Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The rights of the deceased

Producers decide to air slain cast member's reality show just days after her death, and it's not the first time.

What if you die before your reality show airs? Is it right for networks to still air it or should they pull it out of respect? Two years ago, Bravo also aired episodes post-mortem featuring Russell Armstrong, who had committed suicide. His family was horrified, especially when Bravo at first repeatedly promised to re-edit the show. Russell's death was linked by some family members to the pressure of the show, at one point his mother saying that he once told her, "Mom, they're just going to crucify me this season. I don't know what to do. I'll never survive it."

Now, it's happening again, after Reeva Steenkamp was shot and killed. Her boyfriend, the famous "Blade Runner," was charged with the crime. Steenkamp had wrapped a reality show shortly before her death, which aired this past weekend. 

South African producers have come under fire from viewers who say it's disrespectful to air the show and they are just profiting off her death. However producers claim they consulted with her family about the decision. They said“We felt that it was important for people to know that there was more to the narrative of Reeva than an exceptionally beautiful girl in a bikini, that she was strong and vibrant and funny and lovely and that this is a tragedy on an unspeakable level.”

716 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Jon is a very passive, Type B person and this kind of personality can have a lot of positives. It's not a bad thing to have a reputation as easy to get along with, never starting fights, rolls with the punches, not easily angered. I think they often make very patient understanding parents, too, not sweating the small stuff. I would know, since one of my parents is quite passive, and we are very close. There were many small things I was never scolded for by this parent because they just didn't matter to that parent, and they were correct, they were small things that didn't matter. Passive people usually are quite successful in bureaucratic organizations too.

But when you pair it with someone who takes advantage of that, disaster can ensue, as it did here. Much like an aggressive person shouldn't just blame others when they can't control themselves, the same goes for a passive person who shouldn't blame others when they are not stepping up. Both personalities have their pluses and minuses but both need to take ownership.

Anonymous said...

fidosmommy said... 169
For the record, my parents are very far from 'classless'– educators, married almost 50 years, cultured, well-respected in their fields.

And my parents were also well respected in their fields and married for 57 years, and did it all without one foul word coming out of their mouths in or out of the house.


Good for them. Despite what you are implying, however, "doing it all without one foul word..." does not make them better people (or parents).

fidosmommy said...

I invite any of us to spend time with Kate and try to stand up to her without upsetting the kids. It is in Kate's blood to be the boss and her ideas are the only ones. If Kate wanted Jon to quit his job in Harrisburg to stay home to help with the kids, Jon was going to quit his job in Harrisburg to stay home with the kids. There would be no other option because it was what Kate wanted. If Kate announced that your bed was now anywhere but in her bedroom, there would be a bed set up somewhere in the house for you, period.

I really would like to see any one of us actually taking Kate on without disrupting the entire household and making it still worse than it already is.

While Jon was nonconfrontational, he was teaching his children to just try to get along, don't bully back. Do your best to let it slide off your back when a mean person tries to make your life miserable.

I think in many ways Jon did his children a service by not slinging back at Kate as good as he got.

FYI said...

I have a standing date with Mark Harmon and David McCallum every Tuesday at 8pm, so I will not be watching CWS.

I do wonder however, if Shoka will be shown on the show.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It just dawned on me that same M.O. sounds exactly like what that hacker said! That Kate basically gave him no other options, it wasn't a choice. You do this. Clearly, he felt he had to, that there was no other way to handle it. Obviously that's his perspective, and he's a kid, and who knows if his version of events is accurate, but it certainly is telling that his story is remarkably consistent with her past behavior of bullying and browbeating men to get what she wants.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I do think there is value in teaching kids when passiveness is appropriate, you just have to know not to take it too far, and that's a fine line. I firmly believe that passive, type B personalities tend to be happier. Type A's typically have the reputation of running around like crazy all the time, always frazzled, always stressed, never able to not sweat the small stuff. That's not a happy life to me. Of Jon and Kate, Jon does seem happier to me than Kate. Oh, Kate talks a big talk about being happy happy happy, but deep down I really don't see it. Jon doesn't talk about being happy, but exudes contentment.

I have observed that my passive parent seems much happier and more relaxed and content with life than the other. They don't seem to carry the same burdens and stresses even though they both are pretty much sharing the same life. A frazzled conversation with one parent about some issue is to the other parent, "no big deal it will be fine." And usually it is fine.

Anonymous said...

fidosmommy said... 3
I invite any of us to spend time with Kate and try to stand up to her without upsetting the kids. It is in Kate's blood to be the boss and her ideas are the only ones. If Kate wanted Jon to quit his job in Harrisburg to stay home to help with the kids, Jon was going to quit his job in Harrisburg to stay home with the kids. There would be no other option because it was what Kate wanted. If Kate announced that your bed was now anywhere but in her bedroom, there would be a bed set up somewhere in the house for you, period.

I really would like to see any one of us actually taking Kate on without disrupting the entire household and making it still worse than it already is.

While Jon was nonconfrontational, he was teaching his children to just try to get along, don't bully back. Do your best to let it slide off your back when a mean person tries to make your life miserable.

I couldn't disagree more. Teaching your children not to have a backbone and to be victims is not doing them any favors. And Jon was not just passive, he was passive-aggressive, by his own admission. It is not a good thing to teach your children to be passive-aggressive as a "communication" tool.

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha . . . so Kate "made" the hackers do this? Wow, what power she has. Listen, I believe Kate is a total loser but come on people, everyone has a choice to do what they believe is right. No one could force this pretend hacker to do this and no one could force Jon to do the things he did. There is this little thing called personal responsibility. Jon needed to buck up and be a man. If he can't teach his boys just that one thing, then I feel sorry for them all.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

See I don't know, there are situations where being aggressive like Kate for sure can be very helpful. There are different situations where being more passive will serve you well. We were just talking about Chris Dorner and how he had a personality where everything was an issue. Nothing rolled off his back. Were his complaints valid and should have been reported, yes, many of them were. I'm not saying you shouldn't report bad things. However at the same time, he was sweating a lot of things that many people would have just taken a deep breath about and moved on from. He was creating a lot of anxiety and anger for himself that might have been better to just let go. You can go through life making a big issue out of everything and you might be absolutely right about it, but is it making you happy? Is it helping anything? Are you creating unnecessary drama for yourself? I don't know how you teach kids which approach is appropriate for what. I think they learn more by observing, for better or worse.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Ahahaha . . . so Kate "made" the hackers do this? Wow, what power she has. Listen, I believe Kate is a total loser but come on people, everyone has a choice to do what they believe is right.


Noooo. Not saying that or implying I am excusing them. I'm saying her approach to the hackers obviously made THEM feel that way, and has telling similarities to the approach she took with Jon that we all saw with our own eyes.

Actually, I thought their statement that she left them no options was silly. Um, you could tell her to kiss off, why wasn't that an option? However, the point being, that was her APPROACH.

MJ said...

Is Kate self-publishing?

The blog owner also holds seminars on how to get your book noticed by publishers and agents. That said, I think Kate will self publish. A bestselling author HA, now searching for help on how to self-publish. I guess she's lost her contacts in the publishing world. I've heard a number of successful authors speak and they've all said how difficult it is to find a publisher and agent and how long it takes to get a deal - and how hard they have to work to promote their books and sell them. She had it easy with her others with the built in TLC show still airing.

She probably said she'll be done with her work and will be ready for publishing in the fall. Unless she's self publishing it would most likely take much, much longer for her to find an agent and a publisher and for the manuscript to make it to bookstores.

A quote from the blog on writing proposals which is hilarious when thinking about how horrible Kate is with these things:

"Platform refers to how you are already reaching people who are talking about the topic – e.g., your blog, how many engaged followers you have on social media, etc. Also include how you are going to promote the book."

So, Kate, tell an agent how successful you are at blogging and the buying power of your twitter fans, you know, the all the teen fans.

Anonymous said...

I disagree about the passive person being happier. I believe the opposite. If you can't stand up for yourself, you always feel trodden upon. That does not make for a happy person. I believe the passive person is just better at covering up their unhappiness.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Marie, so you think Kate is happier than Jon? I just don't see it.

Passive people aren't WIRED to achieve happiness from being aggressive. It does NOT make them happy. It makes them unhappy actually, usually. It's just how they are. Different strokes for different folks. Millions of people are Type B personalities and I find it hard to believe they are all miserable.

Anonymous said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 8
See I don't know, there are situations where being aggressive like Kate for sure can be very helpful. There are different situations where being more passive will serve you well. We were just talking about Chris Dorner and how he had a personality where everything was an issue. Nothing rolled off his back. Were his complaints valid and should have been reported, yes, many of them were. I'm not saying you shouldn't report bad things. However at the same time, he was sweating a lot of things that many people would have just taken a deep breath about and moved on from. He was creating a lot of anxiety and anger for himself that might have been better to just let go. You can go through life making a big issue out of everything and you might be absolutely right about it, but is it making you happy? Is it helping anything? Are you creating unnecessary drama for yourself? I don't know how you teach kids which approach is appropriate for what. I think they learn more by observing, for better or worse.


I agree with you that being aggressive is not always the right choice, and that sweating every little thing is not the key to happiness. My disagreement is with the notion that Jon's behavior during the marriage was a good lesson for children. (Kate's behavior was not a good lesson for children either, just to be clear on that point.) The end result of both of their behaviors was a nasty divorce.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous please pick a name, especially when you are making interesting points that people want to respond to. I don't want to delete you and lose those!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kateplusmy839 mins ago via TwitterrificTwitter.
RT @MiloandJack:

Twitter is all a flutter, the media is jumpin...the world has gone crazy cause @Kateplusmy8 and @KendraWilkinson will be on #WifeSwap @ABC.



The "world has gone crazy cause Kate & Kendra will be on WifeSwap?

What in the delusional world is wrong with this person?

Clap, clap, wake up!

Wowser said...

Here's a question...do you think that Kate has seen the complete CWS episode ahead of time as it will be presented on tv? I wonder because I frankly think she was surprised at how TLC really showed her complete ugly side and did not edit out to make her look better in the RV episodes. She really back pedaled and said it was all editing and stress. I wonder because she keeps saying how much "fun was had by all" and will this be the irst time she is seeing the episode as well...if not....this could be another instance when karma bites her in the ass gain because we all know that Kate clearly does NOT see herself the way the public does.

Jane said...

@deannatweeting A SHOUT OUT 2 the talented expert make-up artist who makes a pretty @Kateplusmy8 look even #MorePretty Sweet Tweet Deanna :)

Milo must live in an alternative universe with her lights out man. This tweet screams 'look at me' 'include me' - she's so needy.

SeeSaw said...

We all saw on the show that Jon was pretty passive, but I don't think it's fair to judge him for quitting his job to stay home with the kids. Kate BEAT them. It was probably much better for them to have Kate traveling to her speaking engagements while Jon stayed home.

Also, in a lot of families Dad's stay home while the Mom works. That's not always because Mom's a bitch and Dad is spineless. Maybe Mom's earning potential is better. Plus with Jon in IT it's possible he thought he could find work he could do at home. I don't think less of him just because he became the primary caregiver.

Thanks for Going Off Topic said...

Winsomeone said... 200

Marie said . . ."Do you realize that your comments make Jon sound like a total loser, with no mind of his own? Someone "talked him into" him quitting his job? He was "manipulated"? He "let Kate run his show?"

Yes, I agree with this too..he also let someone force him into sleeping in the basement in the old house, and then into sleeping in the garage in the mansion. He let someone travel the country with a male body guard getting 5 star treatment, while he was the main care giver of 8 kids, with an allowance of $5 per week. What sort of man allows this to happen?


A man who has been systematically verbally emotionally and possibly also physically abused by his spouse for years? That wreaks havoc on anyone's self esteem.

My take on Jon Gosselin is that he is probably a pleasant, unambitious, not very intelligent, easy going and rather passive guy. He might have done quite well married to someone else. Kate glommed onto him as someone she could control and bullied him into agreeing with her point of view for years. When he started to try to fight back (on not wanting to continue to film the kids) she dumped him faster than you can say Steve Neild.

Ex Nurse said...

As far as Jon's personality type. I always like to go to the source:

"Jon Gosselin admitted to being passive aggressive and doing “stuff I wouldn’t want done to me.” This comes almost three years after the highly-publicized divorce of Jon and Kate Gosselin, former stars of “Jon and Kate Plus 8.” Jon and Kate Gosselin were married in 1999. They divorced on June 22, 2009"


Passsive-agessive is not the same as passive. It fits with his constant blaming Kate, te IRS, TLC and, mostrecently, the state child support system (months after his final support payment was due.

PatK said...

A self-published cookbook? Okaaay. So without a publishing company to back her and promote her, how many copies would this sell? Other than six...errr, seven, because Milo would probably give one to her SIL.

Keep grasping at that dangling rope, Katie.

Blowing In The Wind said...

just one step closer to home foreclosure and bankruptcy. That is what I am waiting for. That would be just rewards for this fame-whore to be bounced back in the world of us "mediocre" people.


You're waiting for the kids to be put out of their home because of foreclosure...just to make Kate pay for her deeds? I wouldn't wish that on any child -- to lose their home...and there ARE kids involved here.

AussieGoldenLuv said...

Having read Kate's latest bog on The Stir, I really feel sort of sorry for her. She is so excruciatingly tone deaf. I truly believe she thinks she's all that, but when you see her or read her bog, she's got horrible parenting skills. Very sad as she won't be able to change if she doesn't realize she needs improvement.

PatK said...

Kate's new blog entry is up. She made a chore jar for her EIGHT kids because she lost her part-time cleaning lady.

Absolutely fascinating. Yawn.

Dmasy said...

My opinions about Jon and Kate are based on observation supplemented by speculation.

I am probably correct about some assumptions and I am probably incorrect about some assumptions.

If I had to choose one of them to be my next door neighbor -- I pick Jon!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

Sorry, blowing in the wind, but I DISAGREE with you completely. The kids would be taken care of by wonderful church groups that are out there. And they also have their FATHER -- remember him? I DO hope Khate goes through foreclosure and bankruptcy, but, as I said, it won't happen. $he is too cunning.

PatK said...

She's already starting to promote her recipes...at least she's learning how to make the plate look presentable.

SomeXs food is art& 2day art is my lunch!:) Obsessed w my low carb vege wraps! http://t.co/W2xaQZQktl

TLC stinks said...

Let's remember...reality shows are not reality. They are scripted and there's a producer and director. The way Wife Slut will go down is that the kids will be instructed to act wild (in the promo they've got Kendra looking frazzled). Way to go...make the Gosselin kids look like devils and how does poor Kate handle this. Oh yeah, she's supermom. As the sheeple say, "I don't know how she does it."

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh. Some of the names on this board are passive aggressive also. Not trying to stir up any trouble. Just making an observation: "Thanks for Going Off Topic" said...



Anonymous said...

People who really are passive aggressive usually wouldn't admit it.

Anonymous said...

Marie, so you think Kate is happier than Jon? I just don't see it.

Passive people aren't WIRED to achieve happiness from being aggressive. It does NOT make them happy. It makes them unhappy actually, usually. It's just how they are. Different strokes for different folks. Millions of people are Type B personalities and I find it hard to believe they are all miserable.


I sincerely do not know who is happier and, frankly, I do not care. Kate is obviously happier when things are all about Kate. And she's in the limelight and making money. Jon on the other hand is a peacemaker and is always trying to placate other people. This is a person who is not happy unless everyone around him is happy, including his kids. I'm sure Jon and Kate have had their fair share of "happy" times and downright depressing times. Kate is the type of person who will try to make things happen for her (notice that I said for HER). Jon is the type of person who sits back and lets life happen. This is all my opinon based on what I saw on the shows.

The part about Jon wanting everyone around him to be happy is the point I was making about him now being okay with them filming. He wants his kids to have everything he can give them and, frankly, he can't give them any material things because he cannot support them financially. That's why I think he is okay with them filming again. JMO


Anonymous said...

Wow. So the kids never had chores before because they always had a cleaning lady? Spoiled much?

Anonymous said...

Dmasy, I would agree. Jon would be my pick for a neighbor also. He seems like a totally nice guy. And you could totally manipulate him into mowing your lawn for you :)


Anonymous said...

@deannatweeting A SHOUT OUT 2 the talented expert make-up artist who makes a pretty @Kateplusmy8 look even #MorePretty Sweet Tweet Deanna :)


What is even more disturbing about this tweet is that Kate has never presented herself as being "sweet". She's not really pretty either. IMO. Her hair is too blond, her skin is too tan and she dresses like she's a 50 year old woman trying to look 30.


FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
SomeXs food is art& 2day art is my lunch!:) Obsessed w my low carb vege wraps! http://img.ly/sQfn Recipe soon: http://www.kateplusmy8.com

I don't know about anyone else, but since when do you need a recipe to make a veggie wrap, or any other kind of wrap?

Kate's bog explains how she gives chores for misbehaviors or money to those that volunteer for chores. She then goes on to say

"We are a few weeks into our new chore jar method and the house is still ... well, standing and even clean for the most part! Piggy banks are filling up and unkind or unacceptable behavior is being addressed. The best parts for me are the resulting clean house, of course, but most of all what I love is the family unity and values and the teamwork this system has reinforced.

How does this method reinforce teamwork if you are either getting paid, or being punished. How does that instill teamwork?

Most kids do "chores" because it's part of being a family--not because they're being punished or bribed.

Amy2 said...

What I saw on the ABC promos to CWS was a frazzled Kendra and kate standing with the kids. What struck me was Kendra didn't need the kids for people to know who she but Kate does. She is nothing w/o the kids.

Of course Kendra will be frazzled, Kate's helpers aren't there to do the work. And as others have stated, it makes it look like Kate does everything and does it well. That's Kate's schitck (sp?) and she's continuing to play the card. Does main stream America know any different? Do they know the truth about Kate? More to the point, do they care?

Anonymous said...

Never looked at Kate's twitter pictures before. I never realized how cheap her dining room table looked. :( No wonder the cleaning lady quit. She probably has better furniture than Kate.


Sarah said...

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 27
Sorry, blowing in the wind, but I DISAGREE with you completely. The kids would be taken care of by wonderful church groups that are out there. And they also have their FATHER -- remember him? I DO hope Khate goes through foreclosure and bankruptcy, but, as I said, it won't happen. $he is too cunning.

What are you talking about? "Wonderful church groups" are going to buy a home just for the kids? Their father does not have full custody of them, so where do you think they will be living when they are with a bankrupt, homeless Kate?

Your hatred for Kate far outweighs your concern for the children involved and that is really disturbing.

url said...

If I had to choose a next door neighbor, I'd choose Mark Harmon for the left, Pierce Brosnan for the right, Harrison Ford for the front and George Clooney for the back views of my property. Sorry, but Jon just doesn't cut it as a neighbor I would desire. I'd probably find him to be boring and disappointing in real life.

Millicent said...

My take on this is the opinion I've already form regarding reality tv shows. If you sign up to participate on a reality tv show, you basically sign your life away. Don't do it. The money is not worth it. I would never allow my child to be filmed for a reality tv show, and I would never do one myself. (Not like TV producers are hounding me - ha!)

These are just two further examples of how, once you sign on to a reality tv show, you no longer control your life, and now, the network owns part of you even after death.

This is also why I can't watch any reality tv show that features minors. It goes against my conscience.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 33
Wow. So the kids never had chores before because they always had a cleaning lady? Spoiled much?
Remember these were the 6-year olds who wanted servants, like Steve.
OMG, Kate's in between cleaning ladies. What's next? A plague of locusts?

Millicent said...

Admin said:
Well, I checked out Kendra's twitter for the first time and what's the first tweet I see. Some hashtag that says "f--- it." Only, the real word, spelled out. She's just so lovely and classy.
Ha! My sediments exactly. I don't have anything against Kendra Wilkerson, but she seems to actively refuse to get some class. I am known to toss around a few F bombs myself -- but in what I consider an appropriate context (with friends, when we are letting loose at someone's home, and talking trash, like friends sometimes do). I don't put it out there on my FB page, nor would I do so on Twitter, if I had a Twitter account.

Kendra's success has already been limited by her seeming inability to self-censor when appropriate. When she was on DWTS, she would get irritated at the thought that behaving "ladylike" might be beneficial to her scores. The judges were trying to tell her, obliquely, that appealing to a more broad-based audience would only help her win votes, but she refused to listen.

There is no reason why someone who is tacky and profane can't change, learn how to be more widely accepted, etc. I remember reading how the Hollywood studio system would groom up and coming stars - giving them elocution lessons, teach them etiquette, cap their teeth, etc., etc. If Kendra truly wants success and earning power, she will need to distance herself from her past and her general tackiness.

Anonymous said...

Damage control? I think she's Blogging about losing her part-time housekeeper, in advance of a TV show that demonstrates with irrefutable evidence that she had/ has help.

Dmasy said...

url, 40 -- the re-sale value of your home would be over the top!!

Ex Nurse said...

Now that Kate no longer has affirmative action in the form of Barbara Walters, cover stories, publicists, body guards, personal assitants, etc. she has to work through the same mediocre channels as the rest of the world. Actually, based on her well-earned reputation for being a high-maintenance diva, she has some extra hurdles to get over. This is a chance for her to prove that she can succeed on her own talent, because, really, she will need to bring in whole new market. I don't think that her handful of sheeple will put her on the best-seller list. 

What is shocking, is that she seems like she has been somewhat humbled by her string of losses since her show was cancelled in that, by reaching out to others for advice, she is admitting that someone else might know something she doesn't. So, kudos for that.

 If she can make a go of a cookbook, she will have at least succeeded on her own. If she had simply pursued these goals on her own merit, without selling her children's childhood, she may have had enough success on her own--Martha Stewart meets The Little Old Lady Who Lives In A Shoe. 

Like it or not, she has a compelling story and the ability to generate buzz. Unfortunately, she doesn't know when it is time to disappear from the limelight. Too bad she stepped on all those people on her way up the ladder that may have otherwise stepped up to help her now. 

For those who are wishing for bankruptcy and the complete implosion of either Jon or Kate--be patient, karma will win out. Her kids are in what I call the Golden Age of Reason. All hell will break lose when the twins enter their teens. And, she will have six 15-1/2 year old drivers at once. The first time I prayed was the day I turned the car keys over to my child. Pass the popcorn, please. 

url said...

I don't even believe Kart lost her cleaning help. It's all BS for her upcoming show. She's a master manipulator and a liar.

Unknown said...

SeeSaw said... 19
''We all saw on the show that Jon was pretty passive, but I don't think it's fair to judge him for quitting his job to stay home with the kids. Kate BEAT them. It was probably much better for them to have Kate traveling to her speaking engagements while Jon stayed home.
Also, in a lot of families Dad's stay home while the Mom works. That's not always because Mom's a bitch and Dad is spineless. Maybe Mom's earning potential is better. Plus with Jon in IT it's possible he thought he could find work he could do at home. I don't think less of him just because he became the primary caregiver.''
SeeSaw, I think your comments are hitting the nail on the head. In KK's journals, she talked many times about calling Jon at work, sobbing so hard that he couldn't understand her, begging him to leave work and come home. We saw with our own eyes that Jon was the primary caregiver of his children from day one. Jon's passive, laid-back personality enabled him to deal with his children effectively...unlike KK and her histrionic personality. Rather than thinking less of Jon for being the primary caregiver, I think more of him. If Jon had a less passive personality, I suspect that KK would have be the one abused, and not the children!!

Tucker's Mom said...

With Kate self publishing her cookbook, I can only imagine how many publishers turned her down.
I think the days of the likes of Zondervan courting her are over. It is very hard to push a book on your own. You have to have something unique to offer and I've never seen anything interesting or inspirational in Kate's food. It's average. Eh. Meh.
I don't think Kate's got a strong point of view when it comes to food. A low carb wrap? How very 1990's. It's all about Paleo now. The low carb cookbooks have been done to death.
Organic? Kate doesn't really know the meaning of the word. There are notable experts published in the organic movement, like Pollan and Kingslover. Kate can't hold a candle to them. She likes to throw the word around a whole lot, because it strokes her ego. See! I'm a great mom!
I just don't see her book having a strong theme, other than dump and stir recipes and sandwiches. Oh, and "family" recipes.

Millicent said...

Rearranging the Deck Chairss on the Titanic said... 36

Khate acts like She is so proud of herself with regard to this latest escapade into infamy. I can't stand Khate, but I can't stand Jon Gosselin EVEN MORE now, because he did not put a stop to this latest round of emotional abuse toward HIS OWN CHILDREN. Man up for once, Jon. Man up! You are letting your kids down big time.
* * * *
Unless you know with certainty that Jon knew about the filming of this show, had adequate opportunity, time and money to file a motion petitioning the family law judge to intercede and halt the filming, and/or consulted with his attorney about filing such a motion and was told that he had a good chance of prevailing --- and then Jon decided not to oppose the filming, even with good chance he could somehow stop it -- then you are getting angry at Jon without all the facts.

You can hate Jon all you want, but I don't think it's fair to make that decision based on assumptions. We already know (for a fact, not an assumption), that Jon did try to stop Kate taking the children to Australia for filming. He filed the appropriate motion, had a hearing before the judge, and HIS MOTION WAS DENIED. That filming was much more involved -- the children left the country and were filmed over a period of weeks. And the judge said, "I see no problem with this filming and I'm going to allow it."

So now here comes this much smaller filming project. The children don't even need to leave home. The filming is of shorter duration. Now why would Jon (or any of us) think the judge would rule differently in this instance? I am seriously asking for a response. Rearranging - you are clearly upset and blaming Jon. Do you think he should have filed a petition to stop the filming? Do you think that the judge would have ruled in his favor if he did so? Why would the judge rule differently for this filming than he did for the Australia filming?

I'm not saying Jon is a super hero. But I think if you want to blame anyone for the filming, it really falls squarely on Kate Krieder's wide and selfish shoulders.

Tucker's Mom said...

*scratching head here*... Did Kate write that this is the first time since the tups were born that she hasn't had a cleaning lady? Then, why did Dr. Phil (or whoever) gift her a cleaning lady and why did Kate act like she didn't have one already?
She just steps in it every time!

Formerly Duped said...

I thought they had an em Tanner chore chart already lol

Millicent said...

I can't stand JON said... 88

No blog has one mindset.
Bullshit. One can hardly post an even SLIGHTLY negative opinion of Jon without getting blasted.
* * * *
When I see a post that is particularly damning of Jon, making claims that either he did do something, or he didn't do another thing, but based merely on the poster's speculation -- then I do respond. I make great effort not to blast the poster. Offering a differing opinion is not "blasting". It can be done civilly. In fact, I don't see much rudeness on this blog on any topic. It has happened occasionally, but Admin and her assistants usually clean up the mess pretty quickly.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm not saying Jon is a super hero. But I think if you want to blame anyone for the filming, it really falls squarely on Kate Krieder's wide and selfish shoulders.
It's a matter of record that Jon tried to stop filming. My problem with Jon is that he flip flops so much. His quip about the kids being able to film if they want to sorely disappointed me.

Pity Party said...

They had a chore chart on the fridge before they could even read. All those titles to try her job look oh so hard. She just described every mom whether it be of 1 or 10.

Tucker's Mom said...

Pity Party said... 55
They had a chore chart on the fridge before they could even read. All those titles to try her job look oh so hard. She just described every mom whether it be of 1 or 10.
But when Kate does it, it's a revelation, doncha know?

Tucker's Mom said...

I wanted to add that Kate's comment about real cooks not using cookbooks was not only snide and glib, but it goes to her lack of curiosity when it comes to cooking.
I love cookbooks and have quite a collection. I learn new things all the time. The science behind and hows and whys of cooking fascinate me. It's a hobby that will always be full of discovery.
Why does meat brown?
What is a chemical leavener?
How does something caramelize?
What are the applications of flours with different protein content?
How does yeast work?
How does one make a thick, collagenous stock?

It goes on and on.

Dmasy said...

Tucker's Mom...I am going to be that you watch all the cooking competitions, too.

Don't you just love the tid bits of info and the "elegant" words that you learn while rooting for your favorite chef?

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To Millicent (#50): Jon could have EASILY gone on the record and made a statement to some website or rag magazine that he adamantly does not feel that this i$ in the best interest of his children to be filmed again (with a Playboy High Heffner whore, no less). I think that would get Jon A LOT of respect out there, but, as usual, he is being spineless. And yes, that is why Khate glommed on to him in the first place, because she could sense that he is spineless.

Tucker's Mom said...

Don't you just love the tid bits of info and the "elegant" words that you learn while rooting for your favorite chef?
Love learning French culinary terms.
I have to refrain from serving DD dinner and saying, "tonight, I've prepared for you..."
And GIRL POWER to Top Chef this season. Two powerhouse female chefs will duke it out next week in the finale. Great to see this happen in the boy's club.

Ex Nurse said...

Seesaw said...
''We all saw on the show that Jon was pretty passive, but I don't think it's fair to judge him for quitting his job to stay home with the kids. Kate BEAT them. It was probably much better for them to have Kate traveling to her speaking engagements while Jon stayed home.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with Jon being a caregiver. The job he had with the state didn't pay very well, anyway. It was just that being a stay-at-home dad was an acting career--even he includes the description of his role on the show as that of an actor. This was supposed be the realest reality show, after all, and they were still depicting them as the poor couple who do everythiing on their own. I think that is where the animosity comes from--it was more of a retirement than quitting a job. I believe that given Kate's poor parenting skills, the less contact the better--she as much as said so herself.

I am very concerned about the information that Kate has less help in the house.Speaking from my own experience, the single issue that enraged my father so much that he beat me with a belt was the messy state of my room and my refusal to obey his order to clean it up. Kate's help may have been mitigating her abusive tendency. Even the best parents will find themselves stretched to the limit with the millions of power struggles that emerge in the teenage years. Teen years are a replay of the 2 year olds testing of limits. She didn't do very well with that. I predict a replay unless she addresses her rage and control issues.

Formerly Duped said...

I remember Mady said she would not do any chores except empty one waste basket! the tups liked to sweep the dining rm floor & put clothes in the laundry. Kate should read Cheaper by the Dozen lol..or watch a Dilley special- they all did chores from an early age, even not so willingly as teens.

Dmasy said...

Tucker's Mom, I really liked following the Second-Chance competition on Bravo's website. I have to admit, I really wanted the chef who won. They are all so good, but she was my favorite. (I like CJ, also.) Will be interesting next week.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I have to refrain from serving DD dinner and saying, "tonight, I've prepared for you..."


A few nights ago I said, "I'm sorry I'm late getting this plated," and older son broke out in uproarious laughter!

PatK said...

Formerly Duped said... 52
I thought they had an em Tanner chore chart already lol


I'm sure that hit the curb the minute Em pissed her off.

Formerly Duped said...

Geez, looked at the article- just write the chores down next to names and rotate! Not a big deal for 'this busy mama' Gag.

Blowing In The Wind said...

To Millicent (#50): Jon could have EASILY gone on the record and made a statement to some website or rag magazine that he adamantly does not feel that this i$ in the best interest of his children to be filmed again (with a Playboy High Heffner whore, no less). I think that would get Jon A LOT of respect out there, but, as usual, he is being spineless

Sorry. I disagree. The best thing he can do is to keep quiet and not open himself up for HER to come back at him, and then make television appearances to set the record straight. It takes a whole lot more restraint (and spine) biting your tongue, keeping quiet and taking the high road.

Amy2 said...

So Kate is doing a cookbook. Who's going to buy it? Remmeber the cruise fiasco. She couldn't get people to sign up, even after she threw M/C on the cruise. So she sells a few copies but spends lots of money self-publishing. Once again, she gets her name out but fails at the enterprise.

Blowing In The Wind said...

SeeSaw, I think your comments are hitting the nail on the head. In KK's journals, she talked many times about calling Jon at work, sobbing so hard that he couldn't understand her, begging him to leave work and come home. We saw with our own eyes that Jon was the primary caregiver of his children from day one.


I remember when she was getting her hair cut/colored in preparation for a trip. He was in the parking lot at the salon, she begged him to come home because she was exhausted (from sitting in the salon chair for an hour or so?), and he said, nope, he was going to get the U-Haul and that was that. She pleaded with him, saying he could get it later or in the morning, and he wasn't backing down. I was cheering, saying, "Go, John." She didn't win.

Laurie said...

Self publish? Pffft - anyone can self publish (think Polly, Al and Robert). If Kate self publishes and sells on Amazon, all it will take is one truther/hater/whateveryouwanttocallthem (I personally like truther) to buy the book and start comparing recipes to those on the backs of boxes, cans, etc. and make a complaint to Amazon about plagerazation to have the book pulled. You know she will copy recipes word for word and you know that someone will catch it. Karma.

Formerly Duped said...

Amy2 said... 68

So Kate is doing a cookbook. Who's going to buy it

Missed that, Amy2. I just skimmed the column if that's where it was. I agree- who would buy it except Kate- several copies as her kids just love to read her books, and a few tweeties, maybe someone who never heard of her lol. All those gross recipes or stolen 'inventions'

And who would publish it?Better hire a REAL photographer based on her twitpic results!

Dwindle said...

A Minor Consideration

Hi Everyone. On the news front, we're hoping to soon hear about a public ceremony to announce the Pennsylvania child labor laws for Entertainment signed late last year. In NY, the new child labor laws (quite extensive) go into effect April 1st. Now, the NY statutes and regulations aren't perfect, but we're pushing the ball up the hill. In Pennsylvania, our thanks to Rep. Thomas Murt, and in NY, we all owe a huge debt to Janet P. for her unceasing efforts to bring some sanity to the world of working children. The focus of A Minor Consideration's efforts are the children; not the convenience of Producers, or lightening the burdens of stage parents. Kids first, then help for parents and school systems, then due regard for the workplace on which many people depend. The State has a clear interest in making the entire enterprise work smoothly. So many of the people who pay attention to AMC are due our thanks as well. Onward, Team Kids. Paul Petersen

Unknown said...

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 59
''......Jon could have EASILY gone on the record and made a statement to some website or rag magazine that he adamantly does not feel that this i$ in the best interest of his children to be filmed again (with a Playboy High Heffner whore, no less). I think that would get Jon A LOT of respect out there, but, as usual, he is being spineless.''
I understand what you're saying, but what some see as Jon being ''spineless'' for not going on the record, I see as Jon being PRIVATE. In my opinion, Jon has been making a superhuman effort to remain out of the public view, and live his life as he said he wanted a long time ago, when he said that he just wanted ''to be JON...not Jon & Kate plus 8''.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder if Kate will include recipes for how to dump ingredients into a bread machine.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Lol at the strategically placed tuft of basil in the corner. Cause I always make sure to garnish when I make a wrap for myself. Top Chef here we come.

Jane said...

Dmasy said... 63
Tucker's Mom, I really liked following the Second-Chance competition on Bravo's website. I have to admit, I really wanted the chef who won. They are all so good, but she was my favorite. (I like CJ, also.) Will be interesting next week.


Nice to know someone else is following this : ) Like you, Kristen's my favorite with Brooke a close second.

Penny said...

The enablers have repeatedly put down those who "self publish." AL, Robert and Polly, as well as a "hater" that they discovered was writing under a pen name.

of course, the pen name means she has a multiple personality, according to the Sheep.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone find it odd she never explained why she doesn't just hire another housekeeper. She has admitted flat out she's had one since they were babies. Why the sudden going without? Even Kate just admitted right there she has never done it without help. Poor thing, the housekeeper quit. She'll find a new one in weeks just call the agency. File this under the problems of the 1%.

In other news that was the most convoluted chore chart I've ever see. Lol.

Anonymous said...

How does one make a thick, collagenous stock?


LOL . . . sounds disgusting. :)
I'm not that curious about cooking. I just like it to taste good.


Tucker's Mom said...

Yeah, I'm going to go there with Kate's "Mediterranean" wrap.
Tabouleh (NOT taboulah) and hummus are not Mediterranean, but Arabic. Adding tzatziki would be thematic.
It's just intellectually lazy and any food editor would call her out on this.

Jane said...

I don't for a second think Kate is without a housekeeper. I do think she's saying so because CWS will show Kendra dealing with the McMansion and 8 kids and a dog w/o help and that makes for a better story line than mentioning a housekeeper or cleaning person. Kendra will probably say "I don't know how Kate does it all without help!"

Susie Cincinnati said...

@The_Stir @kateplusmy8 I think I missed last weeks blog. What was is about???

Oh, my word. Go to The Stir, type in Kate Gosselin, February 14, and it will pull it up.
Don't you just want to shake your head at the helplessness of these people? Do they need someone to hold their hand when they cross the street?

Anonymous said...

url said... 40
If I had to choose a next door neighbor, I'd choose Mark Harmon for the left, Pierce Brosnan for the right, Harrison Ford for the front and George Clooney for the back views of my property. Sorry, but Jon just doesn't cut it as a neighbor I would desire. I'd probably find him to be boring and disappointing in real life.

Well, duh. I didn't know we had a choice. I wouldn't pick Jon either if I could have the ones you picked. :)


Susie Cincinnati said...

Rearranging said...

" I think that would get Jon A LOT of respect out there, but, as usual, he is being spineless"

He's being spineless because he's keeping his private life private? It takes a lot more "spine" to keep quiet, let her do her thing than it does to make any kind of public statement. What good would it do? She'd just come back and throw him under the bus...back and forth banter and nobody would win.

Good for him for keeping his private life private and not backing down. I hope he's able to keep quiet and just live his life free of public scrutiny.

Tucker's Mom said...

Penny said... 77
The enablers have repeatedly put down those who "self publish." AL, Robert and Polly
Yes, they have shot all those books down because they're self published. But Kate? She'll be a "go getter"!

Susie Cincinnati said...

Does anyone find it odd she never explained why she doesn't just hire another housekeeper. She has admitted flat out she's had one since they were babies. Why the sudden going without? Even Kate just admitted right there she has never done it without help.


So what's the big deal? You hire another housekeeper or you do without. I wonder why the other one left. Hearing the housekeeper's side of the story would be a great read!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on theTitanic said...

To Remona Blue (#73): I disagree. If I had kids who were being trotted out on national TV with a former Hugh Hefner Playmate whore, I would make it my business to PUBLICLY state -- and shout it from the rooftops -- that I do not approve of this. I would not let my own selfish desire to have a "private" life get in the way of making it clear that this is BAD for the children. Also, Khate look$ like such a pathetic, trampy, painted hussy in that YouTube video Celebrity Wife Swap teaser. Boy, they must have gotten the trowel out and put layers of spackle on her. Yuk. She is so different from that fresh-faced Ivory Snow look she had years ago.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't see going private as selfish. I see it as unselfish. The same people who say Jon does nothing freak out and call him a media whore when he makes a statement. He can't win.

As a parent I wouldn't feel I owe the public an explanation how I feel if such a thing ever happened to me. That is between me my ex and the kids, period. None of their business.

Not an original idea in any of her writings, anywhere? said...

It's not a new idea anyway, but does it seem possible that Kate might have gotten some, uh, inspiration from this article when writing her latest "bog"?

Kate says:
I called myself the "SOS cleaning lady" -- and that role I've handled nicely while also being the chef, the scheduler, the personal shopper, the accountant, the story reader, the hug and kiss giver, the medical personnel on duty, the bus driver, the psychologist, the secretary, the personal assistant to myself, the quality control operator, the farmer, the teacher, and Ms. Fix It.

Shortened and slightly rephrased, but this Newslite list is otherwise SO, SO CLOSE:

1. Cleaner
2. Chef
3. Entertainer
4. Driver
5. Carer/nanny
6. First-aider
7. Events organizer
8. Accountant
9. Gardener
10. Waitress
11. Personal shopper
12. Chamber maid
13. Teacher
14. Counsellor
15. Administrator
16. Hairdresser
17. Dental hygienist
18. Dog walker
19. Project Manager
20. Artist
21. Travel Agent
22. Security Guard
23. Interior Designer


FYI said...

Another article about CWS. Here's an excerpt:

"When Kate touches down in Los Angeles, she tries to get used to relaxing — an entirely new concept to this working mom of eight. Meanwhile Kendra struggles, plunging head-first into the chaos of caring for eight kids. It’s a comic turn of events as Kendra tries to put all the kids to bed while Kate is treated to a girls’ night out. As the week progresses, Kendra continues to juggle all of her new responsibilities while Kate relishes her ‘me’ time, far away from household chores and obligations."

I still want to know what Kate is "working" at, to be considered a "working mom".


Dmasy said...

A quote from Kate's bog -- " For the duration, it had been my cleaning lady's job to make sure that every nook and cranny (sounds like I'm talking about English muffins, no?) within each room was addressed weekly -- and it was my responsibility to clean and organize all of the areas in between that screamed for my attention as I flew by in my standard whirlwind of movement that I embody as a mom of eight!"

Her writing style is so confusing. She also uses words like "embody" for effect, not because they fit the sentence well.

I guess I don't like her. So, I really don't like anything that she does.

SCgal said...

I agree with the people who think Kate still has help. I think if her "part-time housekeeper" quit, then her other full time workers are still there. There's no way that lazy woman doesn't have tons of help.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Formerly Duped said... 71
Amy2 said... 68

So Kate is doing a cookbook. Who's going to buy it

Every one of those brainless fans who continually whines for ideas. A lot of people (that's relative) beg for a cookbook. And they'll all probably buy more than one and give them away as gifts. Whoopie, just what I'D want~~NOT! Milo will buy enough to paper the inside of her whole house AND the outhouse.

Tucker's Mom said...

It takes a lot more "spine" to keep quiet, let her do her thing than it does to make any kind of public statement.
It takes FAR more restraint and maturity to keep quiet and not comment or retaliate. You have to ask yourself all the time if it will ultimately hurt or help the kids.
Consider Kate's knee-jerk reaction to Jon "stealing" money from their account. She didn't even blink before she speed dialed her manager to book her on a media tour. She then boo hoo'd to anyone who would listen that she can't pay her bills.
This was nothing short of child abuse. How a child internalizes this is "we're losing our home, we won't have food, we'll have to quit school, it's all my fault, Daddy's a bad person" etc, etc.
Kate did her children no favors by going as public as possible. I don't need to further mention Kate implying that Jon doesn't want to see them and the kids don't want to spend time with Jon.
Abuse, through and through.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on theTitanic said... 87
How does this help the children? How?
Jon does not have to announce in the media that he disapproves of CWS with Kendra. He can do it privately and delicately.
Those kids don't need to be torn between Mommy and Daddy, and Jon knows it.
Kate is another story.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tucker I agree. Parental alienation goes both ways. I could hardly say it was not okay for Kate to boo hoo about bills then turn around and say its fine for Jon to boo hoo about CWS. If he doesn't like it there are things he can do privately, in a manner that is kept as quiet as possible for the kids. He can pretend everything is fine for them and he and mommy get along. But make a public statement and the kids will surely hear about it and next thing you know you've got 8 upset children on your hands crushed that mom and dad can't get along. It would be awful.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

How does one make a thick, collagenous stock?



It sounds like something you'd hack up into a hospital bowl.

PatK said...

Kate is a twit said... 90

I still want to know what Kate is "working" at, to be considered a "working mom".


Making phone calls/sending emails every day to try and find a media gig or grift for feebies? Compiling a cookbook?
Throwing together a half-assed blog post?

Yeah, I guess that's what she's "working" at. lol

Unknown said...

Jane said... 81
''I don't for a second think Kate is without a housekeeper. I do think she's saying so because CWS will show Kendra dealing with the McMansion and 8 kids and a dog w/o help and that makes for a better story line than mentioning a housekeeper or cleaning person. Kendra will probably say "I don't know how Kate does it all without help!"
BINGO! I think that is exactly what happened/will happen!

By the way.......thank you Dwindle for posting the A Minor Consideration /Paul Petersen thing!

Unknown said...

PatK said... 98
''Making phone calls/sending emails every day to try and find a media gig or grift for feebies? Compiling a cookbook?
Throwing together a half-assed blog post?
Yeah, I guess that's what she's "working" at. lol
Don't forget how much time it took to compose/print out those freaking labels she has stuck on everything! Just looking at them made me want to take a nap. Composing labels and twittering take up so much time WHEN THE CHILDREN ARE WITH HER, no wonder she is always so tired.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Milo will buy enough to paper the inside of her whole house AND the outhouse.


And a few to tuck under her pillow!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To Administrator: With all due respect, the kids ARE PUBLIC figures, so you have to deal with these issues in a PUBLIC fashion. Who made the kid$ lives public in the first place? Their two nit-wit parents. Both. of. them. willingly. made. their. brood's. lives. PUBLIC.

Dutch Tulip said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 67
I totally agree! Thanks BITH for being a voice of reason.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

The kids should not be public figures. That's the point. Making public statements about the kids only perpetuates a state those parents had no right to put them in. Someone had to stop the cycle.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

To Administrator: With all due respect, the kids ARE PUBLIC figures, so you have to deal with these issues in a PUBLIC fashion. Who made the kid$ lives public in the first place? Their two nit-wit parents. Both. of. them. willingly. made. their. brood's. lives. PUBLIC.


No, you don't have to deal with these issues publicly. It's not the public's business. The public isn't entitled to know anything that's going on in their lives or their father's life. Just because they were once paraded around on television doesn't mean that they continue to exist for the entertainment of the public, even though Kate is hell bent on keeping them in the media. She continues to put them out there, but that doesn't mean that their father has to follow suit. They are not a trained circus act. Good grief.

Dmasy said...

Maybe Kate can survive without a part-time cleaner because she has --

Pool boys.
Laundry lady.
Window washers.
Landscape and mowing boys.
Amish Henry.
Mr. Fix-It friend.
Filter changing friend.
Jamie, who cleans range hoods.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 102
To Administrator: With all due respect, the kids ARE PUBLIC figures, so you have to deal with these issues in a PUBLIC fashion.
Respectfully, this makes my head spin. Neither Kate nor Jon are or should be compelled to make any public statements whatsoever. No one is entitled to their private lives, although the kids' sick mother seems to think of her children as your entertainment.
Kate and every other fame whore has the same, tired line. "The fans want to know. The fans want me to do it/talk about it".
F*CK the fans.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Some posters here yesterday were talking about cursing. Ironically, this article showed up online today:

"This morning, I placed my 2-year-old son, Eddie, in his high chair and put a plate of banana's covered in peanut butter on his tray. He looked up at me with his little pinkies extended, and clearly, as one might say, "Hi," or "Bye," he said, "Fuk."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Fuk," he said. And once again with more emphasis, in case I didn't hear him the first time. "Fuk!"

It was the third time he'd used that word this week, and every time he did, I thought, "Dammit. The fact that I have a foul mouth has finally come home to roost."

Friends had warned me if I didn't clean up my language, it was going to rub off on my son. Until now, Eddie wasn't old enough to understand what I was saying. It appears that's now changing.

I was never one to care about cursing in front of children. Before I had my son, I even resented having to curb my language. I hated the way when we'd visit friends with children, I couldn't get a story out without constantly being interrupted with "Shuh!" or "Achem!" every time I said a four-letter word. These same friends usually had prohibitions on anyone watching shows like "Law and Order" or "Family Guy" in their homes because they deemed the language or subject matter to be inappropriate for children.

So we all have to suffer? I would think."

The story continues on Huff Post Parents -- "What Baby Said Horrified His Mother..."

NJGal51 said...

Collagenous stock? I googled "collagenous" and this is what I came up with:

Collagenous colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the colon specifically with peak incidence in the 5th decade of life, affecting women more than men.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 109
Collagenous stock? I googled "collagenous" and this is what I came up with:

Collagenous colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the colon specifically with peak incidence in the 5th decade of life, affecting women more than men.
Oh dear, perhaps I should have said collagen-thickened chicken stock.

Millicent said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 88

I don't see going private as selfish. I see it as unselfish. The same people who say Jon does nothing freak out and call him a media whore when he makes a statement. He can't win.
* * * *

Some people do not like Jon, and will never think anything but negatively about him. If he had gone public and talked to TMZ or some other celeb news site (because really, who else would even listen?) and say he was against the children being involved in the CWS show - I am 98% sure that he'd be found at fault for "going public", trying to stay in the public eye, and so on.

The smartest move Jon made after the divorce was going private. I still don't understand why some people are still harping on the fact that he ran somewhat wild immediately after the divorce. That's actually fairly common behavior for many who have gone through a painful and messy divorce. (I worked for an attorney years ago who did some family law work. One of the things he told me when I started was that perfectly nice people can become completely unhinged during and after the divorce process. I saw it with my own eyes. Divorce can be quite an awful process, and Jon & Kate's was beyond bad.)

So he partied and drank with single women? So he temporarily got an apartment in New York? So he thought he could earn some money hosting some dumb tv show? How long has it been since he got over that craziness and settled back down to normalcy? Will those who still hold that against him ever move past it? Or will they still bring it up next year, five years from now and so on? All I can say is I sure hope in real life, they don't do the same with their family and friends. That would be utterly miserable.

I cannot imagine anyone in my family be so unforgiving. We all make mistakes. That is a given. What is important is how do we move on? Do we try to do better? Heck, even a convicted criminal is supposed to have paid their debt to society after serving their time. What's the length of the sentence Jon gets for behaving foolishly for a period of months before coming to his senses? For some it seems, eternal condemnation.

I accept that some people simply intensely dislike Jon, and will never forgive him for mistakes made years ago, no matter what he does now. He could invent a cure for cancer and they would probably find fault somehow. So be it.

I think for a passive man, who was seemingly somewhat spoiled by his father, naively got involved with the likes of Kate Krieder, and had to live with her and under her thumb for years (!), he's actually done a fairly decent job of hanging in there, returning to a normal life, and staying involved in his children's lives as much as he can.

njay said...

As I read all this stuff written all over the internet and shamefully let my heart feel joy at Kate reaping what she has sowed. I find myself wondering what I really want to watch happen. Yes I would love to see the kids taken away from their mom and given to Jon. And I would love to see her lose everything she has. But I ask myself, and I think this is what Jon has had to ask himself, what about the kids? What do they want. They don't know that mothers are kind and loving, not mean and controlling. Their life is normal to them. It's us who see it's not.

Regardless of her control, abuse, etc. THEY STILL LOVE HER. They have learned how to survive. They have learned to be there for each other when one is unjustly picked on by her. Oh yes, they blamed Joel for globegate. We only know what Kate wrote they did. What happened when out of eye of the their mother. I remember an episode where Collin got out of the car and lost his balloon. As soon as he started crying and yelling "my balloon" Mady ran to him and gave him hers, or something in return. And when Kate was going to throw away Collin's chewie buddy Mady ran to comfort him

It is a fact that nearly all children who are abused or what have you, still want to stay with their parents. They know no other life. Especially when there are many sibs. to band together and support each other through it. So I ask myself, what does my heart REALLY want? I survived emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, a drug addict mother who tried to take her live 4 times while making it sound like it was our fault and I gained great strengths, and some weaknesses, but mostly strengths that made me who I am today. They get me through this crazy life that can be sometimes more abusive than my mom. Would I have been better off? Maybe, maybe not. I will never know. That's what I got. What I do know is that even though mom is still emotionally abusive to me today, I love her and am and will take care of her until she leaves this life.

I do not mean by any of this that abuse should not be dealt with and children should not be protected but I have known too many that have gone to foster care only to grow up with horrible identity problems and issues.

I think Jon see's his children love their mom and he puts his feelings aside and lets them love their mom and is their for them when they need him emotionally. What is he to do? Tell them their mother is a rotten mother? That is what Kate is doing and look at what people rightfully say about her.

Will anyone who still thinks poorly towards him please give an example of what he should do that he won't be blasted for. Damned if he does and I think you know the rest. They love him...they love her. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? Plenty of words but no solutions.

Fools Fall In Love said...

I was thinking about Milo and her insane rhyming tweets...

@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Well my jaws a poppin& a droppin! Just had teeth cleaned..$135..gal ripped one of my fillings out..more $$ :(

Milo is the comic relief on Twitter. In days of old, she would have been known as the Court Jester in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. These buffoons were known for flinging their limbs around, drumming their feet and flapping their tongues with nonsense.

I wonder if she has a three-pointed fools hat with a jingle bell at the end! Bet that thing would be ringin and a-jinglin.

Somewhere In Time said...

"And a few to tuck under her pillow!"


lol!! I wonder if Milo ever e-mailed Kate and begged her to send one of her pillow cases and a sample of her favorite cologne so she could spray Kate's favorite fragrance and dream about being close to her!

Tucker's Mom said...

njay said... 112
I was riveted by your post and think you clearly hit the nail on the head here. The kids love both parents, even Kate who repeatedly alienates their father. If only she could see this through your eyes.

njay said...

Tuckers mom, I just read you post...94. You said basically what I just said. Never fails. I post before I read more. lol.

Dmasy said...

njay, that was an excellent post. You were right when you said that the unfortunate parts of your life gave you strengths. Also, gave you insight. I don't think a trained professional could have explained the feelings of the Gosselin 8 any better than you did. Thank you.

MJ said...

"Her writing style is so confusing. She also uses words like "embody" for effect, not because they fit the sentence well.

I guess I don't like her. So, I really don't like anything that she does."

Dmasy, whether it's Kate's writing or someone else's, it's still awkward and difficult to read.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

My opinion re: Jon quitting his good job and staying home w/the kids came from his own dissatisfaction w/his circumstance on the show. Kate was traveling all over the place, and Jon was "home with the kids." Remember, Kate even said she didn't call home. Jon was manipulated, not a total loser. He is still the better parent. Kate took advantage of Jon in many ways. The list goes on and on.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy, whether it's Kate's writing or someone else's, it's still awkward and difficult to read.
But what's clear is that Kate lied about not having a house cleaner when she was gifted one for free. What an actress she is. Kate had the whole feigned shock down pat when she found out she was getting a cleaner.
A cleaner whose reputation was ruined after Kate scoffed at her cleaning skills.

Self Publishing, or...? said...

The FB post Kim Weiss wrote earlier this morning, where she mentioned a conference call with Kate about her fall cookbook?

It's gone from Kim's FB page, now. Don't know if it vanished from Twitter, too, but um...weird?

MJ said...

njay, thank you for your excellent post describing a child's love for their parents. You hit the nail right on the head. If only Kate could understand and accept this and stop trying to pollute their relationships with their father.

MJ said...

Tucker's Mom said...

MJ said: Dmasy, whether it's Kate's writing or someone else's, it's still awkward and difficult to read.
But what's clear is that Kate lied about not having a house cleaner when she was gifted one for free. What an actress she is.


I completely agree Tuckers Mom. I didn't explain myself very well. I meant to say Kate's writing style or anyone who writes that way, ie: overuse of flowery adjectives and misuse of words makes anything she writes difficult to read.

Tucker's Mom said...

I completely agree Tuckers Mom. I didn't explain myself very well. I meant to say Kate's writing style or anyone who writes that way, ie: overuse of flowery adjectives and misuse of words makes anything she writes difficult to read.
And her overuse of alliteration. Pretty piss poor passages ;-)

Dmasy said...

Tucker's Mom -- Pretty piss poor passages poured prolifically upon the page.

Unknown said...

Self Publishing, or...? said... 121
''The FB post Kim Weiss wrote earlier this morning, where she mentioned a conference call with Kate about her fall cookbook?
It's gone from Kim's FB page, now. Don't know if it vanished from Twitter, too, but um...weird?
Well.....since we are discussing something involving KK, I suspect she contacted Kim Weiss and threatened to have Laverne and Shirley sue Kim if she didn't remove any mention of KK on her FB page.

Tucker's Mom and njay, you both did excellent posts concerning a child's love for a parent. Thank you for your comments.

Mel said...

Posts 94, 111, 112 <-------- Agreed!

The FB post Kim Weiss wrote earlier this morning, where she mentioned a conference call with Kate about her fall cookbook?

It's gone from Kim's FB page, now. Don't know if it vanished from Twitter, too, but um...weird?

It's still on twitter. I just checked.

Kim probably wasn't told of the extreme need for secrecy. That many people have to help Kate fly under the radar....for her safety, dontcha know.

Probably afraid Kate's hired hacker boy will come after her.

Lynn said...

I cannot imagine that katie Kreider would be able to publish a cookbook that would be successful. She has proven in her numerous tweets of the food that "she" prepares for her children that they look like barf on a plate. Has she ever thought about preparing a chicken for Sunday dinner? How about a pork roast? How about a roast beef? Surely with all her money (or the kids) she can afford something special. Steaks on the grill? Hamburgers? Sloppy Joes? All can be made with organic ingredients if you are so inclined. I have so many happy memories of my mom and grandmom cooking in the kitchen and my grandmom taught me how to make gravy, etc. Bet Kan do Kate doesn't know how to make gravy from scratch? Oh that's right, she just opens another jar! LMAF! She is a joke and always will be!

Formerly Duped said...

Kate's wrap on Twitter looks ok but the contents would spill out. Far from original though.

Wonder if Hank Baskett had to serve her organic meals.

Jumping In said...

njay 112...

Your post truly resonated with me on so many different levels. I agree that Kate's children love her, she is their mother. As they mature, they may resent her actions, see her through a different filter, but still, she is their mother. We must remember, Kate sold them on the idea of fame long ago, all they have has come from being famous.

When this show came up, I bet they felt an obligation to fulfill their obligation to keep the ball rolling, not that they had a say about CWS, but that day will come. In the meantime, they will do whatever Kate asks/tells them to do, because she is their mother, and they want to please her.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

njay #112, very well said, hon. You posted from a child's point of view, which is all too often forgotten. I know, from personal experience, that that is exactly how many abused children feel. You don't know any different because this is your norm. That viewpoint changes as you get older, but when you are a young child, you don't know any better so you don't question those things.

However, when the pre-teen/teen years come along, that is where it hits the fan, big time.

Great post, hon.

Amy2 said...

Re: cookbook. I hope Kate does self-publish a book. Someone should go through it and point out the receipes she got from the back of boxes, magazines, internet and published as her own. Then lots and lots of people can SUE Kate for her publishing someone else's receipe.

njay said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I wish I could say I learned it early in life. The truth is, I'm 54 and it wasn't until 5 yrs. ago I quit being a victim. Life had become a vicious circle of no end choices. I was watching The Shawshank Redemption and Tim Robins said get busy living or get busy dying. That's when I took that literal and made the choice to dig deep, pray, and figure it out or leave this life. I had never realized the gift mom REALLY gave to me until that day. I new how to "figure it out" for myself. I had been doing it all my life. If I LEARN SOMETHING from what I'm going through, it's never a bad thing.

I can't say it is second nature yet and sometimes I need to be reminded. It sure makes life better when I look for the lesson instead of complaining about it. When I learn it, the lesson is over.

I sure hope the Gosselin 8 learn it early. I think Jon has somewhat by what I have heard him say and have seen him change. God bless the Gosselins. Kate

You ladies also. I have learned tons here just reading your wisdom and experience. Your loved.

Layla said...

It infuriates me that Kate acts like having 8 kids is such a huge burden, and constantly reminds everyone how hard she has to work, and how she's this whirlwind. I have a dear friend with 13 (count 'em, 13) kids. She is the most efficient person I have ever seen. She never seems frazzled, never seems like she's running frantically, but still gets it all done. Her kids have always had chores, from the time they could walk. I recently got to see her 18-month-old carry packages of toilet paper to each bathroom and out them under each sink. She was so proud of herself! The mom makes bread (in a bread maker), yogurt (in a yogurt maker), tomato sauce, jam, salsa, applesauce, granola, bakes and cooks everything from scratch, drives the kids around to their many extracurricular activities and church and Sunday school and youth group activities, volunteers at their schools, keeps a clean house. She has almost twice the number of kids that Kate has. Why no whining about how hard she has it? Why no frazzled nerves, shrieking, hand flapping? I do not wonder how Kate does it. I wonder how Mary does it! Get over yourself, Kate!

Localyocul said...

I may have posted this already...I read an article where someone compared her complaining to humble-bragging. they called it Happy Complaining. today's bog is full of this...bitching on a cheerful tone. well she does some outright humble bragging too...like where she flies around at the speed of light or something. raise your hand if the way she describes herself remotely compares to how you saw her on her shows

Tucker's Mom said...

. raise your hand if the way she describes herself remotely compares to how you saw her on her shows
Kate is no Whirling Dervish.

Dmasy said...

Layla, you friend probably had mostly single pregnancies. So, she was busy being a mommy while she was carrying another child. She would have even greater dedication and effort.

Kate didn't have to do that. Her parents cared for the twins while she "suffered" 100 weeks of bed rest.

She insults all the devoted, happy mothers who make it work.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 137
Layla, you friend probably had mostly single pregnancies. So, she was busy being a mommy while she was carrying another child. She would have even greater dedication and effort.
OMG, I can't imagine being pregnant with babies and toddlers and diapers. If you're swollen, tired or experiencing morning sickness, you have zero respite.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@MiloandJack @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 @KendraWilkinson Milo the kids and kate are so lucky to have you in their lives, you sound so close.

Not nearly as close as she wants to be...not by a longshot! :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Although we can't see exactly what she wrote on those chore slips we can see it was a lot. Why does each chore need such a long and tedious explanation? I assume it's directions and specifics. What's wrong with make beds, dust living room, sweep kitchen? I don't understand the control freak approach. It doesn't matter how they do the chores the point is they are doing them. We all have specific ways that we like to clean things, but as long as kids are getting the basics and getting the job done, let them find their own way. It's all part of learning as well. Smudge on the floor? Well, look through the cleaning products for floor products, read the directions, or google it and figure it out. This is how kids learn to take care of themselves one day as adults.

Anyway my point is make cleaning this controlling, regulated, overly complicated chore and chances are they'll rebel and be incredibly messy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It infuriates me that Kate acts like having 8 kids is such a huge burden, and constantly reminds everyone how hard she has to work, and how she's this whirlwind.


I agree, and I don't like how it makes the kids seem like these wild and crazy little beasts no one can control. It's insulting to them and embarrassing and I don't believe they are bad kids.

How exactly do elementary school classes keep kids in control? I mean it's really not that much different at this age. It's not like you have to feed, dress or bathe them anymore. They're self sufficient. Teachers daily keep classes of 25, 30 9-year-olds in control every day with little fuss. It's not rocket science. Eight kids would be a picnic for any teacher.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

NJ I completely agree with your spot on thoughts, completely believe that as well. The studies are overwhelming showing that children do best when given help in the home, as opposed to disrupting their routines. Even if they are being abused, study after study shows children do best when left with their parents. I think the bigger question is in light of that fact why aren't we doing enough to preserve families instead of jumping to tear them apart. (The short answer is in my opinion, liability) That's why I say Kate should keep her kids but get help/therapy/etc.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Count me in as laughing at the hypocrisy of Kate now self publishing when other books have been blasted by her fans for self publishing. And it's a little embarrassing when she had a publisher before. The way I see it there are good books and bad books that are published or self published, and self publishing doesn't hold the same stigma it does anymore. Some famous books we all know were self published. The Bridges of Madison County, A Time to Kill, and many others by famous authors. There are many self published books out there that are excellent. There are many that are bad.

My prediction is that whether Kate publishes or not her book will be bad. I think however she will find it shocking how much work is involved with self publishing. Especially with all the legal issues with recipes. That's probably why she hired this lady, make her do the work. I"m guessing she will either lose interest or it will be very slow going. As it is October is an AWFULLY long time for a simple cookbook she's had years to work on.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I have to admit I kind of can't wait for Preesi to get her hands on this cookbook. She could find a recipe copied from some obscure church cookbook from Des Moines, Iowa in 10 minutes flat. Someone did that to Pioneer Woman, too, lol.

Also Tucker had some great points about what is Kate's point of view or theme? I agree with that too. You need some kind of perspective. Just like they always harp on on the Food Network, but they're right. I NEVER remember hearing some kind of low-carb viewpoint from Kate before. Ever! If she is suddenly a low carb dieter that's fine but you've got to figure out what your message is and stick to it.

I would think cooking healthy, easy, cheap and organic recipes for large groups would be a decent viewpoint, and it's what she's been selling. The organic thing is still trendy enough and I'm not sure there's much out there about doing organic on a larger scale rather than just for your family of four. A sudden low-carb lunch for one makes no sense in terms of how she has branded herself.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

You know, this CWS is just nutty. First of all, KG is not a wife, so where is the interaction with the spouse, a large part of the silly swap thing? Second, reading the promo bit about KG heading to CA for (gag me) much needed R&R by taking care of 1, count 'em 1 child and immediately heading for a girls' night out (paid entourage, slutty clothes, bar scene all spells mom break). Who's actually watching lil Hank? Does ABC know Kendra was spotted texting while driving Kate's BBB? This is just a pile of craptastic any way it reads. Watch it? Nevah.

Unknown said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 142
''NJ I completely agree with your spot on thoughts, completely believe that as well. The studies are overwhelming showing that children do best when given help in the home, as opposed to disrupting their routines. Even if they are being abused, study after study shows children do best when left with their parents. I think the bigger question is in light of that fact why aren't we doing enough to preserve families instead of jumping to tear them apart.''
I can only agree with to a certain point about keeping abused kids in their own homes. WAY too often, the abused kid left with the abusing parent ends up with a murdered child. Way too often the murdered child suffered horrifically before death. In theory, things work...the problem is that they sometimes don't work!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kim probably wasn't told of the extreme need for secrecy. That many people have to help Kate fly under the radar....for her safety, dontcha know.


We've talked about it a lot but if this is why it was swiffered how STUPID. Dude, when you are writing a book the whole point is to create buzz. You don't keep the darn thing a secret like you're in the CIA. LOL.

PatK said...

Just shut up, Milo. Go wash your cheerleader skirt and shut up.

@Kateplusmy8 When the media realizes what a draw U are 2TV ...hopefully more networks will look 2get w/U 4 a new show! #ThePeopleHaveSpoken

Somewhere In Time said...

I'm slipping off to sleep and I didn't want to forget to remind you to go here: http://t.co/WsbzWVB1MQ(preview) to read about our NEW CHORE JAR!:)

Must be nice! Most moms with full-time jobs come home and cook dinner, do the laundry, help with homework, get the kids ready for bed, supervise bedtime rituals, read stories, get things ready for the next day, and do a hundred other things that need to be done around the house. It wouid be a luxury for them to go to bed at 9:30. Kate, you have no clue.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of going out on the town, I don't understand why one child makes oh so much easier to go out. That child still needs you. It's not like that one child needs you less than any of your eight kids. That child also still needs a babysitter if you must leave. So what's the difference? Kate apparently leaves all eight kids with just Ashely, so what's the difference in leaving just one with Ashley? None.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate might not want everyone knowing that her only option is self publishing. It's so mediocreish.

Amy2 said...

I wonder what Kendra will think when she discovers she was had by Kate. My had I mean when Kendra is there in the house she doesn't have helpers, has a detailed how to do book and Kendra has to do it all by herself. And then she finds out that Kate doesn't do anything but bark orders. Or maybe Kendra just wants to distance herself from Kate and doesn't return her calls/tweets.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kateplusmy8@iAmTheWiseOne aww xoxo yes I do make friends easily.. Once they meet the real me&not the media/harsh image that's portrayed!.

MiloandJack@iAmTheWiseOne We AGREE! Its a known fact when folks get 2know U..Kate...U r loved & so appreciated! I've come 2know U! :)


Nobody loves Kate more than Kate.

And Milo's been up Kate's bum far too long. She needs to come up for air.

Layla said...

Dmasy and Tucker's Mom,
My friend had all single pregnancies, plus some of the kids are adopted. She was pregnant and had babies, toddlers, small children, and adolescents in the house--all at the same time. The family specifically requested hard-to-place children with disabilities. I admire that love and dedication and work ethic so much, which makes Kate's histrionics all the more irritating to me. Kate has unlimited funds and hired help, and still complains non-stop. Mary, after a long day of working hard to care for her family, tells them, "I would rather be me than anyone else in the world, because I get to be with you". Now, thats a mom. And that's why I consider her my mentor.

PatK said...

OMG! Really, Milo? You haven't done your homework, have you? lol

@Kateplusmy8 ?? I'm not familiar w/the 4mat of this #CelebrityWifeSwap @ABC...is this just a one hr show or several shows? 4wks of Kate!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

MiloandJack@iAmTheWiseOne We AGREE! Its a known fact when folks get 2know U..Kate...U r loved & so appreciated! I've come 2know U! :)


Actually, it's a known fact that many people who have met her, know her, and many who know her well, have crap to say about her.

Mark Ballas: "I'm not the type of person to judge. And I'm not going to be like 'I don't like [Kate]. But, I mean, she's pretty, you know, standoffish, which is kind of weird."

Tony AND Mark Ballas both said crap about her. Both knew her.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom...you were correct re: collagenous stock. Making a stock with bones. I have several cookbooks that cover it and refer to it as collagenous stock. Googling "collagenous stock" will give cooking hits.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Remona that's the big catch 22, while emotionally it's almost always better to not disrupt a child's situation, physically they could be hurt or sadly even killed. Kids can be hurt in foster care too, some have even been killed. It's not an easy thing caring for a kid who doesn't want to be there. It is a constant battle walking that fine line between how much emotional damage should be caused based on the true risk of being hurt. One of the Biggest Loser coaches Dolvett was taken from his mom and is VERY outspoken about how all that did was make it worse. Of course there are other examples that cut the other way.

Here's the thing with Kate's abuse though. As far as we can tell the physical abuse was mostly when they were younger. It appears now it is mostly emotional. So treating emotional abuse by putting more emotional torture on them doesn't make sense IMO.

Over In The Neighborhood said...

MiloandJack@iAmTheWiseOne We AGREE! Its a known fact when folks get 2know U..Kate...U r loved & so appreciated! I've come 2know U!

&&&&&&&&&&&& :

Milo, it is not a known fact. You have no idea how far from the truth that statement is! In addition, Milo has NOT come to know Kate. She never met her.

Jon, on the other hand, is the kind of person who is a real hoot. He's affable...the kind of person you'd invite to a barbecue and sit down and have a few beers with... a real "hail fellow, well met" type of person. Kate? Never.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Keep it simple stupid. No one has the time or inclination to work with a chore chart that complicated even if you don't work. She couldn't even explain it in a manner that made much sense. By Kate's own admission this has only been happening two weeks. It won't last.

Bookworm said...

Longtime lurker, first time poster here. I just have to throw in my two cents on the whole CWS issue. If there's anyone I'd like to see Kate swap places with, it's Michelle Duggar (not that I think Michelle would ever even consider such a thing). I think people would get in line to watch Kate deal with 18 (count 'em, 18) kids, more than twice as many as she has (gasp!). Plus the Gosselin kids would get a good dose of genuine, loving mothering.

Bubbles said...

I haven't read the blog, but knowing Kate's way of manipulating words, saying she lost her "part-time" cleaning lady leaves open the possibility that she still has a "full-time" cleaning lady and/or now has two "full-time" cleaning ladies because she upgraded!

Jon's "superhuman" efforts to keep himself out of the media are so good that we can easily pull up quotes he's made in the past six months as well as television interviews on tabloid shows where he did interviews with his girlfriend-of-the-moment. And wasn't it only two or three posts back on this very blog where Jon was featured in a documentary or panel of some sort?

(Disclaimer: I am not a Kate fan, I seriously cannot stand her but I believe Jon has not done as much as he could to protect the kids. My opinion only. So please don't attack me assuming I am a sheeple.)

Sleepless In Seattle said...

RT @moore_hm: Oh my @Kateplusmy8 and Kendra... Wife swap.. Finally... I might explode.. Cannot wait..

Who is in charge of cleaning up all of the bodies of those who can't breathe, explode, or die from excitement?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's been years since Jon has discussed anything personal about the kids other than to say they are doing well thanks. Jon has been seen around occasionally and I think did an interview about how he's doing last spring but that's about it. Yeah, he was on a panel about reality T.V. which was to help media students understand the business and debate the issues that arise out of it. I never saw that it was about his personal life, or battles with his ex, or personal information about the kids or what he wants for them now. It was about his reality show. Apples and oranges. People do panels every day, I did a panel once at my alma mater for law students. I would hardly consider that a media appearance or ever said a thing about my personal life. Frankly I would love to see Kate put such an experience to good use. I wouldn't have the slightest problem with Kate joining such a panel as long as she leaves the kids out of it. In fact I was told she was asked as well but declined.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Bookworm welcome and I love your idea.

To me Kendra makes no sense. It really doesn't. I don't get the point of swapping with Kendra. Just trading one piece of trash for another.

I would like to see Kate trade with someone is is more of an opposite. Someone sweet and kind and gentle. Michelle seems to fit that to me.

Ingrid said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 140
Although we can't see exactly what she wrote on those chore slips we can see it was a lot. Why does each chore need such a long and tedious explanation?
I couldn't get over how much crap explanations rules etc she had to put on the outside of the can! I did a quick search for images of Chore Jars. Guess what many of them have written on the outside. CHORE JAR That's it. Some are decorated rather nicely.

Ingrid said...

I wonder if they chose Kate for a swap with Kendra because some wives might object to someone like her being in their home with their husband. (No matter how much they trust the man)

Ingrid said...

Maybe after the conference call with "helpmewithmybook.com" Kate decided Kim "doesn't know how to help her".

Kate might have grifted for free or discount services by letting them use her name/image for advertising. (Consultations are $255-299 an hour!)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

*Whistles*! If they didn't have Chicken Soup for the Soul on their resume I would say this woman sounds a little "scammy" to me. The web site is quite vague. What exactly do they help you with and what results do they expect? Plus, Kate has published several books before, does she really need this woman at such a price? She should have SOME idea what you need to do. Or wasn't she paying attention to THAT either?

Honestly publishing a book isn't that difficult once you know what you are doing, and I really don't know how many more people are going to buy her cookbook with "consulting help" as opposed to just publishing the darn thing right now herself. Takes like 2 minutes on Kindle.com. She should have (should is the operative word) made enough connections by now in the publishing industry to phone up any number of people and get their help and have this thing knocked out in no time. Heck I've found that just opening your big fat mouth and saying hey I've written a book leads to many options, suggestions, and tips. And if you had the "celeb" name and the credibility (in theory, bear with me here) of three other published books, it should be a breeze to get this going. The obstacle here is not the publishing for her, so I don't know why that's taking so darn long. The real obstacle is the buyers, beyond her 6 fans.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Whoa Ingrid I didn't look at the chore jar which yes in a perfect world should just be called chore jar. Now I see the manic ramblings on it. Folks this is total batshit craziness. I feel like I'm in a prison movie.

Some of the rules I see:

You may not have help with the chore!!!
If you don't have time to do the chore pin it and you can hold it for 24 hours as long as you do it within 24 hours.
Something about taking two, three for free. Whatever that means.

I don't see how any of these rules are necessary or even make sense. No kid is going to pick a chore and remember to do it within 24 hours. They need to pick it and do it right then or it ain't happening. How do you know when that 24 clock stars? Who obsessively monitors such craziness with 8 kids? If you don't do it Kate rips it from your pin? Jesus the horror. If there were any fun left in chores, she has sucked it out.

Ingrid said...

I couldn't figure out why she won't let them work together. (another good thing to teach them) There is no reason why a couple kids couldn't agree to help each other. It might actually make the chores more fun so they want to do even more. Obsessive and crazy and she always had to be in control.

I agree she shouldn't need alot of help to publish a book. I still suspect she wanted someone to help (do most of the work) for little to nothing.

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

All the people I know who have cleaners, have part-time cleaners. That is, they come in once or twice a week. Sometimes they come in only every two weeks or as needed. The way KK states " part-time" cleaner implies she has full time help.

Also those who would like to prod, poke or push Jon into public statements are IMO being rather Kate-like.

Njay, great posts. My life parallels yours in some ways in that I am "too soon old, too late smart". I have had a very complicated relationship with my mother but she is the one I got, and the one I have to deal with. I would have preferred Mrs. Murdock who lived across the street.

Wowser said...

Ok...I gagged a little too with the "Kate was trying to learn how to relax on her plane trip to CA for a much needed R&R". Paleese! That woman has more R&R than any mom I know. I do however think that Kate was absolutely in her element!! ONE kid, a husband who arranges girls night Out AND Kate had to dress slutty to be like Kendra...that just means that Kate was able to bring her OWN clothes because we already know she has a closet full if skanky outfits and hooker heels. Kate clearly is desperately trying to redefine her image to the public with all of her recent claims of " I am so nice with a kind heart and a fun side"... The problem is that she will never be able to carry it off. It's like a kid who is always naughty claiming "I'll be good" and they can pull it off for 5 minutes. I have a feeling Kate is going to be unhappy with the editing of CWS...most networks know that what will sell is showing Kate in her TRUE light and you KNOW that there is no way she didn't portray that.

Vanessa said...

The chore jar is a setup for failure. Mixed messages again. Somehow, some way it won't (can't) be done to HER unrealistic and YES batshit crazy expectations...just like Jon, the countless helpers, her parents, jodi, kevin...you get it.

Anonymous said...

PatK said... 28

She's already starting to promote her recipes...at least she's learning how to make the plate look presentable.

SomeXs food is art& 2day art is my lunch!:) Obsessed w my low carb vege wraps! http://t.co/W2xaQZQktl


Looks like another fraudulent food photo.

The photo looks like it was taken by a pro. Or at the least, somebody with a better photographic sense than KG.

The tomato is in a position where it can fall off fairly easily - nobody stuffs a wrap like that.

The positioning of the wrap contents looks like that of a poker hand in a player's hand. And the thumb would have to be on the tomato to keep it from falling out.

Tucker's Mom said...

If there's anyone I'd like to see Kate swap places with, it's Michelle Duggar (not that I think Michelle would ever even consider such a thing). I think people would get in line to watch Kate deal with 18 (count 'em, 18) kids, more than twice as many as she has (gasp!). Plus the Gosselin kids would get a good dose of genuine, loving mothering.
But Michelle does not mother her kids. The older children/young ladies mother the little ones on a buddy system
The Duggars are continuing to film heavily and while I find Michelle more palatable than Kate, she and that Neanderthal of a husband are using their kids for money and all of the perks. Whatever message they wanted to relate to the world had plenty of time to be developed and delivered. Now, they are living Kate's motto: "Our life is the show and the show is our life".

Tucker's Mom said...

I agree she shouldn't need alot of help to publish a book. I still suspect she wanted someone to help (do most of the work) for little to nothing.
It was mind boggling to read just how many deals were cut, trading on Kate's name and the Gosselin's show. I'm sure Kate has come to expect freebies and discounts in exchange for marketing. She's been taken up on offers for her to market products, as well as the kids (who were and are not old enough to consent).

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 154
Dmasy and Tucker's Mom,
My friend had all single pregnancies, plus some of the kids are adopted. She was pregnant and had babies, toddlers, small children, and adolescents in the house--all at the same time. The family specifically requested hard-to-place children with disabilities
The difference in self esteem between a mom saying that she's full of joy to be home with you, vs. Kate who whines and complains and always needs a vacation from her kids, is huge.
Kids internalize this sort of thing and it affects their self-worth. A child who knows they are wanted will have boundless confidence because they know their presence in the world is a positive thing.
I was fortunate to have grown up being very, very appreciated and was told that I was loved and special. It made me an outgoing and confident child who was proud of who I was.

Pity Party said...

I suspect Katherine made the wrap, plated it, and took the photo. It has garnish on it and is plated nicely. KT, in her whirlwind of never ending activity (with all those JOB titles that make her life so very hard), never makes anything look nice. Only she would list hugs and kisses on her job protocol.

I also saw the chore CAN. What a mess it was and then the dry erase board and clips. Much ado about nothing. The chore can and dry erase board and following all those instructions is a chore within itself. As some one said on the thread - even with the chore jar, you are still yelling at them.

Laurie said...

Admin said... 160
Keep it simple stupid. No one has the time or inclination to work with a chore chart that complicated even if you don't work. She couldn't even explain it in a manner that made much sense. By Kate's own admission this has only been happening two weeks. It won't last.
I also doubt that the chore jar will last. She created it so that she'd have something to blog about. She talked about the white board that she created with the 9 magnetic clips on it...um, Kate, all you did was put clips on a white board. No decoration of any sort, just a white board with clips.

NJGal51 said...

Tucker's Mom - I was not slamming you yesterday when I made the comment about "collagenous stock", I just thought it was funny when I googled it. I have made "collagen stock" and it is quite good.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand people. Kate's books. I never understood why anyone would want to read any of her books, including a cookbook. Who are these people and how did two of Kate's books make the bestseller lists? I guess there must be a whole segment of society out there filled with people like Milo and Leigh whatever her name is. Is it southern people? Where do these people live and why do they invest so much of themselves in a psuedo celebrity like Kate Gosselin? I can't imagine her cookbook selling, but then I coudn't imagine either of her other books selling either. So there you go.


Tucker's Mom said...

Looks like another fraudulent food photo.

The photo looks like it was taken by a pro. Or at the least, somebody with a better photographic sense than KG.
I've been doing food (and general) photography for several years and I've studied, learned and worked hard at it to get professional looking images. Kate's plate is crap. A sprig of basil does not a composed plate make.
I think she put a bit of effort into this "art" because she wants to publish a cookbook.
Just the fact that she thinks that snapshot is good is pathetic. I'll just say that Taste Spotting would laugh hysterically if she submitted that wrap photo.

Tucker's Mom said...

. Who are these people and how did two of Kate's books make the bestseller lists?
Kate had a highly-rated TV show, a juggernaut PR machine behind her and was promoting her books heavily with a crazy, whirlwind promotional tour. This means that companies and organizations pre-ordered her books in bulk, which bolstered her sales right onto the best seller lists.
Kate was not your usual first time published author. She had tremendous momentum going into the project, with an incredible up front payment made to her and Beth.
The Gosselins were media darlings at the time Multiple Blessings came out. Kate still had quite of bit of juice when her next 2 books came out, the most recent being released after the divorce when Kate had a great deal of sympathy and was on every tabloid cover.
It will be interesting to see if Kate can pull off this grass roots cookbook without a flotilla of help as she had previously.

Tucker's Mom said...

OT: Pastorius has been granted bail in AU. I have a funny feeling this guy is going to get away with murder.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 181
Tucker's Mom - I was not slamming you yesterday when I made the comment about "collagenous stock", I just thought it was funny when I googled it. I have made "collagen stock" and it is quite good.
Oh, I know! I thought the reaction to "collagenous stock" was funny. Didn't think it would gross people out. But really, it IS a good thing!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

OT: Pastorius has been granted bail in AU. I have a funny feeling this guy is going to get away with murder.


I think so too. This guy is a national hero and his fans want so, so badly to believe this is just an accident. People are willing to overlook all the holes in his story. HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE YOUR GIRLFRIEND ISN'T IN BED WITH YOU WHEN YOU WAKE UP? BS!!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kate was only on the bestselling list for a few weeks as a call, and it would have been the easier to break into non fiction list.

My understanding is you actually only need to sell a few thousand copies to pop up there. Is this right? To STAY up there is another matter. She didn't stay.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Just the fact that she thinks that snapshot is good is pathetic. I'll just say that Taste Spotting would laugh hysterically if she submitted that wrap photo.


I agree. The photo was crap. It was hovering, the lighting was blinding, the cropping was odd, and on and on. It just LOOKS so much better because all her other food photos were even bigger piles of crap.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...


This is closer to what a good photo of a wrap looks like, from Good Housekeeping magazine.

Notice the food is plated on attractive plates that help the food pop, the photographer is at the level of the food, is using a small aperture to blur any distractions in the background, and is shooting sort of "down and into" the food. There are some things I would adjust in this photo, like I think the drink in the background is actually distracting, but it's definitely good enough for print.

Tucker's Mom said...

People are willing to overlook all the holes in his story. HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE YOUR GIRLFRIEND ISN'T IN BED WITH YOU WHEN YOU WAKE UP? BS!!!!
Some commentators are saying that Pastorius must have been foggy, just woken up from sleep. But... he put on his prosthesis (not exactly like tucking your toes into a pair of slippers) which takes a bit of time and clarity. So, how is he so groggy and out of it when he put his legs on, got his gun and walked a ways to his bathroom?
Also, this one commenting lawyer totally believed that it didn't make sense that he would call an ambulance and carry her downstairs for help if he killed her on purpose.
Ahhh... exactly. It's called misdirection and is brilliant actually.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Some commentators are saying that Pastorius must have been foggy, just woken up from sleep. But... he put on his prosthesis (not exactly like tucking your toes into a pair of slippers) which takes a bit of time and clarity. So, how is he so groggy and out of it when he put his legs on, got his gun and walked a ways to his bathroom?
Also, this one commenting lawyer totally believed that it didn't make sense that he would call an ambulance and carry her downstairs for help if he killed her on purpose.
Ahhh... exactly. It's called misdirection and is brilliant actually.


If you are that foggy what are you doing grabbing your gun? Geez! And you have enough sense to grab your gun but not enough sense to touch your loved one's arm beside you and say honey shhh don't make a sound, intruders! God this reminds me of that stupid Casey Anthony jury that wanted everything packaged up neatly in a bow Martha Stewart perfection style. Instead they gave them a Kate Gosselin style wrapping in newsprint, which was plenty good enough for me to convict, and yet they weren't having it. What a world.

Apparently they haven't watched enough American T.V. Of course that's always what the murderer does, they are the ones to call for help so that *they* can't be implicated as after all they summoned help. That usually doesn't work here. Or, he could have killed her on purpose then suddenly realized oh crap what have I done, and then called for help.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This just seems so simple. You wake up, girlfriend is not next to you, someone is in the bathroom. On what planet would you ever, in a million years, not think your girlfriend is the one in the bathroom? That's just nuts.

Tucker's Mom said...

I use this composition for sandwiches a lot. Cut and prop one half on the other, or cut and open up to see the middle. I serve sandwiches and wraps like this too. It just adds a touch of elegance and takes but a moment.
I got started on this when I saw Spanglish and made that amazing sandwich with the egg dripping down.

Melissa NV said...

Who is this at the end? That's not Kate, is it? What the heck? She looks like one of the Barbie head dolls that come with the make-up box and girls can experiment with eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. Of course, they always pile it on and have fun with it.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

As kids my mom divided up into separate list all the cleaning/chores that needed to be done, enough lists to correspond to the number of people in the house, children and adults alike. There was a checkmark next to each chore, and she made photocopies, and laid them out on the kitchen table each Saturday with our names on top. When you divided it up, it was only about three or four chores/rooms per person, and would take about an hour or two tops in the morning, no one cared if you wanted to listen to music or have the TV on while you did it, and it was done and on to have fun the rest of the weekend.

This system worked for years. It was simple, it was fair, and it was quick, and we never had to blow money on a housekeeper. Also, I really appreciated that my parents pitched in too instead of treating the kids like personal slaves. Now THAT really fostered teamwork. It is really fun to see how when a group of people pitch in to make a house sparkle, how fast it can be done. It makes you eager to just get it done. It takes all day when I've done it alone and is not fun.

AussieGoldenLuv said...

Her recipe for the wrap is pathetic. There is barely anything in it. And it's probably only ~200 cal - with half coming from the wrap. How is that even healthy?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I do veggie wraps once in awhile but you need substantial amounts of cheese and/or beans/hummus for your protein.

Look at the absurdly small portions of protein. Half a teaspoon of cheese. Two tablespoons of hummus OPTIONAL! You're going to be starving by 2:30.

Laurie said...

I don't think that Kate realizes that she needs to actually pay a professional to take pictures for a cookbook. OK, she probably realizes it but is to cheap to pay someone. Her cookbook will be no better than the cookbook that the church ladies publish to make money. Kate might as well print it and bind it at home.

BTW Admin, I didn't even notice the drink in the background of that wrap picture until you mentioned it so I guess it wasn't all that distracting.

Tucker's Mom said...

AussieGoldenLuv said... 197
Her recipe for the wrap is pathetic. There is barely anything in it. And it's probably only ~200 cal - with half coming from the wrap. How is that even healthy?
Chicken or lean steak would really make that wrap so much more nutritious. For some reason, Kate eschews certain foods like steak, but with no solid nutritional rationale, other than the thinking that it has cholesterol and fat. Gasp!
Two things that are essential to life.

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