Thursday, August 21, 2014

TLC announces Kate Plus 8 will return in December

TLC posted the following press release on their site:
You watched Kate Gosselin plan the sextuplets' 10th birthday bash in June (and have an epic meltdown) and now you can follow your favorite oversized family on their summer vacation and into the new school year. "Kate Plus Eight" will return to TLC in December with all-new episodes! This time around, Kate and her eight growing kids will travel to Boston and explore different parts of New England on a family vacation.
You'll also see the kids rounding out the final days of summer with fun activities, while Kate preps the household for another school year. Teenagers Cara and Mady start 8th grade, and the sextuplets you know and love -- Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel -- are beginning 4th grade. We can't wait to see the kids prepare for pencils, books and maybe even teachers' dirty looks, while balancing their time between friends and siblings. And you can be we'll see more classic Kate moments and funny banter from the outspoken kids.
-- Mara Betsch

1920 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dmasy said...

Did anyone ever play the card game of Authors?

Tucker's Mom said...

Worse though, I think smelt went on sale for a penny and pound or something. Mom would roll the whole little fish in flour and fry it. Dad loved them. Crispy tails and little eyes. I haven't eaten them since childhood and I think I know why.


I used to love eating smelts on Christmas Eve. Now, I can't wrap my brain around it.

PJ's momma said...

good luck everybody:

Ebay has a bunch of them too.

A few years ago, I bought a Trixie Belden shirt on Ebay! I washed it in Woolite too!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Dmasy (#8), I still have Authors! My brother and I played it a million
times when we were kids, and he bought me a new deck when we
were "grownups" as a nostalgic gift.

So many of you have expressed sense memories from your past -
sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. But sadly, this next generation
of kids will have many memories limited to sight and sound, because
of electronics. Some kid won't reflect in 40 years about what their
copy of Harry Potter smelled like, because it was on Kindle!

Anonymous said...

School memories, nice. :)
Growing up in Houston in the 70's....
back-to-school clothes purchased at Foley's. shoes (pair of black tennis shoes with white stripes, seems we had a name for them but can't recall what we called them)...a pair of white go-go boots. We got 5 outfits and 1 coat(that had to be a Dallas Cowboy jacket). Being the only girl sometimes I got a poncho with white draw strings with balls on them.
When we were younger (think K-3rd), our mom made a lot of our clothing.
and yes, we wore tube socks with the 3 colored stripes!! yea! lol

And books? I still have my Trixie Belden (complete set!) and *most* of the Nancy Drew series.
We'd go to the mall once a week and I can still remember sitting on the carpeted floor looking at all those books...I spent my weekly allowance on one book a week. $2.
School lunches: one year I had a Patridge Family metal lunch box. (wish I had it now, no telling what it would be worth, LOL)...we could eat a cafeteria lunch once a week, those cost .25 cents. Milk was .05, and ice cream was .10.
Seems like you could buy a pencil for a nickel, if I am remembering correctly.....


Unknown said...

The Daily Mail a few days ago featured an author who wrote a best selling book about growing up in the 50s and 60s in England, and he presented some of many letters he got from people about their childhoods. You know, going out early in the day and spending it doing all kinds of kid things, running wild, with no protection, no helmets, no nothing. If you got hurt you ignored it usually. They were long days of doing kid things like tracking things, daring to go out to the rocks off shore, playing with cans, all that fun stuff. One lady wrote about molesters, saying they were there, she was groped a lot. I remembered, hey, so was I several times, and I didn't dwell on it or call it molesting, we just yelled "get your hand off me" and ran off. So yes, I guess those people were around then too. I used to live across from a college, lots of open space and brush and 2 boys ran into our house one day. They'd been chased by a molester. Another time some freak was making a lot of phone calls so the cops put a tap on the line. Still, we didn't have these things effect our psyche like they do now. It's worth a look, Daily Mail, in the Columnist section. It's really long so save it to computer and read a little at a time.

Amy2 said...

I loved the Scholastic books catalog (which was 4 pages back to back). I drooled over the catalog dreaming of the day I could buy a book. That day never came as we didn't have any extra money when I was growing up.

Fast forward...when my children were in grade school I let them buy as many books as they wanted. It felt so good to be able to do this for them. I didn't tell them I wish I could have had those books. Instead I made it all about them; enjoying the fun of getting a book and reading it.

AuntieAnn said...

White Organza said... 171

It appears cursive script is becoming a thing of the past. (118)

When my son was about 8 or 9, I was scolding him because I felt he really wasn't putting the effort in good penmanship. He started sniffling... and then blurted out: "I know I write like a serial killer! But I'm only nine and you there, pushing me to write as if I'm in training to become a copist monk!"


LOL! "I write like a serial killer". Organza is this the same child who drew the picture of you getting a buzz off wine and smoking while you watched tv? Or was that Capecodmama? Or another poster? At any rate he sounds hilariously creative. Kids DO say the darndest things.

Granny in Nebraska said...

When my kids had a day off of school, we hit the local thrift stores for books. I have a huge bookcase full of Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Bobsey Twins, Cherry Ames, Tom Swift, Donna Parker and many others that are not a series.

Thank goodness, I have a lot of grandchildren who like to read. I lend them out in the summer. They also join the local library as they have
prizes for number of books read One granddaughter checked out 38 books a few weeks ago (the limit is 40). I love to read, especially the
writers on here who are funnier than a lot of comedians today.
You know who you are, Dmasy, Auntie Ann, etc.

Oops! I lend the books out in the summer, not the grandkids!

White Organza said...

"Is this the same child who drew the picture of you getting a buzz off wine and smoking while you watched tv?" (15)

Yup. Same child, Auntie. And the exact caption for the infamous Mother's Day drawing was: "My favorite activity with my mom is watching television while she drinks wine and smokes cigarettes..." To this day I cannot swear that he didn't do that on purpose. That child was born with a wicked, wicked sense of humour.

lukebandit said...

My grandson gets a very nice monthly book from Dolly Parton:

It is free!

good luck everybody else said...

PJ's momma- Thanks for the tip on the Trixie Belden books. I don't know why it never occured to me to check ebay. There are a couple of full sets that I'm considering purchasing, but now I'm really on the lookout to score a TB shirt!!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I was anxiously awaiting to find out if MsUggs and her HOT friends got the meet and greet with the comedian at the Borgata, but alas, nothing. She did tweet him several times, telling him she was on way, what row and section she was in, to give a shout-out, and asking him if they could meet up after the show for a drink. Who does that? I'm sure he was super excited to know that he could have drinks with her and her friends,and probably couldn't even finish his show.

But nothing yet about meeting at an after party,or a late night cocktail, and no acknowledgement from him, or a photo of them together. Perhaps that's coming later.

redbirdsings said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 194

Yes, and fried tomatoes, just brown enough to crisp the edges, and gravy made from milk and flour. I still make corn fritters every summer, and baked corn (from Cope's dried corn) in the winter.


Yes, my mother's skillet fried corn, sliced Vidalia onions, sliced tomatoes, pinto beans, green beans with onions, skillet cornbread, and for desert a pear with a dollop of blue plate mayo with a cherry on top.

So, so good!

Call Me Crazy said...

I love hearing all the old Catholic school stories. They bring back so many memories. Back in the day, I think all nuns must have gone through some kind of mass indoctrination or training courses because it sounds like they all behaved similarly.

Our uniform was a green plaid jumper with a white button down blouse. Our uniform hem was not allowed to be shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Every once in a while, Sister Michael would visit each classroom with her ruler and actually measure our skirts, and anyone with a skirt too short would be ordered to go home and tell their mom to take the hem down. Well, my mom, being the rebel she was, told me, "If Sister Michael wants your skirt longer, then she is welcome to fix the hem herself." We girls quickly learned the fine art of slouching down as low as possible without bending our knees when the measuring took place.

There are so many other classic Catholic school memories. The gross smell of the sawdust-like stuff the janitors would pour on vomit; buying the best Philadelphia soft pretzels every day for a nickel; Sister Jane Marie's perfect aim throwing erasers at kids who were talking or not paying attention; Sister John being the most beautiful nun any of us had ever seen; double-dutch jump rope at recess; kids getting rapped on the knuckles with a ruler; the May Processions; mass every Friday morning. Ah, good times. Thanks for the memories.

PJ's momma said...

good luck everybody else:
I just ran up and dug mine out. Same company ( and mine is Trixie Beldn and the Gatehouse Mystery!
This is fun!

NJGal51 said...

Does anyone remember reading The Happy Hollister series? I can't remember how old I was when I first read them but I did enjoy them. I just downloaded the first Trixie Belden to my Kindle. Like Granny in Nebraska we had just about every series of books imaginable. There were 7 of us and we are all avid readers to this day.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

The gross smell of the sawdust-like stuff the janitors would pour on vomit;

I had forgotten about that! I know exactly what you mean! I remember the candy store where.we would buy those little wax bottles filled with liquid. You bit off the top and drank the stuff inside. I have no idea what was in them, but we thought they were wonderful. Also, the big red wax lips that you were supposed to chew, but none of us ever had the courage to do that, so we'd walk around wearing the lips. I remember when rabbit feet on chains were hot. We;d buy them in every color and trade them. We didn't think it was at all strange carrying around a book bag with the body part of a dead animal attached!

NJGal51 said...

I'd read all of Trixie Belden when I was young and liked her better than Nancy Drew. I was happy to see them available for Kindle and I think I'll read them all in order. I'm also going to check in to getting a TB shirt. One book I always loved was "Helen Keller The Story of My Life". I would reread it every summer for my autobiography selection and do a book report on it. I taught myself the finger alphabet from that book. As I got a little older I also loved Ellery Queen and Nero Wolfe mysteries.

swingsandroundabouts said...

I've been enjoying all the stories of school days. A lot of us seem to have had Catholic school education with nuns. As a result of that education, I have great penmanship which was hard earned when I was little.

I few years ago I had some furniture reupholstered and when I wrote out the cheque, the upholsterer remarked that I must have been educated by nuns. Yup. These days cheques and occasional greeting cards are all that I use my great penmanship for.

In high school the nuns would check the lengths of our skirts by making us kneel down and if the hem touched the floor we were ok. It was just random checking and pretty much only for the rebels in the class. Of course as soon as we were off school property those skirts were rolled way up at the waistband.

I happened to have two nuns in school both named Sister Frances and both were absolute horrors. Sister Michael Paul and Sister Ursula were the best of the lot. One discovered the artist in me and the other made me love math, algebra and geometry.

Again thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories of what seem now like such innocent times.

Rhymes with Witch said...

First of all, the NYC SUBWAY was a nickel.

"i thought my dad would have a heart attack and I remember him saying that now he KNEW the world was going to hell in a hand basket. "

I remember my Dad complaining about all the germs I was bringing in on my too long bell bottom jeans.

I loved Trixie Belden! Also Kathy Martin

Rhymes with Witch said...

Roo update: The pup who lets me check her mouth for untoward objects clamped her jaws when I tried to give her an antibiotic and a pain pill. The answer?
Put them in peanut butter on a spoon. The spoon was crucial.
MY DILEMMA: the cone.
She cannot figure out her place in space, and every time it hits a piece of furniture , the snaps pop open. So I found some adhesive Velcro squares in my sewing cabinet. BUT I cannot make it any tighter w/out choking her and from just sleeping on the floor and moving, it slips over her head.
She is unbelievably patient about letting me put it back on, but I need to sleep too.
Ideas anyone? ( it is 4 am).

P.s. I have learned that there is some Law & Order version available 24/7.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Q: Donna Parker's best friend was a red head named Ricky?

Thank God I took today off.

Rhymes wirh Witch said...

Would someone give a "recipe" for skillet fried corn? I'm intrigued.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have multiple flavors of BonnieBell lip smackers? Those were all the rage in the 70's.
(and for price comparison: my 7th grade clarinet cost $80, and that was expensive.LOL When purchashing my daughter's trumpet in 2008, it was $1100--and that was a used one!)hahahaa

..and whoever posted the initial lunch box blog site link, I laughed my butt off at the part where mom bought cigs and smoked 3 on the way home. That was a norm for us. hahahahhahaha


Anonymous said...

And what about those $2 tall glass candles that were all the rage for fundraisers? They were tall, I'd say about 8 inches, made of glass. They came in a multitude of colors with different designs on them. I see the brown ones a lot (they had wheat stalks on them) at yard sales every so often, and wonder how the heck they survived this long. LOL
As far as being an innocent time, I do remember hearing about people putting razor blades in popcorn balls and some sort of poison in pixie sticks.
I also remember watching the news about a guy that murdered multiple young boys in the Houston area, seems their bodies were discovered underneath his garage flooring.

Tv stations 'signed on' at 6am (all 5 channels, lol) at 6am and 'signed off' at midnight.


Mel said...

Sister Edwin. She beat my little brother with a wooden ruler. Many times. He never said anything at home. Poor little guy. I don't think he realized that that was wrong.
The day my mom heard about it, towards the end of the school year, all of us were yanked out of school that day and sent to public school the next day.
I remember mom at school, all 5' of her, letting Father have it with both barrels for allowing that to go on. And then she marched into the classroom and let Sister Edwin have it. Grabbed my brother by the arm and pulled him out of the room right then and there, in the middle of the day. Good for her.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ah, Catholic school.

I love the smell of Z Goop in the morning ;-)

Jan in NJ said...

Really enjoying all the back to school memories. My random memories: I took a nickel for recess money. Three cents for the milk and two for the cookies. Our local Woolworth's hung balloons on a little clothesline over the counter. If you ordered a sundae you picked a balloon, popped it and revealed the price, anywhere from one cent to whatever the regular menu price was. (Only got a one cent sundae once!) Went to public school, but catechism classes at church. When preparing for First Communion, remember getting out of school one afternoon to go for practice at the Catholic school. Nuns treated us public school kids like second class citizens. Pants not allowed until my senior year in hs, and we wore "pant suits"...very coordinated and very polyester. A very young, hip French teacher in hs got sent home once to put on a longer skirt. She had come in a micro mini and had a really bad habit of sitting on the front of her desk with her legs crossed. Not surprisingly, her classes were heavily populated with male students. Fourth grade sewing class...spent at least a month sewing by machine on paper with lines printed on it so we would learn to sew a straight line. Finally finished an apron...still have it! Oh, gosh, I could go on here for pages.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 30
There are clearer E collars that help with vision and get one that you can run their collar through the base so it stays on.
Dogs get used to it, but they can bang into things a lot at first.

Tucker's Mom said...

I remember mom at school, all 5' of her, letting Father have it with both barrels for allowing that to go on. And then she marched into the classroom and let Sister Edwin have it
It's a rare woman to not defer to the priests and nuns.
Good for your mom.

Call Me Crazy said...

Continuing down Memory Lane, did anyone else attach playing cards to the spokes of your bike tires using clothespins? The sound the cards made flipping against the spokes was glorious.

Tucker's Mom said...

Baseball cards on spokes was like the theme song to youth.

Formerly Duped said...

NJGal51 ....Happy Hollisters was the first 'big' chapter book I read on my own around age 6. Loved that series.

Dmasy...had Authors with poets' pictures and small bios. That's how I learned about these writers and started reading poetry.

Rhymes...yes, indeed. Ricky West. Today people would say she was a lesbian as she hated all 'girlie' things.

Anyone read Ginnie and Geneva books? I got them all on amazon a few years ago.I, too, loved Scholastic books, once a month and I was fortunate to be able to select 2 books each time. My mom was a librarian (after retiring from teaching Latin!)

NJGal51 said...

Jan in NJ - I remember those balloons at the dime store. I think we once got a banana split for a penny.

Rhymes With - Anthough there are new inflatable collars I think eith the eye surgery you need to stick with the old fashioned kind so Roo doesn't rub her eyes against anything. My nully's neck is so big that the vet had to cut a large ne down to size for him and we just ran a collar through the bottom to keep it on him. That year we sent him as a satellite dish to his Halloween party at day camp (see icon picture). It took him only a couple of days to get used to it.

NJGal51 said...

@ljohnson2006: We need less scripted fake reality shows and more real shows like @Kateplusmy8's. So glad @TLC didn't listen to the lies... They're back 😃😃😃
Less scripted? Poor Lauren really does live in a fantasy world.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Mel (#35), after reading your story about your mother going "mama
bear" on your brother's teachers and sending you all to public school
the next day, I couldn't help contrast it with a story about TFW.

When it was revealed that someone who'd been arrested for possessing child porn was a film editor - yes, the very person
who has access to hundreds of hours of footage of children in
various stages of undress -- on the show featuring her young
children, how did TFW respond? Did she release a statement
saying she was horrified? Sickened? Disappointed? Outraged?
Was there a pang of regret that this person may have violated her children in a way that never would have happened had she kept
their lives private? Did she release a statement to TLC, saying
she would no longer work with them unless they started doing complete background checks on potential editors -- or any of the
"crew daddies," for that matter? I remember her saying on the
show once, "I breathe for my kids!" Did that protective instinct
manifest itself in any way that would convince us it was true?

TFW's entire response to this news came on Twitter, when
the editor's name was brought up: "NEVER HEARD OF HIM!"
Over and out. Nothing to see here. Don't you dare try to stop
my gravy train with pesky details about a guy I don't know - even though I claim to help edit my show, as I know the best way to
show our family. Of all the disgusting details of this freak show,
this specific incident told me, loud and clear, that this woman's
desire for fame and fortune has officially clouded her judgment.
And there are 8 children who will continue to pay the price.

redbirdsings said...

Jan in NJ said...37

Oh, I remember sewing an apron in home economics. it was denim with red ric-rac trim. It was a confidence builder for sure to make something that you made yourself.

When I had a project in American History in hs, I decided to make a flag. My mother had a very nice sewing machine and wouldn't let me sew on it. I cut and handed her the material and she sewed it. I turned it in and made an A. A girl in my class made this huge real log cabin and the teacher gave her a bad grade because he didn't believe that she did it by herself. She said she had some help. I felt bad for her.

Katykat said...

TRIXIE BELDEN! Read them over and over. Mystery on the Mississippi and Mystery of the Emeralds were my favorites. They were recently re-released a few years ago, so I boughtthe new ones and as many as I culd find on Ebay, and then I donated them to my kids' elementary school. At first the media specialist was hesitant to take them because the school did not have AR (Accelerated Reader) test to go w/ each book and the children are required to test after each book they read. (How sad, and what a way to kill the joy of reading,yes?). Anyway she did finally accept them, and I get to revisit Trixie whenever I want. :)

Any yes, my mom still has that tall, $2 fund raiser candle that is now 30 years old. :) ~ Administrator said...

TFW's entire response to this news came on Twitter, when
the editor's name was brought up: "NEVER HEARD OF HIM!"
Over and out. Nothing to see here. Don't you dare try to stop
my gravy train with pesky details about a guy I don't know - even though I claim to help edit my show, as I know the best way to
show our family. Of all the disgusting details of this freak show,
this specific incident told me, loud and clear, that this woman's
desire for fame and fortune has officially clouded her judgment.
And there are 8 children who will continue to pay the price.


There have been a few "turning points" for me in this saga and that was one of them for me too. I knew then, without a shadow of a doubt, that this woman was not going to let ANYTHING stand in the way of exploiting her children. Even a very real and present danger of kiddie porn men ogling them. That was a very deranged response, IMO.

Has anyone heard of Wyatt Neumann? He's an excellent photographer and apparently good father with two young kids. He's been frequently photographing them naked, usually in benign poses (although a few push it) and posting them on social media. They are beautiful photos, but they are nudes of children. Well, there has been uproar and people have been really, really vicious to him demanding he stop this. He has struck back in pure defensiveness, refusing to change a darn thing about his photography, posting more and more nudes, and opening a gallery in NYC with more nudes.

What he doesn't get is this. Even if it is completely innocent on his end, and I have every reason to believe it is, what about all the pedos out there? This is what Kate and her sheeple couldn't grasp either. It's irrelevant that they all had good intentions and that only a "sick mind" would "go there"--just like I'm sure Mr. Neumann has good intentions. There are bad people out there, make no mistake. Bad people who want to ogle your children's images and maybe even misuse them, and we have an obligation to protect our children from them. I'm sorry this is the world we live in, but it's reality.

Take the photos of and video of your kids but don't post it to strangers. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry he can't grasp this.

On another note, utter uproar over this guy but not so much over the Gosselins. Wow.

Molly12 said...

Rhymes With - Anthough there are new inflatable collars I think eith the eye surgery you need to stick with the old fashioned kind so Roo doesn't rub her eyes against anything.


I don't think I could ever go back to the plastic cones for my dog. I bought an inflatable protective collar and use that when needed. Much more comfortable and I find my dog can move around easier while still protecting the affected area and he doesn't try to get it off. But for this situation, I think NJ Gal is right since you are trying to protect Roo's eyes.

Tucker's Mom said...

Lisa Ling did a special with Oprah on McNeil Island, a prison where the inmates are so dangerous, they are literally, captive with little to no means of escape.
About 60% are pedophiles.

"Something as seemingly benign as a catalog isn't allowed," Kelly says. "We've had residents take those catalogs and tear out the pictures of the little kids in their underwear and use them for deviant fantasies."


This was so eye opening and disturbing to me, that I think about these sickos when I look at a diaper commercial.
It takes almost nothing to get them going, and when I think about not just the Gosselin kids, but all those kids on reality tv who are filmed naked, partially undressed and worst of all, sitting on a potty with their pants around their ankles, it makes me ill.

Kate's response was pathological.

Blowing In The Wind said...

@ljohnson2006: We need less scripted fake reality shows and more real shows like @Kateplusmy8's. So glad @TLC didn't listen to the lies... They're back ������
Less scripted? Poor Lauren really does live in a fantasy world.


I just saw her tweet and thought the same thing. So if she believes that Kate's shows weren't scripted, then she must see what a royal biotch Kate was in the RV episode, and in other shows, where she berated Jon, and left the kids to lie in their own vomit on the fishing boat, ignored a constipated son in pain on the bunk bed show, and so forth, I guess Lauren condones all of that because hey, the show isn't scripted and that was the real Kate.

There is something wrong with the Lauren sheep, in addition to being a hypocrite who denounces bullying but is one of the biggest bullies out there. She's really scary.

Anonymous said...

Yes I played Authors, for hours, loved it !! and I loved reading, still do. Book stores and libraries overwhelm me, my kids know as soon as I walk in I have to find the nearest bathroom, too many books and not enough time to read them all. Did anyone read the "Betsy" books? And when we used to order those paperback books in school once a month I used my allowance and when those two or three books showed up on my doorstep, a package for ME !!, it was like Christmas, I still remember the smell of those new books, excites me more than Chanel #5, lol.


Anonymous said...

Tuckers Mom,
We still make the smelts on Christmas Eve, (7 fishes), I never ate them but the rest of my family loves them.
laura jean

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1h
'Twas the first day of school today but why no traditional 'front porch photo' w bookbags&lunch boxes? Bc Leah is home sick on 1st day! 😞

So does that mean we won't see the kids going off to school on their first day, or has that already been filmed? If TLC filmed it, it'll be interesting to see if Leah is included.

I just hope they're not filming Leah sick at home.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Thanks for the feedback on Roo. It is a clear plastic cone. I have moved some furniture to give her access to her favorite spots. She actually slept in her crate! Seems a bit more with it this morning and ate some kibble.
Now about the eye ointment. She shuts her eyes tight! Should I just put a drop on her closed eyes since it's for the lids?
How much do I love this blog?!

Tucker's Mom said...

I think the whole "scripted vs. non-scripted" thing is just a red herring.
If the sheep want to believe Kate's show to be somehow virtuous because there isn't a script, well, there's just no fixing stupid.

The show, as with most reality shows, are contrived and not a 'slice of life", because life isn't throwing carnivals and getting 6K vehicles and traveling vacations all over the world.
There's no part that's not carefully planned, period.
Plus, there's plenty of evidence that the kids are told what to say, because children don't spontaneously break out into a chorus of "On this episode of Jon and Kate plus 8"
They just don't.

Rhymes with Witch said...

The hard core Kate fans strike me as zealots.
They also remind me of the three monkeys: hear no evil, see no evil and OH - never mind.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 54
Thanks for the feedback on Roo. It is a clear plastic cone. I have moved some furniture to give her access to her favorite spots. She actually slept in her crate! Seems a bit more with it this morning and ate some kibble.
Now about the eye ointment. She shuts her eyes tight! Should I just put a drop on her closed eyes since it's for the lids?
How much do I love this blog?!
This is the time for "high value" treats!
When my puppies need meds or ointments or a deep brushing, I have the moist desirable treats to give them.
Bacon bits, cheese, hot dogs... whatever your dog absolutely loves, reward him with it so he associates food with this activity.
It's no fun for a dog to get meds and eye ointment, but a treat before and LOTS of treats after, with LOTS of praise, and they forget it happened sooner than you do!

Peanut butter is great, as are Pill Pockets.

I feel you pain getting your fingers chomped down on trying to get a pill down.

IME, eye ointments can and should include the eye so that blinking can work the meds around.
Be quick. Be decisive. Reward with the bestest food you can. Praise and move along smartly until the next dose.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#53), I always say they let the "scripted" cat out
of the bag once they started saying things like, "It was decided
that -----." Fill in the blank. Jon got hairplugs, they both got their
teeth whitened, they went to Memphis to, ahem, "donate" to
St. Jude's (what dying child wouldn't want a copy of TFW's
book), and on and on.

And you can't have it both ways. If you signed on the dotted line
and said it was A-okay to let some TV network run your life, and
the lives of your 8 kids (and, yes, Jon was guilty of this as well),
don't cry foul when the "edit" doesn't go your way. TFW's claim
that there is nothing negative at all about filming for her, or for
her children, is staggeringly ill-informed. Which kid will write the
first book?

Tucker's Mom said...

I find it suspect that Kate is making excuses for not taking the school photo because one kids is sick.
Why the sudden discretion?
Um, let me guess. Filming?

Anonymous said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1h
'Twas the first day of school today but why no traditional 'front porch photo' w bookbags&lunch boxes? Bc Leah is home sick on 1st day! ��
or maybe WOS slept in and the nanny forgot to snap a pic?
If the kid really is sick, then why not take the pic of the 7? she's so dumb.


Formerly Duped said...

laurajean: I read the Betsy books! I think my favorite was when they had snowbound guests and made homemade gifts for one another and the father was stuck somewhere in the snow.I always thought Star was an odd name for the little sister and the parents allowed Betsy to name her LOL

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I'm TFW's camera incapable of taking a picture
of only 7 children? If one is sick, don't the other 7 matter?

I'm actually tickled that they're off the hook for this year. No
plastic smiles for 6 Mommy's beloved Twitter fans. Maybe
this was the kids' plan, and L drew the short straw and had to
stay home and take one for the team!

Call Me Crazy said...

Tucker's Mom said... 41

Baseball cards on spokes was like the theme song to youth.

Beautifully put, TM! I think I may have to go put some cards on my bike spokes right now just to hear that sound again!

NJGal51 said...

My favorite recipe for giving the bully pills is as follows (and you can eat them too).

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup honey
2 cups powdered milk
Mix peanut butter, honey, and milk together to form very thick mixture. Roll out in small balls and refrigerate in an air tight container. You can stick the pill right in the center and they gobble them down. If you want them for yourself you can either eat them as is or roll them in nuts, powdered sugar or your favorite crushed cereal to give them a little crunch.

When I have to do the bully's eyes I always pry it open a little and kind of put the cream in the little open slit and then massage it around.

librarylady said...

I imagine they are filming the huge drama of back to school, or else she can't handle an imperfect photo for public consumption. A sick kid just makes everything all the more enticing to draw viewers into a summer back-to-school show during a winter holiday, no? ;-)

Formerly Duped said...

Maybe the back-to-school photos are TLC copyright? (filmed a couple of weeks ago or whenever)

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 60

I find it suspect that Kate is making excuses for not taking the school photo because one kids is sick.
Why the sudden discretion?
Um, let me guess. Filming?


Yeah, so no worries. The 1st-day-of-school group pic was already taken a couple of weeks ago for the not so special special. Scene 5, take 10 'Making School Memories".

When they look back on their youth those kids won't know what was a real day and what wasn't. Thanks alot MOM.

Snickdog said...

I have to poke my head in here to say this is WAY too funny--I was just reading a Donna Parker book this past weekend!! I had a few of them as a child and I've since bought the whole series on ebay. When I am stressed and just want to read something light and innocent, these are my go-to books! (I am such a dork I know!!) Donna and Ricky and the gang--I love how they always felt so worried about things all the time--things kids nowadays wouldn't give 2 thoughts an 8 year old, I remember bawling my eyes out while reading the book about Ricky's mother....Anyway, back to lurking for ladies (and you guys too) are amazing and I never fail to smile when I read here, so I thank you for this wonderful trip down memory lane....

Rhymes with Witch said...

I always say they let the "scripted" cat out
of the bag once they started saying things like, "It was decided that..... 59

Jodie's sister Julie.had a blog for a while (now deleted) where she stated that at the beginning of each SEASON TLC asked Kate and Jon what they wanted and they built story lines around Katie's wish list.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Laurajean, was one of the Betsy books "Betsey and Tacey Go Downtown" ?

Mel said...

She couldn't just say that one of the kids is sick??? She's just gotta identify the kid, invading their privacy yet again.

Anonymous said...

I honestly do not think TLC is filming the real back to school. Sure they filmed the summer vacay, and probably the shopping. Remember this will be shown during the December holidays. I really doubt they made a big effort to be at the Kompound this morning. And IF they are, I imagine Leah's sickbed privacy has been invaded for mom's $$. Sad situation no matter how it plays. OTOH it was fun to read your school memories on a TFW free day yesterday,

OrangeCrusher 1

localyocul said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 63
I'm TFW's camera incapable of taking a picture
of only 7 children? If one is sick, don't the other 7 matter?

I'm actually tickled that they're off the hook for this year. No
plastic smiles for 6 Mommy's beloved Twitter fans. Maybe
this was the kids' plan, and L drew the short straw and had to
stay home and take one for the team!


I'm sure she'll take it tomorrow!

Winsomeone said...

So Kate, who does it all alone, has a baby sitter at 6 in the morning, or else she left the girl tup home alone sick? They sure do get sick a lot..I think she feeds them left over food past it's still eatable date, and some of them get food poisoning now and then.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 67
Maybe the back-to-school photos are TLC copyright? (filmed a couple of weeks ago or whenever)
I don't think Kate's allowed to memorialize any of the filmed events and if she does, it's TLC's property.

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said...

Rhymes...71 - I read all of those Betsy-Tacey books, as I recall , they were set in Minnesota (my home state) & Wisconsin. Loved the whole series.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I remember bawling my eyes out while reading the book about Ricky's mother....69

Me too. Then Donna and Ricky competed for Outstanding Student......

Rhymes with Witch said...

I don't think Kate's allowed to memorialize any of the filmed events and if she does, it's TLC's property. 76

I remember reading that at least in the original contract the G parents weren't allowed to memorialize anything. Everything belonged to TLC. Talk about selling your soul. ~ Administrator said...

For the life of me I don't understand why one child being sick means the other seven miss out on a first day of school photo. They are individuals who deserve a school photo for the shoebox every year regardless what is going on with the rest of the "pack". It really does emphasize how she sees them as a pack and not individuals. If one is out they all are? Wtf.

localyocul said...

I have every single first day pic of my daughter since Kindergarten. They are all taken in the exact same spot too. If Leah wasn't too ill, I would have taken it with her in her jammies...that would have been a cute pic. If she is down and out, take the rest of the kids. But then she would only have seven, countem, seven in the picture.

localyocul said...

I wonder if Leah is really not in school.

Millicent said...

What he doesn't get is this. Even if it is completely innocent on his end, and I have every reason to believe it is, what about all the pedos out there?
Not to mention, it's an incredible invasion of his children's privacy. I didn't go look at his photography, but the idea of photography your young child in the nude or nearly nude and then sharing those photographs with one and all, bothers me tremendously. If I was the mother of those children, I would not allow it.

I would tell my husband to go find adult models who wish to pose nude and leave the kids alone.

Millicent said...

Katykat said:
At first the media specialist was hesitant to take them because the school did not have AR (Accelerated Reader) test to go w/ each book and the children are required to test after each book they read. (How sad, and what a way to kill the joy of reading,yes?).
I read a bedtime story to my son every night from when he was quite young - perhaps starting at 18 months. It was a nightly traditional that we both enjoyed, and I did that probably up until he was in the 4th grade. After that, he would read to himself sometimes in bed. But he does not like reading anymore.

Last night, he said that to me again "I hate reading!" I know my face looked sad, because I love reading. My family loves reading. I wondered to myself why my own son doesn't like reading at all. I told him "You used to like reading." He claims that he never liked it but that in grade school you could earn points for reading a book, and get a prize. That's why he would read. He then said that being forced to read made him eventually hate it. I'm so sad about this, but I hope in time he'll start enjoying reading again - maybe as an adult. ~ Administrator said...

Correct Millicent. A two year old is my old enough to consent to whether she would like her body exposed in such a manner to pedos and the world.

The guy is very smug. The backlash was intense and there was no reason for people to be rude to him, you can explain your opinion without name calling, but the backlash was justified. Most people are genuinely concerned about his kid and her exploitation. The fact that he is now making even more money off the backlash just proves the point. He makes it about saying there is something wrong with the photos themselves. That's not the point that most people were making. It's just very interesting that people are finally getting worked up about this.

Formerly Duped said...

Betsy & Tacy are a different series by Maud Lovelace; Betsy books by Caroline Hayward are another collection- she ages as you read them from K- Gr 6. Both are great!

I agree, Admin, about the photo. I am still going with the TLC fake back-to-school, though. poor Leah/poor seven. And yes, the kids are sick very often.So much for Super Mom.

NJGal51 said...

Here's a new creepy guy posting to TFW's timeline.

@ShrykeAbysmal: @Kateplusmy8 I'm a guy with a different take on love. I don't know how else to say it, but I need you and the kids. OnlyUKate. How 2 show U?

Millicent said...

Granny in Nebraska said... 16
When my kids had a day off of school, we hit the local thrift stores for books. I have a huge bookcase full of Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Bobsey Twins, Cherry Ames, Tom Swift, Donna Parker and many others that are not a series.
I don't remember most of these, but we definitely had many of the Nancy Drew books and a few of the Hardy Boys as well. I would read and re-read those Nancy Drew mysteries. What a pre-teen's dream - to be 19 years old, have a new convertible car provided by your handsome and generous father, an attractive boyfriend, and two best friends who had all the free time in the world to explore mysterious happenings.

Katykat said...

Millicent said... 84....

Yes, that is the AR program and the same thing happened to my son. With that program there's no going back to read a book you loved (because you can only take the test once), and reading for test taking places the book in a different mindset than reading for pleasure. It's very sad.The tests are ridiculous...very hard to get agood grade on a Dr. Suess book, and also, there are no tests for the magazines that boys Rick, National Geographic Kids, etc. You may also not go back "Down" a level. For example, my neighbor's kid had never read The Little House Series. Her teacher would not let her test on the book because the first book in the series is deemed to be at a 3rd grade level and she was reading at a 6th grade level. Oh, she could read it on her own time, but then she would not have gotten her required 60 points for the semester. Ridiculous.

Formerly Duped said...

Bobbsey Twins were recalled and edited for racism- they had African-American 'help." Sam and Dinah also had the way of speaking now considered very racist Also sexist sections were revised.I had no idea at the time and the African-American characters were a kind loving pair. It had to be done, but the new editions are SO different.

Millicent, I agree about Nancy Drew's lifestyle, WOW!

T said...

How to give your dog a pill

How to give eye drops or ointment

As for the "cone of shame", most cones also have loops near the collar portion of the cone. You can thread this with rolled gauze and then tie it in a bow, (not a knot) and this will help to keep it on. As the meds from the surgery wear off, she will also learn to navigate with it better. Good luck!

AuntieAnn said...

Millicent said... 88

I don't remember most of these, but we definitely had many of the Nancy Drew books and a few of the Hardy Boys as well. I would read and re-read those Nancy Drew mysteries.


I had a friend who was a doted upon only child whose parents apparently made her every wish come true. She had every Nancy Drew mystery from the first to the latest. Her entire bedroom wall was a massive bookcase filled with a variety of different volumes and sets of books. She'd loan me the Nancy Drew books to read but like a good little librarian would give me a time limit on the loan. I've long ago lost track of her whereabouts but I'll bet any money she IS a librarian or owns a bookstore somewhere on the planet.

Anyone have go-go boots? Talk about hip. I wore mine out.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Yes, that is the AR program 89

How awful to take something so intrinsically rewarding and make it arduous and painful (imo). Not everything needs to be regulated.

Thanks for the clarification re: Betsy v. Betsy and Tacey.
Anyone ever read "Gone Away Lake"?

Rhymes with Witch said...

I've given many dogs pills over the years. I've never had one clamp her jaws so tightly. A bit of pb on a spoon is working. Appreciate the eye ointment video and the tip about gauze.

Formerly Duped said...

Millicent, I had white go-go boots, fishnets and a chain belt. My aunt got my this get-up and my mother was horrified. I was in Gr 6- not to wear to school of course lol

Anonymous said...

Reality TV strikes again.


Dmasy said...

Millicent, Nancy had a beau and a coupe and she wore frocks! In time, the words were updated.

I love the "old" ones.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Tucker's Mom said... 41

Baseball cards on spokes was like the theme song to youth.


...and pom poms on roller skates and ice skates. Pink and black. We were so cool!

NJGal51 said...

I had go-go boots, fishnets, love beads, neruh jackets, bell bottoms, mini-skirts, tie-dye and gauzy free-flowing tops and considered myselef to be quite the hippie! I had the exact same necklace that Davey Jones wears in Daydream Believer. The Monkees had a store in NY called Zilch and I got it there.

AuntieAnn said...

I still think Nehru collars are classy-looking.

I kept an old purple velvet long-sleeved hippie-dippy highly embroidered shirt from the late 60's. It is now 'vintage'. Sigh.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Lyndsay DeKeyser ‏@ldekeys 3h
@Kateplusmy8 How long do the frozen baked goods keep for?

And as expected, we have the frozen cookie question. I'm waiting for the "Do you eat them frozen, or wait until they are defrosted?" tweet!

Silly, silly sheep!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I can't help but wonder if the sick child was one of the boys, if he
would've just been told to "man up" and go to school anyway.

getofftwitter said...

So, is this ROL story of Jon wanting to take Kate back to court, because of custody, Kate has been canceling Jon visits( probably cause of filming), is this real or memorex. A plant by Kates lackey/PR/camp or is this a Jon plant story by his lawyers/PR/ Etc?

Ah, one wonders?

AS for no pic of kids first day, GOOD! Her lackey fans can go look at last years pic. The kids look pretty much the same.

They must be filming on weekends too, cause according to the ROL article, Kate has been canceling all of Jon visitations. I hope he drags her sorry ass excuse for a parent, into court on visitation violation. But knowing how the judges there in PA have been with Jon, violating his rights to see his kids, and siding with Kate, I don't think he will make any headway with the court system there.

chefsummer #Leh said...

NJGal51 said... 87
Here's a new creepy guy posting to TFW's timeline.

@ShrykeAbysmal: @Kateplusmy8 I'm a guy with a different take on love. I don't know how else to say it, but I need you and the kids. OnlyUKate. How 2 show U?

Ugh,,,,super creepy.

localyocul said...

He needs to sue her for contempt if she is cancelling his weekends. How can she do that? He needs to put his foot down, show up wherever they usually exchange kids, and document it and take her to court.

FYI said...

So, is this ROL story of Jon wanting to take Kate back to court, because of custody, Kate has been canceling Jon visits( probably cause of filming), is this real or Memorex

The whole ROL article which seems based on a Life&Style article, seems just like a lather, rinse and repeat of articles that came out after the twins were on Today, and Jon's article with InTouch after the first special was announced.

I guess Amber can't find out any more dirt on anything Gosselin, is and just recycling old news by "piecing and patching" it together to make a new article. None of the info in the latest ROL article is new.

She must have a monthly quota of Gosselin articles, and hasn't found anything else to write about. Of course, there's always Robert's book, but perhaps she was told to not write any more stories about that.

I also noticed that whenever anyone tweets a sighting of Jon or Kate, Amber tweets them to email her so that they can "chat". One of them she tweeted to thought she was "spam". The only one who took the bait recently was the one whose restaurant Steve, Kate and the kids dined in.

PA Dutch Mom said...

But knowing how the judges there in PA have been with Jon, violating his rights to see his kids, and siding with Kate, I don't think he will make any headway with the court system there.


If the judges "sided" with Kate, it most likely was because the kids were under contract to film, which is why Jon got nowhere when he didn't want her to take them out of the country. We don't know how many times Jon has been in court, how the ruling went, or anything else regarding custody, and to say that the judges ignore Jon's requests to see his kids, isn't a valid assumption. It's been my experience that PA judges are fair and impartial, and more often than not, the same judge is assigned to the case. You just can't keep dragging the other parent into court on a regular basis. Judges get sick and tired of that, plus it costs money. He can ask for modification in the agreement, but the problem is that it takes money to fight Kate. She has him by the proverbial balls and she knows it.

"I can't help but wonder if the sick child was one of the boys, if he
would've just been told to "man up" and go to school anyway."


Then when the child gets really sick at school, has a temperature or vomits, Kate gets the call to come and pick him up. I can't see her fitting that into her busy schedule.

"I kept an old purple velvet long-sleeved hippie-dippy highly embroidered shirt from the late 60's. It is now 'vintage'. Sigh."


Auntie Ann -- did you keep the love beads, too, along with the lace-up-to-the-knees "come to Jesus" sandals, and the lava lamp?

Over And Out said...

Gladys honestly does think she's a member of the Gosselin family. She's assuming Kate's in bed, and she tweets "Our" Leah. Hide the bunny!

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 @SandieBellz Me thinks she has already gone 2bed. U know how she does a practice run > early 2bed/early2rise...:)

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 So is our "I like 2make funny faces" Leah feeling better?

You know, if I were Kate, I would be totally creeped out, but it doesn't seem to bother her.

FYI said...

Sometimes I think Milo really believes that she is a part of the Gosselin family.

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 6h
@Kateplusmy8 Oh Momma Mia...we can't have a sick Leah! Well, at least she gets Mom's TLC all day long! #TummyTuckinTime til she's better!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 So is our "I like 2make funny faces" Leah feeling better?

We? Our? Milo, they're not part of your family, even though you may wish it were true.

Tucker's Mom said...

getofftwitter said... 103
So, is this ROL story of Jon wanting to take Kate back to court, because of custody, Kate has been canceling Jon visits( probably cause of filming), is this real or memorex. A plant by Kates lackey/PR/camp or is this a Jon plant story by his lawyers/PR/ Etc?
Is it real or is it Memorex?
Now there's an oldie but goodie!

Lather, rinse, repeat.

But... I'm not surprised that something is leaking from Jon's camp given that Kate has cranked the cameras back up again.
When Kate had her series without Jon, the filming schedule was insane.

Anonymous said...

Tweet of the Day:

xxxxxxxxx ‏@xxxxxxxx 17m
Kate Gosselin is literally one of the most rude people on the planet. Watching her on Wife Swap makes me want to punch her in the face



chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 So is our "I like 2make funny faces" Leah feeling better?

Milo for the last time none of the G8 belong to you.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Anonymous said... 112
Tweet of the Day:

xxxxxxxxx ‏@xxxxxxxx 17m
Kate Gosselin is literally one of the most rude people on the planet. Watching her on Wife Swap makes me want to punch her in the face


I thought I was the only one.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gotta laugh at Gladys' fantasy of "Mom's TLC" - is that what she
called it when TFW placed her feverish son on the laundry room
floor so he wouldn't throw up on her precious comforter?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Ratchet Ray ‏@RatchetRay92 1h
@ashleigharndt and I about to go to Pennsylvania to visit Kate Gosselin.

Uh, oh. Does Kate know about this? :)

Localyocul said...

Milo is delusional. I have never EVER seen TFW be tender OR LIVING With any of her kids healthy or sick

Blowing In The Wind said...

We? Our? Milo, they're not part of your family, even though you may wish it were true.


Sometimes I wonder that if Milo really does have a family, they don't give her the time of day, and she's adopted Kate and her kids and really does believe that she's part of their lives (even though she's never met them). Milo might be a very lonely person with no friends and no family who bother with her, and Kate's family is as close as she's going to get to having a "real" family, even though she's delusional about it and lives in a fantasy world. It's kind of pathetic, when you think about it. On Twitter, she *is* somebody and even though she knows that she's a joke, she doesn't care because it's getting her the attention that she doesn't get at home.

Then again, she could just be an annoying and obnoxious fan with a serious girl crush on a fading has-been reality star.

GinH said...

The reason her specials get so many viewers is the same reason people love to see a train wreck. Those of us who don't like her tune in to see her outrageous behavior and narcissistic behavior on display. I admit I've tuned in for that reason but I see the result and have decided never again will I add to the viewership tally. That's the only way to get her off TV.

The Empress is a Clown said...

Re #112 and #114:

In humbleness, I don't think it serves us (anyone) well, when any among us suggests --even in jest--that they wish to inflict harm on another person. Same goes for laughing about/reposting like-minded tweets.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Rachel ‏@jasmineranelle 1h
@Kateplusmy8 how is leah? What she got?

What she got? She and the other kids got the short end of the stick when it comes to a mother who sees her and her siblings as money makers. "She got" the heck filmed out of her on their family vacation, and "she got" to work, along with her brothers and sisters, to support the family. That's what "she got." Fun, huh?

Localyocul said...

Oops living = loving

A Mom said...

Radar online says "Jon would love to have kids" Wonder if kids tell Daddy we don't want t be on TV. Seems like custody comes forward when Kate gets kids on TV.

Bitchy Pants said...

I'm a few days behind on reading posts, so I'm reading from the bottom up. Really enjoying the bookish memories. I loved all the mystery series y'all have mentioned, and a few that haven't been so far. Vickie Barr, Ginny Gordon, Polly French, Honeybunch and Norman. Loved the Ginny and Geneva books. Trixie Belden was my favorite, along with Cherry Ames. Really enjoyed the Sue Barton books and the Noel Streatfield "Shoes" books ("Ballet Shoes", "Theater Shoes", etc.). Any of you ladies read the Live Doll books by Josephine Scribner Gates? I too am happy that some of the Trixie Belden books are now available for Kindle. Not enough of them, though. Only about 10 (out of 39).

On another, and very sad note -- Reality TV strikes again, part deux: The "star" of Discovery's "Sons of Guns" has been arrested and charged with aggravated rape and child molestation. Apparently the rape was of a child. Wonder of wonders, Discovery has done the right thing and cancelled the show. I went back to try to find a link to the article I read, and couldn't find it again. I'm sure it'll pop up if you Google it. Sorry, my tech skills are sorely lacking.

School memories -- I remember having a 3rd grade teacher who was horrified that I wrote with my left hand. She started smacking me every time she caught me doing it and forcibly putting the pencil in my right hand. Finally she started tying my left hand behind my back. I never told my folks because my dad's rule was that if I got in trouble in school I was in worse trouble at home. At 8 I didn't have the wisdom to know I was being punished for something I shouldn't be punished for. When my parents found out they had a fit and complained to the school board and the school principal, but it was too late. My handwriting is appallingly bad because of that. I also remember playing jacks at recess, playing a game called "7-Up" that involved throwing a ball against the wall and performing various maneuvers (like clapping your hands 7 times) before catching it. Clapping erasers, washing blackboards, finally being old enough to "change rooms" for various classes.

Over And Out said...

running mummy ‏@mumlvs2run 11m
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Yay for Leah! Pics please! 😀

Tweeties have been asking for pictures. Is it just me, or does anyone else think it's really creepy to ask to see photos of another woman's children? Why would someone be interested? They've seen them on the special, and Kate posts photos of them on Twitter. Do they want a daily diet of Gosselin family photos?

I'm surprised that Gladys hasn't been pestering Kate for pictures of her rockin that great bikini body physique.

Wilma said...

Does anyone remember a book where the girl wins a contest from a pet store and gets a new exotic pet each month (I remember a horned toad)? ~ Administrator said...

Tweeties have been asking for pictures. Is it just me, or does anyone else think it's really creepy to ask to see photos of another woman's children?


Yes I think most of us have always felt that way.

I think it's creepy to post a bunch of pics of your kid, clothed or unclothed, to the public at large, and I think it's creepy for the public to be interested in said photos of your children. I have to say in fairness for all the whining the sheeple do Kate rarely posts pics of these kids. Although I suspect that's more out of laziness than Kate actually thinking their demands are inappropriate.

The problem is people feel they know these children and seem to indicate they feel some kind of ownership interest in the child, like an aunt or grandparent would act. They feel that they have a right to be involved in their lives like a grandparent would. However they are strangers. It's completely inappropriate, and no thought is ever given to the children and how that kind of relationship with the fans/strangers could be confusing and dysfunctional for them. It's not good for a child to feel like a bunch of strangers worship them. It's not normal and might give them big heads and egos or feel like they are special.

Bitchy Pants said...

Rhymes 155 -- I had the opposite experience from you. I am Catholic and attended a Lutheran university. I was told I am going to hell because I am Catholic!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Another note about "Mom's TLC" - remember the hair plugs episode?
TFW left her 8 kids (most of whom were sick) with her sister-in-law, whose 4 kids were also sick. Jon was getting the procedure in LA --
TFW could've just as easily stayed home. It's not like she had the
airfare to worry about -- it was all on TLC's dime. But she wouldn't
dare miss out on the opportunity to be in LA and away from her kids.

AuntieAnn said...

Localyocul said... 117

Milo is delusional. I have never EVER seen TFW be tender OR LOVING With any of her kids healthy or sick.


I can't recall a time when she showed it when they were well, either. But boy, when she's tired or not feeling well she's made the kids pamper her ever since they were toddlers. She had them rubbing her feet and fussing over her like she was Cleopatra sitting there in her big comfy armchair all covered up with her bankie. And now it's massages.

AuntieAnn said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 108

Auntie Ann -- did you keep the love beads, too, along with the lace-up-to-the-knees "come to Jesus" sandals, and the lava lamp?


local- I didn't have the laced-up-to-the-knees Jesus sandals just the ankle high ones lol. They are long gone along with the love beads but I did keep my lava lamp until it froze in storage a few years ago and broke. I'd buy another but it just wouldn't be the same :(

Sleepless In Seattle said...

the Noel Streatfield "Shoes" books ("Ballet Shoes", "Theater Shoes", etc.).


As Kathleen Kelly said in "You've Got Mail:"

"Noel Streatfeild wrote Ballet Shoes and Skating Shoes and Theatre Shoes and Dancing Shoes. I’d start with Ballet Shoes first; it’s my favorite. Although Skating Shoes is completely wonderful—but it’s out of print."

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 5m
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Will u be taking a photo on the porch tomorrow morning?

Geez, people, get a grip. You can live without a photo of the Gosselin kids on the porch. Really, you can. Take pics of your own kids (or in this one's case, pictures of her American Girl dolls).

AuntieAnn said...

Sorry, I meant PA Dutch Mom.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tweeties have been asking for pictures. Is it just me, or does anyone else think it's really creepy to ask to see photos of another woman's children?


This is all Kate fault she tweets and post photos of the kids so her fans can see and praise her.

Kate needs to let the kids have some form of privacy. I mean she going to exploit them at least stop showing their photo of twitter.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

She had them rubbing her feet and fussing over her like she was Cleopatra sitting there in her big comfy armchair all covered up with her bankie.


lol, Auntie! Which bankie would that be? The teller at her local Wells Fargo, or her financial adviser?

Bitchy Pants said...

Sleepless -- It's been so long since I watched "You've Got Mail" that I'd completely forgotten that quote. I agree that "Ballet Shoes" is my favorite, but my next favorite is "Theatre Shoes". Actually, I really liked all of them. It was fun how some of the characters kept popping up briefly in other books -- like Posey in "Dancing Shoes" and Pauline in "Movie Shoes". Wish they'd become available for Kindle. Only 3 Streatfeild books are currently available in e-format. Oddly enough, "Ballet Shoes" is available in Spanish, but not in English!

chefsummer #Leh said...

She had them rubbing her feet and fussing over her like she was Cleopatra sitting there in her big comfy armchair all covered up with her bankie.

I just hope it not the red cross blanket.

FYI said...

Lori Cornejo ‏@sammysgmom · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack I am missing the traditional school pic..
Hope to see soon..also, happy for more Kate Plus 8 in December!

As far as I recall, in the last 3 years(after TLC stopped filming), Kate has posted only ONE picture of the kids first day of school, and that one she posted LAST YEAR on her website. So how is this person missing the "traditional" school picture, when Kate's only posted one.

Of course, she posted one last year because she had just filed her lawsuit against Jon and Robert two days before, and she needed to show what a happy, happy family they all were to deflect from all the negativity she was getting.

The kids were just shown on TV 2 months ago, do these people think the kids have changed that much? Do these people save the pictures and put them in a special photo album?

Oh wait-Milo probably does, and she's titled it "OUR" kids.

Serendipity said...

Is Kate still calling BV her "hero," or is she distancing herself from him, keeping quiet, and saying "BV who" like she did with Blankenship?

FYI said...

Interesting convo on Amber Ryland's timeline. Of course, a sheeple starts it with claiming that Jon sold the latest article to ROL:

HailQueenKate ‏@Fly_On_TheWall · 3h
Wonder how much money Jon made for selling that story to ROL. At least he'll have some money to blow this holiday weekend.Drinks on Jon!

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 · 3h
@Fly_On_TheWall Another typical story to make $$$ for @AmberGoodhand as well. ROL is nothing but trash.

Amber Ryland ‏@AmberGoodhand · 3h
@CarleneMarie_1 @Fly_On_TheWall Typical! More readers not actually reading the story. If you did, you'd see it's not ROL's story.

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 · 3h
@AmberGoodhand @Fly_On_TheWall But you didn't hesitate to post it...with your byline.

HailQueenKate ‏@Fly_On_TheWall · 4h
@AmberGoodhand @CarleneMarie_1 I do apologize Amber.

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 · 4h
@AmberGoodhand @Fly_On_TheWall So noted! I apologize as well.

Amber Ryland ‏@AmberGoodhand · 3h
@Fly_On_TheWall @CarleneMarie_1 No worries...but it should be noted we don't pay Kate or Jon!

Serendipity said...

Oh wait-Milo probably does, and she's titled it "OUR" kids.

Is there a photoshopped picture of her and Kate on the cover, in the shape of a heart, encircled by a photo of each child? ~ Administrator said...

Amber Ryland @AmberGoodhand · 3h
@Fly_On_TheWall @CarleneMarie_1 No worries...but it should be noted we don't pay Kate or Jon!


Glad they are setting the record straight on that one. I never thought they did. They do however probably pay people close to the situation like Deanna. Even if Kate and/or Jon had no moral objection to selling stories, I think they both know it's far to risky to do so and not get caught eventually. That's sort of a no brainer for everybody but the poor sheeple.

NJGal51 said...

All this talk about our childhoods has gotten me quite nostalgic so I decided to go retro for dinner. We had pork chops and rather than broil or pan fry can you guess how I cooked them? That's right, Shake 'N Bake! And they were surprisingly good and moist. I think I'll use it again.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

That's right, Shake 'N Bake! And they were surprisingly good and moist. I think I'll use it again.


It's not fried -- it's Shake 'n Bake and I helped!

Kylie said...

To Rhymes with Witch -- Our Vet told us to crush the pills and mix it with a little baby food. Our dog absolutely loves it and looks forward to pill time now.

Somewhere In Time said...

HailQueenKate ‏@Fly_On_TheWall · 3h
Wonder how much money Jon made for selling that story to ROL. At least he'll have some money to blow this holiday weekend.Drinks on Jon!

Here's the thing. These sheeple, rather than do any kind of fact-checking, or e-mailing Amber about payment policies at ROL, just spew forth with these sarcastic remarks. ~ Administrator said...

To Rhymes with Witch -- Our Vet told us to crush the pills and mix it with a little baby food. Our dog absolutely loves it and looks forward to pill time now.


Yes Kylie I got the same advice!

I got some meat flavored baby food, I think it was even beef flavored. Crushed up the deworming pills, put it in the baby food and little man lapped it right up. It was so cute. ~ Administrator said...

Here's the thing. These sheeple, rather than do any kind of fact-checking, or e-mailing Amber about payment policies at ROL, just spew forth with these sarcastic remarks.


The problem is he's been pretty quiet lately when Kate is talking every day. It gets harder and harder to rag on somebody when they've been silent for months. Frankly, Kate makes it easy because except when she's exploiting the kids or off somewhere getting her narcissistic supply, there's always something new and sharkalish from her on twitter. Jon closed his twitter account years ago, effectively cutting them off at the knees. It was a good move. Jon simply isn't providing the same material. So they have to make things up, like the tired old "Jon sells stories." Even if they have absolutely no evidence or even an inclination of it, it's all they got.

swimgirl said...

Found the following tweet.

HailQueenKate ‏@Fly_On_TheWall Aug 25
Kate is called a whore for dating a few men but when it's Jon, he's just playing the field. #HatersHateWomen

When did TFW ever date 'a few men'? When was she called a whore? The sheeple just like to make things up as they go along. Or is this one admitting that TFW is dating Purse Boy? ~ Administrator said...

HailQueenKate @Fly_On_TheWall Aug 25
Kate is called a whore for dating a few men but when it's Jon, he's just playing the field. #HatersHateWomen

When did TFW ever date 'a few men'? When was she called a whore? The sheeple just like to make things up as they go along. Or is this one admitting that TFW is dating Purse Boy?


Whore?? If she's with Steve we said she's a home wrecker. If this is just all in her head, we said she's a cold fish, possibly asexual.

Nobody said she's a whore. She hasn't dated anyone that we know of, other than possibly Steve. Whore doesn't exactly fit.

Millicent said...

Tweeties have been asking for pictures. Is it just me, or does anyone else think it's really creepy to ask to see photos of another woman's children?
It's definitely not normal. One of my best friends is a very proud grandma - she has 4 darling grandchildren. I do not recall ever asking her to please post a new picture of any of her grandchildren. She does post them on FB from time to time, and I comment --- but it never crosses my mind to beg for a new picture.

Milo is not normal, which is probably why she adores TFW. Strange, abnormal kindred spirits.

Millicent said...

Kate Gosselin is literally one of the most rude people on the planet. Watching her on Wife Swap makes me want to punch her in the face
I do despise TFW, but I don't want to cause her physical harm. I really just want to magically cause her to give Jon sole custody, stop filming the kids, and fade off into obscurity. Go make Steve Nield's life miserable, or sit on her leather couch with that bird and a box of wine. Whatever - I don't really care about her. I would just like to see those kids free of her noxious presence. ~ Administrator said...

It's definitely not normal. One of my best friends is a very proud grandma - she has 4 darling grandchildren. I do not recall ever asking her to please post a new picture of any of her grandchildren. She does post them on FB from time to time, and I comment --- but it never crosses my mind to beg for a new picture.


Well cause you're normal. Most people have kids in their own lives that need all their efforts. Kids of their own, grandkids, nieces and nephews, a child you are mentoring, etc.

I think in general people don't care about other people's random kids. At least not in the sense that they are interested in seeing a bunch of update photos and hear what they are doing day to day.

In fact that's a huge complaint a lot of people have about Facebook or the mommy bloggers is that there is a lot of scrolling to do through boring kid pictures and that people seem to think this is interesting to anybody but the grandparents. I'm sure you're very happy and supportive of your friend being a grandma but why would you get personally invested in the kids themselves? Especially when I know you have your own son. It's just not normal and in my opinion it can be inappropriate to take an unhealthy interest in random children. Like the Robin Williams movie One Hour Photo, may he rest in peace. But it's one of the best looks at how creepy and inappropriate it is to start crossing the line by investing in another family's children and life. ~ Administrator said...

Watching her on Wife Swap makes me want to punch her in the face
I do despise TFW, but I don't want to cause her physical harm.


I don't know what that person meant but "i just want to punch them in the face" is an expression and usually doesn't mean you literally want to do that. It was a really popular thing to say when I was in college in PA. Any time kids were mad they would say I just want to punch so and so in the face--sarcastically. It was kind of funny picturing it especially when some puny little girl would say it.

Rainbirdie said...

Formerly Duped said... 42
Anyone read Ginnie and Geneva books? I got them all on amazon a few years ago.
Loooved the Ginnie & Geneva stories. Always planned to name my future daughter Geneva..(had no daughters tho, darn!)

Since we are trippin' down memory lane....In junior high, Hubba Bubba and 'Now & Laters' were used as currency. The watermelon flavor was highly prized & my brother made a small fortune selling them on the playground blackmarket. And I will never forget, in senior year of highschool, when a classmate got the newest rage - a Walkman! She would pop in her Styx cassette & we would all beg for a listen!

And back to the regularly scheduled program: Kate still needs to get a job & stop filming the kids.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I don't know what that person meant but "i just want to punch them in the face" is an expression and usually doesn't mean you literally want to do that. It was a really popular thing to say when I was in college in PA. Any time kids were mad they would say I just want to punch so and so in the face--sarcastically. It was kind of funny picturing it especially when some puny little girl would say it.


I agree. We used to say, "I just want to slap him/her silly." It was an expression. I don't know either what the person who tweeted that meant, but I hope she didn't mean it literally.

Ingrid said...

"She hasn't dated anyone that we know of, other than possibly Steve."
She said on a talk show of some sort a few years ago that she has had only half a date. I always wondered if the half date is because the guy excused himself togo to the bathroom and took off running!

Jeanne said...

I don't know that people are saying Kate is a whore. I do think Steve is being paid for his time even if his time is spent with Kate doing "relationship" things. So I think there are names for him. I'm not clear where Jon got a pass for his dating. It certainly didn't help his reputation. I assume this person is trying to start trouble. When in doubt, say something that might start people talking. Her sheeple are deathly afraid that Kate is considered boring by much of America. ~ Administrator said...

She said on a talk show of some sort a few years ago that she has had only half a date. I always wondered if the half date is because the guy excused himself togo to the bathroom and took off running!


Maybe those with half a brain only have half a dates.

Or maybe her date's "BFF" called and was in a terrible car accident and sorry he has to leave right now. ~ Administrator said...

Exactly Sleepless I think that was the more hip and modern version of "I just want to slap you silly!"

My roomie said it all the time. She was from Jersey and she was so funny. I miss her!

FYI said...

I've enjoyed reading all the school memories. I was in Catholic parochial school in grades 1-8. As I remember, most of the nuns were nice and kind, but there were some that could be very very strict, and yes, one of two depended on the good old ruler to discipline.

When I was in 7th grade we even had a big scandal. The 7th and 8th graders went on a field trip to see The Passion Play in NJ. During the play two of the 8th graders were "necking" in the back row, out of sight of our nun chaperones. Some of us knew who the couple were.

Word of the incident spread fast and was the main topic of conversation(of course, in whispers) on the bus ride home.

Some of the nuns heard about it, and the next day at school all the students that went to the play were sent down to the principal's office to undergo a major interrogation.

None of us snitched, and as far as we knew, the couple was never found out. However, my friends and I were certain that we were going to hell for lying to a nun. The next day, a Saturday, the first thing we did was go to confession.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I don't know what that person meant but "i just want to punch them in the face" is an expression

It is an expression

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack Aug 25
@Kateplusmy8 Oh let's not 4get...#FlashBackToTheEmmys 2010....YOU were the #Buzz of the nite! >> … What an honor! :)

And look at her now 4yrs later what has she accomplished???? cricketssss

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Maybe those with half a brain only have half a dates.

Which half of him did she have?

FYI said...

I don't remember who mentioned the story about the Sons of Gun star being arrested, and the show being cancelled, but here is a link to the story:

The article describes Laurie Goldberg's reaction:

"Discovery Channel spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg said in an emailed statement Wednesday that production of the show was halted and the series canceled due to "the serious and horrific nature of the charges" against Hayden."

When Blankenship was arrested did anyone at TLC make a statement like that about him, or were they just like Kate and swept it under the rug?

" ~ Administrator said...

"Discovery Channel spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg said in an emailed statement Wednesday that production of the show was halted and the series canceled due to "the serious and horrific nature of the charges" against Hayden."

When Blankenship was arrested did anyone at TLC make a statement like that about him, or were they just like Kate and swept it under the rug?


They said something canned like they are shocked and they condemn it then they quickly launched into a cover their ass statement assuring everybody that he never had access to any of their talent.

Well perhaps not in PERSON. He only had access to hundreds of hours of B roll footage including a streaming camera that ran in their bedrooms. Geez, direct access is not always the point of child pornography. Many kiddo porn folks never meet the child at all!

I think times have changed in only the couple years since that happened. Since Blankinship, there have been some pretty high profile big child sex abuse cases. Attitudes have changed and developed into a much more "no tolerance" policy, and I am not at all surprised that the quickest and easiest way out networks see is to shut everything down, pull the show and ask questions later.

Can you imagine if TLC just shut down Kate Plus 8 once they heard of Blankinship? I bet if this happened in 2014 that would be a real possibility. ~ Administrator said...

Another question about the sheeple is why are we bringing up Jon's couple months of dating before he settled into a long term relationship? How long has he been with Liz now? It looks desperate.

Susie Cincinnati said...

admin said, "Even if they have absolutely no evidence or even an inclination of it, it's all they got."

And all they succeed in doing is shooting themselves in the foot, especially in this situation when Amber confirmed that neither Jon nor Kate is paid. It just makes them look desperate and silly, but they keep on doing it. You'd think that they'd learn by now. ~ Administrator said...

And all they succeed in doing is shooting themselves in the foot, especially in this situation when Amber confirmed that neither Jon nor Kate is paid. It just makes them look desperate and silly, but they keep on doing it. You'd think that they'd learn by now.


You would definitely think they would have learned to stop messing with Amber. Every time they spout off some nonsense about something Amber knows about, Amber jumps right in and says nope that's wrong all wrong sorry you fools.

I mean if you aren't 100% sure what you are talking about when you're speaking to the reporter herself who knows exactly where the story came from and other details they may not be privy too, it's best to just stay quiet. She's making them look like idiots and seems happy to do it. I like her spunk.

redbirdsings said...

Rainbirdie said...170

Milo is a good pointer outer! lol Reminding her that she was at the Emmys 4 years ago. Wonder when Shmoopy she reads tweets like this does she slap her botoxed forehead in frustration?

It should of read like this:

Kate YOU were the #BuzzKill of the nite! >> What an honor! #Emmys2010

The Empress is a Clown said...

I get that it's an expression, and I gather that no one here meant it literally.

But some might.

Laughing among your friends is one thing, but it's simply impossible to gauge a stranger's true intentions--especially online, where the lines of civility are so often crossed. And as crazy as things are today, I think we have to guard ourselves (and our words) against the possibilities.

But hey, I'm just one person, who's perhaps more flinch-y about this than most.

Thanks for allowing me to add another two cents to this conversation. I appreciate that we all have a voice here, and that we're given the opportunity to express our unique points of view.

njay said...

She hasn't dated anyone that we know of, other than possibly Steve.
She started DM-ing Iwanainspireu, or what ever his twitter name was. I will try to find the conversation he had on twitter with, I think, with emeraldcityjazz. He was really hurt at Kate for dumping him. He was confused. He mentioned that maybe Steve didn't think much of him when he went to meet Kate. He had many convo's with Kate and she dropped him like a hot potato and gave no explanation.

I haven't found it yet. I posted it here quite a few months ago. Does anyone remember checking it out when I posted it? If so, can you help me with about how long ago I posted it. That would help me in looking for it. It was quite sad. I think I remember. He came back to twitter to congratulate Kate on her special. He also was saying that the fans were treating him bad also and he couldn't understand why.

JoyinVirginia said...

Here is another update on old story relating to Marty Singer, not involving TFMJG.
Remember back in April, a man named Michael Egan filled suit in Hawaii against four Hollywood producer/directors accusing them of abuse when he was a minor? And Marty Singer was defending Bryan Singer (no relation). the rest of the story: Egan's attorney withdrew from the case, dropped him essentially, and a judge in Hawaii allowed Egan to withdraw the case ”without prejudice” that means he could refile it. Egan can't find another attorney to represent him. Marty Singer wanted the case dismissed WITH prejudice so it couldn't be refiled, and he wanted damages for his client Bryan Singer, but judge said no.
I would be very interested in discussion about this, legal things involved, that is always fascinating.
The lawsuit was launched with news conferences from the attorney complete with tearful statements from Egan and his mother. Where are the news conferences now? Just interesting. It certainly seems like a malicious groundless suit from the little I have read. I would love to hear more about it.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 168
Another question about the sheeple is why are we bringing up Jon's couple months of dating before he settled into a long term relationship? How long has he been with Liz now? It looks desperate.

Because they-(sheep) need to find away to make their queen look less like and a-hole.

It's like when a kid gets into trouble and the parents is like "I'm so upset with you for doing this horrible thing" & the guilty kid is like-"But my sister did this so I'm not so bad"

FYI said...

njay said... 174

She started DM-ing Iwanainspireu, or what ever his twitter name was. I will try to find the conversation he had on twitter with, I think, with emeraldcityjazz.

That convo was on 5/29 of last year. Here's the tweettunnell link. Just scroll down the page until you get to that date. You can't see ECJ's side of the convo because the account she was using then has since been suspended.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Empress (#173), I certainly respect your opinion about being mindful
of the words we use. I tend to agree with what some others have
said - I think the punching comment was more like, "I'd like to smack
that smug smile right off his face!" - the kind of thing you'd never
actually do in real life, even if given the opportunity. But I myself
have written things here and re-read them before pressing "publish"
and thought, you know what, I don't want to use those words. So
your comment was a good reminder for me.

So my fictional account of TFW's half-date -- he excused himself to
go to the restroom, called Gladys' neighbors to come pick him up,
and joined their leaving-in-the-middle-of-the-night convoy. TFW
was left with the restaurant tab, and told them to charge it to her
hair guy Jason (who knows how to help her), and drove away with
her headlights off.

Formerly Duped said...

Hurray for Ginny and Geneva. Funny, I named my daughter something close to Geneva!

The Shoes books were mentioned by the Meg Ryan character in You've Got Mail, to my delight! Loved those.

And re: comment son religion. I was called Gentile Germs by the Jewish kids and Heathen by the Catholics! Any majority group will insult and ostracize. Unfortunate nature of kids.

localyocul said...

swimgirl said... 150
Found the following tweet.

HailQueenKate ‏@Fly_On_TheWall Aug 25
Kate is called a whore for dating a few men but when it's Jon, he's just playing the field. #HatersHateWomen


That fly one is a strange one. She is not very bright but just sits and picks passive aggressively at the nonfans and Jon. First, like you said, when has she dated. If she was called a whore, it's not from dating it's from appearing to be with a married man, and dressing like a street-walker.

localyocul said...

Punch in the face is just an expression the youngsters use. There was a facebook thing going around where you named the celebrity you would most like to punch in the face. It's just a saying

Kelly said...

Here I am yet again a day late and dollar short. Good Lord I cannot believe IT'S coming back to TLC. Then again, I can. I had an "agricultural pesticide" incident so didn't read after I commented on the last post. Hopefully today I'll catch up. Oh and Rucifer decided to make a run for it (as in ears fully back running) and managed to escape to the neighbors house when he saw a toddler that he wanted to "play" with. I had to grab him from behind and waddle with him 300 feet back to my own yard. It was like carrying a fifty pound wiggling baby seal in a marathon. I hope my ortho doc doesn't read here ;)

White Organza, well there went my nice clean screen with your description of your son's drawings. OMG! Will you share him? I have a daughter like him, though not a double wicked (I wish). I went in for her first grade teacher conference and she told me that she'd (teacher) made some sarcastic remarks, inadvertently, whilst writing on the whiteboard. When she turned around only my kid was laughing. Her teacher liked that ;)

NJGal, Why is Spiky donning the cone of shame? Oh and I blame you for my Breaking Bad binge. I sat on my bed and fixated on the t.v. for nearly two days straight. My husband would come in to make sure I hadn't died and become the dog's snack. What an amazing show. I think it's the best I've ever seen.

I have fond memories of the scholastic catalog. I too would allow my kids to order nearly anything from it that they wanted. My daughter is nearly as voracious a reader as I am today.

The lack of importance of cursive handwriting these days really bugs me as well. I've heard that my school district is debating whether to teach it or not starting in 2016. For me, the issue is the lack of individuality. I have distinctive handwriting that I'm really proud of. I like being able to glance at a piece of paper and tell which member of my tribe or coworker wrote it.

I'm going to return to the previous entry and try to catch up. I love hearing the catholic school stories. I was always jealous that we weren't catholic. I was a weird kid ;)

Rainbirdie said...

I sometimes say "I wanted to kick him/her in the shin"....I guess that's the old school version of the punch in the face comment.

Dmasy said...

I am combining the Montessori conversation with the cursive writing conversation.

Montessori thought is that cursive writing promotes "thinking ahead/forward thoughts" because cursive letters are connected.

This is an interesting commentary on what cursive skills give us in addition to script writing.

NJGal51 said...

I can just picture that Kelly. We can always tell when Spike is going to be bullet man because the ears are laid flat and he takes off like a bullet shot from a gun (hence the name). Lately he's become no bones Spike. He'll sit in another room and cry like he wants to go out and when I get up to let him out he's suddenly a puddle on the floor with no bones. It gets old the third time around and then I'm grabbing the 75 pound lug and waddle marching him to the door while telling him that I'm going to "punch him in his flat face" if he makes me get up again (which is why the punch you in the face comments are so funny to me). (If PITA is reading here I've never actually punched him, just threatened on a daily basis.). I'm thinking that we'll get his eye surgery in October because the weather will be cooler and I'll be on leave for a week and can take care of him. Yes, yes, my husband just retired and is home all day but mommy's do a better job.

Tucker's Mom said...

Punching someone in the face is an expression in this case, not a threat of physical violence, and I don't believe our poster meant the latter.
Even little old ladies want to punch someone in the pface ;-)

The Golden Girls Were So Golden!

Anonymous said... guys are genius with animals. What would cause a 3 year old boxer and a 5 year old boxer to destuff a couch?


Anonymous said... guys are genius with animals. What would cause a 3 year old boxer and a 5 year old boxer to destuff a couch?



A hint that you need to redecorate? LOL


Over And Out said...

Sometimes, it seems like Milo just "needles" TFW by bringing up certain topics. Who knows??


I don't think that she's deliberately needling Kate. It seems like she's just too darn dumb to know that she's bringing things up from the past to remind the non-fans of everything that Kate got to do and how popular she was. She's not bright enough to realize that those days are gone, and Kate night not appreciate her bringing all of that up. She doesn't think before she tweets. She just wants attention and hopes that Kate will respond. She tries anything at all to get that bone thrown to her.

Over And Out said...

He was really hurt at Kate for dumping him. He was confused. He mentioned that maybe Steve didn't think much of him when he went to meet Kate. He had many convo's with Kate and she dropped him like a hot potato and gave no explanation.


Wasn't there also something mentioned that perhaps when Steve vetted him he found out that he wasn't divorced from his wife and it wouldn't look good for Kate to be involved with him? I remember that he said that everything was fine and dandy between Kate and him until immediately before he met her at that meet and greet. After that, it was all over and he really didn't know why. She had told him that they better cool their "relationship." I wonder if he's still enamored with her.

Millicent said...

HailQueenKate ‏@Fly_On_TheWall Aug 25
Kate is called a whore for dating a few men but when it's Jon, he's just playing the field. #HatersHateWomen
The main place I read (and discuss) TFW and her antics is here, and I do not recall (a) Kate ever dating, whether it is one guy or several. When did that happen? Did she actually keep it a secret? Her public reply re dating is usually in the negative, saying "who would date a woman with 8 kids?"

(b) If the word "whore" was used, I don't remember it and it certainly would be uncommon to see that used here. She's been called a shrew, Mommy Dearest, the worst mother in the world, a narcissist, cold-hearted, abusive, ..... (well the list does go on and on).

(c) Jon? Hasn't he been involved in a monogamous relationship for a year or longer? The good news is that I have no idea what Jon's dating life is like, because he's a private person. I guess if I lived in his community, I might see him around and know more information. As it is, the last I heard, he was in a relationship with Liz and has been since sometime in 2012.

Some of these "fans" still can't move on past the fact that when Jon and Kate first split up, he cut loose and ran a little wild. It's been five years folks - try to join the rest of us here in the present day!

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 188 guys are genius with animals. What would cause a 3 year old boxer and a 5 year old boxer to destuff a couch?

That's a biggie. The biggest reasons dogs destroy are boredom and anxiety.
Sorry about your furniture ;-(

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's dressed like a whore/hooker/street walker/trollop, but I've never thought she's slept around.
Maybe she has, but I think she's been involved with Steve for years now, even when she was married.

It makes no sense whatsoever that Kate can't even date because she's got 8 kids. None at all.
Doesn't pass the smell test.

Does anyone think that a woman has extensive cosmetic procedures, eats like a bird, tans, bleaches, mani pedis and dresses like Kate if she has zero libido and interest in a relationship?


AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 187

Punching someone in the face is an expression in this case, not a threat of physical violence, and I don't believe our poster meant the latter.


I've said I'd like to bop Kate one, so I guess I'm guilty as charged although I think I have a right to a fair trial. I said I'd "like" to. I didn't say I'd actually do it.

But you never know :0)

NJGal51 said... guys are genius with animals. What would cause a 3 year old boxer and a 5 year old boxer to destuff a couch?
The couch attacked the and they were just defending themselves!

Seriously, who knows why they do things like that. It could have been that there was a little bit of stuffing poking out somewhere and they discovered a great new game. We came home one day to find that our previous bulldog had eaten perfect holes in the wall in 3 different places. Never did it but the one time. Take a picture with a sign and put them on (funny site and worth a look).

We have referred to TFW as a fame whore (which she is) but we've never called her a whore and meant it in the literal sense.

redbirdsings said...

Speaking about wanting to punch someone in the face, remember the old saying, This fill in the blank food is sooo good it will make you SLAP your Grandma!

Nobody would actually do that, even if the food is THAT good!

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker's Mom said... 195
Tucker's Mom I do! I can't imagine Kate caring enough about anyone to have a relationship as most of us would define one, or being anything but a cold fish in bed.I think she needs Steve, has always needed a man, but not in a sexual way. I think the cosmetic stuff is for her image and to lure a man (Steve) and be called a smokin' hot mama at the store for her ego (what was that she retweeted someone's husband said?). I equate a sexual relationship with being vulnerable & trusting enough to let your real self show in all ways and to express the passion and affection you feel for the other person and to indulge your carnal side.I don't see Kate being able to do that...maybe fakes it, idk, but I still maintain she's asexual. If it's true she was abused sexually when young, and was promiscuous, I know those victims often have trouble with normal sexual expression

.( I hear that from my kids some people put asexual on their FB profile now- new trend?)

*sorry for the x-rated post LOL

Over And Out said...

I was looking at Kate's TL,and gosh, that thing is a mess. There are the random bots who show up with nonsense tweets, like:

Jannet rego ‏@Jannetrego 26m
onJay osselinGay: IVIDLay Overay ateKay usPlay 8 eturnRay!

Then you have the half dozen or so non-fans who jump on sheeple, but basically end up tweeting among themselves, and when they can't rile anyone up, they pull things out of thin air and present them as "facts;" often coming across as unnecessarily cruel, nasty and vulgar; there are the fans who are sporadic tweeters, asking dumb questions and begging for pictures; China Vector, an enigma onto himself; the hypocrite fans like Milo, Collie, Carlene, Lauren, who have set Kate up as their resident queen and gush over her and her amazing Mom skills; the tweet-all-celebrities kissers like Uggs and Em, who are best buddies with everyone and want celebrities to sit up and notice them; and the pop-up teenyboppers who want to be just like Kate because she is such a glowing inspiration to parents everywhere, but who have potty mouths, with F-this, and C-that; and the MIA Irish Creeper who appears to have given up in his quest to meet up with Kate, along with Austin, who now has a crush on #sexybeast Leann.

A cross section of humanity, I suppose.

Any word on the air date for CA?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I also think part of TFW's "overhaul" was an eff-you to Jon. She
didn't want him, but I don't think she was pleased when she found
out that other women did. And judging by that lawsuit she filed
yeeeeears after their divorce, her anger towards him is pretty
potent stuff.

AuntieAnn said...

I don't know if Kate and Steve are in a relationship, but if they are I don't doubt she'd drop him like a hot potato if some rich guy came along and offered to marry her and support her in the lifestyle she's become accustomed to.

In the final analysis the girl is a gold digger. Look how she snagged Jon Jon the dentist's son.

And then there was her former boyfriend Adam Miller who said she was a 'sex kitten' who liked him because he had money and spoiled her with gifts. She dropped him for the Corvette guy Jason.

I don't know if that makes her a whore or not. I guess it's a matter of opinion.

Rhymes with Witch said...

think she needs Steve, has always needed a man, but not in a sexual way. I think the cosmetic stuff is for her image and to lure a man (Steve) and be called a smokin' hot mama at the store for her ego (what was that she retweeted someone's husband said?). 99

I agree. I think it's all about her insecurity and feeding her ego.

Ingrid said...

I can't imagine too many guys who would be nuts enough to ask Kate out and put up with a background check and confidentiality agreement just to go out to eat one night.

Pam as for the couch incident... Is it separation anxiety? My one dog has clawed the wall by the gate to kitchen when left home alone. We had to put new sheetrock on it.

AuntieAnn said...

Ingrid said... 4

I can't imagine too many guys who would be nuts enough to ask Kate out and put up with a background check and confidentiality agreement just to go out to eat one night.


My grandmother used to say there is not a pot so crooked that there isn't a lid to fit it.

She'll find another sucker. They're out there.

Over And Out said...

Does anyone think that a woman has extensive cosmetic procedures, eats like a bird, tans, bleaches, mani pedis and dresses like Kate if she has zero libido and interest in a relationship?


I think that she might. It's the whole Hollywood/youth persona thing, looking like every other bimbo attractive, get a job on television, and the need to look a certain way, the cookie cutter mold. It might not have anything at all to do with attracting men, wanting a relationship or having a libido, and everything to do with creating a look that would get her back on television.

White Organza said...

"The teacher made some sarcastic remarks, inadvertently, whilst writing on the whiteboard. When she turned around only my kid was laughing. Her teacher liked that ;)" (183)

And I'm sure I would've had, too! Aren't little kids who can master irony, sarcasm and deadpanning just a hoot?! It's so unusual that when it happens, the element of surprise will almost always make you laugh out loud. If your daughter is like that, one word of advice: check what she writes! When left to their own devices, those kids will often "go there", just for the sake of it, just for themselves, because they are a little bored probably. I recently rediscovered a paper my son had to write in third grade as punishment for talking in class. He was supposed to give back two pages on "Silence in the classroom". He got to a page and a half and, visibly, couldn't think of anything else to say on the subject, so he "recapitulated" in four points the previous page and a half and in a such "tongue in cheek" style that his teacher sent it back me with a big fat "Vraiment?!!! ("Really?!!!") written all across it. It's now one of my most precious souvenirs from that period. :)

JMO said...

Over And Out said... 200 ------------------

Perfect description.....

redbirdsings said...

Oh, Flimsy Flamsy, I should of taken your advice! lol

When I put fill in the blank food, it was suppose to be what you are eating. It sounds like I was cursing!

localyocul said...

From above:

"You'll also see the kids rounding out the final days of summer with fun activities, while Kate preps the household for another school year."

Yep, we will see her have to do movie night on Emmy night because "she" "promised" movie night "not realizing" it was Emmy night. Then, woe is kate, a tup is sick so no first day of school picture.

All This Is That said...

I don't understand why the "haters" keep harping that putting the kids on television is criminal child abuse. Exploitation, yes, and making them work when they clearly don't want to, with Kate dragging them on television to prove that the kids are happy and well-adjusted is emotional abuse and something that no normal parent would do.

Filming the crap out of them to support her and give her the lifestyle that she doesn't want to give up clearly is horrible and inexcusable, but "criminal" abuse in the sense that she could be prosecuted in a court of law for engineering all of this? Nope. If kids "working" on or off television would be considered criminal abuse, there would be no child labor laws in place. I wonder if all of the required permits were obtained before they filmed these specials.

All This Is That said...

My grandmother used to say there is not a pot so crooked that there isn't a lid to fit it.

Mine kind of shortened it to "there's a lid for every pot."

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