Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kate and kids at Four Seasons in Las Vegas

Kate tweeted the kids were poolside today. Another tourist said she was there, too, at the beautiful Four Seasons hotel in Las Vegas.

137 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said...

We're going to Vegas next weekend for my friend and her bf's birthdays (they're a few days apart), if I can find someone to watch the pup! But the temps there are BRUTALLLLL this time of year. ~ Administrator said...

I like how Kate has to throw in the kids are happy (I swear I swear they are!). Um, why wouldn't they be Kate?

Methinks she doth protest too much.

Pixie said...

Vegas, huh? Maybe she can hook up with KoDouche and Co. (his sister wives) and compare grifting techniques.

Anonymous said...

I like how Kate has to throw in the kids are happy (I swear I swear they are!). Um, why wouldn't they be Kate?

Methinks she doth protest too much.


I guarantee you that the kids would have rather stayed at Luxor, Excalibur, or NYNY than the Four Seasons.

Mandalay Bay/Four Seasons is NOT kid friendly.

Laurie said...

At this time of year the temps in Vegas are horrible....but it's a dry heat. Well turn your oven to 500 degrees and stick your head in, that's a dry heat also and that's about what Vegas feels like in July and August. Admin - if you're going next week it will be HOT, HOT, HOT so be prepared! What enjoyment are the kids going to get in Vegas? They really can't go out and sight see during the day because it's too hot. It's 8:30 at night right now and still in triple digits. Although they can walk through the casinos they can't stop or go onto the gambling floor since they are under 21. If it's an outdoor pool it will be too hot to enjoy. Maybe this is going to be another Kate & Jamie go crazy - there are a lot of clubs. I live in AZ and we go to Vegas at least once a year, but we've learned our lesson and go in December.

Just curious said...

I called it, but it stood to reason. Wonder if they'll drive to LA and fly out of LAX?

Ingrid said...

Do we really know if these sightings are always by true tourists or are the comments written by Khate to brag about where they are (and make it look like it isn't HER?). No way to know I guess but I don't believe much.

I bet this is a 2-3 episode vacation. There is no way they could fit all this trip in one hour along with her yapping flapping lips doing comments on the couch. I don't think TLC would waste this much money on it for only an hour show. So on the list of possible eps we would add 2-3 more. They must have enough for 2 months if they don't eliminate some of the at home stuff that may have not turned out well. ughhhh

Even if they do film stuff in an RV I bet they flew from one big tourist area to another. No way Kate would RV all that way. She would insist on resorts/spas/hotels.

E-town Neighbor said...

But the temps there are BRUTALLLLL this time of year.


A friend of mine is out there right now. Yes, it's hot, high 90s, barely breaking the 100 mark, but the humidity is very, very low. She said it just feels just like a nice typical summer day here in PA - nothing like what we've been experiencing during this heatwave with highs around 105 and 80 percent humidity.

Laurie said...

Forgot to mention in my last post, I don't think that the 4 Seasons has a casino but I believe it's by Mandlay Bay which has a nice night club. One of the casinos or clube in the area gives pole dancing lessons - maybe that will be an episode.

Ingrid said...

"They really can't go out and sight see during the day because it's too hot."
It didn't bother Kate to drag the kids around hot NY. As long as they are working for her spending money she does NOT care!
As to choice of hotel-casino, it could be a deal on rooms for advertising. ~ Administrator said...

I have been to Vegas before end of July, because I had to not by choice. I disagree it feels like just a nice summer day in PA. I've lived there too and it didn't feel like that at all to me. Your friend must have a high tolerance because I couldn't walk more than a few blocks before I felt like collapsing.

Humidity is usually worse for me because I have trouble breathing, but dry heat that high is its own kind of energy-sapping beast.

I have never considered Vegas a real kid friendly kind of town, especially not in the summer. Aside from the shows and buffets, there's hiking but it's too hot for that. There's the pool but why can't they do that at home?

Just curious said...

Las Vegas is much more kid friendly than it used to be. That's been one of their aims over the last several attract the whole family.

There's a water park, and rides, both indoor and outdoor.

If E-town Neighbor's friend is correct, high 90s with no humidity isn't at all bad for Las Vegas.

PJ's momma said...

Four Seasons is a non-gambling hotel, which is a good thing because a lot of the weird stuff you see around the strip sort of bypasses that place. Vegas has changed a lot - I would not want to take kids there. Everywhere you go on the strip, people are handing you porn-ish cards for escort services, trying to sell you pot (or smoking it openly), staggering around drinking those huge drinks or drunk and cursing like sailors.........but who am I kidding? It's not about the kids. It's all about Kate. They'd probably rather be in their OWN pool and beds at this point, but nooooo........

Chewey said...

I guess Kate and TLC thought it better to put Kate, the kids, and her entourage at the Four Seasons in Vegas at the end of the filming trip instead of donating money to a food bank or charity in need? If Kate and TLC are sincere about responding to charitable causes (food banks), they could have donated proceeds from this silly extravagance to Montana flood victims, since they appear to have been relatively close to Montana. I love it, let's go camping to Yellowstone and end our trip at the Four Seasons in Vegas. Pitiful. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know what it was before but it's 103 tomorrow according to Not my cup of tea.

E-town Neighbor said...

If E-town Neighbor's friend is correct, high 90s with no humidity isn't at all bad for Las Vegas.


I just checked yesterday's weather in Vegas - humidity yesterday afternoon in Vegas was at four percent. I'll take it!

Westcoaster said...

Could have it called it that GrifterMom would end this adventure at a resort in Las Vegas, doesn't every family visiting Yellowstone & the Grand Canyon?Hope her sheeple fans really and truly enjoy living vicariously this summer. And it's hot, hot, hot. My daughter is going there next weekend for a bachelorette.

Pixie said...

Administrator said... I don't know what it was before but it's 103 tomorrow according to Not my cup of tea.

High 90's or low 100's, that kind of heat is deadly.

Wonder how long it takes to put sunscreen on 8 children....or if it's even done.

Being partly Asian, is the kids' skin more susceptible to sun damage?

E-town Neighbor said...

Wonder how long it takes to put sunscreen on 8 children....or if it's even done.


Not long. Spray-on, no rub sunscreen is a wonderful invention! You just line the kids up in an assembly line and go to it!

Pixie said...

Gah. The cigarette smoke in those casinos is as deadly or deadlier than the heat.

My son was physically ill walking thru them to get from one 'attraction' to the next.

I swore I'd never set foot there again. Someone else mentioned the perverts handing out those sex cards. They are so in your face without touching you, it is nearly impossible to ignore them.

I never saw my son's eyes get wider than when he saw the half-dressed ladies on the pole in on of the hotels. If I wasn't so offended, I would have laughed.

JMO, of course. I don't expect people to agree with me. Unless one can afford the fancy rooms, the strip is a dump.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

No surprise at all. I said earlier today in the other post that I wouldn't be surprised if the RV - if there even is one - is just used for filming the episodes, and that they are really flying from place to place, and staying in nice hotels. Boy, this is becoming quite a long trip by now. Another extended filming trip where the kids go too long without seeing their father.

Plus, just think how many days the TLC film crew will be at their house after this to do all the couch interviews! It's almost August and it sounds like the kids will spend the last few weeks of their summer break WORKING, doing all the interviews, and possibly more filming at home (hopefully NOT, and definitely not the dumb back to school filming again!). I bet by the end of all that, the kids will be dying to start school just to get away from the cameras and crew, and get a break!

It was mentioned in a post above, and I can just see it now - the kids will be sleeping while Khate and Jamie go out on the town in Vegas, film crew in tow. I feel sorry for Admin having to watch this crap and recap it!

Pixie said...

Thanx for the sunscreen tip, E-Town! Since you love the hot weather, it's good to know your familiar with it.

My son is in a jeans-and-hoodie stage right now and refuses to put it on. Ah teenagers. Always testing the waters...

I can't imagine that X 8!! hee ~ Administrator said...

That new warning came out about how sunscreen loses its effectiveness when you swim and how they won't permit them to say "waterproof" anymore.

Thankfully there are nannies there to keep track of this.

silimom said...

Las Vegas has a lot of shows, including Cirque de Soleil. My money is on them going to one of those. Filming Kate & Jaime partying in NYC while the kids are home is one thing, filming them partying in Las Vegas while the kids are at the hotel - completely different, at least imo.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just looked around Twitter and I saw how the woman who tweeted that she was by Kate at the Four Seasons pool didn't want to give us any more info.




Dallas Lady said...

So refresh my memory here: she gets paid big bucks to be filmed traipsing around with her kids (sometimes with her kids, that is). She stays with her eight kids in places like the Four Seasons after a multi-state trip.

But she can't afford gymnastics for a few of her kids, right???

And people really believe that, right?

The world is so effed up when low-life unintelligent grifters like this jerk can lead people around by their nose and get paid big bucks just for squeezing out several kids at once. No Talent Kate.

Laurie said...

E-Town I've got to disagree with your neighbor - the dry heat of Vegas is much more brutal than a nice summer day in PA. It's nothing but a concrete jungle which holds the heat in. Yes there are shows but they're generally in the evening (6 or 7 and 10). PJ is right they're staying down at one end of the strip and the people she's talking about that hand out the escort cards (they slap them on their hand to get your attention and stick them in your face) are mid-strip and don't care if kids are with you and they're out all day. There are homeless begging on most of the cross-overs between hotels and people walking around drunk at all hours. I think that Vegas tried the kid friendly thing but their bread and butter is the gambling. There are not as many kid attractions as you may think. All that being said, we like Vegas anyway and go every year for 4 days (that's about all we can take) to see the shows, have some good meals and yes, do a little gambling - but I work too hard for my money to leave it all there!

Anonymous said...

Since the foot licking show (missed it, dang) was the highest rated of the year, they very well may show Kate in an adult situation again. Her BFF is still there.

WhatHappensInVegasStaysInVegas...UnlessAFilmCrewIsFollowingYou said...

I'm sorry, but i don't know how to post a link here.
I just read this story. I wonder if this judge would feel the same about a mother who goes on national tv and twitters negative things about her ex-husband?
I feel so sorry for those poor Gosselin children, being dragged around in the heat for 2 weeks and being filmed. I once vacationed in the Rapid City area, but I think these children are too young to truly appreciate what they've seen. As many have said already, it would be different if these children had a mother who showed them on a map where they were going to go, and taught them some history before the trip, to put it in some sort of context for them. I'll laugh if TLC throws if a scene of kate being "teacher-ish."
BUT, that will only be if Admin. does a recap. I have been voting with my remote for years, not that it has helped get those children a normal life yet. :-(

gotyournumberKate said...

I knew Kate would have to get her tan on and be seen in her bikini before too long. Tanning and exposing herself are her addictions. Luxury is another perk Kate insists on so I'm sure they had to pacify her with Vegas and this hotel. I have no doubt we will see Kate and Jamie in the casinos whooping it up.

Kate has mentioned a few times now how challenging this trip has been. What upsets me about the show now are the scenarios they put her and the children in to create Kate's drama. That's really what the show is all about now, Kate's meltdowns. I hate that they purposely expose the kids to Kate's emotional breakdowns and squeals. We have already witnessed Aaden crying because he thought Mommy was going to be eaten by the alligator and all of the kids comforting her after her big dramatic jump off the building. From what I understand Cara cried when Kate was leaving for her night out to get her feet licked and booze in NYC. Is it fair to put these kids through this just for ratings? Why must TLC expose these kids to Kate's rants and meltdowns? I guess we could say they are used to it from real life but do they actually have to set them up too? This makes me so angry. I'll bet Cara didn't even want to go on this trip but was forced to. When the kids do start to fight back and not want to participate Kate is going to bribe, threaten, and lay the guilt on them thick. When does the madness end?

Jenna Does said...

My husband & I would love to go Vegas...without our son. Maybe the kids aren't going to walk down the strip or anything. I was watching a REAL travelogue about Vegas & they are making it more kid friendly. Of course, in July it is hot. I'm in NE & it's been BRUTAL the last few days. So bad I've developed a headache, but then I think about the troops overseas in the desert w/ tons of stuff on their back etc & get over bitching about the heat...but I digress.

I really think & hope this is the last "hurrah" for K+8. Take them around the country, & end the show on a positive note (why?) & let the kids have one good vacation of America & DONE. No more Kate show. She doesn't deserve it & w/ all the backlash, maybe TLC came to their senses. Not to mention her stupidity on Twitter...
~Hippie Chick~

Anonymous said...

from Eliza, can't post as OPEN ID

hot is hot. I live on the East Coast and it is brutal right now. I went to Las Vegas and Utah on my honeymoon and dry heat or humid heat it was still HOT. (and I went in May!) My kids would be totally bored there. Luckily they have camp in the next two weeks. Scout camps where they will have a blast with kids their own age. My kids have a life, not episodes.

No Regrets said...

Oh no. She is in MY city~? ADMIN I had to laugh at that tweet the lady saying you might send the paparazzi?? In Las Vegas?? Every major star in the world comes here at one time or the other. Do these people REALLY think the paps would run to photograph her?? LOLOL That is funny. It is not unusual to see major stars in a casino or restaurant. The only people who might flip out are TOURISTS LOL

Our weather has been pretty cool this year so far. NORMALLY it is around 111 to 115 this time of year. July is our worst month. We have had a few days this month of 90+ but mostly nothing less than 100. Typical weather for us. Very dry. And this sun is brutal. If you don't keep applying sunsceen you are cooked, literally. Most of us do our shopping and living very early in the AM or late at night. Not unusual to see a full grocery store at 3am Or people swimming at night or early morning. That is how us locals live in the summer. The last 90 degree was about a week and half ago and it was 98.

The paps being called for Kate in LAS VEGAS? Too funny!! BTW this city did away with a lot of kids' things several years ago. They tried to attract the more wealthy gamblers. BUT they soon found out, that didn't work so well. The higher priced casinos and restaurants didn't fair as well as when middle class families were welcomed. They are now going back to family attractions. This is really not a kid friendly place though. I usually encourage my friends to not bring the kids. There are SOME things yes for kids. But I never recommend kids come here. Personally.

Get out of my CITY you fraud. LOLOL

Jenna Does said...

Great post about Kate's melt downs for filming purposes. I agree with you 100%. I don't watch & only catch the recaps that Admin unfortunately has to sit through, but it is so true. Why put those kids through emotional torture JUST for the sake of drama for a show that barely gets any ratings? And the kids don't "get it". The think their poor mommy is actually crying, scared, terrified, & is actually going to die! This is not right.

Kids are unbelievably perceptive. With my chronic pain, of course I have good days, but there are more bad days. My son knows the difference, but I try like hell not to let that show. I'm not going to sit here & WAH WAH WAH when I'm hurting to gain sympathy or try to get him to do stuff for me when the pain is really bad. (I hate being treating like an invalid, I can do it myself dammit!). My son just knows to help w/out guilt trips or punishments, ya know? Ugh, I would NEVER do that!! I don't have to be "Kate-like" with threats & drama or make him feel guilty. I really do not respect people that surround themselves w/ drama. It's one reason I got outta bartending. CONSTANT DRAMA!! And that is Kate my friends, a DRAMA MAMA. Good Call, GotYourNumber!
~Hippie Chick~ ~ Administrator said...

Of the places I like to go Vegas is probably at the bottom of the list. It's a popular weekend trip here but I usually opt out. Only because I absolutely adore my friend and her bf (and, I think he might propose) am I trying to go for their b-days next weekend. I don't gamble, I don't drink, I don't like sitting around in tacky hotels, I don't like going to cheesy shows, and I don't like feeling like the sun is perched right on my shoulder. Therefore, Vegas--not for me.

Since a kid also won't gamble or drink, all that's left is creepy Cirque du Soleil, and the pool--which they have at home.

No Regrets said...

Hey I take exception to "cheesy shows" "tacky hotels"!! Some of the productions here are really very nice! Regardless what the "image" LV might have, there are many great shows, bars and restaurants here! The best (except the shows) are normally off the strip area. Most tourists tho will NOT venture off the strip, which is too bad, really. You would be surprised too what a family oriented area this is to live. The farther you get from the strip, the nicer it is.

MANY of the shows, will not admit kids. There are several versions of the Cirque du Soleil a few are for children, and it is SPECTACULAR. Zumanity you have to be 18. The Lion King is still here they would really enjoy that production. They can take a helicopter tour. Might need 20 helos though for their group! lol But the ride is really interesting. Blue Man group would be a good show for the kids. It is funny and many things go on that would WOW the kids. We were fortunate, we got free $160 tickets. (Many perks for being a "local")

tix4tonight, halfpriceshows are sites you might want to explore if coming here. My friends/family and I have all used these sites for discounted tickets. You take a chance on getting "sold out" tickets at the last minute some times, but it is well worth taking the chance instead of paying the very high prices of some of the tickets. Just a suggestion.

No Regrets said...

ADMIN "creepy Cirque du Soleil" wow you really have a wrong impression of this fantastic show! There are several versions of the Cirque, but the one that kids can go to is FANTASTIC. Very talented performers.

No Regrets said...

ADMIN, I am still cracking up about "you might call the paparazzi" for Kate. IF any paps pix do show up, I will GUARANTEE that TLC/Kate/Steve took them. LOL! ~ Administrator said...

No Regrets it's just not for me. Maybe I haven't been seeing the right shows I don't know, I haven't seen any ads or promos that interested me yet. Some people like it, others don't.

No Regrets said...

ADMIN. fair enough. BUT if you do have a chance to see the Cirque, please do, you will be amazed with that production. It is REALLY well worth seeing it. And I don't impress easily. I have seen many shows here, and Cirque is one of my favs. It really is well worth it, I promise. A friend of mine came a few months ago, she had the same impression as you, I took them to the show, she is STILL talking about it. LOL

Anonymous said...

eliza again...can't post as OPEN ID


I have to agree with you on LV. NO offense to those who love it or live there. It's not my thing. I hate gambling, the heat, the concrete, the nightlife. Give me a forest, a mountain, a stream, a lake and lot's of snow in the winter and I'm happy. Montana, Maine....that's my style. Most people are depressed in the winter and alive in the summer. I'm the opposite. To each his own. ~ Administrator said...

I might be playing with the comments a bit after church try to correct some of the issues people have been having. I welcome any feedback on whether you like the current system, the new one I'm going to try to get in here, etc. I am undecided myself.

If comments act funky or disappear temporarily that's why (they are not lost no worries). ~ Administrator said...

No Regrets I also get overstimulated really easily, a show with a bunch of flashy bright lights lots of movements and loud music gives me a headache. I don't like big loud concerts either. I only go to Vegas if I get paid (like the occasional conference there etc), lol, just like Kate only does trips with her kids if she gets paid!

I'm with the crew that wants to take a serene hike instead, which is what I plan to do today!

Jane said...

Oops - didn't realize there was a new thread! Reposting:

From TMZ:

Say goodbye to the likes of Ralph Macchio and Kendra Wilkinson on "Dancing with the Stars" ... TMZ has learned producers are on the hunt for more "high profile" celebs next season ... in the hopes of cutting down on the gimmicky stars they've booked in the past.

Sources connected to the show tell TMZ ... producers are under direct orders to find "more high profile" people than in the past seasons ... after booking a string of D-listers like The Situation, Kate Gosselin, Audrina Patridge, Jake Pavelka and Holly Madison

No Regrets said...

BTW my family and I do not drink, nor gamble LOL But there are many things to do other than gambling and drinking. The wild life exhibitions are great too.

Flamingo Hilton Wildlife Habitat is really nice, 15 acres behind the hotel. There is the lion habitat at the MGM. Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat on the strip is pretty good too. Many places to go and see these type of things. There used to be the Liberace Museum. LOL They just closed it last year tho. That was pretty cool to see. The diamond encrusted piano and his diamond encrusted outfits. LOL (aging myself here) All in all, this is a pretty neat place to visit IMO And to live. Cost of living here is very low compared to so many other places.

Guess who I saw a couple of weeks ago? The father in the "Sister Wives" show. What a conceited jerk. LOL You would think he was a rock star or something. He was preening and posturing for a couple of tourist who wanted his picture. Man the ego of this guy!

No Regrets said...

ADMIN and eliza I do understand. This city is not everyone's cup of tea. BUT I do live here and know it is not the cheesy things most people think. Eliza I DO miss the seasons of the year. We have two, hot and not so hot. LOL hardly any rain. No offense taken really. I am mainly teasing ADMIN. I do absolutely love living here. This place is very surprisingly family oriented. Not unusual to see showgirls with their kids at PTA. LOL When you see "15 mph School zone" EVERY car just BRAKES and slows. Never saw that before living here. IF one forgets to slow, people will honk and make sure you KNOW to slow down. It is really funny to see. LOL

No Regrets said...

ADMIN I can see why you don't appreciate my city if you get overstimulated easily. LV can only be taken in small doses then for you. When we have visitors I can only take maybe 3 or 4 trips to the strip area. Then I am done, too. LOL Normally, we never go near the strip area. I DO miss the trees and green flowing lawns. We have them, but not the same at all compared to to most other places. Flash floods are a huge problem here. A sudden storm, your street is totally submerged. The ground is so dry and hard, it can't take the water.

wayward said...

Anonymous said... Wow, I just looked around Twitter and I saw how the woman who tweeted that she was by Kate at the Four Seasons pool didn't want to give us any more info.

Yeah, she said she looked at the site and then said "how do I know you're not going to send paparazzi"? If she indeed looked at the site then it should have been crystal clear how important the kid's privacy is to us. However, by not commenting she did inadvertently save herself from the stampede of sheeple.

There's an item on this morning about how Dancing with the Stars is on a push to sign more A-list stars and not the string of D-listers they've had in the past. Kate was mentioned as one of the past!

Hippie ITA with you, I am hoping this is the last big trip for K+8 and the show rides off into the sunset. The show was not even featured or mentioned at the TLC fall upfronts, I can't believe TLC went to this much effort although this trip had to be much lower in cost than the 5 star luxury Kate prefers.

WhatHappensInVegas... I read about the judge shutting down that Dad's blog last week. How strange it is that this man was ordered to stop blogging about his ex because the judge found it "inaccurate and denigrating and, belittling" (even though the dad used a psuedonym for his ex's name) but Kate can go on national TV and disparage Jon by name, in the same manner. The judge is probably going to run into some free speech issues on this, but her main concern for making this ruling seemed to be the impact this type of blogging would have on the children. {Clap Clap!!} Hello!? Really? I wish the judge in Jon and Kate's case felt the same way about the effects of Kate's public trashing of Jon any chance she gets.

Jenna Does said...

I would LOVE to go to a Cirque de Soleil...especially The Beatles "Love" one...
~Hippie Chick~

Just curious said...

No Regrets, a question for you. I haven't been to LV for quite a while now (moved too far away) but the last few times I was there, I smalled NO cig smoke in the casinos at the big hotels. They all smelled like fresh flowers! I figured it was some sort of air filtration thing. Is it still like that?

wayward said...

Jane, I didn't see that you had already posted the item from TMZ! Hahahahaha.... Kate strutted around DWTS pulling the "don't speak to me, don't look me in the eye" act which IMHO, contributed greatly to her downfall and slammed shut the remaining few doors that may have opened for her. Now DWTS is saying they specifically don't want D-listers like her anymore.... love it!

Jenna Does said...

Maine is AWESOME. I live in NE, but not Maine. We get up there as much as we can. I live in NH actually which is just as beautiful. We are going on a hike today if this damn pain will go away. ARGH. Eliza, I am a huge nature girl myself. The 4 seasons is the best, although we didn't get much a Spring this year, it went to cold, cool, HOT! LOL
~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said...

"Pixie said...I swore I'd never set foot there again. Someone else mentioned the perverts handing out those sex cards. They are so in your face without touching you, it is nearly impossible to ignore them.

I never saw my son's eyes get wider than when he saw the half-dressed ladies on the pole in on of the hotels. If I wasn't so offended, I would have laughed."

This is the very reason I always tell my friends and family do not bring their kids here. This is an adult city to me. And yes they do hand out "sex cards" on the strip. And they will hand it to teenagers too. Of course there people with no scruples everywhere you go, LV does attract some of the worst of the worst, sadly. As I said off the strip is much nicer and not at all like that. Sorry you had a bad experience here.

No Regrets said...

Jane From TMZ: I am SO glad to hear that. Kate was a horrible contestant to have. So was "the situation" I had about given up watching that show. It might be worth it now.

No Regrets said...

Gawd I can only imagine Kate overdoing it in the sun here. I hope for the kids sake she uses real caution out in the sun. 15 minutes in the sun here is like 2 hours in the PA sun. I doubt tho she knows or even asks about the differences.

No Regrets said...

I apologize I don't mean to come off as the tourist bureau of LV. LOL I just love living here. Visiting and the Strip are for adults tho, IMO.

Kate to bring all those kids here is pretty dumb, but what do we expect?

Anonymous said...

eliza ... again....

No Regrets. I hear you! Your water park on the strip was fantastic. Dh and I had the best time that day. (we are still crazy kids!) The people we met there loved living there. Loved the heat and thought we were fools loving the East coast and not wanting to live out in the desert. I always joke that I'm a vampire at heart. I'll take a rainy and/or cloudy day over a day of hot sun. Maybe I should move to Seattle.

Links please said...

Jane do you have link?

Anonymous said...

Ashley had the kids down in the pool last evening with another young woman. It was 8:30. There were still alot of people in the pool, but around 9:00 people started leaving, most likely getting ready for a show or dancing. The kids were well behaved but on of the tups. Have no idea which one. They werent very loud, even the naughty one. My daughter and I watched them from across the pool to 10:00, when Ashley got them all out and into swim coverup for the girls, and tee shirts for the boys. One twin girl helped with the girls. Interesting thing is before they left, Steve showed up to escort them back. I thought that was odd. Here 2 young woman were handling the 8 just fine. If there was any concern I would think it would be at the pool and not going thru the lobby to the elevators. So, my daughter and I scurried behind and I heard a twin say, " will Mommy be back yet" she did go out and without Steve. That's all I know. BTW, we are here because DH is a big wig at a well known co...we are just his plus 2 and 3! :) We like the perks, heat or not. Don't forget the coca cola museum and the m&m factory. I actually think there are fun things to do with kids-my daughter and I always do kid friendly things.

Laurie said...

No Regrets - I do love your city and as I said we go every year in December. We love the weather and it seems to be less crowded - although we did get caught in that snow storm a couple (maybe more?) of years ago. I love the Broadway shows. However, as I've said, I don't really think it's a place for kids and I know that Kate is going to probably drag them down the Strip so they can gawk at the hotels and say "gee, it looked closer than it was when we started the walk"....

Cindy said...

I bet Kate will win big at a casino so we can hear her screeching and screaming. There is a great nightclub in Mandalay but the name escapes me. Plenty of young 20 somethings for her to hit up. Pisses me off that she gets paid to take these trips. Maybe someone should tell TLC the economy is not good and not many families can afford to take such trips. People resent seeing such extravagence when they can barely afford groceries and gas.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

No Regrets said... ADMIN. fair enough. BUT if you do have a chance to see the Cirque, please do, you will be amazed with that production.


Absolutely. It's wonderful. I saw one in Vegas and one in Atlantic City and both were amazing. Not cheesy at all. I'd go back again to see it - just because it was that good. Anybody going to Caesars in Vegas in October to see Elton play the million dollar piano? ;)

"I feel so sorry for those poor Gosselin children, being dragged around in the heat for 2 weeks and being filmed."

Being where they were for two weeks, as far as the heat is concerned, is better than dragging them around the East Coast, or staying home to film. They've had decent temperatures where they've been, as compared to what we are experiencing here in southeastern Pennsylvania. I haven't even been able to go outside long enough to walk the dog in the past three days. She has a backyard, does her business, and stands at the door to come right back in. It's that bad. We've adopted the Florida saying, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity," and it's been wild. Right now it IS the heat and it IS the humidity. I've never been through anything like this here, and I lived in southern Florida.

Laurie said...

I'm guessing that they may do the Hoover Dam since it's only an hour or so away. So happy that the by-pass is now open so we don't have to hit all the Dam(n) traffic.... ~ Administrator said...

I would sooner eat my shoes than ever call the paps on these kids or anyone. By the way how does one call the paps anyway? 1-800-Pap? ~ Administrator said...

Sorry anonymous no insider stories unless I can verify them. Sounds legit but email me if you can verify it.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

I just looked around twitter for a minute and saw that some 25 yr old girl in Scranton PA tweeted about Jon being at a show last night. Looking at her tweets, I can't tell what show, though:

I just remembered I saw Jon Gosselin at the show last night. He was minus his plus 8 though =\

Minka's Tail said...

When I went to Las Vegas 12 years ago, there were several things for children to do--there was a dragon show, a volcano, performing fountains, and a pirate battle, as well as the animal attractions mentioned before. There were also simulator rides (including a nice Star Trek one) and a couple of amusement parks. Has LV changed that much since then? I know that the family friendliness was not considered a raving success--a Wizard of Oz attraction had closed down before we even got there.

I wouldn't be surprised if the kids weren't even there. I could see them off with some nanny while Kate tries out for her dating show in Sin City.

She is a Cow said...

I agree with the suggestion that Purseboy or TLC has taken away her "pretty pink phone." I think if she had access to it, she would be using it and blabbing all the details of the trip.

She has proven in the past that all her spare time and even time she should be spending with her kids gets spent on twitter. I am sure the TLC execs told her she is supposed to be enjoying a vacation with her kids, so NO TWITTERING! She is probably in withdrawals.

I bet Kate has it wrong when she tweets that this "adventure" will air on August 8th. If they even have a show on August 8th, (lets face it, she has been wrong before), I am sure it would be one of the episodes they shot at home, like the cupcake/boat cruise, or the ever interesting show that made her arms hurt for days.

I'm sure this stop at the Four Seasons is for her primping. Tan, nails, hair, massage, facial. You know, a reward for playing Mommy. I hope this fiasco comes to an end soon for the kids sake. As far as Kate, she is nothing but an undeserving bitch and I hope it has been a super "challenging" trip for her and that she is miserable. Afterall, she is miserable in the best of conditions, I can't imagine her being forced to be "motherly" for weeks in a row. I agree that she will stoop to anything to get a paycheck these days.

Hey maybe Kate will be asked to join the Pussycat Dolls while in Vegas. You know, she is so sexy, she would fit right in. PUKE! LOL, just trying to picture it is pretty funny actually, brings you back to the "shopping cart" days on DWTS.

PatK said...

I'm sure the visit to Las Vegas was worked in because of the Hoover Dam. In fact, it was probably part of the deal to get Kate to agree to such a lengthy trek.

I'm still wondering why TLC would foot the bill for Jamie and her kids to tag along. I'm pretty sure Jamie can afford to take her own vacations. Again, probably a deal breaker. I'd be willing to bet Kate wanted her along last year on the Australia jaunt, but TLC may have balked at the expense.

No Regrets said...

"Just curious said...
No Regrets, a question for you. I haven't been to LV for quite a while now (moved too far away) but the last few times I was there, I smalled NO cig smoke in the casinos at the big hotels. They all smelled like fresh flowers! I figured it was some sort of air filtration thing. Is it still like that?"

The Wynn is the only totally non smoking hotel that I know of. A few have talked about it. BUT yes almost all hotels have put in better air filters systems in because of the complaints of the smoke. They have tried to do away with smoking altogether, but the citizens and many tourists say no. Many casinos now have pretty large non smoking areas too. All restuarants are now off limits to smoking. Some bars you can still smoke, unless they serve food. All in all, it HAS improved regarding the cig smoke. Reminds me, the last time we went into a casino, a man with an oxegen tank was SMOKING at one of the slot machines. We would NOT believe this guy, and no one would sit near him at all. LOL Amazing.


"eliza Loved the heat and thought we were fools loving the East coast and not wanting to live out in the desert."

eliza I would love to live where the summers weren't so brutal. BUT this weather is very good for me. I have rheumatoid arthritis so the dry heat is excellent. I miss the rain so much. I do NOT miss tornadoes and the other problems many face though. LOL


"Laurie said... although we did get caught in that snow storm a couple (maybe more?) of years ago."

Glad you like it here! YES it did snow in December 08. Some places had as much as 8" of snow. We had about one inch where I live. I looked out my window just before day break and saw a white car. I thought someone has stolen MY car, and parked a white one there instead. Until I realized it was SNOW. LOL This entire city freaked. Schools shut down, airport closed down, buses stopped running. This place literally shut down for......wait for it......ONE WHOLE DAY. ALL the snow was gone by the next day, except in the moutains. LOL

No Regrets said...

ADMIN RE:not posting things without verification. I apologize about posting about my sighting of the husband on the Sister Wives. I KNEW I should have gotten a picture BUT to be honest, I did NOT want to add to this guy's ego trip he was having. LOL

BTW I am STILL amused by the possibility of "calling the paps on Kate" LOLOL

Just curious said...

At least Kate won't look out of place wearing her hooker shorts and heels while the "girls" swing free and easy while she's there.

Stewmama said...

You think Las Vegas is hot, try going to Laughlin in the middle of July!

No Regrets said...

"Minka's tall . Has LV changed that much since then?"

Many of those attractions are still here. They did try to change the atmosphere here to attract wealthier tourists. The hotels got bigger and more expensive, restaurants just about everything started to be more geared to wealthier adults. HOWEVER they realized that the largest part of the profit came from locals and middle class families who wanted to visit. So the past few years, they have now started putting in more kid friendly activities and amusement parks, etc. They did close down the water park/ride that was on the strip, people really upset about that. Now, there are water rides/parks springing up all over the place. Plus they are adding a lot more wild life habitats, which I LOVE.

E-town Neighbor said...

Administrator said...

I would sooner eat my shoes than ever call the paps on these kids or anyone. By the way how does one call the paps anyway? 1-800-Pap?



He seemed to be the only one she called who would respond.

No Regrets said...

" Kate is going to probably drag them down the Strip so they can gawk at the hotels and say "gee, it looked closer than it was when we started the walk"...."

Laurie I really hope they don't walk down the strip with all the kids. The Fountains at the Bellegio or the Pirates at Treasure Island would be cool for the kids. BUT a walking tour down the strip would not be good for all those kids. Also we have an extremely high rate of vehicle vs pedestrians here. Some of the worst drivers in the WORLD end up here.

E-town Neighbor said...

Laurie said...

I'm guessing that they may do the Hoover Dam since it's only an hour or so away. So happy that the by-pass is now open so we don't have to hit all the Dam(n) traffic....


If they do, Kate has more than enough gum to stick in the rocks (Clark W. Griswold). Any dam questions to ask the dam guide?

No Regrets said...

Delete my dumb post about the Sister wives hubby OF COURSE you mean sightings or insider info on Kate. Duh me. It is the heat SORRY lol

Everyone have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I hope the children get to see Hoover Dam. Reading that TMZ has designated Kate "D-list" has made my day. When do these children get to start their summer vacation - so far all I've read about is work - soon she will be about having to get them ready for school.

Laurie said...

No Regrets - While I realize that it would be a stupid move Kate will do anything for filming. Love the Bellegio fountains!

Jenna Does said...

Eliza said...
Loved the heat and thought we were fools loving the East coast and not wanting to live out in the desert. I always joke that I'm a vampire at heart. I'll take a rainy and/or cloudy day over a day of hot sun. Maybe I should move to Seattle.
Are we sisters?? I have ALWAYS said the same thing! My husband & I are planning a trip to Seattle to check things out actually. I have always wanted to live there! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rain. SO MUCH!!! If we like Seattle, we may be moving there when my son graduates HS! Wow! So cool you feel the same way! :)
~Hippie Chick~

Me said...

Of course they're by the pool at the Four Seasons. Where else can she strut around in a bikini?

I was a tad curious as to how she would pull off the bikini shots at the GC and other places. But I see she managed to find a place to be in a two piece in front of the cameras.

A vacation for her is not a vacation until she can show as much skin as possible.

Midnight Madness said...

Article on TMZ, for those keeping up with the Casey Anthony saga -

NBC news is apparently reacting to a TMZ story, in which we said Casey Anthony's lawyer is negotiating with the major networks, and big bucks are on the line ... because the network is saying they have not offered any payment for an INTERVIEW ... BUT, it made no mention of other ways of paying handsomely for a chat with the very famous former murder defendant.NBC gave a statement to the New York Post, saying, "We've talked with Baez about getting an interview with Casey Anthony, but only under NBC News standards and conditions -- no payment, and absolutely no job offers for any member of her defense team."

Read carefully -- NBC is saying "no payment," but it refers to an "interview." That doesn't cover paying huge money for pictures, video, etc. That's S.O.P. in the network game -- and we're told that's one of the issues Geragos covered with Baez.

As we reported, as of Friday morning ... NBC was the frontrunner in nabbing Anthony.


He is such a sleazeball. Allegedly, he's kept her parents from seeing their daughter and knowing where she is, but for a nice sum of MONEY, the networks can have access to her. Her attorney should get a nice cut. He's not "negotiating" out of the goodness of his heart.

Jenna Does said...

E-Town said...

He seemed to be the only one she called who would respond.

Or Cared. NOBODY in the pap/photo biz seems to care about Ms. G anymore. Aww, too bad, so sad. Maybe Steve is taking pics, but no one's buying.

Admin, 1-800-Pap sounds like a # you would call if you had questions about your no-no place!! LOLOL "My bajingo is on fire!!" (from Scrubs, LOVE that show!!)
~Hippie Chick~

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...

I continue to shake my head at the things the sheeple come up with. Isn't there a "sheeple-in-training" course for the wannabe members of the flock? Don't they have to graduate before they can get their hooves?

@mscatie @acemme @Kateplusmy8 Why would Beth be in Kate's life when she was hired by publishing company to help write book NOT be friend"

Gosh, you could have fooled me. I thought Beth was Kate's friend long before she (Beth) wrote the book!

Pixie said...

Flamingo Hilton Wildlife Habitat is really nice, 15 acres behind the hotel. There is the lion habitat at the MGM. Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat on the strip is pretty good too.

You're kidding, right? Those poor lions at the MGM stuck in the middle of a hotel behind glass in a concrete jungle remind me of the Gosselin kids. Great metaphor there.

Animal and child abuse.

Anonymous said...

eliza again....

Hippie Chick,

I am still a bit granola. You know...hanging my laundry up, composting, gardening, still have my Grateful Dead shirt (only one and a hippie skirt I'm saving for something?) AND I married a Republican. He makes me laugh though. I can't imagine not living at least 2hours from the beaches though. I've been to Maine for a wedding, it was on one of the little islands (sweet ) Went up to Acadia Nat. Park (gorgeous!)

Have fun in Seattle. It's on my bucket list. Though I will pay for it myself. This year it's off to Disney in Oct. Speaking of over stimulated! Ugh. I may need some tranquilizers.

Choose NameURL instead of OpenID said...

You can sign in with your name by choosing "Name/URL" rather than "OpenID". Just fill in the top box where it says name and leave the one that says "URL" blank.

so sick of her said...

Oh, I would not be surprised if Kate & Jamie, along with Stevieboy do a Kate/bar thing, like they did in NYC, and make it a separate episode. Like: Kate & Jamie do Vegas or make that a threesome with Stevie boy(sounds almost like(a porno) Debbie does Dallas)LOLOLOL I'm sure Jamie will make it look like she is tryin to get Kate to go gambling to meet men. I guess that was a hint of where they were, with her last tweet, relaxing by the pool side. I also don't think the whole trip was by RV either. More like fly to most of the places. If Kate is indeed in Vegas, then she is in her glory. No offense to anyone living there. The kids won't remember much of this trip too many places, but if they do, all the places will be remembered as one place, not several different places. I listened to how the Duggars kids talk, when asked about places they were at, and 2 of them who are (5 & 7) around the tups age, come out with 2 different descriptions of the same place, and then one corrects the other or they talk about several places as being one place, then correct each other or the person asking then reminds them where they were.

It's WAY past time for them to go home! said...

Assuming they're still on the Great Gosselin/TLC road trip that we guessed from Kate's tweet to Ashley last spring about doing a lot of driving and having fun, it's time to again update the miles and hours they would have spent on the road in their RV or motor home (top of the line, of course).

7/11 Rapid City, SD airport
7/12 Mt. Rushmore in Keystone, SD
7/14-16 Yellowstone Park in Cody, WY
7/17 Jacksonhole, WY
7/22 Grand Canyon, AZ
7/23 Las Vegas, NV

They drove approx. 1340 miles to the Grand Canyon + 275 to Vegas = 1650 total miles. Add another 4.5 hours drive time to Vegas = approx 28.5 hours on the road.

That equals a longggg trip with 8+ young children in a confined space that Kate herself described as "challenging". It's WAY past time that the kids stop working, go home, and enjoy their summer vacation free from cameras.

No Regrets said...

"Just curious said...No Regrets, a question for you. I haven't been to LV for quite a while now (moved too far away) but the last few times I was there, I smalled NO cig smoke in the casinos at the big hotels. They all smelled like fresh flowers! I figured it was some sort of air filtration thing. Is it still like that?"

I did answer you a while ago, I think my post desolved. LOL Yes air filters have been upgraded in almost all hotels. It is so much nicer. Many casinos also have larger non smoking areas too. The Wynn is the only hotel that I know of that is totally non smoking anywhere in the hotel.

"Pixie, You're kidding, right? Those poor lions at the MGM stuck in the middle of a hotel behind glass in a concrete jungle remind me of the Gosselin kids. Great metaphor there.

Animal and child abuse."

No I am not 'kidding'. Personal preference, of course. If one doesn't want to see them, you don't have to go. The habitat has been expanded and it is huge, 5000 sq ft, kids can see them up and up close and personal. These lions are very well taken care of and do not "perform" for people. No tricks of any kind. You can just watch them play and do what lions normally do. (Even though I personally think that all wild animals should never be caged or contained in any way. But they are there, not my fault LOL and it is very interesting to ME to see them so closely. BUT that is another debate for another site and place.)

The lions usually are in the enclosure for only about 2-4 hours a day then changed out. No lion is there more than six hours a day. Any given group of lions are used no more than twice a week. It has waterfalls and as near as nature as they can get. They do live on a huge ranch just outside of Las Vegas, wild and free.

As I said, personal preference.

IDModo said...

I'm guessing that the challenging adventure that Kate tweets about is her going out on the plexiglas platform over the Grand Canyon, while shrieking, sobbing, and terrifying her children once more.

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...

I don't understand this antagonism (okay - downright eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth stuff) between the haters and the sheeple. One guy apparently was harrassed by a sheeple while on vacation. Twitters know what both the haters and sheeple are like. If you are a hater, you DON'T insult, torment the sheeple unmercifully on Twitter, and then if you are stalked in a personal way, cry, "foul!" You get as good as you give! Of course there's no excuse for stalking, but in this day and age, with all of the internet bullying, you can't expect some nutcase not to retaliate, and you certainly don't give out your location and when you expect to be there. That's just plain dumb. Of course, we don't even know if that story is true. There are loopholes in it, and my name isn't Monk.

Sheeple have been know to seek IP addresses, employers, etc. of the haters. I haven't read any cases of where the haters do the same thing to the sheeple, but nothing would surprise me.

If you know that some of these sheeple are a few fries and a toy short of a Happy Meal, then you don't keep hounding them, pushing them to the point where they might do something if given the opportunity.

Is this kind of stuff going to continue when Kate takes leave of the airwaves? Will haters continue to hate her, and sheeple continue to suck up to her? For how long? Who might be next on their worship list?

No Regrets said...

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...Beth was hired to write the book?? Yes, they sure do know her history well don't they? LOL

The posters mentioning Kate with her hooker heels fitting right in here. You are so right. Hadn't thought of that. Hot pants and her heels. LOLOL

Jane said...

Links please said...
Jane do you have link?

Sure - here you go:

Pixie said...

Hey No Regrets! I apologize. My post re: the lions at MGM came off snippy. I'm sorry for that. You obviously love your city and I'm sure as a 'local', you get to see all the good insider stuff.

Chidren and animals get my blood boiling. I'm sorry I came off harsh.

I've never forgiven Criss Angel for cancelling his 'Believe' show when I was there. I guess he was sick or something...but I hold a grudge. hee!

No Regrets said...

Pixie said...No problem. You are passionate, I get that. LOL As I said, I hate seeing any wild animal contained. BUT at least these guys don't starve to death or almost near death like many do during the African droughts. Those poor lions are SO hard to look at when I see them on the National Geographic channel. :( If it is any consolation the animal agencies here are SUPER strict on any of the animals that housed on the ranches to use in the shows or displays. They really limit their exposure to the general public severely. Which is good.

AAaaa Chris Angel. He does have a good show. Can't blame you for being upset. LOL

Yes I do love it here. How could you tell?? ha

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...Good post. Good points. Personally, when Kate stops using the kids for her paycheck. I am outta here. I would never post about her again. As far as some of these folks , it has become VERY personal to many of them. Hurting people in the real world, their businesses, threatening to go to their homes, exposing home addresses. Some of them need to really get a grip before they or someone in their family REALLY get hurt or even killed. Seriously crazy stuff goes on. It is scary.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

It looks like they are at Taylor Swift's concert. Some guy from NY just posted this on Twitter:

markzito Mark Zito
With @MashUpRyan awaiting @taylorswift13.
1 hour ago

Mark Zito
markzito Mark Zito
So, as @MashUpRyan and I were on the @taylorswift13 backstage tour, Kate Gosselin and her all her kids joined us. That was unexpected.
7 minutes ago

markzito Mark Zito
Also, Kate looks hot...not like hot for having a bunch of kids hot, but actually hot.
6 minutes ago


So, I just checked Taylor swift's tour schedule - Remember Khate tweeted a few times this summer that she and the kids would be going to see Taylor. Here it is:

July 24 - Newark, New Jersey

Does that mean they flew back East today and are in NJ right now, before heading home to PA?? My gosh, those kids must be So exhausted. What a way to top off this long road trip.

A couple of weeks ago I posted that I thought they could be going to Taylor's Philadelphia tour date, which is on August 6th.

On The Road Again said...

Question - some theorize that the reason Kate didn't do Bald Head Island this summer is because TLC refused to fund the trip because ratings are down in the dumps - too expensive. Isn't this road trip more expensive than a week at BHI?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Another sighting posted on Twitter:

kimmiefeeney Kim Feeney
Kate gosselin and all eight annoying children are here!
3 minutes ago ~ Administrator said...

Kate did tweet from the Taylor Swift concert and bragged about giving her hugs and kisses. They are BFFs!!!

After a grueling two week vacation all I would want to do is be at a noisy rock concert....yea.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Khate just confirmed it:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Hi!We r@ Taylor Swift's concert&we r loving r Taylor!Just came from giving hugs&wishing her luck tonight!Can't wait 2 c show-Speak Now!


"Speak Now?" she commands her sheeple????? Well, I am not a sheeple, but I will speak, Khate: YOU are a classless, greedy, rude, ignorant pig BITCH! And that's just the very beginning of how I really feel! ~ Administrator said...

I feel so bad for these kids I want to cry. They must be EXHAUSTED.

They were in Vegas working just YESTERDAY, now they are put on a 5 hour flight cross country and then immediately shuffled to a two and a half hour concert most 7 year olds probably could care less about? And it's in Newark, they still have to travel several hours more to get home.

I think Taylor Swift is a nice wholesome thing to do it's just these kids just got done working for two weeks straight! I can't imagine any kid being able to go like that without collapsing at this point. She is coming to PA in a few weeks they could have waited and rested and then gone then, and maybe just take the twins.

Bragging Rights, Er, Wrongs said...

Ostentatious much, Kate? My gawd this woman is so full of herself! What is WRONG with her? Don't answer that...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Gag, puke, blech.....the sheeple are delirious with excitement that Khate was able to grift for freebie concert tix and TLC set up a back stage tour.

I'm sure Khate thinks this makes HER a great mom and she will be sure to make the kids write her formal thank you notes tomorrow. Little do they know, Khate has NOTHING to do with this.

What will Khate do with them and for them when TLC is no longer there to arrange all the trips and pay for all the free stuff? Khate has already admitted that she is too cheap to spend THEIR own money that THEY earned to take them to Hershey Park for the day or enroll some of them in gymnastics, or any other sports, probably.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Ha, I just mentioned in my last post that I bet that Khate thinks this makes her a great mom when in reality she did NOTHING for these freebie tix and backstage tour, it's all TLC, not her. Well, sure enough, the sheeple think like Khate, this makes her the bestest mom ever:

LEIGHSHAHAN1 leigh shahan
@Kateplusmy8 Man thats great...your kids are livin a dream! People that say your not a good Momma are full of CRAP-OLA! Have a great time!


They are SO stupid!

Kit said...

"Speak Now" is the title of Taylor Swift's tour

Moose Mania said...

Nobody Likes said..."YOU are a classless, greedy, rude, ignorant pig BITCH! And that's just the very beginning of how I really feel!"


Narcissist - how about telling us how you REALLY feel! :)

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Administrator said...

I feel so bad for these kids I want to cry. They must be EXHAUSTED.

They were in Vegas working just YESTERDAY, now they are put on a 5 hour flight cross country and then immediately shuffled to a two and a half hour concert most 7 year olds probably could care less about? And it's in Newark, they still have to travel several hours more to get home.

I think Taylor Swift is a nice wholesome thing to do it's just these kids just got done working for two weeks straight! I can't imagine any kid being able to go like that without collapsing at this point. She is coming to PA in a few weeks they could have waited and rested and then gone then, and maybe just take the twins.


Admin, I totally agree. I know that after a trip like this I would be exhausted by now and ready to go home. You couldn't pay me to top off the trip with a flight to NJ and a concert before I could finally go home. Imagine how the kids feel!

Yes, Taylor will be in Philadelphia in two weeks, on Saturday, August 6th. BUT, I am just hoping that maybe they're doing it now because this is the LAST time TLC is filming them. They certainly have more than enough stuff taped to air enough episodes through the fall. Maybe this long trip and the concert is TLC's final goodbye to Khate?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Oh, I see the new post now. Quick work, Admin, lol! ~ Administrator said...

Nobody, I'm going for the "you heard it hear first" thing hahaha.

No Regrets said...

"Pixie said...Hey No Regrets! I apologize"

Pixie no worries. You are passionate, I get that. :) I posted to you awhile ago, my posts are disappearing? OR? I am getting paranoid here ADMIN LOL

"On The Road Again said...Question - some theorize that the reason Kate didn't do Bald Head Island this summer is because TLC refused to fund the trip because ratings are down in the dumps - too expensive. Isn't this road trip more expensive than a week at BHI?"

Possibly more expensive. BUT it for sure that the trips surely have been cut way back. ADMIN had a list of all the trips they made last summer. A whole lot of them. This is the first this summer, right? ALmost school time again.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Kit said...

"Speak Now" is the title of Taylor Swift's tour


Ha ha! I didn't know that, not really a fan, lol. Either way, I still see Khate's tweet as a directive to her sheeple to go all crazy because big deal they are at the concert. And, they certainly did get whipped up with excitement over what a great mom she is and how lucky her kids her. Puke!

Teresa said...

Would some show me how to make a link that's 'clickable' instead of one that you have to copy and paste? Please... :>)

No Regrets said...

"Bah Bah Black Sheep said...
"You get as good as you give.... Is this kind of stuff going to continue when Kate takes leave of the airwaves? Will haters continue to hate her, and sheeple continue to suck up to her? For how long? Who might be next on their worship list?"

Good post. And SO right. Some people have taken this stuff to such a personal level it is ridiculous. Some day someone might snap and something bad might really happen in RL if this stuff doesn't stop at the level some have gotten. When Kate stops using her kids as paychecks, I will never post again her again. I HATE what she does to those kids, I strongly DISLIKE her. I cant wait until the day I will gleefully IGNORE her all together. I am quite sure some of these fans will be salivating all over her, forever. What is SO hard to get that not every person in the public eye is NOT liked?

On The Road Again ...My post came out SO jumbled It should be "BUT for SURE they have cut back on the number of trips they have taken" LOL sorry

Sorry ADMIN for all my posts. This LV thing now flying allllllllllll the way back to NJ. Wow. Makes ME exhausted.

Everyone have a great evening. Gone for sure this time.

Ingrid said...

I think they skipped BHI because afraid of that reporter returning and NOT deleting her pics this time. And I heard there are many at BHI who don't like her. bwahahaha....

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Teresa - here's the format (html code):

{a href=""}Click Here{/a}

Except, where I have the { and }, you need to put < and >.

You can change that out in the format code I have here, then copy it to something like notepad so you have the code for future reference.

When you want to make a clickable link:

(1)Paste that code in here in the comment box.
(2)Then copy and paste the website address into the part of the code that's between the " and ", that I have in bold (the website's URL, or address).
(3) Where it says Click Me, you can leave that or replace that with what you want the link to say (like the title of the website or article).

A MUCH easier way is this: when you're submitting your post here and you chose Name/URL, type in your name as you always do, but then paste the website address into the URL box below your name. Then in your post, tell us to click on your name and it will take us to the website.

This website might explain it better:

Click Here

Plus, you can see what the code should look like there. I can't type it with the < and > here, because it's interpreting it as html code.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Teresa - here's the format (html code):

{a href=""}Click Here{/a}

Except, where I have the { and }, you need to put < and >.

You can change that out in the format code I have here, then copy it to something like notepad so you have the code for future reference.

When you want to make a clickable link:

(1)Paste that code in here in the comment box.
(2)Then copy and paste the website address into the part of the code that's between the " and ", that I have in bold (the website's URL, or address).
(3) Where it says Click Me, you can leave that or replace that with what you want the link to say (like the title of the website or article).

A MUCH easier way is this: when you're submitting your post here and you chose Name/URL, type in your name as you always do, but then paste the website address into the URL box below your name. Then in your post, tell us to click on your name and it will take us to the website.

This website might explain it better:

Click Here

Plus, you can see what the code should look like there. I can't type it with the < and > here, because it's interpreting it as html code.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Oh, I see the new post now. Quick work, Admin, lol!

Bragging Rights, Er, Wrongs said...

Ostentatious much, Kate? My gawd this woman is so full of herself! What is WRONG with her? Don't answer that...

On The Road Again said...

Question - some theorize that the reason Kate didn't do Bald Head Island this summer is because TLC refused to fund the trip because ratings are down in the dumps - too expensive. Isn't this road trip more expensive than a week at BHI?

Jane said...

Links please said...
Jane do you have link?

Sure - here you go:

Anonymous said...

eliza again....

Hippie Chick,

I am still a bit granola. You know...hanging my laundry up, composting, gardening, still have my Grateful Dead shirt (only one and a hippie skirt I'm saving for something?) AND I married a Republican. He makes me laugh though. I can't imagine not living at least 2hours from the beaches though. I've been to Maine for a wedding, it was on one of the little islands (sweet ) Went up to Acadia Nat. Park (gorgeous!)

Have fun in Seattle. It's on my bucket list. Though I will pay for it myself. This year it's off to Disney in Oct. Speaking of over stimulated! Ugh. I may need some tranquilizers.

Jenna Does said...

Eliza said...
Loved the heat and thought we were fools loving the East coast and not wanting to live out in the desert. I always joke that I'm a vampire at heart. I'll take a rainy and/or cloudy day over a day of hot sun. Maybe I should move to Seattle.
Are we sisters?? I have ALWAYS said the same thing! My husband & I are planning a trip to Seattle to check things out actually. I have always wanted to live there! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rain. SO MUCH!!! If we like Seattle, we may be moving there when my son graduates HS! Wow! So cool you feel the same way! :)
~Hippie Chick~

Summer said...

YAY 5 more epi aren't we all excited just when you thought it was over to keeps on coming back back and back. Poor kids and Kate just going to make more cash off the kids no rest for the Gosselin 8 yet

So sad

Phoenix Rising said...

Summer said...

YAY 5 more epi aren't we all excited just when you thought it was over to keeps on coming back back and back.


Where has it been reported that there are five more episodes? There are some that were filmed at home, plus the Annapolis/DC cupcakes episode, and ALL of the filming they did on this trip. They'll be good to go at least until the end of the year.

so sick of her said...

Admin: I agree with you 100%. TLC/Kate could have waited till Taylor was in PA to film. They are pulling another give back. What I mean is, K8 could have given back in their own state, not taken to Tenn., so now they are doing the same with the concert. I also think this might be the last of filming the big good bye. For nothing Kate started to talk of what she might be doing if the show gets canceled, one does not talk about cancel, unless one knows, they might or are being canceled. One has to read between the lines with Kates tweets and interviews.

Flowers In Your Hair said...

Admin: I agree with you 100%. TLC/Kate could have waited till Taylor was in PA to film. They are pulling another give back.


What "give back" are they pulling? According to Kate, they didn't film at the concert.

so sick of her said...

Flowers in your hair: I was comparing, that Kate did that Food bank in Tenn, that Food bank also runs a food bank in PA near her home. There was no need to fly K8 to Tenn, to do that Food Bank/give back. The concert is the same thing, no need to go to Newark , when Taylor will be in PA on Aug 6th. Why do all this extra travel? I was not referring to filming. But then Kate does lie, they could have filmed it.

so sick of her said...

Hippy Chick: Good for you, taking advantage of free stuff offered by your city and more important, spending time with your kids and family. Doing a simple thing like movie in the park, riding bikes etc, one does not need to do an expense showing off vacation to spend time with family to have fun. Kate thinks this is spending time with kids(expensive show off trips) is buying them off and their loyalty and love. Kate is trying to create a tug of war with Jon over the kids. She will probably tell the kids, who takes you on trips, who buys you thing, gives you a good expensive education, gives you a nice expensive house to live in, your father? That it is why it's important that we keep filming. Not being honest with the kids. As for the concert, perhaps Kate did not tell the kids where they were going, so they could not say they did not want to go. Especially the boys, I don't think 3 7 year old boys are that interested in Taylor swift, or 3 7 year old girls would be that interested in her either, unless the girls listen and watch the older twins. Kate took the twins last year to see Taylor Swift, so why didn't she take all the kids last year?

Flowers In Your Hair said...

The concert is the same thing, no need to go to Newark , when Taylor will be in PA on Aug 6th. Why do all this extra travel?


What extra travel? They flew into Newark. The concert was in Newark. If they had waited for the concert in Philly in August, THAT would have been extra travel.
Or, am I missing something here?

kidsRablessing said...

Dallas Lady,
You took the words out of my mouth. How does she keep getting all this crap?? Apparently the show is only about Kate and her travels. Everything seems over the top.(I do not watch, yuck). She, TLC and the whole thing is ridiculous. This country is in financial downspriral, families everywhere are hurting and this idiot acts oblivious. Her food pantry shows are a joke. How about a show where Kate helps people in these rough times. So many folks can't even take their kids around the corner this summer and here she is okay with selling her kid's childhoods to accomplish all this. She is despicable in all ways!! ~ Administrator said...

Still Standing, the other poster is right. Kate took the twins last year, in 2010, (and also in 2009 as you said).

I'm Still Standing said...

Still Standing, the other poster is right. Kate took the twins last year, in 2010, (and also in 2009 as you said).


The article linked says that Alexis and Leah went to the show. No mention or photos of the twins or I not looking in the right place? Long day...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Seriously, Kart was shopping for freebies, medical funding to host her sextuplets, and posted every item she needed funded well over 7+ years ago for the tuplets, after having twins! Allegedly unexpected multiples. With welfare, food stamps... etc...

When has Kate last worked full time to support her own kids, without relying on the kids to support themselves via expolitation via Kate Plus 8 or Jon and Kate Plus 8???

I think enough time has passed for this Narcissist to find a job and support the kids she elected to have without having them work to support themselves and face the exploitation she has chosen for them. GET A JOB KATE!!!! It is not the responsibility of your kids to support you and themnselves.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

What does Kate to offer solo on TV without expoiting her kids left and right?

The answer is NOTHING! Get a job Kate and stop exploiting your kids on TV. Your kids should not need to support themselves at this age, let alone your manicures, pedicures, hair,tans, etc...

GET A JOB and support your kids, not the other way around. Stop filming all their private issues... Only 11 years left... you have already exploited 7 years of their lives. Get a job to support your kids, not the other way around. You are lazy and disgraceful!!!!

Mandy said...

I think enough time has passed for this Narcissist to find a job and support the kids she elected to have without having them work to support themselves and face the exploitation she has chosen for them. GET A JOB KATE!!!! It is not the responsibility of your kids to support you and themnselves.


Why would TLC send her to NYC to promote a show about to flatline? She wouldn't be going there to promote a new one, would she? ARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!! Scary!

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