Monday, July 15, 2019

Discussion Thread: Kate Plus Date "Finale: The Champions" 7/15/2019 AND Recap: Kate Plus Date "Finale: The Champions": 'Birdbox' please kill this show

Last time on Kate Plus 8, the twins were pretty head over heels for Joey Bats, which, ew! Coming up, Rachel's baaaack, and uh-oh, she and Adam are going to compare notes. Rachel's got that look on her face all like, notes? We were supposed to be taking notes? Let me guess, Rachel was that chick in law school who was always like, hey, can I see your notes? I had to miss class today due to *insert lame reason*, can I copy your notes? Can I check my notes against yours? How about not, law school chick? How about you take your notes and I'll take my notes and I'll see you at the final exam?

I think I've made it clear which of these two matchmakers are any good, didn't half-ass it and instead did their job. They both want to be on T.V., but Adam is the only one here actually trying to earn his spot on the tube. Naturally I'm disappointed that Rachel, a former lawyer, was so terrible. Oh, well.

Kate is soooo changed since she started the process, blah blah. The editors make a really hard cut to her rambling about meeting some really nice guys, which tells me she carried on for quite awhile about how changed she is and it was boring and pointless to anything so it got cut. She's nothing if not predictable, and her "after such-and-such experience I'm a whole new Kate" thing is a dumb talking point she's been trying to sell for years now, and poorly.

Adam is a pretty cool guy, happily inviting Rachel to sit down with him and talk about the process. He lays out what we already know, that Rachel started the process and then he took over.

"Bless you," Rachel quips. Baw! I just snorted my coke.

Rachel says Kate was difficult because she would really resist attempts to help her, but Rachel excuses this immature and unacceptable behavior as "so many times she's gotten hurt." Rachel, STFU!!!

So wait a second, Kate has spent all six of these episodes pretty much insisting that Jon and maybe a college boyfriend are her only two relationships in her lifetime. She practically denies even knowing Jeff Prescott. So we've got a grand total of two relationships that in actuality failed because of her, the last one of which was over a whopping ten years ago, and that's scarred her permanently from ever finding love again? This is really not the reason Kate resists relationships at all, but Rachel is either too dense or too polite to dive any deeper than this cliche.

Adam, who has a much better grasp of the situation here, says he has been trying to understand what is the problem here. Although unfortunately Adam disappoints me in not really getting to the real problem (she's mentally ill, a narcissist, Adam!) I think he's right in trying to get Kate to just put aside this "thing," which I think Adam has been persuaded relates to some divorce from ages ago (it's not), and just relax and flirt on dates. That's as good advice as any I guess.

Inexplicably, Mady says it actually doesn't matter if they like Kate's new man or not because she'll only be seeing him on Thanksgiving and Christmas anyway. Heh. That's what I've been saying all along here. What is the point of the twins all up in her business about who she dates when they're about to go off to college and see Kate as little as possible.

It's so terribly awkward to watch Rachel have to sit down with Kate and Adam and get filled in on how things went with Adam. Kate suddenly tries to claim she actually wanted two matchmakers all along because she wanted a male and female perspective. Eh, no, that's not how that went down, how it went down was Rachel was fired. She re-writes history when she doesn't even need to, it's fascinating. I mean we all saw Rachel get her ass fired two episodes ago so what is she trying to do here?

Mady and Cara after having been through what they've been through know how important this decision is, Kate explains. BITCH! Also, it's a second date for God sakes. You're not deciding who to spend the rest of your life with. It's who you will spend the next three hours with. Good grief, the dramatics. Even Adam and Rachel say they need to take the pressure off Kate to find a forever man and just have her focus on having a good date. They're absolutely right, Kate is acting like a 21 year old Mormon who feels like a spinster and must get married now -clap RIGHT NOW -clap clap-. She can't even get through one date without things falling apart, I have no idea why she's talking about forever right now as if she is in any way capable of getting someone to marry her in the mental state she's in right now.

There's so much to say about all of Kate's dumb comments throughout these episodes there's just not much room to recap much else but I should mention the amateur low budget production here. They do a cutsey montage of "NYC" with sped up shots of the subway and people walking. I guess this is to establish we are in NYC. It's so college level and looks like they pulled shots from somebody else's shoot for some other show at TLC and spliced them into theirs.

We have one of those incredibly long conversations about what everyone acts like is a huge coincidence that Mady and Cara picked the same top two guys as Kate. The twins only met three guys, so it's not a big shock that they might pick the same two Kate wants. There's only three to pick from in the first place! And I like the long drawn out reveal Kate does of her top two to Adam and Rachel, leading off with she picked one top from each of them. Since Joey Bats was the only guy of Adam's the twins' met, Adam surely must know immediately she picked Joey. But Kate is acting like this is a big reveal when Adam already knows by process of elimination. It would be more interesting to watch this woman narrow down her order at Starbucks. Let's see, flat white or iced coffee? Or maybe I'll get a croissant!

So her top two are, no big surprise, Tax Shelter Jeff and Joey Bats. As far as I'm concerned, Tax Shelter Jeff is the only guy in this entire pool worth going out with again. While I liked Refined Jeff, he was a little bit too cagey for my tastes, asked certain questions that in my experience are red flags, and I was getting a strong vibe this was a phone-it-in favor to a friend and not a sincere attempt to get to know someone. Tax shelter Jeff was sincerely giving this a real go with Kate, cameras and all. As for Joey Bats, he acts all of 22 years old and his lifestyle, running a restaurant and spending the rest of his time in bars, is in no way compatible with Kate's, spending 18 hours a day in front of the T.V. in rural Pennsylvania with her wine. Great guy, but not right for Kate. It's a waste of time to go out with him again.

Mercifully for us all, Adam and Rachel say they're just going to watch these dates and not intervene. Thank God, because if I have to again watch Rachel prematurely shut down a date in a crowded restaurant with lies about the place closing down for the night time to go, I'm going to lose it. They are taking off the training wheels, they say. Yeah I've heard that one before, from my dad, and I ended up with a bloody nose and two skinned knees.

Kate actually takes a moment to look them both in the eyes and say thank you "again." Again? I didn't hear a thank you the first time. I heard a whole bunch of entitlement and no gratitude at all. She practically left Rachel standing on a busy street corner by herself in NYC when she fired her ass. But good for her pausing to say thank you at last. People in general do not get enough thank you's for the hard work they do and a whole lot of people have worked hard on Kate's behalf over the years and never gotten one.

We launch right into her second date with Joey, who apparently decided not to shower or shave this morning. He's not one of those guys that looks rugged and handsome with a five-clock shadow. Rather he looks like a grad student who just pulled an all nighter.

Proving he's more hipster than I originally bargained for, Joey leads Kate through some really sketch basements and fire escapes to a "speakeasy". I would feel embarrassed to be over 40 and at a speakeasy. Actually over 30. I'm just being honest. I don't understand the point of speakeasies in the first place. They were very trendy in L.A. about five years back, and to me it was just another place with a bunch of people lined up who aren't being let in. That is a waste of time and humiliating. Plus hiding your business when you don't really have to almost feels disrespectful to history. During prohibition completely appropriate bars and restaurants had to go underground and blood was shed in various ways over something as stupid as being able to sell and consume a simple drink. I don't know, it's not funny to me, it was a dark time in our history, with some estimates attributing 10,000 deaths to that one little decision about alcohol. And if ever someone wants to know why one's heart and good intentions never should be the basis of political decisions rather than facts, figures, sociology, psychology, logic and reason, prohibition was it. It's not okay 10,000 people were killed just because your intentions were good, that your heart was in the right place, that you were trying to do "what's right" without thinking about the unintended consequences of what just felt so "right." People should read more history when they spout off what they think is so morally right these days and consider factoring in facts, figures, sociology, psychology, logic and reason because unintended consequences are a thing.

Joey is one of those people who really wants to be and gets a lot of joy from immersing himself in something eclectic like this with their low ceilings and bad chandeliers and dowdy furniture and wine in coffee cups, and then finds himself shocked and confused when other people are like, the hell? Kate can't get past drinking wine out of coffee cups or the smell. Ew, it does look like it smells. Rachel says the smell was like they just cleaned up a murder scene. Ugh, I've smelled exactly that in various places before and it's terribly unappetizing. Like if you have to bleach your establishment from top to bottom before bringing out some jello, what exactly are you trying to wash away?

Joey mentions seeing quite some rowdy bar fights in this place, and note to men, women don't care about all the bar fights you've seen. I hate sharing the same views as Kate, but she said when Joey mentioned those bar fights she paused. Yeah, I'm pausing too. I'm not being judgmental about the bar thing because whatever, as long as you're not an alcoholic I don't care if you want to hang out at the bar all night every night. In Ireland bars are like community centers and people do go every night and they drink and they eat and mostly they socialize and even bring their kids; many American bars are like this too. And it's fine. I just don't see a person like Joey Bats compatible with someone who is not as into the bar scene or not at all into it. When I was doing the dating thing I made a point to be upfront about how little desire I had to spend a moment of time in bars, even cool speakeasies, as I had quickly learned it's really important to some people and that it's really best to find somebody on the same page about the bar thing. This is a big reason Kate should not waste a moment more of Joey's time because unless Joey is feeling like he's at the end of feeling like he wants to be in a bar all the time, they simply aren't compatible. This one reason is enough, but of course there are other reasons she's not right for Joey/Joey's not right for her that are obvious, like he's fun and has a personality and she's a waste of space.

Joey admits he's pretty not-OCD, go with the flow wing it kind of guy and uh-oh, I fear Kate will think this nice, chill guy to be too much like another nice, chill guy she used to be married to and inexplicably discarded. And then Kate makes a comment that made the rounds on this blog as one of the most outrageous out of her mouth, in that she dealt with a man having no plans in life before and she's done with that. Gaaa, she's such an asshole! Hey, Kate, just because someone disagrees with your plan to exploit your children on T.V. forever and ever doesn't mean they have "no plan." Not the same thing. And what on earth gives her the idea that Joey Bats might not have a plan in life just because he's laid back? For f sake, you don't develop your own successful restaurant from scratch that has locations in two different states without a life plan. The truth is, incompatible as they are, that doesn't mean Joey isn't a great guy for somebody, a real catch who is successful, kind, funny and personable, and she should recognize Joey as a great guy for somebody and stop being so damn judgmental of him just because he's not right for her.

This is one of the rare times I've ever heard Kate talk specifically about the children in a positive way. She mentions that Cara and Leah like to cook, and that Leah is really, really good and wants her own bakery. See, this is the shit she should put on instagram and tell her fans about. It's decently interesting and really not a violation of anyone's privacy. It shows the children are individuals, with interests, and interesting in their own right. She would find herself with far more likes, if that's what she's after. She wouldn't even have to pay for them.

Kate mentions baking her fuckety-billion sweet rolls as if Joey Bats cares at all about any of this and says something about she thought of Joey Bats. Adam and Rachel are deliriously happy over this revelation, like practically clapping like seals. Like, they're excited that Kate thought of another person? Truly, that is quite a milestone, folks, they're not wrong. Heh, Adam even says I've asked her if she's thought of any of her dates afterward and she's like ewww, nope! Lol.

And while we're on the subject of Kate being an asshole, would it kill her after two entire dates to ask Joey a little bit about himself and his restaurant? Like, what made you want to open a restaurant? How did you do it? What was the most difficult part? Tell me more about Portuguese cuisine and how proud you are to bring more of it to the U.S. What do you see for its future? I don't care if you don't want to sleep with the guy, but show him a little bit of appreciation for accomplishing something meaningful with his life. He actually deserves it.

Postmortem date, Rachel is thrilled that Kate had to sit close to Joey in the speakeasy and were "almost" touching. Sounds silly to be excited about almost touching, like Almanzo Wilder practically getting a hard on over driving Laura Ingalls to her teaching job every morning and almost touching. But this is Kate, and almost touching is more progress than recoiling in horror like she usually does.

Wait, this date is not over yet? It feels so long, and so boring, and so very preordained. Like we all know they're not gonna end up together so can we not?

Now they're going to sculpt blindfolded, which actually makes sense to me as you can really focus, but of course Kate has to make all her typical disgusted and appalled faces.

Adam and Rachel get all seal clap excited again when Joey Bats puts his arm around the back of Kate's chair. He hasn't even touched her for heaven sake, but I guess someone even coming into Kate's galaxy without getting a scoff is progress. It's like Birdbox, Joey says. Joey, it's not Birdbox because unfortunately when Kate cheats and peeks there are no monsters to make this show kill itself. Don't we wish this were Birdbox!

Somebody from production pours Joey Bats and Schmoopy here huge glasses of wine. I don't know why the editors felt it was so important we see that. They're zooming in on the wine glasses even. Get 'em good and drunk, it's better TV. Shortly thereafter Joey flat out says he kept requesting more and more wine to get Kate to loosen up. Well, that's one way to do it, but kind of an ick way.

I guess more wine makes Kate want to shove clay into Joey's face but that's about all it does.

Does anyone care what the twins think about the two of them touching? Didn't think so. Mady doesn't like touching other people or being touched by other people. Well, that might happen when your mother never holds and hugs you growing up.

They finally reveal the sculptures, and Kate's looks like the elephant man and Joey's looks like the Night King and Prince Charles got together. This is the only thing about the whole date that is mildly amusing to me.

The date finally ends and Joey sounds genuinely disappointed he couldn't really get intimate with Kate when they said goodbye, and Adam gives good advice that you shouldn't wait until the end of the date to suddenly make a move. It creates too much pressure and build up. And gets awkward, might I add. So this was part Joey's fault for really timing this all wrong and the rest is Kate's fault for being a stone cold block of ice toward a really nice guy who would just like to kiss her on the lips for all his trouble. Instead he has to settle for kissing both her cheeks like he's a Real Housewife. You know that stupid kissing they're always doing as if we live in Paris, when all they really want to do is slug the bitch in front of them for whatever latest interview they gave trashing them. Any advice or thoughts of any relevance from Rachel? Nope, didn't think so.

Kate, who is so clearly on the spectrum I would stake my life on it at this point, didn't notice Joey was going in for a kiss and didn't feel a single tad emotion resembling romantic feelings at all. Kate says she's "probably not opposed" to seeing Joey again. Probably not opposed?? Gentleman, and ladies, too, if anybody ever acts like they are probably not opposed to seeing you again, you need to put your foot down and YOU not see them again. You don't deserve somebody "not opposed." You deserve much, much better. You deserve somebody interested, excited, thrilled to get to know you, can't wait to find out what happens next. Forget Kate, she's a piece of trash.

I've always said Tax Shelter Jeff was too good for Kate but guess what Joey Bats, you've also joined the upper echelon here of TOO GOOD FOR KATE! Now move yourself along from this poor choice you made to get involved with a reality show and get somebody worthy of yourself, your talents, your kindness, and the way you've done something so meaningful with your life.

We launch immediately into Tax Shelter Jeff's date, in which he's invited Kate over to his nice condo for dinner in the most adorable little town in North Carolina called Davison. Geez, even this town is too good for Kate. Their public library looks straight out of The Waltons. It's so cute. Too bad Kate don't read. I always think dinner at his or her place for a second date is a great choice. It's best to figure out if they have a giant boil on their nose in a public setting, but it's also good to see their living quarters as early in the relationship as possible, because a lot of red flags can be discovered by how somebody lives at home. It's also a chance to have a more private conversation without waiters, or some obnoxious ex-lawyer like Rachel, interrupting you.

Well I've speculated Jeff could be just a gay actor because he's so perfect. Even his house is so freaking homey and inviting, with flowers on the windowsill and some historical document framed on the wall. But turns out he's not gay after all, as we here on the blog discovered via Facebook he now is very happy with a wonderful girlfriend who is 45 and has a set of twins. Suck it, Kate. I'm also pretty sure he's not an actor; I think this was a favor to a friend in production or a dare for charity or something.

Jeff immediately pulls out the wine, which is probably wise, and Kate's already mugging for the cameras with some stupid water into wine joke that makes no sense. She's literally swinging her whole body around to look at the cameras and make this "joke." It's incredible how obnoxious she is.

Jeff owns cookbooks? Be still my heart. Between that, his love of board games, and The Princess Bride being his favorite movie, that Facebook girlfriend of his is one lucky woman. Like straight out of a romance novel lucky. They're going to cook salmon, chickpea salad and roasted cauliflower, which as far as I'm concerned is the only way to cook cauliflower worth eating. Yum.

Proving how beyond-beyond socially awkward she is, Kate in the middle of them talking about wine and pouring wine suddenly blurts out, "You were so good with my girls!" Good Lord, Kate. Good Lord! I mean try to lead into something like that at least a little. It's like it was a line she knew she wanted to say, but didn't know how or when to bring it up so she just inserted it wherever. She's so painful to watch, and I almost....almost....feel bad for her.

Blech, Mady peddles that old party line about how the new changed Kate is much more relaxed and would be just fine with a guy like Jeff taking over her domain in the kitchen. What changed Mady? Explain. Otherwise I don't believe it and I think you're brainwashed and just regurgitating whatever Kate has told you, and at your age, it's sad to be such a mouthpiece for your own mother.

I have a hunch you're a good cook, Jeff says. Jeff, your hunch is wrong.

I have no idea what Kate means when she says Jeff's home was better than she expected but you can tell he's a bachelor. How so? He looks like he has every kind of pan and kitchen utensil, nice cutting boards, the house looks lived in and homey, there's nice artwork on the walls and it's clean and nicely decorated. And he cooks with kale. I couldn't tell you whether a bachelor lives here or a yogi or a family of four. I don't get this comment at all and I find it to be rather snide. 

Jeff is touchy feely and says pretty matter of fact that Kate really didn't return it. I'm glad he doesn't seem disappointed about this because he's too good for Kate to be upset.

Kate completely overreacts to their mutual love of cilantro. She's so awkward! Goodness, you'd think they just discovered they both have a mutual passion for 19th century Russian literature. I mean it's not that uncommon to really love cilantro. You like apples too? And you like to cook dinner and eat it? Oh my God me too! Oy.

Jeff mentions her chopping skills needs some work. Heh. I take pleasure in someone who wrote a cookbook being insulted by someone who clearly is so much better in the kitchen than she is, yet never wrote a cookbook or has a need to impress anybody with their cooking.

Are Rachel and Adam in Jeff's closet? So weird. Rachel remarks that Kate is into him. I don't know how she figures that but sure.

Kate throws salt in Jeff's face, and I guess the extent of her ability to flirt involves putting stuff in guy's faces, whether it's salt or clay.

While dinner is cooking, Jeff takes her down to his wine cellar. So cool! It's gorgeous, with lovely reclaimed wood. He built it himself. Of course he did. 

Oh, I'm dying here, I love Jeff so much. He schools Kate like a boss about how little she knows about wine, calling her alleged favorite wine Malbec from Argentina "boring." Bawww! I don't know anything about wine but I'll take Jeff's word for it that's a boring wine that people who don't know anything about wine like, and guess what else is boring, Jeff? KATE! It makes me so happy you're with somebody else now because you deserve some spice in your very nice life. Jeff prefers French red wine from Bordeaux and Clos de la Roche. I think that's what he's saying, and this is without the help of the closed captioned which apparently the Roku TLCgo app doesn't have. My French is terrible but I trust him that whatever that is, that's good wine.

"When you're single and don't have kids you can just build a wine cellar," Kate remarks on the couch. The hell? Why is she being such a grade A jerk? As if a wine cellar or something similar is something only people with nothing on their plates have time to putter around with aimlessly. I mean, Jeff has been running his own company and traveling the world, it's not like he has nothing going on, nor are people without kids by default not busy or don't understand what it means to be busy. Hey, Kate, lots of people with kids, or without kids, are very busy yet still carve out time to have full and interesting lives. Just because you haven't done so yourself doesn't mean you have to make nasty comments about other people who are accomplishing things of meaning with their limited time on this earth, kids or not. For the first time it occurs to me she is jealous and resentful of anyone who has a full and interesting life, Jeff and Jon included. It doesn't matter if you have kids or don't have kids, anyone who has managed to carve out a real life for themselves, she resents. I don't know why Kate has been unable to hone in on hobbies and interests of her own. I don't know why she has nothing going on. Perhaps she is simply incapable of finding and developing interests. I get the impression the vast majority of things bore her for some reason, which is abnormal and could be a red flag there's some true depression going on here. For the few things that capture her attention, like cooking and wine, the true work involved with fleshing out that interest into anything substantial, as Jeff has, is just too overwhelming and too much work for somebody so darn lazy. Thus, we're left with a 44-year-old woman with absolutely nothing going on but eight I mean six kids and some dogs. 

Jeff actually has very similar core interests to Kate in that he likes traveling, cooking, and wine. Except Jeff really made something of those interests and Kate did not. I'm getting a pretty keen sense that this very fact is dawning on Jeff on this date, and although he seemed quite interested in Kate on the first date, this second one is rapidly going downhill as he's realizing somebody like Kate just isn't for him. I'd feel sorry for him except we know he found a great girlfriend, so this is fine. It would only be depressing if he were still looking!

And another thing, she should have been not so lazy and developed her interests for her kids and stop blaming her kids for her sad boring life. It is good for children to see their parents' lives not completely revolving around the children. And oftentimes just by virtue of the fact that kids are so exposed to their parents' interests they develop a love for such things too as they get older. In my family that was camping and fishing. We all grew up with the adults going off on camping trips two or three times a summer up to the various beautiful lakes in Canada and when we got old enough we tagged along. It instilled in me a love of nature and the outdoors and camping, the pure unadulterated quiet of the wilderness, that has continued well into my own adulthood and that I fully intend to pass down to my own family, and dog

Rachel announces uselessly that there is some great chemistry on this date. Rachel just wants her own show, which we knew, but she proved it on her instagram account with this exchange: 

You have the best smile , personality ever, you need your own show❤️👏👏😬

@sandyfen aw thank you! From your lips to @tlc’s ears 😂

Rachel seems like the type to mix bleach and vinegar thinking she's just made the greatest super cleaning solution for her counters, pinterest worthy. 

They at last sit down to dinner and it looks delicious. They both like it. Mady and Cara announce that Kate has been making the chickpea and cauliflower thing repeatedly at home. They rudely say they don't like it and got so sick of it. Why are they being so rude?

Tell me more about your growing up years, Jeff says. Uh-oh, here we go. Kate essentially avoids the question with a real red flag of an answer "I don't know how to describe it." If anybody says to you they don't know how to describe their childhood, run.

Jeff naturally says he had a good childhood, had great parents, but did want to get out of his small town. Jeff, who continues to have a lot of things in common with Kate, is too good for Kate. I suspect that's what it was with Kate too. It's not that her parents or childhood were necessarily bad, she was just one of those yearning to see what else was out there beyond the little town. I went through that too, but most people are able to recognize the difference between having a great family but just wanting out to see what else is out there, versus wrongly equating a very natural and common desire to want out with something defective or not good enough about her childhood. I suspect Kate is the later, and it's really disrespectful to her family who, with the exception of maybe her father, did nothing wrong in the raising of her. Based on her own words I believe she felt she deserved more trips and more money to spend in her childhood, her family did nothing wrong in not being able to afford such luxuries, and instead of understanding that and accepting it, she resents it to this day. 

Why are you still single, Kate asks. Is it just me but I think this question is flipping rude. Why is he still single? Why are you still single, Kate? Geez! What are you supposed to say to that, I'm a great catch except for the fact that I pick my toenails in front of the T.V. every night and no woman can stand that? And I feel like he already adequately explained why he's single, because the nature of his job mostly abroad and all the traveling he did made relationships difficult (and likely unfair to the woman) but now that he has decided to recently relocate to North Carolina to be near his nephews, he is able to have a stable relationship now. That is a perfectly reasonable reason why a great guy like this is single, though he won't be for long. 

Jeff politely explains, not that this is anyone's business on a second date, that he didn't want to get married in his 20's, and in his 30's he was in a three-year relationship that ended in heartbreak and so hasn't met the right one since then. That really was none of your business, Kate, but whatever.

Kate just checked her phone. Ugh. Why is your phone even out?

Jeff corrals her to the couch, sitting close to her with his arm around her. He's about to kiss her, and I feel like someone is asking me to do a polar bear swim and I'm cringing and hugging myself. I am panicking as much as Kate. Jeff moves her hair from her eyes and she acts like she just got electrocuted. This is a bit sad to watch. This is the behavior of a rape victim for goodness sake. Get some therapy, Kate, because you're a mess. 

Kate abruptly ends the date and bolts toward the door, and Jeff asks to see her again and she says sure yes. We take forever to build up to it and then Jeff suddenly grabs her face and kisses her. Ew, ew, ew.  It looks like a vacuum cleaner grabbing up Kate Gosselin. I'm horrified. At least Kate doesn't pull away and even puts her doughy hands around him.

And now folks we're to the end of this hot mess of a show and guess what, it just ends! Kate says she has stayed in contact with one of the two finalist guys, but she doesn't feel we really need to know right now. Oh, come on! I have never in the history of T.V. seen someone trolling so shamelessly for a second season. Also, Kate, you tool, you don't need to tease and play games with viewers about who or if you ended up with somebody to get a second season. It's so unnecessary, obnoxious, and frankly disrespectful to the handful of viewers who stuck this one out. "So what else is out there?" Kate remarks. Not much, Schmoopy. Now drink your lame wine and peek out from your blindfold so this show can just die Birdbox style and the whole world would be better off.

327 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Minka Tail said...

I’m trying to figure out what colleges they’re going to. If it were Columbia or NYU she’d be bragging about it. They don’t have all that many colleges in NY, though there are several. I’m wondering if they’re in Staten Island or one the outer boroughs.

Sad but true said...

Anonymous said... 200

No, Syracuse doesn't have a NYC campus. I think what they're talking about is having a "close connection" to NYC due to many alumni, and they offer semester-long programs specifically in drama and architecture. They probably have some kind of "exchange" with another college that facilitates this. I don't think there is any program that would allow you to live four years in NYC and graduate from Syracuse.

I think it's possible Mady is going to Fordham and Cara to someplace else. Plenty of choices in the city. But I think it's unfortunate that they won't be further away from Mommy and her demands. I hope their college choices weren't in any way based on HER needs---specifically, the need to be making a dumb-ass reality TV show.

Anonymous said...

It's actually no different than yapping with friends on the phone for hours on end talking about everything and nothing until our parents yelled at us to get off the phone. Of course that was back when there were no cellphones, no internet and dinosaurs roamed the earth.

The difference is that it's now being posted online for the world to see. The good, the bad, the stupid. If they are not careful, their posts can lead to loss of opportunities.


BlueJay said...

AuntieAnn, true. I remember days of the party line telephone days. It just seems so much more accessible that well mundane and ridiculous seem to perhaps have crossed lines.

I have no desire to post every five minutes that I changed "cute socks" like one of my grandchildren three times in a day or that I update my Facebook status or such and such. Just like I can't imagine how on earth TLC finds enough material to film Kate dating my goodness how on earth is hear daughter going to come up with enough to film to post to a channel online?

Oldposter said...

Glad to hear the tilt head thing isn’t mean spirited!! :)

M is registered as a freshman at Syracuse, college of Arts and Sciences.

Online college directories are a good thing.

Haven’t looked too hard at the Fordham site, but not all colleges publicize directories. ~ Administrator said...

It's actually no different than yapping with friends on the phone for hours on end talking about everything and nothing until our parents yelled at us to get off the phone. Of course that was back when there were no cellphones, no internet and dinosaurs roamed the earth.

The difference is that it's now being posted online for the world to see. The good, the bad, the stupid. If they are not careful, their posts can lead to loss of opportunities.



I totally agree it’s just the normal yapping about nothing except now it’s public which is a big deal. All I can say is thank god I didn’t have this as a teen. The long term consequences of normal teenage nothingness suddenly public have not been fully fleshed out but naturally the fear is the consequences could be grave.

Jtn said...

Mady wants to be a influencer... the only problem is this entire medium is already pretty well fleshed out. She doesn’t have anything interesting to add because she lacks a decent hook. She has no skills or talents to draw people in... she has no plan other than to yammer at the camera. She may think that will draw followers but it’s been played out by many many others. If she wants to try it, she needs to brace herself when her high school classmates and college classmates start posting their own videos talking about their impressions of her. It won’t be always ones she knows either.
Sponsors will be small things, but big ones will be hesitant because they can read numbers too. They know the last dating show was a dud.
My guess is this will be something where she posts.a couple and gets bored because it doesn’t generate the passive income she expects so like a crow she’ll chase the next shiny thing.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I think these mundane videos about nothing are the consequence of raising a generation of "special snowflake" kids (lookin' at you, Aunt Becky). They believe they are incredibly interesting and hilarious and wise and clever, and feel the need to share that not with just their peers but with the world. Zzzzzz...

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Some stream of concious musings - Mady (and her mother) are/were quite enamored of Colleen Barringer/Miranda Sings a youtube sensation. Theater courses, speaking art, photography, film, web design and business courses would be a good start for Mady. Competition is tough. I spent a year last month renewing DH's license on Pennsylvania's new, awful professional licenses site - tip off of the heartburn to come was a big banner on the site that Architecture licenses would be active and valid until Aug - site was not up and running for Architecs. Landscape Architects all good though. One glance at our yard - no Landscape Architect lives here. Site was finally running (and it is terrible(ly confusing) with 2 weeks left until expiration date of 6/30. Still had to get it all done, the extension was for PA to get the license cards out not renewal ... While hanging out there bored I did a verification check on nursing. TFW's RN license is active and expires on 10/23. All that non-filming time spent on CE's? Felt like a stalker on a public site. Couple of years ago a zoning official told DH his license wasn't valid. Guy spelled DH's last name every which way but the correct one. Hint for those so inclined. Katie Irene

William Faulkner I ain't (pretty obvious if you've read this far)

Hi Flimsy

Sue said...

TFW's RN license is active and expires on 10/23. All that non-filming time spent on CE's?

While her license may be up tp date, if you haven’t practiced your craft (hands on) for a decade it might be hard to get an actual job. But good for her for taking the necessary CE courses.

Layla said...

Oldposter said... 6
Glad to hear the tilt head thing isn’t mean spirited!! :)
Definitely not, I think it's cute! Much better than Annie Sullivan because Sullivan is a cute name, don't you think?--Ahem--and I don't think someone would like a new soon-to-arrive family member to be named Sullivan and then associate that name with Mady G--once again--ahem! **Some of you will know exactly what I mean by that** But head-tilt Mady is cute and very, very accurate.

Mady's first video was mildly interesting because she was doing things that most people her age don't do. But--she didn't focus on the press tour part of it, and instead was focused more on mundane things like food. She showed her Starbucks, eating a cookie, eating a croissant, getting avocado toast, shots of every meal. Why not a little more behind-the-scenes of the press portion of it? You know, the part that's actually unique and interesting. Sorry to have to break the news, but millions of girls her age go to Starbucks and eat avocado toast. Most can't show behind-the-scene glimpses of TV studios. She missed the mark. She tried to copy Olivia Jade by showing off her clothes, but nothing Mady had was unique or different from what any other girl has.

My daughter-from-another-mother (DFAM!) does the whole social media influencer thing, and her hook is the fact that she models hair and is allowed to post pictures and videos. She has amazing hair, and she has salons that style and color it, and use the pictures for advertising. She also has friends who are up-and-coming fashion designers, and she promotes their clothes and introduces them to her viewers. That is her hook--something she does that is different from what other girls her age do. That's what Mady needs to find--something unique and interesting that provides others a glimpse of something they might not see otherwise. Copying Olivia Jade isn't going to cut it, because there's already an Olivia Jade.

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Sue said...
While her license may be up tp date, if you haven’t practiced your craft (hands on) for a decade it might be hard to get an actual job. But good for her for taking the necessary CE courses

Generally, you have to keep a log and records of the CE's. For the actual renewal you just check a box indicating you have taken them. Of course, if you are audited and they find you haven't taken the required amount they'd pull the license immediately. To be fair, I do not know what the requirements for an RN license. I would like to think clinicals would be required. It's possible she did take clinical courses. Maybe a PA RN could weigh in on CE requirements.

I seem to remember a show where she went back to dialysis clinic where she had previously worked and tried to show the kids hooking the equipment. Epic fail.

JR said...

Why does she say keeping track of deadlines and dates for school is mind we go... now she gonna be so tired from keeping dates straight... poor thing...does she ever stop with the pity party... is she for real??😂

JR said...

Why would she keep deadlines for the twins? Aren’t they grown up... they can’t keep track..
My daughters in college and she is responsible for all that... can she stop please?!?

Layla said...

It's ridiculous to think she's managing things for the twins. She has no say in what they do in college. They can add or drop classes or change their majors without any input or approval from her. She can't even see their grades without their approval. Welcome to the real world, Kate! You no longer control these girls. All she gets to do is maybe help them move into their dorms and make sure they're there for the beginning of classes. If they allow her to do that.

foxy said...

My daughter was 17 when she went away for college. So was her best friend. They both excelled in academics, sports and had work study. Both graduated magna cum laude and are great young women. Give them room to breathe and they can do it.

AuntieAnn said...

Blue Jay said...

I have no desire to post every five minutes that I changed "cute socks" like one of my grandchildren three times in a day or that I update my Facebook status or such and such. Just like I can't imagine how on earth TLC finds enough material to film Kate dating my goodness how on earth is hear daughter going to come up with enough to film to post to a channel online?


I agree and I don't have the desire or need to do the Facebook status yada yada stuff either. I guess I don't worry about the Olivia Jades of the world because I don't have kids or teens in the home anymore but I see your (and others) point. I confess I don't even know who this OJ person is. I guess I could Google her but...nah. Mady is another story. It appears she's been totally sucked into Kate's hellish vortex.

AuntieAnn said...

I seem to remember a show where she went back to dialysis clinic where she had previously worked and tried to show the kids hooking the equipment. Epic fail.


That was cringeworthy but the she-devil thought it was hilarious.

Lorrie said...

There’s a story up at People about how Kate feels “mixed emotions” about M&C leaving for college and how much they’ll be missed. I didn’t bother to read it, as I can probably predict exactly what the article will say - regurgitated Mady quote about Jon will likely make its obligatory appearance too. Amirite??

Former Lurker said...

I just took a quick look at the Daily Mail and saw her wrinkly mug. I haven't even read it yet, but can tell she's going to milk this college crap as much as she can:

Kate Gosselin, 44, talks about her twin daughters Mady and Cara, 18, going off to college: 'I worry about how much we are all going to miss them'


Like I said, I haven't even had a chance to read it yet other than the headline. My response? Hey bitch, did you worry about your kids missing their little BROTHER when you shipped him off?!?!!! Former

foxy said...

Kate insists she has 6 more graduations for the "little kids". She has 4 more. I wonder if Skeeve will be driving the girls to school and helping move them in. If he does I hope someone takes pictures that are forbidden for these special girls.

Sad but true said...

Lorrie said... 20

And here, I think, we have the point of this story (a little sentence in italics at the end):

"For more on Kate’s best move-in tips and dorm room essentials, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on stands July 18."

So, they're trying to encourage folks to BUY the magazine in order to get Kate's "tips." I wonder if this is going to be something regular for K8 in People. Given the amount of coverage they've given her just in the last 8 weeks, it would sorta make sense. Although who would BUY a magazine (as opposed to reading online) JUST for Kate's tips is well beyond my ability to divine.

JM said...

"All she gets to do is maybe help them move into their dorms and make sure they're there for the beginning of classes. If they allow her to do that."

And she has to do that at the same time as all the thousands of other students and parents too! Hahaha!!!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Layla (#12), I used my secret decoder ring (Auntie Ann crafted me one out of pipe cleaners and washi tape), and figured out your comment, and I think Sullivan is a wonderful name!

ncgirl said...

"For more on Kate’s best move-in tips and dorm room essentials, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on stands July 18."

I saw the article but didn't see this. Oh, please. Kate's decorating style is something no one wants. Coyne keeps enabling her. I have to give it to TFW. She tries to get publicity from everything. She just has to have TLC, Coyne, and Skeeve behind her

Sad but true said...

Well, I think we figured out how K8 is going to keep going over the summer. She's going to milk her twins' departure for college for all it's worth. I wonder if they agreed to this last-gasp idiocy, or if she snuggled up to People (and TLC?) on the sly. If those girls are NOT known before they hit the dorms, it won't be her fault!

That her fans (and her kids) apparently cannot see how they are being taken advantage of will always be a mystery to me. Here's hoping we're not treated to any "letters home" as the academic year gets underway. Every time I think she's gone as low as possible, she drops one level more. Where TF is the bottom on this bitch?

JoyinVirginia said...

I have a people subscription, and will post an article summary when this weeks issue comes. Best college movie-in tips? Read the suggested item list from the college that they send to EVERY NEW STUDENT. This is not top secret stuff! Also check Craig's List for local graduating students selling their mini-fridges or minivacuum or other stuff. This may be the intro for a sponsored ad by Target or Bed Bath and Beyond or Walmart.

JR said...

Can someone tell me what this bitch is talking about?.... guide the younger children????? They have shown nothing but contempt for the younger ones... omg I think I’m gonna bust a vain.... I honestly can’t take her lies... they are getting down right ridiculous

JR said...

First it was pity me for having eight kids.. now it’s pity me because my twins are gone... also pity me because I have to keep track of dates for two schools .... I’m exhausted and I have no help!!

Layla said...

We love it too! Can't wait to meet him!

NJGal51 said...

JM said... 24
"All she gets to do is maybe help them move into their dorms and make sure they're there for the beginning of classes. If they allow her to do that."

And she has to do that at the same time as all the thousands of other students and parents too! Hahaha!!!
Maybe she’ll bring purse boy with her to help and if she does I hope that someone catches them and posts it to twitter! Although in the grand scheme of things, they’ll just be one (or two) among hundreds moving in! How mediocre! As far as the People magazine article goes...what possible tips could TFW give on this? It’s the first time that she’s doing it so I don’t think she qualifies as an expert. I did it for my son and didn’t need her help. We looked at what was suggested on the list he got from NAU and went from there. We got most of his stuff at Target because it was convenient. Also, there are Target stores all over and a gift card for whatever was forgotten can be easily purchased by the kids as they figure out what else they need. The vlogs on dorm room essentials have been done to death.

Lyla! I’ve put on my Mr. Monk hat and have also deduced what Your comment was about and I too think Sullivan is a wonderful name!

Giff said...

Did I read that Daily Mail article correct? She had the audacity to say she cried because Jon wasn't there?? As if she even gave him a choice???? The bitch made sure she alienated him from their lives, now she wants to make it seem like it's his fault??? She CRIED when she realized he wasn't there???! One of those kids needs to start the tell all book and put this crazy woman in her place. Unbelievable. ~ Administrator said...

Did I read that Daily Mail article correct? She had the audacity to say she cried because Jon wasn't there?? As if she even gave him a choice???? The bitch made sure she alienated him from their lives, now she wants to make it seem like it's his fault??? She CRIED when she realized he wasn't there???! One of those kids needs to start the tell all book and put this crazy woman in her place. Unbelievable.


Classic victim.

JR said...

Man she’s in lying overdrive lately... she cried???? Same lying shit another day

ncgirl said...

Jon could've been there if Kate had co-parented like a decent person.

AuntieAnn said...

I just took a quick look at the Daily Mail and saw her wrinkly mug. I haven't even read it yet, but can tell she's going to milk this college crap as much as she can:


I took a quick look too but then got sidetracked by a photo of Celine Dion. Yeesh.

So Kate's a "Bag of emotions". Apparently she's going to interfere with their life at college now too. You can never really ditch a narcissist.

Sad but true said...

AuntieAnn said... 37

So Kate's a "Bag of emotions".

No, she's just a bag. Full stop. :)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#37), in classic narc style, she's making their departure all about her. And Mady and Cara will probably have to put their own feelings about moving away on the back burner while they take care of hers. Heifer.

Sad but true said...

Giff said... 33

Did I read that Daily Mail article correct? She had the audacity to say she cried because Jon wasn't there?? . . .

No, no. Here's what they wrote, in typically terrible Daily Mail form:

"It seems like Jon was not in attendance for the twin's graduation, which Kate said brought on the water works.

"Three notes into Pomp & Circumstance Kate said 'I instantly started sobbing. That’s when it hit me.'"

She's not referring back to Jon here, she's referring to the graduation, which is what brought on "the waterworks" (whatever that means) within the first three notes of P&C. It's a wonder anyone ever makes any sense out of anything at all in the Daily Mail. Not to mention, out of K8.

AuntieAnn said...

And Mady and Cara will probably have to put their own feelings about moving away on the back burner while they take care of hers. Heifer.


Flimsy, I don't know about Mady and only time will tell, but lets just see how often Cara comes home to visit Henrietta heifer on breaks. Moving away has got to feel like being parolled after years of being imprisoned at that house.

Oh and I notice in the article she didn't say the little kids, she called them "the younger siblings", lol. She reads here. Oh yes she does.

Sad but true, she's a bag alright and we know what she's full of.

Layla said...

NJGal51 (32)
I knew you guys would get it! It's a family name on the DIL's side, and we're all about carrying on family names.

"For more on Kate’s best move-in tips and dorm room essentials, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on stands July 18."

Dorm room tips? She has yet to move any of her kids into a dorm room (except maybe if she moved Collin's stuff, but I refuse to give her any credit for that!!!). As for dorm room essentials, she needs to back off and let the girls pick out what they want for their dorm rooms. It's just like decorating a bedroom at home--it should reflect their own tastes and personalities. Of course, if Kate can grift free stuff, she won't give a flying flip about what the girls want. Freebies come first! My sons' rooms at home and at college have all been beautifully decorated with dirty clothes and Lacrosse gear. And that reflects their personalities--Lacrosse is king, just ask any one of them.

NJGal51 said...

My guess is Jon wasn’t at the graduation because he and Collin weren’t invited. Wasn’t that hat the week that he and Collin took their road trip? She’s an ass.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#32), hey now, let's not sell TFW short. She may have amazing economizing tips for college kids. She managed to cut her family's food budget by a whopping 30% by getting rid of her husband and 2 of her kids.

katewho? said...

Mady's video was good, IMO. I would guess she had some pro-editing help but what made it most interesting was the settings/events. Shot in expensive NY and LA hotels, hair and makeup daily, high end restaurants. This is far from Mady's day to day existence and certainly far from what a college student's life is like. I don't think she will be able to keep interest up in the future. Now it seems like Kate and the twins maybe doing some dorm move-in promotions. This is really begining to sound like Olivia Jade who did one with her room outfitted by Amazon.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gimme a break about Schmoopy sobbing at graduation. Has she ever once mentioned shedding a tear about the son she sent away? As I've said before, she's about as sensitive as a jockstrap.

Formerly Duped said...

Layla, I agree ! Sullivan is a great name and I know it's going to be a little boy but it could be nice for a girl too.Lots of nicknames possible as well.

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Isn't she on her 50 billionth pink iPhone? Does she not know how to use the calendar app, to-do app, reminder app and notes app? Heck, there is even a spreadsheet app. An organized wonder she is not. Good grief

Oldposter said...

Y’all get it right... she didn’t cry... she ‘instantly started SOBBiNG’.
Seriously, wtf is wrong with this woman.

She has to be green with envy— two of her kids will live in NY (one in NYC), and she’s stuck on the back 40 in ghettoville.
Suck it Kate!

Anonymous said...

I doubt M & C would come home and visit much at all. And by the summertime, they’ll be quite used to spending time in a busy exciting area that I doubt that they’ll want to spend their summer months cooped up in rural Pennsylvania hanging around the pool. I doubt either of them have a car, so you got the transportation costs of going back and forth too.
Gigi Be

BlueJay said...


Who is Olive Jade? Anyone else fill me in? Is this some model or something that Mady is trying to copy or something rather?

I knew Kate having her children filmed all these years could lead to them "needing" to continue this type of life. Very sad. Why didn't they just stop after a couple of specials?

All my children are grown and I'm glad they are before Facebook. I couldn't image having to deal with it back then. But Kate seems in her 40's to relish it. Good just occurred to me! Could you imagine if she had tried to do ALL this living under her parents roof? The very idea.

I look as to that's why she is so bitter towards her husband. Good luck finding a guy to put up with her need for fame now. I mean I know there are men out there, but, really?

Sue said...

I doubt either of them have a car, so you got the transportation costs of going back and forth too.

At Syracuse you have to petition to have a car on campus freshman year. I don’t think Mady meets the requirements and “my mom is Kate+8 probably won’t fly”. If Cara is going to the NYC campus of Fordham I doubt that she’ll have a car because mass trans is great and it would be too expensive to garage a car in the city.

AuntieAnn said...

BlueJay said... 51


Who is Olive Jade? Anyone else fill me in? Is this some model or something that Mady is trying to copy or something rather?


You'll have to ask Bueller because I don't have a clue who she is and I'm too uninterested to Google her, so your guess is as good as mine.

And yes, if social media had been around when Kate was a teen she'd have been ALL over it. She's been after fame and fortune all her life in any way she can get it so youtube and all the rest would have been right up her alley. Look how she threw herself and her family right into reality tv when it was just taking off.

One of Eight said...

Olivia Jade is Lori Loughlin's daughter and is now kicked out of her school because of the college scandal. Before that, she posted on social media and had contracts with Sephora and Amazon and would post a lot about life in college. She has 1.4 million Instagram followers and the money and lifestyle to post interesting things and people so TFW better up her game. Reese Witherspoon's daughter took over as the Amazon sponsor. I am sorry that I know all of this but that's life of a mom with kids, hearing these things.

Pooshanellagoober said...

"For more on Kate’s best move-in tips and dorm room essentials, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on stands July 18."
What the heck?!? What in the world does Schmoopy know about moving into a college dorm? She sounds as if she was the first parent in the world to have to move more than one child into a college dorm. I wonder if she has somehow suckered some company into promoting dorm items, etc -- of course, in exchange for free items.

AuntieAnn said...

 I wonder if she has somehow suckered some company into promoting dorm items, etc -- of course, in exchange for free items.


Bingo. Grifting freebies and lying are her two areas of expertise.

Formerly Duped said...

Kate pushes her own ideas on her kids. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to decorate their dorm rooms with no input from them. I remember this when they did the room swap- the kids could not even pick the paint color and the whole thing was a big secret reveal. Lots of shouting and tears in that episode. Also Kate picked some decorative stones for the kids once and engraved a private joke among the twins and Marley on theirs- they were furious. I have a feeling 'waterworks' may be happening in the near future!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Before starting at USC, Olivia Jade posted a video saying she wasn't so into the classes and whatnot. But she was totally stoked about the social scene. There was a big backlash, and she walked the statement back (probably worrying about losing sponsors), but she made her point. So her mom blew up her own career, and may possibly face jail time, to cheat the kid's way into an education she didn't even want. And the kid wound up losing the sponsors anyway.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 58

So her mom blew up her own career, and may possibly face jail time, to cheat the kid's way into an education she didn't even want. And the kid wound up losing the sponsors anyway.


Oh so that's who OJ is... I must have nodded off in class again. I knew about Becky but didn't make the connection. Of course we know Schmoopy is far too awnest to dabble in that kind of crookery.

NJGal51 said...

There are so many vlogs on YouTube on college dorm, essentials, shopping, decorating, etc. that TFW won’t even be a blip on the radar (unless she sells a story to Radar online 😏). There are even a bunch of them on twins move in day (and various vlogs about their college life) and even higher multiples going to college. Apparently twins going to college aren’t anything special especially since they’re going to different schools so are basically singletons. Additionally, there are already many YouTube dorm tours of both Fordham and Syracuse so Mady and TFW won’t be bringing anything new to the table.

Winsomeone said...

I bet Kate really will miss the twins. I don't think she has much of a relationship with the remaining tups? All of the money and anything special was always just for the twins it seems like. Bet there will be nothing left for the younger six at all..not even money for state college.

foxy said...

The McCaughey's managed to rear all 8 of their children without a TV show. The eldest single birth daughter is married with a child, 5 of the septuplets attend the same university in Missouri. Imagine moving 5 kids to school? Kenny Jr lives at home and is attending vo-tech to go into building and the other boy is in the army. They are all good kids and their parents did a wonderful job with them all. They are downsizing from their 7 bedroom home to a 3 bedroom home. They are selling to a Christian ministry I think for young or unwed mothers. They decided not to have the kids in the limelight when they were born. Kate should be ashamed of herself, plus 2 of the kids have disabilities and yet they are going to university. That is one family that is truly to be admired not this farce of Kate plus whatever.

Layla said...

Formerly Duped said... 47
Layla, I agree ! Sullivan is a great name and I know it's going to be a little boy but it could be nice for a girl too.Lots of nicknames possible as well.
Formerly--there's 5 more embryos stored, so we may get a girl (or 5!) too one of these days.

One of Eight(54)
Isn't it funny how we absorb so much useless knowledge from our offspring? I have boys, so a lot of this stuff is ignored at our house--but the girlfriends fill me in. Go ahead, ask me what's the difference between basic, extra, and bougie. Sadly, I can explain it.

Layla said...

Winsomeone said... 61
I bet Kate really will miss the twins. I don't think she has much of a relationship with the remaining tups? All of the money and anything special was always just for the twins it seems like.
I noticed that too--going clear back to the time Jon brought home bagels for a special treat for the twins--but none for the tups. Alexis was sent to the corner because she was crying for a bagel. Why not bring home enough for a special treat for all the kids? The twins were always the ones to hang out in Kate's room with her, and on the only episode of K+8 I watched she didn't want to spend money on the tups--but took the twins to expensive boutiques and kept pushing them to get more and more. They seem to forget that it's the tups who put them on the map in the first place.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Winsomeone (#61), I wonder if Mady and Cara might be the closest thing TFW has to best friends. Neither Jamie nor Deanna is local. Has TFW ever mentioned another person she spends time with recreationally? Lunch, dinner, coffee, a movie, a concert, a trip to a flea market or book store? Any social interaction with any human being besides her kids and Steve? And, no, she's not "too busy" to have friends.

JoyinVirginia said...

People July 29 edition, came in the mail to my house July 19.
page 69 to 74: "The ultimate guide to sending your kids to college". it's quotes, info from several "celebrity parents give their best advice".
page 69 all Lisa Rinna, Harry Hamlin, and their 2 daughters, no product photos.
page 70 Julianne Moore sidebar "3 things parents should remember". Kate Gosselin "prepping for move-in day times 2". 2 photos already published of her and twins, 3 product photos at bottom "Kate's dorm dining must haves" from IKEA, target, Walmart.
71 is ad. page 72 "kimora lee simmons: 3 tips I give my girls to stay balanced". sidebar "celebrity snapshots drop-off day" with Christie Brinkley and Sailor, David Beckham and Brooklyn, Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann with maude and iris. bottom product photos "dreamy decor" from target, Kohl's, amazon.
73 is ad. page 74 left sidebar Katie Couric "lessons for college and beyond", right sidebar "it's ok to cry" quotes from Barack Obama, Reese Witherspoon, Rob Lowe. center photo and paragraph about kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos and Michael and Lola going to school in NYC (they come home to do laundry). Photo and blurb about "Madonnas concise college advice" to Lourdes. product prices at bottom from urban outfitters, container store, for phone wallet, for shower squid, and for makeup towels.

JoyinVirginia said...

cover of people this week: the royal wives Kate and Meghan. also featured at top, Chip and Joanna Gaines, there is article about baby Crew's first birthday. They are terrific example of how to maxamize reality tv: end your show, focus on projects at home including: Magnolia lifestyle blog, Magnolia Market store, Magnolia Journal lifestyle magazine which has same publisher as People, their real estate company, a coffee shop they are opening in the fall, their product lines with Target and Anthropologie, and in 2020 the Discovery DIY channel will become THEIR OWN TV NETWORK!!! Joanna and Chip are talented and work hard! And only the baby is pictured in the article, no photos of the older 4 children.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

JoyinVirginia (#66), thanks for catching us up on the People college issue! This caught my attention: Katie Couric and "Lessons for College and Beyond." She is an authentic single mom. Her husband died of colon cancer, leaving 2 little girls without a father. If Katie Couric sobbed at her daughters' graduations, I bet it was because she wished their father was there to see them. Compare that to TFW, who has done her level best to intentionally keep her children's loving, LIVING father out of their lives.

As many have said, C and H may very well have the best chance at becoming healthy adults because they have gotten away from that wretched woman.

Sad but true said...

JoyinVirginia said... 66

LOL, sounds like one of those "one of these things is not like the others" puzzle. Thanks, Joy, glad to hear it was nothing of consequence.

Sue said...

Thanks for the update Joy. The way the first article read it made it seem like TFW was getting a big write up when in reality she’s just one of many. I know that Lisa Rinna’s second daughter just graduated from HS and if she’s college bound they’ll probably set he up like the did with her older sister ( Kate isn’t going to be able to top that!

foxy said...

When Cara was younger, maybe 13 or so, she said she was going to go to college as far away from home as possible. I think if she stays away and actually is able to have her own thoughts and feelings she has a chance to become whatever she wants to be. Hopefully she will see the light on how her dad loves them and and can heal from the bad feelings she has for him. The four younger kids are really going to be catching her unemployed wrath and that may wake them up as well to how their dad really is.

Bubbles said...

>AuntieAnn said... 37
>I took a quick look too but then got sidetracked >by a photo of Celine Dion. Yeesh.

>So Kate's a "Bag of emotions". Apparently >she's going to interfere with their life at college >now too. You can never really ditch a >narcissist.

She’s a big EMPTY bag of emotions.

This is almost sympathetic for me to say, but I really believe Katie is actually a sociopath who isn’t capable of feeling true emotions. Not like serial-killer-sociopath, but the aspects of not understanding emotions and lacking empathy, etc.

(Here’s the almost sympathetic part) I almost feel sorry for her because I sometimes get the feeling that she actually does want to feel emotions and experience them the way other people do, but she’s simply not capable of it.

However, I do think intense therapy could help someone like that and she has clearly never sought that out.

And as an aside, that’s why I hardly ever go to to Daily Mail...for someone with ADHD I can’t handle the distraction overload lol.

Sad but true said...

Just posted on K8's last IG photo:

I wish @kateplusmy8 all the happiness in the world, but I must stick up for Jeff. I’ve known him for almost 20 years and have spoken to him recently. He’s a great guy. He’s warm, fun and funny, smart, fantastic with kids, easy going, natural and handsome. Imagine the show without him. It was Jeff who made the show interesting and let viewers see a softer side of Kate. IMHO.

Yessss, please let's have ALL of the Jeff supporters come forward! LOL

Formerly Duped said...

re: Celine Dion. It's scary how thin she is. I think she is still in deep mourning for her husband. She really never knew a life without him, having met and worked with him so young...I was never sure what to think about that relationship. I am a great fan (especially being from Canada, born near the Quebec border) and hope she does ok

suzieq said...

I will admit to being a regular reader but rarely post. However, I needed to know if anyone else noticed that during Kate’s second “date” with Jeff she was not wearing her (stay away not interested) diamond rings during their “romantic” dinner. Perhaps she was hoping to be asked to go on a trip with him.

AuntieAnn said...

Bubbles said... 72

(Here’s the almost sympathetic part) I almost feel sorry for her because I sometimes get the feeling that she actually does want to feel emotions and experience them the way other people do, but she’s simply not capable of it.


I hear what your saying. Every once in awhile I think maybe she can't help the way she is, but I always get held back from feeling bad for her by that 'fool me once' instinct. For her kids' sake I wish she WOULD get therapy but I've always said it would take a team of psychiatrists working around the clock to help her.


Formerly Duped - Celine does not look well. She says she's fine but those photos say oh no you're not. And I never quite understood her relationship with her husband either. It seems like she was more his prized possession than his wife. His magnum opus.

Formerly Duped said...

AuntieAnn said:

And I never quite understood her relationship with her husband either. It seems like she was more his prized possession than his wife. His magnum opus.


Exactly. Like a Svengali perhaps.

Unknown said...

Suzieq, i noticed that as well. And i also noticed that the salmon recipe she cooked with Jeff suggested a certain wine pairing, malbec from Argentina. Jeff told the cameras that Kate told him her favourite wine was malbec from Argentina. Lol!

Paper Plates Forever

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Paper Plates (#78), hello!

Formerly Duped (#77), whenever I see "Svengali" in print, I think of the Seinfeld episode when Elaine insisted it was pronounced "Sven-jolly." I know GollyGee would've appreciated that reference!

Oh no, tomorrow is Monday and there's no new episode of TLC'S runaway hit, "Shrew Plus Cornwall Casting Dupes" to look forward to.
And the world weeps.

JoyinVirginia said...

FlkmsyFlamsy, whatever shall we do on Monday? no new recap from our fearless Admin!
I'm planning to switch between American Ninja Warrior and The Bachelorette episode.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 79

Oh no, tomorrow is Monday and there's no new episode of TLC'S runaway hit, "Shrew Plus Cornwall Casting Dupes" to look forward to. 
And the world weeps.


Do we poke and dab or dab and poke? I forget in what order we do that.

If it's any consolation to her, she should remember that she holds the longest record for the title of "Miss Disingenuous" from 2007 to 2019.

There's always that, Schmoops.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Radar has a selfie of John and Colleen on the Brooklyn Bridge. The article says they're in NYC helping Colleen's son move. Can you imagine how it torments Schmoopy that Jon is happily in love?

NJGal51 said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 82
Radar has a selfie of John and Colleen on the Brooklyn Bridge. The article says they're in NYC helping Colleen's son move. Can you imagine how it torments Schmoopy that Jon is happily in love?
And he didn’t have to go on fake dates to find “love”. He may have had a few missteps when they were first divorced but he’s been in a stable relationship long enough that the court doesn’t have a problem with his having two of the kids live with him. I only hope that he’s seeing the other four. Now that Mady and Cara will be gone that will be two less harping on how bad Jon is and just maybe the four can make up their own minds now. However, I’m sure that TFW will be having some epic meltdowns with the twins gone and the remaining tups my feel obligated to keep her calm.

Layla said...

I just spent an hour digging through the depths of my closet to find something I had forgotten I had--a Syracuse Lacrosse hoodie. Back when DS#2 was playing college LAX, his team had a game against 'Cuse in which DS and one of his old high school teammates were facing off against each other in the starting lineup. Those two were intensely competitive, so of course some wagers had to be made. The high school buddy gave DS the sweatshirt, and DS game his buddy one from his school. They had a bet that the guy on the losing team had to wear the shirt of the opposing team every day for a week. DS's team won, so he never wore the Syracuse hoodie. He gave it to me to wear around the house, and it's been stuck in the back of my closet ever since. Hearing about Mady going to Syracuse made me remember and go looking for it. Now I don't know what to do with it, but I wanted to see if I still had it. And I do!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#83), I think the twins' absence will cause a seismic shift in the household dynamics. I'd describe this family not as tight-knit but as clannish. The fact that TFW still -- after a DECADE of divorce -- sees her ex as her mortal enemy gives some insight into the anger she's capable of. She can end relationships ("Delete!") and never look back. From more peripheral people like dear friend Beth and loving sister-in-law Jodi, to her husband and even her own son.

My fear is that the G household is like a house of cards. Mady and Cara may have helped keep their mother happy, which is necessary when living with a narcissist. Not sure what will happen when they're gone.

Formerly Duped said...

Well, Layla, you can start wearing the sweatshirt now! Shows your support of Mady lol

Btw, your sons all sound great- including the one who tried to get some Coffee Crisps to you! You must be proud, with reason. Oh- and you could write a dorm shopping article for your local paper!You truly have the experience

Layla said...

Formerly Duped (86),
Nah, I don't think dorm shopping is my thing. I've tried things that seem to be a good idea, and they blow up in my face. One example: goodie baskets. A few years ago I was thinking about how much my boys all loved the baskets of treats we'd get in hotel rooms, so I decided to replicate them for their rooms. I got some little wicker baskets and put in bottled water, trail mix, beef jerky, cookies--all their favorite treats--and placed them on the desks in their bedrooms and dorm rooms. That way they could do their school work and have plenty of drinks and snacks right there to keep them going. I soon realized that, although they loved the baskets and all the treats, they simply threw all their wrappers right back into the baskets, even though they had trash baskets RIGHT THERE! Better yet, some of them also tossed in their dirty socks. I've also realized that hampers are useless--dirty clothes will go everywhere except the hamper. Cleaning supplies are also a waste because they will not clean. Luckily all my boys went to college nearby, so I could visit to clean up, do their laundry, and replenish their goodie baskets.

That said, a few pearls of wisdom:

Get them lots of socks, and make sure they're all the same. That way when they lose one of each pair (they will, trust me), they can just grab another random sock and have a matching pair.

Extra chargers for phones, computers, etc. are a must. They WILL lose dozens of them throughout the year (or their visiting mother will accidentally run over the dangling cords with the vacuum and destroy them--ahem).

There is no such thing as too many snacks. Go to Costco and buy in bulk because you'll be feeding your own ravenous kids plus their ravenous friends and teammates.

For special occasions, gift cards to their favorite pizza places, taco joints, whatever--make the perfect gift.

Even though you can help them set up and decorate at the beginning of the school year and their rooms will look amazing, don't expect them to look like that ever again. Nothing will be polished or organized or ironed ever again unless you do it for them. Be realistic.

And those are a few of Layla's dorm tips! I hope that was helpful.

Layla said...

I don't get why Kate is so impressed with herself for baking hundreds of cookies at once and freezing them. She told one of her dates about it??? Why? Is she trying to convince him that having a large family is too much work so he should run away? Everyone knows cookies are best right after they come out of the oven--not out of the freezer. I learned a long time ago that my kids love fresh, warm cookies, especially right when they come home from school. So I makes a big batch of cookie dough (snickerdoodles, Toll House, or chocolate with peanut butter chips are the favorites), and stick the bowl of dough in the fridge. Then just before the kids get home from school, get out your dough and bake a couple dozen cookies so they're warm and gooey right when the kids walk in the door. If you made a big batch of dough, you can get several days' worth out of it. You get major mom-points for it, and you don't have to put on some big performance to get it done. I don't get making it some kind of huge production unless you're trying to convince your kids that they create sooo much work for Mom. Which I guess is Kate's goal--I think she wants them to feel guilty so they'll spend the rest of their lives filming to support their long-suffering, put-upon mother. It must be awful to grow up feeling like you were a burden to your mother. No wonder none of them want large families of their own. As for the cinnamon rolls, everyone on her Christmas list would rather have a Starbucks gift card, I guarantee it.

Formerly Duped said...

Good REAL tips, Layla ! Nice thought to make up the basket- lol at the dirt socks. Your best tip is to buy all the same brand of socks- no kid is going to sit and pair socks ,let alone do laundry! You sound like a very present mom, unlike TFW/ I enjoy doing things for my adult kids but agree some things backfire.

Anonymous said...

Lyla those are great tips. I try to buy socks that are unique so I don't have to spend much time looking for their mate. I also knit my own socks. I do agree with your dorm room tips. Buy lots of snacks and a few gift cards.

Frozen cookie dough is also good. They can defrost it and bake it in the dorm kitchen. My friends and I would have a baking party once a month. We would bake pizza and cookies and watch movies. It was an inexpensive night in for college students.

I agree with the gift card instead of cinnamon rolls. I have food allergies to nuts and will not eat anything unless I know that every ingredient is safe. I can't even eat foods that were manufactured on the same equipment as nuts. It's amazing how many things are contaminated.


Sandylove said...

Layla, YOUR dorm room tips should be in People Magazine, NOT Kate's!!

BlueJay said...

I recently made dinner for two of my children, their spouses, an some of the grandchildren tonight.

And I thought you know Kate can't possible spend all her time cooking as she claims. I fed quite the army. But I imagine her brood since it's gone down. What takes her so flipping long? I had teenagers I've been through those years and all that were they eat everything in sight. But still. She must be one slow cook!

I also recently came across her cook book at you know basically the dollar store where I live. I thumbed through it. Wasn't all that interesting. If she wanted to have written just a cook book for her kids why didn't she just do what most of women do for our families, put a recipe book together?

Layla said...

Awww, thanks, guys! I've done this a few times. There will be 3 of my gang in college this fall, so I'm already getting ready. I do it a little at a time so it's not a big production. Big productions are too exhausting.

I have one move-in tip that's just for Kate (since we all know she reads here), and that is: knock it off with the sobbing and wailing crap. Seriously, the girls are excited and nervous and happy and a little scared already. They don't need to be worried about how their mother is going to cope without them. When you drop them off and get all their stuff moved into their dorm rooms, give each of them a big hug, and tell them you're proud of them and this is going to be an amazing experience. Tell them, "You've got this" because they're going to be a bit unsure of themselves and knowing you have confidence in them will give them a little boost. Sob and wail all the way home if you want, but don't do it in front of them. Don't steal their happiness, and don't make it all about you.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Andrea (#90), and I know quite a few people -- both adults and kids -- who have gluten allergies. They wouldn't touch one of her cinnamon rolls with a 10-foot pole. Then there's people who can't have sugar to consider.

I have a friend who teaches kids with special needs, and has to pay for many classroom supplies out of her own pocket. Recently I gave her a bag of school supplies for her classroom that I'd gotten from different sales. Probably $50's worth of stuff that cost me about $5. You'd think I'd given her a bag of gold. She was so thrilled that I'd thought of her, and couldn't wait to tell me how happy it made her to place a big jar of new pencils on her desk that the kids could help themselves to.

Sue said...

I’d like someone to pull the ratings for the show that took the fake date time slot. Thanks.

Formerly Duped said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 94


What a nice thing to do! I know teachers pay out of pocket for many of their classroom supplies. You have inspired me to have a similar shopping spree! I love school supply shopping -miss it, in fact- and I love a sale- I know a place that could benefit

Sad but true said...

Sue said... 95

The show occupying K8's former slot is a new spin-off from one of the 90 Day Fiance shows, "The Family Chantel." And it did gangbusters: 1.527K viewers, ranked 9th, 0.38 share.

I checked TLC's shows on the website, and I don't any that are having "early premieres" a la Kate. So, why only her? Will we ever know? LOL.

Layla said...

Sad but true (97)
So this new show got about double Kate's ratings, even though she is far better-known than this family. I hope that fact is not lost on TLC/Discovery execs. Just like every one of their family shows (Sweet Home Sextuplets, Outdaughtered, 7 Little Johnstons, LPBW, Little Couple, etc) gets hundreds of thousands more viewers than K+8. People just aren't into watching the Gosselins anymore.

I still think TLC was rolling the "early premiers" of Kate's show in with TV viewers to increase ratings. It was apparent from the very first that her show was a huge failure and they needed to do something drastic to keep it from becoming a huge embarrassment. It was still a failure, but could have been worse. I can't remember thelast time TLC had a show that was a big a failure as K+D8. And she wants another season???!!!!

foxy said...

I think the TLC "The Family Chantel" is too scripted and fake. Chantel is very whiny and Pedro, like a spoiled 2 year old. I think her Mom is pretty cool though. Just my opinion. I like the reverse 90 day fiancee. The different cultures are interesting.

NJGal51 said...

The show occupying K8's former slot is a new spin-off from one of the 90 Day Fiance shows, "The Family Chantel." And it did gangbusters: 1.527K viewers, ranked 9th, 0.38 share.
Thanks for posting that Sad but true. I guess that this proves what we’ve all known to be’s not the time slot that sucks it’s TFW! How can TLC not see that the people have spoken and they really don’t want to watch her. Hopefully the fake date show fulfilled any contract she may have had with them. I suppose we’ll see something online when the twins are dropped off at school and the remaining 4 pose on the stairs for their annual back to school picture. Kate Plus 8....I don’t think so!

OT - is anyone else having trouble signing in with google? It seems to be hit or miss for me lately.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wouldn't know the Family Chantel if they were sitting on my couch right now, but bless their hearts for getting double Schmoopy's ratings!

Anonymous said...

What a nice thing to do! I know teachers pay out of pocket for many of their classroom supplies. You have inspired me to have a similar shopping spree! I love school supply shopping -miss it, in fact- and I love a sale- I know a place that could benefit.


My knitting group does something similar each year. We focus on pencils. No matter how many pencils we get, the teachers seem to run out mid year. So, now we do it twice a year.


Layla said...

NJGal51 said... 100
How can TLC not see that the people have spoken and they really don’t want to watch her.
I wondered when I first heard of the fake dating show whether TLC purposely went for a completely obnoxious show in the belief that Kate's non-fans would be compelled to watch. Hate-watching, if you will. I saw an online article that said the same thing I was thinking--that they must have expected people to hate-watch. If that was what TLC/Kate were expecting, then they must have been shocked at the results. People who don't like Kate did not feel compelled to watch her. TLC/Kate can't blame us for the failure of the show because we don't owe them anything. It's Kate's fans who will have to carry her shows, so if they want to blame anyone (besides themselves for signing up for something so stupid), blame the fans.

AuntieAnn said...

OT - is anyone else having trouble signing in with google? It seems to be hit or miss for me lately.


NJGal51 - I couldn't sign in about a month or so ago and I still can't. Sons a bitches Bumpuses.

Former Lurker said...

Sue said... 95

I’d like someone to pull the ratings for the show that took the fake date time slot. Thanks.


Funny that you mention that. I haven't been here in several days, but I was just thinking about this. So, I checked the ratings and was just came here to post about it.

The 90 Day Fiancé spinoff, "Family Chantel", premiered on Monday night in TFW's temporary (placeholder/filler) time slot. Ha, ha ha - the new show, Family Chantel, pulled in almost DOUBLE the ratings when it took over her time slot,

Here are the ratings:

Family Chantel - July 22:

Total Viewers: 1,527,000
Demo (18 - 49): .38 share
Rank (in the demo): 9th

The ratings slipped slightly from the lead-in, 90 Day Fiancé:

90 Day Fiancé - July 22:

Total Viewers: 1.621 million
Demo (18 - 49): .46 share
Rank (in the demo): 6th

By comparison, this is how TFW's finale show performed last week:

Kate Plus Fake Date - July 15:

Total Viewers: 769,000
Demo (18 - 49): .18 share
Rank (in the demo): 33rd

And, here's the RECAP of her whole six episode season:

Khate Plus Date Ratings - Total Viewers, Demo share (18-49), Rank in the Demo (18-49) for the five episodes:

Episode 1 (June 10): 773,000, .22 share, 27th
Episode 2 (June 17): 805,000, .22 share, 27th
Episode 3 (June 24): 838,000, .22 share, 26th
Episode 4 (July 1): 729,000, .20 share, 21st
Episode 5 (July 8): 793,000, .21 share, 23rd
Episode 6 (July 15): 769,000, .18 share, 33rd

Former Lurker said...

I forgot to add this part. I think Layla posted it last week:

Khate Plus Fake Date SEASON AVERAGE: 784,500

AuntieAnn said...

From ...A stroll down Makin' Memories Lane:

'Jon And Kate Plus 8' Premiere Draws Nearly 10 Million Viewers

Best ratings ever for TLC in key demos, beats broadcasters

By Alex Weprin May 26 2009

The season five premiere of Jon and Kate Plus 8 delivered the best ratings in the series' history Monday, drawing 9.8 million total viewers, including 4.3 million in TLC’s target W18-49 demo.

The premiere also delivered the highest ratings in TLC history among W18-34 (9.1), M18-34 (3.6), and P18-34 (6.3).

[yada yada yada]

The premiere ratings were higher than anything on television Monday night, beating all of the broadcast networks.

The show's return had been much hyped in the media due to rumors of infidelity and possibly divorce between the show’s stars Jon and Kate Gosselin.

Mama C said...

Interesting theory on TLC hoping for Kate's "haters" to tune in. I am pretty sure that ship has sailed, but I do wonder if Jon or any of her former friends or "crew" watch.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else remember somewhere when the first run of Kate plus 8 was still running? Kate made some comment on twitter thanking her haters for giving her the ratings? The shows ratings were still around a million or more at the time. But it was soon after the “haters” stopped watching and ratings slumped. Lots of blogs like grapevine closed up shop because they didn’t want to give Kate any kind of attention. I think, like Kate, TLC is still living in the past. There are newer, more entertaining shows on tv that viewers prefer to watch. As a commenter once said on one of the Kate plus date articles, “ Kate gosselin and company are so 2008”. Just like Kate, TLC needs to move on.

Gigi Be

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Bindi Irwin just got engaged. Don't think Schmoopy needs to bother waiting by the mailbox for her down-under invite. I'm surprised she didn't try harder to nurture that relationship. Or maybe she did try privately.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Has TFW popped in on social media to chitchat with her fans since the last episode aired? She seemed sooo warm and sweet and accessible for those 6 weeks. Narcissists are experts at turning it on and off.

Remember the fan who decided Social Media Schmoopy was the "real" one, and all the nasty stuff you saw on TV wasn't?

NJGal51 said...

Cape Cod mama - Hope everything is OK with you. I read that a couple of tornadoes touched down there.

capecodmama said...

Testing...I’m having trouble posting.

Formerly Duped said...

capecodmama said... 113

Testing...I’m having trouble posting.


You did it! I have been missing your posts and thought of you during the bad weather too....

Layla said...

Gigi Be said...
Anyone else remember somewhere when the first run of Kate plus 8 was still running? Kate made some comment on twitter thanking her haters for giving her the ratings?
I remember that! Boy, was she ever full of herself back then. Even more so than she is now, if that's at all possible. And then, very shortly after she made that obnoxious comment, TLC cancelled her show, and even when they brought it back it was never the same as it was before Jon left. I think she's still trying to find a way to cash in on non-fans. It must be frustrating for her to realize that we won't give her anything no matter what she does.

FlimsyFlamsy (111)
Of course she hasn't acknowledged her fans since the show ended. She can't be bothered unless she wants something from them. When she finds a way to benefit from them she tosses them a bone and pretends she cares about them. Then when she's done using them she ignores them until the next time she needs them. If they want any response from her now they'll have to dangle some gift cards as an incentive. Otherwise she'd prefer it if they just went away.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Boy, Jinger Duggar sure is going Hollywood. She was at a Discover red carpet premiere a few nights ago. And her minister husband is now also on Cameo, and will record a personalized message for you $40! Will he tithe $4 of each payment to his new church, or just spend it all on fancy pocket squares?

Flight of the Kiwi said...

capecodmomma - hope everything is OK with you and yours. I too immediately thought of you when the news hit. My family once rented a house in Yarmouth for vacation. We often camped at Oleans. Love the Cape (which we called "the cod")

Anonymous said...

Today I learned that my credit union has sub saving accounts for saving goals. I set one up for gift cards. The gift cards are Christmas gifts for the people who provide me with services throughout the year. I don't have much to give but even a $5 gift card to Dutch Brothers (better than Starbucks) will brighten their day. I have another sub account set up for providing a few holiday meals to family's in need. It was so easy to set up. It also makes it easy to see how affordable it is if you actually plan for this kind of stuff in advance.


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Andrea (#118), that's a great idea!

Layla said...

Andrea (118)
You have the right idea when it comes to gift cards. Giving a gift card allows the recipient the ability to choose something they want, instead of being stuck with something they may not like. So many people have issues with gluten, eggs, dairy, and more and more people avoid carbs. I'd prefer a gift card over cinnamon rolls any time! Especially cinnamon rolls that were left sitting on top of garbage cans (shudder! Poor sanitation workers!). ~ Administrator said...

Gift cards are great. I usually just do cash which works too.

I find that when I want to hire someone, like a housekeeper or gardener, it helps financially to calculate how much it costs INCLUDING their Christmas tip. So don't tell yourself well she's only 100 dollars a month, because it's really an extra 100 bucks at xmas too. That helps in knowing, Can I afford this? In other words, build that xmas tip into the yearly cost. Then there will be no temptation to stiff a person who deserves a nice tip because oops you didn't account for that big tip.

If the answer is no, guess what, ya can't afford it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Radar has a new pic up of John, Colleen and C. That young man looks like a different person. Having a loving mother surely agrees with him.

ncgirl said...

Jon, Colleen, and Colin are at a Delaware beach. He said Hannah is off camera nearby with friends. Their poor, mediocre life.

NJGal51 said...

Jon, Colleen, and Colin are at a Delaware beach. He said Hannah is off camera nearby with friends. Their poor, mediocre life.
They all look so happy but I don’t understand how they met and fell in love without a dating show. I’m glad that people who comment are respectful and there’s no bashing going on. Cue TFW posting dog pictures, pool pictures and/or pictures of the twins getting ready/shopping for college.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

ncgirl (#123), yeah, imagine having to suffer the indignity of hanging out at the beach with your dad and your friends after you've traveled the world getting golden platter treatment. That's probably exactly what their mother would think about that kind of outing.

What could that day at the beach have cost Jon? A few gallons of gas? Parking? Sunscreen? Lunch, sodas, ice cream? But what TFW never understood, and never will, is that that sort of day is just as worthy of "making memories" as any other. And I daresay moreso, as it wasn't coordinated by a TV network and filmed for public consumption.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 125

Jon is showing everyone---and most importantly, two of his kids---that you don't have to have everything to enjoy life. Meanwhile, Kate's IG is stuck on a piece of wet salmon and the bitter taste of one who, once again, just did not get what she wanted. Caution, Katie, no one likes a wet blanket. And you are wetter than most.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#124), I agree, this little bit of publicity for her late ex-husband Jon and her ex-son Connor or Calvin or whoever ought to get that botoxed groundhog out of her 2-week hibernation. Time to pose for Mommie Dearest! (*clap, clap*)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the advice admin. I am not at a point where I can afford to pay someone to clean my house. I will definitely keep the Christmas bonus cost in the equation when I am at that point. I am still new to the work force after college so it will be at least a few years.

The services I pay for revolve around my dog. He gets groomed a few times a year and he goes to day care. Last year, things were tight because I did not start saving for Christmas bonus's in advance. I like to give a bonus to each of the employees at day care and the groomer. I think I will do cash instead.


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