Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kate runs in Chicago Rock 'n' Roll mini marathon

START 00:00:00 6:47:08 am --

FINISH 00:29:54 7:17:01 am 09:38

Avg. Pace 09:38

988 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Wowser said...

Admin: any word on whether Purse boy was there or did she not need "protection" from the masses? ~ Administrator said...

No idea about purse boy but if he wasn't there that sure begs the question why did she need protection in the first place? Oh right she doesn't. At all.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate pre-race

Kate post-race

Mrs. Malaprop said...

AuntiAnn said:
lol Mrs. Malaprop and NJGal - I promise I will never make fun of you or your dialect unless you sell your kids out to TLC, look like donkeys, grift for a living, don't take good care of your dog, throw your family under the bus or into the black hole, run around with your bodyguard and then think your farts still smell like roses. X my heart. :)
Oh good! LOL!!!! Carry on then, carry on.

Wowser said...

Wait...was that post interview right after the race? Or did she shower? She doesn't look like she just ran

Twittering And Twattering said...

@Kateplusmy8 hi can you kiss me Leah hop and Hanna and what do you think about Moslem people

As a parent, if you got a tweet like this, wouldn't it creep you out?
Kate probably just shrugs it off...

NJGal51 said...

Auntie Ann - I "swea ta gawd" that I will neva sell my kid for fame and fortune and I will always love my dog more than I like most people's kids! Tanks for not makin fun of da way I tawk.

Kate is a twit said...

Some more pictures of Kate in Chicago. In one of them it looks like she's being interviewed.

Localyocul said...

W.O.W. She really does NOT look healthy in that video at all. Her face is so drawn and dehydrated looking. She looks a lot like a girl in my college dorm back in the 80s who was anorexic. This girl used to speed walk to class, she never took the elevator (4ht floor) and always ran up the stairs. She would get super excited about meals, get a tray, find something wrong with it and eat a pita filled with dry bean sprouts. Her face looked pointy just like that.

barbee said...

I'd like to know how the tups fit in the stroller in 2010 when she started running outside, they were six years old at that time. Oh wait, they were still in highchairs at that time too.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

No trace of PB yet in any of the photos.

running on empty said...

Kate is a twit said... 9
Some more pictures of Kate in Chicago. In one of them it looks like she's being interviewed.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 12
No trace of PB yet in any of the photos.


It also appears as if she pushed herself ahead of her running partners at the finish line, right before raising her arms in victory.

Pity Party said...

Does anybody remember the tradition of plain mashed potatoes for carb loading the night before a run? I thought she sent pictures and don't remember a bowl of plain mashed potatoes. What does that mean - no butter? I don't think she even knew about carb loading until she went to her first non-marathon. At least she didn't go into that little spiel about the cord to her phone having to be wrapped a certain way.

AuntieAnn said...

NJGal51 @ 8 - You talkin' ta me? YOU TALKIN' TA ME???!!!

Whoa. Those vinegar rumslingers or whatever the heck we call them sure do go down easy on hot Sundays. The day not the ice cream. That would be dae.
oh you know what I mean.

Working Woman said...

Tucker's Mom said..... 192

I respectfully have to disagree. Kate doesn't eat or train properly, she has no formal education in fitness and nutrition and her goal in running is to be skinny.


Fantastic point, Tucker's Mom. It's funny, I'm an avid dancer, but I run for 30 seconds and I feel completely winded. I guess I equated her being able to run several miles at a time with being able to train others lol. But you are absolutely right that she does not seem to take care of herself the way an aspiring runner should.

Pity Party said...

I don't think he is there. He is usually seen lurking. I have been trying to put a handle on what is different. I have determined that despite the big smile she looks depressed.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Re: running while pregnant . . . last summer my SIL ran her first 5K while pregnant with her third baby, a little girl after two boys. She said the muscles in her lower abdomen were aching by the time she finished. Sadly, about six weeks later she went into labor three weeks pre-term. The baby had died due to complications with the cord. Nobody knows the reason this happened, and we can't say the running caused it. But I remember worrying about her running, and then the horrible loss occurred . . . And at the same time she found out her husband was having an affair. It was a horrific situation that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Today she's back with the turd, I mean, her husband. Ugh! I can't stand him. :( And she continues to run because she's got to keep that hot body so he won't stray again. It's pretty sickening really.

SaraMRN2010 said...

My caption for the picture:
"Um honestly finishing is winning and winning is finishing!!!!"

mama mia said...

The anorexia is rearing its ugly head now, the arteries in Kate's neck are popping out. Her face is heavily lined, the flabby legs, ugh, who wants a life so heavily reliant on photo shopping, studio lighting and heavy make up?

Kate is a twit said...

I tried to find the results of the woman who is pregnant, but no results came up for her. Earlier today she was listed as running the half, but her medal is for the mini.

It's possible that she started but didn't finish. Although the temperature wasn't too high, the humidity was.

From my understanding a

Wowser said...

Wow..Kate looks like she is in her 50's in the pictures that Running On Empty posted. Yikes. Looks like she is cutting back on dye jobs, booby guards, and Botox. Funny how much more friendly and hands on she seemed with the "threatening masses" which tells me booby guard is gone and now she has to change her image from "I am a stah bitch..don't get too close to me or my booby guard will hurt you". I remember when she was doing the Grove interview with her metallic mess of a dress and she was all fake smiley with the reporters but when skeeve told her she had to take Pictures with people the microphone picked up her saying "I thought this wasn't part of it". She sure seemed a lot different in Chicago.

Winsomeone said...

After looking at the various pictures of Kate at the race, all I could think of is how totally alone she looked. She has no one left now, does she? Even Steve seems to be gone.

Mel said...

 She said in that interview she started running years ago pushing the 6 seat stroller that weighed 200 lbs.

In her latest interview in Chicago she said she started running just outside 2 years ago.

At an interview earlier this year she said she started running 3 years ago.

I'm confused. On the show she was the most un-athletic person I'd ever seen.

And good grief, what is with those very flabby thighs? I'm 61, never exercise, and mine look tons better! Not only is it flabby, the skin looks old. Really old.

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said...
I'm confused. On the show she was the most un-athletic person I'd ever seen.
So true. She didn't want to ice skate with Cara nor did she want to rollerblade with Jon. She wasn't athletic at all. Her mental health is deteriorating as fast as her body. I want to feel bad but it's hard to if she's aware of her problems and refuses to get help.

Running on Empty said...

Winsomeone said... 23
After looking at the various pictures of Kate at the race, all I could think of is how totally alone she looked. She has no one left now, does she? Even Steve seems to be gone.


Yes, it's almost palpable. No one else in the frame, unless it's posed. She's standing on the field by herself, looking a bit...lost?

librarylady said...

I wonder if she would ever look at those videos and consider that she truly does not have any "gift of gab" at all.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Maybe Steve came to his senses.

fade2black said...

I saw 6, possibly 7 CC t-shirts in those pictures and that includes Kate. Is that everybody? If so, that's just about the saddest thing I've ever seen.

Wowser said...

In hindsight...I wonder if Kate only runs just to get skinny and stay skinny...she is a type A personality and is a total control freak. She didn't start running until her marriage fell apart. Anorexia is a disease about having control. Kate has lost her husband, her "fame", her tv show and her purseboy with no job prospects for the future. Her tweets have almost been manic the past 6 months about appearing positive etc. think about it...she is grasping at anything that can keep her relevant. She runs to gain control but can use it to her advantage if she spins it as a "passion" and can stay in the public's view. I think it's catching up with her. She is running less distance not farther distance in these races. Almost seems backwards. She looks haggard and the smile looks more and more forced. I think Kate is keeping up appearances but is spinning out of control inside and we are seeing it manifest physically.

Permanent Name said...

Without a manager, how will she ever get a job???

She literally can not do anything on her own.

I'm not kidding or talking in code here; she has shown over the past few years that she needs someone to make her reservations, part the crowd so she can enter cars and restaurants, make her marathon reservations for her, drive her to NY for her hair frying....

Anything else she's tried (books, website, blog, menu mondays) have all been epic fails.

How on earth will this woman get a job? How will she interview and compete with other job candidates?

How will she work as her own agent to call up TV stations to get interviews?

I'm guessing agents check each other out, and before taking on a new potentially 'famous' (oops, I just gagged there, sorry) client they'd talk with previous agents to see what kind of client she has been. Has she been receptive, compliant, pays on time?

She may not be able to get a new agent.... much less a job.

Yikes! It's looking grim, folks..........

Tamara said...

I don't see how anyone so lazy, and lacking curiosity could be a type A personality.

Michelle said...

librarylady said... 27
I wonder if she would ever look at those videos and consider that she truly does not have any "gift of gab" at all.

She comes across as really awkward to me in interviews. Like she has a social anxiety disorder.

fidosmommy said...

How can Kate look at the after-race video and not be embarrassed? She sounded like a cross between a Valley Girl and a person having a "senior moment". And then she did it AGAIN.
It was almost like the tape was rewound and played again. Andy Baldwin saved her from any further embarrassment by speaking up about hills and distance. That was just pitiful.

About Steve. Yes, his contract is probably up.
Also, Kate's PR team has told her to look more approachable, lose the scowling silver haired guy, and go walk among the people who made you famous. Smile at people instead of cameras.

Wowser said...

She may be lazy but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to be in control...look at how she was with Jon, how she has to call the shots with everything, prove everyone wrong (she fails miserably with that one) and refers to anyone who doesn't agree with her or criticizes her in anyway as a "hater"...the problem is, Kate has burned every bridge with everyone in her life...she is up shit creek without a paddle and that is not a good sign, because she has already informed us she is not "water-ish"

Michelle said...

Just looked at the marathon pics. Wow, did anyone pay to run with Kate? Just a little more than a handful of Coupon Cabin shirts running with Kate and I seem to recall Coupon Cabin's offices are in Chicago or nearby. If their offices are nearby, I'd guess all of those in the Coupon Cabin shirts work for Coupon Cabin and didn't pay to run with Kate.

Sherry Baby said...

I wonder if she would ever look at those videos and consider that she truly does not have any "gift of gab" at all.


I think it depends on what she considers gift of gab. If she looks at them and sees herself as running over at the mouth, blabbering about nothing, trying to be funny, then no, she doesn't realize that she doesn't have a gift of gab. To her, a gift of gab just means being able to talk. It doesn't matter if nothing of substance comes out of her mouth.

Running on empty said...

The Kate Gosselin who ran the Chicago "mini marathon" today looks nothing like any of these pictures--not even the most recent ones. (And her high school pictures? Not even close!)

denni don't like Kate..... said...

Maybe I shouldn't say anything, but I can't resist...I'm in my late 50's and I run for fun....haven't ever done a full marathon or even a half....this weekend I went to Austin to visit my oldest son (33 yrs old and a casual runner)....we went out dancing last night, drank a few beers and then this morning we got up and decided to go to Zilker Park and run the trails...we ran a little over three miles in 30 big deal....Kate makes out like she's done something extraordinary when it is totally ordinary.....Like we say in Texas, she's a "sick puppy."

chefsummer #Leh said...

Well at least Kate only said um twice in the interviews.

However I now think honestly and seriously are her new words.

Tamara said...

Type A and a control freak are two different things. Khate is the latter.

Berks Neighbor said...

There were two different colored C.C. shirts at the mini-marathon. C.C. staff/bloggers wore the blue, anyone who signed up for the run got to wear white. If you go to the C.C. website you can see the blogger pictures and compare them with the ones in the blue. She mainly ran with the staff and a few people who signed up were straggling behind (in the Getty photos)
I agree that she looks emaciated and unhealthy. Thin and healthy is one thing, but Kate looks horrible, old, and saggy. I'm 7 years older than her and I look younger than she does. I work out 3 days a week, try to stay out of the sun, I eat very healthy and most people I know say I look barely in my 30's and can't believe I'm in my 40's. She's not doing herself any favors. In fact she's looking more and more like Gollum from Lord of the Rings as the months go by.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Check this one/photo out...(do it at ur own risk)Jk.

NJGal51 said...

Kate has the "gift of gab" when the questions are pre-approved and scripted and she's got her ear piece in to give her the answers. Any time we've seen her in an off-the-cuff interview she's been painful to watch and very awkard. I think the link today showed her at her very worst. She couldn't think of anything to say and had to resort to making faces and rolling her eyes. Andy B graciously stepped in and saved the interview, however the damage was done and Kate showed what an inarticulate idiot she really is. I have to agree with everyone, she does look pretty bad in the pictures and these pictures do prove just how much photo shopping has been done. We now also know why she seems to wear pancake makeup everywhere she goes. It has to be thick stage makeup to make that look good.

Admin - has the Next Food Network Star been on yet in CA? Although we're on CA time we get the East coast feed. I don't want to ruin for anyone that hasn't seen it yet by discussing it.

A Mom said...

Steve & Kate are in Chicago together!!! He's running marathon in back of CC runners wearing all black and dark sun glasses! ((Check out getty pics))Looks like Kate will be spending the night in Chicago with booby purse getter grey hair guy. Jon was right from the beginning>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Midnight Madness said...

chefsummer said... 40

Well at least Kate only said um twice in the interviews.


Is there a link to the video/interview from today's run? The only ones I've seen are from the San Diego run (Andy Baldwin).

Loose pantyhose said...

Her legs look like that because of too much lipo. Period

ncgirl said...

"Steve & Kate are in Chicago together!!! He's running marathon in back of CC runners wearing all black and dark sun glasses"

Yeah, if your enlarge the group pic, it does look like him in the back on the left.

franky said...

khate looks like lee--ann rimes (?) rode hard..Imo

Just finished 54 r work week, spending only day off tomorrow week only six days47 hrs.

ingle mom,no sympathy for her griftiness.

running a marathon (mini) is what I do every day.

sorry for rant, off to relax at bar amongst adults for an hour then bed u postets, I rrad e eryone of them

a demain

Asheyash said...

From this pic you see a few more coupon cabin people. doesn't look like a lot of people to me!

Also, no sign of purseboy in these pictures either.

soozbc said...

A Mom (45) you are right! Skeeve is on the left margin of the picture, about 4 runners behind Khate. Dressed all in black with dark sunglasses. My caption for this photo will be:
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service"

Janet said...

You're all right, that IS Steve in the background! thinks they tried to make it look like Kate was there all by her lonesome. Of course they're probably in the sack right wonder Kate hasn't tweeted; that's always a dead giveaway!

chefsummer #Leh said...

So purse boy is still there no surprise there.

Midnight Madness said...

@51...yes, indeed. That is Steve. Interesting!

Why is it that on every photo Kate's head looks like it's too big for her body? It looks like someone photoshopped her head on another person's body, and was off a bit on the sizing.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Title for the first photo.

Yes I have My Bodyguard Back He Mine 4 The Nite Take That Gina. ~ Administrator said...

My caption:

"All those who love Kate Gosselin, raise your hands"



Maggie said...

Those 2 videos that we see are not from today's run. I noticed in a photo that she is being interviewed with a big boom mic. It looks like it would be a TV interview she is giving. Has anyone seen a TV spot that she filmed today?

As someone said, the medium blue shirts are for the staffers of CC. I think there was probably about 5 of them. And I only saw 3 white CC T-shirts. So perhaps only 3 people took up CC offer to run with Kate in Chicago. How embarrassing for all. Remember CC mentioned the possiblity of them setting up a tent. Ha, for what? 3 to 5 fans. The pregnant lady and the 2 ladies at the top of this thread aren't in the CC T-shirt. I think they just spotted Kate and took a photo or autograph from her.

What did Kate tell her co-workers about Steve...married/divorced. Even if the divorce happened in New Zealand you would think in this day and age it would be known by now. And I bet Kate had CC pay for his escort. I think they fell for it & paid her and his expenses.

I think her year contract will expire in Nov. and I don't think it will be renewed. What can Kate possibly blog about that she hasn't already said? And I mean that seriously. CC is eye-witnessing Kate's decline with her cancelled cruise, no job prospects, and today's miserable turn out. ~ Administrator said...

NJ thanks for not saying anything! It actually airs at the same time as East Coast here, but I wasn't able to watch it until right now. I'm only halfway through.

I loved the "I cannot stand Giada" montage hahahahha. Alton and Bobby just can't stand here but they play it off like a joke, but it's not a joke hahaha. ~ Administrator said...

I don't like how Kate exploits her kids and alienates Jon but at the end of the day I don't want to see her health hurting like this. She needs help eating the right things to sustain all this running. I am concerned she could be going the route of Karen Carpenter.

Midnight Madness said...

Maggie said...57

Those 2 videos that we see are not from today's run. I noticed in a photo that she is being interviewed with a big boom mic. It looks like it would be a TV interview she is giving. Has anyone seen a TV spot that she filmed today?


That's what I didn't understand and asked about it upthread. Someone linked to a pre-run and after-run, but those were from San Diego. Is there a video from today's run?

Midnight Madness said...

Was that the entire CC crew with Steve bringing up the rear? Six people?

Silimom said...

I just watched a great documentary about child actors in Hollywood called "The Hollywood Complex". If you have even given putting your child in show business a passing glance, watch this movie. It's very enlightening. I rented it off Apple TV but you can get the dvd from Netflix.

Why anyone would want to do this I don't know.

Kate is a twit said...

Here's another picture that shows Steve. I wonder how he's allowed on the course without being entered in the race. Guess "celebrities" get special consideration.

Although some pictures are repeats of pictures on the getty images site, there are some different ones here.[149104988]&ep=1/60/1&s=3

Wowser said...

Son of a gun...skeve is there. Looks like the new PR peeps are telling him to be incognito (he should dye his hair lol). Interesting.....I just scanned through all the pictures and I noticed that Kate only engages with other CC-ers in a few of them and it looks forced. Look at the CC-ers ..the are laughing and talking and teasing each other and Kate runs alone beside one is engaging with her. I wonder if they don't like her either just like TLC. She really is an island.

Kate is a twit said...

The CC runners:

I'm assuming the ones in white are not CC employees and the ones in blue are. I wonder if the ones in white actually signed up because of Kate, or are they friends of family members of other employees.

And getting back to Steve-if he was going to run anyway, why couldn't he have paid $40 and signed up as an actual participant?

Oh right-we're not supposed to know that he's there with Kate.

So far, I have not been able to find any interview with Kate in Chicago.

Wowser said...

Check out the CC group shot!! Kate is in the middle in the back. Everyone is standing like you would in a sport yearbook picture EXCEPT Kate....barbizon Kate is in full view and she is the only one standing like that. What a whacko!

Kate is a twit said...

In my previous post "friends of family members" should be "friends OR family members.

Kate is a twit said...

Wowser-that's so she would stand out in the picture. She's the "stah" of the team, after all.

Wowser said...

Lol...she is the stah of the team and yet it looks like no one really gave her any notice. I wonder if people get embarrassed FOR is so obvious she has NO need for a bodyguard...and yep! You definitely know why she is on twitter silence.

Running on Empty said...

Steve's presence in the photos doesn't mean he's a presence in her life.

Fact is, he's nowhere near her in the other shots, and more to the point, she still looks just as depressed and unhealthy as she did when we thought she was by herself.

Seriously, does the dark-clothed figure really change the perceptions you've had about Kate's situation? Aside from any thoughts you had about whether or not she was going it alone?

With or without Steve playing Mall Cop in that Mini Run, she's alone. And outside the orchestrated photos, she seems lost--really lost.

That's my take on things, anyway.

Wowser said...

Running on empty....I totally agree with you and Kate IS "running on empty". Lol because SHE has nothing to offer and has nothing going for her in the future and that IS really sad. She should take advice from this blog hen she reads could only help (as ALF would say)

Dmasy said...

I am catching up after a busy weekend. I looked at many of the Kate pictures.

There is another person (a very likable one) who has the same bobble head appearance as Kate. Tim Gunn from Project Runway is very thin and small and seems as if his body is put together with spare parts.

For the first time I have an opinion on her successful completion of the 26 mile marathon. I don't think she legitimately ran the whole thing. She is way too joyous to have completed a 3 mile run.

Steve? I still don't know what that relationship is? I do have curiosity.

Dwindle said...

butterfly said... 174
Too funny!!! I am stationed here in the deep south and I still look around when someone refers to me as "y'all"- I'm by myself, no all!! LOL, I haven't heard carry, but I probably would have had the same reaction. I still say freeway and I turn lights on and off (not cut them on and off) and I drink soda. I expect tea to come UNsweetened and I will add sugar- that one gets them eveytime!! NO- I do not want sweet tea- for the 1,000th time! Unsweetened- sheesh. It is fun to hear the southern accents, though. I will miss it when I leave. And the delicious food.
Oh, my 'are' and 'our' sound very alike, too, and my accent is non-regional. Maybe it's a lazy thing, not taking the time enunciate properly. I know most people say 'fer' not for. Drives me nuts if I pay attention. I think they just speak fast and don't bother to enunciate. Accents are fun. I enjoy the different ones.


Hehe. I enjoyed your post. I was born in Detroit and moved to NorthEast Ohio when I was 14, so still have a combo of the 2 ways of speaking (in Detroit, we used to speak a little 'light Canadian' back then.) Yes, I say freeway, I shut or turn the light off, but I say 'pop'. I absolutely expect my tea to be unsweetened, even when I am in Nashville, and if I want Coke, I will ASK for Coke! What the hell is orange coke or rootbeer coke?? But one thing I do find charming in the south, is that every female calls me honey, and nearly every male calls me ma'am. All the time. I am not offended by this, but that's just me.

I guess Kate's regional speech patterns could have been considered quirky and charming by the viewing public if there was just one single other thing charming about her. But her accent and mispronouning words is 100% of the time accompanied by screeching, lying, bullying, outright abuse, and over the top sneering.

I recall reading something during the first season of the show (no, I dont have a 'link, please') that said she was being groomed by TLC and advertisers for bigger things, but they wanted her to work with someone to correct her "regional accent" and the article went on to say that she "vehemently and adamantly refused" to do that. I remember thinking at the time "well, aint she special".

Even in different parts of Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama, it is a rare tv newscaster that has a strong southern accent, at least to my northern ears.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 72
I am catching up after a busy weekend. I looked at many of the Kate pictures.

There is another person (a very likable one) who has the same bobble head appearance as Kate. Tim Gunn from Project Runway is very thin and small and seems as if his body is put together with spare parts.
Gunn "makes it work". I have to say that his head doesn't stick out to me in the way that Litte Big Head's does, but LBH is truly a tiny person, Kate is not. Although too thin now, Kate still looks bulky compared to other TV women. She's not petite and that's why her head looks so big.
I wonder what CC gets out of laying out the money to cover Kate's costs for this run. Outside of our lovely group here, I can't imagine it's a blip on any radar, anywhere.

Dwindle said...

Pity Party said... 17
I don't think he is there. He is usually seen lurking. I have been trying to put a handle on what is different. I have determined that despite the big smile she looks depressed.

The clip from pre-race she seemed out of it and annoyed at being interviewed, like she was on the verge of sneering and hand-flapping the interviewer away. Odd behavior and attitude from someone who begs weekly for a job on TV. In the post-race clip, I couldnt stand the audio so I just saw it on mute. What was with the constant eye rolling? That is her usual "They are lying about me again" look. What was she rolling and rolling her eyes about? The adoring head bobbing agreement with the other guy being interviewed, made her look like a pathetic sycophant.

Dwindle said...

Does anyone have any idea what that "LOOK AT ME FLAP ABOUT" moment was at that finish line? It was only a 3 mile trot for her. According to her, she runs at least 2 and 3 times that amount nearly every night. So what was with the dramatics after such a little run?

Mel said...

In the wireimages pics, in pic #21 you can see Steve's shirt behind one of the other runners. He's standing right beside Kate, and a little behind.

Tucker's Mom said...

I can't imagine Kate would ever travel without Steve. She even fanagled an escort for a radio interview 10 miles away in Reading, PA.
I have to say though, Steve does a good job of blending into the background. If you didn't know he was always there like Waldo, you'd totally buy into the fallacy that Kate is this world-traveing, independant woman.
The only think she does all by herself is shop locally. I wonder if she's ever been through an airport or on a plane alone. Or, ha, drove herself and had to park in the remote lots and take a bus to the terminal like the rest of us!

Running on Empty said...

Dmasy said...72
For the first time I have an opinion on her successful completion of the 26 mile marathon. I don't think she legitimately ran the whole thing. She is way too joyous to have completed a 3 mile run.


Dwindle said... 76
Does anyone have any idea what that "LOOK AT ME FLAP ABOUT" moment was at that finish line? It was only a 3 mile trot for her. According to her, she runs at least 2 and 3 times that amount nearly every night. So what was with the dramatics after such a little run?


I wonder this very thing. Maybe she wants to make sure the camera's on her at the finish line, who knows? But other than the victory flap at the finish line and the requisite pose shots, she sure doesn't look like a 5K run is an everyday occurrence for her. She looks exhausted-ish.

And I remain convinced that Steve isn't "with" her. He's there in a business capacity, nothing beyond that.

Running on Empty said...

And I remain convinced that Steve isn't "with" her. He's there in a business capacity, nothing beyond that...Unless her P.R. people are laying out strict guidelines for public appearances. Hard to imagine she's capable of adhering to someone else's rules, but Desperation works miracles, doesn't it?

On another note, raise your hands (and flap 'em) if you think she's headed to DWTS this week.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

I agree with all who believe Kate runs to be "skinny." She is still pressing on for a spot in the limelight of the entertainment business. Not fooling us again. Most of us can read her like a book. Her different stories just don't add up, do they? She says what she believes fits the interview. No credibility is the end result.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Is Kate getting paid to run these marathons? If not, she is going through a wad of money everytime she travels. Just think of all the actual costs for these weekends. Kids, don't expect there to be any money left from what you made when you turn 18 yrs. old. So sad. I hope I'm wrong about the money situation, but if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck you get my meaning. ~ Administrator said...

Since this was all done through Coupon Cabin I bet she negotiated that Steve was part of the deal for this race. Otherwise though maybe Mrs. Purseboy said he can't go work for her anymore unless he's paid.

I guess CC could have paid her a little something to do this one but who is paying her to do the other marathons?? I don't get how this makes you any money. She doesn't have any other sponsors.

Mel said...

On the Chicago Tribune article, I can see comments on my tablet, but can't copy them. On my pc I can't see the comments. :(

Anywhooo....there 5 or 6 comments on the article. One of them apparently lives in Reading. She says that: (Not an exact quote, but caps and wording are what I remember)

Kate has PLENTY of alone time. She wanders around Reading alone all the time...while the nannies watch..I mean RAISE...her kids.

fidosmommy said...

Thought #1. In these pictures
look at the last one on the screen. Do Kate's eyes seem very wide-set? That could be poor photoshopping, but it caught my attention right away.

Thought #2. Perhaps CC hired Steve to "guard"
ALL the CC runners. They may have got the idea from Kate. If so, CC would have paid his way there.

Once a Viewer said...

Maybe she and Steve had an argument and he is still 'working' for her, but they aren't 'talking.' We know how juvenile Kate's behavior is at times (RV trip)

caption: 'Lordy Beee!!!" (You guys took all the really good ones )

tate said...

If you look at the pictures of Kate being "interviewed", there is not one person for miles around. Haha. They look like they are out in a field and there is not one person anywhere giving her a second glance. I thought Kate couldn't even go out in PA for a run in a rural area without people gathering and snapping pictures and interfering with her run. I guess Steve did an extra great job on this trip of "protecting" her.

And the arm raising at the end of the race---that is to draw attention to herself, because clearly, no one cares about her anymore. I doubt anyone knew who she was.

I agree about the running to stay skinny. Kate can't control how Hollywood doesn't want her, but she can control how much she eats and how much she exercises. She thinks if she gets thinner and thinner, someone will come calling and put her back in the spotlight.

I don't think she will be back on DWTS. I've read that Bristol Palin will most likely be back and I doubt they would use up two dancing spots to feature two losers. One will be enough.

AuntieAnn said...

I think Steve does more than manage her, but if managing is what he was hired for, I'd fire him. He's doing a really lousy job.

AuntieAnn said...

Anyway, his presence in Chicago would explain why Kate made extra pizzas the other night. I hope Mady stayed away from them with her filthy hands. ~ Administrator said...

Steve's roll seems to be to tell Kate how great she is. While this may make Kate feel good, it does nothing to help her career. (These days I nearly snort my coffee when I say career and Kate in the same sentence)

I've said this before but a good manager, assistant, or whatever, will tell their star the truth if they are serious about helping them advance. Seems counterintuitive, but the assistants and other entourages that get hired and stay hired are the ones that are able to be straightforward and guide their celeb down the right paths even if it means sometimes telling them things like, this marathon thing is a total joke let's get you involved in something else. ~ Administrator said...

role not roll lol :)

Kate is a twit said...

Speaking of Bristol Palin-has anyone seen this? Another wonderful reality tv mother.

Jane said...

AuntieAnn said... 89
Anyway, his presence in Chicago would explain why Kate made extra pizzas the other night. I hope Mady stayed away from them with her filthy hands.


Wasn't she all giddy and silly and tweeting like crazy (after being quiet) that night?

Kate is a twit said...

To those interested, the Aurora shooter is due in court this morning. You can see live coverage here.

NT said...

Just can't believe she threw her arms up like that after crossing the finish line,like it was so hard. Also,how she pushed past everyone to be ahead of her group so she could be first of her group to finish. Old Steve better get into shape cos he's having to run with her. She was probably the only person in that whole race that had a bodyguard/road manager running with them. It's laughable!!!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Dwindle said... 76
Does anyone have any idea what that "LOOK AT ME FLAP ABOUT" moment was at that finish line? It was only a 3 mile trot for her. According to her, she runs at least 2 and 3 times that amount nearly every night. So what was with the dramatics after such a little run?

I think it's Kate poking fun at the little race she just ran compared to the marathon and how special it is when you cross a finish line and really have a reason to throw your arms up in the air. She is being her usual sarcastic self. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a Twit, in fairness I think hearing that was so shocking they didn't even know where to begin. And when teens don't know what to do they laugh. Notwithstanding where Tripp heard that, which could have been anywhere even walking into a room that had a TV on, it's evident to me Bristol needs some help with the terrible twos. Tripp is a strong willed kid who walks all over her.

She's a young kid who doesn't seem to be getting a lot of parenting advice, or at least not good ones, from her parents, and all her peers are still teenagers. Dad doesn't seem to be in the picture much. I think this kind of thing could be corrected by reading a few parenting books and maybe having a parenting expert come in and observe her with him and give her some pointers.

Just as an example look how they didn't follow through when they said if he says "I hate you" one more time he's going to time out. Then he's getting soap in his mouth. He said it at least two or three more times and neither of them followed through. So he's learned he can get away with it and will keep pushing the boundaries. She just needs parenting help IMO is all.

PatK said...

It's cute that Steve is now running in these marathons with Kate, isn't it? lol

For gawd's sake, why don't they just come out in the open about their relationship? ~ Administrator said...

Now I think her Rocky pose seems condescending. Like oh what a hard race for me the great Kate, now show me a real marathon!

How condescending to all the fans who may have had to work very hard to run this race.

Kate is a twit said...

Admin-I understand your point. Yes, she is young and needs help in the parent department. I guess what bothers me is that it is aired on TV. That part could have been "edited", IMO. He was acting up before that. It's just another case, of using a 3 yr old for TV entertainment.

At least it aired after 11 pm. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a Twit I totally agree. If he has a problem saying bad words fine but that's between him and his mom. He's being exploited, period.

It begs the question will he be forever labeled a racist since he was 3? Just like Hannah will never live down the "underwears"? I mean unlikely but you never know. You have to think about these things before signing on the dotted line.

AMD said...

Interesting article about another "all about me" personality who likes to court controversy (or so she thinks)
From the Toronto Star.

"Desperate for acknowledgement, if not approval, by any means necessary. Even if it means posing in compromising positions with Vanilla Ice for a book of erotic photos......
If we’re noticing that desperation a little more nowadays, it’s maybe because Madonna’s gambits for calling attention to herself haven’t really matured in a manner becoming a 53-year-old mom.
Flashing a breast or baring one’s bottom (Rome got mooned on the MDNA tour) is the sort of mildly transgressive gesture you’d expect from a teenager trying to rile up her parents, after all; it’s not a terribly creative way to stir the pot during one’s middle years." ~ Administrator said...

She really thinks it's a big deal when a celeb runs a marathon. It's not. No one cares. There are examples all over the country of celebs joining a marathon with not frills or fuss. I think the marathon crowd tends to be more concerned with their own race than some random celeb's race.

In my own experience I saw Howie Mandell once in a triathlon. And no one cared. And no one took a photo. And I don't think he expected anyone to care he just wanted to race. Also never saw an entourage either.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 90

Steve's roll seems to be to tell Kate how great she is. While this may make Kate feel good, it does nothing to help her career. (These days I nearly snort my coffee when I say career and Kate in the same sentence)

Exactly. Why is he there then is the question I have to ask. Telling her she's great isn't cutting it. And that silly incognito act with the sunglasses and running in the background isn't either.

Really. The two of them are acting like high school sweethearts who have been forbidden by their parents to date each other.

Wasn't she all giddy and silly and tweeting like crazy (after being quiet) that night?

Jane - She was more interested in making supper for Steve than to mention anything about the Aurora shootings that day.

Tucker's Mom said...

She just needs parenting help IMO is all.
I think Bristol also needs to go back home to Alaska and stay within the fold of her family, where paternal influences seem postitive if I can extrapolate from the infamous Gosselin "camping" trip(ish).
Lordy Bee, I loved Chuck!
That cute little bugger of a boy she's got there needs strong males in his life because in a couple years, it ain't gonna be cute.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I can see why Kate needs a bodyguard. Look at the hoards of people and all the panic that resulted at the mere presence of her exhalted self:

gotyournumberKate said...

Steve seems to be trying hard to stay out of the camera. In this one he looks like he is headed off course. #149095483

In this one you can see his tennis shoe pulling to the left (his right) like he's trying to get out of the way. #149095458

Same with this one. #149095459

He's running down the side the whole time too like a bodyguard for the President would. Geezus, who does she think she is?

I personally think they're a couple. How could she afford to be paying him enough for him to have every period of time open for her when she goes away. If he had a real job he wouldn't be able to clear his calendar to accomodate her jaunts. Plus, I think she's way too content being single to not already be in a relationship. JOM :)

Kate is a twit said... (Administrator) said... 105

I watched the video of President Obama telling that story. I am so deeply touched by all the stories I have read or watched regarding how people came together to help each other and thinking of others first before themselves.

I also liked how the governor of Colorado has stated that he will not use the name of the shooter.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 59
I don't like how Kate exploits her kids and alienates Jon but at the end of the day I don't want to see her health hurting like this. She needs help eating the right things to sustain all this running. I am concerned she could be going the route of Karen Carpenter
I had the same thought. One long run, like a full marathon, could easily put too much strain on her heart with her poor eating habits. I wish she would be more careful for her children's sake. ~ Administrator said...

From what she's talked about and shown us of her meals do the nutrition gurus out there think she's getting enough potassium? I've heard that's the one thing that will kill you, not getting enough potassium. The body needs food and can't be pushed like this without the fuel to sustain it.

Kate is a twit said...

Regarding the video of Kate in Chicago-

Run RocknRoll has a video channel on Youtube. That was where her SD video was posted. The SD video wasn't posted until a week after the day of the SD marathon.

I think it was Run RocknRoll who did the interview in Chicago, and most likely will post it at a later date. ~ Administrator said...

Tucker didn't she give up LA and go back to Alaska? Most of the latter episodes have been set in Alaska. I have to confess I'm only glancing at this show from time to time and can't really keep up. Or was there something about Arizona?

I agree she does need to just stay in one place and stay stable. I have to say though judging by what we see on the show, and with the caveat that I don't know how fair of a representation this is, Sarah and Todd don't exactly seem like hands on grandparents. They seem more like the drive by grandparenting types, both still doing their own thing. And in fairness they have a little kid of their own they're still raising. This seems like a big family in the public eye going a million different directions and Bristol is just one of many to wrangle. Tripp needs quiet and stability. He has an uphill battle being in a famous family, having an uninvolved father, and having an immature teen mom.

chefsummer #Leh said...

gotyournumberKate said... 110

I personally think they're a couple. How could she afford to be paying him enough for him to have every period of time open for her when she goes away. If he had a real job he wouldn't be able to clear his calendar to accomodate her jaunts. Plus, I think she's way too content being single to not already be in a relationship. JOM :)

Maybe they aren't a couple but Steve stays with her cause no one will hire him.

In this economy Steve maybe hard up in finding a real job.

So he stays with Kate who's dumb enough to pay him $1,600 a day.

I would stay with her to or he could be banging her-lol-(But I don't see it). ~ Administrator said...

You know what's so beautiful about Allie and Stephanie's story is that they both tried to save each other's lives. Allie by telling Stephanie to run, and Stephanie by staying behind.

chefsummer #Leh said...

It's a R&R Marathon Sep 16th I wonder is Kate going to run that one.

Tucker's Mom said...

I haven't watched Bristol's show but if she's gone back to Alaska, that would be great. Tripp needs a strong man or two in his life to put the fear of Jesus in him ;-)
I mean, he's cute as a button, but seems to be a little hellion! One sideways look from Chuck and that would be that.

mama mia said...

I agree about Kate's cardiac health, anorexia and marathon running are dangerous combinations. If celebrities truly wanted 'body guards' they would hire nurses or healthcare workers to watch over their crash dieting, drug and alcohol use, sadly the boogey man they are hired to protect them from doesn't exist. ~ Administrator said...

I think she did Tucker and she has said she wants Tripp raised in Alaska which is good I think he should be. The only chance this kid has is if he is raised by a village and I think Bristol knows that. Bristol has a boyfriend Gino who seems really really nice and spends a lot of time with Tripp. Tripp even sometimes calls him dad. The thing is though Gino's a very young man and taking on the responsibility of another man's child at such an age may be something he eventually decides he doesn't want and would be within his rights not to want, or if he does take it on he may just end up frustrated and held back.

In a way it's good for girls to see a teen mom three years later--the honeymoon stage is over, now she has a strong willed unruly three year old and it's not easy even though she doesn't hurt for money. It really doesn't sugarcoat how difficult it is and I kind of respect that. Jon and Kate so often seemed so fake and sugarcoated.

Tucker's Mom said...

Wow, the Colorado shooter is being arraigned (I think that's what it's called) and he looks like Bozo on haldol. He's either wacked out on drugs, in a fugue state or hasn't slept in 3 days.
Or he's a good actor trying to make it look like he doesn't even know where he is for an insanity defense.
Creepy doesn't even touch the surface... ~ Administrator said...

He looks completely different than his pics. I'm sure he's setting up an insanity plea. Good thing this is in Colorado. I don't think they're going to fall for it.

Andrea said...

I think part of Kates eye problem comes from the sun. She is wearing no sun glasses so it looks to me like she is squinting.

I do agree that the arms over the head thing is just screaming "Look at me!"
I dont know what she expects to get out of these marathons. They are not providing her with a lot of publicity. I think that some of the people who ran with her just wanted to see if they could run that distance. Running in a group is great for motivation. The CC deal was also a great price.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
All settled back in at home... Let the chaos kids plus 3 more at r house w only 2 adults this week!It's ALOT louder here!:)

Is Steve and his two kids in PA with Kate at her house or is she lying I wonder.

Once a Viewer said...

Jamie and her three? Nah...

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 113

From what she's talked about and shown us of her meals do the nutrition gurus out there think she's getting enough potassium? I've heard that's the one thing that will kill you, not getting enough potassium. The body needs food and can't be pushed like this without the fuel to sustain it.

I buy coconut water for our IDDM son who needs electrolytes without all the processed sugar. If Kate is so up on nutrition she'd grift some. It's full of potassium.

AuntieAnn said...

Creepy doesn't even touch the surface...
It's hard to look at him.
I wouldn't want to be his lawyer(s).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 123
He looks completely different than his pics. I'm sure he's setting up an insanity plea. Good thing this is in Colorado. I don't think they're going to fall for it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Adm. Juries don't usually "fall" for an insanity plea do they?

fidosmommy said...

Jane - She was more interested in making supper for Steve than to mention anything about the Aurora shootings that day.


That would explain the super large pizza on the tray next to the teeny one with no mozzarella, only a sprinkling of feta cheese. Since there were 9 pizzas and one was for Kate, I guess the other kids ate slices off the other 7. Or somebody wasn't home.

WHY are Bristol and Willow surprised to hear something like that from the little boy? He learns words from hearing words. If the words were not said in his presence, he would not know them. Basic 101 Parenting. I'm willing to bet he has an entire bank of words my mother would have smacked me for.


How do the other CC employees feel about Kate being the center of attention? KATE GOSSELIN and the nameless CC Crew! Kate is the only one interviewed. Kate is the focus of the pictures.
I hope they expected to be shuffled off as
Kate's Second Fiddle Court Jesters and they weren't really ignored (except for group pictures, featuring...KATE!

Tucker's Mom said...

Maybe Jamie is bringing her kids to see the Gosselins. That woud be almost normal, especially without cameras to record Clay getting picked on!

Kate is a twit said...

A very touching video, that to me says it all:

Essay: Perspective on tragedy|tvideo|video

Over In Berks said...

He looks completely different than his pics. I'm sure he's setting up an insanity plea. Good thing this is in Colorado. I don't think they're going to fall for it.


That's the first thing I thought of when I saw him. Either he's drugged, or he's a really good actor going for the insanity defense. It was reported that his behavior behind bars was bizarre - spitting through the bars. He's a smart guy and had this all planned out. Colorado has the death penalty, but if he's declared insane, then that's off the table.

fidosmommy said...

I'm more willing to believe it's Steve and his 2 sons rather than Jamie. They might have enjoyed a trip to Chicago while Dad guarded his client's prized self. Doesn't Jamie have 3 kids - a singleton and twins? I thought she did, but my memory's fading fast.

OrangeCrush said...

Oh poor Kate, 3 more kids in house and ONLY 2 adults to watch them. Guess you have to be the parent this week. Also looks like it was a very short trip this weekend.

And Kate, your Wikipedia bio says you are a FORMER reality show personality. You are not a Stah, not now, not ever. Get a job, or at least stop paying purseboy.

fidosmommy said...

Ignore Comment #134 above. I did not comprehend something very well, and made
an incorrect conclusion. Ergo, it makes no sense. Sorry.

Once a Viewer said...

Kate said three more I really thought Jamie had had enough after the RV trip, but who knows? She has twin girls a year younger than M and C, and Clay who is about the tups' age and who is the little boy so badly picked on by the 'little girls' when Kate had the basement re-organizers in, and also on the RV trip, especially by Cara.

AuntieAnn said...

fidosmommy - No apologies necessary. Decoding Kate is no easy task.

Over In Berks said...

role not roll lol :)


lol, admin. I read that and thought that yes, Steve's really on a roll telling Kate how great she is!

When Kate put those pictures of the pizza out there, I figured that Steve was there, getting ready to fly to Chicago, and I posted, but never saw it, thinking that spam ate up my comments. We can pretty much figure out who is there and why!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I doubt it's Steve. Aren't his boys about grown?

Over In Berks said...

All settled back in at home... Let the chaos kids plus 3 more at r house w only 2 adults this week!It's ALOT louder here!:)


Kate's doing this more and more. She's teasing. She posted about the braces, but wouldn't say who got them. She posted that one of the boys was injured, but wouldn't say which one. Now she posted this, knowing that there would be speculation about what kids are there, and who the adults are. It works. Anything to keep the interest going and the sheeple talking. They are still asking which kid got braces.

Kate is a twit said...

CC put up a blog post about Kate and the race. There are some pictures, but they're the sames ones that have been posted at either WireImage or Gettyimages.

"Yesterday, Kate Gosselin ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Mini Marathon with her CouponCabin co-workers. The group finished the three-mile “fun run” in 29 minutes and 54 seconds.

See below for some shots of Kate with the CouponCabin team and her fans.

If you are a member of the media and are interested in receiving high-resolution versions of these photos or a broadcast quality, high definition b-roll package of the event, please email"

Definition of b-roll package:

Briefly, a B-roll Package is a set of raw video clips, contact information, and story overview that can be sent to broadcast media outlets

Seems likes CC is aware that Kate doesn't have the following they thought she did and are now trying to hype her more. But seriously, do media outlets actually read coupon blogs?

I wonder if Kate will also have a blog post at CC, or is this post in lieu of that.

AuntieAnn said...

They are still asking which kid got braces.
Over In Berks - I was waiting for her to post a close-up photo of the mouth with braces with a "guess-which-one?" tweet beneath it. Still wouldn't surprise me if she did that.

Carezee said...

If you are a member of the media and are interested in receiving high-resolution versions of these photos or a broadcast quality, high definition b-roll package of the event, please email"

So does this mean that the people we seen interviewing Kate was CC? Did anyone actually see her on the news being interviewed? Wow, if that doesn't tell CC that they made a mistake hiring her. She has not brought one thing to that job. She posts stuff on there that belongs on her private blog and brings in a handful of fans. Pathetic.

Over In Berks said...

Penn State penalties --
A $60 million fine, equal to one year's revenue for the Penn State football program

— 40 scholarship losses, 10 a year for each of the next four years

— A four-year postseason ban

— All wins vacated from 1998-2011, including 111 of Joe Paterno's career victories

— All players can transfer and be immediately eligible

— A five-year probation

Penn State is not eligible for any of the conference's bowl revenue over the next four years, which is about $13 million today, a figure that is expected to grow considerably with the new postseason playoff arrangement. PSU is not eligible to play in the Big Ten championship game over that same span.

Kate and the visiting kids. She claims she does everything by herself. So, if she's at home watching her eight kids all summer by herself, and now she has eleven and another adult, isn't that in her benefit, or can't she do math?

OrangeCrush said...

Kate and her Coupon Cabin co-workers? Co-workers? The biotch phones in, or -mails, occasional crappy blog pieces. Hardly the definition of a job. Whatever they pay her, it's too much. Guess importing houseguests is her idea of giving the kids a vacay. She's a real piece of work.

SoCal Local said...

CC has a new "Kate Blog" up. It is just a brief recap of the RR Marathon and some photos.

Guess Kate didn't have time to write her regular post that is ridiculed week after week in the comments section. Or maybe she got in trouble last week for encouraging people to photocopy workbooks.

The rest of the CC staffers look to be recent college grads. Just makes her look even older.

MabelD said...

Have the kids stopped begging Kate to get married again? No mention of the subject for quite a long time now.

KAT said...

I don't think it's that simple to plead insanity. My husband is in the mental health field and I think this killer has to be evaluated first to see if he is even capable of standing trial. My husband has done those determinations so it's not that black and white.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

CC asked that those running for them pick up their t-shirts before the race. Judging from the photos those people were in the white t-shirts. There were 10 of them. Do they consider that a success?

Dwindle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 109
I can see why Kate needs a bodyguard. Look at the hoards of people and all the panic that resulted at the mere presence of her exhalted self:

I am beginning to think she has some kind of learning disability. How she got through nursing school, I dont know. She cant seem to figure out left from right without someone right there at all times. Or maybe it IS her mental illness? Racing thoughts, rage, anxiety could all be clouding the parts of her brain that allow basic functioning in society. Lord knows, we have rarely seen any single instance of her functioning properly - she always was flapping and on the verge of hysteria even with the production crew right at her side.

How anyone can leave her alone with small children is beyond me. It always looked as if just peanut butter to bread confused and upset her. Good thing she DOES have hired help or she would have gone all Jack Torrance/Jack Nicholson/The Shining on them by now.

Mel said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
All settled back in at home... Let the chaos kids plus 3 more at r house w only 2 adults this week!It's ALOT louder here!:)

That's two adults besides herself (Kate-speak).

Only two adults this she usually has more than 2 adults???

Uh, are we now talking full-time nanny and a helper?

Running on Empty said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 150
CC asked that those running for them pick up their t-shirts before the race. Judging from the photos those people were in the white t-shirts. There were 10 of them. Do they consider that a success

I'm guessing a good number of those wearing white shirts are staff members' friends & family.

Why didn't PB have to register? Seems as if Rock 'n' Roll Marathon might have something to say about pace horses trotting alongside their entrants.

Once a Viewer said...

Re: braces. If you were to look at the Easter pictures on Kate's blog, you could tell which tup it is likely to be the first one to have braces. No one's business but the child, parents, ortho.
At least this child is spared an episode documenting the exam and follow-up...

Dwindle said...

KAT said... 149
I don't think it's that simple to plead insanity. My husband is in the mental health field and I think this killer has to be evaluated first to see if he is even capable of standing trial. My husband has done those determinations so it's not that black and white.
I do assessments and evaluations for competency all the time for probate court. Not the same as criminal proceedings, I know. It gets extensive and complicated when the person or their representative contest it. Then you have to eval whether or not the person is even able to understand what they are contesting. In Ohio, only a judge can 'decide' competency (I get so tired of hearing "Mother is incompetent and I am her guardian now coz the nurse at the hospital said so." No, no, no.) My point is, this guy will likely be assessed and eval'd up one side and down the other by several different people of different disciplines and then a judge will decide how to proceed. KAT knows too how that part of it might go, but I dont know how much it differs state to state.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 117
You know what's so beautiful about Allie and Stephanie's story is that they both tried to save each other's lives. Allie by telling Stephanie to run, and Stephanie by staying behind.

The potential for PTSD and it's aftermath, for those 2 young ladies, gives my social worker brain a headache. And a heartache.

Over In Berks said...

My husband is in the mental health field and I think this killer has to be evaluated first to see if he is even capable of standing trial.


I've wondered about the insanity defense. If this guy is as smart as reported, working for a doctorate in neuroscience, would he be able to fool a mental health evaluator and therefore have it determined that he is insane and not able to stand trial?

Apparently he planned this out for months. He was obsessed with video games and role playing. His mother apparently said, "You have the right person," so she must have been aware that this guy had issues. An attorney on one of the news shows stated that when all of the evidence gathered is presented and it comes down to the fact that this plan was carefully thought out and executed, he wouldn't be able to use the insanity defense. Why? Can't an insane person plan out such an event in advance?

"Over In Berks - I was waiting for her to post a close-up photo of the mouth with braces with a "guess-which-one?" tweet beneath it. Still wouldn't surprise me if she did that."

Or one with the patched up head, captioned with "go to the head of the class, name the owner of the wound" and win an autographed Bella Bar."

It's been a year since her last contest and the Walmart parking lot embarrassment.

KAT said...

I only know what I hear from my husband. I'm certainly no expert. But I do know they need 2 doctors from the state for the acused to be declared incompetent. My husband just declared a child molester incompetent which made me sick to my stomach.....they usually do have a variety of mental problems...I'm finding out. No one who is sane would commit those acts..

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

"If you are a member of the media and are interested in receiving high-resolution versions of these photos or a broadcast quality, high definition b-roll package of the event, please email"

Lauren Boukas, Director of Marketing of Lakeshore Interactive.

Lakeshore Interactive LLC is a web consulting company located in Chicago, Illinois. We provide comprehensive consulting services to web-based businesses, ranging from web development and marketing consulting to certain administrative back-office services such as accounting. Our clients include major affiliate marketing companies that have seen tremendous growth over the past few years, ranking towards the top on the most visited Internet sites in the U.S.

Kate is a twit said...

Well, CC got Radar to buy their b-roll package, including video:

So it was CC that was videotaping yesterday.

Winsomeone said...

Kate's face was full of ugly big pimples in the CC video. Looked like some on her neck too...that was just on the left side..the right wasn't shown. I think she needs to reevaluate her diet.

Over In Berks said...

Why didn't PB have to register? Seems as if Rock 'n' Roll Marathon might have something to say about pace horses trotting alongside their entrants.


He trotted far in back of her in the photo I saw. Great place for a bodyguard, well thought-out positioning. I'm sure in the case of an attack he could have immediately thrown himself between the perpetrator and Kate.

Kristine said...

KatePlus My8 said...
"All settled back in at home... Let the chaos kids plus 3 more at r house w only 2 adults this week!It's ALOT louder here!:)" about 3 hours ago

** ******
Kate's so stinkin' helpless. Jon takes care of 11 kids, every other weekend- no problem. We just entertained a party of 15 (all weekend long)... Sleep-over too!
terri said... 22
Funny, when you go to the Rock and Roll website for the Chicago run and look up Kate Gosselin's time it list her name and her town as Beverly Hills California. What a joke.

** ******
Kate has done that in the past, with these fun runs.

Bev Hills Katie?... I mean, REALLY! (Please-- wishful thinking doesn't make it so.)

Kate is a twit said...

You can see Steve running by at approx 2:23. I still don't understand how he was allowed to run without registering.

The video is also on Youtube:

AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle said... 151
Good thing she DOES have hired help or she would have gone all Jack Torrance/Jack Nicholson/The Shining on them by now.

Oh thanks. Now I have a visual of Kate sitting at her keyboard typing the same phrase over and over for her new book.

Except in her case it would be all play and no work makes Kate a dull girl.

Dwindle said...

Mel said... 152
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
All settled back in at home... Let the chaos kids plus 3 more at r house w only 2 adults this week!It's ALOT louder here!:)

That's two adults besides herself (Kate-speak).
Only two adults this she usually has more than 2 adults???
Uh, are we now talking full-time nanny and a helper?


Plus the laundry girl, the mowing boys, the pool boys, the cleaning lady. And you KNOW they are all breathing too loud!!!

Let's not be too quick to assume there are 3 more children in the house. I know she implies it, and grammatically that would make sense, but that is not what she said. It could be Steve's 2 grown sons plus the Neild family pet. And I am definitely not assuming those '3 more' will be there all week. Technically what she said is that there is 'only 2 adults this week', which could mean anything. And since WHEN does Kate say "r house"? isnt everything mine mine all mine?

Fool me once, Kate, shame on me. Fool me 73 more times, REALLY shame on me. But I am done falling for her carefully crafted lies, fibs, and exaggerations.

Kate is Krazy said...

wow, I looked at the CC photos & Kate is 'posing' that ridiculous sideways stance in each one. I happened to notice her school tips blog has 64 comments,mainly negative. CC? Can you explain your choice in bloggers?

Over In Berks said...

My husband just declared a child molester incompetent which made me sick to my stomach.....they usually do have a variety of mental problems...I'm finding out. No one who is sane would commit those acts..


Do they also rule out organic causes? It was reported that the shooter will get a full physical work-up, including MRI scans. When they showed a close-up of him in court, the first thing I noticed were his eyes when he turned to the side. They were bulging, literally out of his head. This could have been due to medication, but this seems so symptomatic of hyperthyroidism, which can be caused by a pituitary tumor. A person with a structural brain condition may present with psychosis or other neurological dysfunctions.

This is going to be a very long process before he even gets to trial, if he ever does.

Pity Party said...

She has been doing that R thing for a while now. It started quite suddenly, basically with R tractor, R pool, that was along about the same time she started referring to herself and the kids (it would seem) in the third person as family (along with friends). I have had a feeling for a long time now that she and PB are well perhaps maybe secretly married.

After looking at these pictures and seeing all the changes in her, I have erased almost all of my posts without sending them through so I may be repeating myself, not sure. If I didn't know better, I might think I was feeling sorry for her.

KAT said...

Berks@157....No he can't fool these doctors...they've seen it all and deal with this all day. Before they evaluate...they already have a good idea of what his diagnoses will be. It's usually mulitple things going on in the brain...

Pity Party said...

What are earth did she think the ratio of child/adult would when she had her "epiphany on a plane somewhere" that Jon had to go. Oh wait she had TLC supplying her with probably a 3:1 ratio of adult care for her children at that time. She never once thought that might end one day.

Kate is a Witch said...

I know this is making things far too simplistic, but whenever I hear about someone doing something like the Aurora shooter, or the woman (Andrea Yates?) who drowned all her kids, I wonder how could they NOT be severely mentally ill???

What mentally healthy person WOULD mow down people in a theater or drown all their children, you know?

Sweet Tart said...

To the anonymous defender of Joe Paterno - I'm sorry but Mr. Paterno helped orchestrate the cover up that allowed Sandusky to continue preying on young boys for another full decade before his criminal acts were brought to light. I don't care what good Paterno did in his life - the sad fact is, he negated all that with the horrific wrong he did by allowing Sandusky to continue. Paterno did not want anything to possibly affect the football program (and his role as heroic head of that program) at Penn State, so he chose to sweep the clear knowledge he and other administrators had about Sandusky under the rug. There is no excuse for that. No football program, no football coach's career, no precious Penn State is more important that the lives of innocent children. Paterno let his ego and ambition come before doing what was right. His memory is forever stained, and sadly, so is his name. He has inflicted so much pain, not to mention humiliation, on his children and grandchildren. I've read enough accounts to know that Paterno chose wrong over right. He deserves the disgrace. Unfortunately, he is no longer in this world, so the disgrace falls squarely on his remaining family members. For them, I do have sympathy.

KAT said...

@168...Doing physical examine to rule certain things out. Helps them come to a conclusion.

Once a Viewer said...

Since I don't watch it, I just found out about what Tripp said in Bristol Palin's show.Wasn't sure what some of you were referring to... They need to cancel that program in a hurry & she needs to take parenting classes. How terrible to laugh on (inter)national television when your child says that & yes, where we did he learn that word?

Sorry to backtrack!

Kate is a Witch said...

Dwindle: PTSD is truly an awful bitch. For reasons I won't go into, I entered adulthood with PTSD. I've had a LOT of counseling and came a long way, so that's been good.

Then I experienced a couple of things in the last several years that re-triggered it, hard.

And I wouldn't with PTSD on anyone. Whenever someone survives something harrowing, tragic, severely disturbing, the first thing I think of is what they are going to experience in the days, weeks, months, and even years to come. The crippling anxiety, the feelings of dread and doom, the fear, the nightmares, the insomnia, sometimes uncontrollable crying. The vivid flashes of the event are the worst of all, in my opinion.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Bosom Buddies said...


That's the entire CC group? That's all they managed to get together? Wow. Embarrassing for them, not to mention Kate, who probably thought there would be hundreds running just because of who she is. Shades of the defunct cruise...

Kate is a twit said...

One of the comments on the ROL article.

"I did this run and saw Khate there with her lover oops I mean Bodyguard. WHY does this dude still go w/her everywhere? NO ONE wanted to talk to her or be near her,. We overheard her telling him she was pissed there wasn't more press.."

Don't know whether to believe it or not, but it seems like a typical Kate reaction.

Granny said...

I live in the Midwest and I say "warsh" and drink pop.

Why doesn't anything mention the cost of the not-a-nanny for the time that Kate is gone? Baby sitting is very expensive for one and think about the cost for eight? Any estimates from the astute posters on here?

KAT said...

I don't think it matters how much Kate puts out for babysitters....she's so deperate for some attention...she will do anything, go anywhere, pay anything for some ass kissing...

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Tart (173)...I'm sorry but Mr. Paterno helped orchestrate the cover up that allowed Sandusky to continue preying on young boys for another full decade before his criminal acts were brought to light.


The investigation revealed that he knew of two incidents and never followed up. He knew that there was a cover-up. Had he followed through, many victims would have been spared. One can defend him until the cows come home, and I don't care how much good he did for the sports program or the school, his actions allowed Sandusky to continue his sick abuse of boys. That's morally criminal.

LB said...

I think the running thing is just a gimmick and I give it 2 years at the most before she moves on the next scheme. After all, she admitted she is already so bored at this point. She probably thought it would bring in a lot of endorsements and $$ like a lot of the top notch athletes do. Darn!

First, it was ‘just us’ raising 8 children, then they used Christianity (I didn’t see her thumping her hand on the bible when they were on tour) to lure people into donating $$ and things, then it was the divorce and ‘can do’ attitude and now this? It will not last long.

I would love to get into these CC staff’s heads to find out what they really are thinking about when she was around them! Are they thinking, ‘I need to get away as far as I can!’? I wonder if any of them look down at her because she uses the CC blog as her personal blog to scold people for having their own opinions and to complain about something, whatever that may be, which is besides the point of having a CC blog. So unprofessional. Her tips are not that great and some are more complex than they need to be, like the laundry post. That sounded just like a rambling, like something she would say to someone interviewing her, to drag it out as much as she could.

TLC stinks said...

Ok, so Stevie was there. Absolutely ridiculous! Either Kate Gosselin is mentally unstable or she and Steve are a couple. PERIOD.

You cannot believe anything that comes out of her mouth or Twitter, but I truly do think Steve got that big pizza, Kate ate her usual salad and lied about having pizza, and Steve went home with her.

Anonymous said...

I know this is making things far too simplistic, but whenever I hear about someone doing something like the Aurora shooter, or the woman (Andrea Yates?) who drowned all her kids, I wonder how could they NOT be severely mentally ill???

What mentally healthy person WOULD mow down people in a theater or drown all their children, you know?

Andrea Yates WAS mentally ill, WAS taking about 5 or 6 psychotropic drugs and her doctors/husband should NEVER have let her be alone with the kids. EVER. They failed her.

She is not in prison now, she is in a mental health facility.

Kate is Krazy said...

I think some people are just amoral and evil.Mental illness takes the blame/is the excuse for many behaviors and crimes ( not this case,but at times) IMO

njay said...

Does anyone else have issues with errors when copy and pasting the links? It never works for me.


Once a Viewer said...

njay said... 186

No, this works as do most I've seen here- do you normally c&p with no problem? that's odd!


Why does Kate have all those pimples? The only reason I can think of is steroids? But then she'd have larger muscles/ Or maybe her poor diet causes them? Never noticed them till today's vid!

Anonymous said...

Why does Kate have all those pimples? The only reason I can think of is steroids? But then she'd have larger muscles/ Or maybe her poor diet causes them? Never noticed them till today's vid!

Diet soda.

Dreams And Schemes said...

Kate's blogging again:

"This year, I’m in the market for eight new lunch boxes and book bags as we have used our former ones for two school years already."


She's kidding, right? Only two years? One of mine is on its sixth year and still going strong, You don't need new lunch boxes and book bags every two years! Maybe EM will donate to the cause!! Why not grift? Didn't someone buy new backpacks for the kids at Kohls and she never picked them up? What happened to the gift card that person sent her?

"And, finally, I am ahead of the game on sneaker purchases as I bought ahead this past spring when shoes were on a “buy one, get one half off” promotion. I already have six shiny new pairs of school shoes awaiting the feet they will accompany onto the big yellow bus in just a few short weeks!"


Sneakers shine?

Kate, try Dollar Tree for back to school supplies, not Staples!

Susan said...

Running, as with any safe exercise that doesn't have a high risk of falling (i.e. skiing), is completely appropriate and safe for someone with a healthy pregnancy. Obviously one shouldn't START running while pregnant if they've never run before, but if it's been part of your routine, it's perfectly safe.

AuntieAnn said...

Why does Kate have all those pimples? The only reason I can think of is steroids? But then she'd have larger muscles/ Or maybe her poor diet causes them? Never noticed them till today's vid!

I think she might have always had skin problems from all the close-up photos I've ever seen of her. Maybe it's genetic.

I see she's doing her own eyebrows again. Gee, being unemployed shows when the only job she'll accept is in 'the media' as she likes to call it. Poor thing. No more Mrs Makeup Lady in the dressing room. No more dressing room either. ~ Administrator said...

Susan I agree many doctors have no problem with running during pregnancy and I said so. The problem is how do we know that sheeple is having a healthy pregnancy and cleared this with her doctor? We don't. Would I want the liability? You bet not.

Another question, what about the extreme heat of some marathons plus the crowds, risk of being trampled? When doctor say running is ok they are probably referring to running on a quiet road or treadmill.

CC Wake Up! said...

Once again, what a totally worthless coupon blog. Better she write nothing at all than this drivel she manages to come up with.

aggiemom09121416 said...

"And, finally, I am ahead of the game on sneaker purchases as I bought ahead this past spring when shoes were on a “buy one, get one half off” promotion. I already have six shiny new pairs of school shoes awaiting the feet they will accompany onto the big yellow bus in just a few short weeks!"
Kate's an idiot. Who buys shoes in the Spring, for back to school in the Fall?
Guess those shoes can match the too-big clothing the kids wear.
Kate has to be THE queen of cheap.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Paterno I completely disagree and some of the facts here are very wrong. How does anyone know what he was thinking or doing but if your mind is made up so be it. He did make the call in1998 and law enforcement including the now governor exonerated Sandusky but where is the outrage at law enforcement. Sandusky was found not guilty on the charge that Paterno was fired over. we get bashed and called terrible names and people tell us Joe Paterno is our God when in actuality we are the only ones that realize he was just a man. I will always remember his good works and you won't change my mind and I won't change yours. Westbrooke

AuntieAnn said...

njay said... 186


At 29 seconds in this video, when she flashes her toothy grin, she looks exactly like Casey Anthony.

Anonymous said...

Just food for thought. A teacher was just found guilty of having sex with students, just happened in Lancaster County. Do we close the school, fire the teachers in her grade as they had to have known something, how about the principal, the school superintendent, forget trials, forget their day in court right? how about the coach in Lancaster county who filmed girls, do we get rid of their sports department, principal, superintendent. How about the band leader in Lititz who slept with the underage girl, do we get rid of the music program I could go on and on. Pedophiles are to be punished and punished hard but to assume and make a dead man a scapegoat is wrong as it does nothing to help the victims of this crime. Paterno hated the statue and never wanted the stadium named after him, their is story after story how he helped kids off of the field and in life from their own mouths at the memorial. Westbrooke

capecodmama said...

I still can't get past Kate's receding hairline. As far as the backpacks go, my girls each got an LLBean backpack in fourth grade and they had them until they graduated from high school. They each picked out a color they wanted and then had their initials embroidered on. Pretty much everyone at their school had the LLBean backpacks because they last forever and us parents didn't want to buy new backpacks every time we turned around. Didn't Kate get the kids backpacks at LLBean?

Once a Viewer said...

Yes, the shoes might not fit at all- hard to predict foot growth or lack thereof in kids...and they had LL Bean backpacks and lunchboxes (although Mady wanted to use a paper bag) Those should last forever! They did in our house! You can also get sturdy supplies in no-name brands.
I agree, Staples is very expensive for other supplies. Not a good column at all..

Kate is a Witch said...

How the heck do you buy shoes for kids that far in advance who are still growing?

I used to want to do that with my kids, but you never knew if they were going to hit a growth spurt OR just not grow much for the next six months.

How ridiculous!

Kate is a Witch said...

Good points, everyone. When I started college, my dad looked at the cheapie backpacks everyone was buying in the bookstore, but then insisted on buying me one that was FORTY DOLLARS (that was a fortune back then!). It was reinforced throughout and even had a leather bottom and leather reinforcements. It was awesome, but I felt like it was too much money. He insisted.

He was a smart man. I watched everyone else's $15 backpack fall apart within one year and mine? It's still in my closet. I can't get rid of it, it's still in such good shape! And the leather is all smooth and beautiful on the bottom and at the reinforcement spots. He knew it was worth it to pay a bit more and then not have to replace a cheap one over and over. Lesson learned for me.

It's a false economy to buy the cheapest thing you can, especially when it's something that gets a lot of use. The only exception to this is when you literally cannot afford another cent on it, then you just have to make do (I've been there).

But with Kate's money, you'd think she could afford to kit out her kids with decent backpacks that could last five years at the LEAST.

Sweet Tart said...

Steve didn't "come to his senses." If he's gone (and I think he's certainly around only infrequently, if at all), it's because the money has finally dried up. He saw the money to be made early; he fed into Kate's need to feel important; he saw how easy it would be to cut Jon right out of the picture. I always predicted that once the money stopped coming in, that phony baloney would slink away, in search of his next con. Since his wife never left him nor filed for divorce, she's either on board with the grifting, or pretending it's not happening (ala Dottie S.)

Maggie said...

Kate's Worthless Blog
I cannot believe I am already thinking about back-to-school shopping! Didn’t summer just begin??

As I plan our weekly events, appointments and adventures, I am already starting to plan visits at our pediatrician’s office, to look at school uniform prices and to keep an eye for sales on school supplies.

In an effort to save as much money as possible, each year I take an inventory of our uniform pieces and decide who needs what in what size. This takes time, effort, organization and concentration.

There is a method to my madness as I make sure each child has enough short and long sleeved polo shirts, khaki shorts and pants, along with a dress uniform, sneakers, socks, jackets and school supplies. I remember why I am thankful for school uniforms – once I’m officially done with inventory, that is! By taking inventory, I avoid over-buying which definitely helps me save money each year.

Additionally, I am able to save using the “hand me down” method with school uniforms and I am extra grateful for that! Luckily our school also has an amazing program where you can donate your outgrown uniforms and then buy the sizes you need from other parents’ donations. The proceeds benefit our school so it’s a win-win for all!

I have been watching Target and Staples to see which will win when it comes to buying the pencils, folders, binders and so on for my eight kids. At this point, I’m still watching and I feel that planning ahead is the first step in savings when it comes to school supply purchasing in mass quantities as I do.

This year, I’m in the market for eight new lunch boxes and book bags as we have used our former ones for two school years already. I know that I must get a great buy on them because not only do I need to save as much as I can, but also because they have to last through the rough handling they will no doubt have to endure for an entire school year (or two!)

And, finally, I am ahead of the game on sneaker purchases as I bought ahead this past spring when shoes were on a “buy one, get one half off” promotion. I already have six shiny new pairs of school shoes awaiting the feet they will accompany onto the big yellow bus in just a few short weeks!

All in all, back to school purchases can get expensive, but as with everything else, I try to buy ahead, buy smart and buy on sale. This helps to lessen my panic as our long relaxing summer days come to an end.

Enjoy the sleep-ins all, as they are quickly coming to an end! Take it from me… I just wrote a blog about back-to-school shopping in July. Yikes!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Anyone notice how that edited Kate's interview and cut her off?

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