Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Discussion Thread: Puppies & Poconos 12/13/2016

Poconos here we come! There's plenty of competition, chaos and family fun when Kate and the kids take on archery tag, tubing and new puppies! 60 Min. | PG

784 sediments (sic) from readers:

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NJGal51 said...

kateplusmy8 Excuse me, but where is MY coffee? There's snow outside, our Christmas break has started, everyone is lounging...so I think it's time I get to try some coffee! 😂 #Nanuq #ThinksShesAHuman
I really hope to God that she's not thinking of giving #NookiePookie coffee or anything else with caffeine in it. It's not cute or funny and it could be deadly.

chefsummer #Leh said...

We know how she does it: Steve plus two nannies.

I don't understand why the 8 still need nannies.

All This Is That said...

I was looking at Kate's Twitter and see that it's nearly dead, expect for a few of the non-fans, and one with a vile mouth. Although the person changes the Twitter name, you can always tell it's her (or him?) because none of the others use such gutter language!

I don't check her IG. Does she delete crude comments on there?

Has Milo surfaced anywhere?

Sad but true said...

New IG. How KIND of Kate to post this video of her BFF Jamie. The opening frame is beyond horrid. Jamie's put on a lot of weight, and she still has the Kate fingernails. Gross.

kateplusmy8 Playing 'Speak Out' (a version of LOLZ) and Jamie just can't talk! #GameTimeOverHolidays #Hilarious

You really gotta see this one:

Tucker's Mom said...

Ah, holiday fun and games with friends.
And Collin is...where?...doing what for the holidays?
This chick is certifiable. 2 days ago on Dr. Oz boohooing about how hard her life is,and now she's bunking with her bestie, having a fun girls weekend.
You'd have to see it to believe it.

Tucker's Mom said...

What's next on Kate's Tone-Deaf Tour?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#6), uh oh, if this video doesn't get Gladys out of her sick bed to join the fun, then she may truly be in bad shape.

Yup, just the usual holiday frolics at Miss Gosselin's Home for Exploited Children. Eight kids, seven kids, whatever -- pass the egg nog...

NJGal51 said...

kateplusmy8 Playing 'Speak Out' (a version of LOLZ) and Jamie just can't talk! #GameTimeOverHolidays #Hilarious

You really gotta see this one:
I'm not sure how many mouthpieces that game comes with but I'm sure there aren't enough for all the kids and adults. How is Ms Germ-A-Phobe going to justify passing some of them from mouth to mouth? Gross.

Tucker's Mom said...

There aren't enough chocolate martinis to get me to let you film me with my mouth agape and post it on social media.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 6

I'm guessing that the "usual 4" are at Dad's, and Cara's off somewhere trying to ignore the hilarity.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

There aren't enough chocolate martinis to get me to let you film me with my mouth agape and post it on social media.


May we film you in your white knee socks and Crocs and post it online?

Anonymous said...

Ms Germ-A-Phobe screaming about cross contamination - who could forget. She's definitely into the wine if she is sharing these mouthpieces.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It looks like they're playing in a bedroom on a bed. Weird. Can't she be a grown up and play games in the living room?

That game was just featured on Little People Big World's "game night". She is watching, and copying.

There is a bunch of clutter, papers, in the background. Freaking put stuff away! GRR!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I'm not sure how many mouthpieces that game comes with but I'm sure there aren't enough for all the kids and adults. How is Ms Germ-A-Phobe going to justify passing some of them from mouth to mouth? Gross.


Didn't you see that bottle of rubbing alcohol that she uses to disinfect, or what that a bottle Captain Morgan?

Anonymous said...

I doubt this is a fun filled weekend for her; her bestie is there to help hold her together. Her date with the Court must have her breaking out in hives.


Jeanne said...

NJGal, I thought the same as you when I saw that game advertised. Do you really pass the mouth thing around? Cringe.

The kids would not need nannies at their age if Kate would come out of her room and be a mom. Someone has to drive them to and from the school bus, keep them from attacking each other, supervise homework, possibly make dinner and supervise dinner. I honestly don't believe Kate does what mothers do. Most mothers listen to after school stories, make sure homework gets done, eat dinner with! their kids, send them for baths and bed. Twelve yr olds can of course eat dinner, take a shower, get ready for bed but aren't always good time managers. I truly suspect Kate is in her room watching tv and playing on her phone, separate from the kids.

Jeanne said...

I am watching an episode of Chopped that was first aired earlier this month. It has all reality stars. I'm so confused. Kate is such an amazing cook; why isn't she on it. You can tell they're not as good as pro chefs but they're better than a lot of us.

GollyGee said...

That video is awful.

Funny, they are playing this type of game. You can't understand what Jamie is saying but if she testifies in court, she will have to speak loud and clear and tell of the abuses that her bestie did to Collin and the kids.

GollyGee said...

The fingernails were gross.

Looked like she didn't clean them good enough to get the sticky cinnamon roll bun dough out from under them!

They are acting like stunted 12 year olds.

Thought it was funny that it was BBQ something and Moldy Muffins.

She used to send moldy food to school until they ate it. And that is not funny.

NJGal51 said...

Me thinks some has been buying "likes" on Instagram. She normally doesn't get over 4K and for this one she's got almost 17K. Things that make you go hmmmmmm....

Leslie said...


I know this was talked about a few weeks ago but this article very succinctly sums up what Kate is accusing Jon to the police. WOW! She is one sick puppy. It is appalling. But it is great evidence of her turning the kids away from their father. It is also great evidence that Kate is not rational when dealing with Jon.

What is not in the report is Kate she told an officer, she feared her gun-owning ex would engage her in “a hostile dispute.

I don't remember reading that part. I really feel sorry for Jon having to put up with this garbage. Even though there is no new revelations I suggest everybody read this very short article.

TLC stinks said...

Disgusting. Acting like drunk 13 year olds. And cutting up with her bestie while her son is locked away and CPS is investigating her. Needless to say, she and Jamie are loaded and that's why she posted that video. Not normal at all. Look at me....not a care in the world!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I won't watch her lame video, but I assume the boys aren't there. She'd never engage in any unstructured, silly, carefree fun with her sons without TLC's cameras rolling. And she certainly wouldn't go near anything her icky, dirty boys' mouths had touched.

Sad but true said...

Leslie said... 22

Unfortunately, they didn't publish the police reports in their entirety. Or rather, they did, but some of the text was not readable because of the way the laid it out. But I'm sure these are available if you wanted to search them out.

Yeah, K8 really threw everything, including the kitchen sink, at him. This all seems to have happened right before/after her big 4-0 Mexico getaway.

Sad but true said...

Jeanne said... 18

I think all K8 knows about cooking she learned from grandma. So if she was presented with a basket of exotic ingredients, chances are she'd have no idea what to do with any of it. She not good under pressure in any circumstances, and I think she knows it.

NJGal51 said...

What is not in the report is Kate she told an officer, she feared her gun-owning ex would engage her in “a hostile dispute.
This after she went on and on about how much she loves guns/shooting during the paint ball game. They even showed clips of her shooting on one of their other vacations.

NJGal51 said...

It's the week before Christmas and Jamie has to drop everything and leave her family to be there to support TFW? Either she's a really, really good friend or has been called to testify. I wonder if she would lie (under oath) about what she's seen. If TFW hadn't alienated her family maybe she'd have a little more local support and Jamie could stay home with her family.

Jane said...

NJGal51 said... 28
It's the week before Christmas and Jamie has to drop everything and leave her family to be there to support TFW? Either she's a really, really good friend or has been called to testify. I wonder if she would lie (under oath) about what she's seen. If TFW hadn't alienated her family maybe she'd have a little more local support and Jamie could stay home with her family.

I thought Jamie didn't have custody of her children. Am I remembering wrong?

TLC stinks said...

Is posting about Jamie and Ashley a big FU to Jon and his attorney? I think so. I also think we can assume the reason these two women were in town were to testify.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I thought it was odd someone with a husband and children has time to dilly dally in Pennsylvania just days before the biggest holiday of the year. I'd be embarrassed to pull my bestie away from her regular obligations especially if she's out of state.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#27), and didn't TFW tell her sons, who were quite small at the time, to pretend to shoot the "p people?" But Jon is the crazy loose cannon. Got it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 30
I thought it was odd someone with a husband and children has time to dilly dally in Pennsylvania just days before the biggest holiday of the year. I'd be embarrassed to pull my bestie away from her regular obligations especially if she's out of state.
December 18, 2016 at 6:26 AM
Jamie has always struck me as...a strange bird. I don't know how else to say it.

InsanityReigns said...

Leslie said... 22

TFW is a disgusting human being to make such allegations. All because Hannah reportedly wanted to stay with Jon due to all the fighting going on between TFW and purse boy. She also alleges he is a drug dealer, and has inappropriate contact with Hannah. Sounds like slander to me.

She is friggin' nuts and now that her son has been removed from her care, the Court is aware of some of her tactics in dealing with Collin. The Court can no longer take her at her word, because all is not hunky
dory in that house. Things just disappear in the compound - the chickens, the bird, and her son.

The two remaining boys are second class citizens, Cara is silent, Alexis looks frustrated a lot of the time - way to go TFW! Five of your 8 kids are not functioning well with filming. But you do it all for THEM. GFY!

And yes, I am sick of this narcissistic liar, who does everything for herself! Time to end this the circus her kids have had to live to keep HER happy.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 30
I thought it was odd someone with a husband and children has time to dilly dally in Pennsylvania just days before the biggest holiday of the year. I'd be embarrassed to pull my bestie away from her regular obligations especially if she's out of state.
December 18, 2016 at 6:26 AM
I thought Jamie has visitation, which makes you go hmm? on a few levels. Most of all, Jamie obviously has some sort of custody arrangement with her ex, which allows her to do things like leave home to visit with Kate. I don't get how Jamie supports Kate knowing how Kate doesn't support her own children seeing their father, and running the bus over him time and time again.
I just think Jamie are Kate are cut from the same cloth, when it comes down to their values and priorities.

Sad but true said...

Jane said... 29

I thought Jamie didn't have custody of her children. Am I remembering wrong?
I was never 100% clear on this, but it wouldn't surprise me if she gave up primary physical custody when she married her doctor (funny how she got Kate's dream). She seems almost as self-centered as K8.

Turn out the lights said...

It was stated years ago Jamie didn't have custody of her kids. But she has remarried, so how does she have time to drop everything and help doofus make cookies?
Her visit has to pertain to the legal issues.
Leave it to Kate, she finds a way to use her 'friends' while they are here for custody issue!
Hey, if they want free room and board while staying with Kate they need to earn their keep! Get to baking, girls!

Vanessa said...


Great Facebook page for some solid insight on the narcissist and sociopath.

Rainbirdie said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 157
Where is Zorro? Like literally?
In the episode with the discussion about scheduling computer usage, there was a scene with one of the boys trying to do homework & one of the girls was interrupting & teasing him. The girl had Zorro in her shirt sleeve. So he was still alive at the time of that filming which was...uh, I've lost track since they air so long after they film.

TLC stinks said...

Yes, Jamie is an odd bird. She's also a hanger-on. Funny how she and Kate used to dress alike. Weird. That game....she was loaded. Wine snorts in front of the kids. Remember that selfie of her in Kate's bathroom in a robe? Wonder if the besties sleep together as in a tween sleepover? Oh, and don't forget Jamie on the kitchen counter (in her nasty bare feet) cleaning Kate's range hood? So Jamie knows how to HELP Kate unlike Jodie and other family members. No doubt she knows how to HELP Kate in court also. Didn't Jamie get caught by a pap either yelling or spanking a tup?

Jamesvader1194 said...

IF Jamie is there because of the court case to testify,im a bit surprise they asked her and not Deanna.She's the one who bragged before about how she knew everything that went on in that house.Im not sure how often Jamie visits but i've never seen her did what Deanna did and try to brag about what she knew.Then again i herd the reason she went private on twitter was because there was something she did to Collin in one of the episodes that a hater called her out on and she went private because of it.

Rainbirdie said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@JuliePatel3 @TLC it's actually one of THE funniest episodes yet! Can't help what clips they use for the promo
Huh?? Oh, NOW I understand all the Kate eye-rolling, hand-flapping, screetching & mugging for the camera. This has supposed to have been a comedy show all along. Too bad there is not one funny thing about exploiting your children for fame.

TLC stinks said...

How that bird has managed to survive with all the handling is beyond me.

Kylie said...

Admin, how many 'besties' has she had now? There have been so many I can't seem to keep up - lol.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Rainbirdie (#39), thanks for the Zorro update! And (#42) I can't imagine what kind of knee-slapping hilarity is going to ensue at Space Camp. Maybe the humor will come from the incongruity of a fortysomething woman trying to take the spotlight away from her children at an activity designed for kids?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Is posting about Jamie and Ashley a big FU to Jon and his attorney? I think so. I also think we can assume the reason these two women were in town were to testify.


I'm sure they'll also use this sleepover time to get her testimony straight. Nothing much the courts can do about Kate talking to witnesses like her.

TLC stinks said...

Right, Admin, as I figured. Let's hope Jon's attorney has had Jamie and Andrea thoroughly investigated. If this is all Kate's got, that's not saying much considering both were paid by TLC. I doubt any relative will testify to Kate's behavior as a mother since there has been no relationship with family for years. I feel terrible for the kids. I can only imagine they are under tremendous pressure from Kate. It's tough.

Susan1956 said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 43
Is posting about Jamie and Ashley a big FU to Jon and his attorney? I think so. I also think we can assume the reason these two women were in town were to testify.


I'm sure they'll also use this sleepover time to get her testimony straight. Nothing much the courts can do about Kate talking to witnesses like her.
Yes and yes. But in the long run, I don't think it will matter much what either one says as any judge with experience will be able to see through whatever stories they cook up. I would think Kate's attorney could play snippets of the episodes where they were being very truthful about Kate's behavior. And admin would probably agree with me that there is no way that a witness and their lawyer could prepare for every possible question that the opposing attorney could ask.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TLC stinks (#47), just think, all the effitybillion pictures TFW has tweeted over the years of plates of slop, and half-decorated trees, and her daughter in high heels, but not one...NOT ONE...of a single relative with her kids. All her golden platter bragging, yet she's personally, directly, and intentionally deprived them of the gift of FAMILY. And they can never, ever regain the time they've lost and the special relationships they may have cultivated. She's a horrible mother.

GollyGee said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 12
There aren't enough chocolate martinis to get me to let you film me with my mouth agape and post it on social media.


May we film you in your white knee socks and Crocs and post it online?


Tucker's do you take requests? You must hold a sign that says, Watch Kate Plus 8 on TLC! wearing the socks and crocs! lol or it won't be authentic.

Can't be just any mediocre way!

NJGal51 said...

Question for you Admin....If Jamie were to lie in court for TFW would she get in trouble if, under questioning by Jon's attorney, they show that she's lying? Is it considered perjury?

chefsummer #Leh said...

InsanityReigns said... 34
Leslie said... 22

TFW is a disgusting human being to make such allegations.
I read it-(don't ask why) but if this is true good-god Kate is a monster.

Especially the part where she suggest that Jon is being "inappropriate" w/their daughter.-(WTF)

chefsummer #Leh said...

NOW I understand all the Kate eye-rolling, hand-flapping, screetching & mugging for the camera.

Reminds me of a dolphin.

Sad but true said...

TLC stinks said... 47
Right, Admin, as I figured. Let's hope Jon's attorney has had Jamie and Andrea thoroughly investigated.
Unfortunately, virtually ALL of the "witnesses" Kate could call (will they really do this for a custody hearing?) are people that have either been paid by her or by Figure 8/TLC. That's a huge conflict of interest right there. Jon, on the other hand, presumably does not have this sort of problem. If he could get Ashley to come in and tell the truth, that would be a coup. I don't think she and K8 ever really warmed up again after the RV episodes.

I don't now what to make of Deanna's silence all this time. On the one hand, she stepped way out of bounds on Twitter on K8's behalf, so maybe she's just decided to keep it shut. On the other, maybe even SHE was flabbergasted that Collin actually had to leave home, and so she's not talking. They must still be "friends," of whatever sort K8 has, cuz she's still doing make-up for the show.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

I don't see a wedding ring on Jamie's finger, so maybe her doctor husband is out of the picture & the kids are with their Dad.

I'm also wondering what happens if Jamie lies for Kate.

Sad but true said...

Yes, Barb, you got that right.

christiansnyder Hahaha that looks so fun, @jamiepumpkin3 get Kate to post a video of her doing it 😂

barbgilmer1@christiansnyder You know that will NEVER happen! 😂

GollyGee said...

I'm sure they'll also use this sleepover time to get her testimony straight. Nothing much the courts can do about Kate talking to witnesses like her.


The video will backfire. It has too!

Her and her friend playing games, allegedly hitting the sauce in front of the kids and Jamie looked like she had been hitting it, while her CHILD has been gone FOR MONTHS!

She is such a good, little buttercup. She just sucks it up and GOES ON like nothing even happened with Collin.

If Jon is dead to her, so is Collin. If he told of the abuse she did to him, then he is because he betrayed her in her sick mind.

Wonder if the trial will be tomorrow, Tues. or Wed. for Andrea and Jamie to be there over the weekend?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Unless Jamie was there for every encounter Kate's had with her children, I wouldn't care much what she has to say if I were the judge. Just a useless character witness. In child abuse, the fact that your best friend thinks you're the greatest has no relevance as to whether you harm your children.

I would care much more about the psychological assessments, and the statements of the children, and whether those statements sound credible, or coached.

That's how it works in my court. 90% of the case revolves around what the children have to say. You'd have a hard time even being given the opportunity to call Jamie in the first place. What's the relevance?

Vanessa said...

ha. did you see where she says "They love to fish, from a dock. I enjoy being way out on the water on a boat" with a little eye roll. THAT was an eff-u to us or her kids.
Of course she gives the bag of dog poop to one of the boys to dispose of.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Susan1956 (#48), yes, I would hope any competent judge would see through the facade TFW tries to present. Her own words and actions on film prove again and again her weaknesses as a parent. And her Twitter history shows she lets others bash the father of her children without complaint. Deanna's tirade with personal information about Jon and the children's Christmas gifts was beyond the pale, yet TFW did not publicly ask her to stop.
Where was her concern for her children's privacy that night?

GollyGee said...

If someone lies on the stand, who swore to tell the truth when they were sworn in court and it is proven that they lied, no matter who it is, they will get charged with perjury and be arrested.

I don't think Jamie wants to go to jail for TFW. I agree with the poster that said Jamie and TFW have not warmed up like they were since the RV trip. She was fed up with her antics and the other girl got so fed up, she left.

Jamie is just not THAT into her to lie and get caught.

Vanessa said...

Wow. Leah is so mean to Alexis. Alexis is saying the horses were' being so rude and just looking down at their feet. Alexis says "just like you"

jamezvader1194 said...

NJGal51 said... 21 The odd thing is that the video has over 28.9k views and yet only 39 comments.You can't tell me people saw the video but couldn't be bothered to comment.Its the same with the kate plus 8 facebook page,it has over 1 million likes but look at the amount of feed back they get,only a couple of thousand likes.

Vanessa said...

HA! Producer asks why Alexis didn't want to get on the boat. She says 'because i always get sick and mommy always forces us to. And she AGAIN made them get on

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's do you take requests? You must hold a sign that says, Watch Kate Plus 8 on TLC! wearing the socks and crocs! lol or it won't be authentic.

Can't be just any mediocre way!

I'll march in my Walmart lot with sign, muumuu, crocks, white socks AND a LOLZ mouth piece ;-)
I'm a Super Fan!!

Vanessa said...

Demanding that Aaden and Hannah just stop playing and bring her arrows! Bring me arrows!! I need them!! She is just a bully, she sucks the fun out of EVERYTHING

TLC stinks said...

If Jamie is not a character witness, then she is there for moral support. The reason stated by Kate that Jamie and Andrea were there to help bake makes absolutely no sense at all. Wonder if the court date was last week or is early this week. Would there be court hearings Xmas week? Something has to be going on because Kate will not want all the kids with Jon on Xmas. And then there is the possibility of Collin seeing Jon for Xmas. It must be coming to a head before Xmas, IMO.

Vanessa said...

HAA! She's nuts. "We encourage, not discourage. We problem solve, not problem make"
Yes, watching this mess on this crisp day.

Vanessa said...

Oh yes, the last time she went rafting the "man taunted her"
And everyone was right, not one single solitary mention of Collin. Sad

Vanessa said...

"this rafting trip was better than the last one because the guide we had this time was a lot of fun!"
Ouuuu, that last guy is on her hate list!

chefsummer #Leh said...

"We encourage, not discourage. We problem solve, not problem make"
Say's the person who makes the most problems.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Vanessa said... 64
HA! Producer asks why Alexis didn't want to get on the boat. She says 'because i always get sick and mommy always forces us to. And she AGAIN made them get on

Just as long as TLC and mom get the shot who cares about the kids right?-(Kate is gross)

Vanessa said...

So, do Jamie or Andrea dare to ask that witch "can you please explain where the story about you tying up Collin's wrists came from?" Do they confront her or ask her to explain? Was Jamie drunk on Koolaid in that video??

jamezvader1194 said...

@Admin 58 I mean,like i said in my last post,i don't know how often Jamie visits but Deanna claims she knows everything that goes on in that house,NOTE im not saying that she really does but if she was called to the court as a witness and Jon has the tweets where she claims to know about what goes on.There could be a chance where Deanna could be caught between a rock and a hard place because she can't say all is well because she could get caught in a lie and get into trouble so she'd either have to throw Kate under a bus and claim what she saw but on the other hand if she admits that she really doesn't know everything that goes on then that the tweets about Jon she made would make her look like an ass.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This is all pure speculation as no one knows that Jamie is there for a hearing, but it's not a child abuse case it is a custody case so it really doesn't matter whether character witnesses are relevant in child abuse cases.


No one said it wasn't speculation. Character witnesses aren't all that important in either child abuse cases or family law cases--or frankly, most cases. In fact in criminal cases, the Federal Evidence Code provides that character witnesses are not relevant to prove that a person always acts a certain way. They're only allowed under a few circumstances. Think about it, does it make sense to allow evidence that someone is a wonderful person and pastor when they committed a heinous murder? Doesn't prove they're not a murderer. By the way, child abuse courts ARE family law courts. They are just a branch of civil-family law.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

"this rafting trip was better than the last one because the guide we had this time was a lot of fun!"
Ouuuu, that last guy is on her hate list!


WHAT! What a bitch.

Hey, the other guy was barrels of fun. He was simply calling you out for being a putz and ruining it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Vanessa said... 66
Demanding that Aaden and Hannah just stop playing and bring her arrows! Bring me arrows!! I need them!! She is just a bully, she sucks the fun out of EVERYTHING
December 18, 2016 at 10:12 AM
I watched a re-run of The Pioneer Woman's Christmas special (couple years old, I think?) and there were fun games for the kids. I think it was a roping contest.
Ree is there cheering on her kids with the gusto of a mom. She participated, sort of just to be a good sport, for sh*ts and giggles, but the focus was ALL the kids.
Whenever there are family games, Ree plays along, not taking herself too seriously, and never like GAME ON!!!
You know, like Kate who actually thinks competing with children is a level playing field.

Tucker's Mom said...

Vanessa said... 64
HA! Producer asks why Alexis didn't want to get on the boat. She says 'because i always get sick and mommy always forces us to. And she AGAIN made them get on
Too bad there's no set teacher to tell Kate she can't put her kids in these situations just for filming.
I guess Alexis hasn't mastered the whole 'mind over matter' thing yet.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Would there be court hearings Xmas week?


Yes, court are open all Christmas week and the week after. Only Christmas Day and New Year's day are typically taken off. Because they fall on a weekend this year most courts take the following Monday off. When Christmas Eve is on a weekday I've usually worked right up until the end of the day then ran off to church.

It's actually a good time to play catch up on some cases that are dragging out too long or that will require several hours in court with testimony, because usually the schedule is lighter over the holidays.

Oh and lots of people in the law are Jewish so many people happily work over the less-crazy holidays.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Hey sheeple how come Jamie isn't a "deadbeat mom"?

Double standard.

TLC stinks said...

The consolation is that NO ONE will go to jail for Kate. It's up to Jon's attorney to draw out the truth and not let Kate or her minions get away with evasiveness.

Tucker's Mom said...

Vanessa said... 68
HAA! She's nuts. "We encourage, not discourage. We problem solve, not problem make"
Yes, watching this mess on this crisp day.
December 18, 2016 at 10:18 AM
Such manipulation. Kate knows the cameras don't lie, and have shown years of the kids being nasty and physical. So, she tries to change the narrative.
Also, that's how you speak about toddlers.
"We do this, we don't do that" is the mentality of a 4-year old.
Don't get me started on Kate telling Dr. Oz that she has to sooth the kids' "owies" from seeing their father!

Tucker's Mom said...

Vanessa said... 70
"this rafting trip was better than the last one because the guide we had this time was a lot of fun!"
Ouuuu, that last guy is on her hate list!
December 18, 2016 at 10:24 AM
Kate had her full hair blow out and like hell if she was going to get wet. The way I saw those TV episodes, Steve and Kate were a hot and heavy item.
Kate was always fully tanned, manied, pedied, blown out, keratined, and dressed to impress with her brand new White House/Black Market wardrobe.
In fact, that's when Jamie and Ashley were stuck watching the kids when Kate and Steve would either be squirrel away in their RV, or be who knows where for hours and hours.
I really got the feeling that Kate and Steve where playing "let's film a reality tv show" by day, and having their alone time at night.
In Las Vegas, too.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And obviously, any person who testifies about TFW's behavior with the kids is never there when TFW is ALONE with the kids. So their claims about what they've seen don't seem like they'd carry a lot of weight.

Think of domestic violence situations. "Gosh, Your Honor, I've had dinner at the Smiths' house a hundred times, and Bob never once hauled off and punched Mary! Clearly she's lying!" As the old song goes, "No one knows what goes on behind closed doors."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

And obviously, any person who testifies about TFW's behavior with the kids is never there when TFW is ALONE with the kids.


Right, exactly. Nobody's testimony about good things is all that much relevant. Only if they've seen something negative would I care one iota about their testimony. If I were the kids' attorney, I would absolutely concede there are many, many times Kate is totally appropriate and kind to her children. That doesn't have anything to do with all the bad times, though.

That's like saying because abuse is going on, a parent can't ever be nice. Both sides of the coin are obvious fallacies.

Tucker's Mom said...

If this court thing regarding custody is actually (and finally!) happening, the kids are old enough to give testimony about their life with Mommy.
It's mind boggling that a parent is allowed to do this for so long!
What the heck is wrong with PA?

Tucker's Mom said...

f I were the kids' attorney, I would absolutely concede there are many, many times Kate is totally appropriate and kind to her children. That doesn't have anything to do with all the bad times, though.

I agree. The scary thing is that I think Kate parents by any means necessary and at whatever cost. If she feels that her reasons for abusing or neglecting them are good reasons, she has no introspection or ability to understand how other people feel, and won't concede she's culpable.
Just this week on Dr. Oz, she admits she knows she made mistakes, but immediately lets herself off the hook because she felt she was doing the right thing.
It's scary.
As is her saying she has to be mother and father to her children. That's a person who has made the decision that Jon is dead to her.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78
Hey sheeple how come Jamie isn't a "deadbeat mom"?
Now if Jamie was helping Jon she would be but since she helping the queen she not.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I guess Jamie finally knows how to help Kate.

Anonymous said...

What I think it all boils down to is that the children are the only ones who can tell the judge what goes on behind closed doors when they are alone with her and without cameras around. I'm hopeful he will pay close attention to what they have to say.


GollyGee said...

WHAT! What a bitch.

Hey, the other guy was barrels of fun. He was simply calling you out for being a putz and ruining it.


You got that right! Not only did she keep on beefing about it, the camera showed a huge side view of the raft with the tour guides company sign!

She wanted to try to lose him business on purpose, that twit.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What I think it all boils down to is that the children are the only ones who can tell the judge what goes on behind closed doors when they are alone with her and without cameras around. I'm hopeful he will pay close attention to what they have to say.



Correct. It will take some savvy attorneys and judges and excellent therapists to break through the parental alienation going on though. It's so obvious at this point though I'd be shocked if most competent legal and mental health professionals don't see it within seconds.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#85), you know, I don't even believe that TFW really thinks she's made any mistakes at all. In true narc fashion, she says what she thinks she's supposed to say to get what she wants. If she had any genuine self awareness, there's no way she could continue her abhorrent behavior. But sitting there demurely with Dr. Oz, it seemed like the right thing to say -- sure, I've made mistakes, but I was doing my best. Well, lady, in what universe is throwing your kid into his crib by the HAIR doing your best? And now throwing him out of his HOME?

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Correct. It will take some savvy attorneys and judges and excellent therapists to break through the parental alienation going on though. It's so obvious at this point though I'd be shocked if most competent legal and mental health professionals don't see it within seconds.


Don't you think, though, that they have been thoroughly coached by their mother to the point of indoctrination and brainwashing?

"So, do Jamie or Andrea dare to ask that witch "can you please explain where the story about you tying up Collin's wrists came from?" Do they confront her or ask her to explain? Was Jamie drunk on Koolaid in that video??"


I think that Jamie is rather fond of the drink, and not Kool-Aid.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I mean,like i said in my last post,i don't know how often Jamie visits but Deanna claims she knows everything that goes on in that house,


When and where did she say that?

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 85

I agree. The scary thing is that I think Kate parents by any means necessary and at whatever cost.

K8 parents with the good of Kate uppermost in her mind, under her golden rule of whatever's best for Mommy will be best for everyone, especially her kids. She has no ability to see anything outside her own little bubble, least of all her children's feelings. We've seen how little she cares about subjecting them to things they don't want to do, just because SHE wants to do them.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

If someone lies on the stand, who swore to tell the truth when they were sworn in court and it is proven that they lied, no matter who it is, they will get charged with perjury and be arrested.


I'm not sure about this. Admin? In order to be arrested and face jail time, does it not have to be proven that the person knows the statement was a lie and there was intent to lie? Isn't there a defense for a perjury conviction that is rather broad and complicated? Not remembering facts correctly, or misinterpreting a situation is not perjury, even though what the person swore to under oath appears to be a lie.

Tucker's Mom said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 88
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78
Hey sheeple how come Jamie isn't a "deadbeat mom"?
Now if Jamie was helping Jon she would be but since she helping the queen she not.
Wow, this comment just brought back something that Robert said about Jamie. Something about Jamie coming onto Jon, even sexting him.
Maybe Jon's dead to her too.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

bm (#90), I just had an interesting thought. What if all of the kids finally open up and say what's going on, and TFW turns on them and says, well, C is troubled, I guess they're all troubled, and here I've done my best, and look how they've turned out, and it's their father's fault? Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 98

IIRC, she sent him a picture of her boobs. Classy.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Wow, this comment just brought back something that Robert said about Jamie. Something about Jamie coming onto Jon, even sexting him.
Maybe Jon's dead to her too.
I must missed that part.

Queen Kate let her BFF get away with that?

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 99

That is interesting. But I think the kids who see Jon regularly will be head and shoulders above the others in terms of "normal." I mean, it's clear from what's been shown on the show. Hannah and Leah are bratty, but given their examples (Mady and Kate), that's hardly surprising.

laurajean said...

Assuming there is a custody hearing tomoro, will the judge make a deccision on the spot or will he have to think about in and make a ruling days/weeks later?

jamezvader1194 said...

@Rainbowsandunicorns (95) The tweets about Jon before she went private.Deanna said she talks to the kids daily and claimed that she sees the parent that cares about the kids well being,health and education.Which makes me think IF she was called to the court to tell the judge what she knows then she would be caught lying.

Wowser said...

Be careful TFW...all your friends, including Jamie have opened their mouths and said you are all about fame and think you are as famous as Angelina Jolie. Remember Jamie saying that ON CAMERA after you were having a hissy fit at Mt Rushmore because people were taking pictures of you (I'm sure you were pissed you weren't getting $20 per picture like when you were fleecing the churches...no one gets anything for free from you that's for damn sure)


Seredipity said...

All This Is That (4)..."I was looking at Kate's Twitter and see that it's nearly dead, expect for a few of the non-fans, and one with a vile mouth. Although the person changes the Twitter name, you can always tell it's her (or him?) because none of the others use such gutter language!"


I have seen those Tweets and they are not only nasty, but crude. I wonder if such people speak that way in everyday life, or only on Twitter where they can hide behind Twitter names. It certainly does call their credibility into question, and doesn't speak very well about their character (or lack of it).

And no, I am not a pearl clutcher!

NJGal51 said...

If this court thing regarding custody is actually (and finally!) happening, the kids are old enough to give testimony about their life with Mommy.
It's mind boggling that a parent is allowed to do this for so long!
What the heck is wrong with PA?
But will the kids be ale to say anything other than what they've been programmed (brainwashed) to say. One would think that if all the kids said the same thing in the same way that someone would know that they're saying what they've been told to say. Stepford kids.

Anonymous said...

FlimsyFlamsy(@99) Oh, for sure it will be their father's fault; isn't everything that doesn't go her way Jon's fault. She appears to say that Jon became the bad "new Daddy" at the time of the divorce but neglects to add that SHE was the one who wanted the divorce because he objected to continue filming the phony "marriage".


Tucker's Mom said...

She appears to say that Jon became the bad "new Daddy" at the time of the divorce but neglects to add that SHE was the one who wanted the divorce because he objected to continue filming the phony "marriage".
Looking back, Kate's been deceptive from the get-go in this post-marriage apocalypse. During the family-split episode, she played such the pitiable wife and mother. Crying on the sofa, sniffling about how having multiples does a marriage in, and talking a good game about the decision "to separate".
I bet dollars to donuts she knew about and planned for filing the divorce papers right before that episode aired. Then, after the last scene was shown, Kate had TLC air the message about her having to file for divorce, for the sake of her children, alluding to some clear and present danger that Jon presented.
And Jon could do absolutely nothing as that image lingered on the screens of 10 million viewers.
It was a brilliant coup d'état, and Kate has occupied the high ground ever since.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Deanna said she talks to the kids daily and claimed that she sees the parent that cares about the kids well being,health and education.


But did she actually say that she knows everything that goes on within the family? I don't recall her saying that.

Sad but true said...

jamezvader1194 said... 104
@Rainbowsandunicorns (95) The tweets about Jon before she went private.Deanna said she talks to the kids daily and claimed that she sees the parent that cares about the kids well being,health and education.

The only one(s) she talks to are Mady and Cara, and I doubt Cara talks to her much. Unless she's calling Kate everyday and Kate is handing her phone around to the kids, because now we know that the tups don't have phones and the twins do. So that comment of hers was total BS.

njay said...

she and Jamie are loaded and that's why she posted that video. Not normal at all. Look at me....not a care in the world!
I'm sorry but I think the accusations going on about the game, bed and drinking is a bit of a stretch for something to say. I see nothing wrong with friends getting together, for WHATEVER REASON, this close to christmas for fun and games. Yes, Kate is a monster for doing what she did to C and the proper channels have been followed to take care of it. I for one would be more upset if for the six months the whole family wallowed in self pity. Can you imagine what people would dissect and say then? "Oh she did it for attention. Oh how awful to make the kids suffer like that." I mean..there is PLENTY of things bad she does that can be told without exaggeration or embellishment. Besides, it gives her a justifiable claim about the comments said about her.

Sorry if I have stepped on any toes, I'm just really tired of reading things so dissected you need a microscope to see it. Yes I don't have to read here or I can scroll past but I shouldn't have to. I enjoy reading here for the most part.

This isn't personal to any one person, I like ya all. Please...just try not to get tooo crazy or stretch so high and I'll enjoy reading your opinions. I know it's hard when we're talking about Kate, she gives us so much. That's why we will never not have a subject to talk about.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

FlimsyFlamsy(@99) Oh, for sure it will be their father's fault; isn't everything that doesn't go her way Jon's fault.


How can it be Jon's fault? Jon is dead, and dead men can't speak. Will she blame him posthumously?

NJGal51 said...

I think TFW has been using someone named Ms Ruthie for her makeup lately (some new guy for hair also). They've both IG'd pictures of TFW and said how great it was working with her. Maybe Deanna doesn't know how to help her or was hit with a gag order after her tweets re the kids last year. She went private and silent right after that. Did anyone notice if she's still in the credits?

Anonymous said...

It's been almost two weeks since Milo has been heard from. I wonder who will fill in for her to alert the world about all the "fun" (without Collin) coming up Tuesday night.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

bm (#114), and I wonder how much lower the show's ratings might go. People are busy with work parties and holiday shopping -- it may get only half a million this week.

GollyGee said...

Vanessa said... 66
Demanding that Aaden and Hannah just stop playing and bring her arrows! Bring me arrows!! I need them!! She is just a bully, she sucks the fun out of EVERYTHING.


I saw that and I was aghast! She was so obsessed with winning that she would sacrifice her children to get hit with an arrow so they would go out (weren't they on another team?) or what am I thinking!

She would sacrifice her own team members so she would not get hit at all.

She has a big list of people that she has sacrificed over the years. Friends, associates, family, animals, husband and now son.

Jeanne said...

If I were Jon's lawyer, I wouldn't necessarily want to interview Jamie or Deanna. It's clear where their loyalties are. I would want the agency workers: maids, agency nannies, pool boy, laundry, etc. These are the people Kate probably ignores. They are "lesser" and she may think they are deaf mutes. Then I would want either unedited footage or testimony from camera daddies. I suspect she behaves however she wants in front of those invisible workers.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

I saw that and I was aghast! She was so obsessed with winning that she would sacrifice her children to get hit with an arrow so they would go out (weren't they on another team?) or what am I thinking!


Question...why do you watch this? She is obnoxious and she annoys me beyond belief. I don't want to see her or listen to her, nor watch the way she treats her kids.

This isn't to say that nobody shouldn't watch and if you don't feel the need to bang your head on the wall and throw thing at the television during an episode, but if you're not doing a recap (poor admin!), then why inflict this punishment on yourself? ;)

Speaking of aggravation, is Milo still MIA?

Tucker's Mom said...

Sorry if I have stepped on any toes, I'm just really tired of reading things so dissected you need a microscope to see it. Yes I don't have to read here or I can scroll past but I shouldn't have to. I enjoy reading here for the most part.
No 'owies' from me ;-)
I just fee so badly for Collin because one day he'll see how much he missed and all the fun that was had, like his absence didn't matter.
I find the broadcasting of all of it to be a very serious misstep and very cruel.

Tucker's Mom said...

Question...why do you watch this? She is obnoxious and she annoys me beyond belief. I don't want to see her or listen to her, nor watch the way she treats her kids.

I am glad some people watch because I can only take little snippets posted on the internet/other sites.
I find Kate too hard to take in because of the kids.

NJGal51 said...

Sorry if I have stepped on any toes, I'm just really tired of reading things so dissected you need a microscope to see it. Yes I don't have to read here or I can scroll past but I shouldn't have to. I enjoy reading here for the most part.
No 'owies' from me ;-)
I just fee so badly for Collin because one day he'll see how much he missed and all the fun that was had, like his absence didn't matter.
I find the broadcasting of all of it to be a very serious misstep and very cruel.
No "owies" for me either. In fact, I tend to agree with you that sometimes people see things/read things into it that I just don't see. I also agree with Tucker's Mom that her continuing to film without Collin and her cavalier attitude (my opinion only) about it is a serious misstep.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I am glad some people watch because I can only take little snippets posted on the internet/other sites.
I find Kate too hard to take in because of the kids.


Ditto. I can't watch it, not the episodes, not the snippets here and there, not even on commercials. She just really grates on the nerves.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I find Kate too hard to take in because of the kids.

I find Kate hard to take because she's a lying b**ch who thinks she smart.

After the purse full of bills stunt I woke up..And then she kept up the facade for yrs and she never redeemed herself.

chefsummer #Leh said...

She just really grates on the nerves.

LOL Kate is like an annoying thing you can't get rid of but can't help but to talk about.

Every time she appears on my TV I'm like where's the remote.

Lynne In RI said...

Anon (115): "It's been almost two weeks since Milo has been heard from. I wonder who will fill in for her to alert the world about all the "fun" (without Collin) coming up Tuesday night.



She disappeared for a few months the last time she went missing and never explained why, although she hinted about it. Nobody really cared enough to ask.

Susan1956 said...

I'm wondering if she'll call Chris the Pap to record her arrivals and departures from court or if she'll try to slink in and out without notice.

Tucker's Mom said...

Susan1956 said... 127
I'm wondering if she'll call Chris the Pap to record her arrivals and departures from court or if she'll try to slink in and out without notice.
December 19, 2016 at 5:28 AM
Sure, she'll try to be inconspicuous in a hot pink dress ;-)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Susan1956 (#127), I'm guessing Demure, Stoic Single Mom TFW will be showing up at court. She's not nearly as fun to photograph as Gas-Pumpin' Daisy Dukes TFW!

TLC stinks said...

I suspect Jon's attorney has been building a case for years. Although there has been frustration expressed by me and others here, the tipping point was Collin taken away and the subsequent investigation by CPS. I believe this may result in her losing primary physical custody of Collin to Jon. He may not live in a big house, but he can provide a home for Collin and any other Gosselin child that no longer wants to film and live with Kate. She is desperate and it shows with those crazy accusations. I think the judge has had enough, thus the psych evaluations for everyone.

TLC stinks said...

She'll slink in with purse boy.

Formerly Duped said...

I have not been viewing the recent episodes except a bit on demand and YouTube ( where they have given TFW a voice that is slow and slurred like she's drunk,lol) I also have not been following all the great comments here since I have not been well (kidney stones!!) I can't stand the shrieking and fighting and the whole knowledge of Collin's plight. The shows suck, anyway. I do not know the details of what or when this court case you guys are talking about are. Could someone enlighten me? It's about time, but I really don't know what will happen, if anything, sadly, for these kids.Is there a chance that Kate herself does not know where Collin is ,if it was a mandatory placement for his protection/help?

Susan1956 said...

TLC Stinks (131) Wonder if Purse Boy will bring Gina with him. United front, friends of Kate & all that.

Wowser said...

Does she have a court date today?? Or is that speculation?

GollyGee said...

I have wondered when Hannah refused to go back home from Jon's, one of the reasons was TFW and Steve arguing about putting a zip tie on Collin's hands.

Hannah was so upset about how Collin was being treated and Steve and TFW were screaming and fighting.

She just cannot come out on top in court this time. She has been so victorious so many times, so maybe this is her Murphy's Law.

It is long overdo for Jon and the kids to enjoy the spoils of victory!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Wowser (#134), we're just speculating, since TFW's BFF Jamie is in town right before Christmas, and has a family of her own she'd most likely want to be with.

locaylyocul said...

Wowser said... 134
Does she have a court date today?? Or is that speculation?



GollyGee said...

Will the trial be open to the public? Can anyone just walk in and sit down? Or, will it be closed to the public?

If it is open to the public, do any locals on here plan to go?

TLC stinks said...

Total speculation about a court date. Just seems "coincidental" Andrea and her bestie, Jamie, are visiting at the same time. We just think maybe they are in town for moral support at the very least, if there is a court date or some ruling about Collin seeing Jon. The whole helping to bake scenario reeks of typical Kate making up a story of how loyal her friends are (and Andrea was an employee, never a friend). We've been wondering how come Deanna was not included in this holiday get together too. How odd. I thought she was like an "aunt" to those kids. How terrible the real relatives are not included in holiday baking.

TLC stinks said...

GollyGee, thought the same thing.

Sad but true said...

Formerly Duped said... 132

Hope you're feeling better, kidney stones are no picnic. No details about the court proceedings or date(s) have been released by anyone. I think we're just inferring that since the judge apparently ordered the psych evaluations some time around Thanksgiving, getting it done before Xmas would be a priority. Especially if it might make a difference to Collin's situation. But we don't know one way or the other. With both Jamie and Andrea visiting Kate recently (that is, if Andrea ever really left her employ), it was only an assumption that they are there to prop her up through this "ordeal."

Kylie said...

Tuckers -- best comment of the day -- post marriage apocalypse!! That is the most accurate description of what this period of time has been like.

Anonymous said...

When she does appear in Court and refers to the sextuplets as the "little kids" and the older girls as the "twins", I hope the Judge reminds her she is speaking of eight young individual persons not the package she sold to TLC.


Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy (116),

It's hard to predict how the holidays will effect ratings. Many people are out of school/work, and can stay up and watch. Kate was right when she said that a lot of her audience was young people who couldn't stay up so late. But people are busy with the holidays, too. It's a tough call. But if ratings don't rally this week and next, then they are not going to at all. Think about the twins' birthday. Even the fans do not like watching them, and this episode is centered around them. I think that episode is going to be the low point of the season. And the family game night just sounds boring. They can package it as a game, but it's still just another looking back episode. As always, I won't watch no matter what they do. I hope others won't, either.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 130
I suspect Jon's attorney has been building a case for years. Although there has been frustration expressed by me and others here, the tipping point was Collin taken away and the subsequent investigation by CPS. I believe this may result in her losing primary physical custody of Collin to Jon.
I do, too, and think 'what's to lose?'. I mean, really. Collin has not thrived with Kate. He's been thrown out of school once, expelled for good and now, his situation is so dire, that he's been taken out of his home.
Since that boy was 5 or 6 years of age, it's been a downward trajectory with Kate.
Based on evidence, Collin probably should not be placed back with Kate in that home.
Based on evidence, half of the children are suffering from severe dysfunction.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 132
Good to see you, but so sorry to hear about the kidney stones. I hope you get well very soon!

Anonymous said...

While I realize it's none of our business, I do hope Jon releases a statement regarding the custody hearing results. If, for no other reason, than to put TFW in her place.


TLC stinks said...

The psych evals were ordered by the judge back in September, not in Nov. I believe they had to have been completed by now, thus our speculation about Collin with the holidays approaching. Hope he spends Xmas with Jon and sees his siblings at Jon's too.

Sad but true said...

TLC stinks said... 148
The psych evals were ordered by the judge back in September, not in Nov.

September? I thought the first we heard of it was InTouch, and that was this link from November 30:


Do you remember where you saw September?

Vanessa said...

We've been wondering how come Deanna was not included in this holiday get together too. How odd. I thought she was like an "aunt" to those kiddays
No wondering, it just the pattern.

NJGal51 said...

@extratv: Sneak peek: Kate plus space! Kate Gosselin and her kids head to space camp: http://extr.tv/2h3H43b https://twitter.com/extratv/status/810976991927095298/photo/1
In the couch interview on the sneak peek TFW says how excited they were about space camp...the only problem was that her delivery was monotone and deadpan with not a bit of excitement in her voice or expression (but that could be the Botox). Once again no Collin. She hasn't yet mentioned anything about a Twitter party but I imagine that she'll say all the kids will be watching and tweeting because they're on break.

chefsummer #Leh said...

NJGal51 said... 151

All of them look soooooo happy.

Tucker's Mom said...

In the couch interview on the sneak peek TFW says how excited they were about space camp...the only problem was that her delivery was monotone and deadpan with not a bit of excitement in her voice or expression (but that could be the Botox)
I said that about another couch interview. Jeez, for the money she's getting, she could work up a little more enthusiasm.

Anonymous said...

In that sneak peek couch interview with Maddie and Cara, Cara looked like she would rather be shot than have to participate. Maddie spoke then looked at Cara as much as to say 'it's your turn', but nothing.


Rainbowsandunicorns said...

kyle orrell ‏@TheHeDevil 2m2 minutes ago
#KatePlus8 still the best reality TV show alive. @Kateplusmy8 lovable, matter of fact comes out brilliantly. Is it too late to adopt me?


Who is this creeper, and where has the Lad Austin been?

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

GollyGee said... 138
Will the trial be open to the public? Can anyone just walk in and sit down? Or, will it be closed to the public?


It's a trial? I thought it was a court hearing.

Tucker's Mom said...

All those years of media training and Kate can not deliver a line to save her life. Cara's passive aggressive behaviors are escalating. It couldn't be more clear that she does not want to be part of the sh*t show. She refuses to speak and you can tell Mady has been passed the torch to carry the show along with Kate.
It makes me actually feel bad for Mady. It's obvious the wheels are coming off. The kids looked marginally happy to be at Space Camp, the kids are all looking at the cameras because they're not engaged, the couch interviews are painful to watch, Kate looks like she needs a chocolate martini...
There is nothing about this preview that says, "tune in for an exciting 30 minutes!".

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 154
In that sneak peek couch interview with Maddie and Cara, Cara looked like she would rather be shot than have to participate.
I almost felt bad for Mady, obviously carrying the interview and elbowing Cara to wake the frick up and say something!

Localyocul said...

Her couch interview was like that in the episode I watched. She seems no less than piiisssed at the world.

NJGal51 said...

I get the East coast feed for may cable channels so TFW will be running opposite Tony Bennet's 90th b'day celebration. Hmmmmm, I don't think I'll be watching TFW take yet another vacation.

chefsummer #Leh said...

kyle orrell ‏@TheHeDevil 2m2 minutes ago
#KatePlus8 still the best reality TV show alive. @Kateplusmy8 lovable, matter of fact comes out brilliantly. Is it too late to adopt me?
How old is this person?

They must be super young and have never seen the older epis..Or they're joking.

Anonymous said...

In the preview clip, anybody notice Steve in the background stopping a bunch of kids from running towards the family lol.


Rainbowsandunicorns said...

TLC stinks said... 148
The psych evals were ordered by the judge back in September, not in Nov.


I remember that Jon made the comment some time ago that she needs an evaluation, but where was it reported that in September a judge ordered one? Do you have the link? Did it come from Jon?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Anonymous said... 162
In the preview clip, anybody notice Steve in the background stopping a bunch of kids from running towards the family lol.
I sure didn't.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 162
In the preview clip, anybody notice Steve in the background stopping a bunch of kids from running towards the family lol.

Good catch! Yes, 3 boys in red shirts notice the cameras and look like they want to go and check it out. But, Rat Claws galumps in front of them, hands out, like 'STOP!!!'.
Good to see TLC not scrub what it's like to be those kids. Always getting gawked at, with strangers coming up to them. Whether they are recognized or not, the whole hullaballoo with the crew, cameras and booms at like honey to bees.
It's amazing how much they're able to hide this.

Sad but true said...

I love how TLC hands out clips to all and sundry and doesn't bother to post it on K8's own FB page. Nothing says "I don't care anymore" than sheer neglect.

NJGal51 said...

Good eye ajw, I didn't notice Steve the first time around. Maybe it was because he was wearing purple instead of blue. I don't think the kids in the background were running toward the Gosselin kids though. I think they were going about their business and Steve was keeping them from walking into the shot. God forbid kids that actually paid to go to space camp should be able to enjoy themselves.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

They must be super young and have never seen the older epis..Or they're joking.


I think that one is just very odd. He seems to be obsessed with a myriad of celebs. Most of these young fellows have Mommy issues and prefer older women. All very strange.

I'm watching People's documentary on the JonBenet murder, and sure enough, there's the sweetheart, Coyne, in all her glory! Why isn't she helping Kate bake cinnamon rolls?

TLC stinks said...

I read an article, dated Sept. 2016, but I cannot find it now that said psych evals were ordered. The news about the psych evals did come out in Nov. in the tabloids so maybe I made a mistake on the date but Jon has wanted the judge to order a psych eval done on Kate since Feb. 2014 and the judge apparently refused to do it. Just because the tabloids came out with the story the end of Nov. does not necessarily mean there have not been ongoing legal proceedings since Collin left. The important thing here is that the judge is now onboard with the psych evals for the entire family which tells me Jon has a case for custody from Kate. Totally coincides with TLC delaying the show's airing and Collin's disappearance.

I will add, if TLC is not filming during the kids' Xmas break, she's been terminated.

Sad but true said...

I think you read the same one as me, People dtd 9/23/16, but the content of the article was from 2010. I just skimmed over it so didn't even notice until KIAT here pointed it out. I don't know what People is doing, saying "updated" and then using 6-year-old content. That publication is now little better than the Enquirer.

And I agree, I think if there's no filming over the long winter break, they're done.

TLC stinks said...

I cannot imagine Kate enjoyed and was excited about Space Camp. It's for KIDS and KIDS who are interested in space. I agree with the poster who said the Space Camp trip may have coincided with the AL beach vacay. Kate really, really likes those beach vacays. Maybe the beach was pay back to her enduring Space Camp.

TLC stinks said...

Intro on her Instagram:

Kate Gosselin Mom of 8 human kids, 3 furry kids & 1 feather kid. Watch Kate Plus 8 on TLC to see the chaotic fun that is our lives! kateplusmy8.com

TLC stinks said...

Watched the clip. LOL. They had to keep saying how much they have ALWAYS wanted to go to Space Camp and how EXCITED they were. I sure did not detect any excitement from any of them. And Kate...she cannot speak proper English..."rocket things". Really?

LOL. When Mady, on the couch, said how excited she was, she turned to Cara expecting Cara to agree. You can tell they edited in Cara saying how excited she was because I bet when Mady turned to her, she either was silent or said something snarky. Love that Cara. And Mady saying she loves space. Has she ever mentioned any interest? Ever?

Turtle (AKA Amy2) said...

Didn't one of the boys from LPBW also go to Space Camp?

Sad but true said...

Poor Schmoopy. Jill Duggar just announced baby #2, and it looks like they're likely to get another girl (Joy) married off, too. So there'll no doubt be an avalanche of Duggar episodes in 2017, obviating any need for K8 Plus 8 Minus 1 Plus Two Dogs.

What's wrong with the Duggar men? No willing women for them? Hey, maybe they can find a Duggar to marry K8! Now there's a crossover concept.

Layla said...

Cara is the one who said she wants to go somewhere far away for college. I think she's counting the days til she can make her escape.

Sherri said...

I have to preface this by saying that I haven't reread any of the articles so I apologize if I should have answered this question myself by perusing them.

TLC Stinks said... (169)
... but Jon has wanted the judge to order a psych eval done on Kate since Feb. 2014 and the judge apparently refused to do it.


Was this addressed in one of the tabloid articles? (I'm plagued by a flare up of my CRS syndrome. ;-) TIA

Tucker's Mom said...

Cara's editing was very obvious. While interviewing with Mady, Cara is silent and passive aggressively showing her disdain and feigned boredom by looking at her nails and picking at lint.
Then she's clearly looking in a different direction, saying she really wanted to go. Wanna bet that was filmed extemporaneously while just chatting with the producer?

Anonymous said...

In the People clip she said she heard about the Space Camp years and years ago and she has always wanted to take the kids there. Every time she mentioned it to them they were all excited and into it. Then why didn't she take them? Could it be because she was waiting for TLC to cover the expense? Never mind, I've answered my own questions.


Sad but true said...

Anonymous said... 179
In the People clip she said she heard about the Space Camp years and years ago and she has always wanted to take the kids there.
Is there anyplace they've gone where she doesn't say, Oh I've ALWAYS wanted to take the kids there? You could just repeat the couch segments from one vacay to the next, if only she'd stop changing her hair color.

Tucker's Mom said...

Is there anyplace they've gone where she doesn't say, Oh I've ALWAYS wanted to take the kids there? You could just repeat the couch segments from one vacay to the next, if only she'd stop changing her hair color.
December 20, 2016 at 8:57 AM
Ha, same old same old. The only other things that change are her level of skin tanning and how much she can move the muscles of her face.
What is changing is how much the kids are into these filming shenanigans.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

bm (#179), so if what TFW said is true, then
C always wanted to go to Space Camp. And now his 7 siblings are going without him. And TFW will be shrieking and squealing and flapping and not having the slightest regret that her child is missing out. Not because he's home with strep throat, or a broken arm. Because she sent him away.

Heck, TFW said herself that tonight's show is one of the most hilarious episodes ever. So clearly C's absence isn't effecting her chaotic fun. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

As the name suggests it's a Space "Camp". If the kids were so into the idea why didn't she just allow all eight to go, without her? I'm sure they would have loved the idea of spending time away from her - a real break. Instead of a real "camping" experience, seven of the eight will be followed around by cameras for probably a few hours while Collin, who would have loved the experience, is forgotten about. But hey, who cares - the show must go on, there are sheeple waiting to be entertained.



Blowing In The Wind said...

Ha, same old same old. The only other things that change are her level of skin tanning and how much she can move the muscles of her face.


And how long and greasy her hair gets, as well as the deflated and then pumped-up bosom. They could build exciting episodes around that. How low can they go? How big can they get until they explode?

On this episode of Kate Plus Eight..."Riddle of the Rising Girls Resolved."

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, I wonder if her lack of expression/intonation in her description of their "excitement" about Space Camp indicates she has already been told by TLC that she is on the chopping block. I've forgotten the sequence of events; is this the last segment to have been filmed? She gives the appearance of just having been told some very unpleasant news.


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