Friday, May 11, 2012

Consolation Prize: Kate plans to meet up with fans who signed up for cruise

The cruise-goer/mole who first broke the news to us of the cancellation has passed on to an e-mail dated May 10 from Kate apologizing for canceling the cruise. The cruise-goer asked us not to share the word-for-word contents of the e-mail for their own anonymity. 

In the e-mail, Kate tells the cruise go-er that she is sorry for you and for me, and that she sent everyone who signed up an e-mail to tell them the same. Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal. If Ft. Lauderdale doesn't work out, she wants to figure out another way to meet with all the cruise people. Kate says she doesn't want to be the reason that the cruise-goers don't have a great vacation.

Kate also plans to use a new e-mail address as of next week called

745 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Amy2 said...

Just checking in a la Kate, I organized everything this morning. Including going to work on crutches (pulled a muscle in leg), got hubby off to doctor's appointment and daughter off the school Yeah me!!!! I'm awesome!!!

mama mia said...

So Kate you've given up respect, food, sex, companionship, friendship and fun to fold pool towels in the basement huh? How is that working for you?

Spring Has Sprung said...

"Seriously? Morning twat, with pic, about a 'project' of organizing (folding) bathing suits and towels? 10 minutes, max, but this will leave her exhaustedish no doubt. And remind the sheep about 'r' pool."


I just read that tweet and laughed out loud. What organization? You fold beach towels and put them on the shelf. You do the same with the swimsuits. Certainly the kids know who belongs to what suit! She took a picture of that? Oh, how low on the celebrity totem pole she has fallen. Do the kids change into their swimsuits in the garage? Are there changing rooms in there? If not, I bet the twins and the three younger girls aren't thrilled with that.

Organization? She certainly wasn't organized when she took the trip to NYC and forgot to throw flip flops for herself into a tote and had to walk around the streets without shoes. She certainly wasn't organized on the Disney trip when she forgot to throw extra shirts into a tote. Sheesh!

Sport said...

Thanks Mrs. Malaprop. This is the third straight year they asked me to do the navigation class. We had a blast last year and I was told by the school it was one of the kids favorite field trips.

Its funny , I wasnt sure they liked it last year.

I have found that most kids I introduce to caching enjoy the finding, searching, exploring aspect but MOST OF ALL opening the container we find and looking at the gumball machine quality 'treasure' that others before have left behind.

Never mind that we rode bikes 5 miles, climbed a small hill, figured out the clues, found a hollowed out rock with a secret compartment among a hundred other rocks and carried our bikes across a creek to get there.

"Can I keep the broken, plastic army man?" ~ Administrator said...

I've never heard someone brag about their pool so much. It's just a pool. Lots of people have them and it doesn't make you upper crust--it actually makes you less rich because it's a money sucker and devalues your home.

Buddy said...

Layla . . . 188
I don't think Kate has the money to pay off the house or she would have. She does not have a guaranteed income and if she loses all of her money, she also loses her house. It also makes no sense to pull $100,000 out of it in equity if you don't need to. That would just be foolish. I don't think she has the money in the bank that some people seem to think she does. If she does have money, it obviously is not liquid or she wouldn't have had to pull out $100,000 in equity.

Westcoaster said...

Kate is fixated on 'status things' - pool, cars, clothes, things I can only guess she did not have in luxe mode as a child. But she wants them really for herself, and not so much for the kids. After all SHE was deprived. Probably one reason she does not relate to the boys at all. It's all pretty sad when you think about it, and now with TLC, the trips, etc gone, all she has to tweet about is the silly organizing, the trips for hair fries, the pool, just nonsense. Pathetic.

And since this mom s not going to take these kids ANYWHERE on her dime, or her plans, it is a good thing they do have that pool for entertainment. Now if she would only stop twattering long enough to play lifeguard.

Buddy said...

Another opinion of mine . . . I don't think Kate pays Steve outright. I believe as her "road manager" he gets paid a percentage of what she gets paid. I believe Steve signed on with Kate with the belief that Kate was marketable and staying on as her "road manager" and earning a percentage of what she makes, would be lucrative. He was sorely mistaken. ~ Administrator said...

It's funny how things sometimes seem to go in cycles for families.

Mom grows up with "nothing" so gives her kids "everything." But everything isn't really everything and the kids shun it all when they are adults and give their kids a much simpler childhood. Their kids feel they grow up with "nothing" and then in turn give their kids "everything." Those kids go on to shun it as adults. Repeat. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is really this close to tweeting about how her morning organization project is to count all her money in the basement.

Buddy said...

One more note about Kate's finances. There is NO WAY IN HELL that Kate would have booked a celebrity cruise to hang out with complete strangers unless she was having financial problems. She does not like people or enjoy talking to strangers in person. I think the twitter thing is okay for her because it is more impersonal. She doesn't have to be face to face and she can leave anytime.

Improbable Dream said...

Is she running these days? I haven't seen any mention of her mileage/marathon plans lately.

Once a Viewer said...


Good point about changing...maybe they go into the downstairs bathroom to change? But then why have the suits there? Poor organization, Kate, as usual. I agree, suits should stay in their bedrooms and tossed wherever they go when they change back to clothes. Actually the towels aren't folded completely crisply with perfect corners. Thought you were a nurse, Kate- didn't you pass 'hospital comers class?' I did...awesome me.

Kate is Krazy said...

@PatriciaChow1 yes! Email me through website and I'll give you instructions etc

"instructions" for having a book signed? She is so full of herself. Imagine making people pay postage but then I guess the sheep bring that on themselves.

mamaK said...

Layla, it definately makes no sense to pull money out of your house! I don't know why she would do that and I think it was a huge mistake!
Kate doesn't seem really cultured to me, so I think it's possible that just the fact that she has a bread maker means she's "made it", she doesn't realize that there is a gourmet one. It's like my mom, who is from a small town, she thinks owning a boaty Cadillac means you've "made it". If I came home driving a Mercedes, BMW, or Lexus or any other luxury car, it would not mean as much to her as me pulling up in a Caddy. =)

The basement organizing. Hilarious. She's put them in the unfinished part? I thought that was far away from the door to the yard? Makes no sense. And really, a better idea? Put eight hooks on the wall, hang everyone's suit and towel on a hook. You have enough space even that you could space them out so that they could all easily grab their suit without elbowing someone in the eye!
But, no, it's Kate. She's amazing and I want to be just like her when I grow up.

KAT said... this what the "stahs" life has come to? These pictures lately are ridiculous. She's really got nothing to do...has she? Who gives a crap about folding some towels. Is this the best she can do to entertain her fans? Her life has become what she has feared most...MEDIOCRE...thats right Kate. this is worse than mediocre. This is downright pathetic. I'm convinced she has enough money to sustain her for quite a while. I don't see any panic to get off her flat ass and go to work. She better come up with something more entertaining because fans get bored pretty quickly....they're not gonna sit on the edge of their seats to wait for another organizing picture from this moron....

Sinking Fast And Hard said...

I've been reading the twitter talk and they've been discussing Kate's relationship with Steve. It sounds like this poster (one who was going on the cruise) is nice, is just a little bit naive:

@ecslang47 @SchmeckyGirl @Nwabcan @EmeraldCityJazz @Kateplusmy8 hes a bodyguard and a "constant" for the kids. they care about him IMO

@EmeraldCityJazz @SchmeckyGirl @nwabcan @kateplusmy8 bcuz he was her hired bdygrd. if she felt guily and cheatn she prob wld have quit.

@SchmeckyGirl @emeraldcityjazz @nwabcan @kateplusmy8 i never saw anythng inappropriate. he was professional


Would a relationship have been filmed as an episode :)

She also says that Jon was attracted to Hailey when Kate went for her tummy tuck because there must have been pictures of their daughter all over the house. Wasn't there an old movie about a man who fell in love with a portrait? Was it Laura with Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews?

NT said...

Of course she took a pic of her folded towels and suits. She had to fold 8 of each remember. 8 No wonder she's exhausted. LOL!!!

Tamara said...

Westcoaster said... 194
Seriously? Morning twat, with pic, about a 'project' of organizing (folding) bathing suits and towels? 10 minutes, max, but this will leave her exhaustedish no doubt. And remind the sheep about 'r' pool.
M-day is over, the cruise is cancelled, is there anything on her horizon?
No, which is why now is a perfect time for a Khate blackout. Discussing her ridiculous tweets, or the ridiculous tweets, and even lack of tweets, of her sheeple is just giving her what she wants. It's feeding her. She said it herself.

A Mouse Today said...

I've never heard someone brag about their pool so much. It's just a pool. Lots of people have them and it doesn't make you upper crust--it actually makes you less rich because it's a money sucker and devalues your home.

She doesn't know this. She grew up without one and twenty years ago in her area if you had a pool and pool parties for your friends, you were quite popular. This isn't Florida or California and there aren't in-ground pools on every block. Right now it is her status symbol. It defines how far she's come. Is is a money sucker, but it seems like the kids enjoy it. At least they have that much to look forward to this summer, especially if she hasn't booked their traditional trip to Bald Head Island, or enrolled them in summer camp.

It does sound, though, that she enjoys bragging about it as much as the kids enjoy swimming in it.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Sport - awww, that's so cute. There's nothing like finding hidden "treasure!" Even if it's a broken plastic Army man. My problem on the hunt was that my 14 year old kept finding the cache, and my 10 year old was getting upset about that. Sigh. It's always something with those two.

KAT said...

Buddy@9....totally agree...but at the same time she is not even considering looking for a regular job. So you have to wonder what her plans are. On one hand she did take money out of her house but then again shes spending her days folding towels and not working. It's very confusing where she is financially. She gives so many mixed signals that its hard to figure out...maybe thats what she's trying to do...

Where ARE all of these marathons she supposed to run in anyway? She barely mentions running anymore...why? No profit in it???? On to the next "make believe" job.

TLC stinks said...

The only reason she calls it organizating is because she gets to use her label maker. Period. I don't get why the towels are in the unfinished part of the basement. It would make sense to have them near the pool (maybe put up a temporary cabana each season). Oh well, I guess she needed to show that she does do laundry. LOL.

Anonymous said...

If you had a job Kate, yeah remember what that is? 9-5, 5 days a week whether your kids are sick or not and whether or not it makes enough money or not? You wouldn't have time to sit and Twitter about, take pictures of your little "house" projects all dang day long. That's something most people if they are lucky get to do on the weekend in between running their kids everywhere.

Okay, fine if you want to continue to live without a paycheck and the satisfaction you earn something I hope to heaven none of us see you on a talk show sobbing because you're broke.

Organizing towels and swimsuits. Is that really what her day has come to? I don't know about her but I would do go stir crazy from boredom.

TLC stinks said...

I wonder if Steve is going to take on "other" assignments now that TLC is no longer paying for his services and Kate isn't travelling as much?

Katie Cry-duh said...

She has some cheap-ass looking, thin thin thin pool towels.

Kate is twit said...

New blog at CC:

Kate’s Inexpensive Ideas for Summer Fun

If your summer routine is anything like at the Gosselin house, it goes a bit like this:

School is out and the kids scatter, they swim in the pool and have endless ideas to keep themselves occupied and happy. That lasts until about June 30 and then the cries of “I’m bored” and “There’s nothing to do” starts. I’ve come up with a secret list ahead of time of inexpensive fun things to do at home over the summer to get ahead of the “boredom!”

1. Swim in the pool if you have one. I have gotten creative and made up a diving scavenger hunt game. Each random item has a different point value assigned. I’ve picked up all kinds of items to dive for at the dollar store for just $5 total!

If you don’t have a pool, there are the affordable little wading pools and water slides that can still make water play a lot of fun. Just the other day, while at Lowes, Mady and Cara saw the little blue wading pools on a tall stack and asked me to buy some. I had to laugh because they obviously have fond memories of those little tiny swimming pools from years ago!

2. This may sound odd, but it saves my sanity every year! I always save my plastic eggs to reuse at Easter year after year. So, during the summer, I get them out and hide them, unfilled, for the kids to find. It absolutely thrills them and doesn’t cost me a cent!

3. I always have rolls of paper on hand. At my local newspaper, I can pick up the ends of the rolls which have quite a bit of paper left on them. I roll them out either outside or in the basement on a rainy day and let the kids go crazy with crayons and markers (if you’re brave enough!)

4. Make pudding pops! I buy waxed Dixie cups and popsicle sticks. I have my kids help make the pudding, then we pour it into the cups, add a popsicle stick and let them freeze. I usually ask my kids to go play outside until the pops freeze and then deliver them to my eight hot sweaty summer kids!

5. I pack a picnic lunch and spread a blanket in the shade many days during the summer. It’s so nice to feel “lazy” and enjoy the great outdoors. If you’re feeling especially stir crazy, take that same picnic lunch to your local park. Let the kids tire themselves out on the equipment, eat lunch and then hopefully they will fall asleep. This is one of my kids’ favorite summer memories!

6. Water gun battles! I always set up buckets of water throughout our yard and we split into teams and have a water battle. It usually gets really competitive here but it’s always fun!

7. My final idea that always always thrills everyone is “Ice cream for dinner.” This is a famous Gosselin tradition and it usually happens on a July or August day when it’s too hot to cook and the kids are bored. I call out, “How about we do our yearly ice cream for dinner tonight?” and the loud screams of delight times 8 unanimously answers my inquiry. The funny thing is, by the time we get home, they are usually hungry for “real dinner” so we end up eating again! ; )

Hope these really easy, inexpensive and fun ideas help you keep your sanity this summer!


K8 ~ Administrator said...

Mouse I'm not talking about California or Florida. I grew up not far from Kate, we had an inground, many people did. I know less people in CA with a pool than the northeast! It's not upper crust where I'm from either and no one ever bragged about. Regardless I think it's tacky to brag about it. Get a job. Please.

Kate is twit said...

"Let the kids tire themselves out on the equipment, eat lunch and then hopefully they will fall asleep."

The tups are 8 yrs. old and she still hopes they'll take naps?

"My final idea that always always thrills everyone is “Ice cream for dinner.” This is a famous Gosselin tradition"

Whoever is keeping the list of "traditions", make sure to add this one.

And of course, the first thing she mentions is the pool. But if you don't have one, get an affordable little wading pool or water slide.

"Mady and Cara saw the little blue wading pools on a tall stack and asked me to buy some"

This totally makes no sense-who would these pools be for?

Kate's Cart said...

Kate just loves to shove it in her shepple's faces that's she's basically a SAHM, all 12 of them. Lots of them are SAHMS also. Kate doesn't seem to have many followers that are working moms. She's home so many hours a day that she needs to fill them for the kids. To bad she's ruined their childhoods, they can't ride a bike around the neighborhood, go knock on a friends' door to come out and play. By July 4th the kids are sick of the pool. Same thing happened last May, it was pool pool pool, like she was the first to ever had one.

Westcoaster said...

Well, if Kate can talk about her major morning projects, today, after loading my dishwasher, I got around to framing the daughter's wedding pictures, and will soon get in some exercise before taking a shower. Good thing I don't have 90K followers waiting for me to tweet this.

I still think the pool is a major status symbol for Kate, and the fact that it is so obvious is the sad part. I remember how proud Jon was about the property, I think he really had plans to do things with the barn and the acreage. He probably envisioned athletic activities with his kids and ther friends. Also sad as it turned out. For Kate, it's a lockdown property, passport entry and The Pool. With no trips, no TLC, the kids will have each other and the pool all summer long. Hope I'm wrong, but that's how I see it.

And sure, we really have not much to chat about here, fine by me. For me, it's a quik drop in and break in my " organization" activities. And it's an amusing snark. If Kate would drop her stupid twitter and web nonsense, I would have plenty of other things to do. No menu today? Quiet on the coupon front?

A Mouse Today said...

Mouse I'm not talking about California or Florida. I grew up not far from Kate, we had an inground, many people did.


Yes, families did have in-grounds, myself included, but in her area in Lancaster County pools were not a dime a dozen. I knew quite a few of the kids in her area and in her school, and having a pool did make a kid popular. However, nobody bragged about it. For some reason, she thinks she's special because of it, even though pools are much more common now than when she was growing up.

Sport said...

Mrs. Malaprop -

Find a park or other location with multiple caches, and assign one to each. OR, give the GPS to the 10 yr old.

After doing a few you really develop a feel for where the hiding spot is as you approach the general area. I have taught my kids to look for trampled earth or grass (indicating others cachers have recently been here) and stuff like that.

I usually tell both of mine to stop a 100 yds before we get to the spot. "Now look at the area for a distinguishable landmark or somewhere YOU would hide something."

The hiding spot usually jumps out at you without even having to stare at your phone or GPS. My daughter has become more adept at this than her older brother and *SHE* is actually the typical finder in our hunts.

Any way you do it ENJOY! We really have a ton of fun with it and when out of the area or out of state we enjoy finding them. Found a great one on the Pier outside PacBell Park last summer (SF Giants Season Ticket holder) hanging from a rope about 30 feet under water!

A Mouse Today said...

Who gives a crap about folding some towels. Is this the best she can do to entertain her fans? Her life has become what she has feared most...MEDIOCRE...thats right Kate. this is worse than mediocre. This is downright pathetic. I'm convinced she has enough money to sustain her for quite a while.


What I find particularly amusing is the reaction of the sheeple, who fuss and compliment her on these mediocre projects. The "wow...what an awesome mom," "Kate, your kids love you for what you do for them," "You are a true inspirational mom," ad nauseam.

It seems that they will gush over whatever she does, even if it's putting organic whipped cream on a dish of pudding. I'm not sure if they do this because they know she expects it, or because they really believe that this is a monumental task that only she, as a mom of EIGHT, can handle with expert skill.

Either way, it's pathetic.

mamaK said...

Kat, that's the thing with Kate. There are so many mixed signals. Is she an amazing super organized mother who bakes two cakes and buys 50 lbs of flour while cooking organically? Or is she a fame driven, absentee mom, who just spends her life twittering? Is she broke or solvent?

I think Kate's biggest problem is the branding that TLC came up with. Normal mom, 8 kids, struggling and striving daily to make ends meet and celebrate the everyday. It worked well for them in the beginning when they were really like that. It helped draw in the moms with one or two kids who could say, well I don't have it that hard!
Those fans, however, are not going to stay for Kate the own a huge house, have lots of "servants", drive expensive cars, go to private school, and not have to work. This is why so many people are now sick of her. She is left with a few die hard fans who believe that Kate's current life is exactly how it was on the show and still buy into the struggling mom image.
She has to continue her "episodes" of struggle cuz if she came clean about what her life was really like the fans she has left would not be able to relate to her and those who know the truth would have no controversy to give attention to.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Maybe it's just me but, when I think of organizing I think of switching things around, finding a permanent place to keep like things together, etc. At our house during the summer beach towels & swimsuits are constantly rotating between being worn, drying out on the deck, being washed, and being put away for a short while until they're used again. No need to organize them. I think "organized" is just another one of her grandiose words that really means "washed then folded." Yawn!!!!

mamaK said...

Kate Cry-duh,
The two on the top shelf look fluffy. I wonder if those are Kate's?

aggiemom09121416 said...

What happened to her organic garden? (oops, now she's going to tweet that her seedlings are ready to be planted outside.)

KAT said...

It's funny...everyone is waiting for Kate to break down and get a real job. If she did that, it would kill her because in her twisted mind that would mean she's not a celebrity any more. She feels that she is above that. No matter how many failures she has...she still believes she is too good to go back to 9 to 5. In fact I'm betting she won't even let the thought enter her mind. She's got a lot of life left...the question is how long will she wait for that dream job before reality hits her and realizes this is over? Is she even capable of realizing that?

Westcoaster said...

Oh oops, spoke too soon about coupons. However, nothing in that drecky column speaks to actual coupons, does it?

Oh not at all, Kate's money saving tip for summer is swim in your pool! Your pool!
I have a pool! Oh, if you poor fools don't have a POOL, fine go buy cheap waing pools and pretend you're the Gosselins.

Seriously. Meanwhile the real mommy bloggers are probably talking about discount coupons to amusement parks, free days at the local museums, sign-ups for summer sport leagues, park and rec programs that may still exist in spite of budget cuts. Real mommy bloggers are making play group plans for day trips together in groups (hear that Kate, moms are friends and do things together).

Nope, Coupon Cabin has hired this faux mom to blather about Her Pool. I imagine she has quite the following at CC by now, not.

Dmasy said...

Kate is a Twit -- thank you for the CC article.

Nothing is wrong with any of her mundane suggestions. But any normal mom has been-there-done-that dozens of times over. Nothing new or amazing.

It is just embarrassing that she thinks those ideas are CLEVER.

overthehill said...

kate gosselin must be the most boring person on gods earth

Paula said...

Ok, seriously, Kate - your CC "suggestions" are hardly earth-shattering. These are all items mothers everywhere already know. How long did it take you to google these ideas? Sheesh - at least try and make an effort.

KAT said...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....sorry...fell asleep watching Kates life...

Resident said...

It's funny...everyone is waiting for Kate to break down and get a real job. If she did that, it would kill her because in her twisted mind that would mean she's not a celebrity any more.


Oh my goodness Kate could NEVER get a mediocre job around here. It would cause a PANIC!!!!!!

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 21
The only reason she calls it organizating is because she gets to use her label maker. Period.
I totally agree. Kate + label maker = manic codifying throughout the house...worse than post it notes. Those poor kids.

Once a Viewer said...

'Swim in the pool if you have one' Oh, really? Good idea. If I had a pool I would never have thought to swim in it...

Hopes the kids fall asleep in the afternoon? They are 8 and almost 12? 3 or 4 hour naps, perhaps, good memories, or a tradition of the Gosselins? Like ice cream for dinner annually?

What?? They find toddler wading pools and empty plastic egg hunts fun? Um, Kate, either you are lying or your kids are, well, easily amused.

How about having friends over, summer sports,
camps, hikes, local activities, museums, water parks, library/programs etc So much more than mentioned here- she does not want to leave the premises due to dreaded mob scene?

AuntieAnn said...

gotyournumberKate & JudyK -- I laughed when Aubrey was insulted because Donald called her transparent. It makes me wonder if one narcissist can spot another narcissist. If Aubrey and Kate were on the same team would they bond or scratch each others eye's out?

As for Sister Wives I think Janelle (?) is the financial wiz in that bunch so I'm inclined to believe they negotiated for a lot of $$$ with O'Neill and the rest of those bloodsuckers at TLC.
When Kody said he found properties in a 'gated' area the word cult immediately sprang to mind. And that gun he got for Christmas makes me wonder what he would need THAT for. The selfish bunch of parents should all have their asses kicked for doing this to their kids. You can see the tension there and having cameras on them doesn't help. They're teens and preteens,they don't need that crap in their lives on top of all those mothers and a father who acts like a horny teenager himself.

Gift of grab said...

Well, it certainly doesn't sound like a BHI trip is on the Gosselin agenda for the summer. Only "Marathon Momma" can afford to travel, I guess. With Steve.

And that ridiculous shelf unit with the towels and suits? WHY would there need to be like SIX labels on that thing? Was anyone able to read them? Did they read, like, "Pink towels--GIRLS" and "Blue towels--BOYS"? I'm sorry, that is just completely . . . insane.

overthehill said...

how can she make such a big del out of taking kids for an ice-cream ANNUALY
am i missing something here

Dmasy said...

Talked to my 40ish son today. I asked him what he remembered doing for summer fun at home. He instantly responded, "Mom, don't you remember the Make-It-Days"? He raved about the memory and the fun.

(Son was an only child. We had lots of friends and neighbors in our home.)

I kept a plastic container of basics -- tape, glue, string, yarn, fake fur, popsicle sticks, cute boxes, markers, poster paint -- you get the idea.

When we had a group, I would announce Make-It-Day! Kids could use the craft box. But, mostly they had to find materials in our large back yard or sometimes from a park we visited.

Make a -- birdhouse, picture frame, car for Spiderman, big foot habitat... The BEST contest was to make a pair of sandals. I still have the photo of all those boy's feet in shoes with leaves and tree bark!

Maybe I should send this idea to Kate. She would love the mess!!

aggiemom09121416 said...

So Kate's new CC blog says use your pool this summer?
Wanna know what I think? I think HELL YEA!
It's about dang time those kids get to sleep in, laze around the house, watch tv, play games, play in the pool...(sure damn better than shlepping around NYC in a heat wave).

Those kids DESERVE a mediocre, normal (non-working)childhood. I say good for them.

(It sucks for Kate though, since she is going to have one heck of a nanny tab, lol).
She gets to enjoy all eight kids ALL SUMMER!
As my kids like to say, 'it sucks to suck".

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate's not so great tweet: My top of the morning project.. Organizing swim suits and towels inside near the pool! Oh how I love organization! :) about 6 hours ago


She calls that a project?


She must be exhausted...

I wonder if she bit the bullet, and invited her mother & sisters over for Mother's Day?

Anyway, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Pink :o)

Hot Fun In The Summertime said...

1. Swim in the pool if you have one.

Good sentence. IF YOU HAVE ONE. Too funny! If not, dig a hole in the back yard and wait for a week of rain to fill it up, or splash around in the gutters. Why not say, "swim in your pool, or get a discount family membership at the community pool." Wouldn't that make more sense?

Every one of her suggestions is something that nearly every mom has tried. What about suggesting an affordable summer camp, or free summer rec programs or day camps or science camps? Just because she's never done this with the kids doesn't mean that it's not available. Kids love those kinds of programs.

earth child said...

Steve as a ".. constant" --- remember the RV trip when Aaden said Steve was a servant. I wonder who told him that?

Dmasy said...

My post, 45 -- BigFoot habitat as in Sasquatch. Also, once they made "Toad Abodes" -- little damp homes for the tiny toads that hopped all over in the grass. Another winner was make an Indian headdress.

I am smiling from the memories.

Prize was usually FIRST choice from the random ice cream treats in the freezer.

Anonymous said...

What, no summer trips to local amusement parks, no trip to Bald Head Island tradition, no trip to Florida for tea? I guess without TLC we really see what Kate's plans are.

Hot Fun In The Summertime said...

Kate and her pool...

Does she realize how much she brags about it? She must see the comments about this darn pool and how ridiculous she sounds tweeting about it constantly. For a narcissist, is this something that can't be helped, can they see what they are doing and just don't care, or do they do it on purpose just to be annoying, knowing it will generate comments, however negative they might be?

Dmasy said...

Hot Fun in the Summertime, 52 -- "...If not, dig a hole in the back yard and wait for a week of rain to fill it up, or splash around in the gutters."

My turn to spit a beverage all over the keyboard! (Adult beverage.) That was hilarious.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Way to go, Kate!
Another sh*tty Coupon Cabin entry.

PLEASE write something useful.

Ha, ha Coupon Cabin.
Joke's on you.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Great idea, thanks! I just drove my 14 year old home from school, and I was telling him what you said about standing back and observing. Then he said, "Did you tell him about the one I found?!?" lol So, here goes: On our last hunt yesterday we were in a cemetery, and the clue was "It's beside a pine." Well, the cemetery was small, but there were about six pines spread around it. We could NOT figure out where it was. It couldn't be on the ground, and none of the trees had hollow places. We were giving up and heading to the car when my son found it. He looked at the hedge row that borders the cemetery, and he noticed a log on the ground with a hole in the top. A stick was sticking out of the hole, and that looked odd to him. Sure enough, there was the cache. It was an itty-bitty zipper type plastic bag. It said "temporary cache" on it. The permanent one is supposed to be a film canister. I was amazed that he found it!
I told him about the one you found that was underwater - that's so cool!

AuntieAnn said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 49 She calls that a project?


She must be exhausted...

I throw a load of towels in once a day. I'm thinking of getting a twitter account just so you guys can see a pic of my linen closet. How exciting is THAT?!!!!

Nah. Didn't think so.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Once a Viewer said... 45

'Swim in the pool if you have one' Oh, really? Good idea. If I had a pool I would never have thought to swim in it...


I know. I don't have a pool, and I keep diving into the ground. It's very embarrassing. (Kate the genius comes up with another blog winner!)

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Dmasy - now I have another idea for summer time fun! My daughter would LOVE this idea. What a great memory for your son.

I love how the ice cream for dinner tradition usually ends with them having dinner. Say what? So really, it's an eat ice cream before dinner tradition. Whatevah Kate!

Layla said...


Exactly! People come up with these huge estimates of how much money she has in the bank, but if you look at how she's spending, it doesn't match up. She is starting to economize, and settle for mediocrity, and there's no way she'd do that if she didn't have to. She'll make the kids settle, but not herself. She'd pay off the house to make sure that it's "mine, all mine" forever. She'd buy herself (not the kids) the bet of everything, and never deprive herself of those vacations she loves so much.

Regarding the CC post--she says the kids get bored with the pool by June 30, and then her first suggestion is to have them swim in the pool. Huh? They're already bored with the pool! And then having them hunt for empty Easter eggs. Sorry, but what kid wants to do that? There's nothing in them, no payoff for their hard work. They might have fun for a few minutes, but then they'll lose interest and wander off and Mom is stuck searching for all the remaining eggs. No, thanks! And the water gun battles, drawing pictures, and picnics at the park--well, duh! Can she possibly think these are in any way original ideas? I'm starting to feel sorry for Coupon Cabin. They must be really desperate for site hits if they publish that kind of crap.

Kate's Cart said...

Kate cc blog - 1 comment today - who can spell t-o-a-s-t?

Westcoaster said...

Oh for real, how about a twitter account so I can show you how my plates are stacked in the cupboard.

" Swim in your pool if you have one. ". You PAY for this Coupon Cabin? Entited, narcissistic bullshit. Hey sheeple, look out your window - if you see a pool, follw Kate's advice and swim in it.

As for real ideas, I forgot that most public libraries have summer reading programs that not only sign up kids for reading incentives, but offer once a week entertainment, like magicians, story tellers, etc. Cost: 0.

And Katie, you forgot Vacation Bible School - nominal costs, and you could probably enroll in more than one. 5 days of church day camp, not working for you?
Oh right, you have a POOL.

Layla said...

Water gun battles! I always set up buckets of water throughout our yard and we split into teams and have a water battle. It usually gets really competitive here but it’s always fun!

She's kidding, right? How many times did we hear her screeching at people that she doesn't want to get wet? And she expects people to believe that she takes part in water gun batles? Oh, that's rich!

Moose Mania said...

@Kateplusmy8 would you come and organize my life please????? You are so great at it!!! :-)

This must be a joke, right? Nobody could come up with anything this crazy, not even the most stupid sheeple in the barnyard.

Auntie Ann said, I'm thinking of getting a twitter account just so you guys can see a pic of my linen closet. How exciting is THAT?!!!!


I'll put my utility closet up against your linen closet and raise you my master bathroom closet!

readerlady said...

Sport -- Question for you on the geocaching/school navigation project. What about kids who don't have bikes, or can't ride a bike or who are physically unable to do that amount of strenuous activity (kids with medical problems, I mean, not ones who are just couch potatoes)? Do you have ways of adapting the activity to accomodate their needs? I ask because I'm going to be working with a group of kids this summer who would probably love to do something like this,but most of them have fairly serious physical limitations (need for crutches/braces or wheelchairs, etc.).

That CC blog is lame, as many of you have already pointed out. Sounds like the kids are destined to be imprisoned at the compound for most of the summer. No mention at all of interactions with other kids/outside activities, etc. Hey KK -- What about church camp, esp. for the twins? The local libraries usually have free summer programs for kids. The YMCAs usually have summer daycamp or other activities that are free or very inexpensive. Invite a group of the kids' classmates over for a pool party/bike ride/skate on the driveway day with a simple picnic lunch. Arrange playdates at friends' houses once a week. Join a soccer/soft-ball/little ague/bowling team. Have a book reading contest and the kid who reads the most books for the summer gets to plan a fun day/dinner for the family. You're pathetic.

Spring Has Sprung said...

When she tweets what she did this morning, including posting a picture of it, doesn't she realize how mediocre this sounds, not to mention ridiculous? Moreover, if the sheep had any common sense and ability to think for themselves, wouldn't they realize it, too? Even if they continue to praise her because it is their "duty" as a member of the dwindling flock, wouldn't they be thinking that something just might be a bit "off" with her, even if they didn't want to admit it? I guess we'll never be able to figure out sheeple logic, or lack of it.

Moose Mania said...

" Swim in your pool if you have one. ". You PAY for this Coupon Cabin? Entited, narcissistic bullshit. Hey sheeple, look out your window - if you see a pool, follw Kate's advice and swim in it.


Or just become really good friends with your neighbor who has one, even if you can't stand him/her. Send your kids over there each day. Be a real sport and offer to chip in a buck or so for pool chemicals.

Or wait until your neighbor with the pool goes on vacation and then jump the fence. Nothing like neighborhood pool crashing.

PatK said...

I LOVE those coupon savings tips in her new CC blog post! You rock, Kate!!!!!!!!!

Dmasy said...

I haven't seen the shelf of towels and suit photo. I can imagine from your comments.

Just a thought -- her "organizing" is just one more responsibility for her children. Now, they MUST return pool stuff to the labeled positions. Seems rigid to me.

Wouldn't some hooks and a laundry hamper and an shelf without designations be better for some young kids?

Neat but not nut-city.

Dmasy said...

I know all you lovely ladies could come into my home and make really great suggestions.

There are many areas that could use improvement. Not all of my ideas are the best ones.

My landscaping is beautiful, but could still benefit from the eyes of someone else..

I am not really qualified to criticize Kate the way I do.

It is just that she puts herself OUT there -- all pious and proper and professional and perfect!! And, she isn't. She is delusional.

AuntieAnn -- we are just waiting for your linen closet photo!

barbee said...

It looks like the same lame person that baked the 'famous birthday cake' folded the beach towels. GRRRRRREAT job! And who the hell would think they had to label a stack of towels? If I put a shelf unit out and told my three (yeah, count 'em, ONLY 3) kids...towels go here and swimsuits go in the baskets, they would remember that without fancy labels.

Permanent Name said...

Well, keeriste! We should all take photos of the same things in our homes that she does and flood her twitter with them. She may block us all but wouldn't that be a hoot? Nah, not really.

kart does towels, we do towels, and raise her 1 set of sheets. We could throw some food slop on a plate take take a picture of it using low light and no flash, then brag, brag, brag....

Like a kart-brag poker game.....

What a loser she is.

I don't know why those crafty hackers that hack into banks and the military don't hack her twitter and "website" all to pieces. Sure, it would be a piece of cake for them, but it would a moment of hilarity to me.

How much longer will this go on????????

Kate is a twit said...

The two towels on the top shelf are labeled "Adult Towels"-all the rest of the towels are labeled "Kid Towels".

So she only has 2 towels for adults? Kind of tells you how many friends she has that come over to swim. ~ Administrator said...

What's her next tip, if you have a house, live in it? If not you can pick up at Target a tent to pitch.

N.E. Psychologist said...

Sorry this is a bit late.

I got an interesting "Mother's Day" card: "Congratulations to the Graduate." 103

Warmth that's great! When I was finishing my doctorate (that's a Ph.D., sheeple) I found a card that I saved for a year until my hooding ceremony.

It said, "Behind every great woman, there is another great woman. Thanks Mom."

She knew I meant so much more.
My Dad had passed years earlier). I miss them both terribly, every day.

gotyournumberKate said...

I will never cease to be amazed at the lack of effort Kate puts into anything she does. If I were in her position where I could tweet a photo of an accomplishment of mine to 90k followers I would make damn sure it was exceptional. If I didn't have an ounce of creativity or skill like Kate, I would research and research until I found a way to make it great. I wouldn't post anything less than a photo that would get oohs and awes. Not Kate, she just slaps it together, takes a photo, and tweets away expecting people to fall all over her for it. I guess the sad part is some people actually do praise and rave about these mediocre creations. God, the towels weren't even folded uniformly. Who in heavens name taught Kate to be so out of touch with reality and delusional? Who taught her that she could create exceptional things without putting any effort whatsoever into them? Who taught (or didn't) this bitch to be so stupid?

N.E. Psychologist said...

Yep, still reading - you guys are hilarious.

KAT said...

I think I'll get a twitter acount and post pictures of my grass growing in my backyard. Just as boring and stupid as her towels. You think my fans will fall over themseleves in amazement. I mean lets face doesn't take much to get Kates fans wetting their pants over every little move she makes. Maybe she should document how she wipes her ass. I bet her sheeple would find even THAT an accomplishment. WHAT STUPID ASSES...

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate wants those kids isolated. She doesn't want camp, scouts, play dates to interfere with her "control" of the 8. She is delusional about her/their importance in the showbiz industry. All this junk stuff about organization is just that, "junk." Too bad they can't go to summer school. At least it would get them away from the compound for a bit.

Our beach towels are hanging in an old beach bag and they look really tidy hanging in the bag on the hook. Roll them up, they all fit. Gee whiz, I thought it up all by myself!

Sport said...

Sorry to be OT on the Geocache topic...

Mrs. Malaprop tell him 'high 5' from me! Awesome.

When you look at a cache in your area (on the website or phone app) each cache is rated for 'difficulty' and 'terrain.'

Difficulty obviously is how hard to find.
TERRAIN on the other hand refers to if you need to hike to one, cross a river, etc. There are MANY that you can drive right up to and walk less than 20 feet to find. I even found one without getting out of my car! Rolled window down and stuck my hand in something that looked out of place - BAM. Stick to a 1-2 star difficulty and you should find that wheelchairs, crutches, etc would work fine! I bet they would LOVE it!

Best one I ever found was on the grounds of West Point Military Academy. Was working for a Colonel at the time (programming some stuff for Special Forces units) and we found this one buried by the Army football stadium. It was a bunch of green army men and a BEAT ARMY bumper sticker - placed there by a bunch of NAVY CADETS! There were some very funny comments in it.

I hope you ladies have as much fun with it as we do. We are getting close to hiding our first ever one this summer!

silimom said...

I don't know about any of you, but when we had a pool (just one of those easy set pools with the inflatable ring at the top), the kids just put their suits on in the house, grabbed a towel and headed into the pool. Afterwards, they ran to the bathroom, changed, and then the wet suits and towels were hung over the patio chairs or on the hooks I had put on the fence to dry. I usually would grab them and put them in the dryer for a quick fluff before they went in the pool the next day. I washed everything about every two days.

Kate always makes more work for herself than she needs to. That's not being efficient. That's just busywork and being a martyr, in my opinion.

Oh, if anyone's interested, I got up, got lunches made and dressed and kids out the door for school. Showered, dressed and did some errands and then had leftover bbq, beans and a corn muffin from Armadillow Willy's for lunch along with a glass of Pepsi Next. In a few minutes I'll be picking up my 8 year old from school. Then I will be planting beans today in my garden, helping with homework, getting kids to help with chores and then letting them play on the computer or watch tv for a while, folding some laundry, washing down the patio table outside, airing out the chair cushions from the shed, planning our next girl scout meeting and special ed committee board meeting, sending some emails, making dinner (probably baked chicken with lemon pepper, macaroni and cheese, and cut up strawberries along with some raw carrots & celery and salad greens because that's what the kids like to eat, veggie wise, and hey, as long as they get some veggies inside them, that's what counts.), then playing a game with the kids or going for a walk before bed. Then, I may try and mop my floor if I feel like it and do my PT exercises for my hip and low back. I'll probably watch some Big Bang Theory with my teen and then head to bed myself.

I know you were all waiting with baited breath to find out what my plans were today! Love you all! Have a great day!

anger issues kate said...

Well, Kate so you folded a few towels, and swimsuites. Yeah? so? you want a metal? That's a DUH!

As for the CC blog, another useless blog. I guess not useless to the young moms out there, who are really tryin to be stupid or can't figure out what to do with your own kids. Hey, maybe day camp, library, local events, the park, water parks, amusement parks, zoo etc. I can think of a thousand things to do with kids, and I don't even have any.

As for doing the mediocre stuff, I just cut my front lawn, and bush wacked my front bushes, and cut the bushes in my yard, including the blue spruce(got a trim). In a bit I'm off to get the trash out, (garbage guys come tomorrow), and then eat some dinner, take a shower and continue to read windows 7,and maybe check in later. Tomorrow, I'm getting up early and out in the yard to start potting my beddings, they are in the garage, cause it's suppose to rain in the afternoon. And sometime hopefully this week, I might even get the garage cleaned out. I'm not holding my breath to that.

The pool is the G8's summer vacation, trip and play place, amusement park, museum, park, library, day camp, local events,etc, get what I'm saying. Kate has spoken on CC, on what the G8 are going to be doing all summer long. Poor kids. One boring summer. Cause, we all know Kate will not be taking them anywhere, except shopping. If even she will do that, and probably only with the twins. The others are too much for Kate to handle. Geez, I don't know how Jon does it, his 8 and his GF 3, 11 kids, and 2 adults, no other help. Mind you Jon GF kids are younger, then the G8, and Kate can't handle 8 by herself, Jon did, lots of times without a GF. What's Kates problem?

silimom said...

Hey, is there a way to post a picture on the blog? I'll show off my garden. It's little and a work in progress, but I'm proud of it and would love suggestions. :-)

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Our church camp issues scholarships/free fees for any kid who wants to attend camp. We also have a free Bible school sometime in the summer. Kate is lazy and cheap when it comes to things that benefit the kids. Actions speak louder than words. Keeping the kids at the compound all summer speaks volumes. Mediocre, really.

Dmasy said...

Sport -- don't apologize. I am enjoying learning about a different hobby. Didn't know a thing about geocaching. I am not even sure how you pronounce the word.

You guys are funny. The reports of your days are full and somewhat interesting. Kate should take notes. She could copy and pretend.

wayward said... (Administrator) said... 75
What's her next tip, if you have a house, live in it? If not you can pick up at Target a tent to pitch.
Lol Admin ;)

Future Topics for Kate's Hopelessly Lame Coupon Cabin Blog

If you have a dining room table,you can sit at it and eat your dinner

If you have a television, turn it on and watch it

If you have a bed, sleep in it.

If you have a bathtub, fill it with water and bathe in it, do the same with a shower. If you have a shower, turn it on and stand under it.

If you have a machine installed under your kitchen countertop that has racks for dishes in it, put your dirty dishes in it and turn it on. It washes them.

If you have a large square-ish thing that gets very hot, I think you can use it to bake things. I wouldn't know, I haven't used mine yet.

If you put food and drinks in the big cold thingy, it will keep your food from going bad and your Franzia,,,, I mean drinks cold.

If you have a small wireless phone, turn it on and you can talk to people on it.

If you have three cars, pick which one best fits what type of errand you're running. Oh wait.......

franky said...

my dd so excited about geocacher tried to bail after a flutter a twittering textx. N O T gonna KNOW she and her friends will love we are ALL going..lmao.

Khate? Try getting involved in your kid's life...they actually like do their friendd=)

Westcoaster said...

I agree with whoever said that Kate wants to keep the kids isolated, it's part of the control and adore ME thing in her twisted head. And she is also truly afraid of being out and about by herself with her kids, other than those trips to the dr., and perhaps church, tho who knows if she goes. All she can handle are Target trips with the twins. She cannot even walk herself through an airport. Nannies and Steve, her crutces.

Looks like that morning project, and the effort twitting about it, has made her, as I said earlier, exhaustedish for the rest of the day.

Hey Coupon Cabin, maybe you would like put up a second post, with OUR ideas, the ones that do not start with, "if you have a pool . . ."

KAT said...

Could you imagine if we documented our daily life on twitter. the every day hum drum bullshit that we all have to do. I'm telling you, if she doesn't spice it up...she's gonna lose the rest of her 6 fans....We love to read her crap because its too ridiculous to be taken seriously. She's such a target....

Amy2 said...

Do you all think that Kate is just playing with us? She posts something stupid (e.g. the towels) and we all (me included) discuss it. Personally, I think she's just playing because nobody can be that stupid to post that an important element of her day is folding towels.

Being a stay at home Mom somewhere in a Mom's day there has to be adult interaction or stimulation (e.g. reading a book or newspaper, talking with another adult). When my kids were younger I looked forward to talking with another adult. Otherwise I found my vocabulary becoming baby-ish. (P.S. I worked a full-time job raising my two daughters.)

On the other hand if folding towels really is the highlight of her day...Lord Love a Duck.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Dmasy -
geocaching = "geo cashing"
Try it - you'll like it! : )

NT said...

She comes up with the dumbest traditions. Ice cream for dinner!! When did that become a tradition? Oh that was probably during her tradition of going to NC every summer on TLC's dime. Funny how that tradition only started when her producers thought of it.

silimom said...

I have to say, I for one don't think it's all that bad that the kids aren't necessarily going anywhere this summer. I don't think trips are required every year and heaven knows, the Gosselin kids have done more traveling than most people do in a lifetime. Frankly, I think a lazy summer hanging out in their pool, making pudding pops, eating picnics on their property or a local park, having ice cream for dinner, and all the rest sounds just fine. Of course, who knows if Kate will follow through with it or not, but I hope she or the "not a nanny" does.

I'm just not a big believer in over-scheduling your kids. I think kids need time to be bored. That's how they learn to be creative. Your bored and mom won't let you go on the computer or tv? Hmmm...that's too bad. Go outside and get into some mischief then. Oh, here's the video camera. Go make a recording of the cat and guinea pig. Hmmm, you could do some cooking or some science experiments. Take those extra branches that Dad trimmed off the tree and make a fort.

I may be old fashioned, but I want my kids to have the kind of childhood I did, and that's already next to impossible because of the wealth of technology we have at our disposal today.

Ex Nurse said...

Why are people saying that Kate took $100,000 of equity out of her house? In January 2012, she refinanced her mortgage, LOWERING it from $720,000 to $662,000. This means that she INCREASED her equity by $58,000. 

It is possible that she took out a second mortgage or equity line, but as far as I know, there is no public record of that. Even though it appears that she has no steady income stream, she qualified for the refinance, based on a recent appraisal on her property. So, she definitely has the assets to satisfy the banks--otherwise she wouldn't qualify. And the mortgage must have been based on a recent appraisal, so she can't be under water (mortgage higher than appraised value). Her estimated mortgage payment is $3100/month and her property taxes are around $1750/month, making her total monthly payments $4850/month--totaling $58,200/year. The banks are extremely conservative nowadays, so she has to have solid assets/income to qualify. This is the most convincing evidence I have that she is probably quite wealthy. 

There are many reasons that people carry mortgages even if they could pay it off in full. s for her oversized clothing for the boys, skimpy gifts, 50 lb bags of flour is what she thinks a thrifty person would do.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Oh my gosh, Kate, you are really overworked. A "morning project" to fold towels and swimsuits? I'll bet she'll be exhausted and checking out by 7:00 tonight.

Silimom, I did the same exact thing with my daugher, her friends, and now my grandkids. They changed in the house, wet towels and suits were hung over the deck railing, fluffed up in the dryer for the next day. However I had extra work Kate probably didn't have: I had to mop the hardwood floor in the hallway from the water that dripped from wet suits. And I survived to do the same thing every summer day the pool or sprinkler was used.

Gift of grab said...

I'm sorry: Adult towels vs. kid towels? Really? Even her pool towels are segregated? Who DOES this? I think she'll be going right off the deep end soon, literally and figuratively.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I would have posted this earlier but just came to after banging my head against the wall.

segovia girl ‏ @jasrjs1228
@Kateplusmy8 That's a good idea. So u just write labels and stick regular tape over it? Does it stay on pretty well?

KateIsBlind said...

Isn't this the first summer where she doesn't have TLC planning it for her? She wants the kids to fall asleep? Summer goes by so very fast and I want my kids to enjoy all they can. They can get a good sleep, at night. Hear that, Kate... at NIGHT!!

I'm not buying the crayon/marker bit either. Kate, you're not "brave enough". She puts ideas on her blog that she wants us to believe that she does. We know better.

Maggie said...

Permanent Name said: kart does towels, we do towels, and raise her 1 set of sheets.
After a long crummy day, I found that statement so funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Jumping in said...

When someone invites you to attend a function, and this was an INVITATION to spend time with Kate on this cruise, you follow through on that invitation no matter
how many booked.

I remain appalled, absolutely gobsmacked, that this woman is not taking her own cruise because not enough people signed up. Any reason/excuse would have been better than that. Then, adding insult to injury, she offers to throw them a lunch in the very city her cruise is embarking. Canceling the cruise is one thing, she had every right to use her escape clause, but using HER non-refundable ticket to Ft. Lauderdale screams just how selfish she is! She'll make sure she gets her "away" time as she waves off the people she was supposed to host! "Have fun on my cruise....sorry"

Simply put, she should have gone on that cruise, made the necessary adjustments to the itinerary and sucked it up even if she had to pay something for her cabin. She could have left the kids out of equation sighting the small numbers, and just gone herself, (along with Steve of course).

I know I am on a rant, but after years in the business, I know how easy it would have been for her to adjust things to accommodate her fans. If I were a fan, I would tell her to stick the lunch where the sun doesn't shine. This is their cruise now, Kate pulled out, it has nothing to do with her, and they should be smart enough to see they have been stiffed by this horrible, self-centered woman.

Wowser said...

I can see the summer playing out in my head...."mommy? After I clean out the chicken house and get the eggs out from under the chickens' ass, can I spend 6 hours looking for all the colored plastic eggs that you pulled out of yours?". ..."Not right now kids, mommy's working on her tan because I am exhausted from folding 8, yes count them, 8 towels that you all used so now I have to float around on my big melons in the pool...oh and when I'm done, Collin is going to paint my toenails for a craft project and Mady and Cara are going to make you all lunch to work on a Gosselin cooking merit badge because the can't join girls outs cuz it would cause a panic if the attended with the mediocre kids...and then after you all get tired after dinner, you can all have pudding pops and watch more old episodes of mommy while mommy sucks on her box of wine and talks to her multiple personalit friends and tells them all how famous she is....and guess what?!?! The fun part is, we can all di it again tomorrow!!!"

Dmasy said...

Amy2, 93 -- She might be playing with us.

Right now, I don't care. I have read so many funny sentences here today that my pleasure factor is completely full. I have really laughed! Kate just might be doing us a favor by being so dense.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Amy2, I agree partly with what you said that Kate will engage anyone just to try to keep herself relevant, even if that means engaging the non-fans.

However, I also do think she is that dumb to believe that what she does is important and everyone wants to know about it. As we all know, she is that self-centered to think that what she does is better and more amazing than how anyone else does it.

Plus, she has her sheeple who agree with her. She has to keep then updated with her fabulous ideas that no one would think of if it wasn't for her.

Wowser said...

Sorry..if you type too fast on an iPad it skips some of the letters

Kate's Cart said...

I am so jealous of you ladies that can run around like crazy getting your chores done. I've got one bad knee, two bad hips, spinal stenosis-which leads to numish feet. I've just about given up heading to the cellar to do laundry. I look at my my pathetic front garden and dream until I can get my legs back. And I am not old - barely 50. I used to be able to go like crazy inside and outside. Mail order is my new best friend LOL. I used to do a veggie garden, if I'm lucky it will be a few big pots on the deck again this year. Husband has had a job 80 miles from home so only gets home on weekends. So weekends haven't been all about chores - he's been great doing his laundry on Friday night when he gets home and ready to head off for the week on Monday morning. Daughter gets married in under a month - she wants us both to walk her down the isle. I'll have to wait until that day so see how bad I'm walking - I don't want to ruin pictures. I refuse to use a cane or walker. I am glad I've done so much more with my kids than Kate can ever dream of even in our mediocre life. (Trips paid for by TLC will never be remembered by the kids). We actually had and continue to have fun. I hope the Gosselin kids at least get out of the orphanage a few times this summer, not including their fun times with Jon. Kate has no conception of how to interact with even her own kids. To top it off - I've got an 87 year old father with congestive heart failure in the hospital for 3 weeks going on 4. His spirits are good and plans to be at his granddaughter's wedding. And Kate's big day consisted of 10 minutes of placing bathing suits in little bins. Oh what a full life she leads. NOT

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

franky said... 90
my dd so excited about geocacher tried to bail after a flutter a twittering textx. N O T gonna KNOW she and her friends will love we are ALL going..lmao.

Frankie, I tried, really I did, but...HUH?

Sport said...

"Keeping kids busy all summer can be tough! Check out my @CouponCabin blog"
Hmm, if your kids have friends it's not tough at all. Especially if you have a pool. What is the big deal? I just tell mine to be home for dinner, and depending on what I am making I am even flexible about that if something better comes up for them.

Also, why does The Shrew™ do something ONE TIME and then its some stupid 'tradition.' My opinion is that her vocabulary is so damn limited she doesnt know how to make things sound fun other than to say its a tradition. She also still thinks that people are buying into her "Im a great mother" bullshit act.

If we were to believe her drivel their entire lives would be scripted following all those 'traditions' the SuperFamily™ has in place. There would actually be no time to just live your life if you had that many traditions.

My tradition?
Be a good, caring parent, involve my kids in everything and treat them as equals. Love them unconditionally and support them in any way I can. Oh yeah, and dont post their pictures on the internet and share every bowel movement with you people.

Westcoaster said...

She could be playing with us, but then again, who looks the fool? And the amusement factor is priceless. So twat away Kate, twat away.

Midnight Madness said...

@EmeraldCityJazz @kateplusmy8 I don't think you understand what comes with having kids, and a single parent. Kate is an amazing women!

What comes with having kids? Blessings that will never be understood by a mother who thinks that the only way for children to love her is to give them material possessions...things that THEY earned when they were exploited, had their privacy compromised, and their childhoods taken away.

What comes with having kids? Memories of their childhood, family times, special moments, and more love than we deserve. I remember when my youngest was born, my sister wrote on the card:

"A rose can say "I love you",
orchids can enthrall,
but a weed bouquet in a chubby fist,
yes, that says it all."

That's what comes with having kids, and yes, we do understand it, thank the good Lord for it, and appreciate it.

wayward said...

Ex Nurse said... 97
Why are people saying that Kate took $100,000 of equity out of her house? In January 2012, she refinanced her mortgage, LOWERING it from $720,000 to $662,000. This means that she INCREASED her equity by $58,000.

Nurse, someone did the math when the refi was first reported and it was spot on.

The original mortgage was a 10 yr. mortgage so the payments were riduculously high, something like $8k a month even before the taxes were worked in. However, those high payments really paid the note down quickly. She paid roughly 300,000 and change over 3 years. With that in mind, it worked out that she pulled 100k out when she refi'd this past January.

This crude assesment doesn't come close exact numbers, it's just that I have seen other posters question how Kate could have pulled the 100k out. It seemed like they were forgetting to take into consideration that she had been making huge payments for three years already.

eliza said...

Future Topics for Kate's Hopelessly Lame Coupon Cabin Blog

OMG....I don't comment much but this was the funniest thing I have read!!!

Kate is a twit said...

"I’ve come up with a secret list ahead of time of inexpensive fun things to do at home over the summer to get ahead of the “boredom!”

So this is a "secret" list? Secret to whom? The kids? So when they're bored, she can yell "surprise! look what I have planned for you!"

I can just imagine the kids jumping up and down with joy--NOT!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Kate's Cart, Im so sorry for all of the medical problems you're having; the limited mobility must be very difficult to adjust to.

Please do not take this the wrong way because I sincerly mean it with the best of intention. Please reconsider your refusal to use a cane or walker. Not only would it help your mobility, but I don't believe your daughter would think that her wedding pictures were ruined because you used a mobile aid. Quite the contrary, I think she would be overwhelmed with love to have you standing by her side in the family pictures.

It's just my opinion and you need to do what you feel comfortable with, but please consider it.

May God bless you and your family.

Maggie said...

All this Kate talk of her pool got me thinking about Jon and his rental house. Remember he use to live in apartment building with a pool. We saw photos the kids swimming in it. Maybe Kate is really over mentioning the pool talk because more than likely Jon does not have access to a pool outside of his doorstep like he use to and she knows it. She just loves to throw digs at him and maybe this is her way of doing it.

Dmasy said...

Kate's Cart, 108 -- so sorry for your difficulties. Maybe this will help you make a wedding decision.

I have a cousin in serious, advanced stages of MS. She is wheel chair bound. Her son got married last Summer. Her hubby did the traditional dance with his new daughter-in-law. Charming.

But, we were all moved to tears when her completely mobile son sat in a wheelchair and "danced" with his mom to their special song.

You will not ruin the wedding. You will make all your guests appreciate the important parts of life.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Midnight Madness, I loved the poem your sister wrote it is so true. Thank you for sharing that gem.

TLC stinks said...

We refied and didn't take any money out. The point is, WHY would she need 100k?

Maggie said...

I don't have kids so pardon the stupid questions. But are the Gosselin boys at the age to do T ball or some other kind of physical activities with a group. How about boy scouts? What ages do these activities happen...if they happen at all. I know we don't know what Jon does with his boys (and I am glad) but I really think Kate would spill the beans if the boys were doing these things. I really worry about them being in a house full of 6 women. Any comments?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Jumping 103 said, Simply put, she should have gone on that cruise, made the necessary adjustments to the itinerary and sucked it up even if she had to pay something for her cabin. She could have left the kids out of equation sighting the small numbers, and just gone herself, (along with Steve of course).


I agree with everything you said, but what if it wasn't all Kate's doing? What if Alice and RC said, no way, this is not profitable for us and we're not going to take a loss on this? Even if she had paid for her own cabin, the events still would have to be organized, security maintained, rooms set aside, and if Alice said it was a no-go because the numbers were low, then no was no.

Even if she were to go, paid for her own cabin, refunded the Kate part, what would these sheeple have done all day without these special events? Followed her around? Held her hand at the bar? Rubbed her back with tanning oil? Without any kind of organization or planned, supervised activities, it never would have worked.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Layla, I still don't agree. Kate is CHEAP. Always has been. Skinflints conserve every penny, even if they have hundreds of thousands in the bank. Kate will spend money if she thinks it will further her TV career but is a tight-wad with other mediocre stuff (exercising machine, kid's clothes). And let's not forget the famous coupon-gate. They were at their height of wealth with TLC when she de-nutted Jon about not taking a coupon to the store. THAT's when I decided she was selfish and cheap. That was not acting. She was royally pissed at him and her ugliness in that scene was on par with pizza-gate. IMHO, she has strategically budgeted her cash to last her a very long time......guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Lauren said...

@Kate's Cart
I have a friend that has a nephew that is wheelchair bound. Not sure but I think he has cerebral palsy,and he also isn't very vocal. I have been to two of my friend's daughter's weddings, and at each one the nephew was out on the dance floor for practically the whole reception. Everyone, whether they knew him or not, was "dancing" with him at some point, either by pushing him around or by sitting on his lap while he moved the chair around. And I guarantee not one person thought for a second that he was ruining these weddings. People were genuinely enjoying being around him, I never got the feeling that anyone pitied him or felt uncomfortable.

Of course, none of us know your circumstances, and it really isn't any of our business, but I also encourage you to reconsider the use of a cane or walker. Your daughter will be proud to have you by her side, on your own or with the aid of a cane. Just my opinion, and not trying to step on your toes, so please don't be offended.

Anonymous said...

Every time I said I was "bored" my mother said, "you can clean my house." Kate's kids better be careful because that wasn't any fun as a kid and you learned never to say you were bored really fast. My mother just loved to come up with odd and end chores for me to do.

And I hate to break it to you Kate, but that list of things you have, those aren't secret they are things that have been done by regular moms all across America for years. You really want to surprise your kids with something fun? Take your kids somewhere for once without any help enjoy the activity and for some real fun, don't whine and complain about doing it! As per her catch phrase, "It was stressful...oh, but it was fun." As always stressful or hard or whatever comes before she says it was fun. ~ Administrator said...

A pool strikes me as a great tool for a mother who wishes to be very lazy. Whenever you get tired of looking after your own dang children, the pool is your babysitter. Just please watch them carefully.

gotyournumberKate said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 100
I would have posted this earlier but just came to after banging my head against the wall.

segovia girl ‏ @jasrjs1228
@Kateplusmy8 That's a good idea. So u just write labels and stick regular tape over it? Does it stay on pretty well?

LOL! Oh My God!

Moose Mania said...

Watching DWTS. That William guy is one hot specimen. He could tango his way across my bedroom floor any day (or night) of the week.

Moose Mania said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 100
I would have posted this earlier but just came to after banging my head against the wall.

segovia girl ‏ @jasrjs1228
@Kateplusmy8 That's a good idea. So u just write labels and stick regular tape over it? Does it stay on pretty well?


I think I've done more banging these past few weeks than I have since Kate's been on Twitter. It's just mind boggling how incredibly stupid these sheeple can be. It's no wonder, then, why they find Kate so amazing, organized and knowledgeable. Compared to them, she is!

Pity Party said...

I am starting to get the feeling of where M/J is coming from regard to KT. She is pitiful. I am just shy of feeling sorry for her and way sorry for the kids.

So let me get this straight. They are riding along and out of the blue KT ALWAYS yells "would you like to have our ANNUAL ice cream for dinner?". Annual means once a year KT. Those kids were working their butts off last summer, and you were slamming melted ice cream literally down their throats during a record heat in NYC with a no travel advisory. They wouldn't even let the horses work that day. But your full set and 2-pack were hard at it. What a pain that ice cream for dinner is not enough and they want to eat again? After ice cream that is like eating air?

I would like to know what dollar store she got all kinds of stuff for $5.00. Most things at dollar stores cost well a dollar. Ughhh....

What I am getting from this is that the basically have to stay outside all summer.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Maggie said... 120
I don't have kids so pardon the stupid questions. But are the Gosselin boys at the age to do T ball or some other kind of physical activities with a group. How about boy scouts? What ages do these activities happen...if they happen at all. I know we don't know what Jon does with his boys (and I am glad) but I really think Kate would spill the beans if the boys were doing these things. I really worry about them being in a house full of 6 women. Any comments? --------------

Maggie- I agree. It is time the BOYS get to participate in some of their own interests, but they always seem to take a back seat to the girls, even though the twins seem to be doing some things they want to do.

What about the boys with Cub Scouts, baseball, soccer or any other interest they might have?Kate seem oblivious to the boys needs, almost like second class citizens, which is disgusting and frightening. Pedicures for the girls, not so much.

Other than the twins, who have voices at their age, none of the tups seem to be involved in anything singularly. I wish I did not know this but Kate does not miss a second to tell us about all of the things the twins are doing.

She still has not figured out how to let the tups have any interests of their own, as they are a six pack. Very sad, and quite frankly, the tups deserve better. Especially the boys, who often seem to be a second thought to her. I hope things change drastically for the boys, but am not optomistic. HUGE part of their socialization if they have interest in a public league, but not sure Kate will ever get it or spend a dime on any school or non-school activities for the boys,or girl tups singularly, as she has no interest. in them, unless they are a six pack. Very sikc and sad at this juncture.

I wish she spent half the time on the kids/boys as she did herself. They earned millions for her, yet in her mind, it is still her money, as she "masterminded" it. Very sad for her kids, as she will never get it. It is NOT about her.

Kate is Krazy said...

Kate is a twit said... 76

The two towels on the top shelf are labeled "Adult Towels"-all the rest of the towels are labeled "Kid Towels".

Does it really say that? I couldn't read it. Is she serious? Wow. I'm speechless.

franky said... sounded cool.until text tweets decided drinking Coffee was better

Here'™s an idea for a new show TLC
toddlers...teens and it TTT
peace out sheesh

Griftopia said...

Maggie said... 120
I don't have kids so pardon the stupid questions. But are the Gosselin boys at the age to do T ball or some other kind of physical activities with a group?

Maggie, not only are they old enough, but there are countless activities out there for little boys. There are children soccer leagues which take kids as young as 3, T-ball teams, swim clubs, gymnastic classes, and many other “physical” type activities that the Gosselin boys could have participated in for years now. Cub Scouts start when boys are in Kindergarten – so yes, the boys could have been in the scouts for almost 3 years now. Not to mention, their school would provide a whole host of physical activities at a grade-appropriate level. If they’re not involved in group sports or other activities, it’s because Kate is a lazy shrew.

Once a Viewer said...

So many witty comments. I love all the busy 'mediocres' among us! The CC suggestions were hilarious as well as the comment of tweeting our activities. I was thinking I could tweet a pic of my dog's dish with her breakfast of kibbles and smelly moist treat food, yum . Menu Tuesday- Kate , you can borrow this idea. ~ Administrator said...

Oh my goodness the boys are way beyond even tball. They should have been doing tball at four or five and by eight years old on a real team playing real baseball on a real field. I've seen eight-year-olds nearly hit it out of the park, if they haven't gotten some kind of organized sports early, they're very behind.

I'm glad to hear at least Cara is playing lacrosse but it would be nice to know the other kids have activates. Maybe they do, I hope so.

readerlady said...

Scout -- Thanks for the geocaching info. That's something we'll definitely talk about doing with the kids. They'd love it and it sounds like something we could manage without much difficulty. If there aren't any caches in our area, maybe we can place some ourselves for them to find.

NT 95 -- The ice cream dinner may actually be the only "tradition" that actually is one. KK and Jon did it on one of the early shows. The kids were really little then, maybe 3. KK freaked because the little ones were rolling in the grass and might, oh the horror, get grass stains on their clothes, and Mady disgustedly asked her "Can't they just be kids?"

Silimom -- I agree with you that the kids don't need to be scheduled to death and that a lazy summer would be good for them. My main concern is that they are so isolated at the compound. They also need the opportunity to socialize and spend some time with friends. I'm afraid at least some of them are going to wind up as socially stunted as KK is.

Tamara said...

There are a bazillon things the boys and tup girls could, and more importantly, should be doing. Tennis, soccer, baseball, getting up at ridiculously early hours for summer swim team, music lessons, dance lessons, art camp, circus camp, nature camp. So much.

I'm normally a proponent for normal play and hate the over booked, micormanaged lives too many kids lead these days, but in this case they need to DO things outside of their siblings, konpound and mother.

mkmom221 said...

I hope that the person that Kate RT her message got Multiple Blessings in the dollar bin and sends it to her with the $1.00 sticker on it to be signed ~ haha.

Tamara said...

The sextuplets also need to participate in activities to give them a sense of identity outside of just being a Gosselin/sextuplet/Khate's 8.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Moose Mania said... 127

Watching DWTS. That William guy is one hot specimen. He could tango his way across my bedroom floor any day (or night) of the week.


His Samba was pretty tasty too ;o)

Lauren said...

I think the annual "ice cream for dinner" that Kate was talking about is one thing she is not lying about or making up. I recall from one of the J&K+8 shows that they really do this. I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'm pretty sure there's some picture on ROL from last year of them getting ice cream for dinner at one of the local ice cream stores.
She didn't mean that they're only allowed ice cream once a year, she was telling how she allows them to have ice cream AS their dinner once a year...but them turns around and says they're still hungry and ask for dinner anyways.
So why not call it the annual "dessert before dinner" day?

Barb Gilman said...

The only good thing about the Gosselin kids' summer is the lack of cameras and big trips. Perhaps the kids can have a relaxing summer. I agree that they should be in some sort of organized group activity. How about Vacation Bible school? I wonder if the kids will join the summer reading club at their local library. Will they have classmates over? I know their school has reading lists for the summer. But will they be reading other books for fun?

On another note, I would like to challenge Kate to make a yummy high calorie dessert. My son made this today.

It was so good and I ate it! Even though my son made it. I know Kate won't eat anything made by her children. :-)

Here is the recipe.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Gosselin8ComeFist, I never thought of it that way, but you are right; Kate "masterminded" this whole debacle, therefore any money made from it is all hers.

By the way, I am certain now that she reads her regularly. We always commented on how much she spent her time tweeting when she had the kids, and now that has been drastically cut down.

I don't think she's paying extra attention to the kids, she's just not tweeting all night so it makes it look like she is.

fidosmommy said...

When I first read about the towel organization, I seriously expected the picture to show Kate had installed 8-10 "cubbies" on the wall - like people put in their mudrooms. A spot for their flip flops, a place for 2-3 towels to be rolled up and placed in each little square, a door or two with places to hang up their suits, maybe a place for some small pool toys to be stored.

These separate items can be purchased and put together pretty easily, especially if your name is Can Do Kate. That might have been tweet-pic worthy.

Nope, not at all what I saw. I saw a cheap black plastic shelving unit, cheap plastic boxes and labels affixed with mailing tape with towels folded willy-nilly on the open shelves - in the utility part of the basement.

I certainly hope Kate is putting this out there knowing it is a joke.

anger issues kate said...

Kate cart: I am truely sorry you are having all those problems, and can't enjoy you garden, I am polling for you to be able to get out there soon. I own my house and I am all by myself, so if I get anything done it's a red letter day, the banners are flying the fireworks are exploding. :).

Kates cart: plese go to your daughters wedding, use what you can, if not, wheelchair, don't be ashamed, you won't ruin her wedding pics. One day your daughter will look at her wedding pics and be so glad you were there. My mom passed 3 years ago, I was her part-time care giver. Between work & my mom, and running the household, I was very busy. But you know, it did not matter to me if my mom could not walk anymore, but that she was there, and apart of things. You are not a burden! You will not ruin the wedding or the pics. Your daughter & family will be glad you are there, no matter what shape your in. If you can walk great, if you can't, wheel down there, you daughter will be so happy , but be there, have a good time.

Gift of grab said...

Ugh, Tom Bergeron on DWTS just said there's a "special" announcement tomorrow night for fans of DWTS. I am expecting him to say they are moving ahead to an all-star season.

PLEASE, Karma, PLEASE do not let them put Kate Gosselin back on this show.

Spring Has Sprung said... sounded cool.until text tweets decided drinking Coffee was better


Who is a text tweet and what does coffee have to do with geo? Sorry, I tried, but...huh?

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 67

I'll put my utility closet up against your linen closet and raise you my master bathroom closet!

Okay, but I'm warning sock drawer is SPECTACULAR!
(anyone here watch Seinfeld reruns?)

Oh and I agree about William. Move over Brad there's a new kid in town.

Tucker's Mom said...

On another note, I would like to challenge Kate to make a yummy high calorie dessert. My son made this today.
Oh yum! I want to put a diving on that thing and plunge in.
I also hope the boys have been involved in some sort of organized activities or sports, but highly doubt it. I wonder what Kate tells herself to justify it...

Jumping In said...

Fleecing the Sheeple......121

You have raised very valid points, but the price of the cruise is what makes me think everyone would have made something, except Kate perhaps. RC gets the cabins booked along with miscellaneous charges aboard etc., and Alice Travel gets their commission on each cabin booked. The only change would have been the event room venues on-board. With such a small group, these prices would be significantly less.

Kate comes with her own security, whether Alice Travel picked up that expense is up for debate. Kate could certainly have offered to drop the twins to save that expense, her fans would have accepted that over an all out cancellation.

I agree that someone washed their hands of this, but my guess is it's Kate. We will never know what really transpired, as we all know her record is sketchy at best.
Alice Travel may have had an early indication of her diva behavior and pulled the plug based on that alone, who knows?

Whatever the reasons, it is just another example of how this woman operates.

Kate's Cart said...

Thank you ladies for your kind words of encouragement. I will be at her wedding with bells on, my only doubt was walking her down the aisle w/ my husband. We've had fun planning, dress shopping, picking invitations, etc.

Anger Issues my mom passed away 3 years ago May 27 also, from Alzheimers. If a mother's passing doesn't make you stronger, I don't know what else will.

On a happy note, my hubby and I will celebrate our 30th Anniversary tomorrow.

I doubt Kate will ever be able to say she was happy married, and never for 30 years of unconditional love.

And of course tonight my lap top key board is haunted, I type one letter and get 3 different ones. Busy emailing myself all the wedding files so I can take it to be undemonized tomorrow. Thank goodness we have mulitple computers in this house.

Good night ladies, thanks again.

just a mom and grandma said...

Kate's Cart - please don't hesitate to use a cane, walker, or wheelchair, whatever it takes for you to enjoy your daughter's big day. That would never ruin her pictures and it will mean so much to her. I speak from experience, all anyone will see is the love you share.

Gin said...

I found a great site that Kate could only hope to emulate with 50 activities to do when the kids are out of school. The URL is
I don't know how to make it clickable so cut and paste it into your browser.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gift of grab said... 146
Ugh, Tom Bergeron on DWTS just said there's a "special" announcement tomorrow night for fans of DWTS. I am expecting him to say they are moving ahead to an all-star season.

PLEASE, Karma, PLEASE do not let them put Kate Gosselin back on this show.
Are you on the west coast?
I'm on the east and saw DWTS and I'm confident it's not about Kate...
I don't want to say any more than that as not to spoil.

Meagler said...

Ha ha, kate must read here... after seeing people list their To do's for the day, and seeing how much " typical" people do in a day, she said her GN with a list of all she did!!! And its not spectaular.

Better be careful Kate, your life is getting mediocre! ~ Administrator said...

For you web geeks out there what's it called where a web site has low quality content, but a LOT of content covering a subject thoroughly such that it tends to come up first on Google? Anyway I am certain this is what the Coupon Cabin web site is. They are not interested in high quality content that may not necessarily get the most hits every day but provides the very best information--instead they are interested in low to medium-quality mass content in general that drives traffic. Look at Kate's blog posts. I'm not just saying this because they are Kate--they are truly horrendous. Nothing of value. Just a lot of jibber jabber blah. But it fills up the space, hits a lot of nice key words about coupons, summer time, and Mommyhood, and drives traffic. This is all they want out of Kate--traffic. They really don't care what she says as long as traffic comes in. and are sites like this with lots of information that's really not that good of a quality. But it comes up first almost whenever you type in anything healthy or nutrition related for Livestrong or how to questions for ehow. Mission accomplished.

I just recently read that Google is trying to fine tune their search engine to devalue sites like Livestrong that are just ruses to get hits. That could e a major blow to all the web sites like this out there, including Coupon Cabin. ~ Administrator said...

Shoutout to Kate's Cart. My aunt uses a wheelchair and I want her in all of my pictures because she's my aunt and I love her. No one sees the wheelchair. It's just sort of part of her, like someone who always wears a favorite baseball cap. ~ Administrator said...

Hmmm, I wonder if DWTS will announce the All Star lineup tomorrow.

Gift of grab said...

Tucker's Mom, no, I'm on the East. Why, did you catch something I missed? Spill!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 100

I would have posted this earlier but just came to after banging my head against the wall.

segovia girl ‏ @jasrjs1228
@Kateplusmy8 That's a good idea. So u just write labels and stick regular tape over it? Does it stay on pretty well?


My favorite is when Kate was discussing how cute Alexis used to be when she first learned to talk, her little style of speaking. Kate said Alexis's speech was always the cutest. And a sheeple asked if Alexis really made a speech? And what was it about? hahahaha. ~ Administrator said...

Reality shows are great for malapropos aren't they?

Survivor player on a little person player: Small in statute.

readerlady said...

Kate's Cart -- The only thing that would ruin the pictures of your daughter's wedding would be if you weren't in them. If you need a cane or a walker to escort her down the aisle, use it with pride. Oh, and BTW -- there's a woman who comes into the library all the time, who uses a cane. She decorates hers to suit the season/occasion. I complimented her on it and she said she gets contact paper and wraps it, so it is easy to change the decorations. Perhaps you could do something like that to coordinate with your dress if you find you do need the cane. ~ Administrator said...

My favorite is when Kate was discussing how cute Alexis used to be when she first learned to talk, her little style of speaking. Kate said Alexis's speech was always the cutest.


It's times like these I think sometimes Kate and her sheeple really deserve each other.

Tucker's Mom said...

About DWTS announcement, I thought the announcement would have something to do with the dancer who tweaked their back. Maybe not. Hmmm...

Tamara said...

Someone posted here right before the NFL draft when pics of Jon at a party came out about girls gone wild and Jon drinking draft beer. I was surprised no one pointed out that it was a party for the Draft, not the blend of beer. The "crotchity" dirty word scandalized sheeple was great too. One of the amazing things about boards and chatrooms is how easily one can differentiate those who read from those who don't. I once 'knew' someone online who said they were a musician and bragged about being accepted into The Julie Arts School.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

I guess the Irwins sent Kate some more of her beloved chocolate covered rice cakes and cereal from down under. Maybe they sent a carton. God knows they can afford the postage. Once, I wanted to send my sister a box of pop tarts from Vancouver to Australia but it was $30 for postage. She didn't get the $3.99 pop tarts.

My God Kate. Please stop with the crap that you are making work phone calls. I'm so tired of you justifying sitting around the house all day doing eff all. You just have to throw in the obligatory I'm doing "paper work" or "work phone calls". You are so transparent.

How can this woman not be humbled by the fact she doesn't have to work because she made millions off her kids? I will never understand it. Never. My issue with Kate Gosselin has always been her inability to show gratitude. I don't mean her saying she is grateful for having 8 healthy kids but gratitude for all the lucky breaks she received once TLC took over. While she may think she has covered that topic many times by telling us we would do it too if TLC came knocking at our doors offering a reality show (which she did many times on TV when she was feeling pissy and her back was up), that sounded more like someone justifying exploitation of her kids, not someone showing gratitude.

I can just imagine Kate's rationalization to her kids when she has to jet off again and again to NY to get her hair done. "I have to go to work now. Yes, getting my hair done is for work purposes because it will get me TV jobs. You know this is my job. Some mommies are nurses, some work at Target but I work in TV. You guys all know that". I'm trying so hard not to laugh when I write this crap.

Spring Has Sprung said...

Admin said --
It's times like these I think sometimes Kate and her sheeple really deserve each other.


My favorite was awhile back when a sheeple asked if you quarter two chicken breasts will you have eight pieces.

Just flipped to the evening news and caught the end of the Bachelorette. One of the gentlemen who was eliminated said that he has six children and at his age and with that many kids he may never find love. There you go, Kate. Call ABC and get his number. Can you imagine how she would milk her 'exhaustiveness' taking care of 14, count 'em, 14 kids!

Spring Has Sprung said...

...and they just keep coming:

@Kateplusmy8 what do I have to do to meet you and your beautiful children?

Let's see. Paying off her mortgage might get you an audience with her. Cough up another eight grand (one per child) and she'll throw the kids in there, too.

Where was this one when the cruise was announced?

ncgirl said...

Kate tweeted thanks to the Irwins for the bday gift. It sounded like it was food. I wonder if Kate will send them birthday gifts. LOL I'm sure some foolish fans sent gifts. Have they been thanked? ~ Administrator said...

I could respect the sheeple who think they have a right to meet and know about Kate's children if when they said things like I want to meet your kids, they would AT LEAST qualify it with something like, "That is, only if your kids are interested in meeting fans too!" Or I'd love to see pictures of your kids, that is, if the kids are okay with sharing!

There is just no respect or even the slightest consideration for the thoughts, feelings, opinions and desires of those eight kids. It's all what the selfish fans want of them.

Anonymous said...

Admin, I just have to wonder if in a strange way these fans feel they have rights to Kate's kids. What I mean is, Kate allowed herself and her kids to be filmed to as she said, "like being invited into people's homes every Monday night," I have to almost wonder with this type of set up that in some way the fans feel almost entitled to know next to everything about these kids whether or not the kids like it.

A lot of people still view kids should be seen and not heard or don't have much saying at all because they are kids I have even met some parents who say, "It's my right to decide things for my kids." Which to a point is true but kids have their own voice I suppose.

I find it creepy. Neither Kate, sure she can say say asks the kids and in turn for someone that young you could say I don't know without realizing the consequences of what you said yes to. The kids might not realize the extension of "fans," by fact how far their images, photos Kate puts up on her website or Twitter can go because her kids might not realize that.

Like I said you can be a fan but I don't believe that being a fan should give you all this access to any said person. I mean honestly, how would these fans feel if their personal space had been invaded and people wanted to know everything about them? Would they mind? Scary thing is a lot of them I don't think they would...which in turn says a lot.

Tamara said...

It must chap Khate's ass when fans ask to meet the kids, or hear about the kids. Yes Khate, it's the kids that most everyone was/is interested. They made you infamous, not the other way around. ~ Administrator said...

Admin, I just have to wonder if in a strange way these fans feel they have rights to Kate's kids. What I mean is, Kate allowed herself and her kids to be filmed to as she said, "like being invited into people's homes every Monday night," I have to almost wonder with this type of set up that in some way the fans feel almost entitled to know next to everything about these kids whether or not the kids like it.


Marie, I absolutely, 100% believe that the fans feel they have a right to these kids. They feel that since Kate allowed them to "know" and "love" these kids and be "there" as they grew up, they have a right to continue this "relationship."

It's I imagine the same feeling a close friend or grandparent or other relative would feel if the children they grew to know and love were suddenly cut off from them. They would feel they have a "right" to them. I often hear in court from grandparents I have a right to my grandchild! When I have to tell them in our state that's usually not true. Only in these cases it would be more justified feeling that way since they are not some stranger's kids but kids they have a real relationship with.

The sheeples' missing piece is that the REAL relationship is missing. But they feel they have it anyway. They don't see that they don't. They think what they have is real, with both Kate and her kids.

It's not real. These people are strangers. There is no relationship. And they have NO rights to them.

Tamara said...

More than just inviting complete strangers into you home and small child life, Khate, and Jon to an extent, took it further by accepting gifts. Reciprocity can breed the feeling of ownership.

Check Please! said... (Administrator) said... 156

I believe the term you are thinking of is SEO (search engine optimization). There are legit forms of the practice that are used by all kinds of web developers and writers/editors to increase the chances of their sites hitting top placement on search engines. But there are also lots of "black hat" practitioners that are just trying to drive traffic to link spam and other forms of ad-heavy pages. ~ Administrator said...

Check no that's not it. I'm looking for the name for the rogue sites themselves, not what they do.

It's on the tip of my tongue. ~ Administrator said...

I googled around and found it: “content farms.”

Coupon Cabin is a content farm. This is not a good thing.

Spring Has Sprung said...

Tamara said --

The "crotchity" dirty word scandalized sheeple was great too.


Oh gosh, Tamara. I forgot about that. That really was a good one. She was appalled at the use of the word, refused to let her kids use it because she didn't like the sound of it. She had no idea what it meant.

The cruising sheeple was good today, too, when she said that Kate and Steve weren't having an affair because there was no hint of it on the show. She never saw anything inappropriate. He was always professional.

You gotta love 'em. Bless their hearts. ~ Administrator said...

Ah sheeple, google is your friend. According to Random House the origins of the word crotchety come from the word crotchet which means hook. Has absolutely nothing to do with that other word.

Anonymous said...

I just can't wrap my mind around how or why Kate is okay with that. So, perhaps one day Kate will be just and find dandy with strangers approaching her kids while they are out and about and saying, "Hi, I used to watch you guys on television, you want to get an ice cream together?" She better not be okay with it. But that's the door she's about opened. Don't people realize they don't have the right to know these kids? Why do people not see this?!

I thought grandparents had right to see their grandkids. I'm no lawyer by any stretch, so family members other than immediate don't have any rights? Just curious because I've never heard of such a thing.

Spring Has Sprung said...

Marie, I absolutely, 100% believe that the fans feel they have a right to these kids. They feel that since Kate allowed them to "know" and "love" these kids and be "there" as they grew up, they have a right to continue this "relationship."


You're right, admin. In fact, one came out not too long ago and said that she would love to be in their lives.

Kate let the sheeple's obsession go on far too long, and she shows no signs of ending it. Thank goodness, though, the fans seem to be leaving the fold, with only a few die-hard remaining.

However, all it takes is one delusional fan to believe that she/he has a right to be in a relationship with that celebrity, and if the fan is denied or ignored, that person does what needs to be done and the outcome is often tragic. It's happened more than once.

Good grief -- the Lakers got creamed tonight. What happened? ~ Administrator said...

I thought grandparents had right to see their grandkids.


Nooooo, not in every state. A lot of states basically say parents have a right to estrange whoever they want even grandparents. There are exceptions like if you are the parents of a parent who has died and you are seeking to see your grandkids.

A lot of states believe they cannot legally make grandparent visitation laws that don't require parental consent because they would be unconstitutional--they believe a parent has a right to decide who can be around their child, even if it means estranging grandparents, under the 14th amendment.

"Rights to marry, have children and maintain relationship with children are fundamental rights protected by the Fourteenth Amendment and thus, strict scrutiny is required of any statutes that directly and substantially impair those rights." P.O.P.S. v. Gardner, 998 F2d 764 (9th Cir. 1993)

Connie said...

NT said... 16

Of course she took a pic of her folded towels and suits. She had to fold 8 of each remember. 8 No wonder she's exhausted. LOL!!!

I just see this as another control issue with her. I hate to think what will happen when the kids actually begin to use those carefully folded items.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Well, I just grew up being told any family member who is an adult has a right to the child. I know I know this logic is wrong it's just what I grew up hearing. I grew up maybe not in that era but certainly within that mind set that a child should be seen and not heard. Taken me a lot of years to have my own independence.

As far as the kids' summer vacation, I grew up not going anywhere, no trips, no day trips, no summer camp, no library reading group or whatever. We never went anywhere and I survived my summers, Kate's kids will too. It's not their fault Kate is lazy like my parents were. If you wanted to go somewhere I got told to read a book, cheapest vacation ever is your own imagination. ~ Administrator said...

Marie, it wasn't too long ago every adult did have a right to a child. Teachers could hit kids, if your kid was over at a neighbors and misbehaved he had license to smack him into submission. Nowadays that kind of thing is mostly frowned upon.

I tend to think this evolution has generally been for the better and I often wonder if there are many sheeple who are still stuck in this mindset that kids belong to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah that I know. I grew up in a small town where pretty much everyone knew everyone so in a way people felt they could tell you what to do because they knew your parents, therefore they had a right to you. Nobody thought twice if you got hit as a kid they called you a good parent.

Only thing I find odd is Kate's drastic downsizing this summer. Didn't she say a few months ago her kids needed sand and sun? Why can't she drive to the beach? I haven't been to a beach in about a decade so someone refresh my memory do you have to pay to use it?

So I guess this is good bye to summers of Bald Head Island in South? Carolina. But again I totally think her kids will survive not going anywhere. Kids before my time did but back in those days a road trip for a family was a treat not something you just did willy nilly.

JoyinVirginia said...

Dwts tonight was spectacular. Everyone danced wonderfully. The second half, the dancers segments were introduced with a video of the challenges they faced in their lives. William showed up at a modeling agency in Miami owning one tank to, one pair of Jeans, and a pair of boots. The agency signed him then went out to buy clothes for him! Donald and his mother and siblings lived ina van under a bridge for a time. Maria s folks cleaned bathrooms. Katherine had her father die, then had her hearty broken by a former fiance. Ms Kreider will not be back on dwts, there are way too many good dancers who want another chance.

Ex Nurse said...

Wayward said...
The original mortgage was a 10 yr. mortgage so the payments were riduculously high, something like $8k a month even before the taxes were worked in. However, those high payments really paid the note down quickly. She paid roughly 300,000 and change over 3 years. With that in mind, it worked out that she pulled 100k out when she refi'd this past January.

I think that, unless the person who calculated that payment has inside information then I doubt that the mortgage was for a ten year term (highly unusual). 

Maybe he/she is doesn't understand the mortgage, which was was probably a 10 year ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage). For example, a 10 year ARM means that there is a fixed rate--usually, lower than a fixed mortgage-- that converts to a variable rate in the eleventh year. This means that the low interest rate is fixed for 10 years. This isn't the same as paying the mortgage off in 10 years. There are stipulations that limit how much the loan can be adjusted, usually annually, and a cap on how high the rate can be. The most common terms for loans  is almost always 15 years or 30 years. Anyone can pay the mortgage off more quickly by making additional payments or using a bi-weekly payment plan. 

Mortgages are very confusing and it is just so unusual to have a mortgage that is paid off in 10 years, I personally believe it is more likely that the calculations were based on faulty assumptions about the term of the loan.  JMO, of course. I don't like hearing rumors treated as factual, and unless someone can prove their source of information through public records,  I stand by my original statement that she paid her mortgage down at the time of the refinance. one reaso she may have done that would be to qualify for an FHA conforming loan.

Starz22 said...

I also watch Sister wives. When the "wives" were talking about thier faith,explaining why they think its ok for skuzzy Cody to have other wives just blew my mind. One of them said...its what my faith tells me to do.Even if she dosent agree with it. Why follow a faith you dont believe in??

I want to ask them why they think that its NOT enough for a man to be married to 1 woman.

Dont they think they have the right to demand the mans attention? Why are they not enough to keep the man happy? Why does he need other women? Dont they have the right to ask for equality? Why are you not enough? You dont think you have the right to be loved or can give enough love to keep a single marriage? Why is it ok for cody to have many wives but when asked about brother-husbands he says OH HELL NO?
As for the issues with the kids.We see Cody doing nothing...he's not involved.He likes to say I would have done this...or I would have said this...Please....the man takes no part in the kids lives,he leaves it up to the mothers.He cant be bothered with it....he needs to be screwing another wife...not helping with the child raising.
As for Robyn....she was looking for a man or another family to raise the kids she couldnt.I do not like that woman at all.

Kate...well...she likes to keep the kids home so she dosent have to worry about anyone saying anything.The biggest thing let the kids have their own intrests would cost her time...taking them here and there...paying for stuff she dosent think she should pay for.She is lazy...its much easier to keep them home and have the nanny deal with them.She can hide out in her room all day.Take pictures of the laundry and the food the nanny made and take credit for it. The wench is so one sided its not even funny.She is so easiley seen through. I feel so bad for the 8. I hope Jon takes them as much as he can this summer.

Sorry so long...Lots more to say!

Starz22 said...

So kate...your traditions...Are we headed to BHI this summer? What about going to Florida? Days at a beach? 3 birthday parties for the tups? Hundred dollar gifts for the kids? Ice cream for dinner night/s? How about water gun fights? After 6 years of filming I dont re-call seeing anyone of those.Other than the ones TLC paid for.
Get off your ass mommy dearest and do something!Like you said...all our memories are caught on tape. Well kate...all you'r LIES are caught on tape too!

Maggie said...

It pains me to defend Kate but everyone is assuming that the kids are ONLY going to do the things she mentioned in her CC blog this summer with her kids. We don't know for sure what Kate's plans are. In her CC blog she wrote, "I’ve come up with a secret list ahead of time of inexpensive fun things to do at home over the summer to get ahead of the “boredom!” these are our plans for the summer. But remember Kate has ALWAYS kept trips that the family takes secret. Yes, she did write that "these are our plans". However,that doesn't mean she isn't planning on other things as well. I am sure she will tweet away her plans as they unfold to her masses (HA!)

DebbieDowner4 said...

regarding the morning project about folding the towels....

Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 to have breakfast with the hubby before he leaves for work at 5. This is what followed; some housekeeping, take out the trach and quick shower to get myself together before my kids, including an autictic 8 year old, wake up. Then breakfast for them, start the first of what will be 6 loads of laundry, get the kids dressed, pack lunches, and drive them to school. Top it off by 3 home visits with my job, shopping, bringing stuff to recycling, returning books to the library, stop back home for a quick sandwich (no Fig and Olive here) mailing stuff at the post office, dropping off outgrown clothes to the local church, home again to do some big cleaning, put laundry away, think about planning for dinner, pick the boys up from school, help with homework, welcome hubby home from work, nice relaxing dinner as a family, clean up the dinner mess, bath/shower times for the kids, and bedtime for them at 8pm. Bedtime for me is 10, if I'm lucky. Only to start another "Groundhog Day" day tomorrow....

Congrats on folding those towels, Kate!!!!

Pity Party said...

Re - DWTS - Len is low-balling Quickie Driver. It is pretty plain to see. He has done two dances that I have seen where he should have had all 10s. Must very frustrating for him. Driver is a joy to watch. All of them deserve to win.

I hope if they do an all stars they bring back Pamela and she dances as Pamela and not in character.

Virginia Pen Mom said... (Administrator) said... 161

Reality shows are great for malapropos aren't they?


Yes! You had pointed out the malaprops on Biggest Loser about the time my daughter and I started noticing them on that show. We laughed for quite a while when one contestant was really angry and blurted out, "If eyes could kill!" hahaha. If eyes could kill, how would they do it, we wondered.

My sweet Brazilian friend is the queen of malaprops. She was explaining to me about an issue at work and how a blind cop had become involved. I was wondering, are there really blind cops? Do they have to work behind a desk? Why did the blind cop come? How bad was this situation anyway?

She continued to talk about the blind cop and how angry everyone was getting. Then it hit me--she kept mentioning that an email had gotten everyone mad. Blind copy! LOL.

TLC stinks said...

I think she has finally hit rock bottom. She does NOTHING that is any different from any other mom out there. Why twit about it? Just because she has 8 kids. So what? There are plenty of moms out there with a large family. It is laughable that she believes she is UNIQUE.

I read above comments regarding the tups. The only ones who appear to do outside activities are the twins. She needs to let the tups grow up. Those tups would benefit from some summer camp time. Oh yeah, I forgot. She would whine she cannot afford it. And she 'd have no control over their diets. She may not be physically abusing them, but the way they are kept isolated and controlled is disturbing. I hope Jon gets plenty of time with them this summer and they get to spend time with aunts, uncles and cousins.

I am so tired of her complaining about how freakin' tired she is.

Kate's Going Down said...

Oh my God, when I read her tip to throw EMPTY plastic Easter eggs all over the yard and make the kids find them, I nearly pulled something laughing so hard.

Then of course, I realized that really is the kind of mom she is. Anything just to get them out of her hair. How stupid she makes her kids out to be! That at 8 and 12, they'll hunt for empty plastic eggs? How lazy does she sound?

Lord. That has to be the most pathetic list of summer activities I've ever seen. A 30 second search on Pinterest for "kid summer activity" yields more interesting stuff than that.

Why aren't they allowed to go anywhere? Of course they get bored, Kate, you dipshit: they never go anywhere. And this is after years of going EVERYWHERE.

aggiemom09121416 said...

I don't know who is behind the gosselin book website, but the song has changed to this:

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord

Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord

Well I remember, I remember don't worry
How could I ever forget, it's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show; but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you or me

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord...

Listening to the song while watching the countdown had me TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. If it freaked me, God knows what's it doing to Kate.
DAYY-UM this is creepy............

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