Friday, March 23, 2012

Moochers U.S.A.

Kate's greed is representative of "a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate"

Why take one free hat when you have have three?
Kate's latest (and still on-going) tweet war with Em Tanner, who was but one of many people who lavished the family with lots of free gifts, reminded us of just how many products and trips and other freebies the Gosselin family took over the years. Kate's entitlement and ungratefulness and shocking lack of shame may grate on our nerves, but a new book suggests that she is not alone.

Author Charles J. Sykes, who wrote A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing is worried about what bailouts may do to our psyche and our future. When asked if he was worried about what this could do to kids, he said:

"Yes, I do. Other people take a slightly more optimistic view. They say the reality is that most Americans still have the belief of working hard and being rewarded for it, that we still have a middle class that wants to do the right thing, and that these folks don’t become somebody different even if we are in economically tough times. That’s true. But I also see a new class of dependency. How many generations does it take before the younger people look around and say, “Of course somebody else is going to pay for me. Of course there’s a bailout. If I screw up or don’t save any money, it doesn’t matter.” I say we’re living on borrowed time. We’ve drawn down the balance of our bedrock values. Once the stigma of being dependent is eliminated, more and more people want to be that way."

990 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Flight of the Kiwi said...

If those ARE Bradford Pears, I think Ms. Kate got taken by ole Sal - thousands to "preserve" - actually, top - a tree that doesn't age, um, gracefully, to begin with? Splits and bends with the littlest bit of wind/ice/snow and will definitely need replacing relatively soon. The mighty oak they ain't. I would suggest she only marvel at the beauty for those brief weeks each spring and NOT take in a deep breath - these things smell like a tin of tuna that's been in the trash for a week...just awful! Most arborists, landscape architects, etc. advise against them. Developers love them, if they can get away with them, because they are cheap, grow quickly (and die quickly) into a sorta shade tree. Often seen in subdivisions between the curb and the street.

Foul smelling blossoms, just stinky. Did I mention they smell bad?

Working Woman said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8


@LolitaOrwell I don't either. And btw nobody would care about your 'dirty laundry' and for that ur lucky! :) trust me...

Is she implying that this tweeter is not as important and mighty and thee Great Kate, and therefore nobody cares about her 'dirty laundry'? Actually, I'm sure that Lolita has friends and family who would care. I just find Kate's comment condescending and a showcase of her sense of self-importance. Not everybody is lucky enough to be a huge, beloved iconic "stah" like you, Kate!

Honestly, this whole saga with Kate has caused me to feel conflicted for a while now. The reason? I am a people person, I love people and I love to love people. I work hard to keep my interactions and relationships with others positive and I value my family and friends more than anything. Therefore, my dislike for Kate bothers me - I feel guilty for being so appalled and offended by somebody I don't know. I always try to see the good in people, and really want to see the good in Kate. That's why I hate those moments when it seems like I just can't do it. Does anyone else feel that way??

I apologize for the long post!

Proud Republican said...

G. Nelson Honolulu said... 97
PAM #34,

Re: Moochers -
Of course a book on anti-mooching would come from conservatives because they believe in self-responsibility. A liberal intellectual would never write a book on anti-mooching because they believe in mooching; if I'm wrong, please recommend an anti-mooching book written by a liberal - good luck finding one! Liberals believe in simply transferring wealth from those who work their butts off to those who feel ENTITLED and aren't interested in working for a living.


What a great post, thank you!

The book is great, I can't imagine anyone who would disagree with its principles.

Admin, I love this topic, thanks for recommending a book everyone should read.

Pity Party said...

Thanks Bearswife!

Katierockchick said...

Oh lord. Just when I thought we were Khate free she pops up again. She is like herpes, there is only so much valtrix you can take right? So she is bashing Jon yet again and talks are she wants be on celeb apprentice. Well cr ap she has to be away from her kids to do that show. OH wait sorry who the heck am I kidding that is all she ever wants. I for one would NEVER watch this crazy witch on tv ever again. She is NOT happy unless she is bashing someone on Twitter or lying about her ex.She is good at that. It's the only thing she is good at.

anger issues kate said...

I don't see what, Kimmie was saying that Jon disrepected Kate, by saying he did not miss her? Why would Jon after all this time and all the whole 10 years of putting up with Kates disrepect, shit, and abuse, would miss Kate? I don't get that?If I were in that kind of relationship, I would not MISS that person one bit. Cause in Jon's relationship with Kate most of it was some kind of abuse, those memories are best for gotten, Kate is a person one like to forget. She is nothing to brag home about.

Unfortunately Jon has to deal with Kate on a limited basis, cause of the kids.

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said...

Night night! Have pleasant dreams all! I dream of peace and harmony,hard work, honesty,kindness&positivity for all! :) 8 minutes ago
AAAAAHHHHH!!! i just came over here for the first time tonight, and was greeted with this nonsense!!!
katie dear, BEHAVE as a hard-working, honest, kind, positive, peaceful and harmonious person, and MAYBE people will believe this bull coming from you. Until your actions = what comes out of your mouth, you will be considered a liar. How dense are you, woman?

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or are Kate's "dreams" a bit far fetched from her behavior?

She's one of those people who just can't help themselves. It's almost a pitiful sight.

Hard work? Ha! She doesn't even know the meaning of those two words! Is she did she would have gotten off her butt and went to get a job a long time ago. Has she done it? Heck no.

Pity Party said...

There she goes speaking that foreign language again. So syrupy sweet and thinly veiled it's sickening. Now we are learning exactly what her gift of gab is all about. She loves to argue but offer her the shirt off your back and she'll take it, yay. Twitter is her life.

Kate's a has been said...

Hard work to Kate. Is sitting on her butt being the boss talking to a camera for 7 years. Running her big mouth was real hard work lol.

Kate needs a shrinks help said...

Kate want's to be on celeb apprentice? she's not a celerity she a reality show reject. If she ever did get on that show they would give her the beat down.

anger issues kate said...

I found this while taking a look at Kate house, I don't remember this being mentioned on this site: dated 9/9/2011:

Kate called a paranormal group to get the evil out of her house(Mcmansion). Geez, for a Christian woman to believe in ghost, I guess it goes along with Tarot readings. This was not that long ago, and TLC is mentioned, and Kate wanted to know if she was getting paid for this and if when it will be on TV.

AuntieAnn said...

Working Woman said... 5
I always try to see the good in people, and really want to see the good in Kate. That's why I hate those moments when it seems like I just can't do it. Does anyone else feel that way??
I have my hand up. I FELT that way four years ago.

Yup. Went to battle on her behalf and fought the good fight on a few boards. I liked the show and the kids were so cute. I thought Kate was stellar and admired her for looking after her big family so well. (Insert mocking laughter here)

I went back the other day and looked at an article from 2008 that I'd posted on and read some of my remarks. (insert bleating sheep sounds here) Boy was I stupid.

I started having doubts about how I felt about her the more episodes I watched, then my dwindling admiration came to a complete halt the day they went shopping for beds for the kids and the little guy was having bowel problems. It was like someone had thrown cold water in my face.

anger issues kate said...

These ghost hunters, told kate that her kids were, doing the things, kate said her kids don't do such things. The GH sat down and talked to the kids, the kids did do the things and said that ghosts told them to do it, and that they were scarce to tell Kate the truth, cause Kate would go on anger rampage. So the Globe thing and the ghost thing have something in common.

Anonymous said...

anger issues kate said... 15
I found this while taking a look at Kate house, I don't remember this being mentioned on this site: dated 9/9/2011:

Kate called a paranormal group to get the evil out of her house(Mcmansion). Geez, for a Christian woman to believe in ghost, I guess it goes along with Tarot readings. This was not that long ago, and TLC is mentioned, and Kate wanted to know if she was getting paid for this and if when it will be on TV.
Plenty of christians believe in ghosts. You can see it on any of the paranormal ghost hunting shows. That article was hilarious!! Thanks for the smile :)

AuntieAnn said...

anger issues - that article is tongue-in-cheek, but that's not to say there isn't an evil witch living there.

Call Me Crazy said...

bearswife said...147

I have had the worst day and would love nothing better than to push her down in a pile of chicken poop. I would feel so much better then. lol

Thanks for that visual, bearswife! I think you may have stumbled upon a great idea for a new reality show for Kate. Each week on "Push Kate Into Poo," we could watch someone push her into some kind of animal poo: dog poo, or koala poo, or chicken poo, or sheep poo. The possibilities are endless.

anger issues kate said...

I find this article interesting, cause the kids were doing it with the food Kate cooks. The Ghost hunts set up a camera and caught Collin, spitting the spinach at the wall when Kate was not looking, Kate grilled Collin and he said the ghost made him do it, Kate then bitched at the ghost, and called the GH in to get rid of the ghost. The funny thing is the kids use the ghost excuse so Kate would yell at the ghost and not them. This made Kate look like an foolish asshole. Which she is, but?

anger issues kate said...

butterfly: I believe in ghosts, why not? I'm a Christian. But Kate tries to be a straight lace kind, which she is no where near. Kate believes in ghosts, but won't let her kids read Harry Potter. WEIRD!

JoyinVirginia said...

I post infrequently; for those who have not heard my history, here it is.
Older dd came home from college, talking about this great show with cute young couple and all their cute kids. One day when it was coming on, she said dh and I should watch. And we did. For about 3 or 4 minutes. My patient dh who doesn't complain about too much, was appalled to see Jon & Ms.Kreider on the couch, and her attacking him. He asked why would Jon put up with being talked to that way, he told dd to never talk to anyone that way. He was horrified, and said he hoped Jon would leave Ms. Kreider. The kids were still little, and she was awful.
Never watched since then.

Kate needs a shrinks help said...

AuntieAnn, my eyes were opened when I read a blog Kate's old neighbor wrote about Kate and Jon's train wreck of a life. He's a christian youth leader. He said people would tell him how great Kate was. And he would tell them she wasn't a nice person. He even admitted Jon was a nice guy and Kate would not even take bake goods from her own neighbor's when they were trying to be nice to her.

Call Me Crazy said...

Flight of the Kiwi ... 4 - Hi Flight (love that name, by the way). We have always had Bradford pears and their blossoms have never smelled bad. The female Gingko Biloba is another story, however. Those are the foulest smelling trees you can imagine.

Girl From Up North said...

I think the article about Ghosts at the McMansion was a joke......

Call Me Crazy said...

Oops. Spelling alert. Ginkgo, not Gingko.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Joy #23...

One day when it was coming on, she said dh and I should watch. And we did. For about 3 or 4 minutes

With a little age comes wisdom..kudos to you and your hubby!!! 3-4 minutes and already called it.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate needs a shrinks help - I think by the time the show became popular on TLC her neighbors and most of her hometown had had it up to here with her. The Reading Eagle articles were certainly less than kind. They were way ahead of us.

Girl From Up North said... 26

I think the article about Ghosts at the McMansion was a joke......

Yes, it is.

Anonymous said...

anger issues kate said... 22
butterfly: I believe in ghosts, why not? I'm a Christian. But Kate tries to be a straight lace kind, which she is no where near. Kate believes in ghosts, but won't let her kids read Harry Potter. WEIRD!
Oh I got you, I am not a christian, so I don't know which ones believe which things, but you're right,I do remember Kate freaking about Harry Potter- def WEIRD!!

And like everyone has said, article is tongue in cheek, but spot on!

LancCountyMom said...

Anonymous II,
MU (actually MSC) Alumni here,
yep, I've been following it somewhat.


Spring Has Sprung said...

Flight of the Kiwi ... 4 - Hi Flight (love that name, by the way). We have always had Bradford pears and their blossoms have never smelled bad. The female Gingko Biloba is another story, however. Those are the foulest smelling trees you can imagine.


Same here. I love the Bradfords - our entire community was lined with them and since I do gardening and landscaping, I'm outside quite frequently. I never noticed any odor coming from them.

My mother always wanted a Ginkgo tree and my father bought her a gorgeous one (female tree - big mistake)...planted it right outside the bedroom windows. It smelled so horrible that you couldn't open the windows at night! It's the female fruit that smells like vomit in wet, stinky athletic socks.

anger issues kate said...

Auntie Ann: but it was good!

I do think Kate would have acted that way, look how she grilled the kids about the globe, and this article was year & half ago. How did this person come close figuring to how Kate gets the truth out of her kids(and this being a joke?. That is interesting, to think Kate might do that(jokingly) and then she did. That's weird: like life imitating art or in this case: life imitating a made up story. That's freaky!

hey jude said...

wayward@ 98,
you can sure tell who knows nothing about computers- me..I can never understand why someone would say- ugggg, she's such a POS. Ha, ha ,ha, I took that to mean positive, not piece of shi%t. I am such a dork somedays, hanging my red face !

AuntieAnn said...

anger issues kate - It is kind of prophetic. Maybe they could write an article about how Kate finally disappears.

Dallas Lady said...

I'd like to put in a vote to keep partisan political talk off this blog. It's been so nice without it. I won't say what side I fall on (though you might be surprised), I just....haaaaaaate when things get political. Suddenly things get nasty. I don't want that here.

I've smelled super stinky Bradford pears. If that is what she's got, she was ripped off if she paid thousands. And I love how she thinks she can cry poor one day, then say she spent thousands on arborists the next. She's nuttier than squirrel poop.

anger issues kate said...

Auntie Ann: Maybe we should have that person write how Kate will disappear. That's too freaky. GN!

hey jude said...

re; the ghost story- at least we know now that the kids did actually get some milk to drink. Maybe they didn't like it and spilled it, or the ghost did. Kate?

canadianmom said...

Spring has sprung said- " My mother always wanted a Ginkgo tree and my father bought her a gorgeous one (female tree - big mistake)...planted it right outside the bedroom windows. It smelled so horrible that you couldn't open the windows at night! It's the female fruit that smells like vomit in wet, stinky athletic socks."
Haha, this story made me hate my big, ugly pine trees a little less...

Maggie said...

What is GH in the ghost story comments? And what is dh and dd? I understand she is talking about husband and daughter but what does the d stand for?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

If that is what she's got, she was ripped off if she paid thousands.


They were there when she bought the house. If they were damaged in a storm, there wasn't much she could do but have the dead branches removed, or cut down all of the trees.

Kate, with her usual exaggeration, claimed that all of the trees were lost or ruined, or whatever it was, but photos showed otherwise.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Night night! Have pleasant dreams all! I dream of peace and harmony,hard work, honesty,kindness&positivity for all! :)

HA i'm very surprised that she knows any of these words. ~ Administrator said...

HA i'm very surprised that she knows any of these words.


Well she knows Peace since she gets those Peace Love World shirts for free. Though they may pull out soon if they're following her meltdowns at all. Unless they really want a part of Kate's Batshit Crazy Descent into Madness brought to you by Peace Love World and Juicy Juice.

JoyinVirginia said...

GH = ghost hunter
Dh = dear husband
Dd = dear daughter

JudyK said... (Administrator) said... 43
HA i'm very surprised that she knows any of these words.


Well she knows Peace since she gets those Peace Love World shirts for free. Though they may pull out soon if they're following her meltdowns at all. Unless they really want a part of Kate's Batshit Crazy Descent into Madness brought to you by Peace Love World and Juicy Juice.

LOL. She's unraveling faster than a ball of yarn.

JudyK said...

butterfly said... 168
Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@icedtea92 I I captain:) thanks.. Will do..
"I I" seriously Kate?? silly, you make yourself look more and more stupid each tweet

Yes, Butterfly, she certainly does! What a dumba$$. She will, of course, say it's twitter shorthand, but it's just as easy to type "Aye Aye" as "I I"...she does NOT know the difference.

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

JudyK said... 46

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate


That's right, JudyK.

When they holler, "Sail Ho"! They're not talking about Katie Irene sailing ;o)

Dmasy said...

This has been my place to come late night or early AM to decompress from a difficult week and in LUTZ. I didn't know the meaning either.

I have been "gone" 4 days. Great posts on stupid Kate tricks.

OT, sorry:

I have just been introduced to Hospice Care. They will be treating my father-in-law (94 years old). Wonderful people operating an unbelievable program that blends dignity, compassion and comfort for a person with no hope of recovery.

Nurses, technicians, volunteers and ministers have all been serving us with the best advice, medical comfort care and complete practiced efficiency.

A difficult time has been rendered into something manageable. I am so thankful that once our time has passed, I will learn how to become a volunteer in their organization.

I am feeling so blessed as I face this day.

JudyK said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 47
JudyK said... 46

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate


That's right, JudyK.

When they holler, "Sail Ho"! They're not talking about Katie Irene sailing ;o)

OMG, that was priceless! Good thing I had just swallowed a big gulp of coffee before reading. :)

Dmasy, sorry to hear about your FIL...Hospice does wonderful things.

dumber than hammers said...

The comparison to the Dream House winner is spot on. Kate is just like every other lottery winner; virtually every single one is broke within five years.

Hitting the "big time" whether it's a lottery win or a reality show is a prescription for disaster, particularly for anyone who doesn't have a strong background in handling money well.

(Note to Kate: People who handle money well don't play the lottery or do reality shows.)

Someone who is working for a living and paying attention has a far better chance of figuring out how to live a good financial life than a dreamer who hopes to make the big score.

Kate is a greedy short-term thinker and a lazy, selfish dreamer who is also hobbled because she's unwilling to learn from her experiences. She's a classic lottery loser, and she's on exactly the same road to bankruptcy.

Funny thing is, when she falls she won't be among those "mediocre" wage earners she despises so. She'll be far lower on the social scale, hers or theirs. Karma, baby.

She's going to be fifty in a decade or so. She's got maybe thirty or forty more years of life, and has burned every possible employment bridge. Once a potential employer has googled her name, who is going to hire her (providing she can even get through an interview without being a complete ass, which seems unlikely)?

Jane said...

Dmasy said... 48

OT, sorry:

I have just been introduced to Hospice Care. They will be treating my father-in-law (94 years old). Wonderful people operating an unbelievable program that blends dignity, compassion and comfort for a person with no hope of recovery.


So very sorry, Dmasy - glad you have this interesting and fun place to unwind :)

I recently had a both a friend and grandfather in hospice and echo your thoughts. The staff and volunteers were remarkable and made the final weeks of these dear peoples' lives peaceful, pain-free and gentle. It's never easy to go through these things but with the help of hospice care, dignity was returned and we were all able to spend precious days and nights together.

Bless you as you move forward.

Kat said...

Haven't been on in a while.....whats with Kate answering all negative questions on twitter. I thought she blocked all of her haters.....

Virginia Pen Mom said...

"I I" for "aye, aye" and "sail ho!" (LOL, Pink!)

Let's help Kate out a bit with a few more. Kate for you:

Stern - how you'll likely treat your twins onboard

Bow - what you're expecting fans to do when they meet you.

Port - not a type of wine in a box for your cabin.

'Tween deck - hint: this isn't where you'll stow your twins, or as you called them the other day, "My tweens."

Starboard - Not where you get on ship while everyone else gets on Mediocreboard. So don't go up to the captain and ask, "Where does a starboard?"

Jumping In said...

When I read Kate's good-night wish on the banner this morning, all I can say is...."dream on Kate, dream on". I am offended by her preaching out to others qualities she has never possessed. What is so pathetic and sad, is that she believes she has all those qualities in her to give, she ACTUALLY believes it.

Once a Viewer said...

Pink: LMAO!!' Sail, ho!' Kate thinks she's so in the know about things and can bull her way through stuff like the tour of Philly, RV trip sites, Chinatown...she's not even fooling the kids anymore. As they are 'all top students' maybe they 'culture' and educate her before cruise time.

Dmasy: I agree- I have utmost respect for hospice workers. I wish your family all the best.

Once a Viewer said...

..and also LMAO Virginia Pen Mom: your hilarious post came in while I was posting! You guys are so funny!!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Night night! Have pleasant dreams all! I dream of peace and harmony,hard work, honesty,kindness&positivity for all! :)


"hard work"...sounds like she's been reading this blog again!

Kat said...

She wouldn't know hard work if it bit her in her flat orange ass....

silimom said...

Kat - Kate is responding with these twitter wars because it's getting her attention. Negative attention, yes, but like they say all press is good press. She's been on Radar three to four times now.

And that's probably my only real issue with Jon right now. He's just feeding thr beast. Yes, I'm sure it's wonderful for him to be able to speak out but just because you can doesn't mean you should . He's falling into old habits, imo. Jon, please don't engage her in a back and forth. You know it's pointless.

Dmasy said...

Now, you guys -- be fair to Kate. She said she DREAMS of all those noble attributes. She did not say that she LIVES them.

Kat said...

Jon is probably ready to explode afer being silenced all this time...I know I would be. I'm sure it's been very frustrating...I'm sure he'll get it out of his system and move on....and if he doesn't....WHO CARES...I hope he rips her a new one...Ha!

Mel said...

Dmasy...sorry about your fil. Hospice is wonderful, they have so much to offer. You can ask them for anything and they're on it.

Hmmm, honestly said...

As far as Jon responding to Kate I think of the saying "Never wrestle with a pig: You both get all dirty, and the pig likes it."or "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience." He is better off not responding to her.

Kate isn't smart enough to think ahead. The saying "Be careful whose toes you step on today, they might be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow." is so true and she is not smart enough to control her words. It is proving to be her downfall. ~ Administrator said...

Hitting the "big time" whether it's a lottery win or a reality show is a prescription for disaster, particularly for anyone who doesn't have a strong background in handling money well.

(Note to Kate: People who handle money well don't play the lottery or do reality shows.)


I never thought of that but that's such a good point. The reason so many lottery winners blow it big time is probably because people who are good at managing money would realize that playing the lottery is a bad idea and so people who are good with money rarely win the lotto because they simply don't play it.

That's probably the same reason lots of people who hit it big blow their money, because they are in financially risky fields (like acting, or sports) where odds are they won't ever hit it big--but they do, and their personality can't handle it. People who are good with money don't take risks like that and even if they are good at a risky career like say baseball, don't take the risk and choose something more stable and reliable, like sports medicine. Interesting and true I think.

Smoochie said...

Just slightly OT, but related to the previous Dance Moms posting, Lifetime has pulled the 'Topless' episode, never to be aired again and offline (as much as possible). Source:

Layla said...

Fleecing the Sheeple said...
can believe that -- probably one of the only times she's not exaggerating. I know what I paid for landscaping service when I had a property that size. It IS thousands and thousands of dollars a season. That said, what did she think it was going to cost when she saw the property? You ask the owners what they paid in services -- you just don't assume it's going to cost fifty dollars a week to mow and then that's it. She wanted "mine, all mine" and now she has it. The bills all belong to her.
So true, Fleecing. A lawn that size requires massive upkeep. As far as her thousands for the trees--we all saw the pictures, and there wasn't much damage. Homeowner's insurance would have covered ONLY the cost of the damage (minus deductable). It looks like most of the work that was done was trimming back the trees. That would be routine maintenance, and not covered by insurance. So, once she had to pay to have all the trees trimmed, plus her deductable, she probably did have to pay thousands. ~ Administrator said...

Just slightly OT, but related to the previous Dance Moms posting, Lifetime has pulled the 'Topless' episode, never to be aired again and offline (as much as possible). Source:


We had this story last week. :) But I'm glad Lifetime has confirmed it and owned up to it. It's called taking responsibility for your f-ups. TLC and Kate could take a lesson.

Michelle said...

Why three years post-divorce is she still so angry towards Jon? She was given far more entertainment opportunities post-divorce than when they were married. In no way, shape or form is it Jon's fault that her two reality shows failed that he had no involvement in. Her failure as a talk show host, interviewer, author, dancer, etc. also can't be pinned on him.

Heck, he hasn't even outted her lie about the "good bra".

Is she so angry with him just because it's the first time she has been unable to completely remove someone from the kids' lives that she no longer gets along with? If so, insanely immature.

Layla said...

Kate's a has been said... 198
aggiemom09121416, when people that have never had much money get it. They usually end up broke unless they learn how to handle it.
So true. I think the problem is, people who have never had money make it into something much more important than it really is. They think if they only had THIS...and then THAT..and on and on...then they will be happy. It doesn't work that way. They spend it all trying to find happiness, and then cry when it's gone and they're still not happy.
I grew up with money. My family was miserable. I don't look to money to make me happy or fill a void. The family my hubby and I have built together makes me happier than anything I ever had as a child. When I lost my daughter, and faced the possibility of never having children, it really put my life into perspective. I would have (and still would) give everything I ever had to bring her back. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option. But God blessed me with more children, and some unselfish mothers who gave up their babies so that they would have a loving family life added to our joy. I don't know the moms who sacrificed so selflessly to add to my family, but I pray for them every day. And when I look at the little ones they so lovingly blessed us with, tearing around the house and giggling with their siblings and pets, I think to myself that this is what those mothers really wanted for them. This is worth more than any amount of money, ever.

Westcoaster said...

She IS insanely immature, and therein lies the heart/root/crux of most of her problems. The twitter wars are symbolic of this, and also speaks to what we have all figured out - no more paid handlers/managers. Before TLC Jon was that person, before Jon the BF whose family home she moved into. So yes, insanely immature is a good descriptor. The woman is only happy sending someone else's money on herself.

Once a Viewer said...


What a lovely story and so true. Happiness and health before wealth.

Berks Resident said...

I have just been introduced to Hospice Care. They will be treating my father-in-law (94 years old). Wonderful people operating an unbelievable program that blends dignity, compassion and comfort for a person with no hope of recovery.


Hugs to all. There is a special place in heaven for people in Hospice. They awill be a blessing to your FIL.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

A lawn that size requires massive upkeep. As far as her thousands for the trees--we all saw the pictures, and there wasn't much damage. Homeowner's insurance would have covered ONLY the cost of the damage (minus deductable).


Yes, depending on the insurance. Some policies cover the dwelling only, and unless trees fall on the house and break a window or put a hole in the roof, damage to trees along a driveway might not be covered at all.

Buddy said...

Dmasy: the people who work in hospice are angels! Your FIL is in good hands.

Twittering and Twattering said...

@Kateplusmy8 hey Kate! making Henrys Pancakes just wondering how it would turn out if i used buttermilk instead of milk? trying to use it up

Sigh...these sheeple. I believe if you use buttermilk, you'll have buttermilk pancakes. Are they really this dumb, or are they just pulling her leg?

Katie Cry-duh said...

Holy cow! The TLC contract is over and done with and it's like....Release the Kraken! There were some very busy people keeping this fool quiet for a long time.

F&M Alumna said...

To: Anonymous II
"OT to F&M Alumna: Are you following the MU/track/cross country drama?"

Just knew MU cut its team because of financial issues - haven't heard of any drama though ...

dee3 said...

"Kate is a greedy short-term thinker and a lazy, selfish dreamer who is also hobbled because she's unwilling to learn from her experiences. She's a classic lottery loser, and she's on exactly the same road to bankruptcy.
dumb as hammers~Great post. I completely agree.
And 1) Kate feels that all this personal upkeep (expensive hair care, clothing, etc.) is an absolute necessity to enable her to get a job in the entertainment industry. She sees it as more of a necessary business expense, 2) she made it quite clear that she'd felt totally confident that she was a highly-desired commodity and that she would have her pick of jobs/shows in the entertainment industry, and 3) due to the NPD, she would be very unlikely to take the good financial advice of an expert.

It's mainly her narcissism that will bring her crashing down....and at times, I almost feel for psych problems are very unfortunate....and make it difficult to put all the blame on the person afflicted.

And not only were all the points in your post so great....but I think there was a length of time where Kate COULD have made a long-lasting lucrative career for herself....AS a role-model mom. Not necessarily on her own show...but guest appearances, writing gigs, creating or showcasing products, etc. But she not just blew that chance....she literally mangled it.
I been very open about being a liberal (though I evaluate each issue do I vote)...and I don't argue religion OR politics with others.....BUT....I do think (in the general concept sense here) that education AND dental care should not be considered luxuries and only for those with $. My parents both went to college for back then they had free education (NYU and Hunter college). I think it would be a smart move to invest in the country's best and brightest, regardless of what social or economic stratum they come from. I think many of the values and priorities are skewed.

Once a Viewer said...

"Kate Gosselin has learned that there are only nine people in her life that really matter—her eight little ones and herself. If she can do good by those nine, than she is ahead in the game. Honesty, kindness, and positivity are three traits that all people should possess. Sadly, they don't."

This is from celebs gather, that weird Effie woman who idolizes Kate.

What a world if the ONLY people who matter are your immediate family. I mean, sure they come first but what about compassion to others, friends, colleagues, relatives, strangers, those in need, being courteous as one goes about one's day, doing impromptu good deeds, geez. As for the traits Effie lists, does she seriously think Kate possess ANY of them??

Dallas Lady said...

Dmasy: I wish your family all the best and your FIL peace.

Her nighty night tweet elicited a couple of funny replies from people who appear to be not haters or fans, just middle of the road people. One said (I'm paraphrasing these) "Oh give it a rest, let's dream of cute men and WORK on those things while we're awake." Another asked, "Who wants people to dream about hard work?"

She can crap out rainbows on twitter all she wants, we still know what she's like in real life and no amount of rainbow tweets can erase the nasty tweets they're sandwiched between.

Very good points, #50! This is why I've long said there's NOTHING to be jealous of when it comes to Miss Misery: financially, her life would have me awake all night, my stomach in knots from worry. If you truly want to get or be in a financially sound position, you don't commit a lot of the classic mistakes she's committed: putting all your career aspirations in one very specific basket and not being realistic about the outcome, burning bridges with people, companies and other career options, extending yourself financially when you don't know for sure you can keep up with those financial extensions (house, land, vehicles, etc.).

No one ever accused her of being smart!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this has been posted already, if so mea culpa:

Teach for America is actually a very poor program for education. It takes new grads with NO TEACHING EXPERIENCE and dumps them into the worst performing schools. These new grads can have a degree in anything, and there are no requirements that they have taken even one class in child education. They are "trained" as teachers while teaching children. After these "teachers" have honored the commitment that allows loan forgiveness, they leave to seek lucrative careers in other fields, touting their "selfless" commitment to community and educating young children.

These children, usually in poor, urban settings, have no stability in the schools because of a revolving door of untrained, no interest in an education career new grads. The schools never build mentor/mentorships or any relationships among staff members. The kids receive extremely poor educations simply because they are guinea pigs for a loan forgiveness program.

It is really, really sad.


Greed always wins said...

If crooked politicians, lobbyists and big shot CEOs, etc. weren't pocketing so much of the money we pay in taxes the gov't could support more programs.

Conservative, Democrat, right-wing, left-wing, doesn't matter. Power and greed are the enemy.

That will never change.

Dmasy said...

Hubby and I tend to 17 "lawn" acres. A larger area of woods and farm surrounds us. (In the Mid West.)

Mowing, limb removal, shrubbery pruning, snow plowing, leaf removal, flowers in ground and in large pots, pond and deck areas....the list of responsibility and pleasure goes on. I have posted before about Kate's expenses. They are sky-high if she does none of the work herself. (Work not flattering to a manicure!) She could spend $15-20 thousand a year and not be doing anything more than maintenance on the existing landscaping.

Then, let us consider the out-building maintenance. House maintenance is a given for any home, but hers is extra large.

The chores/jobs are un-ending. We are fortunate to have large equipment from a double use with the farm. Kate probably does not have a tractor with a bucket lift, industrial chain saws or multiple deck mowers.

She got herself into a BIG mess -- literally. She did not think ahead. And, sadly I don't think she receives the pleasure she should from owing that land.

Sure, she feels lonely and over-whelmed. Any sane person with her life style would feel that way. ~ Administrator said...

"Kate Gosselin has learned that there are only nine people in her life that really matter—


I find this world view from a sheeple and Kate just very sad and isolating. Not to mention extremely unhealthy for those eight kids. But that's the life Kate is setting up, a life of isolation. What exactly is she going to do when the eight kids are out of the house and most if not all are estranged? She'll have no one.

Jo said...

Wow...I was just over on GWOP and there is a comment on it from Proud of the American Red Cross. This person was at the ball and has a lot to say. Reading further up, a few other people who were there had some things to say also and none of it was very nice.

Dmasy said...

Sorry, to keep going on about landscaping expenses. But, it is something I know about.

We lost 4 mature trees in a storm about the same time of Kate's storm. Really lost them -- split trunks, on the ground, etc. We learned then exactly what our insurance covered. The trees themselves had no insured value. The damage done by the fallen trees was covered. So, we mourned some gorgeous, huge oak trees. We cut and split several stacks of firewood. The small dock that was collapsed under the weight of one tree was covered.

The picture I saw of Kate's driveway had some limbs down -- don't think she got much insurance $$ from that!

dee3 said...

"Conservative, Democrat, right-wing, left-wing, doesn't matter. Power and greed are the enemy."

Dallas Lady~Totally agree. And Kate cannot make objective decisions....only emotional ones. She's easily outraged and defensive right out of the gate. As a parenal alienator, she is willing to sacrifice her children on the flames of her outrage and anger towards her ex-husband. The smartest thing Jon can do is to refuse to engage her and not allow her to yank his chain. Doing these things gives the parental alienator just what she/he wants and just encourage the behavior.

And good financial decisions have to be objective. NOT good to be making emotional decisions regarding finances. ~ Administrator said...

Heather I was reading up about TFA and it would be shocking to me if anyone did it for the loan forgiveness alone. The max award from what I understand is 10,000. For five years! You could make a lot more money than that award in five years doing something else. I'm confused by this program at this point. I don't see why people would do it for the money alone. If the criticism is kids run in do the program, don't really care about these kids or communities and only care about the money, then make off like bandits with their forgiveness, don't these kids know they could take a part time job in addition to their regular teaching job in a nicer area and easily make the same amount if not much more? Just confused by the criticism.

JudyK said...

Greed always wins said... 82
If crooked politicians, lobbyists and big shot CEOs, etc. weren't pocketing so much of the money we pay in taxes the gov't could support more programs.

Conservative, Democrat, right-wing, left-wing, doesn't matter. Power and greed are the enemy.

That will never change.

This I agree w/...and even though this is not a political blog, this post definitely has a place here...i.e., can definitely connect the power and greed to the essence of and ultimate demise of Kate Gosselin.

Dallas Lady said...

Admin, I agree with you about TFA.

Heather, I agree with SOME of your criticism, but not all of it. It is not nearly as bleak as you make it out to be. And how do you account for the TFA-ers who choose to stay in education?

Teaching is FAR too difficult of a job to take on just for a bit of loan forgiveness. As hard as you think it will be, you end up wishing it were that easy.

I DO feel the TFA participants need more background on methods before going into the classroom, so I agree with you there. But having mentored some TFA participants, it is not as bad as you say.

sick, sick woman said...

There is no way to know if "Proud of the American Red Cross" on GWOP is the real deal, but the comment is fascinating, and echos what others have written. Among other things in the comment:

"We rarely ever have such childishness from a person who could gain publicity for us. Her actions and her inability to be cordial to the photographers, reporters, all people who give their time to help us bring to light what the Amer Red Cross stands for was also sad. Now she fights with a photog/journalist who has always helped us. A personal thought? Wherever she goes, trouble follows. No one, absolutely no one uses these functions to gain publicity for their future endeavors to make money for their own careers."


"Never had we known Kate G would use this blanket pose nor this Ball to further her own publicity. This woman did not give a penny. She said that using her face for raising funds was her gift to the Red Cross."


"I must admit I did not understand the back lash she received from her actions until she did make this Ball a fiasco in the press/tweeting, etc. There was no reason for it.Now I am one of those people who understand what a horrific person she can be."

This writer also claims that there were letters back and forth about the inappropriate Red Cross blanket picture (and that they requested she return the blanket) that involved LAWYERS, but that Steve dragged things out until Kate had raked in publicity.

The last is true, for sure, since we all saw it (dragging it out for publicity for Kate), and the rest is sure consistent with Kate's very public behavior. ~ Administrator said...

Teaching is FAR too difficult of a job to take on just for a bit of loan forgiveness. As hard as you think it will be, you end up wishing it were that easy.


Exactly. Same with many of the other professions in certain areas that the government is throwing a little money at in programs. Just based on my own experience, it's hard for me to believe that people are sticking these kinds of things out just for some extra cash--cash that they could easily make quickly and with a lot less stress elsewhere.

Dallas Lady said...

And I want to add, many of them have a true passion for teaching they discover as they teach. That's not a bad thing. I know of two TFA participants who went on to lucrative careers in banking and marketing, but both of them cane back to teaching after a few years. They missed it, down deep. As hard as it is, when you really have a passion for teaching, you can't deny it. I know: I left teaching after my first two years and pursued a career in project management for the next four years. I liked it just fine, but the longer I did it, the more deeply I missed the creativity and resourcefulness I got to tap into in the classroom--both I myself and the students. I missed them! So I went back. And it made all the difference in my life. I knew in my gut it was what I should do and I haven't regretted it for one second, all these years later. I can't think of a more rewarding thing to do with my life.

Michelle said...

"Never had we known Kate G would use this blanket pose nor this Ball to further her own publicity. This woman did not give a penny. She said that using her face for raising funds was her gift to the Red Cross."

Sure sounds like the Kate we've seen over the years. No surprise at all. If her purpose in going to the ball was to help the Red Cross, why wouldn't she have given her "tweeties" the heads up so they could donate. Heck, the local tweeties could have pooled their money and bought tickets for a table to spend the evening mingling with their idol. Sadly, then no cash for Kate - just that dang Red Cross profiting. No way Kate will get near her tweeties in person with no profit going in her pocket.

I don't follow Kate's Twitter too closely, but I'm sure if any tweeties have suggested they'll be mailing birthday gifts, Kate hasn't even considered replying with - "If you want to do something for my birthday, please in lieu of a gift make a donation to the Red Cross".

As the GWOP poster said, to Kate charity's sole purpose is self promotion.

fidosmommy said...

Did someone post about the Red Cross Ball on GWOP? Oh yes she did! ~ Administrator said...

I don't really believe a word of that Red Cross post to tell you the truth. It's too perfect.

Exactly the reason I stopped allowing insider stories here.

dee3 said...

I 100% believe those comments on GWOP regarding the Red Cross event. They sound completely accurate to me. Thanks for mentioning, Jo. I don't usually read there and would not have known otherwise.

dee3 said...

The one thing that makes me skeptical of those posts is why would a person who represents the Red Cross be commenting this stuff on a public site? But what she posted regarding Kate sounds right on the money.

JudyK said...

Jo #85: Whoa! (or Woah as the Idiot Kate would say)...thank you SO MUCH!

I never visit that blog but went there after reading your comment, and there were about four (4) comments from RC organizers/volunteers themselves who attended totally throwing Kate under the bus for her aloofness, rudeness, sourness, and self promotion...they made it clear she was there for herself, not for the RC.

Finally! Some people who have the backbone to tell it like it is/was...she will never again be invited to an RC function. Boyfriend/Purse Boy/Boobyguard was outed as having no place whatsoever at the function...that NO ONE came with a "bodyguard," except, of course, Kween Kate.

She's a joke and belongs in the comic books.

Westcoaster said...

"Never had we known Kate G would use this blanket pose nor this Ball to further her own publicity. This woman did not give a penny. She said that using her face for raising funds was her gift to the Red Cross."


That she would even say this, and I have no doubt she did, is further example of both her huge self-absorption and even greater lack of awareness of how things work in the real world. Without a paid handler ( lawyers, hmm,), she will be digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Michelle said...

The one thing that makes me skeptical of those posts is why would a person who represents the Red Cross be commenting this stuff on a public site? But what she posted regarding Kate sounds right on the money.

Agreed. Kate made no attempt to raise money for the Red Cross on Twitter. Never encouraged her followers to buy a ticket and come hang with her at the ball while they all did some good for the Red Cross. She was there purely for selfish purposes IMO. Whether the post is true or not, it's point is spot on accurate.

dee3 said...

I would bet that Kate has never contributed financially to any charity...and that the only things she's ever done were either related to the show (donating the motorbike, going to the food bank, the koala thing) and/or promoting herself (the Red Cross). And she would likely consider herself doing them a favor just by showing up.
She doesn't have a charitable bone in her body. She thinks others should pay for the benefit of just breathing in the same air she does. ~ Administrator said...

The one thing that makes me skeptical of those posts is why would a person who represents the Red Cross be commenting this stuff on a public site? But what she posted regarding Kate sounds right on the money.


They probably wouldn't. Also the fact that they know so much about blanket-gate is a red flag. I doubt that was the talk of the Red Cross. It was handled quickly and efficiently.

I've done quite a lot of work with the Red Cross in college. They are just not a "gossipy" type of organization. They work with a ton of celebs and they last thing they want is a reputation of outing their celebs.

But it is true the point remains.

Katie Cry-duh said...

If the red cross posts are She is more delusional than I thought. And Steve is her #1 enabler and doesn't appear to have her best interests at heart. He also sounds short sighted and wants immediate attention for her, no matter the consequences. Maybe that's the reason why she can't quit him. He's the only one that knows how to help her exactly the way that she wants to be helped. The two of them are pathetic

anger issues kate said...

Michelle: why is Kate still so angry at Jon after 3 years: cause Jon screwed up her plans. Kate likes to make lists right? Well, Kate is one of these people who plan their whole life out, on paper. Thus the lists, bucket lists, schedule etc. Kate has mentioned all the above. Kate had been planning her whole life out , probably from a kid on. example: High school: cheer leader=popular=boys, after HS: work, picked nursing cause maybe dad suggest it, cause maybe Kate was doing nothing, but planning to nab a guy and get married, pregnant, don't have to work. After some kind of pressure from BF and family, she enter the training /cert program and became a nurse. Not liking her job, Kate planned, the rest. Find well-off regular nice guy(Jon), get married, get pregnant, stay home and not work(which was one of Kate's goals, from the start). This is when all the other plans came into being. One more kid, Kate knew far well that if she did the same thing, to get the twins, multis would happen. And they did, so kate, decided to make some cash off of the tups. So now we have: married well-off guy, house, kids. Kate has everything most married women want. Not enough for Kate. Kate had it planned as by certain age she will have this and that. Married by a certain age, house by a certain age, wealth, by a certain age, certain things by a certain age, and Fame. What Kate did not expect is Jon not going along for the ride and her family not either. I knew someone like that, she expected to be married by 25, have a house& career by 30, and kids by 32, and retire at 45. Good luck with that.
I look at life as an endless adventure, I never know, what will happen next. As the Boy Scouts say: Always be prepared.
That is why Kate is still mad at Jon, cause he ruin her perfect life, plans, & future. Kate treats/treated her husband, kids and family like little dolls: dress them alike(kids)have them perform, them put back on shelf, take husband down to do husband things, put back on shelf, family the same. Everything has a place. What Kate didn't figure on is they are not dolls to play with, then put on shelf, they are living beings with ideas, individuals with opinions. You can't surpress that Kate.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Kate's never had a charitable bone in her body. All those years of 'seasons' proves it. It was discussed that she was given a half of beef on the show, and sold half of that to Aunt Jody (I think it was?)
It was also reported that the new house kitchen remodel involved her selling the old cabinets to Carla.
I can't think of ONE thing she ever gave away and got nothing in return.

I read a sign on Ebay last night that fits Kate very well:
Stupid Should Hurt :)

thankyoufairy said...

The college tuition issue is very interesting to me. In reality, it is an issue of intergenerational fairness. Public universities get tuition from three sources: state funding, tuition and grants. The trend is for the state funding part of the pie to shrink as our population ages since state budgets are putting more funds to things like Medicaid and support for an aging population. When one part of the pie shrinks, another grows, and the trend is for the tuition slice to get larger since it is the one administrative boards have the most control over. I have a child starting school this year. He selected a public university and it is going to be very expensive. When my parents were in college, the state schools were much more affordable, in part because there was far fewer unfunded mandates from Congress to the states. Our current public policy is skewed towards providing a social safety net to people at the end of their life cycle, not young people who are going into college. Add in the fact that federal need-based grants don't keep up with tuition costs and that many middle class families are slammed with higher healthcare costs, I'm not surprised that people are turning to student loans.

Also, there are fewer options for young adults who opt out of college. Manufacturing jobs are disappearing, service industry jobs pay low wages with few benefits and middle-age people with experience are applying for entry level jobs in this economy. I remember hearing people say "The military is always hiring" but about 75% of the young adults in this country cannot join the military for a number of reasons including things beyond their control like medical conditions. It is far more difficult today to enlist than it was twenty years ago. My son is a honor student and varsity soccer player but he cannot enlist due to certain conditions in his medical history. For a young adult who lived in a high poverty area attending a low performing school, the odds are even worse since demographically, this person is more likely to have asthma, more likely to have a low ASVAB score, and more likely to be an overweight teenager. There are no easy answers or quick solutions here.

Anonymous said...

I have a master's in teaching and have taught. I'm saying that so you understand my background.

TFA has a LOT of respect outside of the education field. Meaning that new grads who take this on are more than likely to land a dream job after they leave. A lot of these grads are from Ivy League schools and are doing it for the prestige of it. If they were so interested in teaching, why the heck didn't they get a teaching degree in the first place? Or a teaching certification, depending on what state they reside in?

My main criticism is that this program HURTS low socioeconomic status kids. If the staff revolves in and out every other year, there is no chance for building a solid educational setting for these kids. Think of it like a HS sports team. What determines how good that team is? The jr. high coach, who taught the basics, who worked with the HS coaches to ensure that all the skills were taught down the line.

Translate that to an elementary school, where kids are learning to READ and WRITE. By people who have no experience whatsoever. Who maybe majored in business and now are teaching math, science, and reading to 7-yr-olds. And will be gone in two years. Imagine if as a 5th grader, NONE of your previous teachers were still at that school. Where is the trust? Where is the community?

The program hurts kids, all so a bunch of new grads can use the prestige of saying they did Teach for America to get loan forgiveness and also get a better job out of it in the end.

That is the reality. A child's elementary school is not the place for this type of program. Children need experienced, dedicated teachers who are in it because they want to teach, and ONLY teach.

And if TFA were eliminated, maybe, JUST maybe, real solutions would have to be put in place to improve these failing school systems, with real teachers who will stick around.

TFA is not the shiny, happy, solution it seems to be.

OK, off the soapbox.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, isn't a Bucket List something one makes up when they are retired or elderly with no kids around to hold them back? Not something you generally plan in your thirties. But I guess to Kate it's just another hand out in life.

Job I want her to get would be a hotel maid. Imagine her with her "OCD" trying to clean? But I generally always treat any maid at a hotel with respect, don't know if I could manage that with Kate.

dee3 said...

anger issues Kate~

From what I've seen, blaming another person forever is classic behavior for a severe narcissist....even if there is no rational reason or they fabricate a reason. It is always someone else who is to blame for whatever has gone wrong in their life...and for anything that does not reach the level of what the narcissist expects/feels entitled to.

She probably hates him with a passion.....and what is interesting is that it doesn't extend to his significant others but just to him. The partners he has are irrelevant to her. It is Jon who is the focus of all her ire when it comes to the subject of her not getting exactly what she wanted/wants. And I am sure this hatred and vindictiveness will last for many years....if not forever.
A narcissist cannot be to blame for anything and it HAS to be someone else's fault. Always. ~ Administrator said...

I'm just curious, are there actual studies to back up that kids are harmed by rotating teachers? I mean, most kids in all socioeconomic areas change teachers every year as they go to the next grade. And as you get older you change teachers every class. It's not like you're changing mommies. It's your teachers.

I understand the concern I just wonder if it's overblown.

Other areas where forgiveness programs are offered don't suffer from this problem. For instance lawyers, most cases have a course you see through and a new case isa completely new one so it doesn't matter if you rotate in a different face. No one even would know.

Layla said...

Wow, she really does still think she is a big draw (to the RC, Australia Zoo, etc). That is just downright delusional. Does she ever stop to wonder WHY that big TV job hasn't happend? She said in that interview that it will happen because it has to, she has a lot riding on it. But does she stop and think, "Why hasn't anyone offered me the big job yet? They all know who I am, and they all know I need/want a job in the media. So, why no offers"? She thinks that any publicity is good publicity, any attention is good attention, but she is so wrong. She was already know for being arrogant, selfish, b**chy, entitled, greedy, demanding, rude, and impossible to work with. I think that's why no offers came right after TLC fired her. And now, all this negative press just reinforces the previous image, and also shows that, if anything, she has gotten worse. She would be a nightmare to work with. Yet, she still acts the way she does. She still thinks she deserves the lifestyle that TLC gave her just for being...her. Can she possibly think that what the media people want is drama, and she's showing them she can deliver drama? That's not drama, that's Kate being a b*tch. There's a difference.
With an attitude like hers, she is gong to crash and burn--she is already well on her way--and I won't feel bad about it--not one bit. The kids have their dad to cushion the fall. She has no one.
Now, the psycho-fans will say, "How can you wish that one a single mother with 8 kids?" My answer is, I'm not making this happen to her. She is.

thankyoufairy said...

I considered Teach for America and did enough research on it to decide that I didn't want to be a part of it. Many participants do not stay in teaching and it appears that some are using it to flesh out their "high achiever" resume with no indication of staying in the classroom. I don't agree with some of their educational philosophies and I'm uncomfortable with the influence they've had over public education in post-Katrina New Orleans. I actually decided I couldn't AFFORD to do Teach for America. It seemed like there were many hidden costs which might not have been an issue for someone with "Ivy League" resources but were an issue for me. ~ Administrator said...

On another note, can you imagine sitting around the table at the Red Cross gala and trying to have an adult and intelligent and thoughtful conversation with Kate about the merits of TFA?

She would be a deer in headlights. She probably hasn't even heard of the program. I don't understand someone so disconnected from the world.

thankyoufairy said...

Research seems to show that the worst years for a teacher are the first two, regardless of a person's educational background or aptitude. My mother teaches and a rule of thumb is that you'd rather have your child a classroom with a teacher with at least three years of experience. Teach for America is extending into areas with teacher surpluses, not shortages, and sometimes experienced teachers are fired and replaced with Teach for America teachers. High performing schools tend to have more experienced teachers, but when Teach for America comes to town, children in poor performing schools are subjected to inexperienced teachers who are doing their best to survive over and over again. Teach for America has a TWO year commitment and some teachers leave before that period, and the best and brightest move out of the classroom into other occupations or education administration right when they would be the most valuable as teachers.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Agreed that Kate hates Jon for ruining her plan. Note to Kate: get a new plan. Something does NOT have to come along. You DO have a lot riding on it. Get a job

Midnight Madness said...

The one thing that makes me skeptical of those posts is why would a person who represents the Red Cross be commenting this stuff on a public site?


They wouldn't. I read those posts and dismissed them right away. There was so much that didn't make sense, and had the tags of a regular multi-name/multi job poster all over it.

dumber than hammers said... (Administrator) said... 114

On another note, can you imagine sitting around the table at the Red Cross gala and trying to have an adult and intelligent and thoughtful conversation with Kate about the merits of TFA?


Yeah, one of the ironies of this blog is that there's more interesting, intelligent discussion inspired by that lunatic right here than she'll ever dream of participating in herself.

The only "voice" she listens to is her own.

Pants On Fire said...

JudyK said... 46

butterfly said... 168
Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@icedtea92 I I captain:) thanks.. Will do..
"I I" seriously Kate?? silly, you make yourself look more and more stupid each tweet

Yes, Butterfly, she certainly does! What a dumba$$. She will, of course, say it's twitter shorthand, but it's just as easy to type "Aye Aye" as "I I"...she does NOT know the difference.

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate.

LMAO, JudyK!!!!

cathy518 said...

I am a volunteer for hospice. Tomorrow morning, I will sit as a quiet presence with a hospice patient so his wife can go to church, I won't be doing anything else but will just be there. What I have seen time and time again from hospice is that it is truly family and relationships that matter in life. No one cares about the things that they have accumulated throughout their life when the end is near. No one cares about money, cars, jobs, etc.
A hug for you and I hope that you let others care for you too as this is a challenging time for everyone. Hospice can be a godsend and I wish you peace

Kate's a has been said...

To bad Kate didn't have a back up plan after her tv show ended. I guess she thought her show would never end. And how many reality show people go on to get a big gig any way?

Sherry Baby said...

Admin said..."She would be a deer in headlights. She probably hasn't even heard of the program. I don't understand someone so disconnected from the world."


She's not disconnected from the World of Kate, though!

Sherry Baby said...

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate.


Can't you just hear her response to the ship safety drill, "Report to your muster station," and Kate whining, "If they don't have honey dijon, I'm not going!"

Midnight Madness said...

Followup to my post @117...

What really made me doubt the RC volunteer's post was the statement that there were only three people there who didn't wear red and Kate was one of them. Someone questioned the poster about it, asking how, with so many people present, she could she have known this and who did the counting of both men and women. There really was no answer. The post may have had some credibility, but that statement just threw up red flags (no pun intended) for me.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate's a has been said... 121
To bad Kate didn't have a back up plan after her tv show ended. I guess she thought her show would never end. And how many reality show people go on to get a big gig any way?
Oh but she does. She said so.

"KG: And I don't worry excessively about it, cause I know good things will happen because…well, they have to. I've got a lot riding on it."

See....They HAVE to.

There's a a globular star cluster in the Milky Way galaxy known as NGC 6397. If you have a powerful enough telescope you might be able to see Kate's Planet somewhere in there. ~ Administrator said...

The RC photos show way more than just three women not in red. And even though it speaks to Kate being a bit out of the loop, I doubt the average person would really care she's not wearing red. Nor would they be likely to remember the blanket fiasco from OCTOBER as I doubt a big deal was made over it there. I'm telling you the Red Cross doesn't go around gossipy-gossip with each other about what KATE did in her Red X photo. It was more likely handled by a few PR people and quickly taken care of never to be spoken of again.

The post had too many details, hit on all the points that we have brought up. It was too gunning for Kate, it was too perfect. I think it makes us look silly to fall for it. Again this is why I don't allow insider stories. We go around and around trying to figure out if they are even real. It goes nowhere.

I do have to say I did learn some insider info about some of the demands that someone on their celebrity cabinet made while on a trip abroad (i.e., celeb wanted the Red Cross to pay for an extra week of vacation for their family after the charity work and the Red Cross was APPALLED). But, that wasn't from the internet. That was from a Red Cross employee in person who told me this and someone I KNEW, and it was when it was all going down and a big deal there because they were so offended. Too bad I was asked not to say who it was, it's shocking the closet narcsisists out there.

AuntieAnn said...

Sherry Baby said... 123

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate.
At first glance I thought that said bingo. For some reason it made sense in that it could be one of the planned activites. Haha. Kate sitting there playing bingo with her sheeple and they're all fighting over who gets to call out the numbers.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Katie Cry-duh said... 104

If the red cross posts are She is more delusional than I thought. And Steve is her #1 enabler and doesn't appear to have her best interests at heart. He also sounds short sighted and wants immediate attention for her, no matter the consequences. Maybe that's the reason why she can't quit him. He's the only one that knows how to help her exactly the way that she wants to be helped. The two of them are pathetic


We may not know for sure if the Red Cross comments were from the real deal,


judging from past accounts from other witnesses, they sure sound like they have experienced the unholiness that is our Katie Irene.

Aeduko said...

Fidosmommy: The writing style of that particular GWOP poster is easy to pick out isn't it? The minute I read it I thought it sounded like the pap photographer's wife's posts way back when on there!

As to Kate, I think she's sitting up in the McMansion counting up all the money she could have made and didn't. Classic sign of someone looking for all the angles she can.

Midnight Madness said...

admin said...The post had too many details, hit on all the points that we have brought up. It was too gunning for Kate, it was too perfect. I think it makes us look silly to fall for it.


I agree with all of your observations about the post(s). Nobody fell for it. There's a new one today, and it appears that all of them who claim to be from the RC (different IDs) come from the same person, and they have the "Oh yes, she did" tag all over them. ~ Administrator said...

What I don't understand is that with so many people part of this fiasco willing to go on record these days, not the latest of which was Em Tanner, why do we even NEED anonymous stories anymore? People are willing to go on record now!

Put a name and a face to your comment like Em Tanner did or I'm not interested. ~ Administrator said...

What I don't understand is that with so many people part of this fiasco willing to go on record these days, not the latest of which was Em Tanner, why do we even NEED anonymous stories anymore? People are willing to go on record now!

Put a name and a face to your comment like Em Tanner did or I'm not interested. ~ Administrator said...

What I don't understand is that with so many people part of this fiasco willing to go on record these days, not the latest of which was Em Tanner, why do we even NEED anonymous stories anymore? People are willing to go on record now!

Put a name and a face to your comment like Em Tanner did or I'm not interested.

Mel said...

Sometimes I wonder if Steve doesn't write those posts to generate buzz. They're so detailed, and also so much how we think Kate would behave. Also would explain the insider view on so many varying situations. :-)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dmasy, your FIL is in very good, capable hands.

May his remaining years be happy, painless & peaceful.

God bless you all.

With love,

Jasmine said... (Administrator) said... 111
I'm just curious, are there actual studies to back up that kids are harmed by rotating teachers? I mean, most kids in all socioeconomic areas change teachers every year as they go to the next grade. And as you get older you change teachers every class. It's not like you're changing mommies. It's your teachers.

I understand the concern I just wonder if it's overblown.


I don't know if there are specific studies around the issue of rotating teachers, but there is evidence showing that "looping" (teachers teaching the same class of students over multiple years) has positive effects on student attendance, retention rates, etc. For kids who come from unstable home environments, school may well be the place where they experience the most stability. There is a ton of research around the importance of relationships with caring adults as a key factor in resiliency. To me, the bigger issue is experience, as Thankyoufairy pointed out, but the stability of the school environment plays a role as well.

Pam said...

Why do I have the feeling that her and her fried "gorge" hair will show up at DWTS Monday night?

Once a Viewer said...

Well, even if it's not all true, it sounds like it's what's in people's minds about Kate and her involvement with this admirable institution. People don't want her there, especially if she has nothing to give, either in donation form or as a representative. The whole blanket photo started the negative ball rolling, and I guess the bitter feeling just was embellished, and the prom mini didn't help people find her more approachable or appropriate for the organization.Her behavior there also received criticism.

Give a dog a bad name...well, Kate has given herself a bad name, and soon no one will want her around.

Once a Viewer said...

I was having trouble sleeping last night, and just got to thinking what Kate's daily life is like. Get up with the kids (maybe), 'feed' breakfast (maybe), drive to bus stop (sometimes), run or do unnecessary errands while texting, have a salad/coffee, go on Twitter, maybe read a few blogs or google herself, yell at 'employees', then pick up kids (maybe), yell at them, concoct canned dinner, order the twins to clean up, help with homework, showers, probably tuck the younger ones in, go to her room and drink wine, tweet some more, pass out...very sad, useless and uninspiring to her kids. I would feel sorry for her if it weren't for, well, read this entire blog ! Honestly, how pathetic. No enjoyment or positivity there!

whistlingdixiee said...

Sherry Baby said: Can't you just hear her response to the ship safety drill, "Report to your muster station," and Kate whining, "If they don't have honey dijon, I'm not going!"

I'm mostly a reader here, this made me literally LOL!!! Love reading here.

whistlingdixiee said...

Sherry Baby said: Can't you just hear her response to the ship safety drill, "Report to your muster station," and Kate whining, "If they don't have honey dijon, I'm not going!"

I'm mostly a reader here, this made me literally LOL!!! Love reading here.

Michelle said...

Once a Viewer said... I would feel sorry for her if it weren't for, well, read this entire blog ! Honestly, how pathetic. No enjoyment or positivity there!

It really is a sad, lonely life. I can't imagine living that isolated. I love chatting with my co-workers, talking with the neighbors, close extended family, hubby and the kids at the dinner table every night.

I know many people here have first hand experience with narcissists. Has anyone ever seen one actually change?

Anonymous said...

With regard to the cruise, when she gets the final count from Cindy, I wouldn't be surprised if she says, "This is so over" and "I'm out-a-here" (remember the RV episode and the Alaska disaster) when she finds out how few 'fans' signed on. I think she will be willing to pass on this freebie if the numbers don't add up to her celebrity expectations.

bm ~ Administrator said...

Wow this is timely! Catching up on 20/20 from last night and a woman who trashed another man anonymously on the internet calling him a pervert, etc., got her due when the man took her to court and got a $400,000 defamation suit out of it. She of course had no proof of her character assassinations.

Hi Kate! Hi Em Tanner! "Not legal", "bad things" anything?

PatK said...

bm, don't think for a minute Kate won't go on that cruise. She has her trip paid for, has been planning for it AND I'm sure has the twins all pumped up about it.

Nope, no way will she ditch the cruise no matter how many people have signed up.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

I agree that Kate is a self-promoter, but also it seems apparent that she is still being promoted. Why else would she be invited to anything connected with the entertainment/celebrity world? As a joke? She will not go away quietly even if her livlihood depends on it. This woman is delusional about her place in the television world. She believes her own hype. It's sad, really. Makes her look like some kind of sick joke. It would appear so much better if she had in fact had a back-up plan centered in the real world and using what education she has achieved. Nurses do more than work at hospitals and doctor's offices. School nursing would mean she would not need to pay a baby sitter. Think about it, Kate. Make a little money and "help" children. Silly me with my logical thinking!

Jane said...

Pam 137 Yeah, you may be right.

Michelle said...

I saw that story on 20/20 last night and guess who immediately came to mind when the guy said "mean and dumb is a bad combination". :)

Sherry Baby said...

admin, 144...
I read that story online, and all I could think of was the Twitter wars between the haterz and sheeple, and all of the times the haterz called some of the sheeple drug addict pedophiles/perverts, and the accusations that are slung back and forth.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

cathy518 said... 120

I am a volunteer for hospice. Tomorrow morning, I will sit as a quiet presence with a hospice patient so his wife can go to church, I won't be doing anything else but will just be there. What I have seen time and time again from hospice is that it is truly family and relationships that matter in life. No one cares about the things that they have accumulated throughout their life when the end is near. No one cares about money, cars, jobs, etc.
A hug for you and I hope that you let others care for you too as this is a challenging time for everyone. Hospice can be a godsend and I wish you peace


What a sweet comment, Cathy518. DMasy, you sound like such a nice person. I also wish peace and healing for you and your family.

Smoochie said...

I didn't comment on the Red Cross link, meant to but got sidetracked by something bright and shiny. In light of a little rehashing here, be it a true story or not, it certainly sounds like her behaviour. The one reason why I think she didn't tweet it out looking for donations or boast about attending prior too, is that she was AFRAID some of her tweeties would show up. If you're willing to pay, the RC is going to sell you a ticket and in no way could Kate control whom would buy one.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

My college-student son was commenting on a young woman who's been giving my daughter a hard time. My daughter said, "She reminds me of..." Before she could finish, my son put in, "A shrieking harridan?"

This made me laugh out loud, and you-know-who came right to mind. I think I might just change my screen name to this.

Pam said...

Sherry Baby said... 123

Looks like you need to brush up on your ship lingo before the big cruise, Kate.


Can't you just hear her response to the ship safety drill, "Report to your muster station," and Kate whining, "If they don't have honey dijon, I'm not going!"
March 24, 2012 11:16 AM

LOL....I used to think they were calling the Aft end of the ship, the ass end of the ship.

I bet Kate will think she's too good and too important to attend the safety drill. I'd like to see her try to get out of that. How many times will she roll her eyes and huff and complain how hot it is?

Border Collie said...

What Kate will really be mad about is the amount of money she makes for doing the cruise. It will most certainly not be what she considers worthwhile for a whole week of putting up with people. Of course the first mistake was in making the cruise for a full week rather than the shorter 4 day cruises the rest of the celebs book. A shorter, cheaper cruise means more people will go and have a better time. But greed of course makes her go for the max, and end up with the least.

Dallas Lady said...

Oooooooh AuntieAnn, I'm an astronomy nerd, your mention of the distant galaxy made me squeal.

One last comment on TFA:
The kids who need more experienced teachers the most typically get the least experienced teachers, and they are typically gone within three years of fewer, TFA or not.

So I don't see how TFA can be blamed when that problem is across the whole of education. My master's thesis was on the retention of teachers (specifically with regard to how intensive mentoring helps) and it's a problem everywhere with every district.

Sheri said...

Michelle (142) said...

"I know many people here have first hand experience with narcissists. Has anyone ever seen one actually change?"

I personally haven't. Even despite the fact that all three of her children are estranged and she's had no contact with any of her grandchildren in over a decade, my mother still insists that WE are the problem. The good lord cursed her with miserable and ungrateful children who turned her grandchildren against her. She's never even met one of them.

The problem with narcissists is that they absolutely believe that everyone else is the problem. They have no self-awareness, are unable to be introspective and always see their actions as justified and/or warranted.

If you tell a narcissist they hurt your feelings they just look at you and either deny it or say, "Well, YOU'RE just so damn sensitive."

If you tell a narcissist their behaviour was inappropriate they just look at you and either deny it or say, "Well, that's YOUR opinion."

The saddest part is they honest to goodness believe that there is nothing wrong with them or the way they behave and refuse help.

I suspect most go to their graves believing that the world is against them and that nobody cares about them.

The saddest part is that we DO care, we want them in our lives but we just can't to save our own sanity and protect our own families.

Anyone else care to weigh in on Michelle's question?

Sheri said...

Okay, I guess there are multiple saddest parts. I should really proof read BEFORE I hit publish.

Anonymous said...

I'm just curious, are there actual studies to back up that kids are harmed by rotating teachers? I mean, most kids in all socioeconomic areas change teachers every year as they go to the next grade. And as you get older you change teachers every class. It's not like you're changing mommies. It's your teachers.

I understand the concern I just wonder if it's overblown.


I don't know if there are specific studies around the issue of rotating teachers, but there is evidence showing that "looping" (teachers teaching the same class of students over multiple years) has positive effects on student attendance, retention rates, etc. For kids who come from unstable home environments, school may well be the place where they experience the most stability. There is a ton of research around the importance of relationships with caring adults as a key factor in resiliency. To me, the bigger issue is experience, as Thankyoufairy pointed out, but the stability of the school environment plays a role as well.

I was just going to point this out as well. Kids in school are not in a vacuum and need to recognize, trust and reach out to the adults around them. There have been many studies, as pointed out above, that having the same students work with the same teachers in multiple years has a positive effect on students as well as the school system. It's tough to get away with bullying, violence, cutting class, etc., when teachers recognize and know students on a first name basis, as well as know about their home lives and personalities. Students also know what is expected of them and do not have to "relearn" how to behave, what is appropriate, etc., because they know how the teacher runs the class.

[Similar to the positive effects of having the same nannies, versus the detrimental effects of having multiple nannies year after year. There are also issues with kids who act up in school right before a vacation because they do NOT want to go home. School is the only place they feel safe. And I have seen this behavior firsthand.]

Teacher retention is difficult in districts where pay is low. Where pay is high, they have an issue of forcing teachers to take early retirement to get them out to get cheaper teachers in.

One last comment:

Would anyone dare suggest Lawyers for America? Accountants for America? Nurses for America? How about Pilots for America?

Bring in untrained 22-yr-olds, with degrees in fine art, and have them "train" to be lawyers, accountants, nurses and pilots, working in the workplace and having to deal with all the responsibility attached.

Anyone want to have their taxes done by someone playing accountant?
Have a play lawyer defend you in a criminal trial?
Get on a flight with a pretend pilot flying the plane?
Or have an ER nurse coming to manage your pain without any prior knowledge of narcotics dosing or administration?

Frightening isn't it?

But for some reason we allow people who have no classroom management skills, understanding of child developmental stages, knowledge of state skill requirements, or ability to put an educational lesson together with rubric that meets all states objectives and requirements and is age appropriate, to teach our children.

Don't even get me started on inclusion classrooms, where even veteran teachers run into difficulty dealing with behavioral, cognitive and socialization issues.

TFA does not benefit students in any way. It is a "feel good" program that is a failure.

OK, I think I'm done on this topic.

heather ~ Administrator said...

There have been many studies, as pointed out above, that having the same students work with the same teachers in multiple years has a positive effect on students as well as the school system.


The thing is this doesn't even happen in schools not struggling. There are first grade teachers and second grade and so on and in most schools they don't follow students more than a grade or two. Plus that's putting a lot on a teacher to know the curriculum for more than one year. And is that really a good idea or is it better to have one teacher who focuses on one curriculum and becomes great at teaching it. It's a nice idea to have the same people follow you year after year, but I don't see how it's really feasible in high income and low income schools alike.

Also, there are some pretty bad teachers on tenure who will be at the same school forever. Retention is a BAD thing when it comes to them. I bet there are a lot better TFA teachers out there who could replace them, but can't. You just can't know where you'll find a great teacher. Two of my favorite teachers growing up were an elementary teacher whose teaching aide was her daughter who also wanted to be a teacher. The daughter must have been 21 years old but she was great. So was her mom. It must be a genetic thing. Age had nothing to do with it. The older teacher was excellent, and so was the newbie.

What a mess this is with no good solutions.

Sheri said...

Admin (159) said...

"The thing is this doesn't even happen in schools not struggling. There are first grade teachers and second grade and so on and in most schools they don't follow students more than a grade or two."

Do you folks not have Montessori schools in the U.S.? (I'm Canadian.) They are private programs where the teachers stay with the same small group of kids from Kindergarten to Grade 6.

I have no idea of statistics but it is said kids entering middle school from these elementary programs fare much better than their public school counterparts.

Knowing Daughter (Asperger's) was going to struggle in public school, Hubby and I looked into it. Unfortunately these programs are very expensive and we couldn't afford it.

As it was, we ended up homsechooling after a few years because, as we suspected, Daughter did not do well in public school at all. ~ Administrator said...

Montessori schools are all over the place but they're controversial and they also are private and cost a lot. You could also homeschool to ensure the same teacher year after year.

I think we're really talking about public schools here and the point remains most public schools don't have the same teachers following students year after year so I'm still confused how this can be blamed for the problems in lower income schools since the identical thing happens in other schools.

Anonymous said...

One last comment:

Would anyone dare suggest Lawyers for America? Accountants for America? Nurses for America? How about Pilots for America?

Bring in untrained 22-yr-olds, with degrees in fine art, and have them "train" to be lawyers, accountants, nurses and pilots, working in the workplace and having to deal with all the responsibility attached.

Anyone want to have their taxes done by someone playing accountant?
Have a play lawyer defend you in a criminal trial?
Get on a flight with a pretend pilot flying the plane?
Or have an ER nurse coming to manage your pain without any prior knowledge of narcotics dosing or administration?

Frightening isn't it?
We are actually facing this very possibility in the military with congress considering taking away our retirement benefits- which means no one will want to stay in for 20 (we have had MANY discussions about this at work) and that means a higher turnover in the ranks- which means junior leaders with no experience leading troops- that can't be good!!!
It's a very good point this poster brings up about inexperience bringing people in to do a job- doesn't always mix. Not that this applies to all fields, but experience is a positive factor, I would think, in the majority of career fields.

Sheri said...

Admin (161) said...

" I'm still confused how this can be blamed for the problems in lower income schools since the identical thing happens in other schools"

Oh, I wasn't implying that the rotation of teachers has anything to do with it. I was just relating our personal experience and believe me, Daughter had some excellent teachers that I am glad she got to know and share her days with.

I was mostly just curious if there were Montessori programs available. I don't have any feeling about them one way or the other as it turned out not to be an option.

As it was, we were merely looking into it as an alternative to public school which we knew would be harder for her socially.

I am in no way qualified to participate in the debate about TFA, though I am learning a lot and finding the points on both sides very interesting.

Kudos for the intelligent, mature and courteous debate. That's why I enjoy reading here. Well that, and the killer Kate snark. :D

Dmasy said...

Cathy 518 and everyone else who kindly responded to my Hospice post -- THANK YOU.

We are in day 6 now. I tear up when I think of the Hospice kindness and efficiency. Without them, FIL would have left the hospital and been admitted to a regular nursing home. Their intervention made it possible for him to go back to the assisted living facility he was familiar with. Over night, they arranged a hospital bed, Hoyer lift, and all other medical items he would need.

Sorry if the details are excessive. My father in law was rushed to the emergency room. After examination and diagnosis of 3rd degree heart blockage, he declined any surgery, any tests and any meds (including antibiotics). Hospice took over with their comfort care.

He is 94-years-old. His wife died 4 years ago. They were married 69 years. He speaks constantly of leaving here and joining her. Sad, brave, tough and sentimental...all in one emotional overload.

Thank you ... all of you.

Permanent Name said...


My heart goes out to you and your family. We have been through hospice 5 times in our families and each time we found them to be angels from heaven.

Our family members ran the gamut of 3 hours in hospice to 8 months in hospice. They could accomplish ANYTHING (like the equipment delivered in a matter of hours). The nurses were the sweetest, most caring people.

You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Hospice will guide you through this with dignity and caring.

I'm glad your FIL was able to make his wishes known.


Once a Viewer said...

As a nurse,I saw many lovely men and women be transferred to hospice. It was sad, knowing their days were coming to an end, but there was comfort in the fact that the nurses there are almost always special- kind, efficient and compassionate.

wayward said...

I agree with everyone, when I first read about someone posting at GWOP claiming to have been at the gala, I called BS. I immediately thought "oh yes she did" wrote it, although they seemed to be careful trying to change up the writing style.

I also agree that Kate has probably flown to LA to be in the DWTS audience. She did too much DWTS hint dropping this past week and now 18 hours without twatting? Pretty sad if this is indeed the case. Inserting herself back on a show she was on two years ago because she has NOTHING ELSE to do. Would also explain the recent trip to NYC to get her straw baled.

I have been busy the last week painting and redoing my mediocre family room, but I've been checking in often to see who Kate pisses off and offends next :) I was at Home Depot last weekend looking for an off-white/ecru color to paint the trim. I saw a chip I really liked and what do you know, the color was called "stable hay." Snickering to myself I marched it to the counter and said "mix it up sir!!" It looks great and I get the biggest chuckle when I look at it, it really looks like Kate's straw!

Kat said...

I guess Kate went to dwts....oh .....that's right ....shes not there to have fun...she's WORKING.....

librarylady said...

She has to be traveling. No kids = no tweets. And the hair appt and the hints about the additional dresses from the prom dress place - yep.

Does DWTS always have former "dancers" (since she definitely can't dance, lol) on the show? I don't watch so I'm not familiar. But I did notice a tweet mention from their site that said Big Surprises on Monday. And they would never announce it early, would get too much flack...

Westcoaster said...

Sigh, to think of her on another undeserved jaunt, not on her dime, wearing totally inappropriate clothing - longest 15 minutes in reality history. Pisser.

Teresa said...

This 2 year old little boy dances his heart out. Oh to be so carefree and loving it. If only the G8 could dance with such freedom of spirit.

Anonymous said...

So...Kate would rather attend an event she does not belong at that earns her no money instead of looking for that hard work that would earn her something she yammers on about? Interesting.

It's not like just because she sits in the audience someone famous is going to hand her a golden platter. She had her day in the sun.

Let. It. Go.

I also find it strange that any mother with daughters would allow herself to wear such inappropriate clothing continuously as she has. I hope she finds no problem with any of her girls wearing skimpy outfits one of these days.

She needs help with a couple of things:

How to dress herself
How to look for work
How not to explode in anger
How to shop using coupons for real

Anonymous said...

I think we're really talking about public schools here and the point remains most public schools don't have the same teachers following students year after year so I'm still confused how this can be blamed for the problems in lower income schools since the identical thing happens in other schools.

There are two issues. One is general teacher retention within a school, and the other is teachers who teach the same kids for multiple years, which is a philosophy of teaching.

Kids in schools that participate in TFA experience extremely high teacher turnover, even IF they have the luxury of being fully staffed. These kids can't read, write or do simple math even close to grade level standards. With "teachers" who are not even remotely invested in the school system and who have no desire to remain in that school, these kids have no shot at improving their skills (and of course these new grads have no real training).

If, as a teacher, you know you will be seeing that same kids within the school day after day, well, your priorities are a bit different. You work with other teachers as colleagues trying to help the students. You aren't there because you think this is a fun volunteer experience that will look great on a resume.

The fact that new, inexperienced college grads are dumped in these schools as a "solution" is a disgrace. These children desperately need experienced, seasoned teachers who are loyal to the profession and will provide stability and security within the school setting. They need teachers who will stick around because they love what they are doing, and can do it well. And I'm very surprised that there is a lack of understanding about the effects of security and stability and what elementary-age children need here on this board.

As far as teaching multiple years, studies have shown that kids perform better. If you want to refute or disagree with the studies, that is fine, but you cannot dismiss them. And teachers are trained to teach multiple years (certifications are generally stated either elementary or secondary). Most secondary teachers have three different grade levels within the five classes they teach. Elementary teachers can teach kindergarten through sixth grade and adjust curricula accordingly. This is an issue outside of TFA. I think teacher retention itself is the main issue.

Admin, you have stated you are a lawyer. Would you advise someone who needed legal advice to talk to a lawyer? Or would anyone who just "wanted to be a lawyer" do? Because that is what TFA is. These people are NOT TRAINED. Would you take advice from a "lawyer" who didn't go to law school? Who didn't pass the bar? Most states require education, supervised classroom experience (observations/participations plus student teaching for a half year) and state exams in order to get a teaching license.

And of course: If TFA is such a great system, why is it still in existence? If TFA improves school performance and creates new teachers devoted to the profession, it should have made itself obsolete by now.

I do not think being a good teacher is "genetic." I find that statement to be condescending. I do not mean to be disrespectful in any way, but it seems as though people believe teachers are stupid and anybody could walk in off the street and do the job flawlessly. That is hardly the case, although that is what TFA is.

It does not benefit the students.

heather ~ Administrator said...

I really do feel sorry for her fans. She uses them. Don't they see that when she's off traveling or at some VIP thing her narcissism is being fed and she doesn't need their praise? She never tweets when she's on the road actually doing something remotely interesting. Never! Because Steve-o is there and people are fawning over her and she gets to play dress up. I doubt she thinks for a second about all her tweeties waiting with baited breath for a word from her. She's pathetic. ~ Administrator said...

I really do feel sorry for her fans. She uses them. Don't they see that when she's off traveling or at some VIP thing her narcissism is being fed and she doesn't need their praise? She never tweets when she's on the road actually doing something remotely interesting. Never! Because Steve-o is there and people are fawning over her and she gets to play dress up. I doubt she thinks for a second about all her tweeties waiting with baited breath for a word from her. She's pathetic.

Dee said...

I'm not so enthralled with that adorable dancing little boy. Training a two-year-old to do a routine like that is not a small project, and sends all kinds of terrible messages to a child.

He needs to be allowed to be two, and to explore his growing world without being asked to perform like a trained monkey.

If he were older, and interested in, or began to imitate, what his parents do (they apparently own a dancing studio), that would be another matter.

But, at two, this is just wrong. And the parents are pimping him out for publicity. Most of us here seem to feel that that's a bad start to childhood.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

wayward said,

"I agree with everyone, when I first read about someone posting at GWOP claiming to have been at the gala, I called BS. I immediately thought "oh yes she did" wrote it, although they seemed to be careful trying to change up the writing style."


You got that right, wayward. It was the multiple questions, the "yes, blah blah, blah," and "no, blah blah blah...," and "did she?" and the same old questions, descriptions, that gave it away.
Oh, well, at least she didn't bring it here!

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Do you folks not have Montessori schools in the U.S.? (I'm Canadian.) They are private programs where the teachers stay with the same small group of kids from Kindergarten to Grade 6.


Yes, but in this area the same teacher doesn't stay with the same group from K to 6. In fact, not all Montessori schools go to grade 6. Some are pre-K to K, while others go to grade 8. Mine have all gone to Montessori, and usually the same two teachers are with the group for two years, and then new teachers are assigned. It's always worked very well for us.

Man behind the curtain said...

butterfly said... 162
One last comment:

Would anyone dare suggest Lawyers for America? Accountants for America? Nurses for America? How about Pilots for America?

Bring in untrained 22-yr-olds, with degrees in fine art, and have them "train" to be lawyers, accountants, nurses and pilots, working in the workplace and having to deal with all the responsibility attached.

Anyone want to have their taxes done by someone playing accountant?
Have a play lawyer defend you in a criminal trial?
Get on a flight with a pretend pilot flying the plane?
Or have an ER nurse coming to manage your pain without any prior knowledge of narcotics dosing or administration?


Just have to chime in here as it relates to the discussion of higher ed and the cost of college tuition. Not sure how many are aware that many (if not most) college professors have NO prior teaching experience or training before first entering the classroom. Professors are academics who have earned a PhD, and they are experts in their field of study. For that reason alone they are permitted to teach countless undergrads, regardless of training or skill-level as an instructor. There is no requirement that they "learn" to teach while in graduate school. Many, like myself, opted for the chance to be a teaching assistant -- which not only defrays from tuition and provides a meager income, but (more importantly) it gives a graduate student firsthand experience in teaching undergrads, developing curricula, creatig a syllabus, grading papers, creating exams, etc. etc. However, one does not *have* to do any teaching to earn a doctorate, and many college professors have ZERO teaching experience when they start out at a college and/or university.

Compounding the issue is that the "bottom line" has become such an important issue for universities, that research has trumped teaching in terms of value. All because research brings in grant $$$$$; teaching does not. I shudder to think how many times I've heard fellow faculty gleefully exclaim that they didn't have to teach for the present quarter because they were on a grant or sabbatical. It makes the cost of higher education all the more egregious when you really know the less-than-quality education most higher education institutions provide. Because it's not about "higher learning," as was university's original intent. It's about the schools making money. ~ Administrator said...

Man Behind the Curtain oh my gosh I'm so glad you brought that up I've talked about that so much with my classmates. The focus has shifted dramatically to research, doesn't matter how crappy of a teacher you are (and there are some crappy, crappy professors out there) they just want to know what your research is.

Right now I could submit a proposal to my law school for a course based on family law and I could easily be hired as an adjunct professor for a couple grand. But do I have any business teaching? NOOOO! I had a friend who was teaching a criminal law 101 class at a low ranking university but still well known. He did it for the extra cash. Now he is GREAT but anyone could do this and maybe be not so great!

What a bizarre shift. Cost of education is soaring through the roof, meanwhile just about anyone can come up with a college class and start teaching it.

Dallas Lady said...

How are Montessori schools controversial? Our daughter attended one from the age of 3 to 6. It wasn't public, but there are public Montessori schools!

About DWTS: I'm not convinced she's going to be there. Do they normally have absolutely awful dancers on in the audience two years after the fact? She wasn't in the audience last year, was she? I know she was in the audience after she was kicked off with Mary Hart once, but she wasn't there last year. Why would they have her in the audience this year? To remind Tony how bad he had it?

NJGal51 said...

I believe that former dancers can request tickets to a show and they get to sit in the audience and hope that the camera will pan over them as it does an audience shot. If she is there I'd look to see if PB is with her. They have to pay their own way to get there. ~ Administrator said...

DL here's a good summary of some of the criticisms: ~ Administrator said...

Yes anyone can get tickets to DWTS, I'm sure if she has the notion of going all she has to do is call them up and they'll get her a seat on camera.

If this is where she is, why not help plug the show to her tweeties saying hey watch for me in the audience! Or would she demand her cut of any profits the episode makes Monday night? It's SOOO weird how she plays hide the ball with any kind of promotion. She does the opposite of what celeb school tells you to. ~ Administrator said...

Yes anyone can get tickets to DWTS, I'm sure if she has the notion of going all she has to do is call them up and they'll get her a seat on camera.

If this is where she is, why not help plug the show to her tweeties saying hey watch for me in the audience! Or would she demand her cut of any profits the episode makes Monday night? It's SOOO weird how she plays hide the ball with any kind of promotion. She does the opposite of what celeb school tells you to. ~ Administrator said...

Yes anyone can get tickets to DWTS, I'm sure if she has the notion of going all she has to do is call them up and they'll get her a seat on camera.

If this is where she is, why not help plug the show to her tweeties saying hey watch for me in the audience! Or would she demand her cut of any profits the episode makes Monday night? It's SOOO weird how she plays hide the ball with any kind of promotion. She does the opposite of what celeb school tells you to.

Dallas Lady said...

By the way, she said the exact same things on twitter last year this time about DWTS, and she wasn't in the audience then. I don't think they'd just randomly being her back to sit in the audience two years later. ~ Administrator said...

DL THEY don't have to bring her back at all. She can go if she wants and feels like getting some narcissism feed.

If you watch the audience there are some faces that seem to like to go and show up over and over. Mario what's his face is one. Occasionally you'll catch someone else. There are the regular alums who go and the once in a blue moon ones who go. But any of them could jsut call up ABC and get tickets if they feel like supporting it and getting their mug out there. ~ Administrator said...

DL THEY don't have to bring her back at all. She can go if she wants and feels like getting some narcissism feed.

If you watch the audience there are some faces that seem to like to go and show up over and over. Mario what's his face is one. Occasionally you'll catch someone else. There are the regular alums who go and the once in a blue moon ones who go. But any of them could jsut call up ABC and get tickets if they feel like supporting it and getting their mug out there. ~ Administrator said...

I have no idea why my posts are posting twice!

Dallas Lady said...

Oh when you said Montessori is controversial, I didn't know you meant regular criticisms of it. Every educational method has criticisms, of course. None of them are perfect.

It doesn't suit all children's learning styles, but for those it does, it seems to work very well for them.

Dallas Lady said...

Admin, ok I didn't know that about going to DWTS. If she does show up in the audience, everyone will know she paid for that plane ticket. What an idiot if she does that. She can't cry poor and jet off to LA just for a chance of a camera pan!

Man behind the curtain said...

It’s really shocking, and so sad, Admin. It’s all about the bottom line – and unfortunately, it’s research (and grants) that bring money and prestige to a university. What I don’t think so many parents are aware of is how removed the actual professors often are from the students. Professors may lecture (and sadly, offer the same non-updated lecture year after year), but the reliance on grad students is out of bounds. Professors use them to cover lectures while they’re off on research-related duties, to create course exams, to do all the grading, to cover “sections,” etc. etc. We’d even have to write letters of recommendation for the students (which the professor would sign as if from him/herself) because *we* were the ones who actually knew the students and their work. While I and my fellow grad students hated the abuse, we were grateful for the learning experience. I left grad school able to lecture and create courses. However, what wasn’t lost on me was the loss for the students, and the semi-duplicity to the parents. My husband listened to my complaints about this half-heartedly for years, until he recently earned his MS at a very reputable tech university in GA. The faculty is world-renowned, but what were my husband’s greatest complaints? That he could hardly ever reach his professors, that they taught remotely or by pre-taped videos, and that they focused their real attention on the PhD students – because those students worked on the research that brought in the oodles of grant money. The professors were too busy with research to focus on actual teaching. I’m not saying this is true for all professors at every college or university. But I can say it’s a trend I’ve noticed in higher education enough to be alarmed. Higher education used to be about learning and thinking and expanding one’s knowledge; not about doing bare minimum to get a piece of paper or a job, much less to make a university wealthy. I feel the same has become of college sports, but I won’t clog the blog with my rants about that. ;)

I know this topic is somewhat off course, but I think it circles the greater issues related to the Gosselins: when money becomes one’s primary motivator, whether in the form of free Juicy Juice or millions in grant money, things tend to go to pot.

Sorry for any typos – I’ve been up since o’dark-thirty and I’m beat – turns out my pediatrician DOES schedule appointments at 7:40 on a Saturday morning. Damn those mandated school health forms … and their expiration dates!

ncgirl said...

Former dancers can be in the DWTS audience. Florence Henderson is there quite often. Nobody interacts with them on camera. At most, they might get their face on camera. ~ Administrator said...

Ha good ole Florence Henderson. I was having trouble remembering who else I often see but yes she's one. I guess that's what you do when you are a retired celeb? Instead of bridge club, go flash your mug in the DWTS audience? Good times.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 you are my role model- I watched every show of yours and when you quit I was runied. I would love to be apart of your kids life


I just can't imagine that this kind of a tweet doesn't bother her at all. This is creepy beyond words...a stranger wanting to be a part of the lives of an ex-reality star's children. Ruined? This is so pathetic, and sadly, the sediments of so many sheeple. What kind of lives do they have?

Amy2 said...

Man behind the curtain,
I have worked in higher education for 20 years in a middle management role. I agree with some of things you said.

Having been involved in several professor searches I know first hand the committee looks to see if the candidate has teaching assistant or direct teaching experience. They're specifically looking for professors who can teach as well as do research in their field of study. Yes, professors are excited about being on sabbatical or doing a class buy-out. Their portfolio includes teaching, service, and research/publishing. In the Math Department professors are expected to teach 10 classes in 3 terms, where the sciences teach 3 classes but are expected to bring in more grants ($$$) and conduct more research. Not a fair balance, but there it is.

On top of that the state provides less and less money which the university is expected to make up....and guess where its coming from? Yep, higher tuition. The model is increase tuition and put more butts in the seats. Lower division classes (freshman/sophmore) have increased the class sizes from around 300 students to 500+. All taught by one! professor with a couple of teaching assistants. Why, because it generates money, its not about education!

Knowing first hand the state of higher ed today I agree with you that some professors are hired without teaching experience. But on the other hand teaching experience is still an important consideration.

And you're right, it's all about the bottom line. I get so angry every time central administration say the university is a business. Gee, I thought it was about education.

And yes, research $$ do keep the university running but its really about Athletics, not education. That's were the money is.

So there you have it; larger classes, increased teaching load for professors, more students, not enough staff to administer the increased student population, higher tuition (goes up each year), less federal financial aid. The people that lose in this equation are the students!

kate's full of it said...

Was Steve with Kate? She's such a big star she needs a body guard.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

This is creepy beyond words...a stranger wanting to be a part of the lives of an ex-reality star's children...


This would bother the you-know-what out of me. A non-fan on Twitter asked her if she believes that Kate would allow her (the sheeple) to be involved in the lives of the children:

@AnnaBetts101 @kateplusmy8 What do u want to do to be a part of their lives? Do U believe KG would allow U to be involved?

And she replied YES and gave the reasons:

@TallisF @kateplusmy8 yes I believe that I am her number one fan! And because I have watched them grow up in the shows, love little kids❤

Moose Mania said... (Administrator) said... 190

I have no idea why my posts are posting twice!


I thought you were just sitting there with your boxed wine and were seeing double!

Jumping In said...

Although Kate feeds a desire in me to analyze, which I find fascinating, I do like a break from her. I know this means the kids are with Jon, having fun, not being regimented, controlled, or being ignored by a parent in a Twitter-frenzy. When the kids are with him, we know we will recieve a gift from Kate, the gift of silence.

hey jude said...


your fil will do just fine in Hospice, the nurses are mostly Heaven sent, so don't be afraid to ask if you need something,OK? My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

Layla, I am sorry you lost your daughter,I didn't know that. Your post made me cry.Saying a prayer for you and sending some peaceful vibes.

Always enjoy posts from both of you.

I only hope Kate finds something to keep her warm at the end of her days.The kids will probably all be long gone and she'll be dying alone in the N. Home.I wonder if she ever thinks about what she'll be missing in the future?

Her parents will die,and g'parents and other family, but Kate won't go to the funerals or bond with anyone.She won't see grandkids or weddings or babies b'days, what the heck is the meaning in her life then.

I can almost pity her until I remember the nasty mother she is to those poor 8, and then I'm back to being mad at her for wasting it all on herself for fame and riches.Get a clue Kate, it's almost over for you......Celebutard.

AuntieAnn said...

Smoochie said... 151

... The one reason why I think she didn't tweet it out looking for donations or boast about attending prior too, is that she was AFRAID some of her tweeties would show up. If you're willing to pay, the RC is going to sell you a ticket and in no way could Kate control whom would buy one.
If that was the reason she didn't tweet about it, do you think she'd be afraid or ashamed? I think she knows the type of people she's been cavorting with on twitter and they're probably not the sort she'd want to show up at a gala event. You know, he Cousin Eddy type of folk she'd rather not be seen with (which amuses me no end, btw).
Dallas Lady said... 155
Oooooooh AuntieAnn, I'm an astronomy nerd, your mention of the distant galaxy made me squeal.
Are you? It's such a fascinating hobby isn't it. I started get into it until I left my not-very-powerful telescope out in the back yard a few years ago and it was stolen :-(
I've Just lately started to get back into watching the night skies on a purely amateur level. They're proving to be fascinating this month even through binoculars.
hey jude said... 2
Get a clue Kate, it's almost over for you......Celebutard.
Celebutard!! lol! I love it!

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