Wednesday, February 13, 2013

ABC officially announces Kate on 'Wife Swap'

After months of rumors, it's official. Kate will swap places with Kendra Wilkinson on the premiere of Celebrity Wife Swap, February 26th. The poor Gosselin kids. And poor Hank Jr.!

1020 sediments (sic) from readers:

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ZeldaZee said...

The reason that she probably deleted it is because it has the word "hack" in it. Now she can feign ignorance, that she didn't know they were hacking like she did last night.

Ah yes, the ol' "LALALALALALAICAN'THEARYOU!!!!" defense.

It astounds me that someone could be that dumb. I wonder if it hurts? ~ Administrator said...

If you don't have time "2fully" investigate who you are supporting and encouraging on twitter as a celeb then DON'T DO IT. My god, a monkey has more common sense. Not having time to investigate is no excuse at all. In any case what investigation do you really need to do to understand after reading a mere handful of tweets that something was seriously off? I can only shake my head here.

Sherry Baby said...

@Nwabcan @comerightin @kateplusmy8 My point was they came to her..she didn't realize that what they were going to do was illegal.

@aka_someone @nwabcan @comerightin @kateplusmy8 She didn't hire them, didn't know they would hack. Just thought they were defending her.

Then you have someone like this, supposedly a retired teacher who SHOULD know that ignorance is no excuse in a court of law. And still, the sheeple continue to defend Kate.

localyocul said...

@Nwabcan @comerightin @kateplusmy8 She did not know they would be doing illegal hacking. If you read her TL, fans alerted her later to it


Well that's bologna. One of them said something like credit cards, bank accounts, facebook, anything else..and Kate was included in the tweet.

localyocul said...

So the fake hacker(s) was on Bullyville? On the bullyblast as a bully or as a bully avenger?

foxy said...

These "hackers" may be little snot nosed teens, but the next time, and there will be a next time, it could be something very dangerous. If I were as infamous as she and with 8 count 'em 8 kids I would close up shop and lay low for a very long time. You never know who is on the other end of the computer.

Sherry Baby said...

Sorry, Kate Is A Twit! We must have been posting at the same time. I didn't read your comment (198), last paragraph, before I posted! We were thinking along the same lines...

Heavens to dumb are these people?

Even if Kate didn't know that hacking would be involved, she should have checked their timeline to see what kind of people these were -- others investigated this kid and it didn't take long to find out that he was a young teenage hacker with a garbage mouth. Kate can't plead ignorance. She went along with it. She encouraged it. You just don't align yourself with these people if you don't know who they are, or their past internet activities. You just don't.

Midnight Madness said...

@Nwabcan @comerightin @kateplusmy8 My point was they came to her..she didn't realize that what they were going to do was illegal.

Kate retweeted this...

RT @MadBritishGuy: Although we hack, our hearts are in the right place seeming as we're doing it to protect someone. | See you all later.

Unless she retweets on a whim and doesn't read what she retweets, then she KNEW that they hack. it's right there. The kid said, "WE HACK!"

Jane said...

I've been here only sporadically the past few days, but did I read that Kate was DMing with these hacker kids? Apparently they're maybe 14 or 15? It's bad enough she exchanged tweets but to discuss what they do in private DMs is beyond stupid. Does she think those messages can't be made public? A box of rocks has a higher IQ than Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

They have earned their "sheep" name quite well.

Too bad they are backing a nasty failure.

Unknown said...

You know, I'm now wondering if the adults involved w/sucking the fake hackers into ''protecting'' KK, could be in trouble for contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Did they forget (or even know) that one of the ones they ''outed'' also has been in law enforcement? I keep thinking of my old Auntie, who would say ''oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive'', when she discussed people who lie. This entire mess of stupidity is a perfect example of that quote!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate is a twit said... 199

Looks like Kate is doing some cleaning up too. Yesterday, she retweeted this, and I copied and pasted it here(it's on the previous page). Today, it's no longer on her twitter feed, tweettunnel or twitiq. It still does show up on Tweetwood.

RT @MadBritishGuy: Although we hack, our hearts are in the right place seeming as we're doing it to protect someone. | See you all later.

The reason that she probably deleted it is because it has the word "hack" in it. Now she can feign ignorance, that she didn't know they were hacking like she did last night.

And of course, now her fans are saying that Kate didn't know. What about the word "hack" did Kate not get?

@Nwabcan @comerightin @kateplusmy8 She did not know they would be doing illegal hacking. If you read her TL, fans alerted her later to it

I rest my case.


Kate should know better.

She can't pick her nose without someone copying and pasting her stupidity.

Silly sheep, tricks are for kids...

Alberta Girl said...

That's Kate's M.O. - ignore. Exactly what she did with the Bill Blankenship arrest, Coupon Cabin, Cruise fiasco, and I'm sure there are more.

Classic narcissist - everyone can say the sky is blue, but if she says it's red, then in her world it's red.

ncgirl said...

@Kateplusmy8 Doin another reality show to make $ off ur kids?? U make me sick. How are u not ashamed of urself??

@xxxxx are you ashamed when you go to work? If you have kids, do you deny them stuff they love to do? That's why. We have a great life:)"

Once again, all the kids love to do it. Eight children all like doing the same things? If the kids like to eat junk food all the time and want to do dangerous stuff, would she deny them?
Who goes to work? Kate? the kids? or both?

The NY post article does give a few details about the show. It seems to be going in the direction of poor, overwhelemed Kate, and Kendra can't believe it, the cooking, the chickens!, the many shoes! It does mention Kate and Hank Sr. having arguments. Poor Hank.

Sheeple Insanity said...

@MadBritishGuy @Kateplusmy8 @Anonym0usNL Wow,its gr8 when Kate can wake up&know she has the British royal guard on her side! #BulliesBeware

Yeah, Milo, I'm sure Kate was very pleased about all of this today!

Milo participated in this, by passing along the links of the outing:

@msgoody2shoes21 Here are the two D0X links on @xxxxxx & @xxxxxx -- xxxxxxxxx.

Sheeple Insanity said...

RT @shann0nparker: Just found out @Kateplusmy8 did a Celebrity Wife Swap with @KendraWilkinson. This could be the TV show I've been waiting for my whole life.

There are no words! ~ Administrator said...

bologna indeed. What on earth did she think she was supporting???

FYI said...

In one of my previous posts, I stated that Kate deleted one her retweets of the hackers tweets. I forgot that there were TWO retweets and she deleted them both.

RT @MadBritishGuy: Although we hack, our hearts are in the right place seeming as we're doing it to protect someone. | See you all later.

RT @MadBritishGuy: . @Kateplusmy8 Now has me and @Anonym0usNL protecting her. If you send her a nasty Tweet, get ready for the full force.

Someone must have told her that by retweeting those tweets, she's showing that she approves and condones what they're doing. I don't think she would have the smarts to figure it out herself.

Her other three tweets that she included them in are still there as of now.

Kate, I don't think getting rid of the evidence is going to help. Too many people have copies of your tweets.

FYI said...

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hi Milo. I not sure if twitter is a healthy enviroment. I hope Kate thinks of another way to communicate with fan

@jenzo4 is difficult. When ur N media wrk...which is what pays Kate the best & allows her time at hm w/kids...U get this mess! :(

Media work? Twitter and a blog is media work?

Milo definitely needs help. Maybe she and Kate can get a two for the price of one deal on counseling.

Unknown said...

You know, I'm now wondering if the adults involved w/sucking the fake hackers into ''protecting'' KK, could be in trouble for contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Did they forget (or even know) that one of the ones they ''outed'' also has been in law enforcement? I keep thinking of my old Auntie, who would say ''oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive'', when she discussed people who lie. This entire mess of stupidity is a perfect example of that quote!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...


@Kateplusmy8 this show is goin 2 be epic! 2 of my fav powerful reality tv women coming together 4 the greatest show mashup in tv history!

Every once in a while I see a fan I'd just like to smack!

Alberta Girl said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 A bully misleads people by omitting significant information that would explain the situation&reveal the underlying reality

Yeah - Just like:
* the purse full of bills;
* or waiting for the kids to call to come home when visiting their dad;
* or all the "not-a-nannies";
* or the Easter egg hunt;
* or the million dollar house while begging for $'s in churches;
* or Stevie-boy


Sheeple Insanity said...

@Kateplusmy8 this show is goin 2 be epic! 2 of my fav powerful reality tv women coming together 4 the greatest show mashup in tv history!

Who ARE these people? :-)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

It doesn't matter.

Kate has already erased what happened today from her memory.

Kateplusmy8 26 mins ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

Hi all! Because so many are asking...Celebrity Wife Swap airs on Tuesday Feb 26 at 8pm on Abc So fun! I can't wait!


What hackers?

As far as Kate's concerned, it's on to a different subject.

Let's see what other platform Kate chooses to latch onto, because bullying failed miserably.

NYC Charlene said...

Has anyone answered this question:

Who will "play" Kendra's husband on this show?

fidosmommy said...

Hence why you see celebs so often get their hands in so many other jars of honey--clothing lines, perfumes and so on. An acting project here and there doesn't always keep that gravy train going much. But royalties from perfume will.

I just have to ask, Admin. What fragrance would Kate's line of perfume have? And what shape would her bottle have? An 8? Snark.

Q said...

OT--Kendra made an appearance on Rachael Ray last week (no mention of CWS). Apparently she is hawking a line of "romance enhancers" called "Love Candy".

Sheeple Insanity said...

@Kateplusmy8 Did you participate?

Um, no. She did a CWS, and sat and watched as another person was used as a stand-in.

NJGal51 said...

Kate can delete her tweets all she wants but there are so many screen captures out there that Kate can't deny any of this. She really did step in it this time. A deleted tweet doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

Mel said...

Just out of come Kate and the kids made it out of the house after sleeping late, in 9 minutes?
Why wasn't it in 8 minutes?
8 being her favorite # and all.

PatK said...

Milo apparently thinks this should be a weekly show with Kate swapping her kids out every week. Oh, and that Kate should be doing a media tour prior to CWS.

Sheeple Insanity said...

PatK said...Milo apparently thinks this should be a weekly show with Kate swapping her kids out every week. Oh, and that Kate should be doing a media tour prior to CWS.


Is Milo a man? She (or he) is so enamored with Kate that this can't be a happily married female as her profile suggests. ~ Administrator said...

Um media work pays okay if you can actually get the work. One episode may pay okay but it's just One --then what???? At least moms in nursing have a steady job. I will take predictability over the gamble of media work any day if I had such a huge family. ~ Administrator said...

It's irrelevant the kids may love it. They're not old enough to understand the lasting implications of it to make an informed decision. Wake up Kate.

Somewhere In Time said...

Milo apparently thinks this should be a weekly show with Kate swapping her kids out every week. Oh, and that Kate should be doing a media tour prior to CWS.

I wonder if Milo has watched the sex video, and if so, does she think it's okay for Kate to leave her kids with this person? Has she said anything about this? I mean, Milo supposedly is a good Christian woman who goes to Sunday meetins and all.

she's come undone said...

I think some posters here need to take a step away from the computer. This constant surveillance of Kate's fan's twitters and following the comment section of a tabloid website like The Stir is disturbing, to me.

Much ado about nothing, IMO.

Somewhere In Time said...

If Kate would have a perfume line, it should be called "Narcissus," and the fragrance would be money...cotton and linen on sweaty palms.

Unknown said...

she's come undone said... 35
'' I think some posters here need to take a step away from the computer. This constant surveillance of Kate's fan's twitters and following the comment section of a tabloid website like The Stir is disturbing, to me.
Much ado about nothing, IMO.''
I agree that you should step away from the computer if it is disturbing to you. IMO, the ''ado'' hasn't even started!! ~ Administrator said...

I don't really have a need to check twzup or whatever it is or follow it outside of what is posted here, but I don't fault people for being interested. It's funny, it's frightening, it's entertaining, and I really don't think it's much ado about nothing. We're talking about behavior from a celeb that pushes the very boundaries of anything anyone has ever seen before.

Anonymous said...

she's come undone said... 37
I think some posters here need to take a step away from the computer. This constant surveillance of Kate's fan's twitters and following the comment section of a tabloid website like The Stir is disturbing, to me.

Much ado about nothing, IMO.


Thank you for sharing your viewpoint.

Amy2 said...

Here's my take on CWS. Kate leaves Kendra a How To book on step by step instructions on when and how to do the household chores and take care of the childlren. The helpers are no longer in the house, like they are when Kate is there. Kendra tries her best to do everything in The Book, but fails. Turns to the camera saying I don't know how she does this all and takes care of her 8 children.

Kate sleeps late, orders the staff around and cuddles the one, count them one, child. Coos and aaahs at how easy it is to be a mother to only one child.

And when its all over, Kate is shown as the perfect mother. Doing it all by herself. Heard this story before.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I wonder if Milo has watched the sex video, and if so, does she think it's okay for Kate to leave her kids with this person? Has she said anything about this? I mean, Milo supposedly is a good Christian woman who goes to Sunday meetins and all.


I am almost afraid to ask this. Is the tape an honest-to-goodness hard core porn video, or just Kendra, semi-naked rolling around moaning and groaning?

I'm no prude by any means, but if it's the former, I'd be reluctant to leave any child of mine with someone who made a porn tape that's on the internet. Not that I'd be afraid for the welfare of the child, it would just be the principle of the thing for me.

Layla said...

I wonder if the trip Kate took the kids on over Christmas break was the kids' payment/reward for doing the CWS show. I have a hard time believing that they all "love" being filmed with porn stars, but they do love to take trips. Kate said a few times this past year that the kids wanted to go to Paris. It's possible that she promised them a trip there as a reward for doing the show, and when she tweeted about "do you deny them stuff they love to do", she may be referring to the travel, not filming. Someone said previously that on the regular Wife Swap, the top 5 get a free trip. Maybe the "celebs" get a trip as part of their payment. Kate would jump at that, and use it to justify keeping all the money for the show for herself. The kids get a trip, which she conveniently gets to take advantage of, too, and she gets the cash. And she can pat herself on the back for providing so well for them.
I was wondering why she suddenly seemed to be spending more. The 3-week whirlwind of home repairs must have been piling up forever, and would have cost a pretty penny to fix. Then she was planning a new chicken run, taking the kids on a trip, buying the meat slicker and a Dyson vacuum for herself, treating herself to $200 of skin care products at Kiehl's, etc. It was her CWS paycheck. Makes sense now. ~ Administrator said...

Also the kids are older now and this was filmed over Columbus Day weekend. I find it hard, actually, impossible to believe that not one of these eight children didn't have something else they would rather do with a friend over the long weekend, even if it just means a sleepover. I doubt sleepovers could occur when you are working.

PatK said...

I doubt Milo has seen Kendra's sex tape. She'd only be interested in Kate's.

yawn said...

We're talking about behavior from a celeb that pushes the very boundaries of anything anyone has ever seen before.

Uhhh...this has happened many, many times with many, many other celebrities. For example: all of the RHs, DTBH's wife Beth, and Leanne Rimes.

This stuff is old news. ~ Administrator said...

Clearly I'm out of the loop. I guess I don't follow their twitters.

fidosmommy said... (Administrator) said... 48
Clearly I'm out of the loop. I guess I don't follow their twitters.


I'm proud to be out of the loop with you, Admin.
It's a nice place to be sometimes.

prairiemary said...

Just stopping in for a quick comment. Kids these days are maturing so much faster than when I was a kid, or even when my kids were kids. The twins are likely old enough to pretty much know about actresses taking their clothes off, probably know about porn, how can they not, when it is everywhere these days? I just can't see how they will not know what Kendra has done in her life. If another kid knows, then they will tell the twins. I mean parents are going to talk, and word will get around. The older girls are going to find out, then how is their mother going to explain, why she left a porn star, and Playboy Bunny, home alone with her 8 little slaves? And kate is not looking to make more money, I think she is doing it because she craves any kind of attention. But a porn star is the total oposite of the 'christian' mom kate played at the churches, when she would beg for dollars. She may have been able to keep things from the twins in the past, but not anymore. And the 'littles' are right behind them.Some good role model, eh?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Uhhh...this has happened many, many times with many, many other celebrities. For example: all of the RHs, DTBH's wife Beth, and Leanne Rimes.


All of those women have approved and encouraged the outing (and hacking) of those who leveled criticisms against them? I guess I'm really REALLY out of the loop. I didn't realize that this was a common happening.

Since we're all out of the loop, maybe we could meet up for some burgers and onion rings, or pancakes and bacon? ~ Administrator said...

That's what I was wondering. Someone threatened to hack bank accounts and SS and other personal information of the Real Housewives and one of them encouraged it then when called out on it pretended who me? I totally missed that one. I do remember some rift between Leean Rhymes and what's her face because she called her stepkids her sons, but I was under the impression it was more like You're a poopy head. No YOU'RE a poopy head type sort of fight. Not like this.

Unknown said...

Thank you for saying Real I know what RH means. I still have no idea what/who DTBH's wife Beth is, and I suspect that I won't care once\if I ever find out!! I could eat a cheeseburger and onion rings right now, but I'll settle for some of my Blue Bell Banana Pudding ice cream. ~ Administrator said...

Everyone out of the loop, have a rumspringa on me!

fidosmommy said...

I was raised in a pretty buttoned up household with parents who might have been called almost prudish. But I can guarantee you, if a busty woman who we had been told was famous for taking
her clothes off moved into my house for a week,
every one of us kids - boys and girls - would have spent the week wondering if she was going to walk out of the bedroom wearing only her skin. We might have even shyly asked if she was going to.

The difference here is that Kate has already displayed her bodily curves to her children, even when dressed to go to Target. I will never forget her breasts in full view as she bent over that picnic table during summer school in front of the garage. The kids have probably had an eyeful, especially around the pool and at the beach. So, they probably won't think too much of Kendra's penchant for showing her stuff. Sad, but then I was raised to believe your body was a private thing, not for public display.

I don't think they will think one thing about
Kendra's "career". They'll just judge her on
how nice she is to them.

JoyinVirginia said...

Checking in, i'm up late this evening. . I would love to join in with a rumspringa, will meet everyone right outside the loop! Since it's late, we could go to Waffle House, they are open 24/7, and get some waffles of course. I like their burgers and omelets too!
Night everyone!

Ex Nurse said...

Ingrid said... 155
from Milo's tweet="Rights of supporters 2b able 2express a nice comment 2Kate w/out being harassed/intimidated!"

To those Sheeple who read here Geez use your brain once. She has given you an email address through her pathetic website. If you want to gush over her lies, drool love quotes and praise the delusional narcissistic Kate without being attacked then send her a private email but I bet she will look at those even less than she reads all the tweets on her twitter.
Well, I am going on record as saying that I agree with Milo that Kates 6 fans should be able to "express a nice comment" without being harassed. The incessant direct attacks are insanity and obsession at its worst! ~ Administrator said...

I am over feeling sorry for anyone who is engaging with the silly back and forth between fans and non-fans. Milo and company are just as guilty as anyone else is of engaging in it. You can't have it both ways, inserting yourself into the fray then crying foul when suddenly you are the one that is attacked. Now if someone is making an active effort not to engage with the silly "wars," as the vast majority of people who comment on Kate either pro or against do, they certainly don't deserve the constant onslaught. Milo isn't in that category by any stretch of the imagination. She made her own bed this time.

fidosmommy said...

I agree. If Milo wants it to stop, maybe she should be the first one to lay her tweeting weapon down. You can't feel the sting of the hit if you aren't on the playing field. ~ Administrator said...

I was on Twitter ages ago. You can block people bothering you and only look at your own feed of you and your friends and people you WANT to see. You can certainly park yourself on twitter and not see or interact with a single person bothering you. You can play where you want to play. Or if you really don't like it, which is how I felt after awhile, you can leave, which I did, and I don't miss it. It's not like you have a RIGHT to be on Twitter. But if you do want to stay and play in the mud, expect some mud specks or more to get on you, it's as simple as that.

fidosmommy said...

That's kind of why I got off Facebook. It sounded like a good idea, but good heavens, all some of my friends wanted to post were sayings like "Kids are fun, Grandkids are perfect" and
"If you love someone, tell them" and other
schlocky, sappy stuff. I was also bombarded by friends who were doing the FarmVille stuff. It was all so stupid I just quit going to my FB page. It never got nasty like this twitter ordeal, only boring as all get-out. I don't miss it one bit. I prefer to remember these people from BEFORE they started virtual farming.

lukebandit said...

Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams,

thats the life that kate Gosselin screams

golden platters and show me the money

it will be a miracle you survive 8 teenagers, honey!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Oh my- trying to catch up on all that has been going on. Unbelievable. I have often wondered why I still follow this trainwreck called Kate, and the only thing I can come up with is she is one of the most disturbing people I have ever seen on reality tv, mainly because she orchestrated her 8 kids to be a "reality star," and continues to use them as a way to elevate her ego/support her 8 year later.

Her next project should be "THINGS NOT TO DO." She certainly is a portrait of that. Ten years from now, she will be a telemovie. Only she will not be the star. Sad and disturbing for her kids.

LB said...

The NY post picture shows Kate cutting up the children's food. It looks like 1 single pancake per plate.. My god. They are nearly 9 years old. Do they not know how to cut their own food? Shunned & infantizied...thats's not good! I wonder if Kendra tried to stand up to Kate at the post swap meeting.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Sheeple Insanity said... 29-


Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 25
It doesn't matter.

Kate has already erased what happened today from her memory.

And therein lies the problem. Thinks in the moment, no accountabilty. Classic Narcissist.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

ncgirl said... 15
@Kateplusmy8 Doin another reality show to make $ off ur kids?? U make me sick. How are u not ashamed of urself??

@xxxxx are you ashamed when you go to work? If you have kids, do you deny them stuff they love to do? That's why. We have a great life:)"

Once again, all the kids love to do it. Eight children all like doing the same things? If the kids like to eat junk food all the time and want to do dangerous stuff, would she deny them?
Who goes to work? Kate? the kids? or both?
It's called transference. Kate projects her own desires on to her kids, and in my opinion, her "soldiers" know not to defy her. I am sure M & C at this juncture wish for obscurity, like any other tween, as well as many of the tups. Kate just can't think beyond herself.

Sorry, not spamming, just trying to get caught up : )

Formerly Duped said...

How much do you suppose Kate got for CWS?

She seems to think 'many people are interested"
I think it's interesting that she was allowed to go through with it- and disgusting.

Suze said...

Check out the photo that's included in this article about the Wife Swap show.

It's of plates lined up on the counter in the kitchen and Kate cutting up the kids' food. This is a fairly recent photo because there's a loaf of bread she made on the far counter and she hasn't been doing that for very long. Those kids are 8 & 12 yet she's still cutting their food for them? By that age my kids had been self sufficient long before that and rarely needed help using knives and forks, yet there she is, just like when they were toddlers. For Kate, raising children and being a mom is about making HER life easier. She's masterminded a way to make mealtime more efficient for her because heaven forbid someone interfere with her precious schedule by needing help or making a mess. I think there was discussion in the past wondering if the kids ever sat down to a meal where they served themselves from dishes placed on the table. I'd say that would be a definite no.

Suze said...

LB said...
The NY post picture shows Kate cutting up the children's food. It looks like 1 single pancake per plate.. My god. They are nearly 9 years old...

LB, you and I are thinking alike about Kate cutting their food. Your post hadn't cleared yet when I posted mine and I didn't see yours till after the fact. ;-)

localyocul said...

I find it really sad that she thinks money and material things = a great life; that she thinks her kids deserved "everything" on a golden platter. How is that Christian? The humble Jesus shunned all such notions. A lot of people have a great life with much less because they have love and laughter and the knowledge of what is really important in life. I find it, frankly, insulting for her to insinuate that those who have less money have a lesser quality of life. Most of us work much much much much harder than she does and have way less money. She is a complete flakey fluke.

FYI said...

The hacker story made it to ROL:

LB said...

Kate always said the children were not commdities to her. Yet she shoves cameras in their faces for the purpose of TV entertainment. Remember when the entire family was on Kelly and Regis; Kelly was talking to Mady? Kate gestured to Mady to turn around so she would be facing the audience AND the cameras as well instead of Kelly. She did the gesture twice, i believe. Thankfully Mady ingored her command. I thought that said alot about Kate.

AMD said...

lukebandit said... 62 will be a miracle you survive 8 teenagers, honey!
These children have also been prevented from telling their friends about their daily lives during filming until the episode airs on tv. This is so unnatural for children to have to repress their feelings and emotions for such extended periods so often. There will surely be long-term effects when those repressed emotions emerge as they get older. It may already be evident with the two children who had issues at their school. ~ Administrator said...

I find it really sad that she thinks money and material things = a great life; that she thinks her kids deserved "everything" on a golden platter. How is that Christian? The humble Jesus shunned all such notions. A lot of people have a great life with much less because they have love and laughter and the knowledge of what is really important in life. I find it, frankly, insulting for her to insinuate that those who have less money have a lesser quality of life. Most of us work much much much much harder than she does and have way less money. She is a complete flakey fluke.


Well said. She insults the mediocre every time she says that she must do media work and make big bucks so her kids can have a great life.

The irony is exposing them to the public is putting them at high risk of having bad lives like many other child stars before them. ~ Administrator said...

One of the highlights of the episode is Wilkinson’s arrival at the Gosselin farm, unaware who lives there. “As soon as she landed in Philadelphia and drove out into the farm country and saw the house, with the chickens and all the little shoes lined up, she was a little freaked out,” Toms says, adding that the women parted friends and that families keep in touch.


So if Kendra didn't know who she was switching with did Kate know Kendra was going there? Who in their right mind would just put their kids up to whoever like lambs to the slaughter? Especially knowing all the questionable D-listers who go on their show. ANYONE could be staying with your kids. It's insane. At least Ashley was there but sheesh, how do you DO that to your kids? ~ Administrator said...

@xxxxx are you ashamed when you go to work?


She doesn't get it. That's the whole point. No, as a matter of fact we're NOT ashamed when we go to work because WE are working not our CHILDREN.

NJGal51 said...

So if the women parted friends and the families keep in touch, why doesn't Kate follow Kendra on twitter? ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone remember when Kendra said she FEELS BAD FOR THE GOSSELIN KIDS??? Maybe that's why they're not friends:

E! reports this isn't the first time Wilkinson has brought up Gosselin's parenting choices; she told them last year, "I feel bad for the kids. If we do have a show, none of that's going to happen...I want to be able to spend quality time with my child and not really give the world too much."

Wilkinson quickly realized her remarks on the Today show might inadervtently start a reality-TV-mom feud (okay, 'fess up, whose side would you be on?) and took to her Twitter to apologize, writing, "didn't mean to bash Kate just meant to say I hate leaving my Sorry if ppl took it that way." ~ Administrator said...

Here's another point about oh the kids just love this. The kids are not fully informed to decide.

Do her 9 and 12 year olds understand Kendra made a sex tape and was with Hugh Hefner? Do they understand what that means and what being associated with someone like that means? The twins may be starting to understand that but a 9 and 12 year old are simply way too young to fully understand all the implications of such a thing.

If they are not old enough to really understand their association with her, they are not old enough to be in a position to say they love doing this and want to do this, period.

LB said...

Suze said....70


I am glad you saw what Kate was doing in that picture as well. It didn't register to me right away what she was doing. Then I thought 'OMG, she is still cutting their food! She is still babying them.' Not pre-cutting food would surely save Kate time & one less step when fixing breakfast. I now just remember Kate in a very early J&K show saying the younger children had delayed fine motor skills---they didn't know how to use scissors, draw, etc. Then she cockly said it was because she didnt take the time to teach them. I wonder if that is why one of them clearly showed shunned development growth. And now suddenly Kate is having them doing school work all year around at home--seemed as if she realized they had to get caught up with the rest of the class. I dont want to name the child but its sad.

NJGal51 said...

I finally took a look at the picture in the Post. WOW Kate, first you tweet that crap about mommy-tine/c-tine and now you're shown (in the picture and probably on CWS) cutting your kids' food for them. At 8 and 12 one would think that they'd have the skills to cut food themselves. It doesn't save time having you do it, it takes more time! Your really are leaving them open to bullying by your actions.

just a mom and grandma said...

I guess I don't understand the whole wife swap thing, Kate is not a wife. Per her own words she is a single mom. The show is not called celebrity mom swap. Part of the dynamic is the interaction with the spouse. Ashley is not Kate's spouse as far as I know. I guess ABC doesn't know any better either.

AMD said... (Administrator) said... 76
So if Kendra didn't know who she was switching with did Kate know Kendra was going there? Who in their right mind would just put their kids up to whoever like lambs to the slaughter? Especially knowing all the questionable D-listers who go on their show. ANYONE could be staying with your kids. It's insane. At least Ashley was there but sheesh, how do you DO that to your kids?
Exactly! These children did not even have the security of their father being with them. A babysitter is not a substitute for a parent. This wasn't just for a couple of hours or a day..this was a whole week! And once again Kate has left her children to be filmed by strangers. Who was the watchdog during filming? Who did the background checks on the crew?
Kate has utter disregard for her children's emotional and physical well-being. Completely selfish!

Michelle said...

Has anyone see an episode of Wife Swap where kids were left without the other parent present? I certainly can't recall one. It just seems really cruel to me to leave kids without the security of a parent nearby as cameras are shoved in their faces 24/7.

Also, does anyone really believe Kendra is going to be living Kate's life? If she was, she would have sat around for a week tweeting while all the helpers did the work. I guarantee Kate gave 90% of the staff the week off. Set Kendra up to fail big time. They need to make dramatic TV, not film Kate's actual reality.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

This is MadBritish Guy's new Twitter ID:

Christoper Doyle ‏@EnergeticHacker
@Kateplusmy8 Treat your 'Hacker Friends' like shit. Way to go bitch!

He typed a msg yesterday saying he'd be going by Christoper (guess he can't spell ChristopHer) Doyle.

He also tweeted:

Christoper Doyle ‏@EnergeticHacker
On this account, I will be releasing so much information. I hope you look forward to it!

LB said...

People forget what it means when Kate says she wants things given to her children on a golden meant at someone else's expense! She wants these things, not the children. Big difference. She didnt want to pay for the house herself so she got someone else to get tge loan for her. After all, I can't see a bank approving a sixeable loan on the basis of a short life of a non permanent TV show. How did they prove they will always have the income for the next 30 years to repay the bank? Of course, thats why i think someone co-signed the loan. Same thing for the van. Seems like some sort of a barter system? She will run for you in exchange for whatever Item she wanted. I image she will say that was promoting the company's business. Just like that chip company rewarded her with a surprise package after she sang in a viedo taken at a mom expo. ~ Administrator said...

See? She's crossed them, now they've turned on her. Exactly what we said would happen.

Had she just ignored them from the beginning none of this would have happened.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 88
See? She's crossed them, now they've turned on her. Exactly what we said would happen.

Had she just ignored them from the beginning none of this would have happened.

Exactly. Wonder if even one of her brain dead fans will realize who he is.

Formerly Duped said...

Suze said... 69

Check out the photo that's included in this article about the Wife Swap show.

Thanks for the link to the photos and article.I wonder what Hank and oJon thought of this. Hank apparently was not to fond of Kate and her ways...I thought everyone who met her loved her!

No matter what when on during the filming, it's the idea of someone with Kendra's 'credentials' playing mom on national TV that is so loathsome. I would have been shocked if my mother had done such a thing - she never would have,of course!

If the G kids are unaware of Kendra's background, I'm sure their peers will enlighten them. How do you explain a sex tape and Playboy shenanigans to kids and say why you allowed her into your home to care for them?
Kids have enough trouble with normal growing pains- why give them this added stress? I am sure they will be teased or upset by this. ~ Administrator said...

I understand they encourage conflict and fighting but I find it sad she couldn't make it through the experience without having several fights with Hank. You can't bite your tongue and just get along for one week?? I think that's the difference is normal people who dont want to be on reality shows would be boring anyway even if they did go on. They would see the experience as a fun adventure, have a great attitude about it, be game for anything, and not instigate fights with their hosts. Snoozefest I guess.

DebbieDowner4 said...


I took a break for a while - it was wonderful - no Grifty news, etc. I thought we were free from here clutches. Thinking that Dorothy's house landed on her, I was blissfully unaware of the fact that she was still lurking for the spotlight.

In the words of Carol Anne from Poltergeist........"She's baaaaaaaaaaaaack!" ~ Administrator said...

I feel like I'm at a funeral. It's good to see people back who were taking a break or just busy or what have you, but I'm sorry it's under these circumstances! LOL.

Michelle said... (Administrator) said... Especially knowing all the questionable D-listers who go on their show. ANYONE could be staying with your kids.
I give you Exhibit A: Gary Busey did Celeb Wife Swap. YIKES! If they'll "swap" an unmarried woman on a wife swap show, who's to say they aren't sending a crazy man to stay with your kids.

But it's all FUN, FUN, FUN, right Kate?!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

I would really like to know if it is Kate who is always pitching a show idea or her PR person. So ABC pondered for some time who to match up with Kate? This has been in the works for a while? Who's hairbrained idea was it in the first place? I guess as long as ABC is holding the reins and needing a trainwreck for ratings, we can expect to see Kate on their network doing stupid sh_t for some time to come. They need the ratings, Kate needs more money for the wonderful life her kids need to continue living. Like others, I am transfixed by this enigma called Kate who keeps shoving herself down our throats whether we like it or not. Never seen anything like it and probably never will again. Following her dum dum moves is my guilty pleasure...heh heh heh. ~ Administrator said...

The show’s producers had long dreamt of who they could cast opposite Gosselin, 37, a single mom following her divorce from Jon Gosselin. “We had to find a real great contrast,” Toms says.


This makes it seem like they started off knowing they wanted Kate on the show and then from that place tried to match someone with her. Perhaps she pitched herself to be on the show. To me casting Kendra doesn't really create much contrast at all though. I wish they had found someone known for being a loving and attentive mother, soft spoken and sweet. Becki Dilley or something.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Hey. How come we don't see any more tweets from Jason the hair God or Fig and Olive with Diego, the best waiter in the world? Maybe they told her to lay off as the bad publicity was getting to them. I enjoyed reading about her little NYC jaunts for the star treatment. I feel left out of the loop now. Seems weird that just came to an abrupt end.
Again, I have to say heh heh heh.....

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Seems to me that the show is focusing on Kendra rather than Kate. Kendra will be more frazzled than the queen bee. Kate is more likely a prop to be used so that they can showcase Kendra with more kids than what she is used to.

Dmasy said...

I can't tell. Is that Kate cutting their food or Kendra? The hair looks longer and has a soft curl. Kendra?

Oh, well -- who cares.

LB said...

Dmasy said....99


Its Kate. She has the diamond necklace on.....and full make up on too! Now making me wonder who she was dressi g up for or where she was going after the bus stop.

DebbieDowner4 said...

Will Steve-O be there? Is he still around?

LB said...

Also Kendra is only 5' 4". She wouldn't be towering over that counter. She would be peeking over it! LOL! The kitchen counters were made to fit Kate's height.

Pity Party said...

Dmasy - that's KT, I am pretty sure. I can tell because all you see is plate and a morsel of food. Sounds like KT is going to get more drama out of her segment. Who's Kendra going to argue with - the baby sitter? Hopefully, not the kids. I hope she made it fun for them and let them eat like regular kids. I am catching up, the one link I followed about the show had only sexy pics of Kendra on there and none of KT.

I am not sure that Kendra is not to be underestimated. What would make for a better show is if Kendra went in there and caught on real quick, the kids were charming, and very, very helpful, and she had nothing much to do all day, but twitter, and for the finale, I don't get it; what does she do all day, (when the kids are in school)? I just hope the big girls don't offer her a bedtime massage and the little kids don't offer to sit at her feet and rub them for her, after a long day, in heels. I hope she wears sweats and sneakers and plays ball with them and that they dance and have fun and the kids get to sit on the sofa during movie night with a "softie" (soft blanket).

Ampersmom said...

I have been here reading and lurking. I have a co-worker who has just been around a "reality" tv show set. What was shared is Plain wow. I really feel very sorry for the kids. First, the newest way they tell you that you are on a set and may be filmed and all that is there are flyers posted on the property....stating once you cross this line (yes a line is spray painted on the ground) you agree to be filmed and "used" Well this co-worker went to visit, not paying attention due to being on the cell phone and was treated with outright hostilities because this now the whole scene will have to be redone because it was messed up. Not like in reality when a guest just drops in and possibly changing what is going on. What was more heartbreaking is the kids were reprimanded for running to greet this person instead of staying on "role" So much was shared. All I can say is as we know, reality shows are scripted. This cowoker told me how uncomfortable it all was and how sad they were to how the kids were treated. Not abused (that they could tell) but just treated as props and made to "stay on role"

Unknown said...

I'm playing catch up here....I just read Milo say this on twitter to KK:
''Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 doubt! Sure wish this was a wkly series! U swapping abt w/different Moms! U always entertain! I mean that NICELY!''
WHAT? Isn't this person supposed to have children? On what planet would KK leaving her children with a different person every week be a good idea? What on earth is wrong with these people? Are they insane?

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Amen, LB, totally agree about the "golden platter" statement. Kate wants everything for herself and her family at others' expense. Those of us who caught on to that years ago, just can't stand her. If her lips are moving, well fill in the rest. I, too, took a rest from anything Gosselin for a while, but I will read Admin's recap. Admin has done a wonderful job on this site. ~ Administrator said...

It's just proof how selfish they are. They just want Kate for themselves and their entertainment. Absolutely no thought, none at all, is ever given to how disruptive, detrimental, and well, just plain f-ed up it would be on the children to have a new "mommy" every week.

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

fidosmommy said @ 61
... I prefer to remember these people from BEFORE they started virtual farming...


Too funny. Thanks for my laugh of the day. I feel pretty much as you do about FB. It's unfortunately full of trite sayings and bumper sticker platitudes from my "friends".

Sheri said...

''Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 doubt! Sure wish this was a wkly series! U swapping abt w/different Moms! U always entertain! I mean that NICELY!''

Yeah because kids don't need any kind of stability or consistency in their lives, right?

What a loon. It really does make me think this Milo person isn't real but some kind of sock made to up the drama on Kate's twitter feed. I don't know of course but it's just so hard to believe this person is for real and especially, a parent. SMH

fidosmommy said...

The regular wife swap is two weeks with the new family. How come this one is only one week, per posts here?

Pity Party said...

Didn't her hair and makeup friend accompany her on that trip? If so, I wonder if she got paid. If she took money, would that not sit well with KT (as per her usual MO). She has been pretty much missing on Twitter, after having been high profile on there for a while but now is working 24/7. I don't think anybody works that hard but KT, of course, who can somehow manage to tweet while she works. Funny, I still have to pull over when I get a call I have to take and my son's GF ( who is my EX and age) was talking to him on the phone the other day, and said hold on, I have to pull over. But I was thinking, maybe she is so offensive right now because she has screened the final cut on CWS, and it didn't pan out so well. ~ Administrator said...

YES Deanna went. Her tweets about a fun new project that just happened to correspond with Kate being out of town were a big reason why I was pretty sure what was up.

Explain to me how this is "reality" having a paid makeup person come with you? Will they disclose Deanna was there? Doubtful.

FYI said...

fidosmommy-I guess when they changed the show to "Celebrity" Wife Swap" they also changed it from two weeks to one. Here is a better description of the show from TVbytheNumbers that was posted before last year's premiere.

"In each of the five one-hour episodes, two mothers with very different types of households swap lifestyles and children in a week-long challenge. In the first part of the swap, each mom moves into the other’s home and adopts their new celebrity family’s lifestyle, no matter how different it may be. They agree to follow a manual written by the departing mother that sets out the rules of their new household – how they parent, manage their social life, do house work, unwind and more. In the second half of the week, everything changes. The new moms take charge. They introduce their own set of rules and get to run the new household their way. It’s a radical shock to both celebrity families. The results are explosive, enlightening, emotional and often very funny. At the end of the show, the two celebrity couples meet for the first time. In a deeply honest and highly-charged exchange of views, both couples make a frank assessment of each other and talk about what they’ve learned from the experience. In the process, everyone discovers what it’s like to live a life quite unlike their own."

Unknown said...

fidosmommy said... 110
''The regular wife swap is two weeks with the new family. How come this one is only one week, per posts here?''
My theory about how the swap even happened is that KK arranged it to happen during her custody time, where she had the kids locked behind the gate, forbidding the kids breathe one word to anyone, especially their father....therefore Jon had no idea it was even happening. I know nothing about that show, so I was unaware that they usually last two weeks...but the fact that they do kind of supports my theory. KK could manage to keep them from Jon for one week of custody time, but not two weeks! Make sense?

OR...KK was so difficult to deal with that it was cut from two weeks to one? That is also quite possible.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

You Go, lukebandit! How very clever and profound your verse is. You know of what you speak. Thank you for making us smile.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Sheri said... 109
''Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 doubt! Sure wish this was a wkly series! U swapping abt w/different Moms! U always entertain! I mean that NICELY!''

Yeah because kids don't need any kind of stability or consistency in their lives, right?

What a loon. It really does make me think this Milo person isn't real but some kind of sock made to up the drama on Kate's twitter feed. I don't know of course but it's just so hard to believe this person is for real and especially, a parent. SMH


What an asinine comment.

Who the hell wants to see that imbecile emasculate men across the country weekly for entertainment?

What a JOKE!

PatK said...

I would guess that if a "stah" prefers her own makeup artist, that producers would accommodate her by paying said makeup artist. And hasn't Deanna done work for ABC before? Didn't she do Kate's makeup for her appearances on The View?

And if I remember correctly, The View's producer has the hots for Kate so I wouldn't be surprised if he helped her manager get this CWS gig for her.

As for Steve, I'm sure it's a given that he was worked into the contract as usual. (Unless she really didn't need him since Deanna was with her?)

DebbieDowner4 said...

PatK said... 46

I doubt Milo has seen Kendra's sex tape. She'd only be interested in Kate's.


Thank you in advance for my night terror tonight.

I think this calls for another party.........even though I have just now recovered from the last one. (still trying to figure out how I got that tattoo of Tattoo from Fantasy Island.

Ex Nurse said...

Admin said...
Milo and company are just as guilty as anyone else is of engaging in it. You can't have it both ways, inserting yourself into the fray then crying foul when suddenly you are the one that is attacked
Let me clarify because my bigger point was missed. I agree that Milo gives as good as she gets--as a matter of fact, I remember her saying that she got herself involved as a defender because she thought the attacks were unfair. This was before twitter, so, initially just on blogs which did not interact with Kate. So, yes, she is specifically aware of the drama. However, my larger point is that I do think that manners and fair play shouldn't fly out the door just because it is the Internet which gives us all a sense of anonymity.

I think that Twitter has changed the rules because it isn't hosted, moderated or owned by anyone --I guess it is the modern wild west! But, we don't like it when people come here for the sole purpose of disrupting. Why is it OK to post on Twitter for the sole purpose of harassing.,My God, the litany of Kate's horrors (cupcake and gum gates, etc--not physical abuse), makes the writer sound insane and obsessed. And, the ever manufactured drama between the haterz and the loverz--who can maintain the level of outrage necessary to keep that fire going? These people have elevated this stupid story of a mean, greedy woman to the status of legend!

The bitterness, paranoia and grandiosity is so sick that it is fascinating. I think that this is the modern day equivalent of the Fall of the Roman empire, or, the Tower of Babel. People are so self-involved that they have forgotten what is important. And civil discourse and common courtesy and respect still matter if we are to be a civilized society.

Watching and commenting is one thing. But, inserting myself into the story by interacting and then running back to report it? Not interested...

For what it is worth, I think that Milo is functioning as Kate's Pancho Sanchez ( faithful servant in Man of La La Mancha). As Kate tilts against the windmills of fame that exist only in her mind, Milo protects Kate from seeing that her heroic deeds and adversaries exist only in her mind. We, the audience, can see where this is heading....

foxy said...

That hacker person, Christoper and all of his akas are scarey. This is not going to end well. I feel so bad for those kids.

westcoastie said...

Apologies if this has been asked but:

Who will be kate's partner in the rehash section of this swap? The ones I have seen have both 'couples' sitting across the table discussing the good, the bad and the ugly.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kateplusmy8 2 hours ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

RT @Notebook: Dear God, I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything from you. But simply to say thank you, for all I have.


Holy cow! It's about time she thanks God.

She's been using God like a Sears Roebuck catalog for years.

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

Ex Nurse said...117

Excellent post. TY

Formerly Duped said...

westcoastie said... 120

Ashley? She'll be acting as the co-person in charge of the kids with Kate gone I guess, like Hank Baskett is for little Hank.

Tucker's Mom said...

Why adults paddle around in the feces-ridden cesspool that is Twitter, I don't understand. Kate continues to expose her family to danger by interacting with God knows who these people are.
I hope Jon can do something to get Kate's Twitter shut down after this hacking business. Kate telling these boys that she loves them because they take up for her is sick. She has no idea who they are or what they're capable of.
Now, she's splashed all over the tabloids for encouraging hackers or would be hackers. She just keeps asking for trouble. Or, maybe she loves any mentions she gets.
You can un ring a bell, Kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

Who will be kate's partner in the rehash section of this swap? The ones I have seen have both 'couples' sitting across the table discussing the good, the bad and the ugly.
The film crew daddies, silly!

Tucker's Mom said...

I can not believe one of Kate's fans wanted her to do a CWS series. How ridiculous. Is Kate supposed to leave her kids in the hands of strangers whenever she has custody.
I can not believe that Jon signed off on this. Oh, Jon, btw, I'll be doing a CWS and have NO IDEA who is going to show up at the house. Never met her. Never met the crew.
I'd go ballistic.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

Next, I am sure that a-hole Gro$$elin is going to do that dumb celebrity diving show. Just wait.

Unknown said...

I asked this before, but I'm going to ask again now that more has been revealed about the entire hacking mess. I'm now wondering if the adults involved w/sucking the fake hackers into ''protecting'' KK, could be in trouble for contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Did they forget (or even know) that one of the ones they ''outed'' also has been in law enforcement? I keep thinking of my old Auntie, who would say ''oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive'', when she discussed people who lie. This entire mess of stupidity is a perfect example of that quote!

Unknown said...

I asked this before, but I'm going to ask again, now that more has been revealed about the entire hacking mess. I'm now wondering if the adults involved w/sucking the fake hackers into ''protecting'' KK, could be in trouble for contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Did they forget (or even know) that one of the ones they ''outed'' also has been in law enforcement? I keep thinking of my old Auntie, who would say ''oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive'', when she discussed people who lie. This entire mess of stupidity is a perfect example of that quote! ~ Administrator said...

Remona I don't know if anyone knows the answer to your question other than, I wouldn't mess around with it!

Unknown said...

Sorry about the double post, and I don't see my trash can so I can delete one of them! How did that happen?

You wouldn't mess around w/what, Admin?

I think I'd better give in to the nap attack I'm having. I'm too confused! lol ~ Administrator said...

I mean I wouldn't mess around with interacting with a minor who is up to no good on twitter. You're just asking for trouble. I really wouldn't be talking to minors at all. I don't know why adults would be interested in the first place.

Minor Details said...

The Enablers have been interacting with minors from Day 1. They go into private chatrooms and even encourage the young, minor girls to correspond with the old, perverted male fans.

I watched it on twitter. It was disgusting.

I guess when you have no respect for children those types of activities don't seem to be wrong. Nope, not for them.

Mel said...

One part I don't understand is why one adult would presume to engage hackers to take up for another adult, without said adult's permission.

And yet Kate seems to think it's just fine that random adults act like they're her parents/guardians, while she just stands off to the side like a small child.
She doesn't appear to take *any* responsibility for herself.

Other than if there's something free to be had, and then she's all over it.

Rhymes with Witch said...

On the one hand, I'm sorrry this kate/kendra thing made the LA Times. On the other hand, it's not a flattering piece:

"Their "Celebrity Wife Swap" episode will premiere Feb. 26 on ABC. Antonio Sabato Jr., Flavor Flav, Dee Snider and Gary Busey are also
set to appear in the series. Heaven help us all."

Ok, they got the current season's stars wrong (they were last year's) but the attitude is right.,0,7173404.story

Rhymes with Witch said...

The enablers accused us of being perverted for worrying about pedophiles. I don't think so.

localyocul said...

Had a lightbulb moment. Who else remembers a random tweeter saying they saw K8 driving the BBB and he loved her new hairdo? It was confusing because K8 was also spotted clubbing in must have been Kendra.

Jane said...

I looked at Deanna's Twitter timeline about an hour ago and, although she's tweeted a few times to friends or co-workers over the past day or so, she's made no mention of CWS or the hacker issue. Deanna gives the appearance, at least from what can be seen on Twitter, of being much brighter than Kate. Of course, that doesn't take much.

Jane said...

Minor Details said... 134
The Enablers have been interacting with minors from Day 1. They go into private chatrooms and even encourage the young, minor girls to correspond with the old, perverted male fans.

I watched it on twitter. It was disgusting.

Yes, I remember seeing this - it was so upsetting. Wasn't Iwanainspireu one of the men? And Paige and Emily and one of the older women, BHappy (who's now BorderColliessomething) was involved. The non-fans warned the young girls but were accused of being haters who knew nothing. The sheeple thought it was all hunky dory.

FYI said...

The hacker story is spreading a bit, although not on any major media sites.

Kimberly Ripley at really nailed it. And one at stated it perfectly:

"Hackers are hackers and they pose a threat to everyone, but with Kate thanking them for hacking into her haters and critic's accounts, it looks like she is condoning their behavior. Maybe if they hacked into something personal of hers and shared it online, she’d sing a different tune?"

FYI said...

Jane-I think that Elvis guy was also one of those in that chat room. Leigh was another one involved.

FYI said...

localyocul-I remember that too, but don't remember when he tweeted that. It's possible it was Kendra and he mistook her for Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

[excerpt from:]

"Oh dear, Kate. What on earth is inside that pretty blonde head?"


Cooked oatmeal?

Wowser said...

Kate doing a diving tv show?!?! I don't think so....Kate said she wasn't "very waterish" on the RV

Tucker's Mom said...

Wow, Kimberly Ripley on Gather usually kisses Kate's arse. Could she finally be seeing the light?

Unknown said...

Wowser said... 145
''Kate doing a diving tv show?!?! I don't think so....Kate said she wasn't "very waterish" on the RV ''
You're right, KK did say she wasn't ''very waterish'', but then again she is also supposedly afraid of heights, and that didn't stop her from taking foooorrrreeevvveer to do the sky jump, did it? Just think how long she could stand on the diving board, whining and flapping her hands...going to the edge of the board, backing off and then do it all again, in order to keep the camera on mmmmeeee!!

I'm hoping that her latest journey into bullyville and encouraging hacking minors to break the law, will cause CWS to be her very last glimpse on television!

Kirkland said...

I also saw this article on LA Times. It's about Lindsey Lohan rejecting DWTS.

What's funny is there's is a reference to Kate in the article.

"..."Dancing With the Stars" also has a decent track record for rehabilitating some of the most loathed pseudo-celebs, including Kate Gosselin and Bristol Palin."

Unbelievable to think being on DWTS rehabilitated Kate! To me, it did damage to her career. Anyway, I do love they called her a "most loathed pseudo-celeb". Ha! Take that Kate Gosselin!

Here's the link to the article:,0,2712893.story

Rhymes with Witch said...

Mel said 135 And yet Kate seems to think it's just fine that random adults act like they're her parents/guardians, while she just stands
off to the side like a small child.
She doesn't appear to take *any* responsibility for herself.

Exactly. This is her MO: She sets people up to do her dirty work-then says: "who me?"

Minor Details said... 134
The Enablers have been interacting with minors from Day 1. They go into private chatrooms and even encourage the young, minor girls to
correspond with the old, perverted male fans.

Yes, all you have to do is be a fan of kk and you can do no wrong, is the enablers' motto. Even when what you're proposing to do is illegal.

And I DON"T consider bullyville an ANTI bullying site:

BullyVille Quote Of The Day -" Sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully."

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To Wowser (145): Um... Methinks that Khate will $uddenly become "wateri$h" if a chance to get her $tupid mug on that celebrity diving show presents itself. Also, is it possible that those kids could go through an experience like Celebrity Wife (Mom to them) Swap and not be scarred? I think the chance is zero. Why would Khate jeopardize her kids sanity like that? Oh, yes, I forgot... the money thing again. I don't care if $he is trying to support her brood of 8. $he could do it in ways that are much more mentally healthy for them.

Just Down The Road said...

We all said on here that her doing the bullyville article would come back to haunt her, and once again we were right. I just slap my head trying to figure out why she doesn't think before she leaps blindly into something like that, not thinking about the consequences that could ensue!

Just an OT. One of the guys on the Amish Mafia show made the front page of the newspaper this morning. He was arrested for a hit and run. Photo shows him in cuffs. However, according to reports, that isn't going to prevent him from appearing on the next season of the show.

"LB said -- How did they prove they will always have the income for the next 30 years to repay the bank?"


How does anyone prove that they will have the income for the next 30 years? You could be a Wall Street broker or banker with a six figure income and lose your job within a year of signing the papers.

Pity Party said...

Am I reading that right, is this particular swap going to be on 5 episodes?

Meagler said...

Kate's waterish-ness is like the flavor of the day.... she liked the water when it came to being in that shark cage, or when it involves a skimpy bathing suit and an all expense paid trip to Discovery Cove, or to Whale Watch in Alaska. The river raft trip was towards the end of the RV trip and she was all biochity by then and just didnt want to get splashed.

I really hope the 2 who were outed are taking the steps to "out" kate and her role in encouraging minors to commit illegal acts.

I dont think kate is going to be shown in a positive lite on Celeb Wife Swap. Thats why they picked her. Remember, sadly, train wrecks make for good tv viewing these days. BUT!! I have watched some of the wife swaps, and sometimes they do turn people around so they are more appreciative of their families. MAybe... just maybe.. Kate realized just how good she has it.. 8 kids and all.

I Said it before, will say it again.. that holiday over the Christmas break had something to do with some kind of kid exploitation. I still believe she was in France.

The only thing that will save those kids from walking the path most kids under the spotlight of TV end up walking..will be prayer, and their more stable dad.

I havent been around for a few days, and the reading last night was popcorn

Rose said...

Tucker's Mom said... 146

"Wow, Kimberly Ripley on Gather usually kisses Kate's arse. Could she finally be seeing the light? "

Tucker's Mom, I think you are mistaken. I can't recall Kimberly writing positive articles about Kate. I think you have her confused with that Effy person.

Wowser said...

Deck chairs 150: you are probably correct because Kate would do anything for money!! $he would not be willing to get her fried hair wet or mess up her 2 inch thick makeup but $he probably would put on a $kimpy bikini and bounce up and down with her gigantic fake boobs on the diving board flapping her arm$ and $hrieking very loudly. $he'$ one $how away from doing porn anyway she is so low on the totem pole. I am hoping all this negative press with encouraging hackers to do illegal activity as well as all the vile other things will make ABC pull the plug last minute and not air CWS at all. The sweetest karma would be for Robert's book to be released right before the show is suppose to air.

Jane said...

Kate is a twit said... 142
Jane-I think that Elvis guy was also one of those in that chat room. Leigh was another one involved.

Right - and the brownlow woman who bought all the cereal for Kate. Wonder if she's still around in another name. This psychodrama just sucks you in!

fidosmommy said...

Robert may be writing an addendpum to his book
by now. Kate's given him new material. :-)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Dinner conversation: Mady- how do you indirectly consume the suns' energy? Answer- by eating fruits/veges via photosynthesis! #lovedinnerX

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Did ur tups get that convo fr Mady? Or was more #Explainin needed! Nice when dinner can become place 4education N relaxed way!

Milo feels she must reply to each of Kate's tweets. If Kate said she just sneezed Milo would have a positive comment about it:

"It's good you can sneeze and teach UR chillins good manners about sneezin into hankerchief and excusin themselves. #KateAwesomeMomForTeachinChillinsSneezinEtiquette

gabby2 said...

I think Milo the Clown should come out of the closet and support Krazy so she never has to work again!! Marriage made in heaven...

...speaking of which, "Where's STEVIE??".

Meagler said...

ABC likely loves all the attention kate is getting. They hope that it will bring more viewers and up their ratings. Celeb Wife Swap is not about Morals...

Meagler said...

also, to answer someone's question upthread...

There are 5 new episodes of Celeb Wife Swap, Kate's being 1 of them. She is the season opener , I believe.. she will sadly get paid more. Perhaps the trip to France was the payment for the kids.

And in regards to Kate's retweet to ROL asking them if they asked her kids if they were traumatized? NO.. well then Kate, why not let ROL talk to your kids about it??? I think we might see their reactions on Feb 26.

AMD said...

It appears that Kate and Kendra are cut from the same cloth afterall. Not only that, they are interchangeable in their looks. Check out the picture of Kendra.
"Kendra Wilkinson Goes Off the Deep End With Diving Coach Greg Louganis"

MJ said...

Kate is not going to be on the new "Splash" show. The 10 contestants have already been announced and they're already practicing.

Kendra, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Louie Anderson, Chuy Bravo from Chelsea Lately, Nicole Eggert, Drake Bell, Keshia Knight Pulliam, Ndamukong Suh (?football player), Miss Alabama - Katherine Webb.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To Wowser (155): $omehow I doubt ABC will pull the plug on CWS, but we'll $ee.

And Pity Party (152): Khate is only doing one epi$ode of CWS, not 5. I would be PISSED off SO badly if my mother pulled a $tunt like giving me a new "mommy" for a week (and a Hugh Hefner playmate/porn star no less). What an arse Khate i$. Her level of ars-i-tud-i-nous-ness knows no bounds.

MJ said...

Am I reading that right, is this particular swap going to be on 5 episodes?

The Kate/Kendra swap will be one episode. There will be 5 shows total with different celebs swapping places on each episode.

ncgirl said...

"Am I reading that right, is this particular swap going to be on 5 episodes?"

From what I remember of previous CWS, there is only one show for the two celebrities. There may be other shows with other celebrities.

It snowed here today. I know it's old news for those of you farther north, but it's rare in Eastern NC.

PatK said...

localyocul said... 138
Had a lightbulb moment. Who else remembers a random tweeter saying they saw K8 driving the BBB and he loved her new hairdo? It was confusing because K8 was also spotted clubbing in must have been Kendra.


localyocul, if I recall correctly, the tweet about the "new hairdo" was roughly around the time they got back from their Christmas "vacation", not after the wife swap filming in October.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Nanb said...

So now we know why Kate got into baking bread and the industrial meat slicer etc., so she could make Kendra even more stressed out by being the "super mom" Kate pretends to be! Hope, we see Kendra playing with the kids and eating Dominos etc. (Although I won't watch!)

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Ex-Nurse, #119 - Very good point. I agree with the comments you made about manners and fair play should still be used, even on the anonymous internet and/or twitter.

I try to make comments in the same way, using words that I would use if speaking to someone face to face at the office, or my neighbor in the grocery store, etc.

Sometimes people use the anonymity as an excuse to be as rude as they want to be because they can get away with it.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Oh, I am so sure that was how the dinner conversation went - not. And dumbass Milo is quick to tweet her support for dining table education. We all know Kate is too busy to sit down at 'feeding' times, let alone eat and talk with her kids.

fidosmommy said...

I hope the "new hairdo" isn't the one in the picture above. That looks like a really cheap wig to me. I think it's an old picture, but still, it's not Kate's best look.

ZeldaZee said...

Oh, I am so sure that was how the dinner conversation went - not.

What it sounds like is that the twins were quizzing each other (they're in the same grade and I recall learning about photosynthesis at that level). So it could have happened at dinner...but Kate just overheard it.

Pity Party said...

Tweetle De - thanks for the belly laugh. You have got her pegged on the tweet thing. Her tweets make my skin crawl for some reason I just can't put my finger on I guess because here is a woman with 2 kids (that you would never know) yet has no motherly instincts whatsoever when it comes to KT's. Yeah do that swap thing every week and tell them to keep quiet and not repeat things (to their dad or thereabouts), making fun of Asian people, etc. If KT said she was going to film the kids swimming with sharks that woman would rave about it. I don't have the knack for it like you do but I am sure you could come up with a good one.

Mel said...

Know how Kate just stands around and lets everyone else be the adults, be the responsible party, etc.....

I think that's why her sexy momma persona doesn't work for her, she doesn't own it.

She looks like a kid playing dress up. She doesn't look like an adult woman, cuz she *isn't* an adult woman.

She's a 12 year old in a 45 year old body. Psychologically I think that's where she's stuck for some reason.

That's why something has always felt 'off' about her photos, like the Kentucky Derby pics,or the Daisy dukes with the red hooker heels.

She doesn't look like a real woman, she looks like a kid dressed up in her mom's clothes.
She doesn't act like a responsible adult either. She acts like a spoiled teenager.

lukebandit said...

There is an article on ROL about Kendra and her new show, Splash. There is a picture of Kendra really mad screaming and pointing her finger up and out to get ready: Greg Leganis sp? and Greg has his back to the camera and his gray hair.

I promise it looks like kate and Steve in a lovers quarrel! hahaha

I've been reading along. I am feeling better. Thank you so much for all your posts and prayers. I have been in the hospital now today for 15 days. hopefully, only a few more days.

You know, you keep thinking that when things happen with kate, this will be the thing that really brings her down. But if the condoning of the bully hackers and Roberts bombshell bonanza don't do it, I just don't see what ever will.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Pity Party said... 173 Milo's suggestion that Kate should do a weekly swap left me speechless!! Milo's fantasy is to sit and stare at Kate on TV as often as possible even if kids are left with strangers weekly.

As for the kids swimming with sharks, I'm sure Milo would say:

"Kate UR amazin to come up with such original idea. Swimmin with sharks will help them build strong muscles great lung capacity.#KateWillTurnHerKidsIntoOlympicSwimmersWinninTheGold

fidosmommy said...

I dont think kate is going to be shown in a positive lite on Celeb Wife Swap. Thats why they picked her.


I agree. Remember the article said they were trying to pair someone up with Kate, indicating Kate was a first choice, before Kendra. They KNOW she will draw people to their TV sets if only to scream at the set and fire off angry letters to ABC. ABC is exploiting Kate's bad reputation, but Kate sees it as love, pure love.
"They wanted me", she thinks. In reality, they want to show the world how very difficult she is and turn it into an episode of their show.
Kind of like Hoarders. If you're a hoarder, they want to turn the cameras on you. Same principle at work.

capecodmama said...

lukebandit...62 That was good.

We'll just have to wait and see how Kate is on CWS. She can't help but be herself. She'll bring the drama. I won't be watching but I look forward to Admin. hilarious recap. As far as Kate and the "hackers" on Twitter, what a freakin tool. Will this woman ever learn.

It's snowing here again and it looks like we could get up to eight more inches on top of the 17 inches we got last weekend. As long as the power doesn't go out again, we're good.

ZeldaZee said...

She doesn't look like a real woman, she looks like a kid dressed up in her mom's clothes.

I've always thought that...she seems like she's "dressing up" all the time. Obviously fake blonde hair, spangles and sparkles. There's nothing wrong with dying your hair– my natural hair color never suited me, and I look FAR more natural with my 180-degree dyed color. (Emma Stone, Sophia Veraga and Christina Hendricks are all natural blondes!)

What I hope– I sincerely do– is that nothing happened to her to make her stuck in that state. Unpopular as my opinion may be, I am not disinclined to believe that she may have been abused as a child. But does that make an excuse for her to beat/berate/humiliate her husband and children? Not in the least. My own mother had a Hell of a childhood, and did her best to make sure my brothers and I didn't.

Rhymes with Witch said...

They KNOW she will draw people to their TV sets if only to scream at the set and fire off angry letters to ABC. ABC is exploiting Kate's
bad reputation, but Kate sees it as love, pure love.176

Fidos 176, this is another long ago viewer who won't be watching. Not even by accident because my dog, my cat, or my elbow hit the remote.

Just not at all. #respecthechildren

Mel said...

What I hope– I sincerely do– is that nothing happened to her to make her stuck in that state. 

I've often wondered the same thing...that something happened to cause her to be stuck at 12. Or maybe she's just a spoiled brat. Who knows.
I have a 45 year old friend who has that same look. She's stuck at 15 cuz that's when something traumatic happened.

But at some point, *you* own the ball. It's up to you to get the help you need to get past it.
You can't be in the nursing home, rocking away, saying I'm like this cuz my mom did whatever when I was in 4th grade. By the time you're an adult, the ball is yours. It's up to you to fix it.

But Kate appears unable to fix her ball. She still thinks someone else owns her ball.

lurkingfool said...

Been lurking. Just a reminder, Celebrity Wife swap is on the same time NCIS is on. Who do you think, is going to watch CWS( Kates sheeple) the rest will watch NCIS. Who by the way gets high rating for that time slot. (7pm on tuesdays central time), CWS is on 8pm eastern time, which is 7pm central) I know what I'm watching: NCIS!!! :)

loser kate said...

the rest will watch NCIS

How about not watching any television? It's all garbage. Read a book.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

lukebandit, I'm so sorry about your medical issues and that you've been in the hospital for 15 days. You will be in my prayers, hon. God bless.

lurkingfool said...

Wow, you people really attack people. I won't be coming here again. They are right about this blog. You make an opinion and get attacked. NCIS is my favorite show, you go read a book!

ZeldaZee said...

But at some point, *you* own the ball. It's up to you to get the help you need to get past it.

That is what I parents were both subjected to various forms of mental/physical abuse, although it wasn't called 'abuse' back then (it was the 1940s and early 50s...I'm a very late-in-life baby). They both realized that what they'd experienced was wrong and swore that my brothers and I would never have to go through what they did.

Abuse is not justification.

Anonymous said...

I'm an admitted Tv addict. I also read about 4 books a week (as well as a daily newspaper).

Lurker, one person made a rude comment about TV. She doesn't speak for or represent this entire blog. Many here are TV watchers.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said...

@lurkingfool- I don't think that was a personal attack. I think it was an attack against television and that we should all read a book. I don't agree at all and I hope the masses tune into NCIS and that no one watches CWS. I also hope no one sends any letters to ABC. Apathy is worse than low ratings! ~ Administrator said...

I read books and watch tv and movies. Many favorite authors have written for tv. tv is actually really well written at the moment.

Devil in the white city is a great book. I believe he wrote for the wire.

Pity Party said...

Tweetle D - dead ringer, so funny.

Amy2 said...

NCIS every week on my TV. I read books too.

cathyn518 said...

Are you joking when you said: she's not a porn star anyway. She made a sex tape" about Kendra. I can't see any difference at all here.Kendra made a sex tape, she sold the sex tape. She allowed herself to be taped having sex and then profited from the sale of the tape. Porn stars are paid because the are taped having sex and then profit from the sale of their tape. Kendra has made porn.
Disgusts me that these children were left in her care.

Tucker's Mom said...

Love NCIS, which will kick CWS's butt.
I'm not going to watch, but look forward to the recap.
LukeB-- prayers to you and I hope you get home soon. ~ Administrator said...

Cathryn, do you think porn stars should lose their children? I don't. As long as they keep that away from their kid.

I don't like their lifestyle and I think porn is degrading to women but I don't think it in and of itself makes you a bad parent. I've never seen her show but people here say she's actually very good with her kid. Same with Pam Andersen, she is a wonderful mother.

I may be in the minority but I don't think the kids are "unsafe" with Kendra. Is it appropriate, not really, but to me that's more because it's embarrassing to be seen with her on T.V., not because they are "unsafe." ~ Administrator said...

Anyone else see the irony in someone on this site slamming T.V. watchers? If you're so above T.V. how do you know about Kate in the first place let alone decide to spend your time on this site? LOL!

NJGal51 said...

Tuesday night? I'm not an NCIS fan so I will probably watch Chopped or ABK (anything but Kate).

Meagler said...

Whats NCIS? ugh..maybe its because I am tired, but I just cant figure it out.. dafty me :)

Unknown said...

cathyn518 said... 190
''........Kendra has made porn. Disgusts me that these children were left in her care.''
Let's see....
Porn Star or...
“today marks the fifth day of Aaden’s potty training …I spanked aaden
after all was clean because we are not dogs and by five days, I felt
that he should be able to handle his functions a tad better!”
Porn Star or...
“I really REALLY lost it! I pulled Collin up by the hair and I spanked
them so hard!!!”
Porn Star or.. .
“I was instantly so SO angry, that I grabbed him and spanked him as
hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him
to his crib…. And whipped him into it very hard! I for the first time
thought I may really lose it and am glad that I just let him in his
crib til Jon came home! I have never felt that I may really seriously
injure a child but today was that day!”
I could go on and on with the quotes, but I won't. I know which one I would choose to leave my children with!!

Meagler said...

Is it Naval Criminal Investigative Services? I looked it up. I am not much of a tv watcher, other then what hubby tapes and we watch later at night. We tend to stick to the 30 minute comedies, like Big Bang Theory, Last Man Standing, use to watch 2 and a 1/2 men, but it got a little wierd...and a few others... ~ Administrator said...

Heck I kinda wonder if they were better off with Kendra once she was allowed to just be herself. At least we know she probably let them cut their own pancakes and didn't care if the boys were icky.

grandee4 said...

Lukebandit, been thinking about you. Prayers coming you way and hoping you get to go home soon.
I am a nurse at a Long Term Acute (LTAC) hospital. Our patients usual stay 19-30 days, mostly for IV antibotics and physical therapy. I know it must be hard for to remain hospitalized, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Best of luck and keep us posted.

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