August 2010 Kate sells the children's clothes at a consignment shop, a big smile on her face. ($$$!) Makes you wonder if that's why she's always telling the children not to get dirty.

Circa 2008-2009, Church speaking engagements Even as Jon and Kate Plus 8 really started to bring in the money by the tens of thousands, Kate and Jon continued to ask for "love offerings" at speaking engagements and sell photos of the children for $20 a piece. Cash only. How many middle and lower-middle class church-goers dipped into their savings or social security checks to help this "struggling" family? Perhaps at $250,000 an episode now, Kate could pay some of these people back.

224 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»I'm just surprised that there was never a class-action lawsuit filed by the good people who were duped into believing this family was struggling financially.
The consignment shop photo - don't forget that much of that clothing was FREE, courtesy of various children's clothing stores, such as Gymboree. Instead of donating the items to clothing banks, she delivered them to be sold at a consignment shop.
What parents in their right minds would SELL (or even give away) photos of their children to strangers? Am I the only one who thinks that this is creepy and wrong on so many levels? What does one do with a photo of someone else's children? Put the picture in a frame and set it on the fireplace mantel?
Am I the only one who thinks that this is creepy and wrong on so many levels? What does one do with a photo of someone else's children? Put the picture in a frame and set it on the fireplace mantel?
I know! Wouldn't it creep you the hell out to think that thousands of people out there have photos of your KIDS in their house? Jon alluded to this at some point that he put his kids out there to creeps. Personally I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. But that's the difference between people like us and the Gosselins. They put a price on their children's privacy and when the price was right they took it. Sick.
I had noticed that she had so much stuff piled up in the basement when they "organized" it , it was all donated stuff from companies.
she used a lot of donated stuff for a long time. I wonder if she still gets donations from them ?
You forgot one other "charity episode", St Jude's Children's Hospital. Except that TLC paid for ALL of it so it also does NOT count as Kate giving a thing back.
Since I can't say for sure what Kate does regarding charity work when the cameras are off I won't comment on her charitable heart.But, this is an episode to shoot and another paycheck for her and her children, nothing more than that. The fact that a charity is the benefactor of this episode is a good thing,too bad it's at the detriment of her children to accomplish it.
We saw very little of the children when they weren't filming but I predict we'll see a lot more paps photographing them once the episodes start airing again.
Looking at those pictures and even older ones. Kate has always been thin. The only difference now, is she likes to wear less clothing and 'trashify' herself more by flaunting the goods for attention. (and yes, that was a made up word).
As for the grifting grifters who grift. She's the worst out there. Still gets freebies (the Peace Love World stuff the kids wear) and yet doesn't need them - she could give them to needy children in the area. I volunteer at an innercity ministry in downtown Reading and I can tell you there are MANY hurting families and children within a 10 mile radius of her home. I'm so glad that her star is fading. Her 15 minutes are not up yet, but this ride is turning into a train wreck. There's nothing redeeming about her. She chose the wrong path and now has to walk the walk of shame before she will reach any redemption.
The only thing going for those kids is their father. He is working hard, admitting to his mistakes, yet they still love him and want to be with him.
What interests me as well, as a side note. Someone who was privy to seeing Kate in VA said (via twitter) Mady was not into doing whatever they were doing and had to sit out on the bus. This was somewhat alluded to by Kate with her Christian radio interview when she was asked about the kids and she said that once they got through a couple of issues then they made a game of it.
My thoughts are that some of the kids didn't want to be there on display again. It will be interesting to see how it is all portrayed on camera (although I don't watch cable tv anymore - don't have it at all to be honest)
I was looking at the same set of consignment shop pictures last night. There are several other shots of the same trip and I was able to read the sign on the side of the container which said 'boys clothes, size 3T'--considering those shots were taken in 2010 when the tups were 4 it made me wonder if she was that far behind in her organizational skills or if she truly underfeeds the kids as other posters have thought.
I was looking at the same set of consignment shop pictures last night. There are several other shots of the same trip and I was able to read the sign on the side of the container which said 'boys clothes, size 3T'--considering those shots were taken in 2010 when the tups were 4 it made me wonder if she was that far behind in her organizational skills or if she truly underfeeds the kids as other posters have thought.
Or maybe the children are smaller than average due to being premature multiples.
size 3T'--considering those shots were taken in 2010 when the tups were 4 it made me wonder if she was that far behind in her organizational skills or if she truly underfeeds the kids as other posters have thought.
The tups were six in 2010. If you take a look at the photo on this thread (with the scooter), if you buy children's clothing, you can see that those are not size 3T, but more like a 5T or 5-6. That photo was taken in 2009, before the clothing was taken to the consignment shop; or look at this photo from the fall of 2009:,,20301050,00.html
Or google their 5th birthday party photos in 2009...definitely not a size 3T in 2009.
In 2010, then, when they were six, they would not have worn a 3T. Her organizational skills must have been "off."
The kids seem pretty caught up to other normal 6 year olds. Premature kids have usually caught up by now. Close friends of mine had very premature twins who are 15 now and they're six footers. They were little up until maybe about four, then that was it and they soared with the rest of them.
Then there was the great yard sale of '08. Jon not Kate filled up an entire cube truck full of stuff, the majority of which had been donated to the Gosselins. There were boxes of unopened bottles of who knows what, lots of toys and clothes, bikes, etc. The proceeds ($1100+) did go to a good cause, pediatric cancer.
Not a lot of people showed up even after she called the radio station and asked them to mention it.
Thank you, Sherill! That St. Jude's episode blew me away. TLC paid for all the toys they bought and handed out, Kate was drawing a paycheck FOR DOING IT, they were put up at an extremely nice resort hotel nearby, given every perk in the world, she griped about the kids and Jon the whole time (of course) and bragged on and on about how they were "giving back."
It's one of the few episodes I watched all the way through, because I kept wanting to see if she ever really DID give ANYthing. Nope. They caused quite a commotion going through the hospital, she gave away copies of that first book to kids (what kid wants that?) and she compared the pain of watching your child struggle with a terminal illness with being on bedrest during her pregnancy. It was truly one of the more cringe-inducing episodes and that's saying something.
She gave nothing. She was even paid for her time.
That garage sale baffled me and many others. So typical of Kate's twisted logic. Everyone knows you are lucky to get 10% of what you paid at a garage sale, it's how they work. Often you have to let things go for way below market value. Had Kate taken all those mostly unused and gently used toys and baby things and clothes and GIVEN them to a charity, not only would a whole bunch of other needy kids benefited, but I'm guessing her tax write off would have been much better. I bet you could easily value that stuff, correctly, at five grand or more, donate it and write that off. Kate shoots herself in the foot.
..."but I'm guessing her tax write off would have been much better. I bet you could easily value that stuff, correctly, at five grand or more, donate it and write that off. Kate shoots herself in the foot."
If she would have valued it, given it to charity and taken a write-off, she wouldn't have been paid for the episode. She knew exactly what she was doing. Or am I missing something?
Regarding Kate's August 2010 consignment store run, it's important to point out that most of the kids clothing is donated. Kate then turns around and consigns the donated clothing for her own monetary gain.
Donated clothing was consigned said...
Regarding Kate's August 2010 consignment store run, it's important to point out that most of the kids clothing is donated. Kate then turns around and consigns the donated clothing for her own monetary gain.
That was mentioned in the first post on this thread. Sad, isn't it? I don't believe, though, that too much clothing is donated anymore. What she donated during that consignment shop run was most likely the last of the Gymboree freebies. They stopped the free clothing when Kate got too selective, too greedy and expected a mega load for the children. They had her number.
Moose Mania said ....
The tups were six in 2010. If you take a look at the photo on this thread (with the scooter), if you buy children's clothing, you can see that those are not size 3T, but more like a 5T or 5-6. That photo was taken in 2009, before the clothing was taken to the consignment shop; or look at this photo from the fall of 2009:,,20301050,00.html
Or google their 5th birthday party photos in 2009...definitely not a size 3T in 2009.
In 2010, then, when they were six, they would not have worn a 3T. Her organizational skills must have been "off."
Thanks for the correction. I shouldn't post when I'm so tired. Her organizational skills were definitely "off" then.
It's not very charitable of me to say this, but it doesn't look like she had found that good bra yet in those 2008 grifter shots. What a joke she is just for those lies alone. Just my evening laugh.
BerksPA said . . .
What interests me as well, as a side note. Someone who was privy to seeing Kate in VA said (via twitter) Mady was not into doing whatever they were doing and had to sit out on the bus. This was somewhat alluded to by Kate with her Christian radio interview when she was asked about the kids and she said that once they got through a couple of issues then they made a game of it.
My thoughts are that some of the kids didn't want to be there on display again. It will be interesting to see how it is all portrayed on camera (although I don't watch cable tv anymore - don't have it at all to be honest)
I always knew I liked Mady--you go girl!! Although I feel sure Katie Irene will make her life miserable for that little bit of defiance/assertiveness. Jon really needs to look into having Mady talk to the judge privately/in chambers re: her feelings about being forced to film on her mother's train wreck of a show. Sadly, the defection of the children one by one away from Mommie Dearest will probably be the only way to stop the abuse of and theft of the children's childhood.
Westcoaster she was still raising money for that bra in 2008, one 20 buck exploitive photo of the kids at a time.
This thread reminded me of a story from the bible. The story of the Widow (Mark 12:41-44) who from her little gave all. Kate out of the infinite abundance that has been provided to her, cannot even give of her time!
I volunteer, of the little that I have I give money, time and of my talents. My parents taught be it was better to give than to receive.
What Kate is doing is not volunteering, there is no gift of her time, money or talents! I am amazed that this foodbank is so desperate for a celebrity to promote them, that they went for someone who isn't even a volunteer, not even for the 5 minutes that she was at their event.
What a slap in the face for the good people who do actually GIVE of themselves. Kate COULD do so much, and yet she sits back asking for more.
I'm just shaking my head.
Administrator said...
Westcoaster she was still raising money for that bra in 2008, one 20 buck exploitive photo of the kids at a time.
If that bra is so expensive and is selling so well, she really should look into buying stock in that company.
I haven't read the comments yet (I got my birthday present early yesterday..A NOOKcolor!! And my bday isn't til March 24th, so i've been playing with that thing for the past 24 hours it feels like! I totally recommend it!!) Anyway, I'm sure people have said this, but when the network starts retooling shows, moving the show to a different time, isn't that like a death sentence? I read the stupid show is on at 10:p.m. now. Not exactly family hour, now is it? And this whole new concept of "giving back"? Well, it just reeks of desperate times calls for desperate measures, doesn't it? Most people know by now, even the "fans" who tune in, know Kate is vile, that's why they tune in! For her nasty temper & "What is she gonna do next?" factor. If this isn't damage control, I don't know what is.
This show is on it's last leg. It's last pinky toe...Bye Kate! It sucks on the way down, I'm sure. You should have been nice on the way up.
Linda G said...
...she compared the pain of watching your child struggle with a terminal illness with being on bedrest during her pregnancy.
This just blows my mind. I've read this before & have known about it, but every time I see it posted, I want to scream. This, right here, is so telling of Kate's selfishness. HOW, can anyone, without truly knowing what it is really like to go though something like a child with cancer say something Bedrest...Pediatric cancer....They DO NOT compare. Such a telling statement about Kate & her narcissism.
Who in their right mind would sell their kids photos to strangers? Talk about being blinded by the almighty dollar.
It's always been about Jon & Kate marketing their 8 little "special circumstances".
As far as Kate's not-so charitable past (in all fairness), when the entire family revisited Hershey Hospital, and the Ronald McDonald House-I remember Kate cracking open her check book, and writing a check out to the Ronald McDonald house.
So she is capable of helping out.
I wonder if Kate sold the FREE* VTech and kept the proceeds, or did she donate it (doubtful).
Here's the infomercial, uh, I mean, episode where Jon and Kate filled their obligation to promote it. It's *beyond* obvious.
*If anyone even tries to refute this, listen carefully to Kate saying that they were GIVEN the VTech.
I'm watching The View and they said Todd Bridges will be on talking about what it's like to be a child star and his thoughts on Charlie Sheen.
Will report back.
Regarding the garage sale, didn't they give away (to charity) everything that didn't sell?
OT, but can I add that Kate obviously did not have her secret bra at the time the bottom picture was taken, but her hair was enviously beautiful, thick and shiny. She should stay away from the peroxide and ratty extensions and get that gorgeous hair back!
Tara said... Regarding the garage sale, didn't they give away (to charity) everything that didn't sell?
Probably. What else would she do with things she didn't want, had already cleared out of the house and nobody would buy? That's certainly what I would do with it after a yard sale.
Free yard sales are the way I like to go. I put an ad in the local classifieds, promise there are no gimmicks attached, and just set things out on blankets and tables on the front yard. Everything - and I mean everything - goes
in minutes. The patrons even fold up the tables and take them inside for me. And everyone has a great time. I will never forget the look on the face of the 6 year old girl who saw I had a Barbie's friend doll and a whole
sack full of Barbie clothes......... An added bonus for me is that I don't have to cart the
leftovers to Goodwill, which is in another town.
FYI, Kate was at a local pub/eatery in Lancaster on Saturday night with a girlfriend. (see...I guess she really does have friends).
Who in their right mind would sell their kids photos to strangers? Talk about being blinded by the almighty dollar.
It's always been about Jon & Kate marketing their 8 little "special circumstances".
What is just as disturbing is that the kids had no say in their pictures being sold! Can you imagine being a child, especially an older child or pre-teen, knowing that total strangers have your photo somewhere in their house, and for god-knows what reason!
"This just blows my mind. I've read this before & have known about it, but every time I see it posted, I want to scream. This, right here, is so telling of Kate's selfishness"
This is Kate. This has been her problem (at least ONE of them) all along. She doesn't THINK before she speaks - she just blurts everything out. It has to be about HER, and that's what comes out of her mouth. In that episode, she also had to make sure that everyone knew that she was a nurse. Who cares?
The "giving back" show is so obviously an attempt at PR damage control by TLC, but I don't think it will work. Too many people saw the real Kate on DWTS and the camping trip with the Palins; on numerous blogs, too much has come out about her horrible behaviour towards her kids and just about anyone she comes into contact with.
Apart from the sheeple, will anyone really believe that greedy, rude, self-centred Kate has suddenly developed concern and compassion for her fellow human beings?
What did Kate ever do w/ the donated cribs, strollers and the special feeding table when they were very young. She must have then gotten the donated high chairs, which most likely she is still using, until someone donates dining table chairs. LOL
MooseMania said " I bet you could easily value that stuff, correctly, at five grand or more, donate it and write that off. " Not if the items were given to the family. They would have a value of $0.00. You can only apply a value to donated items IF you purchased them.
Right good point! Their tax man must tear his hair out.
I'm not sure which is funnier, this spoof story or that a famous rabid fan is screaming on Twitter that it's all a LIE.
wryview said...
MooseMania said " I bet you could easily value that stuff, correctly, at five grand or more, donate it and write that off. "
I didn't say that...I was quoting another comment. My response was that if she would donate the items to charity and take a write-off, she wouldn't have been paid for the episode.
stupid is said...
I'm not sure which is funnier, this spoof story or that a famous rabid fan is screaming on Twitter that it's all a LIE.
If they are going to do a spoof, though, they need to get their facts correct (caption). Kate wouldn't have been at a PTA meeting in Reading because the kids don't go to school in Reading. Even if they did, she's not involved in school activities/conferences/meetings.
Isn't it Steve Neild, not Nield?
A sheeple actually believes that story? Guess they ARE that dumb!
stupid is...
I love it!! Kate is probably saying "Hmmm, I don't remember getting a phone call..."
So, WHY hasn't anybody noticed the fact that K&J were ripping off innocent people on their way "up"? Well, wait, people HAVE noticed, I'm talking IRS here. Do you think they've been reported & nothing has been done or there is nothing that CAN be done? I'm sure the cash is gone by now, but there is proof. They were pretty blatant about it. CASH ONLY. No paper trail. Offshore accounts?? Who knows? And mostly churchgoers of all people. To, LIE & STEAL in church...oops.
E-town Neighbor said...
What is just as disturbing is that the kids had no say in their pictures being sold! Can you imagine being a child, especially an older child or pre-teen, knowing that total strangers have your photo somewhere in their house, and for god-knows what reason!
I swear- it's positively creepy & intrusive.
It could be that particular tax preparers have
heard the story. "I gave $20.00 to a young couple in church, but they said I could not write a check - it had to be cash. They got quite a bit that night." If enough heard the story, it's possible somebody eventually called the IRS. We just won't know about the Gosselin's tax woes. Part of her "bills in my purse" might have been IRS penalties we will never hear of.
They were pretty blatant about it. CASH ONLY. No paper trail. Offshore accounts??
Don't some churches, even if it's CASH ONLY, collect the cash and then cut them a check? Cash only doesn't necessarily meant that the Gs personally collected the cash. If the church writes the Gs a check, there would be a paper trail.
I don't know -- I'm just asking! If the Gs were handed the cash directly and it went into that purse with the unpaid bills, then there would be a problem.
No one who has seen the light about Kate Gosselin will fall for the new improved "give back Kate." It will not happen. Give back in private, not while filming for TLC and your PR might improve, Kate. The only reason I see Kate even caring is because she was ordered to do so. It was a script she had to follow. If you listen to what she says, even today as a millionaire, she is in love with money and more money. Remember the line, "Is there ever enough money?" Kate said something to that effect to MV on the Today Show. I would imagine that her family has questioned her motives and they were "dumped" for all eternity. Maybe someone close to home asked for a little charity. Heaven forbid! No one is supposed to question the queeeeen. I wish she and her children would go quietly into the night and have a good life with out show business. Enough already.
And lest we forget the charity show where she went to the skating exhibition - hid out in the bathroom while Steve stood outside the door and refused entry so she could change clothes to go out for 5 minutes. And demanded a stretch limo with a divider for the ride which was quite a long distance - not sure exactly - don't remember, when one of the benefactors had the gall to suggest that she would be happy to pick them up. She did something that there rattled Johnny W. because he has nothing good to say about her and is not shy about letting it be known. They said she stayed for all of 5 minutes. The limo must have cost them a small fortune so they went in the hole on that futile exercise to have Khate give back - she cost them a bundle. I am sure someone else can remember more - that is all I can remember.
Speaking of pictures - I read on some other sites that Kate took photos to the food bank and signed them for her sheeple. No mention, though, if they were of her alone, sans kids, or a family photo, or if she sold them!
Haven't read all the comments yet, but what about the "garage sale" episode? Where they sold items that were "given" to them? Also they were PAID FOR DOING THE ESPISODE!
Oh, and what about the beef she made Jodi/Kevin pay for? You know, the beef she got for FREE??
Gimme said,
..when one of the benefactors had the gall to suggest that she would be happy to pick them up.
That was one time that I would have done the same thing. I wouldn't have been a passenger in the car on a long trip with someone I didn't know, unfamiliar with his/her driving record, or insurance coverage.
Gimme, Here's a portion of the article about the 9/2009 event and a link to full article:
The TLC star was slated to participate in the Stars Stripes & Skates charity ice skating event, benefiting the Heritage Foundation of 9/11, in the Danbury Arena in Danbury, Conn. While she managed to still attend the event, Gosselin's arrival was not without several major snafus.
Gimme Gimme said... And lest we forget the charity show where she went to the skating exhibition - hid out in the bathroom while Steve stood outside the door and refused entry so she could change clothes to go out for 5 minutes. And demanded a stretch limo with a divider for the ride which was quite a long distance - not sure exactly - don't remember, when one of the benefactors had the gall to suggest that she would be happy to pick them up. She did something that there rattled Johnny W. because he has nothing good to say about her and is not shy about letting it be known. They said she stayed for all of 5 minutes. The limo must have cost them a small fortune so they went in the hole on that futile exercise to have Khate give back - she cost them a bundle. I am sure someone else can remember more - that is all I can remember.
Oh, I remember that WELL, including refusing the free ride and the bathroom change w/ Steve guarding the bathroom doors and not allowing anyone in!!!
E-town Neighbor said...They were pretty blatant about it. CASH ONLY. No paper trail. Offshore accounts??
I think they were still pissed over the fact that they were sent a 1099 misc income form for $59000 from that NBC home makeover show.
E-town Neighbor said...
They were pretty blatant about it. CASH ONLY. No paper trail. Offshore accounts??
Don't some churches, even if it's CASH ONLY, collect the cash and then cut them a check? Cash only doesn't necessarily meant that the Gs personally collected the cash. If the church writes the Gs a check, there would be a paper trail.
I don't know -- I'm just asking! If the Gs were handed the cash directly and it went into that purse with the unpaid bills, then there would be a problem.
Of course each church has their own accounting and collecting procedures, but when my church took a special collection for a visiting group (not part of our regular service, so the collection was separate) we neatly organized the monies collected and it was put into an envelope and handed to the head of the visiting group. We didn't count it. IF anyone wrote a check made out to the church by mistake, we'd later write the group a check to make sure they received everything the congregation intended for them.
So, when Kate collected 'cash-only-love-offerings', my guess is that the churches did nothing other than directly turn it over to her and thank her for coming. It was up to her to report, or not, her income from that engagement. If the church paid Kate to speak, took care of expenses, etc. then the church would have paid her by check and those costs would have all been reported to the IRS, etc, but cash only collections would have been a completely separate transaction. Again, churches operate differently and of course the type of collection, it's purpose, whether there were contracts or not, etc all come into play in determining how those transactions were handled. But I think we can be sure of one thing -- cash only donations for pictures and autographs were requested for a reason.
It's been known that pedophiles scour the internet for any type of images of children. Nice of Kate to wrap their whack-off material in a pretty little package.
When an outside group such as the Gideons or even the local Ministerial Association have a service at our church, our Treasurer never sees it. A member of that organization carries the
offering plate out of the Sanctuary and counts it with at least one other person from that group and they record the amount for their own records. Our church would never know how much it was. The same procedure is used when people make cash or check gifts to the local food pantry during our service. They write the check directly to the food pantry and give it to one particular person. It does not go through our books.
If anybody wants to deduct these gifts they must write a check as their proof of donation.
Thanks for the link, Kart. I had not read that one and just remembered bits and pieces from here and there. TLC must be off their rocker. They had the lady on the THS talking about her attitude at what must have been the last of her very lucrative speaking engagements that went quietly in the night never to be seen or heard from again. At this point, I don't there is anything left for them try with her, the charity thing is grasping at straws as we all know the woman doesn't have a charitable bone in her body, which is to be expected from someone who "doesn't see other people."
When an outside group such as the Gideons or even the local Ministerial Association have a service at our church, our Treasurer never sees it. A member of that organization carries the
offering plate out of the Sanctuary and counts it with at least one other person from that group and they record the amount for their own records
I was really curious about this, so I called a friend who is a member of the official board of a neighborhood church. She told me that yes, if they have a guest speaker or soloist and a "love offering" is collected, the cash is collected, the treasurer counts it, and the guest is paid with a church check. I suppose every church has a different procedure. Who knows what when on at the churches where they spoke? They very well may have pocketed the cash and nobody would have been the wiser; or they were given a check, in which case there would be a paper trail and it would have to be reported. Wouldn't you hate to be their accountant/tax man?
Vanessa said...
Oh, and what about the beef she made Jodi/Kevin pay for? You know, the beef she got for FREE??
March 14, 2011 12:55 PM
Can either Vanessa or someone else go into more detail about this? I don't think I ever saw that episode. Thanks.
Good article basically suggesting that Kate's trainwreck is SO last year.
Also a good comment pointing out that with all the recent natural disasters, watching a 5 star vacation in Australia/NZ seems a little trite. Exactly.
Berks, source on your comment earlier today that Kate was out to eat on Saturday???
12 Mar
LEED_Resource Bill Sutton LEED AP
@tim_horstmann @RealtorAsma Thanks for the recommendations... Oompa Loompa was delish! And Kate Goselin was there tonight too... Fun times
12 Mar
LEED_Resource Bill Sutton LEED AP
@tim_horstmann @Realtorasma Just her and a girlfriend... But yep... That Kate... :)
Can either Vanessa or someone else go into more detail about this? I don't think I ever saw that episode. Thanks.
This was the episode where K8 was showing us how she -ahem- "bought" an organic cow because it was more cost effective than buying it at the supermarket. She "bought" a cow on TLC's dime and had Jodi pay her for half.
A loving and loved family member who watched her kids every week and K8 couldn't even let Jodi have the beef as a thank you gesture. K8 is such a selfish pig.
Berks, could have been someone from production, a business meeting, or it could have been a girlfriend. It doesn't prove she was with a girlfriend. I hope she was, she needs friends.
I'm hoping for the best. I think if she had one good friend, maybe they could advise her to be a kinder gentler person.... can only hope...Right?
As far as selling photos of your kids, imagine if you were on the beach taking a photo of your five-year-old. And then another adult, a stranger, came up to you and said your child is so cute could I have a copy of that picture for my fridge? You would be creeped the hell OUT! You would get your child out of there so fast. If they approached you again you might even call the cops. And if you see nothing creepy about that, get a creepy radar.
Just because it's an "organized" event does not change the fact that photos of children of complete strangers are sold to other strangers and put up on their fridge--same exact thing.
Is anyone watching Celeb Apprentice? I'm catching up on my Tivo and these women would have eaten Kate alive.
It's kind of amazing the way the narcissists and egos emerge within just the first few episodes--Star Jones and Dionne Warrick (who knew?) quickly emerged as the ego maniacs. The other more rational, reasonable, grounded celebs--Marlee Matlin, Lisa Rinna, the Playmate of the Year of all people, don't know what to do with them. I get a kick out of Marlee Matlin going crazy with the sign language on the interview couch about these ding-a-lings. Go Marlee.
"Just because it's an "organized" event does not change the fact that photos of children of complete strangers are sold to other strangers..."
You are so right! What I want to know is WHY! Why would someone want a photo of a stranger's children? WHY would someone pay $20 for a photo of the Gosselin children?
I think the only photo I paid for was when I was a kid and it was a $5 donation to ASPCA. That got me a picture of Benji and his girlfriend (can't remember the name right now) Of course, Benji was a puppy. But the photo was autographed with real ink paw prints *grin*
I would be creeped out if people paid me for pictures of my kids. Worse yet, creeped out for people collecting and rewatching (over and over) the 'home videos' that a Cable Channel filmed, especially the potty training ones, etal.
The biggest issue I have are the grown-ups who are 'fans' of the little ones. How they say how much they miss them and can't wait to see them on the TV, etc. Skeevy if you ask me...get a life people! These are not your little playthings for entertainment. They are real human children who have feelings and need their privacy.
The biggest issue I have are the grown-ups who are 'fans' of the little ones. How they say how much they miss them and can't wait to see them on the TV, etc. Skeevy if you ask me...get a life people! These are not your little playthings for entertainment. They are real human children who have feelings and need their privacy.
I remember some time ago I came across a webpage as well as a YouTube "dedication" to the Gosselin children. It was earmarked as a "shrine" to the children. Reading it, I felt more than creeped out. It was a study in sociopathy. The person was nuts.
Is Kate totally clueless that this kind of thing goes on that involves her children...or doesn't she care?
I don't know why people paid $20 for a Gosselin family photo, but maybe they wanted the photo as proof of their cash donation for tax purposes. If they were donating money to the grifters, then the photo was their receipt.
In Spain and Portugal a man can be arrested for taking photo's of people's children on a beach. Especially since Madeleine Mc Cann was kidnapped.
I think Kate is very naive and foolish to have photo's of her children out there. A paedophile's dream. The fact that she actually sells them is so distasteful,it makes me feel sick.
As for her charity run, I always thought charity begins at home, poor kids. Kate exhibits such a scarcity of love and empathy towards those children. As for the meager ration of food at mealtimes.... well we have all seen that.
Benji's girlfriend's name was Tiffany. They shared a pudding cup!
In other words, they set it up to make it very hard for the good church goers to make a charitable deduction for helping this family. Screwed their fans again.
Many of the churchgoers weren't even fans. They were just at their church for Sunday prayers and had to be conned/robbed by the sob story before they could pray.
They dug in their pockets when the "Love Offering Basket" was passed around and tossed in $10s and $20s. Kate cried that Jon lost his job because his employer didn't want to pay for insurance for the tups (this is not true) and the good people of the church believed her. Nobody knew she was closing Escrow on a 1.2 million dollar home. I usually don't donate to people richer than me.
I'm a "every Sunday" church goer and I think there is this mentality at church of just accepting people and their stories without question. You sort of assume because you are in the church walls people are telling the truth. There isn't a lot of fact-checking. In fact there is something that seems kind of un-Christian about questioning someone's sob story. Not saying church goers are stupid by any means, just aren't in an environment where it's acceptable to question.
Recently at my church we took donations to help a missionary family in Burma who told a nail biting story about being interrogated by police there and separated from their children. No one questions the truthfulness of this story, why would we? I think that's exactly what happened when Jon and Kate came in. The average church-goer who hadn't heard much about them before took it at face value. Family of multiples, asking for donations, they must be struggling and if my 20 bucks at least buys them a few groceries I've done my part.
They should really be ashamed at this scam.
My guess is that the church circuit was promoted as a pro-life gathering in each church.
OK, whether I agree with that or not is immaterial. But you can bet that the minute the
presentation became about how hard it was financially and how much they were struggling, I would have thanked the Gosselins for coming and invited everyone to the Fellowship Hall for refreshments. Then any individuals who wanted to chat with them and hear their problems could quietly slip them a few dollars. And there would definitely be no selling of pictures. We do not allow any outside fundraising in our church that is not for a pre-approved mission we
regularly support.
But I bet the churches they tapped expected the wish list and the Don't Have list, and fully expected to feather the Gosselin's nest.
Oh, I forgot to snark about how interesting it was that the Gosselins demanded a lofty appearance fee in order to go and fleece the flock. You pay me, you get me A-1 accomodations, you provide me a limo to ride the 4 blocks between hotel and church..... and I'll let you put MORE money in my purse and spend yet MORE money on pictures of my kids.
Yet another point, Kate has put it out there the show has given her the ability to be a stay at home mom. Her defender at People magazine, also named Kate, waxed on about what long hours Kate would have to work if she went back to nursing (totally ignoring state regulations regarding hours). Would those be longer hours than being out of town for days at a time in a strange city halfway across the country?
Kate cried that Jon lost his job because his employer didn't want to pay for insurance for the tups (this is not true) and the good people of the church believed her. Nobody knew she was closing Escrow on a 1.2 million dollar home. I usually don't donate to people richer than me.
If memory serves me, their last speaking engagements at churches was in the late spring of 2008. Perhaps someone could check on that. I know they were in Roswell, GA in March of 2008 (that sarcastic letter that was written to a poster from their pastor). I remember that several churches had canceled their appearances because of the demands (they raised the fee, wanted first-class accommodations, etc.). They weren't fleecing the flocks when they bought the Wernersville house (b.t.w., PA doesn't have real estate escrow), but they were collecting love offerings when they were looking at properties...of course, their house-hunting was hush-hush. The good people of the churches never were told that they were looking at bigger and better properties above and beyond what most of those congregations could afford. If there were church speaking engagements when they bought the house in the fall of 2008, I stand corrected!
Administrator said...
Yet another point, Kate has put it out there the show has given her the ability to be a stay at home mom.
In October of 2008, after CNN aired a story on Jon and Kate, their traveling, wealth, etc., TLC issued a statement in defense of the show, saying that the family was given opportunities that allows her to be a stay at home mom. I can't remember the exact wording, but it's out there.
"The full $20.00? I doubt the IRS even has an answer to that one, and I seriously doubt they would accept the picture as a receipt. They want numbers on a piece of paper. They don't deal in sentiment. "
I agree, Fido. I never heard of using an item as a receipt. How would the IRS know what you paid for it? What do you do...send the photo to the IRS with your filing? Tax people out there -- do you know the answer?
Below was the speaking engagements for the Gosselins in late 2008 & 2009: Remember they bought their McMansion in Oct. or Nov. 2008.
Oct. 19, 2008 - First Assembly - PA
Nov. 2, 2008 - Central Assembly - LA
Nov. 14 & 15, 2008 - Woman of Purpose Conference - PA
March 8, 2009 - First Christian - KY
March 20, 2009 - Roswell Methodist - GA
Thanks, Maggie. I was only off by a year on that Roswell date! I know that there were several engagements that were canceled, and I remember comments from some posters that toward the end of the engagements they were no longer asking for those love offerings.
They were scheduled to speak at Noel Methodist in Bossier City LA on Nov 1st, 2008 and the church canceled because of Kate's demands.
About the Entertainment Weekly article. I absolutely HEART EW. They are usually right on the money with all things pop culture. They know what the hell they are talking about. They haven't been in Kate's corner. They know what she's doing to those kids. Remember one article about an episode they wrote about awhile back, an ending line "And at home, Cara is digging her way out of for freedom", or something like that.
Kate is SO 2009...not even 2010! She IS a trainwreck. And it's a boring one at that. We know what she is capable of. She will yell, give the stink eye to her kids, say mean things about Jon, dress trashy. THAT is her show. Yawn. Maybe that's why it's on at 10:pm. Her outfits??
OT. I just spent 10 days in a hotel for business and was able to watch a lot more television than I normally do. I hadn't seem many episodes of the Duggars but have watched several in the past couple of weeks. How anyone can even come close to comparing Kate to Michelle Duggar is beyond me. The Sheeple find things about this family to criticize in order to defend Kate. There is no comparison. This is one of the closest, kindest, down to earth, families I have witnessed. They all pull together and support one another. The love just shines through. Comparing Kate to Michelle is like comparing a kitten to a tiger.
In the "organic beef" episode, they did not show Jodi/Kevin giving money to Kate for some of the FREE BEEF SHE RECEIVED. This was exposed on Jodi's sister's blog "Truth Breeds Hatred". Can you imagine doing this to your own brother and his family?? She is just a plain ol'bitch. Check out her blog though.
Administrator said... Is anyone watching Celeb Apprentice? I'm catching up on my Tivo and these women would have eaten Kate alive.
It's kind of amazing the way the narcissists and egos emerge within just the first few episodes--Star Jones and Dionne Warrick (who knew?) quickly emerged as the ego maniacs. The other more rational, reasonable, grounded celebs--Marlee Matlin, Lisa Rinna, the Playmate of the Year of all people, don't know what to do with them. I get a kick out of Marlee Matlin going crazy with the sign language on the interview couch about these ding-a-lings. Go Marlee.
I'm watching and agree, Adm. Kate will never do that show, because she would have to actually lift a pinkie and do the work instead of assigning it to paid helpers. I think at the time she was photographed w/ Trump she was being approached about being on the show, but TLC knew she didn't have the work ethic to be there and that it could damage their own ratings after she was revealed as being the lazy do-nothing but shop and tan lowlife she is.
I collect old, vintage postcards. There are some postcards that have kids on from a Rockefeller painting. Or a Monet. Oh, & I do have one of a little boy & a little girl sitting on a fountain throwing pennies in from 1927, from my grandmother. I have a ton of postcards. Would I buy a picture of a stranger's child for 20 bucks? Ew. Would I buy a vintage postcard with a picture of a kid on it for 20 bucks & put it in my album if I liked it? Sure, if I knew that someday MY kid would enjoy looking at it or could sell it.
That IS creepy. Who would do that? Who would buy pictures of the G kids? Would they be displayed? What would the husbands think of this? "Uh, honey, who the hell are these Asian kids displayed over the mantle? Did you go & adopt some kids from the Sally Struthers commercial again?"
I think she means "Rockwell" painting..............
E-town Neighbor said... The biggest issue I have are the grown-ups who are 'fans' of the little ones. How they say how much they miss them and can't wait to see them on the TV, etc. Skeevy if you ask me...get a life people! These are not your little playthings for entertainment. They are real human children who have feelings and need their privacy.
I remember some time ago I came across a webpage as well as a YouTube "dedication" to the Gosselin children. It was earmarked as a "shrine" to the children. Reading it, I felt more than creeped out. It was a study in sociopathy. The person was nuts.
Is Kate totally clueless that this kind of thing goes on that involves her children...or doesn't she care?
Ugh!! Those Youtube dedication videos about the Gosselin kids are creepy! And some of the titles makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up like "Gosselin Sextuplets-Dream" or "Gosselin Sextuplets - I Could Not Ask For More". Very scary!
I always thought those videos were inappropriate. I mean if you do one about your child or children, fine, but to spend that amount of time putting together a video of someone else's children who you do not even know? Yup definately a 10 on the creepy meter.
Just a warning... I see lots of posts in the blogging world about how Kate is going to whine and moan and cry in her Australia show. She will NOT!
Everything thing that is being done now is done to paint her in a better light so that TLC can get every last cent out of her. She will be as hardy as a lumberjack in any outdoor scenes in Australia - or anywhere else, for that matter. I would almost guarantee it! Everything that she does is scripted. Those poor children probably do not have any kind of even shaky grasp of reality, thanks to TLC and the whiny grifter turned monster.
It won't work, of course. Millions who don't watch her or didn't watch Sarah Palin's show saw her meltdown on Bill O'Reilly, which I believe is the most watched show in all of cable news. The real Kate has come out of the closet. She's done.
She (and she alone) kept telling the poor house story (omitting Jon's inheritance) even while they had purchased the 1.3 million dollar spread, probably while she filming her "mine, all mine, as far as they eye can see!" comment because she knew she would do anything to get Jon out of her life, just as she done to everyone else that no longer "knew how to help her"....(write books-babysit for free-clean house-fold laundry-be a slave/whipping boy/sperm donor and keep quiet about it-everything much match!-be it-expensive-trips, furniture-or-remodeled-kitchen-or puppies and cold hard $$$$). Kate lied to the churches about her bank account..after she got a taste of 1st class airplane seats, 5 star hotels, "I want Nobu!" and having Steve Neild be by her side always for whatever reason he's still there.
Jon was pushed aside even at the Churches' shake-downs in the end for purse boy, one of the reasons, Kate decided Jon must go.
Kate and TLC are using the Food Banks to film their reality shows. Did Kate donate food? Most likely, they are getting around child labor laws in TN or VA. Plus, they are trying to tap the Nascar fans into watching, by doing radio spots for the charities, it is free advertising for K & Slaves. Nothing out of Khate's pocket, she's paid for her time wherever she films.
Mandy said, "Just a warning... I see lots of posts in the blogging world about how Kate is going to whine and moan and cry in her Australia show. She will NOT!"
"Is this an opinion, or an actual statement of fact from someone who knows what the episode includes, and her "behavior" on the trip?" I would think that after her melt-down in Alaska, she would want to repeat that scenario.
Charity said, "She (and she alone) kept telling the poor house story (omitting Jon's inheritance) even while they had purchased the 1.3 million dollar spread, probably while she filming her "mine, all mine, as far as they eye can see!" comment because she knew she would do anything to get Jon out of her life, just as she done to everyone else that no longer "knew how to help her"
Again, is this a first-hand account from a poster who actually attended a speaking engagement after the purchase of the new house? It is sometimes difficult to tell what are eye-witness accounts, what has been pulled from the internet, and what is opinion.
I mean if you do one about your child or children, fine, but to spend that amount of time putting together a video of someone else's children who you do not even know?
I won't even do one of my own children, or post photos on the internet. In fact, when the blanket permission slips are sent out at the beginning of the year, I won't sign them. I want to know where the kids are going, who is going with them, and if any photos are going to be taken, who is taking them and for what purpose.
I'm no tax expert (I run screaming into the night when math is required for anything), but would any donations to the G's be tax deductible? Wouldn't they have to be registered as a 501 (c) organization?
I don't know what creeps me out more - the Uberfans of the kids - the ones who create "shrines" and dedicate Youtube videos - or the ones who think it's okay to go online and call a 6 year old a c*&t and a b#tch because she behaves like a 6 year old. Yes, the kids are cute, in the childlike way that all kids are cute, and yes, some of them have behaved in a less than stellar manner at times and had that behavior shown on national TV, but it's still creepy and inappropriate. (shudder) Now I feel like I need to go take a long shower.
Mandy said, "Just a warning... I see lots of posts in the blogging world about how Kate is going to whine and moan and cry in her Australia show. She will NOT!"
I have a feeling they are re-making Kate to not only be CAN DO and charity oriented, but a bit of a thrill seeker adventurer...maybe so she acan eventually get her own Anthony Bourdain type of show in the future. I mean swimming with sharks and speeding in a NASCAR. How does that fit with raising kids as a single mom. This show is so far from it's original mission statement it is not even funny!
DUR..I DID mean Rockwell paintings. Hadn't had enough coffee yet. Where the hell did I get Rockefeller? Must be thinking rich today...
. This show is so far from it's original mission statement it is not even funny!
Kate reminds me of Madonna. Madonna has remained relevant for decades now due to the fact that she smartly re-branded herself over and over and over. Her style, her hair, her body... everyone waited with bated breath to see her latest incarnation.
J&K started as a middle class suburban Christian couple facing enormous challenges. The fundamentalist Christians ate it up and J&K had a rapt audience to pander to and grift from.
From the Bible verses stuck to walls, to the Isaiah T-shirts to their God-centered rhetoric, they had those folks wrapped around their fingers. The pro-lifers had 2 bonafide demagogues to follow and worship without question, since J&K carried the mantle of parent and curried credibility with their religious patina.
Then came the demise of their marriage, which Kate played perfectly. She was scorned. Jon looked really, really bad. She then became the victim.
Next came the Phoenix rising from the ashes, complete with a brighter-than-ever smile, larger-than-ever breasts, all topped with a new mane of blonder-than-blonde hair extensions. Enter the new can-do-Kate. Single mother. Provider. Determined.
Single mothers rallied and girded their loins in communion with Kate.
BTW, it still really helped Kate's cause that Jon was still acting like a moron.
Now, we have defiant Kate. Long gone the days of scrounging through couch cushions for money--she's not even trying to pretend she's struggling. No more boohoo "I don't have college funded yet" and boohoo "I have a purse full of bills". I mean, that shit just don't wash anymore with anyone.
No, now she's a preternatural shade of orange that Crayola has not even fathomed, even in their BIG boxes. Slutty garb, limos and lavish trips are how she rolls now and she's proud of it. No apologies for the wealth she's accumulated and the lifestyle she lives (although she does try to fool people into thinking she's got no choice in the matter) As she admonished The Talk's audience, rudely pointing her perfectly-manicured finger, in an attempt to deflect her absurdity, "you'd do it to!"
Next, we had fitness guru Kate, posing on the cover of People magazine in a barely-there bikini (this from the DWTS woman who vehemently stated she's a MOM! and mom's don't dress like, well, Pam Anderson! Oh, my sensibilities!). She runs! She eats organic nuts! And organic salads! She even has organic orgasms!
And now genuflect people, we have Saint Kate, whose new mantra is giving back. Yes, she's becoming aware of things that most of us don't need to be told--there's needy people out there! Whatever she can selflessly do to pitch in and help, well gosh darnit! she's your girl!!
As long as she gets first class digs, limosines and oh yeah, can trot her kids out while filming the crap out of them, then she'll be there with bells on!
It's been way, way too long since she's graced the cover of People. I wonder what the latest version will look like.. Kate post Kate Coyne-ectomy after they detach Coyne's lips from Kate's ass?
LisaNH said...
I always thought those videos were inappropriate. I mean if you do one about your child or children, fine, but to spend that amount of time putting together a video of someone else's children who you do not even know? Yup definately a 10 on the creepy meter.
Hmm, I take it you have not seen Gosselins sextuplets Big girl now(the girls ft the boys)-yes lady Gaga's : "Gonna get you wet gonna make you sweat" and Kids from the block : "Girl I bet"
"Gonna give you something you are never gonna forget"..."you sexy walk you sexy talk" "you've got a grown man(picture of aiden) ready to blow"
or Mady Gosselin Sexy Bitch(akon) or tups paired two by two(boy girl) with Taylor Swift's Love Story...We were both young when I first saw you(pic of them in diapers) . Those videos are downright disgusting I cannot believe you could use these songs for a child! Funny part is I think most of them think the Gosselins will give them an award for making the vids...guess what? They'll probably be as creeped out as we are!
The one video I like(the title of ot I mean!) is Gosselin kids-I want a mom that will last forever!
Also, it just occurred to me(hence the second comment) some "fans" may see this kids as actors and to them this may be just like vidding their favorite actors from their favorite tv series or movie...but that just proves they don't give a damn about these poor kids.They say they love them...they are laughing watching them vomit and being constipated.They say they care so much for them yet they watch as Joel gets placed on the cold floor in the bathroom being sick and they applaud Kate for her excellent decision.They would have done the same had they been here's the catch, most of the YT vidders are 15-18 they have no kids,ergo no experience! I don't know, this whole thing is just so screwed up. And Kate puts tape on the backpacks so people won't know their names and that's it, problem solved!
readerlady said...
I'm no tax expert (I run screaming into the night when math is required for anything), but would any donations to the G's be tax deductible? Wouldn't they have to be registered as a 501 (c) organization?
NONE of the "love offerings" given by the congregation members to the Gosselins were tax deductible since in no way were they a charitable or non-taxable organization. Donations to churches ARE deductible since churches are non-taxable organizations. As far as the IRS is concerned all of the Gosselin's various income is taxable (that's why all the controversy about them asking for donations to be in cash only).
I have a feeling they are re-making Kate to not only be CAN DO and charity oriented, but a bit of a thrill seeker adventurer...
I'm sure she's begging for a show like that. They can call it Kate's Bucket List. I can see her wanting to do the thrill seeking part, but the charitable giving would very quickly take a toll on her.
Tucker -- your description sounds like the various stages Mattel has taken Barbie through! You are spot on. It would be amusing if it wouldn't be so accurate. Have you thought about sending that to TLC on the off chance that they'd read it? What's next - Nascar Barbie? Oh, wait, Mattel did that one, too!
I'm still smiling over the "girded their loins in communion..."
"DUR..I DID mean Rockwell paintings. Hadn't had enough coffee yet. Where the hell did I get Rockefeller? Must be thinking rich today..."
The movie, "Who Was Clark Rockefeller" was on LMN last night. Maybe you read the listing in your channel guide? ;-)
Those videos are disgusting. My guess is that they are made by teenagers whose hormones are overruling their good judgement, and whose parents have never taught them about morality and ethics.
Has anyone ever suggested that the ACLU take on a case for the children, who are obviously being kept in involuntary servitude by their mother and the courts of the state of Pennsylvania? By keeping them in the public eye like this she is in effect prostituting them to anybody who wishes to re-film them for purposes other than televised entertainment.
Crazy Kate fan says that Kate will be calling our employers. She is tweeting this information. I'm sure Kate really appreciates that this crazed fan spreading this rumor.
stupid is said...
Crazy Kate fan says that Kate will be calling our employers.
Maybe I'm missing something and didn't read all of the posts. I apologize if this is the case. Whose employers and who are the employers?
stupid is said...
Crazy Kate fan says that Kate will be calling our employers. She is tweeting this information. I'm sure Kate really appreciates that this crazed fan spreading this rumor.
Depending on which "fan" you're talking about - they've already tried to do it to some bloggers and are just putting their own actions onto Kate now (and making even more of a fool of themselves).
BTY, Isn't their dear, idol Kate too busy being a wonderful mom and charitable giver to be concerned with what poor, little, insignificant us do? Crazyyyyyyy
Kate Gosselin wants Khaters to know that she is going to start calling their employers!
Some people know where others (might) work.
I would like Kate to call my work, or her fan (but I don't think this particular fan knows how to dial a telephone.)
I would like Kate to call my work, or her fan (but I don't think this particular fan knows how to dial a telephone.)
Are rotary dial phones still in existence? If they can't push buttons, they really do have a problem!
I've tried to find out about Jon's inheritance from his father, although not very hard as I am in a fibro brain fog today and things are not sinking in, and really can't find any "true" info.
Is it a known fact that Jon did already receive his inheritance? In most cases it's after the other parent passes that someone receives a monetary inheritance. Maybe he got some but not all, items, etc.?
I guess it's just wishful thinking on my part because I HATE for Kate to have her paws on anything from Jon's Dad.
To get back on topic though, yeah, there is NO changing Kate's image. She doesn't KNOW what giving means, only receiving.
Oh, and, Kate can call me anytime but I'd really rather a face to face meeting because I have more than a few things I'd like to say to her :) Wish I could slip a note to Mady about speaking to a judge herself or would doing that make me the crazy one lol
I'm sorry why would Kate call someone's workplace again? I know her fans do things like that but I don't think even Kate would go that far. They .... do know when a phone call like this comes in bosses just laugh and remark about what a crazy stalker their employee has....right?
*ring ring*
"Ummm, yeah, Hi. Ummm, this is Kate. You know Kate Gosselin, Super Mom of 8. Former wife of the other Gosselin.
So, ummmm, honestly, of your employees is on the internets. And, honestly, she (or it could be a he) is like telling others I'm a bad mom, and stuff. Can you ummm, do something about it? Honestly, I have too much to do all day, tanning and such. So, umm...yeah, thanks, because it's taking time away from my honest and serious giving back stuff."
I think people are putting too much faith in what some sheeple nut is saying. No one is going to call employers. First they have to know where the anti-fans work, then they need a real name then they need someone to actually fall for this BS internet non sense. Most employers have HR depts that wouldnt give a phone call like this half a second worth of thier time.
The Sheep that tweeted all this crap is doing it as if she speaks for Kate. I only brought it here to laugh at because it is so ridiculous and absurd but also shows how delusional some of her fans have become.
Watch the George Lopez video, where Kate says that her worst nightmare is a crazy fan. FAN, not hater. Fan.
I may completely disagree with the way her fans support her but I will say I think she is darn RUDE to them. Her fan base is probably one of the most loyal you will ever come across in this industry and she repeatedly makes rude comments like that and spits in their faces. She NEVER appreciates anything she has including her own fans.
Berks, I loved your "phone call"! May I try?
Hey, this is Kate Gosselin. HELLOOOOOOO! Don't you know who I am?!? (Gum popping sounds) Well, you should. I'm famously famous. (Yells at kid). You know, the Mom with the matched set of tups and the great bod? Oh yeah, two more kids. Thanks Steve. Honesty, I have to tell you that I keep reading about myself on the websites I never pay any attention to, and I'm, gosh, I'm (Mady! I told you to take care of your brothers!) anyway, I'm upset. Honestly? Steve my Body Guard said he would call you to protect me, but I told him I'm Can Do Kate and would do it myself if he'd stand behind me for support. Anyways, gosh, I forgot why I called. It must have something to do with me, because everything is. Well, honestly, with 6 kids I live in chaos. What's that Steve? Oh yeah, honestly I have 8 kids. I promise! You tell those nasty people to leave me alone and let me play with my kids in peace. (Mady, don't let him near the markers!) Are you listening to me? (Gum popping). HELLOOOOOOOOOO! Now, go away. I'm eating salad. That goes for you too, employer. By the way, do you have any openings for Cara? She needs to start generating some income around here.
Excellent posts, Fidosmommy & BerksPa!!!
As for Kate's fan-nut threatening anyone with Kate calling anyone's workplace- PULLLEEEEZE!
What next? Kate is going to put all of us in "time out"? Or hit us with a wooden spoon?
What is it with these people? No wonder Kate wants nothing to do with them.
Is it now time to ask the question?
"Hey Kate, when are you going to get that stick out?"
If not now, when?
To me the threat that someone is going to tell on you (to employer, or FBI--as another site threatened(?!) or your Mom) seems more a teen- agers idea of scary than an adults. It doesn't show how "delusional" the fans are becoming but does show their age (or at least their maturity level.) There is nothing to report. Having an opposing opinion is allowed in America. It is actually a good thing. Debate is healthy. (And, if done correctly, fun and satisfying.) Worth your while, young posters, to learn how to do it. It is fun to hold your own in a GOOD debate.
T.I.N.I.C. said... To me the threat that someone is going to tell on you (to employer, or FBI--as another site threatened(?!) or your Mom) seems more a teen- agers idea of scary than an adults.
Good point. And I think it really pissed them off that no one was fired and that no employer ever gave them the time of day. If you are doing nothing wrong, there's nothing to worry about. Are you doing something illegal on your time off? If not, an employer is not going to care what the hell you do. An employer is a lot more worried about the budget and productivity and a host of other things rather than what some crazy fan of some random reality star is complaining about. And if your boss seriously would care about any of this, you need a new boss.
Most jobs where you service the public have what I like to call the "crazies" file where off the wall complaints are lodged. Complaints from crazies with no ground in reality. You have to deal with them as a matter of course, but you don't put any weight in them. I imagine that's where any of these complaints went, straight to the crazy file.
Tucker's Mom is spot on with the description of the Gosselins. Keep up the good work in keeping it real. Sure do hope some misinformed Kate fans read your information. Maybe some of them might begin to question their belief in Kate's future as a "stah." We can hope. At the very least, we are letting others know we will not be fooled, again.
Moose Mania said...
"Again, is this a first-hand account from a poster who actually attended a speaking engagement after the purchase of the new house?
Moose ... I can't speak for the poster you're responding to, but I can say that I attended one of Jon & Kate’s speaking engagements here in PA. It was at the Keswick Theatre in Glenside, in September ‘08 -- the appearance was originally scheduled to be held at a local church, but they ran out of room and rented a local theater instead. [Skeptics can check out the pastor’s blog for verification:]. This appearance occurred right about the time they were purchasing the McMansion (although nobody knew about the "mine-all-mine” big buy at the time – we all still thought they were an honestly struggling family). Yet, at this appearance they were STILL crying poor, proclaiming to be UBER-Christian (the biggest shocker to me; Kate kept going on and on about how she “brought people to the faith” and how she helped people die “knowing Jesus” … it was so weird and unlike the family I had been watching on TLC). And, they begged for love-offerings. It’s now clear that they were totally PLAYING the audience in order to get the Christians to dig deep into their pockets and line the Gosselin’s “cash-only” bank account. There was no mention of any inheritance during the talk (of course not, in hind-sight that would interfere with getting the love offerings). Many things struck me as odd at that engagement ... but what really stuck out was that Jon barely said a word. He just sat there while Kate spewed what has now been revealed to be their web of lies. And yes, they charged $20 for autographed photos. And no, I didn't buy one. And no, I did not give a “love offering.” Instead, I left early, feeling disgusted, betrayed, and in need of a Gosselin de-tox. That was the beginning of the end for me.
T.I.N.I.C. said... To me the threat that someone is going to tell on you (to employer, or FBI--as another site threatened(?!) or your Mom) seems more a teen- agers idea of scary than an adults.
Perhaps. But these are Sheeple. They do not act or behave like adults. Their intelligence and maturity level is such that one might mistake them as giddy immature teens. The postings on ROL sound like they come from junior high students, but I'm sure that many of them are adults.
"At the very least, we are letting others know we will not be fooled, again."
Reminds me of the lyrics to "Do you Hear The People Sing" from Les Miz:
(Revised) Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be fooled again!
We are angry over the exploitation of kids on reality television; and in Kate's case, we've been fooled, but we're "on" to her. At last.
"Moose ... I can't speak for the poster you're responding to, but I can say that I attended one of Jon & Kate’s speaking engagements here in PA. It was at the Keswick Theatre in Glenside, in September ‘08"
Thanks, Posh. Ah, the old Keswick. I know it well. I always get a kick out of the recorded voice they have on there when you call for info. That would have been right around the time they were looking at properties. So Kate led the wayward, lost sheep to Jesus, did she? Who led her away from Him?
Let me guess -- MONEY! I guess she doesn't remember the NT story of Jesus cleansing the temple:
"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."
I wonder if those who gave love offerings ever came to realize that they were robbed -- big time?
Regarding the delusional fan tweeting that "Kate" is going to call everyone's employers, like a childish tattle-tale, stamping her feet that people are mean to her? Well, Kate *is* all-powerful, after all, so we should all shiver in fear... or, you know... stuff.
Oh, please, please do! Please, with sugar on top. Please call my employer!
I am self-employed. I welcome you to call... right now! Tomorrow! Name the time, and I will have the lines cleared.
Sheeple, think about it: should this ridiculous fan-fantasy idea actually happen? I will tape it, and I will put it on every media source I can Google.
What an idiot. I cannot comprehend this infantile mindset.
TlC is trying yet another "spin" to get people to watch.Well...your doing your job.You have tried to shove kate down our throats so much that the truth is/has come out.You wanted us to see the "real" kate and we have.We have seen what a greedy,un-caring,and un-feeling woman she is.You have shown us that kate only plays a "mom" on tv.You have shown us that kate only cares about herself.
We have seen it all.There will be no redemption for kate until she stops making the kids work.She needs to find fame on her own...not off the kids.
So go ahead and try to make us see that kate now cares about other people...that kate wants to give back.Its not going to work.You have shown us the opposite for years.True colors always shine through...and hers are as bright as a rainbow.
I know people are tired of hearing dont watch the show.But again I have to say dont watch.Its like voting...the 1 person sitting at home saying my vote wont make a difference...theres another 500,000 sitting there thinking the same thing.It DOES make a difference.Believe me...I live in Wisconsin..I know better!
What I truly find amazing is that a sheeple would actually think that Kate (or the basement dweller) has time to look up everyone's IP, research where they live, find their employer, call them the employer and complain about people who actually have the children's best interests at heart.
This particular 'twitter/sheeple' is an obsessed Jon hater. She has vulgar posts that are on the far obsessed scale on the sheeple Geiger counter. I'm positive that even some of the sheeple would be ashamed at what she/he posts. I believe this particular person is just upset that there have been those complaining to various entertainment outlets regarding Kate's appearances and exploitation of the children and she is using that as reasoning for her behaviour.
That said, this is the type of person that Steve does need to be present in Kate's life for. Someone so obsessed to spend a great deal of time posting hate attacks directly at Jon and anyone who supports him. There's only so much sense you can make in 140 characters-so this person comes across as seriously disturbed. The rest of us (the passive sheeple and those who try to advocate for the children) are so off the 'threat radar' because generally we would not approach Kate if we saw her - which I personally can attest to doing. I know I posted a support comment to Jon on twitter and was attacked from all over by obsessed Kate fans. I ended up unfollowing Jon for a while - then just blocking the 'uber kate fans' because my children see my twitter and I didn't want them exposed to the language and filth coming out of this persons keyboard.
Tucker's Mom said...
Kate reminds me of Madonna. Madonna has remained relevant for decades now due to the fact that she smartly re-branded herself over and over and over.
I LOVED your post, but I need to disagree. I know this is your opinion, but Madonna worked her way up from a tiny little dancer in a NYC dance co. to where she is today. She was on Dick Clark's something or other & told him she was gonna 'Rule the World' or something like that. Although yes, style wise, the changes we have seen in Madonna were amazing through the years, they do not compare to Kate, in my opinion. Madonna has had legions of followers copying her every move, from "Boy-Toy" to "Material Girl" to "Truth or Dare" to "Frozen" to now. Madonna will always remain the Queen of style changes, & remain relevant because she has triumphed through drama & remained truthful about it, not giving a damn, going on talk shows, lying through her teeth. She has always been big into charity, is a great mom, & has friends in high places. She is who she without reinventing her "personality". Even Lady Gaga can't compare style wise. (Who can dress in meat or an egg??) Again, just my opinion. And again I did love your post. You hit Kate right on the nose about who she is. Kate won't ever have the respect that Madonna demands though. :)
Another trash site has a Hailey story up again. Poor Hailey can't get any press unless she resurrects a Jon story. Jon used my toothbrush, Jon left his dirty underwear on the floor, Jon ate all the
Late to the party here....but Katie Irene can call my boss if she has the boss doesn't like her either :-)
Hailey seriously has a Jon problem.
She was one of the first in his string of women until he settled down with Ellen (whom he's been with for just a couple weeks short of a year), and she still can't stop talking about him. Ellen offered nothing but friendship and support. She's not rich, she doesn't have a career in media, etc. She's just a girl from Harrisburg who likes her chihuahuas. Hailey can't stand it so she has to mock Ellen's blog by putting up her own - basically filth and trash - blog.
No one would have known who Hailey was had she not dated Jon. It's pretty comically pathetic to see how after nearly 18 months, this girl still can't get over him. And the only relevancy she gains is when she trashes him on the gossip sites.
Kate reminds me of Madonna. Madonna has remained relevant for decades now due to the fact that she smartly re-branded herself over and over and over.
But, Hippie, Tucker didn't compare Madonna's work ethic to Kate's, nor her personality to Kate's. Tucker said that Kate reminds her of Madonna because Madonna smartly re-branded herself, which she did. Tucker didn't say that there was anything wrong with that. Madonna was advised accordingly and it worked. She used whatever means she could to stay relevant. Kate, on the other hand, descended into the Queen of Mean, took a downward spiral and emerged as a fake commodity, more disliked and reviled. But, appearance-wise, she did exactly as Madonna did, but the result was that Kate's transformation was for the worse and did nothing to work in favor of the re-branding process!
That said, this is the type of person that Steve does need to be present in Kate's life for. Someone so obsessed to spend a great deal of time posting hate attacks directly at Jon and anyone who supports him.
Isn't Jon the one who should have the bodyguard? Has this person's diatribes contained any threats? I don't follow any tweets or any sheeple blogs, so I have no idea to whom you are referring. Is this a head sheeple or just a stray follower?
Self-employed here too. I would be happy to take that call.
GoPoshGo...I wonder if anyone recorded these...well, let's call them, begging for cash. If anyone had the foresight to bootleg a copy at any of these so called "speaking engagements". That would be something. I couldn't watch someone get bilked out of their hard earned money, but it would great to be able to post it, get the word out WITH dates, & maybe THEN little miss teflon would be in serious trouble for conning the country. (well, her teflon IS wearing thin, isn't it?) I would love to know how to put the word out there about recorded evidence about these so-called love offerings...
E-Town Neighbor...
I see, but can I just say this? Madonna invented the re-invention first of all. Secondly, Madonna ALWAYS had her music to stay relevant. She really didn't need to change her style, she did so to coincide WITH her music. Kate is doing this for damage control only. She just CRAVES being in the spotlight. Without her kids, she is nothing. Madonna will always be SOMETHING, with or without her music. Yes, I know, her acting career is not stellar. Evita was good though! Her SEX book was...well, I dunno. I wasn't old enough to read it when it came out. LOL But she will always have a career. I totally understand what you are saying. Trying to stay relevant by reinventing. My point is: Madonna really doesn't HAVE to do that because she is who she is. She has established herself long ago. Kate is grasping here & it looks desperate. When Madonna did it/does it, it seems natural, cool, HER. :)
Not sure if it's a lead sheeple, or one of the flock. Now that you mention it, Jon should get some sort of protection from people like her/him as well. They all know where he lives, where he works, etc. I would be a bit concerned.
Etown - if you are referring to the blogger Baby Mama, the Gosselins, relatives of the Gosselins, ex-friends of the Gosselins and the Westbrooke neighbors know all about her, they know who she is and made the appropriate safeguards. I agree, Kate needs the bodyguard for the uber fans as I think they may blur the line of their own reality. Need to be aware, take appropriate precautions and have some empathy because really in all honesty, what type of person lives vicariously through a famous stranger, rather sad.
Hailey dear, move on with your life, and for the love of everything holy, step away from the bong.
Your Mother
It's funny.. a "story" put out on ROL about Jon and Hailey. The doorman is afraid of him.. lol! Why not just say "sources say that they are afraid of Jon"? Consider the source I guess. The funnier part is that now the sheeple have Hailey's back and poor wittle her...they are all over the story like it is the new truth!
Iroquois said...
...Regarding the delusional fan Sheeple, think about it: should this ridiculous fan-fantasy idea actually happen? I will tape it, and I will put it on every media source I can Google.
What an idiot. I cannot comprehend this infantile mindset.
I don't have a whole lot of money, but I'd bet $50.00 a child made that threat. Hormonal, young girls are vicious. Their fandom can be loyal, yet blind...faithful, yet fickle. In the real world, such a threat holds no water. I hope the person who made the threat would never dare try it, as she will only come across as a psychopathic stalker, or a dumb kid. Sorry, but that is the truth.
Someone way upthread posted about how little Jon was involved in the actual church talks, he usually just sat there while Khate shot her mouth off. Not sure this true, but I remember reading a posting from an eye-witness who saw and overheard Jon & Khate while eating at a diner in the town they were currently visiting for a church talk. Purse Boy was not there. I know P.B. was around as early as February 2008 (ski trip), but I don't think he was with the family constantly.
Anyway, Jon was complaining about not wanting to do the church talks anymore, but Khate kept reassuring him that they had to do this, and that all he had to do was show up. Can't remember anymore than that, and I doubt I'd ever find that post now, three years later. Perhaps someone else here remembers reading it.
My point is: Madonna really doesn't HAVE to do that because she is who she is.
I guess this is my point, too. She became who she is because of her music. Kate has nothing but her kids. She has no talent, no personality, no work ethic. The only thing she could reinvent that belongs to her is her looks. Nothing else worked for her, not the Single Mom Kate, not the Can Do Kate, not the Dancing Star Kate, not the Author Kate, not the Charity Kate, not the Speaker Kate. These things don't work because, in part, she has no talent for anything; and, in part, because it's all for show -- it's a desperate attempt to hold on to whatever she has left (which isn't much), and the more damage control she does, the more laughable it becomes. She should have quit while she was ahead of the game!
Administrator, you said "They should really be ashamed at this scam" (in relation to the Gosselin's begging for love offerings from church-goers).
Somehow I think Kate is incapable of shame. I wonder, though, whether Jon is thinking back and feeling ashamed. I always got the impression that Kate was the mastermind behind all their money-making schemes and he just went along with her.
Not sure if it's a lead sheeple, or one of the flock. Now that you mention it, Jon should get some sort of protection from people like her/him as well. They all know where he lives, where he works, etc. I would be a bit concerned.
I would certainly think that if this sheeple is as aggrieved as it appears he/she is, Jon would have been alerted, and authorities been advised, with documentation (the rantings) kept on file in the horrible event that anything should happen. We've seen cases in the past where nutjobs go beyond letters, phone calls, rantings and ravings, and become so obsessed that they take matters into their own hands. I'd be concerned, and would have alerted authorities...better be safe than sorry. It wouldn't be difficult to track down such a person and obtain his/her identity.
Unfortunately, that tweeter is a mother of 3 children and is in her 30's.
I had a rabid Kate fan attempt to contact my employment from my IMDb account.
Yes, Jon does need a bodyguard. The sheeple who said Kate is going to call the employers has also said Jon should be in a car accident and end up in a coma for six months. I honestly fear for Jon's safety because of this sheeple, she's tweeting him every day.
stupid is said... Unfortunately, that tweeter is a mother of 3 children and is in her 30's
Denise said... I had a rabid Kate fan attempt to contact my employment from my IMDb account
Don't know if these are the scariest things I've ever read or the saddest.
Love this blog and first time poster. A bit confused, can someone with more knowledge explain what the heck is going on with kate calling people's employer? Where did that come from and is "kate" actually that crazed fan who is the mama of babies? I'm a social worker and most of my day is spent dealing with some pretty depressing issue's and reading this blog puts a smile on my face :)
Yes, she tweets Jon and Ellen everyday and harasses them. Then whines that others don't love Kate.
Also, I guess Hailey is the second coming of Mother Theresa. She started an advice blog and the Kate fans think she's just wonderful.
sassymom, one deranged Kate worshiper tweeted that Kate will be calling our employers. I do not believe she has the authority to speak for Kate.
This is not the Kate fan that runs a fan blog.
Ellen's tried to stop her, the fan thinks she hasn't done anything wrong yet keeps attacking Ellen and Jon.
It's funny to watch the sheeple say how great Hailey's blog is. I'm getting some good laughs from it.
Ah, I read it that the crazy Khate fan would be the one calling our employers, not Khate herself. Thanks for clearing that up, Stupid is!
BerksPa said...
That said, this is the type of person that Steve does need to be present in Kate's life for. Someone so obsessed to spend a great deal of time posting hate attacks directly at Jon and anyone who supports him. There's only so much sense you can make in 140 characters-so this person comes across as seriously disturbed. The rest of us (the passive sheeple and those who try to advocate for the children) are so off the 'threat radar' because generally we would not approach Kate if we saw her - which I personally can attest to doing.
I'd guess that someone who has admitted to following Kate to a parking lot and watching her and her children might be on the threat radar. That form of stalking does not usually go over well with the security types.
To E-town Neighbor said...
Yes, Jon does need a bodyguard. The sheeple who said Kate is going to call the employers has also said Jon should be in a car accident and end up in a coma for six months. I honestly fear for Jon's safety because of this sheeple, she's tweeting him every day.
Note to Khate's #2 fan: Only six months, huh? Not eight months and two days? How are you going to calculate that exact timeframe into your devious plans? That's downright horrible, I don't care who you are.
I'm actually glad I lost my personal bet of the crazy fan being a kid - I will be donating it to the relief effort in Japan.
Denise said:
I had a rabid Kate fan attempt to contact my employment from my IMDb account.
So these are the kind of people Kate attracts? Nice! Must make her feel so proud!
Why call an employer, though? For what purpose? Tell him what? What is an employer going to do? That's what I don't get. If this person is nuts, then maybe HER employer should know!
If this person harasses Jon and Ellen regularly, then they must be aware of what is going on, who it is, and I would hope they are wise enough to put the authorities on alert. Even though she/he hasn't done anything YET, you just never know, and I'd want it on record that this was going on. If they need to charge her with harassment, or file a restraining order (as other celebrities have done), they're going to need proof.
Maybe it's just a deranged sheeple, but you never know how harmless he/she is. One can "snap" at any time. This is really scary if he/she has children. Great role model, that one is!
Calling employers..... creepy and disturbing, but not surprising nonetheless!
Does anyone remember when "The Sheriff" aka "Kate's new spokespernon" posted at GWOP that we were all getting arrested? Wonder if the employer caller and "The Sheriff" are one and the same?
Wayward, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same delusional poster. She hates men, especially Jon, and will do all she can to make his life, and his supporters lives, miserable.
She must be a very happy person. NOT.
Meanwhile, Jon just tweeted this:
Lord_Voldemort7 I enjoy when people hate me. You're spending your time thinking about me & I don't know who you are. Whose life is pathetic again?
Also, St. Hailey (I think the sheeple are actually getting down on the ground and bowing to their new Queen) is now writing a book. She's so famous because one of the fan blogs 'interviewed' her.
It's okay for Hailey to seek fame for her relationship with Jon (that was while he was still legally married) but Ellen has a blog and the sheep go crazy. Double standard?
Hailey hasn't been able to let go of this Jon thing. She's still angry and the drugs don't seem to be working. LMAO She didn't fall for Jon because of his good looks and charm. She fell for him because she was looking for notoriety and fame and she mistakenly thought that he was the way to get that. Getting a real job is something she's not really interested in... even those she makes half hearted attempts at attending job interviews. She thought Jon had the bucks and could keep her in the life that evidently mommy and daddy are tired of providing.
The girl is a pathetic loser and this new Blog is just further proof.
And for the sheeple on Twitter and ROL who have made it their lives to tell Jon what to do - why not tell Kate to give back what she owes to people? I can imagine it's a lot.
The sheeple keep referring to how Jon stole money and damaged his own place, etc etc. They say the police suspect it was a PR stunt. Does anyone have real proof of the Police reports? All this speculation is based on what Hailey said? And another sheeple nut is going to be on Dr. Oz next week (supposedly). Hailey can write books all day long, that doesn't make her any more wise than the next sheeple nut. Her blog is based on life experiences..? How to party like a 20 something... but she wont share because you need to read her book! Ha Ha. As the sheeple say,,, you go girl! (everybody knows she is giving "advice" to someone at ROL cause she gets a story every couple monthes)
Does anyone remember when "The Sheriff" aka "Kate's new spokespernon" posted at GWOP that we were all getting arrested? Wonder if the employer caller and "The Sheriff" are one and the same?
LOL, yes! I was thinking about that. The sheriff gave a time frame for the arrests. Wasn't the warning given in June of last year, and declared that that beginning in August, she/he would be Kate's new spokespernon? This lunatic said that she/he was going to get all the dirt on everyone, including credit checks, background checks, employment history, etc. and we would all go to jail. Who was going to do this? The sheriff said that a private investigator was hired.
Why does Kate evoke all of these nutcases?
Aeris, I remember that post on GWOP. Made me think better of Jon and even less than I already did of Kate.
"Jon stole money ." Well Kate stole money from the joint account as well. They both returned the money per the judges order but Jon is the only one that they blame. They need to stop drinking that Kate Jesus juice and get real. Granted ...Jon has made mistakes but he's working to get his life back. More than I can say for Kate. Kate is simply living off the backs of her kids and now pretending to do charity to keep her name in the news because no one wants to watch this train wreck anymore.
Kate's contribution at the Charity event ? No charge for her signature on her autographed picture. Excuse me while I go throw up.
Someone else mentioned that Kate was jealous of Beth and wanted to be like her- good-looking, have lots of money, enjoy life's luxuries (though I don't know how financially blessed Beth was). I'm ALMOST starting to feel sorry for Kate- not quite.
"And for the sheeple on Twitter and ROL who have made it their lives to tell Jon what to do - why not tell Kate to give back what she owes to people?"
A good beginning of "giving back" would be for her to reimburse the taxpayers of Pennsylvania who funded that first year of free care for the children.
What do the sheeple think about her bilking all of that money from unsuspecting churchgoers who reached into their pockets and gave love offerings at the same time the Gs were shopping for a million dollar home? Have the sheeple ever addressed that, and if so, how do they explain it? Do they believe that there's nothing wrong with what they did, and that if given the chance, they'd do the same thing? Probably so...
Mom In Lanc. Country -
No, I don't think they've ever addressed it. They are too busy focusing in on the bad things Jon has done.
Oops, ignore the fact I misspelled a name there, it's late and I'm tired.
Poor Hailey can't get any press unless she resurrects a Jon story. Jon used my toothbrush, Jon left his dirty underwear on the floor, Jon ate all the
I had to laugh at this. Have these people never had a boyfriend before? That's what they DO--the toothbrush, the dirty underwear, the Cheetos. Sounds like a normal heterosexual male to me, haha.
In response to "Deborah" - I had set up my IMDb account YEARS ago when I was working. The email address was still attached and Kate fans sent emails saying I was sloughing off at work to attack a mother of 8. I can still read my old email address and I was really horrified at the bile in the emails.
I removed the email address and changed names and they tracked me down again!!
The Kate fans are frightening.
~ big wave ~
Are you kidding me? Madonna has something kate will never have and thats talent.This woman fought hard to make her way..She won her way in the spotlight for being just HER.Madonna has class and talent...thats something kate will never have.Kate has no idea to what its like to be loved.Kate will never know what its like to be cheered for or even loved.Madonna has EARNED that respect...kate has NO clue...Dont ever say kate is like Madonna.Kate is a step behind Octo-mom...No where near Madonna!!!
Folks, take it down a notch over my comparing Madonna to Kate. Please, read my comment for content and try to refrain from injecting words and meaning that simply are not there.
To the extent that both women have used rebranding themselves as a means of staying popular, granted on different levels, my comment is inherently true. My allusion did not go beyond that one, simple observation.
Thank you and please move on.
Dont ever say kate is like Madonna.Kate is a step behind Octo-mom...No where near Madonna!!!
I think you need to go back and read Tucker's original post. She didn't say Kate is like Madonna. She said that Kate reminds her of Madonna because Kate has TRIED to reinvent herself like Madonna did. Nobody said that Madonna has no work ethic, isn't a good mother, can't sing, etc. etc. The point was that she has changed throughout the years, staying relevant in the public eye. Kate has tried it, but failed because she just doesn't have the "goods."
"Etown - if you are referring to the blogger Baby Mama, the Gosselins, relatives of the Gosselins, ex-friends of the Gosselins and the Westbrooke neighbors know all about her, they know who she is and made the appropriate safeguards."
I wasn't referring to BM. No names were mentioned and nobody was identified as the sheeple who has threatened to notify employers. I know that BM is well known as an obsessive fan and that appropriate safeguards are in place...she wasn't identified as the perpetrator in this last sheeple undertaking, so I have no idea who it is!
GWoppers may remember this: Remember awhile back someone posted they were the new "Sheriff" in town? They were going to get all our addresses & our credit history, post all of our personal history on the web & in our neighborhood, including pictures us "somewhere" & tell our employers, neighbors, & so on? Remember that one? We all had a field day with that one. What happened to the Sheriff? What a loon. THAT, my friends, is how crazy the Kate fans are. I can try to pull up the link, but it is somewhere on GWoP, maybe in the summer of fall of this 2010? He/She was saying:
Seriously, & much more. This is a Kate fan. And they call us the crazy ones? Uh, no. She DOES need protection from her "fans". They are off the wall insane!! The Sheriff also claimed that as going to track ALL of us down. She's rich huh?? Anyways, it IS the psycho fans the stars need to get restraining orders from (Kate IS not a star) but I'm talking MY hero here) If only John Lennon had done it. Or Rebecca Shaffer (did she?) Selena, etc. Nut jobs.
I didn't see your post when I posted about the "sheriff". Sorry!! I need to scan first!! :)
stupid is said...
Yes, she tweets Jon and Ellen everyday and harasses them. Then whines that others don't love Kate.
Just because someone sends a person a twitter message doesn't mean the person sees it. It might seem that a Sheeple is sending hate messages to Jon or Ellen, but it doesn't mean that they're ever seeing them.
If a person blocks someone on Twitter, it means that they block all incoming messages from them. You also have the option of blocking them from seeing anything in your account by making it private and only allowing certain people access.
My guess is that Jon or Ellen would have blocked all the nasty, disgusting, hateful tweets from the rabid Sheeple by now and that they don't even see their garbage any longer.
I was just watching a Kathy Griffin comedy show on Bravo. She gave some dirt on when she was on the View awhile back. Apparently, Latoya Jackson was supposed to cohost when Kathy Griffin was on as a guest, but she refused, & the View needed someone as backup right away, so they got Kate Gosselin. That was why she hosted at least one time. Good to know. Kate wasn't a first choice! Haha!
Hippie Chick said...
I was just watching a Kathy Griffin comedy show on Bravo. She gave some dirt on when she was on the View awhile back. Apparently, Latoya Jackson was supposed to cohost when Kathy Griffin was on as a guest, but she refused, & the View needed someone as backup right away, so they got Kate Gosselin. That was why she hosted at least one time. Good to know. Kate wasn't a first choice! Haha!
IIRC, The View got Kate to cover an additional day that week and LaToya switched days. I think that's when Kate laughed at Kathy Griffin's parody of her and Jon.
Any press is good press?
I dont think Kate will be back on the View. Does anyone remember the interview she did where she said that she didnt want to be as old as Barbara Walters or Larry King and still doing interviews? Like she is even in the same league as them.
Kate should do a cross over promo and hook up with "the situation" on Jersey Shore. That would be the biggest trainwreck ever! Two douch bags telling each other how good they look and looking down on the rest of the world. Have you ever seen anyone so full of themselves, besides Kate? The roast he just did on Trump would probably be his last minute of the 15 mins.
Didn't the "Situation" get booed at The Roast for Donald Trump? That's what I heard anyway. This is what reality fame brings. Booing, heckling, a short celebrity status. These Jersey Shore drunks won't be around another year. Snooki, the brain that she is, said she wants an empire like Jessica Simpson & she can't "sit behind a desk when this is all over". Well, Jessica Simpson may not be a genius either, but she had her music, her clothing line & other things to fall back on. Simpson doesn't JUST have her stupid reality show to fall back on. Tell me please SOMEONE! What other talents do these ASSHOLE reality so-called "stars" have besides a camera in their face 24/7?
No one will agree with me, but I think Twitter is pure stupidity, and I'm amazed anyone spends their time that way.
Oh he got boo'd big time. It was painful to watch that roast, at least his part. The rest was pretty funny. I don't understand the format change to completely raw and down right nasty on these roasts. I guess thats demograpics for ya!
JudyK... I disagree/agree. It has some cool applications for real world type interactions and updates (flash mobs/recent world events), but when people/celebs tweet they are doing this and that or just tried a grape for the first time is when it seems so pointless.
I agree with you, JudyK; and where do they get these stupid cutesy words?
"While googling labradoodles,I tweeted a sock puppet on my blackberry by mistake...."
JudyK said...
No one will agree with me, but I think Twitter is pure stupidity, and I'm amazed anyone spends their time that way.
Raising my hand here, JudyK. I think it's ridiculous. Nothing is private anymore. Why does a person need to see what someone else is doing, and furthermore, why do we care that someone had an awesome and amazing prime rib dinner at the local Rawhide Eatery? I can kind of understand Facebook (not totally, but sort of) can connect with friends you haven't seen in ages and ages, BUT here again, if you choose, Facebook users can make everything about his/her life public, including photos of the last vacation (who wants to see pictures of family vacations, except those who were there, and they already know where they went anyway). I had to laugh when Betty White said that in her day, seeing pictures of people's vacations was considered a punishment. It reminds me of those darn Christmas letters, where we find out that little Johnny, who we all knew was a bit "off" and was expelled from school in 8th grade for taking a butcher knife to school, is now a famous neurosurgeon; or Becky, whose three marriages were annulled at ages 14, 15 and 16, respectively, is now married to Prince Carlos Charmagne from Moldavia.
Isn't it strange how somehow we all grew up without Twitter, Facebook, etc., and we managed to stay connected, never suffered traumatic stress or emotional deprivation, and never had to seek therapy because we didn't know what our favorite celebrity was doing every minute of the day?
To each his own; some love it, and good for them. It's available, and they can go for it, making whatever public they choose to make public, and have a great time doing it. It's available, and it's a personal decision if one wants to utilize it. Me -- not so much!
Hippie -- I posted earlier about the Sheriff and I thought it was in June of last year, with the Sheriff coming to arrest us in August. I wasn't sure about that, but I checked, and that letter is still available on GWOP. It was June 18, 2010, if anyone wants a good laugh.
First of all, I just found this site and it is great and second,
does anyone know if she still get free clothes from Gymboree?
I know that the kids were wearing new Gymboree clothes on the cover of People last spring, but I noticed that the matching Gymboree clothes that the girls were wearing at Giant foods were from a Gymboree line that came out in July 2009. I thought that was a bit odd. It makes me think maybe Gymboree cut her off? Anyone know?
Moose Mania said...
or Becky, whose three marriages were annulled at ages 14, 15 and 16, respectively, is now married to Prince Carlos Charmagne from Moldavia.
Didn't Jackie date the Prince? (Roseanne) :)
Facebook is great & I love it. What I don't love however is being "tagged" in photos. (I untag myself usually) & seeing tons of kids pics on pages & they are NOT private. I can see sharing with friends & family, that's one thing, but my friend has a page & it is LOADED with pics of her daughter. I'm taking albums up the wazoo. It's disturbing, & it's all public. I've said this before to her. I asked her why it wasn't private & she played dumb, "Oh, I thought it WAS on private" & here it still is on public. I'm kinda like, Um, your kid ain't the best thing since sliced bread honey. She always thought SHE was, & she's passing this annoying trait onto her annoying daughter. It just pisses me off. Please, for the love of God, do not put your kids out there for sickos & weirdos to drool over. Ick.
Didn't Jackie date the Prince? (Roseanne) :)
LOL, got that! I figured somebody would! Jim Varney (Ernest) was in the role of Carlos. He died in 2000 from lung cancer.
Enough: No more Gymboree. She got a bit too enthusiastic about the freebies and she was cut off.
Enough of the 8 said...
First of all, I just found this site and it is great and second,
does anyone know if she still get free clothes from Gymboree?
I know that the kids were wearing new Gymboree clothes on the cover of People last spring, but I noticed that the matching Gymboree clothes that the girls were wearing at Giant foods were from a Gymboree line that came out in July 2009. I thought that was a bit odd. It makes me think maybe Gymboree cut her off? Anyone know?
I saw the boys wearing current Gymboree in the Tennessee airport pictures. And yes, last year on the people cover they were wearing outfits from the Spring holiday line (that was current at the time). That being said I believe they were cut off by Gymboree for grabbing too freely and that she only purchases these new clothes for filming purposes if she gets some sort of wardrobe allowance.
The fact that the tup girls are wearing two year old Gymboree dresses points to either one of two things. Either the kids are not growing that much or Kate grabbed clothing beyond their current sizes for the kids to grow into, being her usually greedy self, knowing that the freebies may not last forever - hence, a good reason why she was cut off!
I'm wondering if she wasn't cut off by Chris because she got a bit too enthusiastic with using him for her ad campaigns. Just looked at the "Kate gives her kids pretzels as an after school snack" photos and realize, now, that was a commercial.
She had Chris shoot an ad for her (along with the organic sake one) but probably neglected to mention to Chris that it was an ad this time. I am wondering if she forgot to cut him in on the take even though he did the photography. Being Kate, she probably thought he was compensated just fine with his usual pap fee and the ad revenues were hers, all hers. (Am wondering if she bothered running it by TLC?)
It just seems the whole no more pap thing was abrupt and I was trying to see if there were any obvious reason for it. (It could also be plain and simply that TLC told Chris his services were no longer needed.)
I just really do NOT believe Kate told Chris to get lost. Even on the George Lopez show she giggled about all the paparrazi she left in the dust as she was running. She had no paparrazi by that time. Not a one. They had all already abandoned her.
T.I.N.I.C. said...
I'm wondering if she wasn't cut off by Chris because she got a bit too enthusiastic with using him for her ad campaigns. Just looked at the "Kate gives her kids pretzels as an after school snack" photos and realize, now, that was a commercial.
She had Chris shoot an ad for her (along with the organic sake one) but probably neglected to mention to Chris that it was an ad this time. I am wondering if she forgot to cut him in on the take even though he did the photography. Being Kate, she probably thought he was compensated just fine with his usual pap fee and the ad revenues were hers, all hers. (Am wondering if she bothered running it by TLC?)
Do you think Kate had an agreement with thos companies that they would provide her with freebies if she was photographed with their product (Sake, pretzels) or do you think she was shopping for freebies ( hoping to be sent a shipment if she was seen in public with those products)?
I am one exceptionally cynical human being and I think she got money to promote those products. I think she also got money to turn her children into walking sign boards with the Love, Hate, whatever Christian(ish) sweatshirts they wear non-stop. I don't think she was shopping around. I think the contract was already signed.
Judy K, not to worry about Twitter. I am not on Twitter or Facebook (I may be the only person left in the US without a Facebook Page LOL). I don't mind email or even commenting on blogs, but I draw the line at a lot of social internet entities.
Heck, I'm so old fashioned that I have a cell phone that only dials and receieves calls LOL. It doesn't take pics, it doesn't text it just makes and receives calls. Oh wait, it does have a calculator as a tool LOL.
Shout out to Hippie Chic, hubby and I are headed up to the north country this weekend. Hoping to get to the Coach Outlet in N. Conway. We need to get the heck out of Dodge for the weekend.
LisaNH said...
Shout out to Hippie Chic, hubby and I are headed up to the north country this weekend. Hoping to get to the Coach Outlet in N. Conway. We need to get the heck out of Dodge for the weekend.
Oooh, that sounds good actually! I need to shop shop shop. My husband won't let me in the Coach store though. Last time I went in, I came out with 3 bags & 2 wallets. :) I can talk to him & see if he's up to it? Maybe we can meet up on Saturday or Sunday? I LOVE the Aeropostale outlet. I'm still allowed there... :)
Glad to see there are a few others who find Twitter as inane as I do, and, no, I am not on Facebook, either. I really value my privacy and email works just fine for me. Oh, and I don't talk on my cell phone in the grocery store, either! LOL.
She had Chris shoot an ad for her (along with the organic sake one) but probably neglected to mention to Chris that it was an ad this time. I am wondering if she forgot to cut him in on the take even though he did the photography. Being Kate, she probably thought he was compensated just fine with his usual pap fee and the ad revenues were hers, all hers. (Am wondering if she bothered running it by TLC?)
How would that work? Would the organic sake people get in touch with TLC, or Kate, or her PR person and suggest Kate go to a liquor store and get a pic of her buying a bottle of their sake, or do you think Kate plans the whole thing, gets in touch with Chris and they go do the shoot and then contact the sake people and charge them for the shot? Neither of those scenarios makes that much sense to me.
Do you think that Kate still believes the paps are swarming her, lying in wait, just to grab that one photo of her and the kids that is going to make every newspaper, every tabloid, every internet site? Can she be that delusional?
JudyK said...
Glad to see there are a few others who find Twitter as inane as I do, and, no, I am not on Facebook, either. I really value my privacy and email works just fine for me. Oh, and I don't talk on my cell phone in the grocery store, either! LOL.
Ditto to everything you just said, JudyK! I have no need for any of it! I also highly value my privacy, and that of my family. I always say if there is something I want someone to know, I will tell them directly either in person, via email, or the phone.
You don't have to give up your privacy to be on Twitter or FB. Some of us enter sweepstakes and contests and have won many fabulous prizes, just for being active on Twitter.
I understand that it's not for everybody but many of us enjoy interacting with celebrities (nice ones) and the immediate responses you can get on Twitter.
For example, a few weeks ago I felt a small earthquake. I was alone and wasn't sure if it was my imagination or a heavy truck driving by, whatever. I got online and googled Earthquake, San Diego and got nothing.
I got on Twitter and searched "Earthquake" and there were 100's of people tweeting "Did you feel that," "Was that an Earthquake," Etc. This might be a minimal example but I just want to point out that the uprising in Egypt was started on Facebook and spread through Twitter.
In reply to Just Curious. I don't think product placement works the way you painted in either scenario above. I think the marketing department of the product goes to either Kate's "people" or directly to Kate and offers to pay an amount of money if their product is displayed. I am sure they get more specific than that but I don't think they get as specific as telling her to go to a liquor store and get Chris to photograph her displaying the bottle in the store. I believe if you watch an episode or two you will see examples of product placement if this concept is foreign to you. (Kate Plus 8 is not number one in product placement but it is right on up there.) I do think, though, if a product is displayed during an episode TLC gets the money. I think Kate went rogue on these two products.
Anyway I am not an expert. I did not claim to be an expert. I claimed to be a cynic. I am sticking to that story.
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