel, followed by a drive to get her mug on TV, make a bunch of dough, and be on easy street (for which she was 3 for 3). How she equates that with any kind of work success is beyond me. And then there's Jon, trying to hustle himself a career, while his ex scorns his lifestyle as "mediocre."

Layla said...

The days of long, relaxing vacations on TLC's dime seem to be over. This is a network that paid for Kate and the kids to spend two weeks in a huge rental house on Bald Head Island so Kate wouldn't be stressed by the mess of her free kitchen renovation. They got to fly part of the way during the RV trip so they wouldn't be stressed by the long drive. Flown to Utah and put up in a huge house to try out skiing. Remember the sleigh ride to that restaurant up on the mountain? Now they appear to be driving, spending the bare minimum number of days, filming dawn to dusk, and eating hot dogs and macaroni. What happened to the whole lobster for each person to taste and see if they like it? No more extravagant dinners, no more overseas travel, no more long, relaxing stays at each destination. Bummer, eh? ~ Administrator said...

They still get a mansion beach house on their vacations, but they get it in the off-off season, think dead of August in the Deep South, and they get it for two nights instead of two weeks, and they have to haul in their own food from home or the grocery store. It's all relative. That vacation may still be very expensive for the average family of four, but this production budget compared to 2009's production budget must be a third less, if not more. Sometimes it's subtle the way production cuts costs, because a lot of it can be hidden or at least try to. It's hard for a casual viewer to notice that something is being filmed over two days instead of 20, unless they're really paying attention. But I firmly believe this is really taking its toll on the children.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Just take fertility drugs and have twins and sextuplets, easy peasy. And act like a raving bitch all the time.


I don't think that she's acting.

njay said...

She was truly happy. Had to be happy being with her daddy that she adored and being away from her overbearing, albatross mentally ill mother.
Actually Golly Gee, that second trip to Utah was just C and Jon. Jon had to stop on the hills and call Kate because C was crying over missing Kate and was homesick. After speaking to Kate she was fine and was able to enjoy the rest of the day.

As much as people want the kids or think the kids hate Kate, it's just not going to happen yet. Abuse just doesn't happen that way. Goodness, they more than likely think everyone gets knocked around and have chores up the ying yang. That's their norm.

Greta Sophia said...

When the show is all over I'm very curious how much each of the kids individually have actually made, considering they have to split the money with their mom and all their siblings. Wonder if Kate takes out of their own money to pay for their expensive private school. Unfortunately those kids are going to have a rude awakening when they realize they can't afford to live in a mansion, have expensive cars, vacations, and a luxurious lifestyle.

Tucker's Mom said...

Actually Golly Gee, that second trip to Utah was just C and Jon. Jon had to stop on the hills and call Kate because C was crying over missing Kate and was homesick. After speaking to Kate she was fine and was able to enjoy the rest of the day.
IIRC, in Robert's book, he wrote that Steve accompanied Jon and Cara on that trip, and Steve, not Jon, was in continual contact with Kate, apprising her of what was going on and how Cara was doing.

If Cara cried over being away from Kate at her age, can you imagine how upsetting it was for the kids to have Jon gone?

Formerly Duped said...

Njay, that's true. The kids love TFW as she's the only mother they have and she must make sure they know it and that she's in charge! While they probably both fear and ridicule her, they seem attached to her. I remember on the room swap episode, H and L both said they wanted a new bedroom but wished they were closer to Mommy's room. The boys all said they like to give her a kiss and 'even get to talk to her.' I'm sure they must feel mixed up about the cruel things she does or find her unfair and maybe doubt themselves about why they have a love- hate relationship with her or why she hats the New Daddy.She makes sure they are dependent and somewhat isolated from the outside world as much as possible. And then there's Collin....and the twins may be growing away. (or one of them anyway.)

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 49
The days of long, relaxing vacations on TLC's dime seem to be over. This is a network that paid for Kate and the kids to spend two weeks in a huge rental house on Bald Head Island so Kate wouldn't be stressed by the mess of her free kitchen renovation.
Agree that it seems as though the filming is all business recently. There were always reports of the family getting down time and relaxing with walks on the beach, without the film crew, as reported by fellow vacationers.
If indeed they had to drive to VT, that definitely is a major change.
I also think it's definitely for filming, as Kate would never open her wallet for a vacation in the cold.

Sue said...

Agree Njay. For better or for worse Kate is their mom and they love her and that was especially true when they were younger. That may change as they get older.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Njay What you said brings up a point i've wanted to make before.One big lie ever told by Kate fans was that Kate haters make the claim that the gosselin kids don't love their mother but there have been episodes where they've stated that they do or do certain things that say they love her.No Kate hater has ever said the Gosselin kids don't love their mother.(its their mother!)I do think she does things that embarrasses them and they wish she'd stop having a negative attitude over almost everything they do.With Collin i do think he does LOVE Kate as by the things we've seen and herd him say on the show.I will tell you all that i have an aunt that is similar to Kate and her kids and my mother can get annoyed with her,but despite that they do love her.So i just wanted to point out a certain straw man that Kate fans sometimes bring up about Kate haters.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

jamesvader1194 (#58), yes, I agree that those children do love their mother, and I don't think any of even the most critical among us has ever said otherwise. And
I also want to say that I definitely believe TFW loves her children. I just think she is a profoundly damaged person who doesn't demonstrate that love in the ways that children need it.

Lanc Native said...

It looks like the kids will have an extended spring break. School resumes Tuesday, but forecasters, if you can believe them, are calling for 12-20 inches in Lancaster County. Will TLC be there to film the kids frolicking in the snow, Kate fighting with her snowblower and generator, and reports on how Mr. Deck is holding up under the heavy snow? Stay tuned.

How can it be 70 degrees one week, shorts and tee shirt weather, and a major nor'easter the next? Winter's not over until its over.

Tucker's Mom said...

I also want to say that I definitely believe TFW loves her children. I just think she is a profoundly damaged person who doesn't demonstrate that love in the ways that children need it.
March 12, 2017 at 10:51 AM
I so agree that Kate loves her children-perhaps even certain people-until she doesn't.
Loving our family, especially children, is immutable to most, but not to Kate and that's where she's wired differently.
I also don't believe Kate gives her love freely and free of stipulation. She'd better be feeling it coming back her way 10 fold, hence the constant need to thank her and show Kate unwavering devotion and appreciation.
If you're not filling her narc tank, she has no need or use for you.

Tucker's Mom said...

So i just wanted to point out a certain straw man that Kate fans sometimes bring up about Kate haters.
Absolutely, and it's those same sheep who want to see Jon destroyed, and don't think it's insanely awful that half his kids don't see him.
It's those same fans who don't think Jon's presence in his children's lives is necessary, and that Kate does it all.
Even feel sorry for her and believe her crap about not being able to "father" the kids.
The double standard and hypocrisy is ever present.

Sad but true said...

Kate seems to love playing this cat-and-mouse game when she's "vacationing." However, she'd be playing a much smarter game if she teased a photo or two from all the super FUN they're having. Then fans would know they're filming and would be looking forward to new episodes. If such do happen. I still say, film all you want, but if anything new breaks about Collin or custody, these new episodes may never see the light of day. Or maybe they'll go straight to pay-per-view or TLCgo.

Formerly Duped said...

I don't think anything is going to change as far as custody is concerned. It's been a long while since Collin has been gone, and thoughts that he was taken into care have vanished as far as I am concerned, sadly. Nothing has likely changed for the other 7 kids either, and Kate seems to have the same custody and is able to be filming.Hope I'm wrong. If someone spotted Collin somehow and he looked happy, I'd be pleased.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 64
I don't think anything is going to change as far as custody is concerned. It's been a long while since Collin has been gone, and thoughts that he was taken into care have vanished as far as I am concerned, sadly.
I also don't think custody will ever change, and that's not a bad thing. The bad thing is that custody was never followed in the first damn place.

Anonymous said...

OT - For those who are interested - Episode 2 of the "Feud" is on tonight (fx) at 10:00pm Eastern Time.


Formerly Duped said...

Tucker's Mom said... 65

Formerly Duped said... 64
I don't think anything is going to change as far as custody is concerned. It's been a long while since Collin has been gone, and thoughts that he was taken into care have vanished as far as I am concerned, sadly.
I also don't think custody will ever change, and that's not a bad thing. The bad thing is that custody was never followed in the first damn place.

Agree.. I meant that Kate has custody - her own and takes some of Jon's! I don't see why this happened either. Something is fishy and has been for years.

Wowser said...

Just throwing this in the bag: no one said anything about filming in all these sightings of Kate and the kids right? Hasn't there been speculation that she and Steve and and their production co have filmed on their own to get YouTube or someone else to pick up their footage? Maybe this was a Hail Mary trip ..makes sense. Not too far from home and pretty cheap to film.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: It's March Madness! NCAA men's basketball brackets announced tonight. Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Virginia, and Virginia Tech are all in the tournament, Hooray! Did your favorite team get in?

Sad but true said...

Wowser said... 68

Maybe this was a Hail Mary trip ..makes sense. Not too far from home and pretty cheap to film.
IF it's Killington (or some other ski resort in VT) in winter, not so cheap, not with lift passes and rentals, etc., for at least 9 (whether or not it's Skeve, you know K8's got company). And a film crew would up the ante considerably.

I guess it's possible SK8 Productions might be up and running, but I doubt they would venture this sort of pricey territory on a first-time outing for a YouTube gig. The beach would be much easier all around. Especially for K8, who just loves those bikini opportunities. Snowsuit? Eh, not so much.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

IF it's Killington (or some other ski resort in VT) in winter, not so cheap, not with lift passes and rentals, etc., for at least 9 (whether or not it's Skeve, you know K8's got company). And a film crew would up the ante considerably.


Screaming on the lift. She's afraid of high places. There's no drama in running around on a beach, unless she gets stung on the butt by a jellyfish.

TLC stinks said...

With the big snow storm coming, hope they are back home on well on the way so the kids can be back in school. Just think if this was a real vacay with Steve and kids... naw, she'd never spend her own bucks. They filmed, most likely minus Collin, and this will be her birthday vacay episode because she's ALWAYS WANTED TO SKI.

Vermonter said...

If they were seen in Rutland,VT they were probably going skiing in Killington.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

You know, I would be thrilled to be wrong about filming. I would be so happy to find out that TFW just scooped up the kids and took them on a spring break trip with no cameras -- just a few fun days without any cameras following them, or production schedules to adhere to.

If you compare their lives, the G kids have
it so much tougher than their mother.
They're the ones who have to go to school, and do homework, and chores, and then work weekends and school vacations.
They're the ones still dealing with the detritus of an ugly divorce, over which they had no control. They're the ones who have a missing sibling, who was a partner of theirs since birth. Where is the compassion from the fans about that? Where are their kudos? Why aren't the fans marveling about how the KIDS manage to "do it all?"

Dmasy said...

OT -- Feud, Season One. (FX, Sunday nights) is just remarkable. The sets and props capture the era perfectly. The clothes could steal the scene if the acting wasn't so spot on. I never would have thought that Susan Sarandon and Bette Davis looked alike. But, somehow Susan transforms herself into the raspy voiced, chain smoking badass woman.

I just learned that Feud, Season Two will focus on Charles and Diana.

This is my new Sunday evening treat.

Jamesvader1194 said...

To play devil's advocate,none of the sighting not only didn't say anything about a film crew but also apart from that one sighting,no one else said they saw the Gosselins skiing with a film crew or took a picture.Its possible that the person who asked if she was in Rutland VT on IG saw that person's twitter post and profile and probably thought to ask Kate if she was truly there.I would think that if they were there with a film crew,i'd hear people complaining on twitter about how they're holding up the lines or whatever.I do think Kate's there and is sadly most likely filming but i sometimes do try to keep an open mind coming into this and again im just playing devil's advocate.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@TLC stinks If these sighting are true then i don't know who to blame.When it comes to Jon,i've herd he's been to court many times.(way more then what the media has known.)If hes been trying to do this countless times before and still can't convince whoever to change this whole thing.Then can we blame him?i would hate to try to make a conspiracy that Kate has the judge in her pockets or if the judge is bias for Kate but i can't see why the judge wouldn't force Kate to tell jon where Collin is.

GollyGee said...

James, we know TLC had TFW's back when she and Jon were divorcing, Jon couldn't compete with them. Like a P***ing match, she won.

I wonder about who is really making these decisions about Jon's custody. The judge. Is it the same judge all these years that is a true fan and sheeple and is smitten with her and bows down to everything she complains to him or her that Jon has said or done?

Makes you wonder why a judge would not make her buzz Jon in to pick up the kids closer to the door. The walk down the driveway is just not right. What if something bad happened and one of the kids called Jon to come right over, how would he get in? He would have to depend on a child to let him in.

I wonder if TLC is still helping her legal wise. You would think because they are still filming and it would make sense for the other markets besides the US.

I hope they are not filming on this trip.

Jeanne said...

I am not happy about the snow storm. I'll be fine staying home. But it's hard for me to afford paying the guy who clears my driveway. I offer him double money when it's this much snow. Only fair for double to triple the usual work. The cold is also hard on me. I suppose we'll have to wait for Kate's posts about how hard it is to have her kids home. The last snow day I was taking care of my niece. It was fun to have time with her after she got to sled with her friends.

Sue said...

GollyGee said "I wonder about who is really making these decisions about Jon's custody. The judge. Is it the same judge all these years that is a true fan and sheeple and is smitten with her and bows down to everything she complains to him or her that Jon has said or done?"

Fact or speculation on your part?

Tucker's Mom said...

This storm is a boon for Kate. If indeed they are filming and wrapping up in VT, they come home to the biggest March snow storm in over 20 years.
What an episode it will make!
Plus, she'll only have to stunt snow blow her driveway.
If the crew is filming- all expenses paid.
Maybe they can film Kate hoarding all the milk, bread and toilet paper at her favorite Target store then schlepping home a fucketybillion pounds of DOG-FRIENDLY!!! melting salt.
(Although, really, they could survive the End Times with all the booty she stockpiles in that house)

Lanc Native said...

Here comes Gladys. It took her long enough. They've been predicting this storm for a week! She needs to get her act together if she wants to continue as Executive Ewe.

Fired Up 4 Kate‏ @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago

Spring break goes back into #WinterMode Don't put your snow jackets away! #SnowManCometh @kateplusmy8

Lanc Native said...

Kate is under a blizzard warning, with up to two or more feet of snow. Is Deckster strong enough to withstand this?
Travel restrictions are now in place. I hope she went out and stocked up on her boxed wine!

Abby said...

If they did go to Killington Ski Resort in VT, that was an expensive trip!

Lanc Native said...

Tucker's, looks like you're under the gun with this one, too!

Mr. Weather Man just said this could possibly turn out to be one of the top five worst storms ever to hit here, going back to the 1800's.

The grocery stores were an absolute nightmare, with lines doubling back around the store and people butting in line. I'm surprised no one threw any punches.

Lancaster County is in the heaviest snow band with three inches per hour. Aren't we lucky?

Tucker's Mom said...

Lanc Native said... 85
Tucker's, looks like you're under the gun with this one, too!
On the ragged edge! If we get half a foot, I'll be happy. I've been to the grocery store a couple times to stock up, and will be making slow cooker Chicken Marbella tomorrow.
You're going to get slammed in PA!
We have pretty snow right now, but I prefer to be able to enjoy it all day long.
We'll see how it looks outside when we wake up tomorrow.
I think my puppies would love a March romp in the snow!

Tucker's Mom said...

Mr. Weather Man just said this could possibly turn out to be one of the top five worst storms ever to hit here, going back to the 1800's.

The grocery stores were an absolute nightmare, with lines doubling back around the store and people butting in line. I'm surprised no one threw any punches.

Lancaster County is in the heaviest snow band with three inches per hour. Aren't we lucky?
Jeez, keep us updated on how you're doing.


NJGal51 said...

Well TFW is back on IG with a picture of Shoka just back from the groomer and decked out for St. Patrick's Day. After being gone for a week she back on time for the storm. She's so predictable.

GollyGee said...

Sue, I wrote, I wonder. This means I was speculating.

Y'all stay warm. 24 years ago we had a very bad snow blizzard with wind chills 20 below, but it was 80 degrees with the propane! I barely had any propane and called the gas co. and said if you are in the area, stop by. Thank God they did. We would had to have stayed with the neighbors because they had fireplaces on both floors.

And the neighbors are like Gladys and LOM and we would of had no choice.

Sad but true said...

The bitch is back.

kateplusmy8 Someone came back from his 'spa day' at the groomer all ready for #StPatricksDay but I'm sure we're the🍀 LUCKY 🍀 ones because he's ours.. plus he's SO clean, fresh and fluffy again! 🍀🍀🍀🍀 #Shoka #TheresOnlyOneShoka

And so's her cheering section.

miloandjack2016 Aww Shoka...fuzzy wuzzy enough for some snuggles w/your humans! How's about it @kateplusmy8 ? #SpecialBondWithYourDogs. ❤❤❤

miloandjack2016LOL Here he is all nice & clean...just in time for your worst snow storm of the year!! You all stay safe and warm! #ThreeDogNite. ❤❤❤

NJGal51 said...

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm......Shoka back from a spa day or being picked up from being boarded for a week.

Sad but true said...

I have zero doubt you are correct. Too bad she doesn't have any nearby friends or family to look after the pets. Wonder where that bird goes.

jamesvader1194 said...

@GollyGee Your point about the judge makes me want to ask this.Im not sure if i already asked this question before.Are the people who are in charge of TLC now,the same people who cancelled Kate back then or did all those people leave and they hired new people?Cause if its the same people,then i don't get why they were quick to cancel Kate when her ratings wern't as bad as they are now.(NOTE:i get that T.V is different then what it was years ago but these ratings aren't something that screams renewal.)It makes me think what they were thinking back then that are keeping them from to cancel her now?If its different people in charge then they must be Kate lovers and are people who'd keep her no matter what the ratings will be.

High Sodium Content said...

I can't imagine Kate and crew at Killington or other ski resort in the area. Other paying customers would not put up w/ a screaming meme trying to get on a chairlift or gondola. The resort is huge w/ 6 different mountain areas. A lot of wealthy New Yorkers go there along w/ farther north, Stowe and Sugarbush. I've skied all of them. Killington would not be a place for a bunch of novices w/ a film crew. A large home for a week in the area would be almost double the cost of a beach house. Kate is not a winter person, so I doubt that would ever be her birthday wish, even if she's being paid to be there. If they were they this past week, it's been very, very cold they would be covered up head to toe w/ barely a nose peeking out, if they were dressed weather appropriate. And yes, I've skied in zero temps and between hat, neck warmer, goggles, barely the tip of your nose sticks out. The prima dona Gosselins would not make it. That weather is for die hard skiers.

So the Rutland sighting is pure speculation. They could have also been heading father north to the Stowe area and the von Trapp family. But again, these areas would not cater to this no body in their prime winter season. On the wild speculation that they are looking at colleges for the twins, I don't think they have the education/extra curricular activites/socialization/volunterrism, to get them into a top university. Top students from all over the country want to attend these schools/universities. The twins will mostly likely have to settle for a PA state university, despite their pricey private school. Schools look for well rounded students, not sheltered kids who have been handed $ and done nothing on their own with what they were handed. I don't think they would even do very well in a college interview. Can just imagine, M being a bratty know it all and C picking on her sweater during such an interview. Their mother has done them no favors in interacting with others.

Tucker's Mom said...

Their mother has done them no favors in interacting with others.
Yet she beams with pride over Mady publicly declaring herself all too consumed with herself to have time for her own father, and extorting him with guarantees of further reprisal if he dare speak about her in public. ~ Administrator said...

How in the world could you possibly know that? Why do most posters here think they are experts on kids they do not know?


Do you watch the show? Mady has said at least twice she doesn't do anything. She said so in the 16th birthday episode. She says she sits in her room most of the time. I assume you think Mady is lying? She won't get into a good college that way, that's just a fact.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

The judge. Is it the same judge all these years that is a true fan and sheeple and is smitten with her and bows down to everything she complains to him or her that Jon has said or done?"


Is this a quote from somewhere, or a comment from a poster? If it's the latter, how is it known that the judge is a fan and a sheeple? When was this determined?

Lanc Native said...

Fired Up 4 Kate‏ @MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
@MsGoody2Shoes33 @Kateplusmy8 NOOOO! Was a pic on weather site talking about approaching storm to PA! #Scary


No, Gladys. It was a photo of a house in New York that is covered with ice due to strong winds over Lake Ontario for five days that covered the house in ice. It had nothing to do with the coming storm in PA.

GollyGee said...

Please, I was speculating, thinking. There is no confirmation of this. Just thinking out loud.

She's deflecting with Shoka with the fuzzy wuzzy grooming announcement. I believe he got groomed after he was boarded several days while they were gone.

Sandi said...

I may be wrong here but I believe Milo said she was in her 40s. Here's the beginning of an interesting post on Milos Instagram. Posted a week ago.

miloandjack2016 Lost a dear friend couple days ago...
Only 55yrs young!!
We knew each other since high school. A rather routine trip to the doctor revealed...............

This was posted under simple reminders~~The hardest thing not to talk to someone you used to talk to every day.

You East Coasters bundle up, stay safe!

NJGal51 said...

I may be wrong here but I believe Milo said she was in her 40s.
I don't remember saying she's in her 40s (recently anyway). I think that she's said that she had her son in her 30s and since he's 22ish now, the friend from high schools age would be about right. I may be remembering wrong though.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I may be wrong here but I believe Milo said she was in her 40s. Here's the beginning of an interesting post on Milos Instagram. Posted a week ago.


I think at one time either she said, or someone figured out, that she is in her early 50s, something to do with the age of her kids, and how old she was when she had her son.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

She's deflecting with Shoka with the fuzzy wuzzy grooming announcement. I believe he got groomed after he was boarded several days while they were gone.


How do you know that he was boarded? Did Kate say something about taking him to the kennel? I don't look at her IG.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

The twins will mostly likely have to settle for a PA state university, despite their pricey private school. Schools look for well rounded students, not sheltered kids who have been handed $ and done nothing on their own with what they were handed. I don't think they would even do very well in a college interview. Can just imagine, M being a bratty know it all and C picking on her sweater during such an interview.


Not all state universities are mediocre. Some are excellent.

Are personal college interviews still conducted? ~ Administrator said...

Relax Milo. Lake people are of hardy stock. A little ice, or even a lot of ice, is nothing. I just browsed Facebook and everyone from that area is complaining about all the cancellations, griping that while late in the year this storm is par for the course in that area. (Not so much as you move away from the lake, these reports are more concerning for those not used to it)

Sad but true said...

Sandi said... 100
I may be wrong here but I believe Milo said she was in her 40s.

No, she's definitely 50+, she has said as much over the years. In the 52-54 range is my guess.

Sherry Baby said...

Relax Milo. Lake people are of hardy stock. A little ice, or even a lot of ice, is nothing. I just browsed Facebook and everyone from that area is complaining about all the cancellations, griping that while late in the year this storm is par for the course in that area. (Not so much as you move away from the lake, these reports are more concerning for those not used to it)

The picture is on the Yahoo page. We know that she reads there to see if Kate is trending.

NJGal51 said...

How do you know that he was boarded? Did Kate say something about taking him to the kennel? I don't look at her IG.
Sheepless - I brought that up in my post at 91 above when I said "Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm......Shoka back from a spa day or being picked up from being boarded for a week.". Pure speculation on my part since we've been talking about TFW & company being gone. I didn't expect anyone to take it seriously and I thought that was clear from the way I worded it. ~ Administrator said...

Do you watch the show? Mady has said at least twice she doesn't do anything. She said so in the 16th birthday episode. She says she sits in her room most of the time. I assume you think Mady is lying? She won't get into a good college that way, that's just a fact.
Not regularly and certainly not with the obsessiveness of many of the posters here. Teenagers have been known to exaggerate. Shocking, I realize.


You asked "How in the world" a poster could know that. I pointed you directly to the source, the child herself, the child's own statements. That's "how in the world" they could say that.

The fact that you don't like the child's own statements or are speculating that she is lying (without any basis to do so) is actually a completely separate issue from your original point. You then tried to change the subject, rambling about things that are beside the point like whether she even wants to go to college in the first place and whatnot, to divert away from your original statement. But I remember the original premise of your trolling, and called you out as incorrect. It is what it is.

Lanc Native said...

It's starting to get nasty out there. I thought maybe this was all hype, but it looks like they called it right. Never fear, though. Our generator is in the laundry room. Is that okay? ;) ~ Administrator said...

State universities actually are getting very competitive lately. Here, it's almost impossible to get into UCLA, UC Berkeley, or UC Hastings. As for where they are, Pennsylvania state university is similarly very competitive. If you don't have mostly A's a strong SAT score and a very well-rounded background you're not getting in no matter who you are. It does not bode well to have never played a sport, never made your way through scouts, never been president of a club, taken on some kind of serious volunteer project, or really have anything of substance to write about in an essay. Mady has already said her grades are not that good. I have no idea what her aspirations are, maybe it's not college at all, but if it's PSU, she's probably already out of luck. She has too much to make up for and not enough time. Too bad, it's a wonderful experience to be a Penn Stater.

GollyGee said...

Oh, dear.

No, I don't know for sure if he was boarded but NJGal54 was speculating, thinking the same thing.

NJGal51 said... 91
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm......Shoka back from a spa day or being picked up from being boarded for a week

FlimsyFlamsy said...

M also said something like, without the show, all she does is stare at the 4 walls.
And knowing TFW isn't the type of mom
to drop her kids off hither, thither and
yon for activities, I am inclined to believe that.

You might say, but those kids are always on some kind of cool trip. But when they do travel, they are on a production schedule. Your family's version of going to the Grand Canyon isn't going to resemble M's family's version in any way, shape or form. Being at the mercy of TLC's schedule and budget -- and let's be clear, THEY call the shots during filming -- the experience might wind up being neither educational nor fun. It might just feel like work.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I also suspect Shoka was just picked up from being boarded. If you were expecting
a massive snowstorm, would you decide to groom your dog the day before it? That's like washing your car the day before you know it's going to rain.

TLC stinks said...

Sleepless, when you board, people often have their animals groomed while there. It appears they were in VT over spring break, thus the dogs were boarded.

TLC stinks said...

Mady and Cara sleep in on the weekends, per their own comments and their absence during filming on weekend mornings. The sleeping in is typical of teens but those girls call the shots if they will appear on screen or not, IMO. Mady has said in a couch interview she stays in her room all weekend. I don't believe either twin is interested in interacting much with the tups considering how they speak about and to them. It's not one big happy family as a Kate would have her fans believe. The tups in couch interviews seem to prefer Cara or Mady. No surprise there.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 105
Relax Milo. Lake people are of hardy stock. A little ice, or even a lot of ice, is nothing.
We're snow alarmists here (the area in general)! We got a few inches of snow and now it's freezing rain, then it'll be snow again.
So, not a huge snowstorm per se, but nasty and dangerous on the roads.
I'm going to be making slow cooker Chicken Marbella and enjoying a fire (probably just the gas one today).
My dogs came back in from their morning walk all fired up!

Tucker's Mom said...

You asked "How in the world" a poster could know that. I pointed you directly to the source, the child herself, the child's own statements. That's "how in the world" they could say that.

(troll ADD)

Kelsey O. said...

What does TFW mean on here? Sorry, I'm new to this blog! Was assuming The F@*king Witch, or The Former Wife?

Tucker's Mom said...

. As for where they are, Pennsylvania state university is similarly very competitive. If you don't have mostly A's a strong SAT score and a very well-rounded background you're not getting in no matter who you are.
Community college might be an option for some of the kids. In my state, you can funnel into state colleges after starting 2 years in our community colleges.
It's a great program.
If none of the G kids has really strong GPAs, it's going to be tough going getting into competitive schools.
A resume full of TLC and Mom schlepping you all over the place doesn't show personal incentive and drive.
At least Cara has many years of playing a sport. Otherwise, I don't know that any of the kids can show outside pursuits.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#120), oh, but you're forgetting, TFW's kids all are at the tippy top of their classes. Always. And are models of exemplary behavior -- just ask anyone who's ever met them. Of course, that story was sadly proven to be untrue when one of her children had to be sent away.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 120

The point of the show has always been K8's financial security, not the kids'. I don't think she really cares whether or not any/all of them go to college. By that time, the show will definitely be over, and she'll have a nice, comfortable retirement package locked up. The kids will have to make their own way once Mommy's had enough. And I don't get the sense that more than a couple are really intent on or cut out for college.

TLC stinks said...

I gotta laugh how she thinks she pulled a fast one that nobody knows she was out of town during spring break.

Tucker's Mom said...

You might say, but those kids are always on some kind of cool trip. But when they do travel, they are on a production schedule. Your family's version of going to the Grand Canyon isn't going to resemble M's family's version in any way, shape or form
Bingo. Sheeple can't separate their projection of what the G's experience is like, from the reality of a heavy filming schedule.
Crew set up
Mic packs
aux. cameras and personal cameras mounted
Producer sets up scenes
Booms overhead
Move on to next scene
Break for Craft services
Resume filming

Tucker's Mom said...

and let's be clear, THEY call the shots during filming -- the experience might wind up being neither educational nor fun. It might just feel like work.*****

I'll never forget the account at Bald Head Island, when just the kids were marched to the ocean, all in their bathing suits, just for B-roll.
Some of the kids looked longingly out to sea, wishing they could stay and play, but alas, they were marched back to the rented mansion.
End B-roll.

Formerly Duped said...

OT storm ; our total in the Boston area is downgraded to 8-10 inches and we will be getting freezing rain and high winds ( which terrify my dog) Some people seem annoyed that there was a lot of preparation for this storm with closures of schools and businesses and now we aren't getting quite the monster predicted. But I'm off to walk said dog before the winds set in!

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 114
I also suspect Shoka was just picked up from being boarded. If you were expecting
a massive snowstorm, would you decide to groom your dog the day before it? That's like washing your car the day before you know it's going to rain.
Our bichon's beauty appt, sorry "spa day" was cancelled for today. Even if our groomer was open, I'd have cancelled.
Why pay the $$ when he's going to be walking around in this muck?
I think Shoka got cleaned up before he was delivered home.
We sometimes choose to do that when we pick our dogs up from boarding.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 122
That's been my sense for years now. I don't think Kate is particularly concerned about the academic pursuits (and otherwise) of her kids.
It's such a shame if they don't put all that college money to good use. In fact, it's a darn shame that Kate never furthered her nursing career by pursuing an advanced degree.
What some people would give to have the money, help and security to do that.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kelsey O. said... 119
What does TFW mean on here? Sorry, I'm new to this blog! Was assuming The F@*king Witch, or The Former Wife?
Just kidding ;-)
TFW = The Former Wife

(I think Jon referred to Kate that way at one time-kind of didn't want her name to pass hip lips at the time)

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 126
OT storm ; our total in the Boston area is downgraded to 8-10 inches
The storm is pulling out and tracking easterly more than expected.
Not going to be the Knickerbocker storm.

JoyinVirginia said...

Next thread I will post my old acronym list. TFW = the former wife, TFMJG = the former Mrs. Jon Gosselin. Who is still boring. Of course, posters are free to get creative with their favorite acronym meanings!

Kelsey O. said...

(Tucker's Mom) Thank you for letting me know! :)

NJGal51 said...

Well I have to give TFW (The F^ck Wad) props if she did board Shoka for a week rather than leaving him outside in a kennel with someone just coming to feed him.

Tucker's Mom said...

There is nothing wrong with being an RN without an advanced degree. Not sure what is shameful about not pursuing a Master's.
I wasn't implying that AT ALL. What a nurse can do with a MSN is more easily track into hospital administration and management.
Someone with Kate's degree/certificate isn't going qualify to take that track.
What that gives nurses is higher salaries and a career that won't break your body by the time your 50.
I know many nurses who have loved floor work and clinical pursuits, but nearly all of them branched off and no longer do it.
What an advanced degree could have given Kate was the ability to get out of the clinic and off the floor, since if plainly obvious she never wants to do shift work with patients.
Sorry if that touched a nerve.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Reporting on conditions in this neck of the woods. It started snowing around 10 p.m. and it's still coming down, fast and furious. We've only had about 17 inches so far because it sleeted for four-five hours in the early morning, cutting down the snow totals. Nothing much to do today except sit by the fire with some hot mulled cider, snuggle with some warm fuzzy buddies and a nice human, watch the kids play outside, read a book and just take it easy, hoping that we don't lose power. Winds are supposed to pick up later today, making it more difficult for road crews to keep everything open.

All is well in PA Dutch Country. More snow coming this weekend, or so I hear. When is Easter?

Tucker's Mom said...

All is well in PA Dutch Country. More snow coming this weekend, or so I hear. When is Easter?
Glad you've still got power and don't have to crank up the generator in you powder room quiet yet!
When will we get the Instagramisode with Kate snow blowing and allllllll the driveway trees succumbing to gravity?

Jeanne said...

I'm next door to Berks. I think we have about 8" of snow but first we had about 3 hours of sleet. It's going to be hard to shovel but that's for my Mr Snow Guy. (Is that what Kate would call him?) Berks had a declaration that if you left your dog outside they would automatically take it to the rescue league. I hope she let the newly groomed dogs inside.

I would be actually a little worried to let Mady or Cara go to Penn State main campus. To go from a very sheltered home to that party atmosphere can cause problems. I also have to wonder if they will be able to thrive when you have to work on your own and get your studying done. However, I do think they should have the chance. A small college, far enough from home that Kate can't make them film every weekend, would be my advice.

Unknown said...

Well new video up!! Only 5 tups (no Collin) one dog, and Milo asking "how many inches" Dang she didn't read all the hashtags in her hurry to ask her 20 questions! or she would know!

Sad but true said...

Yes, she claims to have been blowing snow.

kateplusmy8 We got snow for sure! Just did my best snowblowing and now the kids and dogs can play again! #DeepSnow #FourteenInchesMaybe #StillSnowing #GoAwayWinter

But that ain't no 14 inches.

Nicky said...

Still only 5 kids in her latest video. And someone made a comment about getting all the kids ready to go out into the snow - are you f'n kidding me? They're almost 13. If they can't get themselves ready, then something is wrong.
Kate has sure succeeded in making people think "the littles" need round the clock care and supervision. How in the world could she get a full time job when half her paycheck will be going to childcare? (insert major eye rolling here).
It just boggles my mind that her fans can't see that if the children at this age aren't self sufficient, then she's done a shitty job as a parent. And she's done it all she has proclaimed in every magazine and tv interview that she can swindle.


JustMissy said...

New video on her Instagram. 5 boys and 3 girls. Still no Collin. Poor kid. My heart aches at the thought.

jamesvader1194 said...

Kate uploaded a video of 5 kids with Nookie pookie in the show.Yep Collin seems to be gone still since hes not in the video.So either hes still at the place for almost a year now or Kate got hit with something and isn't allow to show public photos or videos of Collin.

Sad but true said...

Jeanne said... 137
I'm next door to Berks. I think we have about 8" of snow but first we had about 3 hours of sleet.

The queen of hyperbole strikes again. Accuweather says 6-10" in her neck of the woods. The deeper places in her video are drifts or the heaps left by the snow blower. But Doofus eats it up with a spoon and says please, my Queen, may I have some more?

miloandjack2016 Ok...missed SAID 14inches & still coming down! Keep your snow blower in gear! Maybe #RoundTwo you should let the boys give it a try? Mom needs some rest! @kateplusmy8 ~ Administrator said...

I think she's moved well into phase two of her master plan: pretend Collin never existed. ~ Administrator said...

Eh, it's debatable whether it's "okay" to not be very ambitious in your career especially when other people are depending on you. She had eight kids. It's not going to cut it to work dialysis part time. She should have been thinking very seriously about how she could get the most bang for her buck out of her path in life. Too many people don't bother with this then want handouts. She's just like those people. Wanting something for nothing or half effort. You make choices in life and if you choose a certain low paying path over a readily available more lucrative one there will be consequences. Of course many more lucrative careers also require you to work darn hard, that's how it goes. If you don't want that fine but then don't complain about wages. It was her choice not to advance her career and she paid the price for it.

Nicky said... ~ Administrator said... 144
I think she's moved well into phase two of her master plan: pretend Collin never existed

Until it can get her a magazine cover or interview, you hit the nail on the head!

Nicky said...

That's an interesting comment about handouts, Admin, and I agree. It boggles my mind how some people (not just Kate), have no problem asking anyone for anything. Get a job, pay for your own crap, lady! Life is as expensive as you make it. Some months or years are more taxing than others, and millions figure it out somehow.

My husband made a comment on one of his facebook friend's picture - some thing along the lines of "looking good". In real life, the guy is barely an acquaintance (my husband basically "friends" anybody - he's too nice!). 2 minutes later, he private messages him, says he's a little short this month, and could he help him out? And I'll bet he wasn't the only one he asked. ~ Administrator said...

Everyone was all up in arms about the comment that people would need to get rid of iPhones to afford health care. I rather found that comment spot on.

Well no, many people deal with trak phones and flip phones or no phone at all because money is tight. It's not fair that someone would get an iPhone but then expect a healthcare handout when other people are making sacrifices to afford the important things. People need a wake up call about budgeting and living within your means.

Kate wanted to raise her children with iPhone tastes on a flip phone budget and wanted the good people of PA to pay for it. She didn't want to WORK either when so many people work their butts off to afford things like iPhones. That's not fair to all the struggling parents in PA who lived within her means. It's also not fair to the people who did spend a lot of time and money and hard work through many years of school and ladder climbing to finally get the payoff of being able to afford iPhones. That's one of the very early reasons I started to dislike Kate, her something for nothing shameless entitlement. Government assistance is for people who cannot help themselves without assistance, not able bodied but spoiled brats like TFW.

Tucker's Mom said...

sharissegardnerIn PA also we got about 18" & it's still coming down. My kids have been out 3 times so far & I am exhausted. Now I see your post & I can't even imagine getting all those kids ready to go play in the snow.
Dear lawd, do these sheep think the kids are 5 year olds?

Yup, 5 tups. C'mon, why on earth is Colin not home?
And, if they were in VT filming, they're apparently going forward for another season without Colin.
How they can do that without Kate shining a good deal of sunlight on the situation is beyond me.
We started with a 10-person show: J+K+8.
Then, the show became K+8. OK.
Jon is gone because he and Kate divorced. That's VERY easy to connect the dots.
Colin...wth? Where'd he go?
Are you seriously still filming a second season of K+8 with only 7 kids??

Nicky said...

Without opening a huge can of worms, comparing healthcare to iPhones is a bit ridiculous. Healthcare should be considered a human right, and access should not be subject to the size of your wallet.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 144
I think she's moved well into phase two of her master plan: pretend Collin never existed.
March 14, 2017 at 12:42 PM
She entered that phase when she, as a mother, decided to throw a lavish bash for the tups, sans Colin, and declare it the bestest ever.
Well, hold up. I'd say Kate entered that phase when she splashed the happy, shit-eatin', grinning news on the cover of People magazine.
No, wait. I think Kate transitioned into her post-Colin life the moment he packed his bags and darkened her door for the last time.

Tucker's Mom said...

My husband made a comment on one of his facebook friend's picture - some thing along the lines of "looking good". In real life, the guy is barely an acquaintance (my husband basically "friends" anybody - he's too nice!). 2 minutes later, he private messages him, says he's a little short this month, and could he help him out? And I'll bet he wasn't the only one he asked.
Wow, how grubby can you get?!
Unfriend and quickly!

NJGal51 said...

kateplus8 We got snow for sure! Just did my best snowblowing and now the kids and dogs can play again! #DepSnow #FourteenInchesMaybe #StillSnowing #goAwayWinter
So wait, the kids and dogs can't play outside unless she's done her snowblowing? Doesn't look to me like they're playing in the freshly cleared driveway. Hmmmmmmm, 14,650 views already. Looks like someone has renewed her subscription to the like bots!

Tucker's Mom said...

So wait, the kids and dogs can't play outside unless she's done her snowblowing? Doesn't look to me like they're playing in the freshly cleared driveway. Hmmmmmmm, 14,650 views already. Looks like someone has renewed her subscription to the like bots!
Bot central!
Uh, why can't the kids play outside with no plowing, shoveling or blowing? Is it over their heads?!
#idiocy ~ Administrator said...

I think the point being made is that when people complain about the cost of health care but then buy an iPhone, one's priorities are out of wack. Even under Obamacare health care is not free. Monthly payments are expected and required. Both parties seem to agree that folks should pay something for premiums.

If one can AFFORD health care monthly payments, I think one should be expected to pay for it. Many people cannot and that's where limited funds need to be applied. People like Kate who demand handouts when they could afford them if they changed a few things, are taking from those who cannot truly afford it.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 148

That's one of the very early reasons I started to dislike Kate, her something for nothing shameless entitlement.

Ditto. And then when it came out that she actively shopped her kids to TV networks and very possibly engineered her "miracles" in the first place, I concluded she never did intend to be self-supporting or live a normal life. Even if it did cost her a husband and her children a father.

Tucker's Mom said...

. People like Kate who demand handouts when they could afford them if they changed a few things, are taking from those who cannot truly afford it.
It's always irked me. Kate can AFFORD toilet paper, Bella Bars, Starbucks and on and on and on... and even a loan to acquire a Deckster, but she'll grift any little or big thing she can get.
To hell with anyone whom might have actually benefitted from the freebies she gets.

Nicky said... ~ Administrator said... 154
I think the point being made is that when people complain about the cost of health care but then buy an iPhone, one's priorities are out of wack. Even under Obamacare health care is not free. Monthly payments are expected and required. Both parties seem to agree that folks should pay something for premiums.

If one can AFFORD health care monthly payments, I think one should be expected to pay for it. Many people cannot and that's where limited funds need to be applied. People like Kate who demand handouts when they could afford them if they changed a few things, are taking from those who cannot truly afford it

I get it, and understand what a lot of people are going through - not trying to be political at all (really! LOL). I just think it's unfortunate that people can't rely on the care to be there no matter what.

Question - just out of curiosity - When I go to the US, I always purchase family health insurance (about $300Cdn for 2 weeks coverage, so about $5USD for you guys - LOL). Most Canadians do. Do Americans do the same?

Lanc Native said...

Glad you've still got power and don't have to crank up the generator in you powder room quiet yet!
When will we get the Instagramisode with Kate snow blowing and allllllll the driveway trees succumbing to gravity?


It's still snowing here, heavy bands going through. I don't know how any other locals fared, but Officially we got 18 inches. With more coming down, it may be 20 inches until it's over. Not historic, but a decent storm. I'm waiting for my snow plow man to do the driveway and walks, but I would imagine he has his hands full today, and no, we're not going out with the snow-blower or shovel, not when our regular guy can do it in a few minutes and I can stay warm indoors and just watch...blowing and drifting snow is just too cold and the heavy snow stings the face. PennDOT has done an excellent job clearing the roads, no complaints here.

Lanc Native said...

JustMissy said... 141
New video on her Instagram. 5 boys and 3 girls. Still no Collin. Poor kid. My heart aches at the thought.


Maybe he's much happier where he is, away from the Queen of Mean.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#156), I think one of the most staggering lies TFW ever told is that if she didn't need to do the show for the money, they'd all be off on an island somewhere
and you'd never hear from her again. I'm surprised that, like in a cartoon, the thunder didn't clap and a lightning bolt didn't just evaporate her on the spot for that whopper.

TFW is in love with the spotlight, and every little thing it brings her. The attention is her life's blood. Eight kids, 7 kids, whatever. She'll keep right on filming.

Lanc Native said...

I'm going to be making slow cooker Chicken Marbella and enjoying a fire (probably just the gas one today).


I've never made it in the slow cooker, only the oven, and right now our local store doesn't have capers. I would think that it just isn't the same without them, so I'll wait until I can round some up!

Do you want some dinner guests? ~ Administrator said...

Question - just out of curiosity - When I go to the US, I always purchase family health insurance (about $300Cdn for 2 weeks coverage, so about $5USD for you guys - LOL). Most Canadians do. Do Americans do the same?


Private insurance companies will usually cover you. I have kaiser and they cover you for urgent and emergency care anywhere in the world. The premiums are very reasonable and the care top notch if you are able to find an employer who offers it. Many do but kaiser is not nationwide. ~ Administrator said...

Being an RN is not a low-paying job. Get some non-1 percenter perspectiv


Well no, it depends. Not all RN's are paid the same. She did not pursue a more lucrative path. She herself frequently complained she could not afford the children on her salary.

I am NOT a one percenter, not even close. Please don't make assumptions about my bank account.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom IF TLC was filming Kate on that trip without Collin and were so quick to film Kate.Then they're even more crazy then Kate is for deciding so quickly to film Kate without Collin.On the other hand,I THINK Kate is playing games with this whole Collin thing.I have no evidence to support this but apart of me wouldn't be surprised if Kate is telling Collin to not be in these photos with the others.Because think about it.If he was in the video,she'd be opening up a can of worms and many of her fans will be asking her so many questions about him.I wouldn't be shocked in the least if she's still waiting for the PEOPLE cover and then allowing Collin back into the pictures.I would hope not but nothing would surprise me with Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Poor Schmoopy was probably counting the minutes before she could drop the kids' off at the bus stop for school after spring break, and now she's been stuck home with them all day.

Why do I suspect she did her little family film clip, then called the real Mr. Plow to finish, and disappeared into her room to get away from her 7 little money makers?

Layla said...

OT, but Mama June got 1.001 million for Friday's episode, and it is well into the season. Kate would kill for ratings like that.

For those talking about state universities for the kids, they can indeed be very competitive. One of my sons is at our state's university, and the average GPA for incoming freshmen is 3.9. I think it was mentioned on the show or in an interview that Cara gets straight As, plus we know she has been involved in sports for years, so she may get into a good school. Mady has said that she hates school, so it will be interesting to see what she ends up doing. I can see her staying lose to home and trying to pull off a show with her mother. She seems to love the attention.

Over In TFW's County said...

I don't know the snow totals for Wernersville, but we ended up with nine inches, and I'm not too far from her. Maybe she measured the drifts! I haven't heard that any areas of Berks got as much as eighteen inches.

I wonder if her driveway trees are still standing.

Anonymous said...

"I can't even imagine getting all those kids ready to go play in the snow." What is wrong with her 'fans'. 'All those kids' are almost teenagers, all five of them - why would TFW have to get them "ready". I suspect not all of the five wanted to "play" in the snow - not something most teenagers want to do. I think TFW thought it would be cute to put up this video, playing into the minds of her fans who still think of the tups as 'the little kids'.

Sadly I agree with Admin - she is pretending Collin never existed.


Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 159

Being an RN is not a low-paying job. Get some non-1 percenter perspectiv


Well no, it depends. Not all RN's are paid the same. She did not pursue a more lucrative path. She herself frequently complained she could not afford the children on her salary.

I am NOT a one percenter, not even close. Please don't make assumptions about my bank account.
Here's the point I've been making for years. Kate had the perfect opportunity to take some of the millions she made and stopped using her kids for fame and more money, and gone back to school.
She could fund school, continue the hired help she already had to help with the compound and the kids, and within 2-3 years, she could have an advanced degree and a very solid, well-paying career that would see her to retirement comfortably.
The rub is that the plan is mediocre.

Tucker's Mom said...

PennDOT has done an excellent job clearing the roads, no complaints here.
Our county does a great ob of getting into the neighborhoods and clearing. The storm didn't hit us too badly today.
Glad to hear your doing fine and will let someone plow your property.
DH shoveled and he said it was VERY heavy and hard to lift.
I think it's great that Kate wants to snow blow her property, but heck it I'll pity or praise her for choosing to do it when she could afford to have someone with a pick-up ruck with a plow attached to run through a couple times in a matter of minutes and git'er done.

Tucker's Mom said...

Maybe he's much happier where he is, away from the Queen of Mean.
March 14, 2017 at 2:14 PM
But what of his brothers and sisters and Dad?
It's very sad.

URL (original) said...

Why does TFW send Shoka to the groomers and yet she doesn't send the younger two dogs ( don't remember their names}? If she went away and was boarding Shoka wouldn't she also be boarding the younger dogs? How old are they now?

Tucker's Mom said...

Lanc Native said... 162
I'm going to be making slow cooker Chicken Marbella and enjoying a fire (probably just the gas one today).


I've never made it in the slow cooker, only the oven, and right now our local store doesn't have capers. I would think that it just isn't the same without them, so I'll wait until I can round some up!

Do you want some dinner guests?
Oh, Lanc Native, I wish we could! Or, I'd drone some up to you!
You're right about the capers!
We just finished the Chicken Marbella over Jasmine Rice and it was sooooooo delicious.
Yes, I'm giving myself a "10" for this dish ;-)
I used bone-in thighs and removed the skin. Don't need all that fat.
I also used dried plums vs prunes, which is a bit reductive to say, but I found these plumper, fresher and lovely peachy-purple delectables at Wegmans, and decided to use them instead.

OT- since it's a snow day, we're streaming a show I'd recommend called "Rake". It's on Acorn. An Australian show about a cad of a lawyer, who is quite the incorrigible bloke.
Also, if your a fan of the wig and silk-wearing barristers, check out "Crownies" and "Janet King".

Anonymous said...

For those of you enjoying "Feud" - The Daily Mail has an article online about Bette Davis' born-again Christian daughter, who claims her mother practiced witchcraft and put a demonic curse on her enemies and family.


CC said...

Maybe it's just me but I think that anyone in America that works hard, no matter what job they do, should be able to afford both health care and an iPhone.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I don't care about Kate's trees or bushes. I just want to know how the pansexual deck held up under 18 inches of snow. Did she drag the snow blower up the steps, or did she hand shovel Deckster?

You know, if Kate did succeed in something, it was duping the sheeple into believing that the kids are still in Kindergarten. She really pulled the wool over their eyes. Will they ever wake up and realize that the "littles" will be teens in a few months and are quite capable of getting themselves ready to play in the snow?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Fired Up 4 Kate‏ @MiloandJack 9h9 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well...I would think the kids are getting an extended #SpringBreak LOL How can you even "think" spring w/this snowstorm? :)

What's the LOL about? What's to laugh about? Gladys and her LOLs are attached at the hip. ~ Administrator said...

Lol call me crazy but I don't think anyone should be entitled to an iPhone which are up to around 700 bucks now. It is a ridiculous want that only people who can truly afford the splurge should make. People should live within their means and budget their money. The rest of Americans who are responsible about their budgets. should not have to pay for the mistakes of people who did not do so. How is that fair?

Sad but true said...

Doofus is now acting as German translator for K8. Though I daresay Google would do equally well. If she did do it herself, though, lends some credence to the rumor that her real name is Heidi.

andrea.danilo Oh nein, sie sind schon so groß 😯 die Zeit vergeht zu schnell!

miloandjack2016@andrea.danilo May I try to translate? "Oh no she is already so big. Time goes so fast!" How did I do? 😋 #TranslateForKate. #GermanHeritage. Hope you don't mind @kateplusmy8 ?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

But what of his brothers and sisters and Dad?
It's very sad.


I always got the feeling that his siblings kind of poked fun of him and that he was the underdog, subject to ridicule and while not really bullying, they either ignored him or made fun of him.

Abby said...

I get the feeling not only is C an underdog in the family, but also his sister A. Sad they got picked last in the cooking contest. They should've picked teams differently so nobody's feelings got hurt. ~ Administrator said...

For those of you enjoying "Feud" - The Daily Mail has an article online about Bette Davis' born-again Christian daughter, who claims her mother practiced witchcraft and put a demonic curse on her enemies and family.


I stumbled upon a real old interview of her. She said her mother wasn't that bad during her childhood and was NOT abusive. But then said something about how her mother went wonky once BD became an adult. I guess BD had a boy or maybe two boys and Bette was so disappointed she had a boy. BD seemed understandably really upset by that, here she was the greatest moment in her life and her mother seemed to resent it.

What is it with narcissist and boys????

Haven't watched episode 2 yet but hopefully soon.

Jeanne said...

If Kate had finished her BS, there are a lot of RN jobs that she could have done working from home. She could have done 8 hours of work with the kids at school and had a decent income. (Prob not rich but not poor either.) I object to her always begging for and getting free stuff. (Why do rich people get all the free stuff?) Why should others buy her vegemite or fix her fridge for free or whatever? Same problem with the Duggar daughter wanting donations for mission work after years on tv. Ask your rich dad. And it's become so much of culture. People make gofundme accounts for everything, without even trying to go without donations. An acquaitance had one for a trip to Hawaii. I know she has very little money and always wanted to see HI. But I can't afford vacations either and don't get them. Now that she got the trip, she says she wants to raise money for another vacation. I just can't approve.

For the record, I am broke. I have trouble affording healthcare. I have an iPhone and a Coach purse. My dad bought the phone and has me on his plan. My sister bought the purse for me as a present. Sometimes priorities aren't the whole story. ~ Administrator said...

Same problem with the Duggar daughter wanting donations for mission work after years on tv. Ask your rich dad. And it's become so much of culture. People make gofundme accounts for everything, without even trying to go without donations. An acquaitance had one for a trip to Hawaii. I know she has very little money and always wanted to see HI. But I can't afford vacations either and don't get them. Now that she got the trip, she says she wants to raise money for another vacation. I just can't approve.


It's definitely a strange cultural shift where people expect something for nothing and are perfectly willing to ask for handouts and freebies. Kate's part of this. I think social media may make begging easier because you don't have to ask people face to face.

She sees no value in figuring out how to better her situation through resourcefulness, savvy, ingenuity, playing it smart, how to make the most of being an RN. She would rather just beg for the freebie. It's a shame, because I think she would be a happier person knowing she earned the money herself and spent her own money bettering herself. It feels good.

Life is expensive. No matter what your income is, almost everyone wants things they can't afford. That's the human condition! The difference is whether you think you are entitled to things and/or buy them anyway knowing you can't afford it. That's a huge problem. I would like a nicer car, one that doesn't have 100k miles on it, and sure, I could take out a big car loan to get one. But I recognize I cannot afford it and move on with life being happy with what I have. It still runs well and doesn't give me problems. Many people do the same every day. I'm tired of bailing out someone who had no self control and bought the nice car anyway then got themselves in financial trouble. Social services were never supposed to be a fallback for people who knowingly were irresponsible.

When I think about all the people who could have been helped by all the freebies TFW received. It's tragic, really. ~ Administrator said...

Healthcare should be considered a human right, and access should not be subject to the size of your wallet.


I think most people are on board now that good medical care is a human right, at least one in a first world country. The problem is, it's very expensive, and someone has to pay for it. There's no way to make it *really* free.

We could do it one of a dozen ways. But it boils down to we could be taxed up the wazoo for it and have it all be "free" like many European countries do. But I guarantee Americans won't like it when they find that they have to pay $30 for a simple cheeseburger like I did when I was in Nordic Europe. Or, you could ask everyone who is ABLE to do so to chip in on some premiums, and for those who truly cannot afford it, taxes will make up the difference. And that may mean you might not get an iphone that year. Yeah, it's expensive. Life is expensive no matter how you slice it--whether you pay for it via taxes or directly, you're paying for it somehow.

I prefer the latter. I like seeing that X amount of dollars went to my premiums this month. I don't like when money gets lost in taxes which could be allocated to anything.

But for people who overspend beyond their means, then claim they cannot afford to chip in for health care, or whatever, I take issue with that. Major issue. Everyone who is ABLE to needs to chip in for this to work and yes, there's going to be sacrifices. Otherwise, be ready for $30 hamburgers. I promise you it makes the meal a whole lot less enjoyable. Do you want the sacrifice on the back end or the front end? I have never seen such a resistance to pulling together, a resistance to a team effort, a resistance to doing your part even if it hurts your pocketbook because this is how we get our healthcare on a track where it's something we can be proud of. People really just want things for free now, just totally free. Or I guess, make the evil rich pay for it all somehow so they can be sure to get the latest iphone. It's baffling.

Sandi said...

Sad but true said #180 Doofus is now acting as German translator................rumor that her real name is Heidi.
I recall that rumor. Rumor had "Carl" as hubs name. OMG, that seems like another lifetime ago! Strange where memories take us. Memories that are completely useless. Now, where are my glasses?

GollyGee said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 181
But what of his brothers and sisters and Dad?
It's very sad.


I always got the feeling that his siblings kind of poked fun of him and that he was the underdog, subject to ridicule and while not really bullying, they either ignored him or made fun of him.


I agree. In fact, she encouraged it. Those kids learned this from years of watching their mother not discipline or even get down on the child's level and talked to them about what happened.

Horrible parenting 101 is when the kids were little and they would fuss and fight and she would say, work it out between yourselves. Deal with it. You can't do that! That is encouraging Lord of the Flies.

CC said...

I didn't say everyone should be entitled to an iPhone. I said "hard working." No one should be handed an iPhone just because they feel entitled to one.

I find it hard to swallow the whole "healthcare cost" issue and "iPhone cost" issue when it costs millions and millions of taxpayer dollars for the President to play golf. And I mean every single president, not just Trump. If someone's vacation is going to cost the taxpayers millions of dollars then they should have a putting green in the backyard of the White House. I don't care if it's considered a "working" vacation too. It's still costing the taxpayers EXTRA millions.

Sorry, but any other American that wants to take vacation has to pay for it themselves. I think the same should be the case for the President. I understand the vacation itself is paid by the President, but if it costs millions to fly him there and pay for secret service to protect him etc, I don't care what the cost is, taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill. The President of the US does not deserve a vacation any more than any other hard working American does. Talk about entitlement. I think he can go four years without a vacation. Many Americans do. And if anyone feels he's entitled to a vacation, most people get two weeks a year. Less if they've only been there a year. And again, they pay all the costs themselves, it's not a burden on tax payers.

Does the President have to contribute toward his health coverage? Most employees do.

It doesn't matter anyway, in the long run nothing is going to change no matter who the President is. One President will improve some aspects of life and ruin other aspects. Then he will leave and the next one changes it again.

I don't know why I bothered commenting on anything politically based. It just makes me sick that we live in America "the land of opportunity" and there are hard working people still living in poverty or just getting by. Knowing people struggle just to make ends meet pisses me off. Knowing that there are people who work hard and still can't afford to pay off their house, or have a house, pisses me off. Knowing there are people that work hard and can't afford health coverage pisses me off. Knowing people work hard and can't afford a vacation pisses me off. This isn't about hand outs. It's about working hard and still struggling.

But whatever. ~ Administrator said...

No, it doesn't depend. It is not a low-paying job, period. Obviously there is a range of salaries, as there is in any profession. But to describe a profession where the median salary is almost double that of the median salary for all occupations as "low-paying" is simply false.


Read my comment again. I never said nursing was low paying. I made a general comment that not taking a more lucrative option versus a low paying job is often a choice. There is no dispute that she turned her back on the more lucrative options in nursing. I don't why this is a debate--it's a fact.

I also specifically referred to the fact that apparently, she was only popping in to do nursing on the weekends at the clinic. So yes, she's going to end up with much lower pay than someone putting in a solid 40 hour week as an RN. I'm not sure why that's a fight either--this is not a knock against nurses. We're talking specifically about some very specific choices that KATE made, an unwise path that many if not most much smarter nurses never took. Low paying, high paying, whatever, the fact is that she could have settled in quite nicely to this fine career with great hours, benefits, and pay. She chose not to. That's on her, and we have every right to criticize it when she's selling her children instead. ~ Administrator said...

I just realized Gina Davis's Joan Crawford looks like Katelyn Jenner. Like exactly.

TLC stinks said...

No Collin in video. Where are the other dogs? Why does she always have to bring up snowblowing? Are the tups wearing new winter gear they got for free for the Vermont filming? Now that they are home the IG ramp up is on cue. Unbelievable.

Tucker's Mom said...

She sees no value in figuring out how to better her situation through resourcefulness, savvy, ingenuity, playing it smart, how to make the most of being an RN. She would rather just beg for the freebie. It's a shame, because I think she would be a happier person knowing she earned the money herself and spent her own money bettering herself. It feels good.
Oh, I'm betting A LOT that Kate believes she works harder, and deserves it more, than you, me and the rest of the posters here.
Kate truly thinks she is deserving of all things earned and unearned.
Those 8 kids and a reality tv career is her cross to bear. A BIG one.

Tucker's Mom said...

She sees no value in figuring out how to better her situation through resourcefulness, savvy, ingenuity, playing it smart, how to make the most of being an RN. She would rather just beg for the freebie. It's a shame, because I think she would be a happier person knowing she earned the money herself and spent her own money bettering herself. It feels good.
Oh, I'm betting A LOT that Kate believes she works harder, and deserves it more, than you, me and the rest of the posters here.
Kate truly thinks she is deserving of all things earned and unearned.
The Prosperity Gospel is the only part of her Christian past that she's clung to.

Tucker's Mom said...

It's about working hard and still struggling.

But whatever.

Amen, CC. Great post!

Real life is going to be a shock to Kate's kids. You don't just get a man servant just 'cause.

Tucker's Mom said...

(sorry for the almost-identical double posts-multi tasking this morning!)

Kelsey O. said...

Surprised Kate doesn't pay someone to plow. That looks like a very long driveway to use a snowblower.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Kelsey O. (#197), my theory is that she just shows herself using the snow blower to get attention and sympathy from the fans -- poor single mom! -- and then puts it away and calls a professional to finish the job. Just speculation on my part!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Totally OT -- A&E has picked up a 2nd season of Leah Remini's "Scientology & The Aftermath." I know many posters here enjoyed the first season, including me. If you haven't watched it, I recommend it.

Formerly Duped said...

Kelsey O. said... 197

I think, and JMO, she does hire someone or her neighbor Henry might..the snowblower IMO is a prop for the Can-do Kate persona.And yes, the kids could have played on any of the acres of property of snow- just a photo opp for IG to show the cleared driveway.

We got about 9 inches I it's icy and windy, but the sun is out. A nice winter day. But everyone be careful- it's still treacherous.

Nicky said...

Well, in Canada, we have "free" healthcare (albeit our income tax rates are higher than yours - but not much), and we don't have $30 hamburgers. Certain things are more expensive here, that's true, but mostly because a lot of goods are shipped in from the US, and we have to pay the difference in foreign exchange and tariffs.

But comparing healthcare to iPhones, or a car is not the same thing.

I mean Kate probably gets a huge tax credit just for having a litter of kids, so it probably doesn't cost her that much anyways. BUT, she can most likely afford to pay up front, and then receive the credit. Most can't. That's why there's a big difference between a subsidy and a tax credit, even though the end result is probably the same. ~ Administrator said...

The average Canadian family spends over 11,000 on health care yearly. And it doesn't cover very important things like prescriptions and home care unless your province makes up for the gap. Wait times are lengthy and doctors are not paid nearly as much as Us doctors making it harder to attract the best. It is by no means free. We're also talking about a fraction of the US population so I don't know how fairly it can be compared. There is no place in the world where health care is free. Someone pays for it, always. Always. Always.

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