Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Former child reality star won't put her baby on T.V.

'The family is sacred'

Anyone would do it too? Or would they? Now that reality T.V. has been around so long the child stars have grown up, reflected on their experiences, and found their voices, it's interesting to hear what they have to say. Enter Kristin Cavallari, who at just 17 and a junior in high school, was MTV's breakout star of Laguna Beach and The Hills. 

But does she want her new baby Camden, born seven months ago, to have a reality show? No. She's not talking hypothetically, she's actually been offered a show.
Cavallari in 2005

“I want Cam to grow up in the most normal setting possible," Cavallari said, "and I just don’t think that’s going to happen with cameras. The family is sacred.”

Amen, Kristin. And good for you.

In other news of celebs who won't go on reality T.V., Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, Kate's "friends," recently made it crystal clear such a venture wasn't for them. 

1330 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Warmth Of The Sun said...

My god, is there anything the posters here won't nitpick her to death about?


Now *this* is what I consider picky...

@kateplusmy8 why are you running in Hershey on a school night? If you do it all alone, who is with the kids? #lies

Why does it matter if she ran in Hershey (or anywhere else) on a school night? Sunday through Thursday nights are school nights. Is she only supposed to run only on Friday and Saturdays?

That said, I guess "running" is still part of her "look at me, I'm a runner" persona.

"They are supposed to get to Mary and Joseph tonight."


They got to the birth of Jesus tonight. Astonishing how the three Wise Men showed up bearing gifts one minute after the birth, considering that, according to the Bible, the star appeared when Jesus was born, and by calculations, it would have taken at least a month to get there. But, there they were, and Jesus wasn't even cleaned up yet!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, why is a paparazzi photo of Kristin Cavallari's child included here? Doesn't seem to fit the "family is sacred" theme.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

. I don't understand, though, how her obsession is different from a handful of haters who live on Kate's Twitter page.


I don't think it really is that much different. Do you read here a lot? Most of us think that little group is just as bad, ridiculous and vile as some of Kate's fans. Your guess is as good as ours what they want to accomplish! I think it's an addiction to the "high" of being able to be so vicious without consequences maybe?

Meagler said...

No word from kate on all those fun St patrick day activities she was going to be driving her kids to all day today?

( her response when asked by a tweeter what she had planned for today)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Because the article is about him. He is much older now and looks nothing like that anymore.

Over And Out said...

Do you read here a lot? Most of us think that little group is just as bad, ridiculous and vile as some of Kate's fans. Your guess is as good as ours what they want to accomplish! I think it's an addiction to the "high" of being able to be so vicious without consequences maybe?


Not on a daily basis, but I am not unfamiliar with the Kate saga. I don't know my way around twitter, but after seeing some of the vicious attacks there, I guess I was just really surprised that among educated adults that kind of thing continues to go on...and for what purpose is anybody's guess. I guess having the shield of being anonymous on twitter allows them to perpetuate the hateful, direct attacks on Kate and fans.

Thanks for your replies, admin and ex-nurse.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think there's a difference between documenting history versus gratuitous violence. There are many ways to tell a violent story without making people nauseous.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What makes you think they are educated? I'm not being flippant I'm just curious if the nastiest tweets are really from educated professionals currently working. Even if they said they are it doesn't make it so unless outing them proved it.

fidosmommy said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 6
I think there's a difference between documenting history versus gratuitous violence. There are many ways to tell a violent story without making people nauseous.

I agree. However, the people who make these movies don't believe it is the Biblical story unless it takes on the Bible as it is written.
They don't think you can tone down what God wrote at full force. They don't see the violence as gratuitous, they see it as the truth in God's Word and that can't be changed.

I could get into a long discussion about this, but will not. You can thank me by sending

Over And Out said...

I also wanted to say that with these vicious direct attacks on Kate and the fans, it seems that these "haters" are just throwing so much sympathy toward Kate, and I don't think that's what they want to do.

I wonder if they realize that this is exactly what they are doing, or if it doesn't really matter to them.

Over and out!....

NJGal51 said...

Spoiler alert about the violence in the Bible Admin? You gave this PK her laugh for the night. The Bible is not all Mother Goose and Jesus Christ Superstar! Most people tend to look at the Bible through Sunday school story eyes. They actually do put a disclaimer at the beginning of the show about the violence and say that they are trying to stay true to the Book. I have to agree that the 3 wise men did get to the stable pretty quickly though!

Just Down The Road said...

Just put the last of my kids to bed and I'm checking in quickly 2 tweet a goodnight! Long day: bday parties &play dates an hour from home!


You will have this when you choose to purchase a home an hour away from your kids' classmates, so stop complaining, Had you stayed in E-town, their friends would have been fifteen minutes or so away.

ZeldaNH said...

Ouch, Ooch, that is strong stuff. I love it. How can you be that astute. Keep on honey.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 8
Sherry Baby said... 191

Kate has turned into a very smart business women and you cannot take that away from her. You do not have to like her and you can HATE but that woman knows how to handle money and has proven it.'
* * * *

This is pretty funny stuff.

capecodmama said...

JoyinVirginia...Sorry about VCU's loss. I was going back and forth between them and Miami/North Carolina. VCU may have lost but they play tough. Didn't know the story behind Saint Louis' coach. Thanks for that info. Here's hoping VCU and Saint Louis go far in the tournament. Didn't check the brackets yet but it'll be interesting to see who makes it to the final four. Nobody could stay at #1 for very long this season. I think the winner is up for grabs and my husband feels it's going to be a great tournament this year.

Readerlady...I agree with you on Shane Larkin. The kid is good.

SaraMRN2010 said...

So I am now in the group that thinks Milo is stalking Kate. While on Twitter to night Kate tweeted her goodnight and I swear a minute later Milo tweeted back! I would be afraid if I were Kate.

Over And Out said...

I'm not being flippant I'm just curious if the nastiest tweets are really from educated professionals currently working.


I'm not sure that they are educated professionals currently working or they wouldn't be able to spend their entire days and nights tweeting. I don't think, however, that they are uneducated, judging from their knowledge about different people and events. They don't sound like country hicks, but then again, it's twitter and you just never know.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's hard to tell. I know many high school educated people who are very aware of their world and can speak well about it just because they do what in my opinion everyone should do if they are able, and read, or if you must watch, the darn news each morning.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 Well...goodnite Kate. Got the clock set 4 exactly 5:33am for you? Makes a smooth. school run routine in the morning!

Geez, now she is making sure that the alarm clock is set for tomorrow. Kate, whatever you do, don't buy the kids a bunny for Easter.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

You will have this when you choose to purchase a home an hour away from your kids' classmates, so stop complaining, Had you stayed in E-town, their friends would have been fifteen minutes or so away.


I've been down this road before and it's a good lesson for when the time comes. It's all well and good to find the best school in all of the city to send your kids to. But when it's an hour away, it means EVERYTHING will be a big production. You can't just run over to Mike's house to work on your project or just hang out, and any activities at the school or anytime you forget anything will be another big production. It takes considerable time, traffic, it's a huge hassle. There is a lot of benefit in being just 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes away from your classmates and not an hour. If it's what Kate wants for them, fine, but I'm with you, I don't want to hear complaints about it. She CHOSE it.

NJGal51 said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 7
I think there's a difference between documenting history versus gratuitous violence. There are many ways to tell a violent story without making people nauseous.
If you're talking about The Bible I don't really think there has been gratuitous violence. The beheading of John the Baptist was done in shadows and with a lot of the other violence (throat slitting) you know what's going to happen when the sword is drawn but you don't really see it. Braking Bad and Sons of Anarchy (two of my favorites) are much more graphic. I haven't seen anything on The Bible that has made me nauseous.

Will I go to hell if I say that Jesus is pretty hot?!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

NJ, people get their panties in a bunch about spoilers. Better safe than sorry! Seriously some people don't want to hear ANY impressions before they hear it.

Like I said I agree the Bible is violent, I agree that it shouldn't be glossed over. I have only seen the first episode, I hope it's not as violent as my friend is making it out to be. Has anyone ever seen the old miniseries Jesus of Nazareth? The slaughter of the innocencts was one of the finest two minutes of "violent" film ever put together. It was done in shadows, around corners, with the horrified screams of mothers to tell the story. It was spooky, felt very violent, felt REAL. And you barely saw a streak of blood. I miss the days when violence was art.

Youtube is insane, I actually found the freaking clip online if anyone is interested:

Ex Nurse said...

By news, you mean checking the paparazzi stories about me and my family so that I can know how my day is? And then going on THE VIEW to set the record straight, right?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Ex Nurse I was thinking more like international relations and such but hey, that's a start!

Penny said...

Millicent, Amy's crush on me (now everybody knows how I picked my screen name) is very creepy and Milo-ish. If Sheldon would just give her some physical attention, she might get over her girl crush.

Of course, Jim Parsons wouldn't give it to her either.

fidosmommy said...

@Kateplusmy8 Well...goodnite Kate. Got the clock set 4 exactly 5:33am for you? Makes a smooth. school run routine in the morning!

THIS sounds like pure snark on Milo's part to me. Gee, Kate, are you OCD about time or what?
5:33 get up, 5:34 wash face, 4:36.5 open curtains...

Sleepless In Seattle said...

THIS sounds like pure snark on Milo's part to me. Gee, Kate, are you OCD about time or what?


If it were anyone but Milo I'd agree. Everything Kate does is right. Milo has often tweeted that Kate runs her household on a carefully executed schedule. I think this tweet is to show the other tweeties that Kate has everything down to a science because she knows what is best for her family and what works well for them. She has said this many times.

Children First said...

Is Kate losing sheeple? Are they slowly defecting? In times past, they would have been all over these tweets:

@EmeraldCityJazz @Underwalt @kateplusmy8 What mom drives an hour and instead of socializing with other parents, goes off alone to run? None.

@EmeraldCityJazz @Underwalt @kateplusmy8 Kids SUPPOSEDLY have play date in Hershey and what does socially retarded Kate do? Go run-ALONE

Kate said she drove an hour to birthday parties and play dates. Why would she stay at the parties and play dates to socialize with parents? I can't imagine that the kids would want her there, acting as a helicopter parent. Furthermore, she said NOTHING about the play dates being in Hershey, supposedly or otherwise It is more likely that the parties were in the Lancaster area, which would have been on her way to Hershey. She went to run, not to be with her kids on a play date.

Sheeple, in the past would have been all over this, defending her. Either they are very slow, or they are moving on.

Ladybug said...

Heck, if I was one of the parents of the children's friends I'd have a list of places Katie dearest could go and run or just go and not be a joy sucking momster around my kids. Not my children or even hers that momster, Katie, ruins any chance of enjoyment. I think I'd make it one rule for any play dates is that Katie COULD NOT stick around, strictly drop and pick up. In the bog she butchered about the science fair it makes it clear there is no way you'd want her around ensuring you all knew every moment that her kids are the best and no matter they are beating on your kids best you teach your kids better. Though, rather then friend play dates, sleep overs it was more likely they were at Jon's for his custody time.
So sorry they had a sucky spring break. Darn, we were blue collar all the way but I do remember getting to go to the city to the museums, getting ice cream and window shopping, and other trips to the state parks. Even with the slew of us, one SAHM managed to make sure we didn't sit around the house for the whole break. And living in a neighborhood there were always kids for pick games of softball, horse, or whatever. The big deal for them watching an old VHS taped movie.
I'd hate to be a Gosselin kid with no one but each other for a playmate. Sorry, but bothers and sisters don't always like the same things. I'm starting to think those Duggar kids have more outside interests and activities then those stuck on the konpound.

localyocul said...

TwBirthday ‏@TwBirthday
@Kateplusmy8 Happy 2nd TwBirthday! You've been around since 18 March 2011! http://twbirthday.com/Kateplusmy8/

Is this true? She's made 20000 tweets in only two years? That's about 30 tweets a day every day!

TLC stinks said...

Milo must have a tweet alarm set every time Kate tweets or Milo's name is mentioned by a tweeter.

TLC stinks said...

Fido, I don't think it's snark. I think it is obsession.

TLC stinks said...

I agree that Kate can just drop off her kids for a birthday party or whatever and not hang around with the parents. She's not a social creature. What gets me is that she tweets about going off to run instead. Does this mean she's decided to start tweeting again about running and gearing up to grift? Maybe she's hoping "The Stir" will pay her expenses like CC.

Anonymous said...

Admin (OT post),

We had discussed the Prop 37 vote in California. I came across some interesting reading this morning regarding attempts at recounts to verify that it had been voted down. It's a lengthy piece and also talks about a 2006 election (you're probably familiar with it, being in the area), and how voter recount was essentially blocked because of exhorbitent fees proposed by Fresno County.

Any California voter can demand a recount. They can go from county to county and pay the fees to get the recount (other rules/regs apply, but that's the short explanation). Except in Fresno County, apparently.


Here's a shorter, snarky op-ed discussion of it:

It is definitely worth a read just to learn about the voter recount system in Ca.


MJ said...

localyocul said...
TwBirthday ‏@TwBirthday
@Kateplusmy8 Happy 2nd TwBirthday! You've been around since 18 March 2011! http://twbirthday.com/Kateplusmy8/

Is this true? She's made 20000 tweets in only two years? That's about 30 tweets a day every day!


Yep, 20,000 tweets in 2 years. On Saturday she was burning up her timeline, though. I read somewhere that she'd tweeted over 120 times on Sat! This from a supposedly overworked mom who never sits down because she's so busy. HA

JoyinVirginia said...

Hi Penny! How is Leonard?
I just have to know - what is Howard s mother REALLY like?
I never thought of it, but Milo and Amy do share some similarities. Thank you for bringing that up!
I agree neither Sheldon nor Jim Parsons would be interested.

Mel said...

I don't understand Milo referring to Kate's "beauty". Kate is not beautiful. In any way.

She used to be cute, and isn't even that anymore. Her inner ugliness radiates out, unfortunately.

Beautiful physically...I was thinking about how that is defined for a woman.
Facial symmetry. Clear, smooth skin. Healthy, shiny hair. Full lips, full breasts, low hip to waist ratio. A high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, a short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones and wide-set eyes.

Well, Kate only meets one of those. And they're not even real.

I just don't get how someone can call Kate beautiful.
Beautiful encompasses physical attractiveness, sexual attractiveness, and inner beauty. Kate only meets one of the three.

Cute is for someone with only physical attractiveness, which is where Kate used to land.

Kate isn't even cute anymore. Greasy, stringy hair, bad skin, wrinkly neck. Her facial proportions are getting more and more out of synch with her continued plastic surgery.

Out of the three components of beauty...she's never had any sexual attractiveness, and her inner ugliness so far outweighs any physical attractiveness that beautiful isn't a word one would come up with to describe Kate.

Actually, out of the two of them, I thought Kendra was the one who exhibited some inner beauty. She seemed to be content in her life, happy with her kid, her husband.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm catching up on some great comments. I wanted to say that I don't know if Kate was throwing back water or booze in LA, but who cares? Is this the example you want to show your kids?
Doing shots is not social drinking, it's guzzling liquor to get drunk, period. For that matter, so is drinking a Long Island Iced Tea. No offense to anyone who likes the treachly drink, but it's got 4 or more shots of booze and is the quickest way to get a buzz if that's what you're looking for.
Kate's been shown drinking a heck of a lot and I was not prepared to believe the stories about her slamming a bottle of wine all by her lonesome, but I'm rethinking it now.

I also checked out a link from someone many many posts ago, and it had a quote from Kate's book, IJWYTK. It said something about Kate not having the skills to "father" her children and I though WTF?? Why would she need to? And, why would she imply that Jon is so woefully deficient as a father that she needs to do his job?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I'm catching up on some great comments. I wanted to say that I don't know if Kate was throwing back water or booze in LA, but who cares? Is this the example you want to show your kids?


Exactly the point! Would you let your kids watch a movie about how cool, fun, wild and crazy drinking is just because it was just actors tossing back water or juice?

No. The point is she played the part of "getting drunk is fun!" It's irrelevant whether she actually got drunk. Her brain is so pea sized she doesn't get this.

I don't care if anyone wants to toss back shots and get drunk as long as they don't hurt anyone else or drive. It's your body. But she has been selling herself as a wholesome mother who is organized and controlled and uber Christian, for years now. She did not need to do shots to go out with Kendra's friends.

FYI said...

Fun announcement coming later today............stay tuned.....check back....you could be a winner (of something I LOVE!)!

So what is the prize going to be? A picture of herself, a bottle of wine, her good bra?

Any other suggestions?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tease tease tease, hint hint hint. It's infuriating. Kate needs to read other mommy blogs. When they have contests or giveaways, the tell you this is the giveaway, this is the time it starts, this is the time the winners will be announced, and here are the prizes. None of this "something" is coming....stay tuned!

The hinting and teasing is juvenile and frankly, amateur.

Anonymous said...

I looked up the ratings for the repeat of CWS this past Saturday night.

Cops - 3.21 Million
CWS - 2.44
CSI Repeat - 2.72
American Ninja Warrior - 1.77

So Cops and a repeat of CSI still beat CWS.

The previous Saturday night (March 9) that timeslot at ABC was:

Once Upon A Time - 2.09 million


OrangeCrusher1 said...

The hinting and teasing is juvenile and frankly, amateur.

Agreed. And this pretty much sums up why this woman will never ever have a career in any sort of media. Yes, she should read other mommy blogs. Yes, she should read cooking blogs and take photography classes. She won't, Twitter is her only real life. And I think it's time to stop referring to her as a nurse. She WAS a nurse, years ago. Yes, she still has the credential, but that life has also been left in the dust; she will never do that again.

TLC stinks said...

She must be going to promote some product on her Twitter...a paid promotion at that!

I agree that she sets a terrible example for her children by slinging back shots (water or not), plastic surgery, and skimpy clothes. What is she going to do when one of girls at 16 decides to dress and act like mommy?

FYI said...

Wanna know my newest Loveable Product? Read my blog review about @Wantableco here: http://t.co/lLIAaeYBWJ(preview) &Enter to WIN makeup or jewelry!

So it looks like she signed up to promote Wantable products. She has a whole blog post on her website, with a link to a contest Wantable is having to win beauty products.

This is the company that Stuart McMullin represents.

In her blog, she says she ordered 2 boxes of their products, and she mentions one of the products included was the ring she wore on the View(I'm assuming the pearl one) so this must have been in the works for awhile.

Anyone want to be that she didn't pay for her order?

Pity Party said...

I know, I know, pick me! Fish in paper.

Blowing In The Wind said...

So what is the prize going to be? A picture of herself, a bottle of wine, her good bra?


Everyone back off. I claim the good bra. I've been wanting that since she announced that she bought one. Since I spend a lot of time at the beach, I really want the invisible one that doesn't show under the bikini.

I still don't understand why, if she wants to make money, she doesn't team with the Good Bra Company and promote that thing.

Pity Party said...

Sadly, I think she would be proud.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Any other suggestions?


A bread machine that slices the bread while baking.

Localyocul said...

This is the company that Stuart McMullin represents.


Is he the one that asked her to follow him so he could DM her?

Isn't she supposed to be following those disclosure rules for advertising on Twitter?

Ingrid said...

I figured she was going to get some sort of gig with Wantables after that Stu guy tweeted her. Small company out of Milwaukee. (not exactly the big time she is looking for) hahaha


Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Retail industry

December 2010 – Present (2 years 4 months) 233 N. Water Street Milwaukee, WI 53202

Stuart spearheads Wantable's marketing efforts and leads a team of marketers towards a cohesive goal of customer growth. He reports directly to the president on key ecommerce metrics and marketing campaign successes.

Blowing In The Wind said...

But she has been selling herself as a wholesome mother who is organized and controlled and uber Christian, for years now. She did not need to do shots to go out with Kendra's friends.


I wonder if the Rev. Craig Yoshihara, former pastor of Roswell United Methodist Church, watched CWS.

Localyocul said...

Oh, one evening this product "peaked" not "piqued" her interest. Riiiggghhhht

Dmasy said...

Localyocul -- I won't go to her blog and read, but your "catch" sure did make me smile.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

From Kate's blog:

Want Wantable? I have to share!!! I recently found this website Wantable late one night and felt compelled to order the products! It was kinda a “hey I deserve a little present in the mail each month” kind of reaction! So, with curiosity peaked, I proceeded

I dare not mention grammar and spelling errors. They don't matter. LOL

Unknown said...

Ya know, if she wants to promote these products and ern a few bucks, I really have no criticism toward her. I don't know how much effort it will take on her part and I doubt she'll put forth much unless the money really starts rolling in for her, which is, in my opinion, doubtful...but really, as long as she's not using the kids to promote it, why not?

Now, I didn't watch "The View" but if she was already wearing the ring, why not mention it? Or can she do that? I don't know, it's not my cup of tea, but I'll not criticize her for it.

There, that's my nice deed for the day. :-)

MJ said...

Isn't she supposed to be following those disclosure rules for advertising on Twitter?

Localyocul, that's exactly what I'd like to know!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I had to laugh at this. it just really struck me as funny...I got a picture in my mind's eye of Milo wearing makeup. I imagine it must be difficult for a sheeple to apply makeup because the moisturizer and foundation wouldn't go on very smoothly over their woolly little faces.


@Kateplusmy8 @Wantableco Actually, U know he buys me so much jewelry...but make-up is always confusing 4me! What is best? This will help?

FYI said...

According to Kate, Mady and Cara "squealed with delight as they unwrapped the stylish hot pink scarves that enveloped the products in each box"

They also "The girls “ohhhhed” and “ahhhhed” simultaneously as they retrieved the lip gloss, eye shadow, and held up the ring (my favorite! I wore it for my latest appearance on The View, in fact) and other products from the boxes."

I understand the "ahhhed" part, but shouldn't "ohhhed" be "oohed". How do you "oh" when opening something, unless you say "oh no!"

And she even came up with a new phrase "sibling rivalrous multiples".

At least you can tell she wrote that post and didn't have some intern at wantable write it for her.

So how long before Milo starts in promoting @wantable just like she did Bella Bars?

Anonymous said...

She must have dropped the children off very early Sunday morning because the run started at 9AM. It's pretty rare to have a run in the afternoon because they usually close the streets to automobile traffic.

FYI said...

Has Kate adopted another daughter that we don't know of, or does Milo think Kate also has some growing up to do?

@Kateplusmy8 With 6 girls..on the way 2b 6women N that household..this was a smart move! LOL A girl can never have 2much jewelry/makeup! :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Why am I not surprised she stays up late answering Internet smiley face questionnaires. Two Wantable boxes and she could have paid for that amazon movie for the kids.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

It's thoughtful of Kate to mention that "no brain power" is needed to fill out the surveys. She must know her fan base better than I thought.

Ex Nurse said...

Must be great to be back at school and hear all of their classmates fun vacations, while the G kids remained on house arrest at Alcatraz. As far as Kate's newest masterminding, it shows how low she has sunk, and, that , just maybe, she realizes that her celebrity days are over. Sounds like she is finally getting schooled on how to drive people to her website and promote products that will bring in some pocket change. The fact that she took the time to set up the Wantables in her products section says a lot. Nothing wrong with it, but, it is terribly mediocre.

As far as her "beauty" goes: One of our local restaurants was featured on Kitchen Nightmares. The owner is in her late 50s, and, in person very attractive. The camera was not her friend. So, I think that Kate can look attractive, until she opens her mouth and exposes the angry, perpetually disappointed, jealous monster that lives inside.

As far as the kid party, all of the kids are past the age when parents stay at the party--with the exception of those that are also family friends. And then, those parents help. Since Kate came so far, I would normally invite the person to stay out of courtesy. She probably showed up and said she wanted to run, avoiding the inevitable social. awkwardness. And then, she goes home and cries into her pillow.

Children First said...

So these are $80 grab bags, and she ordered two of them? Who would spend that much money on products and not know what you're getting? That's being wise with your money?

Good to know that the money went into surprise products instead of being spent on gymnastics that the girls really wanted.

Was this the new project that she was working so hard on last week?

FYI said...

I looked at the link for the contest. Did Kate write the description too? It says "Enter you email below for a chance to win a personalized makeup or jewelry box valued at over $80. Then share this giveaway so your friends don't miss out!"

Don't most contests like this have to have disclosure stating when the contest begins and ends? You have to agree to the terms and conditions in order to enter the contest. This is what it says:

Our Privacy Policy

"Giveaway winners will be selected at random. No purchase necessary to enter. You must be 18 or older to participate. Your email will never be shared with a third party. We will send you periodic product, contest and company updates. You can unsubscribe at any time, immediately after you've received the first email from us.

By opting in you're allowing us to use your name in our announcement on Facebook should you win. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You are providing your information to Wantable.co and not to Facebook."


Most contests I've seen have more information in their terms and conditions. It seems like this was just thrown together. I hope the sheeple that enter realize that if one of them wins, their name may be posted on FB. Funny though, Wantable hasn't even mentioned it on FB yet.

Remona-I agree that if Kate can make money doing something without using the children, more power to her. But she's already used them in her blog post promoting this product. She didn't have to mention them at all.

silimom said...

OrangeCrusher1 said... 43
And I think it's time to stop referring to her as a nurse. She WAS a nurse, years ago. Yes, she still has the credential, but that life has also been left in the dust; she will never do that again.

Amen to that. Nursing was never a calling for her, but rather a way to potentially meet a rich doctor.

Hmmm...wonder if she'd met the rich doctor if she'd have been able to pull off the sextuplets? (I'm referring to the assertion in Robert Hoffman's book that Kate intentionally got pregnant with the sextuplets). I would hope if she'd married a doctor, he would have been smart enough to catch on to her scheming and machinations.

Pa Dutch Mom said...

According to Kate, Mady and Cara "squealed with delight as they unwrapped the stylish hot pink scarves that enveloped the products in each box"


They do more darn squealing in that house than I hear coming from Levi Bieler's pig pen down the road.

Tucker's Mom said...

Still catching up with some thoughts.
Fish in paper is not "gourmet", it's FISH IN PAPER. Get paper, add fish and veggies, season, fold, bake. No technique necessary.
So now Kate's grifting make up and jewelry. I wonder how she can get away with never disclosing freebies, because I'm sure she's getting free stuff from Wantable.
Also, Kate is now saying she had the flu, but in her TS post, she denied having a cold or flu, just exhaustion.
Keep your lies straight!

TLC stinks said...

She sure is bottom trolling these days. LOL!

TLC stinks said...

Pa Dutch Mom, LOL!!!!

FYI said...

Sorry-in my comment #66 I meant to say "Betsy"-don't know why I said "Remona". I apologize to you both.

Blowing In The Wind said...

It's thoughtful of Kate to mention that "no brain power" is needed to fill out the surveys. She must know her fan base better than I thought.


lol, but apparently not THAT well. Unless you have money to burn, and I doubt that many of the sheeple do, you don't sign up for surprise boxes when you have no idea what's in them:

"Items shown are for illustration purposes, your box will contain on-trend and personalized products."

You take your hard-earned money and shop for products you know that you like. If you don't want what's in the box, you have to go to the trouble of packing them up, going to the post office and mailing them back.

She doesn't THINK...she just doesn't think.

TLC stinks said...

I seriously doubt she paid for anything from this company. And instead of just getting her complimentary one box, by golly, she had to have TWO!

Blowing In The Wind said...

Your email will never be shared with a third party.


Good thing that Cindy, the Trust Fund Baby, isn't involved in this give-away.

Yes, I feel snarky today. Mondays are like that.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I guess these monthly subscriptions boxes are the big thing these days. This woman trying to keep an active list going.


All this stuff reminds me of Amway.

It's too bad the company didn't email her some promo pics instead of Kate having to use her own. The pics on her blog don't show the products well at all.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Kate could learn from this Mother's blog who is promoting the same thing she is. Who did it better? Kate at her website with her many worded paragraphs or the below website. Note that she has a disclaimer at the bottom saying that she received her box free for giving her honest opinion about it. Why can't Kate be honest and open like this? And Stuart commented in this Mother's blog and and also on his twitter feed today he told Kate he would check back with her.



Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't get the appeal of these boxes in general.
12 year olds like surprises not most adults. Why not just buy what you want and not buy what you don't want? Seems easier.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 78
I don't get the appeal of these boxes in general.
12 year olds like surprises not most adults. Why not just buy what you want and not buy what you don't want? Seems easier.

It certainly isn't my cup of tea. If I'm paying for something I darn well want to know what I'm getting. I can't afford surprises. I imagine they appeal to a certain kind of buyer, the more impulsive types, maybe those who watch QVC all day and have rooms full of stuff they've never ever opened.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I don't get the appeal of these boxes in general.
12 year olds like surprises not most adults. Why not just buy what you want and not buy what you don't want? Seems easier.


Exactly! These are not well-known brands of makeup. At least they show you what you will be getting. With the jewelry, you have no idea. Why pay that much money for an item you've not seen, and more than likely, don't want?

I'd love to see a picture of Milo wearing black gel eye liner and pink lip gloss, though! :) Maybe they'll send her a polished silver bell to wear around her neck. She could ring it whenever she wants Kate's attention. She'd break it from over-use in just a matter of days.

Dmasy said...

She has the consumer instincts of pre-teen.

Shiny? I want it!

Brand name? I need it!

Cost? Let the grownups worry about that!

Anonymous said...

What will Kate gain from plugging this site? Anyone know?


AuntieAnn said...

@Kateplusmy8 @Wantableco Actually, U know he buys me so much jewelry...but make-up is always confusing 4me! What is best? This will help?

I wonder if Deanna's feelings are hurt. lol.

FYI said...

Back in the 60's, I remember something similar called "The World of Beauty Club". I signed up for it when I was in my late teens. I always received a postcard with a brief description of the next shipment, which gave me a chance to refuse that month's current before it was sent. I wouldn't order or subscribe to something without knowing what was in it.

Another thing about this contest-I see several of Kate's fans who don't live in the US are entering. Are they even eligible? As I said before, the contest really doesn't disclose any rules except that you have to be over 18.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I guess these monthly subscriptions boxes are the big thing these days. This woman trying to keep an active list going.


Kind of like the Jelly Of The Month Club? The gift that keeps giving the whole year (Cousin Eddie, Lampoon's Christmas Vacation).

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's not a scam per say but it does prey on the low information consumer or as tweet said the qvc types. 80 dollars worth of products for 36 bucks SOUNDS good except when you don't want or need half the products or they don't look good on you. Then it's junk taking up space. Grown adults can do what they like it's just a shame to see celebs promoting things that really don't bring much to the table and mostly just take. I wouldn't want my name on such things.

Localyocul said...

So is this the exciting news she was "slaving over" all day, smiling about how much people would LOVE it? I guess so because she used that uppercase LOVE again. Sorry sheep, it wasn't a show

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Cost? Let the grownups worry about that!


Yeah, let me spend $40 on a box of jewelry, sight-unseen. It's only $40, here today, gone tomorrow. So what if I hate the jewelry. I'll just re-gift it at Christmas.

PatK said...

Kate is a Twit, 59 & 61...it's scary how much you and I think alike. Those were my exact thoughts when I just now got online and caught up on this recent Twitter activity of Kate's and Milo's. LOL

I wonder what shiny new object (scam) will interest Kate in another month or so that she can try and foist upon her followers. Geez. Get a job, Kate.

Anonymous said...

If she is being paid to promote a product on Twitter, she is supposed to put the word "ad" before her tweet.


AuntieAnn said...

Remona Blue said... 150
Squinchy-eyed Renee stomps all over my last nerve!
I can't watch her in a movie either. She always looks like she's been sucking on a lemon. Not her fault of course, but it's quite distracting.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I seriously doubt she paid for anything from this company. And instead of just getting her complimentary one box, by golly, she had to have TWO!


Doesn't she have to follow the new FTC celebrity endorsements guidelines on this? Since she doesn't know what's going on around her, is she even aware of it?

FYI said...

Leslie-they do have an Affiliate Program. Maybe she signed up for it.


I believe Bella Bars also had a similar affiliate program.

Anonymous said...

The owner of the website in post #77 wrote me and said the following:

"If you get free stuff, you gotta tell everyone and that's what the FTC says too")

Leave it to Kate to be dishonest and not disclosure that she received those boxes for free as long as she blogged about them. Stuart tweeted to her twice today. So I am 99.9% certain he gave them to her free for her to write about.


lukebandit said...

kate tweeted during the repeat of the CWS that Kendra looks like me! In my house.

I think not! Kendra is much smaller, much younger, you cant tell if she has had plastic surgery because she is fresh faced, unlike kate. and not toxic and controlling and making lil hank work to make payments on their nice home.

Also, kate was drinking coffee out of a lady bug coffee cup and lil hank got really upset because that was HIS MOMMY'S coffee cup and NOBODY BUT MOMMY DRINKS FROM IT. She said, Oh, I didn't know. I believe she knew and wanted to upset him in a pre-emptive strike to contol him.

Her mental illness is getting worse and worser!

Here is the link:


Where is Steve hiding out at?

Tucker's Mom said...

Cost? Let the grownups worry about that!

I want to stay off of this Wantable thing, I really do. It's not filming and only marginally involved the kids. But what this boils down to is Kate wanting her faithful followers to spend their money so she can benefit from free stuff.
The millionaire wants the mediocre to spend away monthly so she can get her 2 boxes a month for NOTHING.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tucker, yea totally agree and, in many ways she exploits her faithful following as much as her kids. Now they pay her way. I don't think we need to apologize for not liking that, for feeling like something is wrong with that. I would like to see her just do some plain honest work like I bet most of her sheeple do.

Dmasy said...

Lukebandit, 95. Thanks for that link. I always enjoy your posts. I just wanted to say hello and hope that you are feeling better these days.

Blowing In The Wind said...

It certainly isn't my cup of tea. If I'm paying for something I darn well want to know what I'm getting. I can't afford surprises. I imagine they appeal to a certain kind of buyer, the more impulsive types, maybe those who watch QVC all day and have rooms full of stuff they've never ever opened.


Tweet-le, This reviewer felt the same way:

"The box retails for $36 for a monthly subscription, or $40 to buy it one box at a time. My total just hit the $80 mark, and even after filling out a huge questionnaire I assumed they would pick products that would suite me personally, but they didn’t. There are only two products that I would use out of this box which is the gel creme eyeliner, and the highlighter stick. The eyeliner is very creamy and pigmented and glides effortlessly. The highlighter stick is a very pretty shade, and gives a perfect glow on the top of my cheekbones.

The lipstick is the most unflattering brown shade I have ever come across, it does not suite my pale skin in the slightest. The cheek colour is described as a “nude watermelon shade” and is also unflattering on my pale skin. While the consistency of the product is nice and blendable, the colour is too dark on my skin and is more of a brown than watermelon. The perfume samples aren’t the most amazing smelling fragrances I have ever smelt. They are very strong and not what I would wear at all."

Blowing In The Wind said...

Leave it to Kate to be dishonest and not disclosure that she received those boxes for free as long as she blogged about them. Stuart tweeted to her twice today. So I am 99.9% certain he gave them to her free for her to write about.


Someone on Twitter should ask her, point blank, if she got these things for free and why she hasn't disclosed it on her website and if she is aware of the FTC regulations regarding this.

FYI said...

Since the link on her twitter goes directly to her blog, not Wantable's website, I'm not sure if the FTC rules regarding her having to put "ad" or "sponsored" in her tweet apply. Now as far as her endorsements on her blog, I'm not sure whether or not it applies there. I'm sure this company found a "workaround" for her.

I know Ellen on her blog states that she does receive the products that she reviews for free.

Kate wouldn't admit that-she just said she "ordered" them, thereby implying that she paid for them. Therefore, I don't think the FTC rules would apply.

Widowed Young said...

Remember the .01 record clubs? Or the book clubs advertised in the books at the doctor's office? They were such a great deal but I ended up paying for so many that I didn't want (at twice the retail price in stores) because I forgot to send them back! And I was a teenager that couldn't afford it to begin with.

I recently responded to a "you won a free" offer for a herbal vitamin when I ordered something online. I had to enter my credit card information for the $2 shipping costs. I noticed a $89 charge on my card the next month and low and behold-the fine print said that I had to send it back and cancel the monthly order if I didn't want to be charged.

These sheeple better be careful before ordering anything-I wonder if it is one of those that you have to cancel or keep being charged and receiving the boxes?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 99

Thanks for posting that review. It's exactly why I don't want to throw my money at surprises. You just know every item in the box isn't something you really need and some things you won't be able to use.

I wonder what % of people sign up for these subscription boxes and then cancel after a short time.

Actually the Bella Bars are a better deal. At least you can order what you want. I doubt either will bring in much revenue IF she's getting a commission.

Down The Shore said...

I recently responded to a "you won a free" offer for a herbal vitamin when I ordered something online. I had to enter my credit card information for the $2 shipping costs. I noticed a $89 charge on my card the next month and low and behold-the fine print said that I had to send it back and cancel the monthly order if I didn't want to be charged.


LOL!! I did the same thing at Christmas when I purchased some videos at a store. If I joined the club, I could get $20 off my purchase immediately and I could cancel the membership right away. Like a dummy, I did it because it sounded good. I called to cancel, got a confirmation number, no problem. However, they still kept charging my credit card. It took a month of phone calls before I got it straightened out. I will never do anything like that again. Live and learn. I should have known better.

Then there are the two for the price of one offers on television. You only pay shipping and handling for the second item. You should read the "rip off" reports on those!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Monthly clubs are good if you know what you are getting, use it, there's no catch, you can easily cancel or change your plan, you would have bought it anyway, and it's much cheaper than the market rate. For my purposes the only club I've ever found that fits this criteria for me is Netflix. There's not going to be many that are truly good deals. Sadly I think many people get sucked into bad deals.

NJGal51 said...

I don't wear cheap jewelry (and you know that's what you're going to get) because it tends to turn your arm/finger/ears green or black. As far as makeup goes, I prefer to go to the drugstore, Target or Macy's and try the makeup tester on my arm to see if the color suits me. Perfume? You've really got to test it to see if it works with your particular body chemistry. I wonder if the twitterbots will be out in full force keying in on one of the words in her tweets.

Mel said...

Kate wouldn't admit that-she just said she "ordered" them, thereby implying that she paid for them.

Why can't Kate just be honest and say 'here's a business deal I'm involved in'

Either she approached them or they approached her. No way was this just an idle watching tv, I'd thought I'd join up kind of thing.

Besides, if Deanna's such a cool make-up artist, what's Kate need random non-brand make-up for?

Wouldn't you think that Kate would want to give her 'good friend' some business and order her product from her friend?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Tucker's Mom said... 96

Cost? Let the grownups worry about that!

I want to stay off of this Wantable thing, I really do. It's not filming and only marginally involved the kids. But what this boils down to is Kate wanting her faithful followers to spend their money so she can benefit from free stuff.
The millionaire wants the mediocre to spend away monthly so she can get her 2 boxes a month for NOTHING.


Yep. Kate's sheeple are easy prey for her.

She never had/has their best interests in mind-
it has always been about Kate.

Dopey Me said...

Not saying that there's anything wrong with this company, but I responded to an email to fill out a survey last month and put in my email and a password as part of the survey. This wasn't a survey for some company that I'd never heard of, it looked like it was from my cable company. Thinking it was a survey for my cable company I used my email address and password to access the survey. I ended up with a charge on my PayPal account that wasn't mine. PayPal was wonderful and worked with me and yes, I got my money back within a week. I know that it came from this survey becasue like many people I use the same password on accounts connected with my email address. I now use different, unrelated passwords for different accounts. I was lucky because I caught the charge the day it hit and got right on the phone with PayPal. Just a word of caution to beware of what you're answering.

I'm not using my normal name on this post becasue I don't want you all to know what a dope I was to fall for that...and all for a $5 Amazon gift card for filling out the survey (which, of course, I didn't get). Lesson learned.

Amy2 said...

This is funny. Kate is hawking beauty products for a unknown internet company. Guess that ole phone isn't ringing much with offers from Hollywood. Oh she is sliding down the hill fast and the best thing, she did it to herself.

TLC stinks said...

Yes, indeed. "Ordering" implies she paid for the boxes. This guy approached her on Twitter to promote his product. It's not something she has ever talked about before. Probably BS too about her wearing the ring from the company on The View. She doesn't wear cheap costume jewelry as far as I remember.

Mel said...

Once again....one word: inauthentic.

librarylady said...

This "makeup box" thing is a big fad with the college and young adult crowd right now, according to my nieces that age. They have friends who do this but not with this particular company - they seem to use another that focuses more on name brand or high-end cosmetics. I imagine it will wane after awhile when people get tired of spending money without knowing what they are getting.

Down The Shore said...

For those who are watching The Bible:

"History and The Bible executive producers, husband and wife Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, just addressed the Obama-Satan controversy. “History channel has the highest respect for President Obama,” the network said in a statement. “The series was produced with an international and diverse cast of respected actors. It’s unfortunate that anyone made this false connection. History’s The Bible is meant to enlighten people on its rich stories and deep history.”

Burnett and Downey used stronger language in dismissing the connection, suggesting that the actor playing the Devil may have been simply type cast. “This is utter nonsense,” they said. “The actor who played Satan, Mehdi Ouzaani, is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics — including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our President.” Added Downey: “Both Mark and I have nothing but respect and love our President, who is a fellow Christian. False statements such as these are just designed as a foolish distraction to try and discredit the beauty of the story of The Bible.”

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Want Wantable? I have to share!!! I recently found this website Wantable late one night and felt compelled to order the products! It was kinda a “hey I deserve a little present in the mail each month” kind of reaction! So, with curiosity peaked, I proceeded. .

Hey, of course she thinks she deserves a little present in the mail each month. But only if they're free, right? Doesn't everyone. What a scam artist, wait artist is actually too good a word for Grifty. And oh sure, she 'found' them late one night.

Formerly Duped said...

What a dumb scam to get involved with. Not so savvy a shopper, Kate.

I see Kate is paying attention to her own 'bog' now after some absence.At least the CC link is gone. I didn't bother to check if the formerly empty pages are still up.

FYI said...

I see a lot of Kate fan's are tweeting that they entered the drawing, but not one of them has asked when the drawing is. Wouldn't that be one of the first questions you would ask?

At least they are starting out this promotion as a free giveaway. Yes, their site may get hits due to that, but I don't see most of her fans buying these boxes based on her word alone. Well, maybe except for Milo.

I would hope that most of her fans are intelligent enough not to base their purchases on a celebrity whose main talent in endorsing products is the use of exclamation points.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

What a dumb scam to get involved with. Not so savvy a shopper, Kate.


I don't think it's a scam. Not very bright to order products you probably won't use, but if that's your thing, then fine. The company sounds reputable, but I would hope that before she decided to endorse it, she really checked this out, or had a business-savy person look into it -- it's history, it's ranking, who owns it, etc.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Admin said the surprise box is for 12 year olds and i agree. As a kids, a friend and I would give each other surprise bags of jewelry etc. Her old stuff was my new stuff and vice versa. It was fun, but as an adult, I can't see being remotely interested in surprise jewelry and make up.
I can't imagine any company really getting my taste, especially to the tune of $70-80 a month.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't think scam is the word either. What it is is a silly way for people easily taken in and not thinking finanial decisions through carefully to blow money. No more than selling someone some shiny sports car they have no business affording is a scam.

Mel said...

“hey I deserve a little present in the mail each month”

She ALWAYS thinks she deserves whatever, doesn't she. Her whole life is based around she 'deserves'....something for nothing.

NJGal51 said...

Well, only two more weeks until Easter so I thought I'd change my avatar. As you can see my bully is a treat whore and will do anything for a treat!

Mel said...

At the bottom of Kate's blog post:
While the opinion expressed in this review is my own I did receive complementary product and/or compensation.

Anonymous said...

Pink, Kate is probably going to earn way more than 2 lousy surprise boxes every month for participating in this. Look at their website-pay attention to the upper right hand:


Kate is going to earn free cash. I don't understand how all this operates, but it looks like Kate is going to earn a lot of free bucks for doing nothing. Gee, isn't that a recurring theme in her life. Big bucks for doing nothing. Just her style.


Millicent said...

Wow - this brings back memories from when I was a teenager. I can't remember the name of the club, but it was a monthly beauty supply club. You joined for $1, and got a big promotional box full of goodies - lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, blush, etc. After that, you would receive a card in the mail every month, telling you that month's beauty special, which probably cost around $20-$25. You could opt out of receiving that month's item by returning the card. The deal was, you had to purchase a certain number of these monthly deals to fulfill your obligation. (Just like Doubleday Book Club, etc.)

For a teenager who loved make-up, it was fun and exciting to get these monthly packages. But it wasn't name brand, and it wouldn't be something that would appeal to me as an grown woman.

Oh how the D-lister has fallen - reduced to shilling for this relatively unknown make-up packaging company. LOL. My guess is that Kate was offered a sales commission for every client steered that way.

Millicent said...

Another scam I discovered was when my son filled out an I.Q. test online for fun. It was "free," but at the very end, they ask for your cell phone number so that they can text the results. So he gave out his cell phone number. Lo and behold, a month later I see that his cell phone got charged for purchase of a new ring tone for $20. Because we pay as we go (Virgin Mobile), that pretty much drained the account, so another attempt to charge it for further ring tones didn't go anywhere.

I called Virgin Mobile, who gave me the contact info for the company that charged for the ring tone purchase. I telephoned and spoke to a woman, who insisted that my son must have purchased the ring tones. I told her in no uncertain terms that he did not, that it simply was not possible, and that if I didn't get a full refund in 7 days, I was going to file a small claims action against her company. I got the refund promptly. But it was clearly a scam operation.

So be super careful about giving out your cell phone number too.

Laurie said...

I wonder if this is the type of drawing where "everyone" wins. They send you your free box and by accepting it you're agreeing to getting shipments every month unless you call to cancel. All of this is spelld out in very tiny print on a card that you typically throw away when you open the box. Just conjecture on my part, I'm not saying that this company is not above board.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

So no real fun during spring break, no pics of any St. Paddy's day fun Gosselin style, and not a peep about Easter coming. What has happened to all those family 'traditions'? Fallen by the wayside for monthly 'surprise' boxes. Her attention span is abysmally small.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
I taught my littles abt compass&temp display in the car, a long X ago. Last pm, Hannah:'We're going east&I don't know how fahrenheit it is'


I don't think I'm understanding this. Certainly a nine-year-old would be able to read a temperature indicator gauge.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

At the bottom of Kate's blog post:
While the opinion expressed in this review is my own I did receive complementary product and/or compensation.


So did she "order" this one night, or did they send her the boxes for free or pay her in cold hard cash?

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To Amy2 (#110): Love what you said!

FYI said...

Mel said... 123
At the bottom of Kate's blog post:
While the opinion expressed in this review is my own I did receive complementary product and/or compensation.

Mel-that disclosure was definitely not there earlier. She must have just added it. Perhaps, this tweet had something to do with it and wantable told her that she must disclose that she received something from for the review.

nanciv ‏@nancivs
@Kateplusmy8 @wantableco I'm confused. Is kate gosselin a paying customer or a paid spokesperson? Full disclosure and TRUTH please

AuntieAnn said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 129

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
I taught my littles abt compass&temp display in the car, a long X ago. Last pm, Hannah:'We're going east&I don't know how fahrenheit it is'


I don't think I'm understanding this. Certainly a nine-year-old would be able to read a temperature indicator gauge.


I don't understand what she's saying either. Is she trying to say Hannah was being clever? Time to get out the decoder.

And it's annoying how she refers to the sextuplets as her "littles". It makes her sound like Gulliver on the island of Lilliput.

readerlady said...

Every Sunday, I get an emailed copy of Ann Landers advice column. Of course, these are reprints, but the issues and questions are still relevant. I finally got around to reading the one I received yesterday, and one letter struck me as being very relevant to KK. The letter was written in 1999, from a reader who was responding to another writer's complaints about a contentious divorce. She said, among other things "After a divorce, a lot of healing can take place when the ex-partners are civil and kind to one another. If there is no civility, bad feelings turn into bad words that turn into bad behavior. The children then learn by example to perpetuate hate and anger." What a wise woman. KK would do well to copy that quote onto those infamous sticky notes and post it around her house, making sure to read it frequently. Maybe, just maybe, it would finally sink in and there would be some hope for those kids.

FYI said...

Millicent-that once happened to me, and I got a third party charge on my phone bill. When I called my provider they said I had to contact the company. When I spoke to the company and told them I never signed up, they told me that I must have taken an online survey and entered my phone number. I think what I actually did was take an online IQ test for the fun of it, but didn't remember putting in my phone number. It was a bit of a hassle but I did get a full refund.

What really bothered me at the time, was when I asked my phone company why they let a charge from an outside company go through without checking with me first and they told me that I had to request that all third party billing be blocked. You would think it would have been the other way around where I would have to authorize it first.

So everyone beware--something that seems as innocent as a survey or a random test of knowledge, may just be a scam to get your money. Also, it is a good idea to check with your phone company and verify what their policy is about third party billing.

The only surveys that I take part in now are surveys requested by companies I have done business with. They don't ask for any personal information.

Ingrid said...

Of course Kate put in an "order". She picked what options she wanted for her free boxes. Atleast she did it legal and added that bit. I am surprised she didn't think she was above the law again.

Anonymous said...

Ellen Ross (Jon's old girlfriend from a few years ago) has been doing what Kate is now doing (free product/fee for a review) for a number of years. Kate's rabid fans used to berate Ellen for reviewing free product, but when Kate does it they bend over backwards. Oh how the mighty have fallen. BTW Kate, Ellen has drawings too, nearly one or two a week.

Mel said...

Mel-that disclosure was definitely not there earlier. She must have just added it. Perhaps, this tweet had something to do with it and wantable told her that she must disclose that she received something from for the review.

nanciv ‏@nancivs
@Kateplusmy8 @wantableco I'm confused. Is kate gosselin a paying customer or a paid spokesperson? Full disclosure and TRUTH please

That's what I thought people were saying...that Kate was acting all innocent, like oh, I just happened to order these and love them! Now you can, too!

Her posting is full of sh*t, just like her blog posts at The Stir are completely made up hogwash.

Mel said...

I think Kate posting stupidity about one of the kids in being done in order to deflect attention from the fact that she was trying to cheat on the Wantable thing (implying she BOUGHT the product when she received it gratis) and was busted for it.

FYI said...

By the way, someone should inform Kate that the word she should have used is "complimentary" not "complementary".

1.Completing; forming a complement.
2.(of two or more different things) Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize each other's qualities.

1.Expressing a compliment; praising or approving.
2.Given or supplied free of charge.

For someone who has received so many freebies, you'd think she'd know the difference.

Ingrid said...

Are Ellen's drawings on her own out of her own stuff or does the company she reviews do them like wantables is doing for Kate?

Mel said...

I am surprised she didn't think she was above the law again.

She DID think she was above the law again. She didn't have that blurb on her posting to start with.
Bet that wasn't a fun phone call, in that she not only objected to adding the blurb, she doesn't know HOW to add the blurb.
Some poor tech guy probably had to walk her through it.

And gosh, isn't she just the worst writer, ever? I think she thinks she's writing oh so descriptively, but it's just tripe.

Her "best moms seal of approval". Little miss 'English was my best subject' should have known it's "best mom's seal of approval.

FYI said...

Berks Neighbor said... 137

Yes, I remember the sheeple's reactions when Ellen opened up her blog. They said that she was only doing the reviews so that she could get freebies. They raked her over the coals for that. They also berated Jon when he would tweet about a company product-and yes, he did put in his tweet that it was sponsored.

But now that Kate has entered into the promotional fray, they see absolutely nothing wrong with it, because she has 8, count em, 8 kids to support.

It's their usual double standard as always.

FYI said...

Millicent said... 125
Wow - this brings back memories from when I was a teenager. I can't remember the name of the club, but it was a monthly beauty supply club

Millicent-That sounds exactly like the club I signed up for in my teens, called "World of Beauty". I described it in my comment #84.

FYI said...

If you read some of the other blog sites that have reviewed Wantable's products, Kate's review is a royal mess. Most of them discuss and describe each individual product received and say why they liked it and why they recommend it.

Kate's review just shows pictures of the boxes, and that Mady and Cara squealed with delight.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It's the same thing Ellen did only worse because she lied and pretended she just stumbled upon it and didn't disclose right away she's a paid sponsor.

There's a pretty standard blog formula to such things anyone can figure out, the blog post about it someone else posted had it right. Kate's is as usual one big rambling, completely useless mess.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate is going to earn free cash. I don't understand how all this operates, but it looks like Kate is going to earn a lot of free bucks for doing nothing. Gee, isn't that a recurring theme in her life. Big bucks for doing nothing. Just her style.


If I'm reading that site correctly, you make $10 per sale if you sign up.

Somewhere In Time said...

Twit, 145 said...If you read some of the other blog sites that have reviewed Wantable's products, Kate's review is a royal mess. Most of them discuss and describe each individual product received and say why they liked it and why they recommend it.


She just can't do it. She has no basic understanding of what is involved in a review. I hope this isn't the project she spent so much time on, and that she was slaving over...

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said... 142

Little miss 'English was my best subject' should have known it's "best mom's seal of approval.


lol! Kind of makes you wonder what her worst subject was.

Mel said...

Think Deanna got her set up with this?

Somewhere In Time said...

Mel, 142 said...And gosh, isn't she just the worst writer, ever? I think she thinks she's writing oh so descriptively, but it's just tripe.


I founded the "with curiosity peaked" particularly amusing. Did she have Pike's Peak in mind?

She can't write, she can't spell, but she certainly does know what to do with those exclamation marks!

Ingrid said...

Kate's review just shows pictures of the boxes, and that Mady and Cara squealed with delight.
That's because with her delusions of grandeur she thinks she just needs her name associated with something and it will be enough. Like usually very little to no effort on her part.

Were these two blogs (hers and Stir) what she 'slaved' over for two days plus a couple piss poor photos?

SCgal said...

AuntieAnn said... 149

lol! Kind of makes you wonder what her worst subject was.

Probably "Ethics".

FYI said...

From Kate's blog:

"To be totally honest, despite the fact that both types of boxes were reasonably priced and affordable, I still wasn’t sure what would actually arrive! And because I couldn’t choose between makeup and jewelry (I mean, who can??!), and because my curiosity got the best of me, I decided to order one of each kind of box!"

Of course, they were reasonably priced and affordable--she got them for free!

There's that phrase again--"To be honest". Well, she wasn't being honest, until someone informed her she had to be. It must have pissed her off that she had to admit she got something for free. She really should go back and add that little disclosure to her previous reviews for Coffeemate, StuckonYou, and Bella Bars.

Just to be totally honest....

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

From Kate's blog:

To be totally honest, despite the fact that both types of boxes were reasonably priced and affordable, I still wasn’t sure what would actually arrive! And because I couldn’t choose between makeup and jewelry (I mean, who can??!), and because my curiosity got the best of me, I decided to order one of each kind of box!

The old "to be honest" ploy. She sure makes it sound like she ordered, as in paid for, those two boxes of surprises. When she added the disclaimer at the bottom I guess she didn't realize that statement contradicts the one above.

If she reviewed the items for Wantable, they sent her the boxes for free. Her blog is a lie.

Somewhere In Time said...

Twit, 149, said...By the way, someone should inform Kate that the word she should have used is "complimentary" not "complementary".


Not only that, but instead of "I did receive complementary product," it should have been "I did receive a complimentary product" or "complimentary products." This isn't just a quick tweet with a mistake. This is an entire blog post. It should have been proofed.

That blog entry was so riddled with spelling, grammar and punctuation errors that it was just pathetic. However, given the fact that it is mostly sheeple who will be reading there, it hardly matters. Sheeple have problems with the use of your, there, seen, lose and lay. They probably thought it was wonderful.

Children First said...

Every time I read "Wantable," I read "wannabe," as in Kate is a Hollywood wannabe!

FYI said...

I hope this isn't the project she spent so much time on, and that she was slaving over

I think that "project" was the Spring Break Diary on her website. After all, she had to post 9 pictures(LOTS of them), add her copyright watermark to the 3 that were of the twins and Shoka, plus add the required exclamation points and smiley faces and not to mention all the "ly" words.

I'm exhaustedish just describing it-she must have been "gravely" wiped out from all that "hard" work.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's superlative writing skills are Pulitzer-worthy. I particularly find the !! and ? combination, !!?, to be a literary tour de force.

FYI said...

Not only that, but instead of "I did receive complementary product," it should have been "I did receive a complimentary product" or "complimentary products." This isn't just a quick tweet with a mistake. This is an entire blog post. It should have been proofed.

It may have not been a quick tweet, but it was definitely a quick add-on.

I wonder what Wantable thinks of that review. It looks like they normally tweet when someone gives them a review. So far they haven't tweeted about Kate's.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder if Kate ever thinks that her extremely poor writing and speaking skills, especially making up words, are affecting her little ones.
How much Farenheit it is?
Not cute at almost 9. It's kind of sad really that with all the money their fancy school costs, the tups don't understand temperature reading.

Melissa NV said...

Were these two blogs (hers and Stir) what she 'slaved' over for two days plus a couple piss poor photos?


Those photos were terrible. Absolutely horrible. I would be ashamed to post anything that looks like that. Certainly she could do better. If not, let Mady give it a try. She couldn't do any worse.

Anonymous said...

I think Milo outed Kate before Kate could tweet her "big reveal" that she was slaving over. Milo immediately tweeted that Kate was following Julianne Moore, and her monster app. I think that was to be her big reveal. But when a lot of tweeters laughed that Kate thought this silliness was a hugh deal, I think Kate was too embarrassed to admit it and let it drop.


Or perhaps Kate will reveal something else in the near future that she thinks we have been waiting for with baited breath.

FYI said...

For comparison,(and so we won't be called "nitpicky"), read this other review of Wantable products. This one is about makeup only, but it shows how a review should be written.


Kate actually should have done separate reviews-one for the makeup and then one for the jewelry, but I guess her excuse would be "well, I got 2 count em 2 boxes, and could only do 1 post".

Ingrid said...

KIAT " I'm exhaustedish just describing it-she must have been "gravely" wiped out from all that "hard" work.
LOL Forgot about that one. But since all 3 blogs posts are pathetic it would probably take her a month or more to write 3 good ones.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Oh look. Mama June walked the red carpet at the GLAAD Media Awards in NYC on Saturday night.
Did kk's invitation get lost in the mail?


Anonymous said...

Mel said... 37
I don't understand Milo referring to Kate's "beauty". Kate is not beautiful. In any way.

She used to be cute, and isn't even that anymore. Her inner ugliness radiates out, unfortunately.

Beautiful physically...I was thinking about how that is defined for a woman.
Facial symmetry. Clear, smooth skin. Healthy, shiny hair. Full lips, full breasts, low hip to waist ratio. A high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, a short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones and wide-set eyes...
You have a very narrow definition of what constitutes beauty, and dare I say a very "white" one. Do you think that is how beauty is defined in the African American community, for example?

Just because you don't find someone physically attractive doesn't mean that someone else won't think the person is gorgeous. There's a reason for the cliche "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." It is.

Tucker's Mom said...


Far, far better review and photos. This blogger has a lot of give aways and states clearly that the Wantable box was given to her for review.
From her site:
My reviews are honest and abide by current FTC disclosure guidelines, of which you can find its entirety, as it pertains to my site, clearly posted here, and I have signed the “Blog With Integrity” agreement

See, how hard it that? Be upfront and honest Kate. Fess up about your precious Bella Bars, CoffeeMate, Keurig etc.

Children First said...

Her "best moms seal of approval". Little miss 'English was my best subject' should have known it's "best mom's seal of approval.


I thought she meant "Mom's best seal of approval." Little miss 'English was my best subject' also should have known that it is, "I'd venture to say that if I WERE (not WAS) less knowledgeable in either area..."

"Once you answer the survey, you always receive items that will work for YOU!"


Not according to the review in post #99.

Children First said...

Kate tweets:
...making 'contraction' flash cards...I'D rather be playing but they WOULDN'T learn them if we did that! #joysof2ndgrade

Barb responds:

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer
@kateplusmy8 Contraction? You mean subtraction?

Does Barb know what a contraction is? If Kate is teaching the kids contractions, she certainly made a mess of them in her blog post.

richsmom said...

Kate is sick the way she uses her twins as her "Besties". They will rebel big time in a few years. Why are they opening the boxes of makeup with their mother. She always tries to make it seem like her kids love and worship her so much. It is sick. They don't worship her and it will get worse as they get older. They will rebel big time when they realize what everyone thinks of her mother and how they are all treated by her.

Anonymous said...

Watching DWTS. Kellie Pickler just danced...and at the end when they pan to the audience guess who was there...Kendra.
I'm assuming Kate's invitation got lost in the mail among her packages from Wantable.

Seasons In The Sun said...

Not cute at almost 9. It's kind of sad really that with all the money their fancy school costs, the tups don't understand temperature reading.

No, it's not cute, nor is it the school's fault. Mine go to the same school and understood temperature reading in Pre-K, as soon as they knew their numbers.

Either Kate made the whole thing up, or there is something wrong.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't understand how it's so hard to write a review just like all the other mommy bloggers manage to. The format doesn't change much. It's just laziness not to read how others are doing their reviews and try to follow the template. I have a feeling Kate was that kid in school who wanted an A just for showing up and completely the assignment. I doubt she ever really did her "best." I've never seen such laziness from someone so successful. Laziness is the last trait you need when your goal is extreme success in the public eye.

Also if you are getting paid, why can't you at least call up a friend and say hey could you spare five minutes to proofread my post? Most people would have caught the errors we all caught right away. Everyone knows at least one good speller/English person they can phone up. Most everyone anyway.

This isn't a tweet, this isn't a blog comment, this isn't a silly and fun blog hang out. This is a professional, PAID blog post. This was a JOB.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Funny how you can be doing 2nd grade homework (flash cards) and tweeting at the same time. Guess you are playing, Kate, and what message does that send your kids? Twitidiot.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

She wish she were playing (you mean tweeting)? Well don't have kids then. Kids get homework and flashcards and need help constantly, cry me a river.

It's her fault she scheduled playtime and homework time at the same time and has them doing so many chores there IS no time for play. Per her own manuel.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Beauty to me depends so much on your heart these days. If you have a warm and inviting personality you always look more beautiful to me. I have a friend who had a stroke years ago and half her face droops. She is such an inspiration and so well spoken and courageous about her struggles, I just think she's gorgeous. I guess if you didn't know her, her face would seem odd. I just don't see that anymore. I think her crooked smile is sweet.

Kate strikes me as vile and a child abuser and exploiter. I don't think I could ever see her as beautiful no matter what she does.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

See, how hard it that? Be upfront and honest Kate. Fess up about your precious Bella Bars, CoffeeMate, Keurig etc.


Exactly, just be honest. Hundreds of highly successful blogs get paid and say so. It doesn't mean their reviews are necessarily suspect, I just want to know what is up. Honesty goes so far. That's why I laugh so hard at the silly theory that I somehow "work" for Kate or am a fan. I just don't run a blog that way. This blog is what it is--if I were working for anyone but myself, I would say so. If I were really a fan, I'd say so. What you see is what you get. I don't believe in running a blog any other way and most other bloggers worth their salt don't either. Kate doesn't get that in the long run, integrity wins you more readers anyway.

Melissa NV said...

Fess up about your precious Bella Bars, CoffeeMate, Keurig etc.

...and @Kiehls!!!!!! That wonderful body cream!!!!!!!!!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Incidentally, Pioneer Woman has a review of Container Store makeup organizers today.

Beautiful pictures, funny writing, links, good anecdotes (like that she needed a good way to keep her makeup arsenal organized for her Food Network show because she actually does her own makeup), and she always discloses at the end whether she was paid or not. This one she wasn't.


Children First said...

I'm not so sure that she sets out to be deceitful. I think she's just plain dumb and doesn't know that honestly is not only expected of her, it's necessary if she wants to maintain any kind of integrity.

FYI said...

Now they're all reminiscing about Kate's time on DWTS.

So Milo tweets Kate:

@Kateplusmy8 @KendraWilkinson Well..we can #Pretend we just saw U there..tweeties all scream! :) Would love 4U 2revisit there w/the twins!

And according to Kate:

@MiloandJack @KendraWilkinson trust me, every season they ask to go and be in the audience! Beg in fact. :) will do asap!

They "beg" her to come back? Yeah, right. Keep dreaming Kate.

Kendra's in the audience-front row-they'll probably have her promote Splash.

Kate must be so so jealous!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Children First I don't know. I think she knows what she is doing, but just thinks she's above the law or doesn't care.

That's part of narcissism really. No remorse. She doesn't care if some sheeple wouldn't have bought anything she tells them had that sheeple known it were paid. She knows, but it doesn't matter to her. Whereas a normal person would feel bad about that and compelled to be honest. I (we?) feel bad for them and I'm not even the one trying to defraud them. How can the person doing the defrauding feeling nothing? Narcissism.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

They don't beg her to come back. I know for a fact they extend invitations every single season to every single past cast member. They can come if they want. Some do, some don't, we can see that for ourselves on our T.V. screens. They want to know so they can sit you front row so they can get you on camera, it's good for them and their own self promotion to show happy alumni. Also, anyone can get tickets. You and me, anyone.

They just won't pay for her flight I bet, so that's why she won't come. She doesn't just want tickets she wants a full VIP weekend getaway.

And again, they say I wish the twins would go, but never say, that is IF they want to, if they are okay missing school and sports and everything else. All the kids are just objects to be manipulated as it suits Kate.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Now this is funny. Kate tweeted that she's teaching contractions, and one of the sheeple commented:

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx
@Kateplusmy8 Mom's have to be jack of all trades don't they. 😜

Tucker's Mom said...

@MiloandJack @KendraWilkinson trust me, every season they ask to go and be in the audience! Beg in fact. :) will do asap!

They "beg" her to come back? Yeah, right. Keep dreaming Kate.
I think Kate means that the twins beg to be taken and be in the audience. DWTS certainly doesn't beg Kate to come, although I"m sure they'd hook Kate up with the good seats if she wanted.

Meagler said...

Never trust a person who says " To be Honest"....

Kate has nothing up her sleeve so she is trying her best to become a blogger. I give her credit for trying, many women earn a living that way and stay at home with their kids. However, they have writing and photography skills, Kate has neither!

Besides, who would want to buy anything recommended by someone who cant even tell the truth about how she acquired something...

She would make a great snake oil saleperson.

Someone got a hold of her to tell her to put the disclaimer on the bottom of her bog.

...and, she isnt doing her kids any favors by tweeting about the fahrenheit. She thinks its cute, everyone else thinks the kids have Mother induced Peter pan Syndrome.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Also, anyone can get tickets. You and me, anyone.


The Denise sheeple said she's been on the waiting list for two seasons.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

They "beg" her to come back? Yeah, right. Keep dreaming Kate.


I think she was talking about the twins. They beg her to take them to be in the audience.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack @KendraWilkinson trust me, every season they ask to go and be in the audience! Beg in fact. :) will do asap!

I actually think that Kate is saying that the twins are the ones that ask (beg) to go every year. Kate will only take them if someone else foots the bill. I don't think that even Kate would say that DWTS begs her to go because it is a lie too easily disproved.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

NJ, oh! I think you're right. I'm used to twitter speak and also Kate not being clear when she speaks and acting like the world loves her.

Melissa NV said...

@Kateplusmy8 Its amazing DWTS is still going..remember U did in fact have an influence on turning those ratings around...#TheKateEffect

Good lord, Milo. Just kiss LOM goodbye and take off with Kate to a deserted island. You won't be happy until you two live together in a blue lagoon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

The Denise sheeple said she's been on the waiting list for two seasons.


Right, well I don't know how long the wait is at the moment, but they're still available to anyone. You may have to wait. She should try standing at the door for the no shows. Point is, you don't have to be special to get DWTS tickets.

TJ said...

Does anyone think that Steve Nield and or his wife are still in Kate's life....

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom said... 51
I bet that the kids' school community works very hard and uses a lot of resources to protect them and do their best given the circumstances J+K have put them in. From the bus stop circus (fortunately not recently) to controlling rumors to protecting the kids from social media, their parents' (mostly Kate) public airing of problems, and interweb fodder, it's got to be something that they always have on their radar.
They've got to be the most resource-intensive students and to imply that the school doesn't care about them after shepherding them through many years, that's just mean and uncalled for.
Just the fact that they took the 2 tups back after expulsion/separation (whatever) speaks a lot to their character and dedication.
That school does NOTHING to protect those kids. I do not see their taking the expelled tups back as a tribute to their character and dedication. I see it as pure greed and $$$$$$ for them. Those teachers and staff are mandated child abuse reporters and they have done nothing. The head of school is nothing but a sleaze.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Maybe taking the Tups back was the compassionate thing to do so they don't feel forever ostracized from the rest of their siblings for a transgression in kindergarten that frankly was the fault of their mother's own bad parenting. I doubt it was a money thing since they could just find two other kids to fill the spot. Isn't there a waiting list for this school like most sought after private schools?

Pa Dutch Mom said...

Isn't there a waiting list for this school like most sought after private schools?


Yes. Attrition is low.

"The head of school is nothing but a sleaze."



Head of which school? Lower School? Middle School? Upper School? Headmaster? Angela, you seem to know quite a bit about the school and the community. How long have your children been students there or is this their first year?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Not to mention there has never been any indication that any signs of child abuse were ever on display at the school. Much like Jon, I don't see how anyone can say the school didn't do anything or even knew. This isn't the Penn State scandal in which we know for a fact one of the victims told his principal directly and she in fact did nothing. Nothing.

We just don't know what goes on there.

Terri said...

Kate will never go to a DWTS show unless it's paid for by the network and I don't see that happening so I guess we don't have to worry about seeing her fake Kate smile after all.

Millicent said...

kate is a twit @144:

Millicent-That sounds exactly like the club I signed up for in my teens, called "World of Beauty". I described it in my comment #84.
* * * *

LOL - I think that was the name :) Brings back some fun memories.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 LOL Em...U better get out there & start running w/Kate! :) #KateHasThoseSlenderMarathonLegs


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