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Per our long-standing policy, Realitytvkids.com
blurs the children's faces in current photos.
- Very Sloppy "Joels"
- Leah's Favorite Spaghetti Sauce
- Collin's Thomas Hummus
- Cara and Mady's Crock Pot Pulled Pork
- Aunt Helen's Lemon Squares
- Kate's Basic Bread (Maker) Recipe
- Edible Dough for Play
- Carlos's chicken tacos. (Tee-hee--kidding, kidding!)

1459 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1459 Newer› Newest»I'd love to hear Tucker's take on this, I think the photo is very poorly put together and cropped. Speaks to the quality of those helping her.
The crop should start at the base of the counter because the short crop of the cupboards is distracting, and the family shouldn't be so centered in the photo with equal portions of stove and counter. One or two inches of the stove on the left is also distracting Also that green thing behind the girl tup on the left looks like it's coming out of her head. Just very poor quality photography IMO.
Kate, you're mediocre.
It's not self published. Self publishers dont' ask for proposals.
An HCI book shares the following qualities, which we refer to as HEART:
Healing - The book promotes personal growth and long-term change by offering deep-rooted solutions.
Expert - The author is an expert and bases the book on either experience or extensive knowledge and research.
Affirming - The book has an emotional component that touches readers and its tone is compassionate.
Readable - The book is written in a popular style and is easily accessible to general trade readers.
The publishing process at HCI begins with a book proposal, which is evaluated by our editorial department. To ensure that book proposals are evaluated on an equal basis and that all necessary information is provided, we require prospective authors to follow our submission guidelines in preparing their proposals.
Love that you got the scoop here first!
Yep, self-published.
Not trying to argue, but HCI was responsible for A Child Called It, which is virtually the most famous self-published book ever to be written. How can that book bill itself as self-published if HCI is a real publisher??
I think what they really are is they are a "consulting" firm. You pay them to give you photography, editing, binding, publicity, and everything else that goes into making a real book. No, I don't think they take EVERYONE who wants them, but just because they are picky doesn't mean they are a traditional publisher. I'm pretty sure they are just a picky consulting firm.
hmmm. I wonder if she uses "the Spanker" to mix the batter.
To your very good point about the photograph, Admin, I'd add: What's with the ALL CAPS? Everything's printed in upper case, from the author's name to the #superfun #waytoolong subtitle. So many distractions on the cover...as with most of Kate's projects, it's lacking focus.
Kate's Basic Bread (Maker) Recipe
Is this the bread that slices itself when it bakes?
Agreed about the cropping. As a former newspaper photographer who also did layout, we cropped hard and tight. The first thing I noticed about this photo is that the bottom cropping should be just below the last line of type. The three lines at the top should be moved down, and the oven hood cropped at the top. There is too much white space between the title and Kate's head.
That would just bother the heck out of me. I hope the other photos are better, but I'm not holding my breath if this is what the cover looks like.
Yes I agree, there is way too much text and way too busy.
You've got eight unique kids on the cover so it's already VERY busy, the rest of the cover should be as simple as possible to highlight the kids (not that I would WANT that for the kids, but I'm talking about making an attactive cover.)
The second I saw that cover I knew it was self-published. Even A Child Called It's cover is nothing to write home about. It looks cheap and the child who is modeling is a bad actor.
So...the new cookbook has the same title of the cookbook that KK put together in 2009, that she is now self-publishing. Has she reworked the recipes that were plagiarized? At least she has a more recent photo for the cover.
To your very good point about the photograph, Admin, I'd add: What's with the ALL CAPS?
Best-selling author (top line) isn't in all upper case, but the last three lines are, and it's really distracting because nothing is set off from the previous line.
When they were cutting up Robert's book, didn't the sheeple say that no credible author self-publishes?
Melissa yeah I did some layout too plus my photography hobby and this cover is driving me crazy too. Completely amateur. I'm actually shocked.
There are many ways to fix it but one way is to move the entire thing down so that the counter takes up the whole bottom half and make the upper half longer. Get rid of those counters.
It should be one or the other. Either the bottom piece of the photo should be longer, or the top should be longer. Rule of thirds. You rarely want to crop dead center. Also everything in the background should have been cleared. You can't see it or tell what it is, and it looks like it's popping out from the kids' heads. If you can't tell what it is, it should have been CLEARED.
This is just so....bad.
I meant get rid of those CABINETS, not counters. The dark ones at the bottom that don't fit at all.
Oh please Mel the "kate haters" can run circles around this woman.
She's an idiot, it's not hard.
Good job ID!
I hope that she changed more than just the name of the recipe or she may have her book pulled for plagiarism. Wouldn't that be karma.
With all the chefs out there publishing cookbooks I don't think I'm going to waste my money on Kate's. I like to go to the book store and flip through a cookbook before I buy it.
Look at the kids' hands...OMG, so awkward! Every single hand looks tentative and disassociated...It's as if they're afraid of touching anything, even their own skin.
Hmm-that tweet about meeting Kate to discuss the book was from a Kim Weiss. Look who is listed in the contact info for HCI:
Public Relations
Kim Weiss, Director of Public Relations
1-800-851-9100 ext 212
Email Kim Weiss
I don't see anywhere on their site where they talk about self-publishing, but they do have instructions for submissions of a book. Kate definitely had help with that.
They also have Kate listed under their authors-it just repeats the blurb that's on Amazon.
Hey good point, I wonder if the publisher of Love is in the Mix is okay with Kate revamping something that they already published and dumped overseas?
I THINK you can plagiarize your own work in that context. For instance Stephen King can't write The Stand and publish it with his publisher then run off to another different publisher and publish a very similar version of The Stand or even self-publish a slightly different version. Publisher One would sue him I would think.
Is publisher one going to sue Kate?? Rumor mill. :)
I'm dying to know Kate's bread recipe and how it differs from what came with the machine.
Remember this guy who called Kate out on the hacking stuff? He was then attacked by the tweeties because he was tweeting with the "haters". Looks like he is definitely no longer a fan.
@Kateplusmy8 SURPRISE!!! http://t.co/4EDLEzlfmG(preview)
The link in his tweet is a screen shot of the Amazon page.
I love it!!
Melissa yeah I did some layout too plus my photography hobby and this cover is driving me crazy too. Completely amateur. I'm actually shocked.
LOL, I did the photography and darkroom work, plus laying out pages, and these long years later, it's the curse of the newspaper photographer to look at photos and do the cropping in your head. This one drives me nuts. Those dark cabinets hanging out the bottom are so distracting! If you scroll up and do the cropping with your mouse (just below the counter top) you can see how much better it looks!
Will there be televisions interviews and book signings, with Steve in tow?
Oh sh&t. Kate's not going to be happy when she wakes up tomorrow to tweet and finds out we all spoiled her surprise. Oops!
I assume she's long in bed by now. You know since she has the luxury of hitting the hay at nine and so forth.
Melissa I did just as you said and self-cropped out the counters. So much better!!! ahhh, I can breathe now.
Now if only I can get rid of that tiny piece of stove hanging out in the left and those random weird red and green things in the background growing out of the children's heads. I might have to put it into CS5 for that.
Hehe you're my people!
Oh if there's another Santa Monica book signing I'm so there!
You know she can't wait for those book tours!
Hopefully, if it is self-published, there isn't the media department of a publishing company getting Khate hired to go on talk shows. (although I'm sure Khate's own PR person will do that or someone from The Stir) Once again, "she" has to use the kids. Puhleeze! I hope it bombs and I hope someone sees that the recipes are not original and Khate gets sued! The fact that Khate is NO culinary expert at all is so irritating!
You can't see it or tell what it is, and it looks like it's popping out from the kids' heads
Any photographer worth his weight knows this. I constantly was checking to make sure that nobody had devil's horns "growing" out of their heads, and that all body parts belonged to the subjects that were supposed to own them!
She'll spin it to her advantage--will probably say that haterz are once again keeping her in the mix--er, limelight. You know, by promoting her book.;)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 134
"Call me crazy" is usually pretty snide. Written or in person.
Hey now. I resent that characterization!!
HA! Just kidding.
Anyway, don't you just love how she had to get
the number 8 into the title? She is hopeless.
Normally the publisher sets up the book tour with the book stores that are carrying the book. If this is self published and available only on Amazon (don't know if it will be in bookstores), Kate would have to finance the entire book tour.
Any photographer worth his weight knows this.
I know! It's just so basic!
If you are not looking for each and every little thing in the background that could distract you are in the wrong business. This isn't street photography where sometimes you can't help it. This is a STUDIO SHOOT with strobes and the works. Remove all those things! Take some test shots! What do you see? Anything coming out of heads? MOVE THEM! Take more test shots. When all finally looks well then shoot the real thing. Yikes.
And what about post editing? Why weren't those things removed when they realized the photographer f-cked up? Where was Kate refusing to approve a cover that had a giant green blob coming out of her child's head?
This is just so embarrassing. I am embarrassed for her. I would fire this photographer.
Call me Crazy, lol. I always thought you were snide. :)
108 recipes is a TON is it not? Geez!
You realize, of course, that Milo will be saying that she knew this all along but just wasn't "at liberty" to say! Gawd...
Re 108.. Makes me wonder about the ratio of recipes to "tips and traditions."
No Milo, WE knew all along.
We said it, from day one. It's the cookbook.
P.S. "The Six Little McGhees" premiered on TLC tonight. So far, it's covering their birth day and NICU stay.
HCI Books has a subsidiary called HCI Printing and Publishing. Their description is:
Located in a 100,000-square-foot production facility in Deerfield Beach, Florida, HCI Printing & Publishing, also offers book manufacturing and commercial printing services to other publishers, self-published authors and a variety of companies worldwide.
So yes, Kate could have self-published this book.
Carlos chicken tacos? So funny!
What? No chicken salmonella?
Ha ha... a couple of the kids are picking at the cookies, like " they are so good, I gotta eat them"...but its the dough, not even cooked yet. Someone boo booed there too!
Kate's gonna be mad at you for spilling the beans...
Oh sh&t. Kate's not going to be happy when she wakes up tomorrow to tweet and finds out we all spoiled her surprise.
Warning to all the local residents--that loud scream you will hear in the morning is not an air raid siren-it'll be Kate screaming when she looks at her twitter and sees that her news has been outed.
Is it normal for a book to be announced so far in advance? Also, if I'm not mistaken, Amazon only allows reviews or comments on books which have actually been released. By announcing it so far in advance, she avoids all the negative comments that are sure to be posted once the book is actually published.
And the price...in hardcover no less, I think $22.95 is steep. I did a search on Amazon for new cookbooks released in the last 30 days. The most popular cookbooks are in the $15 range. Richard Blais from Top Chef has a new cookbook and it's only $17 and you get 125 recipes (take a look at the photo for his cookbook...strange!)
Anyway, I'm sure she'll get some publicity out of this, but I doubt the book will sell many copies. When I think of some of her food pictures she's posted on twitter - all I can say is Ugh!
Is it normal for a book to be announced so far in advance?
No. I think it's freaking WEIRD.
Outed. Good word. Now THIS is the kind of outing I can get behind!
I hope the kids get off to school before she pops open the twitter app.
Remona I don't think we're being punked. I think they just retooled the old book a bit. AS IF Kate is going to start from scratch on this book? Hell no, she's lazy, she'll just recycle old crap already written.
The question is does the old publisher know this??? Are they okay with this???
There's no way Kate got this project out just for the money. She's definitely expecting the tv interviews and some kind of book signing gigs, complete with first-class treatment and Steve.
This should be fun to watch play out this year.
Book has to have H.E.A.R.T to be published by this company. Kate IMO doesn't qualify. You decide..
Now if only I can get rid of that tiny piece of stove hanging out in the left
lol!! I couldn't find a way without cutting Aaden vertically in half. But at least we fixed the bottom!
You're right. It's embarrassing and there's no excuse for it. Shoddy work.
Yawn. Cookbook. Boring.
I would much rather get a cookbook published by a local church, get those yummy recipes the best church cooks bring to pot lucks!
Ok, let's talk about something interesting, DWTS! Spoiler free! the costumes for everyone look terrific this week. Kellie and Zendaya and Jacoby and Aly seem like early stand outs. The camaraderie among ALL the cast members is visible. I liked how funny Carrie Ann was Monday, almost falling out of her dress at one point because she was so excited, then poking herself on her forehead with her spiky bracelet. Fun season so far!
The only good thing about the cover picture is that the kids, especially the boys are not dressed alike.
I also noticed how in the title it says "Kate Gosselin's" not "by Kate Gosselin". She had to make sure that she got top billing over the book title.
Some of the recipes listed have already been published on her website. Is she going to remove them now so that people will have to buy the book in order to get them? Maybe that's another reason why when a twitter asked her about recipes, she just told them to go to her website and didn't explain how to find them there. She doesn't want them to be found-she wants them to buy the book.
P.S whoever got the scooop on this ---CHEERS!! Good JOB!...Sorry to pee on Kate's surprise to her 6 fans LMBO,,...hahahhahahaaa..
I know you can't see their faces but some of the kids are wearing a LOT of makeup. A LOT. Cara looks nothing like her CWS self. They are only 12 and 9 for pity sake. Why can't they just look like KIDS?
I don't know about the self publishing. I found this "criteria for submissions" on their website.
Anyway, they also put out the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, so I don't think they are solely a self publishing firm. They seem pretty legit to me.
BTW, here's an interesting article from the NY Times about Dave Pelzer, author of a "Child Called "It"." It gives a little insight into the commissions Kate might be getting from HCI. And I think it's just an interesting article.
By the way, this is what she gets for stringing people along all week.
She had the opportunity to announce it Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. She chose to be a snotty little tease. Now, it's our announcement. She played games one day TOO LONG. We took it.
This is what she gets. And you don't get upset!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 42
''Remona I don't think we're being punked. I think they just retooled the old book a bit.''
Admin, when I made that comment, the newer 2013 photo was NOT on Amazon, and the links to it were not on Improbable Dream's comment. Therefore, when I googled it, all I saw was the 2009 stuff. It was just really weird that all I saw was 2009 stuff about Love is in the Mix....so I wondered if we were being punked. After I refreshed, and caught up with the comments, the 2013 stuff was up!
Books can be announced this far in advance. I pre ordered a book by one of my favorite authors back in November/December timeframe and it doesn't come out until May.
I'm sure that this is a self published book and I wonder how many copies Kate will have to sell to recoup her initial investment. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that she won't be making any money on this venture. This is a vanity publication.
I'm sure that the release announcement was coordinated between Kate and Amazon to go out on the 27th. What Kate failed to realize is that 1201 is the 27th which is when Amazon had it on their website. Kate is about as dim as the bulb in her subzero!
This also explains all her "cute" dinner time kid talk. You can bet that all of that will be in the book.
Warning to all the local residents--that loud scream you will hear in the morning is not an air raid siren-it'll be Kate screaming when she looks at her twitter and sees that her news has been outed.
I'm more worried about what's going to happen when Milo rolls through Berks County in her RV on Thursday!
I've been watching Kate digging her hole deeper and deeper and wouldn't be surprised that one of these days we'll read about a massive sinkhole in the area!
Anyway, they also put out the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, so I don't think they are solely a self publishing firm. They seem pretty legit to me.
Self published books can be perfectly legit actually. But, Chicken Soup for the Soul books ARE self-published.
Chicken Soup was apparently rejected over 30 times before they just decided to self publish with HCI. Like I said before, I think they're just a picky consulting firm. If they are going to help you with your book they want to be sure it's somewhat legit or you have a track record. It doesn't make them a publisher just because they are picky about who they agree to CONSULT.
I don't care if people want to self-publish, lots of great books get rejected by publishers but do very well self-published, I only think it's funny because the mighty has fallen (it's not like she is a new author, she USED to have a publisher and lost it, most famous self published books were by unknown authors who later got book deals) and also because the sheeple were so critical of Robert's self-publishing efforts and now they look like hypocrites.
Is it normal for a book to be announced so far in advance?
No. I think it's freaking WEIRD.
After the dismal sales of her last book, they are probably trying to get as many pre-orders as possible to know how many to print.
It would be funny to see her reaction to being scooped.
OH....another book for the dollar store...hey
This book is 305 pages? For 108 recipes? Obviously, she intended for the stories of the "traditions" (let's laugh) and pictures of the kids to be the bigger draw. What a sleeze.
Bringing my comment over from the last thread:
Improbable Dreams-I should have congratulated you on finding the book before I rushed to post the Amazon link.
You get the award for Great Find of the Day!!
Kate will probably have a link to Amazon on her website so people can rush to pre-order the book.
I wonder how many tweeties are going to be disappointed that her surprise is a cookbook. I'm sure Milo is going to be disappointed. I don't recall her ever asking for a recipe and pushing her to put out a cookbook.
Also, the woman who tweeted about having a conference call with Kate is named Kim Weiss. Just look who's listed in HCI's contacts:
Publicity/Media Contact
Contact Kim Weiss for press releases, press kits, media events, radio and TV bookings (Media only please).
I didn't know that about Chicken Soup for the Soul. Thanks for the clarification.
In the article I sited about Dave Pelzer, it says he was given a commission of 15-20% per book sold (this was a comment by HCI).
I guess I don't get how self publishing works, so if anyone wants to educate me, please feel free to do so. :-)
Heide Hi Heido Ho said... 47
P.S whoever got the scooop on this ---CHEERS!! Good JOB!...Sorry to pee on Kate's surprise to her 6 fans LMBO,,...hahahhahahaaa..
Thanks! Easiest sleuthing job ever --no lie. :)
I stirred together the clues Kate's been tweeting lately, mixed in the tweet from that self-publishing consultant, and then--because Kate hinted that the exact timing of her pending announcement was beyond her control--I threw Amazon "in the mix." Voila, the cookbook title came up.
I can't believe that Kate could possibly have 18, much less 108+, recipes stuffed into that confused noggin of hers. Unless, of course, the recipes are something like this:
Kate's Classic Cubed Water
Ingredients: One 8-ounce, 16-ounce, 32-ounce or whateverish-ounce of refreshing, organic spring water
1. Pry one bottle of refreshing, organic spring water from the hands of your parched, dehydrated child.
2. Carefully pour water into 8 sections of a little plastic tray thingy.
3. Place little plastic tray thingy in the freezer compartment of one of your 8 high-end refrigerators.
4. Let sit for 8 hours or until ingredient hardens.
5. Remove little plastic tray thingy from freezer and smack its bottom 8 times with a wooden spoon to release the cubie thingies.
Viola (sic)!!! Cubed Water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serving Suggestion: Place 8 cubed water thingies on golden platter and wait for the chorus of thank yous!!!!!!!!!
This book is not going to lead to anything other than a few interviews.Her last book sold what 10,000 copies? She has no fan base other than 6 silly sheep,I doubt they will buy more than 1 book.
I really hope Roberts book comes out before Kate's book.
Not a lot of people are going to want to buy a cookbook from a Child and Animal abuser.
With the exception of one or two items I know how to make all those items listed. And I don't even like to cook-just a necessity when you have kids to feed. They are all basics that have been around forever with her cute names added.
And isn't "School Morning Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal" also known as Oatmeal Squares (one of my favorite cereals)? Take cereal out of cupboard, pour in bowl, add milk (but only if on sale), eat. Boy-Kate-what did I ever do without you? But, seriously, I have been making brown sugar oatmeal bars for years-very good served warm with milk over them for a quick breakfast.
When is super mom Kate of 8 going to have time to stuff all of those plastic easter eggs?
Oh-forgot to add-think Kate has heard of Pinterest? There are just a few more than 108 Family Friendly Recipes, Tips, and Traditions! (sorry-feeling sarcastic tonight)
In the article I sited about Dave Pelzer, it says he was given a commission of 15-20% per book sold (this was a comment by HCI).
That's how Kindle Direct Publishing works too. I'm thinking the way to think of this company is think of it as Kindle on crack.
Kindle will "host" your book for you and sell your book via amazon. They take a big cut out of your profits for doing that work (did you know this, Kindle takes big cuts out of self published authors). You might only make 30% on the book for a self published book. But since there really aren't much better options that's as good of a deal as you can get, at least you make something. Your other option is garage sales. You have to pay for your own editors, photography, marketing, and anything else you need. But there's no contract, you could pull it at any time.
A book with a traditional publisher would involve a contract and usually an advance. You still get a percentage but not until it uses up your advance. They're buying the rights to the book and THEY foot the upfront costs of the editing and everything else.
Now, HCI appears to be something in between. You're still self-publishing, there's no advance from them and no contract, but for a fee they will provide you with mediocre photographers, editing, publicity, binding and the like. In other words they're taking no risk on you like a publisher takes a big risk. All the costs come out of your pocket and they're just betting your book will sell and they can take their cut. They're just like kindle only offering a bit more guidance, no? But, they still are trying to build a brand of QUALITY consulting to REAL authors so they don't accept just anyone off the street to consult. This is how they got to be "legit" because they've sniffed out and taken on very successful self published books like "It" and "Soup."
I'm pretty sure it's the difference between taking on the costs upfront because you're so good it's worth it to them not to lose you to some other publisher, versus making you take on the costs upfront and then sharing the profits later. One involves big risk though big reward, the other is the tortoise with no big rewards but a good chance at at least a little profit.
This is just an educated guess based on what I've read of this company.
Serving Suggestion: Place 8 cubed water thingies on golden platter and wait for the chorus of thank yous!!!!!!!!!
You forgot the squeals!!
I would hope that Kate, with her plethora of attorneys on retainers, would have checked this out with Zondervan before self-publishing. Laverne and Shirley should have had an input in all of this!
After the dismal sales of her last book, they are probably trying to get as many pre-orders as possible to know how many to print.
How long does it take to print 12 cookbooks? The church ladies of yesteryear banged out more than that on their old Remington typewriters.
Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal - First off, I think she's just talking about plain old oatmeal. Oats are a cereal. This could be a case of Katespeak.
She may also be referring to a recipe I found online for cold oatmeal. I've included the recipe and a link to the site:
Cold Oatmeal
Makes 1 serving
What I use:
1/2 c. quick oats
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. sliced almonds, broken or whole
1/4 c. raisins
2 dashes cinnamon, optional
How I do it:
1. Pour the oatmeal into a bowl.
2. Add the brown sugar, almonds, raisins, and cinnamon.
3. Add milk to cover, and stir it all up.
4. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how soft you want the oatmeal to get.
Ooo here's another one: Spicy Sausage Bean Bake, anyone?
I think I just thought up a new game. Take the recipe's listed in Kate new cookbook. Go online and see how many variations of that basic recipe you can find.
I bet I could recreate her whole cookbook from online recipes in under an hour AND save my self $22.95 plus shipping (although to be fair, I'd get free shipping with Amazon Prime).
Except for the fact that I wouldn't want to give her the business, I'd be willing to pitch in a dollar if someone wanted to buy it.
Well good night all. I'm on dog watch for a little bit longer. We came home from a meeting to find our furriest "son" (65 lb Lab/Pit mix) with a swollen face! He'd been outside until we got home and I think he was stung by something although I can't tell what. We gave him some antihistamine that he'd been prescribed a few months ago when were were dealing with mites and it seems like it's helping. He's been eating, drinking and active (no more or less than usual at this time of night) so I'm going to call the vet in the morning rather than taking him into the emergency vet right now.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 71
How long does it take to print 12 cookbooks?
Four years.
Lukebandit -- I'm sorry to hear that you're back in the hospital. I hope you're feeling better soon.
Improbable Dreams -- Good job sleuthing and finding the info about the book!
How do we know that this one isn't the victim of plagiarism?
Very good question, one I wonder if she or her publishing/printing company put much time into researching. I can't imagine that her recipe for "edible dough for play" is much different than what's been published over the past 30-40 years. Or her basic bread maker recipe? Other than varying seasonings, you can't really deviate from the basic 'formula' if you want it to turn out. I mean, how original (non plagiarized) can her versions be?
If the book sells, I think it'll be because of fans buying it for the photos, not the recipes.
I am going to wait til it is on the free nook books list or in a library maybe. I would rather get a Taste of Home subscription if I wanted to buy recipes. There are too many out there for free online. Pinterest alone has helped me gain 10 lbs!
~~~brought over from other post since I didn't realize where I was posting it~~~
Terrible picture for sure. I bet she had her 'friends' with the 'really big cameras' take the pics for her for free. didn't they take Easter pics? I wasn't impressed with the other ones they took either. Either that or Maddie set the camera up with the timer and took them.
This book is the only reason she was baking cookies not long ago with the kids' help.
I bet she is calculating in her head 150,000 followers on twitter times X number of dollars profit and expecting to make 500K or more.
I'm glad to say I was wrong about her surprise being a filmed vacation but unfortunately she is still exploiting the kids.
lukebandit... so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital.
I think you're right about the oatmeal recipe being just plain old oatmeal (with a little brown sugar thrown in for good measure). She commented a few months ago that it was one of the things she supposedly made every morning.
A question for everyone. I'd like to say I'm baffled that she'd release another cookbook with almost the exact same title, but it's Kate we're talking about. Do you think it's possible Kate isn't aware of her 1st cookbook being published in '09? Does she not know it was dumped in foreign markets or does she not care? Or is it a non-issue and completely legal?
Readerlady - have you ever heard of this happening?
Kate's hairstyle is horrible and so unprofessionally done. She looks like Nellie Oleson from "Little House On The Prairie".
How come the word organic isn't on the cover? Oh, that's right...because it would greatly hinder sales. I wonder if all her recipes are going to be organic.
I bet all of her recipes are just common ones that can be found on the internet. Aunt Helen's Lemon Squares can be found in literally hundreds of southern cookbooks, i.e., junior league, churches, etc. I wonder if you need organic flour, organic sugar, organic lemons to make them! HA!!! There you go Kate!!! These are for you!!!!
Talking about the cover of her book, the big opening between Mady and Kate bothers me. And why aren't there delicious cook foods on the counter. My goodness,it is a cookbook and the best she can think of is cookie dough on ugly plain jane cookie sheets. The food should be very appetizing and appealing. It would have been funny if there was a big wooden spoon in the bowl.
No kidding, I wonder if the big roll of Toll House cookie dough that we saw in her refrigerator is now on the cover of the book.
I'm sorry but the boy on the left is extremely thin and pale. The shirt is about 2 sizes larger then what it looks like. It looks like it might be Joel.
I think it was last Easter or year before that when she posted a picture of the little ones sitting on the stairs. Joel was very thin and pale.
Kate, you are starving your boys and if you have serving amounts in you book, people will have to double the portions. Because other families can't live on the small servings that you dish out, geez!
Take those kids to the doctor, please.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 54
By the way, this is what she gets for stringing people along all week.
She had the opportunity to announce it Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. She chose to be a snotty little tease. Now, it's our announcement. She played games one day TOO LONG. We took it.
This is what she gets. And you don't get upset!
Yep, and because she had to string people along like that, it was "sixymomma" on Twitter who was the first to scoop the entire story last weekend by tweeting about the photographers going to Kate's house last month to shoot photos for her cookbook. That non-fan was clearly sitting on the info for over a month, but felt compelled to finally drop the news when Kate decided to be such a tease. Her sheeple can thank "sixymomma" for telling them what the big surprise was, lol.
So.......what do we predict KK's reaction to everyone knowing her ''surprise'' when she wakes this morning?
I think she will pretend to have not seen a single comment, and proudly announce the upcoming publication of her Love is in the Mix cookbook!
Carlos's chicken tacos....I just spit my coffee out. LOLOLOLOL. Who is Aunt Helen?
BTW I just want to remind you all that Sixymomma8 broke the news about this cookbook on Saturday on twitter.
Sixymomma8 found out from the 2 photographers who went to take the photos. They also posted the info on the RWA blog.
I am all for spoiling kates surprise but please give credit to the right person over this info getting out before kate could do it.
First thing that popped in my head when I started my morning ritual of coming here was Ha! Good spoof!
I'm almost as excited about this "outing" as I was about her journals being published.
Too late Khate! This should have been published when you were "hot" (barf) and had your fan base. Theresa Giudice of RHNJ pumped out TWO best selling cookbooks during her 15 minutes. Get it? What the hell is this going to cost her $$$$, or should I say cost the kids? Just. Please. Stop.
This is too rich though, her head is going to pop off!! The sheeple are going to cr*p themselves. Happy Birthday Biotch!
Oh, and not a single recipe name has the word "organic" in it?
I will bet that the twin in pink with the hair tossed over one shoulder is Mady. Typical pose for her.
AHHH, I just knew she did not film anything, with all the food twitter talk, the cookbook made perfect sense. Like I said, she had plastic surgery over Xmas break.
So, Robert, where's your book?
Can we critique her cookbook when it comes out? Pretty please?
OMG, Kate is such an idiot!
She's telling her #1 fan, Paige (and everyone) that Barnes & Noble does preorders and she'll check with them to see if they ship to Canada.
Hey Stupid... your book isn't being sold by B&N!!
She's also sending fans to her website instead of to Amazon (which she only did once).
I really feel badly for so many of the fans who have been taken advantage by her; the students, foreigners, young moms who are so gullible. She did it to the people who gave love offerings and bought pictures when she was on the church circuit and she's doing the same things now on twitter.
Very Sloppy "Joels"?
Just can't pass up another opportunity to cheap-shot the boys?
I can't believe how stupid her 6 die-hard fans are. This is the exact same book from 4 years ago that she was trying to get published. This will just be another epic fail on Kate's part. If she wants to do a cook book that's all fine and dandy but why does she have to have the kids involved. I think she knows that she is absolutely NOTHING without those kids, I mean really the only thing she tried to do by herself was her stint on DWTS and we all know how bad that turned out. Just so sad that those kids are going to look back on their childhoods and see that they were nothing to their mother except little ATM's.
Arlana Falerni is a photographer from NY state whose speciality is babies and children. Not a food photographer.
If the book sells, I think it'll be because of fans buying it for the photos, not the recipes.
I'm sure that's her hook. Wonder if it will be re-cycled photos, too?
And maybe some of her awesome-ish re-cycled blogs, with their cool hints and tips.
This probably explains the bizarre potty training post last week.
I hope Khate's "cookbook" -- if you want to call it that --is a MASSIVE FAIL and that she makes no money off of it. I am certainly NOT going to buy it. I have much better things to do with $22 than to buy this guttersnipe's tripe.
So Kate has made the big announcement and all her tweeties are sending her congratulations on twitter. Kate, as per usual, is retweeting a lot of them.
She has the announcement on her website, and even shows a picture of the "Collin Thomas Hummus" recipe. This recipe was also in "I Just Want You To Know".
One of the ingredients in this recipe is tahini paste. However, in the list of ingredients, it's spelled tahlnl, but spelled correctly in the directions.
I'd say that this book is definitely self-published, and self-edited, when you can't even catch a typo on the same page.
I do not see the book on Amazon to pre-order, only on Kate's web site. Is it this way to gauge how many to print?
Oh wow, newsflash. A hummus recipe with chick peas, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil and salt!!! How innovative. Never heard of that before. What a twit.
While employed by TLC, this article in "Forbes" could explain how Kate managed to be a NY Times best sellin author:
ResultSource, a San Diego-based marketing consultancy, specializes in getting books onto bestseller lists, according to The Wall Street Journal. For clients willing to pay enough, it will even guarantee a No. 1 spot. It does this by taking bulk sales and breaking them up into more organic-looking individual purchases, defeating safeguards that are supposed to make it impossible to “buy” bestseller status.
And it’s not cheap. Soren Kaplan, a business consultant and speaker, hired ResultSource to promote his book “Leapfrogging.” ...
With a $27.95 list price, I was told that the cost of each book would total about $23.50 after various retail discounts and including $3.99 for tax, handling and shipping. To ensure a spot on The Wall Street Journal’s bestseller list, I needed to obtain commitments from my clients for a minimum of 3000 books at about $23.50, a total of about $70,500. I would need to multiply these numbers by a factor of about three to hit The New York Times list.
So it would’ve cost more than $211,000, and that’s before ResultSource’s fee, which is typically more than $20,000. Kaplan settled for making the Journal’s list, reaching the pre-sale figure of 3,000 by securing commitments from corporate clients, who agreed to buy copies as part of his speaking fees, and by buying copies for himself to resell at public appearances.
Oh my. The book is advertised on her website if you care/dare to go there along with another photo of Collin gazing adoringly at Mom.And just cookies? Why not a full 'gourmet' meal? The twins both have make-up on. The recipes she mentions are old- her 'inventions' from the show, a couple of them. Probably padded with photographs and comments /ratings/anecdotes from the kids. I wonder how many pages it is- 108 recipes would not make a very thick book. Self-published? This will probably sell well at first with 'fans' but I don't predict Kate being catapulted back into fame and having guests spots on television for it. She's been 'working' on this mess for years!Nana Janet's roast was one they showed her writing down one episode- and she included a few recipes in one of her other "New York Best Sellers" such as 'Collin Thomas Hummus".
From TV Watcher, May 2012:
She (Kate) added that "thousands" have been asking her to release a cookbook.
18 Tbsp of lemon juice - hilarious. I wonder how many people will diligently measure out 18 Tbsp. of lemon juice when making the Thomas hummus. That has got to be a cookbook first.
if you read her twitter feed, it looks like she never made the announcement....people just started congratulating her and she just ran with the "go to my website and buy, buy, buy screech". She really is pathetic. She's like a virus that just continues to morph...you can't KILL her 15 minutes!!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
Have you heard? #LoveIsInTheMix is avail for preorder here:
Also at http://bn.com and http://booksamillion.com
She's tweeting that the book is also available for pre-order at BN and BooksaMillion, yet if you search their sites, the book isn't listed.
You would think she would do some research first and make sure it's available before tweeting about it. She also wants to make sure that people go to her site, rather than providing the link to amazon.
Do your homework first Kate. Anticipate the questions you'll get about the book, such as can it be shipped outside the US.
It's just another fail at how she promotes things. She just throws something out there without knowing all the details involved.
I just took another look at the photo. I know that kids are active and burn a lot of calories but the boys arms (I assume it's the boys) look very thin. Or maybe it's the fact that the shirts they are wearing are too big?
All I can think of, when I look at that pic, are the many examples of Kate not feeding them enough food. From the tv show (2 grapes, a slice of cheese and 3 trisquits for lunch) and what she's posted online (the 1 slice of bacon and 1 tablespoon of scrambled eggs). How can she possbily write a cookbook when she knows nothing about food, nutrition or ever proper portion sizes.
It's good that the public, as a whole, have seen that woman may have given birth, but she's no mother.
I'm willing to bet that Robert's book will sell more copies than Kate's little cookbook.
I posted earlier that the book wasn't on B&N but a few minutes ago Kate said that it was avail there and at Books a Million. Interesting that a search of both sites turn up with no results.
Carlos's chicken tacos....I just spit my coffee out. LOLOLOLOL. Who is Aunt Helen?
Indeed, who is Aunt Helen? Like admin said, most likely some long deceased relative.
I wonder when she titles it "Mom's(fill in the blank)" is she referring to herself or HER mom?
Katespeak I guess...
And yes, the first heading is HER name, her ego is at least consistent.
Lisa, we talked at length about Sixymomma8 breaking the news about photos for Kate's cookbook over the weekend. I think the scoop comments to Impossible Dreams were in reference to the title, release date, pre-sales, etc. Prior to that we didn't really know how or when it would be published.
Credit goes to both Sixymomma8 as well as Impossible Dreams.
Be careful, guys, with the comments. The book may be published and with our insightful catches, and the publisher may change some things. I'd rather see it go to print as is. What a joke.
Waiting for Radar to come out with an article.
Oh, the cookbook is not good enough for the sheeple, they are now wishing for Kate to have a cooking show. I bet that's what Kate wishes too.
HCI, whether self-published or not exactly, tends to focus on books that are inspirational, psych/socio, and health (not necessarily authoritave sources) or food related. I can tell you that at this time KG's book is not available for pre-order outside of Amazon. I'm guessing that technically it is self-published but HCI-guided.
Will The Stir allow her to advertise her cookbook in her bog?
Kate is probably all hot and bothered anticipating those book tours with Steve.
I'm curious about the title, since that was basically the title of the ditched Collins Living (Zondervan/Harper Collins) book. I wonder if she/HCI had to buy the rights to it from them. The previous book title info is still available. I thought in the past I saw a connection with the Weiss person/HCI and other "legit" publishers. Not sure. Just curious since it seems odd that they could use the same title again.
I've noticed that Milo hasn't chimed in yet about Kate's great news. She must be disappointed and doesn't know what to say. Gypsi on the other hand, is so excited that she'll be able to get the book on her B&N Nook, which might be hard to do since it's not even listed at B&N, and if Amazon doesn't have it on Kindle yet, how is it going to be on Nook?
I have a question about pre-ordering books. Does the book have to have a certain number of pre-orders, in order for it to be actually published? If it doesn't meet that quota, can the publisher cancel the printing?
Somehow this feels similar to all the hype for the cruise, and we all know how that turned out. Shades of deja vu.
bahhaahaa! 18 TABLESPOONS!!??
Oh Lordy Be! What a freaking JOKE! Priceless! You can't make this s@#t up!
Is that her way around any plagiarism accusations?
"well THAT recipe calls for 1 CUP of lemon juice, MINE calls for EIGHTEEN!!"
bahhaahaa! 18 TABLESPOONS!!??
Nine, ten, 11, 12.
"Honey, did you take the dog out???"
I will in a second!! Where was I? 10, 11......SH%T!
Kate's hairstyle....what's up with that? Not good.
If the book is 322 pages, and only 108 recipes, and we assume 1 recipe per page, and 1 photo of the recipe on the opposing page, that leaves 106 pages of what....oh, her awesome-ish household hints/tips. And photos of the kids.
Only 1/3 of the book is anything potentially useable.
Seriously? 18 TBLS of Lemon Juice.
Kate, did you know that ONE CUP of liquid = 20 TBLS ? How come this recipe doesn't say the 'yield' amount?
I dare ANYONE to test out this recipe. Heck, I may just do it for sh#ts and grins. This is pathetic.
18 tablespoons is indeed about one cup.
Oh God, so funny.
Maybe this consulting firm, probably paid out of the children's money, had enough sense to tell her that her whole organic schtick was fake and pretentious and her demographic can't afford it and it should be dropped. HAHA, money well spent.
Call Me Crazy, your recipe for hard water cubes had me squealing with delight this morning! I really did Laugh Out Loud, and guffaw a bit too!
Leslie, Nellie Olesons hair always looked ever so much better than Ms Kreider s does. Nellie wore hair bows!
I wonder if Deanna was involved in the makeup for the book cover? Typically, Kate befriends someone for selfish reasons, as in Deanna is her friend so of course Deanna would not charge to do the makeup.
I wonder the same thing about the book title as to who owns it, Zondervan or Kate.
She must have peddled it to regular publishing companies and they passed, so she found HCI receptive. I believe the leaked article that the other publishers were not interested.
I cannot wait for it to be published, frankly, because I would love for her to get a taste of plagiarism charges. She keeps saying "unique" recipes.
Thank you Sixymomma8 and Impossible Dreams for blowing Kate's big reveal.
I am suspicious about this early pre-order date. Any ideas, libaraylady?
Anon ~ Ohhhh, I hope you're not implying what I think you are. :(
I hadn't heard about her Twitter reveal over the weekend, but more power to "sixymomma" for spilling the goods about Kate's new cookbook. l wasn't trying to steal credit from her or anybody else (why would I?)... I believe the book title & description were uploaded to Amazon late last night. That's when I put the pieces together for myself & reported it here.
I hadn't heard about her Twitter reveal over the weekend, but more power to "sixymomma" for spilling the goods about Kate's new cookbook. l wasn't trying to steal credit from her or anybody else (why would I?)... I believe the book title & description were uploaded to Amazon late last night. That's when I put the pieces together for myself & reported it here.
Yes. And in actuality Kate and the self publishing company spilled the beans ages ago. Kate flat out said she had a cookbook, and the self publishing company tweeted the announcement--then I think a short time later deleted their tweet IIRC. Not before we could post it here though. We all made fun of it and brought up how Robert was so blasted for self-publishing. It's probably in a few threads back but I don't want to search for it now.
Others brought more information to the table which is always welcome. Some could be verified easier than others. No need to fight about it. :)
So, let me see if I understand this...
There's a recipe of Collin's Thomas Hummus in the book...
...and yet, on the opposite page, there's a photo of Kate and Collin, staring lovingly into each other's eyes...
...but the food in the photo ISN'T the Hummus???!!
WHY, would you NOT have an actual photo of the RECIPE/FOOD in the photo depicted by the recipe???!!
That drives me nuts. Sorry.
I have a question about pre-ordering books. Does the book have to have a certain number of pre-orders, in order for it to be actually published? If it doesn't meet that quota, can the publisher cancel the printing?
That just depends, on the situation, type of publication, the contract, etc. The publisher can cancel for any reason, usually (ex: her original cookbook that was ditched). Self-published books are generally published regardless because the author already paid and is just hoping they will sell with no real idea if they will. With HCI in the picture, there is a little more to it than just Kate and Amazon's self-publishing unit.
Some books are available to pre-order months ahead, others closer to the date. Sometimes a book that is certain to be a good seller (like, say, James Patterson) can be announced a year or more ahead. But the publication dates get pushed back so often that most publishers don't set that far ahead because then it becomes an ordering problem for wholesale purchasers.
I wish I could recall with 100% certainty about "Aunt Helen", but it seems to me I read somewhere about a recipe that someone gave her (a friend or neighbor or acquaintance/handyman)for these lemon bars/squares that had the title "Aunt Helen's" already on it--as if it were from this person's family. Like I said, I can't recall exactly, but something's ringing a bell with that "Aunt Helen" name.
The book could take up over 300 pages if it's chock full of pictures...you know, Kate squeezing all those lemons, ha ha.
So let's see now, she's been Can-Do Kate, Smokin' Hot Kate, Marathon Momma, Organization Kate, Coupon Kate, Blogger Kate, and now Chef Kate.
"WHY, would you NOT have an actual photo of the RECIPE/FOOD in the photo depicted by the recipe???!!"
Because the food she prepares looks like crap. I was wondering if there were any food photos in the book. If so, I hope she had a food stylist on board. I've never seen worse photos in my life. And I agree that the cover photo looks amateurish. Guess that's all she can afford nowadays.
"We all made fun of it and brought up how Robert was so blasted for self-publishing."
There's a difference between the two scenarios, though. Robert self-published in order to retain total editorial control. He had more than one big publisher interested in the book. Kate, on the other hand, couldn't get any respectable publisher to touch her "cookbook" with a ten-foot pole. HA!
And I agree that the cover photo looks amateurish. Guess that's all she can afford nowadays.
And this is where KATE is the one who is actually quite "mediocre." She wants to be in the book publishing business, and yet she can't look at the cover and be horrified at how awful it is.
She doesn't have enough good sense or smarts to send that back and fire the photographer. She accepted that cover, so apparently she thinks it's good! Sad really.
I don't know about an Aunt Helen, but on Tastebook.com there is a Lemon Bar recipe from Aunty Helen. This is gonna be fun.
There's a difference between the two scenarios, though. Robert self-published in order to retain total editorial control. He had more than one big publisher interested in the book. Kate, on the other hand, couldn't get any respectable publisher to touch her "cookbook" with a ten-foot pole. HA!
Right absolutely. And there's another major different I brought up last night.
Kate was an established author with a publishing company who DROPPED HER. That's pathetic. She's not some unknown trying to break into the business. The doors were wide open and she blew it. Even John Grisham had to self publish his first novel. Unknown authors, even if you are excellent, often have to go that route to publish.
So here we have the internet with a buzzillion recipes floating out there. Suggestions to keep from copy right infringement:
“The rules that most cookbook authors and food writers follow are these:
1. If you’re modifying someone else’s recipe, it should be called “adapted from.”
2. If you change a recipe substantially, you may be able to call it your own. But if it’s somewhat similar to a publisher recipe, you should say it’s “inspired by,” which means that you used else’s recipe for inspiration, but changed it substantially.
3. If you change three ingredients, you can in most instances call the recipe yours.
Number 3 is a tricky area, but if the recipe is so unique, you may want to give credit for the inspiration. For example, if you loved the idea of Bill Smith’s recipe for Apple-Green Olive Pie, but you came up with your own unique variant (ex: Pear-Black Olive Tart) which is substantially different that his (although I don’t know why) , you could certainly say it was “Inspired by Bill Smith’s pie.”
TLC Stinks - here's the link to the book on Amazon:
Berks Neighbor said... 123
Seriously? 18 TBLS of Lemon Juice.
Kate, did you know that ONE CUP of liquid = 20 TBLS ? How come this recipe doesn't say the 'yield' amount?
The recipe does give the yield amount right above the recipe name.
YIELD: 12 Appetizer Portions
I don't know what "Appetizer Portions" are though. One cup, one tablespoon, one chip, etc?
I still can't get over that tahini is spelled wrong in the ingredient list. Who edited this book?
And I agree that the cover photo looks amateurish. Guess that's all she can afford nowadays
Don't know if my previous comment made it or not, but the photographer is credited and she is a baby/child photographer in NY state, NOT a
FOOD photographer. Don't know if Kate hired her or was provided by HCI, but looks like there was more concern about the people than the food.
And what's with the "with 108+" recipes on the cover? If it's more than 108, why not just put the actual number? It's an odd number to cite (why wouldn't you say "over 100"?). Or did she just want to get that "8" in there?
Ariana Falerni was the photographer. She's just a rinky dink baby and wedding photographer who only chargers $125 a session. That's obscenely, shockingly low, especially for her location, New York City. Wonder if she's a friend of Deanna's and did it for free. Her photos aren't that great, many are overexposed and she puts distracting hats or ribbons on the baby's heads.
I wish her all the best but shooting a book cover was obviously far outside her area of expertise.
Kate, who's mediocre now?
Wonder if Kate included that photo of the food on the floor while she was cleaning the refrigerator......#notappetizing.
Yep, and because she had to string people along like that, it was "sixymomma" on Twitter who was the first to scoop the entire story last weekend
Kate and the publishing company were the first to let the cat out of the bag several weeks ago.
Unfortunately sixymomma couldn't provide proof, though I don't know how she could. Although I tended to believe her because I knew the publishing company had already admitted the book was going to be released in the fall--but we couldn't really do much with an unverified tweet until ID alerted us to the actual photos. :) So, thanks to all, especially the publishing company for spilling the beans long ago!
You'd think Kate and her new publisher would've updated her Author's page on Amazon. But noooo--the family picture is old (Jon's in the mix & she's sporting that hedgehog 'do). And see for yourself the text itself is wayyy out of date:
Kate Gosselin has the joy, frustration, and honor of raising eight children--twins and sextuplets--in central Pennsylvania. The daily lives of her family were previously chronicled for five seasons on TLC's hit show "Jon and Kate Plus 8." Kate is a sought-after speaker, author of the NY Times bestselling books, Multiple Blessings and Eight Little Faces, and is currently in production on a new show for TLC.
I swear Kate is morphing into Dina Lohan physically and (a decidedly more frightening thought) mentally just by looking at the picture alone. I'd hate to guess which one of the 8 might end up like Lindsay. I really hope that won't happen.
I agree the boys do look thin and weary even when smiling (forced).
What a crazy mess, and pretty much self-published at that. You can find those recipes all over the 'net, and her 'special' touches are what render them inedible. I know a few cookbook authors; they spend years testing, tasting, and repeat. Kate cannot hold a candle to that level of professionalism. And her 200 plus pages of non-recipes will be shameless photographic and personal revelations of child exploitation. Lucky kids to be returning to school in the fall for this. And I imagine any self-promoting interviews for this 'book' will not happen until much closer to the date of publication; what is the biotch going to do to maintain her 'celebrity' for the next 5 months?
I suspect she chose the early reveal as a birthday present, from Kate to Kate.
18 Tblsp of lemon juice - my morning laugh.
Was it Just Up the Road who mentioned how Khate's neck is even worse in real life? The side profile of her with Collin is VERY unflattering. No photo shop for that? I noticed her neck ( side again) in CWS while holding little Hank. Lots of wrinkled skin, too much for a 38 yr old
I think once the cookbook is out in Sept. one of us should buy it for this reason. Then that person can post here 5 to 8 recipes per day. Then everyone here can see what recipes they have in their own cookbooks at home or search the internet to match Kate's recipes. And we can have a game of matching Kate's to known recipes. Admin., perhaps you can have a separate thread for it. I think it would be fun and more true to wait to see what ingredients are in Kate's recipes so we can do fair matching. Right now we would just be matching recipe names. I think we need to see her recipes to make it fair and square.
I know Kate subscribes to Allrecipes.com. She tweeted so one day. And she admittedly made a few of their recipes on her website. So I suspect that she probably used that website for some of her recipes.
But again, Kate, one word has been missing on the entire Amazon webpage about your book. And that same word has not been mentioned today in all of your tweets about your cookbook. The word is ORGANIC. Gee, Kate, are your recipes going to be organic or not? Are you going to stay true to yourself and family and be an organic cook like you have claimed and preached for the past 6 years or are you going to sell out for bigger sales? I dare say this is not an organic cookbook and of course, you are going to take bigger sales and forfeit your principles of cooking organic. Nothing new there.
Hmm-Gypsi tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 I ordered last nite at 2am when I cldnt sleep!! Congrats and can't wait. :) 👍
So gypsi was either reading here, or doesn't have the "haters" blocked on twitter, because they were the only ones tweeting about it. Does Kate wonder how she knew?
18 tbs of lemon juice?
ha ha! Maybe she just tried to slip in another "8".
Somewhere out there is the same recipe, I'm sure, that says "1 cup, minus 2 Tbs, lemon juice", the normal way to write it
TLC Stinks,
Per the info from Sixymomma8 over the weekend, 2 photographers went to Kate's house to take pics for the book. One was Ariana Falerni and the other was Parikha Mehta. Parikha does mostly children, but has done food in the past. I don't think either one of the photogs take great pics.
Parikha: http://www.parikhamehta.com
...I offer just two straightforward, digital-inclusive packages. No separate session fees, no complicated pricing menus. Easy peasy.
My standard package is $500 and includes a 1-2 hour session, a custom USB drive of all (~20-25) of your digital images, as well as 4×6 print proofs for all your images. Newborn sessions are $650 and include everything listed for the standard, plus an additional 1-2 hours for the session and extra time to edit your images.
Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!! This is the BIG SURPRISE that Kate has been torturing her fans with? Ughh.
Pass the Rolaids.
This cookbook(?) is only interesting to her fanatics- and will be purchased only by her fanatics.
I wonder if the entire book is written in capitals... Kate's screaming at you throughout the cookbook ;o)
A more truthful title for her book would have been:
Sort of OT, anyone remember Phil Hartman's character, Eugene The Anal Rententive Cook?
I would never buy a cookbook from Kate, but her few fans on Twitter will waste their money. All I can say is at least it's not another TV show with the kids.
Did Jon know about this cookbook? Does he have parental rights to say his kids should not be on the cover or titles of receipes?
I galls me to see Kate use the kids time and time again and never ever being called out by Jon. I don't know the terms of children's custody, nor should I. The question is who is protecting these children from continually being dragged into the spotlight by their mother. When are these children ever going to be out of the spotlight?
As for the cookbook itself, it'll be crap like everything else she does. No work on the receipes, poorly photographed, probably few photos of the food. It always comes back to Kate wants the fame and fortune without the work and in order to get what she wants she has to drag the kids into whatever she's doing because she is nothing, nothing without the kids.
Let's face it. This cookbook wasn't so much about recipes as it was getting Kate's and the kids' faces back "out there".
After this turns out to be a mediocre fail, expect her and Mady to go the homemade video route...for subscription viewing of course.
Forgive this off topic for a second:::
"He wants to come and see the destruction himself, firsthand," Christie continued in his radio interview with New Jersey 101.5. "He wants to be helpful. And I am going to be spending the entire day with Prince Harry. And believe me, nobody's going to get naked if I'm spending the entire day with Prince Harry."
I freaking love Chris Christie hahaha.
Okay, after seeing the website picture of Collin & Kate, I have to repeat my earlier comment about everyone's hands. On the book cover and in that picture, their hands are so awkwardly posed! It's as if they're afraid of touching anything--each other, the food, themselves. Very telling, in my opinion.
Kate Calls it: Summer Stir Fry
The Pioneer Woman calls it: Summer Stir-Fry (2010)
Kate calls it: Mommy-Style Chili
Italian Girl Cooks calls it: Mom’s Chili Recipe (2008)
Kate calls it: Buffalo Pretzels
Coookin' Cowgirl calls it: Buffalo Pretzels (2011)
Kate calls it: Pizza Meatballs
Giadia calls it: Meatballs a la Pizzaiola (2011)
Kate calls it: Holiday Pineapple Casserole
Paula Deen calls it Pineapple Casserole (2004)
Kate calls it: Spicy Sausage Bean Bake
Tate of Home calls it: Best-Ever Beans and Sausage Recipe (2011)
I could go on... but I really have better things to do - like taking out the trash.
Please note, however, that most of these meal casseroles have Kate's favorite ingredients of canned beans.
I have to say the younger children look pretty thin. Collin looks so thin--he doesn't look like nearly 9 years old. I wish someone will call her out and ask why they look so thin.
Anonymous, I'm not a layout "expert." I said I did SOME layout. Anyone who majors in journalism is going to take a class that covers layout and anyone who works at a paper at anything other than writing will do it at some point, some more than others. It's good to be able to put a working knowledge of QuarkXPress on your resume, they won't hire you if you don't know how to use it. I'm sorry that bothers you.
Lisa and Bullsh*t meter - although sixymomma8 did tweet this weekend about a photog friend who had a photo session with Kate for a cookbook, Admin is right when she said that the cat was out of the bag a while ago when the self publishing consultant and/or Kate talked about the fall release. I give Improbable Dreams credit for coming up with the actual information last night when the book was announced on Amazon AND 15 Minutes published the info before anyone on twitter.
Now, if you all want to try a wonderful cold oatmeal, I'm attaching a recipe for Chilled Swill Oatmeal. This is basically a “don’t knock it until you’ve tried it” recipe and is as close as I could come to oatmeal served at the Corner Bakery in Denver that I had years ago. It was about $3 a bowl at that time.
1 Granny Smith apple cored and chopped (or use apple of your choice)
1/2 cup apple cider or apple juice (I used cider)
1 cup Bob's Red Mill Muesli (you can find this in the health food section at most grocery store)
1 tablespoons honey (or to taste)
1 cup vanilla low-fat yogurt
2 tablespoons dried cranberries
Combine apples and apple cider and toss to moisten
Stir in the Muesli and honey and stir
Add yogurt and cranberries - mix well
Refrigerate overnight - Will keep for at least 2 days in the refrigerator
Serve with fresh fruit of your choice on top
I like to use the Muesli because it's already got everything mixed in, however if you can’t find the Muesli you can use quick-cooking oats and add 2 tablespoons each of sliced almonds and raisins.
My Aunt Helen always made us lemon bars. Gee, Kate, I just saw my aunt on Sunday and she is always sending us funny emails. I'm sure your recipe will have some wonderful story on your "Aunt Helen"- not!
Milo has already started with the cookbook rhyming tweets. It's gonna be a looooong summer. LOL
M must be standing on something in that cover photo because she is the same height as C. And I noticed Kate made C stand sideways. Kate usually does that herself because it makes her look thinner.
Is Milo finally making Kate uneasy?????
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack13h
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...but U won't get my surprise N the mail....it will come another way! LOL
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy813h
@MiloandJack (now you're scaring me, lol)
Reposting, 'cause I think blogger ate my earlier comment.
After seeing the cover shot & the website picture of Collin and Kate, I'm even more creeped out about the position of everyone's hands. So awkward, all 9 of them--it's as if they're afraid of touching each other, the food, themselves.
I think the main reason that Kate is pushing her sheeple to order on her web site is because she cuts out the middle man (Amazon) and won't have to give anyone a cut of the sales.
Gee, Kate, are your recipes going to be organic or not? Are you going to stay true to yourself and family and be an organic cook like you have claimed and preached for the past 6 years or are you going to sell out for bigger sales? I dare say this is not an organic cookbook and of course, you are going to take bigger sales and forfeit your principles of cooking organic. Nothing new there.
Leslie, you're right.
The only principle Kate has ever stayed true to is using her kids in every way necessary to stay in the media and keep the almighty dollar rolling in. Everything else from giving back to recycling to eating organic was just a gimmick of the week/month to try to find a 'brand' that might stick.
Inauthentic is the perfect word to describe Kate.
How come the girls wear clothing the correct size, but the boys are wearing shirts way too big?
Could you possible post the Hummus recipe pic here so that she doesn't get hits for her site? I think with proper credit to her website and the photographer it shouldn't be a problem.
I was hoping someone could tell me what it is that's in Kate's hand in the photo. Just out of curiosity...
Holy Cow! Someone mentioned how bad Kate's neck looked in the photo with Collin. Well, did you see her deep folds of skin by her mouth in this same photo? It is very, very bad. Kate is highly deficient in fat & protein in her diet and it is taking a toll on her face. She needs to gain at least 10 pounds to plumb up her face to make her look younger.
Any recipes from BFF Gina? Bahaha.
Here's the original ISBN 9780061836817
I did a search with the ISBN but the book is no longer available in foreign markets.
Here's a question: Can a book be given an ISBN number without ever being printed?
I think it was a mistake to put pictures of the children on the cover and inside as well. That is inviting comments about them from the publi. Everyone is going to see how thin they are and the boys wearing 2-size too big shirts. I notice Joel is very thin too. His shoulders are sticking out or maybe he is just standing so stiff and awardardly. It looks like his shoulders strunk because they are so close to his head!
Here's a question: Can a book be given an ISBN number without ever being printed?
I BELIEVE so. I was looking into buying an ISBN once for my novel (though decided not to at the moment) and I saw this web site I'm pretty sure linked directly from Kindle where you could buy batches of them, 10, 20, 100! Nothing about it said you had to use them.
I didn't see anything unusual with their hands. I did notice that Cara is standing sideways (God forbid one of the children is a normal weight) and Mady has the hair-tossed head to the side thing going as usual. She said on her website that the kids are excited about the cookbook. NOT. They had no choice.
I have to wonder, too, where Kate dug up this photographer. A cookbook should have a food stylist and a food photographer, not someone who does babies and children. Like I said, the food takes second place in this book.
Oh, and maybe Kate is wearing a wig? I know she has extensions, but no way is her hair that long and thick.
I think she will pretend to have not seen a single comment, and proudly announce the upcoming publication of her Love is in the Mix cookbook!
You pretty much called it last night. Looks like she just sort of slyly started talking about it as if nothing had happened while she slept.
I bet she was so pissed though.
"Here's a question: Can a book be given an ISBN number without ever being printed?"
Well, yes, since ISBNs are typically requested before the book actually gets printed.
Comments regarding her face and neck, when were these photos taken? Any ideas? Her face in the photo looks different from her appearance on The View promoting Wife Sway.
I've always loved the food photography in Jamie Oliver's cookbooks. Those are the few I've ever been interested in buying. They are always up close, bright, good bokeh, and you might only see his hands. The food looks clean, fresh and delicious.
I don't even think his family is pictured in the ones I have. Just him on the cover, him with a local farmer, etc. He doesn't need his kids to sell his work.
Actually, I should clarify that ISBNs actually get created fairly early in the publishing process--basically once the proposal has been accepted by ed board. It's what identifies the book more than anything else.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 156
Forgive this off topic for a second:::
"He wants to come and see the destruction himself, firsthand," Christie continued in his radio interview with New Jersey 101.5. "He wants to be helpful. And I am going to be spending the entire day with Prince Harry. And believe me, nobody's going to get naked if I'm spending the entire day with Prince Harry."
I freaking love Chris Christie hahaha.
Me too :o)
Christie is truly one of a kind.
I wish he was our Governor.
Yep, I went back and looked on her website that photo of her sideways with Collin. That has got be a wig.
Pink said "Sort of OT, anyone remember Phil Hartman's character, Eugene The Anal Rententive Cook?"
YES! Funnnny!
I notice that the Amazon blurb doesn't give Beth or Jon any credit for being co-writers on the book(s) of which they were a part.
The Amazon blurb makes it sound like Kate wrote three books alone. Which she didn't.
I'd sure like to see a little more honesty there. Doesn't Amazon have some obligation to be correct in their description?
TLC Stinks Kate always dresses the poor boys in clothes way to big. Remember last Easter when they had on argyle vests and tan pants that were falling off of them because they were 2 sizes to big? She could careless about those poor sweet boys
I don't comment on the kids, but since there are a few posts here about how thin they look (and unhealthy), I'd just like to say that the kids, in person, appear to be fine. They are not big kids in the sense that they are fine-featured, small-boned and don't appear thin. They seem to be within the normal weight range for children that age. Honest. I think perhaps in the photo the boys do appear on the thin side, especially A, because his shirt looks like it's hanging off him.
Kate's neck -- yes, it's bad, and the more weight she loses, the more flabby it gets. I think necks are genetic -- she just has one of those that tends to get wrinkled and there's not much you can do about it, but the tanning and weight loss just accelerate the wrinkles. We're a non-wrinkle neck family (my 90-year-old grandmother's neck showed no signs of aging), but Kate seems to have been cursed with a neck that becomes old before its time.
HCI tweeted:
HCI Books @HCIBooks1 9m
@SuzeW718 @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8's book is being published by @HCIBooks1, not by HCI Printing & Publishing. Not a self-published book.
Kate was an established author with a publishing company who DROPPED HER. That's pathetic. She's not some unknown trying to break into the business. The doors were wide open and she blew it.
This is so typical of Kate's disorder. She thinks she's a great cook and by golly even if she turned down by ten publishers, she's going to do it. Narcissists are immune to embarrassment.
That she was hyping this old cookbook as 'the big surprise' shows how low on the celebrity status scale she's fallen. Not that she was on top of the fame game anyway, but it's sure not like the good ol' days when she announced she was not only going to be on DWTS, she was going to WIN!
(Oh by the way, I'm pretty sure Aunt Helen is Emilia Lipshutz' cousin twice removed)
If Kate can't put together a website that makes any sense, and doesn't bother to make sure that "coming soon" has any entries, then why would anyone expect her to assemble a cookbook with a layout that logically pairs the food with the pictures? She must have had final approval on it, but she obviously has no layout skills or creativity whatsoever. I just find it hard to believe that she didn't have any help with that...or, maybe she did, but she hired the wrong person or just wouldn't listen.
I actually feel embarrassed for her, particularly for that cover. The photographer needs an emergency class in Cropping 101.
After Much Anticipation, Kate Gosselin Announces her New Cookbook, "Love Is In The Mix," Just in Time for her Birthday; It's Kate Plus 8 Clean Plates
Read more
Misleading her fans is intentional and she obviously doesn't care that she's sent fans on a wild goose chase this morning trying to find her danged book.
And, she's still directing people to her site rather than directly to Amazon. I wonder if she's getting an extra percentage of the sales for the referring link from her page to Amazon.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, your book isnt showing up yet on http://bn.com or http://booksamillion.com
@SuzyK2013 it's coming.... :) just getting you ready and wanted to make sure you knew my favorite places to order!
MJ said... 81
A question for everyone. I'd like to say I'm baffled that she'd release another cookbook with almost the exact same title, but it's Kate we're talking about. Do you think it's possible Kate isn't aware of her 1st cookbook being published in '09? Does she not know it was dumped in foreign markets or does she not care? Or is it a non-issue and completely legal?
Readerlady - have you ever heard of this happening?
I'm not Readerlady, and I'm going to stick my neck out a bit here -- I think this may be a case of speculation gradually morphing into "fact" over the years. I don't think any copies of the cook book were ever published! It is far more plausible that the HealthTex line of childrens clothing was sold overseas than the book.
Remember, both the cook book and the clothing line were put on hold at about the same time. Then Zondervan, months later, stated than they were not going to publish it at all.
I just did a very quick search for the cook book at Abebooks (international and a good source of used books) and Amazon.co.uk. Abebooks doesn't have the cook book listed at all. Amazon.co.uk does have the 2009 listing but says it is unavailable. There is no photo or description of the book. This is obviously not an exhaustive search, and I haven't tried Australia yet!
My own speculation: At some point, Kate got the book and title back from Zondervan. She probably had to reimburse any advance she had received from them. Zondervan has no reason to hang onto any drafts she had sent them because they were never going to publish it. So self-publishing through this other entity is probably perfectly legal.
Now, if I'm wrong and Zondervan sues her for publishing a book for which they still hold the rights it might be fun to watch!
@SuzeW718 @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8's book is being published by @HCIBooks1, not by HCI Printing & Publishing. Not a self-published book.
Right from the horse's mouth. NOT self-published. Fans are high-fiving.
TLC stinks said... 176
Like I said, the food takes second place in this book.
Consider it a blessing in disguise.
My gosh, her hairline is receding. She's all forehead! What happened to that cute, fresh-faced natural gal with the short pixieish blonde on blonde cut from several years ago? How can anyone age so fast while trying to stay young?
On the cookbook name, it's actually different. If you google it on Amazon the name is actually "Kate Gosselin's Love is in the Mix" by Kate Gosselin. That's how she got around it.
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