Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Child actor Mara Wilson: Film acting is 'not very fun', auditions were 'brutal and dehumanizing'

She stole our hearts in Mrs. Doubtfire and Matilda, but the pint-sized, adorable little girl is all grown up now, and wants nothing to do with film anymore: 'Only about half of the people asking me, Are you still acting? seem to take what I want into consideration.'

Wilson and Robin Williams, 1993

Now that Mara Wilson, 25, is an adult and has a voice, she's started an interesting blog (launched in December). A recent post in which she describes how she feels about her career as a child actor is getting some attention. Mara is a graduate of NYU and a playwright.

Said Mara on celebrity: "The celebrity aspect is nothing short of ridiculous, and auditioning is brutal and dehumanizing. Every time I see a pretty young girl on the subway reading sides for an audition, my only thought is, 'Man, am I glad I’m not doing that anymore.' I never feel nostalgia, just relief."

On demanding, creepy fans who can be very selfish: "I didn’t write Matilda or direct the movie, I just played the part. Still, what I did was important to them. I can understand why they want me to continue acting. But interestingly enough, only about half of the people asking me “Are you still acting?” seem to take what I want into consideration." (Reminds us of Kate's fans, who demand to know when the next special will be made without any regard for how the children feel about filming again.)

In an interview with her college newspaper in 2009, Mara had this to say about an encounter with fans: "I came to NYU for academic purposes and it was strange to me when I lived in Weinstein and I would find people knocking on my door late at night, like Thursday night at 12 am. I would open the door in my pajamas and there’d be a crowd of freshman girls, saying ‘Are you Mara?’ ‘Uhhh, yeah’. And they’d say “Well, we just really wanted to meet you.” And then they’d look really disappointed, because they probably expected at least for me to be wearing more than my pajamas. I felt bad, like I was letting them down because I wasn’t being glamorous, because I wasn’t the exciting person they thought I would be. And then they would often ask me to party with them. And I never did, I mean, I am really not a partier, and second of all, would you party with people you didn’t know who showed up at your door late at night on a school night? Would they have done that? No. There were safety issues."

On tedious days on the set (Mara began acting at age five): "Here is something no real celebrity will ever tell you: film acting is not very fun. Doing the same thing over and over again until, in the director’s eyes, you “get it right,” does not allow for very much creative freedom. The best times I had on film sets were the times the director let me express myself,* but those were rare."

And though she has never spoken of it publicly, Mara's mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer during the middle of filming Matilda. Mara, who was just eight years old, had to go on with the job and finish. Her mother died shortly after.

On Dancing With the Stars: "And no, you will not ever see me on Dancing With The Stars. Sorry.

Here's wishing Mara lots of success in her career, and we extend our gratitude for her part in a modern classic: 

1089 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tamara said...

Nice grad gift. CongraDulations! (don't all the cards spell it that way?) For all your hard work and smarts here's a sign photo of a lazy, stupid person. Would it be like an anti-motivation poster?

Kate is a twit said...

Sherry Baby--unfortunately, I think they ARE serious. Hope she realizes that she has to send a self-address, postage paid envelope to get one.

I would expect a tweet like that from someone graduating middle school, but not college. It really astounds me sometimes.

fidosmommy said...

I think there is a LOT of chain-yanking going on and have said so many times. There are times I have thought Milo was just having fun at Kate's expense. It's too bizarre to be real sometimes.

readerlady said...

As a child of the '60' s:

Racing home from school to watch "Dark Shadows".
Granny glasses.
Granny skirts.
Circle skirts with poodle appliques (this may be more of a '50's thing.)
Wearing glitter in my hair for a school Christmas concert.
One piece gym suits.
Love chains made from gum wrappers.

Winter Wonderland said...

Good grief! I just looked at the weather map on TWC, and Central PA, from Johnstown north to Bradford is in the 12 to 18-inch range, with power outages, downed trees, and everything else that goes with a wet, heavy snow. Thank goodness we (including Kate) are far east of that. It supposed to be cold here, though, lows in the 30s, highs only in the 40s. I hope Kate isn't going to make those kids get into the pool this week. I think she opened that thing just a bit prematurely. Doesn't she check weather reports?

Westcoaster said...

And just when you think you have heard everything a tweetie thinks a signed photo of Kate Gosselin would make an AWESOME graduation present from COLLEGE. Oh, my head hurts, it really does.

franky said...

thhat would be a no.
our Khatie does not read the news..let alone the weather report..beaha

imagining khate planning HER day around a mere fotcast..or real weeather..bwajaha

Localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 198
Another article about Kate written a couple of weeks ago that tells it like it is. So many people see Kate for what she is-why don't the sheeple?



I haven't even read the story yet but I love it when they use that photo to emphasize how ridiculous she is.

koopdedoo said...

Barb in Nebraska & Layla -

I only have a few random pieces of Polish Pottery, and no cheese lady. I do kick myself for not taking advantage of being in Europe 18 years ago - a friend drove from Germany to Poland to buy it direct from the factory. I just wasn't interested at that time.

The pieces I have I have purchased from Home Goods.

resident said...

readerlady said... 3
As a child of the '60' s:

Racing home from school to watch "Dark Shadows".
Granny glasses.
Granny skirts.
Circle skirts with poodle appliques (this may be more of a '50's thing.)
Wearing glitter in my hair for a school Christmas concert.
One piece gym suits.
Love chains made from gum wrappers



Nehru jackets and medallions
baby doll dresses with matching purses
gogo boots and fish nets
"leather" skirts
penny loafers with dime inside to call your parents for a ride
the Monkees :)

Bluebird said...

Ahh so many memories! I'll add a few: bazooka gum, 2 cent bags of broken chips, back combing hair to give it a lift, white lipstick, charm bracelets, bol-a-bats, double dutch skipping, loafers, ice cream trucks, chip trucks, skurf boards (today's skateboards), roller rinks, skin tight levi jeans (we had to lay down a zip them up with a fork, Gene Pitney (Only Love Can Break a Heart..), Ed Sullivan and Bonanza on Sunday nights.....

Pity Party said...

Turquoise and silver slave bracelets (so cheap back then). Bell bottoms and tie dye. Long straight hair (ironed with wax paper, so shiny) with bangs and side burns and a pony tail on top, black eyeliner top and bottom and silver and pink eye shadow. Rolling stones, Bob Segar, Bob Dylan. I am a child of the.......

Dmasy said...

I followed the link to the article at the celebrity pregnancy site. Within the article are several highlights that led me to other Kate articles written for them. There is no new info for someone who reads here. They are not Kate fans at the site, but the articles are fair and balanced (to steal a phrase).

Once a Viewer said...

Thanks for the link Admin. That was a good article. all true, all said here as well, as it is obvious to all but remaining sheeple and Kate herself.

Re: weather. I think Kate will make them swim if she bothered filling the pool with her hose- it was cold theta day the curly slide was installed and she bribed Cara with $20 to try it and then the rest of the kids went in but 'had to stay, was it 20 minutes?'

Cold and rainy here- would NOT want to swim, plus we had lightning. Kate should realize the tups' birthday is just a little early oftentimes for a pool party- they could have a fun swimming party in the summer along with M and C and friends? Ok, just an idea...:(

aggiemom09121416 said...

..hi guys..I've been pretty sick.The flu bug attacked over the wkend..trying 2 rest up now so I can b 'good as new'! Just wanted 2 say 'hi'! 16 minutes ago
Anybody believe she's sick? A few wks back she was sick and tweeted non-stop through that illness. Wanna bet she was in NYC with Steve? And who got the kids up this morning for school?
Think she spent the weekend on the laundry room floor?
I don't for one second believe she was sick. Jon had the kids and she took off to get her hair done and some tlc (hehe) from Steve.

Winsomeone said...

She was sick last weekend too supposedly. Maybe she eats old food like she feeds to the kids?

Mel said...

Didn't she just have the "flu" last weekend? Or at least the weekend before? I thought I remembered her talking about the twins taking care of her (on their Monday off of school).

Once a Viewer said...

hmm, she sure gets sick a lot for someone who eats a healthy diet and exercises etc.Kids too. Maybe she could ask her tweet friends for helpful healthy tips and write a CC blog about it? *Aggie, I tend to agree with you!.*

Tucker's Mom said...

Anybody believe she's sick?
No, and I'll tell you why. My mom had 2 kids and never, ever had the luxury of being sick and having down time. Kate's mentality is that of a third grader who thinks that she has to lie to cover up.
So yeah, I think she's lying out of guilt. She protests too much. Remember her unprovoked attack on Jon, claiming that the kids did not like staying with him and implying that Jon's having his kids to visit was new? She said she waited at home by the phone for them to call and ask to come pick them up?
She let that lie slip off of her tongue like sugar, knowing damn well that she was skipping town, to be thousands and thousands of miles away from her 8 little kids.
Not a glimmer of guilt.

Dmasy said...

The flu bug attacked over the weekend...who got attacked? Just her?

I think the fact that there is no mention of the kids is very telling. That she has some resting time this morning probably indicates that Jon had the kids up till today and he took them to the bus stop.

Who knows? She tells us stuff she should not reveal. And, then she omits information that would be appropriate.

Sorry if she is ill. Hope the kids aren't.

PatK said...

If Kate really was sick over the weekend, then I imagine poor Cara and Mady spent their weekend doing double duty to take care of everyone, including Kate. Poor kids.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone else find it hysterical that only a day after we're discussing how ridiculous it is to open a pool this early in the Northeast, the Northeast gets slammed by a blizzard. It's like God himself doesn't like Kate Gosselin.

ANNNND...that's why it's ridiculous to open the pool this early.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

RT @SoFabMaternity @Kateplusmy8 u could do wut I do when I'm sick-watch a mar of Kate+8!Makes me feel better every X. I JUST OPEN MY BR DOOR about a minute ago


She makes it sound like she's always in her bedroom. How about get off your ass, out of your bedroom, and go be with your own darn kids? Oh and get a job.

PJ's momma said...

Kate just posted about 'being green.' That is HILARIOUS - she uses more paper towels and paper plates each month than some small nations do in a lifetime. And we only know this because SHE puts the pictures out there (plus the paps catch her with baskets full of paper towels).

Tamara said...

Bluebird said...
Ahh so many memories! I'll add a few: bazooka gum,
I loved those as a kid waaaay after the 60s! Does anyone know if they still come with the little comics? They also made an amazing cherry flavoured version. It could beat Hubba-Bubba any day.

Tamara said...

Ill with the flu? Is that what Khate is calling her hangovers these days? And where exactly would she pick up a flu virus? If she's sick does that mean the kids are too? Most parents pick up illnesses from their kids. Is Joel currently curled up on the laundry room floor vomiting, with a high fever?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Hey Kate (if you're reading here),

Don't forget to open all the windows to let in cold air.

Happy sleeping/resting on the laundry room floor.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

One thing that has puzzled me for months is why Kate is "writing" a blog for CC. First of all she doesn't write it or at least it's heavily edited. It's not her writing style. Secondly the tips are useless to anyone but the most daft of people who don't know the first thing about economizing or who don't care to.

There are her tips about going green:

I reuse used dryer sheets to clean cookware that has food stuck on it. Works like a charm!

I also rinse and reuse quart and gallon size freezer storage bags.

I use hand towels often instead of paper towels. (Okay, not always! I just can’t switch over completely!)

I use daylight instead of electric lights whenever possible.

I use plastic store grocery bags to line small trash cans instead of buying liners.

I use paper shredder shreds to pack packages.

I feed our chickens our vegetable leftovers and Shoka our meat and carb-based leftovers whenever I can. (No, Shoka does not eat spaghetti!)

She doesn't turn her lights on during daylight! BOMBSHELL DISCOVERY! Not to mention using plastic bags to line garbage cans. Never in a million years would someone come up with that one.

I've been on blogs for homemakers and found many unique ideas regarding saving money and recycling. And to think Kate has this job and apparently gets paid for it and someone with a real imagination doesn't -- it annoys me.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Someone sent me an email from coupon cabin that said, in part, this:

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional info. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements about Kate's partnership with CouponCabin.com!

I wonder what the big reveal is? Coupon code KATE for 50% off boxed wine?

Mel said...

It was just last weekend. They didn't go to church cuz she was 'sick'.

GM! We are staying home today..it's mommy who isn't feeling well... Not the snackers from last night! Talk about irony!! Have a great day!!
8:44 AM - 15 Apr 12 via Twitterrific · Details
Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
I am in awe,again,at my 11 yr olds!Just checked on me&gave the 'playing plan' post lunch they've all decided on!All under control! Amazing!
12:26 PM - 15 Apr 12 via Twitterrific · Details

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is so running out of material for CC. I seriously wonder how long she can continue to write this "blog".
Anyone who watched her shows knows that she uses paper plates all the time. Oh, and she could not have been more disinterested or unbelievably rude during the solar panel episode. She was such a bitch to Steve.
It's actually amusing to see her rewrite history.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tweet thanks for posting that, it's unbelievable how pathetic what she writes is.

Use daylight instead of lights......NOOOO ya think?
Using dryer sheets on cookware can be dangerous, those chemicals are not meant for consumption and they can leach onto the pan.
Reusing freezer bags is dangerous too depending on what trace amounts of food are left in it.
Feeding animals any old leftovers isn't good for them.

This is rather like remedial common sense for dummies. It's like she is a social worker trying to teach basic life skills to help people having difficulty to function in the real world. There's nothing wrong with that, that's a noble thing to do, but that's not who her blogs are supposed to be for.

Bluebird said...

Tamara, I had forgotten about the cherry version, delicious. I also liked the double bubble, which you can still get today. When my grandchildren go trick or treating, they let me take as many of those that I want. I still love making bubbles, although I'm now in my late fifties.

As for Kate having the flu, yet again, I'm very suspicious. Someone mentioned earlier she's often sick, or so she says. I think it's a cover-up to give her tweeties an excuse for not twittering all weekend. And yes, she opens the door of her bedroom to yell out her orders.

Kate's Going Down said...

What leftovers? They can't POSSIBLY have leftovers. She's given the amounts of food she makes down to the serving in her recipes she posts on that sucky blog of hers and she has eight kids eating, there cannot be leftovers to give to the chickens and the dog.

And you really shouldn't feed leftovers to the dog. Damn, is she stupid and careless.

I did a double-take when I read about using old dryer sheets on cookware. NO. Do NOT do that! I don't think anyone will die or anything, but those are not meant to be wiped all over your pots and pans, what the hell is the purpose of that, exactly? I've never heard of that. I hope to God the pots and pans at least get a good wash after being rubbed with Bounce dryer sheets. How weird.

And yeah, sick two weekends in a row? And yet she claims to be so healthy and fit? Sorry, not buying it. She's either hungover, hiding out, or both.

She is the ONLY parent I know who spends a majority of her time in her room, shut away from the kids. I know those twins are having to parent the six and take care of things a lot. She'll depend on them to do that more and more the older they get and they'll get more and more resentful of it as they head into their teen years.

gotyournumberKate said...

It's funny Kate has been sick the last 2 Sundays. Maybe a little too much vino Saturday night? That's my guess, hangovers.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

More piss poor advice from Katie Irene, courtesy of Coupon Cabin.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I have to say I do reuse plastic zip bags. I wash them in hot soapy water w/a little bleach and hang them outside on the line to dry. I do not "rinse" and reuse. I know some people think those bags are cheap so they toss them, but on my income that's not the case.

Dmasy said...

Those are her green saving tips? Really?

Don't turn on the lights during the day?

OK...we are all being punked!

Maggie said...

Kate had a huge box of Cascade dishwasher powder on her counter in one of her tv shows. Is that eco friendly? I don't think so. Liar.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tweet the manufacturers recommend you not re-use them because over time chemicals can leak out and it's hard to get them clean (of course they have an incentive to make you buy more instead of reusing I suppose) but if Kate is going to recommend you do that, she needs to be responsible and explain how you need to be sure they are really clean.

Dmasy said...

I don't use dryer sheets as a fabric softener. The perfume scent is way too strong. I can't imagine smearing those chemicals on my cookware.

But, I do have a use for them. Mice do not like the smell any more than I do. We buy a box each Fall and stuff them into small cavities around pipes and wires in the basement and attic. I really believe it helps keep out country mice that are looking for a warm Winter home. We used to have a big mouse problem in our greenhouse until I started leaving dryer sheets in all the storage areas.

I read that hint somewhere on the internet -- didn't get it from a Kate column.

Tucker's Mom said...

CC sure is stupid in allowing Kate to pass along these "tips". Reusing plastic bags can be germy. Rubbing fabric softener sheets on your cookware just defies logic and reusing plastic bags means that you get plastic in the first place, so big goose egg there.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Admin, I agree about Kate needing to be responsible to her readers. But that doesn't seem to be a concern of hers or CC's. It really infuriates me.

As far as this "partnership" in the email, I guess I'll hold my temper and comments until I hear what it is. Has the world gone insane?

I probably reuse my zip bags 3 times or so. If that's the case regarding plastic I wonder how long plastic storage containers should be used or maybe they don't have the same kind of chemicals?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This is where Kate just isn't thinking like a business person would think.

Why not partner up with many of the start-up small businesses making these re-usable bags? Write a post about them, agree to promote them, in return Kate gets enough free bags for eight kids and a cut of every customer she brings to them. Her sheeple would buy it and heck I might even buy some if it were a good discount. It's a good tip, and makes Kate money. And since that's all she cares about, it's a win-win for her.

This last post just screams "I googled for about 10 minutes and copied and pasted this together now where is my boxed wine and bedroom?"

LB said...

Not to defend Kate but you could actually re-use dryer sheets as a wash cloth to scrub the cookware as long as you wash the cookware AFTER using the dryer sheet. I don't think she meant to use them as a drying sheet (which would be a no-no as that may cause someone to get sick) but rather as a washing sheet. a couple websites promote the re-using of dryer sheets as a mean to go green. They can be used for other things such as stuffing for homemade dolls or wiping the floor.

Kate's Going Down said...

And I've seen her wheeling carts out of retail stores filled with plastic grocery sacks. If she really wanted to go green, she'd bring in her own reusable bags like we do. Sure, she wouldn't have liners for little trashcans, but she'd also be saving a hell of a lot of plastic bags overall by doing that. It's become very mainstream around here to bring your own bags to the store.

Mel said...

Why does she have plastic store bags? Has she never heard of the re-usable cloth bags?

Every time you see her Target cart during her parking lot stroll, it's filled with plastic bags. Ummmm...Kate? They even sell the re-usable cloth bags *at* Target.

Is that tin-foil dress green? Is that how she re-uses aluminum foil maybe?

Kate? Green? Hahahahaha. NOT.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I wouldn't use dryer sheets on my cookware EVER even if you wash them. But she needs to tell people to be sure to wash them after if she is doing that. You can't just throw a tip out there that is potentially dangerous without making sure you explain the little details to people. She needs to be responsible.

Dryer sheets contain petroleum for gosh sakes. You want petroleum on your cookware? Didn't think so!

Kate's Going Down said...

Admin, that's a great idea. The whole attraction/marketing angle would be "if I can be green with eight kids, so can you." Or if I can use these re-usable bags and they work fine with as many kids as I have, you can, too.

(Not that it would be said in a snarky way, you probably get what I mean. People would think "well, if she can do it, so can I!")

But she has two strikes working against her ever doing something like this: she's dumb and lazy.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Admin, thanks for the link. $25 for three is a bit steep for me even if they are reusable. I saw you can get 6 for $23 and change, but still...

Oh well. Interesting conundrum the way I see it. Environmentalists vs big companies. I look at it all this way...each side has its extreme arguments. I take it all with a grain of salt and try and use moderation and common sense.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

If that's the case regarding plastic I wonder how long plastic storage containers should be used or maybe they don't have the same kind of chemicals?


There are dozens of different grades of plastic. One-time use, usually cheaper grades are used for plastic bags and water bottles not meant to be reused. More durable grades with less chance of leakage are used for the plastic containers you buy that are meant to be reused.

Even those though I wouldn't use forever. Maybe a year before it's tossed. They usually don't hold up longer than that anyway.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

If that's the case regarding plastic I wonder how long plastic storage containers should be used or maybe they don't have the same kind of chemicals?


There are dozens of different grades of plastic. One-time use, usually cheaper grades are used for plastic bags and water bottles not meant to be reused. More durable grades with less chance of leakage are used for the plastic containers you buy that are meant to be reused.

Even those though I wouldn't use forever. Maybe a year before it's tossed. They usually don't hold up longer than that anyway.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

25 bucks seems steep but I'm thinking good quality sandwich bags cost 4.99 for a pack maybe? You run through a pack in a month, sometimes less, depending on family size.

So in about five months you've made up the cost, and by month six you are saving money.

Dmasy said...

Administrator, 44 -- This is where Kate just isn't thinking like a business person would think.

I agree. Coupon Cabin is another opportunity she has that could be used as a platform to promote herself.

She contributes the bare minimum. She seems to behave like a high schooler who wants to avoid studying and then expects a remarkable grade on the test.

I know we "pick" on her blog entries, but she just makes it too easy!

Paula said...

Here is a great use for those plastic bags. Our SS kids have worked on this project and have had a blast and it goes toward a great cause:


Oh, and Kate, quit your whining. As all GOOD mothers know, Mom's can't and don't get sick. Our children depend on us.

Sport said...

A single father's money saving tips:

* Tupperware
* Number of drivers in house >= number of cars
* Dont buy a new pink iPhone every 2 months
* Clean your own pool
* Mow your own lawn
* Care for your own kids
* Cook your own meals
* Have a TV network buy you solar panels
* Grift for everything you can
* Live within your means

Kate is a twit said...

Kate said that she reused dryer sheets to clean cookware. However, she did not explain how to use them. I found this website that explains how to use them:


Cleaning Cookware

One of the more unusual ways to use old dryer sheets is to clean off pots and pans that have well cooked food residue stuck to them. Fill the pots with warm water and then drop an old dryer sheet into the water. Leave the pots to soak overnight. The chemicals in the dryer sheet that help to soften clothes will loosen the baked on food particles on any pots or pans. if you do use this method, be sure to thoroughly rinse these cookware after you have finished because of these chemicals.

I can just see her fans scrubbing away using dryer sheets and then wondering why it doesn't "work like a charm".

If Kate was really going green, she would purchase resuable shopping bags instead of always getting plastic bags. If she wants to reuse them to line her trash cans, she can get them once in awhile so she has a supply. Also, most supermarkets and other stores that issue plastic bags, now have recycling bins for the bags.

And speaking of plastic, she should stop buying bottled water and purchase water bottles that can be reused over and over.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

If you keep your eyes peeled you can almost always get a reusable water bottle for free. Anytime you go to a festival or anything they always have like credit card companies or eco companies or whatever giving them out.
I have like five of them I've gotten from various promotions, etc. I also got one from Lexis Nexis which many employers use, not just lawyers.

What do you say we all start are own money saving post? :)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I'm all for a money saving post!!

Sport said...

So now its 'Eco-friendly kHate?'

Can any single mother with 3 cars, 3 acres, and 3 washing machines seriously be considered 'green?'

She brags about her constant excess at every opportunity and out of the other side of her mouth tries to pretend she is 'for the environment.'

The amount of CO2 she spews into the air listening to herself amaze herself alone is ruining the environment.

mamaK said...

I just can not handle the stupidity!
Dryer sheets to clean pots? Um, yuck!
Reusing ziplock bags is not healthy!
Solar panels in CA/AZ make sense. In PA? Not so much!

Kate, here's some REAL ways to be eco friendly and save money...
--make your own dryer balls out of yarn. Reusable, and no more buying dryer sheets.
--if you do buy dryer sheets, only use half a sheet. Still works just as well. (this also applies to detergent in the washer and dish washer).
--and while we are talking about dishwashers, um, USE one! For dishes and hand wash pots and pans! It's better for them. Save money on paper plates. We had twenty people over for lunch and served everyone on real plates. Didn't have to buy anything.
--Use and reuse cloth napkins. You can even sew your own out of worn out shirts and things if you are really cool.
--cloth bags for shopping and cloth ziplocks for snacks. You can even make these yourself with a tablecloth and velcro.
--tupperware! Buy once, no need for ziplocks! They even have chemical free ones now! (wonder if CC has a code for this?)
--Daylight? Really? How about unplugging electronics when not using them? A woman on Oprah saved $60 A MONTH just by doing this!!!

My best tip:
Buy a SMALL, manageable house. One that you can clean easily by yourself (save the maid money) and you can keep the energy and maintance costs down too! Oh, and a high maintance salt water pool probably wouldn't be the best eco-friendly, money saving decision either! Not to mention three gas gusslers instead of a hybrid.


Kate's Going Down said...


WHAT? Those are CRAZY*!

*By that I mean, common sense and good tips. Which means Kate doesn't and won't follow them. Especially that part about living within your means. Heck, I'm an advocate for living beneath your means if possible so you can eventually get some breathing room.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how useful my tips would be for anyone.

Before you buy anything ask yourself, "Is this something I really need or is it just something that I want? Is this something I am going to use daily, weekly or is it just going to collect dust and disappear in a couple months?"

I really believe people mistake needing something for wanting something a lot of the time.

Second, whenever you do your monthly big clean or whenever you break down and decide it's time to clear our your house or garage put everything into a trash bag and leave it for a couple days. If you are able to not use anything you put into that bag after a few days or even a week, than you probably don't still need it. Either donate it, repair it, yard sale it or throw it away depending on how useful it would be to someone else or if it's just junk.

The more you *think* you need because it's something you wanted the more crap you're going to have to battle with and seemingly the harder it is to get rid of it.

If you want to cut down on your utility bill don't turn your lights on during the day. A lot of people do it without realizing it.

And maybe instead of running your dishwasher so often, fill your sink with soapy water and wash a load of dishes by hand. I get laughed at for doing that one but to me if my hands are still able to scrub than I don't see using the dishwasher to small things such as silverware or glasses those can all easily be washed by hand instead of running your dishwasher, be your own dishwasher once a week or so. Lots of you have kids I assume, that's what I got told as a kid when I asked why we didn't have a dishwasher, "We do, you're the dishwasher."

Dmasy said...

Parade (the little magazine that comes with the Sunday paper in most cities) had the cover article "Is Your Stuff Weighing You Down". Good reading. Followed by a couple of pages of disposal recommendations. Timely to what we are posting.

mamaK said...

If you wash your dishes right after use, the food doesn't get a chance to get stuck on. If it does, a good soak is probably all you need. For really burnt on food, or stains, I clean my pots with baking soda. A bunch of soda and very little water works as a great scrubber (in addition to my scrubber sponge) and isn't harmful to your health.
Dryer sheet residue sticks to the screens in the dryers. (really important to scrub these every now and then!) I can only image how it would stick to pots and pans!

Kate's Going Down said...

When my child was much younger, I was a tightwad black belt and taught myself financial management skills I've used ever since. We've lived beneath our means for about two decades now and our retirement and bank accounts can attest to that. We're finally on the brink of being able to enjoy all the belt-tightening we've done over the years.

I could teach Kate a thing or two, but my very first recommendation would be to downsize the house and I doubt she'll do that until she's forced to.

Until she downsizes, everything else she does is just a false economy. The real money suck is that house and land and the maintenance and utility costs involved. There's no reason why they need a house that big, plenty of large families have lived in smaller but still very comfortable homes.

Tamara said...

Maybe her "flu" symptoms are from mixing cleaning chemicals, improperly using dryer sheets, and using garbage bags in food prep.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Hey Kate (if you're reading here), Don't forget to open all the windows to let in cold air.
I actually had a grandmother who lived by the cold, fresh air treatment for any and all illness.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Thanks, everyone, for the memories. Have to say - LOVED Dark Shadows.
Sugar free Bazooka tastes as good as the "sugar" version and still
comes with a comic.

Dmasy, thanks for the tip about dryer sheets and mice!
Tip of the day: running a dryer sheet over your electronics screens,
esp t.v.s, helps repel dust.

aggiemom09121416 said...

When someone speaks negatively about you it says more about their character than it does yours. @Kateplusmy8
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

Her tweeties keep posting this. They need to go read what their Queen said about Jon, their kids, her family, Anderson Cooper, her dance partner, last week's bus driver anecdote, and EM Tanner.
Start there, tweeties.

koopdedoo said...

Rhymes with Witch #69 -

EEKS! A dryer sheet rubbed over any electronic screen is going to scratch any coating on the screen. Most manufacturers recommend a microfiber cleaning cloth (check your owner's manual).

Even paper towels can scratch your screens.

Tamara said...

To save on your electricity bill unplug things when you are not using them or charging something. Even if the appliance isn't on or the charger isn't plugged into the blackbery/ipod/etc it still bleeds energy.

Kate is a twit said...

aggiemom #70-I was just going to post the same thing.

And Kate speaks negatively about the "bullies" and "haters", so what does that say about Kate?

Oh wait, platitudes like that only apply to those they don't agree with.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

koopdedoo said... 71
Rhymes with Witch #69 -

EEKS! A dryer sheet rubbed over any electronic screen is going to scratch any coating on the screen. Most manufacturers recommend a microfiber cleaning cloth (check your owner's manual).

Even paper towels can scratch your screens.

Oh dear! Life is just too complicated!

Aeduko said...

Why are food leftovers bad for dogs? We feed our dogs leftovers with their kibble, and no one's died yet.

Kate is a twit said...

koopdedoo-the advice was to RUN a dryer sheet over the screen, not RUB. The dryer sheet can be run lightly over the screen to prevent static-it is not to be used as a cleaning cloth.

Tucker's Mom said...

Leftovers are fine for dogs as long as you know what to not feed them. My dogs love my cooking! They are so spoiled-- they basically get a little something homemade each meal.
Dark Shadows is a new movie coming out too. Johnny Depp and Tim Burton again. Could be interesting.

Jeananne said...

It seems to me the Sheeple aren't happy UNLESS there is fighting on Twitter. The haters have been very quiet so what do they do? Keep retweeted "pokes" to get them going again.

Kate is a bully, therefore she can't recognize one when she sees it.

Anonymous said...

Watch "Bag It" a documentary on plastics/plastic bags. Eye opening.

I have NEVER understood people who go to the gym and then hire landscapers to take care of outside maintenance. You save twice the cost and get the workout, if you just take care of your own yard.

Red Sky At Night said...

To save on your electricity bill unplug things when you are not using them or charging something. Even if the appliance isn't on or the charger isn't plugged into the blackbery/ipod/etc it still bleeds energy.


Our local station did a report on unplugging appliances, computers, televisions, etc. to see how much could be saved. They figured it was about a dollar per year per appliance, depending on the size and how much electricity it pulled. Is it really worth running around unplugging and plugging electrical appliances...I don't know, maybe, if you have about 100 appliances/computers/cell phones to unplug!

Kate's Going Down said...

Anon at 79: yardwork/gardening is my favorite workout.

I've had evenings when I thought I couldn't move from what I did that day. That was really overdoing it, but damn, what a workout. And you get something accomplished besides working out!

That's the sole reason I tend to weight about 8-10 pounds fewer in the spring and summer months versus the winter. ;)

Connie said...

I have donated all my non-stick cookware and gone to stainless steel.

I feel that is much more healthy for my family, and cleaning isn't that much of an ordeal.

If something gets burned on or something is really sticky, I just fill it with water and put it back on the stove or in the oven.

When the water has boiled a while, turn the heat off and let it sit a while. It works. Boiling loosens most of the gunk and then it just scrapes out with a spoon or spatula. I am so glad to be rid of that non-stick stuff.

Kate's Going Down said...

Jeananne: I hadn't looked at her twitter feed in about a month, so I went over there to look. You made me curious.

And wow, what a difference! It's pretty quiet. I remember when you could refresh (I look at it on a phone) and there would be dozens of tweets in her mention feed and now chunks of time go by with just one or two tweets. Or none.

I'm happy to see that.

Once a Viewer said...

Dmasy: thanks for mouse/fabric softener sheet tip and eveyoine, for your tips too.

My tip for fabric softener sheets is that if your hair tends to frizz on humid/rainy days, rub your dry clean hair with a sheet and it will control the frizz! You can then use it in the dryer, also cut in half, as someone else suggested.

I agree, we should have our own tips/savings blog!

Pity Party said...

The best tip I ever got was from my sister, who said before you buy something, because it is a "good deal" ask yourself where will you put it and how will use it. I used to buy blindly and would end up with something I didn't know what to do with. I have walked away a lot of times from doing so by asking myself that question. I just bought 4 of the original heavy wicker baskets and I knew exactly where I was going to put them and how I was going to use them before I brought them to their forever home from the thrift store.

Andrea said...

This site tells you how to make your own dryer balls. http://www.theenvironmentalblog.org/2011/10/make-dryer-balls/

Make sure you get regular wool yarn and not superwash wool or washable wool.

My aunt makes dog treats out of freezer burned parts of meat. She simply cuts the freezer burned parts off. Soaks them in a mild brine solution overnight. Then she puts then into the food dehydrator

franky said...

re fabric softner sheets

I live in black fly country (Quebec, Canada)

Black flies and mosquitoes hate 2 popular products:

BOUNCE dryer sheets (other brands don't work but while camping hang a few oit around the site...magocal

Second is skin so smootk from Avon..black fly killer in a bottle...smooth oil on before fishing and enjoy

sorry for typos..stupid smart phone =)

Laura D. said...

Aeduko, I was listening to a talk radio show on Saturday while driving, and they had a garlic expert on. She mentioned that garlic was bad for dogs (something about interfering with their blood platelets) and as such you should never feed them leftovers if you cook with garlic. The show host said he'd been feeding his dog leftovers with plenty of garlic for 13 years with no problem. We always share our dinner with our dog too. Funny, eh?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Garlic, tomatoes, grapes and chocolate all can be bad for dogs. If you feed leftovers be aware. Also I heard once that for smaller dogs feeding two bites of a cheeseburger to them is like giving it three whole cheeseburgers. Dogs can get fat fast when you're not thinking about that.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Speaking of Dark Shadows and the upcoming movie, Jonathan Frid has passed away. Apparently Johnny Depp was "one of us," running home
after school.


Dmasy said...

Franky, 87 -- yeah. as for my mouse repellant trick with dryer sheets. I am using Bounce also. Didn't think -- maybe a house brand would not work as well. That stuff has some strong perfume. The scent will last all through one season to the next.

HollyMo said...

Franky, I will definitely try your suggestions on the dryer sheets! I have a bad allergy to black fly and mosquito bites, they often swell to the size of a toonie (or bigger).

Dmasy, I always use dryer sheets to keep the mice away when we close up our cabin for the season - generic brand - and they work great.

Kate's Going Down said...

Yes, it's mostly because of weight issues that we don't feed our dog leftovers. We have a breed that can get fat VERY quickly, so we have to be careful and make sure she gets enough exercise, too.

Dmasy said...

I have 3 small breed dogs. They are always "starving" and begging. I sometimes cook extra veggies to mash into their high quality dog food. I always remove their portion before seasoning. Sodium (salt) is not good for dogs either.

I am probably more careful about their diet than I am about my own.

Cautionary tale: Last week, our neighbors had to put one of their Golden Retrievers to sleep. She got into a box of paint balls (the kind for paint ball guns). They taste sweet. The box had several non-toxic claims. But, their dog had a severe stroke that led to paralysis and blindness.

We learned paint balls had a sweet taste when some raccoons were raiding boxes in our shop. We would find the colorful balls scattered all over the concrete floor in the morning. (Yes, I licked my finger and rubbed it over the surface to see what one would taste like.) We just got more diligent about closing all the doors. Don't know if it was fatal to the masked bandits.

Aeduko said...

Thanks for the info on human food for dogs. We try to keep up on what's bad for dogs (the list keeps getting longer) and they don't get anything like that, but I was not aware that garlic isn't good for them. We'll watch out for that. Thanks all.

What's Next? said...

I have a few dryer sheet ideas. One is to rub it over a dustpan to keep dust from sticking to the pan, the other is rub it over baseboards to repel dust. If you are a rubber stamper and use embossing ink and embossing powder rub a sheet over your cardstock before you stamp with embossing ink then when you sprinkle the powder it will only stick to the ink and not the cardstock.

Re plastic bags as trash can liners - I've been doing that for at least 15 yrs. - probably longer. Her ideas seem to be aimed to those who are very young and just starting out.

All her money saving tips are a drop in the bucket when you look at her extravagances. I mean she is talking about saving a few cents here and there when she spends hundreds and thousands on herself and her lifestyle - truly a walking, talking contradiction.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89

Garlic, tomatoes, grapes and chocolate all can be bad for dogs. If you feed leftovers be aware. Also I heard once that for smaller dogs feeding two bites of a cheeseburger to them is like giving it three whole cheeseburgers. Dogs can get fat fast when you're not thinking about that.


Onions are also toxic to dogs.

Dryer sheets, certain outdoor plants & schrubs are also poisonous to dogs.

Sherry Baby said...

I just saw the Rosie O'Donnell will be joining The Professionals on the Today Show. I guess Kate missed out on that one...

I was just thinking about Kate not having any common sense. Wouldn't you think that before opening a pool, you'd check an extended forecast to see if you'd actually be swimming? Accuweather runs one for the next few weeks. If the temps look like they're going to be in the high 70s, 80s, yes, you might open a pool. But if you see that it's going to be too chilly for swimming, you don't open a pool and spend that money! It's a no-brainer.

Gift of grab said...

"Second, I use dishwasher and dish soaps that are friendly to the environment. I haven’t yet switched to eco-friendly laundry detergent but that is still something I aspire to do."

How does one "aspire" to switch to a new detergent? Isn't it just a matter of DOING IT?

What a freaking nitwit this woman is. Really, she is just dangerously stupid. I cannot believe that CC is paying for these inane Words from the Witless.

Kate's Going Down said...

About three times a year, I make my dog these biscuits:


I substitute oats for the wheat germ just because I usually don't have wheat germ.

I cut them in the shape of cats, LOL. She LOVES them. DH feeds her in the morning, so she usually gets one of these (I make them a bit smaller because she's a small dog) at about 5 pm as a "snack." I mix the dough up in the stand mixer and it takes no time at all. Then keep them in an air-tight container.

Pity Party said...

I read that blog. I can't believe she said she learned about solar panels and had some installed. It was an episode and she bitched and moaned the whole entire time the guy was there. She could hardly be bothered to go up about 8 feet in a bucket truck to look at them because she was sooo afraid of heights (and then paraded across a pasture in heels and a mini skirt and plopped herself in a out air balloon without batting an eye). I never understood why she appeared so put off by the solar panels that anyone else would have been proud of, unless it was because the guy and Jon were the focus of the show and not her. She was rude and crude very dismissive of the guy and the panels referring to them grandly as roof jewelry. Now she is trying to re-write history. CJ had better tips.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

I just can't get excited over re-usable shopping bags. I've read that they can get really nasty with germs from meat and other groceries. Then there's the problem of forgetting to take them with me. If I can find some really sturdy washable bags that are reasonably priced I might give it another try. Then I could wash, dry, then store them in the car so I always have them with me. A friend of mine was going off about trash bags the other day. He was saying how it bugs the hell out of him to buy them because they're bought to be thrown away. I never thought of it that way - now it kind of bugs me too! LOL He feels like he's literally throwing money away with his trash bags.

Sherry Baby said...

"Second, I use dishwasher and dish soaps that are friendly to the environment.


I thought that she uses Cascade. Is that eco-friendly? I don't know, I'm just asking.

anger issues kate said...

Nice BS try Kate with the I'm sick routine. Try, you were in NYC doing hair. Last time kate was sick, was about a week ago, she was tweeting away. Even had the twins taking care of things.
As for her blog, somemore useless info that people already know. Yes, Kate, people who are green thinkers and those of us the mediocre/regular people: know that if you use real towels to dry your hands and not paper, you are making a very small mark for the being green. (hint Kate people have been doing that before paper towels existed).

And really, using dryer sheets on cookware to clean them. Is she kidding? There are chemicals in the dryer sheets, stuff you do not want to come in contact with food utensils, or cookware. Just like using garbage bags on counter top to protect, from food. Kate ever wonder why they are called dryer sheets, garbage bags, CAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE FOR! They have certain chemicals in them, that are not to be used on/for anything that is used for food.
I also see Kate forgot to mention the 2 dishwashers, paperplates she uses etc. I also see that, that CJ person attacking commentors at CC. This sheeple even had the nerve to tell CC to have a monitor at Kate CC blog to keep people who come there, who don't like Kate's Blog to be blocked. They should block her for harassment.

Kate's Going Down said...

Mrs. Malaprop: just get some canvas totes that are washable. I found some at a thrift store near me that were a steal. All of them washable. I like them much better than the other ones I used that were sort of between disposable and not, if that makes sense. Some sort of reinforced paper-like bags? I don't know.

But now I use my canvas ones all the time and the reinforced webbing handles are MUCH tougher. It would take a lot to wear these out. I keep them all stuffed in the biggest one and in the front floorboard of my car. Took me forever to remember to grab them, but it slowly became a habit.

On another note: who was asking about Tide Pods that come in "free?" (No colors or perfumes.) I didn't find Tide Pods in free, but I did see that my grocery store has their own brand of washing machine pods, and wouldn't you know they have a perfectly clear kind with no dyes or perfumes.

I looked on Tide's website and didn't see that their pods come in "free" form. They have "boosters" that are pods and come in "free" form, but not the detergent itself.

Tucker's Mom said...

In DC, you are actually charged for plastic bags.

aggiemom09121416 said...

RT @SoFabMaternity @Kateplusmy8 u could do wut I do when I'm sick-watch a mar of Kate+8!Makes me feel better every X. I JUST OPEN MY BR DOOR about 5 hours ago

How come SHE isn't on the laundry room floor?
I don't believe she's sick..I think Jon had the kids for the weekend and she took off with Steve for a well-deserved break. Poor thing, she just works herself to the bone, ya know.., Had to fill the in-ground pool...wonder how long it takes her pricey solar panels to heat the pool?
We should all have her problems...million dollar place, three vehicles, nannies, help, private school for the kiddies,two dishwashers and two washer/dryer sets, house full of free furnishings, oops, can't forget the four freezers!
...I really don't want her problems, cuz that house will be her undoing. There is no way in heck she can afford to keep that house for the long term. To afford a place like that you need some regular serious cash flow.

aggiemom09121416 said...

PityParty 101 said.

. She was rude and crude very dismissive of the guy and the panels referring to them grandly as roof jewelry. Now she is trying to re-write history. CJ had better tips.
lol, now don't pick on Kate! She wasn't rude...those meanies at TLC just made her LOOK rude..ya know, 'editing'. LOL

Winsomeone said...

How does one "aspire" to switch to a new detergent? Isn't it just a matter of DOING IT?

She probably has 5 years worth of free soap that she has grifted, and has to use that up before switching.

Kate is a twit said...

Mrs. Malaprop-the reusable bags I have are made of cloth and are hand-washable in cold water-just remove the inside cardboard before washing.

I DO use plastic bags to place my meat and produce in, but that's all.

I also like the fact that the reusable bags also stand up in my car trunk unlike the plastic bags and I can also fit more items in them. The ones I have cost about $1.00 apiece and my supermarket pays 6 cents for each one used. So after about 15 uses they paid for themselves.

Funny thing-I bought them at a supermarket other than the one I frequent because I'd like them better than the ones my store offers. The first time I used them, I was a little embarrassed to use them, until I say that the majority of other shoppers were using the same bags. Even the cashier said, that most people use the ones I have.

KateIsBlind said...

I'm sorry, but did her tweet insinuate that she yells out her bedroom door when she is ill? That just makes my blood boil. That right there tells you that some other adult must be in that house.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Winsomeone 109 said
How does one "aspire" to switch to a new detergent? Isn't it just a matter of DOING IT?

She probably has 5 years worth of free soap that she has grifted, and has to use that up before switching.
April 23, 2012 1:10 PM

LOL, thanks for my laugh of the day. hilarious.lololol

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Gift of grab said... 99
"Second, I use dishwasher and dish soaps that are friendly to the environment. I haven’t yet switched to eco-friendly laundry detergent but that is still something I aspire to do."

How does one "aspire" to switch to a new detergent? Isn't it just a matter of DOING IT?-------------------

Kate is all about getting the kids' clothes clean so she can sell through the consignment shop. And get $$ for the free clothes her kids wore in order to get top dollar at the consigmnent shop. Notice how none of the clothing consignment clothes EVER involve her clothes. Sells fher kids' free clothing at a discount, while buying them hand me downs.

Have no problem with this, but what clothes of Kate's does she ever sell or trade? My guess is zero. No rules apply to her.

Kate's Going Down said...

aggiemon, your'e reminding me of something. The other day, my husband was in a seriously grouchy mood. Nothing major, but he's so laid-back, it's pretty unusual.

Hours later, he came up to me and apologized (he's a keeper). I said that's ok, it was probably just bad editing. He didn't get it, but I laughed to myself. I would have explained it, but he has no clue who Kate Gosselin even IS, so it would take too long to explain.

mamaK said...

When she says she "aspires" to switch to eco-friendly laundry detergent, what she means is that she is waiting for the eco-friendly company to contact her with a free years supply of detergent in exchange for the use of her photo in their advertising. Which of course means she would have to fly to Bermuda or somewhere warm to do a photo shoot for a week.
Still waiting...

anger issues kate said...

A couple of more things not to feed dogs: onions(all kinds), mushrooms, and sorbital(sweeter)deadly. Chicken bones, most meat bones, grease and fat. Veggies are fine. If you are not sure look up on what not to feed any pet. Asprin is fine for dogs, but not cats.

Once a Viewer said...

"I use paper shredder shreds to pack packages."

SO well-written. I think this style is Kate's very own- the lofty 'aspire' lol also shouts "Kate!" to me...

mamaK said...

Wasn't she the spokesperson for Procter and Gamble at one point? I bet she did get a lot of freebies from them! Didn't think about that when she was organizing all that stuff in the basement.

I totally don't believe SHE is opening the pool. She hires someone to groom her dog. To pick him up from the house even to take him to be groomed. There's no way she is doing all it takes to open the pool.

readerlady said...

Anything in the onion family -- garlic, onions, scallions, chives -- can be toxic to dogs. They can cause a hemolytic anemia called Heinz Body anemia. They are even more toxic to cats. Prunes, grapes, raisins are all toxic and can cause a very swift and nasty kidney failure. Mushrooms, broccoli, avocado are all also toxic. Certain kinds of nuts, especially walnuts, are toxic. Admin -- tomatoes aren't toxic to dogs (or cats), but the plants -- especially the leaves and stems -- are. The problem isn't so much feeding dogs occasional table scraps as that dogs, and cats, too, need high quality protein (and animal based protein) in their diet. Cats even more so than dogs, as they are obligate carnivores and lack the enzymes to process plant based proteins properly. KK stated she fed meat and CARB based table scraps to Shoka. The meat based might be okay, but not the carb based unless she wants a fat dog.

I've washed and reused ziploc bags for years. However, I don't reuse them if they've held meat, fruits or vegetables. If I've had dry goods, like dried beans or peas, cracker packages, cookie packages, candy, etc. I rinse them out with bleach water, rinse again thoroughly, dry inside out, and reuse for more dry goods. Grocery bags do make handy small trash can liners. Being owned by cats, I've also discovered that they make great liners/disposers for small litter pans. Just slide the pan inside the bag and, when ready to empty the pan, turn the bag inside out. Litter and mess inside, all neat and easy to dispose of, and the pan is relatively clean. A quick rinse-out with bleach water, dry, and the pan is ready to be used again.

I don't use dryer sheets (allergic), but I've heard that keeping one under your car seat keeps the car smelling fresh and clean. I've also heard that rubbing one lightly on wool clothing or other fabrics that generate static electricity, will cut down on the static and cling.

We should all team up and write an advice column. We'd certainly produce a more helpful and better written one than KK does.

Rhymes With Witch -- I read last week that Mr. Frid had passed. I had the pleasure of meeting him about 15 years ago when he did his one man show as a fund raiser for a local library. He was very nice -- friendly, courteous, unassuming and every inch a gentleman. We lost 3 icons last week -- Dick Clark, Levon Helms, and Mr. Frid.

anger issues kate said...

Ok, all artifical sweeters are not good for your dogs, Xylitol is deadly to dogs. Sorbital is not good for them, won't kill them, cause it is in the allergy medicine you give to dogs. Xylitol is in some gum and some sweetners.

Once a Viewer said...

More OT: So happy to hear Robin Gibb is out of his coma.He is still very sick but has some living left to do...

And...Lindsay Lohan to play Elizabeth Taylor?? Oh, not good news there...IMO

aggiemom09121416 said...

I still think Kate's in NYC..when she is home alone, no tweets..(last week she was sick and tweeted non-stop). When the kids get home, THEN she tweets.
If she truly does it all alone, she would be tweeting about dragging herself to the bus stop to get the kids..cooking dinner for the kids..helping with homework...(all the while being sick..)
Yea, right, Kate, sure you are home sick. SURE YOU ARE.
I've never seen anyone have so many kids and not be inv0lved in their day to day upbringing. Uncanny.

Pity Party said...

I agree about the Elizabeth Taylor thing. I just don't think Lin. has that kind of range. It must be a cheap made for TV or B movie. I would think more along the lines of Charlize Theron. Now she can get into character, think Monster, unbelievable. It was like she channeled that woman. People on the location that knew the woman were calling Charlize by her name unintentionally.

Tucker's Mom said...

I've never seen anyone have so many kids and not be inv0lved in their day to day upbringing. Uncanny.
Kate views motherhood as a part time job. I think it's great that some moms travel for work, but Kate has nothing that holds her back and up and leaves just for fun. Like a lot.
Kentucky Derby, Vegas, NYC-- I mean, wow.
Jon was skewered royally when he traveled to France and Vegas, deservedly so, I think. But hey, at least he seems past that nonsense now. But Kate continues to live it up and no one but no one calls her on it.
Oh and let's not leave out her constant media blitzes to air her dirty laundry, throw Jon under the bus and boo hoo. That Vanity Fair articles was incredibly enlightening, especially the part about Kate crying fake tears and then just moving along to eat at a trendy place.
She got over it.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

readerlady said,

Broccoli isn't good for dogs? Broccoli is one of my dogs' favorite treats, that and green beans, oh and Brussel sprouts! From what I've read confusion cropped up over broccoli when an abundance of it cropped up which was fed to cattle and a toxicity developed.
Avocados: According to the ASPCA, the avocado plant contains a substance called persin. "Different species of animals have different toxic reactions to avocados," said Dr. Tina Wismer, the senior director of veterinary outreach and education at the ASPCA. "Animals such as birds can develop respiratory distress, fluid build-up around the heart, and death. Horses, rabbits and goats can develop both mastitis [inflammation of the mammary glands] and cardiac problems. They also get a build-up of fluid under the skin in the face and chest."

"In dogs, cats and ferrets there are no reliable reports of poisoning," she added. "However, dogs commonly ingest the pit and it can get stuck in the digestive tract."

One other thing to keep in mind: different varieties of avocado contain different amounts of persin. So even if your pet rabbit or horse has eaten avocados without a problem in the past, the same might not be true in the future. The common Guatemalan variety seems to be the most worrisome, the ASPCA notes. And avocado leaves contain the most persin, Wismer told Paw Nation.

So what's the verdict? If you have a pet bird, horse, or rodent, absolutely keep it away from the guac. If your dog adores avocados, he can probably keep on enjoying them. Just make sure to keep those pesky pits far out of reach!

I do not give my dogs avocados however; too expensive for one thing.

I also believe you can Google about avocados for dogs and find sites that will say avocados are definitely bad for dogs.

I had an aunt who fed her little Yorkie M&Ms because dog loved them so even though we all told her not to do that. The dog had no reaction to the chocolate. I've heard of dogs ingesting a whole chocolate cake they snagged off a counter and lived to bark about it.

Have heard Teflon on cooking pans will kill small birds. I've had parakeets all my life and have used Teflon cooking pans. Birds lived long lives.

What to believe? I don't know anymore.

Tamara said...

mamaK said...
When she says she "aspires" to switch to eco-friendly laundry detergent, what she means is that she is waiting for the eco-friendly company to contact her with a free years supply of detergent in exchange for the use of her photo in their advertising. Which of course means she would have to fly to Bermuda or somewhere warm to do a photo shoot for a week.
Still waiting...
Thanks for the laugh mamaK. Made me think of Khate on her knees at the edge of the ocean washing clothes on an old washboard using the environmental safe soap in a commercial.

Ex Nurse said...

Anonymous said... 79
I have NEVER understood people who go to the gym and then hire landscapers to take care of outside maintenance. You save twice the cost and get the workout, if you just take care of your own yard
I was thinking that, too. General gardening burns around 275 calories an hour--more if digging and lifting is involved.. She has plenty of room to put in an organic garden, and would save money on food, too. In Seattle. there are exercise studios that simulate real work, like raking leaves. My daughter got really irritated with me whn she was describing it, because I burst out laughing when she told me the monthly dues her friend pays for the privilege of pretending to work

BTW, my eco tip is Method Pink Grapefruit dishwasher tablets. The are the only eco ones that work as well as Cascade in my dishwasher.

readerlady said...

Tucker's Mom -- At least when Jon travelled to France and to Las Vegas it was for WORK, and he didn't do it when he was supposed to have custody of the kids. I agree that the trip to France was ill-advised, primarily because he took Hailey with him. The Vegas trip -- he took his mom. Pool party with bikini babes -- maybe not in the best taste, but again, he was working, not carousing.

Tweet -- I got the info about avocados and broccoli off a USDA site when I was searching for toxic foods for cats and dogs, and downloaded the info into my cat care folder. How toxic they are and what the results of feeding them are, I have no idea. I have more immediate knowledge of the dangers of onions and related (Friends have battled Heinz Body anemia in cats who were fed baby food as a treat at cat shows, when there was onion powder in the baby food), chocolate, etc. Re chocolate, though, it depends on the amount of chocolate and whether there is real chocolate or just chocolate flavoring in an item. M&Ms have milk chocolate, which is a low grade of chocolate (as opposed to something that's, say 70 or 80% cacao, like dark chocolate would be). Cacao has theobromine in it, and it can cause heart rhythm disturbances. The higher the grade of chocolate, the more theobromine. A friend of mine has a greyhound who is a major counter cruiser. She got her paws on a bag of Hershey kisses and lived to tell the tale (or tail, as the case may be). The smaller the dog, the less chocolate needed to cause a reaction.

ncgirl said...

"Kate views motherhood as a part time job."

She even said she prefers it. She said she like being gone for a week and then home for a week. For a while, between appearances and book signings, this is what she was doing. I know she misses those days.

A Mouse Today said...

I totally don't believe SHE is opening the pool. She hires someone to groom her dog. To pick him up from the house even to take him to be groomed. There's no way she is doing all it takes to open the pool


She's not opening her pool. There is no way she could take that cover off, store it, know what to do with the plugs, start up the generator and the heater, vacuum and everything else involved with it. A pool service opens a pool and winterizes it. I couldn't do it and I've had pools my entire life. I can handle the day-to-day maintenance, but I'd never attempt to open one or close it. For one person to do it would take a few days, even if they knew what they were doing. There is always something that goes wrong when you open a pool. You can bet on it. All she does is stick the garden hose in there, watches that it doesn't overflow, and then claims exhaustion.

By the way, we have a 40 percent chance of snow showers tonight with a windchill of 25. Enjoying that pool, Kate?

Anonymous said...

I know I’m late to the party, but reading about children and pools reminded me of an incident from when I was a kid, probably anywhere from 10 to 12 years old. I’m not sharing this to frighten parents, but to demonstrate how very easy it is for a kid to drown, even when properly supervised.

My friends and I went to the public pool, which was supervised by two lifeguards and probably 20 or more parents. The pool was crowded, and I, who never learned to swim very well, hovered around in the 3-4 foot end. I remember watching a boy, probably only a couple of years younger than myself, slip under water. At first I thought he was playing around, perhaps trying to see how long he could hold his breath. But something was wrong—maybe the way he was flinging his arms under water, I don’t know. Anyway, I sort of bobbed over to him, planning to come close enough for him to grab my hand if he needed it, but not interrupt him if he was just horsing around.

He grabbed hold of my arm and practically climbed over me to get his head over water. Wild-eyed and gasping, he stared at me, terrified; it was obvious that he had been drowning. We didn’t speak, but I guided him over to the side and helped him climb out of the pool.

I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything; thank God I was there, and recognized that he might need help. I’m just pointing out how incredibly easy it is for a kid in a very well-supervised pool to endanger himself.

C (Is for cookie, who can't log in for some reason)

What's Next? said...

Well, welcome to the Twilight Zone. Seems Kenton Kreider is now tweeting to Kate and in his tweet is a link to the Gosselin Book page and the song now playing is "Daddy's Little Girl". What in the *$%# is going on?


AuntieAnn said...

Once a Viewer said... 117

"I use paper shredder shreds to pack packages."

SO well-written. I think this style is Kate's very own- the lofty 'aspire' lol also shouts "Kate!" to me...

LOL. It DOES sound like her. The thing is, she doesn't give gifts, she grifts. Unless of course she regrifts her gifted grifts.

I'm just curious who she'd be sending her packed packages to.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Kate's "writing" is an immature, amateurish, non-researched warehouse of misinformation and the obvious. She has so much bravado for someone with so little knowledge and such a poor command of the written word. I find her blogs tedious and trite and must say that it annoys me that someone pays her to do this and that she writes as if she is imparting useful or believable information.

Kate's Cart said...

The only time I've seen Kate with a reusable bag was when she joined cc and donned her sneakers ala mommy look ONCE. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1238&bih=637&tbm=isch&tbnid=BOMeDUOOi3XTFM:&imgrefurl=http://preesi.lefora.com/2011/11/02/kate-gosselins-got-a-new-job/&docid=aAVOHVmzTj4wlM&imgurl=http://www.infdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/aafdnjskfadsa.jpg&w=570&h=570&ei=cu-VT_SSKJKs8QTp3OSpDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=577&vpy=284&dur=177&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=93&ty=181&sig=113944629940063895338&page=3&tbnh=130&tbnw=126&start=48&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:24,s:48,i:230

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

What's Next? said... 132

Well, welcome to the Twilight Zone. Seems Kenton Kreider is now tweeting to Kate and in his tweet is a link to the Gosselin Book page and the song now playing is "Daddy's Little Girl". What in the *$%# is going on?



Yeah, I saw that too.

Someone is trying to unhinge Katie Irene & her minions...

fidosmommy said...

There were pictures of Kate, not long ago, putting reusable cloth bags full of groceries into the back of her van. I remember that because they stood up in a nice line, unlike my bags that slouch all over the car seat. I told myself to look for some that had a flat bottom
so things will stay put better.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Anybody else think Kate is playing sick due to the supposedly increased custody time? She went silent Sat afternoon, I think?
When the kids get back from Jon's, she would be 'on the mend'.

I don't see how a mother of 8 has TIME to twitter AT ALL. If the kids are home, she ought to be busy (dinner, conversation, homework, showers)...if the kids are gone, she ought to be busy doing chores, errands, household work, dinner prep. She ought to be meeting herself coming and going most of the day, and into some evening hours as well.

OT...all this talk about onions, I have to share my little hint. I read this in a magazine a zillion years ago, have always followed it, and it works. When cutting an onion, keep your mouth closed (breath only through your nose) the entire time cutting an onion, start to finish...you absolutely will not cry. guaranteed. :)

Kate's Cart said...

The cover is still probably on Kate's pool, not the kids pool for sure. All she had to do was stick the hose under the cover and wait for the cover to even out. I've taken the cover off my pool to find the water level down a foot or more - don't ask me where all the water goes. It just does. It is wasteful to open now since the kiddos are still in school and we are far from swimming weather. Although as a kid, I ALWAYS jumped in the pool the first day it was open. I was a fish and raised my kids to be fish and to know how to swim early since we live on a small lake and had our own pool. Although a few weeks ago when we had the 90's people in CT were talking about opening their pools and that was early April. They didn't take into account the pollen and oak "worms" still to fall. My pool is a mess, since I had a back problem and lack of help in getting the cover on in the fall - the water is clean but I can see the leaves at the bottom. Ugh. I need to get out their and start fishing out the leaves. We don't hire anyone, all I need is hubby's help setting the filter up on spring and fall. I don't mind maintaining the pool, throwing in chemicals, vacuuming etc. I'll take outside work any day. My reward is I get to float and read lots of books in the summer.

Midnight Madness said...

@Kateplusmy8 The ship is almost full! don't miss out!Cruise w/Kate on board the Allure of the Seas!Go 2 http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview) b4 it is 2 late

Well, I see old Cindy has been taught by Kate how to lie and yet not lie. The SHIP may almost be full, but this says nothing about how the Kate part of the cruise is selling! Her tweet makes it sound like the Kate cruise is almost sold out!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8 The ship is almost full! don't miss out!Cruise w/Kate on board the Allure of the Seas!Go 2 http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview) b4 it is 2 late


You know, liars never get any less obnoxious? Gaa.

The ship may very well be full, but that says nothing about how many people are on that ship for Kate.

Was it posted here or did it I see it elsewhere that cruise bookings are down something like 40% this year, just in general? That is a HUGE hit, that's astronomical. That's like an iceberg without enough life boats. There must be mass panic in the industry. Can you imagine of the cruise industry bottoms out what with all the billions invested in all the megaships? What will they do, just sit in port with only a few cruises a year if no one wants to go on them anymore?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Anybody else think Kate is playing sick due to the supposedly increased custody time? She went silent Sat afternoon, I think?
When the kids get back from Jon's, she would be 'on the mend'.


Had that same thought. In general when Kate is not tweeting, she doesn't have her kids. Tweeting is her crutch to soften the sheer torture it apparently is for her to be around eight lovely, beautiful, funny, wonderful, bright, loving young children.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Wow Midnight I said what you said the same as you without even reading your comment to that tweet LOL.

Oh well you know what they say about great minds.

Lauren said...

I checked the website for Paula Deen's cruise which is in February 2013, and in the pricing section it is updated as to what cabins are available. A LOT are already sold out, and a lot are listed as having only one or two cabins left on certain decks or however they're priced. Same for Blake Shelton's cruise which is in October. A lot of the rooms are sold out already and some have only one or two left. Nowhere on Kate's cruise site are any of the cabins listed as sold out or only a few left. Cindy's just blowing smoke up the sheeple's butts hoping they'll hurry and book before it's too late.

Carezee said...

With Kate pretty much in twitter silence I am curious. Does anyone else think that possibly the new custody change is sharing 50/50 time? Alternating weeks perhaps? Something is definitely different. Either that or I am scared to think she may have something going and god forbid we will have to see her in the media again. Or maybe she has left for her Madrid marathon. She may be getting some last minute training in from that marathon guy. Or maybe she just wants to get everyone talking again.

Obviously someone is opening a lot of twitter accounts to get this gosslinbook thing going. Someone has a lot of free time on their hands. I love the latest one from her daddy. It only has 2 tweets, both to her and she is the only one he is following. Any guesses as to who is doing this?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Remember when Cindy told someone that 30 people were coming and then they told the tweeties and then Cindy DENIED it? And then that person pulled out the email proving Cindy told her only 30 were going. Hahaha BAM.

Anyway the point being, Cindy is nothing but a lying amateur. The way to get people to book is not to lie about it. People are going to find out eventually and then you just look untrustworthy. No one books with a liar. A business's reputation for honesty is probably one of the top three most important things about building a business and Cindy single-handedly trashed all that. Cindy has a lot to learn about business. She will never be anything other than that rich person's daughter who got a job because of nepotism at this rate.

Midnight Madness said...

Admin said,

Wow Midnight I said what you said the same as you without even reading your comment to that tweet LOL.

Oh well you know what they say about great minds.


lol, admin! You know that Cindy's been taught by the best (at crafting words to suit her purpose!).

I wonder how true this is...

@BHappyLoveLaugh @CindyCardella @Kateplusmy8 i added 2 more rooms today and she said they were the last 2 on ship.. YIPPY.. thats awesome!

Huh? An hour ago, Cindy said the ship is "almost full," but sometime earlier today she told Gypsi that she booked the last two on the ship. How can the ship be full earlier today, and almost full an hour ago?

Gift of grab said...

Well, gypsi says she took 2 more cabins today (which brings her up to at least 9 or 10 people, but only 3-4 for Kate), and Cindy told her she got THE LAST TWO! I call BS. Nothing is showing sold out on Cindy's web site. Perhaps these are the last two cabins Cindy had left AFTER she had to return a huge block to the cruise line.

Unless a lot of people signed up who have never been on Twitter, it is not possible that she has more than 15-18 Kate-rate-paying people. And even that is a high estimate.

Wonder what Cindy gains by lying. And why is Kate still RTing cruise ads if there's no room left in her program?

As usual with anything involving Kate, this stinks to high heaven.

Gift of grab said...

Oh Cindy just clarified to gypsi: "You got the last 2 rooms in your category." Whatever that means. Nothing is showing sold out on her web site, regardless.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Wonder what Cindy gains by lying. And why is Kate still RTing cruise ads if there's no room left in her program?


The way Cindy operates is shockingly a lot like Kate. Those two are perfect for each other. Cindy isn't thinking about what is best for the long-term of the company, the cruise, future relationships, and the big picture. What Cindy thinks is what can I say now in this moment, even a lie, that will get people to book? Screw it if they are angry later because they were misled, the goal is to get the booking.

Cindy, that simply doesn't work long term. It just doesn't.

I truly would have thought Cindy was 23 years old and fresh out of college what with the way she's run this.

Midnight Madness said...

I'm watching DWTS. Who is this William guy who the women are going absolutely orgasmic over?

AuntieAnn said...

Cindy has a lot to learn about business. She will never be anything other than that rich person's daughter who got a job because of nepotism at this rate.
Cindy should get Kate a job. She likes to travel and she's a lying liar. They'd make a good team.

Midnight Madness said...

Remember when Cindy told someone that 30 people were coming and then they told the tweeties and then Cindy DENIED it? And then that person pulled out the email proving Cindy told her only 30 were going. Hahaha BAM


I think that there will be many more "BAMS" until this is all said and done. The cost of the charity dinner is ten dollars, but no charity has been announced. It is unclear if it's a free dinner, or if you're expected to pay for the dinner. There is a fee to get into the event, but what is the cost on top of that? Mums the word!

"I truly would have thought Cindy was 23 years old and fresh out of college what with the way she's run this. "


I think that's being nice. High school is more like it.

librarylady said...

Gah! I hate word games.

The cheaper rooms in each category are sold out. The pricier ones are available. Simple enough to go the Royal Carib website to see. Happens that way on every cruise naturally, cheaper goes first. Not like it's so special because of Kate. Except she probably demanded one of the "special" rooms for herself.

Midnight Madness said...

Gypsi has booked four rooms for this cruise. Just with the basic room charge and fuel surplus, and assuming they are in the cheapest cabins, what's this thing costing her? Wouldn't it be something close to $20,000?

chefsummer #Leh said...

No Kate on DWTS confidential guess that do/didn't miss her to much.

I bet she watching and so jelly not to be on with the real stars.

Sandi said...

My 2 cents worth.
Put a dryer sheet in your pocket will keep mosquitoes away.
Peel a banana from the bottom and no stringy.
Take bananas apart, will not ripen as fast.
Peppers with 3 bumps on bottom are sweeter than 4bumps,4 bumps best for cooking.
Store bought cake frosting? Whip with mixer, will double in size, less calories.
static cling? Small safety pin on hem of garment also slacks.
Use hair conditioner to shave legs,,,sooo smooth!

ncgirl said...

"I'm watching DWTS. Who is this William guy who the women are going absolutely orgasmic over?"

William Levy was in a Jennifer Lopez music video and on some telenovela. DWTS wants us to think he's the hottest of the hot. It is getting annoying especially with Bruno gives him a 10 for everything. He's not a bad dancer, and he seems nice, but he's not all that.

anger issues kate said...

I think, that Kates sheeple fans, think that the whole ship is for Kates cruise. So, in their minds, there are 4,000 people taking Kates cruise. Kate is only a very small private part of this cruise. A cruise within a cruise. That's all, and that is not a lot. Kate been giving the impression that the whole cruise is hers and hers alone. Boy, are these sheeple in for a rude awaking.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

So, in their minds, there are 4,000 people taking Kates cruise. Kate is only a very small private part of this cruise


It's worse than that. Allure holds over 6,000 passengers and they all will be there to worship Kate! :) Not only that, but there are more than 2,000 crew members, and each one of them has taken the job just so they can be at the beck and call of this wonder woman.

JoyinVirginia said...

Dwts: William Levy is Cuban naive who emigrated to us at age 15 when he stepfather was granted political asylum. The family moved to Miami, William became an actor on Spanish language tele Novellas, and by the easy did you notice how incredibly handsome he is? Esp when he takes off his shirt, the women go wild. Nice, nice guy also.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Allure of the seas is great! @Kateplusmy8 make sure to take your kids to the aqua show,kids club and merry go round! You will love it!!

This reminds me. I read this a few days ago. This is why I would never have any crew member on any ship babysit my kids or allow them to go into a kid's program on board unless I was there with them. You don't know these people.

"A former Cunard cruise ship worker admitted carrying out sex attacks on 13 boys while working as a supervisor for a children's activity area.

Paul Trotter, 34, pleaded guilty to a string of sexual assaults and taking, making and possessing indecent images of children, most of whom were under the age of 13 at the time.

The supervisor made films of himself abusing the children in his care on board three cruise ships, operated by Cunard. He also possessed other indecent images of children he had obtained online.

In a statement Cunard, part of the Carnival Corporation group and owners of the Costa Concordia which ran aground earlier this year, said it was "deeply shocked" by Trotter's "appalling crimes".

It added he had avoided detection despite a number of safeguards, including having had his criminal record checked.

Trotter, from Pontefract, West Yorkshire, appeared at Swindon Crown Court, dressed in a suit and purple tie.

He admitted 12 counts of sexual assaulting a child under the age of 13, one count of sexual activity with a child under the age of 13, five counts of taking indecent images of a child, five of making indecent images of a child and one of possessing indecent images of a child.

The offences were committed from November 2007 to August 2011 when he arrested by Wiltshire Police's child abuse investigation unit.

Judge Douglas Field told Trotter, who was living in Wiltshire at the time of his arrest, he would be held in custody to return before the same court on May 11 for sentencing.

He also ordered him to sign the sexual offences register before he was taken back to prison.

Speaking outside court, Cunard president and managing director Peter Shanks said: "We were first made aware of these serious allegations eight months ago by Wiltshire Police and were deeply shocked by what we were told.

"Since then Cunard has provided full support and cooperation to the criminal investigation, and where possible within the constraints of the legal system, to the families involved.

"Our own feelings of shock are secondary to those of the families directly impacted.

"As a parent myself I can clearly understand the emotional pain and anguish they have suffered and endured since they were contacted by the police investigating this case."

mostly lurking said...

My money saving tip of the day:
Take some aluminium foil ball it up and throw it in the dryer, no more static cling. If you want scented clothing, get some essential oils in your favorite scent, take ten drops or so on an old rag/sock and throw it in the dryer. No dryer sheets needed. Those things have too many chemicals in them, yuck. There's a reason even mice and bugs don't like them, jmo.

TLC stinks said...

It is a common ploy to say things are almost sold out and you need to hurry up when, in fact, things are not almost sold out. Having cruised, the reality is that the cruise will sail with some empty cabins. Those who wait until the very last minute can get those cabins at bargain prices if they have a flexible schedule. I truly hope that someone booked Kate's cruise and will blog about the experience.

Kate may be getting tired of tweeting, which is what I am hoping, since she has been quiet recently. Otherwise, I have to agree that she is not at the Konpound. She is too predictable.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Dmasy said... 144
VirginiaPenMom, 135...that is a precious story. Really.

Are you the poster with two historical novels that have been published? Are you comfortable with providing us with the titles? (Maybe privately through Administrator...) I would enjoy reading them.


Hi Dmasy,

Thanks! Yes, that's me. I'm writing a third and also a work of nonfiction. I've actually been thinking about coming out of the closet to Admin, especially since she's also writing a historical novel and is a history geek like me. :o)

If I contact Admin, I'll let you know here. Then if Admin doesn't mind, you can email her for my book titles and website. If not for problematic sheeple, I'd give the information in the open.

Dmasy said...

VirginiaPenMom, 165...It is sad that a few nutty people keep us from being more forthcoming with details. I am very interested in your books and Administrator's Civil War novel.

For all the posters who recommended Mommie Dearest -- I started it late yesterday and didn't put it down until the wee hours when I turned the last page. So many of Christina Crawford's paragraphs could be copied here as an description of Kate.

Has anyone read The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls? It is the true story of four children being raised by an alcoholic father and a off balance mother, but it is a deeper story of resilience and intelligence.

JoyinVirginia said...

Hi chef, I also watched dwts confidential. Not any mention of Ms Kreider, she is not interesting or relevant enough for a mention.

Virginia Pen mom, I want info on the books too! Please. Let me know also if you share info with admin.

readerlady said...

Virginia Pen Mom -- I'll be interested in hearing about your books, too. I'm also a history geek -- degree in History -- and a voracious reader. Please do come out of the (book)closet. Hope your books are available in e-format.

Anon for this said...

I have no intention of going on this cruise. Below is email received from Cindy a few days ago. I had specifically asked if the Gosselin children would be available and in which activities they'd be involved with the group:

I do have availability for a triple balcony in a Category D4. The rate for all three of you with out Air is $5925. That includes cruise, port tax, gov’t fees, gratuities, meals and Kate’s fee. The air we will be doing at final payment. The twins will be attending. So far we have about 30 people going. The food is very good on Royal Caribbean. Give me a call so we can discuss further. 1-800-388-SAIL

Cindy Cardella

VP/ Sales Luxury Cruises & Tours
A Division of Alice Travel
277 Fairfield Rd, Suite 218
Fairfield, NJ 07004

Once a Viewer said...

Wow, thanks everyone for all the useful tips- unlike the ones on CC! Some I had never heard of & I 'aspire' to try them !

I agree, the cruise alerts are nonsense...

Boring tweets from Kate, yawn.Surprised she didn't mention tree damage etc.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Dmasy #166

Glass Castle was a very good book. Any other favorite titles to share?
I'm always interested in new authors. I just finished Burn Down the Ground and Rolling Pennies in the Dark, they weren't as gripping as the Castle book. I also just finished Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson...hilarious!

Kate's still silent. I'd bet lunch money the kids are with Jon due to the custody change.

chefsummer #Leh said...

JoyinVirginia said... 167
Hi chef, I also watched dwts confidential. Not any mention of Ms Kreider, she is not interesting or relevant enough for a mention.

Not one mention good or bad nor a clip either.

Dmasy said...

agiemom, 170 -- I read Jeannette walls other book, Half Broke Horses. It is about her grandmother serves as a prequel to Glass Castle.

I just finished The Lifeboat: A Novel and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Lifeboat is a slow character study and in Immortal LIfe you will get a powerful story with lots of medical knowledge.

I made a note of your recommendations. Thank you.

I. too, am wondering WHERE is Kate? What does her twitter silence mean?

Once a Viewer said...

Ruth Doan MacDougall for anyone who grew up in the 50s or later...also Nancy Thayer especially for those in New England...

Cathy Glass, Torey Hayden re: child abuse/psychology/foster care etc

NJGal51 said...

aggiemom09121416 - Two of my favorites are Laurie Notaro and Jen Lancaster. Laugh out loud funny! Start with the first book for each and work your way through them.

Dmasy said...

Once a Viewer, 173...I read One Child by Torey Hayden years ago. I will never forget that little girl and her genius mentality. Don't you wonder what happened to her?

I will be checking out Cathy Glass. Thank you.

Bluebird said...

I think Kate's off gallavanting somewhere and that she's with Steve, that's why she only tweets once in a while. I bet she pulls out her phone when she goes to the washroom or some other place where Steve can't see that she's tweeting. She wants everyone to think she's at home but just too, too busy to spend time on twitter.

aggiemom09121416 said...


Already read the book on Henrietta Lacks, but not the other one. I've tried to read Half Broke Horses several times, just can't seem to get into it.
Have you read Lisa Genova's books? They are good as well.
Others off the top of my head are Year Of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks, The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan, The Working Poor by David Shipler, Nickel and Dimed (author's name escapes me)..anything by Elizabeth Berg or Barbara Kingsolver.
Oh, Bill Bryon is great, my fav is A Walk in the Woods (hilarious).
I guess my fav author is Rick Bragg, although his book Prince of Frogtown is my least favorite.
And last, a Book titled Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore..this book will make you use an entire box of tissues!

I am going to find a copy of The LifeBoat at the local library or Ebay! Thanks for the suggestion.

Once a Viewer said...

Dmasy: You will love TH's other books ( not her non-fiction tough...) The little girl in One Child was the subject of The Tiger's Child, about her life ages 14-20 . Sheila grew up in foster care between her father's imprisonments and revealed more horrors of her past. She has a career in business, (starting with a job in McDonald's) and did quite well, although is not comfortable in interpersonal relationships.

Thanks to the other for suggestions ! I love reading. I just re-ordered Mommie Dearest and Survivor- read MD years ago...from amazon.

Dmasy said...

Yesterday, I accumulated several household tips that I can now aspire to!

Today, I am scribbling down leads for my next best book!

The best part of this blog is NOT Kate. It is Administrator and all the lovely and intelligent women who comment here. (That includes Sport and any other guy.)

Thank you.

Bluebird said...

I believe Kate is off gallavanting somewhere with Steve. The few tweets she has sent were done on her phone when she was using the washroom or somewhere where Steve could not supervise her. She is that sneaky. Deep down she knows that she is not a good mother and that she will dump her children on a nanny or whoever as soon as opportunity calls. I'm just waiting for the time when the twins will start being as sneaky as their mother and start tweeting about what goes on in that house.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Thanks for all the book suggestions (busily scribbling new book list!)
Oh, Isaac's Storm is a good one, Devil in the White City..One Thousand White Women...Gap Creek..Midwives..Montana,1948...

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Dmasy 178 -

I'm going to "aspire" to find some good canvas bags to use for shopping! And I'm going to try those Tide pods. The only thing about those is that sometimes I do a small load of cleaning rags or towels we use on the dogs, etc. I wonder if the pods are too much detergent for a small load. Hmmm . . .

Thanks for the great leads on books to read! I wrote some down and will be looking for them soon. I graduate from grad school this summer and I can't WAIT to have time to read for fun again.

Tamara said...

Torey is great, as are her books. I especially love this answer from her at her website:

What are the problems and responsibilities of writing about real people? There are both ethical and legal reasons to be considered when you write about real people. The ethical side of things is very important. There is a fine line between sharing a worthwhile story and exploiting the people involved. In this day and age of reality television and celebrity gossip, this line is often blurred. However, I don’t believe it is right to use people’s personal suffering for entertainment. As a consequence, there are some aspects of the lives of the people I’ve written about that I will not share.

Dmasy said...

Pet tip. My constantly "starving", ever begging Miniature Pinschers dogs could not eat faster if their tails were on fire. The smallest one (4 lbs) often coughs and chokes after one of her quick meals.

Petrageous makes a ceramic bowl that has cut out details -- like a cute dog bone shape in the center of the bowl. My dogs have to lick around the design obstacles and that forces them to eat more slowly.

4 days -- it works! (Kinda' funny to watch as they rotate their bodies around the small dish.)

I found them ($5.00 each) in a chain grocery store (Meijer).

A Mouse Today said...

Viewer said, "Boring tweets from Kate, yawn.Surprised she didn't mention tree damage etc."


There was none. No snow, no wind, just rain on Sunday with a few showers yesterday. For once, we were spared.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 181
My dogs use something similar called a Break Fast. It really helped my Lab slow wayyyyy down on eating.

Katie Kuerig said...

Very interesting...in our hometown newspaper there is an article about a family that just delivered sextuplets. Here's what's so interesting, the father won't talk to reporters, they want their privacy. See, Katie, not everyone is like you, a child exploiter. Also, a funny comment following the article, "I wish this family good luck, but I don't want to see you on TV, please don't go there".

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Very interesting...in our hometown newspaper there is an article about a family that just delivered sextuplets. Here's what's so interesting, the father won't talk to reporters, they want their privacy.


It's things like this that make me think we'll never really be able to measure the impact the Gosselins have had on other families. You really have to wonder how many families have said to themselves, ehhh maybe we better stay away form the cameras, it's not like that turned out very well for the Gosselins.

Dmasy said...

Follow the River by James Alexander Thom. True story. A pioneer woman captured by Indians and walks over 600 miles in the Ohio winter to get back to her family. She is pregnant when she is kidnapped. She has to make an agonizing decision about her baby. Exhausting, inspiring reading.

Thanks, everyone for the suggestions -- I wrote them down.

Once a Viewer said...

Tamara: thanks for the excerpt. I haven't been to the TH site for a while, but aren't those words wonderful- wish a certain someone would read them...

Mouse: Good news. We just had some small damage to a few branches, outdoor container herbs and branches...I thought though that it might snow and hail only on Kate's trees...but then that would make her look dumb re;z pool opening :)

aggiemom09121416 said...

NJGal51, I am headed to the local library to check out Notaro's books (library doesn't have Lancaster's).
Am also going to check out a few of Nancy Thayer's books, so thanks to whoever posted her name.
Dmasy, I look forward to reading Follow the River and The Lifeboat.

Thanks Admin, for the off-topic postings.

Sherry Baby said...

@natzmac1 @Kateplusmy8 I luv my profile photo the most of all from new spring pictures


Kate posts new spring family pictures and within minutes this person grabs one as her avatar. This is just so creepy. Kate is going to keep posting these pictures come hell or high water, just for the amusement of these obsessive fans. Short of a court order, it's not going to stop.

Gift of grab said...

Oh yeah.. Check out our new spring look! New family pictures! All springy and perty! http://t.co/J4Q4wUXz(preview)

I think Kate does this as a deliberate sort of "in your face" to people who speculate that Jon has tried in court to get her to stop posting pix of her kids. I guess it's no worse than what people do on FB, I just wonder if this is the only thing keeping her pathetic website afloat.

carolina peach said...

Auntie Ann #133 above said...

Once a Viewer said... 117

"I use paper shredder shreds to pack packages."

SO well-written. I think this style is Kate's very own- the lofty 'aspire' lol also shouts "Kate!" to me...

LOL. It DOES sound like her. The thing is, she doesn't give gifts, she grifts. Unless of course she regrifts her gifted grifts.

I'm just curious who she'd be sending her packed packages to.

K is laughing all the way to UPS. The shredded shreds she is using are all the invoices and packing slips from all the freebies she has begged for in her grifting disguised as complements. And you're right, what in the world is she shipping out? Extra eggs, hair coloring, the latest Kurig coffee maker because it was the wrong color, dirty clothes?

Bluebird said...

@gypsi001 friends& I always contemplate... All at 1X better to be sick or strung out over two weeks?I take strung out so I can care for all!

What kind of bs is this? Friends and I? Kate, what friends? You have no friends. Give me a break, who in their right mind would want to be friends with you? You said it yourself, 'everyone leaves me' and then you don't even remember what you did that made them leave. You wipe it from your mind and then turn around and say 'I don't know why they're gone'. For God's sake wake up woman! Do you think you're the only good person in this world. She makes me want to puke? Sorry for the rant.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Sick or strung out?

What's that mean, hung over?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Well Kate has more/new pics of the kids wonder if she's going to sell them to.

Dmasy said...

I can't leave books without recommending my life-long favorite author.

Norah Lofts. British. She died in 1983. She wrote historical fiction, biographies and has a few Christian historical. Books are in used books stores and on the internet. (I use Alibris.) Kindle has picked up a few, but not all are her best ones. Of the Kindle list, Bless This House is a great example of her powerful sentences and how she plays with the fate of her well-written characters.

Hester Roon, Jassy, Nethergate....the list of wonderful books is lengthy. I cared enough to amass a collection of all her books in hardback. They are treasures to me.

My sister thinks her writing is ponderous and boring. I would give up food for her writing style. I would love to know what anyone here thinks!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Where are my photography peeps out there? Putting aside the fact that she continues to treat all her fans like they are her favorite aunt and entitled to see pics of the kids growing up and how f-ed up that is, who is her photographer? Those pics are TERRIBLE. One is way too light, the others are way too dark, you can barely see some of their faces it's so dark. None of them are sharp. (cell phone pics?) Whoever is taking those pics doesn't have the first clue about photography or lighting or the best time of day for portraits or where to position your subjects in the natural light. It's rare I ever see a decent pic on her web site, even a halfway decent. I continue to be so embarrassed for her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think strung out is a drug term, coming down from a long binge or on a binge or something. Now where would Kate have heard such an expression? I have an excuse I work with druggies. Kate doesn't work.

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