A sincere attempt to pay it forward after all the generosity bestowed upon them over the years, or just another ratings ploy? Discuss here.

Kate Plus 8
Giving Back, 6/20 10 p.m. EST
With so many in need, the Gosselins are giving back! Watch as the Gosselins help pack bags of food for those who are less fortunate, hand out sloppy joe's to the hungry at a local soup kitchen, and join forces with Feeding America for a local food drive.
With so many in need, the Gosselins are giving back! Watch as the Gosselins help pack bags of food for those who are less fortunate, hand out sloppy joe's to the hungry at a local soup kitchen, and join forces with Feeding America for a local food drive.
190 sediments (sic) from readers:
I wish I could believe it was genuine charity.
Can I just say something about a "charity" pet peeve of mine that has absolutely nothing to do with Kate? I've volunteered at a lot of soup kitchens and things like that over the years especially as a kid, since I was a girlscout and they're heavy on community involvement. And I HATE when soup kitchens serve people CRAP. I understand it's very cheap to get a bunch of cheap tomato sauce and cheap ground beef and processed hamburger buns, but sloppy joe's are one of the worst things you could ever serve people. Seems to me with a little more work and creativity a HEALTHY meal could be served. I'm not asking to serve wheat grass, but a lean protein and veggies meal would be good. There are many charities out there that serve high quality foods without resorting to things like sloppy joes.
I think what bothers me about it is there is this uncomfortable undertone like this is the crap nobody else wants to eat but it's free so beggars can't be choosers--I don't like it.
I did not and will not watch. I did see some pics of the 'premiere' on people's twitter accounts. They're at a county fairground pavilion in summer and Kate shows up in half a cocktail dress. Anyone else would show up in nice jeans or a sun dress or something. Anyway. Didn't expect any better. I've worked at a food bank for almost 12 years and we have kids who come and work all the time. We don't have them working with clients (they might see someone they know), but they clean the offices or bathroom, they repackage food, they do heavy lifting or whatever we need. The special needs teacher even brings THOSE kids to work with us! They bag dog food or rice or whatever. This is not about giving back. It's about a photo op. Food bank work is dirty work and you have some weird people come through and some in very difficult circumstances. Today a mom came in with her severely autistic kid. This boy is huge. He was overstimulated and jumping up and down and screaming and banging his head on the wall hard enough to make it shake. She was going to give up but I told her he could sit with me out in the office where it was quiet. He just sat there with his fingers in his ears and rocked and grunted and occasionally reached for my hand. He'd hold it, then go back to plugging his ears with both hands and rock. Heartbreaking. I had a filthy meth head yell at me because I could not give him bus passes. I had a lady cry because she never needed help before. This is just one 2.5 hour shift and it was actually a very quiet day. This is real life. Kate would FREAK. She would never, ever empathize with any of that. She does not know the meaning of giving back. It is not lining up the kids in free, matching T-shirts and having them package lunch bags, important though they are and then getting paid to do it. It is about jumping in with both feet and asking, "What can I do?" and not thinking about what's in it for you. Sometimes it's very uncomfortable, but it's not about us. She makes me ill.
Admin, I agree. Especially from Kate who is supposedly into organic and healthy eating. It's a shame she doesn't bother with the local charities in her area. But we know her charity comes with a price tag. Had she donated her check from the show to feed the hungry, they probably could have had a nice healthy meal.
I'm right with ya Admin. Everyone should be treated the dignity. I've been involved with different foodbanks around Phila. And it kills me too that some people give crap that nobody wants. Please, nobody with kids wants canned sardines. Not that we don't welcome any donations we can get but some common sense would be much appreciated.
And to answer your post. This is bullshit. There are so many families in need in PA. And Central PA has been hit hard with this recession. This is a photo/publicity stunt of the worst kind.
So this goes out to TLC and the Soulless Kate, DON'T USE THE MISFORTUNE OF OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN GREEDINESS. You viles people make my skin crawl.
So phony.
kHate donating time for the less fortunate?
Oh it's being filmed for a show and she gets paid; that makes more sense I thought I was losing my mind for a second.
Check out the video of Kate getting off the boat with the two elders at the 1 minute 10 second mark.
Now, Check out the elderly couple at the McMansion in in 2009.
They are one and the same and on the later photo, they zimbio pic claims they are her parents which they are not.
So if she paid on her own dime, who paid for Steve's services?
@Kelly Kart claims in twitter that they couple are Jon's aunt & uncle.
It's such a joke. I'm sure that the majority of of the regulars on this blog have all donated so much more time and money throughout their lives than Khate ever will, with or without cameras.
Admin, I hear ya about the quality of things donated to food pantries. My pet peeve is people donating EXPIRED stuff. Or even food that is very close to the expiration date when it normally has a year or more shelf life when first purchased. I've always donated to a couple of food pantries in our area, but these last couple of years, I've really stepped it up a lot just as a way of thanking God for the relative financial stability of my family in these crappy economic times. My number one rule is I never donate anything that I wouldn't buy for my own family. In fact, what I do is take advantage of great sales when my regular grocery store has them, plus coupons if I can get any, and I stock up on certain things that we like, plus some extras for donations. I keep a shelf in my pantry area just for donations and I drop them off when I have a few bags worth. Also, my store gives free turkeys around Thanksgiving/Christmas and free hams for Easter, depending on how much you purchased over a few weeks prior. My mother and I always get the freebies and donate them (large hams and turkeys). Uugh, it makes me sad that one year, about five years ago, my husband and I went to a shelter that we've donated the turkeys to many times and they had so many that they were overflowing and didn't know what to do with them. I even wondered if we should have bothered to make the drive a half hour away and back right before the holidays when we were so busy... but, now all the food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters are feeling the sting of the economy and always in such short supply.
I volunteered at a food bank - it was so great - ALot of the local famers donated veggies/fruits so families were getting fresh things - yes the food given by the "gov't" was mac/cheese and other random box stuff. Also they had a booth set up with people training to be nurses/pa's and even doctors there doing blood pressure and checking sugar levels. The BEST part was they would have a booth were they brought folks in that would do a cooking presentation the showed how to make healthy meals with the veggies (primarily) for example squash, zuchini etc. Granted there were alot of folks that just wanted their food and go home but many watched, asked questions and took advantage of the "health watch" booth. This was not a soup kitchen it was in a parking lot (at a church) where a once a month 2 big "ole" trucks pulled up and delivered food to the community. You had to show ID (that you did indeed live in the area they were servicing that week - sort of sad they have to do that but people do take advantage and there is only so much to go around)....Anyways I enjoy working with the program and people are very gracious and appreciative...No one is made to feel embarrassed (as I could say Kate doing!)
Her first tweet, post event: Hi guys!Had a great X tonight mtg sum tweeties! It was great2watch ep 4 1st X w a room full of fans!Thx 4 watching!Thx 4 donations/supp! 24 minutes ago
Me, me, me......oops, thanks for the donations!
Yep, ratings ploy and nothing else.
It's Nana Joan and her husband and they are NOT family.
They are one and the same and on the later photo, they zimbio pic claims they are her parents which they are not.
It was Nana Joan and her husband in the photo at the house. It does not look like Nana Joan in Annapolis - at least I don't think that it does. The woman at the harbor is thinner, has longer hair and a different profile, and is a head shorter than the man. If you look at the photo taken at the house, Nana Joan and her husband look to be almost the same height.
When she says it was great to watch this episode for the first time with fans, does she mean that she doesn't see the episodes at all before they air, or just that she's never watched them with fans before?
As usual Kate's tweets are convoluted and confusing and full of odd abbreviations.
Because if she doesn't see these episodes until they air....that is OUTRAGEOUS. As their mother she should absolutely demand that all episode of her KIDS are run by her before they air.
The man looks similar to the couple from 2009 but the woman looks totally different. She looks younger and has blond wavy hair. I don't think it's the same.
Assuming it is Jon's relatives, I see from the video they were being filmed. Either this couple has no respect for Jon and cannot honor his wishes that the kids cannot be filmed, or agreeing to be filmed is the only way they will see the kids.
Seems to be this is yet another thinly veiled dig at Jon. As in, SEE Jon even your own AUNT AND UNCLE have no problem participating in the kids getting the crap filmed out of them.
This is being filmed so I think it's a little much for Kate to lie about who these people are when we will be able to see them up close on film and it would be crystal clear it's Nana Jana if so.
Unless they are REALLY jumping the shark and using the same actor, different character technique. Ha-ha.
* A room full of fans*. Kate you can lie all you want.....I live in Gray...and there were barely enough cars around that parking lot to call it an event. There was no hoopla in the area for you either. And since we are bordered closely by other states in the Tricites, it's possible some of the fans came from there and not many from around here!
You serve what people will eat and what you have the resources to serve. Sloppy joes might be very popular in NE Tennessee for all I know.
Around here fried fish would be a huge winner, along with some kind of potato salad and green beans. Chili is always a favorite. In another place I've lived they would have people lined up for 6 blocks to get some ham and beans with cornbread. It all depends what the people will eat as to whether they will come to a dinner.
I tried serving my friends a bit of lox on bagels, and I nearly had to go peel them off the walls. But give them a an American cheese sandwich on white bread and they're good to go.
The man looks similar to the couple from 2009 but the woman looks totally different. She looks younger and has blond wavy hair. I don't think it's the same.
I agree, admin. I don't think that it is Nana Joan. If you look at the side view of her in :37 (bottom right of frame), it looks nothing like Nana Joan walking outside the home.
You'll be watching the show to do the recap! :) You'll have to listen to see how they were identified!
I saw the pics from previous thread and read details. Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad that Kate had a smile on her face. I'm not sure how genuine it was but it was a smile.
I was surprised by how tiny she looked in those pics. I know the guy was a really large guy but she even looked very slim and petite standing beside the woman. Maybe it was the black dress but she looks larger on the show. I've always heard that TV adds 10 lbs. so maybe that's it. Obviously she's going to make sure the kids stay really slim, as well, since they've been on the Kate diet since birth. Personally, I think they need to gain 5 or 10 lbs. I don't think she feeds them enough. I don't know, enough about that.
I'll have to eat my words. I bet that she wouldn't show. I'm sure she wasn't wowed but I'm glad she made the effort. Now if she'll write a hefty check before she leaves...I hope 2nd Harvest was blessed with many donations!
kidsRablessing said...
* A room full of fans*.
Oh! I thought she meant she was hot and Steve brought some wind machines in. My bad.
Administrator said...
Either this couple has no respect for Jon and cannot honor his wishes that the kids cannot be filmed, or agreeing to be filmed is the only way they will see the kids.
Your second option makes no sense whatsoever. Jon is not a helpless child. Why can't HE take his kids to see HIS relatives?
I meant to put this in my earlier post and forgot it...one more remark about Kate's shoes:
She's ruining her feet. My mother has worn heels to work for over 50 years. Her feet are totally ruined. They don't even look like normal feet at this point. I don't know how the lady walks on them, the pain must be unbearable at times. The doctor says that this is very common in women who wear heels on a regular basis. Kate's feet will be the same way if she continues to wear heels everyday. Her heels are even higher than my mom's so she'll probably have damage sooner than my mother did. If I sent her a pic of my mother's feet, she might ditch the heels.
Anonymous I suppose Jon could take his kids to see his relatives but he only gets these kids four days a month. I wouldn't blame him for wanting those precious four days to himself and not spending it going hither and yon making sure relatives get to see them too. He barely sees them as it is. On the other hand Kate has all the time in the world to visit relatives.
Fidosmommy said,
"You serve what people will eat and what you have the resources to serve. Sloppy joes might be very popular in NE Tennessee for all I know."
I agree. Here in PA, sloppy joes (we call them hamburger barbecues) are a favorite and are very well received, especially the way we countians make them. I've cooked up batches and batches of the sloppys for shelters and we have to call in more troops to keep the pots going and the joes simmering. We even have sloppy joe cook-off competitions as fund-raisers.
Now I'm hungry for a hamburger barbecue!
This is right up there with going from church to church playing poor and requesting "love offerings". I'm sure that Jon and Kate also had a list of demands that had to be met before they would agree to go (much like a rider that bands have when they play a concert). I'm thinking that Kate might start playing the spiritual card once the show is over and she has no income and realizes that she might have to get a 'real' job. Kate will suddenly have a spiritual rebirth or conversion that moves her to give her testimony about how the media led her astray, ruined her marriage and left her alone and jobless with 8 mouths to feed. Um, make that 9 mouths, I forgot about Steve;) The Duggars do something similar on a fairly regular basis.
I thought that Kelly posted that Kate's itinerary included a stay at the Double Tree while she was on her giving back adventure. Someone just tweeted that she stayed at the Carnegie Hotel and Spa in Johnson City.
So...which was it?
We call them 'Mexican hamburgers' here and they are very popular. We actually have a restaurant that is famous for it's Mexican hamburger.
I watched Hoarders I had recorded, since the DDs and I were at the Y swimming until it closed. One of the people on there was elderly woman who had 11 kids (one at a time) in 12 years when she was first married. 9 survived infancy.
So here she is, elderly and not in good health and getting around with a cane, and only one of her 9 kids actually talks to her on a regular basis. Only 3 of the 9 kids actually came to work and help clean out her house. The two sons who came to help the one daughter had not been home in over 15 years. Another daughter showed up last day to argue with her sister for the cameras. That's 4 - the other 5 kids couldn't be bothered.
Is this what Ms. Kreider's future may look like? Kids that move far away so they never have to see you, kids that live close who ignore you. One can only wonder.
On Her Own Dime said...
I thought that Kelly posted that Kate's itinerary included a stay at the Double Tree while she was on her giving back adventure. Someone just tweeted that she stayed at the Carnegie Hotel and Spa in Johnson City.
So...which was it?
Why do you believe anything that Kelly says?
If I am not mistaken Nana Joan passed away a year or two back. Remember Kate didn't go to her funeral as she didn't want to cause a media circus her being such a STAH and all. More likely she didn't go because she could't be bothered.
I'm curious how many people actually attended this TN event. How many people were they expecting to attend, at least a couple hundred or so since it's at a fairground?
Please don't tell me Kate was foolish enough to expect most of her 17,000 twits would come out and support her, cause they are such die-hard fans of hers on twitter. In those pap photos, I wonder if those Staples boxes (they look like the ones I get from their print center) were head-shots of Kate and/or the kids that she was going to hand out for autographs. It looks like there's at least two or three reams of prints/copies. Another coincidence! Mr. Lone Pap just happened to know that Kate would be busy running errands for this event. Just like he happened to capture photos of the kids filming at home where added landscape was supposed to block most of the views from the street. Wow, either he has ESP or he's just been plain lucky the last two weekends.
If not many people showed up, that must of been a gut-check for her since she's been tweeting about this like crazy. Guess her twits are not so die-hard after all. Or, they couldn't get their parents' permission to travel to some obscure place (out-of-staters like myself wouldn't know about).
This could have been another last-minute disaster like the Santa Monica book signing last year, with no real promotion aside from twitter and local announcements. Some of her out-of-state die-hard tweeters might have attended if Kate announced this at least two weeks ago, so they could make travel arrangements. I guess Kate didn't realize that some of her fans aren't rolling in dough like she is, able to drop loads of cash on last-minute travel plans.
So Kate, for those who couldn't attend but want to support your charity cause, is there a way for us to donate/contribute somehow? I guess not. Just like Honey the koala, no shout-out on how to support Second Harvest or any local food bank. It's just about you, your show, and your event...those food banks can fend for themselves.
Just read on a person's twitter that about 75 people were at the meet and greet. I guess Kate saying a room full of fans sounds more impressive than saying 75 people.
Administrator said...
This is being filmed so I think it's a little much for Kate to lie about who these people are when we will be able to see them up close on film and it would be crystal clear it's Nana Jana if so.
Can't be her:
Janet Weidenheimer, who helped take care of the Gosselin children and appeared on Jon & Kate Plus 8 several times has passed away.
Here's a little taste of kate's meet and greet. http://www2.tricities.com/news/2011/jun/20/kate-plus-8-star-attends-second-harvest-food-bank--ar-1122031/
sloppy joes are called "wimpys" here and people love them. They'll even risk having them drip all over their clothes in order to eat them. They really are tasty.
Hmmm....Apparently "Iwana" was there. His comments......
@ @CJWhodunit Whaddya do when u feel God led u 2 the 1 u been goin after4over a year?&felt some pull for 4 years b4 that when happily married?
5 hours ago »
IwanaDatekate Iwana Datekate
@ @CJWhodunit Dream didnt come true. Just got to see the surreal. Dream come true is to share my life w/ Kate...mushy mushy, I know!
Ok people, if that old woman & man and that kid are Jons' relatives, why are they not Asian? Is Jon not Korean/Asian mix? And would these relatives not look Asian, like the 8 are? And if they are Jons Aunt & Uncle, wouldn't one of them be Asian/Korean? Or that kid with them look like the twins? Genetics don't lie. I think these are more Kate relatives. Kate/TLC are tryin to change her image, you know: look Kate does have relatives, and/or see Kate let's Jons relatives see the kids(even if it were for a 20 mins). But, like some have said here, Kate calls camera crew family. And, yes, Kate looked like a HOOKER! I hardly ever see anybody except hookers dress that way(from the few I've seen in certain parts of town, when I have to drive in those areas). I see young teens and 20 something wear shorts that short, and never hooker heels, they live and breath flip-flops. As, soon as the weather is above 45, out come the flip-flops/sandals. Heels are wore to/at work, or out on the town after work, very few people wear them doing errands. I also think the food bank think was a bust. Kate is very quiet today on twitter, as was she last night. Not as popular as she think she is. Course, she might be mad that she used her own money and it bombed. Perhaps that is why she does not do this in PA, cause maybe hardly anyone would come. It's been 7 years, only a few feeble attempts by Kate over the years to give back(garage sale, the motorbike, did a few helping appearances(photo ops) for JK8 and K8 nothing on her own, and she was paid for all of them). The Jones give back constantly. So do the Duggars, believe that or not. I guess we will have to see what the ratings are. I watched Doctor Who last night at that time. And for the Sheeple, get a life! If and when I donate, it is local, I would not donate to another food bank in another state, when I have food banks here in my own city. If it is a natural disaster, that is different.
I just read on tricites.com that apparently they had over 100 people attend. I noticed they were not specific with the number. I bet those numbers include the people involved with the food bank. The fact is, is that this was a flop. With over 500,000 people in the tricites area, this is all the people who cared to see her. The attendance numbers speak volumes.
Well, it looks as if, not many people came to see Kate. There is a video from the met & greet. Whom ever took it panned the room and it was not crowded. Check this out:
I believe Jon's dad was of German/Dutch ancestry. His mom is Korean.
so sick of her said... Ok people, if that old woman & man and that kid are Jons' relatives, why are they not Asian?
Jon's father, Dr. Gosselin, was not Asian. His mother has Asian heritage.
Janet Weidenheimer, who helped take care of the Gosselin children and appeared on Jon & Kate Plus 8 several times has passed away
It was not Nana Janet in the photos at the Gosselins home; it was Nana JOAN. Nana Joan and her husband are the older folks who Kelly believes are in the photo in Annapolis. The gentleman resembles Nana Joan's husband, but the woman, in my opinion, looks nothing like Nana Joan.
so sick of her....Jon's mom is Asian and dad was Caucasian. I'm assuming the relatives are on the paternal side of the family.
I watched the video and take no joy in seeing a poor turnout. I wish Kate drew more people and raised more money. While she ought to be donating locally in PA (and we don't know that she doesn't), this was for a good cause, so I give Kate props for that.
My goodness, though, Kate has really morphed. I truly think she's had work done on her face. It's not just the hair change; if you look at her 4 years ago, she really looks a lot different. It's subtle work, but there. Look at her eyes and even the shape of the face...
Ok people, if that old woman & man and that kid are Jons' relatives, why are they not Asian? Is Jon not Korean/Asian mix?
They wouldn't be Asian if they were related on Jon's father's (paternal) side. He was Caucasian.
They parked Kate right in front of the Coke truck? Wow. Where was her Nobu?
This is a total ratings ploy. Kate is trying anything to make herself look human, but it still isn't working. Second Harvest is a cause that TLC supports. There are other shows and "celebrities", Buddy from Cake Boss, who have made promos about it. They also have a connection with real stars/chefs from the Food Network who outright support the food banks. Kate is just jumping on TLC's bandwagon. The whole thing is ridiculous really. Everyone has said it....IF SHE WANTS TO GIVE BACK, THEN SHE SHOULD GIVE BACK TO HER OWN COMMUNITY, THAT GAVE SO GENEROUSLY TO HER AND HER FAMILY, WHEN THEY NEEDED IT!!!!! That is just one reason why this whole thing just stinks, it is fake. If Kate wants to be looked at like a real human, who cares about other people, than do it in Pennsylvania, don't get filmed for it, don't make it about you and your worthless books, and don't get paid $250,000 for it!!! She can't make right all the wrong she has done with one 2 hour visit to a food bank, which was filmed, and a follow up book signing. Get your hands dirty DIVA! WORK in the food bank for at least a day. Sweat a little. But even if she did that, I still would not believe it.
She is desperate now. She knows the end is near. A year ago, you would never find her doing this, she had too many vacations planned, too many places to see with the children. So much memory making. She thinks she is misunderstood. No Kate, you are miserable. A miserable, greedy, selfish, fake and I personally don't think you have a charitable bone in your body and you never will.
About Nana Joan - I could be mistaken, but didn't she pass away. I know one of Kate's volunteers passed, and I thought it was her.
Rant over....Have a nice day!
ugh tacky looking, and she clashes so much with her black evening cocktail dress, she looks ridiculous, and that HAIR ugh, ok I'll admit it I liked the other do better, at least it wasn't so overprocessed and yellow, now she just looks like a tramp at 100%.
Stewmama said... Here's a little taste of kate's meet and greet. http://www2.tricities.com/news/2011/jun/20/kate-plus-8-star-attends-second-harvest-food-bank--ar-1122031/
For whomever asked if she was picking up pictures from staples, the answer is yes. If you watch the clip from Stewmama, there she is giving out pictures of her precious kids to complete and total strangers. I sincerely doubt she paid for all those pictures to give out for free! Sure that wasn't on HER DIME!
Oh and IWANA seems like a total psycho. Why all the chatter about meeting Steve too. Wierd
I taped the show at Granny's (she's going to watch regardless and I really wanted to see this epi to see how Kate treated the people). It was boring, and I feel asleep twice. Things that stood out to me were:
1) The children are socially inept IMO. They did not have good manners, did not know how to properly greet people, initiate a conversation or mingle with other children at the school, etc. They did, however, seem to enjoy themselves at the donations centers. They were happy as long as they stayed busy.
2) I noticed that Alexis became frustrated very easily to the point of almost having a tantrum at one point. I'm sure that was the type of behavior that caused her expulsion.
3) I worked at an elementary school for years. I know what a 7 year old acts like. Those children act very immature to be 7 years old IMO.
4) I don't know what was wrong with Alexis' speech, but I could hardly understand her during couch time. Joel still has the lisp.
5) Kate is still carrying Hannah. Make her walk, for Pete's sake! She's 7!
6) Leah is a little doll!
7) Aaden seemed more immature than the others. He always wanted to be the baby and I think he STILL wants to be a baby.
6) At the first donation center Kate mentioned that she started gathering food, etc. without being told to. Well Kate, that's what a mature adult does.
7) When they arrived at the grocery Kate was greeted by a woman at the door. Kate did not even give the woman a glance, she only said "Hey" and kept on walking. That spoke volumes to me, because I'm sure that is the way Kate treats everyone.
8) Kate played nice for the cameras. No meltdowns or tantrums.
9) I saw very little of Cara and she did not speak at all. Mady, on the other hand, was very visible throughout the entire episode and did quite a bit of couch time. I love Mady and I think she's going to be a beauty.
10) Kate required a limo to and from events. They should have saved the money and given it to the needy.
11) At the end of their stint at the grocery store, Kate is seen writing a check. She says she is giving a donation for backpacks filled with school supplies. She says she is going to donate enough money for 8 backpacks, then she says something about $93. I never understood if she wrote the check for $93 or for $744. I don't know how much things like that cost. Can you buy and fill 8 backpacks for $93?
12) Kate said that any child that didn't want to participate in the activities didn't have to. They could stay in the bus or whatever. I think everyone participated in everything except Cara. I didn't see her participate in anything. She's definitely not a happy camper. I think she'll move to Jon's house if she gets the chance. Run, Cara, run!
Why do you believe anything that Kelly says?
I don't, which is why I asked! Someone said that Kate stayed at the Carnegie, but Kelly reported she had reservations at the Double Tree. Kelly said that Kate didn't visit relatives in Annapolis, but Kate said she visited Jon's relatives, and there is a photo of an older couple that Kelly said is the same couple who had been misidentified as Kate's parents and was later identified as Nana Joan and her husband. It looks nothing like Nana Joan, although the man does resemble Nana Joan's husband. Nana Joan should not be confused with Nana Janet, the babysitter who passed away. Are they Jon's relatives - I guess we'll find out when it airs!
Kelly says that Kate will be in NYC on Wednesday, so we shall see!
@so sick of her...Jon's father was caucasian.
If 100 people did pay, that's $800 for the food bank, so that's good. They can buy much more food (in bulk and through wholesalers) than the average consumer. Did you see those stacks of pictures she had ready though (on the video)? Looks like a lot of wasted paper, unfortunately!
so sick of her said
"Ok people, if that old woman & man and that kid are Jons' relatives, why are they not Asian? Is Jon not Korean/Asian mix? And would these relatives not look Asian, like the 8 are? And if they are Jons Aunt & Uncle, wouldn't one of them be Asian/Korean?"
Jon's mom is Korean. His dad was IIRC French-Welsh. If those were indeed relatives and the name of the owners was Gosselin (per Kelly), then they would be relatives from his FATHERS side and NOT Asian.
First time posting. Enjoy reading all of the insightful comments. I just wanted to share the news of new Texas sextuplets with your readers. Kate's never been special as far as I am concerned and any news of other sextuplets being born just proves that point.
I was un TN and I had no overwelming intrest to meet her maybe if she was like she use to be. Also looked like she had a stack of books I wonder were thoes here. "I Just Want U To Know" books
It didn't look like many people were there to began with but we all know. Kate will rationalize in a way to make herself feel better.
I think this passing out pictures thing Kate has done for years is about the creepiest thing you can do short of filming 150 episodes full of the kids' private moments.
If you passed out pictures of your kids to strangers in any other setting, you would be considered a total creep-a-holic. And those that took them would be even worse. What do they do, stick them on the fridge and stare at them every morning over their Cheerios? Does anyone else throw up a little at the very idea of some stranger looking at your kid every morning?
But because it's an "organized" book signing and Kate is dressed up and there are balloons it's okay???
Yeah, not okay.
I love the irony that I got carted away from a Kate event for simply asking Kate, respectfully, whether the new child labor bill would affect filming, but someone who is on an obsessive rampage on Twatter channeling Jodi Foster's stalker is allowed all the time in the world to hang around Kate and treated like gold. Misguided security.
She sure is quiet on Twitter today.
so sick of her said... Ok people, if that old woman & man and that kid are Jons' relatives, why are they not Asian? Is Jon not Korean/Asian mix? And would these relatives not look Asian, like the 8 are?
Jon's Father was not the least bit Asian, so it stands to reason that side of the family would not be Asian either. I thought Jon once said his dad was of English descent. Jon gets his Asian background strictly from his mother's side.
Admin, I too find it creepy that total strangers want photos of the kids. It would actually frighten me if someone I didn't know at all was preoccupied with me and my everyday activities.
Then again, I'm pretty much not a narcissist who needs attention.
Administrator said... I love the irony that I got carted away from a Kate event for simply asking Kate, respectfully, whether the new child labor bill would affect filming, but someone who is on an obsessive rampage on Twatter channeling Jodi Foster's stalker is allowed all the time in the world to hang around Kate and treated like gold. Misguided security.
WTF are you talking about misguided security? No Security is more like it1 Stevie is purseboy, bag boy, Kate's babysitter but nowhere near a security guard. Years of pictures of them together evidence that:))))
I haven't laughed this hard about the nonsense going on with Twitter in a long time, but it looks like the guy who says Kate is the woman for him, IwanadateKate, supposedly paid $25.00 and met her last night. He also talked to Steve.
Iwana's tweet: "And to those that question Steve, I will say that he is more than most will give credit. Unsung Hero. Nice man...a gentleman."
I think this guy, Iwana, is more than a bit strange to be so infatuated with a reality tv mom who demonstrates such incredibly rude behavior towards others, and I of course don't agree with his other assessments of Kate, but I sure do agree with what he said about Steve being an "unsung hero".
LMAO ---- anyone who could put up with Kate's BS for so many years, who carries her purse and shopping bags, opens doors, gets her to appointments on time, serves as a buffer between her and the public, helps her choose her breast implant size, takes photos of her, and puts up with her frequent histrionics is indeed an "unsung hero". TLC should award the guy a medal for a job performed under such ungodly circumstances. Thanks Mr. Iwana for the laugh!
Wow how the mighty have fallen....a folding card table in a small venue in front of the snack truck! My feelings are that she's doing it for the publicity and trying to change her image (per TLC directives). No one's buying it. She needs to take a lesson from real people who give back and don’t expect anything in return. She can come to AZ and observe the folks who are working tirelessly with people/pets who have been displaced by the wildfire or those soldiers and civilians working tirelessly clearing brush and digging fire breaks (not to mention the fire fighters and other emergency who work with little or no sleep to fight this beast). The only cameras that we see are the news cameras and when approached for an interview many people have said "not now thanks we're too busy" - those are people who are really giving back Kate. I don’t want to hear the sheeple arguments that the soldiers and fire fighters/emergency personnel are being paid. They may be paid but they are risking their lives for people they don’t even know and they all deserve a paycheck as large as the one that Kate got for “giving back”. They aren't looking for accolades they're just looking to help out neighbors. On second thought we don’t even want her here to observe because we’re just too damn busy. Didn’t watch and will not watch and I’m glad that her appearance was a flop even after her constant tweeting. When will TLC get the message that no one really cares any more?
I'm no Khate defender, but I think her twit meant it's the first time watching an episode with a bunch of people - NOT her first time watching this episode. I'm guessing she was very disappointed, but hey looks like she kept it together - ativan must be working (snark) Iwanna - waaay to creepy, her security needs to really look at those tweets, my goodness God has led him to her? He knew she was the one even when he was happily married??? This does NOT bode well. Any one remember Rebecca Schaeffer from "My Sister Sam" ?
Kate's tweet from 3 days ago:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GN!Day over!I did my own2days of art projects4the Tenn event on Mon!Can't wait2reveal my surprises!I've nevr put so muchX into an event!
I wonder what Kate's art projects were? Never heard a word.
That video is creepy.
She looks way over the top in her facial expressions and pretending to be enthralled with each person that comes up to the table. 'Staged' doesnt even do it justice. It's all just so phony these days why does this continue?
And once again she has NO CLUE how to dress. A fairground, and you wear some cocktail LBD with heels? It just looks even goofier with folks in flip flops and jeans waiting in line for the hooker to sign some book they will never read.
Sad, but a long time coming.
Put a fork in this one she is done.
I always think of Rebecca Shaefer when I think of the fanatics. It was such a sad loss.
I wonder if Kate's lips ever get tired from tooting her own horn. I've never seen anyone so self-absorbed and conceited. Mememememememememmememememememe!!
Enough about me! What do you think of me?
Not sure when the tweet was, but they posted it on another site. She was asked about the "yoghurt" incident and she apparently responded, something like "I had 6 preemies and NO INCOME, I didn't have time for yoghurt nonsense" Why is she responding to something that turned out to be a huge hoax (pennmommy)you'd think she'd shout it from the mountaintops that it was just another "HATER"
Why doesn't she address WHY there was NO INCOME?
That Jon was fired for using co. time to surf the net for freebies? Why doesn't she explain how they could afford not ONE round of fertility treatments, but TWO?? I don't twitter, but I hope if someone does, they might ask some SERIOUS "straighten the record" type of questions!
Stewmama said... Here's a little taste of kate's meet and greet. http://www2.tricities.com/news/2011/jun/20/kate-plus-8-star-attends-second-harvest-food-bank--ar-1122031/
Boy, something's different here! Someone mentioned "ativan working" and I have to wonder if she IS taking some kind of medication...
She looks like she isn't mad in this video. I can't really say "she looks good or happy" but she doesn't have that overt snotty "I'm better than you" mien either.
And yes, a folding table in front of the coke/snack stand...... quite a ways from the red carpet!
I also have to agree that the iwanadate guy is totally creepy......... ugh.
Oh, and did I miss the TLC cameras? Were they filming?
I stand corrected. I truly did not know Jon's father was, german background. I saw his brother and mother once, and thought his father was mixed as well. So yeah, if these are Jon relatives ok. But Kate only spent about 20 min with them. According to, someone here or some place else, I read, Kate spend about 1 hour in Annapolis, and then left the way she came. I read one article that said about 100 people came to the meet & greet. So the person here who said 75, that sounds about right. When I use to go and see Davy Jones, he would do M & G, and it was usually about 200-300 people, would stay, after the show. Sometimes he would do a M & G, that would charge about up to $100, and he would always have anywhere from 50 to 200 people. And he has a place in Beaver, PA, been to his house. But, gee is Kate quiet!
Fake and phoney to the max! Why make donations publicly? Attention addiction, do you think? Please keep voting with our remotes!
Before Kate went to the Tenn Food Bank, she was unaware that there were people in the US that were going hungry:
“I needed to be here, because this area needs so much help and the fact that there’s hunger in our country is upsetting to me. I mean, I just left here the first time thinking, ‘I cannot imagine not being able to feed my eight kids.’ It’s too much. That is such a primary, elementary need,” she said.
Gosselin said it was a shock to learn about the hunger needs in the country, because when thinking about hunger needs, one often imagines needs in third world countries rather than in their own backyard.
Change her image? HA! Once a narcissist, always a narcissist. I wonder how many of her 8 will end up the same way? So, so sad.
I don't twitter, but I hope if someone does, they might ask some SERIOUS "straighten the record" type of questions!
People HAVE asked Kate serious questions. She blocks them!
She was "shocked" to learn about the hunger needs in the country? Didn't she once claim she didn't know where their next meal was going to come from? Didn't she 'scrounge' under the couch pillows to find loose change to pay the bills??? Didn't she claim at some point that they might lose their house? But I guess it had to be pointed out to her that there are OTHERS that might need a helping hand. What a doofus!
The twit's tweets said... I haven't laughed this hard about the nonsense going on with Twitter in a long time, but it looks like the guy who says Kate is the woman for him, IwanadateKate, supposedly paid $25.00 and met her last night. He also talked to Steve.
Iwana's tweet: "And to those that question Steve, I will say that he is more than most will give credit. Unsung Hero. Nice man...a gentleman."
I have always assumed Iwana is Steve.
My son & I volunteer at the local soup kitchen & we do it on Thanksgiving as well. I like to think that I'm teaching him about giving back & that there are a lot of people out there who are in greater need. When my son sees someone from our neighborhood go to the soup kitchen for a meal, I think it makes him think a bit harder about throwing food away or wasting it. And it has.
We have seen some people there who have had...issues. There are 2 brothers when we see coming we need to open all of the windows because they well, smell pretty badly. We have seen drunks, drug addicts, mothers with their children {which is obviously not their fault} & much more. Let Kate volunteer at a soup kitchen more than once & see how she fares. My son & I don't do long shifts, only a couple of hours, but I bet Kate couldn't even handle that. She would leave if she caught a whiff of those brothers, or saw a guy come in hammered. (or she would let him lick her feet) And if she wasn't getting paid & had a camera on her? Forget it, if it's not a photo op. Some people just don't have that instinct to want to help people. And the ones who do aren't better or anything, we just know where our hearts lie. Kate's heart-as black as it is-lies soulless & bleak. Only helping herself.
~Hippie Chick~
Still the constant gum chomping...classy people do not do that in public Kate...money can't make you something you are not. She's doing the trashy Kardashian thing that has taken over current culture among teenagers and twenty-somethings of making every other word she utters "like"--the modern version of a Valley Girl...SO STUPID, shows such a lack of intelligence. And TLC is so utterly transparent in their attempt to rehabilitate her image to that of a caring person and loving and involved mother...it looks fake as hell.
One more thing - as Khate says in one of the articles:
“This actually was such a great experience when I was here with my kids for our show ‘Kate Plus 8,’ and I left thinking, ‘What else could I do?’ ” Gosselin said before sitting down to watch the episode with local fans..............
“I needed to be here, because this area needs so much help and the fact that there’s hunger in our country is upsetting to me. I mean, I just left here the first time thinking, ‘I cannot imagine not being able to feed my eight kids.’ It’s too much. That is such a primary, elementary need,” she said.
What more can you do, Khate? Well, here’s a thought: in addition to food, the other "elementary needs" are clothing and shelter! If you care sooo much about others in need, why have you not donated the clothing of your EIGHT kids for the last seven to ten years????? Just think how many kids could have used those clothes! Instead, you bring it to consignment shops for a few bucks, even the clothing you got for free. What gives?? I don't think I have a single friend or family member that doesn’t donate their kids' clothes, (except maybe for a couple that pass it down to younger relatives first, and after that it gets donated). Khate should be ashamed of herself for not donating their clothing all these years! If she’s so concerned with how people are feeding their kids, where does she think they get clothing for their growing children?? Yeah, sure, she cares about other less fortunate people…….bullsh*t!!!!!
Speaking of Iwana, went over to his twitter account and you're right Nobody Likes A Narcissist, he's weird and creepy. There's really something wrong with him. Here's what he responded to CJWhodunit when she told him to keep the faith and how God is going to lead Kate to him one day. He wrote, "Whaddya do when u feel God led u 2 the 1 u been goin after4over a year?&felt some pull for 4 years b4 that when happily married?" Please, can someone tell me if he's saying that while he was still happily married he had the hots for Kate?
That Iwana guy is indeed weird and creepy. I have a question - if he really was there and really met Khate, has he posted a pic yet on Twitter?? In the video, I see Khate posing for photos with fans, so where's his pic? He should post it. C’mon Iwana, prove that you met her!
If she finally met him, wouldn't you have loved to have been a fly on the wall when she was discussing him with Steve! I bet those two had a really good chuckle about it!
@Kateplusmy8 Get some rest today, MamaG! You TOTALLY deserve it after all the help you provided! We love you for that!! xoxox
I may be missing something, but what did Kate do in Tennessee that would leave her TOTALLY deserving rest? Did she WORK, or just sit at the table, signing books?
I used to think that these sheeple teens were just naive. I've changed my opinion. They're just plain messed up:
@Kateplusmy8 "don't you ever , ever feel like your less that perfect" :-)
RT @tashapork: @Kateplusmy8 I really admire how U look out 4 Ur children's individual needs & don't just lump them into a six pack. U PREVENT exploitation
What show is this person watching? INDIVIDUALS? Prevent exploitation? Prevent exploitation by whom? She's doing the exploiting!
RT @tashapork: @Kateplusmy8 I really admire how U look out 4 Ur children's individual needs & don't just lump them into a six pack. U PREVENT exploitation
Oh please. Those kids are 7 years old and still made to dress alike. This serves to draw attention to Kate. We get it- she had 6 kids at once which is a miracle, but let them pick their own clothes already.
If Kate encouraged individuality, those kids would be doing individual activities, do day camp, gymnastics etc. But they're not. They are kept as a herd on their compound.
They need to improve their social and speaking skills something fierce. Compare them to like-aged Duggars and wow, what a difference in maturity (from the clips I've seen, the kids are still squirming and bouncing around on the couch) and communication skills.
Any word on the ratings? Pawn Stars really seems to be keeping its momentum going. I love that show...entertaining, and at the same time, a history lesson in each show.
Please, can someone tell me if he's saying that while he was still happily married he had the hots for Kate?
I understood it to mean that he had the hots for her while SHE was still happily married (to Jon...IF she ever was!).
You could be right, though!
With regard to the discussion of the people on the video from MD last week, I'm not even sure who Nana Joan, Nana Janet, etc even are because I never saw the show back then. But, since it came up, I enlarged and merged the pics for a comparison:
I wonder how it is that for nearly every event, she is never dressed properly.You go to help a foodbank, and you wear a cocktail dress, yep, she is humble and so understanding, isn't she?
Imagine all of the good she could have done for any foodbank, if she would have stayed away from Australia and N.Zealand, which must have cost a ton of money. Wonder if she has donated towards the Koalas, or if it is a case of 'out of site, out of mind'. Interesting that Iwana has an ex-wife, wonder if she has said anything about his creepy infatuation with kate. And if I EVER found out that a stranger got permanently inked with my child's name, on their body, I would totally freak out! Everything about Harbour Hooker is 'effed up and strange. Maybe Iwana would be the perfect match for her!
Oh, Iwana supposedly got his 5 minutes...and said his dream was squashed. Realizes he doesn't stand a chance, Kate knew who he was, so did Steve (really? seriously?)they even chatted about Kelly (ya get to meet your idol and you chat about a hater???) so he did the honorable thing, kept Kelly up til 3:00 am fighting on twitter - altho Khate'll be angry with him for doing so. Oh yeah, he doesn't LOVE her, he LIKES her. This is oh so very, very bizarre...soooo very bizarre. And yes he did intimate he was pulled to her while HE was happily married (I think she's been clear she wasn't happily married for a very long time).
"They need to improve their social and speaking skills something fierce. Compare them to like-aged Duggars and wow, what a difference in maturity (from the clips I've seen, the kids are still squirming and bouncing around on the couch) and communication skills."
Seven-year-olds don't bounce around, waving their arms and talking jibberish the way those kids do. They act like toddlers. It's four-year-old behavior at best. She just will not let them grow up. Maybe she sees what happened to the twins as they matured - there's not much interest in them, they stopped being cute, and she's afraid that's exactly what is going to happen to her 6-pack.
That building where Kate was doing her event is HUGE! That is the same building I was in for the Easter egg hunt in April. Since she only had maybe 100 or so there, it would look very very empty if that is the case. I also don't think that everybody who went to see her paid the $25. I think the $25 was only for an event before the 6:00pm screening. I'm sure many went to the free meet and greet. So there was probably way less people for the paid event. The event was a flop. And I believe the Second Harvest now probably know Kate is not a very worthwhile spokesperson. Especially since the news said first, that she was here to promote her show! How selfish can she be,using a Food Bank to promote her show! At 7:15 yesterday that parking lot looked pretty empty to me, and now I see why, based on attendance numbers.
Laurie, thanks for the shoutout to firefighters. I am married to a retired firefighter. My husband was very humble about his career and never spoke about it unless he was asked. It was a calling for him, and he knew everytime he went to work could be his last day of life. He did a very heroic act during his last few years as a firefighter(he saved his childhood friend, who accidently shot himself on a hunting trip). That event led to him reflecting on life and wanting to retire after 21 years of service. As much as he loved his career in saving life and property, he wanted to be able to raise our last 2 younger children. He never made big money, and got a nice retirement. But for him it was about helping his fellow man, never ever wanting accolades for it. To me my husband is an unsung hero.
I agree that Kate's fashion choice for the event was unfortunate. Tim Gunn might even say it was vulgar ;-)
I would have dressed smart casual, light, breezy, summery in order to fit in. I would NOT have chosen to look like a Robert Palmer girl.
Again, I think it goes back to a lack of confidence. Dressing smartly says "I'm confident, comfortable and open". Dressing too formally and, might I say, in a provocative manner just screams insecurity.
Not appropriate for a fair grounds shindig in a fly over state.
No offense to fly over states.
Donna said...
12) Kate said that any child that didn't want to participate in the activities didn't have to. They could stay in the bus or whatever. I think everyone participated in everything except Cara. I didn't see her participate in anything. She's definitely not a happy camper. I think she'll move to Jon's house if she gets the chance. Run, Cara, run!
Donna, Interesting observations from the episode, thanks.
I remember Kate threatening the kid's for bad behavior with having to sit in the bus / van in the Australia episode so I equate her saying if the kids don't want to film they can go sit somewhere as punishment and I would imagine they would interpret it the same way. If she'd say they can stay at the hotel and swim or go to a friend's house if they don't want to film I might believe her, but for anyone of them to have to stay alone on the sidelines sounds too much like punishment to me.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...Thanks to everyone who posted the links to the articles and videos. I'll make them clickable
It may seem trivial but having "clickable" links helps so much, especially for tablet and smartphone devices.
Since Kate supposedly funded her own trip to this TN event, do you think she'll do that again in the future with such a low turn-out from her twitter fans? How many of her 17,000+ twits actually came to support her last night? (Since Kate probably believes all those twitter accounts are actual, individual people - not multiple accounts by same persons.)
It wouldn't surprise me if Kate considers funding her own travel trips as HER charitable contribution and does not donate additional money, etc.
As for those art projects Kate was tweeting about, it was probably the plethora of head-shots she had Staples copy and print for her. Such hard work. I won't believe it until I see a photo from her millionth pink iphone, just like those Easter baskets.
Well, it's still not cutting a ribbon at a Pay Less, but...
I, & many others have called this one. She will do just about anything to stay relevant. A one piece bathing suit at a boat show? Opening a new Giant store? The opening of an envelope? What's next Kate?
And I said said this earlier but it didn't go through (if it does ignore this) This show is a Catch 22: The awareness TLC is trying to portray is a good message about the hungry people in the world, & I definitely like the message, it's just too bad it's Kate who is delivering the message. I wish TLC would realize no matter what they do with Kate, they just can't make her what she was 2 or 3 years ago. And I wish Kate would realize that as well. She just doesn't have any star power. Nor did she. She got lucky & that's it. Changing an image, revamping, whatever they try to do, Kate has already made her bed & it's over.
~Hippie Chick~
kidsRablessing said...That building where Kate was doing her event is HUGE! That is the same building I was in for the Easter egg hunt in April. Since she only had maybe 100 or so there, it would look very very empty if that is the case. I also don't think that everybody who went to see her paid the $25. I think the $25 was only for an event before the 6:00pm screening. I'm sure many went to the free meet and greet. So there was probably way less people for the paid event. The event was a flop. And I believe the Second Harvest now probably know Kate is not a very worthwhile spokesperson. Especially since the news said first, that she was here to promote her show! How selfish can she be,using a Food Bank to promote her show! At 7:15 yesterday that parking lot looked pretty empty to me, and now I see why, based on attendance numbers.
I think the $25 "cover fee" was too high for what looked like a small event. Yes, the money was going to Second Harvest but from the articles posted above, it also sounds like that area has many struggling families so $25 is asking a lot. Even the $8 seems like a lot to watch an episode with Kate. They should have made it open-ended, allowing people to contribute any dollar amount they want to see the screening.
I also recall you mentioning about bad weather yesterday, but that doesn't keep the really die-hard fans from coming out.
Again, this seemed rather last-minute (on Kate's side) which could have also hampered attendance. If Kate had finalized plans sooner and announced it at least two weeks ago, it's possible that many of her fans would have come.
Or, we now know just how die-hard those Kate fans on twitter really are. Not so die-hard afterall.
Carol said...
Donna said...
12) Kate said that any child that didn't want to participate in the activities didn't have to. They could stay in the bus or whatever. I think everyone participated in everything except Cara. I didn't see her participate in anything. She's definitely not a happy camper. I think she'll move to Jon's house if she gets the chance. Run, Cara, run!
Donna, Interesting observations from the episode, thanks.
I remember Kate threatening the kid's for bad behavior with having to sit in the bus / van in the Australia episode so I equate her saying if the kids don't want to film they can go sit somewhere as punishment and I would imagine they would interpret it the same way. If she'd say they can stay at the hotel and swim or go to a friend's house if they don't want to film I might believe her, but for anyone of them to have to stay alone on the sidelines sounds too much like punishment to me.
That just made me think of something. I know Cara and Mady seem bright and from what I've read everywhere, it seems like at least Cara is so over being dragged around filming this dumb show. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Cara or one of the other kids starts to rebel by complaining about having to go somewhere to film another episode soon. Let's face it, we all know that despite Khate's lies, this is NOT them just living their lives and having a film crew follow them around on things they were doing anyway. Rather, it's all so FABRICATED for a tv show. It's all about the producers thinking up new ideas and places to go to film an EPISODE. I'm sure Cara and Mady are smart enough to realize that by now and starting to see it as a job, and a big pain. So, I know if I were them I would basically stomp my feet and say I'm NOT going to such and such this week/this weekend, I'll stay at Dad's house instead. If that scenario hasn't happened yet, I bet it will be happening very soon. Khate isn't going to be able to totally control them much longer.
I wish I could get past the apathy I feel for corrupt Kate AND TLC, so that I could leave a comment.
On second thought, I will leave a comment...
Damn it, part me feels like, who cares who's involved as long as folks in need are fed, clothed, and have shelter.
The other part of me feels that helping people in need is something she (and all of us) should be doing all along, without fanfare. Something that's supposed to be a loving, and kind act, ends up being associated with her rotten t.v. show. And that's where it messes it up for me. Sh*t!
I'm sorry for the rant.
Carol said
but for anyone of them to have to stay alone on the sidelines sounds too much like punishment to me.
Yeah, "not participating" did not include staying home and having a private life.
Tucker's Mom said... I agree that Kate's fashion choice for the event was unfortunate. Tim Gunn might even say it was vulgar ;-)
I would have dressed smart casual, light, breezy, summery in order to fit in. I would NOT have chosen to look like a Robert Palmer girl.
Again, I think it goes back to a lack of confidence. Dressing smartly says "I'm confident, comfortable and open". Dressing too formally and, might I say, in a provocative manner just screams insecurity.
Not appropriate for a fair grounds shindig in a fly over state.
She probably wears a tiara to parent/teacher conferences.... ;o)
Tucker's Mom said... I agree that Kate's fashion choice for the event was unfortunate. Tim Gunn might even say it was vulgar ;-)
I would have dressed smart casual, light, breezy, summery in order to fit in. I would NOT have chosen to look like a Robert Palmer girl.
Again, I think it goes back to a lack of confidence. Dressing smartly says "I'm confident, comfortable and open". Dressing too formally and, might I say, in a provocative manner just screams insecurity.
Not appropriate for a fair grounds shindig in a fly over state.
No offense to fly over states.
June 21, 2011 1:24 PM
She has to stand out. She is terrified of blending in and not being noticed. Always has to present herself as higher class than everybody else ( I think this is the fascination with the heels. Makes her feel fancy ).
She is the kind of woman who is always in fear there will be another woman around who is prettier and who gets more attention.
I just shake my head and laugh at her obvious fakeness with trying so hard to be nice and chatting up fans. You know she hated every minute of it. That is, hated every minute of having to be nice and talk to people. But she LOVES the attention and being treated like a star.
I would bet everything I own that when Stevie boy took her back to her 5 star hotel, she let out a grumble and sigh and growled that she was exhausted, and glad that was over because it was torture to have to keep that smiley face on.
She and Steve probably downed a box of wine together and ordered fancy schmancy room service after an exhausting day of "Giving Back".
I just checked TV by the Numbers and they posted SOME cable ratings for last night. Their source, Travis Yanan, hasn't been posting as much at his blog lately.
So, TV by the Numbers posted this:
We only receive the top 100 cable shows for adults 25-54 for the whole day from our (non-TravisYanan) source, and several typical TravisYanan featured shows were not on the list. Will add extras that Travis reports later below. I generally filter out repeats, and kids shows, and non-primetime shows.
K+8 was NOT included in what he posted, the top 100.
*this* is how you rock a pair of red platforms!
Liv Tyler is fresh, age-appropriate and has got the legs to pull it off. Also note; no ankle straps!
Tucker's Mom said... I agree that Kate's fashion choice for the event was unfortunate. Tim Gunn might even say it was vulgar ;-)
I would have dressed smart casual, light, breezy, summery in order to fit in. I would NOT have chosen to look like a Robert Palmer girl.
Haha, that made me laugh because one time a guy in a bar told me I looked like a Robert Palmer backup singer!
From the comments section at TV by The Numbers - Robert Seidman, who posted the ratings, replied to a comment:
Irish 33
Posted June 21, 2011 at 2:32 PM
Bob what is TLC doctoring up Gosselin’s ###s again
Robert Seidman
Posted June 21, 2011 at 2:38 PM
ah, conspiracy theorists. TLC can’t doctor the #s. Unfortunately (as explained in the post) we see a limited subset of the daily numbers and Kate Plus 8 was not among them. It means nothing though, my guess is it was a bit lower due to Cake Boss (I’m not even sure if last night’s Cake Boss was a new episode, which is why I didn’t include it) was much, lower than last week
Funny, he changed the color font on the section that I posted in my last comment, to red.
So, it's always some excuse whenever the ratings are bad. Hoping for under a million!
TLC ship is sinking-What a great idea about having the donations open, to contribute what they could afford, instead of set fees. Especially when in an area of the country that really does have a lot of need. Too bad kate is so hungry for money and the spotlight, or she could have done things differently for once in her 'new money' lifestyle.
While looking around for ratings info, I found something interesting that was posted today about other TLC shows from last week and the ratings they pulled in. We all know that K+8 doesn't come close to these kind of ratings, so why would TLC stick with this show once the contract is over:
[06/20/11 - 12:15 PM]
TLC Wins Ratings Crown on Wednesday Night
TLC spins the numbers for Wednesday, June 15.
[via press release from TLC]
Extreme Couponing ends on a high note and Toddlers & Tiaras kicks-off with a bang on Wednesday night (June 15, 9:30 and 10 p.m. ET/PT), earning TLC the #1 ad-supported cable network in Primetime among W18-49 and W18-34.
The finale of Extreme Couponing (Wed at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT) garnered 2.1M P2+ viewers, ranking #1 in all ad-supported cable among P/W25-54, W18-49 and W18-34 and showing double-digit increases vs. the prior 6-week Prime average among all demos. Since its series premiere, Extreme Couponing has averaged 1.9M P2+ viewers and has continued to rank in the top 3 in all ad-supported cable, (excluding sports and award shows) among W18-49 and W18-34.
TLC's much anticipated return of Toddlers & Tiaras (Wed at 10 p.m. ET/PT) premiered to high marks delivering 1.9M P2+ viewers and ranking #2 among all ad-supported cable among W25-54, 18-34 and #3 with W18-49. The popular series showed double-digit increases vs. the prior 6-week Prime average among all demos.
New episodes of Toddlers & Tiaras continue to air Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on TLC.
It looks like TLC no longer needs Khate!
Exactly! After reading the posts you all pretty much wrote what I was thinking too.
If a “Celebrity” is supporting a charity they typically will match whatever dollar amount is raised during the event. They support charities that have meaning to them. AND MOST DONATE WITH OUT IT HITTING THE PRESS FOR PUBLICITY!
Since the very first episode I saw right thru her nasty ass. I can’t even watch TLC Period anymore because ultimately they are responsible for pulling the pull on all of her shenanigans.
In my house we call sloppy Joes, Untidy Joseph’s. I agree with many of you above that these sandwiches are delish when made with good ground beef and fresh ingredients. To think that food banks serve the same quality is like comparing a Swanson turkey dinner to Thanksgiving. I’ve worked with Shelters and food banks and it’s very frustrating when people give expired, random things. HELLO, kids don’t want your canned sardines.
I’m glad the food bank was able to get something out of this event. I’m just so frustrated that this vile women, YEA THAT YOU KATE! Isn’t held accountable for her actions.
I just took a look on Twitter and I see a Khate fan posted a pic from last night when he got her autograph. What's hysterical is that nutcase fan sheeple Trippen asked him in the comments how many people were there and he replied:
TrippenIn 22 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ahhh, How cool is that!!!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us ;-) about how many people were are there???
LivinForLife 22 hours ago
Wow how lucky you are to of met Kate. Great picture too. Enjoy the rest of the event.
sheman8r 18 hours ago
maybe like 75 altogether
sheman8r 18 hours ago
thanks it was an awesome thing and Kate was really nice and down to earth she even stayed after the show to make sure all got
sheman8r 18 hours ago
an autograph and pics
Ha ha ha ha ha!! That comes from a SHEEPLE fan, not a “hater”. Poor Tripen must be devastated! The sheeple confirmed it was “maybe like 75 altogether”” LMAO, 75 people in all, meaning including the people from Feeding America and anyone else working there. Ha ha.
KidsRablessing – you nailed it! You estimated about 75 from what you saw last night. Thanks for all that info, btw!
I feel nothing for Kate. She is who she is and at her age she's not going to change.
I do feel for her children. All eight of them. She's setting every one of them up for failure in one way or another.
1. Every one of them has been taught that they are entitled.
2. Some of them have realized that to please means reward.
3. Some of them already exhibit signs of turning inward instead of asking for help or voicing their own thoughts or needs.
4. They've not been taught proper boundaries between adults and children let alone friends and strangers.
5. They are not being allowed to grow up or to grow into themselves or get to know themselves. Which is what being a kid is all about. Stunted kids grow up to be stunted adults. And it's not so cute when they're 30.
I think a few of these kids may grow up to be alright. But I'm afraid a large majority are going to have problems functioning in the world as adults. And that's sad because I can't see Kate wanting to be anywhere around a child who isn't perfect. I hope Jon is preparing himself for the fallout, because if either of them is going to deal with it, I think it will have to be him.
Didn't Nana Janet die a year or two ago?
I have a question - did Iwana really meet Kate? From what I've read, he said Steve was nice, but did he say anything about meeting Kate and if she was nice? Was she civil to him? Has he said?
Heidi, yes Iwana met Kate:
@kateplusmy8 it was nice to c u in person. U truly r a BEAUTIFUL woman inside n out!
20 hours ago
@chardonnay4me2 TY! It was about all I could hope for! I was happy to be face-to-face with Kate! She truly is a beautiful woman! TY 4 tweet!
19 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@peaceloveworld Thx agn SO much 4 ur generous donations 2 benefit Sec Harvest/Feeding America! PeaceLoveWorld helped2 feed the hungry!:)
5 hours ago
What angers me as much as her exploiting the kids by filming them is the double dip exploitation that she does when she dresses them in advertisements. They are no more than walking sign boards with those sweatshirts and t shirts. The clothes themselves aren't so awful but because of the linkage with exploitation even seeing them makes me ill. Thankfully I have never seen them on "real" kids.
So glad she Gave Back by tooting their horn-- thereby exploiting even a charity event. She really lacks class and they aren't so high up there, either.
Judy K said...
She's doing the trashy Kardashian thing that has taken over current culture among teenagers and twenty-somethings of making every other word she utters "like"--the modern version of a Valley Girl.
OMG, that like, totally drives me crazy!! Seriously though, that makes me insane (along with the word 'ain't'). My son says it all the time, & when he's with his friends, especially the girls, it's like like like , every other word! And they're tweens. If Kate is saying it all the time, along with her ums & uhs, then she must sound like a real genius & is yet again, teaching her children nothing about the English language. Go on Kate, keep "dumbing" yourself down.
~Hippie Chick~
Jenna Does: Your son drives you crazy with like in between words? My son says Meh. One word. Usually one per day. Meh. He's 18. (He gets A pluses on his oral presentations in school so I know he has speech.)
Speaking of driving you crazy!!
Computers down at work so I'm stealing some space on buddy's so I can ask why are Katie's teeth so neon white? Ghastly. I envision that Friend's episode where Ross bleached his teeth to shine in the dark ... just like Katie in the photo of her "fan." And if that's one of the men that lusts over Katie dearest then it's no wonder she's crying in her box o'wine. Ha. She thinks so hot, suave rich dude wants her plastic boobs and bleached locks ... (isn't that a Hefner look?). Sorry, Katie, no 6'5" handsome rich ex cop riding any white horse to pick up your sorry excuse for a behind. Ha.
Bill Gorman is the person who usually posts the ratings at TV by the Numbers, but today someone else posted it, (Robert Seidman). Bill Gorman, who usually comments on the Khate “haters” and seems hesitant to post K+8 ratings when they’re bad, just popped up in the comments there:
Carrie Ann
Posted June 21, 2011 at 4:36 PM
So, are you saying that no TLC shows made it in the lineup above? That’s strange. If it is true, that’s fantastic — The Freak Channel. But, come on, you know us ‘Kate haters’ need to know where she placed. It was a new episode so what gives? I don’t necessarily agree that TLC doctored the numbers, but I do think they can keep from reporting so the numbers won’t be released.
Bill Gorman
Posted June 21, 2011 at 4:42 PM
@Carrie Ann, the 9pm Cake Boss drew 1.198 million viewers, and an 0.4 A18-49 rating. It was the only TLC show in the top 100 shows for A25-54 for the day.
” I don’t necessarily agree that TLC doctored the numbers, but I do think they can keep from reporting so the numbers won’t be released.”
What you think is wrong.
So, does he know the ratings for K+8 or not? WHY isn’ he posting them? I bet they’re under a million!
With regard to the last post I just made, it seems that Bill Gorman at TV by the Numbers edited his comment to include an extra sentence:
Bill Gorman
Posted June 21, 2011 at 4:42 PM
@Carrie Ann, the 9pm Cake Boss drew 1.198 million viewers, and an 0.4 A18-49 rating. It was the only TLC show in the top 100 shows for A25-54 for the day. As Robert noted, he didn’t include it because he assumed it was a repeat, and noted that our data as formatted does not indicate whether shows are repeats or not.
You have to laugh, in this picture from the tweeter, you can see that Kate has at least 4 boxes full of photos behind her. Just how many people did she think were going to show up?? She is delusional on every level.
DannysSister said
She thinks so hot, suave rich dude wants her plastic boobs and bleached locks ... (isn't that a Hefner look?). Sorry, Katie, no 6'5" handsome rich ex cop riding any white horse to pick up your sorry excuse for a behind. Ha.
The Twitter Queen is about to discover who her fans REALLY are, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
TLC ship is sinking said...
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...Thanks to everyone who posted the links to the articles and videos. I'll make them clickable
It may seem trivial but having "clickable" links helps so much, especially for tablet and smartphone devices.
You're welcome! I love it when someone makes the link clickable, so I try to do it as often as I can.
Actually, I wish blogger were like some sites where a link is automatically clickable when you put it in a comment and hit return. It would be so much easier.
OMG, that like, totally drives me crazy!! Seriously though, that makes me insane (along with the word 'ain't'). My son says it all the time, & when he's with his friends, especially the girls, it's like like like , every other word! And they're tweens.
Guess I'm really lucky! None of mine say it, nor have ever said it. In fact, they tell me it drives THEM nuts to hear it!
I wonder where Kate picked it up, or is it just a "filler" word, like her "ummmms" because she's trying to remember what lie she said last and doesn't want to get herself tangled up in another web?
Tucker's Mom said...
*this* is how you rock a pair of red platforms!
Liv Tyler is fresh, age-appropriate and has got the legs to pull it off. Also note; no ankle straps!
Yes, wow, she looks terrific. I saw that she was on The View today and that’s the outfit she had on. Not only are those shoes so much nicer than Khate’s clown shoes, especially without the ankle straps, but Liv gets it right on two other fronts. First, her legs appear to be their natural color and in my opinion, so much lovelier than the fake orange streaky crap on Khate’s legs. Also, Liv knows the rule – if you wear a very short skirt or dress, go minimal everywhere else. She has longer sleeves on and no cleavage at all. She’s just showing off that one fabulous feature, her legs. She looks miles more sophisticated than Khate!
A true grifter seizes ALL opportunites said...
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@peaceloveworld Thx agn SO much 4 ur generous donations 2 benefit Sec Harvest/Feeding America! PeaceLoveWorld helped2 feed the hungry!:)
5 hours ago
What angers me as much as her exploiting the kids by filming them is the double dip exploitation that she does when she dresses them in advertisements. They are no more than walking sign boards with those sweatshirts and t shirts. The clothes themselves aren't so awful but because of the linkage with exploitation even seeing them makes me ill. Thankfully I have never seen them on "real" kids.
So glad she Gave Back by tooting their horn-- thereby exploiting even a charity event. She really lacks class and they aren't so high up there, either
Your post made me check out their website and thanks, but no thanks. Twenty-five to thirty dollars for t-shirts? And $60 for hoodies! Please, I'll stick with Gap and Old Navy. We all know that Khate would never use the money the kids earn to buy them those clothes. She's just accepting the freebies in exchange for advertising them on the show, and in the process saving money not buying the kids clothes.
Not for nothing, but I showed their website to my ten year old when it came up here once before, and he said he wouldn't wear their clothes. He thinks they look goofy and babyish, lol. I also have never seen any kids wear their clothes and, like most parents, I'm around quite a few kids on a normal basis. I wonder how much longer they'll be sending freebies to Khate.
Am I understanding this correctly - the ratings are NOT going to be published? Have they ever done this before?
Show Me The Numbers! said...
Am I understanding this correctly - the ratings are NOT going to be published? Have they ever done this before?
There has been some discussion on the ratings thread about gosselin's show and I think Cake Boss too was not listed.
Supposedly the show was not in the highest 100 rated for the day, and thus it was not listed.
One of the moderators just explained how they get the numbers. They are pretty responsive there.
If you comment on their site they answer back pretty fast. Might be worth a try - they might go out and get the numbers for you.... shoulder shrug here.... :-)
One lady commented some assumptions and they told her she was wrong. She thought maybe *TLC* was hiding the ratings or something like that.
The moderator said TLC doesn't/can't do that as they don't produce ratings, another entity does.
He also said there isn't any conspiracy to hide her numbers this week, just that the show was so low it was out of the highest 100 for the day.
My guess: the ratings were lower than 1 million again since it must be below Cake Boss which was 1.1/0.4.
One thing I am confident in is the fact that show is tanking. That ladies night out - lick me show was an abberation.
I'm sure she's been told her contract won't be renewed. She's just on cruise until Feb 2012.
And with two more new sets of sextuplets in the past couple of months, TLC has new meat. kart is yesterday's bitchy NPD news.
I sure hope those couples don't get sucked in.
"Jenna Does: Your son drives you crazy with like in between words? My son says Meh. One word. Usually one per day. Meh. He's 18."
Haha, you guys are killing me.
Living in Northern California I get all sorts of annoying little words from my 14 yr old son. 'Meh' is just one of them.
How about 'Hecka?'
At least he went with the much more age appropriate version of 'Hella.' It's Hecka Hot here today.
And being an avid skateboarder EVERYTHING in the world around us is some sort of potential jump, ramp, gap or grind rail. We go to a restaurant and its 'a sweet 5-stair' at the front door. Walking back to the car we pass 'an amazing gap' over some flowers.
You try your best to support them and love them and its hard not to roll your eyes when you hear them on the phone with a friend and he has just dropped the 4th or 5th 'Hecka' in a conversation.
(Totally like a hecka long post about, like, nothing, sorry. Meh.)
I really can't believe that there is NO other place to get the ratings! Lucky Khate gets to save face without any lousy ratings being reported. It's ridiculous that the ratings are such a closely guarded secret!
From comments ta TV by the Numbers:
Robert Seidman
Posted June 21, 2011 at 6:41 PM
@Quiltermom, usually during the regular season “Travis Yanan” (@TravisYanan on Twitter and travisyanan.blogspot.com) receives comprehensive primetime cable ratings and usually posts nightly highlights. The last month or so he’s been working on other stuff and hasn’t posted regularly.
We do not regularly receive comprehensive daily primetime ratings and rather than bug “friends of TV by the Numbers” like @TravisYanan and @TVBill constantly for the reports, we use another source we receive that while not as comprehensive, usually arrives in a timely fashion and contains most of the shows that most people are most interested in.
We do not do any number crunching, mostly we just reformat the data for better presentation and weed out stuff we’re pretty sure nobody is interested in. We do take the # of adult 18-49 viewers and convert it to a rating, but that’s just simple division.
Thanks for your responses to my ratings question. When the show pulled in a pathetic 0.681, it was posted. Why then and not now?
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: BIG
I just got this message when trying to post...
Am I being banned?????
I'll try to post under anonymous...
Permanent Name
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
I really can't believe that there is NO other place to get the ratings! .... It's ridiculous that the ratings are such a closely guarded secret!
Do you think they are "a closely guarded secret"?
Really ---> I'm not being snarky here, just don't know how these things work.... :-(
What benefit would be gained by hiding ratings? Surely the station must know something, or how else would they convince advertisers to spend $ during their segments?
I also wonder why, even if the ratings are so low as to be not listed, the ratings site wouldn't list them just because of the *perceived* "fans vs haters" ongoing war.
Or maybe I am totally, completely way far out in left field. I could have no idea what I'm talking about
ADMIN - as for other sources, with your background out there in Hollywood Land :-) - is there any other place to find ratings?
Is that Variety paper a source?
Just stumbling around here in the dark...
-------- OK, will try to post this again under anonymous.......
Permanent Name
Nope, not banned I guess - LOL
Blogger is so quirky!
That Travis Yanan blog that usually posts the ratings hasn't posted since last week, but I just noticed that he did some unrelated post a little while ago. So, I asked him for the ratings for TLC. Hope he provides them!
Show Me The Numbers! said...
Thanks for your responses to my ratings question. When the show pulled in a pathetic 0.681, it was posted. Why then and not now?
It is explained in the post above yours:
@Quiltermom, usually during the regular season “Travis Yanan” (@TravisYanan on Twitter and travisyanan.blogspot.com) receives comprehensive primetime cable ratings and usually posts nightly highlights. The last month or so he’s been working on other stuff and hasn’t posted regularly.
said...Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: BIG
Were you trying to include some link or use HTML tags,< >, in your post? It appears you were trying to use a tag with the word "big" which isn't allowed on this blog.
(EDIT: I got the same message when you insert "big" into the html tags, < >.)
You're not being banned but this blog (or possibly blogger) only allows basic HTML tags.
Maybe Kate should leak a sex tape of her and Steve. LOL.....there's some publicity for her.
Just posted on TV by the numbers in comments 6/21 from Futon Critic:
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
- 0.938 million
- 0.3 A18-49
Drumroll please:K+8-0.938mil -0.3A18-49,oh poor K8,LoL!
This came from the Kate tweet page, but no mention from whence it came!!
If you go to the comments section under daily cable results for Monday, there is now listed the numbers for last night with Kate:
0.938 and 0.3 in age 18-49.
It is towards the end of page 3. This is especially GREAT news because not only did her numbers go down from 1.4 + million to 0.938 -- a whole bunch!! - but that all important percentage for their target age. She was 0.6 last week.
Bye bye Katie!
Kate looks just like that White House party crasher lady. Mikhail Salahi? Not sure how to spell it.
Sorry to post again Admin. but just found this article to funny for words and she really tells it like it is!
Show Me The Numbers! said...Thanks for your responses to my ratings question. When the show pulled in a pathetic 0.681, it was posted. Why then and not now?
TVByTheNumbers.com uses outside sources to post their ratings, such as the trusted TravisYanan who apparently has access to most of primetime ratings.
UNFORTUNATELY, TravisYanan is working on writing a book and does not want to be distracted with tv ratings. Why does this TravisYanan person have exclusive access to primetime tv ratings while others do not? I don't know, but I'm assuming he isn't getting paid to report tv ratings since he posts them freely on his blog and on pifeedback.com (just like admin isn't paid to run and maintain this blog).
From Nobody Likes a Narcissist posts, it appears that tvbythenumbers' new source only has information for the top 100 cable shows per night. So we are as handcuffed as they are. No conspiracy theory.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...I really can't believe that there is NO other place to get the ratings! .... It's ridiculous that the ratings are such a closely guarded secret!
I get what you're saying about closely guarded secret! It seems that only select media are privy to these ratings, and the public only gets to see a fraction of them...whatever is posted publicly.
The whole Nielsen ratings system seems a little outdated to me. I'd rather have my viewership counted than have someone extrapolate what I want to watch based on Nielsen families. It's like having someone else vote for the president instead of it being YOUR CHOICE. Just because we share similar demographics, doesn't mean that I watch what most women 18-34 watch.
Ratings from the Futon Critic for 6/20:
Kate Plus 8 (10:00) (0.938 million viewers, #20; adults 18-49: 0.3, #T15)
From the comment section of TV by the Numbers:
Number Cruncher
Posted June 21, 2011 at 8:36 PM
OK here are some more Monday cable finals I found. These were from The Futon Critic
Platinum Hit (Bravo)
- 0.565 million
- 0.3 A18-49
Nurse Jackie (Showtime)
- 0.832 million
- 0.3 A18-49
United States of Tara (Showtime)
- 0.375 million
- 0.1 A18-49
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)
- 0.938 million
- 0.3 A18-49
Found on Twazzup:
RT @hockeymom9598: @paige_Kate8lvr @Kateplusmy8 @EmeraldCityJazz @acemme @HoneytheKoala @hgraymommy Drumroll please:K+8-0.938mil -0.3A18-49,oh poor K8,LoL!
I wish you people who live in Kate's neighborhood would just stop complaining about the Food drive we had in Tn and not in kate's area.
We needed the publicity. We are suffering from lack of work, lack of 2 parent families, fathers or mothers or both being sent overseas and don't forget before we had a tornado, we had a flood. We just can't get a break.
We appreciate that she came here with her kids. Our kids who were shown on TV, not all were shown eating their after school meal, were thrilled to meet the Gosselin kids. We understand how you feel about Kate, but she helped us not one, not twice but three times.
We got a lot of publicity from this. She and her children were always well behaved and her children were very mature when, off camera, spoke with the kids who wanted to ask them questions. The G children are not immature but they are shy and do not know they are any type of celebrities. Their mother's explanation to them along with our kids taking pics gave them something to think about. Our kids may never meet a celebrity. You would be amazed at how many go to Homeless Shelters after school.
This country is in an economic slump and we have some wonderful professional performers who do and do and re do for us. But they try to spread themselves really thin around the country, as there are more soup kitchens and homeless shelters now than there were in the 1930s, did you realize that?
You have amazing, how salaried folks up North who can go to those shelters you have and the Soup Kitchens. Your teachers make better salaries.
Maybe next year I will apply for a job up there at the #1 salaried teaching math/science opening
in Newtown, PA. Don't know where it is, but understand your school teachers are some of the highest paid in the state of Pa.
Wish us well, we have a mountain to climb right now, we appreciate anyone who comes down here to help and brings a load of groceries with them.
so low it was out of the highest 100 for the day.
SO glad to hear that!(and the drop in ratings!) woohoo!
I saw this link on a fbook page. Check out no. 18 I thought of Kate right away. LOL
I find it quite interesting that TLC and Kate have encouraged the children to paint themselves with pudding at the Outer Banks, to
have an egg toss at the dude ranch and have Ashley play with food with them while Kate was in NYC. And NOW, they're telling us that food is a precious commodity that too many people don't have enough of.
Contradiction? I think so. Wouldn't I love to see a TLC producer sit on Kate's couch and tell the viewing audience how foolish TLC was to encourage and arrange the wasting of food for the purpose of entertainment.
Teacher, actually, I tend to agree with you that any publicity for this kind of charity is good publicity. I know a lot of people here find it insincere of Kate and so on, but for me, the end justifies the means here.
HOWEVER, there is a big BUT for me, and that is that I don't believe the kids should have been forced to film and work helping out this charity. I don't care what Kate wants to do with her time but the kids have been filmed enough.
You said:
"She and her children were always well behaved and her children were very mature when, off camera, spoke with the kids who wanted to ask them questions."
Why should 6 year olds and 10 year olds have to field and answer questions from perfect strangers? Their lives are very public and not their own. If they were just another kid on the street other kids wouldn't ask them QUESTIONS. It's inappropriate and creepy. They shouldn't feel a responsibility to please fans at this age. It's not natural.
"The G children are not immature but they are shy and do not know they are any type of celebrities."
Maybe they are shy because they are constantly hounded and have their faces and private moments plastered all over our TVs for seven years. How do you know that they do not know they are celebrities, did you ask them? I think you are giving them serious discredit here. You don't think they notice when a ton of perfect strangers are coming up to them? They don't notice they have a long-running TV show? They are getting to an age when they would absolutely be well aware. The celebrity children I nannied for were under nine when I first met them, and they were WELL AWARE they were celebrity children. They were WELL AWARE of fans, they even had a healthy amount of discomfort about fans (some of them would ring the call box at the front gate sometimes), they were well aware who their parents were and were very affected by having public parents. In fact, one even told me one of their earliest memories was going to a Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony for a mutual friend when the kid was like FOUR and being scared as it was the first time they were really around paps like that. Believe me, kids know what's up. To suggest they don't is very misguided.
You also said: "Their mother's explanation to them along with our kids taking pics gave them something to think about. Our kids may never meet a celebrity."
I don't think people should be taking pics of the Gosselins. It's someone else's kids and it's creepy. And why do your kids have to meet a celebrity to feel fulfilled in life? I think we should be teaching our kids not to idolize these sort of people, most of which are really despicable people in my experience, and to not be star crazy. Your kids can have very fulfilling lives having never met or idolized a celebrity, believe me.
NE Tennessee Part time teacher,
I am sure you need all the help you can get. But I'm not at all sure Kate Gosselin was the positive draw you could have used. TLC is very definitely connected to Second Harvest, and might have done better to send another of its
stars to garner more positive attention and get more attendees. I saw more eye-rolling than
smiles when it was announced she was going back to Tennessee. I'm sure she would get the same if she were to go to the food bank in Lancaster PA as well. Kate just does not generate any
sense of good will or purpose for so many of us out here in the cities and towns of America.
If she did you any good, then good for her. You
seem to think she did. I hope so.
Teacher in Tn/working in soup kitchen p/t said...
I wish you people who live in Kate's neighborhood would just stop complaining about the Food drive we had in Tn and not in kate's area.
We did have a Second Harvest Food Bank in Kate's area, so I'm not sure why anyone would complain that there wasn't one in Kate's area. In addition, I haven't read of anyone who complained that the state of Tennessee held a food drive. If anything, comments were that those involved in the project should be commended for their efforts.
HOWEVER, there is a big BUT for me, and that is that I don't believe the kids should have been forced to film and work helping out this charity. I don't care what Kate wants to do with her time but the kids have been filmed enough.
They weren't forced to help. They were given the option not to participate.
Actually true they weren't forced to help, allegedly. But they were forced to film. If they didn't want to help, they essentially had to sit out. As others have pointed out, like a punishment. They couldn't go home and stay with Daddy. They were in another state.
Also have you considered maybe Kate's presence actually HURT business? 75 people showing up is really quite embarrassing. Maybe people chose not to come since as Kate herself said, 90% of people don't like her. And shockingly, there are people out there who don't support this exploitation and aren't going to go to an event Kate is at in protest. They can donate on their own.
The G children are not immature but they are shy and do not know they are any type of celebrities.
I just have to say something here. The kids absolutely, most certainly do know that they are celebrities - no doubt about it, and they haven't just recently become aware of it. It's been drummed into them for quite some time. And yes, they are immature for their age. They are seven, but their behavior is more like that of a five-year-old. That's not to say that they are not sweet, loveable, wonderful children. They are all that - but they do know who they are and why their photos are being taken and why lunch rooms and special press boxes are reserved just for them. They know that they are not like other children, and their mother is not like other mothers.
And in the years to come, the sense of entitlement will only grow. It's not their fault. They didn't ask for any of it. No child should have to work to support his/her parent. I just hope to heaven that it's not too late for them.
TN Teacher, does it bother you that Kate was reportedly paid $250,000 for "giving back?" And that she had to utilize police resources for "protection" from all the crazed paparazzi whom she was imagining were following her across town to her five star hotel accommodations for herself, 8 kids, one fake bodyguard and several TLC crew members?
I'd rather have no help than Kate's version of help
Here's hoping that these new low ratings from the Tennessee show don't re-inforce the slightly higher ratings for the episode where Kate gets drunk at a bar with random strangers.
I'm hoping TLC won't think that these ratings give them an indication to give Kate her own 'dating' show. 'Cause that would just be terrible for those kids to have to watch their 'mother's' antics.
My opinion is that these kids are already feeling 'entitled' at the age of 7! And Mady? I feel she gives of a superior, I'm-so-cute-aren't-I vibe. Classic mirroring behaviour from her mother. Not cute, Mady. Poor kid.
Teacher in Tn/working in soup kitchen p/t said...
This country is in an economic slump and we have some wonderful professional performers who do and do and re do for us. But they try to spread themselves really thin around the country, as there are more soup kitchens and homeless shelters now than there were in the 1930s, did you realize that?
Where is this information coming from? Are you talking nationwide/worldwide or in your particular area? Are you saying there are more hungry and homeless now than during the Great Depression which was a world-wide depression? And by saying "the 1930s" are you including the devastation of the American and Canadian prairie lands during the Dust Bowl? If so, I respectfully beg to differ with you.
Excuse me Tn Teacher, while the food banks are a good cause, do not think, that just because we who live in other states, do not have the same problems you do. Your, region has always had those problems. Yes, the rest of the country were doing very well, till the economy dived. I've been out of work, for a year in half. The unemployment rate in Illinois is around 9%. The employers are pick at best. Most of our school district have lay-off staff and teachers, cause, the wonderful state of Illniois, has not paid their bills. They have a 9 month delay in paying bills. If you know anything about accounting, you will know, that you have bills to pay, if not you borrow, till you go into debt. Or you lay-off people. My local food bank seen over the past 2 years a hundred per cent increase of people coming in. Yes, it's bad all over. Just cause we live up north does not mean we have jobs or lots of money. The forecloses in Illinois just when up. More people are losing jobs and homes. So we are in the same boat with you. Kate Gosselin was a poor choice, the woman made $250,000, for that food bank episode, plus, hotel, plane ride, limo service, food. If she had given back in her own neck of the woods, the money spent would have gone a longer way, and not in Kates' pocket.
I do think that the G kids know exactly who they are. I saw a clip of the birthday episode and one of the boys said to a guest "just listen to the Gosselins blah, blah, blah". I don't remember everything he said but it just stuck in my mind that he did say "just listen to the Gosselins" - not listen to me. Referring to himself as a unit and the almighty Gosselins.
Listen, I think it's great that Kate helped a charitable cause, no matter which one it was or which state it was in. I will also give credit where credit is due and acknowledge that it was great that she was really nice to her fans. It sounds like it was certainly an improvement over her other self-indulgent episodes.
However, as others have already said here, it WAS for a show. Most people donate time and money to charities without any fanfare or even acknowledgement. Most people do not make a big show of the one time they actually give to a charity or give back. They just do it....and expect no thanks for it...just because they are compassionate and it's the right thing to do. And statistics have shown that most people who donate $ to charities are not financially well-off.
And I would like to ask TN teacher....because I am really curious.....did Kate actually donate anything financially to your state's food bank?
Tn Teacher, nobody disputes that the entire country is suffering right now. I have worked at a food bank for a very long time and have seen the numbers of clients rise and rise, and also shift demographically. Day after day, I am confronted with someone ashamed and in tears because they have never had to ask for help before. The issue that people have with Kate/TLC is that #1, they spent a good chunk of change to get the whole family to your area (instead of donating that money directly to the food bank), #2, the family was PAID to be there, and #3, Kate used the premiere to promote HERSELF. I don't know if she wrote a check or not, but someone spent a whole lotta money printing pictures for her to give out. She came armed with boxes of pictures of her kids (creepy if you ask me) and her failed books to hand out to people. It would have looked more sincere if those boxes were filled with food that she and the kids bought or even collected. But as usual, it was all about Kate.
I wish you well, I really do.
Apparently Kate is back home, ready for another fun-filled day with the kids. Didn't Kelly/Walt say that she was flying from Tennessee to NYC on Wednesday? Is that later today?
I think that he needs to consult with his "source" because much of the itinerary/lodging info has been incorrect. Perhaps Kate's "security team" was right this time and that the itinerary posted was erroneous.
I also wanted to add.....when my brother died, we donated everything (literally) from his condo to the Annapolis food bank....refrigerator, food, kitchen utensils, pots, pans, dishes, leather furniture, beds...you name it.
They apparently network with all sorts of other charities that can use other things besides food....including doctors without borders....so they were glad to take all the medical supplies my brother (who'd been a doctor) had.
Not sure how many food banks also do this...but they saved us a whole lot of $ and hassle.....and they were thrilled to get all the stuff. They came with trucks and some big strong guys and did most of the work themselves.
Where I live there is a nearby store, run by a charity....that is next to the one that the sae charity runs and sells used clothing.....and in the second store, they sell all sorts of used furniture.....looks like a furniture store in there. Can you imagine not being able to afford to furnish your home or to get beds for your children? Plus...most thrift shops, be they for clothing or for furniture...will take used medical supplies like wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, shower chairs, canes, etc. Worse than being poor would be poor AND ill/debilitated. There are tons of things we can all donate and many, many people who could use this stuff. I would much rather donate than to have a garage sale or anything like that. We could have had an estate sale....but we felt so great donating it all to charity....and we gave the tax write-off to his children.
"I don't know if she wrote a check or not, but someone spent a whole lotta money printing pictures for her to give out."
Speaking of which, TN teacher said that the kids don't know that they are celebrities. Wouldn't they think it's strange that their mother is sitting at a table signing books with THEIR photo on it, while handing out photos of THEM, which in itself is just weird? At their age they would certainly wonder why people are lining up for pictures of them, or do they think that ALL kids have photos of themselves printed to hand out to strangers?
Celebrity kids, at age seven, are very well aware of who they are. To say that they don't know that they are celebrities is obtuse thinking.
I live in the same town as a VERY well-known actress who has moved away from Hollywood. This woman and her husband, also very famous in his industry, quietly and regularly deliver Meals on Wheels to the elderly with zero fanfare and zero publicity. I only know this because a friend delivers meals on the same "team" with them. They also serve the community in countless other ways, always in a very low-key, understated manner. That, to me, is true service to others. While it would be easy for them to get some free PR or just write a check and be done, they are involved in their community in a meaningful way. I wish Kate were as determined to make her own community a better place. Everything she does reeks of self-absorption.
My swimming coach had his "secondary 10 Commandments" posted in his office. The last one was "Do at least one good deed today. If anybody finds out you did it, it doesn't count"
Even as a kid I thought that was a wonderful
philosophy of giving.
I have heard from people involved in the younger six's education that they had NO IDEA millions of people were watching them until kids and others started asking and commenting on things that were shown. Made sense to me as the kids are so isolated and their parents never sit down and explain things to them.
Made sense to me as the kids are so isolated and their parents never sit down and explain things to them.
I'm not sure why it is assumed that these kids are so isolated. They have gone to pre-school, Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten. They have birthday parties, they go to birthday parties, field trips, and various other school activities. They travel near and far. When I hear the word "isolated," I picture kids who stay in their house 24/7, perhaps are home-schooled, come in contact with nobody but their parents and maybe the Fed Ex man, eat every meal at home, and basically come in contact with nobody.
The isolation has more to do with the kids ages. A 4-7 year old may go to school, but unless they have been exposed to other families, other home environments and socialized (not to make them sound like puppies) they believe that there life is how EVERYONE lives. And with these kids, their Mom focuses on secrecy, making them think they are special and above others, and not allowing them outside activities. Yes, the are now gaining friends, but I would guess their most recent bday party was the first time any of their classmates have been inisde those gates. And I would bet that they have had few to no playdates at friend's houses. You don't need to be locked in a house 24/7/365 to be isolated, especially at their age.
Im sorry but when someone volunteers they should NOT be bringing a whole camera crew to make themselves look better. That to me is the top of the narcissist chain. She is NOT about charity at all. Lets face it she is all about Khate and that's it. Her kids are HER meal ticket plain and simple.
Not only a meal ticket but her fake hair ticket fake tan fake nails fake boob's it's all paid for by her KIDS. Let's not forget her hooker heals. All paid for by the KIDS. They will end up hating her in no time.
Made sense to me as the kids are so isolated and their parents never sit down and explain things to them.
I'm not sure why it is assumed that these kids are so isolated. They have gone to pre-school, Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten. They have birthday parties, they go to birthday parties, field trips, and various other school activities. They travel near and far. When I hear the word "isolated," I picture kids who stay in their house 24/7, perhaps are home-schooled, come in contact with nobody but their parents and maybe the Fed Ex man, eat every meal at home, and basically come in contact with nobody.
Tn Teacher, nobody disputes that the entire country is suffering right now. I have worked at a food bank for a very long time and have seen the numbers of clients rise and rise, and also shift demographically. Day after day, I am confronted with someone ashamed and in tears because they have never had to ask for help before. The issue that people have with Kate/TLC is that #1, they spent a good chunk of change to get the whole family to your area (instead of donating that money directly to the food bank), #2, the family was PAID to be there, and #3, Kate used the premiere to promote HERSELF. I don't know if she wrote a check or not, but someone spent a whole lotta money printing pictures for her to give out. She came armed with boxes of pictures of her kids (creepy if you ask me) and her failed books to hand out to people. It would have looked more sincere if those boxes were filled with food that she and the kids bought or even collected. But as usual, it was all about Kate.
I wish you well, I really do.
The G children are not immature but they are shy and do not know they are any type of celebrities.
I just have to say something here. The kids absolutely, most certainly do know that they are celebrities - no doubt about it, and they haven't just recently become aware of it. It's been drummed into them for quite some time. And yes, they are immature for their age. They are seven, but their behavior is more like that of a five-year-old. That's not to say that they are not sweet, loveable, wonderful children. They are all that - but they do know who they are and why their photos are being taken and why lunch rooms and special press boxes are reserved just for them. They know that they are not like other children, and their mother is not like other mothers.
And in the years to come, the sense of entitlement will only grow. It's not their fault. They didn't ask for any of it. No child should have to work to support his/her parent. I just hope to heaven that it's not too late for them.
HOWEVER, there is a big BUT for me, and that is that I don't believe the kids should have been forced to film and work helping out this charity. I don't care what Kate wants to do with her time but the kids have been filmed enough.
They weren't forced to help. They were given the option not to participate.
I wish you people who live in Kate's neighborhood would just stop complaining about the Food drive we had in Tn and not in kate's area.
We needed the publicity. We are suffering from lack of work, lack of 2 parent families, fathers or mothers or both being sent overseas and don't forget before we had a tornado, we had a flood. We just can't get a break.
We appreciate that she came here with her kids. Our kids who were shown on TV, not all were shown eating their after school meal, were thrilled to meet the Gosselin kids. We understand how you feel about Kate, but she helped us not one, not twice but three times.
We got a lot of publicity from this. She and her children were always well behaved and her children were very mature when, off camera, spoke with the kids who wanted to ask them questions. The G children are not immature but they are shy and do not know they are any type of celebrities. Their mother's explanation to them along with our kids taking pics gave them something to think about. Our kids may never meet a celebrity. You would be amazed at how many go to Homeless Shelters after school.
This country is in an economic slump and we have some wonderful professional performers who do and do and re do for us. But they try to spread themselves really thin around the country, as there are more soup kitchens and homeless shelters now than there were in the 1930s, did you realize that?
You have amazing, how salaried folks up North who can go to those shelters you have and the Soup Kitchens. Your teachers make better salaries.
Maybe next year I will apply for a job up there at the #1 salaried teaching math/science opening
in Newtown, PA. Don't know where it is, but understand your school teachers are some of the highest paid in the state of Pa.
Wish us well, we have a mountain to climb right now, we appreciate anyone who comes down here to help and brings a load of groceries with them.
Found on Twazzup:
RT @hockeymom9598: @paige_Kate8lvr @Kateplusmy8 @EmeraldCityJazz @acemme @HoneytheKoala @hgraymommy Drumroll please:K+8-0.938mil -0.3A18-49,oh poor K8,LoL!
Kate looks just like that White House party crasher lady. Mikhail Salahi? Not sure how to spell it.
Maybe Kate should leak a sex tape of her and Steve. LOL.....there's some publicity for her.
That Travis Yanan blog that usually posts the ratings hasn't posted since last week, but I just noticed that he did some unrelated post a little while ago. So, I asked him for the ratings for TLC. Hope he provides them!
Nope, not banned I guess - LOL
Blogger is so quirky!
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: BIG
I just got this message when trying to post...
Am I being banned?????
I'll try to post under anonymous...
Permanent Name
"Jenna Does: Your son drives you crazy with like in between words? My son says Meh. One word. Usually one per day. Meh. He's 18."
Haha, you guys are killing me.
Living in Northern California I get all sorts of annoying little words from my 14 yr old son. 'Meh' is just one of them.
How about 'Hecka?'
At least he went with the much more age appropriate version of 'Hella.' It's Hecka Hot here today.
And being an avid skateboarder EVERYTHING in the world around us is some sort of potential jump, ramp, gap or grind rail. We go to a restaurant and its 'a sweet 5-stair' at the front door. Walking back to the car we pass 'an amazing gap' over some flowers.
You try your best to support them and love them and its hard not to roll your eyes when you hear them on the phone with a friend and he has just dropped the 4th or 5th 'Hecka' in a conversation.
(Totally like a hecka long post about, like, nothing, sorry. Meh.)
A true grifter seizes ALL opportunites said...
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@peaceloveworld Thx agn SO much 4 ur generous donations 2 benefit Sec Harvest/Feeding America! PeaceLoveWorld helped2 feed the hungry!:)
5 hours ago
What angers me as much as her exploiting the kids by filming them is the double dip exploitation that she does when she dresses them in advertisements. They are no more than walking sign boards with those sweatshirts and t shirts. The clothes themselves aren't so awful but because of the linkage with exploitation even seeing them makes me ill. Thankfully I have never seen them on "real" kids.
So glad she Gave Back by tooting their horn-- thereby exploiting even a charity event. She really lacks class and they aren't so high up there, either
Your post made me check out their website and thanks, but no thanks. Twenty-five to thirty dollars for t-shirts? And $60 for hoodies! Please, I'll stick with Gap and Old Navy. We all know that Khate would never use the money the kids earn to buy them those clothes. She's just accepting the freebies in exchange for advertising them on the show, and in the process saving money not buying the kids clothes.
Not for nothing, but I showed their website to my ten year old when it came up here once before, and he said he wouldn't wear their clothes. He thinks they look goofy and babyish, lol. I also have never seen any kids wear their clothes and, like most parents, I'm around quite a few kids on a normal basis. I wonder how much longer they'll be sending freebies to Khate.
You have to laugh, in this picture from the tweeter, you can see that Kate has at least 4 boxes full of photos behind her. Just how many people did she think were going to show up?? She is delusional on every level.
With regard to the last post I just made, it seems that Bill Gorman at TV by the Numbers edited his comment to include an extra sentence:
Bill Gorman
Posted June 21, 2011 at 4:42 PM
@Carrie Ann, the 9pm Cake Boss drew 1.198 million viewers, and an 0.4 A18-49 rating. It was the only TLC show in the top 100 shows for A25-54 for the day. As Robert noted, he didn’t include it because he assumed it was a repeat, and noted that our data as formatted does not indicate whether shows are repeats or not.
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