Monday, March 19, 2012

Em Tanner to Kate: I'm so sorry you 'lost your way,' I really am.

And another one bites the dust.
When Kate accused the gracious and talented designer of benefiting from a product featured on Jon and Kate Plus 8, Em Tanner struck back with this: "Just wanted to clarify that Kate recieved MY design for FREE as a gift. Unreal. You are a piece of work!"

Here's a brief summary of Kate's latest Twitter war as we understand it:

Back when Jon and Kate Plus 8 first started, a lovely designer from Tennessee named Em Tanner sent Kate loads of goodies from her collection, including numbered t-shirts for the kids, and a calendar that according to Em's tweets, she gave to Kate for free

Gosselins Go Dutch

Em Tanner named the calendar "Kate's calendar," and put it up for sale on her web site. Although other independent sites such as have pointed out that this calendar was seen on Jon and Kate Plus 8, nowhere in the description on Em's official site does she mention the name Gosselin, nor does she even mention it was featured on Jon and Kate Plus 8. The calendar itself is actually called "Kessler Family Calendar."

Yesterday out of nowhere, Kate tweeted that she "thinks" Em Tanner marketed the calendar without her consent, and that  it's "sad when people use your name for gain without permission!"

Kate responded that her name being used is "not legal" and the Em was "confronted" but she "ignored."

Em replied that that's "not how it went and we both know. Good luck to you." She later tweeted she's "actually not bitter at all. Just was floored I was being badmouthed so randomly."

At the end of it all, Kate admitted that she actually "started it" (the twitter war) and that she "didn't mean to cause a war."

Next time, Kate, maybe you should take your serious misappropriation accusations to the court of law, and not to Your Honorable Twitter. I hope you remember to bring your patent on the name "Kate" when you go!

1342 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dee said...

Em has done everything right.

Now she just needs to sit back and let it die, unless Kate starts up again. Then a lawyer's letter might be in order.

As it is, though, the only damage (huge damage) is what Kate has done to Kate. That's the place to leave things.

Gift of grab said...

From the "Oh, REALLY?" archives:

@Kateplusmy8 I think you would be great on The Apprentice. You should have your manager get you on it next season!

@XXXXXX lol. They've been asking for quite a while actually..hasn't fit in my schedule.... Maybe some day. Looks fun for sure!

This is TOTAL BS. She won't do it because proceeds have to be donated to charity and they undoubtedly won't meet her demands (she's need a boobyguard, child care while she's filming, etc.). What a LIAR this woman is. If it's true, Katie, SHOW US!

Ava said...

Just bought a cute apron from emtanner:)

AuntieAnn said...

I love the " I'm right and your wrong" so I'm not talking about it anymore. What is she twelve?
She certainly has the mentality of a twelve-year-old. The trouble with Kate is she has zero introspection. You'd think after the third shitstorm in the last two weeks on twitter, she'd step back and say oops I MIGHT be doing something wrong here. She won't though, she just digs her heels in harder.
Boy oh boy spring is here and her narcissism is in full bloom.

Once a Viewer said...

am moving this from old thread as it was cut off, not because it's earth-shattering- I think we're all on the same page here...

wow, good for EM Tanner. I feel badly for her that this turned sour although she got her business going on her own creativity and business savvy. She gave the G's SO much1 Kate is so ungrateful. I wonder if she smashed the plates and burned the calendar & clothing? Does she think she owns the name Kate??

I wonder what went wrong? At least EM Tanner is wise to Kate's badmouthing her. Same as the lady Nina Frye who desigmed the Mom T shirts she made and sent to Kate and interviewed Kate on her radio show (?)and said Kate was a cold fish and she could hardly fill the airtime. Kate bordered on rude by answering in monosyllables.

Admin, thanks for this thread- it is good for EM and others who were used & discarded after kindness and generosity shown to Kate, that at least they have our support. I wonder if Jason the hair stylist will be insulted when he cuts the strings.

njay said...

I think we are going to see this behavior many times in the NEAR future. Probably due to TLC's gag order she has had to keep everything to herself and now she has freedom "to set the record straight." I bet she has been counting the days to blast everyone who has criticized and is now criticizing her, out of the water.

Can you imagine, Kate being Kate, how ANNOYING, to use one of her favorite words, that would be. The water is and has been boiling for five yrs. The sadist thing about all this is that while she couldn't defend herself, all that boiling water boiled over on to the kids. People like Kate can't hold their anger inside. They take it out on everyone around them.

The shame of it all. I can't wait till she blasts TLC royally and it bites her in her ROYAL HEINE!

She is about to sail up the River Karma. Have fun Kate,and don't forget your paddle. TLC was her ship and now all she has is a small life boat and one oar. With only one oar the best she can do is paddle in circles.

Canuck said...

Gift of grab said... 2 "@Kateplusmy8 I think you would be great on The Apprentice. You should have your manager get you on it next season!" "@XXXXXX lol. They've been asking for quite a while actually..hasn't fit in my schedule.... Maybe some day. Looks fun for sure!"
I hope someone sends this tweet on to The Apprentice or to Mr. Trump. Would love to know the REAL truth about this also.

njay said...

Hey anyone who lives by the Smithsonian, how is the weather? I will be coming there on thursday for a vacation. Do I need to pack winter clothes?

Kat said...

Fit into WHAT schedule...she's home all day doing nothing. It's all bullshit....she wants to get paid for it and they don't work that way. I don't even believe her when she said they've been asking her....another twisted lie...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Dee said... 1
Em has done everything right.

Now she just needs to sit back and let it die, unless Kate starts up again. Then a lawyer's letter might be in order.

As it is, though, the only damage (huge damage) is what Kate has done to Kate. That's the place to leave things. --------------

I completely agree. Although I would be pissed if someone did this to me, I DO believe EM has handled things well and if Krapfest Kate continues, time to get an attorney involved. Why sink to a desperate woman's level?

Kate won't know what hit her without TLC handling her chronic bad behavior. I sometimes wonder how many times TLC "paid off" people to make Kate's bad behavior go away! And I think it was a LOT. No more.

I really want to change my name to Krapfest Kate, but the lives the kids have led has been key to keeping my poster name. I can only imagine what a lunatic she is now and what the kids have to go through, now that the show is cancelled. Their lives must be hell.

I think the cruise line is calling for numbers of actual booked people, and may want their cabins back which would explain the chronic tweets from the travel agent yesterday.

readerlady said...

KK would NEVER do The Apprentice. She'd have to work her behind off and wouldn't be able to order everyone around or do it her way, only her way. Not to mention, as others have said, that she'd be doing all that hard work for a charity not named "Gosselin".

Usually a Lurker 200 -- It was always my understanding that Jon's initial child support payments came out of his proceeds from the house. That Kate was required to buy out his half and that money was placed in a trust to pay the support. There's no way Jon was getting $22,000 (the reported amount of his child support payments) a month from TLC, especially after they held his feet to the fire in court and banished him from working in TV. I agree with you that most of that money should go to the kids, because they are the ones who earned most of it.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Bitch needs to sue Good Housekeeping for stealing the idea for the Anerican flag cake that SHE invented.

I took a bullet said...

Gosselin Team work: Organizational Style
MARCH 20, 2012

For some reason, Spring time sheds a whole new spot light on messes we’ve let go in our homes and on our property.This is long known as “spring cleaning.” For me, spring cleaning is not spring specific. If a mess in a given room or area strikes me, I’m on it like a leach (eww!)! If I cannot attack it instantly, it gets added to my mental list of “urgent: do soon!” The odd part is, though, that I can walk by a certain clutter clustration (a Kate-ism meaning a cluster of clutter in large proportions) and not be bothered until BAM the day strikes and it’s all gotta go! Anyway, I digress…

As winter approached, I had an old large shed relocated from our barn area to the area next to our garage. The kids needed an area to store their many bikes, scooters, balls, and outside toys – that’s a lot of play items when you have a large brood like mine! They had been tripping over vehicles and trash cans in the garage, the same way my cars had been narrowly missing the bikes, soccer balls, and wagons each time I pull in and out of the garage! In December, it was far too cold to be outside hanging things and assembling shelving, so I put it on the official spring cleaning list.

This past Monday, the kids and I attacked the garage and shed and in four hours, we had an organized garage and a lovely toy shed assembled. We all felt accomplished and happy and went inside to eat lunch! Ahhhh, organized shed meant calm minds and happy play! And since the kids helped organize, that typically means they will likely keep the area cleaned up, which is an added bonus!

(to be continued)
(credit: kateplusmy8. com)

I took a bullet said...


As an example of more of an impromptu organizational project, I happened to stop at my discount grocery store the other day. I make a point of stopping every so often and especially when my juice box supply is low. So, because their stock is unpredictable, I put a stop on my schedule for “to do soon” and when I did, I was surprised to discover a gold mine of juice box supply!

I kicked into high gear and filled two carts to the hilt with various flavors and types of juice boxes. I also found a major bargain on organic canned soups… It was surely a day to stock up! Just $200 later, I was a very very satisfied customer! When I arrived home, I found my basement “freezer room” in disarray…. And that is when I knew I needed to attack! At 7pm, while my kids still played outside in our amazing spring like weather, I found two sets of shelves stacked in storage and quickly developed a plan to assemble shelving and organize all foods with expiration dates clearly visible, making the entire area more “store like.”

I often send my kids to the basement to get items we need so it was time to make everything plain and visible to help them in their search – or their “grocery shopping” as I call it when I send them for some items in the basement stock rooms!

Earlier in the evening, Collin had followed normal evening routine and had already showered and put his pajamas on, so he didn’t want to play outside….he was thrilled when I asked him to be my building and organizational buddy! As we built shelves together, his eyes lit up and he wriggled with excitement! “This is just like building Legos. Oh I love Legos mommy!” I agreed that Legos and shelves have a lot in common and reminded him how good he is at both! He moved cans and boxes and organized along with me like a grown man, for two complete hours!

When the other kids came in from playing, we were not quite done working so I sent them up for showers and to get into bed, and I allowed Collin to stay and finish. His pride soared…. The other kids… Well, they weren’t quite so happy! I needed Collin’s help but I allowed him to stay mainly because I know his personality is much like mine and he needed the satisfaction of finishing the job in order to feel “complete.” So, he stayed and helped me finish, we slapped five, and then off to bed my tired boy went!

I was so happy to organize that area that had been nagging at me for so long… It was one of those “clustrations” that needed attention… Now!

Overall, I’ve completed two spring projects…. Now onto 8 kid’s closets and the many wonderful bins of hand me downs that need to be assembled into their many drawers… Talk about a BIG job! I’m tired already… :)


UPDATE: On Sunday afternoon, we together accomplished our spring clothing switch over! So much getting done makes a happy mom and an organized house… Ahhh! I love it!

(credit: kateplusmy8. com)

I took a bullet said...

Yes, there were some Before and After pictures included in Kate's organization post. The pictures included the kids in most of them.

MoreBS said...

njay, the weather down here has been gorgeous and springy. 70s during the day, 50s at night. That could change in an instant though. The cherry blossoms are at full peak this week, so good timing. Enjoy your trip!

koopdedoo said...

Usually a lurker #200 - I don't think this family ever thought to include residuals on sales of any items (DVDs, whatever) in any of their contracts. Just my hunch.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Let us not forget that Kate messed up Trump's hair during a photo shoot. I would say that Trump knows how "crazy" she is, and would choose ANYONE, before her. There are simply too many reality stars to choose from, let alone someone who disrespected him personally. I know ratings drive shows, but Kate is really not a ratings grabber at this point. No show, nothing, just CC. Quite pathetic.

AuntieAnn said...

They've been asking for quite a while actually..hasn't fit in my schedule.... Maybe some day. Looks fun for sure!
Yeah uh huh Kate. They've been calling me too but I've been stalling them. (eye roll)

Geez. If, big IF, they want her on the show it would only be for the fun of toying with her for two hours before The Donald gives her the boot.

CA's ratings are just fine without Kate.

anger issues kate said...

Hey, didn't Kate say in a tweet or that other recent blog, that she had the shed moved by the house? Well, she showed a pic of the shed, that is a not the kind of building you can move, it looks like it was built. Spending more money on things you don't need? Susie Orman would have a field day with Kate. Another useless blog!

Gift of grab said...

Cindy is now directly tweeting people who have expressed interest in the cruise but have not, apparently, signed up. I just saw one to a girl who I happen to know is still in high school, so she would have to get a parent/guardian to travel with her.

I do think desperation is now in high gear.

By the way, latest blog is boring. Just dull and boring. Give it up, Katie. FIND A JOB.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Auntie Ann said.....They did everything they could to chase her away. Pushed her off a tall building, sent her down the Colorado River, stuck her in a broken down 'Winnebago' for two weeks with a people who hated her. It was like Throw Mama From the Train already. I guess the only option left was to cancel. Oh I'll bet there were hangovers the day after THAT happened.

AuntieAnn, I ADORE You! ~ Administrator said...

Here's a hint Kate...if you have a problem with someone, send them a direct email instead of airing your dirty laundry for all to see. No one wants to see you Miracle Bra hanging on your laundry line.


Kate did send her an email, and apparently EM Tanner refused to be bullied by her like everyone else and wouldn't comply with Queen Kate's demands.

At that point, you either accept her answer and move on, or Kate is welcome to call a lawyer.

But no you do not put your business problems on Twitter.

Also, Twitter can be used in a court of law. Say Em decides to sue? She can pull Kate's tweets lying about what went down, show her emails to the Court explaining otherwise, and perjure Kate right there. Lawsuit: WON hands down.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Katie Cry-duh said... 13
Bitch needs to sue Good Housekeeping for stealing the idea for the Anerican flag cake that SHE invented. ---------


Sorry for so many posts. Home sick today with bronchial infection, and can not sit still, let alone sleep.

Once a Viewer said...

also sent to Alaska as bear bait!

~~Poor Collin, being compared to Kate,lol. And for juice and soup only ,'just $200 later' That's a grocery bill and a big one IMO. Why doesn't she buy milk instead of all those stupid sugary juice boxes...and didn't she say she never buys single-packs, but fills from the larger cheaper bottle/pack?

AuntieAnn said...

Ha! Rhymes. Thanks.
They even put in her in the ring with crocodiles. Bet her nickname around the TLC water cooler was 'Rasputin'. ~ Administrator said...

There is a link in this post to Em Tanner now with the Icky boys t-shirt, lol suck it Kate.

The icky boys t-shirt is also in the sidebar and links to her site. We don't get a cut this is purely just a free link to Em tanner. No one will be billed 25 bucks.

And Em Tanner has also earned herself spot number 14 in the Essential Reading list!

Em Tanner, martyr of the AKO movement.

Jumping In said...

Mel 186

I have several narcissistic people in my life, and the best thing I ever did was move 3000 away from their behavior. Several years ago, my nephew came for a visit and I was reminded only too clearly what I managed to leave behind. We were having a chat about empathy, (he was 21 at the time, you'd think he'd understand the definition by then) and he said " Auntie, unless my name is in this story, I'm not interested". When I objected, a scathing attack followed and I was left stunned and hurt by his comments. The following morning he gave me an apology only because his father insisted he do so, it was meaningless.

There is only one person in the mind of a narcissist, no one else matters, we are just background noise.

Once a Viewer said...

...oh, and it's 'leech' not 'leach,' Kate.

Personally the toy area doesn't look all that different to me...

Dee said...

AuntieAnn said... 27

Ha! Rhymes. Thanks.
They even put in her in the ring with crocodiles. Bet her nickname around the TLC water cooler was 'Rasputin'.


Oh, nice one, AuntieAnn! For those who aren't students of Russian history, Rasputin drove his assassins nuts by refusing to die, no matter what they did to him. He seemed un-killable.

Of course, somewhere around the fifth go-round, he finally succumbed. But he had amazing staying power, no matter what they tried.

SuzyQ said...

From Kate's Krap blog post:
" If a mess in a given room or area strikes me, I’m on it like a leach (eww!..."
HUH?! I believe that would be spelled "leech" - and yes, Kate, you are a blood sucking creature!
Did anyone else notice that she uses the word attack a lot? She is so incredibly transparent.

Localyocul said...

OK, I can no longer get on this site at work due to the Boobyguard post. Now my work internet filter thinks this is a porn site! LOLOLOL

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm reposting from the previous thread. I didn't realize a new thread was started. So yummy... I think I'll make some popcorn and read!
Tucker's Mom said... 182
She sounds like a greedy bitch...get over it .....your not getting a penny. Just shut up and watch dwts.

This from the woman who poaches pap photos to post on her blog and CC. Kate, you imbecile, if you did not take the photo, you MAY NOT USE IT on your monetized blog or CC without permission.
At least (since you read here) give some professional courtesy and annotate that the photo is courtesy of xyz or whomever.
Such an amateur. I had a food blog with some pretty nice photos that I invested a lot of time and money into, so I know how much it can piss one off when someone posts your photos for their own use and gain. Blech.

Downeaster Alexa said...

One of the sheeple is blaming the haters for the blowup, saying the haters emailed and tweeted EM to set it all up. If Kate had never dissed EM in the first place, there would have no been email and tweets about it.


I'm surprised that they aren't blaming the person who asked where to find the calendar! Anything to put the blame elsewhere. Sheeple have been known to turn on their own kind, so really, she shouldn't have asked about it in the first place and none of this would have happened. According to the sheeple, Kate's the victim, so why not deflect, and let the chips fall where they may, even if it's on the sheeple who wanted to know where to buy the calendar?

I don't understand what all of the fuss is about. Hell's bells - if my "career" would be down the drain, with nobody wanting to hear anything Gosselin, and thousands and thousands of negative comments on various sites, I think I'd be glad to have my name out there, even if on a calendar! I'd be happy just to have something (positive) called "Kate."

AuntieAnn said...

Dee - he was an odd one wasn't he. If I'm not mistaken I think he made the "famous narcissists" list too.

Mel said...

If everyone you get into a disagreement with says here, take the ball and get away from me, how can you bounce around saying "I won! I won!"?

Yeah, you've got the ball, alright. But nothing else.

Westcoaster said...

Ah poor Kate - a mess in her freezer room. Hey sheep, how many of you wish you had an extra freezer, let alone a freezer room? Or an extra shed next to your garage large enough for your 3 cars. Another craptastic blog post.

I think i have nothing new to add to the latest twatter explosion except a huge
BRAVA to Em Tanner - perhaps now that TLC is not behind this bitch, there will be more stories exposing the truth.

And as predicted, it's a rainbow morning about 'attacking' the mountains of e-mails and paperwork. Puhleeze. Plus another comment about something the kids want to do which doesn't fit into her 'schedule'. Which is code for 'not if I have to pay for it'.

When is her non- birthday again? Not even planning a twitter party - a year later, no TLC limo, no NYC, no filmed drunk fest and apparently no friends. Karma. ~ Administrator said...

If everyone you get into a disagreement with says here, take the ball and get away from me, how can you bounce around saying "I won! I won!"?

Yeah, you've got the ball, alright. But nothing else.


Excellent analogy. Kate is clutching the ball in her vice like grip on the playground. She won. She got the ball. Everyone admits she won and lets her have it.

But no one wants to play with her! Everyone else is over here on the jungle gym having a good ole time with each other, laughing, giggling, all working together to have fun. At the end of the day? She's really quite a sad woman clutching that ball of hers in the middle of the court by herself.

Susantoyota said...

Mel said... 34
Here's another of Kate's tweets:

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8@aka_someone @MiloandJack @Jessandken04 I don't tell.But when asked,I can't promote companies that do bad much more u don't no!

That's exactly what she always says about Jon....there's a lot you don't know. Implying that there's some horrible thing he did, but she's not gonna tell what it is. We just have to trust her on it.

She's doing *the same thing* here. Implying that this Em person has done some horrible thing that Kate can't reveal.

Nice technique, Kate. There's a name for that. Wish I could remember it.

Is this it? ~ Administrator said...

Nice technique, Kate. There's a name for that. Wish I could remember it.


Yes. It's called defamation. Libel.

JudyK said...

Been sick, way behind, just now checking in w/ my mouth hanging open...the mindless, self-entitled twit has really done it this time!

So proud of EM for standing up to's about time someone had the backbone to do so.

mamaK said...

Hum, I didn't think that the big blue bus fit in the garage? Too high? So wouldn't that give her an entire garage to organize bikes, etc? But she needs a whole nother shed for that? Unless she has someone living with her with a car who also parks in the garage? Interesting.
And, um, that "shed"? Seriously? that's a building. She had a building moved? It's got a concrete slab?!?! Clearly not just a shed she moved across the yard.
I also think it interesting that she just happens to have extra shelves sitting around her house waiting for her to come up with an organization project.
I was looking at pictures of her running errands and she is always on the phone! Who the heck does she talk to that much!!!???

Kate is a twit said...

Somehow I missed seeing these tweets:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

@lisalu0610 @emtannerdesigns sadly she isn't only 1.. So many that think nothing of using ppls name &likenesses&not giving them any profit

But as someone already mentioned, she can use paps pictures for her blog, and her twitter picture.

She's probably upset too that Jon's last name is Gosselin.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

@emtannerdesigns @RealZiggyFlo NO1 in wrld allows name 2b used w/o rec % of sales.Period.U did use. No need 4 per slams or opinions.I'm fin!

Hmm-did she bill Keurig and Starbucks for when they retweeted her tweets about her coffee addiction? Oh wait-she did get a new Keurig.

Tucker's Mom said...

I mean she's a mother. She should be utterly ashamed at her poor example she's lead over the years. I would be completely humiliated if I ever acted like a spoiled brat over a calendar that had my name on it!
She's selfish, bottom line. How DARE anyone else make money from her freak show. Remember when she accused Jodi and Kevin of making "hundreds of thousands of dollars" from her kids? What a joke.
Jodi and Kevin made a handful of appearances for the sake of getting the kids off of TV and to change the child labor laws in PA. Noble causes, but Kate accused them of "galavanting to NYC" to make money off her kids when they were in Horsham, PA (about 90 min away) testifying. And Kate, pot or kettle?, they were actually home in time for dinner, unlike you, you sick, sick woman.
No one but no one is buying your sob story anymore.
On a personal note, I was asked by a cookbook author (actually, her research assistant) if she could use my chicken with morels recipe for her new cookbook (she came across it on my food blog) that highlights home cooks across America. I was utterly flattered and honored to lend my name, my recipe and my work for her book.
I didn't even get the book for free! But, I am so happy to share and hope my dish gets to be on others' tables. That alone is enough for me.
Kate, on the other hand, has no compunction taking others' recipes and calling them her own. But if anyone stole a slop recipe from her blog, I'm sure she'd go apeshit.

tate said...

So, Kate is saying the Apprentice has been asking her to be on the show for quite some time. Hmmm. I find that hard to believe. She said it hasn't fit into her schedule. Right. If they have asked her, she has turned it down because she wouldn't be the "star" of the show and there would be many competing personalities. Plus, a lot (most) of those people on the show would smack her down. And, she's lazy. And, there is no way she wants to work on any kind of "group project". And, then again, they have probably never asked her and she is lying about the whole thing.

Westcoaster said...

Where do you find the Em Tanner new customer coupon code?

Maggie said...

And I guarantee you Steve would NOT be able to be by her side for any part of it. And we all know that Kate can't think without Steve. Also Celebrity Apprentice does not pay big bucks. It pays some but not a large sum.

koopdedoo said...

Someone upthread had mentioned referring to our anti-heroine as "KK".

In the shower, it struck me - Kamikaze Khate!

From Wikipedia:
In English, the word kamikaze is used in a hyperbolic or metaphorical fashion to refer to non-fatal actions which result in significant loss for the attacker, such as injury or the end of a career.


Mel said...

Whenever she starts feelings backed into a corner, she says to the person....don't you have more important issues to worry about? I'm done talking about this.

This operates on several levels.
-First of all, it communicates that you think the entire argument is trivial and below consideration, indicating you completely and 100% are dismissing their feelings and emotions.
-Second, you disown responsibility for your part in the argument and anything that you've said.
-Third, you make it clear that they're far too inferior and stupid to know exactly what is most important and it is definitely not confronting you with your own hatefulness.

Kate is a twit said...

Westcoaster-the code is LETEMEATTHECUPCAKES. It's on her FB and twitter. Here is more info.

tate said...

Yes, the celebrities on the Apprentice donate money to charity. I guess Kate's charity would be The Gosselin Eight or Money for K8. Because we all know that we couldn't have a legit charity making money off of her name. Only Kate can make money off of her name.

Tamara said...

Also Kate should sue Kate Middleton for stealing her name. Kate was, after all, born six years before her.
Ah, but she only started using the nickname Kate in 2001....

westcoastie said... (Administrator) said...

Also Kate should sue Kate Middleton for stealing her name. Kate was, after all, born six years before her.

Admin- you (among others) cracked me up last night but I was on my phone reading and HATE typing on that little keyboard.

KK looks old enough to be KM's mother!!

konspiracytheory said...

As usual, Kate has no idea how good she has it. Way back in the early days, a GWOP poster reported that they had written to Em Tanner and questioned why she would associate her product with child exploiters. It has been so long that I don't recall if the GWOPer's question was phrased politely or not, but I do remember that Em vehemently defended J&K. Kate, this woman defended you *even when you were screwing her over* - as usual, you should have just kept your big trap shut!

Pity Party said...

I read her child labor blog. I know kids should help, but I have never known kids who have to work as hard as these kids. I have seen her in action enough to know how she operates. She stands still while everyone else works circles around her. If someone is as organized as she claims to be wouldn't all of this just need straightening up. She already said she spent a whole day organizing the soup and the juice but apparently, the kids had to re-do it to get it done right including building the shelving units. I hope Collin got some extra praise for that and that all of them will be rewarded for their hard work.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

mamaK -43 -Who the heck does she talk to that much!!!???

NO ONE. Just trying to pretend she is oh so important. No one can stand her. What a joke and a farce she is.

AuntieAnn said...

I hope Collin got some extra praise for that and that all of them will be rewarded for their hard work.
You know I got this queazy feeling in my gut when I read that. It was probably a form of punishment for something he'd done and Miss Crawford there decided to turn it into something entirely different when she wrote about it in that (cough) blog, just to make herself sound like magical Mary Poppins.

I don't believe anything she says, does, or writes is the truth.

AuntieAnn said...

It's queasy isn't it, not queazy.

canadianmom said...


Tamara said...

That part in her latest craptasic blog entry about suddenly needing to clean a spot is freaky and we've seen it before (pumpkin carving). It all goes back to the whole 'which mommy' scare the eight live under everyday. When will mommy suddenly go off the handles over something she was laughing about yesterday? Yikes.

Bibby said...

Uh, help me out here.

Kate says she can't be on Celebrity Apprentice because it hasn't fit in her schedule.


She doesn't have a real job and all she seems to d is tweet and shop. And she sure seems to be able to drop everything on a dime to go run in a marathon or find freebie dresses to attend balls.

My guess is she's skeer'd. She knows damn well they would eat her alive, she has nothing to offer a team, and she would most likely get fired right away. She knows this. And this is why she won't do it. She's a COWARD!

Tamara said...

Readerlady, KK is good for Khate, only one K away from those extreme haters. Can we add Em Tanner to the group sad to see the Irish loose so soon? At least we have the women's team :)

Fahnette said...

Bibby said... 62
My guess is she's skeer'd. She knows damn well they would eat her alive, she has nothing to offer a team, and she would most likely get fired right away. She knows this. And this is why she won't do it. She's a COWARD!

My vote is she wasn't even ASKED. EVER. Just like the Playboy thing (which Hefner vehemently denied) she's probably floated the idea hoping she'd be magically invited on. Because she's SPESHUL, dontcha know.

readerlady said...

koopdedoo 49 -- It was I who referred to her as KK -- short for Katie Kreider -- but I like your idea much better. Kamikaze certainly fits her personality and behavior.

canadianmom 60 -- My thoughts exactly. I said to myself when I read that post that $200 would buy an awful lot of milk, organic or otherwise. Yet another example of pennywise and pound foolish. Those juice boxes are okay for an occasional treat, but the kids would be much healthier and better off if she'd give them the money to buy milk to drink with their bagged lunches. It can't cost that much per week for 8 milks per day. Even if it's $1 each, which I doubt, that's only $40 a week. Drop a tanning session or two and it's covered.

Tamara said...

AuntieAnn said...
I hope Collin got some extra praise for that and that all of them will be rewarded for their hard work.
You know I got this queazy feeling in my gut when I read that. It was probably a form of punishment for something he'd done and Miss Crawford there decided to turn it into something entirely different when she wrote about it in that (cough) blog, just to make herself sound like magical Mary Poppins.
I'm not so sure about that. Even when he was a toddler Collin liked things organised and clean. Saw it over and over on the show. I remember because I always thought "Poor guy, he lives in a house that is constant disorder and he craves order." Plus the very few times KK ever mentioned something good about him it was that he liked to help her clean.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's latest twitter war.... it's like getting a hug from Jesus (thank you Kathy Griffin). The latest blog is a close second. Spring time? As in, time to spring? Oh, you meant Springtime (slaps forehead)!.

Westcoaster said...

Thanks for the code, just bought myself a 'nana' apron, will definitely return to site for gift items down the road. Thanks for the impetus Kate, you have twittered EM a whole lot of new customers.

Audible Click said...

Remember Kamikaze Kate bragging about how she was going to make her "brood" her delicious Belgian waffles over spring break? I'd wager it didn't happen and was another of Kamikaze's lies. No picture of the waffles Kamikaze?

Thanks to koopdedoo for the clever name.

canadianmom said...

Thanks readerlady :)

It drives me so crazy that she has never given her kids milk, I have never heard of another parent choosing sugary juice over milk for their kids.

My boys drink soy milk (digestive reasons) and I can get 6 litres of organic soy milk for $8 at Costco... cheap as heck!

readerlady said...

Tamara 63 -- I had a hard time with that game. I root for XU because I used to live in Cincinnati and still live in Ohio, but I've always been a Fighting Irish fan, too. I wound up cheering for XU -- state loyalty and all. It's interesting. Ohio has 4 teams in the Sweet 16, although if Ohio State makes it to the finals, I'll be rooting for whomever they are playing against (I graduated from one of the OTHER universities in Columbus, LOL).

Actually, we could make that KKK, for Kamikaze Katie Kreider.

Dwindle said...

But but but.... I thought Kate and only Kate received these gifts for the kids because strangers 'LOVE us and they LOVE our kids'. Now there should have been money in it for her?

For 27 years I have been joking that if I won the lottery my ex husband would be the first in line with a law suit claiming I owed him money for something or another. We were divorced when our youngest was a toddler and he tried claiming, in court (get a hold of yourself here Admin) that I owed him for back maternity care expenses that werent covered by insurance at the time of the birth. Yes, we had been living together and this was our 4th child, I had been a 'housewife', I just didnt know at the time he was fooling around.

Anyway kids, doesnt that sound like something Kate would do? I picture her just like my ex, sitting around lazy as hell trying to figure out in her paranoia, just who she can get money off of.

I wonder if psychologically she is doing some life review and regretting being so lazy and regretting all the missed opportunities. But since she will never admit that she is dumb, lazy, talentless, she is looking for others to blame for her current dissatisfaction.

She cannot ever move forward. All she will do now is blame the people in her past and carry a very loud grudge.

If she is kvetching about Em owing her, look for Kate's claims to get bigger and more wild about every other human that has ever been in her life.

Like the rest of you, I see that slam at Em as one more gear that has completely slipped in the clog of Kate's mental health. And it is all happening right in front of our eyes. Fascinating.

And I cannot believe she AGAIN blamed motherhood for getting kicked off DWTS.

Oh Kate. You would if you could but you cant so you wont. Boohoo.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

When Kate says "they've" been asking her to be on CA, she means her tweeties have been asking her. We know she manipulates her answers. Someone has been coaching her.

Tamara said...

Dwindle said...
But but but.... I thought Kate and only Kate received these gifts for the kids because strangers 'LOVE us and they LOVE our kids'. Now there should have been money in it for her?
Ha! Dwindle I love it. I'd totally forgotten that's what she said over and over to explain why people sent her stuff and why she KEPT ALL of it. That she can't donate something sent out of love.

White organza said...

Trump's show is not called "Celebrity Apprentice" for nothing. It's all about being a... celebrity and being friends with enough other celebrities so that one can sollicits the (enormous...) donations that are necessary to win certains tasks, specially toward the end of the season.

That's the main reason why the C-List "apprentices" rarely win. And that's also how we can see that Kate is not a celebrity: she doesn't know any celebrity she can call with enough confidence to ask for a donation... or the time of the day as it is.

As Carrie Enaba (sp?) once told the audience on DWTS: "Let's keep in mind that Kate is not a performer: she's a housewife". (And remember the dark malevolent "Damian" look that swept over Kate's face at that precise monent? Brrrrr...) Not only Kate doesn't have rich celebrity friends, she doesn' t have friends. Hell, she can't even call home! She's not even on speaking terms with her own parents for crying out loud.

Kate is an ex-reality "star" which is a very special kind of stardom: the moment you step back to the "realest reality", people are not interested in you anymore because, having not talent to begin with, you become "regular folks": nothing distinguishes you from the general public.

Even explosive Teresa Giuducia (sp?) is confronted to that situation on this season's CA. Compare to the other ladies, she's so obviously talentless is almost painful to watch. And like Kate, you can see that she's still living a "reality-tv" realm where an army of people around you are paid to make you look good. In other words, like Kate, Teresa still believes in what her press kit was saying about her.

I almost died laughing last sunday when, accused by the other ladies of not contributing anything valuable to the team, she responded in a huff that she could do anything any of them has been doing. She went down a short list of her talents and finish by: "And I can write! I have a gost writer!"

You can't invent stuff like that.

Weezie said...

Do you know why her behavior is getting worse and worse?

She's always said she has thick skin. Everyday it gets thicker and thicker, and it's soooo thick that even she can't see her wrongdoings anymore ( not that she ever could ). I truly believe she could set fire to a litter of puppies and feel justified and right and that people who are horrified by it are just haters.

I think I would fall over dead from shock one day if she ever apologized or admitted fault for anything. I don't have to fear falling over dead, though, because that will never happen. She is never wrong.

I am just sickened by her. There is something truly broken in her head and soul. It's frightening to know she's in charge of 8 children. And I'm outraged that there are still businesses that choose to work with her and feed her gargantuan ego KNOWING what a nasty and bitter shrew she is. I honest to goodness have never seen anything like it in my life. Have never known someone to be that rude and ungrateful, ever.

Jon must wake up every single day and thank the heavens for getting him out of that horrid marriage.

readerlady said...

Sorry for monopolizing the posts this PM. I'm on bedrest too. Sprained an ankle yesterday, and doctor says rest and elevate. UGH!! Anyway -- forgot to say, I notice EM Tanner has pix of both Melissa Joan Hart (with hubby and kids) and Halle Berry on her website. Wonder if they both required EM to pay them for the use of their pix?

Mel said...

Found this interesting description on a website.

The bolding is mine.

When you avoid toxic people and you set boundaries with them, they frequently resort to accusing you, complaining and playing the victim in an attempt to get you to change your behavior.

One of the worst things you can do when this happens is to defend yourself. It is usually a futile action and it only keeps an immature dialog going which eventually helps the toxic person get what they want. You won’t get anywhere with them by defending yourself and your actions.

Unfortunately, toxic people are everywhere. And they tend to attach themselves to those persons who are kind and have the most to offer.

...I tried to persuade them and make them see things from a rational perspective. Now I know better and I believe that defending yourself often only feeds their paranoia.

Life is all about THEM. They transition from “victim” or ‘normal person’ to a manipulator and selfish / cruel. Just stay away.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

I think Kate has come to expect everyone to "fix" things for her, mostly her bad behavior. She got rid of Jon, TLC dumped her after far too many of her antics, so who now is "required" to fix her bad behavior? The answer is no one.

She NOW relies on her kids to bolster her horrible personality and behavior. I am quite sick of it and it is time for this alleged super star to stand on her own, minus the kids. Deep down, Krapfest knows she is nothing without her kids, but will never admit it.

Most people would take the end of her TLC contract and lack of work as a reckoning. Not Kate.

Anonymous said...

I think she already bleeds Jon as dry as she can, like she pretty much does to everyone else including herself.

Her kids are headed for plenty of cavities from all the juice. What's worse, if I remember right...did she not put them to bed when babies with bottles of formula? I mean if that doesn't ruin teeth I don't know what will.

She fussed at Jon for not brushing their teeth, when in reality all cavities I've ever seen are from drinking things full of sugar--formula, juice, soda. It's got to wear on your enamel.

@readerlady, hope you will be all rested up soon.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 30 That's okay, let Kate think she won. Kate will think she won no matter what. If you are happy that people do what you want after you bully and harass them then that just reflects on what a shitty person YOU are. Em is classy to just remove it and let people move on.

If she were doing something illegal as Kate said, Kate could take her to court. She is all talk about illegal crap but never actually goes to court.

Ew. This is really reminding me of my ex. He honestly, HONESTLY, believes that if he chooses not to sue someone, or bully them for money, he has won, because he COULD have won the money but he graciously chose not to. Therefore he has won on moral grounds and he is the superior person.

A few months ago he bullied $300 out of an elderly woman whose daughter he had been seeing. Told the mother that the younger woman OWED him for back dates and dinners he had taken her on and if the elder woman would 'reimburse' him, he would leave the daughter alone and not see her again.

He is 58 years old. Anyone else see this kind of stuff in Kate's future? *I* do.

(That sound you hear is Kate slapping herself for not thinking to get money out of Steve's parents to leave his marriage alone.)

Sooverit said...

Dallas Lady said... 73

Oh and I'm off to buy sme things from Em Tanner.
Dallsa Lady - me too! I didn't know who EM Tanner was until Kate brought her to my attention. Thanks Kate!

Anonymous said...

It could be me but I took Kate's tweet -
RT @Kateplusmy8: @Jessandken04 online. It was fantastic!Good luck finding one!:) hang it high enough so that dry erase marker isn't accidentally wiped off!;)-
to mean she wasn't going to tell the other person where she got her calendar because kate is the type of person who doesn't want other people to have what she has. I knew someone like that- not a narcissist- just someone who never would let people in on her finds, or her good deals, or her tips at work, etc, so no one would have what she had- she had to work for she had, so other should, too. Kate seems like that. Plus it makes her more special if she is the only one, one of the few, to have what she has and the commoners (the little twits-LOL) don't try and mimic kate, because, they aren't the super mom of 8.

Anonymous said...

Admin, I don't even want to know why the banner on the side today is "what is meth mouth?" LOL!! I realize am a criminal justice major, but my class this term is a legal one :)

Dwindle said...

readerlady said... 71
Tamara 63 -- I had a hard time with that game. I root for XU because I used to live in Cincinnati and still live in Ohio, but I've always been a Fighting Irish fan, too. I wound up cheering for XU -- state loyalty and all. It's interesting. Ohio has 4 teams in the Sweet 16, although if Ohio State makes it to the finals, I'll be rooting for whomever they are playing against (I graduated from one of the OTHER universities in Columbus, LOL).

Oh readerlady. Was it Cap?

Just cruisin along said...

So far today, Cindy Cardella has sent tweets to 5 people who tweeted her with a question about the cruise. These are excerpts from her tweets to them.

r u going to cruise with us? Join our cruise!

So did you check out the website? Let's get you signed up!

Hav u thought anymore about the cruise?R u going 2 join us?

well did you recheck your calendar? Are you in?
Sounds like desperation is setting in big time and now she's putting the pressure on.

After last night, she should put a notice on the cruise website that any pictures taken of Kate are not to be used without permission from Kate and may require monetary reimbursement to Kate.

AuntieAnn said...

Tamara said... 66
I'm not so sure about that. Even when he was a toddler Collin liked things organised and clean. Saw it over and over on the show. I remember because I always thought "Poor guy, he lives in a house that is constant disorder and he craves order." Plus the very few times KK ever mentioned something good about him it was that he liked to help her clean.
True she has, and she'll say nice things about her kids as long as she can polish her own halo in some way... this time it's that his personality is so much like hers. You 're right about the organizational thing with Collin, he was the shoe liner-upper, but just from watching how she treats her kids, I don't think this clean-up thing was all sunshine and roses. I can't help it I just don't believe her.
Besides, she had to repair her image after that last ridiculous Mystery of the Lost Equator story she told.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

After last night, she should put a notice on the cruise website that any pictures taken of Kate are not to be used without permission from Kate and may require monetary reimbursement to Kate.-------

Oh, that's sure to bring in more fans. LOL. I think this cruise is tanking big time. And Kate knows it. More of Kate control issues. What a winner she is.

Spring Has Sprung said...

After last night, she should put a notice on the cruise website that any pictures taken of Kate are not to be used without permission from Kate and may require monetary reimbursement to Kate.

Not only that, but if they do the crafts projects with her (lol!) and they take those projects home and tweet photos of what they made, it will require Kate's permission because any and all projects were her idea.

I often wonder about the sheeple. Are they really such devout followers, or are they, at this point, so far gone that they can't abandon ship? Do they not find anything bizarre in what she does; not recognize how truly nasty she can be, but simply stick by her because they are in so deep and can't get out? It's actually become a Kate cult, not unlike the Jim Jones thing. Nobody can reason with them because in the sheeple way of life, there is no logic - they blindly follow and if that means following her into the deep holes she is digging, then that's where they will go, too.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

I think you would be great on The Apprentice. You should have your manager get you on it next season!.

lol. They've been asking for quite a while actually..hasn't fit in my schedule.... Maybe some day. Looks fun for sure!



You been asked for a while, Kate?
It didn't fit your schedule?
Really, Kate?

Stop lying!

You know damn well that you would have dropped EVERYTHING & EVERYONE to be on t.v.

Fool. Keep on dreaming.

Dwindle said...

Once a Viewer said... 30
...oh, and it's 'leech' not 'leach,' Kate.


But, but, but... Katie's a perfect speller. And English was her bestest favoritist subject. R U sherr yer not a jellus hater?? I bet you sabatoged the dictionery just to be meeeeeeene to Poor Amazing Awesome Overworked Katie!

Aeduko said...

Thanks to Kate, Em and you guys for a very entertaining read this morning.

You really can't make this stuff up.

readerlady said...

Dwindle 85 -- Yep, class of '70. You a Crusader too? PURPLE POWER!!

Once a Viewer said...

Collin always liked to organize- remember when he tried to put a sippy cup and a doll in a little riding toy's trunk? (Nana Janet was there & Kate was at the spa) and he also put all the little picnic tables and coupe cars away at lunchtime. His behavior worried me a little, but then when he did his 'happy dance' about knobgate, I relaxed a little. I think Collin likes to be in control of things including the other kids. He is also the biggest boy so can 'help' Mommy the most. I think he knows what makes her happy.

Notta Sheeple said...

I don't believe (with a few exceptions) Kate's fans are as smitten with her as they appear.
Their support is often in response to the extreme haters.
There are more crazies amongst the haters than the sheeple, just look at twitter.
If we all behaved more like Admin and stayed in our own yard I doubt the sheeple would be so rabid.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 90
I think you would be great on The Apprentice. You should have your manager get you on it next season!.

lol. They've been asking for quite a while actually..hasn't fit in my schedule.... Maybe some day. Looks fun for sure!



You been asked for a while, Kate?
It didn't fit your schedule?
Really, Kate?

Stop lying!

You know damn well that you would have dropped EVERYTHING & EVERYONE to be on t.v.

Fool. Keep on dreaming. ------------------------

I agree, she is quite the liar.... Didn't she claim Playboy wanted to feature her, but she threw the letter in the trash. Playboy denied her "claims." She really is completely insane and a liar to boot.

Done and done said...

Hey guys - I was going through my casting notices this morning and found a reality show Kate would be perfect for... too bad it's from the kids point of view!

PERSON RAISING THE PARENTS / Non-Union / Featured / Male or Female / All Ethnicities / 13-30
MTV NETWORK is currently seeking people that play the role of the parent while their mother/father are going through a hard time. If you're the one in the family who takes care of everyone and everything, then this might be the show for you. If you feel like you are picking up the slack for your parents? Are you making dinner and cleaning the house instead of hanging out with your friends? Does your mom put herself first, flaunt hersel

Kat said...

I love when EM said she was sorry she "lost her way"....that was priceless....and she insulting is that? HA...

Anonymous said...

TMZ has an article up about an outfit called "Dial-A-Star" where fans can call and chat with Z-list celebrities for a price. No word on whether K has signed on.


njay said...

MoreBS said... 17
njay, the weather down here has been gorgeous and springy. 70s during the day, 50s at night. That could change in an instant though. The cherry blossoms are at full peak this week, so good timing. Enjoy your trip!
Thank you so much. My mom is elderly and I have bad knee. I also stepped on a piece of wood my dogs brought in to chew on and it was about 1/8-1/16 inch wide and went into my foot about 3/4 inch into my foot. Anyway, were wanted to rent wheelchair type scooters. Doe's anyone know where I can rent one cheap? So far I found two for 175.00 for a week. Any suggestions?

Carezee said...

How about naming the calendar Jodie? That would really push Kate over the edge:)

EM said...

Kate is a moron. Let me explain.
People liked kate originally because she was "organized."
If she had used her TLC created brand and did a more Helpful Hints type show as opposed to a Travel show she would have had a career forever - instead of being a flash in the pan celeb.
Had kate focused her show on raising kids and organizing a home she would have have many products endorsed by her, probably have her own show by now, be writing real books etc.
She may think she won by having TLC pay for Trips, but in the long run, had she used her brand correctly she would well be able to afford her own trips and be in a position of power instead of being gum on TLC's show.
She blew it bad. Heck even Snookie is doing better. THis must eat her up if it even gets into her narcissistic brain.
kate has blown more opportunites in a few short years than any of us will ever see in our lifetime. If she was truly a mastermind she would have known slow and steady wins the race. Being known as a super bitch will only bring the bucks short term. She wanted instant celebrity at any cost. She would have been better off slowly allowing her brand to grow as a real supermom and right now she would be swimming with REAL paperwork, offers, endorsements and tv appearances.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 96

I agree, she is quite the liar.... Didn't she claim Playboy wanted to feature her, but she threw the letter in the trash. Playboy denied her "claims." She really is completely insane and a liar to boot.


Yes! That was lie # 1,398,698 for Kate.

She's a freak of nature.

In Kate's bizarro world, everything that right-side up, is up-side down.

It must be hell-ish to live with a perpectual liar that insists that it's her way or the highway.

I'm glad Jon chose the highway.
It's safer there.

njay said...

That's two each for 175.00. I'm excited to come. I wanted to take my mom so in case I loose her soon, I don't want to say, I wish I had.

She has had 4 heart attacks, two needing stints. She also has diabetes, congestive heart, high blood pressure and gets confused at least once a month. So feel it's due. I don't want to have any regrets. We are so excited.

Pam said...

Carezee said... 101

How about naming the calendar Jodie? That would really push Kate over the edge:)

March 20, 2012 12:06 PM

I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Em, I hope you see this and consider it :)

Or the Jon calendar. That would make her spit fire, too.

Done and done said...

Njay, It sounds like you have the trip of a lifetime planned! Have fun and travel safe :)

Canuck said...

Now I've seen everything. One of Kate's fans is now tweeting about the fact that Jodie Foster, the actress, started supporting her family when she was 3 years old. With a "take that, haters" thrown in for good measure. This seems to be one of the main 5 or 6 fans who coincidentally tends to tweet bible quotes, serenity-now quotes, sunshine and rainbow fart quotes. But she is one nasty piece of work. I guess "like attracts like". No MENSA members among Kate's fans, much like their idol. Wow.

Winsomeone said...

Ordered some plates and bowls for my grand kids from Em Tanner. She has lots of cute things, but some of them are quite dear.

njay said...

AuntieAnn said... 20
They've been asking for quite a while actually..hasn't fit in my schedule.... Maybe some day. Looks fun for sure!
You know, I read that comment totally different. I read as Kate's manager was calling them, not them calling her manager. I could be wrong though. It wont be the first time but it will be the last time. hehehehe Just kidding!

Connie said...

Rosie O'Donnell's show has been cancelled. I guess maybe they want Kate as the hostess instead of Rosie. Ya think?

EM said...

Funny thing is when HughE did the same thing to kate by saying "I have pics but they are too revealing" or whatever kate's head spun like the Exorcist. That's kate's master game he used on her. "I take the high road but I have dirt."

kate is so full of hreself. She still lives in a land where she is the most famous paparazzi chased celeb. SHE believes she is the reason tabloids sell, websites get hits and tv shows get ratings. Let her think that because all it does is burn her up that she is not profitting from her own name. HAHAHA

I truly dislike kate. Twitter has shown her to be a horrible person. She cannot blame editing for that.

Usually a Lurker said...

I am curious about her last few fans.

Paige is obviously a child so hopefully she will mature at some point.

Milo is odd. I have no idea why she thinks Kate is worth supporting.

That 'PattyPie' person was quoted in that gather article. What's her gig? Does she have children? Does she think it's ok to exploit her kids for gain?

The various women at the Ignorant Wench blog seem particularly interesting. If their credentials are real, some of them are educated and professionals. They see the same stuff we see and yet they rally behind her?

I honestly can't understand how she has a single fan left. She has the uncanny ability to gain new haters nearly daily. (Last night was a great example) but I have not seen her fain a single supporter in a long time.

Canuck said...

EM said... 111 "She still lives in a land where she is the most famous paparazzi chased celeb. SHE believes she is the reason tabloids sell, websites get hits and tv shows get ratings."
In other words, Kate lives in "la-la land"!

The Bitter End said...

Just so I'm clear on this. Calendar design will not be the featured craft for Katie Irene's cruise. Correct?

Canuck said...

Usually a Lurker said... 112 "I honestly can't understand how she has a single fan left"
I agree, but one only has to look at the quality of these people to understand. They appear to be uneducated, over-the-top fanatics (not just fans), bitter, angry, destructive people. Like I said above, in this case "like" seems to be attracting "like". They are a miserable bunch of ladies, very much like the one they idolize. Scary and sad at the same time.

Ex Nurse said...

Shouldn't Collin get a % of each item organized? When do those poor kids ever get a day off? Why can't she ever do anything useful when they are in school. BTW Kate, that is your kids' one and only job--to be in school, not deal with your stupid masterminding busywork!

Permanent Name said...

I decided to be a little detective here and emailed the NBC Celebrity Apprentice show. I explained that she was twittering that they have been asking her for a long time to be on the show.

I asked "Can this possibly be true?"

I then wrote a nice long paragraph about her qualities and asked them to either 1) deny on twitter they wanted her or 2) find some other suitable participant.

I invited them to review her shows and clips of her on DWTS (practices) and her spots on the view; asked them to review her blog and twitter.

I explained that I thought having her on the show would blow up in their faces as she doesn't play well with others and would lower viewers' opinions of the show if she was on.

We'll see if they email me back.

Oh, and I mentioned The Donald Hair Touching fiasco, also.

AuntieAnn said...

njay said... 109
You know, I read that comment totally different. I read as Kate's manager was calling them, not them calling her manager. I could be wrong though. It wont be the first time but it will be the last time. hehehehe Just kidding!
You may be onto something... that makes total sense. It would be just like Kate to twist words around EXACTLY that way. Genius, njay!

Ex Nurse said...

Berks said....
I wish I could say a lot more, but I mark my words because I don't want the kids to be hurt and I don't want to destroy any relationship I have with the 'players' in this.

Concern for the kids is why everyone who deals with Kate keeps quiet and/or doesn't confront her. We all have seen what happens when she snaps--and, apparently, it doesn't take much for her to reach the breaking point.

SG said...

Here is something Em Tanner just shared on Twitter and Facebook:

umm yep, see i do just tell it like it is...Claire answered the phone first thing as she walked in the door and it was Jon looking for me (yea..Jon Gosselin ya know) bc he couldnt believe what he was reading after all i did for them early on. yep, seriously. i was in bed snoozing but he left his cell and i had a really nice convo with one heck of a stand up guy that has absolutely had his fair share of being thrown under the bus unfairly! REALLY. Excellent, cool, humble, appreciative guy who honestly just wanted to thank me again himself..he's also the fun one who "got" my sarcasm...promise he is normal i dont give a crap what the rag mags may have said! STAND UP GUY...once again CONFIRMED. Just thought some of you would find this tid bit interesting and of course bc i DONT step on toes i ASKED him if it was okay to share this FIRST! ha. really that's the funny part I would never tell yall this had i not gotten his permission! He & his kiddos deserve the best!

AuntieAnn said...

The Bitter End said... 114

Just so I'm clear on this. Calendar design will not be the featured craft for Katie Irene's cruise. Correct?


Pam said...

Permanent Name said... 11

I explained that I thought having her on the show would blow up in their faces as she doesn't play well with others and would lower viewers' opinions of the show if she was on.


Unfortunately, they love having this very kind of person on their show. Have you ever seen it? The less they play well with others, the more they want them on the show for drama. It wouldn't blow in their faces at all. It would blow up in Kate's face, for sure, but not Trump's.

I do think they have asked her to be on simply because they know how hated she is and the drama she brings. I firmly believe Kate is too afraid to be on it because she knows she would go down in flames very quickly.

aggiemom09121416 said...

I had to stop running to enjoy this amazing blue sky and white puffy clouds..1 of my favorite things in life! about an hour ago

I'm beginning to think this woman has split personalities.
Never once did she spit out such drivel on tape.

As far as the Donald Trump show, aren't the winnings donated to charity? (here's an idea..maybe all that paperwork she's been working on is her attempt to make HERSELF a charity organization.

EM said...

I'm supporting EM by buying something. I just hope she doesn't pull a HughE and go back and kiss kate's butt later. Somehow I doubt she will though because she has truly been hurt. Her business was slandered by kate saying EM stole kate's design. Her continued lies on the subject should stop because EM has the emails to back herself up and kate could be liable for making false comments and hurting a business. At least that's what I think, I'm not a lawyer. Is this lawsuit worthy? Of course not, but kate is treading dangerously on getting one someday by someone if she keeps lying.

Poor EM, doesn't kate realize EM probably sells LESS calendars by having the name kate on it. Everyone knows kate is poison to a product. EM is probably thrilled to have a reason to have kate's name gone so she doesn't have to think about that witch everytime she sells one.

My vote is for Gina's calendar. Or Jodi or Beth. SUCK IT KATE. You are a nobody now. You blew it. You are reaping what you sew for being a miserable bitch to everyone once you became famous. The biggest curse anyone could wish on you would be to never have your sour-ass mentioned in the media again.

hahahahha Big fake liar. I hope more people start talking about the truth when you bring their names up. It will make you learnshut up and stop stirring the pot. Accountability is a bitch to a liar.

Permanent Name said...


No... I don't watch the show. I saw the one with Omarosa and decided that she was such a turd that it was wasting my time.

Now Omarosa and kart, that I might tune in for. There would be extentions and nails flying in the first 5 minutes.....

Two losers..... ~ Administrator said...

I won't tell others what to do, but please don't discuss efforts to thwart employment opportunities here for Kate or use this blog to organize campaigns. Unless said employment involves the kids.

For instance talking about emailing Cindi about the twins is okay, but trying to stop Celeb Apprentice is not. Thanks.

It's over Kate said...

GO JON!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Localyocul said...

SG said... 120
Here is something Em Tanner just shared on Twitter and Facebook:

umm yep, see i do just tell it like it is...Claire answered the phone first thing as she walked in the door and it was Jon looking for me (yea..Jon Gosselin ya know) bc he couldnt believe what he was reading after all i did for them early on. yep, seriously. i was in bed snoozing but he left his cell and i had a really nice convo with one heck of a stand up guy that has absolutely had his fair share of being thrown under the bus unfairly! REALLY. Excellent, cool, humble, appreciative guy who honestly just wanted to thank me again himself..he's also the fun one who "got" my sarcasm...promise he is normal i dont give a crap what the rag mags may have said! STAND UP GUY...once again CONFIRMED. Just thought some of you would find this tid bit interesting and of course bc i DONT step on toes i ASKED him if it was okay to share this FIRST! ha. really that's the funny part I would never tell yall this had i not gotten his permission! He & his kiddos deserve the best!


Love it! Sounds like he's following K8s twitter meltdowns! LOLOL

aggiemom09121416 said...

I'm not defending Kate here but I wanted to point out that her 'getting the house' was not a win. The house came with a huge mortgage. They'd just bought it so it had no equity. Kate won the right to pay the mortgage. (good job Kate, you complete idiot!)

I am convinced that Kate hid money and Jon received the smallest payout possible. He probably still retained his rights to some of the royalties from books and DVD's but he forfeited future TLC earnings.

They should have had some equity in the house. From what I understand, their first house was bought with money Jon's dad gave them, and then they bought the second house, and in turn bought the current house.
As far as Kate having hidden assets, surely to pete all of the money was recorded during the Discovery proceedings during the divorce.
I would also like to know if how the kid's dependent statuses were split in regard to tax purposes. It is getting more common for large families to split the dependents for tax purposes.
Kate was on tape saying once the kids turned eighteen we would never hear her name again. Guess she loves the limelight too much, or she didn't save enough money. I truly believe she thought the show would last for YEARS.

Once a Viewer said...

Hey, Kate missed menu Monday!!Shucks! She should look at her calendar now & then between paperwork sessions and shopping... I saw on her twitter the pic of the picnic in the freezing weather(Hannah look a lot like Cara these days)...then a pic of maybe banana splits? I missed that one- was that the reward for completing workbooks on vacation?? Or are they Belgian waffles? It really is hard to tell.

Yes, what a vacation- playing school ALL week, and doing chores ( although I must say her photos looks posed)

njay: have a great trip and I'm sure your mother will enjoy herself too.You're definitely not going to regret a thing.

KmartSmart said...

SG said... 120

Here is something Em Tanner just shared on Twitter and Facebook:

umm yep, see i do just tell it like it is...Claire answered the phone first thing as she walked in the door and it was Jon looking for me (yea..Jon Gosselin ya know) bc he couldnt believe what he was reading after all i did for them early on. yep, seriously. i was in bed snoozing but he left his cell and i had a really nice convo with one heck of a stand up guy that has absolutely had his fair share of being thrown under the bus unfairly! REALLY. Excellent, cool, humble, appreciative guy who honestly just wanted to thank me again himself..he's also the fun one who "got" my sarcasm...promise he is normal i dont give a crap what the rag mags may have said! STAND UP GUY...once again CONFIRMED. Just thought some of you would find this tid bit interesting and of course bc i DONT step on toes i ASKED him if it was okay to share this FIRST! ha. really that's the funny part I would never tell yall this had i not gotten his permission! He & his kiddos deserve the best!
March 20, 2012 12:46 PM

Jon is an awesome guy. I used to loathe him around the time of the wedding renewal in Hawaii because I thought he was acting holier-than-thou like Kate was. But when he started hinting he was done with the show, I started seeing him differently. I knew the real Jon was under there dying to get free and didn't quite know how.

That he stepped up and contacted Em and apologized for how she was treated is pretty cool in my book. If I were 10 years younger, I'd try to snag him in a heartbeat :)

Usually a Lurker said...

They owned both houses for a while so the proceeds from house one did not go to house two. I assume the split the proceeds from house one. I don't think the two houses had anything to do with each other.

SG said...

I, for one, would LOVE to see Kate on Celebrity Apprentice.

However, my only issue would be that Kate needs to take on jobs that bring in income for her family. At this stage in her "career" she can't afford to do a show where all the proceeds go to charity. Unless I'm wrong and the show also pays a salary to each of the celebrities for their appearance.

AuntieAnn said...

It has to be bringing Jon some sort of giddy comfort to watch his ex go down after all the crap he's had to put up with. It's been said a hundred times but bears repeating... she's doing it ALL BY HERSELF. I'll bet he was so tired of cleaning up the messes she left behind when he was married to her. The 'messes' being the broken relationships, the bad feelings and the trail of ill will left wherever Kate had been.

aggiemom09121416 said...

KmartSmart said... hat he stepped up and contacted Em and apologized for how she was treated is pretty cool in my book. If I were 10 years younger, I'd try to snag him in a heartbeat :)

I've always thought Jon was a good guy, and most locals echo that sediment..but did you know he was once married to this crazy woman? lol

Once a Viewer said...

Thanks SG, very interesting. Won't that make Kate's blood boil.

Re: the kids' money. I don't know how it all works, but in the episode where J & K wrote their will, any money THEY had was not going to the kids till age 30 or finished college or something iirc? How would the series 15% work- be separate? What age can they access it?

Ex Nurse said...

Tucker's mom said..
She's selfish, bottom line. How DARE anyone else make money from her freak show. Remember when she accused Jodi and Kevin of making "hundreds of thousands of dollars" from her kids? What a joke
How was it that no one who appeared on the show, except for Kate, was working and had a career? Did Jody just wander into the frames while she was taking care of Kate's kids?

Sue Buddy said...

New article:

Kate Gosselin-Karma is Kicking Down Her Door

Sorry, Blogger won't let me make it clickable.

Whew, a lot going on! I haven't caught up on all the comments but did notice Jon gave EM a call.

AuntieAnn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
It's over Kate said...

Sue Buddy- you ROCK!!

"So Kate, what I really, really want to know today is, how’s the view from under the bus?"

Once a Viewer said...

Sue Buddy: spot on, as usual!! :)

Sheeple are Delusional said...

I am loving the fact that Jon called Em and that Em is saying what most people have thought of Jon as all along.

AuntieAnn said...

(oops, didn't mean to give away your great finishing line)

Haha...Love it!! Great article, thank you Sue Buddy!

Canuck said...

OMG Sue Buddy, another home run as usual. I'm sure the view from under the bus is crappy when you're as self-centered as Kate. Here's the IRONY. She's been run over by the bus she's been driving All by HERSELF ever since she started tweeting! funny! Thanks for the article!

Kate is a twit said...

Great article, Sue!!

readerlady said...

Sue Buddy -- I tried to go read your post, but gather said I'm not authorized to read it, that it's private. Is there a code we're supposed to have or something? I always enjoy what you have to say and will be disappointed if I can't read this one.

Jane said...

Another gem, Sue_Buddy! Thx!

chefsummer #Leh said...

So Kate gets mad that someone is using her name but she's still using Jon's last name.

Anonymous said...

I have one word for Sue Buddy - BRILLIANT. Thank you.


Katie Kuerig said...

YES! Finally Kate badmouthed someone who was not intimidated by her, who had proof Kate was lying and had no qualms about reminding her of that fact and Kate had to back down. We have waited so long for karma to bite her in the ass, and it appears it is finally beginning to happen. I predict we will see a phenomenal fall soon, something that will get rid of her for good. Can't wait.

Sue Buddy said...

Readerlady, give it another try. I was in there cleaning up a little error. If you can't get in, I'll try to make the link clickable again. (Gave me a headache!) There is no password. Come back on here and let me know if you could see it or not.

koopdedoo said...

Another great article Sue Buddy! LOVE IT!

Khate, do you think you can check for fluid leaks while under there? Maybe save yourself a trip to a mechanic! THAT would be a good topic for a CC blog post!

Rhymes with Witch said...

njay, I went to San Francisco with my Mom before her arthritis got so bad that she couldn't travel. It was FABULOUS. Have a great time in DC.

AuntieAnn said...

Ex Nurse said... 119
Concern for the kids is why everyone who deals with Kate keeps quiet and/or doesn't confront her. We all have seen what happens when she snaps--and, apparently, it doesn't take much for her to reach the breaking point.
IOW, she not only uses them to make money, she uses them to shield herself. I believe she's very aware she's doing that too.

Reminder said...

The ignorant wenches may appear to be edumacated, but they also have a powerful tracker on their blog. Be careful out there. ~ Administrator said...

AA I would not put it past her to encourage everyone to love and adore the kids knowing full well it would be hard to run to the paps with anything and hurt them.

I am convinced this is why you don't see a lot more tell alls from a lot of people around celebs with kids. Kids become pawns. I have never heard of a celeb nanny discouraged from becoming as close as possible to the kids. Really makes you think now.

DebbieDowner4 said...

Set your, Grifty will sue Kate Middleton, because everytime someone in the news says "Kate" and NOT refering to Grifty, she gets her feelings hurt and the sheep are that much closer to drinking the koolaod.

Can anyone clear up a rumor.....during one of the DWTS ers, when the song"danced" to was Billy Joel's "She's Always a Woman"....was there chatter about her threatening to walk off the stage/quit the show if the band included "she's take what you give her, as long as its free..."

Its fun to see her descent into the deep end of the crazy I have time to make some mediocre popcorn and watch????


Tala said...

A question to anyone who watched Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

Remember the Borg and their queen?

Now think about the die hard sheeple.......

Rhymes with Witch said...

One way or another she has used those children before they were even born.

Berks Neighbor said...

Aggiemom RE: profit on sale of home.
The sold the E-town house at a loss. So no equity into the McMansion.

Zillow has just learned that Jon and Kate Gosselin have finally sold their Elizabethtown, PA starter home, located at 2190 Andrew Avenue, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 — for a loss.

The property, which was the setting for the start of the “Jon & Kate Plus 8″ reality TV series, was originally listed for sale back in March of 2009 for $325,000. After 10 months, one price reduction, a lien, and a much-publicized divorce, the home finally sold for $258,000 — that’s 21% off the original list price and $22,000 less than the couple paid for the home back in 2006**.

Original List Price: $325,000 (March ’09)

Price Reduction: $299,900 (Sept ’09)

Final Sale Price: $258,000 (Jan ’10)

*21% price reduction

**Gosselin’s paid $280,000 for home in 2006

Emi said...

As much as I dislike Kate, it is a little sad to watch her descent. I feel sorry for those kids who have a mom who is spiraling downward. She has been living a lavish lifestyle by using her kids for a paycheck, and now it is over. I really do think she is finally realizing she has few options to make money based on her own talents and abilities. I am sure she has been racking up the balances on all her credit cards and is about to hit her limit. She is starting to panic. You can see it on twitter, and it can't be good for those kids.

stupid, stupid woman said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 129

They should have had some equity in the house.


Don't think so, aggiemom. They bought very high, and it looks as if it is now worth somewhere around half to two-thirds what they paid for it.

No way Kate has put more than the minimum into house payments. She'd never think to take care of the roof over their heads before everything else. Heck, she'd never even think to buy a house she could support.

Also, there were reports just a few months ago that Kate had pulled $100,000 out of a re-finance. Don't know if this is true or not, but if so that would have reduced the house's value to her even further.

The money from Jon's father was originally reported to be around $30,000, which would have had minimal effect on equity on the McMansion, even if it carried over. If I recall correctly, though, they sold the E-town house at a loss.

On another note, so good to see Jon quietly being the unassuming, nice guy who everyone saw loving those kids, changing diapers, and even bringing coffee to his horrible wife.

He's sure made his mistakes, but the guy seems to be the kind of "mediocre" man who makes a good dad and a good husband to anyone with half a brain and a good heart. Those kids are lucky to have him in their lives, and their faces show it in the (fortunately) increasingly few pictures we see of them.

Joker's Wild said...

Reminder, give it up.
Posting here to attack a perfectly nice blog is not only lame, it's against the rules.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I would love to see Kate on celebrity apprentice so the Donald can fire her.

Her getting the axe fro TLC & the Donald would be to funny.

Once a Viewer said...

I agree it is not all good news that Kate is under the bus because and only because of the kids. Does she take it out on them? Are they embarrassed at school by her twitter etc? Her public behavior? Do they dread coming home from school?( like they did from Jon's) Do they compare their lives to friends' families ?Do the twins really have to BE Mommy? It seems she shuts them out of her room- they must feel panicked and try to be good so they will get into her good graces must be hard to be a Gosselin child. and yes, TG they have Jon.

Girl from Up North said...

Emi, I agree with you. While I enjoy seeing this twit start to come apart, I am bothered by the presence of the kids in that house. We are watching the breakdown and they are living it. I just hope that Jon is keeping a close eye, so he can swoop in when it all goes to heck.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Thanks for the further info on the house equity, I was under the impression that his dad gave them the money to pay for the first house in its entirety. And I forgot about the re-fi a few months ago. Sounds like Kate doesn't manage money too well.

seriously? said...

That 'perfectly nice blog' stalked Admin and did an entire (not nice at all) post on her. They got their start attacking GWOP and spent time tracking down the identities of the moderators.

I'd be curious what you find 'perfectly nice' about that group of evil idiots.

Emi said...

I really think Kate has a shopping addiction. Most people get into debt by nickel and diming themselves to death. She does both. Buys tons of small crap, plus the big ticket items. She spends money so foolishly. She is lucky in that she has some things she could sell. She could throw a giant yard sale for all her "stuff", sell 2 cars, the crooked houses, and finally the giant house. Then she could buy an affordable home, near the kids school (which it probably near a Target). This would save on gas, car maintenance, heat, electricity, upkeep on home and yard, etc. Then she could probably support her family on a nurses income plus some child support.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate tweeted just before 8pm(EDT) that she was settling down with the girls to watch DWTS. I'm assuming the girls were M & C, because it would have been the tups bedtime around then.

At 8:22 was when she responded to EM's tweet and she kept on going until 10:30. I wonder what the girls thought when she was maniacally twittering away while the show was on.

njay said...

Spring Has Sprung said... 89

After last night, she should put a notice on the cruise website that any pictures taken of Kate are not to be used without permission from Kate and may require monetary reimbursement to Kate.
WHAAAATTTTOH! I don't think the sheeple will be happy about that. Especially the ones who paid her price for the trip. Just make sure you watch out for falling sheeple if you live by any cliffs.

As stupid as they are, my heart still aches for them being manipulated. Especially the young ones. At this time in there life, where they are trying to find their own identity, Kate can totally destroy any future they may have. For real, one negative experience can define their value and self worth improperly. It sickens me.

Take Paige for instance. Last night Paige thought she was helping out by standing up for her and trying to save Kate's feelings. Kate very rudely twittered back that she didn't want to hear or discuss it anymore. Paige was taken back and said, Whooaah, ok I wont say more. Or something like that. So sad she treats her 2nd fan like that.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Em tanner posted on Facebook that Jon called her office this am to express his appreciation for all Em had done for his family in the past. She is glowing about what a cool, humble, appreciative guy he is. You can see post on preesi's. Don't know how to attach a link.

Wasn't this his job during the apologize for Kate's douchiness? Whatever, I love hearing nice things about Jon. Always liked him and wish him the best.

Berks Neighbor said...

Kate is lying liar who lies! - Regarding her tweet about "no one had to go through what she went through on DWTS" I assume she meant flying back and forth. BULLCHIT! Evan Lysacyk was on a SKATE TOUR and he and his partner would fly to wherever he was supposed to be that week and train/practice in hallways.
Here's a quote from an article:
As the 24-year-old was changing from dance shoes to skates after criss-crossing the country on a red-eye, Lysacek took a breath to "spill the beans" with Java. <a href=">Watch the Video Here</a>

Kate had a whole dance studio set up in her home. She had a full-time nanny, cook and yardsmen.

Berks Neighbor said...

OOps try this link instead to see what Evan and Anna had to go through.
Watch the Video Here

readerlady said...

Sue Buddy, it still didn't work for me, but I managed to get in the back door -- went to gather and searched the site for articles by you. GREAT ARTICLE!! You really have her number.

Emi said...

What can Kate really do for income for her family if a new tv gig doesn't come her way? And I don't see any long term tv contract in her future. She cannot hold her own on a talk show. She is not the mom next door, a chef, or Martha Stewart, for any advice/cooking show. Her ratings already bombed for a reality show and I think she has burned too many bridges in tv. I really don't think she could go back to nursing, I am not being snarky when I ask, who would hire her as a nurse with her public persona? I would not want to be under her care. I guess she could "write" another book. But without a tv show, most people really don't follow her at all. It looks like the speaking engagements have all but dried up. It seems that only charities are interested in her, and that is not a paid job. Can she really be making much working for CC? She has no good advice and I bet they will drop her as soon as her contract is up. This cruise will be a one-time thing. And with all this Twitter blathering, can anyone take her seriously? She is one of the most disliked celebrities to ever invade the US airwaves. I ask very seriously, what can she do to provide for her family? I think she is in big trouble.

Sheri said...

Great article Sue Buddy! LOL at the end..."how's the view from under the bus?" Genius.

Really, what the last couple of weeks has shown is that Kate is definitely spiraling. Without TLC to "market her brand" for her, she is lost.

Her delusions of grandeur are as fierce as ever but now she's without the support of a whole slew of "yes" people to back up her ego.

I almost feel sorry for her. But I can't because she willingly engineered this whole fiasco, using eight beautiful and innocent children as leverage, and frankly, she doesn't deserve pity.

Yeah, I get it that TLC took advantage of her narcissism and willingness to barter her kids' privacy for camera time, and they are not as clean as Sunday's sheets either.

But the bottom line is that Kate is THEIR MOTHER.

SHE's supposed to keep these things from happening, she's supposed to be the one to protect them FROM exploitation.

Not instigating, perpetuating and profiting from it.

TLC did not just randomly come upon a poor Christian family from PA who were "blessed" with HOM and nominated by their church community or anything.

Kate, and Kate herself, did this. She engineered both sets of multiples with the assistance of modern science, she had plans to acquire donations even while pregnant and she marketed the tups with a video SHE sent out to potential television producers.

Why there are people out there still singing this woman's praises is totally beyond me.

Kudos to Em Tanner for calling Kate out. There was quite the cheering section behind her.

Still, at the end of the day, it's really about those eight beautiful and innocent children.

BTW, Admin, I respect your decision to start blurring the kids' faces. If the first step to restoring their privacy won't begin with their mother, it can at least start here. Good call.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

SG said... 120

Here is something Em Tanner just shared on Twitter and Facebook:

umm yep, see i do just tell it like it is...Claire answered the phone first thing as she walked in the door and it was Jon looking for me (yea..Jon Gosselin ya know) bc he couldnt believe what he was reading after all i did for them early on. yep, seriously. i was in bed snoozing but he left his cell and i had a really nice convo with one heck of a stand up guy that has absolutely had his fair share of being thrown under the bus unfairly! REALLY. Excellent, cool, humble, appreciative guy who honestly just wanted to thank me again himself..he's also the fun one who "got" my sarcasm...promise he is normal i dont give a crap what the rag mags may have said! STAND UP GUY...once again CONFIRMED. Just thought some of you would find this tid bit interesting and of course bc i DONT step on toes i ASKED him if it was okay to share this FIRST! ha. really that's the funny part I would never tell yall this had i not gotten his permission! He & his kiddos deserve the best!


Thanks for posting this, Schmecky :o)

Thank God that Em had the guts to call Kate out.
Em, if you are reading this- from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for standing up to that momster.

It's obvious that Jon is the human one in that marriage.

When you have a chance, please tell him that we say hello & and wish him well.

Once a Viewer said...


That's a sensible, rational approach to Kate's situation. but since it's Kate we're talking about she'll only leave that house screaming and kicking when the bank ( or whoever) repossesses it. Poor kids. "Their" house. I hope she hasn't passed too many of her "Kate-isms on to her kids.

richsmom said...

Way to go Kate,You're grasping at straws for money now. You are dredging up people from years ago to complain about them "ripping you off" and "stealing your name" You heard the woman Kate, she's received nothing about complaints about you, why would she want your name attached to anything now, maybe years ago before you flipped out, but not now.

AuntieAnn said...

(Administrator) said... 156

AA I would not put it past her to encourage everyone to love and adore the kids knowing full well it would be hard to run to the paps with anything and hurt them.

The writer of a blog I read concerning narcissism calls it 'stealing virtue she doesn't possess' which I think pretty well sums up what Kate is doing.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Another slam dunk article from Sue Buddy :o)

Whoop, there it is!

Emi said...

Does anyone know if the state of PA really set up a college fund for the G8 or was that a rumor? If it's true it's like the woman who won the lottery but is still getting food stamps.

EM said...

RE Colin: I think he as already in trouble. He was already dressed for bed when others were out playing. I highly doubt he is that OCD as to opt to a bath instead of play time. MY OPINION.
kate spun the story to show she has a connection to a boy child.

Dont believe for one minute she had a shed moved either. It was built I'm sure. How relatable is she now sheeple? she lies to appear poor but you know she;s not. Use your brain.

RE: Celeb Apprentice. kate wasn;t asked I'm sure. She has no schedule. She flew to The View on Halloween and had nothing to promote. She would put her flat ass on any tv show that would have her. Even thought she wouldn't be paid her EGO demands the recognition. She probably annoyed Trump by touching his hair. That is a social no-no no matter who you are.

kate's a bitch.. Plain and simple. Most talentless bitches don't get fame and protection to be as awful as they want to be but kate hit the mother load with TLC. She abused her fame every step of the way and I hope karma keeps biting harder. She truly deserves it.

The bigger they are the harder they fall. kate got built up pretty high. She;s in for a downward spiral as she sinks into REAL reality. She should just thank her lucky stars that at least she has money now to allow her to hide from the real world and escape the horror of a real job.

Done and done said...

I for one, would love to see Kate on Celebrity Apprentice. Let her make a fool of herself! She's a perfect candidate for that show - a shit stirring, back-stabbing drama queen. I would tune in. The money goes to charity anyway and her kids wouldn't be on camera so why not?

I wouldn't be surprised if they had contacted her to be on the show. The money goes to charity, that's probably why she "doesn't have the time" to fit it into her "busy schedule." Busy doing what Kate?

Luke's Mom said...

Great article Sue Buddy!

Yes, it was quite the "Triple Whammy" yesterday.

Love your ending: "So Kate, what I really, really want to know today is, how’s the view from under the bus?"

Can't wait to witness Kate's next meltdown on Twitter!

K8SUCKS said...

Sorry if this has been stated already, I don't come here as often as before and I haven't read all the posts from this thread.

That said, I don't feel one iota for Ms. Tanner.
When K8's true colors started to show way back when, several posters from GWOP sent Ms. Tanner letters/emails urging her to reconsider sending all the freebies to the Gosselins. Ms. Tanner's replies were SO RUDE - she didn't care about the real K8, she just wanted to make a buck like everyone else. Much like that pastor who very rudely responded to some folks after being questioned about paying the Gosselins to speak at his church.

Knows Quality said...

Remember Kate's Media Tour in the Tinfoil Dress? Well, the MOM blogger, Diane Mizota, just posted a 2nd part to the interview. I've got it posted below so we don't give Diane "hits" on her website...

Mom Chat: Kate Gosselin

I'll admit it. I wasn't prepared to like Kate Gosselin. Seemingly everywhere in the media for so long now, she no longer seemed like a real person. I was like many of you out there: I was judgy. Super judgy.

But when Kate and I sat down to chat, we talked about normal mom stuff, like two moms on the playground. I was reminded of why I liked her in the first place, before the media circus.

She's a mom in difficult circumstances doing the best she can. She has faults, she struggles, and she keeps going. And what mom can't relate to that? I realized we had a lot more in common that my prejudgment had allowed me to see.

Divorce. Single motherhood. Working in media, with the accompanying hustle and constant worry of how to provide for your children financially and emotionally. The common ground accumulated and my judgment faded.

So who am I, or who are any of us to judge her or how she's trying to put food on the table for her family, or raise her kids?

Read on for an excerpt of our conversation, where I found Kate to be real, relatable, and…likable.

DM: It's a daily question at our house: "what to make for dinner?"- how do you manage 8 different appetites?

KG: It's what's for dinner. I do take requests from the kids…I kind of sometimes run out of ideas, this week for example, Leah requested chicken Caesar salads, so within a few days they'll get their request, there's no system to that, it's like, "hey what do you guys feel like eating," if I'm out of ideas.

DM: Do you get them involved in cooking with you? I love cooking with my son.

KG: You know, it gets a little crazy. Mady and Cara make lunches and breakfast, and help - they're to the age now where they can chop certain things. But as a rule, it's sort of like the home from school: homework, chores, showers, bed….

DM: It's like a runaway train…

KG: Daily, there's not time for that.

KCSherri said...

DM: I'm a single mom too, and I feel stretched even trying to manage the needs of my one child and my career. How do you meet the needs of your kids?

KG: It's a challenge. There's um,…I'm well aware that there's not enough of me for 8 kids, so, it's a constant struggle to honor their requests, their needs, their wants. I try to make it a priority because I've always said, just because I have 8 kids doesn't mean I can't treat them like I have an only child- which is a huge thing to try to pull off…but I honestly do.

DM: That's setting the bar really high…

KG: It is setting the bar really high. The other day, Alexis had a locket that she got, and she wanted a picture of me in it, which was cute, but I made it priority to put that into my errands that day to shrink a picture down, print it off, put it in the locket and give it to her. I'm pretty good at remembering that kind of stuff because I want to make what they want important.

DM: Totally. So you just make the time to do it, right?

KG: I mean, I can't do everything immediately, and they understand that and I tell them that a lot. A lot of times, my answer is yes, but it's going to take me some time, and they get that.

DM: What are you most looking forward to in the future? And what keeps you up at night?

KG: Most looking forward to would be my next big job, so that I don't have to worry about how to provide for them. I think that, that definitely keeps me up at night right now because I am primarily responsible for them, physically and financially.

DM: I go from job to job too, and as a single mom, you're like, "…we've got college on the horizon" you know, let's make this happen! And I'm the same way…I'm waiting for the big one… but I string together lots of jobs, you know, you just do what you can.

KG: As long as they keep stringing that would be great. But it would be nice to have…the one, where you can breathe for a few months, or years. It's the business that we're in.

DM: It is.

KG: And I don't worry excessively about it, cause I know good things will happen because…well, they have to. I've got a lot riding on it.

DM: I know. I feel the same way. Thank you so much for your time and chatting with us.

KG: No problem!

Source link:

Teresa said...

Um,so M & C shower the tups and help get them ready for bed? Did l read that right? Now it appears they get breakfast and lunch for them too. So, what is it KK have to do all day?

Teresa said...

Sherri, we posted at the same time :) Would that be GMTA or FSD lol

Katie Cry-duh said...

I see a stunted and oppressive adolescence for Mady and Cara. "oh no! You can't go to a sleepover, I NEED your help with the littles. Waaaaah!!"

K8SUCKS said...

Emi 183 -

Yes, the state of PA set up accounts but didn't fully fund them. These accts were open to public contributions.

tate said...

Just read the comments from Kate in her interview above with Diane (thank you for posting all of that!). So hilarious how she said she is waiting for her next big job and treats Diane like a peer and says "this business WE are in". As if she is a hollywood/celebrity in the show business world. Umm. No.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Damn, she sure sounds hella unemployed in that interview! Sure reaching and hinting and hoping someone will pay her money to do nothing because she has 8 kids to support. Pathetic. Get. A. Job.

Pam said...

"She's a mom in difficult circumstances doing the best she can. "

This is just bullhocky! What is so difficult? She has a lot of kids just like millions of other families do. She has the pleasure of not having to work. She has a mansion, 3 cars, a babysitter 4 days a week, and many other luxuries most moms don't have. Her kids are healthy. Difficult circumstances my ass! She's got it made in the shade.

tate said...

Also amusing how she says "good things will happen because they have to". No, they don't. Lots of people hope for good things to happen as far as jobs, medical diagnosis, etc and they don't. So...get a real job Kate and stop grifting and begging and insulting people and making a fool out of yourself.

On another note, I wonder if she'll comment tonight about Jon contacting Em Tanner? Ha. No doubt, she'll throw him under the bus big time.

Done and done said...

Doesn't Kate know that people trying to get their big break in Hollywood have something called "day jobs?" What an idiot.

Sooverit said...

Wow - that interview is very telling. I'm surprised Kate admits that waiting for the next big thing keeps her up at night. She HAS to be incredibly nervous about how she's going to maintain the lifestyle to which she's become accustomed. She desperately wants a job in tv that will last her for years to come so she can sit back, relax, and watch the money roll in. The question is, how long will she wait for that next BIG offer? At some point she's going to have to realize that her tv career is over. That ship has sailed!

Pulling The Wool said...

Does anyone know if the state of PA really set up a college fund for the G8 or was that a rumor? If it's true it's like the woman who won the lottery but is still getting food stamps.


It's called a 529. Here's the info. Nothing was funded. The account was set up for donations.

Two people allegedly from the Red Cross gave their accounts on GWOP of the RC Ball (thread - "Prom"). Whether their identities are verified or not, remains to be seen, which puts the credibility into question. Still, Kate doesn't come off looking like a welcomed guest.

good luck everybody else said...

Just read Sue Buddy's article. It's official- I'm in love.

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