Thursday, September 20, 2012

TLC busted over 'Breaking Amish'

Eileen O'Neill: "We are the No. 1 nonfiction company in the world, so we're not going to do anything to take away from that."
Reality T.V. Kids: "Oops."

TLC's hottest new show next to Honey Boo Boo child is about a good ole fashioned Rumspringa! TLC touts the show Breaking Amish as a group of young Amish leaving the community for the first time. But some impressive sleuths have helped made headlines after digging up some interesting information on the cast. In particular, cast member Kate (no relation to our Kate)

is reported by those who have seen her to drive a car, dress non-Amish, and work in a Ruby Tuesdays in Lebanon, PA.  She was also shopping around modeling photos on a web site more than two years ago.

Other reports say that Rebecca and Abe, portrayed as strangers who just met, have a child together, and  Jeremiah has been living outside of the Amish community for as many as 14 years, and is divorced with three kids. Oops, TLC! Time to bring out the damage control team hibernating since Kate Plus 8 was canceled! 

Pass the Swiffer!
Most of the commenters here who watched the show posted that they didn't really like it. Maybe you all unconsciously sensed something unauthentic about it.

The same day all this is hitting the fan, good ole Eileen O'Neill, president of Discovery, gave another disingenuous interview in which she acts like, who me, what, people are upset about Honey Boo Boo? Oh well that's their opinion! Eileen goes on to claim she would never let her reality t.v. subjects be uncomfortable (which is why I guess she sued the pants off Jon when he left the show?) and that she is very proud of "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo." No really, she used the word "proud."

Of this:

1193 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Formerly Duped said...

Blowing: I agree the twins could find plenty of things of interest at ToysR Us (like those journals & gels!) but Kate let on that Cara chose this free Lego set .( She shouldn't have shared what they bought at all. ) I think that is what some of us don't believe- Kate always has an ulterior motive.

lol what I can't believe is that Kate would darken the doors of Toys R Us after the infamous Hellooooo/Jon scene in the early days!

Have we seen this ( and two others) on her Twitterpics? it appears to be a pair of the tups in each, holding photo cards? Whose messy room is that- there's a bottle of wine on the bureau lol.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

NJGal and butterfly, sad to say I am one of those people who always pays with checks. Neither the hubs or I have a debit card. He prefers cash, I prefer checks so I can keep a better handle on my finances.

However, I always have my check made out before I get into the check-out line so I only have to fill in the dollar amount! Lol!!

FYI said...

The new season of DWTS starts on Monday. I wonder if Kate will be twittering her support to Pam Anderson?

I just saw on the DWTS website, that they will be having a live web series called After Party: Dancing with the Stars. It will air at 10pm ET Mondays after the show ends. It will be hosted by Marc Istook and Joanna Krupa, with Kyle Massey showing behind the scenes and insider segments. They'll also have special guests each week.

You can read about the After Party show here:

and also on ABC's website:

I wonder if they will be asking Kate to appear?

Choleric Kreider said...

Formerly-you think those were cards from a fan? Probably held those Toys R Us gift cards hence the shopping trip.

TLC stinks said...

I hope Robert can enlighten us about the good bra, ha ha. ~ Administrator said...

Not to mention where is the accounting if it's going to college. You're just handing them a 20. Kate could have taken that cash to the nail spa the next day. There's no accountability like there would be for a real charity. It was not on the up and up, which is wrong in itself.

TLC stinks said...

So they used gift cards at Toys R Us ?

Are there Lego sets that would interest a twelve year old girl? What did Mady get?

aggiemom09121416 said...

Who hangs a basket on their bedroom door? She's bizarre.
(and liking that blue storage tub outside her bedroom door.ah....the queen of organization!)
She's so stupid...she tries to show how happy happy happy her kids are, and she doesn't realize the hilarity is in the background (bottle of wine, messy dresser top, basket on door and blue storage bin.)

Dwindle, how's the back today? better I hope!

Choleric Kreider said...

Or maybe the cards just held $20's. ;-)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Cara= free Lego set (3rd free deal) Mady=cupcake bead set Thx again2ppl in line who waited patiently 4us!:) Each child paying took forever!

What is a cupcake bead set?

Formerly Duped said...

Don't know what the cards are! Maybe fans sent - but she said they used their own $ for Toys R Us- I just can't find a corresponding tweet about these pics...I guess that's Kate's room- must awful for the 'helper' to dust that crap-laden dresser!

The kids look pretty cute but should not be on Twitter. Thought they'd be holding up Lego sets instead!

aggiemom09121416 said...

I have kids a yr older than Kate's, and they out-grew ToysrUS years ago. Maybe the lego purchaser is making an escape ladder to hang out her bedroom window???

NJGal51 said...

Coat you??? COST you!

Tweet-le De - I didn't see your earlier post but Milo is and will do anything to put Kate in a better light and cover up Kate's constant lies. Here's a thought, maybe Milo is actually Kate's press secretary!

Sorry Milo, but part of the job of a public relations rep is to get the client's name out there and that's called being a publicist. Nice try though. Keep up the good work!

Tucker's Mom said...

That bottle of wine is from their vacation at the beach, I believe. A sentimental notion from Kate?
Odd ;-)

Layla said...

She's still tweeting hints about something coming up. First it was "exciting things coming", then last night it was "planning ahead for busy times". She's so excited about something, she's about to burst, but she wants to play her game and drop hints to get everyone stirred up into a frenzy.

About the 529 tuition fund--if they had people putting money into that, then it would be put away for the kids. Kate wanted the money for herself, not the kids. The kids were just an excuse to get extra cash for herself.

Poor Milo. She doesn't realize that the paps don't care about Kate. Kate could strip naked and dance in the rain on the only sliver of lawn visible from the road, and nobody would show up. ~ Administrator said...

Open bottle of wine in the background, hysterical. Gee Kate it's early!

Formerly Duped said...

Latest twwet: 'So over r post church lunch,I've discovered my kids call ea other 'Auntie Cara,Uncle Mady' &I'm 'grandma mommy'..the LOLs r priceless! '

That's actually sad, not priceless LOLs. They don't have relatives around so 'invent' their own.

aggie: That was a priceless LOL!

Anonymous said...

LoveMyGrandsons- Thank you!! That isn't so bad then. Debit cards can track your finances just like checks, you can keep the same running book- but I am sure you know that :)

When I said 12 year olds would have no interest in Toys R Us- what I meant was no interest in goodness people, are you all linguists in here? LOL!! So literal!! Ok, I hope I have set the record straight. And of course that is a generalization that does not apply to all 12 year olds- so dont even go there (I think one of my brothers was still playing with toys at 12).

TLC stinks, I was thinking the same thing- are there any lego sets that would interest a 12 yr. old girl? And don't lego get put into a common use area? How do you keep everyone's sets separate? That I would like to know- I guess buy them in different colors?

FYI said...

Formerly Duped said... 1

Interesting that she hasn't yet tweeted those pictures.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Looks like there's a bottle of wine on the dresser with a cork shoved in like it's been opened. That is her bedroom?? LOLOL

Canuck said...

I'm curious. Do any of the posters here attend the same church as Kate, and was she actually there this morning as she claims? If I didn't believe a word she said (or Tweeted) before Hoffman started leaking tidbits of evidence, I'm really having a hard time now. I'd love to know if she actually attends church every week, except when the kids "beg" her for a sleep-in.

Tucker's Mom said...

So over r post church lunch,I've discovered my kids call ea other 'Auntie Cara,Uncle Mady' &I'm 'grandma mommy'..the LOLs r priceless! 7 minutes ago
OK, I can't be the only one who sees the irony here. If Kate doesn't get that those kids are aching for aunts, uncles and grandparents, she's an idiot.

Tamara said...

Although Jon is no innocent in the whole scam, when he said he wanted filming to end, the divide began, with the kids not having a single say in this whole matter
The kids NEVER had a say of any kind in whether they would work or not, before or after Jon "left".

Anonymous said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 12
I have kids a yr older than Kate's, and they out-grew ToysrUS years ago. Maybe the lego purchaser is making an escape ladder to hang out her bedroom window???
I knew I wasn't crazy! My kid and I were done w/ Toys R Us at about 10 or 11. By 12 - no way- that was jr high LOL.

aggiemom09121416 said...

butterfly said
TLC stinks, I was thinking the same thing- are there any lego sets that would interest a 12 yr. old girl? And don't lego get put into a common use area? How do you keep everyone's sets separate? That I would like to know- I guess buy them in different colors?
tsk tsk..butterfly!!! how do you keep everyone's sets separate? silly girl! (psst...think 'label maker')

I think it's good for kids to earn money, spend it sometimes, save some too. But with THESE kids, damn Kate, why can't you crack out your own freakin wallet?

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 16
Open bottle of wine in the background, hysterical. Gee Kate it's early!
To be fair, that's the bottle she tweeted while on vacation, not to say she doesn't tip it in the bedroom, but that things empty.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom said... 22
So over r post church lunch,I've discovered my kids call ea other 'Auntie Cara,Uncle Mady' &I'm 'grandma mommy'..the LOLs r priceless! 7 minutes ago
OK, I can't be the only one who sees the irony here. If Kate doesn't get that those kids are aching for aunts, uncles and grandparents, she's an idiot.

FYI said...

"So over r post church lunch"

So she mentions church. However, she didn't say they went, just that lunch was "post" church. All it means is that church services were over by the time they had lunch, as would usually be the case on any given Sunday.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

The store has much more than toys. It has musical instruments, videos, computer games, electronics, sports equipment, adult puzzles and building sets...much, much more than Dancing Elmos. I don't find it difficult at all to believe that the twins wouldn't be interested in anything that the store sells.


Yes! My nephew, captain of the high school football team who still loves the Lego sets, goes to Toys R Us to check out the video games and building sets (very complicated Star Wars figures). He also purchased some electronics there for some sort of sound equipment he has in his car. Don't ask me what -- I'm not into that kind of stuff. But, the store is not just for little kids.

readerlady said...

Tucker's Mom 152 said "It's unreal free speech/press could be shut down by Kate."

The Constitution guarantees freedom from Government interference with speech and the press. It doesn't guarantee no interference from individuals, corporations, businesses, etc. It wasn't a government agency that shut down Dana Hoffman's blog. It was the Reading Eagle, either because they bought into KKs argument that D.Hoffman's blogs were taking food out of her children's mouths or because they feared a nasty and prolonged fight from KK. Either way, they caved. Unfortunate, but true. Now they have egg on their corporate faces, because every word that D.Hoffman wrote is or has been proven to be the truth.

aggiemom09121416 said...
First, are they organic? and two, like looking at those lovely feet. not.
why does she think this is picture-worthy?
(and her bread pics, no way did she slice that bread herself.)

NJGal51 said...

And we always thought Kate was drinking boxed wine in the privacy of her room at night! I drink wine but don't have a bottle of open bottle of it sitting on my dresser.

The basket on the door is so that the kids can communicate with Kate. Need something signed for school? Put it in the basket and I'll get around to it. I wonder if the Hellers have to look in the basket for their daily instructions on what needs to be done that day.

Thank you Kate! You've finally let all those inquiring sheeple minds know which tup got braces...

Blowing In The Wind said...

Tweet-le De - I didn't see your earlier post but Milo is and will do anything to put Kate in a better light and cover up Kate's constant lies. Here's a thought, maybe Milo is actually Kate's press secretary!


Well, Milo is something, and it amazes me that her cover hasn't yet been blown. Others have been "outed," but Milo's identity still remains a mystery. Too funny!

Localyocul said...

At that age my daughter would get DS games and a little later, Sims. Legos and bead sets were more 3-4th grade for her.

aggiemom09121416 said...

I have almost as many kids as Kate, and never have I needed a basket on my door for the kids. Just shows you how much time she doesn't spend with them in the evenings, cuz the only paperwork the kids would have is school papers, and that should be done after school or dinner.

The only people I've ever seen with a basket on their door are doctors. kate's a freak.

All This Is That said...

Butterfly said, "I knew I wasn't crazy! My kid and I were done w/ Toys R Us at about 10 or 11. By 12 - no way- that was jr high LOL."


Well, I guess I AM crazy, because mine still look at the newspaper circular and they are young teens! They saw some video games (buy two, get one free) and are trying to figure out who pays for what and who gets the free one! I'll let them work that one out themselves.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Kate needs a basket on the door because she's gone so much, especially when she traveled with Steve non stop.

FYI said...

I wonder if Kate privately tweeted(DM'd) those pictures to someone to thank them for a gift to the kids. Someone like Deanna, Milo or someone else she follows. Those aren't pictures that Kate would normally tweet to her fans. She has never tweeted pictures of her bedroom(except a closeup of her coffee station)-plus, one of the pictures definitely confirms which child has braces. I think perhaps she meant for those to be private, and thinks if she doesn't openly tweet them, nobobdy else will see them.

No Name said...

butterfly said... 27
Tucker's Mom said... 22
So over r post church lunch,I've discovered my kids call ea other 'Auntie Cara,Uncle Mady' &I'm 'grandma mommy'..the LOLs r priceless! 7 minutes ago
OK, I can't be the only one who sees the irony here. If Kate doesn't get that those kids are aching for aunts, uncles and grandparents, she's an idiot.

But don't they have Jon's mother and brothers? Are you implying that Jon does not let his family see the kids? If they are with Jon 50% or more I would assume they see them all the time.

readerlady said...

Okay, it's been a very long time since I was an almost 12 year old girl, and I don't have daughters or granddaughters, but I don't know ANY almost 12 year old girl who would choose a Lego set. At that age, most of them would go for make-up or manicure sets, DVDs, CDs, books, athletic girls like Cara, maybe sports equipment. Not Lego. Mothers with daughters or granddaughters? What say you?

Wowser said...

I truly believe that there is something very UGLY inside Kate. How does a mother sit on the floor with 8 little kids and specifically, DIRECTLY, and purposely have a conversation with them explaining what a renewal ceremony is and tells them that she will always love their daddy and they will be together forever KNOWING IT'S A BLATANT LIE!?!?!? That's a whole different level of inhuman! I also think that very relevant evil , ugly side was exposed to alotof people and she was able to use it to her advantage. I think people were afraid of her and what she was capable of doing to them personally or professionally that kept them from confronting or exposing her.

Dwindle said...

""So why didn’t Kate do any of the planning or scheduling of the wedding herself? After all, according to her, she’s an organized, scheduling mastermind. She loves to plan and schedule.

This ceremony was organized by Kate’s manager, along with Jen Stocks from the filming crew. Kate was merely cc’d on emails and sent a schedule and itinerary to follow. She of course, had the option of making changes, but she did nothing to plan or organize the event in any way.

For an admitted organizer and control freak, this is extremely telling behavior.

She just didn’t care enough to get involved. It was nothing more than another episode of the show and Kate Gosselin couldn’t be bothered.""

We knew this for sure when the reports leaked out about her tantrums in Alaska. She pitched a fit about how her picnic cooler was packed? Why didnt she pack it herself, Miss Organized, Masterminder, HandsOnMomOfTheYear, I Do Everything All All All Aloneish?? She was mad because snacks had been packed (cubes of cheese, grapes and crackers) and the Palins had real food.

All This Is That said...

Someone tweeted,
@Kateplusmy8 Why do you deny them access to their real-life relatives, Kate? When will you allow them access to peers?


I just don't get comments like that. Jon has relatives, Doesn't he have the right to let the kids visit them? Admin? Doesn't he have the right to let the kids be in contact with Kate's siblings? It would seem that it's not entirely up to her, is it? Access to peers? They are in school ALL DAY and at school functions with their classmates. Some of the kids are involved in sports at school (as per Kate). They are constantly interacting with their peers.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 8

Who hangs a basket on their bedroom door? She's bizarre.
(and liking that blue storage tub outside her bedroom door.ah....the queen of organization!)
She's so stupid...she tries to show how happy happy happy her kids are, and she doesn't realize the hilarity is in the background (bottle of wine, messy dresser top, basket on door and blue storage bin.)

Geeze, I'm confused. Where did that picture come from? Did I miss some comments on this thread or has early dementia just hit me like a ton of bricks?

When was it taken? If it wasn't tweeted by Kate how are we seeing it. Sorry if I've missed something.

All This Is That said...

I truly believe that there is something very UGLY inside Kate. How does a mother sit on the floor with 8 little kids and specifically, DIRECTLY, and purposely have a conversation with them explaining what a renewal ceremony is and tells them that she will always love their daddy and they will be together forever KNOWING IT'S A BLATANT LIE!?!?!?


Money. Dollar signs. Everything she does, she does for the kids...remember? She probably justified it by thinking that this is going to bring in big bucks, and she has to keep the cash flow going.
Morals and ethics came second.

aggiemom09121416 said...

click on it again, says she posted it yesterday. there are pics of the other kids as well.

FYI said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 44

Kate uses the site which is a photo sharing service. There are now 134 pictures on her page. She doesn't have to tweet them in order to store them there. When she does tweet a picture, she just tweets the link to that picture. Obviously, she uploaded these pictures to that site, but hasn't tweeted them publicly. As I said before, I think she DM'd the link to someone.

Tucker's Mom said...

The kids have changed so much, especially one of the boys. If Kate stops posting photos of them, there's a chance in hell that they won't be recognized.
Not gonna happen, I know...

Silimom said...

Readerlady - I have 5 kids, 3 daughters and they all LOVED Legos. Still do. So no, I don't think it's odd at all that Cara would play with Legos.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate is a twit said... 47
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 44

Kate uses the site which is a photo sharing service. There are now 134 pictures on her page. She doesn't have to tweet them in order to store them there. When she does tweet a picture, she just tweets the link to that picture. Obviously, she uploaded these pictures to that site, but hasn't tweeted them publicly. As I said before, I think she DM'd the link to someone.

Thanks! I just now saw your earlier comment explaining it. I missed it before or it disappeared and reappeared.

Thanks makes sense.

Tamara said...

Didn't Cara do a bday lego thing for the ignored, Lost Boys? Maybe she's into it because they are and she's trying to find a place, any place, where she's accepted, wanted and liked.

Sherry Baby said...

Readerlady - I have 5 kids, 3 daughters and they all LOVED Legos. Still do. So no, I don't think it's odd at all that Cara would play with Legos.


I don't either. I've seen some of those sets and they are rather complicated to get together. They are not just for kids. My son put together the super large Statue of Liberty set when it didn't cost an arm and a leg. 3,000 pieces and a graphic guide for instructions. Once he got it together, it was so big we didn't know where to put it! Little kids could never do it. It was challenging for adults.

AussieGoldenLuv said...

Not a sheeple, but I totally would've gone for Legos. I'm just not girly. :-)

AuntieAnn said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 18
I probably didn't word this properly and I'm sorry for that. The kids went through enough and I am not suggesting they should have been subjected to more. I am merely confirming something that we all knew already. Eileen O'Neill doesn't care about compassion, honesty, or anything else humane with her shows. She only cares about ratings that result in the bottom line.
Grandsons - You worded it just fine. You are so right. Eileen and her suits at The Liar's Club (TLC) didn't give a flying fig what they did to that family. They were making millions off them. From the get-go they knew full well Jon and Kate were green as grass about the inside workings of a huge production company and so they took full advantage of them.

We talk about karma all the time here so I know it's going to come around to bite O'Neill in the butt someday too but in the meantime she continues to ruin people's lives.

She played a huge part in breaking that family up whether she admits it or not. The worst thing about it is they dragged innocent kids into their web of deception and she sits in her office and talks about how lily-white virtuous she is about the whole thing.

This is what Jon had to say about about "the No. 1 nonfiction company in the world" when he was interviewed by Larry King:

J. GOSSELIN: I don't get along to the people at TLC.

KING: You didn't all along?

J. GOSSELIN: Not all along. Since January, I started getting calls from the executives, which is so rare. You really don't really hear from them.

KING: And what were they saying?

J. GOSSELIN: Basically, that I'm in breach of contract and, you know, I can't go out. They put me on house arrest. They gave me a bodyguard for three weeks.

KING: House arrest?

J. GOSSELIN: Yes. It's house arrest. They give you -- I had 24-7 bodyguards. ~ Administrator said...

They also make Lego sets for girls that are pink and other girlie colors. I was a Lego girl but I can't say for sure when I outgrew it. But I had the pirate ship and it was way too complicated for a little kid. I was def at least 10 or 11. They gradually have catered to older kids as the company has grown.

Barb Gilman said...

OH my stars and garters! They went to church! But how sad that the younger children refer to their older siblings as aunt and uncle. Could it be because they do so much of the raising rather than Grandma Mommy?

White Organza said...

I have a son and I'm not a grandmother yet (sigh...) but my job as a writer specializing in adolescence got me to read a lot on that subject... Usually, children loose their ability to "play" between the age of 12 and 13. Before that, you can send them outside with no more than the vague instruction to go out and "play" and they will find something to do. Around 12, they need a more organized "context" for their fun: they prefer to have game rules, or a precise purpose to the activity (as in sports where you're playing to win or praticing to attain a level of competence. Around 12, toys that are "just" toys are more or less abandonned. Cara could be on her last months holding on to her childhood (We do see that: a certain nostalgia of simpler times...) or she could just be a Lego enthusiast, Lego being much more than just a toy. My nephew is a very sought after architect and I'm positive his love of Lego has something to do with that. :)

FYI said...

I never knew about Legos until after my first grandchild was born. He started doing Legos when he was about 4. I used to help him, and I ended up loving them. Last Christmas, my daughter and SIL gave me a kit all my own! I love doing Legos.

Tucker's Mom said...

J. GOSSELIN: Yes. It's house arrest. They give you -- I had 24-7 bodyguards.
Yes, Ms. O'Neil, you are so kind and loving to your talent.
I bet she just shit when Jon ditched his gooberwear for Ed Hardy douchewear, smoked, drank and shot off his gun!
It must have given Jon some measure of satisfaction to keep flipping TLC the bird by damaging the brand they so carefully crafted, packaged and sold to the masses.

NJGal51 said...

My son never really played with Legos. He once got some for free in a Happy Meal and we were constantly stepping on the pieces in bare feet (OUCH). We finally told him that if he didn't pick them up we were going to super glue them together. He didn't and we did (he still has the truck we built LOL). He also got som day glo pink Play Dough in a happy meal....that was taken away after he decided to make a baseball and pitch it at an area above the stairs that we couldn't reach to clean...that day glo pink stain was there until the day we moved out of those quarters...he lost Play Dough privileges also. He didn't seem to mind. He had more fun lining up his action figures and using them for target practice (kid safe toy guns with foam bullets thank you). My son was never one to sit around and do puzzles or play board games or Legos. He was always on the go and usually outside.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

readerlady, when my daughter was 12, she would have never chose legos. She was already into musi cd's, computer games, etc. Heck, way before 12 she got rid of all of her Barbie dolls and the vast amount of accessories she had for them (car, horse and trailer, townhouse, etc.).

TLC stinks said...

Bawaaaa. She tweeted about " post church" lunch. I just knew she would tweet something today about church.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Random question. If Kate was able to take all 8 kids to the toy store and not cause a public panic why can't she take them to the movies?

Mel said...

So you "discovered" that your kids call each other pet names?
Um....wouldn' t a normal parent have just overheard that in the course of the day? You know, like when they're playing and you're cooking or cleaning? Or you're all together in the car?
Or maybe you didn't hear it cuz they're only allowed to play in the basement? Or because you spend all of your time in your wing of the house, away from them?
Or maybe they're pretty careful not to let you hear things?

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Yes, Auntie Ann, Eileen O'Neill took big advantage of the Gosselins. Her and TLC threw some money and material things at a family with a lot of financial struggles and turned their head with all of it. Whan Jon started to see the light, greedy Kate would have none of the show stopping and simple stopped the marriage.

And Ms. O'Neill is still on her quest to ruin people and families for the sake of ratings. When I stopped watching J&K Plus 8, I also stopped watching TLC altogether. That channel has not been on in our home for years.

Tucker's Mom said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 61
readerlady, when my daughter was 12, she would have never chose legos. She was already into musi cd's, computer games, etc. Heck, way before 12 she got rid of all of her Barbie dolls and the vast amount of accessories she had for them (car, horse and trailer, townhouse, etc.).
Sounds like me. I was never really into dolls but had a few barbies and accessories because my girlfriends always wanted to play.
By 12, I was into Peter Frampton and the Doobie Bros, and way away from dolls.

Choleric Kreider said...

New entry. No words needed.

White Organza said...

"Random question. If Kate was able to take all 8 kids to the toy store and not cause a public panic why can't she take them to the movies?"

Damn good question, Tweet! I think the answer to that would probably be "because the Gosselin Book wasn't about to be release when she tweeted that dumb "we would cause a stamped" excuse...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Choleric Kreider said... 67
New entry. No words needed.

On my! LOL

Tamara said...

Whine, Jon, whine. How do you think your kids felt on their REAL house arrest?

Dmasy said...

Last week in Barnes and Noble, I saw an series of Lego kits that were famous world-wide buildings...architectural series (?). They were in the adult section of the booksstore. I considered buying one for my very adult son who loved every Lego kit available 30 years ago. Memories...

Anonymous said...

Two pictures worth a thousand words.


chefsummer #Leh said...

Look how Kate's boobs have grown magically due to a good bra.-(snark)

Dmasy said...

Someone upthread asked if Robert was going to address the magic bra.

I think he just did!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Choleric Kreider, wow! You can really see the difference in the boobs with those 2 photos! No surgery, Kate? Yeah, right.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Robert is going to blow the lid off of BoobieGate! No way he's posting those photos without planning on addressing it.
From what I've gathered, Kate traveled to CA to get the surgery done sometime before she and Jon split.
What I don't understand is why Jon has never been asked about it, or has he?

Dmasy said...

I am not expert, but I think maybe her nose and chin have also been subjected to something "magic".

The renewal wedding dress was lovely.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Whine, Jon, whine. How do you think your kids felt on their REAL house arrest?


When have the kids been on real house arrest? They have traveled when doing Kate Plus 8, they go to school, interact with their peers, have birthday parties, go to church (well, sometimes). I wouldn't consider an RV trip out west to be "house arrest," although I'm sure Kate was a real pain in the neck on that trip. I wouldn't consider a beach trip to Alabama being under house arrest.

They don't have, nor did they have, a bodyguard at their house watching them 24/7, never letting them out of their sight. That is real house arrest.

Formerly Duped said...

I think if Kate were super organized and thrifty she would have bought some Xmas gifts with that sale going on...or encouraged the kids to buy something for themselves and something for someone for Xmas. I just think $90 is to much to spend on yourself at age 8, especially as the holidays will be upon us before you know for Cara and the Lego, possible she likes it but more possible Kate made her buy it(free) and also something else for herself , just so she could Tweet about all the Lego to the world.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Dmasy said... 74
Someone upthread asked if Robert was going to address the magic bra.

I think he just did!

I think Robert is saying "Hi" to us. Hi, Robert. Keep up the good work. Is this anything like death by a thousand cuts or more like the drip, drip, drip of water torture?

Choleric Kreider said...

So many compare and contrast photos.

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 73

Look how Kate's boobs have grown magically due to a good bra.-(snark)

Holy Christopher! Those girls could get a show of their own.

Kate looks plastered in the second pic.

Tucker's Mom said...

What I don't get about the "house arrest" bodyguard 24/7 thing is how does one prevent Jon from going somewhere? Physically restrain him? Isn't that illegal?
Something about it just doesn't smell right.

Anonymous said...

The latest RH Book blogspot entry is awesome. Just come out with it Kate- it's nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Cosmetic surgery is sooo common these days! It so silly to lie about it. Still.

Moose Mania said...

Oh, my gosh. Those things are massive. They could feed more than sextuplets at a single outing. I don't recall seeing that photo of her before in that black and white ensemble.
Robert - you are too funny!
I'd pay big bucks to find out the name of that good bra manufacturer.

Heide said...

Do the sheeple believe that Kate didn't have breast implants?

Wowser said...

Lol...good bra indeed! I think I am falling in love with Robert!!! Lol

Anonymous said...

She really looked so much better before all the surgery.


Anonymous said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 78
Whine, Jon, whine. How do you think your kids felt on their REAL house arrest?


When have the kids been on real house arrest? They have traveled when doing Kate Plus 8, they go to school, interact with their peers, have birthday parties, go to church (well, sometimes). I wouldn't consider an RV trip out west to be "house arrest," although I'm sure Kate was a real pain in the neck on that trip. I wouldn't consider a beach trip to Alabama being under house arrest.

They don't have, nor did they have, a bodyguard at their house watching them 24/7, never letting them out of their sight. That is real house arrest.
Real house arrest is having a little electronic monitoring device strapped to you ankle that alerts your PO if you leave the vicinity of your home. House arrest is alternate form of confinement ordered by authorities.

Midnight Madness said...

It depends upon the form of house arrest. In many cases, the person is entitled to leave the house to go to work, but they are monitored. In other cases, they are confined to their home and are able to live "normally" there, having access to everything within the home. Still other house arrests warrants dictate that in order to leave the house for anything, they are accompanied by law enforcement, bodyguards, etc., who monitor their whereabouts. In extreme cases, the house is guarded, not permitting anyone to enter.

It's entirely possible that since there was breach of contract involved here, a court order was obtained for house arrest.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Heide said... 86
Do the sheeple believe that Kate didn't have breast implants?

They believe anything that Kate tells them to believe.

Moose Mania said...

Lol...good bra indeed! I think I am falling in love with Robert!!! Lol


Move over, Wowser. I saw him first! :+)

Anonymous said...

Midnight Madness,
In what instances are the houses guarded and no one is permitted to enter? Inquiring minds want to know :)
What about the other people who live in the house?

I know in other countries (china, iran) they guard the houses of political dissidents but we don't do that here in the states. (that case in china was actually quite fascinating- I think the govt even imprisoned that guy's family in order to prevent him from trying to leave the country).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Tucker's Mom said... 83
What I don't get about the "house arrest" bodyguard 24/7 thing is how does one prevent Jon from going somewhere? Physically restrain him? Isn't that illegal?
Something about it just doesn't smell right.

I took that as more like an analogy, as in he felt he was under house arrest having a bodyguard 24/7.

What a horrible extreme for TLC to go to. If TLC was that determined maybe Jon should feel lucky they didn't feed him to the fishes.

Dmasy said...

Possible...she is channeling Marilyn Monroe in the second photo?

FYI said...

She wore that dress when she appeared on Jimmy Kimmel and exclaimed that she was going to win DWTS. Here's a link to pictures-unfortunately, the video is no longer available.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 83

What I don't get about the "house arrest" bodyguard 24/7 thing is how does one prevent Jon from going somewhere? Physically restrain him? Isn't that illegal?


You would think so. Was he just using 'house arrest' figuratively the same way as one would say 'my hands were tied?

That interview was taped right before they were divorced I believe. Full transcript is here:

Formerly Duped said...

I guess Kate could claim 'Photoshop!" re: good bra, who knows. It's too late now to admit it without looking silly.

If Kate didn't tweet about those pics they must be from persistent fans who gave the photocards to each with money or a giftcard and Kate begrudgingly posted photos for the fan who maybe asked her to confirm the kids got them. Doesn't want to admit they receive such gifts and it adds nothing to her own agenda. My theory!

Mel said...

In the first picture the nose has a bulbous tip and the nose tips up at the bottom, with fleshy nostrils.
On the second picture we have a lovely straight aquiline nose, with small nostrils.

Formerly Duped said...

I mean 'for persistent fans'

readerlady said...

Guess I'm remembering the Lego set I had when I was little. It was all red bricks and couldn't be used for much besides building houses. I was never a big toy kid, anyway. Other than baby dolls when I was little, my "toys" of choice were usually books. I was an early and enthusiastic bookworm and taught myself to read when I was about 3. I'll have to check out the Lego section at Meier the next time I'm there. These days, when I buy for kids, it's usually books, bead sets and Barbies for little girls, or Tonka trucks and Matchbox cars and books for boys. Thanks for the answers everyone.

Re "if anyone wants to quit, we'll stop filming". Not only was Jon not happy with the filming, but Mady and, often, Cara, objected too, but they were ignored or punished. I've always thought a good bit of Mady's acting out on camera was because she knew she'd be banished and wouldn't have to film.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

chefsummer said... 91
Heide said... 86
Do the sheeple believe that Kate didn't have breast implants?

They believe anything that Kate tells them to believe.

True, and the usual fan comment is to blame anyone who comments asking why they're so obsessed w/Kate's bazooooooms.

Moose Mania said...

You know what, though? Even with that weird haircut in the wedding vow photos, it still looked so much better than that fried scarecrow she has on her head right now. The color back then was so attractive, with those caramel highlights. The person who told her to go Barbie-doll platinum should be taken out and hung up to dry.

Localyocul said...

Yes, her nose! That's why she looks so different (plus a chin implant!) She used to have a cute little upturn which made her, I thought, look like the girl next door. That's exactly what it is. Plus the boobs. Plus the hair. Plus the teeth

Bearswife said...

Dwindle says...
ncgirl said... 97 
Hoffman has a new post up on Kate's "friends". 


"If Kate wanted to protect her children from the single paparazzo and me, she wouldn’t have had the eggs placed in the only part of her property that we have a crystal-clear view of. She would have had the eggs placed only on the right side of the house, behind the house, or better yet, in the HUGE horse paddock behind the house where nobody could ever see." Robert Hoffman

Badda bing badda boom!

Exactly what we have been saying! Oh thank you JESUS we are not crazy! 

Read the whole post! she makes this crap up, pulls 2 women off the street, wont hardly give them they time of day, practically has to pay them money each to stand still so her gigilo can snap a pic, sits with them for 20 mintues for a leaf of lettuce and four glasses of wine, and calls the her "Friends". Then spends 36 hours tweeting non stop about her new besties! (Who she will never ever ever see again coz they hate her).

PUKE PUKE PUKE! But RH gets it, oh thank god in heaven.

We are not alone!

First of all I am trying to catch up, having been at our cabin for the past few days and only having spotty cell service with which to do it! 

Am I the only one that feels like they are in some bizarro mystery where finally all the pieces are falling into place? 

You know what I really want to see proven? That she really didn't run the full marathon in Vegas. Out of all the lies she's told that one really bugs me, more than the good bra or the all-my-own hair, it's the marathon that bugs me. 

An article worth reading about Honey Boo Boo, mentions J&K negatively, is

Happy weekend! I am reading when I can. But it has taken me two days to post

All This Is That said...

I remember Kate saying that she got a good bra, but when asked (in the same interview?) did she say that the ONLY surgery she had was the tummy-tuck/lipo?
I don't recall exactly the content of that discussion.

Linda said...

Along with a basket on the bedroom door, the door has a deadbolt lock. Who puts a deadbolt lock on their bedroom door?????

TLC stinks said...

Gang, it was me who asked Robert about the "good bra". Thank you, Robert. And you guys are right about the nose too. And the chin implant is clear to me also. I wonder if any of the church donations went for her plastic surgery? NOW THAT IS A HUMDINGER OF A SCANDAL. She just had to LIE about plastic surgery. Well, pictures don't lie but some proof would be nice too because the sheeple will not be convinced.

Hey, I cannot find this photo you guys are talking about of her bedroom. I went to her Twitter pics.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate was asked several times in different interviews about a boob job and she always said the same thing, that it was a good bra. I do have a vague memory of her coming out once and denying having a boob job, but as I say it's a vague memory.

Dwindle said...

Dmasy said... 71
Last week in Barnes and Noble, I saw an series of Lego kits that were famous world-wide buildings...architectural series (?). They were in the adult section of the booksstore. I considered buying one for my very adult son who loved every Lego kit available 30 years ago. Memories...

My son was Lego obsessed till about age 16. My daughter liked them too, till about 15, but not as much as my son. All of my son's Lego ended up in a giant rubbermaid container that had it's own corner in the living room. When he would dump them out to start building, our dog at the time (a Springer Spaniel mix) would come over and gingerly lay right down on top of the pile, as if "what are we doin' now, human boy of mine, huh huh huh?" Of course my son would explain his projects to the dog as if he were teaching an engineering class.

A boy and his dog...

Formerly Duped said...

Mel: love your nose description!

Linda: Some of you are so observant! I just focused on the mess on that dresser- I remember her messy closet in the e-town house. I think Kate is a slob at heart.

A deadbolt is weird plus dangerous- what if a fire breaks out?

The basket is for 'paperwork." Grifting letters ready to post.

TLC stinks said...

Linda, Jon said she had put a lock on the door to keep him out, i presume to keep him from her bank accounts. I think she claimed he had hacked into her phone or something like that. Maybe he was trying to get the dirt. I would have gotten a locksmith and busted into that bedroom.

Heide said...

Didn't Kate give a non-denial denial about the boob job? I thought she said something like "Who has time for plastic surgery?"

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 108

Gang, it was me who asked Robert about the "good bra". Thank you, Robert. And you guys are right about the nose too. And the chin implant is clear to me also. I wonder if any of the church donations went for her plastic surgery? NOW THAT IS A HUMDINGER OF A SCANDAL

And those teeth. Oh those teeth! They really do look like donkey teeth, lol.

She looked so much better before she got all that stuff glued on to her body.

What happens when everything starts going to hell?
... her teeth come unglued,the boobs sink below sea level and her over-processed hair falls out? Oh my!

chefsummer #Leh said...

TLC stinks said... 108

You can see the basket hanging on top of the door.

Tucker's Mom said...

I do have a vague memory of her coming out once and denying having a boob job, but as I say it's a vague memory.
Joy Behar asked Kate point blank and Kate denied having a boob job.
The dead bolt on the door? I'd do it too if I have a veritable herd of people living in my home while I traveled hither, tither and yon. I also read that Kate bolted Jon out of the master bedroom a long, long time ago.

No Name said...

Linda said... 107
Along with a basket on the bedroom door, the door has a deadbolt lock. Who puts a deadbolt lock on their bedroom door?????

I think Kate had the deadbolt installed when she and Jon where switching out staying at the house when separated. I remember reading Hailey or Stephanie saying that Jon was breaking into Kate's computer. I find that hard to believe, I mean, what would he do with all the pictures and documents he would find on her computer.

Dmasy said...

Dwindle, 110 -- takes a dog with thick hide to plunk onto a Lego pile!

Our dogs at the time would raid the stash on the floor, steal one of the (rare) spiky green trees and chew the edges. Son used to rant and rave that they only chose exotic pieces to maul.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Maybe her ego being so big it filled her boobs to DD size.

All This Is That said...

True, and the usual fan comment is to blame anyone who comments asking why they're so obsessed w/Kate's bazooooooms.


...totally ignoring the lie part of it. If she had just come clean about it (and it's not a sin to have implants), the whole issue would have died out by now. So, she had enlargements. So what? Sheeple are too stupid to understand that it's not about her giant bazooooms, but about her lying. Kate always tells the truth. Always.

I think, though, that if they did acknowledge that she fibbed about the bosoms, it might make her fans look at other things she could have lied about. That would cause massive internal explosions within the sheeple world.

Dwindle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 109
Kate was asked several times in different interviews about a boob job and she always said the same thing, that it was a good bra. I do have a vague memory of her coming out once and denying having a boob job, but as I say it's a vague memory.

I think I saw of clip of it. It was Joy Behar and it was on The View I THINK, and she kept asking if Kate had implants and Kate kept deflecting and laughing about 'the good bra' and finally just as the conversation was changing, Joy says "You never gave me a straight answer, did you have surgery?" and Kate replies "Yes I did answer you, I said NO."

Luke's Mom said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 109
Kate was asked several times in different interviews about a boob job and she always said the same thing, that it was a good bra. I do have a vague memory of her coming out once and denying having a boob job, but as I say it's a vague memory.
Kate was interviewed in LV before/after she (supposedly) ran the marathon. It was at the same platform that pictures were taken of her with the showgirls outside in a media area.

The interviewer (woman) specifically asked about plastic surgery and then asked a follow-up question after Kate said she had the tummy tuck. Kate said very specifically that No she did not have ANY other plastic surgery when the interviewer asked her again about having any additional surgery beyond the tummy tuck. The interviewer had a look a of "yeah right" to Kate's answer.

I have tried to find that video but not having luck. I will tell you that I have a very good memory and this interview does exist. If anyone can find it that would be great.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Mr. Hoffman, if you are reading here -

PLEASE make DTB (i.e., paper) copies of your book available. Thank you.

carezee said...

I know I have mentioned this before. When I first started watching the show it was to watch this young family with lots of children trying to make it. I watched because I came from a family of 13 children and knew what struggling to make ends meet was all about. I am a very naive and trusting person that believes what people tell me. I didn't realize that TLC was paying for pretty much everything or they were grifting the rest. It took me awhile to finally figure this out. It was like a light when on. I just couldn't figure out the trips and all the furniture and beautiful home. (I had stopped watching the show long before the McMansion. ) That is when I stopped watching the show. Between the lies and the way she treated her husband and children I couldn't waste another moment watching that show. I just felt like I had been so mislead and lied to. That is when I started to google them to find out what really was going on and ended up here. I was happy to get validation to my feelings about what was going on. I have not turned on TLC in over 4 years. Apparently they have turned into the most sleaziest channel available. I will not give them one view. The best thing to come out of this mess for me was finding this site and getting to "meet" all you wonderful ladies and gentlemen. I have got to share so many laughs and tears with you all. I love how everyone is there to support the people on here through good times and bad. Admin you should be proud of the wonderful site you have given us. It will be around long after the Gosselin's are gone and forgotten.

AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy said... 118 Our dogs at the time would raid the stash on the floor, steal one of the (rare) spiky green trees and chew the edges. Son used to rant and rave that they only chose exotic pieces to maul.


Little lego helmets for the police and astronauts and firefighters were precious to my sons. For some reason they always seemed to go missing and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth over it.

Moose Mania said...

... her teeth come unglued,the boobs sink below sea level


The boobs already are below sea level. It's going to be more of a challenge to hoist them than it would be trying to raise the Titanic.

Dwindle said...

A basket would be needed, especially if Kate keeps her bedroom door locked AT ALL TIMES to keep housekeepers and children out. So even KATE would be putting stuff in the basket rather than unbolt the door a dozen times a day. So would the housekeepers. I would imagine.

AuntieAnn said...

All This Is That said... 120
...totally ignoring the lie part of it. If she had just come clean about it (and it's not a sin to have implants), the whole issue would have died out by now. So, she had enlargements. So what?
Totally with you. I've always said she should have just said Yes, I have implants what's it to ya? But Noooooo. She is determined to lie about everything even the obvious.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 126

... her teeth come unglued,the boobs sink below sea level


The boobs already are below sea level. It's going to be more of a challenge to hoist them than it would be trying to raise the Titanic.

LMAO!! Paging James Cameron.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Dmasy said... 118
Dwindle, 110 -- takes a dog with thick hide to plunk onto a Lego pile!

Our dogs at the time would raid the stash on the floor, steal one of the (rare) spiky green trees and chew the edges. Son used to rant and rave that they only chose exotic pieces to maul.

Obviously your dogs were not mediocre with mediocre tastes.

TLC stinks said...

The only reason she would still have that lock on the door and that basket is because when she is gone, that bedroom door is locked with a key. Not even the housekeeper or nanny can get in. Paranoid that someone will discover her secrets????

Julianna said...

The only reason she would still have that lock on the door and that basket is because when she is gone, that bedroom door is locked with a key. Not even the housekeeper or nanny can get in. Paranoid that someone will discover her secrets????


I'd do the same thing, regardless if I had secrets. Who knows who or what goes into that house when she's gone.

Tucker's Mom said...

I've got a lock on a door or two in my house. You need to if you bring in cleaners, workers, nannies etc. Not paranoid.
That said, I'd never lock my DH out of our bedroom!

Dwindle said...

carezee said... 124
I know I have mentioned this before. When I first started watching the show it was to watch this young family with lots of children trying to make it. I watched because I came from a family of 13 children and knew what struggling to make ends meet was all about. I am a very naive and trusting person that believes what people tell me. I didn't realize that TLC was paying for pretty much everything or they were grifting the rest. It took me awhile to finally figure this out. It was like a light when on. I just couldn't figure out the trips and all the furniture and beautiful home. (I had stopped watching the show long before the McMansion. ) That is when I stopped watching the show. Between the lies and the way she treated her husband and children I couldn't waste another moment watching that show. I just felt like I had been so mislead and lied to. That is when I started to google them to find out what really was going on and ended up here. I was happy to get validation to my feelings about what was going on. I have not turned on TLC in over 4 years. Apparently they have turned into the most sleaziest channel available. I will not give them one view. The best thing to come out of this mess for me was finding this site and getting to "meet" all you wonderful ladies and gentlemen. I have got to share so many laughs and tears with you all. I love how everyone is there to support the people on here through good times and bad. Admin you should be proud of the wonderful site you have given us. It will be around long after the Gosselin's are gone and forgotten.

My story is very similar. I wanted to see how they managed on a budget and snuggled all those babies at once.


I got disillusioned during the ski trip. Who takes all those toddlers skiing for cryin' out loud when all she did was bitch about even letting them in the snow in the yard? And someone who "just loves us and loves our kids" gifted them that mansion-condo for their stay? Nope, that sure didnt pass the sniff test for me at all. Clearly it was all arranged and paid for by TLC.

I got REALLY mad when Jon was supposedly taking the boys for their first baseball game and they got a loge complete with the owner of the Phillies, Director of Marketing, butlered food and beverage service and the kids couldnt even SEE the game. I was mad because their quest for freebies and attention was robbing the kids of a normal fun childhood.

I started skipping a lot of episodes after that. I remember catching some of the garage sale episode and my heart broke for the family mementos and traditions and memories she wanted to get rid of. Then she kept calling a radio station to complain they werent advertising her garage sale enough: "and this is KATE!!!!!" She had to do this you understand "to raise awareness of our family..." what?...

Then I peeped in to see the first episode of the new house and she was such a bitch, she had changed so much, i didnt even finish watching it. I never watched another episode; I was not one of the 100 billion viewers who tuned in to them snot at each other during a birthday staged-picnic and announce they were divorcing.

That was when I started googling around trying to find out what in the hell the viewing public was thinking by watching this stage production. And I happily found out there were alot more of us than I realized!

Dwindle said...

Tucker's Mom said... 133
I've got a lock on a door or two in my house. You need to if you bring in cleaners, workers, nannies etc. Not paranoid.
That said, I'd never lock my DH out of our bedroom!

Here too. One on my bedroom door and one on my computer room door, which isnt really a computer room anymore but...

When we are gone and have a dog sitter, or folks coming in to tend the dogs i want my personal stuff locked up. And frankly, when my 20 year old son still lived at home, he would have 'the boys' over while we were out of town, including my nephews. Love them all to pieces but the computers and my bedroom got locked up. Surf porn somewhere else fellas.

I would tell a trusted neighbor we were leaving and give her complete permission to call police if she saw even too many cars in the drive. hehe.

carezee said...

Ha ha! The basket on the door contains all her paperwork. Lol

Rhymes with Witch said...

I do have a vague memory of her coming out once and denying having a boob job, but as I say it's a vague memory 109

I remember this also, and her saying that her only surgery was the tummy tuck.

Thanks for the link to the CNN transcript. I had only seen snippets of that.

Moose Mania said...

LMAO!! Paging James Cameron.


You got that right. I just want to see her eating her paper fish at F&O when her teeth come unglued..."What? You mean that wasn't a piece of fish bone I just swallowed?"

NJGal51 said...

I agree with everything carezee said @124. This is a wonderful blog and the people on it (except for the occasional drive by) are great. I'm just glad that no one is "shunning" me for my views on being behind kids and people with checks paying, gluing legos together, etc. Lovemygrandkids - You get a pass because you have the check ready and just have to fill in the total when you get to the register!

secret2 said...

I think Kate had the deadbolt installed when she and Jon where switching out staying at the house when separated. I remember reading Hailey or Stephanie saying that Jon was breaking into Kate's computer. I find that hard to believe, I mean, what would he do with all the pictures and documents he would find on her computer.
Give it to mr hoffman

All This Is That said...

Totally with you. I've always said she should have just said Yes, I have implants what's it to ya? But Noooooo. She is determined to lie about everything even the obvious.


But here's the thing. How stupid does she think the viewing audience is that they couldn't spot this, especially when she flaunted the new girls? I mean...really exposed them? She had to know that there would be before and after photos.

chefsummer #Leh said...

HA the only thing that's real on Kate anymore is her eye color.

Dwindle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 80
Dmasy said... 74
Someone upthread asked if Robert was going to address the magic bra.

I think he just did!

I think Robert is saying "Hi" to us. Hi, Robert. Keep up the good work. Is this anything like death by a thousand cuts or more like the drip, drip, drip of water torture?


Hi Robert!

Thanks for addressing her plastic surgery.

Any info on why she is using a Beverly Hills address? Is she incorporated somehow in CA? And were you able to find out anything her complete lack of interest in a convicted pedophile having film of her naked children?

AND THAT DAMN RED SPOON!!! the thought of her (and Jon) swinging a spoon at those precious babies hurts my heart.

AuntieAnn said...

You got that right. I just want to see her eating her paper fish at F&O when her teeth come unglued..."What? You mean that wasn't a piece of fish bone I just swallowed?"

She'll be gummin' it pretty soon if she doesn't take care of those things or can't afford to dip into the funds to have them maintained.

"I want Tofu! I want Tofu!"

NJGal51 said...

Remember the old Clairol commercial...does she or doesn't she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure. Well that could be said of Kate and her "good bra"...did she or didn't she? Only her plastic surgeon knows for sure (and the rest of the world that isn't blind)!

I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (perfect A thank you very much) and have tried a lot of good bras because of the subtle differences between the real one and the fake one. I would really, really, really like to know what Kate's good bra is becasue I will buy it now!

Dwindle said...

chefsummer said... 142
HA the only thing that's real on Kate anymore is her eye color.

Poor chefsummer. Kate wears contacts so you can bet they are colored.

It's ok, chefsummer. Here, have some rumspringa. :-)

Tucker's Mom said...

Dwindle, I too am hoping that Robert addresses the sex offender and links Kate to him so that her denying knowing him is known to be a crock.
Her lack of concern was appalling.

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 144
You got that right. I just want to see her eating her paper fish at F&O when her teeth come unglued..."What? You mean that wasn't a piece of fish bone I just swallowed?"

She'll be gummin' it pretty soon if she doesn't take care of those things or can't afford to dip into the funds to have them maintained.

"I want Tofu! I want Tofu!"

"I want applesauce! I want applesauce!"
and pureed bananas, pureed lettuce, pureed bella bars...

NJGal51 said...

Yes indeed, hello Robert! I am waiting to download your book onto my Kindle. Just say the word and I'll pre-order. BTY, my new avatar is in your honor since Kate is trying to silence you and block the publication of your book.

My husband just got home so I'm off to do Sunday chores and running around.

NJGal51 said...

One more thing before I go. I finally feel like one of the in crowd! Stephanie is finally on line now to talk to me and she's only 2.8 miles away!

Anonymous said...

Robert Hoffman has put up another post, "Quality Time With The Kids", which confirms what has been discussed here - long ago.


AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle - Surely she's grifted a blender or two?
Which brings up the question...did she make her own organic baby food for her kids from...SCRATCH? Anyone remember her saying she did?

PatK said...

Robert's been busy with his blog updates today! I like it!

Tucker's Mom said...

In Robert's latest post about the circus that was filming, it does validate what we've all known and that is that Kate does NOT do it all alone.
The pap photos of this shoot particularly got to me. What looked like a normal family outing was really a literal production with an army of people buzzing around the kids as they walked down the road to the farm.
The kids never looked happy and relaxed around Kate, but silly happy with Jon.
I think there were kernels of truth to the reports of the kids crying when filming stopped--they lost the people who actually played with them.
Read Werny Gal's account of filming at the corn maze and you'll see that Kate really is aloof and distant from her kids, only interacting with the boy tup who got expelled, for damage control.

AuntieAnn said...

PatK said... 153

Robert's been busy with his blog updates today! I like it!


I'm kind of glad RH is giving us these little snippets gradually. It gives me time to get my blood pressure under control. All at once and I may have a stroke.

Damn, that TLC and Kate did such a number on those kids!

FYI said...

Here's the video of Kate saying she had a "good bra" when she was on the View-she also denied botox, but did say the only surgery she had was the tummy tuck.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gawd, that camera shoved right in the little girl's face is so disturbing. I mean, the kid can't even enjoy the scenery with cameras and big fat heads blocking the sun!

Formerly Duped said...

I just wonder if RH is giving away TOO much- unless he has a ton of material. If he lets out this much every day, will people still buy the book?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Didn't Kate also deny having botox as well?

meagler said...

dont understand why I have been blocked?

AuntieAnn said...

What exactly did she need TWO helpers and a bodyguard for if they were going on a short jaunt down the road?

Kate's mantra and by far he biggest lie she's ever told, even bigger than being broke is:


Tucker's Mom said...

Someone mentioned upthread that Kate's eyes are probably the only thing on her face unaltered, but a quick check on Polly's first-hand account of filming at a local corn maze brought her very close to the anti-social Kate. From the post:
Kate did not make eye contact with anyone except Steve, that I saw anyway, although twice she stood three feet from me and I clearly could see that her eyes are very brown during a circumstance where most folks would at least turn and say Hi or acknowledge you with eye contact.

I've always thought she wears contacts that change her eye color. Her natural color is somewhat brownish hazel.

Sherry Baby said...

meagler said... 160

dont understand why I have been blocked?


Who has blocked you? On Twitter?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Oh! I just took a pineapple upside down cake out of the oven. I.can.NOT.wait...for it to cool. YUM!

Dmasy said...

Formerly Duped, I will buy the book. I hope he has "tons" and he can generously fling little "gotcha's" at her on his blog site.

I am getting hopeful and excited that Robert's book is what we have been waiting for.

Those photos are disgusting. No REAL mother would allow such intrusion.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Kate's mantra and by far he biggest lie she's ever told, even bigger than being broke is:

AuntieAnn, that comes in second for me. Her biggest lie is:


Anonymous said...

I just hope he addresses the alleged hit and run back in E-town.
Hi, Robert!

AuntieAnn said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 166
AuntieAnn, that comes in second for me. Her biggest lie is:


Ryhmes - We should rate her lies on a scale of 1 to 10.


readerlady said...

The biggest, and most egregious lie, to me, was "Mommy and Daddy will always be together". What makes this the worst, in my eyes, is that she told it deliberately, knowing it was not true and that she planned to ditch Jon. Had she said it and several years down the road the marriage became untenable, then I could cut her a little slack. "I do it all alone" and "I do it all for my kids" are tied for second in my mind.

It pleases me that Robert is blurring out the childrens' faces in the pix. He's showing more respect for their privacy than their gestational carrier ever has.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Oh, this is getting good! : ) I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall in Kate's house. I bet she's closely following all that Robert says. And all that we say, for that matter. How is she going to spin this?

anger issues kate said...

Didn't Kate say, not too long ago, that they do an in-house mail system? Perhaps that's what the basket is for. Kate write letters to her kids.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Readerlady -
My thinking is that Kate said that idiotic line about always being together strictly as part of the script for that show. I believe she justifies it by telling herself that anyway. I wouldn't even be surprised if the kids were told otherwise behind the scenes, and it was explained that they were just doing this vow renewal for the show. Who knows? Either way, it is SICK. Those poor kids!!!

aggiemom09121416 said...

How about

aggiemom09121416 said...

anger issues kate said... 171

Didn't Kate say, not too long ago, that they do an in-house mail system? Perhaps that's what the basket is for. Kate write letters to her kids.
Those kids have to be awfully tall to reach that inhouse mail system, lol. what an idiot.

FYI said...

"How is she going to spin this?"

She either pretend to ignore it or she will say it's all lies and that it's just another example of someone bullying her. Or like she tweeted back in April:

"I can't control the lies from bullies, liars, tabloids tho... And that makes me sad. But my kids already hav fig out the truth!;)"

Kirkland said...

Does anyone remember a movie called "Flowers in the Attic"? For some reason, I thought of that movie when I read this quote on Hoffman's blog: "It's far worse today because they don't leave their property to do anything remotely fun or interesting.".

The movie is about a widowed mother who keeps her kids hidden in the attic after she tries to make peace with her rich father.

The kids are stuck in that attic for years as the mother continuously makes excuses, whines about how bad SHE has it, brags about all the fun she's having, etc etc. The selfish mother doesn't think about her kids, everything is about herself.

Sound like someone we know?

Formerly Duped said...

anger issues kate said... 171

I think the in-house mail was a game the kids made up .

kirkland: I read that book years and years ago! It was creepy and unbelievable...or was it?

aggiemom09121416 said...

She either pretend to ignore it or she will say it's all lies and that it's just another example of someone bullying her. Or like she tweeted back in April:
I'm sure her atts advised her on how to handle any questions about the book. It's hard to say its all lies when there are contracts and emails supporting the truth.

Anonymous said...

woohoo the blog is lively today!
NJGAL, I missed it- you said you glued legos together? Hilarious, I love it :)

If Kate pulled a Pamela Anderson and said her boob job was for her career, then she could a) come clean about the surgery and b) keep her herd of sheeple pleased. Done.

Oh, I have a lock on my bedroom door too, not a deadbolt though! Just your standard, ordinary key/lock. I put one on my kid's door too. This is for an added level of protection- if an intruder makes it past the alarm system AND the viscious puppy, LOL. Then at least I have moment while I hear someone trying to open my door to get up and get my gun.

anger issues kate said...

Aggiemom: this is the same idiot that sticks notes all over the house. Even in the frig, Talk about germ invasion. I don't know anybody, who put post-it notes all over the house. On their computer, on the landline phone or on the frig outside door. You know where you put magnets, kids art etc. not in the frig. There were some episodes where you saw notes on the mirror in the bathroom. Geez, is Kate that forgetful? That would drive me nuts. I can see doing that if you have someone with one of those disease, that you become forgetful, or a brain injury. I would not be surprised if Kate makes those kids repeat routines and give them a teat on it.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...


Of course that includes at least one boob job, the nose job, the chin implant, lipo on tummy and legs, the eyelift surgery.... the botox, the tanning, the expensive hair appmts in New York every six weeks, etc..

I am okay with this, as she is doing it all "for her kids." Total snark. Guess that applies to the babysitters, nannies, bodyguard, house keepers, laundry person, and cook. How much less of a parent could she be, when all she ever wants to be is away from the kids?

The basket on the door is insane- Kids probably have to put school notes/forms in her basket so she can sort through her "endless paperwork" to see if the kids's needs rank in her priorties.

Role mother momma... I think not. Just her sad portrayal, and the kids should never have to go through this, as they assisted her in earning mega bucks. She is shameless.

No Name said...

secret2 said... 140
I think Kate had the deadbolt installed when she and Jon where switching out staying at the house when separated. I remember reading Hailey or Stephanie saying that Jon was breaking into Kate's computer. I find that hard to believe, I mean, what would he do with all the pictures and documents he would find on her computer.
Give it to mr hoffman


Jon would never do that! Jon works long hard hours and has the kids at least 50% of the time to give the kids a better life than they have with Kate. He would never give or sell anything about Kate or the kids.Besides, Robert would never accept that he is a friend of Jon's.

Dmasy said...

She probably initiated the fight to keep the book from publishing without even knowing the contents. She would have had a clue that Robert was around and he might know some "interesting" inside info.

She might have been worried then. But now, she has to be flailing about for protection.

anger issues kate said...

That's test on it not teat. But if it works for Kate, hey. LOLOLOL

capecodmama said...

She can no longer deny the boob job or a nose job. The boob job we've all known about but you can clearly see that her nose is different as well.

OT - Have to brag about my oldest daughter and her boyfriend (he's the one that lost his arm when his humvee hit an IED in Baghdad). They did a sprint triathlon today. 1/4 mile swim, 10 mile bike ride and a 3 mile run on the beach. He finished in 1:26:? and she finished in 1:27:? (she couldn't remember their seconds time). The water temperature was 63/65 degrees with incredible swells. She said there were surfers at the end of the beach. that's how big the swells were. The water was so cold, she lost her breath when she jumped in. She was all set to do the freestyle but opted for the breaststroke because it was easier with the swells. Her boyfriend did the backstroke because of having one arm that's the easiest stroke for him. She was quite pleased that they finished as they had never done anything like this before. There are a couple of triathlons on the Cape during the summer so they are going to sign up for one of those for next year. I'm proud of both of them. Okay, bragging over. Carry on.

meagler said...

I can not post on this blog from my home computer! I emailed Admin but she didnt respond, so I think my ip address has been blocked.... :( It is so hard to read and not make post

But I have found the reading very exciting :)

Tucker's Mom said...

capecodmama said... 185
Truly inspiring and something to be proud of!

anger issues kate said...

Capecodmama: very cool!

FYI said...

capecodmama said... 185

Congrats to your daughter and her boyfriend! You have every right to be proud of them. Brag as much as you want.

Which reminds me--

Dmasy-is your son in Scotland yet? One more week to go, he must be psyched!!

capecodmama said...

Forgot to add. Stephanie is back. She's obviously been travelling the country. Before Stephanie came back however, I had an ad that said "ALERT. YOUR ARREST RECORD IS AVAILABLE ONLINE." Sorry. I didn't know I had an arrest record.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

So over r post church lunch,I've discovered my kids call ea other 'Auntie Cara,Uncle Mady' &I'm 'grandma mommy'..the LOLs r priceless! about 5 hours ago
Hi Kate-
Read here much? And why do you share your twitter/blog experiences with you kids? I thought they were not allowed on the internet. Get your stories straight. You are too transparent. And it obviously bothers you.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Biggest lies Kate told.....gee, that's tough because she's told so many. The 2 that stand out for me are that everything she does is for her kids (bull!). And the second is that Jon was like a 9th child and didn't help her with the kids. Hello, Kate!! We saw the show and we know who took care of the kids and who laid in bed waiting to be served her coffee. Idiot.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Capecodmomma -
Thanks for sharing! It's so inspiring to hear of someone faced with hardship (that's TRUE hardship Kate!) and rising above it. Good for them!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

capecodmomma, congratulations to your daughter and her boyfriend! That's wonderful! Brag away, you have every right to.

Formerly Duped said...

capecodmama said... 185

Indeed, brag on! That's nice they did it together and got good results.:)

re: Post-its-

I remember when the E-town house was for sale, there were still post-its stuck on the bathroom mirror and a third of a roll of TP left. Ew. She used to go crazy with those post-its, on the bibs, seating chart, crib chart, contents of cupboards, yes, fridge ( do you spell it frig here?) for all the helpers . No label maker then.

anger issues: teat- Freudian slip, lol. We play boardgames a lot on holidays- I always end up using that word in Boggle or Scrabble or any word game? Too much Kate?hmmm...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

capecodmama- Something to be truly be proud of. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I can't find Stephanie. I feel like a poor, deserted soul, abandoned and unwanted. All I have is a very bald Christian Single guy, but I have no idea how far he is away from me.

Wowser said...

Jon must have gotten the kids after the "not at church lunch" with the "aunts, uncles, cousins and gramma" because miss boobsalot has been on twitter silence since then....she's probably finishing the bottle of wine on the dresser and "woah is mee-ing" over the Robert's book getting ready to hit the circuit all while holding the bottle up in the air chanting " I'm notta a bitch! Everyone wants to be me!!! (lol,... I just proofread and auto correct changed it to "I'm not a butch". Lolololl)

Amy2 said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone posts. Thank you. I too a looking forward to Robert's book and buy it the first day its released.

The information about her multiple plastic surgeries got me to thinking. When Kate hit the big time she lost weight, dressed better (e.g. no sweat pants), nose job, boob job, new hair do, teeth veneers. All along I thought she was doing it to impress Steve. Today I don't think so. I think Kate went Hollywood. She wanted to be noticed by producers and others in Hollywood in order to get a job. She wanted her own show w/o the baggage of the kids to deal with. She wanted to belong in Hollywood, move there permanently and live the Hollywood lifestyle.

This is only my opinion.

Dmasy said...

capecodmomma, thank you for sharing. I got goosebumps reading. Seems as if you have raised a wonderful daughter who knows what makes a person special. Wonderful. You deserve to be proud.

Kate is a Twit, my son and his girlfriend leave toward the end of this week. He has begun tapering off his running miles.

They are both excited for the vacation and the marathon. She was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis when she was 16 and takes powerful chemo meds to keep it in remission. The 10k will be a challenge for her.

They are a great couple, approaching their 10th anniversary together.

You guys gotta' know what I (as the mom) keep wondering....

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