Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began."

"Mama always said dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't." ~Forrest Gump

Part of the reason yesterday's tragic events at the Boston Marathon has hit so hard at the heart of America, is because gathering together to run or cheer at a marathon is such an iconic part of who we are. Many runners seem to have an almost spiritual connection to the pavement, and even if running isn't for you, it's hard not to be inspired by such a remarkable accomplishment. Marathons have also traditionally been so welcoming to people of all challenges, from those in wheelchairs to the blind to the very old, and their stories have continued to inspire year after year.

Several films have been made exploring why people would want to subject themselves to such a difficult race, a race so hard it has made many runners sick and rarely, worse. But runners can't stop chasing after those 26.22 miles, and some even come back year after year. Perhaps the most beautiful cinematic look at long distance running is in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, in which Forrest passes a mountain lake in Glacier National Park so clear it looks like a mirror, and watches a breathtaking sunset in the desert (You can see a brief clip of some of these dramatic running scenes above).

And here are two of our favorite documentaries:

Spirit of the Marathon. Filmmaker John Dunham follows six runners from vastly different backgrounds as they train for the Chicago Marathon, exploring the history of marathons and the appeal of such an arduous challenge. (Netflix streaming, Amazon.)

Running the Sahara. America's Charlie Engle, Canada's Ray Zahab and Taiwan's Kevin Lin embark on an unprecedented quest to traverse the entire Sahara desert -- on foot. Along the way, the runners encounter the beauties and hardships that accompany modern African life. The only weak point in this documentary is watching Charlie become less and less of a team player as the run goes on, however, it is an honest look at the imperfections of human beings as they put their bodies and minds through tremendous strain. (Netflix streaming, Amazon.)

God bless all the runners and spectators hurt, killed or witness to the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Bring them peace.

1212 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Unknown said...

Anonymous said... 167
''This is her attorney, I think. He does SLAPP suits too. Note he won 2 suits against bloggs.''
Well Leslie , after reading the links, in my opinion, the BLOGS are the ones the attorney in question should be representing....not KK or Bv.

As for Robert, IF they do file against him, wouldn't the 'discovery' information he has make public more of the very thing KK seems to want to suppress?

Tucker's Mom said...

What a day and it's only noon where I am. The Boston bombing suspects, earthquakes and Chef, on the weather channel I saw a clip of a car falling into a giant sinkhole in Chicago, caused by all the rain. All so overwhelming. I hope better days are ahead.
What's in store next week, a plague of locusts?

Midnight Madness said...

Lawsuit Number 3 will feature McGibney as the plaintiff against a Twitter user.

“She falsely stated that I hired people to kill her and hired someone to kick down her door and kill her,” McGibney told Radar. He says she accused him of hiring people to “send mail bombs to Kate’s haters.”

Who is this person? Is this the one on Twitter who bombarded Kate with the most vile and disgusting tweets and accusations, and then continued spewing forth on the other blog? When a few of those on twitter were doing this on a regular basis I couldn't believe at the time that this was allowed to continue and figured that no good was going to come of it. You just can't keep this up with no consequences.

What a convoluted mess. So there are three lawsuits -- one Kate is filing against Robert and Jon; one against RWA (is this the class-action?) and one filed by BV against the above twitter person?

McGibney told Radar he is donating the financial awards to battered women’s and homeless shelters throughout the United States.

What financial awards? Do any of the defendants have any money, and after the attorneys have claimed their shares, will there by anything left?

Anonymous said...

Silimom that's what I thought, where did they get a lawyer to sign on to such a bogus lawsuit.
I think Kate only cares about the book being on hold again or never seeing the light of day. Remember she got CWS while the book was on hold the last time. She's to dumb to realize that it's going to cost her money if she loses, unless Bully is paying for all lawyer fees.

As far as RWA, she has not backed off. Wow, I admire her! I think she has a case against Bully and Kate, and also Radar. She has sent screenshots of her site( commentators) being bullied and threatened by Kate's fans and David Purel , of Radar, refuses to write anything other than Bully's side. Hmmmmmm, I'm getting suspicious ! Lisa might make some serious cash! Kate is such an idiot ! Oh, and a lousy mother!

Midnight Madness said...

The aunt of the suspects did an interview and said that the photos were staged and that they were set up. She's a feisty person and has no fear of the media! ;-)

localyocul said...

I just skimmed her latest bog. I say skimmed because I was so pissed off I couldn't read it too closely without screaming. It was all about the poor runners who didn't get a chance to experience what she did after her hard work..to finish the marathon. I am GOBSMACKED. Does she not realize it was more the spectators than the runners who were affected? That people..a CHILD died..and that many many people had their LEGS blow off? Did she not see the pic of the guy's femur sticking out where his thigh should have been? This lady is a moron! I really want to post a reply there but I don't want Mr. Lawsuitville to come after me.

Tucker's Mom said...

"The fact that the finish line was “stolen” from so many of these great runners due to this despicable act -- about 1,200 runners, according to reports -- and although I realize this issue pales greatly in comparison to the myriad of other issues that many have faced, I am positive these runners feel robbed of their finish"
This is sick, sick, sick.
An 8 year old boy was robbed of his very little, precious life and Kate thinks about the runners who couldn't finish. Again, I refuse to believe that those runners are as callous to be angry about not finishing a race in light of the true tragedy that is still unfolding.
Hey Kate, while you were sleeping (and gnashing your angry teeth), an MIT police officer was shot IN THE HEAD AND KILLED by the bombing suspects, when he responded to the 7-11 robbery they were carrying out.
He was 26 years old. But you do ahead and be angry for the rest of us because we sure aren't.

Midnight Madness said...

"The fact that the finish line was “stolen” from so many of these great runners due to this despicable act -- about 1,200 runners, according to reports -- and although I realize this issue pales greatly in comparison to the myriad of other issues that many have faced, I am positive these runners feel robbed of their finish"


I don't read her bogs. Good grief, she actually had the balls to write that? She's POSITIVE? Shaking my head here...

localyocul said...

This was supposed to be their day to bask in their own accomplishment that their superhuman hard work afforded them"

really? She really said that? IOW "Look at me and my superhuman hard work I did." It's NOT superhuman or millions of humans would not have accomplished running a marathon! B^#&$

Tucker's Mom said...

From Radar:

And Kate confirmed her lawsuit, releasing this statement that was made available to Radar: “This lawsuit is absolutely moving forward.”

I don't even know what this means.
Still not believing it.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I spoke too soon, sigh. Sounds like she should not have bothered, since she can't write or express a sensible thought. And she is not a real runner, just a hobbyist at best, so it's even insulting that she wrote anything about the race this week. Maybe if she actually spoke to someone who did run . . . Someone in my husband's office was running, was about 1/2 mile from the explosion and would have been closer if his time had not been off, as he said. Husband says he is still 'fragile' after returning to work Wednesday, after flying cross country home, and I am sure it is not about being 'robbed' by not finishing the race. Kate is clueless, as she always us. Meh.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Did I miss the part in Kate's bog where she mentioned those who lost life and limbs?

Unknown said...

librarylady said... 191
''I'm guessing that she wrote something inappropriate or clueless for her "bog" considering the week's events and her past history of topic selection, and was told to redo it.''
Exactly what I was thinking, librarylady!l

Midnight Madness said...

Your baby had good taste in music :) I bought Graceland when it came out on cassette a million years ago and practically wore it out, too. Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes and Homeless are magnificent, as is the entire album.


Oh, Auntie...you should hear those two songs live from the second row of a theater. I'll tell you, it brought everyone to their feet.

The CD my baby loved was their Long Walk To Freedom; song was Nomathemba. I have no idea why -- it must have been so soothing. When she was fussy, we'd put her in the car, put in the CD and it's the first track listing. She's be asleep by the end of the song. Diamonds and Homeless are also on that CD.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said... 5
''....As far as RWA, she has not backed off. Wow, I admire her! I think she has a case against Bully and Kate, and also Radar.''
I agree with you about RWA. The newest topic title of ''I wanna be one of the big boys'' was a blatant 'in your face to' to Bv!!

Millicent said...

Um Kate? I hardly think any of the runners are upset because their race was disrupted, or their celebration was outshadowed by the tragic events of the day. Many runners finished the race and then kept on running, about 2 miles further, to donate blood for the victims. Does that sound like disappointment to you? Does that sound like they gave a darn about their race time? They know they are lucky and their will be plenty of other marathons for them. Their humanity caused them to think not of themselves, but of those who were injured and in need of assistance.

Of course, Kate cannot comprehend this. Of course, she transposes onto the runners what her thoughts would be if she were there. She would be upset because her running time was affected, or because the celebratory focus was not on her. So she assumes that these runners would feel the same.

Why does The Stir continue to have her blog there? It's embarrassing.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Sad that he is "out 2get" the mother of his children! That frame of mind can't be good influence on kids! :(
Really Milo? In reading the latest ROL story it sounds like Kate is "out2get" the father of her children! THAT frame of mind can't be a good influence on the kids either because they have to live with it day-in and day-out. It's very sad tat these kids have to be afraid to love their dad.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I think Kate already has full custody...out of kindness&desire4kids 2have time w/father that she gives visits!\

Oh, Milo. For once in your life, shut up.

WOW said...

Runners turned and ran back to help those injured and runners stopped to help rather than try to cross the finish line. I am just shaking my head and I can't believe that the stir actually published this crap.

SusieQWho said...

Her last few tweets although scattered and mundane seem to be bit more articulate. Ghost tweeter perhaps?

Melissa NV said...

@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I think Kate already has full custody...out of kindness&desire4kids 2have time w/father that she gives visits!\


And I suppose that It is out of kindness for her kids that she is filing a lawsuit against their father.

Tucker's Mom said...

and although I realize this issue pales greatly in comparison to the myriad of other issues that many have faced, I am positive these runners feel robbed of their finish .
I'm positive that NO runners stand by your silliness and know they've live and retained all of their limbs and will run another race.
Kate is unbelievably tone deaf and The Stir should take this blog down, then hang their heads in shame.
While Kate beats her chest and runs "for Boston" (like she'd work at McDonald's in her Scarlott O'Hara proclamation) the people of Boston and surrounds will be so very grateful with minds put as ease as they HUDDLE UNDER TABLES AND AVOID WINDOWS.
Wake. Up.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 13
Did I miss the part in Kate's bog where she mentioned those who lost life and limbs?

Never mentioned. This is as close as she got:

"and although I realize this issue pales greatly in comparison to the myriad of other issues that many have faced, I am positive these runners feel robbed of their finish ."

Other issues? Like losing a child?
Still can't get over Kate's rant.

People in Boston, be safe.

Tucker's Mom said...

: @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Sad that he is "out 2get" the mother of his children! That frame of mind can't be good influence on kids! :(
And what was msgoody2braincells out 2get when she said she wanted Jon to get into a car accident and be in a coma for 6 months, followed by 12 months of rehab?
I hope Jon sues her. He has every right. She clearly meant him harm.

Improbable Dreams said...

Dear Kate--I know you read here, so I'm addressing this comment to you,

Given more time for reflection about the events in Boston -- not looking in the mirror, so much as looking inward -- do you think you might have come to some different conclusions than you blogged about this week?

At the very least, I should hope that your editors at Stir would encourage you to broaden the focus of your column, so as to make it more compassionate to the concerns of others...in this case, not just speaking to marathoners and wanna-be runners, but addressing, instead the concerns of all those who were impacted in any way by the events in Boston.

This horrific event is far, far bigger than you (any one of us). Consider it an invitation to look beyond the tidy bows in your unbloodied shoes.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You know what I'm confident of? That any one of those runners would have given up every race they every ran if it means this terrible tragedy wouldn't have happened. Runners are a good group.

JoyinVirginia said...

Creative speculation: Ms Kreider s tits bog in it's original form was unpublishable, or took an extra day for the assigned ghost writer or intern to whip it into shape with a wooden spoon. Ms Kreider is still boring.
This is parody snark in case you can't tell.

Formerly Duped said...

That bog was just pure stupidity. I live in the area and as said here, it was not about the race, runners, or even Kate the Great. We are on lock-down in this area now- not knowing what to expect, if accomplices are involved, more explosives planted, more violence and more lost lives to occur etc. How can she make everything about her??? This is an international tragedy, not her personal woes on a race not finished and if she will run again.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 28
Creative speculation: Ms Kreider s tits bog in it's original form was unpublishable, or took an extra day for the assigned ghost writer or intern to whip it into shape with a wooden spoon.
Kate obviously wrote this blog this morning, a full day tardy. Kate may also be able to publish her blogs herself. I know that when I wrote for a big area blog site, that I had access info to directly post my blogs after the editor OK'd it when he liked my work, which was never littered with bolding and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Unknown said...

Tucker's Mom said... 23
''....I'm positive that NO runners stand by your silliness and know they've live and retained all of their limbs and will run another race.
Kate is unbelievably tone deaf....''
I'M positive that KK actually believes that her thoughts ARE the same thoughts everyone else has. She has shown this over and over with her statements. I believe that those type comments are a revealing glimpse into her mental illness.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I highly, highly doubt that the vast majority of the runners are thinking about being robbed of a marathon finish, when a little boy is dead, his sister is missing a limb and his mother has head injuries. 198

The boy who died was 8. His mother has brain damage from the blast. This little girl is 7 years old and recently competed in the national competition for Irish Dance.

Now she is missing a leg. Speaking of robbed.

Yes, many of the runners stopped running and started to help the victims and many donated blood, the race be damned. Suck it kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

darisa holliday ‏@darisaholliday 14m
@The_Stir @kateplusmy8 WOW. People died, lost limbs. I'm sure runners not consumed with race being ruined *shaking head* get a clue, kate.
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 10m
@darisaholliday @The_Stir actually, I've read MANY articles &YES, they r. &altho there r many other more dev things,they have right 2b upset
What articles? No, they don't have any right to be upset in light of this unfolding tragedy. If, *if* they are, they are few and far between, and as clueless and self-involved as Kate.
Tone. Deaf.
There is no defending this horrible, insensitive, hurtful blog.

marie said...

I told you she sucks as a writer. She is projecting her narcissism onto the real runners who I have no doubt are not worried about their times or finishing.


Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

God. She is so predictable. Her blog mentions her wanting to go and do a run for all the injured, dead, blah blah. Guess she did read here. People were enraged she wanted to go running to relieve her stress about Boston. That must have been her update. Fixing her f**k up tweet all about herself and her stress. Bet her new goal now is qualifying for the Boston marathon. Just because people don't think she could ever quality. Take that haters. I WILL QUALIFY! YAY ME!!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Robert posted a little, apt tribute to Boston and Texas on his site.
This is what is appropriate at this time, not bitching about not crossing a finish line.

AuntieAnn said...

"The fact that the finish line was “stolen” from so many of these great runners due to this despicable act -- about 1,200 runners, according to reports -- and although I realize this issue pales greatly in comparison to the myriad of other issues that many have faced, I am positive these runners feel robbed of their finish"


Pales in comparison? No Kate. It vanishes.

With apologies to all the intelligent 12-year-olds in the world, is this not the thought process of a 12-year-old?

"Aw. Some stupid bombs went off and I didn't get to finish my race."

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 3
What's in store next week, a plague of locusts?


I know. Some days I'd rather be an ostrich :o(

Midnight - I am totally and completey jealous of you. Hearing LMB live in concert would be mind blowing.

Over And Out said...

Mllo, in her passionate and unrequited love for Kate, has just taken her own obsession to a new level:

@Kateplusmy8 @darisaholliday The Marathon is a #LifeChanging event...years of training...one of joy/accomplishment! #ManyDisappointed

@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir What a heart felt blog 2write N view of the wk's events! Understand WHY U had 2wait on putting this out! #Updated

,,,and her cohort, Goody, calls BV a hero. Right, Goody. He's a hero in the same group as all of the responders and runners who risked their own lives to save the lives of the injured. Yes, BV is a true hero.

@zackteperman @radar_online @BullyVille @Kateplusmy8 James McGibney is a hero! #TeamBullyville

Great analogy:

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @darisaholliday Whn terrorists blow up restaurant kill& maim ppl do ppl blog abt not bing able2 finish their meal?

FYI said...

Robert has a new post--nothing to do with Kate.

He posted a video of Ladysmith Black Mambazo singing "Amazing Grace", and wrote "Prayers for those suffering today, especially in Massachusetts and Texas"


Tucker's Mom said...

A wounded officer who was involved in the fire fight last night is out of surgery. His wounds are very bad. Praying for him and his family.
Still don't give a shit that runners didn't cross the finish line. Probably never will, in fact.

Tucker's Mom said...

@Kateplusmy8 Good for you kate hope you win your lawsuit ;]
and what? that Jon is broke, homeless and jailed?
Any parent with a lick of common sense would find this horribly abusive to the kids.
Kate is not denying a word of this and you know that the children will see this and hear about it, along with all their friends at school. I can't imagine the anxiety they must be feeling.

Over And Out said...

I'M positive that KK actually believes that her thoughts ARE the same thoughts everyone else has. She has shown this over and over with her statements. I believe that those type comments are a revealing glimpse into her mental illness.


I was thinking about the bog and if it should be taken down. On the one hand, yes, it should, out of respect to all of those who were injured, lost family members and all of those who didn't care at all about finishing the race.

On the other hand, perhaps it should be left up because Kate here has shown a glimpse into her mental illness and exactly what she considers important about the marathon, which is finishing after a considerable time of preparation...without any regard to those who have no limbs, may never completely recover, either physically or emotionally, from the bombings ("or whatever").

Rhymes with Witch said...

For anyone interested in donating. http://onefundboston.org/

Put your money where your mouth is kate.

lukebandit said...

She is an idiot. Just those 2 paragraphs I read just now should of never hit the website of The Stir.

Why, Why, WHY do they keep her?

Can't wait for the lawsuit. Admin, will they deposition for both sides?

Would pay to hear a attorney ask kate, Is it true that you picked up your young 2 yr. old son _____ by the hair of his head and throw him into his crib and beat him with a wooden spoon?

She would answer a hateful no with the death stare and bouncy leg, grabbing her "water bottle" (white lightning) and take a sip of it.

A real mother (that would never do that) would be crying and say, No, It is not true. I would never do that to my babies, I love them!

The events this past week and that are happening today just boils me that McNibblenuts announced the big filing and suing deal.

The death, the injuries, the fear, the unknown and we have to have this garbage thrown into the equation.

But, that is what narcissists like to do. Deflect all the attention off major events and put all the attention on themselves. Very bad judgment to announce this week right after the bombings.

I think the bog sent kate back her bog and made her update it. It was probably much worse than she wrote, but what she wrote is bad enough.

How do you plan to tell the kids that you are suing and your daddy is going to jail if she wins. She would use that as a control tactic if she had too.

Would not faze her one bit!

Anonymous said...

Why did Kate have to update her article? She only referenced watching the news today. That doesn't change her points made in the blog at all.

Formerly Duped said...

Mostly negative comments on her bog...wake up, Stir !

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I think Kate already has full custody...out of kindness&desire4kids 2have time w/father that she gives visits!\

She takes silly fool to a new level of stupidity.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 13m

@MissAmiaSays @BullyVille @Kateplusmy8 YadaYadaYada...old gossip...no truth 2it...or a small fact + lies embellished 2make Kate look bad!


Small fact, Milo?...like whipping a child into his crib?

NJGal51 said...

I think this comment from Kate's bog hit the nail on the head.
Nonmember comment from Scafe 1 hour ago
Kate I love your show and your kids are adorable. Usually I read your blogs in hopes of little updates on your life. Lately you are really disappointing me though. You are so much better than all this drama going on with twitter and bullies. I really wish you would think of your kids before thinking of revenge. No matter what happens those kids will always love their dad. And Ill be honest, I guarantee you not one of those runners was thinking it was a shame they didnt cross the finish line. Im positive they were all thinking what a shame that little boy and those young girls lost their lives. Or what a shame that almost 200 people were injured. I hope everything works out for the best for you and the kids but the drama you have been in lately has made me not want to be much of a fan anymore.

Tucker's Mom said...

Hailey Glassman ‏@hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1 30m
@popems42 @schmeckygirl @imperel #RedicCircus #DontSwallowTheGosselinKoolAid @Kateplusmy8 U can b the leader of this group @LesbianRealTalk
Hmmm....does Hailey know something we don't?

Ally said...

On the topic of bullying, I have to share this incident I ad last summer with Facebook. I can't mention names, but my cousin got into some serious trouble with the law and got arrested. She's a teenager. I am 15 years older than she is, so I see above the teenage crap. Anyway, shortly after her arrest, which by the way she is totally guilty, she made headlines around the country. I was informed that a Facebook page entitled, "I hate **** **** ". I immediately contacted Facebook and told them they needed to take down the page, it was inappropriate and people were sending death threats. Facebook responded to me by telling me there was nothing inappropriate with the page. Rather than letting it go, I pursued the matter and ultimately got Facebook to remove the page. Now, I don't condone her behavior but making "hate" sites and wishing death was apparently, not inappropriate to Facebook! Disgusting. I really don't like Facebook.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 33
I think this comment from Kate's bog hit the nail on the head.
Nonmember comment from Scafe 1 hour ago
Kate I love your show and your kids are adorable. Usually I read your blogs in hopes of little updates on your life. Lately you are really disappointing me though.
I read this too and this poster I think represents what's happening to a lot of Kate's fans. I know it happened to me years ago and is the case for many 15min'ers.
I think someone else commented that they wondered if the moviegoers in Aurora, CO were robbed of seeing the Batman movie.
It's called a grip. Get one!
There is a killer on the loose and I believe these brothers were radicalized and acted on behalf of a terrorist organization. This is another act of terror on American soil.

We have a family member at BU, and he's been locked in his dorm all day and they are taking the students to the cafeteria one floor at a time, by ARMED GUARDS.

Yet, I'm going to run because you know, that'll help.

Vanessa said...

For the love of all that is good! Is she basically saying this ACT OF TERRORISM is some kind of vendetta against runners? In her feable mind, she's trying to put herself in someone else's shoes (bet she read that SOMEWHERE HERE)the marathoner who didn't get to finish!? Again, she TRIES but oh soooo miserably fails! EACH. AND. EVERY. TIME.

My heart truly breaks for those killed, those maimed, injured and those who have lost their loved ones. The billboard that reads COWARDS is not enough, it should read MURDERERS!

Unknown said...

Man, first RWA slaps Bv across the face with ''I wanna be one of the big boys'', and then Robert links Amazing Grace by Ladysmith Black Mambazo....the same group that Bv used Robert's photo at Pepperdine as a connection w/Admin.

Sure doesn't sound to me as though they are quaking in their boots with fear of pending lawsuits!!

Ingrid said...

@zackteperman Kate's latest follow. He does PR for BV

Anonymous said...

Robert said a police report was filed the night that Kate was throwing Jon & his things out of the apt. The report states that Robert was there. Why doesn't Robert print that report. It would lend a whole lot of credence to what he is stating about finding the dics in the trash. No, the report would not be foolproof evidence that Robert found the disc but again it should would great evidence proofing that Kate was in a rage throwing Jon and his things out in the rain. Leslie

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said...

Wonder if The Stir didn't bother to edit "her" so they can say that they were receiving too many complaints and that they have to let "her" go! What a selfish, self-absorbed thing to write and I'm so glad so many people called "her" out for it!

Tucker's Mom said...

A very interesting listen about BV's McGibney, connection to Kate and Anonymous.

lukebandit said...

I can't believe kate is possibly taking books and selling them and autographing them for money and selling the picture of the Gosselin clan, which shows forced happy smiling pictures and that poor lady who lost her children.

Inappropriate, vile, disgusting, fame seeking evil dragon she is.

Like someone said, how about writing a check kate and show up maybe bring some cookies and drinks or a deli tray, some flowers and pay for it yourself, do a meet and greet and be nice and act like somebody!

Don't charge them for it!

Go by yourself. You don't need a bodyguard, unless he is unloading the new sportscar with the books and pictures you plan to unload that day.

If the propaganda sits at home,
It ain't making me any money
The Church, brings back old times and stacks of dollars
Pass the plate, honey!
And I will holla, dollas honey!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Would pay to hear a attorney ask kate, Is it true that you picked up your young 2 yr. old son _____ by the hair of his head and throw him into his crib and beat him with a wooden spoon?

She would answer a hateful no with the death stare and bouncy leg, grabbing her "water bottle" (white lightning) and take a sip of it.


Luke, it's not about that. It's about Jon and Robert conspiring to make money off a book by stealing her computer disc. It's not about whether or not Kate beat a child with a spoon. Unfortunately. Kate isn't suing because the contents of the book contain libelous statements, but rather because of the way the journals were obtained. At least that's my understanding.

Anonymous said...

You must listen to this,



chefsummer #Leh said...

It'll only be a matter of time till the stir wakes up just like CC did.

Midnight Madness said...

Midnight - I am totally and completey jealous of you. Hearing LMB live in concert would be mind blowing.


Auntie, I wasn't familiar with them at all until I attended the awards presentation in DC. I know that they sang on Graceland but I didn't know much about them. After hearing them at the show, I became a fan, which is really surprising since it really isn't my kind of music. They are *that* good.

Ally said...

First, if Kate pursues this law suit against Jon, ALL confidentiality agreements, anyone has signed are void. All information people could not release for fear of law suit will coming shining through. Probably worse than the book. Not too bright.
Secondly, what money trail and big money scam? No money made. The book sold for $8.88, self published, profit of maybe a couple books per book, split 2 or 3 ways. Seriously, that's a big money scam? And as Robert said, if he was doing this for money and obtained those files in October 2009, he would have sold them to US Weekly then and gotten $100,000, when they were actually valuable. He can't give them away now.
Does anyone do any fact checking or even use a brain before they publish this drivel. The ROL even seemed to state things that are known contraindications since they have all Robert's info and proof, yet ignore it.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Anonymous said... 46

Why did Kate have to update her article? She only referenced watching the news today. That doesn't change her points made in the blog at all.
The update was that she did some damage control, or thought she did anyway. After the bombing, she said she wanted to go for a run to relieve some of the stress because it was all about me, me, me. People slammed her for saying something so egocentric. Her stupid blog had a reference to her NOW wanting to go out and do a run for all the victims etc.

Children First said...

I hope that Goody keeps up her hateful rage against Jon and that he is saving each one of those tweets, going way back to where she hoped he would be put into a coma. Nothing like a good libel lawsuit.

I just don't understand that these sheeple think it's so horribly wrong to trash Kate, but when they rant and rave and direct venomous hate at Jon, that's perfectly okay. What goes on in the mind of someone like that?

Children First said...

I can't believe kate is possibly taking books and selling them and autographing them for money and selling the picture of the Gosselin clan, which shows forced happy smiling pictures and that poor lady who lost her children.


I think that any proceeds go to the family of the victims. In my opinion, no photos or books or anything of the sort should be there. Kate needs just to write a check and be done with it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I was told a rwa poster had an article claiming In 2005 i had a live in housekeeper, a four poster princess bed and red lobster birthday dinners. I then found out they deleted it and I appreciate that. Just wanted to say that. We need to stand together against these shenanigans not be divided and I'm proud of them for standing up to bv.

Oh and it goes without saying that was not my article, I never had a live in housekeeper, a bed like that and I hate lobster. In 2005 I was crammed in a tiny apartment with three other girls studying like mad. I am very proud of my blue collar, mediocre roots and how hard I've worked.

localyocul said...

Tucker's Mom said... 53

We have a family member at BU, and he's been locked in his dorm all day and they are taking the students to the cafeteria one floor at a time, by ARMED GUARDS.


My niece is at BU too but she's a senior and her apt is in Brighton. She's been holed up all day as well.

Ally said...

Let's translate Kate's blog into words she will understand. These runners had no thoughts of anger because they couldn't finish race. How selfish is that. These runners run marathons all the time. It is not as novel an idea as it is for her. If Kate's 3k race got cut short, would she be pissed? I think not, but maybe I'm wrong and she would. People helping other people, and getting people to safety was everyone's priority. Only a self absorbed ego-maniac would be angry at not finishing. And again, those that ran it, run them a lot. It was not a once in a lifetime chance. Couldn't you just see Kate continuing to the finish line and wondering why no one is there to congratulate her and fawn all over her, superhuman accomplishment.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I was told a rwa poster had an article claiming In 2005 i had a live in housekeeper, a four poster princess bed and red lobster birthday dinners.

Rather funny, Red Lobster is not Nobu, if you know what I mean. Who doesn't love a cheesy biscuit but RL will not break the bank. My mother was quite fond of the place, on one of her last visits the waitstaff gave her a bag of biscuits to take home.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Orange I've never been there so I wouldn't know but I never heard they were some upscale place either. :) Her parents WORKED and worked hard. Why shouldn't a family have a nice life and a nice birthday dinner if the ADULTS worked for it? I hate that there is a culture developing of hate toward hard working Americans who wish to spend their money. How dare they have lobster once a year on a special day! Ugh.

In any case I'm sorry for that gal for being made fun of and drawn into this. They did the right thing deleting it. I wish her the best, she sounded bright.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tune into the news. Something's going down.

localyocul said...

Ally said... 71
Let's translate Kate's blog into words she will understand. These runners had no thoughts of anger because they couldn't finish race. How selfish is that. These runners run marathons all the time. It is not as novel an idea as it is for her.


I thought of that earlier too! You have to qualify to run Boston and it has to be a good time. These runners have run marathons before.

Melissa NV said...

Tune into the news. Something's going down.


Fox News has been way ahead of CNN. Multiple gunshots in Watertown. Report is that someone is "down."

Melissa NV said...

I was told a rwa poster had an article claiming In 2005 i had a live in housekeeper, a four poster princess bed and red lobster birthday dinners


??????? So what if you did? What is that supposed to prove?

Mel said...

. In my opinion, no photos or books or anything of the sort should be there. Kate needs just to write a check and be done with it.

Ya got that right!

Melissa NV said...

I hope that Goody keeps up her hateful rage against Jon and that he is saving each one of those tweets, going way back to where she hoped he would be put into a coma. Nothing like a good libel lawsuit.


Let her keep going at him, giving him ammunition. She's just too much of a fool to know it.

Melissa NV said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 41m
@KATEPLUSMY8 @Boston_Police: #WANTED: Suspect identified as 19 year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev of (cont) http://tl.gd/ljsuot

Geez, Goody, that was known last night. If you hadn't been on this hate campaign against Jon all day, you would have known that early today.

NJGal51 said...

If Robert was there the night Kate threw Jon out she may have said "whatever you don't take tonight will be in the garbage tomorrow". Bingo! Jon leaves things behind purposely and Robert "finds" them in the garbage the next day.

OK, I'm done with my conspiracy theorizing. No matter who did or didn't give what to whom, the kids do not deserve to hear things about Kate wanting to sue Jon and see him in jail. She's a mom for God's sake and I have to believe that as a mom she loves her kids more than she hates Jon. One has to wonder how much she has already poisoned their minds against him.

Children First - Jon may not have copies of goody's tweets but I can guarantee that someone over at RWA has them and they would be available to Jon for the asking.

Does anyone have a link to Robert's Amazing Grace link? Please and thank you.

Tucker's Mom said...

I am very proud of my blue collar, mediocre roots and how hard I've worked.
I am too. Hard work is good for you!
I wondered why with all that's going on with BV, that someone would pick on another blog owner. At the end of the day, we agree about Kate and want the best for the kids.
Keep standing strong, RWA. She has ardent supporters and that's great to see.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Melissa I guess it proves that somewhere in America a father and mother are working hard at honorable every man jobs, dad at some company mom a teacher, so their kids can focus on school and get good grades, and, on their birthday, have lobster.

God bless America.

Holy crap, the FBI talked to the older brother in 2011!!

localyocul said...

Here's a scanner channel for Boston PD. They are talking about the boat. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ma-rt-9-window-cam

Melissa NV said...

According to news reports, "suspect is down, but alive, moving and surrounded."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

By the way I'd say that straight A student deserves a lobster. She works hard. You go mom and dad!! :)

Melissa NV said...

Children First - Jon may not have copies of goody's tweets but I can guarantee that someone over at RWA has them and they would be available to Jon for the asking.


If Ii were the sheeple involved in this lawsuit, I'd be scared to death of the arsenal of screen shots in RWA's possession.

Melissa NV said...

Does anyone have a link to Robert's Amazing Grace link? Please and thank you.


I couldn't get it to play. Just go to YouTube and search for Ladysmith Black Mambazo Amazing Grace.

Melissa NV said...

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 4m

People can't judge @Kateplusmy8 on how she lives her life because they're not living it. Focus on your own lives. Kate is just like us.


Gosh, I hope and pray that's not true..

These sheeple -- you just have to wonder what, if anything, goes on in those brains of theirs.

Hoosier Girl said...

Ally said... 71
Let's translate Kate's blog into words she will understand. These runners had no thoughts of anger because they couldn't finish race. How selfish is that. These runners run marathons all the time. It is not as novel an idea as it is for her.
That blog sickened me, as I hope it would anyone. I hope it gets out into the real media circles and not just The Stir and rags. Everyday Americans who have no idea who she is can see her for the very first time in all her self-centered glory.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What's with the boat? My Boston friend texted me they found him on a boat but I can't find anyone else saying that.

Unknown said...

''Does anyone have a link to Robert's Amazing Grace link? Please and thank you.''
It is on Gosselin Book:


Tucker's Mom said...

Let her keep going at him, giving him ammunition. She's just too much of a fool to know it.
To a point, I agree. I wonder if Jon can argue that Kate is causing the kids a great deal of stress with her alliance with BV and fueling the flames at every turn by RT BV's vitriol and allowing/de facto condoning the absolutely vicious bile being spewed at Jon day in and day out.
Anyone can look at her TL, including her children.
I consider that abuse, because Kate could shut it down at any time.

localyocul said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89
What's with the boat? My Boston friend texted me they found him on a boat but I can't find anyone else saying that.


Police scanner.


Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 83
By the way I'd say that straight A student deserves a lobster. She works hard. You go mom and dad!! :)
Absolutely, and it's Red Lobster for Pete's sake! Not The French Laundry!

Melissa NV said...

What's with the boat? My Boston friend texted me they found him on a boat but I can't find anyone else saying that.


He's holed up in a boat right now and won't come out! It's being reported on both CNN and Fox.

Unknown said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89
What's with the boat? My Boston friend texted me they found him on a boat but I can't find anyone else saying that.
I'm watching MSNBC, and they just showed a google earth shot of the entire house and boat

FYI said...

Here's a link to a Boston station. They seem to have more info than CNN.


Tucker's Mom said...

If Ii were the sheeple involved in this lawsuit, I'd be scared to death of the arsenal of screen shots in RWA's possession.
They say they have really damning evidence that Kate colluded with BV and teen hackers to "take down" her detractors by outing them and invading their privacy.

Hoosier Girl said...

FOX news is covering the boat story.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89
What's with the boat? My Boston friend texted me they found him on a boat but I can't find anyone else saying that.
The boat is on a hitch/trailer in someone's backyard. I think the suspect is wounded, but alive.
I hope officials stay safe in taking him dead or alive. He's got to feel he's got nothing to lose at this point.

Tucker's Mom said...

I want to add that I hope all of the dog officers stay safe too.

Melissa NV said...

He's under a tarp on the boat. More shooting happening right now. Eight to ten explosions. This is really something -- watching it happen live.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I'm going to use the watch two stations at once feature never had to use that before.

Unknown said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89
What's with the boat? My Boston friend texted me they found him on a boat but I can't find anyone else saying that.
I'm watching MSNBC, and they just showed a google earth shot of the entire house and boat

localyocul said...

They had said he was flailing now they are doing "flash bangs" and say "negative on movement". Maybe he's just keeping really still?

Melissa NV said...

Can you imagine living in that home on Franklin Street and all of this is going down in your backyard?

localyocul said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 93
I'm going to use the watch two stations at once feature never had to use that before.


I have the scanner on my laptop and the tv on mute

Tucker's Mom said...

Good maps 67 Franklin St. Watertown, MA and you'll see the house where they think the suspect is holed up.
Flash bangs deployed and police are going in now.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Exactly how much Botox do you think it takes to be Sheperd smith?

They're sending in a robotic device to take a look. That's good thinking.

Ally said...

I wonder is the blog delay so the article could be updated was because she was never writing about the marathon and so she wrote this one, and what she originally wrote will be posted next week. I was reading some comments on the blog though and many people are at their wits end and are giving up trying to make her followers see that most people who critique her don't hate and 95% of us are nothing like those extremist haters with foul language who are a bit of a bully. But, her supporters are all extremists with no reason at all for why they think she is so great.

localyocul said...

Melissa NV said... 107
Can you imagine living in that home on Franklin Street and all of this is going down in your backyard


No! About 15 years ago my sister's neighbor started shooting up the neighborhood from his window. SWAT went door to door to evacuate everyone (I guess shelter in place wasn't a thing). THAT was scary!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

So do you think this nice Franklin street family gives a flying fig some runners couldn't finish their race?

Ally said...

My thought on this guy in the boat. He is going to take himself out and anyone that comes near him with more explosives. They said he has another pressure cooker bomb. I think he is suicidal at this point. Knowing they want him alive to question him, he'll end it.

Melissa NV said...

So do you think this nice Franklin street family gives a flying fig some runners couldn't finish their race?


Not only that, but they are disappointed that their boat might be damaged or destroyed.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Oh yeah what a shame they waited all winter long to take that boat out and now this guy ruined it!

Good grief I would think they are thanking their lucky stars he didn't take them hostage, hurt them or worse kill them.

This really can't be how anyone but the very mentally ill think. This is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH and always has been. Nothing else matters. Nothing.

Melissa NV said...

Exactly how much Botox do you think it takes to be Sheperd smith?


LOL!! At least he has tamed those eyebrows!

Ally said...

To Tucker's Mom...
Ever since I started coming to this blog and then posting, your posts always caught my eye, because it's exactly how I thought. Like you took the words right out of my mouth. I was just curious if we were similar in age or any other ways. I'm early 30s, live in Connecticut. No pressure, just thought it nice to know more about you :). Thanks.

Somewhere In Time said...

I'd love to take a bath right now, but even though I have a live-in housekeeper, four poster bed and eat lobster (not only on my birthday) I don't have cable television in the bathroom. Sigh...

localyocul said...

Back to Kate's Bog. Does she think the day those bombs or whatever went off at the World Trade Center that stockbrokers were really mad they missed selling off some stocks?

Tucker's Mom said...

Ally said... 116
To Tucker's Mom...
Thanks Ally. I hesitate to divulge too much because right now, I think anti-Kate blogs are being read for any teeny tiny detail that could be Googled.
That said, I'm a bit older than you, and an East coaster too!
There's a lot of great minds meeting here. I've learned so much.

Ally said...

I totally get that, Tucker's mom. No biggie. Just trying to learn more about the great posters here. Thanks.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You know I think it's important to note that Robert was the only person who has ever reported that Kate said "sept. 11th bombings or whatever" and that she wrote that (in a journal, or email, I can't remember now). In any case the point I'm making is that this came strictly from Robert, the "liar."

Well, when I read blog posts like today's, all that does is lend massive credibility to that statement. The Sept 11 bombings or whatever is right in line with, oh boo hoo how sad that runner's got robbed of their race. It sure is consistent.

Ally said...

Another thought. How many of us on here live closer to Boston than Kate? Anyone worried about the safety of our families? Not really relevant, right? Well, confirming the safety of Kate and her kids probably 400 miles away, urgent and pressing. Also, those same people who expressed their concern for her safety on twitter, did she do the same? Need I answer. We all know what it is.

Tucker's Mom said...

Reports that the suspect is in custody and alive.

Unknown said...

MSNBC says suspect alive and in custody!

Tucker's Mom said...

It's over. An insurmountable amount of praise to every officer who put forth their efforts and lives to effect this arrest.

Melissa NV said...

Well, when I read blog posts like today's, all that does is lend massive credibility to that statement. The Sept 11 bombings or whatever is right in line with, oh boo hoo how sad that runner's got robbed of their race. It sure is consistent.


Yes, and also consistent with Superfunsandy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Oh thank God.

He can't hurt anyone else now.

I pray justice will be fair but swift. I pray for everyone affected by this, those closest to it directly hurt and everyone else looking on from near and far.

Tucker's Mom said...

Is anyone else getting a bit weepy and emotional at the conclusion of this horrible saga? I feel emotionally exhausted, but I just couldn't look away for most of the day.

JoyinVirginia said...

Happy Gilmore Tweet from today:
”Boston is probably the only major city that if you f**k with them they will shut down the whole city... stop everything.. and find you.”
Happy Gilmore from the Adam Sandler movie.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tucker it has been one long week hasn't it? I have so much pride for our country. We did everything the brave and courageous would do--we ran TOWARD the danger to help, we gathered around in support of the victims, we left no stone unturned to find out who did this and seek justice, and we didn't stop until they were dead or in custody. All this in just five days.

I saw the Happy Gilmore quote this morning and it's being passed around facebook. I put it on my Boston friend's wall.

Tucker's Mom said...

I just want to kiss whoever it is that called the police when she saw something suspicious. it cracked the case and ended the saga.
Franklin St. is erupting with cheers, whistles, whooping and applause as the panoply of police cars and fire engines depart, sounding their sirens and flashing their lights in victory.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Doesn't it seem like so many times it's just a normal every day mediocre person who actually catches the person and not the police with all their technology? I heard someone noticed blood on their shed and called the cops.

That's exactly what happened with Dorner too. Civilians called in saying they had contact with him.

You never know when you might be in their shoes.

Midnight Madness said...

~MeInAtlanta~ ‏@MeInAtlanta 3m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 -- I will be eating popcorn with lotz of butter for 2 years as we go to trial! ~~~crunch, crunch~~~


Milo's clone is even more weird than Milo, if that's possible.

Anonymous said...

The land of the free BECAUSE of the brave

Formerly Duped said...

I hope he stays alive long enough to be questioned about motives, accomplices, other possible bombs etc. Death penalty in MA.

Great job by law enforcement and all involved, and yes , the boat owner!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Isn't that the truth.

Freedom isn't free, and boy are we willing to go to the ends of the earth to maintain it.

Anna said...

Anyone read the latest 'posting' at RWA??

foxy said...

Regarding lobster....I live in the northeast and most of the time you can buy lobsters in the market or right off the boat for $3.99 a pound. Much cheaper than hamburger. I buy 6 or 7 at a time for the family and it costs around $32.00 for 7 people. That is like Kate's leather couch, so what who cares? Most of my neighbors including myself have a leather couch. The evil cat tends to leave it alone.

God bless Boston and all the people who have been effected by this horrible act of madness.

FYI said...

Tucker's Mom said... 128
Is anyone else getting a bit weepy and emotional at the conclusion of this horrible saga? I feel emotionally exhausted, but I just couldn't look away for most of the day.

I assure you than I'm more than just a bit weepy. The tears are flowing freely.

God bless all who had a hand in capturing this guy, and God bless Boston, Watertown, the surrounding towns, the state of MA, and God bless the USA!!

I am posting the link to our candle site, in case anyone wants to go there to light one, two or many as you want.


Unknown said...

Tucker's Mom said... 128
''Is anyone else getting a bit weepy and emotional at the conclusion of this horrible saga?''
Yes....though I wasn't aware of it until I read your comment, and realized that was probably why I just posted about Jim Thorpe's remains!

Tucker's Mom said...

foxy said... 136
Regarding lobster....I live in the northeast and most of the time you can buy lobsters in the market or right off the boat for $3.99 a pound. Much cheaper than hamburger
I wish lobster was that cheap here, but it's not out of reach. I love it. When I visited Maine for a week, I came back with lobster breath!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I thought Red Lobster is pretty much on the same playing field as say your Olive Gardens or Marie Calendars.

Pretty mediocre (though tasty) places that we were always seen at. We would even dress up. :)

I feel sad for people so judgmental of the mediocre especially a family with two hard working parents and a child who clearly adores her parents, siblings and works her butt off in school to get straight A's and works even HARDER at her weaker subjects. All this criticism to try to make me look bad somehow.

Four poster bed? I think you could probably get that even at Target. Live in housekeeper, depending, that might be cheaper in the long run if you have them doing the babysitting too, which many do. Usually live ins are immigrants who will work for much cheaper and would just like a roof over their head. Obviously they shouldn't be taken advantage of, but it's not always for the very rich to have a live in.

Silimom said...

I refuse to be bothered anymore by what Kate Gosselin says or does because she is, in my personal opinion, an ignorant narcissist. These lawsuits? I can threaten to sue anyone I want. I can say I'm definitely moving forward. I can say anything I want, frankly. I will believe it is moving forward when we see the court dockets. And ultimately, the burden of proof is on Kate and McGibney, as the accusers. These aren't criminal cases after all but civil ones. Personally, I think if it even gets in front of a judge he'll throw it out. As I said before, all a good attorney has to do is put Kate on the stand and say "Ms. Gosselin, on the night in question were you upset? Were you angry? Did you throw away things your then husband left behind? How can you be 100% positive you didn't throw away computer materials? It was after all 4 years ago."

Her attorneys are taking her for a ride because they see an easy mark. If Kate's willing to pay them, why not? they probably think.

Unknown said...

WAAAYY off topic, but because of our discussions when watching Kind Hearted Woman, I wanted to link to a news article I just read on Huffington Post, concerning Native American hero, Jim Thorpe, and a recent ruling concerning his body.


My late sister would be SO pleased, due to her intense interest in reclaiming Native American remains.

Midnight Madness said...

Oops! Looks like Milo and Lights Out Man are having some marital discord!

@Kateplusmy8 My rt side brain had a clash w/my left sided brain husband again 2day! LOL At least U don't have 2deal w/that Kate! :)

Sandi said...

18 tweets to Kate from Milo!
0 tweets to Milo from Kate!


Melissa NV said...

I'm listening to the press conference, the thanking of support by law enforcement officials, praises to responders and medical personnel, finally putting this thing to rest, prayers for the victims and their families...

Funny, nothing about the runners who didn't get to finish the race.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

That post is back up again and it's NOT ME. Somebody put it back up. I appreciate them for deleting it the first time and hope they will do so again.

I am not asking them to delete it for ME but for the other person. She does not deserve to be ridiculed just to get to me. I could care less if they want to think I'm a princess, but it's not fair to draw some other innocent person into it. She names several identifying information, her school, her town, etc., and it drives me bonkers to think someone might harass her.

Gosh anyone can see from the state bar web site there is no way I was 15 in 2005, unless I'm some kind of attorney prodigy. . Anyone can see multiple other inconsistencies. Harry Potter? I swear I've said here I hate Harry Potter. If they knew anything about me they would know I'm a tomboy who would LAUGH if my parents tried to give me a four-poster canopy bed or whatever it was and they know it. I don't LIKE lobster, LOL!

This was SOME KID who is posting like a 15 year old kid would post and she should be LEFT ALONE. I have no doubt this has happened many times, the wrong person outed.

Millicent said...

The best and most up to date news last night was on Twitter. I followed one guy's feed until nearly 3:00 a.m. - he was right there and was way ahead of all news organizations. This afternoon, I turned on MSNBC, and watched up to the point they confirmed the suspect was in custody, alive, injured.

What a feeling of relief for all concerned. I am sure the police/FBI want to question this individual about the possible location of any other IED's. Plus many, many other things.

What is disturbing is the description given by people who went to school with this young man, friends, relatives - of a normal young man. He apparently took sports in high school, did well academically, received some sort of grant to attend a local college. What went wrong? What happened? I absolutely don't get it, but I hope at least some questions are answered.

I hope all the residents of Boston, all the police, emergency, fire, FBI, and HS folks - get a good night's sleep tonight. They sure deserve it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Meanwhile, real life is happening in Boston. What a wild press conference.

I can't believe the relentless quest to "out" everyone who doesn't agree with you is on anyone's mind tonight.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 151
That post is back up again and it's NOT ME. Somebody put it back up. I appreciate them for deleting it the first time and hope they will do so again.
I think they use Disqus and it's acting hinky, reposting posts as new. I also think someone is hijacking a RWA's name and posting this crap to stir shit up so that they can sit back, eat popcorn and watch a manipulated blog on blog war.
Not taking the bait.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tucker, thanks for that. That makes sense.

I don't think either of us are in a war which I think you are right that's exactly what they want. No war here. They know I don't want it up, and they indicated they have no desire to leave that up. I trust they will take care of it as soon as they can.

They were actually really quick about it, both to say it's not me and to remove it. I thank them for that and I would extend the same courtesy if anything like that ever happened here. Truce.

FYI said...

I would caution people who may believe that that post at RWA is from an RWA regular. Remember, RWA is not moderated. I think that that post is from one of the enablers.

Also, since Lisa removed the first posting, I would think that that she will remove this one when she gets a chance.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Someone made a comment there that essentially it's one thing for them to do it quite another when BV butts in where no one asked for them to get involved (well except Kate). I can't remember the exact words but I think that was the point.

In a weird way that totally makes sense. We were all playing on our playgrounds doing our thing and though there may have been plenty of bad blood, no one invited BV to the party--BV butted in and shook up all the sludge and spewed it all out.

It was sort of like HEY this was OUR fight no one needs YOU to fight our fight for us thank you very much. Everyone on both sides was basically like WTF how is this ANY of your business? In a weird way it finally got us all on the same page. Which is where we should be anyway. We all started this because we knew something was wrong with this family, we need to get back to basics and realize why we all came to this in the first place. Because we are good people who know something is "off" with kids when we see it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Shepherd Botox says that the hospital he was sent to would indicate his injuries are not life threatening.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Also like I said in defense of that child, she sounds like a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD. Not spoiled, not a brat, FIFTEEN.

Why shouldn't a child who gets straight A's and works her a&& off, respects and adores her parents and siblings, and overall seems like a good kid with mild interests like T.V. shows instead of drugs and sex, why shouldn't she get a FEW nice things like a nice bed and a nice birthday dinner if the family can afford it? Perhaps if she got D's and F's, didn't try, and was disrespectful, I might wonder why she's getting such things.

What is wrong with this country that we think this is "spoiled"? Uh no, this is the American dream thank you very much. Work hard to provide a few nice things for kids who earn it.

Thanks for the tip on Fox news, they are doing the best job right now.

Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 159
Shepherd Botox says that the hospital he was sent to would indicate his injuries are not life threatening.
April 19, 2013 at 6:57 PM

*crawls under sheet with mascara running down cheeks a la Chris Crocker*
Leave Shepherd alone! What did he ever do to you?!

Ha! Seriously, I've really liked Shepherd ever since his unrelenting reporting on Katrina. He and Anderson Cooper were omnipresent on the tv, reporting until they looked like zombies.

Unknown said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 158
''Someone made a comment there that essentially it's one thing for them to do it quite another when BV butts in where no one asked for them to get involved (well except Kate). I can't remember the exact words but I think that was the point.''
I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something like you can talk ugly about your family, but don't like anyone else badmouthing them. It made me laugh, because that sounds like something my family would say!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's true too Remona! LOL

I get it. Someone like BV would think that well anyone that doesn't like those people would certainly support any such vicious attacks. Not so. That's not what happened. Most people thought it was unwarranted and none of their business. This was OUR fight not his.

Reminds me of when the defective detective was vetting cruise passengers. We may think the sheeple are ridiculous, but boy did we get FURIOUS when they were gone after like that. At the end of the day they just wanted to pay for a nice vacation for their family and did NOT deserve that. At the end of the day, the fight was between the haters and sheeple, and Cindy was sticking her nose where it did not belong.

President's speech now.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

The son of the home owners is talking to Greta. He saw his family home first on T.V. having had no idea that home was the one involved until he saw it, and he COULD NOT GET THROUGH TO HIS MOM OR STEPDAD. They were horrified! His stepdad was the one who called the cops noticing something was off with the boat!! Had he not noticed that this kid could have died in this boat and been there for weeks.

They found out everyone is okay and he says the most important thing is that we are safe. Amen, that is the most important thing.

Can you imagine? Turning on the T.V. and that's your home? How crazy!

Terri said...

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! We got him.

FYI said...

Admin-Lisa has now deleted those links that were at RWA.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 166
Admin-Lisa has now deleted those links that were at RWA.
And is telling whoever is doing it to quit.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Apparently Gweneth Paltrow has made the number 1 spot of most hated celebs in hollywood. Her "kale and tofu burgers" cookbook probably didn't help.

I don't see her crying and outing people. She just cashes her checks and goes on with her life confident in her choices like a grownup.


Tucker's Mom said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 168
Apparently Gweneth Paltrow has made the number 1 spot of most hated celebs in hollywood. Her "kale and tofu burgers" cookbook probably didn't help.

I don't see her crying and outing people. She just cashes her checks and goes on with her life confident in her choices like a grownup.
Goopy just goes back to her mansion and cries on her big bags of money ;-)

AuntieAnn said...

I've been watching CNN live feed for a few hours. I don't know what to say now, it's been such an emotional roller coaster.. relief, jubilance, sadness all rolled into one. I hope the guy survives so they can get to the bottom of this horrific act.

l'll tell you what "pales in comparison" to all this - Mr. Bullyville man donning his cape and swooping in to save Miss Katie from the dastardly ex and Robert H. conspiracy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Yup Goopster is crying all the way to the bank. Hopefully Apple isn't parentified and has to build her up all day long tell her how wonderful she is and how much she thinks of her and how she will take care of her when she grows old.

Seriously though, celebrity hate is just silly snark most of the time as I'm sure it is with Goop. Anything else just call the cops (and Gweneth has, she had a legit stalker once).

FYI said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else thinks it's just wrong for the news to release the name of the hospital where the suspect was taken?

I have deja vu of when Ruby shot Oswald.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 172
Is it just me, or does anyone else thinks it's just wrong for the news to release the name of the hospital where the suspect was taken?

I have deja vu of when Ruby shot Oswald.
Unless they tried to play a shell game with multiple decoy ambulances, there would be no hiding where he was taken. He'll be heavily guarded and far safer than the poor people he slaughtered.
He needs to stay alive so officials can get as much information out of him as possible.
This is way bigger than 2 disaffected miscreants from Boston.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I don't see her crying and outing people. She just cashes her checks and goes on with her life confident in her choices like a grownup.


Thank goodness bullyville hasn't inserted his nose in her business.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Look at all the "hate" sites that pop up in 10 seconds of googling hating on Gwenny!



http://www.pajiba.com/career_assessments/gwyneth-paltrow-career-assessment.php (If Only She Wasn't Such an Insufferable Bitch)

This really goes on and on. One called her occupation, "Self-righteous twit."

Most of them just look like normal snark to me any celeb who is being annoying gets. Cry me a river.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Ha, Gweneth even had her own A-list version of "mediocre"-gate!

She called us PEDESTRIAN!

Haha I love it.

FYI said...

Reading the comments on several news articles about this story that are attacking our President and Muslims, the even the most hateful stuff that has been said about Kate is mild.

Why doesn't bullyville defend our President, like they are defending her, and go after those people?

Meagler said...

Uhhh, anybody else catch that it sure sounds like Kate just admitted the information outed by Robert from those journals is true?

How so you say?

1. kate retweeted BV's link to radar. Kate NEVER would have done that unless she believed everything in that article to be true, and

2. In that Article it says That kate is suing Jon for taking those journals from " her" computer and giving them to Robert.

So, Kate, I think you just admitted those are your journals. I can see you and all your crud through the smoke screen you are trying to put up!

MAJOR FAIL... Your wrongs are WAY WORSE, then any wrong made by your ex hubby, even if you can prove he did something wrong..too bad... you still crossed the line with your treatment of your kids!

And trying to now be all bleeding heart for people whose children have died, or whose lives were lost and forever changed by this weeks tragic happenings, still isnt enuf of a smoke screen.


and Kate, your bog is very hard to read. Too Long. too rambling.too insensitive.too all about you.

oh Kate said...

Whistleblower laws were put in place exactly for this reason so no one would be afraid of this kind of backlash if they came forward with damning information.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

2. In that Article it says That kate is suing Jon for taking those journals from " her" computer and giving them to Robert.


Yes, but she's also saying that they conspired to alter them to damage her. She's not admitting that what is on those journals are her words.

Kristine said...

What is going on? Admin... I thought you were my age! 20 year old-sters aren't into Pioneer Woman episodes and Lime Jell-O Mold holiday recipes are they?

(Lol, our knitting circle posters here- are generally a little more 'mature' as well ;)

I am usually loyal to this Blog only, but I'm glad some of the others out there are setting the record straight.

Meagler said...


I went back and re-read the article... I can not find in the article where Kate says Jon and Robert conspired to alter the journals to damage her. I know this has been a theory, but I cant find that theory stated in today ROL article that kate retweeted earlier today.

Can you copy and past that comment for me? Thanks

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Was it reported if the bomber was in the boat all night? Can you imagine going to bed while the suspect is hiding in your backyard?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Meagler -- I know I read it somewhere. It might have been in a previous ROL article or e-mails that Kate sent to Hailey. I'll look when I get the chance. Right now dogs need to go outside for their pre-bedtime ritual!

Starz22 said...

Kate suing Jon just boggles my mind. Any Judge with a clue would toss this out OR turn it back on kate. Kate is not denying what has been said (via kate) by Robert. She is trying to get people to believe, she was robbed!
Robert with Jon's help or not stole from her. They/he took her trash without permission.

Here's what I don't get about the ABUSE that the kid's suffer at Kate's hands.Why the hell can no one stop her? She is not celebrity...she is now and forever will be a HAS BEEN!

Jon was barred by contracts to do anything to help his kids. He went to court many times and lost. To reveal anything about what happened on the "set" was a breach of contract. Even being the father gave him no pull. So maybe by getting Robert involved was his one last hope...no one would listen to him...give him help in any way...he was just the pissed-off dad not making money of his kids anymore.
I think Jon is doing what he can without being raped for money or his freedom to help his kids.

I have heard so many good things about the kids school here. But I have to wonder why none of the teachers ever reported what they have seen to child protective services. Kid's eating rotted food...kids being mean and abusive to teachers and students...kids being sad and solemn...ALL signs of abuse! If the teachers/school did report any of this and nothing was done I do believe Jon has the biggest lawsuit to file.

Kate was never a STAR in my eyes. She had the longest 15 minutes of fame I have seen other than the kartrashians....She is not above the law...but somehow the state of PA is letting her slide by and continue to ABUSE 8 children.

I do believe Roberts book needs to get out there. It's not going to hurt the kids.They have LIVED this. They are wondering why no one is helping them. Why their OWN father can not help them. They have been shown over and over again that mommy dearest always wins. Any one who goes against her goes POOF...even their OWN father! Do you really think any one of the kids will say anything? They are living in fear....what a sad fate for 8 children. With no one to turn to...with a state who ignores the blanted truth just to boast they had a reality star named Kate Gosselin.
Great Job PA...I wish I lived there....NOT

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 183

Was it reported if the bomber was in the boat all night? Can you imagine going to bed while the suspect is hiding in your backyard?

I don't know if it was reported or not but the very thought freaks me out.

You would think dogs would be barking and acting up to alert them if there was unusual activity like that.

We occasionally get deer in our backyard at night. My cat always fluffs up his tail and does this eery growl when they're out there. I swear he's doing it to get a reaction out of me. Sadist.

NJGal51 said...

I was out to dinner when another diner said that they caught the guy. The entire restaurant broke into spontaneous applause.

To those that risked everything to apprehend him, and to the homeowners who called the police because they noticed some blood in a shed and something off with the boat, my hat is off to you.

When I got home I put on Sweet Caroline in their honor.

Ex Nurse said...

Kind of surprised that Kate didn't suggest that the runners file a class action suit against the Marathon organizers. Maybe that's next weeks bog.

Ingrid said...

NJGal51 said... 81 One has to wonder how much she has already poisoned their minds against him.

I bet probably alot.
lukebandit said... 60
I can't believe kate is possibly taking books and selling them...

I can believe it. It would be interesting to find out if she is donating the whole amount per book/picture or if she has to get her costs first. (what she had to pay to have all those books and photos printed)
Tucker's mom. Thanks to you and others I learn a new word once in a while. It is interesting to look up ones that I have never heard of. i.e. "panoply" .

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This is the first time I looked at Kate's tweets all day but it was interesting she said that she was holed up in her bedroom watching CNN but wouldn't let the kids who were home (whatever that means) to watch with her. It seems to me that would just scare kids, something is so terrible that mom has to shoo you out of the room you can't see it.

She did say that they were curious about it and they had age appropriate conversations about it but that she didn't want them to see a bunch of news, which I agree with, it's just it seems counterproductive for them to see YOU watching so much news but then telling them to go away you can't see it. I would think that would make a kid all the MORE worried and curious about it.

AuntieAnn said...

I broke another rule I made for myself and went back and read every blog Kate has written since she joined The Stir/Cafemom almost three months ago. Except for the introduction bio at the beginning of each blog she NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE mentioned running until this week. NOT ONCE. The only time she used the word "run" was three times in her Gargantuan Gosselin Grocery Grab:
"I run my dishwashers up to twice a day each"
"I always run at least 10 to 12 loads of laundry each week"
"I consider it a challenge and a privilege to successfully run the house that my kids enjoy!"

Of the 11 blogs she's written since she started blogging at The Stir, she didn't even hint about being a runner until this tragic bombing. She used the word run or runner 22 times.

Just thought I'd point that out KATE.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Melissa NV said... 128
Well, when I read blog posts like today's, all that does is lend massive credibility to that statement. The Sept 11 bombings or whatever is right in line with, oh boo hoo how sad that runner's got robbed of their race. It sure is consistent.


Yes, and also consistent with Superfunsandy.
Could not agree more. Kate's 911 description - bombs or whatever," "SuperfunSandy" - there are still people suffering the consequences, and now "Runners got robbed of their race" show how superficial and self-absorbed this woman really is.

Most of us have friends and family we discuss these issues with, read, listen to news, etc. but her lack of awareness, and self-absorption is appalling, as she either makes it about herself, or simply doesn't give a damn.

Her new found "patriotism" is too little, too late, and highly misses the important issues. People killed, many mamed, and the heart break that someone chose a national event to hurt the US and its citizens. It was not about running.

37 years old, yet she is sadly disconnected from the real world, and everything always relates to her as a runner. I agree, this woman needs serious help, although she thinks she knows best about everything, so I doubt therapy would make a dent in her warped thinking. I base this on her "own words" about national tragedies. If she didn't get 911, she never will get it. Never mind Oklahoma City- it's call terrorism, Kate. Get a clue.

Mel said...

but wouldn't let the kids who were home (whatever that means) 

They're with the nanny.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Ex Nurse said... 187
Kind of surprised that Kate didn't suggest that the runners file a class action suit against the Marathon organizers. Maybe that's next weeks bog.

: )She just doesn't get it, never will.
Narcissism is a bitch. The dead and injured victims were noted as an after thought to the finish line. Never mind the impact this had on our nation. No mention of terrorism. I don't think she will ever get it.

Tucker's Mom said...

it's just it seems counterproductive for them to see YOU watching so much news but then telling them to go away you can't see it. I would think that would make a kid all the MORE worried and curious about it.
Plus the situation was on every single major network and any of the kids, unsupervised, could have been watching all day too, so how Kate is restricting the kids access to watch the unfolding events escapes me.

I remember Dr. Lillian Glass saying many times, that liars embellish a lot. Kate's urge to give details, unnecessarily, are real "tells".

Tucker's Mom said...

Ex Nurse said... 187
Kind of surprised that Kate didn't suggest that the runners file a class action suit against the Marathon organizers. Maybe that's next weeks bog.
Morning coffee out the nose!
You know what made me angry? Kate's diatribe about the runners not be able to finish.
The dead are not yet buried and what struck me most when *I* woke up on Friday morning was hearing that a 26-year old MIT police officer was shot dead, in the head, when responding the the suspects holding up a convenience store, and another young officer critically wounded.
But yeah, let's rail against the gods, shake our fists and spit nails because runners still have their lives and limbs and can run another day.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

If Kate has an ounce of decency,with regard to her kids, she would work this out with Jon once and for all. And possibly Robert. She has 8 Count 'em 8 kids who earned a lot of money, endorsements, etc.. and could not consent to filming, so she needs to be a parent first and shut this down for the sake of her kids.

The kids have more than earned their right to privacy. She has always said she wants the best for her kids. Time for her to show her true colors. If her journals were not she wanted the world to see, does not mean it did not happen. I hope she will do the right thing here for her kids, but am doubtful, as she is a very spiteful person. In this instance, the kids do not deserve this, and she needs to think of them first, rather than herself.

The kids were the drawal and the money makers, so she needs to do right by them. Without them, there would be no show. IMO.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 179
2. In that Article it says That kate is suing Jon for taking those journals from " her" computer and giving them to Robert.


Yes, but she's also saying that they conspired to alter them to damage her. She's not admitting that what is on those journals are her words.
I believe that Kate's band of sycophants is trying to change the narrative and have everyone believe that Kate's own journal, and her own words, were really not hers, but Robert's and Jon's.
I don't believe Kate has denied one word of the book. Again, if anyone altered her words or made up scenarios in and out of the book, Kate would have grounds to sue.
She hasn't. Hasn't even once called Robert a liar.

JoyinVirginia said...

Catching up on entertainment news from this week, I read that American Idol ratings are down this season, and on this past Thursday the AI results episode was beaten by a rerun of Big Bang Theory.
Vote For The Worst website has been around for years, criticizing AI. Maybe the producers should sue that website for bein' MEAN to poor widdle ole them! Where is Chicken McGiblets to help out a current reality TV show? Waaaaa!
This is parody snark just fyi.
(I used to watch AI faithfully, but could only manage two episodes this year. I have no interest in the Nikki and Mariah show)

Formerly Duped said...

Oh, btw forgot to mention, as most of you know...Kate said in her bog at that point the bomber suspect #2 was in a 'standoff' He was not; there was a manhunt for him. The standoff occurred last evening.

Thank God for the outcome. Kate has no awareness of important world events,does she? Does she care at ALL?

Marie said...

Good morning all. A couple of thoughts this morning.

Some people don't appreciate the opportunities they are given. The bombers family is case in point. This family benefited in many ways from the US. They were granted asylum, the younger boy was given citizenship, they both excelled in school and sports. Yet, they perpetrated a heinous crime against the U.S. and its citizens. "No good deed goes unpunished." I hope the victims can find some solace in the fact that these bombers were caught. I wish them peace.

Kate Gosselin? What a piece of $hit. Only a bad mother would go to a tabloid and tell them she is suing her kids dad. Keep your dirty laundry to yourself. Spare us and your kids.

Bullyville? An advocate for violence against children? Ha! Give me a break. You are railing against their dad on Twitter of all things. YOu are hypocritical at the least. All for publicity. I hope it all backfires on you all.


Blowing In The Wind said...

I hope he stays alive long enough to be questioned about motives, accomplices, other possible bombs etc. Death penalty in MA.


There is no death penalty in Massachusetts, but if federal charges are brought, there is a death penalty, which supersedes the state's no death penalty.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I don't believe Kate has denied one word of the book. Again, if anyone altered her words or made up scenarios in and out of the book, Kate would have grounds to sue.
She hasn't. Hasn't even once called Robert a liar.


I think that's because attorneys told her to zip it and not make any comment one way or the other...to do so would open up a can of worms. Maybe for once in her life she took someone's advice.

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