Kate wants to get the birthday party out of the way all at once. That’s lovely to want to get the most important day of the year for your children “out of the way” like you might get cleaning the toilets out of the way. Some workers are fixing the beautiful pool and redoing some stuff. Why, what‘s wrong with it? They never really tell us.
As usual, it is not Kate’s fault that she is planning this party at the last minute, but rather Kate blames the therapist she admittedly had numerous contacts with in 2009, Sylvia Lafair. Huh, you say? Don't worry, Kate will explain. You see LaFair sued Kate, Kate has a court date, and that caused Kate to lose an entire day of party planning because she had to go testify. Last I checked, you usually know weeks and often months in advance of your court date so you can plan around it, so I‘m not sure how this is Lafair‘s fault. In fact, news of this lawsuit was broken on April 6, 2011. Kate did not have to testify in court until May 11, 2011, more than a month later.
“I’m being sued for therapy I never received!” Kate says with an awkward (and telling) laugh, wave of her arms and averting of her eyes. Body language, anyone? Actually, according to LaFair’s own testimony, Kate sat down with her for a whopping four hours in Los Angeles on March 23, 2009. What does Kate claim they were talking about all that time, the rising price of grain?

LaFair also testified she would spend hours and hours on the phone with Kate. Although the actual amount of time they talked is in dispute, Kate herself does admit, in sworn testimony, she did indeed talk to LaFair several times, including one time for an hour and a half, only cutting the conversation off when LaFair wanted to talk about Kate‘s childhood. Hm, Kate’s childhood? Sounds suspiciously like an important component of a counseling session to me. I’m still at a loss for how Kate concludes after all those contacts with a therapist she received no therapy. Oh, wait, I get it, if the marriage counseling was just for Jon’s benefit, Kate never received anything. Silly me.
You know, I think it’s incredibly inappropriate for Kate to bring up her legal troubles when this episode is supposed to be about the joyous event of her children’s birthday. This lawsuit has absolutely nothing to do with their birthday. She has to make it all about her, naturally.
Kate didn’t plan a darn thing about the theme of this party, she admits it. She just goes to Party City and starts throwing crap in the cart willy-nilly. Just like she did last Halloween. When you’re using TLC’s credit card, it gets much easier to do that. She says every parent should throw a big party at least once. Um, in their lifetime? Kate, most parents do this every year. I think she fancies herself St. Kate, Martyr of Party City.
The kids get a really cool (and expensive) curly water slide. They are thrilled, but even more thrilled when they spot a frog in the spa. Proof kids don’t need toys that cost in the thousands of dollars, but rather, prefer amphibians that are free. Kate makes them draw pictures of a birthday cake. I’m not sure I follow why. Will she make the cake like what they drew? I guess we’ll find out. Production is getting rather sloppy explaining the “storyline.” That happens when you don’t give a crap anymore. She got them rather cool birthday hats, some that look like birthday cakes, and hey there’s a princess hat. I thought that hat was for Kate, but one of the girls puts it on. Aaden is still so excited about the frog that he drew that instead of a cake. Ha!
Take note, Kate. Aaden did not draw the expensive slide he (yes, he) bought. He drew a frog. I’m guessing Kate probably hopes it’s a very posh elite wealthy frog worthy of his attention.

Commercials, and we’re back. Kate goes into the bakery last minute with a list of complicated demands. Oh, she does have the kids’ drawings. She suggests somehow incorporating the pool into the cake with a frog. Okay, that is sweet, and proves she was actually paying attention to the kids.
Normally she would make her own food, Kate says firmly. Why is she so darn defensive? There’s nothing wrong with arranging catering for a birthday party with 60 people. That way you can enjoy the party. She orders sandwiches in the shapes of fish. Some have fluffernutter (organic I hope?), others turkey, but I’m guessing Kate won’t eat what everyone else is eating. Her party meal probably resembled something more like this:

“This is the way behind-est I‘ve ever been“ she says. Well, Kate should be used to being on the behind end by now. I‘m speaking of a jackass of course. I want to tear my left eyebrow out, hair by hair, when she speaks like that.
Kate plans a treasure hunt. This kind of big property is great for that. Kate claims the kids don’t know how frazzled she is.
“Does your mommy seem stressed?” production asks the kids. “Oh, yeah!” Leah says. “Yes,” Aaden says. Sigh. It’s sad that seven-year-olds even know what stress is, let alone feel it filtering down to them from their parent.
I think it’s very important, actually groundbreaking, to note that here is another instance of Kate telling us how the kids feel (they don‘t know she‘s stressed). But when production actually asked the kids? The kids confirmed they felt exactly the opposite (they knew exactly how stressed she was). Proof we cannot trust a darn thing Kate tells us about how her children think and feel without actually asking them.
The kids help stuff the bags for the party favors. I have to hand it to Kate, she knows what kids would want in a party bag. There’s bracelets, glow sticks, mini soccer balls. Wait, is that sunscreen? Oo, major buzzkill, Mom. Oh, no, whistles??? This family does not have a good history with that particular toy.
“It’s kind of sad to stuff a piñata and in a matter of seconds your work is completely ruined,” Mady remarks. I love the way that child thinks. She’s so smart. I bet she would certainly understand what the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard is and how to apply it. There is hope for America’s future in kids like her.
Tidying up, lots of yelling. “You’re giving me an attitude and I’m exhausted!“ Kate cries. That’s funny, Kate accusing the kids of giving her attitude.
The day of the party is here, and I’m kind of confused about Kate’s complete freak out since she has not just Carla and Ashley helping her out, who are always on top of things, but another friend of Carla’s. Not to mention the twins, who are plenty big enough to lend a hand. This is more help than most parents can hope to gather. Ashley, bless her heart, is calm, relaxed, and going on about how cool it is they are getting older. It's sad when a 20-something year old single gal with no kids "gets it" on a far deeper level than a 36-year-old mother with eight. I wish everyone could breathe and stay calm like Ashley always does and remember what this is really about, the kids and celebrating another year.
I have no clue what in the world Kate is screaming at Mady about now, but she tells her, cruelly, “You are wasting precious time that I will never get back of my life!” Call it what you like, but I think telling a child, any child, they wasted time off your life you will never get back, is verbal abuse, period. Mady, precious Mady, takes it all in stride (as if she is talked at like this all the time), and admires the lovely birthday cake.
The adults set up the treasure hunt. I wish Kate would just let Ashley do it, she is staying calm and can handle this. Kate explains how the treasure hunt will work, like we are kindergartners. She is rather patronizing. Naturally Kate screwed up the clues or something and that frazzles her even more and she has to go through them all again.
Guests start arriving, and there is literally a bouncer at the gate checking names. How West Hollywood of them. And why show this, just to show off how important they are?
Kate hasn’t met several of these parents. She really has no clue who they are. After having the kids in school this long this is surprising, and lends a lot of support to several “insiders” who have reported Kate has very little interaction with what’s going on at their school. The parents are standing around awkwardly watching the kids, not talking to each other and certainly not to Kate, which is probably how I would look too with all the cameras around. They are a blatant reminder that to most normal people cameras are weird, awkward, and often just plain creepy. The kids adored the treasure hunt, and after that, went in the pool. I have to say I think it’s very good to have this many adults around at a pool party, for safety reasons. A child died at Pamela Anderson son’s birthday party several years ago because he wasn’t really being watched. I am pleased that pool safety is taken seriously here.
Daddy Steve is there and asks the kids to all filter out of the pool because it’s raining and thunder is coming. This is one of the first times I’ve ever seen him make a blatant move to protect these children.
You know what I love? Going inside on a day like this where it‘s warm enough to feel comfortable, but it’s pouring rain outside. I love how it smells. They move the party to the basement. It’s a relief Kate is not having a meltdown over this. It’s May on the East Coast, odds are your party is going to get rained out. No big deal, as they have a lovely, large basement. Kate wants to sing Happy Birthday to each of the kids like she always promised she would, but “I don’t want to sing six times!” one of the kids shouts. Haha, I knew they wouldn’t put up with that for very long. So they sing once, and the kids are happy and love the cake.
What’s the benefits of being seven? Production asks. You get to read chapter books, Aaden says. Aw. Kate needn't worry, I think Aaden is going to be adorable for several more years to come.
They show some clips from pretty much every birthday party they’ve ever had, all of which have been filmed (except I think their first). Hey, even Jon is in one of the clips. Jon, you remember him. The Chrissy of Kate Plus 8--set up to be the annoying dolt of the show, yet the show has never really been the same without him. This is also called karma. Incidentally, last weekend I saw Chrissy, also known as Suzanne Somers, at the local farmer‘s market. No paps, no drama, dressed down and just quietly getting some fresh veggies with her hubby (of 34 years!) and going on their way. Confirmation she practices the organic she preaches. I just did a quick read of her IMDB bio, and it seems that Suzanne participated in intensive therapy, including family therapy, to help deal with serious childhood issues. Frankly I don't see how anyone could have a successful marriage of 34 years without first dealing with any past childhood issues in a healthy way. Take note, Kate. Therapy can be very helpful and does not mean you are less of a person. It seems to have helped down-to-earth Suzanne. If anything, participation in therapy speaks to a person's willingness to change and grow, which is a good thing.
Kate waxes on about how the kids are getting older and more mature, but there is an element of insincerity to it. Some people hear a biological clock, Kate hears the ticking time bomb of kids who will no longer go along with her diabolic master plan to exploit the hell out of them until they are 18. One down--Cara. And every year, the clock gets louder.
208 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»Brilliant! Masterful! Funny....and yet sad :(
Thanks Battered. This was one of the sadder episodes to recap. I think it was because Kate spent so little time actually talking about what this birthday was really about.
Hilarious as always! I caught it in rerun and you left out a few things.
She gave that awkward laugh when the caterer said he calls those sandwiches 'fluffernutters.' She actually seemed to think she invented that term. "Oh, you call them that too? Giggle." Also, she told the caterer, when he asked if her she had seen the fish shaped bread, that she had used it once and was declared the bestest mom in the whole world. Again.
She is so dismissive of everyone, including the cake lady who was given very little notice to get this event cake together.
She looked good in that blue dress, but she was teetering around on party shoes, even though she was SO STRESSED. Those stilettos had a ruffle or feather on top, something you'd wear with a cocktail dress to a party, not something you wear when planning a party and YOU ARE SO STRESSED! She said that at least 20 times. If I were her kid, I'd be like, "Forget it mom. If we stress you out that much, it's not worth it. We don't need it (and didn't ask for it).
Who wears an expensive strapless dress with a hoodie thrown over it to a party where you have to disburse clues to the woods and your boobyguard declares it's 67 and stormy and you'll be serving cake and ice cream?
She's mean and rude to Ashley. Plain and simple. I don't know how that girl can stand that treatment. She deserves so much better.
Anyway, I could go on, but why? Kate is all about herself and any attention she can get and the rest is inconsequential to her. Same story, different day/week/month/year/season. Very sad.
Haven't watched her abuse in several years, but, on reading the recap, l can see her face and still hear that voice....sends chills down my spine. Those kids, (to quote Jack Nickolson in 'One Flew Over the Cookoo's nest)will grow up not knowing "whether to shit or wind their wrist watches"
Thanks for the recap, Admin; you're very brave to wade in and analyze that garbage for us.
Kate is such a clown! Were she really an organized person, loosing one day of planning wouldn't be a catastrophe, especially considering how much time she has on her hands. I know it makes good drama, but yeesh.
I know it’s generally a bad idea to do so, but I was thinking about the sheeple the other day. I’m surprised that they haven’t tried to defend the filming and exploitation of the Gosselin 8 by hiding behind the idea of the show being a family business. After all, the sheeple might argue, there are many children who work at their parent’s farm, store, or restaurant, and nobody calls that exploitive.
Obviously, we know the difference. Children who work at the family farm, store, or restaurant are using their minds and talents in front of community members, and will hopefully inherit the business. The Gosselin 8’s dignity and privacy are exploited for the entertainment of a global audience, and it’s improbable that the show will last into the kid’s adulthood. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t there laws governing a child’s work for the family business?
Yes, it's a stupid line of logic, but it's still better than anything I've heard a sheeple bleat.
Excellent recap, Admin. I feel so sorry for those precious children, having a monster of a mother like Kate. She treats them and she talks to them as if they are dirt under her feet. I am so glad that my mother was totally different.
Thank you (and sorry) for sitting through that mess.
I still can't believe that there are people that purposely watch this program.
I'd rather scratch my nails against a blackboard than listening/watching Kate bloviate for a 1/2 hour (or an hour).
Apparently, everything & everyone is a chore & a bore to Kate.
Blah. Phooey.
Sh*t & corruption.
Did the kids get individual presents based on their likes and dislikes (say, an alligator video for Alexis or a set of Legos for Colin)? Or is it just one group present for everybody?
Either Kate is a wonderful mother who didn't want the public to see all the nice things she picked out and had private party, or she just got that free slide from someplace, was like--whew-that's done, I don't have to buy a present now--and went on to twitter and flirt with Steve.
Hmm. Wonder which one it was?
C said...I’m surprised that they haven’t tried to defend the filming and exploitation of the Gosselin 8 by hiding behind the idea of the show being a family business. After all, the sheeple might argue, there are many children who work at their parent’s farm, store, or restaurant, and nobody calls that exploitive.
One of Kate's "fans" has already used that excuse. I happen to believe she's also the one who comes here as an anonymous poster and is apparently very belligerent. She's also the one who said Kate makes her "cringe" and admitted to posting on an anti-fan pretending to be someone "in the know" just to stir up trouble.
During Kate's tweeting frenzy last night with seven of her most grasping enablers, BIogHawg, SuperPattyPie, LEIGHSHAHAN1, LivinForLife, mojitosplace, and MiloandJack, she mentioned she had a dream that she was pregnant through an immaculate conception.
A couple of weekends ago, she tweeted something about having another baby, and I tweeted her back that it would have to be through an immaculate conception (considering her inability to attract a man). I am going to go out on a limb here and say I can now add "tweet plagiarizer" to her long list of faults. And she says she "can't see" our tweets.
I find it amazing how 'sweetly' she talks to her tweeties and how nasty she is to the rest of the world, including her children who she claims to love so much.
I also find it amazing that she still uses every opportunity she has to slam Jon under the bus. Why was it necessary to bring up the subject of that lawsuit at her childrens birthday party? How could I forget -- it's always about her and getting the word out there about how wonderful she is.
Tweeter said "A couple of weekends ago, she tweeted something about having another baby, and I tweeted her back that it would have to be through an immaculate conception (considering her inability to attract a man)."
Sorry if I'm nitpicking but this a common misconception (so to speak) have re: the immaculate conception. It actually refers to the conception of Mary, Christ's mom. In the Catholic tradition, people had trouble with the idea that a sinful woman like Mary could carry the son of God (since all people are born sinners because of Adam and Eve). So they came up with the idea that God washed away all of Mary's sin when she was conceived so that she would be worthy to carry the Christ. Hence the term immaculate - 'without stain; clean'
The doctrine most people think of as the immaculate conception is rather the Virgin Birth, the idea that Mary was a virgin when she conceived the incarnatiin of Jesus Christ and remained a virgin (according to Catholic dogma) for the rest if her life.
Ok, I'm done with the theology lesson now. :-) Thanks for letting me share.
"Kate hears the ticking time bomb of kids who will no longer go along with her diabolic master plan to exploit the hell out of them until they are 18. One down--Cara."
Admin, I must have missed something - is Cara refusing to film?
Third try to post...
Adm, loved your statement that even Mady would know how to understand and apply "beyond a resonable doubt"--I'm still reeling from that verdict. Great, insightful job, as usual--you are the BEST!
I’ll have to have another cup of coffee before I read the recap. But, for now, I need to comment on Khate’s crazy tweeting. Last night, she was on Twitter for a little over an hour, sending SIXTY tweets. It’s sad, really, how she has to check in with her half dozen sheeple to get her fix while they drool over her every stupid tweet.
Out of all her inane tweeting, what disturbs me the most is Khate’s constant chatter about depriving herself of certain foods that she thinks are “bad”, “evil” or too “high calorie”. I know that her food and calorie obsession is something we’ve all discussed here before, and it came up again last night in the comments to the last post. But, I just have to add that I think it’s extremely dangerous the way Khate thinks about food and the behavior and attitudes that she is modeling for her kids. She tweets that she mostly eats salads for diner which makes no sense because she has always claimed that she makes healthy dinners for her kids. Okay, then, if she really does prepare healthy, well balanced meals for them, WHY does she not join in and eat dinner with them? You know, like a lean protein, some veggies, and good grains. Or, are the kids being served mostly “kiddie” favorites like chicken nuggets, fries, hot dogs and pizza?
Also, her insistence on everything being “fat free”, rather than just low fat is not that smart. She always talks about those Wishbone spray salad dressings, zero calorie, zero fat. News flash, Khate – you NEED a certain amount of fat grams, daily and should consume at least ten fat grams in one meal. The best way to do that is to have a salad with dinner and add salad dressing. There is an enormous variety of terrific salad dressings today that are lower calorie and have a lower level of fat grams and carbs.
I’m sure the way Khate constantly tweets and talks about not eating certain foods, and having to eat salads while her kids eat a real meal, is not lost on the kids. She is sending them the message that adult women have to deprive themselves of real food, always be on a “diet”, avoid certain foods because they are “evil”, etc. I hate the idea that she is setting up some of her kids for food issues and obsessions like hers, as well as possibly eating disorders. I do not know a mother who is not aware of this, especially with girls, and who doesn't make an effort to model healthy behaviors and attitudes towards food.
Last night, the sheeple were tweeting about different kinds of candy they liked, and Khate joined in, even though candy is “dangerous” and “evil”. She even said her dumb fat free fig newmans were “evil”. She kept telling them to stop talking about candy, as it was too tempting for her. A sheeple asked her if she baked often and she replied no, because then she’d be tempted to eat it. And again, she states that baked items like cookies, cupcakes, muffins, etc. are just for kids.
Here are some of her tweet comments about food last night:
so I read..What's w tweeting&all this constant talk of jelly beans?I prefer candy corn(brachs)omg it's dangerous4me
Pure evilness along w ff fig Newmans(which I craving deeply right now)!
Sadly we can't control our cravings but must say I crave salads as much as those sugary bad things if not more
No bc I'd eat it. If I do I bake in big lots and freeze for kids.. Cookies, cupcakes, muffins etc.I also do banana/zuch breads
Sinful and delicious.
Ceased dressing is most fattening... It's terrible! Check it out! :)
Yep thought I heard that 2 Like pecan crusted Ch salad from tgi fri. Over 1000 calories! Oops!
IDK. I occas still order it when travel w ch,pecan&drsg on side so I can cut down cal
Oh yes. Love them! Less fat than even my own dressing!
If my comment causes a huge religious debate that lasts for days, I apologize in advance. :(
Those food tweets are scary. She has a very unhealthy relationship with food. I can't help but think of Karen Carpenter. :(. This is why she is exhausted and irritable. That and she's a vile person.
Although some insist Kate is not OCD, I consider her obsession with fat free/low cal foods to fit into that category. She tweets about food constantly and even includes pictures. When she tweeted last night that she craves salads and sweets, I think it's because her body is lacking certain nutrients.
Heaven only knows how she and kids will deal with one or more of the kids starts getting pudgy. I have zero faith that Kate will deal with it properly.
She's also the one who said Kate makes her "cringe" and admitted to posting on an anti-fan pretending to be someone "in the know" just to stir up trouble.
How can Kate make her cringe if she's a fan of Kate's?
Just curious said...
C said...I’m surprised that they haven’t tried to defend the filming and exploitation of the Gosselin 8 by hiding behind the idea of the show being a family business...
One of Kate's "fans" has already used that excuse.
Oh snap, I haven't read it before. Oh well, it's still a silly excuse.
Did Kate actually say to the guests at the party that "she didnt know any of them, but they probably knew her" ?
Tweeter - I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention. I understood the point you were making - that if Kate were to get pregnant it would require divine intervention, as she's not dating right now.
The Immaculate Conception comment is just one of those things I always feel compelled to explain when the opportunity arises because for years I was misusing the term until a catholic friend set me straight. It's just an interesting factoid.
I wonder sometimes if in her desperation to keep the show going Kate would either a) would marry someone and try for another baby or b) adopt a child via private adoption. I hope she realizes that it would probably backfire on her. She claims "poor single mom" to often to be able to justify another child.
Speaking about adoptions, any news on how Kate's sister's efforts to expand her brood are going?
Re: Kate not knowing the parents of guests.
I am assuming the majority of the guests were classmates.
Seems to me she didn't know them at the kid's
6th Birthday party either. The party with the
inflatable bouncy houses. The parents all stood around looking very uncomfortable there, too, and Kate was apparently meeting them for the first time - those she spoke to, anyway.
Kates' food combinations are well disgusting. Sorry, people, Kates' putting of food together, reminds me of the movie: Mermaids The one with Cher in it. Cher's character, had her daughters eating strange food combos and put what ever was available together to eat. Reminds me of Kate. I think Kate even said in a recent tweet, about food in the house, whatever is in front of her or something like that, she puts together. That stuff she took a pic of was a eew, combo.
Did anyone also catch this thing Kate tweeting that she has her kids watch K8(when it's on). Who does that? That's like athletes watching their performance and the coach telling the players what they are doing wrong. Geez, is Kate so obsessed, with perfection?
Tweeple are on Kate-worship overload:
@LivinForLife @kateplusmy8 agreed! In my opinion shes the most beautiful woman in the world! Hope I become an amazing woman just like her!
Oh, great. Just what we need. A new generation of Kate clones running around shrieking like banshees, giving birth to multiples and then selling them to the highest bidder.
@EmCr68 @kateplusmy8 Kate has one of the most beautiful smiles ever seen & it's so true when you see her smile & eyes light up so do you
@LivinForLife @kateplusmy8 and so true! Everytime I see Kate smiling...I smile too!
The only time she smiles is when she has another episode under her belt and she's off to the bank - or when TLC announces a free trip - or when she's happily taking pictures of her salads with Ceased dressing.
@Kateplusmy8 @Weriak Thanks for tweeting everyone back! I know it makes MY day! Ur my walk with fame! LOL! :-)"
Double gag me! Walk with fame? What would these sheeple do if they ever came face to face with a REAL celebrity? I guess they just have to settle for Kate because she's the closest they will ever get in their obsession with having a connection with "fame." Pathetic.
It's a beautiful sunny, high 80's day and Kate is obsessed w/ tweeting. Why isn't she obsessed about pool time today like she was in May was it was barely 70 degrees? She is insane.
Khate just admitted that she checks Twitter at least every half hour:
Weriak Weronika
@Kateplusmy8 hi there! Sunny sunday slowly finishing here. Kate how many tweets do u get per day? Been wondering since u have20,000followers
1 hour ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Weriak Like at least fifty EVERYTIME I check in...whether that be every half hour or less...
15 minutes ago
Weriak Weronika
@Kateplusmy8 oh! So this is another 'job' on ur everyday list:) while U answer us!!! Thx U find time 4 it. Really:))
10 minutes ago
I guess that means she IS reading all the tweets from "haters" because she really only has about a half a dozen sheeple that tweet her regularly. And, it is NOT like there are tweets all day long, 50 every half hour. Again, she is such a liar!
Gee, my fellow moms, do you know any mom of any amount of children that has the time (or the interest) to check Twitter every 30 minutes or less all day long every day? Methinks Khate needs a JOB!
(Btw, I am checking in here after spending all afternoon in the POOL with my husband and kids. They're still in there and I'm just relaxing a bit before starting dinner. Oh, and guess what? My kids are going to Vacation Bible School tomorrow. They go every year, for one week, and they love it. Unlike Khate's poor kids, I actually make plans for them off our property and with other kids and friends!)
I guess Khate still hasn’t gotten around to buying a digital camera. Let’s face it, she’s been waiting for a freebie, that’s why (notice her frown face at the end of her tweet):
Karinne_Ribeiro Karinne Ribeiro
@Kateplusmy8 ther is somthg need t ask u! wich digitalcamera do u use t take family pics now?Im looking for a good1..wouldlike t know urs :)
3 hours ago
in reply to @Karinne_Ribeiro ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Karinne_Ribeiro these days, my iPhone :(
2 hours ago
Her tweeple are very selfish demanding her attention. Why dont they ever say hey Kate don't worry about us just go enjoy the kids. They take her away from kids they claim to love.
Just curious, were any of the parents dressed up in dress with heels, or were they dressed casual, like would be normal for a party like this?
Administrator said...
Her tweeple are very selfish demanding her attention. Why dont they ever say hey Kate don't worry about us just go enjoy the kids. They take her away from kids they claim to love.
They don't "love" the kids as much as they love basking in the fake glory of K8's "attention".
It's not about the kids. It's about propping up weak egos and lonely people who desperately need to feel to belong to something. Or someone.
It probably doesn't even matter who or what they "belong" to. Next year it will be someone else, and some other fan group.
I certainly hope Kate checked about food allergies in the invited guests before she decided to serve fluffernutters at the birthday party. Just being in the same vicinity with peanut products can cause a fatal reaction in an allergic person. My godson was in the second floor bedroom of a friend when the friend's sister opened a jar of peanut butter in the kitchen (first floor, other side of the house). He went into a severe anaphylactic reaction. Thankfully he carries an epipen and the friend's mom is a nurse, so she knew what to do. I'd never consider serving something with peanuts in it without checking first. Of course, Kate's so self-absorbed that she probably wouldn't even think about food allergies if her kids don't have any. Most can be avoided fairly easily, but peanuts are different.
From the highly delusional "walk with fame" tweeter:
Allboysx4 Amy Bassett
@Kateplusmy8 Heading 2 'TheTonightShow w/JayLeno' on 7/20! All the way from MN!Excited! It's 4 my sons 18th bday. Any chance u'll be on? :-)
I wonder what Kate would say if Mady or Cara spent the same amount of time watching TV or playing sedentary video games as she does tweeting. She'd probably tell them to go vacuum the rugs or get on the treadmill to burn off the crackers and cheese they had for lunch.
I had a friend who was "always stressed out". ALWAYS!! It irritated the hell out of me. We would be shopping & she would be "stressed out" because something didn't fit her right & she needed to go get the right size. We would be at the park with our kids & she would be "stressed out" because her kid wasn't playing "right". WHAT?? We would be playing frigin Rock Band & she would be "stressed out" because she couldn't get the chords right or be the lead singer every turn. Man, did she drive me insane. I had to slowly back away. I figured she was the "drama momma". People who surround themselves with the stress, the drama, the constant "What am *I* gonna do with THIS situation" even if it's the slightest damn thing, drives me crazy.
Just go with it, man. God! Kate is the type of person who LOVES the drama & the feeling of being stressed out because she thinks she NEEDS to feel busy or she won't be the #1 mom. Well, newsflash, she isn't, but also, she would make her life a lot easier if she stepped back from the situation & just took a deep breath & did one thing at a time. So, she has 8 kids, so? Many families have coped with worse. She was planning a birthday party, whoopee. She should be thankful all of her kids made it to 7 years old. Stressed out...please. She surrounds herself with drama so people will feel sorry for her. It's pathetic.
~Hippie Chick~
Kate's Cart said...
It's a beautiful sunny, high 80's day and Kate is obsessed w/ tweeting. Why isn't she obsessed about pool time today like she was in May was it was barely 70 degrees? She is insane.
Good point. I think she talked nonstop about the POOL in May only because they were planning to FILM a birthday EPISODE that was a pool party. I think she wanted to show that the kids are always in the pool the month of May, so it wouldn't look like they were just doing it for the EPISODE.
Speaking of that episode, lol, I still haven't read Admin's recap in this post! I'll force myself to read it later. That's just how much I cannot stand Khate, I can barely even read about an episode, let alone watch one. That would be some torture.
Is Kate tweeting that if she goes to Ireland she wants to eat banoffee pie? She who will shun a fat free Fig Newman is going to eat a pastry concoction made with cream, sweetened condensed milk (cooked down into caramel) and cake? Oh yeah, and a banana. Now there's health on a plate.
If it were to be filmed, you know she would demand a thimble full of dessert and eat it just to be polite. If it were being filmed, who knows?
I think a far more interesting episode would of been showing Jon planning and throwing a party for the the twins. No children involved. Just him. At least that would be realistic, realityish tv. Not this farce.
Admin said "Her tweeple are very selfish demanding her attention. Why dont they ever say hey Kate don't worry about us just go enjoy the kids. They take her away from kids they claim to love."
I think that is sort of true, but what is more true is that Kate spends her time where she wants to - and we all know the kids are not her priority.
Now that things are winding down, there are less paid opportunities for her 'heinous' to be away from the house. So, she just does what she always did, and finds other things/people to occupy her time/need for attention. It isn't as if she really planned to spend more time with them.
She really has no idea... Just to provide contrast I have one, count 'em, one kid - same age as her youngest ones. We are at the Ronald McDonald House next to Children's many states away from home for the 5th time in 15 months. This time it is only for a 10 days. And *we* are lucky. My little one will live, unlike some of the friends he has made here. Worlds away from someone who can't even be bothered to take her own daughter to the doctor for her injured leg or handle her son's pain when he was backed up. (The world should not even *know* about that!!!)
It angers me so much that she uses her kids for income/infamy, that she takes them all for granted, and nothing could stop her for all this time.
Those kids will always have a craptastic mom, but hopefully the worldwide public stage will end soon.
great recap love your blog always enjoy it thanks for the laughs
You know, even after all these years, I forget how absolutely bat shit crazy this woman is. From the new twatter obsessive relationships with inappropriate tweeners, to the horrible food control and choice issues, and the laughable notion that entertaining TLC film crews is real and hard work for her ( tho it is for her children, but she hardly cares bout that), she is just a walking/tweeting piece of nonsense. No friends, no family and a desire to tar and feather the father of her children at any opportunity. Bat shit crazy.
The reason we probably don't hear a bit more logical arguments from the tweeple (like about kids who work in the family business) is because most of the smarter tweeple have defected. They have left the folk at various points, but more recently, a ton of them left after Alaska-gate. There just aren't that many left.
These days the only thing I hear are "you all need help" and nonsense like that that's not actually addressing the points we are making.
I don't think anyone here supports children working in the family business who don't want to, who are not paid to, or who are missing school or friends or fun activities for it. I don't wish that on any child and would feel awful and helpless if any child is in that position, although I do not know of any that are. It has to be said though that there is a huge difference between including your children in the family business, as many families do and have done for centuries, and the more unique and I think more concerning, your family business IS your children, as Kate has done.
Oh by the way, a cliff notes response to that argument is, two wrongs don't make a right.
(Btw, I am checking in here after spending all afternoon in the POOL with my husband and kids. They're still in there and I'm just relaxing a bit before starting dinner. Oh, and guess what?
You're sitting on your LEATHER sofa? :)
Admin, I live right here in the heart of Amish country. We have Amish neighbors all around us. Kids have helped on the family farm for generations. The key word here is "helped." They are not the sole support of their family. The "help" they do consists of chores, whether it be feeding the animals or selling produce at a roadside stand. It's their culture. It's their way of life. The kids are not dragged all over the country with cameras jammed into their faces, nor paraded around in a unit like a trained circus act while their mother struts around exposing her good bra. Their photos are not plastered in the media, nor do they have very creepy websites set up to worship them, or mock them.
Once they are old enough, they have the decision to stay within the sect or move on. The majority of them stay, and raise their children in the tradition of their culture. I'm willing to bet that, when the time comes for the Gosselins to leave the "family business," that's exactly what they are going to do...get away from her as soon as they can. That speaks volumes.
She's also the one who said Kate makes her "cringe" and admitted to posting on an anti-fan pretending to be someone "in the know" just to stir up trouble.
I don't get it. Why would a fan of Kate's admit that Kate makes her cringe? (Second attempt at posting here).
Prairie, as I recall the parents were dressed normally, casually. It definitely looked like they got a memo to not wear any printed shirts (as they would have to be blurred out which is expensive.) I recall a lot of plain blacks and whites with slacks. A lot of sunglasses.
Can l just veer off from Khate for a minute or two.. I have just sent an email to Simon & Shuster saying l will boycott any books, from any author if they make a book deal with any of the Anthony family. I also asked them to advise media if the rumor they are considering making a deal to quash them immediately.
There appears to be a small sub-group of people who are neither tweeple nor "haters." Who are not fans of Kate but who don't approve of the "hate" on Kate. This group is the hardest to understand. I don't get why they are spending such energy if they don't even really like Kate. Seems to me if they think Kate is not something people should be upset over, than neither would people who disagree with Kate be something people should be upset over. This sub-group, as far as I can tell, consists of one person. Maybe two. Because it makes that little sense.
The day of the party is here, and I’m kind of confused about Kate’s complete freak out since she has not just Carla and Ashley helping her out, who are always on top of things, but another friend of Carla’s.
Loss of control. Kate has spent alot of years isolating herself and the kids from family and normal kid and adult friendships, due to her unreasonable suspicions of others and her refusal to interact civily and graciously with others.
Now 60 kids & parents were coming over and not only can Kate not control these people, worse, she's going to be forced to aquire a filter for the day and be nice! Blasphemy! To a narcissist, going with the flow & holding one's tongue (at the same time no less) is unacceptable and Kate's behavior reflected how much she was bothered by being forced to do so.
IMO Kate definitely has an eating disorder and it WILL have negative effect on the kids. Just one more way for Kate to ruin their lives.
I don't think Kate has an eating disorder. It's called a man-hunt. She wants a fella. And with 8 kids, she's got to work extra hard to be able to offer up a fat free body with all that baggage. Sorry but being thin and attractive with 8 kids is more attractive than being frumpy with 8 kids. Kate herself has said she is driven and focused. That would explain her ability to eat the same thing day after day if it means she can turn heads, something she didn't care to do when married to Jon. Now she has all this free time during the day to work out, run, shop and tweet (because of hired help of course). She loves to be stared at and idolized by her tweeters. Speaking of which, one is particularly scary. Sounds like she has mental health issues, often says she is lonely, wants to hang out with Kate, wanting Kate's approval by telling her how much she is exercising and eating every day, has a Giant coupon for Kate if she is heading that way. I digress. Kate eats like a mouse so she can be stared at.
Speaking of which, one is particularly scary. Sounds like she has mental health issues, often says she is lonely, wants to hang out with Kate, wanting Kate's approval by telling her how much she is exercising and eating every day, has a Giant coupon for Kate if she is heading that way.
Yes, that tweeter definitely has a problem. IF Kate had 1/2 a brain, she wouldn't tweet her.
"Speaking of which, one is particularly scary. Sounds like she has mental health issues, often says she is lonely, wants to hang out with Kate, wanting Kate's approval by telling her how much she is exercising and eating every day, has a Giant coupon for Kate if she is heading that way"
Serious mental health issues, if this is the one who wanted her to shop with her, eat ice cream with her, who tweeted that she was at Marshalls shopping for Spandex shorts, wanted to hang out with Kate because she was lonely on July 4, was at the laundromat doing several loads of laundry. There are two that are particularly scary - that one, and the one who has gotten downright personal and thinks that she and Kate really have a thing going together. I hope Steve is doing more than carrying a purse. I hope he's keeping a list, with those two at the top.
"I had a friend who was "always stressed out". ALWAYS!! It irritated the hell out of me."
Holy smokes Hippie Chick, I have one of those as well. Very best friend, just moved around the corner from me with his 2 daughters last week.
EVERYTHING in his life is stressful, and the daughters do it too (and constantly post on FB with their woes.)
"Just go with it" says it all. I have never understood the people that make everyday life sound like such a chore, like they are praise dependent and must continually be encouraged or rewarded for doing and enduring what most of the rest of us do, as well.
kHate is exactly like this.
"I made a salad!"
"Look at the Easter baskets I made for my kids."
"BlahBlahBlah, we swam in our POOL."
You know I'm not so sure either it's an eating disorder so much that it is an overarching mental health issue. Control issues, narcissism, stupidity (about fat and calories and what her body really needs) and all her other issues, and food is just one area that her utter instability is so apparent. I don't think she necessarily looks in a mirror and sees a fatso, but who knows.
If Kate talked all day long about how she looks after her car we'd probably see the same bizarre control issues.
"BlahBlahBlah, we swam in our POOL."
Correction. MY pool. Everything is MY, never "our." Mine, all mine.
How many minutes a day, hours a day can you stay on Twitter being so sweety pie nice without blowing her mind away? Really, it's getting to just be sad the way she is essentially begging her tweeties (all 10 of them) to keep tweeting. Same thing over and over and over. B O R I N G!
I used to read forums and articles alot about eating disorders to learn why I overeat. My heart went out to those who couldn't change.
Whatever her WOE (way of eating) is, I am worried for those young kids who could follow her eating ideas and end up with an ED. (also her own kids) They could end up on the severe end of anorexia or bulimia and die from it. It sometimes doesn't take much to send them over the edge. Look at that tweet I posted on last thread about the girl who now loves celery 'just' cuz Kate loves it.
I also think Kate's concern about her weight and body was partly from, unfortunately, the comments on the internet in the past about her sagging butt in bikini, cankles, body size at DWTS, etc. (I am not putting blame on anyone who said the stuff, it is just another thing that shows she reads the 'bad' about herself.) She is just trying to change another part of her image to make people notice her, whether it is in a good way or bad.
"is Cara refusing to film?"
It seems she is refusing to do couch interviews. She is still involved in the activities. Nicey nice twitter Kate said that was fine.
Thanks for the recap. It must be a chore.
While I do believe Kate has major food issues and probably a disorder, I also suspect that one of the goals of this twattering is her attempt to build a brand in the diet & fitness arena. If she is, she needs to stop posting pictures of her dinner. The pic from a few days ago looked like something you'd see laying on the sidewalk outside a bar after last call. She's trying to attract someone's attention, especially with her excessive need to mention when tweeple nation grows.
Something's up. She never had a need to engage her fans. She avoided them like the plague and spoke unkindly of them several times. She's not communicating with them out of the goodness of her heart, she does nothing unless there's some benefit for her involved.
I'm starting to wonder if she received some news at that meeting with TLC last spring. Remember when she didn't tweet for several days? We thought TLC had cut her off because she'd been so specific with the kids schedules and the other weird shit she'd say. However, I suspect she was curled up in her bed crying like she said she did for days after the divorce announcement. I could be wrong, but I think she knows the show is canceled and now she's trying to grift for a new career, all the while reminding the tweeples she has eight (count 'em) eight kids to support. As a local, this brought me back to the good ol' days when the tups were first born. Central PA was reminded over and over again by the Gosselins that they had twins and sextuplets to support. Seven years later, she lives in a mansion and is estimated to be worth 5 mil. And we're still hearing about her having to support eight kids. As the hilarious Tam says over at Preesi, bitch please! Why does she keep stating this fact over & over again as if it's still SOMEONE ELSE'S obligation to be financially responsible for her offspring? When one decides to bring a child into this world, they are financially responsible for raising that child. It's not difficult, most people grasp this concept fairly easily. Why does Kate refuse to do the same no matter how much money she has?
As others have pointed out so significantly, she is modeling horrible food issues for her teen fans. Kate knows full well so many of her tweeples are teenagers. The teen years are so crucial in forming your long term relationship with food. Role models in other women are so crucial. It is undisputed most eating disorders begin in the teen years. And here she is blabbing constantly about food and calories and her obsession with diets. These teenagers IDOLIZE her. It's irresponsible at best for her to model such behavior. Even if she is indeed obsessed with food, she should be aware of her audience. When you are a celebrity, the reality is you accept that fans are going to imitate you, and good people should feel a moral obligation to model good behavior or at least not disclose bad behavior.
She should be sending them a positive messages about body image and self esteem and making good choices for food and exercise but never letting it consume your life.
Not only has this woman failed her kids, she's failed her fans too.
Back in the days of yore, when I was young and dumb and rocks were soft, I dated a man that I now call my Lame Ex. (I used to call him my Evil Ex, but really, he wasn't bad enough to be evil--he was just lame.) Anyway, he too suffered from Permanent Stress Syndrome. Any minor, tiny little thing that didn't go his way--anything that dared to not follow the script he had in his head--"stressed" him the hell out. Oh, and the emotional neediness! The man practically needed a cheering section for maintaining a regular heartbeat; he was completely unbearable if he was required to do something that required actual effort. He all but requested a medal for doing his own laundry, going to work, and so on--normal stuff that most of us generally don't even think about. Had Twitter existed back then, he would have tweeted just as hard and just as stupidly as Kate.
Anyone else see the Jaycee Dugard interview? Really fascinating stuff. Just one point in the many of her amazing story, I am both encouraged and impressed by this young woman's strong sense of responsibility to protect her children's privacy. She will only say they are happy and healthy (and clearly ADORED by Mom and Grandma), she refused to let them be seen on camera, not even with their faces blurred. She only has a 5th grade education, she had her first child at 14, and yet even her Mommy instincts told her do not expose the kids.
This girl is going to do just fine.
Someone commented on a previous thread that she doesn't eat red meat...far cry from the "organic" half a cow they used to sacrifice in "other" ways in order to afford it. You know, the half a cow they received FOR FREE then made Jodie/Kevin pay THEM for some of it???
This is off topic,but there are pics at GossipCenter.com that show Kate Gosselin at Lax on Sunday,but it's not her. It's Jennie Garth. I can't believe she has Kates old haircut!!!
This is not related BUT if this is true!!
Casey Anthony Jurors Ask Judge if They Can ‘Take it Back’
ORLANDO, FL – In yet another shocking twist for a case that has gripped the nation, the 12 jurors who voted to acquit Casey Anthony of all murder charges in the death of her daughter Caylee, appear to be more than just “sick to their stomachs”, and have sent a formal request in writing to Judge Belvin Perry asking whether or not it’s too late to “take it back.”
According to sources within the Orange County Courthouse, the petition purportedly states that they (the jurors) admit to not spending enough time during deliberations to really review all the evidence and, now that they’ve finally had a few days to think it over carefully, would like to rescind their votes of “not guilty”.
Luckily, the state of Florida does have a seven-day grace period after rendering a verdict in capital cases should juries suddenly decide to change their minds. However, the law also stipulates that it is up to the judge’s discretion to approve it, and it remains to be seen whether or not Judge Perry will grant their request.
I hope this is true! I really do. I am sure Judge Perry WILL do something about this. Opinion? Admin? I didn't know this was possible!
That looks like a parody site to me. I do wish they could take it back if only to spend enough time on the evidence and to apply the correct standard. Maybe they wouldn't be getting so many death threats if they did their job properly, even if they came out as not guilty again.
I was reading about the Chandra Levy case, and that jury convicted with a skeleton and no cause of death. The trial was based mostly on circumstantial evidence (duh, usually all you have with a body a year old). Read up on that trial if you want, there are a lot of similarities, only this time the jury convicted.
Oh dang. I didnt even look at the site that well. How embarassing. SORRY. I was so excited. Man sorry ADMIN. I will hang my head in shame now. LOL NO wonder no other news outlets had this. SORRY
ADMIN, yes I have read about the Levy case. Look at all the other cases they convicted on such evidence, or lack of. No cause of death, etc. I am just still so stunned by this, I don't think I will ever get over it, to be honest. I think Casey would be better off in prison, where can she go? No one will hire her. no one will probably even rent her a house or apartment. I can see where she might HAVE to go back home. They seem to be the only ones willing to help her. So sorry for my previous post. <red faced.
If she is grifting for a new job, I hope it's not a nutritionist! She would be awful at that. It's more than just telling people how to eat. She would have to work with diabetics, people with heart problems, work on diet plans, etc. I don't think Kate knows what a nutritionist is. I'm not sure in PA what is required, a certificate or a degree. She would need to work with people one on one, daily, closely, helping people with diet plans, exercise regimens, cutting calories, adding protein all of that. I'm not saying that is what YOU have suggested, but the way she is taking pictures of her foods as you have all stated....what is UP with that??
Remember when Kate said she wanted to be a nutritionist? Maybe she as Wayward said, TLC IS firing her butt. There is NO other options. Good. Just don't let her become a nutritionist, her thoughts about food are very unhealthy, she doesn't need to rub that off on anyone else, especially her kids. Or the general public.
~Hippie Chick~
Here in Canada we have Karla Holmoka. She served a few years for her part in the tourture/murder plot against Canadian girls (including her OWN sister). When she got out of jail she married and legally changed her name. Nobody knows where she lives now but the last we heard it was down south somewhere, possibly Bahamas or something. She is pure 100% evil. She cut a deal with prosecutors and didn't they kick their behinds as they found out she was way more involved than they initially thought. So I guess Casey Babykiller could do that as well.
One striking similarity in the Levy case is that really the only foul play evidence they found was a tiny bit of wire on her leg bone. Suggesting perhaps she was wrapped in wire.
It's so eerily similar to the tiny bit of tape found on Caylee, suggesting she was wrapped in tape.
The Levy jury found the wire enough to indicate foul play, the Caylee jury did not.
Another similarity is the Levy jury looked at the killer's past behavior around women as circumstantial evidence he was capable of doing this. The Caylee jury did not when it came to Casey's bizarre behavior.
AND the prosecution in that case, over the course of the trial decided to drop two of the charges they brought against the killer knowing they just didn't have the evidence. Brilliant move to cut your losses and not distract the jury with charges that can't be proven. This is exactly what I mean about switching up your game plan as a case progresses to get the best result. Brilliant.
Re: Kate and her eating obsession. She surely does have an obsession about food. It shows also how she has always had such control on the kids portions and what they ate, IMO. It sure does explain why she is so "exhausted" all the time. This also explains why she looks so haggard while she is "running" too. Someone who is used to running does not normally look as badly as she does. We have a friend who runs in marathons all the time. BIG difference in how he looks and how she does.
And this woman said she always wanted to get into nutrition and fitness? This is like she wants to act. NO experience and fails miserably, once again. What DOES she do well? Besides lie and throw Jon under the bus? Someone? Anyone? LOL
ADMIN on the Levy case yes, you are certainly right. I still can't get over this. When you said you understand, that they were alway from their families. etc. I agree, BUT they still had a great reponsibility to finish their job. And they failed. They just plain failed.
Once again, sorry for off topic. LOL Kate is just SO boring. My God. These people asking for recipes for salads and grilled asparagus? I mean, really? Do they all eat out of a can??
"Bluenoser said... Here in Canada we have Karla Holmoka"
That case was another stunner! She is evil. I hadn't read about the latest with her, thanks for that update. It is truly scary how many people are amongst us that harbor such dark thoughts and actions. Scary!
Oh and one tidbit I forgot to add: Karla Holmoka gave birth to a child; I believe a daughter.
Well I thought Kate's twatter was pretty benign this morning until I discovered this.
Last night she told the kids to sleep in so she could sleep in. Then she tweeted this morning at about 9:30 how happy she was that they did what she asked.
Most kids this age naturally are early risers, they want to be up and around at 7am. I picture the poor things sitting there in their rooms, hungry for breakfast and ready to face the day, but too scared to get up because Kate is forcing their internal clocks to do something completely natural.
Why can't the kids get up when they want to and just play quietly?
And what does she need to sleep in for anyway on a Monday, she didn't work yesterday. All she did was tweet. Seriously how do her fans that have to get up at 5 am every day for work take this?
Vanessa said...
Someone commented on a previous thread that she doesn't eat red meat...far cry from the "organic" half a cow they used to sacrifice in "other" ways in order to afford it. You know, the half a cow they received FOR FREE then made Jodie/Kevin pay THEM for some of it???
Kate's tweet: "I have always eaten chicken and fish... Never full vegetarian... Just no red meat."
Another convenient lie from Kate. She exaggerates, contradicts herself, and outright lies depending on the situation and her purpose. She's now promoting herself as the no-fat, healthy eater (BS, her "diet" is NOT healthy!), thus the no red meat statement. As you said Vanessa, how does she explain the sides of beef they "bought" a couple of times? She can't.
Unnatural, I mean.
I don't remember as a kid sleeping past 8 am until I reached the high school years when your clock shifts and it's normal to sleep late.
I don't get some of the things she lies about either. There's nothing wrong with admitting hey I used to eat red meat but I've since learned the health drawbacks of it and now I eat this.
I'm not a big red meat eater either, maybe once a month, but I'm not going to lie about my past where I ate it several times a week. Why would I?
Also, she doesn't eat red meat but she goes to STK with Jamie? It's a steakhouse!
Clearly she went to STK to get garbled and apparently was quite successful at doing so.
There is an enzyme found only in red meat that the human body needs; cannot remember exactly what but I do remember hearing that on the Doctor's (I think). Perhaps that is why Kate is looking so bedraggled these days.
Also, she doesn't eat red meat but she goes to STK with Jamie? It's a steakhouse!
I've been there, and if I'm remembering correctly, they also serve some kind of organic chicken dish, as well as fish. I had a crab appetizer and a broiled filet of sole. It was wonderful, and I'm really not much of a fish eater but at that time I was just tired of steak. They also have salads, and we all know how much Kate loves her salads!
As you said Vanessa, how does she explain the sides of beef they "bought" a couple of times? She can't.
Maybe Jon and the kids ate the meat. She probably used some of it in her old granny soups. I wonder if she picks the meat out of the beef vegetable soup when she eats it!
I know they serve other things but it's still funny going therefor her bday.
I think she used to eat red meat and a whole host of other 'real' food-explains the glowing, fresh faced picture with the fork above her head. Now she's hit "nouveau riche", and just garbles what she "thinks" she's supposed to say AND is NOT eating red meat along with a whole lot of other 'real' foods-HEALTHY fats, HEALTHY carbs...
Commenting on our own Canadian murdering sociopath-Karla Homolka, yes she's free, living a quiet, anonymous life, has a man, a child...the same will happen for Casey Anthony- she will find a mate and have more kids. There are others sickos out there. They both not only have/had death threats, they have/had admirers, pursuers...their own brand of SHEEPLE!!
Oh, I wish that jury could have a Mulligan. Wishful thinking. I heard juror #12 packed her bags and is in another state for the time being. I wonder if those people get why they are loathed.
I can't imagine having little kids and not getting up early to make them breakfast. My mom never, ever slept in (or took naps for that matter) and always was there to take care of me at breakfast. I can't imagine telling 8 kids beforehand that you're going to be absent for them. If Kate would put down the stupid phone and get in bed at a reasonable time, she's get up around 6am, give or take, like the rest of working world.
Admin, the bday episode sounds boring as hell. I saw of clip of Kate wearing a fancy strapless dress which was over the top laughable for a mom to wear for a kid's party.
Does Kate understand how unaccessible she is with her shoes, nails and sexpot outfits?
Adm, it wasn't a small amount of tape on Caylee's body and it wasn't on her "body" but around her mandible, hair and nose/mouth area. I watched every second of the trial. I also followed the Chandra Levy case extensively and was on a message board dedicated solely to Chandra Levy.
Frank Bruni, an op-ed columnist for the New York Times, has written an excellent overview of the trial's 'cast'. An excerpt below and there's more at the link:
"That team was led by Jose Baez, an even less savory character. Although he may have a lucrative legal future, he does not have a lucrative legal past.
After graduating from law school in 1997, he couldn’t practice law for eight years because, as The Orlando Sentinel detailed in several articles about him, the Florida bar deemed him unfit. He was a deadbeat dad who, by 2004, owed $12,000 in child support. He also defaulted on a student loan and declared bankruptcy at one point.
Justices of the Florida Supreme Court, in a ruling backing the bar’s refusal to admit him, noted that he had exhibited “a total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system.” Expensive dating services using elaborate algorithms haven’t produced pairings as apt as his with Anthony.
But he was enterprising. Give him that. In an effort to make ends meet while barred from the bar, he turned to swimsuit sales, starting two businesses, Bon Bon Bikinis and Brazilian Bikinis. Both failed."
I bet if you gave Kate coupons for free Super Sonic Double Cheeseburgers she'd put on her sunglasses and baseball cap, hit the drive-thru and load up on them!
Jenna Does said... Wayward....
If she is grifting for a new job, I hope it's not a nutritionist! She would be awful at that. It's more than just telling people how to eat. She would have to work with diabetics, people with heart problems, work on diet plans, etc. I don't think Kate knows what a nutritionist is. I'm not sure in PA what is required, a certificate or a degree.
In Ohio, a Masters degree is required. Of course that does not stop any scam artist from hanging out a shingle with a made up title after their name, until they are caught and shut down. But you cant get a real job without proper credentials.
However, television is notorious for giving air time to pathetically unqualified talking heads. Kate doesnt want to work with nutrition and actual PEOPLE, she merely wants to go on TV and play a nutritionist. Just like she does the scripted part she plays as a 'mother'.
As a vegetarian, I believe it is best to eat a non-meat or low-meat diet, provided it is balanced and healthy fats are included. Reducing or eliminating meat intake and increasing grains, nuts, beans, veggies, and fruits has many documented health benefits!
The problem is not that Kate forgoes beef, but that she shows classic signs of an eating disorder. While she looks a bit thick through her waistline in photos, it is just her natural body shape, and people who have seen her in person say she is stick thin.
Kate is clearly obsessed with her weight, and my opinion is that she is more stressed than ever with the threat of the show ending; thus, she controlling one of the few things she is able to: her food intake.
Having raised a daughter with food issues, I can tell you that eating disorders are RAMPANT in teens and college-aged women. There are already so many factors outside the home that contribute to this, and those five girls raised in Kate's home are very much at risk for developing problems...so sad...
Vanessa said... I think she used to eat red meat and a whole host of other 'real' food-explains the glowing, fresh faced picture with the fork above her head. Now she's hit "nouveau riche", and just garbles what she "thinks" she's supposed to say AND is NOT eating red meat along with a whole lot of other 'real' foods-HEALTHY fats, HEALTHY carbs...
Perfectly said Vanessa, this is exactly what I was getting at in my above post. There's nothing healthy about her diet and she's certainly no expert in fitness. She thinks because she's adopted the Hollywood look- thin, blonde, tan and lots of help from plastic surgeons she's now some authority.
I think of all the "diet" books put out in the past 20 years by celebrities. While the books professed a healthy diet and exercize, how many times did we find out years down the road the celebrity was really using drugs? Or laxatives? Or lived on lettuce, coffee and cigarettes?
I find it interesting though, that Kate isn't even trying to pretend to eat a wide variety of healthy foods, fats & carbs. She's putting it right out there that her diet is extremely restrictive and consists of mostly salads. If she's trying to catch the attention of a publisher, she might want to stop making public that she lives on rabbit food.
wayward said... While I do believe Kate has major food issues and probably a disorder, I also suspect that one of the goals of this twattering is her attempt to build a brand in the diet & fitness arena.
I agree to a point. I dont believe for one minute she eats the way she says she does. The blathering about it brings oohs and aahs from her 12 sheeple, and gets the non-fans all riled up. She talks about it for attention, same reason she lies about everything else.
Her food issues merely revolve around controlling her children and reminding them with every breath they take that she controls them, even their hunger and thirst. She would control their oxygen if she could just to show them who was in charge. Same reason she ragged on Jon about it all the time, just another human 'fault' of his that she delighted in bitching about.
I dont think she looks like she is 50 because of poor nutrition. I think she looks awful because she is angry, drinks, smokes, screams, and her hair and skin is grossly over-processed.
Kate tweeted in response to the sheeple asking about the photos of her at LAX:
Everyone! That is NOT me at LAX! My hair is still long so you can all stop panicking! :) about an hour ago
Panicking? Nobody was panicking! The sheeple just commented that it didn't look like her. Stick a nail in that overly-inflated ego and burst it once and for all! Wow!
The tweeny tweeple, and a few men on Twitter, continue to amuse me with their idol worship and their declarations of amazing beauty. How could they look at this photo and tell her that she is the most gorgeous creature on the face of the earth?
What I don't get is how Kate isn't sick and tired of her own BS. How can one person spew SO much bullshit on such a regular hour-to-hour basis and not get positively sick of it?
Speaking of Jaycee Dugard, this is what one of Kate's staunch supporter tweeted to Diane Sawyer this am:
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@DianeSawyer LOL.U need 2 follow @Kateplusmy8 if U want 2 see a person harrassed & bullied by hater herd! Watch how Kate handles It! Amazin!
What a sick twisted mind to try and compare Kate to Jaycee. A complete break with reality.
What does Kate claim they were talking about all that time, the rising price of grain?
Ha!Ha! Too funny, Admin. I wonder if she's paid that bill yet or if she's still fighting it.
The bit about yelling at Mady is heartbreaking especially that she is so used to her mother's berating of her. I've said it before that little girl has way more mothering instincts than Kate and Kate's probably 'jellus' of her for it, too.
I watched the Jaycee Dugard interview last night. I immediately thought of Kate exposing her kids so much when they mentioned that the pedophile got his wife to deviously tape children playing in the playground so he could enjoy himself later. How sickening. I was hoping beyond hope that maybe someone in Kate's circle was watching and would mention to her that that is a very common practice for pedophiles to do for their masturbatory satisfaction.
As an aside it was a real pleasure to watch Diane Sawyer interview Jaycee. The woman is so professional. After watching a month of HLN's sensationalistic commentators I feel like I need to go through some kind of Nancy Grace detoxification procedure. Diane brings dignity back into journalism.
May I add Jane Valez Mitchell to the detoxing? YIKES, she's obnoxious.
If she truely did not eat red meat there is no way on God's earth that she would have eaten the Philly cheese steat - let alone go back for another just to try it with the Cheese Whiz.....
There it is. Thanks Laura. I knew there was film of her eating red meat. Never have eaten red meat Kate? You had two different cheesesteaks as early as last December. Why the lies!?? Pointless lies.
Tweeter said...
Speaking of Jaycee Dugard, this is what one of Kate's staunch supporter tweeted to Diane Sawyer this am:
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@DianeSawyer LOL.U need 2 follow @Kateplusmy8 if U want 2 see a person harrassed & bullied by hater herd! Watch how Kate handles It! Amazin!
What a sick twisted mind to try and compare Kate to Jaycee. A complete break with reality.
You said it, Tweeter.
Looks like that sheeple embarrassed the crap out of Kate. Next thing you know, Kate sent this tweet to Diane:
@DianeSawyer Very kind... Ignore and move on....everyone's entitled to their opinions but I don't have to pay attention :).
How long before Kate tweets to her kookie sheep that they are embarrassing her with their visions of Kate-grandeur?...
Looks like her embarrassing sheeple are going to help kill whatever is left of Kate's pseudo career in show business.
She wasnt embarrassed by that sheeple tweeting DS she said how kind of you and cced Diane Sawyer! What a lunatic Kate is! Even making Jaycee Dugard all about her.
Let me just say if Kate could ever even be half as good a mother as Jaycee she would be an amazing mother. Jaycee was downright inspiring.
Kate rejects red meat and that's fine, but it's for all the wrong reasons. Lean cuts are good to eat in a balanced diet because there are tons of nutrients. My feeling is that it makes Kate feel superior, seriously, if she doesn't have ethical problems with it, eating beef once in a while would benefit her.
It's the same with the organic food. She ALWAYS mentions it because she needs the public to know what a great mom she is.
Organic in general is more expensive, ESPECIALLY proteins. I'm an avid farmers market-goer and *wish* I could buy all of my proteins there. The stuff is wonderful, but it's just not feasible. When lamb chops are $28/lb, it's a rare treat and most of the time I wind of buying lamb from Costco (which actually is carrying more and more organic meat).
I simply can't believe her tweeple want her to do a work out program. She's thin because she imposes a great deal of discipline and really has an unhealthy relationship with food. If you have to deny yourself a FF Fig Newman, you are in eating disorder territory, my friend.
Administrator said...
She wasnt embarrassed by that sheeple tweeting DS she said how kind of you and cced Diane Sawyer! What a lunatic Kate is! Even making Jaycee Dugard all about her.
OMG- Kate's so tacky.
Leave it to delusional Kate to attract so many delusional fans... She deserves each and everyone one of them.
I stay anemic all the time and so I HAVE to eat read meat. I would imagine that Kate is probably anemic as well, which would explain the tiredness.
The thing that I don't understand about the Jaycee Dugard is, why in the world would his wife go along with his sick and twisted perversion?
I have an Associate degree in nursing. I had to take a mandatory course in Nutrition as a prerequisite. Was Kate not required to take that course or did she sleep thru it? Someone tweeted her a little while ago and told her that she should make a workout video. There you go, Kate. There's your new career. When I think about Kate working as a nurse it sends chills thru my spine. She would be beyond dangerous to any patient she worked with IMO.
She looks like death eating a cracker in the jogging pic. And that belly button? OMG!
Kate makes her "Hearty Meatloaf Recipe" on GMC
courtesy of underwalt on Twitter:
I don't know which is more fascinating-
that Robin apparently has never made a basic meatloaf, or that we get to see what Kate's REAL boobs used to look like.
I simply can't believe her tweeple want her to do a work out program. She's thin because she imposes a great deal of discipline and really has an unhealthy relationship with food. If you have to deny yourself a FF Fig Newman, you are in eating disorder territory, my friend.
Yes, a sheeple tweeted about a workout video and Khate must agree, because she retweeted it and added her reply (in caps). Apparently, Khate - also known as the narcissistic grifter with delusions of grandeur and a bucket list a mile long - thinks if she tweets it, it will just come to her:
@Jacky_momof3 Jacklyn McCulley
@Kateplusmy8 i think you should do a workout video....8 kids and you look amazing...i would def buy it!!!
4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @Jacky_momof3 @Kateplusmy8 i think you should do a workout video...8 kids &u look amazing...i would def buy it!!! THX & WOULD LUV 2 DO 1!
3 hours ago
Jacky_momof3 Jacklyn McCulley
@Kateplusmy8 i would love to know your secret...besides being a mom of 8 :))
2 hours ago
By the way, I also saw this little exchange the other day. I guess Khate thinks she can sing better than she can dance……which sure isn’t saying much!
sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 if there was a singing with the stars...you should so take part! :)
9 Jul
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Totally agree. Would do better than dancing I'm sure..
9 Jul
sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 you would do amazing! :)
9 Jul
Bake the meatloaf until it's not pink in the middle. Now how in the hell are you supposed to know unless you take it out, let it cool a bit, and slice into it and take out a piece?
If Kate were a serious cook, she could rattle off doness temperatures right off the top of your head. If you are concerned that the meat be well done, tell people to cook until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees.
Same for her salmonella chicken. Come on! You write a "cook book" and don't know when chicken is done and safe to eat?
Yes, this was pre boob job and although the um um ums was hard to listen to, Kate looked so fresh and pretty and acted like a kind human being.
Gift of gab, my um ass.
Hmmm that’s interesting how Khate tweeted last night and again this morning that she was sleeping in today. That’s funny, because look at her tweet from last week (July 6th):
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Hey there!It's another busy day here!I woke up at 6:00 am as per usual thx 2 my internal alarm clock! Ready 2 start this day! Have a good 1!
6 Jul
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GN again! I'm once again SO excited that it's nighttime&house is quiet! Ahhh! Told kids to 'sleep in' so I can too. We shall see...any bets?
19 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good morning all! Not 2 shabby on the bet... All slept/were quiet until it was 'time2get up'&I'm happy...have a great day! Will b in&out!
8 hours ago
LOL, it sure is hard to remember all the lies she tweets, isn’t it? Yet again, she was totally full of it when she tweeted about her “internal clock” waking her “as usual” at 6 am every day. I have one of those internal clocks myself. I’m up every day, seven days a week, between 5 and 5:30 am.
I think the only reason she was up early last week and staying up later than usual is because TLC was there filming the crap out of the kids. I just hope that whatever episodes they filmed these last two weeks is the last of them filming the kids.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Kate makes her "Hearty Meatloaf Recipe" on GMC
courtesy of underwalt on Twitter:
I don't know which is more fascinating-
that Robin apparently has never made a basic meatloaf, or that we get to see what Kate's REAL boobs used to look like.
Wow! She looks so much younger, prettier and healthier in that video, and that was only a few years ago. What has she done to herself in such a short time span?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @Jacky_momof3 @Kateplusmy8 i think you should do a workout video...8 kids &u look amazing...i would def buy it!!! THX & WOULD LUV 2 DO 1!
Umm...the only workout Kate claims to do is running. That's it. She has never mentioned lifting weights, pilates, yoga, etc.
Wow! An over-priced 30 min. video on how to run around your property/neighborhood.
Oh! And she'll throw in her not-a-cookbook with recipes to make her famous salads, including tips and advice on how to look [un]healthy for your age.
What's next Kate? Trying to get an endorsement for diet pills, like the Kardashians' Quick Trim. All you and these other celebrities are doing is endorsing food disorders for normal average teens.
More krazy krap from Kate's kreeples:
@TLC Need to do an episode where we can get a chance to appear w/@kateplusmy8!! I think everyone agrees to this!!:)
One of the "haterz" tweeted something about the fans along the lines of: First they tweet you, then they follow you, then they own you then devour you.
I agree.
Kate cooking: um, um, um, um, ....
Hey Kate where do you find your organic garlic salt and italian seasoning? And what was that national brand of ketchup and hellman's?
Administrator said...Let me just say if Kate could ever even be half as good a mother as Jaycee she would be an amazing mother. Jaycee was downright inspiring.
After everything that has happened to her, I was amazed by how she's handled everything gracefully.
She's even using the $20 million settlement to help other families of abduction, not to lavish in the "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous".
With a mother like that, I have greater hope that her children will be okay (in spite of this), unlike the Gosselin kids...sadly.
Oh-My-Word! Kelly Osborn tweets her almost 1 millions:
MissKellyO Kelly Osbourne
MissKellyO Kelly Osbourne
I love you guys!!!!!
And Kate tweets her back:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MissKellyO And I love you too! :) Still laughing abt the pm we met at DWTS and what you said as u were hugging some1! Remember?
As though Kelly tweeted her specifically! Kate wants her fans to think Kelly is her BFF and that they have a funny little memory together. Kate so wants to run with the big dogs (if Kelly's a big dog - I don't know) With almost 1 million followers she's a bigger dog than Kate could ever be.
As Khate would tweet - OMG. You know how she follows Kelly Osbourne? Well, Kelly did a tweet that was NOT directed at Khate at all...but Khate saw it & replied. She knows Kelly was not talking to her, but Khate is just trying to get noticed by a “celebrity”:
MissKellyO Kelly Osbourne
I love you guys!!!!!
2 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MissKellyO And I love you too! :) Still laughing abt the pm we met at DWTS and what you said as u were hugging some1! Remember?
25 minutes ago
Checking Kelly’s Twitter page, I see that right before the wteet that Khate responded to, Kelly tweeted this:
MissKellyO Kelly Osbourne
4 hours ago
So, obviously, that’s why her next tweet said “I love you guys”. I have to wonder how long Kelly’s been on Twitter. I would think over a year since most people on DWTS are on Twitter and use it while on the show (except Khate, lol). So, here Khate has EIGHT kids, count ‘em eight, and she’s only been on Twitter less than four months yet she has tweeted almost 4,000 times already, compared to Kelly’s 5,000 tweets. Look at the stats:
Kelly Osbourne:
5,075 Tweets
337 Following
3,940 Tweets
14 Following
Admin, thanks for torturing yourself & recapping the lastest episode! She's DONE! No more pics, no more front page news, no more ROL, no more Hollywood Life, no more INF Daily, etc, etc. She's scraping the barrel on Twitter AND her twats sometimes go off on her when she doesn't return their tweets. THAT'S entertaining.
I don't tweet but it sure is fun reading the regular non-fans! Katie claims she doesn't read the tweets BUT SHE DOES! Hahahaha!!
She is SO UNORGANIZED it is ridiculously STUPID! She claims to do everything for her kids, BUT SHE LIES! There are so much resources in her community, she's just too unorganized to know how to use the resources to plan a party. AND everybody KNOWS TLC's producers HELP WITH EVERYTHING!!
I've thrown parties for 100+ people with a 1 week notice! FABULOUS parties!! Of course I have A LOT of help from family & friends. AND because I am organized, I have a special events binder with all my community resources, family & friends with special talents who are always happy to help when we have parties! We sit & plan the theme, menu and activities. Usually all the helpers volunteer based on their special talents, sometimes I delegate & bribe with cold beers AND we ALL have a great time!
She has the means to have the food, cake, decorations, etc delivered. Why didn't she? B/c she's an UNorganized freak who wants everyone to pity her because she's SO STRESSED!
It's disgusting when she tells her kids their "WASTING" her time?! WTFFFFFFF!! Watch the kids' body language, they step back when she starts freaking! Why is that?! FEAR!! Momster is freaking, she might start hitting?! Hum, just a thought.
Wonderful to see that she is melting, melting, melting like the Wicked Witch of the West!!
Kate's Cart said...
Kate cooking: um, um, um, um, ....
Hey Kate where do you find your organic garlic salt and italian seasoning? And what was that national brand of ketchup and hellman's?
Let's see. She posted her recipe for deviled eggs, and displayed her regurgitated salad on a plate. I'm waiting for her recipe for corn on the cob. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Husk corn. Remove silk. Place corn in boiling water. Cover with lid. Wait a few minutes. Turn off stove. When boiling has stopped, remove corn, drain, find those little corn holders so the kids don't burn their hands. Butter with organic butter. Salt with sea salt, and eat. Kate's corn-on-the-cob!
The tweeple will be all excited, and their first question will be: "Kate, if the corn has a live worm in it, or shows any sign of being eaten by a bug, do you cut off the worm-nibbled area, or do you throw the corn away?"
Admin, thanks for the recap.
Kate tweeted that the twins were a big help; they even got three gifts each. However, there was no mention of the grocery shopping Kate and the twins did - where Cara wasn't looking too happy, again.
So poor Cara was filmed for something that ended up on the cutting room floor?
I hope Kate sticks to her word...er, tweet, about the kids not having to participate in filming, if they don't want to.
It sounds like Kate was trying to take ALL the credit for the planning of this party; YET AGAIN, people have to come to her rescue to pull it off. That whole recap sounded like it was all about Kate, not about the kids and their birthday. Sadly, it seems Kate is more concerned about winning the "Best[est]-Mom-In-The-World" trophy instead of admiring how much growth the sextuplets went through in another year.
But the G kids could end up being OK too, despite everything...let's not condemn them yet.
Oh, and let is not forget the incredible deviled egg recipe of Katie's for that "cookbook". Altho I'm confused - should I use Hungarian paprika or or is the regular stuff OK?
Why can't Jon take evidence of all the tweeting that Kate is doing and use it to verify child neglect?
I'm not too great at math, but according to my calculation Kate slept 11 hours last night. What mother of 8 children sleeps 11 hours? I'm sure she threatened them with God knows what if they made a peep before she woke up.
I hate that bitch, and I hate the fact that I despise her so much and spend time blogging about it because it makes me feel like I am one the sheeple only on the opposite end of the spectrum.
As much as I hope that she really is done and that the show is finally coming to an end, I am terrified for those children when there are no more cameras around. I just have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something really bad is going to happen. Kate is one mean bitch with an evil temper, and I just have a feeling that she's going to blame the show's demise on the children somehow. Jon needs to get off his ass and start working on getting full custody of his children STAT. I don't see any indication that he wants those children full-time.
Donna said: I'm not too great at math, but according to my calculation Kate slept 11 hours last night. What mother of 8 children sleeps 11 hours?
One with a nanny. As long as the kids are being taken care of, there's not much he can do unless the nanny is incompetent and neglect can be proven.
Honestly, I don't think Jon is in a position financially to go after Kate for neglect or any of her behavior she has exhibited. Kate is a multi millionaire and every time Jon has stepped up to the plate, he's been smacked back down by the very system that is supposed to be in place to protect the children.
Jon probably can't afford the legal representation and if pro bono, probably couldn't afford housing for 8 kids on his income, even if Kate had to pay him child support. I think Jon is doing the best he can to offset the difficulties they are going through by staying out of the limelight and being anonymous as he has been this past year.
Kate has the money to fight him, the lawyers to smother him with motion upon motion upon motion and no matter what Jon tries to do to this witch, Kates lawyers can drag this thing out for years until someone cries uncle.
It's not about justice, it's about who has the time, money and resources to bleed the other side until someone quits. Jon just needs to be there each time, every time for the kids when they need him, need nurturing and the attention they are lacking from this crazy woman.
BTW, there is a very good documentary on television tonight on the Reelz channel called, "Injustice" about the legal system in this country. Tivo it. I'm looking forward to watching it.
E-Town Neighbor...
You forgot on the corn recipe - to divide each into half b4 giving to child. Don't want them to eat enough to feel satisfied.
Jon needs to get off his ass and start working on getting full custody of his children STAT.
Since we don't hear from Jon we don't know what he's doing. We don't know his money situation or his living situation (heard he'd moved but who knows?)
OMG. Laughing my ass off! Kate, doing an exercise video? 1. pick up running shoes; 2. put shoes on; 3. tie shoes; 4. run. What else does she do? Ridiculous. Oh, and who "craves" salad as much as sugary food? Does she really believe everything that she says? Other than reading at this site occasionally (love it here), I have lost all interest in Kate.
Did Kelly Osbourne actually tell Kate she loves her? Wow, Kate must be in heave right now. An actual star telling Kate that she loved her! And Kate saying it back! Does Kate ever tell her kids that she loves them? Oh, that's right, she does the 'i heart u' thing. Whatever...
And Kate ignores the negativity? HA! I will bet my bottom dollar Kate reads ALL of her tweets, the good, bad & ugly. She thrives on ALL attention. Doesn't matter. This is why she tweaks herself constantly. And I agree with Admin about the damn sheeple needing her CONSTANT attention. How sad & pathetic their lives must be. I know some are young & may not get it, but some must have kids of their own. First, the sheeple who demand attention from Kate who have kids need to pay some damn attention to their own kids. Second, do they not get that Kate needs to get off twitter & spend some much needed time with her OWN kids? Jeez!! Kate & sheeple: put the phone or laptop down & GET A LIFE!!! Spend some time with your family! I spent the day w/ my husband & it was amazing. We miss our son, but we relaxed & talked & had so much fun. :)
~Hippie Chick~
Beth said.......
Thanks for the link Beth!
I watched also to see her before-boobs - yep, definitely a difference.
Also, did anyone else notice her arrogant, NPD dismissal of one of the kids who DARED approach the table as kart was talking? She did that snotty wave-away thing with her hands that she does...... "go away litte pest" just like she is waving away a bug......
Such a vile example of a human being.... disgusting woman. She should lose custody of her kids to Jon - he seems to be very in tune with them. She doesn't notice anyone but herself.
The judge has already shot Jon down. At this point his money may be better spent making the best life possible for the kids when Kate turns them over.
Jenna Does said...
Did Kelly Osbourne actually tell Kate she loves her? Wow, Kate must be in heave right now. An actual star telling Kate that she loved her! And Kate saying it back! Does Kate ever tell her kids that she loves them? Oh, that's right, she does the 'i heart u' thing. Whatever...
No, KellyO didn't tell Kate she loved her. She told her over 9 million fans she loves them.
Kate translated that into "KellyO loves ME" (Kates follows KellyO so she gets any tweets KellyO sends out) and tweeted back, "I love you, too." KellyO hasn't ever tweeted Kate.
"Does Kate understand how unaccessible she is with her shoes, nails and sexpot outfits?"
I think Kate wants to be that way. She wants to be superior and to have that vibe to keep people away except for her BFF Kelly Osbourne. LOL
Kate's Cart said...
E-Town Neighbor...
You forgot on the corn recipe - to divide each into half b4 giving to child. Don't want them to eat enough to feel satisfied.
You're right. However, if she had to cut the wormy part away and not much was left of the good stuff, one of the boys might be given the entire ear. The girls will get the good stuff. Remember the lollipop!
Great catch digging up the footage of the twins at the grocery store birthday shopping that never left the cutting room floor. Makes you wonder what else the kids had to endure that never made it to the cutting room floor. This is how reality shows really work. Hours and hours of film (and work) and only a tiny bit of it makes it. Look at Kate herself going on about how exhausted she is even staying up until 12!
It ticks me off so much they had to work and Cara looked miserable and it didn't even make the episode! And why DIDN'T it make the episode?
Has Kate managed to get a gig as a [pseudo-] "celebrity" endorser for yet another ab-toning machine? Or is she not aware that her name [and seriously doctored photos!] is being used in connection with this product?
You know another thing I was going to say about Jaycee is I have respect for her for taking her settlement and moving on.
Parole majorly f-ed this all up. Had the taken it to trial I think she could have gotten 10 times what they offered her. But it wasn't about punishing parole or making as much money as possible or making sure she gets her day in court. Just because you CAN win doesn't mean it's right for you to drag a person to court. Are you listening Kate? Just because you choose to drop a suit doesn't mean you wouldn't win!
It was about having closure with this chapter and moving on. And it's wonderful what she is doing with the money. This didn't come because some advisers told her it would look good to start a charity--in Jaycee's own dairies from her captivity, she wrote about starting a homeless charity or something along those lines. She has a wonderful heart and she's going to do fine.
I was chuckling to myself at dinner. Hubby had to stay in the city so I made a mushroom/cheese omelet. Full fat, baby! Yolks and all! With a side of toast, some cherry tomatoes and strawberries - and a big cookie/milk! I had just come back from a killer spin class - because I cycle inside and out and run, inside and out, go to other classes, exercise the dogs, etc., etc., etc.! I don't have to tweet about it - it is just life and I love it all! Anyway, what made me laugh was remembering something I learned from a guy making omelets at a blood drive I worked. He would saute the filling first, push it to one side and pour the eggs in the whole pan and eventually fold the empty side over the full side. It is AWESOME and requires only one pan! Kate would totally take credit for doing something so time-saving, just like she thought she invented fluffernutter and the flag cake and monkey munch. I give this guy credit (he gives his mom credit), I love doing it that way. Also, for corn, we put each ear of husked corn in a damp paper towel and microwave it for 3 minutes or so. It comes out perfect and you don't have to wash a pot. But that too, I read somewhere online. I didn't make it up. I wouldn't write a book or tweet that I did. Kate is such a dork.
Didn't Sharon Osbourne say some awful things about Kate? I doubt she'll ever tweet Kate back, but I wonder how Kelly really feels about her, although she does seem like a gracious and lovely girl..........
Anonymous, thanks for pointing out Kate's ab
It looks like a very recent picture to me - her real hair, etc. - and the video isn't even out yet. Maybe this is what she was "filming" that made her so exhausted. Walking on a beach, using the ab-champ, and talking.
Do you suppose Kate confessed to the head of the
advertising department of ab-champ that she has
had some major abdominal surgery to give her a
real headstart on tight abs? The things were
literally stitched together in surgery, for pete's sake. Naw, I doubt Kate wanted that brought up in her "I work on these things every day" image.
Fidosmummy said..Maybe this is what she was "filming" that made her so exhausted. Walking on a beach, using the ab-champ, and talking.
Fidosmummy, I think that you've got it! Kate was going on and on about how sore her arms were....most likely from using the ab-champ. Judging from the pictures, it looks like your arms get a good workout too. I bet you that she never used this product prior to filming the endorsement.
Fidos, just wanted to say I didn't set out to be "anonymous," intended screen name was "Gift of Grab," but cldn't get that ID to work. Oh well.
FYI, based on recent photos out there, these just don't look right to me. Hair is not bleached out enough, and these actually look like her former extensions, not real hair (it's way too long, for one thing). The body might be hers, but digitally altered so as to be almost perfect and therefore as fake as everything else about her. Unless this company does NO homework about its endorsers, hard to believe they could have missed the tummy tuck. But equally hard to believe they would have selected someone (and the only one of four endorsers on this site who is/was NOT a professional athlete) whose "abs" are arguably incapable of much, if any, transformation after the type of surgery she had. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe there will turn out to be a real market for this product amongst tummy-tuckers.
Interesting, too, that she has been asked pretty pointedly, and very recently, by fans (plants?) on Twitter about her body-shaping/diet secrets . . . et voila! "HERE's how I do it" (in addition to all that RUNNING, of course)!
The funniest thing about this? "CHAMPION Mom of 8"! Which I guess makes it clear they know next to nothing about her. Or have a gift for irony.
Looking at the pics of the endorsement, seeing the skyline of Ocean City Maryland, checking the weather conditions on Weatherchannel.com for those two dates and time she was up early, busy all day, no tweets and recognizing the Assateague Island State Park which is next to the National Park, Kate was doing a commercial video.
I was lambasted on twitter tonight after having looked at the contrasting pics however the pic with the video arrow that is not working yet, clearly shows the Ocean City Md Skyline in the background. I have a place in Ocean City MD and I've been going there my entire life and Kate filmed this video in Assateague Island.
This explains why she was so exhausted and how her arms hurt so bad she couldn't spell correctly, "her words not mine". If you look closely at the pics, there is absolutely no one on the beach. That is typical of any day in Assateague Island.
So, time will tell but time will surely prove that Kate wasn't in Wernersville last week when she tweeted to her fans that it was a G Organization day, busy till 12 midnight. Another lie captured on film. The pics may be photoshopped but the background isn't. Those background pics are Ocean City MD from the inlet to 10th street.
Why is her hair parted on the left in the upper photos, but under "testimonials" her hair is parted on the right? Did she stop the shoot to part her hair on the opposite side?
Twitters are discussing if this was photoshopped, with Kelly saying that it's the OCMD skyline in the back; therefore, the photo was taken at Assateague Island. Being a regular vacationer in OCMD, I think he's right.
I wonder why her belly on the bottom photo is a different color from her chest - it has a darker, reddish cast to it.
As for that ab link - I noticed someone made her turn for a 3/4 shot - had they photographed her front on, she'd have looked wide as a plank.
She has the least feminine body shape I've ever seen. Reminds me of a tree trunk. Absolutely no waist curve AT ALL...
If this ad is truly real and not a scam, then TLC must have agreed to let her do it.
Adds more credibility to the idea of TLC telling her that her contract won't be renewed..... we may see more examples like this as she clambors for more income gigs.
HA! From 'world's most famous mom' to a loser doing questionable commercial spots... long fall kart!
Perhaps we'll see her on some late night infomercials......... if she had any sense she would be humiliated.......
Entertainingly (is that a kart word?), she just keeps providing fodder for embarrassing herself.
One good thing - it seems she is alone and not exploiting the kids in that photo...
All-thoooough.... did you SEE the caption???!!
"Champion Mother of Eight"............
Barf city!!!!! Gag me, choke me, make me puke!! LOL
*** Let me say here that I am usually not one to speak ill of body shapes, as I am pretty round myself. (You've all heard the old saw "round IS a shape".....)
However, what gags me is the deception, greed and arrogance....
Champion mother? Says who?
Flat belly, good abs? Not from exercise!
Photoshop? Most definitely!
Will anything about the video be honest? NO...
etc, etc, etc......
Same old story.... over and over.
As to the hair part on right vs left, it looks to me like they just flipped the photo horizontally, left to right.
Notice that in the mail photo her bracelet is on her right hand (left side of photo) and in the testimonial photo, the bracelet is on her left hand (right side of photo).
If you take photo of person writing right-handed, and flip photo horizontally, it will appear as if they are left handed.
Answers to all questions kart? PHOTOSHOP!!! LOL
An idea!!!
kart could be a spokesperson for PHOTOSHOP!!!
She wouldn't even get the irony.....
Ha ha ha ha
Oops, I meant 'main' photo ------- sorry......
@E-towne neighbor. Thank YOU!!! I don't care about the photo shopping of pics of her body. We all know that's been done. That's not the argument. The fact is and I will stand on my head and sing the Ave Maria, That background is OCMD from the inlet to 10th street and it was done last week. Explains her not tweeting till midnight and no one, NO ONE Would recognize Kate Gosselin at Assateague Island as it is virtually empty, both the State Park and the National Park. It's a perfect photo op for anononimity. Aside from the poneys that inhabit the island, there are virtually no people that line the beach compared to the same day and time in Ocean City MD where the beach is beyond crowded.
If you look closely at the third pic where the "Play" arrow is in the middle, you'll see the skyline of Ocean City MD. The tallest building there is the George Washington Hotel on 10th Street. I know OCMD and I've been going there since 1966 with my parents, family, ex wife, kids and still to this day.
Fidosmummy, I think that you've got it! Kate was going on and on about how sore her arms were....most likely from using the ab-champ. Judging from the pictures, it looks like your arms get a good workout too. I bet you that she never used this product prior to filming the endorsement.
So she didn't film an episode but an infomercial?? That would be a riot!! Her fans will be disappointed.
As to the hair part on right vs left, it looks to me like they just flipped the photo horizontally, left to right.
If they flipped it horizontally, she's be on her back or lying on her good bra (which, of course, is invisible in the photos)! They flipped it from left to right vertically...yes? I dunno - the heat is getting to me.
Kelly - it takes me a good four hours to get to OC and I put the pedal to the metal as much as I can. There is just no fast way to get there from here, and traffic is always a nightmare. If they wanted a beach, why not just go out to Brigantine, or to the quiet beach between OC, NJ and Sea Isle or Avalon? They could have gotten there in half the time.
Look at the photo of her running on the Fourth and compare it to the AB photos. That is NOT the same body - same belly button, but not the same belly or thighs. She wishes she would look like the AB photos!
She's a liar said...
Vanessa said...
Someone commented on a previous thread that she doesn't eat red meat...far cry from the "organic" half a cow they used to sacrifice in "other" ways in order to afford it. You know, the half a cow they received FOR FREE then made Jodie/Kevin pay THEM for some of it???
Kate's tweet: "I have always eaten chicken and fish... Never full vegetarian... Just no red meat."
Another convenient lie from Kate. She exaggerates, contradicts herself, and outright lies depending on the situation and her purpose. She's now promoting herself as the no-fat, healthy eater (BS, her "diet" is NOT healthy!), thus the no red meat statement. As you said Vanessa, how does she explain the sides of beef they "bought" a couple of times? She can't.
People often buy food for their families that they themselves don't eat. I don't see how she's been caught in a "lie."
I'm a vegetarian and if you looked at my grocery bills for the last year, you'd find red meat, chicken, etc. on there because I often shop for an elderly relative. I'm not a closet meat eater but I guess those bills would be your "proof" that I'm a liar.
@E-Town If you google Maryland Coastal Dispatch, which is the only newspaper in Ocean City Maryland and then click on the "Cops and Courts" link, you'll see that many of the people arrested are from PA, Pittsburgh, York, Shrewsbury and New Freedom Township. PA is landlocked and Ocean City is the port of call. In fact, Ocean City MD is the home to the biggest Pittsburgh Steelers fan club in the entire state. Seacrets, Buxy's Salty Dog, and a host of others prey on Pittsburgh fans to come, watch the games and cheer on the Steelers.
When I was married, My in-laws had a condo in Wildwood Crest NJ. Same travel time from Baltimore and most of the people there were from Philly, NY and Canada along with the other NJ people who were just like the Jersey Shore bunch. Go figure. Totally different group of visitors.
OCMD draws the Southern York County people as well as the Reading and Pittsburgh bunch. For Kate to travel to the shore from her hometown, Ocean City Maryland would be logistically quicker and easier than going to the Jersey shore. For Kate to go to Brigantine or Sea Isle or Avalon she would have to travel either the PA Turnpike to 95 to the Delaware Memorial bridge, up Route 40 through South Jersey. Too long. It's much easier for her to travel down 283 to route 30, Harrisburg Expressway to 695 and then a straight shot down Route 50 to Ocean City. Less traffic, wider freeways and a quicker trip.
I'm not disputing the photo shopping of Kate or her body, (lack thereof) I'm questioning the timing of the shoot, the location of the shoot and the background clearly identifies the location. With this in mind, it answers questions that her sheeple have asked all week, "What were you doing" and Kates response was deflective. I'm beyond certain about the location and the background. I can't state with fact the photoshopping. We all know that's happened before. I'll stand by my claim as to anything else.
Anonymous, I'm not sure that the organic cow proves Kate has eaten beef but Philly Fun, which was filmed in December 2011, sure as heck does.
Here is a clip of Kate cutting up what are CLEARLY BEEF cheese steaks (i.e. you can't say maybe it was chicken) and taking a huge bite of it at 18:13.:
Later she tries a cheese whiz version (also clearly with beef) and remarks that it is "Awesome! So good!"
That's at: 20:20.
Never eaten beef? She had a huge bite of beef last December. LIAR.
I don't get the lying. I think someone suggested it's a superiority thing. I suppose so. Why not just say I rarely eat beef? What, the vegetarian ferries are going to strike her down for it? Who cares. It's perfectly commendable to eat mostly lean proteins with a little beef thrown in now and again. Besides, the latest studies are now saying the problem is not red meat itself, but the PROCESSED red meat. They used to just assume red meat was the problem because most people who eat red meat eat both fresh cuts of it and processed red meats like hotdogs/cuts/etc. But now when they compare people who only eat fresh red meat vs. people who eat processed, they're seeing huge differences. Frankly the cheese whiz on the Philly cheesesteak is far worse than the fresh cuts of real beef.
I eat healthy too, so do a lot of folks, but we don't pretend that's all we ever do. A few slip ups in moderation are allowed and even encouraged (to keep you sane) by most nutrition experts. And by the way, eating healthy doesn't mean always eating stripped down every time with a plain salad with a little protein. Your body needs fats and proteins and lots of things you cannot get from just a salad and protein.
Sorry, Philly fun was filmed December 2010 I meant. About six months ago. Kate cannot even try to say well she meant she used to eat red beef ages and ages ago. It was only six months ago!
LOL I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how a white little towel could possibly tone your abs. Then I realized it's just Kate standing there with a towel and not the actual product. LOL good grief.
I have to say I am so glad she did something without exploiting the kids. So this is rather tacky and D-list and a product that definitely looks "scam-ish" but at least no children were harmed in the making of this infomercial. Since this recap mentions Suzanne Somers, hey she made her career on promoting cheesy products and never once exploited a kid to do it. She has done interviews about it and owns what she does, she is not ashamed. I prefer celebs who truly believe in the product and stand behind it, it comes through, but she can be as insincere as she wants as long as the kids are left out of it.
I say if Kate insists on being in the public eye, go for it. Doubt she will be able to find much more of this stuff to sustain herself but maybe enough to limp along. And if the show eventually ends and she does endorsements, she won't have use for the kids anymore and can give them to Jon.
I don't make it a regular habit to eat beef. I mix it up. I do concentrate on eating seafood, turkey, chicken and white meat than I do red however, about once a month we'll marinate a tenderloin in the McCormick Southwest Marinade and cook it on the grill. Tenderloin has less fat than any other red meat and it's absolutely delicious. I'll cook hamburgers for the kids but I do choose the extra lean ground beef and that's okay. Years ago, after having a stent my cardiologist told me to avoid foods with high contents of saturated fat as your body can't dispose of them. I've been very concious of the saturated fat content in everything I buy but once in awhile, it tastes damned good.
Everything in moderation. Cheese Whiz has 2.5 grams of saturated fat per serving. I LOVE Cheese Whiz on a cracker with an olive on top. Steakums have 3.5 grams of saturated fat per serving so that's not too bad when I want to cheat. I won't eat them every day but I won't turn my nose up at them when I'm hungry either.
Key is, staying away from fried foods, vegetable oils, margarines and butter. You can sautee your foods with olive oil, bake instead of fry and by all means, keep an eye on the saturated fats.
I'm getting hungry yet again.
Hey you know what the FANTASTIC news is???
All this past week Kate has been EXHAUSTED?? Thank GOD it doesn't seem like they were filming and the kids were beat too. At least for some of the time she was so darn exhausted she was just filming this, not the kids. They were hopefully at home, happy and healthy and enjoying the pool.
Skip over if you want as this is off topic, about food!
Kelly uh-oh you don't really want to get me going about food since it's such a passion of mine, though I'm sure it's so boring to listen to.
But can I say when I really got into olive oil about five years ago, it changed my cooking life. I eat a ton of Italian especially with a Sicilian grandmother born and raised there who raised me on the stuff, but that's one of the harder foods to make healthy. Lately I've been really into mixing a variety of whatever is seasonal veggies into whole wheat pasta (the kind they've been able to make lately is delicious) with light sauces. Occasionally maybe some chicken thrown in.
I ADORE a good extra virgin olive oil. I actually prefer it to butter for most things (except mushrooms....nothing is better than mushrooms in butter with thyme) I'm going to be in Italy for two weeks next year and all I want to do is eat pasta and pesto and try all the olive oils. Heaven.
Oh my goodness, really? Someone wants to defend Kate's lies when there's video evidence to the contrary? There's a whole segment on her meatloaf posted just today (she didn't say she doesn't eat it, it sounded like she was proud that it was soooo tasty) and then there's video of her eating beef. She lies constantly and she gets caught constantly! And she doesn't care or change her ways! She's pretty careful in how she chooses her words when she throws Jon under the bus so you know she's capable of it - but she didn't say she used to eat red meat and now doesn't, she said she didn't eat red meat. What's so hard to understand? Look, I too am a vegetarian and I also buy fish and chicken for my husband. But you will never, ever see me eating meat because I don't do it. There is no video of me putting meat in mouth. I don't expect a medal or accolades or anything else. I just tell the truth, which is that I grew up eating meat of all kinds and haven't had a bite in over a dozen years. Why lie?
For Kate to go to Brigantine or Sea Isle or Avalon she would have to travel either the PA Turnpike to 95 to the Delaware Memorial bridge, up Route 40 through South Jersey.
Geez, Kelly, if you went that way, it would take you longer than the trip to MD. Shortest way is to take the turnpike to the Schuylkill to AC expressway, and zip, you're there! A little over two hours to OCNJ. Just did it. We own bay-front property in OCNJ and getting to the Jersey shore is a much easier trip than to MD. In fact, there's a "back" route to OCNJ with zero traffic and I could drive it with my eyes closed...it's exactly 2 hours and 25 minutes. I can never make it to OCMD in under four hours. I prefer OCMD and have spent much time there, but the reason we chose to purchase property in Jersey was because it is an easier and shorter drive than to MD!
Just curious said...
Fidosmummy, I think that you've got it! Kate was going on and on about how sore her arms were....most likely from using the ab-champ. Judging from the pictures, it looks like your arms get a good workout too. I bet you that she never used this product prior to filming the endorsement.
So she didn't film an episode but an infomercial?? That would be a riot!! Her fans will be disappointed.
Another "work" opportunity for Kate to be away from the kids during her custody.
From admin's recap, I prefer to have Ashley around them as it sounds like she genuinely cares for them. Hopefully, the camera crews weren't around filming while Kate was away. Sadly, I doubt it since some recent pap photos showed otherwise.
So this is what she was alluding to on twitter? Kate has tweeted to fans that they'll be shocked by the new episodes in August. I wonder if her film crew was there filming her in action. It wouldn't be the first time a celeb on reality tv has their film crew tag along for behind-the-scenes footage.
I like Dara Torres but I have mixed-emotions about her new association with Kate Gosselin. Is this her product? If so, I hope she wasn't the one contacting Kate to endorse it.
Admin, Actually, I soo prefer butter to olive oil but I've tried to eat healthy. I never cook with anything other than EVOO. Actually cant taste the difference however I do still scramble eggs with butter. We're on the same page with all good cooking except for the wheat pasta.
Susan cooks that and it just doesn't taste the same. I don't know why. Perhaps if she didn't tell me I'm eating wheat pasta or when we're sitting at an outdoor concert eating subs she fixed and she tells me it's wheat bread I'd probably not notice. I will give up the saturated fat, butter, fried foods, whatever but I still love my pizza with thin white crust, my sandwiches with white bread and my Italian meals with white pasta, whatever the hell they call it.
I am so bad! I just sent off an email to AbChamp. Here's what l wrote:
I was going to place an order for the Abchamp. Till l saw the photo-shopped picture of Kate Gosselin. She didn’t get that stomach from using Abchamp; she aquired it from a well known plastic surgeon! Since you choose to lie about Gosselin’s abs, my feeling is that you will lie about your product. I will not be buying one.
(my full name)
I think that was the same contrary anonymous trying to defend Kate's meat eating. She always posts here and just posts to be contrary.
She got schooled and big time. Look at the video anonymous. Kate is chowing down on red meat and calling it awesome.
You got schooled. Go find your fun somewhere else. Maybe another troll will give you their bridge?
So interesting what I read here! The last time I was in OC, Md. was with my ex husband and his family, who are from Pittsburgh. Makes sense now! Good times....
I think it's great that Kate is finding work on her own. Hey, if all this salad this and fat free that builds a brand separate from filming the ever living crap out of her precious children, then I say, Hooray! About time. Hmm....now that whole "Kate, you should do a workout video!!" twatting makes sense.
But please, Kate, eat a hamburger once in a while. My goodness, it'll do your body good. People need some fat. Plain and simple. Mostly from healthy sources, of course, but beef is ok. No need to act like you don't or have never eaten it. Just look at her meatloaf.. all organic of course. You know, I've never seen organic Italian seasoning or organic bread crumbs. Nope.
Am I the only one who thinks that 2 lbs. of ground beef isn't enough to feed 8 people AND have enough for leftovers? That's 4 ounces per person, which sounds OK when most eating are small kids, but sheesh, that's just not enough for leftovers which is what meatloaf is all about.
Love the stuff. Mostly, I make meatloaf and anything ground meat with turkey, so it's quite healthy and delicious.
I have to agree with E-town's sediments, why would they go to Assateague? Wouldn't Khate's big toe and horse face frighten the ponies? Not even mentioning her shrieking!
OT: As far as the food is concerned - growing up in an Italian/Irish family I have to agree with Kelly. I can not really learn to like wheat pasta. I can deal with wheat bread - white is such a decadent treat! And pizza, everytime I buy (or more likely make) wheat crust, I say never again (but then my conscience 'makes me do wheat again)! And please don't get between me and my potatoes - it is 'new' potato season here and man are they delish steamed with some fresh herbs from the garden and butter!
FWIW I do consider myself a foodie, having cooked professionally for over 25 years.
Teresa, let us know if the Ab people get back to you!
TLC ship is sinking said... I like Dara Torres but I have mixed-emotions about her new association with Kate Gosselin. Is this her product? If so, I hope she wasn't the one contacting Kate to endorse it.
What's the association between Kate and Dara Torres? I didn't know there was one?
Regarding the ab infomercial or whatever it may be, here are Kate's tweets that hinted at what she was doing during the time we're speculating about (I made spaces in some places so it's easier to read her babbling):
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good day all! Anothr fun project day while filming r show! My arms r so sore from yest! Wait til u see wut I've been up to...nope, not tellin'!
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Arms still ache! 2 days activities didn't hlp! my idea so self 2 blame! Don't think I could do this 4 a living,altho I fooled evry1 watching!:) GN
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Only thing I'll say is: u will NEVER believe it bc I still can't! & u'll likely never c it agn bc I'm sure it won't happen agn!
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! Me & my aching limbs (mostly my hands, strangely) r up early bc there's lots 2 b done 2day. Have a great day! I'll b checking in often!
29 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BRENDALOKE I'm teasing you all about an activity the kids and I did and filmed... Two days of it and I'm aching :)
29 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 Filming episodes for your enjoyment again Emily! Nope not sore from surprise ep today! But I CAN'T WAIT FOR U TO SEE IT! AHHH!
30 Jun
Although we have to take everything Kate says with a grain or 10 of salt, whatever she was doing that made her arms sore she says she did with the kids and it's a "surprise episode."
Anonymous said...People often buy food for their families that they themselves don't eat. I don't see how she's been caught in a "lie."
I'm a vegetarian and if you looked at my grocery bills for the last year, you'd find red meat, chicken, etc. on there because I often shop for an elderly relative. I'm not a closet meat eater but I guess those bills would be your "proof" that I'm a liar.
Of course shoppers don't necessarily eat everything they buy for their families. Kate didn't become a salad eater/semi-vegetarian until fairly recently, around the same time she took up "running", etc. She pretty much ate what the family did in the early episodes. I've looked back at many of them and there was never a mention of her having a special diet then. She's picked up this new "obsession" just like she used the no bare feet due to germs, being ms-organized, Kan-do Kate, etc - for attention, a tag or brand, and self promotion. She exaggerated/embellished, or lied then, just as she's done with her tweet about never eating red meat.
@ Bearswife
Teresa, let us know if the Ab people get back to you
LOL YOU know l will lmao
@ Tucker's Mom - I agree with you that 2# of meat for a meatloaf doesn't seem like much for a family of 9 or 10. I use about that much to make a meatloaf just for myself. I freeze up a couple of homemade TV dinners and slice the rest down for sandwiches.
Kate's showing her ignorance about nutrition again in her insistence on completely fat free salad dressings. Recent studies have shown that the body doesn't absorb the nutrients in the veggies well when fat free is used. Seems that a certain amount of fat is needed to utilize nutritious food.
Real dieticians will tell you that any diet that severely restricts or eliminates a food or food group, barring MEDICALLY required elimination, such as dairy products for those with lactose intolerance, is bound to fail. Not to mention the baby/bathwater effect. When healthy foods are eliminated you also eliminate all the benefits of that food, in addition to any perceived "evil" that the food represents. Even chocolate is good for you, in moderation. Her kids are going to be a mess, if they aren't already.
Teresa, in that letter I would have added that if they couldn't even get Bruce Jenner's olympic win correct, the company probably wasn't too professional, and that, in addition to Kate getting her abs from a tummy tuck and liposuction, I wouldn't buy their product because they are using her image as a role model when she is anything but one.
Teresa, in that letter I would have added that if they couldn't even get Bruce Jenner's olympic win correct, the company probably wasn't too professional, and that, in addition to Kate getting her abs from a tummy tuck and liposuction, I wouldn't buy their product because they are using her image as a role model when she is anything but one.
@ Bearswife
Teresa, let us know if the Ab people get back to you
LOL YOU know l will lmao
Anonymous said...People often buy food for their families that they themselves don't eat. I don't see how she's been caught in a "lie."
I'm a vegetarian and if you looked at my grocery bills for the last year, you'd find red meat, chicken, etc. on there because I often shop for an elderly relative. I'm not a closet meat eater but I guess those bills would be your "proof" that I'm a liar.
Of course shoppers don't necessarily eat everything they buy for their families. Kate didn't become a salad eater/semi-vegetarian until fairly recently, around the same time she took up "running", etc. She pretty much ate what the family did in the early episodes. I've looked back at many of them and there was never a mention of her having a special diet then. She's picked up this new "obsession" just like she used the no bare feet due to germs, being ms-organized, Kan-do Kate, etc - for attention, a tag or brand, and self promotion. She exaggerated/embellished, or lied then, just as she's done with her tweet about never eating red meat.
Regarding the ab infomercial or whatever it may be, here are Kate's tweets that hinted at what she was doing during the time we're speculating about (I made spaces in some places so it's easier to read her babbling):
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good day all! Anothr fun project day while filming r show! My arms r so sore from yest! Wait til u see wut I've been up to...nope, not tellin'!
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Arms still ache! 2 days activities didn't hlp! my idea so self 2 blame! Don't think I could do this 4 a living,altho I fooled evry1 watching!:) GN
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Only thing I'll say is: u will NEVER believe it bc I still can't! & u'll likely never c it agn bc I'm sure it won't happen agn!
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! Me & my aching limbs (mostly my hands, strangely) r up early bc there's lots 2 b done 2day. Have a great day! I'll b checking in often!
29 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BRENDALOKE I'm teasing you all about an activity the kids and I did and filmed... Two days of it and I'm aching :)
29 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 Filming episodes for your enjoyment again Emily! Nope not sore from surprise ep today! But I CAN'T WAIT FOR U TO SEE IT! AHHH!
30 Jun
Although we have to take everything Kate says with a grain or 10 of salt, whatever she was doing that made her arms sore she says she did with the kids and it's a "surprise episode."
I have to agree with E-town's sediments, why would they go to Assateague? Wouldn't Khate's big toe and horse face frighten the ponies? Not even mentioning her shrieking!
OT: As far as the food is concerned - growing up in an Italian/Irish family I have to agree with Kelly. I can not really learn to like wheat pasta. I can deal with wheat bread - white is such a decadent treat! And pizza, everytime I buy (or more likely make) wheat crust, I say never again (but then my conscience 'makes me do wheat again)! And please don't get between me and my potatoes - it is 'new' potato season here and man are they delish steamed with some fresh herbs from the garden and butter!
FWIW I do consider myself a foodie, having cooked professionally for over 25 years.
Teresa, let us know if the Ab people get back to you!
I think that was the same contrary anonymous trying to defend Kate's meat eating. She always posts here and just posts to be contrary.
She got schooled and big time. Look at the video anonymous. Kate is chowing down on red meat and calling it awesome.
You got schooled. Go find your fun somewhere else. Maybe another troll will give you their bridge?
I am so bad! I just sent off an email to AbChamp. Here's what l wrote:
I was going to place an order for the Abchamp. Till l saw the photo-shopped picture of Kate Gosselin. She didn’t get that stomach from using Abchamp; she aquired it from a well known plastic surgeon! Since you choose to lie about Gosselin’s abs, my feeling is that you will lie about your product. I will not be buying one.
(my full name)
Admin, Actually, I soo prefer butter to olive oil but I've tried to eat healthy. I never cook with anything other than EVOO. Actually cant taste the difference however I do still scramble eggs with butter. We're on the same page with all good cooking except for the wheat pasta.
Susan cooks that and it just doesn't taste the same. I don't know why. Perhaps if she didn't tell me I'm eating wheat pasta or when we're sitting at an outdoor concert eating subs she fixed and she tells me it's wheat bread I'd probably not notice. I will give up the saturated fat, butter, fried foods, whatever but I still love my pizza with thin white crust, my sandwiches with white bread and my Italian meals with white pasta, whatever the hell they call it.
Oh my goodness, really? Someone wants to defend Kate's lies when there's video evidence to the contrary? There's a whole segment on her meatloaf posted just today (she didn't say she doesn't eat it, it sounded like she was proud that it was soooo tasty) and then there's video of her eating beef. She lies constantly and she gets caught constantly! And she doesn't care or change her ways! She's pretty careful in how she chooses her words when she throws Jon under the bus so you know she's capable of it - but she didn't say she used to eat red meat and now doesn't, she said she didn't eat red meat. What's so hard to understand? Look, I too am a vegetarian and I also buy fish and chicken for my husband. But you will never, ever see me eating meat because I don't do it. There is no video of me putting meat in mouth. I don't expect a medal or accolades or anything else. I just tell the truth, which is that I grew up eating meat of all kinds and haven't had a bite in over a dozen years. Why lie?
I don't make it a regular habit to eat beef. I mix it up. I do concentrate on eating seafood, turkey, chicken and white meat than I do red however, about once a month we'll marinate a tenderloin in the McCormick Southwest Marinade and cook it on the grill. Tenderloin has less fat than any other red meat and it's absolutely delicious. I'll cook hamburgers for the kids but I do choose the extra lean ground beef and that's okay. Years ago, after having a stent my cardiologist told me to avoid foods with high contents of saturated fat as your body can't dispose of them. I've been very concious of the saturated fat content in everything I buy but once in awhile, it tastes damned good.
Everything in moderation. Cheese Whiz has 2.5 grams of saturated fat per serving. I LOVE Cheese Whiz on a cracker with an olive on top. Steakums have 3.5 grams of saturated fat per serving so that's not too bad when I want to cheat. I won't eat them every day but I won't turn my nose up at them when I'm hungry either.
Key is, staying away from fried foods, vegetable oils, margarines and butter. You can sautee your foods with olive oil, bake instead of fry and by all means, keep an eye on the saturated fats.
I'm getting hungry yet again.
I don't get the lying. I think someone suggested it's a superiority thing. I suppose so. Why not just say I rarely eat beef? What, the vegetarian ferries are going to strike her down for it? Who cares. It's perfectly commendable to eat mostly lean proteins with a little beef thrown in now and again. Besides, the latest studies are now saying the problem is not red meat itself, but the PROCESSED red meat. They used to just assume red meat was the problem because most people who eat red meat eat both fresh cuts of it and processed red meats like hotdogs/cuts/etc. But now when they compare people who only eat fresh red meat vs. people who eat processed, they're seeing huge differences. Frankly the cheese whiz on the Philly cheesesteak is far worse than the fresh cuts of real beef.
I eat healthy too, so do a lot of folks, but we don't pretend that's all we ever do. A few slip ups in moderation are allowed and even encouraged (to keep you sane) by most nutrition experts. And by the way, eating healthy doesn't mean always eating stripped down every time with a plain salad with a little protein. Your body needs fats and proteins and lots of things you cannot get from just a salad and protein.
@E-Town If you google Maryland Coastal Dispatch, which is the only newspaper in Ocean City Maryland and then click on the "Cops and Courts" link, you'll see that many of the people arrested are from PA, Pittsburgh, York, Shrewsbury and New Freedom Township. PA is landlocked and Ocean City is the port of call. In fact, Ocean City MD is the home to the biggest Pittsburgh Steelers fan club in the entire state. Seacrets, Buxy's Salty Dog, and a host of others prey on Pittsburgh fans to come, watch the games and cheer on the Steelers.
When I was married, My in-laws had a condo in Wildwood Crest NJ. Same travel time from Baltimore and most of the people there were from Philly, NY and Canada along with the other NJ people who were just like the Jersey Shore bunch. Go figure. Totally different group of visitors.
OCMD draws the Southern York County people as well as the Reading and Pittsburgh bunch. For Kate to travel to the shore from her hometown, Ocean City Maryland would be logistically quicker and easier than going to the Jersey shore. For Kate to go to Brigantine or Sea Isle or Avalon she would have to travel either the PA Turnpike to 95 to the Delaware Memorial bridge, up Route 40 through South Jersey. Too long. It's much easier for her to travel down 283 to route 30, Harrisburg Expressway to 695 and then a straight shot down Route 50 to Ocean City. Less traffic, wider freeways and a quicker trip.
I'm not disputing the photo shopping of Kate or her body, (lack thereof) I'm questioning the timing of the shoot, the location of the shoot and the background clearly identifies the location. With this in mind, it answers questions that her sheeple have asked all week, "What were you doing" and Kates response was deflective. I'm beyond certain about the location and the background. I can't state with fact the photoshopping. We all know that's happened before. I'll stand by my claim as to anything else.
She's a liar said...
Vanessa said...
Someone commented on a previous thread that she doesn't eat red meat...far cry from the "organic" half a cow they used to sacrifice in "other" ways in order to afford it. You know, the half a cow they received FOR FREE then made Jodie/Kevin pay THEM for some of it???
Kate's tweet: "I have always eaten chicken and fish... Never full vegetarian... Just no red meat."
Another convenient lie from Kate. She exaggerates, contradicts herself, and outright lies depending on the situation and her purpose. She's now promoting herself as the no-fat, healthy eater (BS, her "diet" is NOT healthy!), thus the no red meat statement. As you said Vanessa, how does she explain the sides of beef they "bought" a couple of times? She can't.
People often buy food for their families that they themselves don't eat. I don't see how she's been caught in a "lie."
I'm a vegetarian and if you looked at my grocery bills for the last year, you'd find red meat, chicken, etc. on there because I often shop for an elderly relative. I'm not a closet meat eater but I guess those bills would be your "proof" that I'm a liar.
Fidosmummy, I think that you've got it! Kate was going on and on about how sore her arms were....most likely from using the ab-champ. Judging from the pictures, it looks like your arms get a good workout too. I bet you that she never used this product prior to filming the endorsement.
So she didn't film an episode but an infomercial?? That would be a riot!! Her fans will be disappointed.
Oops, I meant 'main' photo ------- sorry......
As to the hair part on right vs left, it looks to me like they just flipped the photo horizontally, left to right.
Notice that in the mail photo her bracelet is on her right hand (left side of photo) and in the testimonial photo, the bracelet is on her left hand (right side of photo).
If you take photo of person writing right-handed, and flip photo horizontally, it will appear as if they are left handed.
Answers to all questions kart? PHOTOSHOP!!! LOL
Fidosmummy said..Maybe this is what she was "filming" that made her so exhausted. Walking on a beach, using the ab-champ, and talking.
Fidosmummy, I think that you've got it! Kate was going on and on about how sore her arms were....most likely from using the ab-champ. Judging from the pictures, it looks like your arms get a good workout too. I bet you that she never used this product prior to filming the endorsement.
Didn't Sharon Osbourne say some awful things about Kate? I doubt she'll ever tweet Kate back, but I wonder how Kelly really feels about her, although she does seem like a gracious and lovely girl..........
You know another thing I was going to say about Jaycee is I have respect for her for taking her settlement and moving on.
Parole majorly f-ed this all up. Had the taken it to trial I think she could have gotten 10 times what they offered her. But it wasn't about punishing parole or making as much money as possible or making sure she gets her day in court. Just because you CAN win doesn't mean it's right for you to drag a person to court. Are you listening Kate? Just because you choose to drop a suit doesn't mean you wouldn't win!
It was about having closure with this chapter and moving on. And it's wonderful what she is doing with the money. This didn't come because some advisers told her it would look good to start a charity--in Jaycee's own dairies from her captivity, she wrote about starting a homeless charity or something along those lines. She has a wonderful heart and she's going to do fine.
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