Monday, July 22, 2013

To the little prince: 'You are normal'

Prince William and Kate welcomed a baby boy today!

With all the excitement over the good news, it's easy to forget that the yet to be named prince already has his life's destiny planned for him. One day, perhaps not until most of us are long gone, he will be king of England. Until then, he will likely spend most of his life being dissected by the public. Even right down to his placenta (Says England's Mirror, Kate’s boy was a healthy 8lb 6oz, suggesting she ate well during her pregnancy and the placenta worked well.)

The Mirror wrote a rather frank open letter to the new royal, urging him to remember he has a "bumhole" like everyone else and to be wary of camera phones. But the snide article also has a few good tips for the tyke:

  • Privilege comes at a price. Yours is a beautifully gilded cage, but I wouldn’t want to spend my life in it. You can escape if you wish but bear in mind it’s a lot different outside than in.
  • Hold an opinion. Mummy has spoken publicly on fewer occasions than I have fingers, and everyone else has to keep their lips buttoned for constitutional reasons. But
    I reckon you can rule objectively – sign the paperwork, and so on – and still say, now and and again, that you disagree.
  • You must find your own way in a life for which there are too many rules and at the same time not enough, where you crave privacy and rely on the public, in which everyone you meet will bow and scrape.
  • At many points in your life someone will probably say that you’re ‘common’ because Mummy wasn’t Royal. This person is an idiot
  • You could do lots and you could do nothing at all. It’s up to you.
  • You are normal. If at any point as you grow up you doubt this, check your bumhole. If it’s still there, you’re normal.

We hope William and Kate will always make it their priority to help this baby have a happy and normal life as he swims in a very abnormal fishbowl. The Mirror calls him "lucky." Maybe not.

928 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 188

Kate's "work" was to "mastermind" everything. She makes list after list, delegates and then bitches that no one is doing her work correctly.
Ahem, cleaning lady, Janet.

Kate has a very Upstairs/Downstairs mentality.

Mel said...

In regards to TFW posting questionable photos of the kids:
I wonder if she does it just because she can, and she knows that he doesn't approve. It's like a good old FU to him...

And there you have the reason for why she does anything. Her top priority in life. #Pathetic

Autumn Leaves said...

Not that I advocate any part of my post, this is just my bored musings.
(FW=Former wife)

1. Title of the show, "Jon and Kate Try To Relate."

2. This exclusive tv special opens with Jon and FW meeting for coffee
(possible Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts product placement) to discuss
the children and co-parenting.

3. Jon arrives first and orders a coffee, making sure that he holds the
cup so that the logo is visible. He glances nervously at the door as FW
arrives in her oh so thrifty Audi. A mall cop on a scooter leads the way
to the closest no parking zone.

4. FW enters slowly she is carrying her cookbook so that the title is clearly
visible. The Director yells "cut", FW glares at him as he slinks over and
adjusts the cookbook so the title is right side up.

5. FW clomps to the table followed by lights, cameras and sound equipment
the mall cop takes a seat two tables away so he won't be on camera while
guarding FW. Meanwhile Jon's left eye begins twitching.

6. Jon stumbles to his feet and with hands visibly shaking pulls out a chair
for FW. FW elbows him out of the way and sits. The chair cushion makes a
pfft noise which is picked up by the sound equipment. The director wrings
his hands and whispers "cut". The scene is re-shot amidst FW's frosty

7. FW props the cookbook against the menu holder it's upside down. No one has
the courage to mention it except the mall cop who is frantically waving
arms out of camera range. FW ignores him and sends the assistant director
for her coffee.

8. The camera goes into a closeup of the couple. Jon nervously clears his
throat and swigs some coffee. FW drums her nails on the table and gives
Jon the stink eye.

9. Jon: "I appreciate you taking time to meet me to discuss co-parenting.I'm
hoping we can..(FW interrupts) "Yer breathing too loud!". She takes a sip
of the coffee and wrinkles her nose."

10.FW "Well speak up! I have more important, um, things to do than listen to
um loud breathing and um your strange ideas!"

11.Jon shifts nervously in his seat the cushion pffffts loudly, the director
looks towards the heavens and prays it can be edited out. FW pokes Jon's
arm. "Ya sound like the kids after my famous sauerkraut and pigs feet
meals. Dontcha know! They give it a 10 um every time! It's um in my um
cookbook um Love Is In the um Mix.

12.Jon tries again, "I'd like to co-parent with you. We could stop the
arguing and be on friendly terms so that the kids..(FW narrows her eyes)
"Um you listen up, um, I'm in charge and I'll always be in charge! That
isn't um gonna change!"

13.The director throws up his hands visions of "Jon and Kate Therapy"and
"Jon and Kate Date" evaporate into thin air. He mumbles "cut". The mall cop

runs to Kate she throws him her purse and marches out the door leaving the
cookbook and Jon behind. /parody

Sorry about the formatting. I tried to fix it to no avail.

Winsomeone said...

"My husband always says installation instead of insulation. So we installed some good "installation" when we built our house. Hee Hee."

One of my sons, when he was small, always said "the "Starvation Army", instead of the "Salvation Army." When we told him the correct name, he said "Well, it's for starving people, isn't it?" Couldn't deny that.

Vanessa said...

I read the article yesterday, but if someone could confirm? Did Jon say that the kids HAVE a bodyguard (as in present tense) when they are with TFW(love it!!)and they don't have one when with him? Hence the firearm?

PatK said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 198


Thanks for the correction, Tweet-le De! I guess I read that tweet too fast the other day! lol

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

MsGoody who has daily conniption fits over RH writing a book about Kate just tweeted this:

..."Also, you can write a tell all memoir about your life w/ Jon or write article series."

And in MsGoody's hood:

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Hit the publish button too soon.

Wanted to say and in MsGoody's hood:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 9m
@Kateplusmy8 EVERYTHING he has done to hurt you. BTW, word on the street is Jon is a source to the lawyer that runs

Word on the street!! LOL

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

I don't twitter and don't know how to read all Kate and Milo's twits. Can someone please give me a link? I can no longer use the twazzup link for some's almost like I need a twitter account....thanks!

Marie said...

Word on the street!! LOL


Well, I've got my leathers on. I guess I'm now part of a gang, part of the STREET! hehe

In other words, missgoody reads here. :)


Dmasy said...

Autumn Leaves....Bravo! Do another one, please. I would watch that show. The seat cushion sound is a perfect detail.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Paper -- here you go. Have fun!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Autumn Leaves said... 3

Loved it! More! More! :)

Over And Out said...

Goody is on a wild rant again, proposing parental alienation. She is off her rocker.
JON!!! Watch this one! She's crazier than a bed bug in a brothel.

Kate, for the love of whatever, tell her to knock it off, or take down this Twitter! No good can come from it. I'd be embarrassed out of my mind if my Twitter had descended into the madness that is now on her TL.

Unknown said...

On TFW's time line this morning, someone left a link to a topic that Dr. Glass has all about TFW's body language in an interview she did. I didn't see a date, but it is obviously an old article. It was almost shocking that everything that Dr Glass had to say about TFW way back then, still applies to her behavior years later! TFW has not changed one iota, in fact she seems even worse!

As I read it, I kept thinking about Jon's recent interview, and how much he has matured, learned from the mistakes he admits he made, and his determination to not only stop continue that behavior, but how it has increased his resolve to protect his children! (I know...that thought is a great big run on sentence, but the coffee has me twanging, and I couldn't figure out where to end one sentence and begin another!!)

Here is a link to the article I'm talking about...(sorry..don't know how to make it clickable!)

SuziQ said...

Yikes, this MsGoody2Shoes person is insane. She has been obsessed with hating Jon since before their divorce and is way too invested in this drama. It's very obvious that she hates all men ~ I hope she doesn't have any male children. If I were Kate, I'd have a bodyguard too - just to deal with wack-jobs like this!

Over And Out said...

I hope she doesn't have any male children.


She has sons.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

SuziQ said... 16

She has 3 grown sons.

Melissa NV said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2m
@BullyVille ..taking one second of my day to say 'You're welcome and thanks for the support--and help--you've given us too!' :)


She will never get it, and I'm tired knocking my head against the wall trying to understand her. Let the chips fall where they may.

Melissa NV said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 25m
@Kateplusmy8 Ah...there goes that #WanderingKate...everything she touches gets cleaned & organized! Wish U'd wander into my office! :)


Yeah, I just bet you do! Isn't the office connected to the bedroom? ;) Why do birds suddenly appear...every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be, close to you!

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Aww, Winsomeone. That's cute! The Starvation Army. Thanks for the chuckle! When my son was little he said, "We'll, who am I? Chuck Leader?!?" He was trying to use the phrase - what am I? Chopped liver?" It took me quite awhile to figure that one out! Lol

Mrs. Malaprop said...

"The chair cushion makes a pfft noise which is picked up by the sound equipment."
Autumn Leaves - too funny!

Mel said...

Autumn have missing your calling! Hysterical!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Silimom said... 194
You all deserve great parent awards, seriously. This is how it's supposed to be, and it just makes the fact that after 4 YEARS, Jon nor Kate can say that they are amicable, let alone friends.
I'm so sorry G's. You deserve better. Much better.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Ok, if we're sharing funny kid sayings, we were heading out on a vacation and meeting friends at a gas station and when they didn't show for quite a while I said, "I've got a sneaky suspicion they're at the other gas station." My daughter repeated what I'd said to our friends when we finally met up and said "My mom had a "stinky position....."

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2m
@BullyVille ..taking one second of my day to say 'You're welcome and thanks for the support--and help--you've given us too!' :)

So who is the royal us? The kids, the sheeple? THW really needs to get up off her a$&, step away from the twitter and oh, get a job. She's working on summer school projects? Hardly, more likely directing the twins to help the tups. If it's not an Iphone attached to her hand, she would not know what to do. And oh dear, a month left before school starts and no one has given them a beach vacay. Hmm, maybe if you had not negotiated yourself into a new car . . .

fidosmommy said...

Hence the firearm?


Did Jon say he has an actual, real gun, or was he saying he has ammunition, as in evidence against his former wife that he would pull out if necessary? I'm thinking he's not wearing a holster these days.

Unknown said...

fidosmommy said... 27
''Did Jon say he has an actual, real gun, or was he saying he has ammunition, as in evidence against his former wife that he would pull out if necessary? I'm thinking he's not wearing a holster these days.''
Jon said that he has an actual, real gun, and IS wearing a holster these days. He also said that he is ''a licensed gun owner.'' He also said, ''There are a lot of pedophiles, miscreants, there’s crazy stuff happening in the world, people abduct kids all the time, you see it all the time, so I’m always chambered when I’m with the kids. I’m ready to go. You know what I mean? I’ll protect them to the end of the earth. If I didn’t carry, how am I going to protect them?'' He added: ''It’s a different sense. It’s almost like being a bodyguard. You’re not looking at yourself; you’re looking at them and what’s around. We went through training, what to look for.''

As I read his comments, I found myself thinking thank goodness! (Especially after reading days of insane tweets from one of TFW's biggest fans!) At the same time, I realized that I'm thinking as a ''Texan'', and we have a much different attitude about guns than many others in the rest of the U.S.. As I type this response, I still believe that Jon having a gun w/him is a good thing...even if others believe it is wrong. Just think how horrible it would be if one of the nuts appeared and Jon was unable to at least attempt to protect his children!

charlez said...

Admin, I suppose you have already heard that you are "the word on the street."

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 3h
@Kateplusmy8 ...EVERYTHING he has done 2hurt you. BTW, word on the street is Jon is a source to the lawyer that runs ~ Administrator said...

Just to stop any rumors yes Jon talked to us very briefly last summer but we are not friends and we haven't talked in over 11 months. He was thrilled to have won more custody and frustrated that Kate was alienating him so much. I can't speculate why he wanted to say something then or why it took him this long to get comfortable going on record or why he told us what he did. At this point you'd have to ask him that.

fidosmommy said...

I am glad Jon contacted you, and also that Ashley did (some time ago). That tells me they trust you enough to tell you a few things. I really like both of them. They are not angelic, but then they have never even tried to pass themselves off as angelic, just people who love the Gosselin children and want the crazy stuff their mother is now famous for to stop.

Yes indeed, her twitter mess, questionable alliances and doubtful statements are now what the former wife is famous for. The sextuplets aren't even her fame point anymore. That's old hat.

Stella said...

Reality Tea did an article about Jon's interview. The comments about Kate are spot on.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Tweet-le, that's a good one too! Your friend must have wondered about you a little after that! Ha ha

westcoastie said...

I read from the bottom up. Was so hoping TFW stood for The Fuck Wad.
Alas, my hopes were dashed.

Unknown said...

Stella said... 32
''Reality Tea did an article about Jon's interview. The comments about Kate are spot on.''
The article did a pretty good job of commenting about Jon's interview. However, the comments to the article are almost 100% having a cow about Jon not working! I shouldn't be surprised, since it is obvious to me that the one thing the comments are focused on are NOT even true! Jon's interview clearly said that he WAS working, and that he was starting a new job that would make it possible to spend more time with his children! The TFW's sheeple are very busy there. Off to see if TFW's timeline is still full of nasty comments, or if they are all busy commenting to articles written about Jon's interview!

DanielleB said...

Regarding the amount of time Jon spends with the kids:
This is from my experience with my ex.
He is a flight nurse and works 24 hour shifts, picks up any overtime he can, and is also in the Air National Guard so is gone one weekend a month and two weeks every year. It was hard to come up with a consistent visitation schedule when we got divorced, so we agreed to let our daughter see him whenever he was "available" (that sounds weird but I didn't know how else to word it)
When we were married obviously he saw our daughter, but he wasn't working he was always either too tired or had something better to do than to really do anything with us. He went to school functions, etc. when he was able, but was never really "present" in her life.
After we got divorced he made a lot more of an effort to really spend time with her and get to know her. He bought her golf clubs and taught her how to golf and she still loves it.
He would take her out to dinner and talk to her about school, her friends, or whatever.
My point is, even though sometimes he would only see her maybe six or seven days some months, the time he spent with her was quality time. He would turn off his phone and BE THERE for her.
Might sound crazy, but I think he became a better father after the divorce.
Our daughter is 19 now,10 when we got divorced, and still has a good relationship with her dad. She doesn't see him alot because she's busy with work and college, but still texts and talks to him on the phone regularly. Heck, she lives with me and I hardly ever see her anymore!

And I'm sure Jon is there the same way. He was the "hands on" dad when he was married, so I believe he would be the same way now. He probably gives those kids more attention on whatever number of days per month that they're with him than TFW does in a year! ~ Administrator said...

Are all those commentors against stay at home moms too? As long as the children are provided for what's the difference?

Unknown said...

My goodness!! I should have not have gone to TFW's timeline. They all seem pretty convinced that Jon IS going to release his book and/or that his book may be the book Robert spoke about...(the ''no holds barred book about Jon) It may be more accurate to say that it seems to be the thing they are afraid of!?? Reading that timeline is like wading through a pig pen, full of mud and slop! (Growing up on a farm is shining through!) lol

Tucker's Mom said...

DanielleB said... 36
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It just goes to show that there are many ways to co-parent after divorce, and in ways that are healthy for the children.
Yours is quite an exceptional situation and because you let it be "what it is", it worked out in the end, just like Jon repeated in his interview.
Can you imagine if Jon had that schedule? If you thought Kate marginalized his "4 days a month", can you imagine how she'd dismiss him if he had that crazy schedule? I'm certain she'd sue for custody.
Your daughter sounds like a really cool gal ;-)

Summer Days And Nights said...

As I type this response, I still believe that Jon having a gun w/him is a good thing...even if others believe it is wrong. Just think how horrible it would be if one of the nuts appeared and Jon was unable to at least attempt to protect his children!


True, but I think that the nuts he really has to be concerned about are those on the internet who hate him with a passion. But you just never know when some crazy idiot is going to go after all of them.

Tucker's Mom said...

To those saying Jon needs to get a job, please tell me what's Kate's job?
A cook book? Please, she's not going to make any real coin off of that vanity book.
Blogging? Fired, let go, and not extended x3
Oh, btw, what would the sheep say if Jon went on record, numerous times, and said his ONLY option to support 8 kids in on TV and that there was NO WAY he could ever go back to IT? And that his perfect job would take him away literally half the year?
They'd eat the flesh off his bones.

localyocul said...

Yikes! I guess I followed Hailey Glassman after she said she was suing Kate. She just rt Goody so it showed up in my TL. Scared me. Goody is crowing about the anti Jon comments in that article. They never comment on the fact that any article about TFW has 99.9% bad comments toward her

Summer Days And Nights said...

Don't these sheeple have any reasoning ability whatsoever? They're saying that Jon doesn't spend a dime on them. What do they do when they're at his house? Starve for a weekend? When they go shopping, do they think that he just lets them look wistfully at a toy, game or whatever, and leave the store in tears...without anything to show for their trip?

I guess that's why they are called sheeple. The have so much wool covering their eyes they can't see the pasture for the barn.

Milo is saying that it's a Kate-bashing interview, that he lied, omitted facts, didn't tell the truth. Of course, Gladys would know all of this because she's been peering in windows since 2008.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 I fully understand why every time U get all 8 back hm and safely tucked N bed its a relief 4U! :)

Kate needs to put an end to this NOW, but of course, she won't. I wish someone would write an article about how she lets this Jon-trashing continue on Twitter and never say a word. ~ Administrator said...

Double standard. Why does Jon have to get a job, but not Kate? Because he's the man?

All the comments are telling him to get a job. Except if you read the article, he does in fact HAVE A JOB. A 40 hours a week job! What else do they want?

"I work 40 hours a week."

He couldn't be any clearer. He works 40 hours a week. ~ Administrator said...

Kate pays Jon's rent when the children spend multiple overnights a month there? She bought all the necessities for their room? She gives him allowance for utilities, apple TV, and food when the children are there? ~ Administrator said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 I fully understand why every time U get all 8 back hm and safely tucked N bed its a relief 4U! :)


They're so dramatic. Give me a break.

I'm far more concerned about Kate glued to her phone when eight kids are in the pool. Accidents happen so quickly.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 1h
The first people I followed were @hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1, @TheMoron1, and @jimmyfallon, according to

Haileyglassman the Moron? Is that right? LOL

Over And Out said...

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 My hate? I don't hate Jon. But Jon hates Kate. But if ever there was a vindictive person, Jon is it.


She's out of her ever-lovin mind! If she doesn't hate Jon, I really don't want to know what kind of vitriol she spews at someone she really dislikes!

Over And Out said...

What can happen when lunatics are so full of anger and hate that they decide to do something about it:

"Why do prospective murderers always seem to post their plans on Twitter first? A New York man who was allegedly unhappy over how HLN anchors Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell covered the Jodi Arias trial was arrested during a traffic stop with a car full of weapons ready to enact his plan of getting the two anchors naked, tying them to a tree, leaving them there overnight, and then slitting their throats. David Lee Simpson, who was obsessed with Arias, had posted the threats on Twitter and recently quit his job, saying he was leaving town. He was indicted on felony counts of computer tampering and stalking."

Marie said...

Over and Out ... 49

That is really scary.


Summer Days And Nights said...

Kate pays Jon's rent when the children spend multiple overnights a month there? She bought all the necessities for their room? She gives him allowance for utilities, apple TV, and food when the children are there?


It's just amazing to me that these fans aren't capable of the most simple of logical thinking. They still don't understand the laws of child support in Pennsylvania and think that Kate ALL BY HER LITTLE LONESOME SELF relieved Jon of payments out of the goodness of her heart, and all she has to do now is to sue him for support again. It's a concept that they don't get -- that child support issues go before a judge. Even if you direct them to the CS link, they still couldn't understand it. I wonder in what kind of elementary language this must be explained to them before they get it.

It must be very frustrating being one of them, or perhaps the adage is true and ignorance really is bliss.

Marie said...

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 My hate? I don't hate Jon. But Jon hates Kate. But if ever there was a vindictive person, Jon is it.


Goody is mixed up. Taking your children off TV to allow them privacy as they grow up is NOT being vindictive. It is being sensible and loving. Going after a child's father through corporate lawyers and publicly humiliating him in the process IS being vindictive. She is such a moron.


Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Keomi Berry ‏@Keomiberry 14m

@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 @LEAHHgosselin @alexisgosselin8 @MiloandJack I know right I will always let her know about fake accounts


Oh, good gosh. Another Milo-In-Training. They're multiplying like Tribbles!

Unknown said...

Summer Days And Nights said... 51
''It's just amazing to me that these fans aren't capable of the most simple of logical thinking.''
''It must be very frustrating being one of them, or perhaps the adage is true and ignorance really is bliss.''
There must be hundreds (if not thousands) of comments on this blog that discuss our inability to understand TFW's thinking/behavior. Her thinking/behavior is so abnormal to us that our minds just flat can't go there. She attracts fans that think as she does, and applaud her behavior, which seems 'reasonable' to them.

I think that it IS very frustrating being TFW's fan, and I can only hope/pray that ''ignorance really is bliss'', instead of this:
Over And Out said... 49
''What can happen when lunatics are so full of anger and hate that they decide to do something about it''

Sunset Blvd said...

What is all the constant harping that Jon should get a job? The kids do not seem to be lacking financially due to the money THEY (with some help from their parents) earned from the show. Obviously, they are not in desperate need of child support - look at their home and where they go to school. Jon is the only one in debt, not TFW or the kids; he is a fairly young man and has a lot of working years ahead of him. He currently has a job - why not let him also spend time with his kids? They will be grown up in the blink of an eye, and then he can get his finances in order. ~ Administrator said...

Taking your children off TV to allow them privacy as they grow up is NOT being vindictive. It is being sensible and loving. Going after a child's father through corporate lawyers and publicly humiliating him in the process IS being vindictive. She is such a moron.


Couldn't have said it better myself.

You know what's obvious? What started this feud was the perfectly reasonable and sensible and compassionate decision to take the children off T.V. However, instead of seeing it as a decision any loving parent who wasn't so darn selfish would do? Instead it was taken personally. It was an attack on TFW that must be avenged. When really this decision had nothing to do with TFW. TFW wasn't a factor. Whether she agreed with the call or not was completely irrelevant, he had to do what he knew was right. And it's rather self-absorbed to assume what Jon did had anything, whatsoever, to do with TFW or what she thought. The kids came first and what anyone else thought wasn't a factor. It was a decision made for the kids that has never, ever been forgiven and has forever been taken personally when it never was.

And the rest is history. ~ Administrator said...

Sunset, I don't get it either. The children are well fed, clothed, sheltered and go to one of the best private schools around. Their mom buys Audis and does expensive upkeep on her personal appearance, surely she could afford a vacation or two for them too. They lack for nothing any normal child should ever have or want. So what is he supposed to be working for exactly?? Do they need eight sports cars they can't even drive yet? Would they like a yacht to add to their toys? Bowling alley built in the basement? It is not Jon's responsibility to shower them with LUXURIES. It is the PARENTS' responsibility to make sure necessities are taken care of and the child is comfortable. Since that's taken care of, he should focus on the intangibles, i.e. being there for them emotionally. He is 100% right about that. 100%. These children need to learn to be happy at a backyard BBQ at the house as much as they were happy in Australia. Backyard BBQs are how normal people have fun in the summer. The life they used to have is not realistic and it's time to help them learn how to be happy with what they have.

Jon makes an excellent point in that he will still be a young man when the children are grown and has plenty of time to bust his butt working and make up for it. Retirement accounts and his own fun can wait. These kids don't need anything else and it's going to spoil them if they do get anything else. A 40 hour a week job is PLENTY for what we can tell of this situation. Plenty. It's more than Kate's ever done.

Marie said...

he is a fairly young man and has a lot of working years ahead of him. He currently has a job - why not let him also spend time with his kids? They will be grown up in the blink of an eye, and then he can get his finances in order.

Exactly. And on the other hand, TFW has plenty of money and time to spend with her kids but would rather be back on television or working a job where she has to travel away from her kids. Who is the better parent? And how many women/mothers would LOVE to be in her position?


Melissa NV said...

Taking your children off TV to allow them privacy as they grow up is NOT being vindictive. It is being sensible and loving. Going after a child's father through corporate lawyers and publicly humiliating him in the process IS being vindictive. She is such a moron.


Ah. but Kate and the sheeple think in terms of material possessions. Kate, because she's known that lifestyle; the sheeple, because they never had it. Both equate luxuries with happiness and success.

Unknown said...

Summer Days And Nights said... 51
''It's just amazing to me that these fans aren't capable of the most simple of logical thinking.''
''It must be very frustrating being one of them, or perhaps the adage is true and ignorance really is bliss.''
There must be hundreds (if not thousands) of comments on this blog that discuss our inability to understand TFW's thinking/behavior. Her thinking/behavior is so abnormal to us that our minds just flat can't go there. She attracts fans that think as she does, and applaud her behavior, which seems 'reasonable' to them.

I think that it IS very frustrating being TFW's fan, and I can only hope/pray that ''ignorance really is bliss'', instead of this:
Over And Out said... 49
''What can happen when lunatics are so full of anger and hate that they decide to do something about it''

Tucker's Mom said...

You know what's obvious? What started this feud was the perfectly reasonable and sensible and compassionate decision to take the children off T.V.
Here's the bottom line; now listen closely, because I'm going to jog your selective memory sheeple.
Kate herself said if anyone wants to stop, we will stop.
You want me to prove it? Because it won't take long for me to find one of the many times she's said this during interviews.
So, was Kate lying to appease her critics? Is Kate a rule follower? Because if she is, she should have followed her own rule that dictated if anyone at any time wants to stop the show, the show will stop.
Please explain to me how it is OK for Kate to say this, then try to cut off Jon's balls for stopping the show?
And btw, sheep, Kate did go on without Jon to do Kate+8, but it was dropped and that, that had NOTHING to do with Jon. TLC had him by the short and curlies and he could barely wipe his ass without them hauling him into court, so how again is it Jon's fault that Kate's show, without him, was canned, leaving Kate showless? ~ Administrator said...

so how again is it Jon's fault that Kate's show, without him, was canned, leaving Kate showless?


To say Jon was responsible for Kate Plus 8 ultimately failing is to admit that the draw was actually Kate and Jon the couple, not Kate.

Which would be true, that was the draw and that was why people watched. Even the sweet kids were just a side thing to the main draw, the two of them. You can find sweet kids anywhere. You can't find Kate and Jon anywhere.

That said, it's not Jon's problem if Kate has no talent and can't make a show work on her own. Get over it.

Lynne In RI said...

All the comments are telling him to get a job. Except if you read the article, he does in fact HAVE A JOB. A 40 hours a week job! What else do they want?

"I work 40 hours a week."

He couldn't be any clearer. He works 40 hours a week.


They can't read. Even if they could, they still wouldn't be able to understand that, or they wouldn't believe it. They come up with scenarios because it fits the bashing they are putting forth. They couldn't accuse him of being an unemployed dead-beat if they read and understood his statement that HE WORKS.

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for them. Almost, but not quite.

PatK said...

Wow. Those crazy fans of TFW sure have their girdles in a bunch over the fact Jon carries a gun.

Have they flocked to BV yet to beg for help in taking Jon's gun away?

Luke's Mom said...

In Jon's interview, he said...

"My contract was over in September of 2012. My exclusivity? That’s done. It was done earlier, but there is a six month waiting period, then it’s wiped clean."

Six months after Sept 2012 is March 2013.

Interesting how Kate started working with Bullyville around that same time. She knew Jon's gag order was up, panicked, and since no TLC to help she reached out to BV to silence and threaten Jon just like TLC did to him in 2009.

TLC and BV, in my opinion, are BULLIES who were hired by TFW to go after Jon because he alone was and is the ONLY parent concerned about the best interest of the kids.

Lynne In RI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 13m

@Kateplusmy8 Here U sit saying nothing Kate! As usual, biting ur tongue. Well, we have a lot 2say defense of U...we know the truth!


Milo, Milo, Milo! Kate's not being a saint by biting her tongue and saying nothing. Kate's being a coward. Kate's sitting back watching all of this, letting you sheeple do her work for her! How stupid are you?

The pathetic thing about this is that Kate is being silent. If she had any smarts at all she wouldn't let the sheeple continue to trash the father of her children on a public forum that is HER Twitter page. Milo has absolutely no idea how pathetic and weak this makes Kate look by allowing it to continue. Kate needs to do the right thing and step up and tell them that this must all stop. Milo (and the fans) don't know the truth. They weren't in the home; they weren't present in the personal lives of Jon and Kate. The "truth" exists only in their minds.

Lynne In RI said...

Sandie interjects some humor:

irishfan ‏@irishfan47 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Evening! It's freezing here how about you? It's still summer right? I should have never gotten off the plane:)

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 26m
@irishfan47 Get back on the plane.

Summer Days And Nights said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 35m

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I think Jon is unstsble. I started not to read Jon's interview but it's very telling abt his mental state of mind.


Pot calls the kettle black! LOL! Maybe Goody has had a lot of experience in instability.

Luke's Mom said...

I also thought it was very revealing that Jon stated in his interview how the kids can "Google" at school and read everything out there about TFW, Jon, and themselves. And that the tabloid magazines have always been available at school too.

TFW, the lying liar who lies, lies that the kids NEVER read such stuff or have access to it just so she can continue her public bashing of Jon and encourage the same from her few crazy fans.

A REAL mom who loved her kids would have put a STOP to Twitter long ago (as Jon did).

And a REAL mom who loved her kids would not continue for YEARS bashing the father of her kids over and over again.

And a REAL mom who loved her kids would not let her few crazy fans continue for YEARS bashing the father of her kids over and over again.

So either TFW doesn't care that the kids have access to all the dirt she puts out there or TFW is so disconnected/uninvolved from the kid's school that she has no idea that the kids can "Google" the hate she creates and read about her in magazines.

Either way, TFW FAILS at protecting her kids. And Jon has EXCELLED in his efforts to protect the kids and at great sacrifice to his finances, reputation, career, and health (I added health, because how could it not be compromised when TLC and TFW are doing everything in their power to destroy you just because you want to protect your OWN children). ~ Administrator said...

I started not to read Jon's interview but it's very telling abt his mental state of mind.


She's right. It was very telling about his mental state: stable, loving, warm, personable, devoted father.

How can she spout all this crap having not even read it? That's hardly fair. At least thanks to silimom we're going to cook from Kate's cookbook before freaking out! :) ~ Administrator said...

Can you imagine at nine years old reading about how your mom wants to sue the pants off your dad? Poor kids!

A kid that young doesn't understand all the nuisances of what a lawsuit is. A kid that young is probably going to straight away think TFW wants Daddy in jail. And that Daddy might actually go if TFW wins!

TFW has unquestionably done her best to damage their relationship with her father. But she may be damaging her relationship with them in the process. They may not quite get it now, but a few years from now when they are thinking more like adults and reflecting on all this, they very likely will see more clearly how she has handled things. TFW might be surprised to find that instead of cheering her on, some, most, or even all of these kids will RESENT TFW for trying to come between them and their father they love.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Luke's Mom said... 62
In Jon's interview, he said...

"My contract was over in September of 2012. My exclusivity? That’s done. It was done earlier, but there is a six month waiting period, then it’s wiped clean."

Six months after Sept 2012 is March 2013.

Interesting how Kate started working with Bullyville around that same time. She knew Jon's gag order was up, panicked, and since no TLC to help she reached out to BV to silence and threaten Jon just like TLC did to him in 2009.

TLC and BV, in my opinion, are BULLIES who were hired by TFW to go after Jon because he alone was and is the ONLY parent concerned about the best interest of the kids.


Great catch! I'll bet you're right.

NJGal51 said...

@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 @LEAHHgosselin @alexisgosselin8 @MiloandJack I know right I will always let her know about fake accounts

The only problem with the accounts that she's finding we're only active for a handful of tweets back in 2009! This is not the first time that this young fan has come up with inactive accounts.

@RealZiggyFlo: @Keomiberry @Kateplusmy8 @LEAHHgosselin @alexisgosselin8 @MiloandJack Good for you. Hater's create them & set up fake followers.

I guess the Ziggy has forgotten about the FB page that was set up by a Canadian super fan.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... (Administrator) said... 66
TFW has unquestionably done her best to damage their relationship with her father.

It all boils down to her plan to have sextuplets and own them so that she can market them and become rich off their backs. Jon said it is an ownership thing with her. What a weird thing to say I thought. Then it made sense. They are and have always been her road to stardom. I love that this blog has always given predictions about TFW and made assumptions about her and her motives that have turned out to be true!!! A bunch of smart, intelligent people on here that know a bullshi**er when they see one!

Summer Days And Nights said...

Did Milo ever come up with that proof about the restraining order that Kate put out on Jon? ~ Administrator said...

I got the impression a lot of the fans were pretty conservative just based on some really vile anti-Obama election season tweets. Of course they flip flop all around as long as it's defending TFW but really, now they take issue with a gun? If Kate said she had to carry a gun because there are some real freaks out there, they would call her a brave martyr and mama bear who has to do what she has to do.

SusanNH said...

Kate Gosselin has shown the world she is PIG FROM HELL. She want's no peace, no quiet, just, me me mE, jON JUST WANTS, let me love and enjoy my chldred. Kate, Children be damned. Soon,very soon, truthe will prevail. SOON

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Joel: 'Goodnight. I love you a lot.......more than out of this world.'

...I just day and my life is made....yet again. :) :) ❤

IF Joel said that it should be kept and cherished as a private moment between mother and son. And IF Joel said that, one has to wonder why, at 9, your kids are still talking like much younger children who say things like that because the don't know how to express themselves.

Craziness said...

@msgoody2shoes21 23m
@mscatie @Pretty_Bird_0 @SchmeckyGirl2 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hardly watched J&K+8/Kate+8. I supported Kate in '09 due 2Jon's hateful way

She's stated a few times before she didn't really watch the show.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

IF Joel said that it should be kept and cherished as a private moment between mother and son. And IF Joel said that, one has to wonder why, at 9, your kids are still talking like much younger children who say things like that because the don't know how to express themselves.


She has to convince both herself and her fans that her kids love her and that she's a good mom.

It should be a private moment. You just don't tweet that. What if Joel did say it and was very sincere about it...maybe it was a mother and son thing and he doesn't want everyone on twitter to know it. She has absolutely no respect for their privacy. It's all about her and how wonderful she is. I've never seen anything like it. ~ Administrator said...

@mscatie @Pretty_Bird_0 @SchmeckyGirl2 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hardly watched J&K+8/Kate+8. I supported Kate in '09 due 2Jon's hateful way


That's weird. So like she just randomly supports some random TFW who she doesn't even really watch or know much about? Then she hasn't seen all the horrible things on that show. How can you pick a side if you're completely ignorant to what is going on?

Most people, fans and non-fans alike, start their TFW story like this: I was channel surfing and saw this cute family on TLC with a cute bunch of kids and thought it was such a sweet show....

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I guess the Ziggy has forgotten about the FB page that was set up by a Canadian super fan.


Oh, my gosh, NJ. I read that and was going to post the same thing. I know it was Tumblr, not sure about FB. It was on Tumblr where the fan made the serious mistakes about school schedules, the Cuba thing, Canadian grading system, Boxing Days, and much more.

Wasn't it on FB where that same fan, as well as another one, set up a fake account to torment Ellen?

Meagler said...

and msgoody, just what did Jon do that was so hateful..

facts please!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Looks like the interview has TFW furiously farting rainbows. This is apparently all she has to do these days. After all BV is taking care of the bullies, Milo is stroking whatever she can get her hand on and Ms.Goodie is charging full steam ahead with the Jon is Evil campaign.
New car, no vacation, crazier than usual mother - poor kids.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Not only didn't MsGoody read the Jon interview, but she didn't watch the shows!

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 46m
@mscatie @Pretty_Bird_0 @SchmeckyGirl2 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hardly watched J&K+8/Kate+8. I supported Kate in '09 due 2Jon's hateful way

Hand on forehead!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Craziness said... 78
@msgoody2shoes21 23m
@mscatie @Pretty_Bird_0 @SchmeckyGirl2 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hardly watched J&K+8/Kate+8. I supported Kate in '09 due 2Jon's hateful way

She's stated a few times before she didn't really watch the show.

Goody didn't really watch the show, didn't read the interview either yet her opinions at absolutely rabid. There's something more to her hatred. Suppressed jealously perhaps? Sigmund, where are you?

de-evolution said...

I fear this blog has turned into an Us vs. Them war from Twitter.

There used to be such good points made here and at GWoP.

I think we've out-talked Kate. I don't care what her fans have to say.

Sherry Baby said...

OrangeCrusher1 said... 83

Looks like the interview has TFW furiously farting rainbows. This is apparently all she has to do these days. After all BV is taking care of the bullies, Milo is stroking whatever she can get her hand on and Ms.Goodie is charging full steam ahead with the Jon is Evil campaign.

Kate needs to put on her big girl panties and put a stop to these Jon bashing rages. She can do it. Just one tweet. She should stop relying on the sheeple to "defend and support" her. It does nothing but show that she's a terribly insecure person who has to rely on internet strangers to give her the love that she so desperately wants.

Put an end to it now. If she's Kan Do Kate, then she needs to show both fans and non-fans that she has the true grit to do it.

There was a point where I thought that Milo was just a bit smarter than the average bear. But after reading her tweets today, she's proven me wrong. She's just one of the herd.

NJGal51 said...

You're right Sleepless. I'm getting my social media mixed up.

@msgoody2shoes21 23m
@mscatie @Pretty_Bird_0 @SchmeckyGirl2 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Hardly watched J&K+8/Kate+8. I supported Kate in '09 due 2Jon's hateful way

OK, so if she never watched either show that much how does she know so much? Paid sock possibly? I wouldn't put it past TFW.

Unknown said...

de-evolution said... 86
''...I think we've out-talked Kate. I don't care what her fans have to say.''
I haven't even gotten close to being done talking about TFW. Unlike you, I really DO care what TFW's fans say, because I want to know which ones to worry about coming unglued!

But...if YOU are done...just scroll right on by. I promise it won't hurt my feelings!

Sherry Baby said...

I think we've out-talked Kate. I don't care what her fans have to say.

Kate's interaction with her fans provides the basis for the psychological perspective of the sociological imagination, the pulling away of a person to have insight into his/her own awareness. Kate clearly lacks what is needed to do this. No self-awareness. That's what is so fascinating about the whole a person is able to use whatever means within his/her reach to influence and dominate the weak in society. Between Kate and the fans it's not a give and take relationship, but rather it's take-and-take on her part. What do they expect to get from this, and moreover, are their expectations ever realized/achieved?

Does that make sense? The rumspringa was flowing freely this evening at the barbecue!

Sherry Baby said...

Shannon Wagner ‏@sjmwags7 4m

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate. I admire how u take care of ur kids alone. I have 5, inc. 2 sets of twins. Couldn't imagine doing it completely alone


She didn't, and she doesn't.

Once again, Jon has passed. I wonder how many times the media had to write obits about him. As Twain would say (paraphrase), "The report of his death was an exaggeration." ~ Administrator said...

See I've had a nearly lifelong interest in sociology and psychology. I definitely strongly considered one of those as a major in college. What's happening here has never gotten boring for me and I see most of the people left here have at least a passing interest in the psychology of this whole thing. It's like watching a living breathing experiment play out. But if you're not interested much in that, which of course would be fine, I can see how this would get tedious. ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate. I admire how u take care of ur kids alone. I have 5, inc. 2 sets of twins. Couldn't imagine doing it completely alone


She didn't, and she doesn't.


That's the thing. She's allowed her fans to put him down to her and marginalize his role directly to her over and over again and again and never once, not ONCE corrected them and in many cases flat out lied about his role to encourage their perception he is a deadbeat dad.

She has only herself to blame for Jon finally saying you know what? Enough is enough. This is how it really is and TFW has been lying for years and I'm ready to tell you so.

The idea that even after he gave her a virtual smackdown she is still allowing such nonsense from her fans, shows just how sociopathic she is. No remorse. She doesn't feel bad for what she's done all this time. She doesn't care what she's doing to her kids. The only thing she regrets is getting caught.

fidosmommy said...

Does the former wife tell her children things that make their day and make them feel all fuzzy and loved? Or is all the love always directed at her?

Unknown said...

Luke's Mom said... 65

In Jon's interview, he said...

"My contract was over in September of 2012. My exclusivity? That’s done. It was done earlier, but there is a six month waiting period, then it’s wiped clean."

Six months after Sept 2012 is March 2013.

Interesting how Kate started working with Bullyville around that same time. She knew Jon's gag order was up, panicked, and since no TLC to help she reached out to BV to silence and threaten Jon just like TLC did to him in 2009.

TLC and BV, in my opinion, are BULLIES who were hired by TFW to go after Jon because he alone was and is the ONLY parent concerned about the best interest of the kids.
THIS is what interests me! Seems to me like a real flashing neon sign pointing straight at TFW and Bullyville!

jbranck1980 said...

I just saw the video of the woman freaking out in the car because her husband has to run errands and won't take her to the lake. I think TFW may have a long lost sister.... :)

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Melissa NV said... 20
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 25m
@Kateplusmy8 Ah...there goes that #WanderingKate...everything she touches gets cleaned & organized! Wish U'd wander into my office! :)


Yeah, I just bet you do! Isn't the office connected to the bedroom? ;) Why do birds suddenly appear...every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be, close to you!


Didn't know how to reply from my phone, but I was sitting the chiropractor's when I read this. It made me laugh out loud.

Mel said...

Uh, Kate? I am woman...hear me roar! I do NOT need ANYONE to support and defend me. I am quite capable of taking care of myself.

I am not a weak, pathetic damsel in distress who encourages others, especially strangers, to support and defend me. I have no need to play the little girl act, as I am an adult woman and behave as such. I take resppnsibility for myself.

Too bad that you have chosen not to grow up. Talk about Peter Pan....

LancasterCountyMom said...

jbranck1980 said... 96
I just saw the video of the woman freaking out in the car because her husband has to run errands and won't take her to the lake. I think TFW may have a long lost sister.... :)
Where's that at?

Tucker's Mom said...

Most people, fans and non-fans alike, start their TFW story like this: I was channel surfing and saw this cute family on TLC with a cute bunch of kids and thought it was such a sweet show....
Probably the #1 thing we have in common here.

JoyinVirginia said...

NJGal, I am leaning more toward the opinion that some of the most devoted twidiots in the twitter cesspool are paid socks, if not an actual sock. BC definitely is being paid in some way, shape, or form.
I am interested in the psychology of this entire mess. I like writing TFW too, and I reading all the possible interpretations of this acronym!

Mel said...

Most people, fans and non-fans alike, start their TFW story like this: I was channel surfing and saw this cute family on TLC with a cute bunch of kids and thought it was such a sweet show....
Probably the #1 thing we have in common here.

And the #2 thing we have in common is: but I recognized the abuse by TFW within 2-3 episodes and was horrified. ~ Administrator said...

Funny comment from Sherry Baby last year during the cruise fiasco. Not that most of us didn't see this one coming a mile away.

And I also thought it was funny she used Paula Deen as an example for they know what they are doing. Whoops, look how THAT turned out!

Sherry Baby has left a new comment on your post "Em Tanner to Kate: I'm so sorry you 'lost your way...":

This is too funny for words:

Kate Gosselin Cruise ‏ @CindyCardella

@CaitlinMC2 it is not $800 a person. again don't listen to haters. We have Paula Deena Cruises every year, we know what we r doing


Cough, cough. Sure, you do.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Yeah, just like many of you I watched the show because the kids were cute, and it was interesting to see how this young couple handled the day-to-day duties involved. Then I saw the meltdown by TFW on the airplane, the yelling at Jon in the toy store, and the total freak out over gum on the lovie (I can't remember the order of these), and I wondered what people were saying about this witch of a wife & mother. I found GWOP first, and I think there was mention of this blog, so I started reading here. I will never get over how TFW had everything going for her. Had she behaved and actually been a likable person, she could have built a marketing empire! So many lost opportunities. What a dolt.

somewhere beyond the realm. said...

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 74 (Administrator) said... 66
TFW has unquestionably done her best to damage their relationship with her father.

It all boils down to her plan to have sextuplets and own them so that she can market them and become rich off their backs. Jon said it is an ownership thing with her. What a weird thing to say I thought. Then it made sense. They are and have always been her road to stardom. I love that this blog has always given predictions about TFW and made assumptions about her and her motives that have turned out to be true!!! A bunch of smart, intelligent people on here that know a bullshi**er when they see one!

In the last Q&A show before K+8 was canceled, she literally seethed with anger while saying that she could not comprehend why someone who only had the kids 4 days out of the month (at that time) had any say in their lives. Ownership. She felt her 27 days of monthly ownership gave her the right to have total control, no consideration whatsoever for the children having 50% of Jon's DNA. That statement is something one might think to themselves in their head in a moment of frustration. But to say it out loud and to say it on national TV no less, shows how truly off balance she is.

The anger and anguish she displayed was the reaction of someone who is used to getting their way, used to making their own rules and used to forcing people to comply with their will. PA laws begged to differ.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: another alligator snapper spotted! Dr Greg Forbes of the Weather Channel recently took his vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and went to Huntington Beach State Park! He even did a Segway tour of the park. Photos on his Facebook page.
I have been very busy IRL, you know that thing they never showed on TFW TV show. When things calm down I will continue a tour of the best places in the southeast to snap pictures of alligators. Haven't even touched Florida yet, I must consult Serge Storms...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

In the last Q&A show before K+8 was canceled, she literally seethed with anger while saying that she could not comprehend why someone who only had the kids 4 days out of the month (at that time) had any say in their lives. Ownership.

Was this during the time Jon was paying $22,000 per month in child support?

OrangeCrusher1 said...

While an odd term, ownership, it is quite apt when applied to TFW - her ownership, in her mind at least, extends from the children to the 3 cars to the 'mine, all mine' mansion. In her crazy head she also thought she had ownership of TLC and HER show. That led, of course, to increasingly outrageous behavior. TLC showed her the door. How's that for ownership? And now apparently TLC no longer 'owns' Jon. She should be scared.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Strike that comment about the $22,000. It just dawned on me the Q&A was right before show was cancelled. No $22,000 mo child support then.

Kate is a twit said...

One of the platitudes Kate retweeted yesterday:

iAm Wise ‏@iAmTheWiseOne 21h
Always choose the future over the past.

Meanwhile, Kate's posting old pictures of the kids when they were younger on her website. How is that "choosing the future" when she keeps reminding everyone of "the past"?

Doesn't look like she has much of a future going on for her, so she keeps re-living her past.

jbranck1980 said...

jbranck1980 said... 96
I just saw the video of the woman freaking out in the car because her husband has to run errands and won't take her to the lake. I think TFW may have a long lost sister.... :)
Where's that at?


Here is the link:

Brought back to mind her sky jump in Australia, the RV trip and the ski vacation where they were stuck on a plane. I'm sure there are many more incidents where TFW acted like this.

westcoastie said...

HEY!! TFW!! (and it doesn't stand for the ex wife when I use it!!!)

Consider this a gift: Today is your buddy Terri Irwins' daughter's birthday. You remember Bindi? Guess you didn't get an invite, looks like it was a HUGE deal.

Anyhow, best get your ass in gear and twit some birthday greetings so when you start grifting for the Steve Irwin Day trip later this summer you don't appear to be the down and out deadbeat that you are.

You're welcome

PatK said...

Fired Up 4 Kate‏@MiloandJack1h
@Kateplusmy8 Where did the summer go? Just when U finally got 2unwind & relax...:(


Umm, no, Milo...she relaxes nine months of the year when the kids are in school. She actually has to take care of them in the summer.

Amy2 said...

Kate is a twit said... 111
One of the platitudes Kate retweeted yesterday:

iAm Wise ‏@iAmTheWiseOne 21h
Always choose the future over the past.

Meanwhile, Kate's posting old pictures of the kids when they were younger on her website. How is that "choosing the future" when she keeps reminding everyone of "the past"?

Doesn't look like she has much of a future going on for her, so she keeps re-living her past.
If she is choosing the future why is she still so angry with her ex? Why does she make his life so difficult at every turn?

I imagine Kate sits in her bed with a Big Book of Platitudes that she opens every day and randomly picks one. Doesn't have to do it (action) or understand it (believe)just spout the words.

l said...

westcoastie said... 113
HEY!! TFW!! (and it doesn't stand for the ex wife when I use it!!!)

Consider this a gift: Today is your buddy Terri Irwins' daughter's birthday. You remember Bindi? Guess you didn't get an invite, looks like it was a HUGE deal.

Interesting, I googled her and look what came up...she's encouraging people not to have more kids than they can afford.

Autumn Leaves said...

Jon and Kate plus Fête

It's a new day and a new producer/director willing to lay it (for all values of "it") on the line. The pitch is this: Jon and TFW will meet at TFW's house, while the children are at school. The goal is to plan a 4th of July celebration for the kids and the cameras will follow them through the planning and party.

Day 1.

Jon drives up to the gate along with the director, soundman, two camera men, a lighting man, makeup artist, hairstylist, gofer, and craft table (food) people.

This merry band of industry legends tumble out of their vehicles like clowns in a circus. In fact, the director got his start scooping poop under the Big Top...but, hey, like he says "It was show business!". The director orders cameras, lights and sound placed by the gate and gestures to Jon to get out of his car. Due to budget constraints, there was no money left to rent a clapper board so the gofer removes his Crocs, bangs them together and shouts "Scene 1 take 1!"

Jon slowly exits the vehicle, beads of sweat dotting his forehead. Fighting PTSD he all the way, he reaches for the button on the gate speaker and jabs it quickly. "Blat Baa!" resonates from the speaker and down the driveway, small animals cower in fear, Jon waits, the crew holds their breath... silence. Finally TFW answers, "I'm gonna open the gate but I just want you to know, Mr. Director man, you are 1.4 minutes late and I have other things to do. Get up here now!" The gate opens slowly, the hinges squealing like a living thing in pain. Jon shudders.

The crew plus Jon arrive at the front door, the mall cop is standing there at parade rest, his ample belly providing shade for a small family of squirrels. "Ms. TFW requires you to enter the house by the basement door". Jon sighs and leads the way.

TFW is leaning against the basement doorjamb, a perfect vision of loveliness if your taste runs to booty shorts, low cut t-shirt, and 8 inch bejeweled heels.

TFW's eyes narrow as she scans the small crowd. "Take yer shoes off and leave 'em outside." The gofer has a moment of panic as he is responsible for the Croc/clapper. In a flash of brilliance he hides them under his shirt.

To be continued...

localyocul said...

"I still can’t believe Kate Gosselin has actual fans. What exactly has she done, besides giving birth to eight children? Is that something that merits fans?"

"Kate retweeted the photo, saying, “OMG!SO SWEET! RT @MiloandJack: @OutoftownSam @Kateplusmy8 Some1 took this in a PAstore window.. LOL That’s OUR Kate!:)”
Are these people delusional?"

"This is some extra level craziness going on here. And also, I object to the phrase ‘Our Kate had eight kids’. Who exactly is saying ‘our’ here, because I live in the US and I sure as hell am not calling Kate Gosselin ‘our’ Kate."

Sue Buddy said...

Autumn Leaves said... 117
Jon and Kate plus Fête

Brilliant! Love it.

Millicent said...

Admin said:
To say Jon was responsible for Kate Plus 8 ultimately failing is to admit that the draw was actually Kate and Jon the couple, not Kate.

I might even go so far as to say the draw was Jon and the children, and most viewers were able to tune out TFW or accept her as part of the show since they liked everyone else. But without Jon, viewers could not stomach TFW, even with the children. The failure of TFW + 8 is solely due to the extreme unlikeability of TFW. It shows how integral Jon was to the show.

Even though TFW cannot admit that Jon and the children were the real draw and basis for success of the show, there must be some deep hidden part of her that knows this, and that is what fuels her incessant bitterness toward him.

Although it was hard on Jon to become a father of 8 at quite a young age, I think in the end, he'll be grateful it happened that way. He will still be a relatively young man once his children all are adults, and he'll be finally free of TFW's tentacles. Because of his naturally pleasant demeanor, he'll probably still feel young too.

On the other hand, TFW will age more rapidly. Eventually, all the Botox in the world won't be able to tame the deep scowl furrows in her brow.

Re TFW's "sitting on a pile of money", this reminded me of The Hobbit, and the character of Smaug, the greedy dragon. I did a Wikepedia search and found this interesting: Tolkien writes that Smaug's rage was the kind which "is only seen when rich folk that have more than they can enjoy lose something they have long had but never before used or wanted."

I thought that could describe TFW's wrath over losing Jon.

Millicent said...

Just watched that video of a wife freaking out because her husband won't take her to the lake. First of all -- why didn't he take her to the lake, drop her off, and drive straight to a divorce attorney's office to begin divorce paperwork? If he is sticking with her, he's the idiot, not her.

Second, I took issue with him telling her she was behaving like an 11-year old. Most 11 year olds are much more mature than this woman.

I am always amazed at what some people will put up with in a marriage. If my spouse behaved like that more than one time, I'd be out the door. I want an equal partner, not a tantrum-throwing baby.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mrs. Malaprop said... 105
Yeah, just like many of you I watched the show because the kids were cute, and it was interesting to see how this young couple handled the day-to-day duties involved. Then I saw the meltdown by TFW on the airplane, the yelling at Jon in the toy store, and the to
BTW, thanks for that fun link yesterday!
I remember Kate crying about not being able to fit her whole family into a hotel if they got stuck in another city due to flight delays.
"There's not enough room for all of us!"
Uh, you've got an entire production crew PLUS a body guard, all backed up with the power, reach and money of one of the biggest cable monoliths on earth and you think you're going to be sleeping in the Greyhound terminal??

westcoastie said...

I said....166


HEY!! TFW!!!

Your good buddy Terri Irwins' daughter, Bindi? She sends you a big EFF U!!

And it's HER birthday NOT yours.


Dmasy said...

About the lady having the tantrum in the car. When I watch Toddlers and Tiaras and see those young ones having serious "untreated" tantrums, I wonder what will happen when they grow up.

I think I now know.

NJGal51 said...

Dmasy - Agree with you 100% about those kids and their tantrums.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 94

The only thing she regrets is getting caught.


Not even that. The only thing she regrets is not getting PAID for her lies, her abuse, her rage, and the glee she takes in harming everyone in her vicinity. She probably misses the ass kissing and foot licking too.

Ex Nurse said...

Luke's Mom said...
Interesting how Kate started working with Bullyville around that same time. She knew Jon's gag order was up.
Jon said that the exclusivity contract was up--that is not the same thing as the confidentiality agreement expiring. It just means that TLC no longer owns all the rights to his image or media engagements, and that he can now freely enter into other agreements. 

Maybe his CA has also expired, but, unless he referenced that elsewhere, I don't think that it has--haven't there been posts here that some CA's never expire? 

Hoosier Girl said...

Seems Milo has jumped on the Goody train to trash Jon.

I find it hard to believe either of these women have children.

Go ahead ladies bash Jon all you want. His children are reading (or will one day) everything you tweet. Wonder how you will feel once they start talking/writing about you and the things you said to and about both of their parents?

Will you be proud of yourselves and the things you said? Will it make Kate look better in their eyes?

Don't kid yourselves into believing at least one of them won't. There are 8 of them, remember? And they don't have college funds :-) A kids gotta make money!

I find that the coup-de-grace in this whole situation. Jon and Kate made so much money on the backs of those kids. Those kids are going to repay that favor some day. Go Kids!

Blowing In The Wind said...

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 4m

@Kateplusmy8 has enough class and respect for her kids not to bash her ex in the media. If only he could do the same


LOL!! I wonder what it's like under the rock where she's been living!

Milo continues her Jon bashing, still carrying on about the gun and his "snapping," too stupid to figure out that he was referring to "snapping" in the sense of releasing information that so far has been not disclosed. Goody is pestering the writer of the interview.

Will Kate end this? I'm betting nope. I think she's on a high, enjoying this to the moon and back.

Amy2 said...

I also occasionally watch Toddlers and Tiaras. What I see is the power shift from the parent to the child. The child is calling the shots because they know they are the center of everything (sparkle, smile, get the big prize). From what I saw some of the parents need to learn to parent effectively and consistently. Several of the little girls are Divas In Training.

Hoosier Girl said...

Dmasy said... 124
About the lady having the tantrum in the car. When I watch Toddlers and Tiaras and see those young ones having serious "untreated" tantrums, I wonder what will happen when they grow up.

I think I now know.

I'd never seen that show before last week. Those parents are horrible! I saw some mother say something like 'you can put an ugly child in a pretty dress, but you can't change her face'!!

One more tragic thing that has been filmed for all posterity.

TLC needs to go.

Kate is a twit said...

So, both Terri and Bindi Irwin had birthdays this week. I wonder if Kate sent each of them something for their birthday. Remember, Terri sent the tups presents for their birthday.

Oh wait--probably not. Kate most likely believes it more blessed to receive than to give, not vice versa.

Craziness said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 13s

If I were @Kateplusmy8 I would NEVER speak or send/receive SMS and email. Jon is a bugger boo. A pest. A menace. A threat. Bitter. A bully!

And she is still tweeting Jon's recent interviewer, LOL.

Hoosier Girl said...

The whole tantrum video ..

the 'because of the interlock thing' speaks volumes.

You all know what an interlock is right? You have to blow into it SOBER before you can start your car.

If that part is true, this guy has bigger problems than a tantrum over going to the lake. God bless him.

Kate is a twit said...

Seems Milo has jumped on the Goody train to trash Jon.

Milo DM'd earlier with both Goody and Ziggy. So now their pre-planning their attacks on Jon. Goody's tweeting specifics about the custody arrangements, most likely using info Milo obtained from her "source".

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 31m
@DadsRoundTable I hope u know Jon Gosselin LIED 2you. Jon's visitation, NOT custody, is 3 hrs for Tues dinner & 48 hrs, Fri-Sun

She's also attacking the guy who wrote the article and also tweeting TLC about how Jon lied about them, too.

If Kate has any feelings at all, you would think she would be totally embarrassed by both of them.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @Pretty_Bird_0 @Kateplusmy8 I'm always here 4Kate.. latest interview just really struck a nerve w/me! I'm worried abt kids safety! #GunIssue

Seriously Milo? Reread the interview and if you don't quite comprehend everything in it have LOM or one of your kids write you some Cliff notes.

localyocul said...

I love reading here and all, and snarking on Kate because I think she's a narcissistic bully. But if I ever start ranting and raving and tweeting TLC and harassing some poor blogger and screaming day after day about someone I never met like Goody is doing please tell me to get a grip. And she never even watched the show! This is all about her hatred for Jon!!

Hoosier Girl said...

NJGal51 said... 136
@MiloandJack: @Pretty_Bird_0 @Kateplusmy8 I'm always here 4Kate.. latest interview just really struck a nerve w/me! I'm worried abt kids safety! #GunIssue

Four generations of LE in my family. More of us have carry and conceal permits than not. Four generations, no fatalities. I guess we are as much as a miracle as birthing 6 kids at once, huh Milo! Off to write my book :-) (I hope Milo will give my book as much PR as she has Kate's cookbook!)

I love this place, have I mentioned that lately?!

Hoosier Girl said...

One last thing then I'll quit, I promise.

Jon clearly said Kate and the kids have bodyguards right? Wonder what they carry? Nerf Blasters?

Kate is a twit said...

All of Goody's latest rantings reminded of something. She laces her tweets with WTF, STFU, and talked about Jon's "manhood".

Remember back in February when Kate was tweeting with the 2 hackers, and one of them either cursed or said something that was not "family friendly"? This is what Kate tweeted to him:

Hey @Anonym0usNL and @MadBritishGuy love u but can u tone down ur language on here 4 me,my crowd of moms&kids?(not trying 2 b UR moms,but..)

I guess she doesn't care what language gets used when her tweeties are on a Jon bashing mission.

Craziness said...


@Kateplusmy8 WTF is Jon Gosselin doing telling @DadsRoundTable that he carries a gun? Is that to compensate for his failures in life? Or is it used to add inches to something else?

Is anyone else face-palming right now?

Unknown said...

Mel said... 103
''And the #2 thing we have in common is: but I recognized the abuse by TFW within 2-3 episodes and was horrified.''
I also watched the woman having a hissy fit in the car. As I watched it, I kept thinking that my children never acted that way, even when they were in the 'terrible twos'! As with TFW, there was nothing in her behavior that I could understand on ANY was as though I was watching an alien from outer space!

The woman's behavior reminded me of the time I watched Jon & Kate + 8 and Jon was helping the children carve pumpkins. When TFW suddenly decided things were too messy and started rolling up the paper, ending the carving, I was STUNNED to realize that I was hoping that Jon stood up and smashed her in the face! As a formerly abused child and wife, I was so upset about my thoughts that I called my oldest in tears!!

TFW is still behaving the same way, and after all these years, Jon is FINALLY done with it. I have so much respect for Jon and the way he has managed to deal with TFW, and stay focused on his children and what is best for them. He seems very aware that it is on HIS shoulders to teach his children what is normal behavior by setting an example for them. The children are very lucky to have Jon in their life!

localyocul said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 2m
@Kateplusmy8 Don't answer Jon's calls, texts or emails. Block his calls & texts. Filter his email to junk box. Use a mediator as buffer.

Over And Out said...

Seriously Milo? Reread the interview and if you don't quite comprehend everything in it have LOM or one of your kids write you some Cliff notes.


Milo pretends that she's a sweet, kind, southern wife/mother who tweets positivity at every turn. She's come out as a champion s##t-stirrer, possibly passive-aggressive, but lately more aggressive than anything else. If I were Kate, I'd watch that one. She's more than an obsessed fan -- she's downright creepy and veils her nastiness under a cloak of just havin Kate's back and supporitn her until the cows come home.

Why would the writer of the article care about any of this? He reported what Jon said. It's not his job to get into the validity of any of this, nor is it any concern of his if Jon's custody day is Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, or none of the above. I hope he blocked those two nutcases.

Over And Out said...

Go ahead ladies bash Jon all you want. His children are reading (or will one day) everything you tweet.


Milo goes on a deleting frenzy at the end of the day.

Over And Out said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Don't answer Jon's calls, texts or emails. Block his calls & texts. Filter his email to junk box. Use a mediator as buffer.

She's so far beyond nuts that nuts would be considered normal.

KATE! If you have any self-respect at all, and care about your children, stop this insanity now!

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8 WTF is Jon Gosselin doing telling @DadsRoundTable that he carries a gun? Is that to compensate for his failures in life? Or is it used to add inches to something else?

The above tweet is from MsGoody. Um, maybe he carries a gun because of crazy fans of TFW who tweet their hatred for him daily.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h

@Pretty_Bird_0 @Kateplusmy8 No...I'm just getting started. Someone needs 2speak up 4Kate! She's my friend...I can't sit by & say nothing!

Good gawd. Milo, you never met her!

Why does someone need to speak up for Kate? Milo says that Kate is a strong, determined, never-fails woman who can take care of anything with "positivity." Why in the heck does Milo think she needs to speak up for her?

Okay, Milo. Keep going if you're just getting started. Kate's TL is already a mess. See if you can give it a decent burial with your insane rants. I'm sure she'd love you for that.

No wonder those neighbors left in the middle of the night. It must be hell living anywhere near someone like this.

silimom said...

Umm...okay. Let's look at what Jon said in the interview.

The set custody night is Tuesday night dinner nights then every other weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was supposed to evolve in to Monday but usually goes back to Sunday at 7:30.

During the school year I don’t have them that much but I always have that Tuesday. I’m probably going to pick up Thursday nights with Mady and Cara. I can always go to school and events. I try to be involved as much as I can but it’s hard because I work 40 hours a week.

Okay, I'm not sure how he lied. In fact, Goody seems to be implying that he has the kids every weekend, which Jon clearly said he did not. I'm sure he wouldn't mind that, but then Kate would likely have to pay him child support, as her stint on wife swap probably netted her more money then Jon makes in a year now.

And for the record, when the children are with you they are in your custodial care, aka in your custody. ~ Administrator said...

Lol that writer must be looking at his twitter feed like whhha who ARE these people?

Kate is a twit said...

faith ‏@carroll_co_ga 1h
@MiloandJack Why don't you clean up your own life first? And you know what I mean!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@carroll_co_ga No...sorry I don't know what U mean. I live a clean moral life & do my best 2treat others fairly. How abt U? :)

I have no words. I guess she considers lying being clean and moral.

She previously Dm'd with Goody. She Dm'd first. This is the convo when someone called her on it.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Pretty_Bird_0 @Kateplusmy8 No...I'm just getting started. Someone needs 2speak up 4Kate! She's my friend...I can't sit by & say nothing!

Pretty Bird ‏@Pretty_Bird_0 1h
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 So you rally MsGoody to help? LOL

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Pretty_Bird_0 I guess that is what U call #GoodTiming! Goody is here pretty regular...not surprised 2see her pop in! :)

Needless to say, both she and Goody deleted the tweets about the DM's, but Milo is still following Goody and Ziggy.

When she says she's learned a lot from Kate, she means it. She's learned how to lie just like her.

Tucker's Mom said...

localyocul said... 137
Seriously, let's all agree that if any of us goes 'round the bend like Jon's haters, we are free to do Cher in "Moonstruck", mkay?

Jon carries a gun for the kids safety, Milo. It's for protection.
The kids are far, far more in danger of Kate's pool than Jon's gun.
SNAP OUT OF IT. ~ Administrator said...

Jon needs a gun because Kate's fans have said some very violent things about him like hoping he gets in a horrific car accident. He is not unlike millions of other good Americans who have legally obtained a gun for their safety. Shouldn't it be embarrassing to know someone had to get a gun because of you??? I mean sheesh!

My family has also owned guns for as far back as we can account. No accidents. When you live in a rural area you can't expect help to come in 5 minutes. You're on your own.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 151

faith ‏@carroll_co_ga 1h
@MiloandJack Why don't you clean up your own life first? And you know what I mean!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@carroll_co_ga No...sorry I don't know what U mean. I live a clean moral life & do my best 2treat others fairly. How abt U? :)

I have no words. I guess she considers lying being clean and moral.


I have a hunch this person knows Milo in real life. Once Milo mentioned unusual weather they were having near her home, and ahem.... 'nuff said.

localyocul said...

July 25, 2013 at 3:56 PM
Tucker's Mom said... 152
localyocul said... 137
Seriously, let's all agree that if any of us goes 'round the bend like Jon's haters, we are free to do Cher in "Moonstruck", mkay?

Jon carries a gun for the kids safety, Milo. It's for protection.
The kids are far, far more in danger of Kate's pool than Jon's gun.


Yes! I love that movie. Anywhooo I get so tempted to fire off a reply to Fired Up when she starts spouting her nonsense about Kate takin the high road blah blah and she's making it very hard not to. Hmmm Serenity Now....

Autumn Leaves said...

Jon and Kate plus Fête (part 2 parody)

The crew waits while the makeup artist and hairstylist follow TFW to her chair which is an exact replica of the of the Iron Throne featured in The Game Of Thrones. Avoiding the swords that comprise the throne, the makeup artist gets to work with her trowel and orange tinted spackle. The hairstylist wields a can of Aqua Net and a flat iron. The pop and sizzle of hair frying commences, and for a brief moment, all is well in TFWland.

Suddenly, TFW leaps from her throne sending the hairstylist, makeup artist and all of their tools flying. "Um, like um, I'm smokin' hot, ok? My fans and some Irish guy told me so, dontcha know? Crewdaddies and um, whatshisname, um,my former,um, husband follow me, don't step off of the trash bag trail on penalty of ,um, severness." Jon takes a deep breath and follows TFW and the crew upstairs to the dining table. As he sits he congratulates himself on not stepping off of a single trash bag.

"Scene 2 take 1" The gofer furtively claps his Crocs together and prays that TFW won't notice.

The cameras focuses in on Jon and TFW sitting across from each other at the dining table. They each have a pad and pencil, TFW also has a red mixing spoon.

Jon: I'd like to begin by..

TFW (glaring at Jon): Must you sweat so loudly? Don't, um, you dare, like, drip on my table!

Jon: (mopping his brow with a handkerchief): Sorry, as I was saying...

TFW: Yer mumbling, speak up! (Her hand moves towards the spoon, Jon winces.)

The director begins wishing he was back scooping poop in the circus.

Jon: Maybe you have some 4th of July party ideas?

TFW: Of course I, um, do. (Her hand stops inching towards the spoon.)

TFW: Heres how it's gonna be. The party features my cookbook favorites like, um, Pork Tartar on half a pita chip, grilled raw pizza topped with undercooked broccoli and zucchini, a crockpot chock full of pigs feet, beans and sauerkraut. I call it, um, Trotters N Trots. It's all part of um the making memories thingy.

Jon: (swallows hard as a wave of nausea engulfs him).

Jon: (smiling weakly) I'll bring dessert, maybe an ice cream cake or...

TFW: (narrows her eyes as she reaches for the spoon).

Jon: Wait! Uh do you have any dessert ideas?

The crew shuffles nervously and the gofer lets out a small moan, the director pops a Valium in his mouth and decides to give up his show business career as soon as possible.

TFW: (hand falls into her lap, the spoon forgotten for the moment). Do I have ideas? Of course I have ideas, I'm known for being creativish! I almost invented the Flag Cake, dontcha know! I happen to have a Flag Cake in the freezer. I made in WHEN WE USED TO HAVE A SHOW!. (her voice rising to ear bleed levels.)

Jon: (side eyes the crew and shouts) Run, for all that is good and holy, run! She's gonna blow!)

to be continued...

localyocul said...

Needless to say, both she and Goody deleted the tweets about the DM's, but Milo is still following Goody and Ziggy.


You're right! She used to follow only 6 now it's a whopping 8!

Now Goody is RT Milo:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 4m
RT @MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 But somewhere N woods of PA is a lil man who is still very bitter & angry! :(

Milo is showing her true colors hooking up with Goody. I think she's very angry that BV hasn't gotten rid of the haters, who of course are responsible for all of Kate's failures. The fans claim the haters conspired to get her fired from Coupon Cabin after all. She thought BV would sweep the land clean and Kate would rise from the ashes as the superstar she was meant to be

Summer Days And Nights said...

Jon needs a gun because Kate's fans have said some very violent things about him like hoping he gets in a horrific car accident. He is not unlike millions of other good Americans who have legally obtained a gun for their safety. Shouldn't it be embarrassing to know someone had to get a gun because of you??? I mean sheesh!


Jon stated in the interview the reason he purchased and carries a gun -- it's because of nuts running around out there. Goody is bashing Jon for having a gun when, in fact, it's because of some of the craziest fans like this who go on hateful rants against him, wanting to nail him to a cross, advising Kate what to do to Jon, and encouraging such hatred on Twitter.

Yes, you're right, admin. This appears to be exactly WHY he carries a weapon. With her hateful rants, she confirmed his reason for doing so. Sheeple aren't the brightest bulbs in the box.

Summer Days And Nights said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@carroll_co_ga No...sorry I don't know what U mean. I live a clean moral life & do my best 2treat others fairly. How abt U? :)


FAIRLY? After her rants on Jon, including the one about the restraining order, how can she type that with a straight face? My gosh!

Kate is a twit said...

Dads Round Table replied to Goody after she tweeted several rants to him, especially one saying that he should have verified Jon's "lies".

Dads Round Table ‏@DadsRoundTable 2h
@msgoody2shoes21 again... We are just telling HIS story and leaving it to the readers to decide what they want to believe or not.

I guess she didn't like that answer and continued ranting.

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 2h
@DadsRoundTable Jon Gosselin told you a bunch of lies. He's a liar and a man that doesn't think he should pay child support for 8 kids.

So far today, she has tweeted BV, TLC, Discovery, and Dads Round Table, all with rants about Jon. I'm sure that after today, Robert won't be the only one who has called her a lunatic. ~ Administrator said...

Someone should tell dads round table to not even bother. There's nothing he could say no matter how reasonable.

localyocul said...

She's getting the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes to look into the matter:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 5m
@nytimes @WSJ @Forbes Jon Gosselin publicly stated that @TLC, part of Discovery Networks, said company paid for @Kateplusmy8 divorce. True?

Kate is a twit said...

Goody rallied the troops through some DM's and now another one is ranting to Dads Round Table about Jon, including links to article.

Maybe Dads Round Table will write a new blog post about all the crazy Kate fans out there.

Goody's back at it tweeting to TLC again, but now she's really lost it. Look who she's including now:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 6m
@nytimes @WSJ @Forbes Jon Gosselin publicly stated that @TLC, part of Discovery Networks, said company paid for @Kateplusmy8 divorce. True?

Does she really expect to get a response?

Unknown said...

Hoosier Girl said... 134 The whole tantrum video ..
''the 'because of the interlock thing' speaks volumes.
You all know what an interlock is right? You have to blow into it SOBER before you can start your car.
If that part is true, this guy has bigger problems than a tantrum over going to the lake. God bless him.''
I do know about interlock. I was confused about the comment. Are you saying that she couldn't be dropped off at the boat because she wouldn't be able to start it w/the interlock because SHE had too much to drink? OR is it the husband that has caused the need for an interlock? Do you know if they are divorced?

Kate is a twit said...

Autumn Leaves-I am loving your show scenarios. Keep it up! I'm can't stop laughing.

Summer Days And Nights said...

Milo seems to think Kate is a saint because she's keeping quiet about this and taking the high road. Milo is just too far gone to realize that Kate has the power to end this whole thing -- the hatred, trashing Jon -- if she just tweets one word..."STOP."

Unknown said...

Summer Days And Nights said... 158
''Jon stated in the interview the reason he purchased and carries a gun -- it's because of nuts running around out there.''
''...This appears to be exactly WHY he carries a weapon. With her hateful rants, she confirmed his reason for doing so. Sheeple aren't the brightest bulbs in the box.''
You are right. The behavior of TFW's fans after his interview are a complete validation of Jon's decision to carry a gun. I have noticed that any time TFW's bad behavior is exposed, her fans come unglued. It seems to me that either consciously or unconsciously, they believe that by focusing their venom on Jon, everyone will somehow forget the awful thing TFW did/said! After all this time, they still haven't figured that all that happens is that TFW's fans are once again being ''lunatics''!!

Somewhere In Time said...

I'm surprised that no online tabs or blog sites have picked up on the cesspool of Jon hate on Kate's Twitter, calling Kate out on not stopping any of it, and allowing a few lunatics to continue tweeting and contributing to the demise of Kate's Twitter.

Where's Sue Buddy?

fidosmommy said...

No wonder those neighbors left in the middle of the night. It must be hell living anywhere near someone like this.
I'm still laughing. Thanks, local!

Autumn Leaves said...

Thanks to everyone who commented so nicely about my TFW parody. I'll let my imagination wander a bit more and try to post part 3 soon.

Melissa NV said...

She's getting the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes to look into the matter:


I hope she keeps going with this...whining to the media. It only serves to show exactly how crazy she and some of the supporters are. I suppose the Wall Street Journal is interested in who paid for Kate's divorce because of the impact it may have on stock futures, and Forbes may want to be advised that Jon doesn't pay child support, despite the fact that he is one of the country's wealthiest men, sitting on a fortune he made by wearing Ed Hardy shirts.

jbranck1980 said...

Regarding the tantrum video, yes the man moved out and they are getting divorced (last I heard). Thanks for explaining the interlock comment. I really hope that if she has a substance abuse problem she gets help. That would be the only explanation I could accept that would be able to justify her behavior!!

Kate is a twit said...

Someone should tell dads round table to not even bother. There's nothing he could say no matter how reasonable.

Looks like someone already did.

Brandon P. Duncan ‏@BrandonPDuncan 51m
@DadsRoundTable, some people add fuel to fires b/c they enjoy watching people burn. Gosselin, Deen, countless others. Just let people be.

Since he has a link to the Dads Round Table webpage as part of his twitter bio, I'm assuming he's one of their writers. Also, his twitter bio reads:

"I'm a family man that writes and draws stuff. Some of it doesn't suck. I pretend to manage Dads Round Table."

localyocul said...

fidosmommy said... 169
No wonder those neighbors left in the middle of the night. It must be hell living anywhere near someone like this.
I'm still laughing. Thanks, local!


You're welcome but it was Over and Out that said that LOL ~ Administrator said...

Goody is violating the number one rule when engaging in debate--never ask a question you don't know the answer to.

I bet TLC did pay for the divorce. Does she really want them to confirm that? ~ Administrator said...

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal and Forbes (wtf??? Forbes???) should definitely get on the case of a dinky little cable network paying for their D-list reality star's divorce.

Somebody call Bob Woodward.

Melissa NV said...

Somebody call Bob Woodward.


Why stop with Bob? Let's get Carl B involved, too!

Tucker's Mom said...

Goody's back at it tweeting to TLC again, but now she's really lost it. Look who she's including now:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 6m
@nytimes @WSJ @Forbes Jon Gosselin publicly stated that @TLC, part of Discovery Networks, said company paid for @Kateplusmy8 divorce. True?

Does she really expect to get a response?
I think she should tweet Woodward and Bernstein to get to the bottom of this!

Kate is a twit said...

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal and Forbes (wtf???Forbes???) should definitely get on the case of a dinky little cable
network paying for their D-list reality star's divorce.

Somebody call Bob Woodward. 176

Oh, come on, I think this one calls for Howard Stern. ~ Administrator said...

Ha, high road. TFW is quiet because Jon gave her a thorough, well-deserved smackdown and she's speechless. She really cannot believe what just happened. She cannot believe he actually dared to contradict her and expose all her lies to her fans. That was not in the script. She's frantically turning this all over in her mind wondering how this happened and what move to make next.

She has been throwing him under the bus for years and never took the high road before. If she's on any road, it's because she's that deer in the headlights.

Between this and trying to figure out how to take the attention back from Prince George (maybe she could re-weigh her placentas?), she must be really coming unglued.

Tucker's Mom said...

Somebody call Bob Woodward.
Haaaaaa! ESPN!
(and you KNOW they're Googling away right now... who? who???)

Tucker's Mom said...

Ooh, I know.... Goody should tweet Geraldo Rivera. What with *almost* finding Jimmy Hoffa's body in an empty vault, I bet he could get to the bottom of this!
Oh, be sure to tell him to put some damn clothes on too, ok?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

She's getting the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes to look into the matter:


I wonder if she came up with this on her own, or if the sheeple went to their battle stations when the alert sounded, thus mapping out a strategic plan of attack...the three of them, Milo, Goody and Ziggy running around like chickens with their heads cut off...or sheeple with their hooves just trimmed! Amusing trio there!

FYI said...

Ooh, I know.... Goody should tweet Geraldo Rivera. What with *almost* finding Jimmy Hoffa's body in an empty vault, I bet he could get to the bottom of this!
Oh, be sure to tell him to put some damn clothes on too, ok?

and THIS is why I continue to read here. Thanks Tucker for my laugh of the day.

When did "Selfie" become a word?

Audible Click said...

Tucker's Mom said... 182
Ooh, I know.... Goody should tweet Geraldo Rivera. What with *almost* finding Jimmy Hoffa's body in an empty vault, I bet he could get to the bottom of this!
Oh, be sure to tell him to put some damn clothes on too, ok?
July 25, 2013 at 5:59 PM
Ugh! Now I have a visual of that darn selfie. ;)

OrangeCrusher1 said...

And if this is a visitation, urr custody, weekend, then TFW is really going to have a lot of time to ponder just what happened this week. By now Marty Singer has stopped returning her calls, half the world is on vacation and only her 3 die hard sheeple give a rat's ass. Even her bff's in Oz forgot to put her on the party list. Hope Goody gives us her response from @Forbes, surely they have responded by now.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I sometimes wonder if LOM and Milo's family really know the extent of her obsession with all things Kate.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Ooh, I know.... Goody should tweet Geraldo Rivera. What with *almost* finding Jimmy Hoffa's body in an empty vault, I bet he could get to the bottom of this! 182

Tucker's please! Everyone "knows" that Hoffa's body is in the Meadowlands.

Where's Roland Hedley when you need him?

Daydream Believer said...

I hear that Milo, MsGoody and the Zig person are scheduled to appear on America Live with Megyn Kelly next week to get to the bottom of Jon's custody agreement. Check your local listings for day and time.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 26m
@Kateplusmy8 It's late..not going 2get all into it again 2night..but there is a time 2b quiet& a time 2speak. Im not thru speaking abt this!


Good grief, Milo. You are obsessed, and that is why the neighbors left in the middle of the night! She just won't stop!

Why is she so bent out of shape over this? Did Jon's interview hit a nerve and maybe, just maybe, there's something in there that she might have to consider to be true? Like TLC paying for Kate's divorce? Oh, the horror of it all.

Midnight Madness said...

@Kateplusmy8 It's late..not going 2get all into it again 2night..but there is a time 2b quiet& a time 2speak. Im not thru speaking abt this!


Too bad she has no clue when to be quiet! What a doofus! ~ Administrator said...

Exactly, they are freaking out beyond measure because they're petrified it's true or know it's true.

The thing is, so what if it is? Why would most of that be a bad thing? (Other than the stuff about how Kate is a nightmare to co-parent with.) For instance the divorce bills. Wasn't that really TLC's idea? Kate can hardly be blamed for that with TLC swiping all the bills out from under her and paying them. And as far as Jon having more custody, SO WHAT? It doesn't make you a bad mother just because your children's father shares custody. In fact, I think it makes you a good one. It shows you picked a good man who the courts let see his kids all the time, and that the two of you are co-parenting doing your best to get the children through a sad divorce in a healthy manner. There's nothing wrong with that!

Kate is a twit said...

Can you believe that Goody and her cohorts have tweeted to Dads Round Table, almost 30 times just today alone? And over half of that was after he tweeted a reply to Goody.

As he said, he only wrote what Jon said. What do they expect him to do now?

They are definitely out of control.

Anonymous said...

I always lurk but never comment. I'll never have the level of wit that most of you do. Goody's last tweet to NYT and WSJ needs to be sent to Anderson Cooper. He would have a field day with that. If I had twitter, I'd do it myself. :-)

Mom of not as many as 8 ~ Administrator said...

The guy was not doing an investigative report, goodness gracious. He's not Michael Moore!

Now they know how it feels. For years we've put up with interviewers letting Kate dictate the agenda. No one freaked and tweeted Geraldo or Bob demanding help to get to the bottom of it. That's just how it goes. It's a D list celebrity, not Gary Condit.

It's Jon's turn. Deal with it. Kate has a twitter account. If there was anything incorrect she can tell her side, easy as that. ~ Administrator said...

Mom of not as many as 8, welcome! How much did your placentas weigh? I can't believe after all this time we're still getting new people popping in now and again.

Autumn, so clever! ~ Administrator said...

Well, no, I needed to respond at some point ‘cause the rumors get out of control. I mean, ninety-nine percent of what you read about me online is not true. Um, it’s far from true. And so, I feel like the answers that I put out there were because I have to remember that my kids are going to be able to look back on this, and there’s certain things I needed to come out and say, I need to clear the record and say this is not what’s happening, I mean…..

And so, the only things I came out and said were things that I didn’t want my kids to see me, you know, on The Today Show, on any show, you know, bashing their father. I won’t do it, you will never hear me do it.

Sherry Baby said...

Mom of not as many as 8, welcome! How much did your placentas weigh?

I need to either go to bed, or cut back on the boxed wine. I read this as "how much did your placemats weigh?

Sherry Baby said...

It's a D list celebrity, not Gary Condit.

Watch them frantically google Gary Condit, in addition to Woodward and Bernstein!

capecodmama said...

I love TFW. You guys are so witty. You crack me up.

Congrats to Will and Kate on their beautiful new son. We are enjoying the arrival of our gorgeous new granddaughter who arrived yesterday. All eight pounds of her. (Grandson only weighed 6 lbs.14oz so we were shocked at her size). We have no idea how much her placenta weighed. We never thought to ask.

Keep up the good commentary ladies. This blog is always good for a chuckle. And I always agree with Joy when she says TFW is still boring.

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