Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kate runs 7.1 mile race in Connecticut in 1:08:48

Kate was spotted with Rod Dixon running in Sunday's race, which included the famous Gallow's Hill. 

Kate tweeted: Btw,my unofficial X 4 10K=1:08:48..a bit slow but am still recovering from 1/2 marathon last wk..would've run slower but Rod encour me thru!

What flavor is that lip gloss, Steve, bubble-gum-wish-on-a-star-drops?

Meanwhile, the acclaimed local newspaper The Reading Eagle, which has been on to the Gosselin scam for years, has a fantastic article about the increasingly accepted notion we have often discussed here, parental alienation. Here is an excerpt:

Dawn Palange is a partner with Palange & Endres P.C. and chairwoman of the Family Law Section of the Berks County Bar Association. During 23 years of practicing law Palange said she has seen many cases of parental alienation, sometimes called parental alienation syndrome, and she believes it is becoming increasingly common.   

"For some reason there seems to be more animosity between divorcing couples than there used to be," Palange said. 

Parental alienation, which Palange described as "a parent acting in a way that's intended to turn a child away from the other parent," is a situation that hurts everyone involved. Once instituted, she said, it can cause lifelong emotional scarring.  

"I know young people in their late 20s who are victims of parental alienation, and I've seen some of the baggage they're carrying because of it," Palange said. "It's not a good situation at all." 

That baggage, experts say, can include damaged self-esteem, depression, an inability to achieve healthy relationships, a lack of trust, substance abuse problems, increased divorce rates and an inability to develop good relationships with their own children. 

Dr. Larry Rotenberg, a Reading Hospital forensic psychiatrist, said that a parent who engages in parental alienation to the point that it destroys his or her own child's relationship with the other parent has lost sight of the damage his or her actions are causing. 

"The eagerness to combat the other parent exceeds all other motivation and blinds them to seeing the harm they're causing to their child," Rotenberg said. 

Frank put it another way when talking about his ex-wife. "She hates me more than she loves her children," he said.  

Robert M. Gordon, an Allentown psychoanalyst and forensic psychologist who has conducted extensive research on parental alienation, said that people who practice parental alienation suffer from borderline personality disorder (BPD), a serious mental disorder.

1244 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Gift of grab said...

Admin, based on what you have heard, did Kate outright lie in this tweet? I was under the impression his custody time had increased.

@Kateplusmy8 gotta ask, you doing this alone, raising your family? Sounds like fun work. Blessings

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX my kids go to their dads 4days a month, but otherwise, yes but It is fun! :) and exhausting and rewarding! :) thanks! ~ Administrator said...

Admin, based on what you have heard, did Kate outright lie in this tweet? I was under the impression his custody time had increased.


Yes. Though it's not even worth arguing with her about. Jon knows what time he has with his kids and like Jon said his kids know the truth.

Gift of grab said...

I understand, I guess, about not wanting to argue with her. OTOH, since he is now repped by a PR firm and seems to be trying to rebuild his own image, how can there not be repercussions when she, first, violates the order not to talk about it and, second, lies about it? ~ Administrator said...

I understand, I guess, about not wanting to argue with her. OTOH, since he is now repped by a PR firm and seems to be trying to rebuild his own image, how can there not be repercussions when she, first, violates the order not to talk about it and, second, lies about it?


Gift you're so cute. If only there was a little buzzer attached to someone every time a court order was violated that punished them.

I would say that a conservative estimate is that 90% of court orders that are violated never end in any consequences. Especially in family law court. And a no discussion of the case order is one of the hardest to try to get the judge excited about. Sure they make them but the only way to really enforce them is to hold a parent in contempt, which most judges hate doing and reserve for only the most serious of offenses. And that's only if they HEAR about the violation and someone bothered to spend the time and money to bring the violation to court on an OSC request.

That's not to say you shouldn't follow court orders....please do! But I think anyone who has been through family law though can attest that it's just a big ole mess and judges would rather focus on the big picture, not on some random tweet of 4,000 tweets that slips up about custody. Sad but true.

NJGal51 said...

My husband is TDY so I had a salad and a Devil Dog for dinner. Well, the salad was healthy at least. I will probably have another Devil Dog before bed.

Kate was very foolish getting into this twitter war. If ROL gets a copy of the tweets, Kate will be hard pressed to put any kind of positive spin on it especially if ROL put a blow up of A with her arms crossed and scowling. I clicked on the tweeters name and it said he " protected" his tweets which I assume means that he went private. Smart move on his part.

Kate is a twit said...

Paige C‏@Paige_Kate8fan

@Kateplusmy8 you need to be on @theellenshow again soon! that'd be awesome

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

@Paige_Kate8fan I love her! I just saw her driving along the other day when in Ca...she was singing in her car I

So is Kate saying that she saw Ellen D in San Diegojust "driving along"? Or did she and Back-PacMan take a side trip to LA?

Of course, it's always possible that she didn't see her at all.

chefsummer #Leh said...

@Kateplusmy8 gotta ask, you doing this alone, raising your family? Sounds like fun work. Blessings

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX my kids go to their dads 4days a month, but otherwise, yes but It is fun! :) and exhausting and rewarding! :) thanks

Oh she gave Jon credit but not really.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Jumping In said... 183
Sometimes I think that when people post comments to Kate saying 'look what I do every day, look how hard I work every day, get off your flat ass and get a job', it comes off as jealousy and resentment which is the very thing the sheep accuse the haters of. I know that's what I think when I read it. This only fortifies her argument that people simply are just jealous and would do the same thing if TLC came knocking at their door. Only problem with Kate is she has a tendency to rub it into people's faces without realizing she is doing it.

Also, Kate feels no pressure to find a job because she is financially set. She shows no signs of being desperate for money. What we see when she is parading the kids around is just her addiction to being the reality star with 8 kids and all the attention she gets from it. They say that fame is intoxicating and you don't know the feeling until it happens to you. She doesn't need to work, probably never will need to work again. But because she is a cheap hag, she will try and make a bit of cash here and there with the kids because she is a selfish hoarder who wants to hang on to her money because she earned it while working at her "career" on TV (I want to puke when I write that. It has always irked me that she thought that was her career and that she found that she loved being in front of a camera and was so comfortable doing it). We know Kate wants to hang on to every penny, except when it comes time for NY hair appts. with Jason. The little bit of money she might make with the kids may only be chump change to her but it's enough to pay a few bills for a few months without dipping in to her savings. She just has to do the odd little stint with the kids here and there to make a few bucks.

Kate cannot ever see herself as a blue/white collar worker again. Not since being bitten by the Hollywood bug. I think her actions speak louder than words concerning her finances. This is not a woman who needs a job any time soon. And she sure as hell is not going to go back to nursing either. She will do the polar opposite of what her haters think she should do....

ncgirl said...

"So, what are the chances of her having an awakening of sorts? Any chance at all?"

I don't think narcissists are capable of having awakenings. They think it's the other people who should wake up, not them.

I hope the person just took the account private. They were just asking questions, no bullying involved. People have to learn not to enrage the beast.

PatK said...

Kate is a Twit, I have no doubt in my mind that Kate and Backpack Boy went to L.A. ~ Administrator said...

You know for all the time Kate spends twittering, out around the country with Ratpack Boy, and running, I'd say the amount of time she actually spends with her kids amounts to about four days as well.

Pity Party said...

I'm loving the blog. We are going from KT on a twitter rampage to great recipes to a fan on the prowl to gardening to KT trying to flirt with HspE - cuz don't you just know it - she LOVES San Diego, back to strange vegetables and good country cooking. None better.

chefsummer #Leh said...

One day I see Kate on inside edition for being flat broke rather if it for.

1. The Kids suing her.-(i think some might)
2. Her spending on herself.
3. 1 & 2 ~ Administrator said...

PP hehe.

Oh by the way speaking of gardening, I'm growing my first cherry tomato plant. So I've got five or six green tomatoes on there, yea! Does anyone know how long before they turn red? It feels like they've been green for a month. I'm getting impatient. By the way you don't want to know what I fertilized it with. It was organic.

Griftopia said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX my kids go to their dads 4days a month, but otherwise, yes but It is fun! :) and exhausting and rewarding! :) thanks!


This is why she's such a disgusting cow. A *judge* decided how often Jon gets the kids, not Jon. Once again, Kate fails to mention the reason why Jon only has the kids for so few days each month, leaving her sheeple a gaping opening to tsk-tsk and wag their hooves at Jon's "bad" parenting. ~ Administrator said...

She also leaves out the fact Grift that every other weekend is pretty much your standard apple pie custody order. It's not some big victory, it's not because dad's "choose" it, it's just what is done. The reason is judges feel it's best for a child to be with the same parent during the school week, but giving every weekend to the other parent means they never get the kids to do anything fun on the weekends. And, it's straightforward and doesn't cause confusion. Trying to do every other tuesday, half wednesday, every third friday, shuttle kids to school then dad then mom's then dad's again, and other combinations can get confusing and complicated.

Agree or disagree, thus came the every other weekend standard custody order. It's hard to convince a judge as a dad that you should have anything other than the standard, judges like routine, judges like to do what they've always done. I think in my entire career I've seen two orders that were every other WEEK. And the judge kept wondering how the heck school would work and didn't like it at all. I've seen a small combination of various other orders, but most are every other weekend.

In any case though, Jon does have more now and she knows it which is why he filed to reduce his child support because he has them more often. But whatever.

life of riley said...

Implying that gift of gab was 'cute' sounds so condescending. And very mean girls.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Griftopia said... 19
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX my kids go to their dads 4days a month, but otherwise, yes but It is fun! :) and exhausting and rewarding! :) thanks!


This is why she's such a disgusting cow. A *judge* decided how often Jon gets the kids, not Jon. Once again, Kate fails to mention the reason why Jon only has the kids for so few days each month, leaving her sheeple a gaping opening to tsk-tsk and wag their hooves at Jon's "bad" parenting.

Also what about the times when she's out of town for 3-4 days.

Not to mention the nannies are their and Steve is there to help her out.

silimom said...

Admin, what I'd like to see is Jon have them two weekends, Thursday PM to Tuesday AM. That would allow him to have them 10 days a month, not four.

I think that would still work for them. ~ Administrator said...

Implying that gift of gab was 'cute' sounds so condescending. And very mean girls.


Whoa....the hell??? We say that all the time to each other and it is NOT condescending or mean girl. It's what our best girlfriends all say to each other. If anything it implies a closeness. It's been said several times on this blog.

Gift of Gab if you took it that way AT ALL that was not the intention.

As someone else suggested I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and not be on such high alert for such things, looking for them where they don't exist.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 18
PP hehe.

Oh by the way speaking of gardening, I'm growing my first cherry tomato plant. So I've got five or six green tomatoes on there, yea! Does anyone know how long before they turn red? It feels like they've been green for a month. I'm getting impatient. By the way you don't want to know what I fertilized it with. It was organic.


I'm hoping it doesn't have to do with your dog. ~ Administrator said...

Sillimom we've heard some rumors here your scenario is not far from the truth especially the Monday part. I believe someone suggested here his new house is also quite closer to school.

If you do increase custody it's usually easier to add to what you already have rather than sticking in another random day like a Wednesday. One of the goals is to prevent kids from feeling like they are constantly unpacking a suitcase. That's not good for kids no matter how important dad is. ~ Administrator said...

Tweet lol no. Human hair. Gardening blogs were recommending sticking a ball of it from your brush in the soil. Tomatoes are popping up like crazy after I did that and all the yellow leaves went away, who knew.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Admin, whew! That's interesting about human hair. I'll have to check that out. I put dog hair out for the birds to use as nests although the wind blows it away so I'm not sure it's used.

Katie Cry-duh said...

1. Kate doesn't have friends
2. Who would want to give her used sports equipment for sports her kids do not play?
3. Can you imagine the disdain and disgust she would display if someone actually gave her their cast offs?
4. See #1

Mel said...

You can say 4 days a month, which sounds so meager, or you can say every other weekend, which sounds more normal and wholesome.

Which would you choose to say if you were a parental alienator? Hmmmm?

Katie Cry-duh said...

Mel, bingo! One could also say, "Jon remains an involved dad and the kids adore him." Not only would she sound gracious, but it puts a positive (and truthful) spin on the situation...would benefit everyone, especially the kids.

Anonymous said...

so can multiple people alert on Khate's twit


Katie Cry-duh said...

I remember reading an article about Virginia Madsen, who has a beautiful son with Antonio Sabato, Jr. They never married and no longer together as a couple. But she said something so beautiful. Something like..,I've never considered myself a single mom because Antonio has always been there for our son. He is a great dad, I'm so lucky. She showed such class and I'm sure her son (and his dad) loved reading that ~ Administrator said...

Hmm parental alienator would pick the spin of....four days a month!

First of all it's usually 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend, so you sometimes get a 5th weekend. Second of all usually kids go to Dad on Friday after school and are even returned sometimes dropped off at school Monday morning, so "four days" conveniently leaves out all that time Friday nights and Monday mornings. Also leaves out the every other holiday schedule, of which there are many.

Of course Kate will say well those are not whole days so that doesn't count.

And finally as you said, just be gracious for once and say Jon is an involved father thanks for asking. Even Jon bit the bullet and said Kate was a good mom. It's not healthy for your kids to say anything else.

Kate is a twit said...


@Kateplusmy8 @xxxx I know tweet I sent Kate for lawyers was UK article. Figured there are state laws or lawyers might set precedence.

So she thinks Kate's lawyers are going to use a UK law to set precedence in the US and be able to make twitter identify all of Kate's bullies?

Trying to back track on her previous tweet about "New rules to identify web trolls" that got all the sheeple dancing the Happy Dance?

Sometimes the logic of Kate fans really astounds me. ~ Administrator said...


@Kateplusmy8 @xxxx I know tweet I sent Kate for lawyers was UK article. Figured there are state laws or lawyers might set precedence.

So she thinks Kate's lawyers are going to use a UK law to set precedence in the US and be able to make twitter identify all of Kate's bullies?

Trying to back track on her previous tweet about "New rules to identify web trolls" that got all the sheeple dancing the Happy Dance?

Sometimes the logic of Kate fans really astounds me.


Haha oh good lord. Lawyers don't set precedent. Precedent is set by courts of appeal. It can take years to get there. Do they mean lawyers should help draft a bill? Our courts are too busy with health care and so on to worry about some stupid twitter war on a social media site that likely won't even be around in a few years. Also it's precedent not precedence.

Who was it who said these sheep are just like Kate? They actually think their stupid little feuds warrant someone spending a moment of their time taking legal action. What egos.

Kristine said...

Admin... I rarely ever jump in. Keep your Blog as it is. It's (as I say, for anything truly wonderful)-- 'Baby's Milk'.

As for "Mouse"... I have only read one or two comments from you, but please remain. You are appreciated here, and it is quite apparent. ~ Administrator said...

Aw what a great thing to say about your ex. I also like how Courtney Cox handled her split. She was front row on DWTS with her daughter cheering with all her heart for her daughter's dad. I doubt she really wanted to be there, but it was important to her that her daughter feels her support for her father and so there she was.

Anonymous said...

I have lurked for a couple of years and have wanted to jump in many times. I just didn't know how to sign in. I can not stand how this "woman" was blessed with such healthy babies and had a husband who would do anything for her and she is such a biotch to him and hateful towards her children. Those kids at one time thought she rose with the sun but I am willing to bet that most will bolt as soon as an opportunity arises. This hag is a hateful I me me I all about me biotch and she will never be happy at all with anything in life because greed runs through her blood.


Katie Cry-duh said...

Heehee, maybe the courts can draft Kate's Law to protect horrid former reality stars from criticism on twitter. If someone says something unflattering about the victim, a Kate Alert can go off.

readerlady said...

Y'all are making me HUNGRY!! I just had a mediocre grilled chicken sandwich (with lettuce, tomato, onion and pickle), a salad and some apple slices for dinner. Tomorrow, though, I'm going to fix a pot roast. Found a lovely bottom round at the grocery today -- just the right size for a couple of meals and a few sandwiches.

I'm cursed with brown thumb syndrome. The only thing I seem to be able to grow with any reliability is a bumper crop of dandelions every year; however, I'm trying to grow some chocolate mint this year. I have a couple of pots in my kitchen window. The real challenge is trying to keep my cat out of them. Can't wait 'til I can dry some and make chocolate mint tea. ~ Administrator said...

Kate Alert hahahahha.

I guess they issue those every time an actual video clip we can all watch with our own two eyes emerges proving your lies otherwise?

Kate is a twit said...

The sheeple remind me of the Borg from Star Trek and Kate is the Queen. One mind that allows no individual thought but is part of the "collective consciousness".

You must not attack the Queen-you will be blocked. Remember, "Resistance is futile"!

Anonymous said...

@readerlady, hope you don't mind me saying, if you go to a nursery or something like that you can put rocks, small rocks or however big your plant holder is on top of the soil around the plant. This will keep your cat from digging and you can still water the plant. My cat likes to get into my aloe plant that I used to have.

amyf said...

I do want to say, it has been feeling a little cliquish around here. I enjoy reading, almost never contribute because everyone else says everything so well, but every once in a while I have a question - and very frequently (more often than not) I get no response. A few threads ago I mentioned that I'd been in the hospital (now in rehab) with no access, and there was SO much going on here I couldn't read everything, so I asked if someone might *briefly* summarize what I'd missed in the previous couple of threads. Only crickets...Maybe it was too broad a question - but it's kind of frustrating when it happens repeatedly.

BTW, all the meals you are making sound wonderful. This hellhole offers bologna and cheese on white bread as a dinner. WHO EATS THAT beyond the age of 10??? Sandwich after sandwich after sandwich - turkey salad, ham salad, egg salad. Occasionally relatively plain roast pork or turkey, with an actual vegetable! "No added salt" means only that there's no little packet on the tray. Everything on the actual menu is so packed with sodium...I'm trying to make this an opportunity to get rid of some weight, but I've been told I can't even get a dinner salad or cottage cheese plate with fresh fruit. Very minimal fresh fruit available at all - I'm going to have to have somebody bring some in, and do more takeout/delivery than I'd like (not the healthiest, but at least I can get some veggies in and something that tastes like real food). I'd appreciate everyone feeling sorry for me for a few minutes... :-)

readerlady said...

Oh Twit -- your post made me flash on that scene -- don't remember if it's from a "Voyager" episode or one of the Trek movies --where the Queen is being assembled piece by piece. That's KK -- a mishmash of parts, none of them original, all pieced together to form a not very attractive whole.

readerlady said...

amyf -- You have my sympathies. Institutional food is the pits. At least you're feeling well enough to rail against it! That's a small blessing. Hope you'll be able to get out and go home soon. Meanwhile -- prayers. I didn't see your request for a summary of posts, but I suspect that it was too daunting a task for anyone to tackle. We do range far and wide here when KK isn't very active, and when she is, then we're off the charts. I don't think you missed anything earthshaking, though.

Marie -- thanks for the suggestion, but it isn't digging that's the problem. She likes to nibble. At least mint is a plant that won't cause any harm. I just hope she leaves some for me, LOL.

fade2black said...

Admin, when I first read your 'cute' response to gift of gab, I also thought it was a little condescending. It's hard to always remember that we have many varied age groups and people from different areas where phrases and sayings have alternate meanings. We need to keep in mind the general persona of the poster; since I don't recall ever feeling a patronizing attitude from you before I assumed it was just a phrase used differently in your area. It's difficult to show emotion and intent on a blog.

Betsy said...

"Oh by the way speaking of gardening, I'm growing my first cherry tomato plant. So I've got five or six green tomatoes on there, yea! Does anyone know how long before they turn red? It feels like they've been green for a month. I'm getting impatient. By the way you don't want to know what I fertilized it with. It was organic."

Congratulations on starting a mini veggie garden. I'm a fairly accomplished gardener ( I grow everything from roses to veggies to succulents), and I have NEVER heard of using hair to fertilize...ha ha.

Try to find a good fertilizer that will increase the blossoms--the more blossoms, the more fruit! I use a product called "MaxSea" that is seaweed-based.

Although I now live in AZ, I am from the LA area, where I believe you live. You can grow anything in SoCal. Your baby green tomatoes should begin turning color soon, especially as the weather warms. Make sure the plant is in full sun, too. Good luck and try some peppers and cilantro, too. Then you can make your own salsa. We need to know where our food comes from, but I digress...

amyf said...

Readerlady - thanks for responding! :-)

Ex Nurse said...

I didn't remember seeing one of the tup girls with her arms in front of her body, so I went back to look. Did anyone else notice that one of the tup girls shoved one of the boys just before the "photo op"? It was partially blocked and very quick, but that's how it looked to me.

Now that we have the unedited version of Kate, who needs insiders? She must be pretty desperate to stay in the limelight to put her kids out there in all of their unhappy glory. Best thing about it is that it doesn't look like even ROL bothered to post anything about it. I do believe that we are at 14:59!

And, for what it is worth--I agree with Where is Gosselin Give Back? that Kate is set financially and has nothing else to do but try to claw her way back to fame.

franky said...


Why my family has been subjected to inedible hospital foods I brought them herbs and spices to add flavour (with Dr. consent)

That to them was better than flowers..made food talk to your doctor and ask him what herbs and spices you can have.

Hope you feel better soon and let me know what the good doc said..chin up=)

AuntieAnn said...

I do believe that we are at 14:59!


Ex Nurse I think you're right. We should think about chipping in for a farewell gift. Gee, what to get her though.

Suggestions anyone?

franky said...

Meantt when..not why
please pardon my french.,'cause I am

franky said...

Auntie Anne,

When I was im "grade9" ( hete we have secondary scbool)

We LOVED oir math teacher sooo mich, we proclaimed him the Lion King.

I personally made him a crown of dandeLIONS.

He was so flattered, didn't notice the ants intil later. Oops.

I hereby offer my weaving skills to anyone who wants K8 to have her own crown.

Just send me the materials in a ealed well-marked box pleade

Katie Cry-duh said...

Farewell gift for Kate: hmmm, hard to decide. A coupon to pull the stick out vs one to shove it up further.

franky said...


,Android for typos

franky said...

Lol..just reslised dd must have used my phone..keyboard was set to french
..bwahaha..but it explains

AuntieAnn said...

He was so flattered, didn't notice the ants intil later. Oops.
lol! Oops is right.
I'm pretty sure stinkweed is weavable, will that do? T
The coupon idea is good too Cry Duh. We'll put together a gift basket. I'll throw in a book "The Concise Book of Lying". It has a really great cover, no lie.

It's so hard to find a gift for someone who has everything.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Man, if only we could give her a karmic gift basket. We could wave a magic wand and she can be treated with all the same care and concern as her children have been treated by her. The kids can feed her moose hot dogs for starters.

AuntieAnn said...

When she's sick they can put her on the laundry room floor with a blanket and a barf bowl.

AuntieAnn said...

And she'd better hope she never gets constipated.

franky said...

Pretty sure we have "stinkweed" somewhere around here..I will google it then weave add to the karmic grift

franky said...


do you think the ants will survive the trip? Or should I just overnight-express it to the karmic basket?

NJGal51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maggie said...

Amyf I am sorry that you are stuck in rehab. I am surprised that they are continually serving sandwiches...especially for dinner. I have never heard of that. I thought all the meals would be very balanced even though they may not taste well. I would ask the hospital if someone can bring in some food from outside the hospital.

I think when someone asks a question on this blog everyone may assume that another reader will answer that question. Therefore the question may get overlooked. Please don't give up on us.

I truly hope you get to go home soon and enjoy some home cooking. Meanwhile get someone to bring in some food for you. Take care and best to you. I will say a prayer for your recovery.

Maggie said...

I googled to see what media coverage Kate received from her CT visit with her kids. There was barely any at all. National coverage was the Examiner and Celebs-Gather. Local coverage from CT was County Mom, County Sports and Rep.-Am. I would say Mr. Dixon was not happy at all that Kate Gosselin brought him practically zero coverage of the event.

Do you think Kate went to this event and paid for it herself because she actually thought that this would put her name in Michelle Obama's radar. Remember the press release (that someone posted earlier) from the White House stating it was endosing this event & parterning with Rod Dixion. Kate is so narcissit that she honestly thought it was worth her spending the money go to CT because she had a good shot with Mrs. Obama's national health campaign. If so, I honestly feel sorry for her. No way in hell would the White House even consider associating with her in any manner. How sad that Kate even tweeted that she would love to help Michelle. She is delusional to have such a thought. I think Rod Dixion expected Kate to bring national attention to this event. The tides are turning. The media was not interested in this stunt in the least. Too bad for Kate her 15 minutes are truly about up. I just hope DWTS does NOT bring her back and resurrect her infamy.

SaraMRN2010 said...

How about gift cards as a going away gift? Of course if we "forget" to add the cash on it it would be an honest mistake right?

Improbable Dreams said...

SaraMRN2010 said... 68
How about gift cards as a going away gift? Of course if we "forget" to add the cash on it it would be an honest mistake right?


Ha! Yep, just keeping it real.

And how about some @Keurig coffee grounds, to fertilize her #organic garden.

Gift of grab said...

Admin, not offended at all by your comments, but want to thank my fellow posters for being concerned about my feelings.

I am in the camp of those who believe that Kate has plenty of money for the foreseeable future, and that is what makes all of her well-publicized whining about needing a media job, and her complaining about the high cost of kids' activities, so tough to swallow. I just cannot tolerate her two-faced lifestyle--grift for everything you can today, go out and spend thousands on unnecessary trips and self-"enhancements" that are strictly for your own benefit and ego the next. Her greed and hypocrisy are there for all to see, and it's too bad there aren't more writers like Sue_Buddy who are willing to call her on it.

Anyway, I'll be out for a bit myself. You're a great group of comrades, and I'll miss you. Hope to be back soon.

Dwindle said...

amyf said... 45

BTW, all the meals you are making sound wonderful. This hellhole offers bologna and cheese on white bread as a dinner. WHO EATS THAT beyond the age of 10??? Sandwich after sandwich after sandwich - turkey salad, ham salad, egg salad. Occasionally relatively plain roast pork or turkey, with an actual vegetable! "No added salt" means only that there's no little packet on the tray. Everything on the actual menu is so packed with sodium...I'm trying to make this an opportunity to get rid of some weight, but I've been told I can't even get a dinner salad or cottage cheese plate with fresh fruit. Very minimal fresh fruit available at all - I'm going to have to have somebody bring some in, and do more takeout/delivery than I'd like (not the healthiest, but at least I can get some veggies in and something that tastes like real food). I'd appreciate everyone feeling sorry for me for a few minutes... :-)


Hi Amyf. I've missed you. How are you feeling?

I worked in such facilities for years (as a social worker, not in direct care) and your complaints are across the board. You are right, No Added Salt means none ADDED. And they all do the 'lunch for dinner/supper' thing, their excuse is that is the way 'older' people eat - except you are not in that age bracket, you are there for therapies.

Ask to speak to the kitchen manager; forget about the dietitian for now. She just manages your chart, not the kitchen. The kitchen managers are the ones who can tweak your actual servings and they are usually such nice people! They know more about nutrition than they are given credit for. EVERYONE asks for more fresh fruit and vegetables... The problem is, they are on such TIGHT budgets they simpley MUST buy in bulk from food service companies. But do ask.

If you want a NO SODIUM or LOW SODIUM diet, your doctor has to write the order and for that you will need to speak with the dietitian. At least in the US; are you in Canada? I cant recall... I really feel for you, I wish I were the social worker in your facility so I could help you work it out. Take care and get well.

Dwindle said...

Crushed egg shells mixed with used coffee grounds is GREAT for tomato plants. Tomatoes apparently need calcium and mixing the egg shells with the coffee grounds helps the calcium leach slowly into the soil and roots. You will get larger, more perfect looking tomatos. (? "more perfect"? Did I just say that?)

Improbable Dreams said...

I'm a hovercraft gardener--more than a few plants have met their demise because I've loved them far too much. As in: Too much fertilizer, get the idea. Oh, the handwringing and fixations, lol!

So anyway, I've tried to absorb the gardening-related wisdom, born of firsthand experience, available here & elsewhere on the web. Here's one of the things I stumbled across this past weekend. Maybe you'll find it interesting...even if it doesn't match up with your own experiences. (Scientists don't know everything, amiright?)

Garden Myths Busted: Beer, Coffee and Eggs

mamasan said...

Amy@45 - re: your diet -- first I wonder that you don't have a menu of choices for the next day/week. Ask to speak to the dietician. Are you on a specific diet for condition? I have been in rehab twice. Meals more than passable, had relatives bring in fresh fruit,etc.

Kate is a Witch said...

amyf: hi! I'm only speaking for myself here, NOT everyone on the blog or admin, but when I see a request for a summary, I always wonder why the person can't just read or skim the comments instead of asking someone to write a summary.

I hope that doesn't come off as rude! I really don't mean it that way, it's just a very sincere question I have whenever I see a request like that. You aren't the only one who has asked for summaries, so I'm also not just directing this at you, but you asked about it.

I think it's also what someone else said: everyone assumes someone else will do it.

I think the best approach is probably to just skim. I've done it many times when I've missed a long string of comments.

Anyway, I hope this is received in the spirit in which it was given: friendly and sincere. (Also, I'm with you on the bologna. Ick.)

Admin, I'm growing a hybrid tomato called Old German. They're cool--they get to about two pounds, are irregularly shaped and interesting semi-mottled skin. One plant has produced nothing and one has five fruits on it. Crazy! I use an organic fertilizer that has seaweed and fish poop! Works wonders.

KateIsBlind said...

I have have breast implants. I can no longer stand to see Kate credit a "good bra" for her increased breast size. If you look at the pictures of her in the white bikini, you can cleary see when she is pushing herself up in the lounge chair that the implant(s)(which are under the muscle) tend to go under her arm pit(s). That's because the muscle is pushing the implant. Why can't she just admit it? The proof is in the pictures -

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Amyf, I hope you are released from rehab very soon.

I know the food they serve at rehab is not like homecooking. They're just following your doctor's request.

Dwindle is correct- have a talk with your doctor.

Remember, the wheel that does the squeaking is the one that gets the grease ;o)

Be well ASAP, Amyf.

Take care-

NJGal51 said...

Kate is a Witch - Would you mind giving me the name of the fertilizer that you're using? I'd like to try something for my tomatoes other than the Miracle Grow that my husband uses. Thanks.

Admin - I'd also like a thread where people can list recipies. We just have to watch to make sure that Kate doesn't grab them and claim them as her own.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I was lazy last night didn't feel like cooking so I stopped by Wendy's.

Got myself a Dave's hot & juicy meal had a healthy breakfast & lunch though.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

AuntieAnn said... 53
I do believe that we are at 14:59!


Ex Nurse I think you're right. We should think about chipping in for a farewell gift. Gee, what to get her though.

Suggestions anyone?


Hahaha, a farewell gift for the grand-pooba of grifters?

How about she gets a kick in the a*s for every time she's lied, transgressed, and been aggressive or horrible to everyone around her?

Once a Viewer said...

amyf: I hope you are back to your old self soon and outta there ! I didn't see your earlier request- sorry you got no response. Sometimes when the posts are on a new page many people don't read the ones on the previous page - maybe that's what happened . I have asked questions as well, with no response, but that's the nature of a blog like this. It IS a nice community so please stick with us.

Jumping in said...


I am shocked to hear you are eating sandwiches for dinner! It is one thing to have one for lunch, but to pass off a sandwich for an evening meal is just dreadful. Hope you get out soon.

Regarding your request for a recap, I am guilty of skimming through at times. I live in a small condo with no balcony, so whip right past the gardening chat for example. Perhaps posters putting up a headline in the first sentence in caps ( i.e. REQUEST PLEASE) would catch more reader's eyes. Are you caught up now, or still needing a re-cap?

Speaking of cliques, does anyone wonder what Kate's 6 other children are doing as Kate hangs out with her besties Mady and Cara every night?

Meli said...

AmyF, a dear friend of mine went through the same experience in rehab.
He finally spoke with the dietician and he got more "real food".
We used to play Name That Glop, because everything looked the same; bland and mixed together. Once he got it straightened out, things were greatly improved.
Wishing you a speedy recovery and tasty, fresh food!

TLC stinks said...

Actually, I don't have a problem with Kate hanging out with Cara and Mady after the tups are in bed, hopefully sound asleep. Too bad she tweets, though, while with them. I find people (like my husband) who constantly check their phone annoying.

Check Please! said...

Sorry you felt slighted. I remember seeing your comment and I have to admit, I resisted the compulsion to respond with,
"Kate did stupid things. Kate said stupid things on Twitter. Snarking ensued."
I just thought, while 100% accurate, you may not appreciate such a broad retort. Anyway, if you are recovering from something, you have more important things to be concerned with rather than KG and all this. Take care of your health.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Kate won't admit the breast implants because it would mean her kids paid for them and that would take everyone over the edge. It's better she avoids admission than suffer the guaranteed wrath of her detractors.

Dwindle said...

Improbable Dreams said... 73

Thank you for this link! No more coffee grounds in my tomato plants! But a big sigh of relief on the egg shells, I am glad they are helping my plants instead of me just killing them.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

KateIsBlind said... 76
I have have breast implants. I can no longer stand to see Kate credit a "good bra" for her increased breast size. If you look at the pictures of her in the white bikini, you can cleary see when she is pushing herself up in the lounge chair that the implant(s)(which are under the muscle) tend to go under her arm pit(s). That's because the muscle is pushing the implant.

What?? The muscles push the implants around?? ACK! That sounds awful.

Mel said...

AmyF....hope you're feeling better and get out of there soon! I know what you mean about "lunch" for supper, and supper for lunch. No fresh fruit/veggies. And the sodium content of the food presented is astounding!

It's pathetic how those poor people are fed.

My mom was in assisted living the last 9 months. It was horrible food-wise, even though the care was excellent otherwise. Mostly due to budgetary concerns (read: too cheap to buy decent food). The kitchen staff apologized all the time that this was the best they could do with what they were given to cook with. They felt horrible that they couldn't provide better food.

There were only 10 people in mom's wing, so every day I brought in fresh fruit for them. They *loved* seeing a watermelon! And part of the fun for them (they're all memory care) was watching me cut it up. It was kind of cool how they'd gather 'round when I showed up cuz they knew I'd have something fun for them.

Another fun thing we did....there was a Burger King across the street. On Sunday afternoons my 4 brothers and I signed them all out and shepherded them all over to the Burger King to buy each person an ice cream cone. It was the highlight of their week!

Re: your request for a brief summary of the previous threads, I don't know. That seems like kind of a lot to ask. I think the best thing to do is skim. It may seem like a lot, but it really only takes about 10 minutes to skim a whole thread.

Besides, you didn't miss much. Kate is boring, boring, boring.

It's the usual....went to NYC to have her hair fried, M&C did/said something cute, she's too poor to afford xxxx for the kids, here's some incredibly stupid hints for saving money, she snaps at a few twitterers, her kids adore her and thank her a million times a day for being such a wonderful-ish mom, she goes somewhere posh and tries to hide it but gets busted every time, she ran a 26 mile marathon in 10 minutes, and she constantly grifts for free things, the latest being Nintendo games.

Dwindle said...

Farewell Gifts for Kate:

A $6 box of Nice and Easy.
The pages of a DSM on Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissim.
A sizing chart for children's clothing.
A copy of the Pa. Revised Code that addresses child neglect and abuse, as well as public indecency.
A formal intervention for Kate in a room full of mothers whose children have been hit by speeding and arrogant drivers.

I will think of more as I am making muffins and vacumming later.

JoyinVirginia said...

Dropping by for a minute.
Reader lady: you can make tea with fresh leaves from your mint plant, you dont have to wait until they are dry. Just boil water, then pour over some mint leaves, let it steep 2 or 3 minutes, pull the leaves out and enjoy! cut the leaves from the top of the plant, and more will grow. It actually encourages m ore growth to prune your mint plants.
If you are interested in growing or cooking with herbs, I highly recommend Susan Wittig Alberts website
Susan writes a mystery series about China Bayles, retired lawyer turned herb shop owner and grower. She also has written a delightful series based on Beatrix Potter s real life in rural England, she was a remarkable woman for her times. is the website for that series.

Amyf I hope your rehab stay is as brief as possible, and that your recovery is swift. I recommend any Susan Wittig Albert novels to help pass the time during recovery.

Dwindle- ummmm, BACON!

Once a Viewer said...

KateIsBlind said... 76
I have have breast implants. I can no longer stand to see Kate credit a "good bra" for her increased breast size.


Would there also be that scar that Kate has under her arm? I don't know why she wears such skimpy suits when she still has wrinkly abdominal skin ( as most women who have had kids do) That's a gross photo!

OrangeCrush said...

Heehee, maybe the courts can draft Kate's Law to protect horrid former reality stars from criticism on twitter. If someone says something unflattering about the victim, a Kate Alert can go off.


Oh, perfect way to start the morning! And I'm sure there are a few sheep who think this should be done. Since Barbie Mom took her kids out in the public eye this weekend, hope she'll stop using the tired excuse of 'safety' as to why they can't oh, go to the library for summer reading programs, or to a zoo or museum. Oh sorry, forgot, that would bore HER, all about HER.

TLC stinks said...

I think we are 100% correct she had a boob job. All you have to do is compare old bathing suit photos to that one you cited, KateIsBlind. In the video I watched yesterday of Cutting Room Floor stuff, she wore a very modest bathing suit when they went to Venice, FL to visit Jon's aunt and uncle after Disneyworld. Her boobs were their normal size.

Remember, she wanted Dr. Glassman to do a boob job and he refused? He said all she needed was a good bra :) I bet that's where she got that line from.

Sheri said...

Amyf - Sorry to hear about your hospital experience, particularly the food.

I just wanted to say that, as a relatively new poster myself, I don't think you should take a lack of response to your posts personally.

I didn't even see it and I'm sure many of the others just missed it. The other thing I want to add is that though there are so many things I'd like to say, comment on, offers kudos for and even add to the brilliant snark, time is not on my side.

More often than not, I'm squeezing in a few minutes just to make one or two points. The posters here are awesome and I'm sure no one is intentionally slighting or ignoring you.

Sincerely hope you get better soon and they get around to feeding you something better than balogna sandwiches for dinner. :D

Amy2 said...

My farewell gift to Kate....The Gosselin Law. A federal law to protect children in reality shows. Protection for their education and finances the same as children in scripted shows.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Amy2 96 YES! ~ Administrator said...

I think at this point there's just so many posters here and so many great comments that all of us have had comments at some point that weren't responded to. I can't tell you how many times a post gave me a great big belly laugh, but I maybe get a chance to respond and say that about 10% of the time. Just know that every post here is valued by someone even if they don't have a second to respond. Oh wait I forgot there are only two or three of us here posting under 80 different socks. Tee-hee.

As far as Kate's boob job, debating the existence of that is like debating whether the earth is round. It's round!

Rhymes with Witch said...

NJGal51 78 and other gardeners –
I swear by this catalogue (all organic) and Tomatoes Alive.

One year I had so many tomatoes that I was dropping off bags of them on neighbors’ porches, like some people do with zuchinni….. ~ Administrator said...

I'm trying to do my garden without commercial fertilizer. My mom is going nuts wanting me to just dump some miracle grow on it but I'm stubborn. It's sort of an inner competition for me how creatively I can grow my plants. I also have about five herbs. I should do the peppers thing!

I've heard about the eggshell thing, although at this point with tons of yellow blossoms and five or six green tomatoes ready to pop, I think maybe I won't mess with a good thing. I've also heard you should bury chicken bones in there but we get a lot of skunks and raccoons and possums and I'm afraid they'll come dig them right up.

Anonymous said...

National coverage was the Examiner and Celebs-Gather.

Both of those sites are content mills, meaning that the people that write there are not professional journalists, writers or reporters. They are extremely low paid nonprofessional writers that are used to generate search engine traffic to the pages so that the ads get viewers.

Essentially, there was no national coverage.

heather ~ Administrator said...

Yes I agree with Heather. I heard sometimes they only pay 3 bucks or so an article and that people trying to make a living at it sit around all day and type as fast as they can not caring what is said just caring it looks like an "article". It reflects in the writing. They are no source.

JoyinVirginia said...

Mel, you were wonderful to bring fruit in to your mother and other residents, and I know the ice cream expedition was great! My mom is in the nursing home, and there is one lady I always stop by and bring her favorite candy. I have been on ice cream runs often over the years. It its the little things that really matter.

Improbable Dreams said...

You're welcome, Dwindle. My mother spread used coffee grounds around her roses, and they thrived. Go figure.

######### (Administrator) said... 100
I'm trying to do my garden without commercial fertilizer.


Admin: Have you tried adding epsom salts (1/2 cup per gallon of water, applied around the root base)? It's really good for cane & leaf growth, and it helps the plant absorb soil nutrients. My bare root roses were puny, and the leaves were yellow (not due to overwatering...this time, anyway). But within just a couple of weeks, magic! New leaves, new canes. This article talks about controlled studies involving tomatoes, flowering plants, etc.

KateIsBind said...

#88...What?? The muscles push the implants around?? ACK! That sounds awful.
It does sound awful, but it doesn't hurt or isn't uncomfortable in any way...I can make my boobs "dance" just by flexing my pecs.


#92...Would there also be that scar that Kate has under her arm? I don't know why she wears such skimpy suits when she still has wrinkly abdominal skin ( as most women who have had kids do) That's a gross photo!
There are three ways that I know of to have them implanted
1) Belly Button
2) Under the breast
3) Arm pit

I got mine through the armpit and you can not tell - they made the incision in one of the creases. However, I had an issue that I needed corrected. They had a far apart look to them. Sometimes they just don't settle deep enough in the pocket created for them. The surgery for that was under the breasts, and there are scars. It's been 5 years since that and they have faded quite a bit. No one would notice the scars unless I was topless and lift my hands up straight.

There is no need for Kate to wear 2 sports bras at once - implants do not move like natural breasts.

Dmasy said...

IF I am one of the 2-3 posting here using other names -- I want to be NLAN, Virginia Pen Mom, Joy in Virginia, Dallas Lady, AuntieAnn, PJ's Mom, Hippie Chick, Heather, Administrator, Tucker's Mom, Dwindle, Once a Viewer....and so many other really great commenters. I want to be just that funny and smart and well-spoken. Yeah!

TLC stinks said...

Admin. I agree. We have proven she has had plastic surgery beyond the tummy tuck. I don't have a problem with a little plastic surgery here and there, but to lie about it is just plain arrogant when it's so obvious and highly deceitful because she wants the world to think her body is the result of a diet and exercise. It will all come out just like Paula Deen's diabetes did. This is what happens when you pretend to be something you are not.

Once a Viewer said...

Dmasy: You are ! I wanna be you! I feel I am so bad with the typos etc. and not as funny as you and some others...but all together we make a great team.

xo O-a-V

Dwindle said...

....overseen plumber &mowing boys (thank god for help!), and planned my errand list! Days just starting... Help! I'm drowning! Any1 relate?


Relate? There are not enough words to type re how hard I am literally laughing right now. She is drowning from a morning of masterminding and organizing the hired help?

Her mental illness is funny at times, but I now need a break from everything about this woman.

Can you believe she even THINKS this way, let alone so proudly tweets it to the world? What next: "I just strung 2 of the boys up in the closet and I am exhausted! Any1 relate?"

I am outta here.

Dwindle said...

by the way, it was 10 minutes past noon, PA time when she posted that. Thank God she is planning on listing her errands. Whew.

NOW i am gone. See you all in a few days, I guess. I need a break from her.

koopdedoo said...

AmyF - sorry if you felt you were ignored. Life on a forum, sometimes the topic is moving fast (lots of posts to sort through), by the time you finish reading the chunk you came to read, the topic changed and you choose to comment on a more recent comment. Good luck with your rehab, maybe you can ask friends/family to smuggle food in for you!

My grandmother was in assisted living for a year (or was it two?). I always took snacks for her. Later, when her mind was really going, I would hide bags of M&Ms in her dresser drawers - she was so cute telling me about it the next time I saw her. She never totally grasped that I was the candy fairy.

Mouse and PJ'sMomma - I hope you don't leave forever, I enjoy the posting you both have done.

Tucker's Mom said...

amyf said... 45
amyf-- bologna sandwiches would get old really fast. If I don't have a salad, after a few days I just crave them!
I hope you get some fresh food smuggled in soon!
I just got back from the farmers market with so many berries. This year, I hope to get the confidence to try canning some of them. Meanwhile, I'm going to freeze them so none goes to waste.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's Mom said... 112
amyf said... 45
amyf-- bologna sandwiches would get old really fast. If I don't have a salad, after a few days I just crave them!
Wow, that was shades of Kate... let me also add that I use real salad dressing, not spritz-on ;-)

Once a Viewer said...

'mowing' boys- how disrespectful! These are hardworking people who earn their paycheck. I wonder what K uses her tractor for- the one the visitor was coerced to repair- I had visions of her mowing the lawn on one of those seated mowers- obviously I do not own one,just the regular push kind that break down each spring. Hmm, I guess not. why on earth would she need to oversee them- they know their job. I hope they pretended to to hear her shriek.

Once a Viewer said...

see, typos! That's pretended NOT to hear her, of course!

Ex Nurse said...

For the first time. when I filtered Google news for the last 24 hours, (at 9:27 AM PST), there are zero entries. Not even gather, examiner or ROL. I believe that we can stick a fork in her!

wayward said...

Dwindle said... 1 "My mood right now about her has gone from outrage over insinuating her children against their will into a public event meant for others who had EARNED THE RIGHT to be there - to now I just feel sorry for her. I completely pity her in her mentally ill state over there, looking in the mirror praising herself and spending time on twitter trying to convince herself how HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY her gestational products are. SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY that they actually continue to thank her for their very existence. It's really too bad how messed up she is making those kids, but I pity sick Kate. Get ongoing therapy and medication Kate, it is not too late yet. You can stop being lame and pathetic if you choose to."

Dwindle, I'm right there with you. It's hard sometimes to decipher the tweets between Kate and others, but if I read correctly yesterday, a Kate fan polietly tried to point out that many of the other Kate fans are bullies as well. Kate strongly disagreed, and then kind of insinuated that because they are defending her from the things we say, what they do is acceptable. She didn't say it like that, of course. I don't remember if she eventually blocked that person or not.

Then when another person (also very polite) pointed out that some of the children looked distressed at the run, Kate flat out denied what videotape showed in living color. Kate's official story is THAT THEY LOVED IT, THEY ALL HAD TONS OF FUN, THEY THANKED HER A MILLION TIMES AND IT'S NOW THEIR NEW TRADITION. Period.

Living here in Central Pa, the Jerry Sandusky trial is being heavily covered. What many are still talking about months after the fact, is how Sandusky did that phone interview with Bob Costas. Lawyer after lawyer have said what a breathtakingly stupid move that was. But I get it. I get why he wanted to do it. He thoroughly believed he could go on TV and "set the record straight." (sound familiar?) People with certain mental disorders, who also feel they are above the law and the general rules of society, are very smug and enamored with themselves. They think if they just present their version of the situation in terms which exonerate them from culpability, while pointing the finger at everyone else, they can rewrite history and come out smelling like a rose.

Kate's complete detachment yesterday from facts, simple reasoning and hard evidence really indicates that there is something terribly wrong. I have to wonder if this children's fitness guru thing is the last egg in her basket, for her to stoop to denying what the videotape showed. If the kids are dragged to another event, I guarantee there will be NO videotaping of the Gosselin children. I feel sorry for her, I feel more sorry for the kids, it's just a sad situation all over.

Dmasy said...

I just read Wayward's excellent post. Thank

I haven't seen the videos of the children crying and being pulled along by holding hands. That run around the track (4X) must have seemed so daunting to them.

I am sure they THANKED her over and over for making them do something physical that made them so uncomfortable.

She is cruel as well as self-centered!

JudyK said...

"overseen" plumber and mowing boys...

You are a WRITER, Kate...great English. And I bet you address your yard help as "mower boy."

OrangeCrush said...

Noon in PA and she's overseeing the 'help' and planning an errand list. Can anyone relate? Perhaps after I wipe the coffee off my IPad.

Bizness per usual at the Kompound. Planning, organizing, lists - errands to do as more 'help' watch the kids. Soo much paperwork, and ooh, she made a meal. Can anyone relate to her drowning in her biziness?

Stick 2 forks.

Dmasy said...

Her fan base is teen girls and working mothers. She wants to know if they can relate to a day of supervising hired help "boys". OK, Kate.

fade2black said...

amyf, add me to the list of sympathizers for your food situation. The diet sounds like a jail menu! Not that I know from experience, mind you, but I have sources. :o) Are there on-line grocery stores in your area that deliver? There are a few here that deliver for a nominal fee, perhaps you could get some fresh fruit and veggies that way. No one is meant to live on bologna. Ugh.

And poor, pitiful Kate...masterminding and listing...her life is sooo harrrrrd! Boo hoo.

Grammar Grammy said...

JudyK said... 119

"overseen" plumber and mowing boys...

You are a WRITER, Kate...great English. And I bet you address your yard help as "mower boy."


It would appear that the verb, oversaw, would be correct here, but if you look at her original statement, the subject/verb is "I've," contraction for "I have." She continued with that thought..."I have made, I have ordered, I have tried, and I have overseen." Therefore, "I've overseen" is correct. If she had just said "I made, I ordered," etc., then "oversaw" would have been correct.

For once she didn't mess up the grammar, although I doubt that she even gave a thought about which verb was correct.

njay. said...

Just a quick pop in. I saw Dr. Phil last night and they were covering a court trial about full custody because the mother was a parent alienator. He won. I'm not sure if how it could be pulled up on pc but if anyone wants to do the work, it was Dr. Phil show on cable. I don't know the channel.

It was quite interesting to see what Admin. was talking about, the courts starting to take children away for this kind of practice. Man it was a shame. That little boy was afraid of living with his father because of the bs the mom feed him.

Admin. my apologies for saying on the other thread that you reached your goal. I meant what I said as a complement, not a diss. Bad choice of words.

sorry for poor spelling, dyslexia and poor phonetics sucks.

just another said...

I read once that shrimp shells were a good source of nutrients for soil and so I mixed some in to my flower beds after a dinner party. That night a skunk spent half an hour digging through my front garden. I never did that again.

Griftopia said...

KateIsBind said... 105
There is no need for Kate to wear 2 sports bras at once - implants do not move like natural breasts.


The second sports bra is to support her enormous ego -- it's too big to fit in Steve's backpack.

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Kate is a twit said... 35
''So she thinks Kate's lawyers are going to use a UK law to set
precedence in the US and be able to make twitter identify all of
Kate's bullies?

Trying to back track on her previous tweet about "New rules to
identify web trolls" that got all the sheeple dancing the Happy
Maybe CJ told MsGoody2Shoes21 about the Judge in Texas? ''Judge
throws out $14 million jury award in online libel case?'' was in the
Fort Worth paper today!!

Read more here:


Kate is a twit said...

I feel I must respond to her tweets. She just makes it too hard to ignore them.

ordered new home items that r broken--hope she remembered to use coupons.

I've made 1 meal--what no picture? Did making that one meal consist of putting cereal into bowls?

made a pool rules sign--shouldn't this have been done BEFORE she opened up the pool for the season.

tried 2fix a basement light panel--this probably consisted of replacing a light bulb.

overseen plumber &mowing boys--it must have been really hard watching someone while they do the work

planned my errand list--I hope one of those errands will be a massage appointment. She will definitely need one with all the back patting she just did.

Maggie said...

I haven't had breast surgery but another popular way is to insert the implant through the nipple in addition to the armpit, belly button, and under the breast.

readerlady said...

To the poster who's discovered the joys of Anne George's Southern Sister series (sorry, I can't locate your post now) -- wait 'til you get to the last book of the series "Murder Boogies With Elvis". It's hilarious. If you like audio books at all, they are even funnier in audio. The reader is pitch perfect. Sadly, we lost Ms. George too soon and with not enough books to her credit. One of the participants on an Amazon cozy board I participate in had her for high school English, and says she was a wonderful teacher.

JoyInVirginia -- THanks for the link to Albert's website. I've read, and enjoyed, most of the China Bayles books, but haven't been able to get into the Beatrix Potter books, for some reason. I hadn't discovered her website. I'm not the most knowledgeable of computer users. In fact, I'm only computer semi-literate.

Speaking of books, VaPennMom -- have you figured out a way to share the titles of your books with us. I really would enjoy reading them.

Further proof that KK's had a boob job -- She's never, or at least AFAIK, tweeted @GoodBra. You know she would have, if it actually existed. She couldn't resist grifting for freebies.

My "retirement" gift to KK is a copy of Pa. traffic and parking laws and a review of the speed limits. Actually, I'd love for my gift to be for the kids -- full time residence with dad and 4 days per month with mommy.

amyf -- Maybe you can bribe one of the aides to make a McDonalds run for you. Their side salads are only $1 and are a decent mix of greens with a few cherry tomatoes and some carrot curls thrown in. At least you'd be getting some fresh veggies that way.

Layla said...

Hmmm, did anyone else read where Mario Lopez turned down a spot on DWTS All-Stars because of scheduling conflicts? So, they have already asked the people they *really* want to be on the show. But not a word from Kate. You know she'd shout it from the rooftops if she had been asked...she'd love the opportunity to show all the haters that she's NOT over.
So, no new reality show for Kate? No invite for Celeb Apprentice or DTWS? How about that "dream" she dropped in the mail a couple months ago? Any takers on that? That's a lot of rejection in a short time. Or did they just ignore her? Maybe she's not even worth a response by now. So, she throws the kids out there in a desperate attempt to drum up some attention, and nobody even bothers to write a little article. That must just be killing her--she thought she had the world in the palm of her hand, and now the world has passed her by without even a wave. I find that hysterically funny.

JudyK said...

Grammar Grammy said... 123
JudyK said... 119

"overseen" plumber and mowing boys...

You are a WRITER, Kate...great English. And I bet you address your yard help as "mower boy."


It would appear that the verb, oversaw, would be correct here, but if you look at her original statement, the subject/verb is "I've," contraction for "I have." She continued with that thought..."I have made, I have ordered, I have tried, and I have overseen." Therefore, "I've overseen" is correct. If she had just said "I made, I ordered," etc., then "oversaw" would have been correct.

For once she didn't mess up the grammar, although I doubt that she even gave a thought about which verb was correct.

Thanks Grammar Grammy. All I saw were three little dots (ellipsis) on the twitter feed before the "overseen." Glad she finally got something right. :)

Layla said...

Remember when someone wrote that they camped by her on the RV trip, and she was pitching tantrums and telling the crew to go ahead and cancel the show? She was so full of herself--just daring TLC to cancel her. She really thought she was such a HUGE star that A) TLC would panic at the very thought of losing her, and B) if they did let her go, she'd be swamped with offers from other networks. And then TLC took her up on it and dumped her. That was 10 months ago, and all those big network offers she so confidently and arrogantly expected to flood in never materialized. She spews about positivity and her can-do attitude, but the fact is, she's been rejected by the entire media world that she so desperately wants to be a part of. She has to look at herself in the mirror every morning and deal with the fact that she's a has-been. It's all over for her, and it's her own fault.
Kate: Go ahead! Cancel the show! I dare you!
TLC: Ummm, okay.
Kate: WTF?????!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re content mills:

Blogging, content mills and outsourcing, as well as online publishing itself, have all but killed the publishing industry. There are so many people willing to work for cheap that professionals are being squeezed out. Salaries in publishing have been stagnant for the last 10 years, and layoffs are killing the companies themselves. It's a shame.

There was a recent problem with an e-book on Nook, where the software did an S&R on the word "kindle" to change to Nook, so every time the words "kindle" or "kindled" were used, it read as "Nook" or "Nookd." Any entry-level proofer would have caught that. But, of course, they didn't even bother to have it proofed before selling it.


Grammar Grammy said...

Thanks Grammar Grammy. All I saw were three little dots (ellipsis) on the twitter feed before the "overseen." Glad she finally got something right. :)


My reaction was the same as yours. I noticed it right away. Then I realized that her tweet was a continuation, describing her exhausting morning.

HollyMo said...

Dwindle has left a new comment on the post "Kate runs 7.1 mile race in Connecticut in 1:08:48":

Farewell Gifts for Kate:

A $6 box of Nice and Easy.
The pages of a DSM on Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissim.
A sizing chart for children's clothing.
A copy of the Pa. Revised Code that addresses child neglect and abuse, as well as public indecency.
A formal intervention for Kate in a room full of mothers whose children have been hit by speeding and arrogant drivers.

Brilliant ideas, Dwindle!
Let me know what I can do to help.

As far as Queen Kreider "overseen-ing" the help, no, I am pretty freakin' sure none of her fans can relate.
What say ye, oh wisest sage Milo? Can ye relateth to thine own regal ruler and her bo
boys of servitude? Me thinketh not. ~ Administrator said...

Garden boys? Show some respect Kate. Those "boys" are the backbone of America. Those boys support their children through their own hard work. No I'm sure the sheeple probably cannot relate because their jobs are probably a lot closer to America's backbone than some rich lazy real housewife.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Layla said... 133
Remember when someone wrote that they camped by her on the RV trip, and she was pitching tantrums and telling the crew to go ahead and cancel the show? She was so full of herself--just daring TLC to cancel her. She really thought she was such a HUGE star that A) TLC would panic at the very thought of losing her, and B) if they did let her go, she'd be swamped with offers from other networks. And then TLC took her up on it and dumped her. That was 10 months ago, and all those big network offers she so confidently and arrogantly expected to flood in never materialized. She spews about positivity and her can-do attitude, but the fact is, she's been rejected by the entire media world that she so desperately wants to be a part of. She has to look at herself in the mirror every morning and deal with the fact that she's a has-been. It's all over for her, and it's her own fault.
Kate: Go ahead! Cancel the show! I dare you!
TLC: Ummm, okay.
Kate: WTF?????!!!!!

Well she can't say that she didn't get what she wished for.-lol

PatK said...

I just sit here and shake my head at some of the inane tweets people send to Kate. "Oh, I don't know HOW you do it--I have TWO kids and can't find the time to clean", or "Can you tell me what I should make for dinner?"

How do these people get up in the morning and dress themselves?

TLC stinks said...

"mowing boys"?? What? The landscapers are 12 years old?

She's lying about overseeing a plumber and landscapers. Nobody does that. You greet them, tell them what you want done, leave, and let them do their job. Period. I think this was just her use of hyperbole to show she is in charge, ordering around the "servants", that type of thing. She really is a whack job.

wayward said...

Layla said: ..."She spews about positivity and her can-do attitude, but the fact is, she's been rejected by the entire media world that she so desperately wants to be a part of. She has to look at herself in the mirror every morning and deal with the fact that she's a has-been. It's all over for her, and it's her own fault.
Everything you said is spot on, however, Kate's ummm... mental challenges don't allow her to see things that way.

When she looks in the mirror after checking her (silent) 65th pink iphone for the umpteenth time, she blames Jon and she blames TLC for not filming the kids until they were 18 like they said they were interested in doing. She blames the PA court system for not letting her do with HER children as 'she sees fit.' She also blames the meddling state of PA for making her put HER money away for the children. Alot of fuss for money she's just going to spend anyway. She blames all the NY and CA talk show producers for not returning her agent's phone calls.

In her mind she does everything "right." She got the fake nails, boobs, hair and tan and lives on salad. Not in the least, does she think she has to change anything. In her mind, although she's puzzled as to why she hasn't been deluged with choice talk shows and other projects, by no means does she think her past behavior and reputation for being difficult is the reason. Her current state of being mostly unemployed is everyone else's fault but hers.

TLC stinks said...

Oh, and her errand list should be simple...Target: paper plates, paper towels, TP, bottled water. Helloooo, Chris. Where are you?

wayward said...

chefsummer said: "Well she can't say that she didn't get what she wished for.-lol"

LOL! Yeah Kate... "you get what you get and you don't get upset."

Didn't she also once tell a boy tup who hurt himself in the airport that God was punishing him for not listening and let him get hurt? Right back atcha Katie!

AuntieAnn said...

....overseen plumber &mowing boys (thank god for help!), and planned my errand list! Days just starting... Help! I'm drowning! Any1 relate?
Oh yes Kate... why just this morning as I was instructing my housekeeper on the proper way to flip the mattresses the gardner came in to tell me the hydrangea bushes had leaf spot. I suppose my pool boy will be late again and god knows where the nanny and my bodyguard ran off to so early. I'm in a real tizzy.

Bitch please. Yesterday it was hand-me-down shoes for the kids because they're oh so expensive and today she's yapping about having "help". I'm beginning to think she has multiple personality disorder too. There's rich Kate and poor Kate both fighting for attention in there.

Dwindle - I agree with bearswife. Excellent parting gifts.

Dmasy said "I want to be just that funny and smart and well-spoken. Yeah!"

OMG you already ARE Dmasy! I love your wit and wisdom.

I just have to shake my head at the sheeple. I guess they think that because they change socks all the time, everyone does.

The Bitter End said...

AuntieAnn said... 144
Bitch please. Yesterday it was hand-me-down shoes for the kids because they're oh so expensive and today she's yapping about having "help". I'm beginning to think she has multiple personality disorder too. There's rich Kate and poor Kate both fighting for attention in there.
Ya think the lawn boy has "gently used" work boots? If so, maybe Katie has a bin to keep them in until her kids need them.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...


~made breakfast - 30 min max (w/cleanup)
~ordered stuff on line - 20 min
~wrote out pool rules - 10 min
~looked at lite fixture, decided to call repair person - 3 min
~answered door for plumber, showed him where to go - 4 min
~waved at boys who came to mow lawn - 30 sec.
~made list of errands - 10 min

That equals 1 hr 17 min and 30 sec.

I can see why giant suck-up CJ is so impressed:

@Kateplusmy8 Wow,I thought my schedule was busy today,LOL!I'm exhausted just reading that!We've got laundry,dr. appt.,karate&floors here!

Maggie said...

Layla said:Remember when someone wrote that they camped by her on the RV trip, and she was pitching tantrums and telling the crew to go ahead and cancel the show? She was so full of herself--just daring TLC to cancel her.

I don't remember this at all. Was it discussed on this blog. Can someone point me to more info about this. No wonder TLC canceled her ass.

Ex Nurse said...

TLC stinks said... 140
"mowing boys"?? What? The landscapers are 12 years old?

She's lying about overseeing a plumber and landscapers. Nobody does that. You greet them, tell them what you want done, leave, and let them do their job. Period. I think this was just her use of hyperbole to show she is in charge, ordering around the "servants", that type of thing. She really is a whack job.
Oh, I do believe it. Has to make sure that every blade of grass is in place, all the clippings removed, nothing tracked on the driveways or paths and so on and so on and so on. She micromanages everything and everybody that has the misfortune of coming in contact with Kate. I do believe that it is exhausting to be her because she spends so much time masterminding every task, however small.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate's Recent TWITter:

overseen plumber &mowing boys (thank god for help!), and planned my errand list! Days just starting... Help! I'm drowning! Any1 relate? about 2 hours ago


Oh my God. It must be absolutely hellish working for Kate.

They must draw straws to choose who will be the unlucky one that has to go to her house.

amyf said...

Thanks, everyone. The doctor agrees with me about the food. It's the food service director (whatever his title is) who says that the menu is what it is and if something's not on it for the day they can't get it. Franky, there's not much herbs and spices can do for a bologna sandwich! Dwindle is right, the main "meal" is served at lunchtime. I have an additional problem - being a late night person (I'm up till AT LEAST 2-3 a.m., if not later), a lousy sandwich at 5 p.m. doesn't really hold for long. I did Thai takeout (delivery) last night - not the healthiest possibility but at least it tasted like food and and I got some veggies in!

I'm afraid I might be here a long time - 8 months in a different hellhole last year! I'm trying to get fruit, but I have no family except my cats (and I'm DYING without them!), and my friends are busy. Feeling even sorrier for myself now, but I appreciate the responses and suggestions. :-) At least the ongoing KK saga keeps me entertained!

Oh, I was asking for a summary before because I'd missed a whole week and several threads, and the current thread was already really long, so I decided to skip the earlier ones and get myself caught up on that one. Anyway - I think now I can stay as caught up as I need to be. Thanks.

Dwindle, I sent you an email during that time period. Maybe you didn't see it.

AuntieAnn said...

I can just hear Kate overseeing her "help", getting her nose right in there. My son mows lawns during the summer for a landscaping outfit. He says nothing is more annoying than when people come outside to tell you how to mow the lawn. If you cut 40 lawns a day you pretty much have a good idea how to do it.

SoCal local said...

That estate is a money pit, and she knows it. I live in a mediocre 2500 sq ft home on 1/3 acre. My husband spends HOURS every weekend doing yard maintenance and fixing minor things that break, like irrigation lines. We share the housework, which is not bad. We are empty nesters. The work is constant, and although we love our home, it is A LOT of trouble to keep it in excellent condition.

Kate will continue to have ongoing issues with plumbing, pool, A/C, etc. When you add in her relentless perfectionism and control-freakishness, I wonder if it's worth it...Oh never mind--she will not consider downsizing.

Pity Party said...

Poor plumber, she has already said she rooked him into working for free since he has such a HUGE, HUGE, plumbing business in small town America.

Layla said...

Maggie said... 147
Layla said:Remember when someone wrote that they camped by her on the RV trip, and she was pitching tantrums and telling the crew to go ahead and cancel the show? She was so full of herself--just daring TLC to cancel her.

I don't remember this at all. Was it discussed on this blog. Can someone point me to more info about this. No wonder TLC canceled her ass.

I don't remember where I read it--it was about a year ago. I thought I read it here--someone was saying that it was an insider story and couldn't be verified, but soon afterward the announcement of cancellation came, and then those horrible RV episodes, so it sure did ring true once everything hit the fan.

AuntieAnn said...

Poor plumber, she has already said she rooked him into working for free since he has such a HUGE, HUGE, plumbing business in small town America.
Oh no she didn't! Is he the same Mr. Plumber Man who put his toolbox down on her clean countertop?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

AuntieAnn said... 155
Poor plumber, she has already said she rooked him into working for free since he has such a HUGE, HUGE, plumbing business in small town America.
Oh no she didn't! Is he the same Mr. Plumber Man who put his toolbox down on her clean countertop?

I thought that was Mr. Water Softener Man. Wasn't he the same one who teased her about not being able to dance. Loved that.

mama mia said...

After Kate and Steve physically dragged, threatened and cajoled the kids to run the mile for the cameras they permitted the children to have ice cream - with sprinkles - and when the children started whooping with joy Kate said to herself "see, I can report that my children are happy and thanked me for this wonderful day, so I am not lying, it is very important I tell the truth to my fans". That is about the size of it, Kate.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

AmyF I wondered where you had gone. I just started commenting last week but I have been here for about 5 years reading everyone's post and I remember last winter when your cats were outside and Teresa was worried about you! BTW where is Teresa? Haven't heard from her in a while. Hope you can leave soon!!

Good luck and good health!!

JoyinVirginia said...

Making watermelon rind pickle:
Any kind of watermelon will do. slice it up and cut out the melon portions to serve your family and friends. Save the outside, that is going to be the good part! You can store this in the fridge in baggies or covered bowl for several days, up to a week.
Carve up the rind into strips about two or three inches across. wash in plain cold water . Use a vegetable peeler -that works best-or sharp knife to peel very thin outside layer off the watermelon outside. once peeled, cut the rind strips into one or two inch chunks. Take all those chunks and place into a very large pot, or two, and cover with a brine which is water and salt. For every gallon of water you add one-half cup of salt to make the brine.
For this batch I am using rind of a round seedless watermelon, the cut up rind fills up most of my old revere ware ” super pot” for canning, and a gallon of water with the half cup salt covers all the rind pieces.I used an old trick of my mothers, took a dinner plate and turned it upside down over the rind, to keep all the pieces in the water. Leave in cool place for at least 12 hours, our refrigerate the whole thing.
So this its the first tedious part. All together it took me about two hours to do all the chopping and slicing and peeling. I watched Americas Got Talent and Love in the Wild while doing this tedious task.
the pickle its going to marinate in the brine until tomorrow evening, and after I do the cooking part I will post the recipe I use.

chefsummer #Leh said...

How does she get free service I want to know so I can get it to.

Ah life of a grifter.

Once a Viewer said...

I'm surprised Kate admits to 'help' at all. But she puts an imperious entitled spin on it. I hate the way she addresses people who are guides/repairmen/store clerks etc.

Summerwind said...

can just hear Kate overseeing her "help", getting her nose right in there. My son mows lawns during the summer for a landscaping outfit. He says nothing is more annoying than when people come outside to tell you how to mow the lawn. If you cut 40 lawns a day you pretty much have a good idea how to do it.


Sometimes, though, there is a different crew on during summer vacation time and you have to tell them where the property lines are, what needs to be weed-whacked along the driveway, whether to gather clippings or not. Been there, done that. I can just see here outside, parading around in her bikini, directing her mowing boys.

Tucker's Mom said...

To all who are taking a break from the Kate circus, I hope you take some time to enjoy the beginning of summer, your families, your friends, your furry friends and neighbors. Be sure to come back soon, because I'll miss all of your wit and wonderful stories.
In the sea of insanity that is Kate Gosselin, so many of you are islands of clarity and touch stones of real reality for me and I"m sure many others.
So in light of that, I'm thankful to Kate (and of course Admin) for being the reason that this forum has come to fruition.

Moose Mania said...

@Kateplusmy8 Good day to you, Kate. How goes the battle? Drowning??? I hope you're wearing floaties!!


Two inflatables, but I'm not sure how well they keep her afloat.

Once a Viewer said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said:

I thought that was Mr. Water Softener Man. Wasn't he the same one who teased her about not being able to dance. Loved that.

Yeah, that guy was funny, lol. She was such a freak-a-zoid with no sense of humor. That was right after she bellowed to the kids "I will always be in charge & that will never change!"

DebbieDowner4 said...

We have all heard of frivolous lawsuits, so this one just may happen......

I can picture Grifty someday suing TLC for not setting up a financial planner to work with her; someone to put her on a budget, save, advise on NOT buying the McMansion and fancy cars, etc....

She would have laughed at that....'cuz she was the big STAH, dontcha know, But I have a hunch someday that Grifty will blame TLC for her being on foodstamps. And soon.

MabelD said...

I think Kate will depend on her boys to do the bulk of work around that house. They already do the grunt work tending the chickens. She'll have them doing everything if she can manage to pay the mortgage for a few more years. Poor guys.

anger issues kate said...

You know for someone, who has no job, crys no money to take kids to even a movie, crys poor, Kate sure blows a lot of money. With all the bills and house payments, Kate is buying home goods.

I hope what kate meant by mowing boys, is the landscapers, not her 3 8 year old boys. Mowing grass is not for any child till they are tall enough and at least 12. Or if it is the boys is Kate wanting them to get hurt. I hope not!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Once a Viewer said... 165

Yeah, that guy was funny, lol. She was such a freak-a-zoid with no sense of humor. That was right after she bellowed to the kids "I will always be in charge & that will never change!"

Right. There were a couple of episodes that revolved around the house, spray washing etc., and giving chickens water. Kate said she felt like she was living with 5 year olds! What a dolt. LOL

Anyway those episodes and the RV trip were only EDITED to make her look bad. TLC liked to see the ratings drop and decided they'd make her act really nasty to get the ratings to drop even lower. Yep, all that nastiness was edited to get people to hate her and stop watching. TV networks do that all the time, try to get the ratings to drop. Right, Kate fans??

angie said...

The mowing boys? Huh? The landscapers were there. If she didn't have landscapers and put her ass to work running with the lawn mower, she could buy her kids NEW RUNNING SHOES.

Mowing boys? This is a highly uneducated woman looking down on blue collar workers and calls them boys? They are men who operate this equipment.

Lord, I cannot wait until she goes broke and has to work for a living.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Wasn't Kate supposed to be on the cover of Runners World magazine this spring sometime? What happened with that?

Sheri said...

Griftopia said... 126

KateIsBind said... 105
There is no need for Kate to wear 2 sports bras at once - implants do not move like natural breasts.


"The second sports bra is to support her enormous ego -- it's too big to fit in Steve's backpack."

Griftopia, that has to be the funniest things I've so far read on this blog. No offense to all the other witty snark, most of which I've either missed or could only gloss over and snicker to myself at.

But I actually belly laughed, it's just too funny, because it's true. :D

anger issues kate said...

Amyf: wow that sucks. My mom was in places like that. The food there was really good, my mother was acting like a kid and eat her desert. You have not missed much. kate did a marathon in SD, then took?dragged her kids for media op, that failed, in Ct, then got into a fight on twitter with a fan, about the fact that 300 kids worked for the marathon, and Kates kids, did not and just walked in and crossed the finish line. Getting the glory without working for it. What kate does all the time.

anger issues kate said...

Readerlady: I've heard of Cholate mint, good luck!

Admin: You might also put marigolds around your tomatos, it keeps the aphids away. Did you guys know that marigolds, you can eat them? I've never tried that. You can also put parsley and onion in with tomatos, beans & tomatos don't do well together. I'm growing them together.

Sheri said...

One of Kate's recent tweets...

"....overseen plumber &mowing boys (thank god for help!), and planned my errand list! Days just starting... Help! I'm drowning! Any1 relate?"

That last line is very telling. I really believe Kate is at the point of being overwhelmed. Karma is beginning to rear its head, as it were.

There is no crew, no handlers other than her trusted bodyguard/manager, no TLC execs kissing her ass, no family, no friends and only a handful of upcoming events to look forward to.

The rude reference to her landscapers as "mowing boys" aside, I think this is the reality of her real situation finally seeping in.

Of course it's ridiculous that anyone should feel overwhelmed by letting the plumber in, pointing the landscapers at the grass and "planning" an errand list.

I mean,'re overwhelmed by thinking about writing a list?

But as more and more people drop out of the picture, "always leave her", she is likely to get more manic.

Do I feel sorry for her yet? Nope. Not at all.

She has every opportunity and 8 very good reasons to face her realest reality head on.

If she chooses not to, then I choose to keep my sympathies for her kids. Because THEY don't have any choice.

AuntieAnn said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 156
I thought that was Mr. Water Softener Man. Wasn't he the same one who teased her about not being able to dance. Loved that.
Thanks Tweetle I thought he was a plumber. She was kind of rude to Mr. Water Softener Man I thought. He can't put his toolchest down on the counter but she can sit her germ-free bum on it for a *cough* photo shoot. He got back at her with the dance remark hehe.
chefsummer said... 160

How does she get free service I want to know so I can get it to.

Ah life of a grifter.

Chef you have to have two sets of multiples, lots of nerve and no conscience.

mamaK said...

Ok, so I know I'm just mediocre and don't own a pool, but is it really necessary to post pool rules at your own house? I mean, what kinda rules could you have other than no running and no diving (depending on the pool)???

Once a Viewer said...

mamaK said... 177

Ok, so I know I'm just mediocre and don't own a pool, but is it really necessary to post pool rules at your own house?

You know how Kate likes to post rules all over her house and the garage! Her pool rules are probably reminding the kids to swim in it, directing them which towels on that plastic shelf to use, not to drip water near her and for the 8 year olds to buddy up because she can't be bothered to watch them. I remember the boys saying just last May that Joel was afraid to go in the water so i assume he is not a proficient swimmer. You can drown in a bucket of water. Be careful, Kate.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I haven't read all of the comments yet so I don't know if anyone commented on this already. I must say that I do love her tweet that she ordered new household items that are broken! Really? If I order new household items, I make sure they are unbroken because I'm paying good money for them. Also, broken items don't work to well, you eventually have to replace them. Lolololol!!!!!!

Moose Mania said...

Ok, so I know I'm just mediocre and don't own a pool, but is it really necessary to post pool rules at your own house? I mean, what kinda rules could you have other than no running and no diving (depending on the pool)???


"We don't swim in your toilet. Please don't pee in our pool."

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Hey, maybe that will be next weeks CC blog. How to save money by buying broken items! Kate, you really need to learn how to write a proper sentence.

wayward said...

Since there's been discussion about Kate's lead foot recently, I thought I'd dig out the Al Walentis book of Gosselin cheese to relive some his tales about Kate's driving.

Yes, I know the book was no fine piece of literature and yes... actually I am embarassed that I own it, thanks for asking! However, because of Kate having the full weight of TLCs legal team behind her at the time, I do remember he went to great lengths to verify stories and sources.

"If TLC ever stops signing her paychecks, Kate Gosselin could audition for NASCAR. She was utterly fearless behind the wheel."

"One expert photographer told us how Kate eluded him during one mad chase in July ('09) veering into Blue Marsh Lake boat dock, performing a figure 8 in a cul-de-sac and, parking at a shopping center lot and half-exiting her SUV before putting the pedal to the metal, all the while wearing a floppy hat to evade good photos through the window. She made her getaway. And this dude was a pro, having tailed the likes of Reese Witherspoon and Jack Nicholson."

It goes on to say about how Kate has been stopped by the police several times and mentions 2 of the now 4 speeding tickets she has. Apparently "stop nvr means stop" to her.

......."In fact, we heard reports, unconfirmed, that Kate received a fistful of tickets for ignoring stop signs and each time she tried to pull rank by telling the officer "don't you know who I am?" This was Kate's sense of entitlement at play; she needed to ditch the pap posse, so traffic laws certainly don't apply in her queendom. During the summer months, mundane shots of her topping off her tank or shopping at Target were at a premium. If Kate could roar out of her driveway before the pap could scramble their SUVs, she could ditch them with ease."

It goes on to say that for a fleeting minute, they considered tapping her bumper just for the shots of her getting out of the car with her head spinning. They decided against it. Next is the description of when Kate called the police on Jon's cusodial time. After the police left, The pap fleet tailed her to a Day's Inn and all congregated in the parking lot.

..."At 2:15am the inn had said enough was enough. The cops told the media to clear off the property. Within the hour, four patrol cars patrolled the small lot, shining spotlights in car windows, looking for any paps. At 4:00am, two police cars skirted the lobby and the officers went inside. One officer stood in the doorway, eyeing the lot. Five minutes later, Kate emerged followed by a policeman who was pulling her rolling valise across the lot for her. She wore her newsboy cap and stared intently at the enemy. Police provided her escort up to the highway. When she hit the open road, Kate immediately gunned it and it was off to the races. Two pap vehicles stayed in pursuit at high speeds. One pap clocked 85 m.p.h. but began losing ground. Kate had a set of cajones. She flipped off her headlights as she neared an exit on Rt. 222 heading north towards New York, risking catastrophe, barreling along in her Land Cruiser at 95 m.p.h.

It goes on to say that they later discussed how that incident could have easily been a Princess Di moment, leaving 8 children motherless. While that is true, I actually can't decide who's more culpable here. The paps for chasing her so dangerously, or Kate for being unwilling to somehow play nice with the paps, as the genuine celebs do to preserve their own safety as well as that of their children. Kate's choice was to risk her life and the lives of other motorists so she could win. Neither is right... it's just frightening to think how many lives could have been tragically and permanently changed forever over something as silly as a photo for a rag mag.

anger issues kate said...

To everyone taking a break: HAVE FUN COME BACK!
You won't miss much, Kate is like a soap opera, you can go away for months and come back, and know just what was going on in 10 min.

Once a Viewer said...

Moose: That's a good one!

This pool discussion reminds me of my neighbor- his pool sign says "There is no "P" in our "OOL." Cute.

Kate is a Witch said...

Whatever happened to gosselinbook?

And they got back from CT so fast because the boys had chicken shit to shovel.

AuntieAnn said...

wayward - Wow, that is quite the traffic history she has going there. She's a dangerous person on the road.

Rules don't mean anything unless SHE makes them.

fidosmommy said...

Overseeing work is Kate's passion. Remember when the crew put up blinds in the Andrews Ave. house and Kate stood there and barked orders about sucking up the dust with a vacuum hose as the other guy drilled?

Was she also the one who made people put surgical slippers over their shoes?I may be thinking about someone else - Martha Stewart?

wayward said...

AuntieAnn said... 186
wayward - Wow, that is quite the traffic history she has going there. She's a dangerous person on the road.

Rules don't mean anything unless SHE makes them.

It's really a blessing that her driving has only resulted in tickets so far. She defintely has points on her license and if she racks up more, she'll lose her license. PennDot doesn't give a shiz whether she's Kate Gosselin or not. Hopefully, that outcome is what is keeping her leadfoot at bay. We know it isnt because of concern for her fellow motorists :(

Kate is a Witch said... 185
Whatever happened to gosselinbook?

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Didn't gosselinbook get a cease and desist order? It's supposed to be revealed in 8 days. Not holding my breath tho.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Wow, Wayward.

Just when I thought Kate could not be more wretched... She was also a menace to society?

How can she be so irresponsible, so selfish?

I hope to God that the days of reckless driving are behind her.

ncgirl said...

"Heehee, maybe the courts can draft Kate's Law to protect horrid former reality stars from criticism on twitter. If someone says something unflattering about the victim, a Kate Alert can go off."

I can imagine Kate on Capitol Hill wearing revealing clothes while wiping her eyes and telling everyone how honored she is to be behind Kate's Law. The boobyguard, the fans, and horrid former and present reality stars like Heidi and Spencer, Snooki, and the Kardashians will be there. Michelle Obama will be hiding so Kate won't present her with any nutrition/fitness ideas like only eat salads and get plastic surgery.

Insert Creative Username Here said...

Off topic, but speaking of mommy bloggers. Has anyone been to This is how you do a mom blog. She uses microsoft word paint (or something similar) to create pictures of her, her kids, and husband. She's hysterical, but never uses anyone's names. It's a way to convey mom joys and struggles without invading kids' privacy. I thought it was very creative.

fidosmommy said...

Isn't Nadya Suleman now working with a coupon site? I thought they said she got a regular salary - some meaningful amount - for their

Any way Kate might have pulled off something similar with CC?

amyf said...

Tomatoes - I can't believe you remember that! It was the Halloween blizzard and the cats somehow got shut in the basement, and it *was* Teresa who very kindly helped me through my freakout (since I couldn't get up and rescue them and they were pounding on the door). Hope she's OK.

chatty kathy said...

hey amyf, if you're lonesome, try a chat room. You'll always find someone to talk to there.

Snookidoodle said...

I mean,'re overwhelmed by thinking about writing a list?

HA HA HA, made me spit on my monitor.

wayward said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 179
I haven't read all of the comments yet so I don't know if anyone commented on this already. I must say that I do love her tweet that she ordered new household items that are broken! Really? If I order new household items, I make sure they are unbroken because I'm paying good money for them. Also, broken items don't work to well, you eventually have to replace them. Lolololol!!!!!!
I know a sheeple had to have asked Kate today the name of the website where she buys her broken items. I know it.... I know at least ONE of them had to do it. After all, Kate is up to 94,000 bought twatter followers and the one sheeple said "your almost at a million!" Yaaaaay!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Wayward, you're right! I'm sure one of her tweeties asked her that!

Of all the kids' money that Kate wasted, just think how much money she wasted on buying twitter followers just so she could look popular. HaHa!

Dmasy said...

Wayward, 181 -- just think how different Kate's life is then to now. She used to be "important". She was chased. She needed police security. Someone actually wrote a book about her.

She probably thought this kind of notoriety would continue forever.

Who cares now? Just the twitter followers she is buying! ~ Administrator said...

For someone who is a professional grifter it's not so wise to rub it in how she lives. Better to pretend you mow your own lawn, clean your own pool, do your own landscaping.

I think she struggles between wanting to amass as many luxurious freebies as she can, and wanting to brag as much as she can about what a luxurious life she has, because that's half the fun for her.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 163

@Kateplusmy8 Good day to you, Kate. How goes the battle? Drowning??? I hope you're wearing floaties!!


Two inflatables, but I'm not sure how well they keep her afloat.


heehee. Just got a visual of her not being able to flip onto her stomach in the pool cuz the boobs keep turning her onto her back.
You're so naughty Moose.

fidosmommy said...

I want to be the one millionth poster on this thread.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Well, you're getting closer, fido; your 1000th so far!

mamaK said...

Oh, the pee in the pool. Love it!

In the old specials she always had notes up all over the, throw stinky diapers outside, who sits in which seat, who slept in what crib, what they all needed to sleep with, how to set the fan. I wonder if her pool rules are more for the not a nanny who is obviously out there with the kids than for the kids themselves. Cuz, seriously, it's a pool, what rules do you need?!?

fidosmommy said...

Hey! If Kate's 94,000 followere is almost a millionthen my 1,000 is too! ;-)

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