Sunday, September 23, 2012

Paparazzi photos from fall 2009 show how intrusive filming was

The newly released disturbing photos were taken during filming of the final episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8.

All photos used with express permission of the photographer.

979 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dmasy said...

Off topic -- Book report.

I am getting ready to take a small trip. I enjoy reading while flying and like to begin a book before I board the plane. Just get a bit in so that I am already engaged in the plot.

Plan failure -- big time!

Tonight, I started Dani's Story: A Journey from Neglect to Love. Diane Lierow has mothering instincts. She is the opposite of Kate in EVERY way.

I cannot put this book down. It will make you cry and then feel tremendous hope for love and patience.

FYI said...

JoyinVirginia said... 198

You can watch the After Party clip here:

It was entertaining-the best part was at the end when Lacey Schwimmer sang!

Don't have a favorite yet. I really liked Sabrina though. I usually only tune in to the results show at the end to see who got eliminated, and then either watch it online or OnDemand at a later time. It's on the same time as my 2 favorite shows, NCIS and NCIS:LA, both of which premiere tonight!! I can't miss the first showing of those two shows.

AuntieAnn said...

When I walked back into the war zone--their bedroom--I surveyed the damage and took photos.
What. Was she going to take them to court for being naughty? Show the jury broken shards of glass as evidence ? What a stupid idiotic thing to do. And she writes about this as if her behavior is normal. She frightens me.

Oh and Pam Anderson danced much better than that Palin chick. I'm not going to watch DWTS anymore. They need new judges. I want Dmasy to replace Carrie Ann.

Dmasy said...

Auntie, I am so flattered. I am tone deaf with two left dancing feet and no rhythm -- must be my "wit" you were recommending?? Thank you.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Auntie Ann said, "Oh and Pam Anderson danced much better than that Palin chick. I'm not going to watch DWTS anymore. They need new judges. I want Dmasy to replace Carrie Ann."


I like Pam. I really do. She seems like a really nice person. I felt sorry for her. She can dance better than she did last night. I have to wonder, though, if she's not top-heavy. This is not a snark, not a slam! In fact, one of the judges even said that she should stick out her chest (or something like that), shoulders back. She slouches and her posture is bad.

angie said...

Kate thinks she is still so important that she should have a bracelet for her fun people to have? I'd like to see how many sell. She can't sell those health food bars on the internet.

She is not important in my world. I am just waiting for the world to BLOW OPEN with everything she has had going on with and without Steve. I do agree Beth saw something with Steve, perhaps he and Kate shared a room in Utah and Jon went his own way? He was guarding Kate, lol.

Also I never thought that Jon walked away with anything. I think he gave her everything, deeds, ownership of vehicles and left with but a few hundred thousand. Which she then took back in child support and trashed him on every TV show.

She is Nuts, Steve is a criminal who taught a would be criminal (Kate) how to be a top notch criminal and that is what it is. End.

Just want to be in the courthouse that day when she is brought in with that orange jump suit, bobo white slip in sneakers, anklets, big ass white panties, no bra (could be a suicide instrument) and hope she doesn't get her period (oh she never did, is that right) cause those big ass pads last 24 hours. Yep, no hair comb, no face cream, just a blasting hot shower with a bar of soap (like you clean the floor with in case you are allergic to perfumes in soap) and you have no Fly Swatting Eye Lashes to worry about either. See, Green Acres is the simple life. Can hardly wait. I will be there. Will arrange it in my schedule, be it Fed Ct, local ct where she lives (lancaster cty?)...will be there. So, I will visit her in jail too! Yep, do good at Christmas, lol lol..........

I am so tired Dwindle that fairy dust over me would put me to sleep. You are a spark plug and keep plugging away. You do great and good things in your life. So get crazy, we all need it.

Adios tonight.

readerlady said...

Um Kate, it's not about what fish bowl you like, it's about what fish bowl is best for the fish. Sheesh! She can't even take care of a fish properly. How can she be expected to raise 8, count 'em, 8 children?! And of course she named the fish herself. What 8 and 12 year olds know who Fabio is? ~ Administrator said...

Um Kate, it's not about what fish bowl you like, it's about what fish bowl is best for the fish. Sheesh! She can't even take care of a fish properly. How can she be expected to raise 8, count 'em, 8 children?! And of course she named the fish herself. What 8 and 12 year olds know who Fabio is?


This woman would kill a cactus. Ehh don't have a pot for it yet still can't decide what I like!

angie said...

Know I said Adios a while back, but I did check out the Blankenship photos. Him as the accused pedophile and then the man in the dumbo ride with the sound boom? Oh yes, look at that mustache, the hair parting, the look on his face. ONe he is not smiling, the other in the dumbo ride, he is smiling.

So Kate & Steve the Champion Bodyguard never checked out these TLC hired group, had no background checks, even if they were hired to film for TLC. This really smells bad for a lot of people.

Those children, what a life they are going to have, like Mommy, not like Mommy, love Daddy, be faithful to Mommy, etc. A mess, a real mess.

Pity Party said...

Pamela reminded me of something my niece once said to me when I became single. She said your problem is that you don't know how to flirt. How is that I asked. You got to act like a "cat" she said and that is what Pamela reminded me of in that she was feeling a bit amorous for lack of a better word (where is Tommy or Kid Rock when you need him).

Or she could have been in some type of character. Hated the hair, the eyes, the outfit it was just all wrong for her. I hope she doesn't do the character thing this time. We want to see Pamela! Play yourself Pammie!

But in all seriousness, I don't think she has a good rapport with Tristan. She needed someone to bring out her passion and Tristan just seems very clean cut and young to handle a woman like Pamela. I think it is a mismatch.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I wonder if the Kate blow-up doll comes with a removable pink stick.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Know I said Adios a while back, but I did check out the Blankenship photos. Him as the accused pedophile and then the man in the dumbo ride with the sound boom? Oh yes, look at that mustache, the hair parting, the look on his face. ONe he is not smiling, the other in the dumbo ride, he is smiling.


That's probably because it's not Blankinship on at Disney!!

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 194
Can you see people asking a friend about that wrist band? Oh, breast cancer awareness? Nope. Friend with cancer? No. Nephew with autism? Ehhh wrong again. What am i missing, support for Israel!?? No!

Kate Devotee ~~ "My Bracelet? It's for a divorced multi-millionaire MILF on a defunct farm in PA who cant get laid and cant get a reality show to bitch about it, or bitch about her kids either! So not fair to her! All proceeds go toward her next plastic surgery or hiring an additional nanny to watch her kids so she can start cruising the streets! We're Team Kate!"

Gentleman~~ "I dont know what happened officer; this pimple faced nerd was telling me about his wristband, and suddenly I just bashed his face in. I havent been myself since I buried my wife last week... cancer, you see..."

Officer ~~ "It's OK sir, we got the pimple faced nerd in lock up as part of a mail order fraud investigation..."

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 12
I wonder if the Kate blow-up doll comes with a removable pink stick.

Yes! An accessory.

angie said...

How do we know it is not Blankenship at Disney? Do we have a name that I didn't read about?

Blowing In The Wind said...

She is Nuts, Steve is a criminal who taught a would be criminal (Kate) how to be a top notch criminal and that is what it is. End.


Is this Angie, the attorney, or is there more than one "Angie?"

Steve may be a slouch, enabler and opportunist, but what has he done that has proven to be criminal in the eyes of the law?

JoyinVirginia said...

Dh and I have a 2006 Toyota Prius which just a few minutes ago reached the milestone of 200,000 without a lick of trouble! Except that time the deer jumped out onto the car. Yes, the deer hit us, we did not hit the deer! and we get 47 to 50 miles per gallon

ncgirl said...

The man at Disney is Jim Goodwin. He's a sound man for TLC. He used to be with the Gosselins and moved to the Duggars. I wonder if he was one of the crew who couldn't take the G drama and transferred to another show. You see him on the Duggar show at times.

They even call him Mr. Jim. His daughters were on the Duggar show one time, and they said it was better on this show than some other shows. I think that was a slam at J and K plus 8.

Dwindle said...

NJGal51 said... 181
"I Just Want You To Know That I'm KATE GOSSELIN and on the 7th Day I Rested"....

OK, I know I'm going to hell for that

Great. A never ending month of Sundays. Poor Kids. ~ Administrator said...

How do we know it is not Blankenship at Disney? Do we have a name that I didn't read about?


Because it obviously isn't him based on their features. And because Blankinship was never credited for sound and that was a sound guy.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Blankenship was a film editor. He wouldn't have been at Disney with sound equipment. Plus Blankenship's hair is more blondish/reddish.

Lynn W. said...

Aggiemom -- " what's his expression on the airplane mean??? what's he looking at? kate's good bra?"

I don't think Kate had that marvelous good bra at that time but he sure looks like he could be doing visual measurements for said garment.

Dwindle said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 147
If only, if only. Used the last splash in the chicken, I'm afraid. LOL!!!
this is getting waaayyyy out of are letting your chickens DRINK?? shame shame shame....tsk tsk

I'm totally self sacrificing. Everything I do is for my freezer contents?

If I were drinking it would like like this:

aslidhgh094ty[a8yhdbg[q'94iu!!!!! qo09uthp;o8y['q0w9eyhtug3b4tugb'[0-ug9j!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Administrator said...

I like Pam. I really do. She seems like a really nice person. I felt sorry for her.


She is indeed a nice person loved by her community and respected as a mother and advocate. She's very involved in the community, with her world and with her kids and their school. I've seen her do her own grocery shopping when most other people as famous as her would send the assistant, instead of some fancy gym membership she uses the local college facilities (so does Adam Sandler), she usually has her mom or their father watching the kids when she can't be there, she volunteers at school and helped organize a school dance. I talked about a lot of first hand encounters with her in my recaps of DWTS if you missed it.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Angie said,

"Will arrange it in my schedule, be it Fed Ct, local ct where she lives (lancaster cty?)...will be there"


Nope. Thank goodness. Kate does not live in Lancaster. ~ Administrator said...

How long did the fans hound her to tweet a picture that she got the bracelet? Wasn't it awhile?

I kind of wonder if a tiny part of her was putting that off, embarrassed about it. But knowing she needs to keep the gravy train going she'll wear anything.

I just can't get over her grifting. NO ONE needs an arm band. There is no reason on God's green earth she can't tell them oh no please don't do that please give to X charity in my name instead.

Moose Mania said...

@Kateplusmy8 Wondering IF U could still do that or have they gotten 2big?


Is Milo tweeting to Kate about her bazoomigans? ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of the Palins did anyone see the HBO movie Game Change? I just watched it on after seeing it sweep the Emmys.

I thought it was actually pretty fair, showed Palin's shortcomings but also empathized her real strengths. Letting off zingers off the top of her head, devoted to her faith and country, and got thrown into something where the campaign didn't properly prep or vet her, which wasn't her fault.

And Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin was crazy spot on. Wow. Highly recommend. I was riveted.

Here's the trailer: ~ Administrator said...

Oh on another note, Sarah Palin is getting movies made about her that win five Emmy awards, but Kate couldn't let her children spend one stinking night with her out camping.

Kate, you suck.

Moose Mania said...

How long did the fans hound her to tweet a picture that she got the bracelet? Wasn't it awhile?


A long time! I think that Paige is still tweeting to find out if Kate got the bracelet that she sent to her. I don't think Kate has answered her. ~ Administrator said...

A long time! I think that Paige is still tweeting to find out if Kate got the bracelet that she sent to her. I don't think Kate has answered her.


See I think Kate WAS embarrassed or maybe just thinking what a joke THIS is all you can give me a useless wrist band?

But since she knows these fans often send better stuff she had to finally say fine fine here's a pic THANKS.

Suspicious said...

Long time lurker, semi regular poster-
Quick observation

A fairly new poster sounds eerily like Oh, yes she does. She does not seem to be what she claims to be. (Her way of speaking does NOT sound like someone who would have a job that she says she has.) I am bringing this up because she is very engaging and getting plenty of replies from other posters. I also think that another regular poster brought this up a few threads back by just posting the words "Oh, yes she does!"

I am bringing this up as a reminder to just be aware that not everyone is what/who they claim to be. Also, I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this? Or maybe I am way off base? I chose not to post under my regular name for this because I am afraid of the fallout if no one else is thinking the same thing about this particular poster.

Anonymous said...

Suspicious . .. that sounds so sinister. Who are we talking about?


Mel said...

#33... yes I kinda wondered about some of that too. Opted to ignore those posts.

AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy said... 5

Auntie, I am so flattered. I am tone deaf with two left dancing feet and no rhythm -- must be my "wit" you were recommending?? Thank you.
Dmasy, you're welcome and yes your wit, your keen sense of what is right, your way with words and your gentle manner would make you a perfect judge. You would find a polite way to tell Bristol Palin she needs to go home and practice being a mother before she practices her dance routines. You could tell her nicely she's headed down the same road as Kate.
She's only 21 and has already undergone plastic surgery to improve upon her already attractive looks. She may say she's gained confidence but I don't believe her. She's wants to be famous, but for what we don't know. I feel sorry for all these girls who haven't figured out yet that fame for the sake of being famous isn't worth squat in the business after a few years.
I know you'd tell her she didn't do as well as Pam. I couldn't. I have a potty mouth. If my tv could talk it would tell you that I holler obscenities at it all the time.

Suspicious said...

Marie @ 34

I'm not trying to be sinister, but after reading here for so long, I recognize the "calling card" of a poster who claimed to work all sorts of places and always knew the inside scoop on Kate. Long story short she got busted by the other posters as being a fake.

I think she's back. If you have read here long enough you probably could recognize it. I would rather not mention any names, though. Sorry!

Dwindle said...

Suspicious said... 33
Long time lurker, semi regular poster-
Quick observation

I noticed one post, and disregarded it. But I will pay closer attention. Thank you, Suspicious.

Suspicious said...

Mel @ 35

Thanks for your reply! Now I know that I may not be crazy after all...

fidosmommy said...

Suspicious, it was mentioned earlier for the same reasons you just noted. Not too much gets by this group, but thank you for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

I understand. I don't pay that much attention. There are a few posters who stand out to me but that is because of their wit and humor.

Marie ~ Administrator said...

I think most of the group is pretty aware of "oh yes she is." Thanks.

What I don't understand is why "oh yes she does" doesn't notice all the people pointing out their calling card, and STOP doing that! LOL.

Dwindle said...

angie said... 7


Thank you, angie. And aggiemom and Dmasy and....


Dmasy said...

I don't know who "Oh, yes she does" is.

But, I do know who "Oh, no she can't" is.

Twittering And Twattering said...

A fairly new poster sounds eerily like Oh, yes she does. She does not seem to be what she claims to be. (Her way of speaking does NOT sound like someone who would have a job that she says she has.) I am bringing this up because she is very engaging and getting plenty of replies from other posters. I also think that another regular poster brought this up a few threads back by just posting the words "Oh, yes she does!"


lol! I'm the regular poster who pointed it out on the previous thread!!

The "oh, yes" poster has had more jobs and more professions than Kate has shoes!

SeeSaw said...

DWTS REEKS havoc with the Gosselin kids.

Hahahahahaha. Way to look like a dumbass to the other celebs, Kate. Only thing missing was your signature WOAH.

Stupid bitch. Sorry, but I've progressed all the way to hater now.

Unknown said...

Twittering And Twattering said... 45
''A fairly new poster sounds eerily like Oh, yes she does. She does not seem to be what she claims to be. (Her way of speaking does NOT sound like someone who would have a job that she says she has....''
BINGO!! Her way of 'speaking' sticks out like sore thumb (or Kate's big toe!!)

Anonymous said...

Okay, nevermind. I know who you are talking about now. I guess I need to start paying more attention. I just thought she was a little "off".


Midnight Madness said...

Dmasy said... 44

I don't know who "Oh, yes she does" is.


If it's not the "oh, yes she does" poster, it's her twin sister or clone. There are all of the signature tags in the writing style and "sediments." :)

Anonymous said...

I'm posting as anonymous for the same reason Suspicious did. Yes, Suspicious, I've noticed several "tells" in a certain poster's comments. I just skim over them and go on to the rest.

You Know Who

fidosmommy said...

SeeSaw said... 46
DWTS REEKS havoc with the Gosselin kids.

HA! And what does havoc smell like?

Sherry Baby said...

"I am bringing this up as a reminder to just be aware that not everyone is what/who they claim to be. Also, I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this? Or maybe I am way off base? I chose not to post under my regular name for this because I am afraid of the fallout if no one else is thinking the same thing about this particular poster."


No need to be afraid of fallout. I noticed it right away, especially because of the style and usage of words. Posters need a heads up in this case.

I'm with admin. Why do they keep doing this if they know that they are recognized for what they are, and for what they are not? :-)

SeeSaw said...

Fidosmommy - maybe Shoka upchucked another woodchuck and that's what reeks.
I shouldn't make fun of her spelling, but she makes it soooooo easy.

Anonymous said...

I think K8 is thinking about Gosselin Book coming out which will certainly WREAK havoc for her.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Looks like a big business deal in the works about those pink, plastic bracelets.

@Kateplusmy8 I've gotten mulitple DM's about the bracelets!! #TeamKate

Kate's probably getting advice about them from her buddy The Donald.

Blessed To Be Mediocre Mother said...

Ok folks, I've got a real problem. My Kindle is warmed up, and my credit card is smoking - I CAN'T WAIT for Robert's book to launch! I taught in an area conference this past weekend and read Robert's blog updates as my nightly treat. The problem is, I have to teach at the same conference again this coming weekend, except this time it is a few hours away. How in the world am I ever going to concentrate? I'm on excited pins & needles over here! Do you think it will work if I just put up the various displays, pass out the handouts, give them copies of my course outlines, and say, "There you go folks. Have at it. I've got a book to read!!" Probably not.

I know it's not kind of me to get excited over someone else's downfall, but we have all waited a long time for this. I don't want her children to be hurt any further, that is for certain. They've dealt with more than enough already. I want conformation on what we've always known, and more than anything I want the rest of the gullible world to know too. If nothing else, at least this book will help the children's future therapists to understand where everything is coming from, 'cause they are probably going to need help one day!

Blessed To Be Mediocre Mother said...

Oh, and the irony is the conference is on children's ministry and meeting the needs of children!

Moose Mania said...

Finally! Paige can stop pestering! But why can't Kate open the envelope NOW and tweet Paige that she loves whatever she sent? How long does it take to open an envelope? What a witch.


@TheAustinMartin @Paige_Kate8fan yes paige.. I got your envelope.. That mail is getting opened tomorrow :) I'll tweet ya about it, k?;)

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 58

Finally! Paige can stop pestering! But why can't Kate open the envelope NOW and tweet Paige that she loves whatever she sent? How long does it take to open an envelope? What a witch.

She wants to secure an audience, create a diversion away from this lies-all-lies book that coming out tomorrow (I hope).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Moose Mania said... 58
Finally! Paige can stop pestering! But why can't Kate open the envelope NOW and tweet Paige that she loves whatever she sent? How long does it take to open an envelope? What a witch.

That's what I was wondering. Is she that inflexible? "The mail is getting opened tomorrow." "Sandwich first, crunch things second, fruit third....."

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Crunchy things, I meant!! Kate makes me so angry I can't type.

SeeSaw said...

Dear sweet Kate sounds totally exasperated with her bestest fan, Paige, doesn't she?
Why didn't she just say "shut up already, Paige. I'll get to your gift when I get to it."
What a bucking bunt. I'm sure tomorrow she'll be so exhausted from paperwork (i.e. opening one envelope from Paige). ~ Administrator said...

She certainly has time to tweet all night. Why can't she just open a flipping envelope and thank the fan for whatever crap she sent this time? It would take 30 seconds.

I guess it must be hard to have fans sending you free shit all the time. So many packages to open. Someone needs to grift her a letter opener or box cutter for the bigger packages. Poor thing.

SeeSaw said...

And I'm back to the witch because I can't stand seeing Kate's ugly fricking face on my blogger profile.
Melt away my pretty ...

Elaine said...

From the book: >>I started to freak out, but consoled myself by remembering that no one was hurt or trapped under the dresser....>>


Hello! I've been reading here a long time, but this part of the disaster story has pulled me out of lurkdom. K8 started to freak out but then consoled herself? Puh-leez.

This is the same woman who had a conniption when (Alexis? Leah?) got a bit of ice cream on her dress. "OMG she's RUINED!!!!"

Reading what she writes/tweets/says and putting it against what we've all seen on film is like Jekyll and Hyde. She's such a liar, and I can't stand her.

Also, I think Milo's tweets are pretty weird. Ok, they're VERY weird.


capecodmama said...

"I Just Want You to Know None of You Know How to Help Me"

Ex Nurse said...

Suspicious said....
Also, I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this?
Oh yes I did!

anger issues kate said...

So,how old were the tups, when they suppose to have trashed the room? If they were babies still in diapers, what Kate describes is not possible. And also the tups to have enough knowledge to walk around the broken glass. Who is Kate tryin to kid?

What Milo is doing, and I have seen fans do that, is suck up, to Kate and is tryin to be part of Kates inner crowd, the in the know fans. Just like that lackey CJ, Paige too is tryin to be part of Kate inner circle. They do it, for bragging rights. You know I know stuff about Kate, Kate always e-mails me, Kate always tweets me, Kate tells me secret stuff, Kate invited me to her house, I'm special. Seen it with Davy Jones fans, especially the older ones(fans from 1966). They were something, else. I can tell you guys a few stories about that lot. Kate's fans are just as bad.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

That's what I was wondering. Is she that inflexible? "The mail is getting opened tomorrow." "Sandwich first, crunch things second, fruit third....."


I bet if the envelope contained a gift card for a thousand dollars, or if there were plane tickets for eight kids to London she would have ripped that thing open faster than she runs to the bathroom after drinking a bottle of Skinnygirl.

Dmasy said...

Hello, Elaine. Glad you joined us.

The whole bedroom destruction and her lack of awareness is a story to make any mom crazy.

I hope she is lying....but, that would be a whole other set of problems.

Ladybug said...

Moose Mania said... 58

Finally! Paige can stop pestering! But why can't Kate open the envelope NOW and tweet Paige that she loves whatever she sent? How long does it take to open an envelope? What a witch.

when you have such a full schedule as Katie's I guess you have to dole out your fan mail carefully or you may run out of grifts to roll around in.
And a big wow on that pathetic book a "Christian" book store paid Katie to write. What sort of insane mother doesn't have a baby monitor? A lying lair that lies. Didn't that big old Christian publisher have an editor that would pull Katie aside to show her behavior towards her innocent babies was very UN-Christian? Horrible excuse for a gestational carrier. Sure punish a baby for a diaper accident and call another a monster for being left alone and likely wanted a drink so oops some water got on the floor. Guess no Carla to clean it up.
What a great enabler Carla has been for her, too. What does some of this say about her. Not only enabled Kate but put her own daughter in the way of the beast?
Sad for those children to see it on DVD and in books that their mother barely tolerated them.

FYI said...

Kate didn't tweet on ounce of support to Pam Anderson, even though she used her to write a CC blog. No other mention of DWTS either. I thought they were her "friends for life". Yet, she replies to this tweet that Sherri Shepherd made:

Sherri Shepherd‏@SherriEShepherd
"Mommy did you see @IamValC dance... you gotta clap!" BOY DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO GET IN THAT BED!

Kate still follows Sherri on twitter, so I guess she was looking for a tweet that she could reply to in order to remind Sherri she's still around. The only other time Kate tweeted Sherri, was when Sherri was on DWTS, and even then Kate didn't wish her luck-she just asked Sherri to say hi to the hair and makeup people for her.

And yes, Kate "reeks". Reeks of all the BS she puts out.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Anger@68, the sucking up...

@deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 One of the MAIN reasons I so like Kate.& like U 2girl! #AlwaysGotSweetFunDisposition :) Til U get riled! LOL

Milo isn't sucking up exclusively to Kate. She's also brown-nosing Deanna, part of Kate's inner-circle. ~ Administrator said...

Does she ever say in that passage oh I'm a horrible mother how could this happen? Because any parent I've ever known who has had a child get so much as a paper cut blames themselves, even if it's not even really their fault.

Her attitude seems to be more like, wow look how destructive six kids are. Well yeah bitch if you don't watch them they are.

FYI said...

Paige told Kate that she also sent her a bracelet, but a different one than what Austin sent. Kate probably thought "Oh, crap, just what I need".

Kate knows that Paige will expect a picture of her bracelet too, and just didn't want to be bothered tonight.

IMO, it was very rude of Kate to say she got it, but won't open it until tomorrow. She could have just said that she hasn't looked at her mail yet. The one time she should lie a little bit to save hurt feelings, she doesn't. But it won't matter to Paige, because Kate is her "bestie".

Real Life said...

I'm wearing a bracelet for this baby:

Kate doesn't even compare.

Katie Cry-duh said...

How do toddlers walk on broken glass and not get hurt or cut? She can't even lie well. Dumbass

Jumping In said...

I am curious to know how the media will deal with this book publication. Or, has Kate fallen so far off the radar there will be no interest at all? Let's say she does the television interview route, what can she say, will she stick with the "haters" story? Then what, will Robert do the counter-tv-circuit with his army of sources who will come forward to finally finish Kate off?

I can see Kate picking out her defence wardrobe (Ann Taylor) readying herself for the possible upcoming network interviews. She will want to look demure and vulnerable, the naive mother of 8 who just wanted to do the best for her kids. "Honestly, I have NO idea how I got all this money, or where it all came from, I was just too busy doing everything alone!" "I had people who did that stuff"

We worry about the kids having to deal with more fallout from their mother's behaviour while Kate likely sees this as another shot at being back on television!

Kate will go down farting rainbows and unicorns no matter what is thrown at her.
Lemons to lemonade, that's our Kate!

wayward said...

SeeSaw said... 46
DWTS REEKS havoc with the Gosselin kids.

Hahahahahaha. Way to look like a dumbass to the other celebs, Kate. Only thing missing was your signature WOAH.

Stupid bitch. Sorry, but I've progressed all the way to hater now.

What a dullard you are Kate. It's WREAK you idiot. What REEKS is your stinky veener and coffee breath, mixed with the by products of semi-starvation.

Dwindle said...

Amanda, Iowa said... 191
aggiemom09121416 said... 115
She writes, "There were shards of glass everywhere, and the kids were walking all around them....

Amanda Iowa says: So she has 6! tubs who silently slid out of their cribs, quietly running remodeling their bedroom upstairs, breaking lamps and without any noise toppled a dresser while when we saw them on tv they were yelling, screaming, crying and trying to bite and hit their siblings...........and we have to believe that Supermom didnt notice squat??? What was she drinking???

@Amanda-Iowa - But once upstairs while SCREAMING her head off, popping veins in her face, 6 babies crying, a bathtub running, she WOULD hear one of the twins drop a crumb on HER kitchen floor and she'd fly down those stairs like a shot.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Milo most likely thinks that with the release of the book, Kate needs major sucking up and all the butt kissing she can do in a single sitting. Kate will need Milo's {{{{hugs}}}, licks, encouragement, much so that she will be on a direct line with Kate via God.

Kate can't get through this without Milo, and Milo is gearing up for it. This is her mission in life, directed by the Almighty himself, and she has accepted the calling. When it's all over, Kate will be down on bended knee, kissing the ground that Milo walks on, shouting out her name on every major network Kate appears to set the record straight.

Dwindle said...

Ladybug said... 71
Moose Mania said... 58

Finally! Paige can stop pestering! But why can't Kate open the envelope NOW and tweet Paige that she loves whatever she sent? How long does it take to open an envelope? What a witch.

when you have such a full schedule as Katie's I guess you have to dole out your fan mail carefully or you may run out of grifts to roll around in.
And a big wow on that pathetic book a "Christian" book store paid Katie to write. What sort of insane mother doesn't have a baby monitor? A lying lair that lies. Didn't that big old Christian publisher have an editor that would pull Katie aside to show her behavior towards her innocent babies was very UN-Christian? Horrible excuse for a gestational carrier. Sure punish a baby for a diaper accident and call another a monster for being left alone and likely wanted a drink so oops some water got on the floor. Guess no Carla to clean it up.
What a great enabler Carla has been for her, too. What does some of this say about her. Not only enabled Kate but put her own daughter in the way of the beast?
Sad for those children to see it on DVD and in books that their mother barely tolerated them.


Nicely said! All those folks who likely started out thinking they were 'helping' ended up feeding the monster.

Dwindle said...

Blessed To Be Mediocre Mother said... 56
Ok folks, I've got a real problem. My Kindle is warmed up, and my credit card is smoking - I CAN'T WAIT for Robert's book to launch! I taught in an area conference this past weekend and read Robert's blog updates as my nightly treat. The problem is, I have to teach at the same conference again this coming weekend, except this time it is a few hours away. How in the world am I ever going to concentrate? I'm on excited pins & needles over here! Do you think it will work if I just put up the various displays, pass out the handouts, give them copies of my course outlines, and say, "There you go folks. Have at it. I've got a book to read!!" Probably not.

Self Study may be your friend here. Hehe.

But you remind me to charge my Kindle, dust off the screen, maybe start a new Collection!

Dwindle said...

Does anyone know if Robert will announc/release on the 26th or the 27th? this backwards counting thing is confusing me.

canadianmom said...


Sorry for the caps, I'm just so damn EXCITED! :)

Heide said...

Admin, did you get an advance copy yet? If not, do you know how far in advance you're going to get a copy?

canadianmom said...

It's a copy of the cease and desist letter from Kates attorney, pretty interesting!

Catch Me If You Can said...

"Oh yes she does" is back??!! What has she been up to? Airline pilot, chief resident pediatrician, teaching assistant, Harvard Law graduate/attorney? Oops...that was Frank "Catch Me If You Can" Abagnale Jr.
Whatever...he/she really gets around! I wish I could have that much energy. ~ Administrator said...

) information which is second or third hand unsubstantiated gossip, or fabrications, or rumors or other fictional statements about Ms. Gosselin and her life, made by persons arising out of either a personal animosity towards our client and/or by greed and/or the desire for a moment of perceived fame, notoriety, or public attention


Because everyone who wants to expose the wrong doings of a child exploiter is motivated by greed, fame, notoriety or public attention. EYE ROLL.

I love the part to about "Therefore, you would be acting unlawfully, and with conscious disregard of Ms. Gosselin’s rights by publishing the Proposed Book with any information from said sources (i.e., from someone breaching a position of trust or confidentiality, or from an unreliable questionable source, or someone who violated her rights in information gathering."

Sorry, doesn't work that way. It's perfectly legal to breach a position of "trust" when you are exposing public figures doing wrong. For pete sake nearly all sources of information like this were once in a position of trust. That's how it goes.

I don't think there's anything wrong with sending a letter of concern, but when they are trying to blatantly mislead someone and misstate the law and imply that there is something illegal about someone telling the truth, they are as shady as Kate. ~ Administrator said...

On another note, I don't think confidentiality agreements are going to fly when you are exposing behavior as bad as this that involves CHILDREN being EXPLOITED.

For instance, you can't launder money in front of your employee and then sue them for breach of your confidentiality agreement when they report you. Well, you can sue, but no judge will buy it.

Jeanne said...

I have a pink bracelet that says Pray for (my niece). She became seriously ill. The church used the bracelets, and other things, to raise money to bring her home. Because she was now handicapped the house needed big modifications. I was proud to wear that bracelet and would tell anyone the story. I don't understand Kate bracelets. Unless we're raising money to get her therapy.

Also, a while ago I had a dream I was friends with Reese Witherspoon. In the haze of waking up, my mind thought all I had to do was write her a letter telling about the dream and we'd be friends. Then a few seconds later I actually woke up. I knew sending a letter like that was insane and she would not want to be friends with me. How do the sheeple stay in that not-quite-awake stage all the time? ~ Administrator said...

Our client will not sit idly by and endure further harassment and will not tolerate any callous publication of lies about her and/or her family


What part is a lie, Kate? Specific examples please.

NJGal51 said...

What REEKS here is the smell of desperation rolling off Kate. No DWTS, no Emmy appearance, nothing but twitter and CC.

Heide said...

He updated again - added Maddy's sign. ~ Administrator said...

Poor kid. The giant frown. The picture of a camera with a line through it. What's a lie about this? We all saw it.

I think Mady finally gave up on protesting this lifestyle. If you can't beat em join em.

PatK said...

Exciting things are coming, Kate!!!!!!!!


Sleepless In Seattle said...

Ms. Gosselin will hold you fully accountable and liable for any damages which she suffers, either in the form of damage to her reputation or by the infliction of emotional distress upon her.


I think she does a very good job of damaging her reputation all on her own. Maybe she should be suing herself? ~ Administrator said...

This letter is so annoying in its exaggerations and mistruths. I don't know of a single American case in which a celebrity was able to prove emotional distress after someone told the truth about them. It just doesn't happen. Gimme a break.

Emotional distress is a rare tort that only really works for something really serious, like you watched your child be killed by a drunk driver.

Dwindle said...

It seems to say that "either you got your information illegally or someone broke their confidentiality agreement, coz The Lovely and Stunning Ms Gosselin had all that shit tied up tight as a drum." Or is that all just standard language?

FYI said...

Polly and Al published their books. What about all the tabloid articles about her? Didn't hear about any threats to them.

Then she should also sue all the tabloids, people on twitter and all the anti-Kate blogs.

There must be something that she is really worried about that might be in this book, and that there are facts to back it up. ~ Administrator said...

It seems to say that "either you got your information illegally or someone broke their confidentiality agreement, coz The Lovely and Stunning Ms Gosselin had all that shit tied up tight as a drum." Or is that all just standard language?


They leave out a huge group. Those just telling the truth. LOL.

The Bitter End said...

Emotional distress is a rare tort that only really works for something really serious...

Katie has been known to put me in a condition of emotional distress. Perhaps I should sue her.

AuntieAnn said...

She protests loudly. You would think she'd wait until AFTER the book is out to deny, deny, deny. She gives herself away. The letter has panic written all over it.

AuntieAnn said...

I Think You Should Know I'm Busted

FYI said...

Kate is really worried about this book--worried that after it comes out that even those people in high places(tv, media, her "sponsors", her one employer)who thought she was "nice", will realize just who the real Kate Gosselin is. She's worried that her "career" will be in the toilet and she'll be a pariah to anyone that could help her advance that "career".

No wonder she keeps tweeting how much she is thankful for her fans' support--she's frightened that after the book comes out, they'll turn on her too.

The Bitter End said...

AuntieAnn said... 104
I Think You Should Know I'm Busted
Well, this book certainly has the potential to be what we "just want to know".

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Exactly how much did she pay to have that letter written? Couldn't she have gotten a mediocre local attorney to do the same thing at half the cost?

FYI said...

AuntieAnn said... 104
I Think You Should Know I'm Busted

She certainly is "busted"--in more ways than one!!

AuntieAnn said...

Her lawyers sound like bullies.

how will the kids be affected? said...

Who here would be upset to find out Jon supplied info to this Robert dude? Isn't this 'book' going to cause a ton of damage to those kids? I mean, their only mother is going to be ridiculed and/or humiliated, no? Even if Jon is not involved (but I think he is, he has to be, it's the only connection Robert has), is no one concerned about the kids well beings here?

Yes, the kids deserve to know the truth. Just maybe not at their present ages of 8 and 12. How about when THEY are ready or maybe when they reach the legal age of 18 or 21?

PatK said...

Her dozen or so die-hard fans will go item by item through the book and come up with whatever ridiculous reasons as to why Kate did what she did.

I hope Milo is up for this. I

AuntieAnn said...

She certainly is "busted"--in more ways than one!!
Can you return those things for a refund?

Dwindle said...

The Bitter End said... 102
Emotional distress is a rare tort that only really works for something really serious...

Katie has been known to put me in a condition of emotional distress. Perhaps I should sue her.


The sound of her voice alone is enough to distress my tort.

FYI said...

After reading that letter from the lawyers, I do have to commend Robert for not giving up. It definitely shows courage and fortitude in going ahead with the book.

Team Robert!!! ~ Administrator said...

Her lawyers sound like bullies.


I can't stand this tactic.

Most of you know I got a cease and desist letter from TLC two years ago last August. I may not have agreed with their take on things, but at least they were respectful, didn't exaggerate or misstate the law, and talked to me with the respect this blog deserves. After I wrote an equally respectful reply back, they replied saying they disagreed. And never contacted me again. It was a remarkably pleasant experience ironically. Their law was correct--we just disagreed whether this blog was violating anything.

I can respect an attorney any day of the week who treats interactions like these in a civilized, non-bullying manner.

Jumping In said...

Admin......That lawyer's letter sounds so threatening to me. Is this a typical of a cease and desist letter? No wonder Robert backed off to get his ducks in a row.

Although the content of the book is still unknown, can Kate sue him just because he is daring enough to publish a book about her? Aren't these types of books published about celebrities every day? Andrew Morton's book about Princess Diana, (with her being his secret source) almost took the monarchy down, yet Kate's lawyers makes this book sound more monumental than that one!

Kate's lawyers certainly captured her venom in that letter. Wow. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, the kids deserve to know the truth. Just maybe not at their present ages of 8 and 12. How about when THEY are ready or maybe when they reach the legal age of 18 or 21?


It's a fair point, but by that age, no one really won't care.

I don't think anyone knows the answer to this. But when it's a case of exposing the truth versus shutting up so no one is hurt, I'm going to pick the truth every single time out of the gate. ~ Administrator said...

Although the content of the book is still unknown, can Kate sue him just because he is daring enough to publish a book about her?


Puh-shaw NOOO!

Which is why this cease and desist thing is so annoying.

Of course she can't do a darn thing about this. Welcome to the world of being a public figure. You wanted it you got it.

Anonymous said...

1. They 'demand'
2. You act at your own peril
3. Govern yourself accordingly

So I can see why Hoffman took a couple of months to get his ducks in a row.... LOL. What a pretentious bunch of hooey from some overpriced law firm in CA.

I have no doubt she will try to sue him when the book is published for 'infliction of emotional distress'.......

One good thing is that will use up her precious money and likely turn the tide COMPLETELY against her.

I still say that she ought to shut down her ridiculous twitter, give the kids to Jon and move her liposuctioned little ass down to New Zealand.

Apologies to New Zealand.

If she stays here and fights this she'll end up having a nervous breakdown and/or harming the kids.

GAWD, I hope the book is available tomorrow!!!!!

Only message for kart: karma, baby, karma. Suck it. I hope you lose your kids to Jon.

Dwindle said...

how will the kids be affected? said... 110
Who here would be upset to find out Jon supplied info to this Robert dude? Isn't this 'book' going to cause a ton of damage to those kids? I mean, their only mother is going to be ridiculed and/or humiliated, no? Even if Jon is not involved (but I think he is, he has to be, it's the only connection Robert has), is no one concerned about the kids well beings here?

Yes, the kids deserve to know the truth. Just maybe not at their present ages of 8 and 12. How about when THEY are ready or maybe when they reach the legal age of 18 or 21?


You bring up a very good point. Whatever is in the book could very well be distressing to the kids, which is why no one has wanted to make waves all this time. In my opinion.

On the other hand, they could find it all very validating as they get older.But WHEN they get older, as you say.

how will the kids be affected? said...

But when it's a case of exposing the truth versus shutting up so no one is hurt, I'm going to pick the truth every single time out of the gate.

** I'm pretty sure I never said anything about 'shutting up'. The truth is the truth, I just think these kids are entirely too young to understand much of it. They'll for sure understand why their mother hates their father now as I'm sure she'll blame it all on him.

I think the timing is wrong. Those kids are still young enough for their mother to get them feeling HER way about it. I find this very sad. ~ Administrator said...

1. They 'demand'
2. You act at your own peril
3. Govern yourself accordingly

So I can see why Hoffman took a couple of months to get his ducks in a row.... LOL. What a pretentious bunch of hooey from some overpriced law firm in CA.


It's so over the top that what's funny is that they lose credibility for that very reason. They just make her look panicked and desperate. What exactly does she think he knows? Even a layman knows that things are published about celebs every day and there's nothing that can be done.

Lawyers who are dramatic and over the top quickly lose credibility in court. Lawyers who are restrained, pick their battles, don't cry wolf, and know the law cold never exaggerating it or twisting it to intimidate, go far. ~ Administrator said...

** I'm pretty sure I never said anything about 'shutting up'. The truth is the truth, I just think these kids are entirely too young to understand much of it. They'll for sure understand why their mother hates their father now as I'm sure she'll blame it all on him.

I think the timing is wrong. Those kids are still young enough for their mother to get them feeling HER way about it. I find this very sad.


I think that's an incredibly fair point.

I don't know when is the right time to pin this woman down. I don't think anyone does.

Dwindle said...

Is it possible that whatever is in here would give the kids fodder to sue Kate for their money back? Maybe that is what she is so afraid of?

She cant possibly still believe, here and now September 2012, that she has any kind of media career still ahead of her. Can she? Is SKATE productions the only 2 people on the planet Earth that thinks this woman doesnt GRATE on the air and in print?

Is there enough in this book to derail her plans to be the next Kris Jenner and start pimping out her teenagers?

Unknown said...

how will the kids be affected? said... 110
''Who here would be upset to find out Jon supplied info to this Robert dude? Isn't this 'book' going to cause a ton of damage to those kids? I mean, their only mother is going to be ridiculed and/or humiliated, no? Even if Jon is not involved (but I think he is, he has to be, it's the only connection Robert has), is no one concerned about the kids well beings here?''
Are you actually saying that Kate's kids haven't already had a ''ton of damage''? I watched their only father being ridiculed and/or humiliated by their mother right in front of their children. Over and over on the ''realest of reality shows'', Kate was horrible to Jon. I think that everyone on this blog IS and HAS BEEN concerned for the kids well being for quite some time. The less time the kids have around Kate, the better off they will be.

It is also NOT true that Jon is the only connection that Robert has been said here before...just think of the dozens and dozens of people that have been paraded through that house by Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Children living with parents like this run the gamut. Some are relieved when their parents are held accountable. Others become defensive and cling to their parents. Still others don't know what to think and just act out. Others may be upset at first, but years later appreciate it. Others may appreciate it at first, but years later resent it. The psychology of it is interesting.

With eight kids, there may never be the "right" time to expose Kate. At any given time, one or more may not be ready for it.

Anonymous said...


Throw us a crumb here! Have you seen an advanced copy?

Will we be surprised by the book content?

When will it be published?

A crumb! Just a piddly widdle crumb.... we're salivating to know the truth.......... ~ Administrator said...

I don't know how much clearer Robert can be. Jon wasn't involved, period.

I highly doubt, with 50-50 custody now, Jon would have the slightest interest in jeopardizing that. If he wants to say something he can write his own book. Also, it's not Jon's fault if he showed a close friend something Kate wrote only to have that friend save it and publish it on a blog FOUR YEARS LATER. Exactly what happened to Princess Diana. She didn't know that would happen anymore than Jon did.

It can't be emphasized enough the sheer volume of people who had interactions with this family, including Robert directly himself. ~ Administrator said...

Sorry haven't seen the book yet! Last I heard from Robert we'd get an advanced copy as soon as he knew the release date.

Terri said...

I think the sooner Kate is exposed the better. She's a horrible mother and letting her get away with all this crap is a mistake - in my humble opinion.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 118

Although the content of the book is still unknown, can Kate sue him just because he is daring enough to publish a book about her?

Puh-shaw NOOO!

LOL! WELL! That is one nice emphatic answer, Admin. when I practicing my lawyerishyness, i should have added that to my repertoire!

AuntieAnn said...

What would be in that book that the kids don't already know? The financial part will go right over their heads, but the nastiness part will not surprise them. Besides she's probably already conditioned them with some "a man is writing a book of lies about me" story. Kate isn't going to change, unfortunately.

FYI said...

That letter was full of scare tactics and intimidation.

I googled Marty Singer and came across this article titled "Marty Singer Breaks Down the Art of the Cease-and-Desist Letter"

And here's another one titled "How to Write an Effectively Nasty Lawyer Letter"

Quote from the second article:

“Excellent cease-and-desist letters don’t pull any punches. Make them think twice: Pull the plug or be sued,” says Singer of his letters, which can total 10 pages and often contain detailed legal analysis as well as ominous phrases like “govern yourselves accordingly.”

Anonymous said...

I would guess that many of the T<C folks might be talking behind backs. I'm sure she treated them like trash.

Remember when she threw the dirty diaper full of poop and Jen, the producer? Jen called her on it later in one of the couch interviews and kart tried to laugh it off....

Have to wonder if they have patiently been biding their time, knowing that the truth would come out someday....

PatK said...

I'll probably be the odd man out here, but Kate should have thought about the downside of her celebrity status and how her fraudulent lies and greed might affect her children someday should they come to light.

She's taught them entitlement, now she'll have to teach them how to deal with things like this--even at an early age. All of this is how she's ruined their normal childhoods. It's on her, not the public.

how will the kids be affected? said...

I think that everyone on this blog IS and HAS BEEN concerned for the kids well being for quite some time. The less time the kids have around Kate, the better off they will be.

**How is the release of this book going to change how often the kids are around their mother?

No matter how much people hate Kate and want to see her comeuppance, just remember the kids will experience it too. At the tender ages of 8 and 12. At least if they were of legal age, they may be able to form thier OWN opinion. At this age? Doubtful. And it hurts me for them. No one wants to hear their mother is a monster when they are only 8 years old.

This will be used by Kate to get those kids to blame, and thus resent/hate, their father. Exactly what no one wants to happen. I guarantee it.

Unknown said...

Dwindle said... 124
''Is it possible that whatever is in here would give the kids fodder to sue Kate for their money back? Maybe that is what she is so afraid of?''
Oh! Oh my goodness! That made me blink, Dwindle. One thing that would really strike fear to the very soul of Kate would be worrying about what is going to happen to her MONEY....not her kids! Now you've got me thinking that maybe her wanting to keep her money hidden from not only Jon, but from her kids may have been the real reason she paid for the expensive, cut-throat attorneys!

Anonymous said...


- at Jen, not and Jen

I'm really getting bad at this typing thing, aren't I? Ugh......... ~ Administrator said...

Quote from the second article:

“Excellent cease-and-desist letters don’t pull any punches. Make them think twice: Pull the plug or be sued,” says Singer of his letters, which can total 10 pages and often contain detailed legal analysis as well as ominous phrases like “govern yourselves accordingly.”


Can I disagree with Marty Singer even though he bills about a billion dollars more than I ever will?

No, Marty, excellent cease and desist letters or ANY letters you send as an attorney are factual, respectful, and clear. I've gotten much further this way. It also opens the door to negotiation when people feel they are being respected.

But use this kind of thing and all it does is make people plant their feet even more. Sure maybe a few will get scared away and disappear, but most will just get more stubborn. I'm sorry but this tactic just doesn't work long term.

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do if he counter sues you? The big price Hollywood Attorney going to fly all the way to PA to defend your ....?

He is a busy man, and one of the best attorney's around, but surely he told you that this will likely get you no where. The courts mostly hate threat letters like this.

Bet that set you back quiet a bit if benjamines.

The only bully in any of this seems to be you.

Well of course there is your best friend, the red spoon. Wonder if you cooked with the same red spoon, then made them lick from the same spoon in the kitchen, after you hit them with the same spoon at other times? Ironic..

KG, have you ever been beat/hit with an object like that? What part of the body did you use to hit your kids with that spoon? The face? The mouth? The hands? The little legs? The head? The ears? The butt? All of the above? Here you were a big ole tall gorilla, pre- your good bra and plastic surgeon's body, using a spoon on those little bitty children. WHY?

And then you put it in the car, so they can see it every time they get in the car or get out of the car. What a way for a child to live.

Then when you get caught for all the lies, and someone pulls out the big red spoon on you, you say you are in emotional distress.

KG, you are your own handler now. How does it feel? Must be lonely.

So far the book is nothing more than a confirmation of what has been said and printed by others for many years. You gonna go around beating up on everybody, or threats with law suits cause you don't like what they say? CA won't save you from the truth.

You didn't fool the world, only yourself.

how will the kids be affected said...

It's on her, not the public.

**My goodness, you guys are certainly good at twisting words! I never said a thing about the public being responsible for those kids.

In fact, I agree! that she set herself up for this. Doen't mean I want to see the kids hurt any more than they already have been all their lives. ~ Administrator said...

how will the kids be affected?, I think the problem is you are assuming that the effect of this will be negative.

It may not be.

You can't assume the effect will be negative anymore than I should assume it will be positive. The fact is we don't know. Neither of us.

But, I think you are totally reasonable and justified to worry about it. On the flip side, a lot of us truly worry about what will happen to those kids is Kate ISN'T pinned down at some point. Will they feel like all this time they were the crazy ones and not her? It can bring a child tremendous validation and emotional stability to know that it is their parent's fault, not theirs.

We just don't know.

The Truth Shall Set You Free said...

How will the kids be impacted? Come on, both Jon and Kate made that very, in the negative, decision when they decided to film these children for soooo many years. Jon and Kate clearly understood the negatives of having your divorce and everything else splashed on the magazine covers for years.

The kids lived this life and I am sure heard their parents fight and bicker. I am sure none of this information will be anything new to the Gosselin kids.

The truth will help the kids. Kate can lie all she wants, as she has, but the Gosselin kids get it, they live it. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe Kate isn't worried so much about what was said so much as who said it.

If the rumors are true, TLC employees are some of the sources.

That would really bother her to be betrayed by TLC. I think she thinks they will make her look like a fool by virtue of who they are.

It's one thing for a housekeeper to talk, quite another for TLC to.

Unknown said...

The Truth Shall Set You Free said... 143
''.......The kids lived this life and I am sure heard their parents fight and bicker. I am sure none of this information will be anything new to the Gosselin kids.
The truth will help the kids. Kate can lie all she wants, as she has, but the Gosselin kids get it, they live it.''
I agree that the kids have lived it, and know she lies. I think that the sooner their knowledge of what is real are validated, the better.

FYI said...

Gotta love this tweet about the lawyer's letter:

The only thing they left off is "And (iii) you are just jellus."

Dwindle said...

Remona Blue said... 137
Dwindle said... 124
''Is it possible that whatever is in here would give the kids fodder to sue Kate for their money back? Maybe that is what she is so afraid of?''
Oh! Oh my goodness! That made me blink, Dwindle. One thing that would really strike fear to the very soul of Kate would be worrying about what is going to happen to her MONEY....not her kids! Now you've got me thinking that maybe her wanting to keep her money hidden from not only Jon, but from her kids may have been the real reason she paid for the expensive, cut-throat attorneys!

For Kate, it is all about the money, the accumulation of material things, and being famous. I dont think having the true respect and affection of her children is high on her list, except wherever it can bring her more of the above. Those kids will be in for a rude awakening when the realize they grew up being told they were too poor for milk, clean clothes or to go to the movies; but they made their mother millions of dollars which she stashed.

It's nice to see you again Remona!

Anonymous said...

I know we've speculated about this before, and certainly won't get anywhere today with this, but.......

1. Child abuse/neglect
2. An affair with purseboy
3. Fraud perpetrated on churches and people donating money
4. Financial fraud and mishandling of money overall
5. Spousal abuse
6. Alienation of father, grandparents and other relatives

These are the only categories I can think of that she might be afraid of exposure. But we know or have guessed all of them.

An abortion somewhere along the line, being gay... I don't think those two things warrant her desperate attempts to get Hoffman shut down.

I think, honestly deep in my heart, she is just absolutely FREAKED that she has no control. I imagine she is saying 'no one does this to kart gosselin, NO ONE'... she's trying her bully tactics on Hoffman through her paid lawyers and it isn't working.

It worked on Jon. It works on her kids. It worked on Kevin, Jodi, Carla, Ashley, and Beth.

kart has to be pissed beyond words. I actually don't worry so much about her self-harming, but I do worry how she'll treat the kids, how badly she'll drive and perhaps lose control of the car...

I'm sure the school is aware and keeps a close eye on the kids and their safety.

She has no filter, no anger management skills.

Of course, one little slip-up with the kids and Jon can file for full custody for their safety. And get child support from HER! LOL

Yep, it's going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

Jumping In said...

how will the kids be affected 110......

As much as I want to see Kate finally exposed for the fraud she is, I too hope Jon is not behind this book. I suppose there was a long line of people waiting to share their stories with Robert, and hopefully this book won't be from Jon's perspective.

Nevertheless, the kids will once again be put through emotional turmoil thanks to their mother's treatment of others while pursuing fame at their expense. Sadly, Kate is still their mother, they have to live with the consequences of her exploitation of them, and now the exposure of that fact.

how will the kids be affected? said...

Yep, it's going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

** I agree. Only I won't be popping any popcorn or buying this book to pad this guy's pockets. I'll be the one with the tissue hoping and praying those kids get through all of this intact.

Dwindle said...

Anonymous said... 140


Yikes, Anonymous. You sound as upset to pieces as I am about her hitting those babies and toddlers with that spoon. Hopefully there will be some answers.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Good to see you too, Dwindle. I think that you may have narrowed down to the two things that Kate is most afraid of being exposed....
1. How much money she has, and where it is
2. That cursed red spoon, and what she may have done with it!!

Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree that the kids will not benefit from this book, in the sense that the direct effect will be one pissed off mommy.

But there are safety nets for the kids. And kart needs to be stopped from exploiting them further and blowing through all the money so there isn't any when the kids get older.

It truly is a double-edged sword. I do think, however, that this book might stop kart and that will be only good for the kids.

Elaine said...

Kate is a twit said... 114
After reading that letter from the lawyers, I do have to commend Robert for not giving up. It definitely shows courage and fortitude in going ahead with the book.

Team Robert!!!


Let's get some bracelets ;-)

I'm getting very excited about this book. So glad to have found this blog; you guys are awesome in your research, reasoning, and humor. I love reading here!!!!!!!!


FYI said...

I understand that the truth about their mother may have some negative effect on the kids, and yes, I am concerned about that. However, wouldn't it be better for the kids that the truth comes out now, rather than later.

Think about it. How would you feel if someone knew something about your parent, but covered it up thinking they were protecting you. Years later, you found out that everything was a lie. Wouldn't that have a more damaging effect?

Anonymous said...

Ouch! LOL

Anonymous postings automatically trigger my scroll button.

Unknown said...

Permanent Name in Blue said... 155
''I think we can all agree that the kids will not benefit from this book, in the sense that the direct effect will be one pissed off mommy.

But there are safety nets for the kids. And kart needs to be stopped from exploiting them further and blowing through all the money so there isn't any when the kids get older.

It truly is a double-edged sword. I do think, however, that this book might stop kart and that will be only good for the kids.''
Yes! Kate needs to be stopped exploiting and hiding and/or spending the money made on the backs of those children (and Jon), and stopping Kate will be good for the kids.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate really thought her ass was covered when everyone was forced to sign an confidentiality agreement.

Did she really think anyone who worked with her wasn't going to say "Oh I worked with that bitch, you know what she did she....."

Good luck going after EVERYONE who's ever had anything to do with her.

Her lawyers will end up coming over to the dark side with us.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, not leaving!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if 'everyone' did actually sign CAs?

She had so many helpers in there it's hard to believe she got them all. And like Admin says, CAs don't give protection from illegal behaviors.

Anonymous said...

PatK 165,


FYI said...

I noticed in the letter how the lawyer keeps talking about Kate's "rights of privacy". She never worried about the kids' "rights of privacy", in the past or in the present. She's still putting their lives out there for everyone to see. Kate only worries about Kate.

#Team Robert

how will the kids be affected? said...

#Team Robert

** #TeamKids

FYI said...


Good for Hoffman = Good for Kids said...

This book won't harm the kids like the mother has. She's harmed them for years with her exploitation.

It's on her. ~ Administrator said...

I noticed in the letter how the lawyer keeps talking about Kate's "rights of privacy". She never worried about the kids' "rights of privacy", in the past or in the present. She's still putting their lives out there for everyone to see. Kate only worries about Kate.

#Team Robert


That's because Kate's mission in life is to expose the privacy of minor children, not her OWN. Duh.

On a serious note, if private facts would be so terrible they cause her emotional distress, how does she think the kids feel to have had their privacy violated for so long? Wouldn't karma be great if the kids sued HER for emotional distress?

FYI said...

Against my better judgement, I watched the episode where the kids went to the dentist. One of the girls tups is screaming and crying her eyes out. During this, Kate is talking to someone, making jokes about and laughing-not comforting her child-not telling them to turn off the cameras-not doing what any loving, caring parent would do.

Watching that gave ME emotional distress. I can just imagine how the kids would feel, by not only living it, but knowing that it was shown to the world under the guise of entertainment.

how will the kids be affected? said...

One of the girls tups is screaming and crying her eyes out.

** That was truly awful, wasn't it? Now picture this happening when their mother is on the warpath over the release of said book.

I caution people to contain their glee over the outing of Kate G. if only for her kids sake. This is going to be a truly heart wrenching experience for them. Because you just KNOW she's going to blame it all on their father. Their confusion will be heart shattering. At least for me it will.

Maybe Robert, out of the goodness of his bitter heart, will donate some of the proceeds of said book to a fund for the kids simply for therapy. I hope so but I don't expect it.

Unknown said...

how will the kids be affected? said... 174
''............Maybe Robert, out of the goodness of his bitter heart, will donate some of the proceeds of said book to a fund for the kids simply for therapy. I hope so but I don't expect it''
OR...maybe Kate will, in an effort to APPEAR to actually care about her kids once the truth is out, pay for the children's therapy. Maybe....but I don't expect it.

Anonymous said...

Kate's actions over the years have been way more damaging to the kids than this book will be.

Maybe this book coming out will change the way Kate treats others.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Robert needs to contribute to the therapy of a millionaire. Even if he did give money for the kids, who says they'd see a penny of it or actually go to therapy.

Obviously, Robert had huge legal bills because of Kate 's extreme paranoia.

As far as the bracelets go --- I'm speechless.

how will the kids be affected? said...

OR...maybe Kate will, in an effort to APPEAR to actually care about her kids once the truth is out, pay for the children's therapy. Maybe....but I don't expect it.

** OR...Kate will go ballistic and the kids will suffer in the process. Seems that's the more likely scenario, knowng what we do of Kate.

Either scenario, at least we agree those children will definitely need even more therapy if/when this book is released.

Maggie said...

There are hundreds if not thousands of books that are written and published that are called unauthorized biographies and those authors do not get sued. Think of all the books written about the Presidents of the US. Many have explosive unflattering statements written in them about the Presidents. Think of all the movie stars and the books written about them. They write all kinds of negative things these people.

Again, I mentioned Kitty Kelley many months ago. She has written many extensive books about the very powerful families and people in this country. Her books are pack with negative stuff about her subjects. She wrote about the Kennedy's, Oprah, Bush family, the British family, Nancy Reagan,etc. She was never sued over all the ugly stuff she wrote about these people and families. And these families had hundreds of millions to sue her but didn't.

I think Mr. Hoffman has done his due diligence and has covered his bases. If Kate did sue it would only bring tons of attention to his book and many thousands more would read it wanting to know what was in it that made Kate file a lawsuit against him.

Maggie said...

I have a hunch that Mr. Hoffman may have a deal with TMZ to bring this book to the public. The man that runs TMZ, Harvey Levin, is an attorney. And his stance about Kate has always been very negative. Perhaps Harvey gave Mr. Hoffman the lie detective test to see if what Mr. Hoffman wrote was true. And he said he passed the lie test with flying colors. Once TMZ picks up the story it will go around the entertainment field in less than a day. And Harvey will lend credence to the book if he backs Mr. Hoffman.

readerlady said...

Anonymice -- I completely agree with you. Permanent Name should move to another blog. So should Dwindle. So should Dmasy, aggiemom, LoveMyGrandsons, Remona Blue, Anger Issues, Maggie, ,JoyinVa,Bearswife,Formerly Duped, the original Marie, Marie the relative newcomer, KyPastor, Berks Neighbor, Lancaster County Parent, Kate's County, and all the other caring, intelligent, informed, funny posters here. I should go to another blog. So should Admin. Oh, wait, it's Admin's blog. SHE gets to say who posts here. Otherwise, I completely agree with you.

You know you're too heavily invested in this story when you have dreams about KK and/or the kids. I went to bed early last night because the antihistamines I took were making me drowsy. I dreamt about kids pulling dressers over on themselves and cameras going off and water on the kitchen floor. Yikes! And it made me think. KK is incredibly stupid (well, we already knew that). She has no idea how badly this story reflects on her. First of all, she's admitting publicly that she left 6 small children unattended for so long that they could completely destroy a room, and didn't have a CLUE that it was happening, despite all the noise that must have occurred. She was either too oblivious, too drunk, or too self-absorbed to notice anything. Secondly, her childrens' bedroom was so unsafe that six very small children could overturn a dresser. Again, stupid, oblivious, uncaring . . .

how will this affect the kids? I think these children have already been so damaged that this book will just be another blip on the radar for them. I'm not filled with glee that the book is coming out. I'm interested. I will buy and read the book. I will continue to pray for these kids. I will hope that Jon will get the impetus needed from the book to be able to convince the court that KK is NOT a good mother and that the children need to be protected from her. I will believe that this book will open the eyes of TPTB that much more scrutiny is needed when children are placed, front and center, on TV. Oh, and re the episode of the dentist visit and the child that freaked out? I continue to go back to Table For Twelve, and the Hayes family. When one of their little ones freaked out at the dentist, Eric took him in his arms, sat in the dentist's chair, and held him until the exam was over. The child calmed very quickly. ERIC is a parent. KATE is not.

Dmasy said...

Morning reading. All of you have covered the serious implications of the children and legal threats and Kate's reactions.

Excuse me for mentioning something superficial...except for the LIES.

Stare as long as you are able at the clown hair Kate face on the Gosselin book site. Scroll down to the Emmy Kate face. Just seconds separate the two full face shots.

Nose job and chin implant -- oh, yeah.

Wowser said...

Kate's plan to have Robert's book stopped obviously failed and that letter her attorney's sent that Robert just made public is the final nail in her coffin. Kate no longer has the option to do the morning circuit crying "'s all lies" because the letter clearly states that IF there are any lies yadayadayada then they can sue him and obviosly Robert just backed up that he can prove everything because he is now able to release it. What leg does she have to stand on? If she says it's all lies during an interview, the interviewer can just say "but didn't u take him to court and he proved everything?". What can she say'. #sheistoast

TLC stinks said...

That law firm's letter is a bunch of gobbily gook. It just went on and on stating the same things.

Well, the book is on, and what will happen? Once it's out and the tabs start publishing from it, you can be CERTAIN there will be people coming out if the woodwork about Kate. This is her worst nightmare.

Unless Robert totally fabricated lies, he had nothing to worry about. The letter was nothing but intimidation. Not impressed. And she paid big bucks for that!

Dmasy said...

Dwindle -- I take the risk of sounding Miloish here.

But, do you know that we think you are awesome, talented, kind, and the bestest mother? Oh, and funny, too.

Heide said...

He just updated. Says there will be a falling star today.

TLC stinks said...

As far as how all this affects the kids...they have already been affected. Just because you give birth does not make you a "mother". Kate is a psychological menace to those kids. I am glad that her true self is being exposed. Then the kids can get some help to cope with being raised by the momster.

TLC stinks said...

Yeah, Wowser. He took a lie detector test. She shot herself in the foot with that, didn't she?

Dmasy said...

"A star is falling today..." posted on Gosselin Book site just minutes ago.

Don't know exactly what Robert Hoffman means. He seems to be promising something BIG today.

PS: Winnie the Pooh is undoubtedly embarrassed to be involved in this mess.

TLC stinks said...

Noticed the Robert's letter was addressed to "gentlemen". To his attorneys? Robert and a co-author?

TLC stinks said...

A star will fall today. NY. And LA.... Hint that it is going public. Must be advanced publicity or leaks.

barbee said...

WHO can seriously think those kids don't already think she is a monster? They live with it every day, although they aren't allowed out of her control often so probably have nothing to compare her to in order to KNOW how terrible a mother-figure she is.

She has NO hope in hell of being the PA version of Kris Jenner. She is too ignorant to begin with and her twins don't have the personality or physical appeal of Kris' teenage daughters. Add to that the fact that most of the kids have shown no exceptional talents, there is no way they are going anywhere in the entertainment field. Kids who end up as stars started a career in something, anything, often as early as 3 years old. At best, Mady was at least about 8 or so when she took up violin and yet we are not treated to mini-concerts. We are just told about her script writing and production/directing talents for family fun. And we all know how much everyone always enjoys OTHER peoples vacation pictures/movies.

Choleric Kreider said...

Star Magazine New York and Los Angeles.

Falling Star said...

As far as how all this affects the kids...they have already been affected


I do worry about those kids...very much. I just don't know that they are going to be affected by this, if indeed it turns out to be what it is anticipated to be. They have been through years of this, with Kate all over the tabloids, magazines, being bashed there and on internet sites. How much of it do they actually hear? How would this be any different? I would imagine that with everything that has gone down so far, they would have learned to just ignore everything as lies from jealous people. Why would this be any different?

Moi said...


Hoffman is a genius in setting this up.

I so hope we won't be disappointed.

It's been a long time since there has been any big Gosselin news and this is huge.

KAT said...

Me...I'm mainly interested in what this is costing her...Does anyone have a rough estimate?

Molly12 said...

PatK said:
Her dozen or so die-hard fans will go item by item through the book and come up with whatever ridiculous reasons as to why Kate did what she did.

Excellent. That means the sheeple will have to purchase the book which will only help support book sales

TLC stinks said...

Star owned by TMZ?

Dmasy said...

If you Goggle Star, you are automatically linked to Radar Online.

Anonymous said...

I just read the lawyer-ish letter.
They got nothing.
They wrote that letter to appease their client (Kate).
I'm surprised they didn't use a bunch of made up words and an overabundance of "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

And seriously who ends a letter "You act at your own peril"?
It's pandering at best.

JoyinVirginia said...

Caught up on reading before I go to work. Here is a thought about sources. Not only have there been a parade of helpers in and out of the house over the years, and film crew members, think about all the production staff who viewed film when doing editing and trying to piece together a coherent episode. Think about WHO OWNS THE FILM! TLC probably has contractual rights to the film in perpetuity, or Figure 8 Productions. Many people who never set foot in Pennsylvania saw the unedited Ms Kreider. Low level administrative staff who processed those invoices from contractors like security. There are thousands of potential sources for all the bits and pieces that have been on theRH blog.
If Ms Kreider was trying to shop herself and the Krew to a non affiliated network, is that enough to make TLC or Figure 8 point a few sources in RH Direction? Interesting to speculate.

Dwindle said...

""Watch for a falling Star today in New York and LA.""

I guess it's today.

TLC stinks said...

Ahhh,it's Radar and Star. I bet they will start leaking the book to build up an audience for when it is released. Unfortunately, this will allow Kate to get media time to respond. I sure do hope the dam breaks and others come out. I cannot believe everyone signed CA's. She treated people like crap and she expects loyalty and people to respect her privacy?! Fool.

Dwindle said...

JoyinVirginia said... 196
Caught up on reading before I go to work. Here is a thought about sources. Not only have there been a parade of helpers in and out of the house over the years, and film crew members, think about all the production staff who viewed film when doing editing and trying to piece together a coherent episode


I was thinking the same thing. In that one Disney World/Land pic, there at least 9 production people standing there while the tup hugged the Disney character. That could really add up to a hundred folks a week during active filming and 'traveling'. She was so arrogant to assume she could act out in any way she chose, and hide behind the children.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous this time unfortunately. I would love NOT to have this story to tell.

how will the kids be affected? bring up valid points.
However, having lived thru this very thing with a family member, I assure you that NOTHING done publicly to this person who calls themselves a mother is worse than what the child has/does endure.


And it has the chance of making their poor little lives better.

There is nothing that the gestational carrier fears more than light being shown upon her true behavior. She in completely invested in hiding her nasty behavior, keeping it secret. And what's worse, she now has the kids invested in keeping the secret.
Secrets are not healthy. They serve no one well.
This kind of mom has a *huge* fear of being judged. As she should be, her behavior is appalling, disgusting, harsh, ugly.

It's all about appearances for them. Their big claim to fame is what a good mom they are.

Am I gleeful about her being exposed? YOU BETCHA!!!!!

Am I gleeful about the kids possibly having more hurt? NO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Will there be any good morning tweets from Kate?


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