Thursday, June 26, 2014

Discussion Thread: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10, part two

1622 sediments (sic) from readers:

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getofftwitter said...

Vanessa: I totally agree with you. The Views time is over. They should quit while they are ahead. The show has ran it's course.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Is Kate on a Twitter frenzy because she's depressed and needs strangers to fawn over her to let her know she's loved, or is there something else going down right now?

Lynne In RI said...

Seems like get didn't get back to her ASAP like she said she would. You'd think she'd wise up by now and realize that Kate isn't going to respond.


Well, nine months for Kate is ASAP. Nicole's been waiting that long for Kate to read her book! She hasn't gotten the message either.

Of course, Kate's "Upcoming Events" still has the Dec. 4, 2012 marathon coming up and her "inspiration" tab is still coming soon. Guess nothing much inspires her lately, other than grifting and getting herself (on the backs of her kids) on television. Does Steve still inspire her?

lukebandit said...

Latest book sales:

July US 92 UK 3 Canada 10

4 hours to go for 2 days! I think the reason why it is not selling more is because that girl that was on the Bachelor wrote a book so it has been number 3 the whole time. When sells drop on it, Robert will move up.

Not bad to be neck and neck with 2 H Clinton books, 2 Obama and Clinton books.

Funny Joan Rivers book had dropped, but since the big protest at her book signing, it shot back up.

jbranck1980 said...

Is Kate on a Twitter frenzy because she's depressed and needs strangers to fawn over her to let her know she's loved, or is there something else going down right now?

I'm wondering if it sunk in she has the kids all day every day (except when they are with Jon) and she has no "work" to get away from them, no vacations grifted and is just desperate to find any way to avoid her kids. At this point, I really think she has no clue how to interact with or keep her kids occupied so she is turning to the TV and twitter to keep herself 'busy'.

Lynne In RI said...

Auntieann: The only reason Kate was crying is cause, she is mad at herself, cause she did not realize how good she had it. Kate was not crying for the memories.


I don't think that someone like Kate would ever realize how good she had it. It's just not in her nature, and she wouldn't ever look back and appreciate what she had when she had it.

"She never had a dog, and that she really did not want any dogs, or any pets period."


She said on a few episodes that she wanted a dog -- a tiny lap dog. I believe they also had a cat very early on. I also remember her saying that they had a rabbit, or rabbits when she was a kid.

njay said...

Jesus never met Kate...
Kate never met Jesus.

getofftwitter said...

Lyn in RI: Then Kate likes to contradict herself. Kate is the Queen of contradiction. Kate is also the Queen of: do as I say, not as I do. And : you get what you get or you get nothing. Funny thing is, Kate has a poor memory. She is a tool!

FYI said...

Is Kate on a Twitter frenzy because she's depressed and needs strangers to fawn over her to let her know she's loved, or is there something else going down right now?

I just turned on the special repeat, and I see that TLC is showing current tweets to Kate on the screen. Explains the twitter frenzy. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think that someone like Kate would ever realize how good she had it.


Yes or in the same vein it is pretty clear to be she is impossible to satisfy.

She will never be satisfied in anything in life. She can't ever say wow that was a good run, now it's time to move on. The house is never clean enough, the freebies are never enough, Jon will never be good enough, the kids will never not be trying.

There will never be a time, even after 2,000 episodes, that she feels like ok the run is over now. It will never be over for her.

These sort of personalities are impossible to live with which probably explains why she's alone. The only thing to do in this situation is cut her off.

Bluenoser said...

Haven't posted here in a very long time, however, I feel the need to comment on Robert's book (which I couldn't put down). All I can say is OH MY DEAR LORD THOSE POOR CHILDREN! Why on earth hasn't somebody reported her to CPS? I truly hope CPS investigates, speaks with all the children privately to hear their heartbreaking stories, then takes Kate to court and awards Jon not only custody but the house AND Kate has to pay Jon alimony and child support. Ah yes, that would be in a perfect world but the Gosselin children have been hung out to dry too many times to hope this would ever happen.

Robert's book really opened my eyes and made me feel dirty for ever watching that show at all.

Jillygee said...

Yes ! When I watched the clip of her shopping w the kids, she asked the one boy "oh ! You like basketball, huh?" It was like a stranger asking a kid they never met. There was no familiarity, typical mom/kid interaction. ~ Administrator said...

Laura ‏@ReallyLaLa1 8m
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC awwww you guys are so lucky to have these memories on film.


Anyone can film all their family memories to their heart's content. Get a second hand go pro for a fraction of the price and go for it.

I have dozens of hours of film from my childhood. Every piano recital, birthday party, minor or major graduation, Christmases, family reunion. I haven't looked at it in over a decade. I guess it's cute to see myself in kindergarten but I've seen it. I don't see why anybody else would be this fascinated with their childhood. I cannot imagine all these kids want to spend all day watching this drivel. ~ Administrator said...

Oh no TLC is splashing tweets up on screen? That is enough to keep a chosen sheeple going for years.

I wonder whose job it is to weed through the tweets for publishable content. Sounds like fun. ~ Administrator said...

I can't imagine growing up in an environment so lacking in visual stimulation as that prison/orphanage.


I remember as a kid how much I LOVED to make my room my own. In the pre-teen years I"d have things from Teen Beat and all that scene, as I got older I had things from Friends and Brad Pitt and funny things from magazines and photography projects.

It's really important for a child to have some space they can make their own. You are learning who you are and what you like, developing your style. I just can't imagine how stifled their creativity must be, never being able to just open a drawer and pull out a game, an art project, or make any space their own. With multiples it seems this would be especially important so they can develop their own identities. There's just so many little and not so little things that are going to hit them like a semi truck when they are adults.

njay said...

10 yr olds do not have the attention span to sit and watch a marathon of their life. Especially as much as Kate says they watch at different times during the year/years. Also, NO WAY are M and C are willingly sitting there and watching. Can you hear the yay's and squeals when Kate asked/told them what "spring break fun they are going to have" today?

Jen said...

She must be drunk tweeting.

@maceywmp @Penelope_Pigs I grow all my own hair. NO extensions. None. Zero. Not since 2010..
2 min ago from Twitterrific

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 47s
@maceywmp @Penelope_Pigs I grow all my own hair. NO extensions. None. Zero. Not since 2010..


In a pot on the patio? I hope she waters and fertilizes it.

If I had a straw mess like that on my head, I certainly wouldn't admit that it was all mine.

Someone please ask her about the good bra! Does she grow those things all by herself, too?

Jen said...

Let's bash Jon. She's so predictable.

@SING1546 so how do you define a 'real' single mom? Because I'm real.. And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone... #JustCurious
6 min ago from Twitterrific

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#53), and to add to the repression of their identities, how about not being able to choose your own clothing that's different from your siblings'? It seems the boys especially have been saddled with
wearing mostly identical outfits for 10 years now.

And as if all this wasn't bad enough, your mom consistently lumps
you in with your 7 siblings as far as likes, dislikes, activities -
everything. It's all so wildly dysfunctional.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I remember as a kid how much I LOVED to make my room my own. In the pre-teen years I"d have things from Teen Beat and all that scene, as I got older I had things from Friends and Brad Pitt and funny things from magazines and photography projects.


I know exactly what you mean. I loved my room. I remember that the night before my wedding I cried, knowing that I'd never again be able to come back to that room in quite the same way. Sounds strange, I know, but it was like the innocence of youth would be left behind, along with those movie star posters, boxes of love letters from old boyfriends, stuffed animals, and platform shoes that I never wore, but couldn't bear to throw away.

Tucker's Mom said...

@SING1546 so how do you define a 'real' single mom? Because I'm real.. And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone... #JustCurious
6 min ago from Twitterrific
Jeebus, Kate is so hateful and spiteful after all these years.
99% is all Kate?

I just don't know what to say.

Does she literally wave the kids in front of Jon and call it a visit?

Tucker's Mom said...

@SING1546 so how do you define a 'real' single mom? Because I'm real.. And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone... #JustCurious
6 min ago from Twitterrific

Ooops, read that wrong.
Did Kate respond?

lukebandit said...

The bare walls kill me. Even when we started out as a young poor family, my oldest ds was about 2, I had a Mickey Mouse coloring book page that I colored and taped to the wall with a Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Mylar Balloon. His bed was next to the wall and he loved them.

I even took a picture of him sitting there smiling on the bed, happy with them up and over him.

It is her sick mental illness that won't let her put anything on those kids bedroom walls.

Bluenoser! I loved your post. I feel the same way. If this were to happen, kate would finally be alone.

Hey, N. E. Pyschologist! Please Bluenoser and NE P. post more!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

No extensions? Really? Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

I was at the grocery store store today and saw the NE cover. My first thought was those poor kids, their bitch mom has once again managed to get their lives splashed all over a tabloid. She may thrive on the attention, negative or, no, all negative, but no reason to subject the kids to that. And poor Schmoopie, crying over reruns of the show today. Gah. Not believable, nothing she is tweeting is believable. Get a life, get a job.

lukebandit said...

I wonder if TLC went ahead and played the I broke my foot, No it was your TOE! FOOT! TOE!, because she couldn't call TLC while it was playing to skip ahead! lol

Bet she called them first thing and left messages and raised cane and they took it off. But the laugh is on you Kreider! Many many people DVR'd it.

Video proof strikes again!

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 7m
Awww ...let's add these 2the @kateplusmy8 ZOO! >> Ask Alexis if this is ok? :)

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 2m
@MiloandJack omg they ALL said YES! Asked if you were going to send them to us, LOL! So so cute! #MomSaysYesToo #KangaAndRoo

The picture Milo tweeted is of 2 baby kangaroos. Does Milo know that Kate has kangaroo pelts thrown over the chairs in the family room?

Layla said...

For once,, I agree with Kate--she does raise her kids 99% alone. Meaning that 99% of the time, she is alone. No friends or family or neighbors to spend time with. Just the kids, when they're not with Jon. Think about it, her 3 so-called friends (Steve, Jamie, and Deanna) don't even live in the same state as her. Divorced almost 5 years and not one man has even wanted to date her. And judging by her personality, she will still be alone when the kids are grown and gone. No wonder she misses TV so much. Her only human companionship was from the crew. ~ Administrator said...

And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone


In addition to being a harridan she can't do math.

Their custody order is in no way shape or form 99% to 1%.

She makes herself look so desperate when she says crap like that. ~ Administrator said...

10 yr olds do not have the attention span to sit and watch a marathon of their life.


Or anything too long. They may SAY they want to sit down and watch some big epic thing but an hour and a half in they're bored and onto something else.

I'm betting she was sitting there, alone watching this, alone.

Starz22 said...

So they are running another marathon of this crap ass show.
I tuned in for a few minutes and saw they are including comments from twitter.
Just wondering if these are real twitter comments? For those who watched this and look at her twitter, are these real comments? I guess I'm asking if you guys recognize any of the names? Are these real or made up by TLC ? With that milo nut-job did you see any of her comments shown on the show? With 9 hours of shows being shown today you would have thought at least one of it's comments would have been shown. Any way to see if what TLC was putting up was the real thing?

SeeSaw said...

I love when she drunk tweets. It's better than any show on TLC.

Amazing that she can grow her hair 10 inches in just a few days.

Berks Neighbor said...

TFW is being called on the carpet regarding her 'struggle'.

GMH ❤☕ @SING1546 · 32m
Please don't tell me that @Kateplusmy8 is comparing herself to a single mom. What a slap to a real single mom trying to make it work!

GMH ❤☕ @SING1546 · 19m
@Kateplusmy8 never said she wasn't doing good. But she's claiming struggle on the show, I'm thinking there's a safety net

GMH ❤☕ @SING1546 · 11m
@trox09 @Kateplusmy8 @DdissidentT I'm not a hater. I don't see the struggle. That's all. I never called her a bad mom.

GMH ❤☕
@Kateplusmy8 net worth 9 million dollars #safetynet

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 14m
@SING1546 hahahaha. I wish it was even close to that!! In that case, I'd agree!

Centered ‏@8MindBodySoul 6m
@SING1546 @Kateplusmy8 has spend entire day watching reruns& tweeted 50+ times. Clearly not a woman w/fires 24/7. Or a life.or fun for kids

FYI said...

If Kate watched all the Jon+Kate plus 8 shows today, she can at least say she participated in a "marathon".

She won't defend herself against Robert's book or the nanny journals, but she'll tweet 4, count em 4, times that her hair is all her own and she does not have extensions!! ~ Administrator said...

Centered ‏@8MindBodySoul 6m
@SING1546 @Kateplusmy8 has spend entire day watching reruns& tweeted 50+ times. Clearly not a woman w/fires 24/7. Or a life.or fun for kids


I find it ironic she brags about watching a marathon because the first thing you should cut if you are truly struggling is cable. It's outrageously expensive no matter how you slice it.

After that, you get a job so you aren't home to watch dumb marathons all day long.

She is not "struggling" and most everyone is on to her.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Jesus never met kate...
Kate never met Jesus 45


Berks Neighbor said...

I don't know any other reality STAHHHHH that spends hours watching themselves in reruns on Television for hours at a time.

Pathetic and Sad....sadly pathetic.

If anyone is a fan of the Twilight is the episode that echoes TFW: The Twilight Zone S01 E04 The Sixteen Millimeter Shrine

"Barbara Jean Trenton is a faded film star who lives in the past by constantly re-watching her old movies instead of moving on with her life, so her associates try to lure her out of her self-imposed isolation.:

Rhymes with Witch said...

She makes herself look so desperate when she says crap like that. 58

One of her few honest statements - she IS desperate. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know any other reality STAHHHHH that spends hours watching themselves in reruns on Television for hours at a time.


This is when she is so fascinating to me because she's so far gone she doesn't even resemble my narcissist anymore.

I caught narcissist watching herself twice in all the time I was there. Twice.

The first time was at a cast party after a show wrapped and she was more socializing than watching the screen where they were looping the episodes.

The second they had pulled out some old movie for some reason or other and was discussing it critically with their mom.

You know what even if they wanted to watch themselves their wasn't TIME. There are too many things to do, people to see or call.

I never ever saw anybody watching themselves on T.V. to "reminisce" like this, tears pouring down their cheeks. It's flipping weird and I've been around some real wackos. ~ Administrator said...

Nev got "Catfish" added to the dictionary!

Lol congrats Nev. And Angela's husband who came up with the term!

Rhymes with Witch said...

Ok, reading those last tweets about her ridiculous hair, I feel obligated to say that if tweeters stopped calling her out on her bullshit, and all that were left were her sychophants, her (outgoing) twitter feed would dwindle (heh,heh) to nothing.

Berks Neighbor said...

How sad is it that a person has sit her butt on twitter all evening to defend her actions and make herself feel better about her life.

This would be such a great case study for a college student.

Tucker's Mom said...

I loved my childhood room.
Pretty white furniture and ballerina wallpaper.
Trophies and certificates here and there.
My door was eventually covered with magazine images of horses- I mean, plastered.
Sure, the tape ruined the finish, but that could be remedied easily.
Mom never sweated it.

Rhymes with Witch said...

This would be such a great case study for a college student. 80

Hah. I think it would be a great dissertation topic for someone going for a Ph with the D.

Sherry Baby said...

She won't defend herself against Robert's book or the nanny journals, but she'll tweet 4, count em 4, times that her hair is all her own and she does not have extensions!!

She grows her own hair? Ha! As opposed to growing the hair of someone else? I thought maybe she grows Milo's hair for her. Milo claims to be a blonde.


NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: @Penelope_Pigs yes. As I said earlier, it's ALL my hair. I'm a rare 1-no extensions (altho I did have them for a year back in 2010 ish)
Again with being rare. She de-ages, she doesn't have extensions. I guess that when she channels the Cowardly Lion she must be wearing a wig. There is no way in hell that that's her own hair. Does she think that we can't tell the difference in length and thickness during the course of the two specials? So if here are no extensions it's got to be a wig.

Bless her heart, someone needs to tell her that it's unseemly to get in twitter fights while in her cups.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Mom never sweated it. 81

Tucker's, your Mom was clearly loving, supportive and NORMAL (like mine).
Happy for you.
Along those same lines, does anyone remember the hunks whose pictures advertised the tan they got from Johnson's baby oil? Mmmmmmm.....

Somewhere In Time said...

@popems42 @Kateplusmy8 @Penelope_Pigs I honestly don't care about that's she's is my role molde I am stick for her so don't talk her


Does bleach remove mold(e)? What about an easy way to get that stick out?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Correction: the tan they got from USING Johnson's baby oil?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Again with being rare. 84

THANK GOD she's rare.

FYI said...

Here is what Kate's hair looked like on Mar 13, when she did the couch confessional:

Here is when she was filming CA 12 days later on Mar. 25.

Really odd how her hair changed so much in just 12 days. Even the color and highlights were different. But, no, she didn't wear extensions.

AuntieAnn said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 40

Is Kate on a Twitter frenzy because she's depressed and needs strangers to fawn over her to let her know she's loved, or is there something else going down right now?


She always needs fawning. Strangers will do but she'd prefer celebs like Dr. Drew and - oh I don't know - George Lopez and Sherri Shepherd do the fawning. She must have been in bliss when she was in the same room as the Donald. He really likes to fawn before he brings the axe down.

No, she's on a twitter frenzy because some nanny broke her cardinal rule that no one talks. She's got this image to keep alive that only seven or eight sheep still believe, unless the odd lost lamb wanders into the fold. So while her detectives are madly trying to find out which one burned her on the nanny manual she's tweeting away like crazy trying real hard to pretend to be what she pretended to be in the first place.

Oh yeah. Then this book about her just came out...

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Really odd how her hair changed so much in just 12 days. Even the color and highlights were different. But, no, she didn't wear extensions.


I don't believe that she never uses extensions, but I really can't see much of a difference in those photos. In the Cowardly Lion picture, someone in makeup/hair obviously used a curling iron or hot curlers; in the other picture, it was straightened.

AuntieAnn said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 88

Again with being rare. 84

THANK GOD she's rare.


She's not rare she's done. She has grill marks on her ass. Stick a fork in her.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Really odd how her hair changed so much in just 12 days. Even the color and highlights were different. But, no, she didn't wear extensions. 89

Katespeak! It's notextemsion
odd how her hair changed so much in just 12 days. Even the color and highlights were different. But, no, she didn't wear extensions. 89

Katespeak. It's not extensions , it's a wig.

NJGal51 said...

I think I've finally figured her whole hair thing out. She doesn't know the difference between a weave and clip on extensions. She doesn't have a weave any more but she most certainly does make use of clip ons to give her length and fullness.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I think I've finally figured her whole hair thing out. She doesn't know the difference between a weave and clip on extensions. She doesn't have a weave any more but she most certainly does make use of clip ons to give her length and fullness.
Bingo. Given her horrible command of the English language and the way she carefully uses words to not exactly tell the truth, in her tiny mind this has to be it. Or she really grows her own hair, except for when she doesn't.

Somewhere In Time said...

She's adamant about no extensions. Could it be a full or partial head clip-in fall that she wears for media appearances? That's not an extension.

Somewhere In Time said...

I think I've finally figured her whole hair thing out. She doesn't know the difference between a weave and clip on extensions. She doesn't have a weave any more but she most certainly does make use of clip ons to give her length and fullness.


I thought about that, too. She's thinking that the fans are referring to the "weave" that she had put in when she was in New York. She even states the year when she stopped using the "extensions"...but that was actually a weave.

FYI said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FYI said...

Melinda Cotton ‏@melindascotton · 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Did you guys eat the part of the cake that the bird landed on? Please say no.

Kate GosselinVerified account‏@Kateplusmy8 ·
@melindascotton truth? Alexis requested it.. And I served it to her! I mean, he eats off of our plates sometimes... He's part of our family!

Does she really let Zorro eat off their plates? Bad enough he's allowed in the kitchen when she cooks.

Shoka's part of their family too. Does he eat off their plates?

chefsummer #Leh said...

@maceywmp @Penelope_Pigs I grow all my own hair. NO extensions. None. Zero. Not since 2010..

You may not have extensions/wig-(Liar) but that thing on your head isn't real but if it is GOD help you cause it's a hot dry mess.

PJ's momma said...

With regards to the hair thing, it could be the stylist making it look full and fluffy, something she is unable to do on her own. When her hair was short, she seemed to have a lot of it. But wearing it really long drags it down.
A few years ago, I had hair and makeup for a party (and do not understand why people like Kate enjoy that experience, it was dreadful). They teased my hair within an inch of its life to give it lift. They teased it at the crown and near the hairline. It hurt! After all that teasing, they used dozens of pins to pull the front parts back. It didn't look very elaborate but it took a long time. I think that's what's happening here. When she does it herself, it looks unwashed and dull/limp. But she's not doing it for those appearances - a professional is.
In that curly hairdo, her hair looks like doll hair or my little pony or something. It looks....weird.

Somewhere In Time said...

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @ddaanniikkaa LMAO ur face is hilarious!

I looked at this person's profile/picture, and this sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. I don't know if this is sarcasm, or to what photo she is referring.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Somewhere In Time said... 96
She's adamant about no extensions.

And her boobs are real to and she never had work done 2 her face.-LOL

Clip in are still weave if she didn't grow it from her scalp it's fake.

chefsummer #Leh said...

@popems42 @Kateplusmy8 @Penelope_Pigs I honestly don't care about that's she's is my role molde I am stick for her so don't talk her

Careful with that stick it's been up you know where hope she washed in the kitchen sink.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Kate GosselinVerified account‏@Kateplusmy8 ·
@melindascotton truth? Alexis requested it.. And I served it to her! I mean, he eats off of our plates sometimes... He's part of our family!
Ms. Germaphobe lets the bird eat off their plates?! She is effing nuts. She marginalizes her real children, parentifies her teen daughters, treats the dog like a POS and now she has made a bird a member of the family. There is a mighty big part of the normal puzzle missing from this one, and I bet her estranged family would clue the world in if they could.

T said...

The reason the extensions got brought up is because TLC added behind the scene comments and tweets to the re-run of the specials that aired tonight (so Kate tweeted to TLC to deny it, which naturally only drew more attention to it). The first comment was at the very beginning of the part 1 where they put up a tweet that said that Kate's extensions look great. I took it as a sarcastic tweet, but it's interesting that TLC chose that particular tweet. Are they trying to "out" Kate in a passive-aggressive way? Maybe, but it's hard to tell since they lightly edited the episodes from the initial airing. Some of the things edited out was when Kate claimed to "give" the old (shared) BBB to Jon, parts of the broken foot/toe issue, chore chart shown for a shorter period, the kids hitting and pushing each other so much, the strong opposition to the carnival, and a few other small things that I can't remember right this second.

Something that seemed to be given a longer shot than last time, (or maybe I just noticed it more?) was the clipboards on the back of some of the kids chairs and the notes attached to the front of a couple of them as well. The note on the front of collin's chair was very noticeable, but I was not able to see what it said. My curiosity is killing me, does anyone know what the notes and clipboards are about?

Somewhere In Time said...

I was looking over Kate's TL from tonight. The fawning fans fall in the 13 to 22 or so age group. They pop in there once, never to be heard from again.
Kate's their hero, the most amazing mom on this planet, they want to be just like her, they love her, they cry because they miss the show.

Why? What is it that they love so much? Certainly not her warm and fuzzy personality! What do these wet-behind-the-ears youngsters find so darn appealing?

Then there's Gladys. We know why she is so drawn to Kate!

AuntieAnn said...

Melinda Cotton ‏@melindascotton · 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Did you guys eat the part of the cake that the bird landed on? Please say no.

Kate GosselinVerified account‏@Kateplusmy8 ·

@melindascotton truth? Alexis requested it.. And I served it to her! I mean, he eats off of our plates sometimes... He's part of our family!


Bullshit. She made the kids eat the cake the bird landed on because she HATES WASTING FOOD!!!!

lukebandit said...

She has to be drunk tweeting. Why would you serve your child or anybody a piece of cake where a bird landed on it? Its feet had been in the tray of his own feces and it's feet ripped that cake pretty good with its feet and feathers.

Alexis requested it. And she honored her request. Maybe one of these days when one of the kids get sick from Z eating from their plates of food she will honor them with a bucket, blanket and a trip to the laundry room floor. Lights out included.

Its a psychotic's tradition, you know.

Millicent said...

Sherry Baby said... 83

She won't defend herself against Robert's book or the nanny journals, but she'll tweet 4, count em 4, times that her hair is all her own and she does not have extensions!!
You know, when people ask me, "is that your real hair color?" I always smile and say, "it's 100% mine. I paid for it!" So sure, that could be her hair, as in it's bought and paid for. I think it's probably that when she has her hair done for an interview, etc., they probably use clips to thicken it up. A good hair stylist can do so without being obvious.

But there is no way that bleached out, dried out mess of hair that she had pulled back tightly in a pony tail while she was telling the kids about the fun plans she had for them, is the same long, blond, wavy, waxy-looking tresses she had on for the couch interview portion.

It's either a full wig (I'm kinda leaning toward that), or some fancy piecin' and patchin' with clip on extensions.

Millicent said...

"And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone."

Bitch, please. You wouldn't last a day in the shoes of any real single mom, with just one child.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Kate says Zorro eats off their plates. Sanitary reasons aside, birds should NEVER eat off plates .I can't believe that bird is still alive. I wonder if she even researched the foods that are toxic to birds. Most likely not. Kate, if you are reading here, make sure that the bird doesn't eat avocados, kale, pits and seeds of most fruit, beans, chocolate, dairy products, cabbage, onions, mushrooms...and many, many others.

Millicent said...

ukebandit said... 62

The bare walls kill me. Even when we started out as a young poor family, my oldest ds was about 2, I had a Mickey Mouse coloring book page that I colored and taped to the wall with a Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Mylar Balloon. His bed was next to the wall and he loved them.

I even took a picture of him sitting there smiling on the bed, happy with them up and over him.
Hi LukeBandit! Yes, you can still make your home special even if you don't have much money to spend. When my son was younger, money was very very tight. I bought a yard of fabric that was on clearance - it had a deep blue background, with stars and planets and spaceships on it. I made a wooden frame, then stapled the fabric on it, to make a wall hanging. Total cost was probably $5. My son loved that silly fabric "picture." Buy an inexpensive set of glow in the dark stars and stick them to the upper walls and ceiling. Or like you did, cut out pictures from a coloring book or children's magazine.

I think there are several reasons the children's bedroom walls are bare: 1) Kate likes to suck the joy out of her kids' lives any way she can - so of course, nothing special would be allowed for them in their bedrooms. 2) She wants her house to look "unlived in." Having personal pictures or posters on the walls would make it look lived in, like a real home. 3) If she were to grift for wall decor, it certainly wouldn't be for the kids' rooms - it would be for her bedroom or other parts of the house.

AnnieD said... (Administrator) said... 27
Don't they have anything more productive to do than marathon watch episodes they've probably seen a million times? Wtf.
Kate probably has the kids in Remedial Memory-making 101 because Aiden doesn't remember anything about his childhood. It's going to be a long, long summer for the Gosselin kids!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

If there's anyone here who has Twitter and isn't blocked, could they please tweet Kate and tell her to check out the list of foods that parrots should not eat? Apples are fine, but I'd bet the farm and all of the sheep that she doesn't check to see if she removed all of the seeds. One seed, and a cherry pit can cause intestinal problems and can even kill the bird. I hope she doesn't wake up one day and find a dead bird in its cage because she was too dumb to know what he shouldn't eat on their plates.

T said...

Admin- if your using tonight's rerun for your recap, be warned that it has been slightly edited and cleaned up from the one originally aired.

Jumping In said...

Why would this woman watch old episodes of her shows when she can be with her children in the here and now? She is constantly rewinding the clock back to when they had value. It must be very confusing witnessing her blubbering about the good old days, especially when you are TEN!

T said...

Here's the twitter thread (or most of it, tried to cut out all the fan/hater tweets jumping in) that got Kate all worked up. The original tweet was actually from a self proclaimed fan, who was merely taking issue with Kate's claim of single motherhood, but in "typical Kate fashion" she was not able to see the forest through the trees. I especially love her final tweet to Kate. I've never seen someone be able to so succinctly (and politely!) put Kate in her place.

Original tweeter
Please don't tell me that @Kateplusmy8 is comparing herself to a single mom. What a slap to a real single mom trying to make it work!
9:34pm - 2 Jul 14

Kate's reply
@SING1546 so how do you define a 'real' single mom? Because I'm real.. And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone... #JustCurious

Original tweeter
@Kateplusmy8 I was a single mom for 7 years and my biggest hurdle was NOT running errands and planning parties.

Kate's reply
@SING1546 I don't understand ur tweet.Do u mean ur biggest issue wasnt parties?Mine either I fight bigger fires daily/hourly.No safety net:(

Original tweeter
@Kateplusmy8 net worth 9 million dollars #safetynet

Kate's reply
@SING1546 hahahaha. I wish it was even close to that!! In that case, I'd agree!
9:54pm - 2 Jul 14

Original tweeter
@Kateplusmy8 Do you know what single moms go through?? Humble yourself. Not all your fans have what you have.

Original tweeter
@trox09 @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 @DdissidentT ok!!! I AM a FAN!! I simply was offended by the "struggle" she referred to!!

@Kate's reply
SING1546 @DdissidentT that's okay. Just so you know, I got little 2 no sleep the weeks before&felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after #WorthIt
9:49pm - 2 Jul 14

Original tweeter
@Kateplusmy8 see what I mean, its so insulting. No sleep from a party?
10:22pm - 2 Jul 14

silimom said...

The nanny says she often feared “messing up” in the kitchen, which included Gosselin’s beloved Cutco knife collection.

How funny, because Cutco knives aren't really top of the line knives. They are horrendously over priced, in my opinion (no offense meant to any Cutco fans out there).

Kate cracks me up. She is so hung up on appearances and the idea that having/spending money means you're special and important. It's just like her "I only cook organic" schtick, or her "I'm a neat freak" schtick, or her "I'm into running and I'm so healthy" schtick.

Millicent said...

Original tweeter
@Kateplusmy8 see what I mean, its so insulting. No sleep from a party?
10:22pm - 2 Jul 14
Sounds to me like this fan might be having her eyes opened to the real Kate. I've had sleepless nights, but it's not over planning a stupid circus themed party for children who would rather go skating instead. Nor was it over anticipation of a grifted John Deere motorized cart that my children should neither be driving nor riding in. It was almost always about how I was going to make ends meet that month; with the thankfully infrequent long sleepless night with a very sick child.

Jillygee said...

Here's the pic the one person was referring to. Um. It's pretty bad. Wtf is up w those veneers ! Seriously !

Carole said...

TFW had her defenses up last night. Here's a long but interesting convo with a fan who had the courage to voice her opinion. And, TFW who made herself look baaaad - again.

Please don't tell me that @Kateplusmy8 is comparing herself to a single mom. What a slap to a real single mom trying to make it work!

@SING1546 so how do you define a 'real' single mom? Because I'm real.. And I have quite a lot of kids that I raise 99% alone... #JustCurious

@Kateplusmy8 I was a single mom for 7 years and my biggest hurdle was NOT running errands and planning parties.

@SING1546 I don't understand ur tweet.Do u mean ur biggest issue wasnt parties?Mine either I fight bigger fires daily/hourly.No safety net:(

@Kateplusmy8 ignore the disrespect Kate.

@scrosby777 yep. Ignore disrespect,lies,hate, frustration (w ones own life), desire to see others fail, projection of misery #UGetThePoint

@Kateplusmy8 @scrosby777 No one wants to see you fail. Just be a better mom to your kids. Talk to the boys.

@Kateplusmy8 never said she wasn't doing good. But she's claiming struggle on the show, I'm thinking there's a safety net

@Chablis4u @RemovetheHate @Kateplusmy8 without working, odd I worked 60 hours a week and mothered kids alone.

@Kateplusmy8 net worth 9 million dollars #safetynet

@SING1546 hahahaha. I wish it was even close to that!! In that case, I'd agree!

@SING1546 @Kateplusmy8 has spend entire day watching reruns& tweeted 50+ times. Clearly not a woman w/fires 24/7. Or a life.or fun for kids

@DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8 I think she's a good mom, don't get me wrong, but c'mon, I just can't feel the "struggle"

@SING1546 @DdissidentT that's okay. Just so you know, I got little 2 no sleep the weeks before&felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after #WorthIt

@Kateplusmy8 see what I mean, its so insulting. No sleep from a party?

@Kateplusmy8 Do you know what single moms go through?? Humble yourself. Not all your fans have what you have.

@SING1546 @Kateplusmy8 She will ignore your ? about the struggle. I think even Kate is smart enough to know that doesn't really fly anymore.
and TFW did in fact ignore the ? about the struggle.

@SING1546 @Kateplusmy8 Amen. Well said. But Kate can no longer grasp what it's like to be hand to mouth, day after day, year after year.

@mscatie @SING1546 @Kateplusmy8 I think she's lost touch with reality - watching reruns of herself is downright creepy scary.

@DdissidentT @SING1546 @trox09 @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 I know. Kate's schtick is to moan about how hard her life. Self-pity is offensive.

@Kateplusmy8 @SING1546 @DdissidentT just so you Figure8 and the party planners organized the whole carnival. What exactly did you do?

@trox09 @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 @DdissidentT just because I disagree about one thing, I'm attacked. Great fan base.

@SING1546 @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 @DdissidentT You said it yourself that her statement felt like a slap to the face. It's her story.

@trox09 @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 @DdissidentT and?

Anonymous said...

"NEVER ALLOW the Gator to be operated by someone younger than 16 years old. NEVER ALLOW young children to ride in the Gator"

Nothing left unclear there ;-)
It makes you wonder if TLC told John Deere that the Gator was for Kate and not the kids. I hope JD saw the episode and then called TLC and gave them a piece of their mind for lying to them.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

O!M!G! I ate ate!

She fights fires daily/hourly/probably "minutely" with NO SAFETY NET! She doesn't KNOW about no safety nets. Celebrity Wife Swap, Celebrity Apprentice, 2 TLC specials ARE HER SAFETY NETS.

She'll never look at her checking account and see she has $20 TOTAL and won't be receiving a check for another 10 days, no grifting, no View and Today appearances, no Bed Bath and Beyond even WITH a coupon, no daily runs in one of her THREE cars to Target, no mani/pedis, tanning.

AND Kate lost sleep for WEEKS planning a FREE extravaganza that culminated in a TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR TRACTOR for her children. Try losing sleep worrying about your 20 year old car breaking down knowing you'll NEVER have the money to make any expensive repairs.

Damn, I ate ate. She is oblivious, lacks even an ounce of empathy and I'm thoroughly baffled by her loyal fans who live nowhere near the life she does and enable her selfishness when they say she's a struggling, single mom who has to work to support her family.

Sorry to start the day with a rant!

Tucker's Mom said...

T said... 118
Here's the twitter thread (or most of it, tried to cut out all the fan/hater tweets jumping in) that got Kate all worked up.
Thank you for putting this together so we can see the depth of Kate's insanity.
Planning a party that she didn't set up gets her exhausted?
Try working 80+ hours a week and pulling off a party for your kid.

Kate is officially off the reservation, and more out of touch than Hillary Clinton.

Maybe, just maybe, if she said that she's blessed to have money and freebies and help, I'd offer a bit of sympathy for having to "mastermind" everything.
OK, maybe she doesn't have 9 million, but she certainly is a multi-millionaire, having grossed just under 2 MILLION DOLLARS in one year alone.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT Hurricane Arthur is the first named hurricane of the Atlantic season! The weatherman locally and on the Weather Channel are so excited, its like the Super Bowel for them! Jim Cantore is live from Salvo on Hatteras.Island, one of my friends has a house there. I have to check her Facebook and find out if they have seen him! Cantore gets so excited talking about highway 12 where he is standing Wil be underwater tomorrow. The worst of it will be during tonight, so Cantore will need floodlights when he is standing out in the howling winds!

Vanessa said...

Hmmm they took out the part about her giving/gifting the old BBB to Jon? Alao noticed no Jon bashing, no questions about him-nada. And it's been like that for some time. Wonder if sje has some court order? Maybe jon's lawyers made them take that part out? ~ Administrator said...

@SING1546 @DdissidentT that's okay. Just so you know, I got little 2 no sleep the weeks before&felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after #WorthIt


Well pin a rose on her nose.

She sounds less like a martyr to me and more like somebody who just can't budget her time properly.

I love when Shmoops forgets herself and starts engaging with somebody disagreeing with her. It never ends well. ~ Administrator said...

Admin- if your using tonight's rerun for your recap, be warned that it has been slightly edited and cleaned up from the one originally aired.


Yes I am. I wonder if they were not really cleaning it up moreso than they were just trying to chop 45 seconds off for syndication purposes or something.

What was different?

Tucker's Mom said...

The first comment was at the very beginning of the part 1 where they put up a tweet that said that Kate's extensions look great. I took it as a sarcastic tweet, but it's interesting that TLC chose that particular tweet. Are they trying to "out" Kate in a passive-aggressive way? Maybe, but it's hard to tell since they lightly edited the episodes from the initial airing. Some of the things edited out was when Kate claimed to "give" the old (shared) BBB to Jon, parts of the broken foot/toe issue, chore chart shown for a shorter period, the kids hitting and pushing each other so much, the strong opposition to the carnival, and a few other small things that I can't remember right this second.
It is very interesting how TLC scrubbed the scenes that garnered negative feedback.
Also interesting how they broadcasted a tweeted compliment about Kate's fake trusses.
Unless you can press Kate's cephalically migrated belly button and make her hair grow, she augments her own hair (clever, Kate) with fake hair. ~ Administrator said...

She is constantly rewinding the clock back to when they had value. It must be very confusing witnessing her blubbering about the good old days, especially when you are TEN!


I agree and my concern is that by constantly discussing how wonderful that period of time in their life was, she may make the kids feel like they're not adequate today.

My fear is the kids will start to feel like maybe it's THEIR fault they're still not on TV. She needs to shut up about it and let them go on with their lives. Who knows how they are internalizing things she says like that.

Vanessa said...

Little to no sleep from a party that someone ELSE forked over the cash to pay for? A party that had a company run the carnival? A party that had little to no guests? A party where the big surprise present was delivered to your door and you never got a bill for it? I think it's just your gums that were tired because you never stop flapppin them. ~ Administrator said...

The fawning fans fall in the 13 to 22 or so age group. They pop in there once, never to be heard from again.


I thought this was something unique to Kate but I took a gander at my narcissist's fans these days and they're the same. They're all 18 years old! And they fall all over themselves just like Kate's fans do. They say the SAME creepy things like how much they love them and their family. An older fan will pop in once in a blue moon and say something reasonable about how much they enjoyed their latest project, and that'll be it. This was not at ALL how the fan base was when I was there. The fans were all 40-something childless single women and they would always be fighting among themselves. Nobody 18 years old cared or even knew of this celeb.

It's so weird. Why would an 18 year old be interested in somebody old enough to be their parent? Don't they have age appropriate celebs for them like the Biebs or the Kardashians?

The good thing is I really can't consider most of these folks real fans. It must be a girl crush most of them will grow out of as soon as they start college and get a boyfriend and a full class schedule. I bet they're contacting 30 different celebs.

MaryB said...

I think that her reference to little to no sleep had nothing to do with the party and everything to do with the book coming out.

Vanessa said...

Is she saying she worked 60 hrs AND planned that party? Where the hell did she work 60hrs??? If she's referring to the hrs of filming than those kids WORKED JUST AS MUCH for 15%
Even the boys are brainwashed into thimking "running errands" is "working" God, remember when she grabbed jon's mouth like a puppet trying to make him say "kate works hard or she does a lot) same thing. Good little soldiers, do your duty and you'll get to leave that hell hole one day.
And yes,those boys are great together. They can tease without a full out brawl. They know each other and have fun with one another. The girls? Sorry-snotty attititude, defensive, critical, had to out talk each other. Those boys can laugh at themselves, a very good sign I think despite their place in that prison.

JoyinVirginia said...

Thanks to those who posted the twitter conversation back and forth. TFMJG just does not get it. Talk about how to alienate the few real fans she has! I thought it would be trouble with tlc leering her tweet without a PR person to vet the tweets.
Btw, go see the movie Chef is you want to see twitter used hilariously as a plot device!

Formerly Duped said...

Vanessa, I agree. But I was concerned that the brothers mentioned Collin is 'angry' a lot. He has every right to be. But this will really surface within a couple of years. What will Kate do then? The poor kid.Glad he has his brothers' support.

As for the girls, I don't want to insult them, just their behavior. Appalling, every single one of them. I don't know about 'real life' but they have a very entitled, rude, me-first attitude. Survival of the fittest I suppose.And Mommy as their role model although they certainly don't respect her.

Vanessa said...

True about the "angry" coment Formerly Duped. But his reaction to that comment was anything but. Wonder if the brothers just repeat what they hear that bitch says about him. Can you imagine if they had said the same thing about one of the girls?
And that stupid STUPID lecture about the hair comment? Why didnt Mady get a tongue lashing for saying worse? I hope Colin IS, he's allowed, angry but I hope it's because he KNOWS he's being treated unfairly and that Jon is truly "building him up"

Vanessa said...

And yes Formerly, it's the girls' behavior we're commenting negatively about, ok sheeple?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So the happy-happy-joy-joy viewing party, with children snuggled at
the hearth with Mom, gets derailed by someone making a simple
observation. Can you imagine the tension in that room as TFW
angrily typed her defensive responses? Waiting for the next
comment so she could come up with another quick, clever (!)
retort? Imagine sitting beside her in that state?

As always, the disingenuousness is what bothers me most about
this woman. If we hadn't seen those tweets with our own eyes,
she would've checked in this morning and said what a wonderful,
special Family Night it was at Gosselin Manor. Watching, laughing, crying, enjoying a homemade snack made with loving hands,
as that scamp Zorro flew in and out of the set - er, uh, the room.

Well, the 2-part special has aired and re-aired. And the ugly tabloid
stories are coming fast and furious. And there's no air date for
CA yet. And there are 2 full months left of summer vacation with
8 children to take care of. I think what we witnessed last night on Twitter was a woman afraid of what's next.

Vanessa said...

And that Rabid Beast comment? That there she said with a true genuine smile, there was a gleam in her eye, no dead shark eyes with that one!

Carole said...

Is she saying she worked 60 hrs AND planned that party? Where the hell did she work 60hrs???

Vanessa, It was the fan who said she worked 60 hrs. TFW? hardly. lol

@Chablis4u @RemovetheHate @Kateplusmy8 without working, odd I worked 60 hours a week and mothered kids alone.

The fan is tweeting again this morning. I think she's definitely seen the light.

@ConcernedChick 8h
.@SING1546 @Chablis4u @RemovetheHate @Kateplusmy8 LOVE that a single mom and FAN had the guts to speak up against Kate and her minions.

‏@SING1546 1h
@ConcernedChick @Chablis4u @RemovetheHate @Kateplusmy8 it's hard to watch, sad some moms have a lot to handle.

TLC stinks said...

I really, really hope that Jon is able to force her to get that PSYCH EVAL. She has so many psych issues and has sought zero counseling or medication that it's hard to believe a judge has allowed this woman to be responsible for eight children.

As far as the kids, I have always found boys more resilient and less catty than girls. They are the three musketeers against a house full of females, some of which are not very nice people. For instance, and I will go there, from the small clip I watched, Mady has picked up Kate's mannerisms and attitude. Some of the tup girls were rude to the carnival helpers. It just goes to show how important it is to be a good role model for kids because they mimic. Such a shame. Such dysfunction in that household.

Every time I try to read Robert's book I am so upset I have to put it away for awhile. I am sure there are people like Kate in the world who are cunning liars, but she has been caught because of a paper trail and the filming. Do people think that not confronting her has been best for the kids? Obviously, non confrontation (except for Kevin and Jodi) has scarred some, if not all, of those kids.

BTW, I have seen some internet sites say her net worth is $9 million. I always thought the $5 million made sense, but $9 million at the height of her "career" could be true. Explains plenty: no need to work and Stevie hanging around. She never tells the truth, so the truth is the opposite of what she says. She's not in any financial straits. A crazy woman with money. Very bad. Very, very bad. ~ Administrator said...

As far as the kids, I have always found boys more resilient and less catty than girls.


I totally agree. I much prefer boys. Girls at a very young age tend to be like little versions of catty women. They from a very early age are emulating I guess whatever they are seeing from women either on TV or perhaps in their own lives. I am not a fan.

Boys just want to have fun and don't care about drama and that's all there is to it. Well, that's fun, where do I sign up? From what I've seen of the G boys on these specials they are the only people in this house who seem like you'd actually want to hang out with them, with all due respect to the girls. It is what it is.

chefsummer #Leh said...

So Kate claims that she has no safety net?

Wow that's not irresponsible when you have 8 kids 1 dog 1 bird tons of chickens to care for..God she is so stupid.

chefsummer #Leh said...

KK claims that she spent sleepless hours planning the party?

Right sure you did..Your own kids said you go back to bed when you get home you-(Kate) sometimes tweet that you go back to bed soooo shut the efff up.

localyocul said...

I was all set to watch part II of the me me me show last night but I saw there was a new episode of Killer Kids on so I didn't. It was good...I'm glad I didn't watch me me me if it was watered down to show her in a better light.

Vanessa said...

Oh thanks for clarifying Carol

Carole said...

IDK why but this tweet made me LOL.
With fans reminding you of your 'hatefulness', who needs haterz, right TFW? lol

@Kateplusmy8 It was great that you gave the old van to Jon! No matter how much crap you get about your hatefulness your kids are always #1

lukebandit said...

Vanessa, I think it was SING that said she worked 60 hours a week, single mom on her own.

Do you think it is possible that TLC got John Deere to supply the Gator but say it was for kate? But really was for "the kids". If I owned that company, a media release would be nothing compared to what Scott Kluth put out. It would be super scathing. If TLC had gotten the Gator on false pretenses, I would sue them for fraud.

What is sickening, if the kids were injured in an accident with it and I pray they never are, how can she sue when it clearly has stickers on it saying, NO ONE under 16 can ride or operate in any capacity. Even the word KILLED is on the sticker.

I can't believe she has the nerve to say she didn't have much or any sleep up till the party. She is saying it is the party! It is the BOOK, W! Then she said she felt like an 80 year old. Well, I hope you have grifted Depends my dear, because you will need them when Robert starts the media tour and the book sold 146 from July 1st to July 3rd, 9:00 am CST.

Compared to Love is in the Mix: 6 yes, count'em, 6!
from July 1st to July 3rd, 9:00 am CST.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Love love love how lived in and homey your house looks!! Naysayers be damned, I always loved you guys!! @Kateplusmy8

Sometimes I just get the feeling there must be two planets, the one I live on and an alternate where things are just slightly skewed...or maybe the planet I live on is slightly skewed. I dunno. Or maybe Kate's fans watch the show with one eye and both ears closed while imbibing in alcoholic beverages while smoking weed.

Anonymous said...

@Dave_White67: @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 and if you are so much better where is your tv show showing YOUR PERFECT LIFE?

@Dave_White67: @Sassccha @ConcernedChick SHOW US YOUR TV SHOW AND YOUR PERFECT LIFE AND YOUR PERFECT CHILDREN and how youd handle 8 kids

Looks like a new sheep has joined the flock. He's arguing with the non fans quite a bit.


AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 143

BTW, I have seen some internet sites say her net worth is $9 million. I always thought the $5 million made sense, but $9 million at the height of her "career" could be true. Explains plenty: no need to work and Stevie hanging around


Why does she always deny that she has money? Why keep saying she HAS to do tv to support the family then? If the pay is so bad she should rethink her 'career' choice.

She argues about how many millions she made, like 9 million is a vast amount but 5 million would put her in the low income bracket. Good lord, does she hear herself?

lukebandit said...

To the poster who wanted someone to ask her about her good bra.

Got it covered! Bwahahaha

Several tweets. One was from Hawaii Wedding Renewal Vow, flat as pancakes to OTBX, with Steve, with the Good Bra in all of their glory!
#SuperFunGood Bra

Another one, I suggested she buy the company, be the spokesperson. @QVCHereICome

May go back and say, #SuperFunSandyBaggies in reference to Hurricane Sandy and her Saggy Baggies!

Remember when she was laying on the ground SO tired and pooped from the party and the girls was around her standing. Her good bra must of been on vacation! Even inanimate objects don't want to be around her! hahaha

Oh, when she walked out the front door with Deanna and Jamie, kate in the clown get up, she was talking but with a British accent? Seems like she was. So funny. They cut to the kids, one said Creepy and the other said, that look doesn't look good on her. hahahaha

Mel said...


Haha. TFW doesn't have a tv show either. Guess she must not be a perfect mom, eh? ~ Administrator said...

and if you are so much better where is your tv show showing YOUR PERFECT LIFE?


See they don't get it. That's the whole point. None of us would put ourselves on T.V. like that. We have no made public figures out of ourselves on national television to be served up for judgment. She has. It's irrelevant whether someone who takes issue with Kate is a good parent, a bad parent, or somewhere in between. Flat out irrelevant.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

So she raises the kids's by herself 99% of the time with no safety net? Guess the nannies, babysitters, housekeeper, the not a chef and of yes, the father who has his kids at least two weekends/mknt's and nights during the week do not factor into her math. Safety net? Well, if you push away your large extended family, and have no friends, yep, that's what you get. Kudos to the person who engaged her in that long convo about her hard, hard life. Time to step away from the Twitter, Kate, and figure out hiw to support those 8 children; the world of media is no longer interested. ~ Administrator said...

Why does she always deny that she has money? Why keep saying she HAS to do tv to support the family then? If the pay is so bad she should rethink her 'career' choice.


That is a great point. She says she needs to do T.V. so bad to support the family yet she has ton a mother load of T.V. and yet still denies they have money and even says she's cutting things so tight these days.

So geez it doesn't seem like all that T.V. has worked out so well for you. Lol what an idiot she is.

lukebandit said...

Uncle Si, from Duck Dynasty talks about why his wife is not on the show. She is the only holdout.

"I always told people, 'She's got better sense than the rest of us.' But that ain't the real reason," Si exclusively tells Us of Christine, 67. "Sometimes we film 12 hours a day, and she's just not healthy enough to go through the rigors of that."

TLC filmed the kids hours a day and we all know kate was not healthy (in her mind).

Call Me Crazy said...

I don't have Twitter, but if I did, whenever TFW starts her poor, pitiful single mother routine, I would be compelled to tweet, "Oh. I am so sorry for your loss. I hadn't heard that the children's father has passed. #condolences" I wonder if she would even reply to set the record straight. I ate ate.

Vanessa said...

Robert said she had at least 10 bank accounts with a min of $200,000 sitting in eacj of them. SITTING THERE. STFU for once, just shut your damn mouth. And if you can't manage to raise your brood on that kind of CASH (money after taxes obv) then you need to sit doen with someone who can TEACH you. Oh right, they'll have to figure out how you learn. She is a "but, but" kind of person. I HATE that. They lament or whine about simething or other, you give them a solution, advice or compare it to aomeone else's realREAL misfortune and theyy reply with a "yeah,but...blah blah" They don't want to hear it or acknowledge they have SHIT to be complaining about.
On my smart phone, sorry for tyopos or grammar (hard to backspace to correct)

Karen said...

I rarely post here, but I do read. I am so pissed off right now about her REAL single mom comment. My husband passed away unexpectedly one month ago, leaving my young girls (10 & 11) without a dad and me a REAL single mom. Kate has NO clue. She does not live paycheck to paycheck nor does she have to worry about money EVER. She is a tool and an idiot who can't see past her nose. Real single mom my a$$. What a bunch of bullcrap.

Formerly Duped said...

Can't TFW see how badly her perfect children come off on TV? Hannah rolled her eyes and mocked her, and haughtily grabbed her 'prize' at the carnival; Leah tattled on Collin and argued interminably; Alexis was defiant and rude at the party store; Cara was silent, and uncooperative at the clothing store; Mady....well. Those are but a few examples. The boys were generally fine and their individual personalities shone through. Bravo to them in spite of their mother. Kate herself looked foolish and fake and tried to 'play' to the camera. Didn't work. As for that tube dress and clown wig, yeah, what a clown.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Karen 162, I am so sorry about your loss

NJGal51 said...

So the tups got a John Deere gator this year for their birthday present. Are they going to expect bigger and better next year? How will TFW explain that they only get the lavish parties and gifts if TLC is footing the bill? Never mind, they already know the answer to that...perform like a trained seal and get your fish. Mark my words, she'll take to twitter next year and say that she's honoring their request to do everything low key with her traditional cake and pizza. And what about the twins? Will they get a party/gift of equal value this year? Somehow I doubt it if TFW has to foot the bill. Is it any wonder that Mady resents them.

Winsomeone said...

"Vanessa, I agree. But I was concerned that the brothers mentioned Collin is 'angry' a lot. He has every right to be. But this will really surface within a couple of years. What will Kate do then? The poor kid.Glad he has his brothers' support."

I love Collin, but in one of the couch interviews, he was as far to one end of the couch as he could get, and the other two boys were as far to the other end as they could get..squished together. It made me wonder if he doesn't just "blow" without warning sometimes, and it doesn't pay to get too close to him. Hope not.

Formerly Duped said...

Karen, so very sorry for your loss. You and your girls will surely miss your husband greatly. I wish you condolences and a good life ahead despite your situation.I can see how Kate's remarks would bother you; my own father died when my sister and I were young and my mother fought to give us a decent life, another true single mother.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Why does she always deny that she has money?

So she can have a reason to exploit the kids.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Karen said... 162

I'm sorry for your loss as well and I agree with you ever time Kate say she's a single mom I want to puke.

She's a divorced mother by her own selfish choosing my mother as you're is a real single hard-working mom-(9t-5 plus overtime).

KK only to say's she a single mother because her sheep fall for it and she can have a pitty me I need a show BS.

Well all know she's full of s**h.

NJGal51 said...

Can't TFW see how badly her perfect children come off on TV?
Let's not forget the great displays of sportsmanship during gaga ball. When one of the tup girls was out (before the whole Mady thing) it looked to me like she took a swing at TFW and hit her in the stomach (or came very close) after being called out. And I have to say that I hated the way that she told Collin to turn those "cry eyes" off when she was lecturing him in the kitchen. What a bitch she is.

Lukebandit - you need to ask her if she knows the difference between a weave (which she had in 2010) and the clip on hair extension that she uses now to add body, length and fullness. There is no way that that Cowardly Lion/my little pony mane is her hair.

FYI said...

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 · 15m
@Kateplusmy8 @msaidsantos Cara won all but ONE game of gaga ball & THAT is the 1 that @TLC put on air? #PropstoCara Bad editing, @TLC

Was Cara winning all but one game of gaga ball one of the "fun facts" that TLC posted on the screen during the repeat?

So they purposely showed the game where Kate was being a bitch to Mady. And now this fan is calling TLC out for "bad editing" just because it shows Kate in a bad light.

Whenever Kate is shown in a bad light, they always claim that it's the "editing".

FYI said...

Karen-I am so sorry for your loss.

JoyinVirginia said...

I have posted this info a while back. The dh and I were approached about Wife Swap. A casing person contacted owner of a comic book store we frequent, they were looking specifically for a family that were comic book/ superhero fans. The amount quoted was $30,000 total compensation. And the production company would own film rights in perpetuity. We said no thanks, the children especially who were in high school and middle school at the time were HORRIFIED we even considered the idea for thirty seconds.
A coworker lives next door to a family that participated in wife Swap episode. It really opened his eyes to reality TV production. He was in one staged scene with the neighbor husband, they rode bicycles around with a production truck in front of then, so the husband could complain about the new wife. Coworker says the guy and the woman got along fine, the show had to manufacture drama.
So that's why you won't see my perfect family on TV!

Call Me Crazy said...

Karen, I am so sorry for your loss.

chefsummer #Leh said...

So they purposely showed the game where Kate was being a bitch to Mady. And now this fan is calling TLC out for "bad editing" just because it shows Kate in a bad light.

During the real show-(non edited version) the sheep were praising TLC for not editing it so WTF do the sheep want?

Can the sheep just not accept that their queen is a b**ch edited or not.

localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 152
@Dave_White67: @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 and if you are so much better where is your tv show showing YOUR PERFECT LIFE?

@Dave_White67: @Sassccha @ConcernedChick SHOW US YOUR TV SHOW AND YOUR PERFECT LIFE AND YOUR PERFECT CHILDREN and how youd handle 8 kids

Looks like a new sheep has joined the flock. He's arguing with the non fans quite a bit.



Wow that's one angry dude. Calling people "libtards" "accusing" them of voting for Obama (is that a crime?). love all the misspellings...Looser, Dam, LOLOL

PJ's momma said...

Vanessa, 138,
You reminded me of something. On the second episode, they asked the boys on the couch how their mother looked in that clown getup. And one of them, hopefully Collin, said, "I've seen her look better" or "she's looked better" or something like that! It made laugh out loud! Instead of outright slamming her, they parroted the words in her stupid 'find your filter' lecture.
So many things about those shows seemed very calculated on TLC's part. An interview with Kate droning on and on about how busy she is and then a question to the boys about what their mom does after they get on the bus with an answer of "works, runs errands, goes back to sleep.' Kids tell the truth as they know it, and TLC knew that when they asked the questions.
It was funny!
Karen, my condolences on the loss of your husband.

JoyinVirginia said...

Karen, condolences on your loss.

swimgirl said...

Wonder if good old Gladys can appreciate the irony in her tweet?

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 14h
Watching the old shows of @Kateplusmy8 further emphasizes need 2embrace the moments ur living N! They don't last 4ever! Kids grow so fast!

Embrace the moments you are living in by spending all day watching your tv show?? Good one Gladys!!

AuntieAnn said...

So geez it doesn't seem like all that T.V. has worked out so well for you. Lol what an idiot she is.


She contradicts herself at least once every other sentence whether it's in an interview or on twitter.

We should have had a contradiction counter to keep track of them all over the years. Someone should develop an app for that.

AuntieAnn said...

But I was concerned that the brothers mentioned Collin is 'angry' a lot. He has every right to be. But this will really surface within a couple of years. What will Kate do then?


She'll play the martyr and blame Jon for abandoning Collin. She'll say she tried, lord knows she tried but raising eight kids all by herself was an onerous burden cast upon her when their father left and Collin was bent on making life even harder on her by not obeying her. What she will NEVER do is admit Jon was right when he said let's stop this, let's not do this anymore, our kids are being affected by the filming.


Karen - My condolences to you and your family for your loss. I'm sorry that Kate tosses that line out so blatantly when she refers to her situation. I understand your anger towards her completely.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is a twit said... 171

Whenever Kate is shown in a bad light, they always claim that it's the "editing".


While completely ignoring the fact that KATE signed up for this.

AuntieAnn said...

Somewhere In Time said... 102

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @ddaanniikkaa LMAO ur face is hilarious!

I looked at this person's profile/picture, and this sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. I don't know if this is sarcasm, or to what photo she is referring.


haha! Now that's the photo I want to see on the cover of People when THEY finally kick HER to the curb.

AnnieD said...

Between Kate and Mady posturing for camera time, not much of the two episodes focused on the rest of the props, Mady has learned from the master that drama garners attention. Unfortunately, Kate and Mady's "drama" is created from the "poor me" perspective...completely self-serving. they are poor role models for the viewers and, most importantly, the other impressionable kids. The viewers cannot relate to it because they know the reality. It's not amusing, It's plain boring to watch. Hopefully that's the end of the TV careers for this family.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Karen. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Diane (the old Diane) said...

Hi Karen- I want to add my condolences to you and your daughters, too. I'll add you to my prayer list. Lean on your family and friends. They really are your best support group. Although, these folks are a great support group, as well. Take care, Karen!

Yes, I'm a former zlogger. Hi N.E. I'm fine and glad to see you, too.
Hey Jude, are you still out there? I do miss talking to you guys all the time...Awww ;-(

Serendipity said...

I was thinking about Kate, Mady and the toothpick. Certainly a kid can get a cut or wound anytime, any place. Is Kate always there to medicate and bandage the cut? You'd think she'd know if she's up to date on a booster shot. Didn't she tweet some time ago that Zorro bit or nipped Mady? Was Kate freaking out then? I would think that with a bird wound (which can be similar to a puncture wound) that Kate would have been on the #tetanus alert then...bird bacteria and all.

chefsummer #Leh said...

AuntieAnn said... 182
Kate is a twit said... 171

Whenever Kate is shown in a bad light, they always claim that it's the "editing".


While completely ignoring the fact that KATE signed up for this.

Amen to that.

chefsummer #Leh said...

She'll play the martyr and blame Jon for abandoning Collin. She'll say she tried, lord knows she tried but raising eight kids all by herself was an onerous burden cast upon her when their father left and Collin was bent on making life even harder on her by not obeying her. What she will NEVER do is admit Jon was right when he said let's stop this, let's not do this anymore, our kids are being affected by the filming.

I'll bet she'll even blame the kids for being so difficult I mean it's 8 of them and one of her and she's doing/did all alone wahh wahh pitty me.

If TLC p$$ her off enough she'll blame them for taking advantage of poor little mom of 8-(herself) wahh wahh and she'll blame her family for not helping her.

Get medicated Kate you'll feel better said...

99% huh? Must be that NEW math that I don't understand.

Serendipity said...

So the happy-happy-joy-joy viewing party, with children snuggled at
the hearth with Mom, gets derailed by someone making a simple


Oh, geez. I thought you were going to say "snuggled at Mother's breast."

I think I need to take a break from all things Kate!

prairiemary said...

Karen, welcome to this awesome blog. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. You sound like a strong woman, with lots of love for your daughters. I can imagine how tfw's stupid, selfish comments bother you. Just remember that she is just dumb and stupid, full of lies and deflections. And you are lots better than her. Keep commenting here, when you are having a bad day, we will be here for you:)

Formerly Duped said...

PJ's momma said... 177

lol I think it was Aaden who said that. Maybe not, but I don't think it was Collin. What I also thought was sad was when the boys kidded C about having a girlfriend and then said she didn't really like him and she 'pets a lot of boy's hair!" Seems like Collin is lookin' for love outside the G house.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

That "99%" is some pretty fuzzy math. She admitted to the daytime
help, didn't she? 20 hours a week? So on a school day the kids are
away about 8 hours a day, and then there's a helper there another
4 hours a day, and then it's bedtime. And some weekends they're
with their dad. Not "visiting" him, as the spin goes, but staying
with him, as per a custody order. No school hours there - just
time with his kids. So that "99%" figure is not only disrespectful,
but downright hilarious. Shame on her.

LifeinOH said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Karen.

Over And Out said...

Amy Cicigoi ‏@ACicigoi 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Saw the show. Thanks for shopping at Bon-Ton! I work at corporate. I was excited you bought outfits for the kids in our store.

Why didn't she include @TLC in her tweet? They're the ones who really bought the clothes in "her" store?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Karen, I'm sorry for your loss and sorry you even had to see that thoughtless remark by Kate. She lacks any capacity at all to empathize with anyone.

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 189

If TLC p$$ her off enough she'll blame them for taking advantage of poor little mom of 8-(herself) wahh wahh and she'll blame her family for not helping her.


Oh yes. She'd go into a shmoopified frenzy defending herself and how TLC bullied her into acting like a jackass but that she does it because she has eight kids who lean on her. Always the victim.

It's no act. She IS a jackass.

Layla said...

I just love when the fans call out TLC for "bad editing", don't you? TLC is getting hit from all sides--the non-fans are calling them out for putting that witch on TV and exploiting the kids, and the fans are blaming them for all Kate's bad behavior. They just can't please anyone, so why even try? I hope this shows TLC that when it comes to TFW, they will never be able to make anyone happy. It's best if they just walk away and don't look back

chefsummer #Leh said...

AuntieAnn said... 198

I can see her now-(hopefully we won't c it) on some talk show in 5-10 yrs fake crying saying how f-ed-up the kids are and it's all TLC's and Jon's and her families faults and most of the kids faults.

Don't blame me.I did everything-(sniff fake tears from her boxted de-gaged face)

Over And Out said...

She'll never look at her checking account and see she has $20 TOTAL and won't be receiving a check for another 10 days, no grifting, no View and Today appearances, no Bed Bath and Beyond even WITH a coupon, no daily runs in one of her THREE cars to Target, no mani/pedis, tanning.

Right. And unlike so many real single, struggling moms, she'll never have to sit down with a stack of bills and decide what gets paid this month -- the electric bill, the gas bill, or the car insurance. I hope she doesn't find herself without the funds to pay the pool boys. That would be a tragedy.

She makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Now that "corporate" Bon-Ton has reached out by way of a "thank you", I'm expecting her to try to parlay that into more freebies, or suggest a promotion deal. Oh, those poor kids.


Over And Out said...

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 2m
@ConcernedChick what grown man lays in a ditch snapping photos of private moments? Creepy. ;) @Dave_White67 @DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8

What grown woman gets sloshed, sits in a NYC bar and lets a strange man lick her foot? Creepy.

Sheri said...

@SING1546 @DdissidentT that's okay. Just so you know, I got little 2 no sleep the weeks before&felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after #WorthIt


It's infuriating how this woman exaggerates to make herself look the martyr.

Exactly what was she doing the "weeks before" that afforded her little to no sleep? Working to save up money to pay for the party? Uh, nope...TLC got that.

Oh, I know, she was meticulously planning in thorough detail everything that would be needed to pull off the "bestest birthday carnival" ever. Oh wait, that's right, a company did ALL of that for her.

Maybe she was shopping for and wrapping all those individual, personal, nifty gifts for her 6 children. Damn it, that's right John Deere took care of that in one fell swoop.

Talk about bloody clueless. And really Kate, "felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after"? I'd be more inclined to believe you really did think it was #WorthIt if you didn't freakin' complain like a spoiled brat every time you open your mouth or tweet something.

The evidence of a mental illness is in the simple fact that she truly believes that no one ever has or ever will have it as tough as she does.

Does she not understand the miracle that is 6 healthy babies at once?

Does she not get that people with two, three and four children are living hand to mouth, many wondering where there next meal will come from?

No safety net? Get real!

Millicent said...

Karen - I am so sorry for your loss. May you and your girls grow even closer and give each other strength. I hope you also have a circle of loving family and friends to lean on.

Don't let anything Kate says bother you - we here all know she's 99% full of BS.

Over And Out said...

What I don't understand is why the "haters" continue to engage with kids. It doesn't seem to be a level battleground. Kate's fans are teens...without the maturity to know what's what, without knowledge of childhood development, without life experiences. Kids that age always know best, and very seldom will they listen to facts or to the opinion of others. Their minds are made up. Fingers in ears....I don't hear you!

And yet, the regular non-fans who park themselves on twitter go after them...wouldn't you think that they would know darn well that you can't argue with a teen or very young adult whose mind is made up? What does this accomplish?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Oooh, can I play?

What grown woman lets strangers film her children's private
moments, and then broadcast them on national TV? Creepy.

This is too easy - like shootin' fish in a barrel...

FYI said...

Exactly what was she doing the "weeks before" that afforded her little to no sleep?

She's probably alluding to her time on CA and trying to imply that the kids actually had their carnival on their actually birthday. Guess she doesn't realize that people know that she was done with CA well over a month before they actually filmed the party.

AuntieAnn said...

Over And Out said... 3

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 2m
@ConcernedChick what grown man lays in a ditch snapping photos of private moments? Creepy. ;) @Dave_White67 @DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8


What grown woman gets sloshed, sits in a NYC bar and lets a strange man lick her foot? Creepy.


Ah touché! Over and Out! Good one.

And speaking of private moments...Kate wanted the world to see ALL the private moments of her family - for the $$.

I hope no sheep EVER tries to come to this blog and plea 'private moments'. Fair warning.

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: @SING1546 @DdissidentT that's okay. Just so you know, I got little 2 no sleep the weeks before&felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after #WorthIt
Allow me to translate Katespeak if I may. I got little to no sleep the weeks before because I was filming Celebrity Apprentice and they made me work my ass off and didn't cater to my every whim. I then had to come home and mastermind this to make sure that I could squeeze every penny I could out of TLC because if they weren't going to give us a wonderful trip they damn sure were going to pay for the party and that included the rent a carnival people. Of course I was tired because I had to spend all this time with my kids while filming the hell out of them.

lukebandit said...

Karen said...162

Karen, please accept my deepest condolences in the loss of your husband and your children's father. I will keep you in my prayers.

AuntieAnn said...

And really Kate, "felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after"?


Nothing that eleventy billion weeks of bedrest won't cure.

Vanessa said...

Don't see my post so forgive me if it pops up later.

Very sorry for your loss Karen. Just what you want to hear, a spoiled little bitch using the words "single parent" to drive your pain even further.

She will never ever give up the single mom schtick. Even when she had tons and tons of help she truly thought she did it all, never EVER giving kudos, thanks or even acknowledging others hard work and contribution.
She went from 48weeks of bedrest, to being a mom of 6 "disabled" babies, to being a mom of horrible toddlers, to being hounded by the paps, to being thought of as a Monster Mom, to being "abandoned" by everyone...but what do all these have in common? They are allll excuses and justifications for her EVIL DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY. Must be nice to be able to say whatever you want, behave any way you want. Scam, commit fraud, be dishonest, hateful and spiteful all in the name of your kids.She can abuse, belittle, degrade, punish, mock all she wants because she's got those kids. THEY are the currency. THEY pay for their mother's atrocious sins.

Sheri said...

Vanessa said...(14)

"Must be nice to be able to say whatever you want, behave any way you want. Scam, commit fraud, be dishonest, hateful and spiteful all in the name of your kids.She can abuse, belittle, degrade, punish, mock all she wants because she's got those kids. THEY are the currency. THEY pay for their mother's atrocious sins."


I got a chill reading those last two lines Vanessa. It's so true. Kate never seems to have to truly account, suffer the consequences of or otherwise pay for her absolutely horrid, self-serving and greedy behaviour. But her children have, do and will pay for years and years to come.

And yet, all she can do (even ten years later) is moan and groan about how hard everything is for HER. It's infuriating, frustrating and depressing all at the same time.

DisgustedwithKate said...

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 2m
@ConcernedChick what grown man lays in a ditch snapping photos of private moments? Creepy. ;) @Dave_White67 @DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8

That's what paparazzi and reporters do when covering celebrities. A better question is what grown women allows her CHILDREN to financially support her as well as themselves? IMHO THAT is creepy.

NJGal51 said...

Kate is a Twit - I see we had the same thought about CA. It scares me just a little that I understand Katespeak!

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: Hurricane Arthur will probably be a category 2 when it gets to Hatteras Island tonight. My friend who has a house in the tri village area posted on Facebook she is evacuating now.
TFMJG might be able to scare Arthur away, if only the marathon TV shows were today!

Bitchy Pants said...

Karen, I'm so sorry for your loss and for what you and your daughters are going through. I will be including you and your family in my prayers.

@SandieBellz -- I'll tell you what man lies in a ditch and photographs private moments -- a man who is doing a JOB trying to support his family and put food on the table for his children. Unlike TFMJG. If she were so concerned about her children being photographed at the house, she could easily move their playtime, etc. to areas out of the line of sight. There are a lot of them. However, she strategically positioned all the activities right where they could be seen by the reporters and paps that she well KNEW were there.

Vanessa -- I agree with you. TFMJG will never give up her "single mom, I do it all by myself" schtick. She even pulled it when she was still married to Jon. She was constantly complaining that he didn't help her and that he was like the 9th child. And her Sheeple believed it and continue to bleat the party line, although they watched the show and SAW just how much Jon really did do for and with those kids. It's like selective blindness. They look at pictures of him feeding, bathing and dressing the kids and say he left all the work for her. SMH

LaLaLandNoMore said...

The line about being "home based" just blew me away. This woman is unbelievable! She searches, volunteers, begs, etc. for chances to be away from the 8 (I say) 8 kids. I agree that the children are her currency and they certainly have helped her avoid being totally shunned by everyone. There is just something too distasteful about TFW. There are not enough negative words to describe her and her scam.

FYI said...

Guess there weren't too many viewers for the repeat showings. According to TV by the Numbers, neither airing made it into the top 100 for yesterday. ~ Administrator said...

Meanwhile Giada just thanked her "team". On instagram. At least some celebs acknowledge all the help it takes to make them great.

Sheri said...

DisgustedwithKate said...(16)

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 2m
@ConcernedChick what grown man lays in a ditch snapping photos of private moments? Creepy. ;) @Dave_White67 @DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8

"That's what paparazzi and reporters do when covering celebrities. A better question is what grown women allows her CHILDREN to financially support her as well as themselves? IMHO THAT is creepy."


Well said. What's worse is that it goes beyond "allow". She isn't merely "allowing" them to be exploited, she's the one doing it.

The latest TLC specials notwithstanding, it's been Kate herself masterminding the sale of her children's images, their privacy and their dignity for the last several years.

The cookbook, her twitter account, photo shoots and interviews with People and the now infamous Today Show appearance with the twins.

These are all examples of how Kate continues to sell her children's privacy to keep HERSELF in her mansion, driving her 3 expensive cars, wearing designer jeans, sporting acrylic nails and salon treating her not-extentions barbie hair.

But she chooses NOT to spend her children's money on taking them to the movies. (Thank you Mr. Hoffman for including that whole sad exchange in your book.)

After her tweets during last nights TLC marathon, one thing is abundantly clear...she has no intention of stopping her attempts to exploit her children to maintain the lifestyle SHE has become accustomed to.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

LaLaLandNoMore said... 20
There is just something too distasteful about TFW. There are not enough negative words to describe her and her scam.

You're right, but here's a start, at least:

odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, abominable, detestable,contemptible, reprehensible, despicable, egregious, horrific, terrible, awful,abhorrent, loathsome, hideous, unspeakable, execrable; iniquitous, villainous,beyond the pale

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Sorry for your loss, Karen. Welcome to the blog. Glad to see "the old Diane" from Z here, too. I was one of those zloggers a while back. Back to TFW, I believe once a blamer, always a blamer. It's tough trying to be around someone like that. Nearly impossible in my estimation. There is no pleasing them. When TLC finally decides to dump all things Gosselin, it will not be TFW's fault. The blame will go to any number of people including the 8 kids. It's predictable. Did TLC really believe people would tune in to hear and see silly TFW? People may be a little interested in the kids, but who would want to listen to that voice and see that in every frame? Is TLC underestimating viewers? Could this update be related to a contract unfulfilled when K plus 8 ended? Why not check in with the Hayes or Jones families, TLC? Makes a person wonder.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 2m
@ConcernedChick what grown man lays in a ditch snapping photos of private moments? Creepy. ;) @Dave_White67 @DdissidentT @Kateplusmy8

"That's what paparazzi and reporters do when covering celebrities. A better question is what grown women allows her CHILDREN to financially support her as well as themselves? IMHO THAT is creepy."


What grown woman sits with her eight children and watches re-runs of their lives in the glory days, and cries about it? #supersupercreepy.

Blowing In The Wind said...

AuntieAnn said... 13
And really Kate, "felt like an 80yr old 4 a week after"?


Nothing that eleventy billion weeks of bedrest won't cure.


What in the name of everything holy would she feel like if she had a real job, eight hours a day, five days a week, no childcare, no pool guys, no lawn boys, no laundry people...had to go to work, come home and care for the house and kids, day after day after day with no end in sight?

She is disgusting.

Blowing In The Wind said...

And speaking of private moments...Kate wanted the world to see ALL the private moments of her family - for the $$.

I hope no sheep EVER tries to come to this blog and plea 'private moments'. Fair warning.


Amen, AuntieAnn. Sandie shot herself in the foot with that tweet. Kate put her kids on the potty and allowed them to be filmed for money. Kate allowed her sick, vomiting kids to be filmed on a boat for money...Kate allowed her constipated son to be filmed in the back of a van while his father literally took care of the problem...all for money. If that isn't creepy, I don't know what is.

MaryB said...

So last night's marathin plus twitter-fest had poor ratings? Say it ain't so! Guess that should send a clear message. Can we dare to hope that she is off TV now for good?

OrangeCrusher1 said...

So is it the traditional Gosselin 4th tomorrow, or does Jon have the kids? Looking forward to tweets of flag driveways, cool whip cake and Zorrow dressed like Uncle Sam. Gah.

Ruthie said...

When Kate said they were all spending the day watching old shows, I thought how ridiculous! Does she think they won't shudder in utter embarrassment over the first poop photos, Colin's constipation episode, etc? And does Kate really think that M & C would want to spend the day watching so much attention and fascination being showered on the tups when Mady claims they intruded on her life plan and that she thinks she likes Joel or Leah with no seeing regard for the others? ~ Administrator said...

Wow that's one angry dude. Calling people "libtards" "accusing" them of voting for Obama (is that a crime?). love all the misspellings...Looser, Dam, LOLOL


Why is it the most extreme of sheeple seem to always be uber conservative Republicans and hot to discuss politics and other hotbed issues? It's weird. Is it about attention? Saying the most extreme things to get a rise out of people?

njay said...

THEY are the currency.
Take away her currency, yes indeedy. The saddest part about that is that the kids will blame themselves and she will also play that game with them also. Telling them it is their fault.

I think the greatest payback for her would be to give Jon full custody. He gets the mcmansion to raise them in and she has to live in a little apartment, living payday to payday.

Truth is though, this is my opinion and hope, Jon would have enough honor and desire to do the right thing, that he would still help Kate out if it was in his power. I think he loves his kids enough to see that they still would love their mother and need her in their life. I believe he would do the right thing inspite of her evil deeds.

Over In TFW's County said...

So is it the traditional Gosselin 4th tomorrow, or does Jon have the kids? Looking forward to tweets of flag driveways, cool whip cake and Zorrow dressed like Uncle Sam. Gah.


Your wish is her command! Can you believe it? Kate made the US costume for Zorro....all by herself, and she worked on it non-stop for a week. She now feels like an 80-year-old.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 4m
It's beginning to look a lot like The 4th of July...we're busily preparing for our big party here tomorrow! #CantWait

stuckinkansas ‏@tkgun73 4m
@Kateplusmy8 my son went to dads for the 4th so Im watching u & the kids on netflix so I wont cry.



Barb Gilman said...

Alrighty, the flag lined driveway picture is up! Next, the flag cake? What are the odds on that picture being shown?

localyocul said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 8m
It's beginning to look a lot like The 4th of July...we're busily preparing for our big party here tomorrow! #CantWait


Oh good, then the kids can listen to her complain about how tired she is according to H. Wahhh I'm so tireddd!!

Nancy said...

How on earth does that driveway belong to someone who is piecing and patching the up keep alone would be insane and that's just the driveway how much more is there we don't see. Not that I care but as my Dad would always say when someone tried to sell him a "bill of Goods" don't pee on my leg and say it's raining!

Jen said...

Is the driveway picture a new one? It seems we've seen that one before.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Nancy said... 38
How on earth does that driveway belong to someone who is piecing and patching the up keep alone would be insane and that's just the driveway how much more is there we don't see. Not that I care but as my Dad would always say when someone tried to sell him a "bill of Goods" don't pee on my leg and say it's raining!

That's Kate rubbing her loyal fans noses in the fact that she's rich and the're not. Did she wish them a Happy 4th? Didn't think so.

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