Bethenny is also a producer of her show, which gives her more control of what will and won't be filmed. In fact, she chose not to film on her actual birthday: "Jason and I just wanted to spend it together. I had a party the night before but we wanted to just do the day of -- going to get massages and going to dinner. We don't want that filmed because we just want to be able to enjoy it without filming."
So, is Bryn getting paid to just be herself? Infants who play newborns in dramas and comedies get paid to just be themselves. We liked Bethenny when she made brief appearances on Real Housewives to provide occasional Long Island zingers (especially love, "Holy inappropriateness, what the F?!" in response to some dirty lingerie). But when she got her own show Bethenny Getting Married and her controlling, demanding, unforgiving personality was truly revealed? Not so much. We don't think her own show will last long, which is good for Bryn.
Note from Admin: Since there's not much to say about the Gosselins lately, I'm going to start the gradual transition of talking about other kids in reality TV and the state of kids and protections in this uncertain area of entertainment. I picked the domain name realitytvkids.com with this in mind.
116 sediments (sic) from readers:
I'm guessing even the sheeple will have to concede that Bryn is NOT old enough to consent to filming.
Unless maybe if you say to Bryn now suck your thumb if you want to be filmed! There, she did it, she's sucking her thumb, she wants a life of cameras and paparazzi!
Sorry, Admin, but Bryn does not look the least bit happy with a camera in her face. She's got a scowl going there. :-) Maybe a sign of things to come: OWT! NO CAMERAS!
I just wish that Kate would concede that kids cannot consent to filming. Be it a baby and certainly not even a 6 year old. She imposes adult ideas and attitudes on them over and over and over--the sign of a really immature parent frankly.
I used to watch Bethenny last year; tonight's episode was about bras, boobs, farting and poop. Really? This is all they had to offer? Hopefully for everyone involved, this show will be cancelled asap.
Knows Quality said... I used to watch Bethenny last year; tonight's episode was about bras, boobs, farting and poop. Really? This is all they had to offer? Hopefully for everyone involved, this show will be cancelled asap.
Oh brother! But you know there IS a viewing
audience for that kind of sophomoric stuff.
Some people can't get enough of it. But I agree with you - not good TV.
Sometimes I think Netflix was the answer to reality TV. When there is absolutely nothing on, which is the majority of the time, there's Netflix and Netflix streaming. I cannot recommend Netflix streaming enough. For 10 bucks a month streaming is unlimited, plus you can still get DVDs. If you have a playstation, xbox, or Netflix built into your TV you can stream it right through your TV. I sound like an advertisement but I think this is one of the best legitimate true values for your money in ages.
We've been working our way through Dexter. Plus several other decent movies they have. Hey I liked Dex before Kate ever said she did.
The one and only time I ever watched Bethany's show she was shown peeing in a bucket. This does not give me much hope that she will respect any boundaries of her child's.
And then there is Tom Hanks. He showed pictures of his granddaughter on Jimmy Kimmel after the Oscars. Pics showed BOTTOMS OF THE FEET only. Wow. Someone who respects the privacy of the child. Novel concept.
I have an off topic comment.
Why is Charlie Sheen being showcased? The man is having a very obvious break with reality and we are being treated to it as entertainment? I am becoming totally disgusted with the whole voyeuristic approach to mental illness. The man needs help, not ridicule.
Have our sensibilities been so deadened that we now use mental illness as entertainment? Is this where "reality" viewing is leading?
I kind of think the day has finally come that Kart is insignificant.
Look at this thread - a move away from Gosselin and toward a general look at kids on TV???!!!
What a kick in the ego this must be for Kart!
The Gosselin machine and all the 'fans' are quickly dying. The end, predicted for a long time, is finally in sight. Even her papparazzi army of one, Poor Chris, seems to have flown the coop. And PUrseboy hasn't been seen for a while either.
I am breathing a huge sigh of relief.
The only tickle in the back of my mind is this: I have to wonder how long it will be before some Kart crisis raises its last-ditch ugly head? She and her PR machine will surely come up with something to drag her back, once again, into the public eye.
Admin, thank you for leading the focus away from Kart. This might truly be when the end comes, when the blogs start to NOT report on her!!!!
Tom Hanks also went on a rant about Toddlers and Tiaras and showed a picture of his grandbaby's feet!
How about we start with a little girl named Rebbecca Hayes? She appeared in Table for twelve with her siblings and parents,unlike them she certainly couldn't consent to filming:She has cerebral palsy,the worst type there is.I was mostly okay with the Hayes, they seem to be much better parents then the Gosselins(they even allow the kids to get dirty!!!!) but somehow it bothered me that they filmed their very sick child who cannot speak for herself.That was the one thing that bothered me about the show.Other then that,it was fine:they only filmed week-ends and vacations(rarely on school days) they only filmed..maybe 20 episodes? and now they don't film anymore(good for them), no naked kids,no vomit,no potty no nothing.
And what about the Duggars? Those poor children are raising EACH OTHER! Each older child has one or two kids in their care from what I understand.The Duggar parents do not raise them! I only saw a snippet and the mother was coming home from somewhere(I have no idea where from) and the small children didn't even notice or care,they just kept on playing as if she were a stranger...That's not raising kids...that's having kids and letting them take care of each other.And I'm not even going to talk about how they are secluded(they are all home-schooled) and I doubt they ever play with other kids that aren't their siblings.
T.I.N.I.C. said...
I have an off topic comment.
Why is Charlie Sheen being showcased? The man is having a very obvious break with reality and we are being treated to it as entertainment? I am becoming totally disgusted with the whole voyeuristic approach to mental illness. The man needs help, not ridicule.
Have our sensibilities been so deadened that we now use mental illness as entertainment? Is this where "reality" viewing is leading?
I could not agree more. This guy is obviously in serious trouble. People are saying that since he got off the drugs, he has gotten bi-polar disorder or something. That is NOT entertaining to watch IMO. He has major problems, & yet he sits there saying that he hopes his sons come to him & asks him to fill in the blank when they are older & explain himself. These news outlets are demeaning him, IMO, by publicizing his downward spiral, & Charlie Sheen himself, going on these talk-shows, calling into radio shows, what is going on? He lost his job, he lost other people's jobs, & he has a problem. Someone classified him NPD actually, which listening to him, makes sense. How long do you think it will be until he will have his own reality show??
This is not funny, watching these celebs make mockeries of themselves. These "Sheen-anigans", Kate & her idiocy, these Bad Girls on Oxygen, THIS passes for entertainment? Give me 30Rock, Grey's Anatomy, Modern Family & Cougar Town anytime...reality TV SUCKS.
Thank you for the transition AWAY from You Know Who the Child Exploiter. Hurrah! I was hoping for this. I don't even know who the woman in the header pic is, I'm just glad to know we're at much closer to a certain someone GOING AWAY.
And can I respectfully request that Jon's caricature be removed from the blog header? He's long ago transitioned to being a private citizen.
"Note from Admin: Since there's not much to say about the Gosselins lately, I'm going to start the gradual transition of talking about other kids in reality TV and the state of kids and protections in this uncertain area of entertainment. I picked the domain name realitytvkids.com with this in mind."
Kudos to you, Admin. Enough beating of that dead horse, I'd say. Kate finally gets what she deserves...no one talking about her!
Money is a strong drug, isn't it? How is this entertainment? I'll never understand it.
Isla Fischer (married to Sacha Baron Cohen) was just on Regis and when they were talking about her two daughters she wouldn't share their names. The reason. "I like to keep my family life private. They didn't ask to be in television and be in the media." As crass as Sacha can be, I totally respect their decisions to keep their family life private.
How about we start with a little girl named Rebbecca Hayes? ...........they only filmed..maybe 20 episodes? and now they don't film anymore(good for them), no naked kids,no vomit,no potty no nothing.
So since they're not being filmed anymore, why even bring her up??
Bethenny: Maybe Bryn has already zoned out and shut down in her own little way because of the grating sarcastic loud nasal tone of her mother's voice.
Duggars: NO way do I approve of the way the older Duggar children are raising the younger ones but at least there is respect and gentleness when they speak to each other.
On "Lights, Cameras, Duggars". Michelle made a comment to the effect of how she loves them so much when they are babies. Think this woman is addicted to being pregnant and infants. She is more than glad to pass them onto the girls to care for. And don't the babies usually stay in the girl's room? And already they are talking about another and the youngest still on oxygen. Is this responsible? Is this God's will? To take the chance of losing a mother of 19 and a child????? Quiver-full, the quiver is FULL.
I don't care if watching the Duggars prompts discussion of homeschooling and kids raising kids. But I don't understand why this comes up as some kind of "argument" when discussing reality tv. It's like if someone said I don't think we should have gone to war in Vietnam and your response is I don't think we should polute the earth. One has nothing to do with the other.
It is not the cameras themselves that cause the homeschooling and the kids raising the kids. The family homeschooled and had their kids raising kids long before cameras ever came in, and I suspect will continue to do so long after. I see this same thing with Toddlers and Tiaras. It's not the filming of it that is the exploitation, it is the pageants themselves, which existed long before this and outraged people long before this (JonBenet Ramsey) and will sadly probably continue to exist long after the cameras go away.
With the Gosselins the exploitation is directly related to the cameras in their faces. When the cameras go away, the exploitation stops.
If anything actually the cameras have EXPOSED the sick world of pageants. Hate to say it but it may be one of those few cases where reality TV did a good thing. I had dinner once with Lin Wood who was the Ramsey's lawyer, he was a friend of my professor and he arranged a dinner with a few people from class, this was back in maybe 2002. Awesome guy by the way. Anyway he graciously talked about the case the whole time, as much as he was permitted to say, and I've been facinated with the case since then. But pageants are such a niche area I kind of wonder if most people really don't know what goes on with those poor little kids. It may have taken a reality show to expose it to the general public.
I caught Toddlers & Tiaras ONCE, for maybe 10 minutes. That is all I could take. The mother was a total bitch, obviously living her dream of being a pageant queen through her own daughter, and her young daughter was a snotty little spoiled brat with 5 tons of make-up on her face. I thought this was sickening & could not understand how this could take place in our culture. I guess to each our own, but seriously, these girls tan, get their teeth whitened, get lash extensions, the whole she-bang.
And the moms? UGH. Stage moms to the core. There is a new show on Lifetime about 4 sisters, quadruplets, (I can't remember the name), they are all older, around 15-16) so, the consent to film is there I suppose. But here we go again, using multiples as freak shows. It is SO over. Who cares?? Enough with the exploitation of these damn kids already.
Bethenny is a reality ho. She was on Martha Stewart's Apprentice, RHoNY, Skating with the Stars, Beth....well- you see the trend! Her poor baby doesn't stand a chance! The difference- Bethenny is very up front and is not denying Bryn's part in the show. That baby will probably have her own reality show as a toddler! Personally, I stopped watching her- she's way too crass for me- and that says a lot!
Anyway he graciously talked about the case the whole time, as much as he was permitted to say, and I've been facinated with the case since then.
Did he comment about that controversial 911 tape...who was there at the end (help me, Jesus!)? I seem to remember Wood's decision to release that tape to the media landed him in some hot water on both sides...
T.I.N.I.C. said...
I have an off topic comment.
Why is Charlie Sheen being showcased? The man is having a very obvious break with reality and we are being treated to it as entertainment? I am becoming totally disgusted with the whole voyeuristic approach to mental illness. The man needs help, not ridicule.
Have our sensibilities been so deadened that we now use mental illness as entertainment? Is this where "reality" viewing is leading?
I absolutely agree with you, T.I.N.I.C.
Charlie Sheen is not in his right mind. I'm afraid that he is a tragedy waiting to happen- ala Anna Nicole Smith. It's just unbearable watching this man slip-sliding towards his grave.
Hippie- you took the words right out of my mouth. Reality TV SUCKS! It's pointless and mindless in every sense of the word.
BerksPa, Isla & Sasha are good parents. Simple.
Administrator, great idea shifting away from Kate and her eight! :o)
This is also somewhat off topic, but I believe speaks to something similar. The New York Times magazine did an interesting piece on "mommy bloggers" last weekend, and what I found most interesting (besides the fact that the main blogger being profiled probably makes one million dollars per year blogging about her life and kids) was the notion of blogs and reality - they are presented as a form of reality but of course the writer chooses what to put in, and what to leave out. As they should. But the faithful reader believes they are being presented with some level of reality, which is in fact quite careful and studied.
I remember when a blogger I was following, and thought I 'knew' fairly well, announced that she and her husband were divorcing. Huh? Never had that been mentioned, in fact she often wrote glowing posts about her wonderful husband. I know she was devastated, but I have to wonder about all these forms of self-expression (blogging, reality tv) that require one to present one 'reality' when in fact you may be living an entirely different one.
I find life complicated enough to even begin to consider living it that way.
Here is the link to the NYT's article:
I watched "Outageous Birthdays" about kid birthdays that are over the top. Probably watched about 5 mins of it. My wife said that was so crappy, they should bring back Kate+8. I think thats the ploy, put on REALLY BAD shows so people will wish for her show to come back.
That show was so bad. Makes you wonder HOW they find these people with Over the top kid birthdays? The Mom & Grandma were fighting for frugal vs. extravagent. At the same time, you could see they were mugging for the cameras the whole time and the kid, he could care less if it was Disco or Pirate party because he was getting showered with attention.
I wonder how much TLC paid for the "extra" over the top budget and said to them, "go crazy, out do her". Another show where people act really stupid when the cameras are on.
I think this show is so inappropriate in this economy. Anyone remember the Mcy D parties with Punch and happy meals? Lots of real friends and no huge budget for silly excess.
Hippie Chick said...
There is a new show on Lifetime about 4 sisters, quadruplets, (I can't remember the name), they are all older, around 15-16) so, the consent to film is there I suppose. But here we go again, using multiples as freak shows. It is SO over. Who cares?? Enough with the exploitation of these damn kids already.
The show is about the Durst IDENTICAL quadruplets. The first episode is set to air March 23, after the girls' 18th birthday. A local article written in January said the show was scheduled to premiere on Feb 9 and be called "The Quad Squad" -- it's now scheduled to air 3/23 and is called "Four of a Kind". Interesting.
"The show will focus on the girls, but also include their 19-year-old brother, their Dad, and (mom) Naomi, who says she hesitated before agreeing to the show. The Dursts are being paid to do the program, but they also said yes because they felt it would show a true picture of a family with teenage multiples."
"The dialogue has been pretty much left up to us," Naomi said. "So it's pretty realistic; it's as realistic as I think you can be."
I guess mom's prediction about the "reality" of the show remains to be seen.
These kids were old enough to participate in the decision to do the show, but how reliable/informed/levelheaded/aware are "teenagers".
T.I.N.I.C., I agree completely! Did anyone see Craig Ferguson last night? In his monologue, he said he wouldn't be doing any more Charlie Sheen jokes because it was past the point of entertainment and made him uncomfortable. I've always enjoyed Craigyferg, but I really admire him now.
We ditched cable and joined netflix almost a year ago, Admin, and honestly, we enjoy our tv time so much more now. I haven't missed anything I really wanted to see and have avoided a lot of shameful drivel I used to allow into my home.
Bethenny is another narcissist who thinks everything is about her. I feel sorry for her husband, in particular, and the baby. Would never watch anything she was part of.
@ roxyhelen: I only saw one episode of 'Table for Twelve' (might have been the premiere?), but in it the family went out to dinner and one of the children had a sudden attack of diarrhea. The father took the child to the bathroom and as I recall (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) the camera went into the bathroom as well. I just remember being stunned that a police officer of all people did not see the potential for this scene to be fodder for some pervert's fantasies. The parents did *seem* very likable - just goes to show how much the presence of a camera can warp one's judgment.
Sorry for the double post (I had a lot to say in the early days of GWOP, but these days I usually just lurk): have any of you seen Tom Hank's spoof of Toddlers & Tiaras? I didn't think it was possible, but now I love him even more - this guy 'gets it'!:
Why bring her up? Because we don't want anymore kids to end up in Rebbecca's situation.It's not actually about her, it's about filming a disabled child of which,I don not find acceptable.Sick children are not entertainment. As for the Duggars, don't you think they are setting the wrong example? Hey, have as many kids, it's okay, you don't actually have to raise them or pay attention to them.But you are both right(Admin and Questions) I did not expressed what I actually wanted to say and the way I said things didn't seem to have much to do with reality tv.
I do feel that ever since these reality shows started(especially gosselins) many other parents have signed contracts and decided to film their children and people started to be more interested in multiples(and yes, I do know the Dilleys had a show before the Gosselins but still, they were not as talked about). Think about it: The Maches, the people with the Texas quints, quints by surprise,the Latino sextuplets...don't you think the shows about multiples and about having many kids became popular after the Gosselin saga? The same way I am thinking that putting people like the duggars on tv may prompt people to have as many kids for the heck of it (hey,rumor has it Kate wanted multiples after reading about the mccaughey septuplets)
So sorry if I went off topic,I do know the rules and I do follow them(as far as I know).
On a different note Admin,you're right, toddlers and tiaras have revealed how torturous pageants can be.I was always horrified when I saw clips of that show.
TLC airs Toddlers and Tiaras all hours of the early morning. Who is watching that awful show at 2:00 a.m., perverts and pedophiles? I don't think regular viewers are watching the show for anything besides entertainment. I doubt they are watching the show to gain knowledge about the pageants or the parents who dress and make up their toddlers to look and perform like 20 year old Las Vegas show girls. TLC's show just further exploits these children by filming them and paying the parents to do so.
Re: children's birthday parties.
Just this week a friend of mine from 12 years of public school changed his Facebook picture to one of him as an 8 year old. There he was
sitting at the dining room table with a birthday cake in front of him. Just a cake with
8 candles. The grin on his face shone through his eyes. He was happy to celebrate his birthday with a cake and his family (they are all still really close to each other). Clearly that party was important to him, because he's using the picture of it.
I remember birthday parties in my own childhood.
The biggest thing we ever did was have about
6 neighborhood kids in, play croquet and badminton, play with my dog, and eat cake and ice cream (and William ate the candles - it was his thing). Simple, simple, simple. It probably cost a dollar per person ($2.50 a person in today's dollars) to throw a
wonderful party, worthy of remembering 50 years
later. We were not trying to impress or outdo
anyone. The point was to have fun and honor the
birthday child.
Then that night, my family would all get dressed and go to the restaurant of my choice.
That was a BIGGIE.
Do children not appreciate the simple pleasures
anymore? What are they being taught about value
vs. price?
I think that the TV shows we used to watch in the 60's helped shape some of our thinking. Opie Taylor didn't live extravagantly, but he was happy. Ditto Beaver Cleaver, and a host of
other TV children. Simple lives, full of family and good moral lessons. I miss my Black and White TV shows! How times have changed, and not always for the better, IMO.
Does anybody else think that the Jon and Kate getting back together rumours were put out by Kate's team in a lame attempt to keep her name in the news?
Bethany - have never watched a show with her on it but she doesn't seem any better than any other of the famewhores. HOPEFULLY, she will keep the filming of baby Bryn to a minimum.
Charlie Sheen - his very public mental breakdown is not funny to me in the least. It is shocking and sad. It amazes me that the media is portraying him as simply being an ass when he is obviously in a emotionally & physically dangerous, downward spiral.
Toddlers and Tiaras - couldn't watch more than one episode. Those poor little girls and their pathetic moms (and dads) living vicariously through their daughters.
Duggars - have never watched an episode and have read enough that I never will.
Isla - isn't her first daughter's name Olive? To my knowledge, the second daughter's name has never been revealed.
Roxyhelen, I have never seen the show with Rebecca so I'm responding only to what I have read here - as a parent of a special needs child myself, I can suggest that her parents probably do not see her as "disabled" or "sick", she's just their daughter and her differences are merely part of her precious self. I can't condone the use of any child on a reality show, but I'm not sure that this was any worse than any other child being exploited.
I don't know who this woman is, but I have noticed on this season of the Kardashian show that the baby has rarely been seen. In fact, I'm not sure that he's been on at all. He was when he was first born, but is now over a year old....maybe they have made the decision to not show him now that he could be portrayed poorly by E! and isn't just an immobile newborn. If so...good for them!
*but I have noticed on this season of the Kardashian show that the baby has rarely been seen*
I have read an article where Kourtney, the mother, said they weren't going to show him anymore. She does say he might be back.
I was reading a site where blind items are revealed. The site is called Crazy Days and Nights. There was one about Kate:
This reality star, well not really anymore thank goodness. Anyway, she recently got a $2,000 hair cut and did not tip anyone. She also said thank you to just one person and that was her bodyguard when he opened the door for her. Classless.
Kate Gosselin
It was from December, and many people guessed it was her.
I read an article a month or so back in which Bethenny specifically states that Bryn is noticing the boom mikes they use for filming and does not want to expose her daughter to that as she grows up. I wish I could find the article as it obviously makes the validity of what I said suspect. I believe this interview was after her interview with Kart on Skating with the Stars.
Uh Oh Admin, you upset BM. Bethany is "Her Girl" Ha Ha. That makes it a little easy to understand the mentality.. Now you've given them something to talk about. ;)
I can't remember if I raised this topic here, or on some other blog, but I had been watching Tori Spelling's show. My feeling with her show (and also with Bethenny's) is that the show is about the person who's name is in the title. The kids are there, but the show isn't about them.
IMHO this is very different to Kate + 8. The Gosselin show is about the kids, they are the focus of the show.
The Bethenny show (and RHONY, Tori and Dean, Scary World etc) are about the adults, who happen to have kids that are sometimes included.
With this in mind, I do live in Australia. The only show I have seen of Bethenny with the baby was the final show where she brought Bryn home. I haven't seen anything else.
I remember at University taking a subject on Australian Popular Culture, we looked at some episodes of a show called Sylvania Waters (Synopsis here)
I'm wondering if, as this seems to be the start of the reality TV genre, what happened with the families that were filmed in the UK and US series.
Robin said... I don't know who this woman is, but I have noticed on this season of the Kardashian show that the baby has rarely been seen. In fact, I'm not sure that he's been on at all. He was when he was first born, but is now over a year old....maybe they have made the decision to not show him now that he could be portrayed poorly by E! and isn't just an immobile newborn. If so...good for them!
On one of the entertainment channels it was announced Scott Dipstick wanted $5,000 per episode for the baby or he wouldn't be on. The producers said $1,000 firm. Since he isn't on there I'm presuming the producers won.
Agreed about the simple birthday parties! My son never asks for anything crazy or over the top. Usually, he just wants a sleep-over. Some kids in his class however, that's a different story. Hell, even my best friend jumps through hoops to give her daughter the "best damn parties of her life". I say why, considering she probably won't remember much of them at 5 or 6.
Quick story. At 6 y.o. I invited my son's whole class to a bowling party ( I was new to the whole party thing) & it ended up raining that day) The parents showed up with siblings of his classmates, & my husband & I had to kick in another 200$ for the party for an extra room, extra alleys, extra pizza, an extra cake, extra drinks...we were pissed nobody thought this was extremely rude. It was packed & crazy & we couldn't keep up, but my son got tons of presents. He LOVED it, all the attention. My husband & I were exhausted. The next year we did the sleepover thing, & he loves that more, we just compensate with a "big gift" for him. This year, we're getting him a laptop. These big expensive parties only last one day, then you're in debt for months! Kids now are spoiled & get anything they want it seems, & they are rude.
I feel (some) parents just are not teaching values. What happened?? To hear some teenagers talk these days...it really pisses me off!! I get behind kids at the mall & hear them talking to salespeople & no please & no thank you. I hear my kid talking like that to someone, he would get an earful. Spoiled & snotty...*ranted again* :)
Re: Baby Mason Disick not appearing on tv.
"Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are trying to keep Mason out of the spotlight as much as they can. This decision includes choosing not have their son, 1, on their new reality series “Kourtney and Kim Take New York”.
"You’re not going to see Mason. Scott and I decided not to have him on the show this season.”
“he can’t make the decision if he wants to be involved in this craziness or not.”
The reality mom isn’t regretting the decision:
“I think we made a good decision to leave him off the show because it was really crazy and really hectic any time we left the hotel. There was massive paparazzi, so we tried to keep him as protected as possible.”
She did add that they aren’t ruling out any future reality plans for their tot, however.
“I think we’ll take it season by season with Mason,” Kardashian says. “We’ll see how it goes and how we’re feeling at the time.”
1/14/11 http://www.babyrazzi.com/2011/01/14/kourtney-kardashian-says-mason-will-not-be-part-of-new-reality-show/
Congrats to Kourtney and Scott for making the decision to not film their baby - whatever the motive and for however long.
More indications Katie Irene isn't on anyone's radar:
"The Reality Rocks expo, which is billing itself as “the ultimate reality TV fan experience,” has announced its confirmed stars, and the list stretches the definition of reality TV. The people worthy of being mentioned in the subhead are, and I quote, “Nick Cannon, DeAnna Pappas, Audrina Patridge, Eric Roberts, Karina Smirnoff, Daytime TV’s Top Courtroom Judges and Cast Members of Ghost Hunters.”
It will be held April 9 and 10 in Los Angeles; tickets are $35 a day or $65 for both days. As I’ve written, I hate the infantilizing title, but if you actually want to draw fans who think reality TV rocks, I’m not sure judge shows and Nick Cannon are the way to go.
There’s a bigger list of confirmed stars on the event’s web site, which hilariously includes a lot of American Idol 9 contestants—forgettable people from a forgettable season, and others including Top Chef’s Ilan Hall and Amazing Race 17 winner Nat Strand. But the bulk of the list are minor characters on smaller network shows, who perhaps have their own rabid fan bases, but don’t quite qualify as “celebs.”
The press release also announced the panel discussions, which include “How to Become a Host/Reality Star — Parlay Your 15 Minutes of Reality Fame Into a Career,” “Brand Yourself: Using Social Media to advance Your Career in Reality TV,” “How to Make It In Hollywood,” and “How to Win a Competition Show.”
Found here : http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/related_news/2011_Mar_01_reality_rocks_stars_panels#
I can't see the expanded list, I"m hoping she isn't on it.
Has anyone shared this link...it's soooo funny.
Tom Hanks takes on the Toddlers and Tiaras.
Wow,BerksPA, that was really funny,kudos to Tom Hanks! He was spot on.These parents do live their lives through the kids and enroll them in pageants since they are babies, literally which is just awful if you ask me(and I happen to know I am not the only one who feels this way)
Here's another awesome Toddler and Tiaras mock
Now, many people say that this video is out if line because you shouldn't diss a child,but this woman is not dissing the child,she is dissing the parents and the show.
I finally saw 'The Blind Side', great story and movie. However, in the DVD' previews they showed Bindi Irwin in 'Free Willie 4' (not sure of the title)...could it be this is why it was important for Kate and kids to trek to Australia and visit Steve Irwin's widow, kids and zoo? Is Kate looking for someone to offer her kids' a movie role or get them started up like the Olson twins? I can see her doing this, not sure I approve of Bindi's "career" either but she loves helping animals, preserving nature.
I remember Kate trying to take the twins to a talent agency. We all remember how well that went.
melissaf: Nope, didn't see her. Did see Bethenny (I looked up the spelling!) thanking everyone for voting her into Round 2 of presumably a Fan Favorite? Saw a couple of seminars that Kate would probably benefit from: “How to Become a Host/Reality Star — Parlay Your 15 Minutes of Reality Fame Into a Career,” and “Brand Yourself: Using Social Media to advance Your Career in Reality TV.”
Did not see any on "How to Find a Rich Man to Take Care of You When Your 15 Minutes are Up Unless You Have Issues" but am not sure everything is finalized yet so it may still happen. And for that matter, Kate may still happen as an attendee. Just don't see her as anyone's favorite.
Not yet anyway:
"Plus current and former cast members as seen on Amazing Race, Big Brother, Bridezillas, Ghost Hunters, Survivor, and many more to be announced via upcoming major press announcements. Check this site daily for updates."
To Melissaf - I looked at the expanded list and she's NOT on it. What a surprise? (not!!)
Kate gets voted one of the biggest meltdowns in US Weekly in 2010 for the Sarah Palin: Alaska episode. Whiny brat that she is deserves it...
How long do you think it will be before she has the girls doing the beauty pageant thing?
Snow Globe said...
How long do you think it will be before she has the girls doing the beauty pageant thing?
The 12th of never! Pageants involve work, time and money. The queen would never spend HER money on something that would divert attention away from herself.
Well, Khate made Star Magazine's cover piece about cellulite, lol:
The sextuplets are turning 7 this May. I am curious whether any of them have lost any of their baby teeth yet. I think the older girls had started losing baby teeth around age 6. I wonder if their "mom" will make them wear those fake teeth that were shown on Toddlers and Tiaras? I can't imagine Kate letting the tups have their picture taken with missing teeth as she would lose babyish angle she seems to promote with them.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Well, Khate made Star Magazine's cover piece about cellulite, lol:
And guess what...? The sheeple are saying that it is fake pictures of thier queen. Along with fake pictures of Britney and Heidi.
OT: Why would ANYONE pay for concert tickets of $100 + to watch someone lipsynch? (Britney).
It's none of our business whether they've lost their baby teeth or not!!
Do you want to know if Cara got her period too?
The 12th of never! Pageants involve work, time and money. The queen would never spend HER money on something that would divert attention away from herself.
Ah, but if it would be a way to open up a whole new career for them (acting, modeling, commercials), she would use THEIR money to fund it, put them into the entertainment industry and have them continue to support her.
Hmm, I don't know Snow Globe... don't you think that having a TV show already opened up that world? I don't think they need to do pageants to get a foot in the door of the entertainment industry; they're already in it.
Chingada said... Hmm, I don't know Snow Globe... don't you think that having a TV show already opened up that world? I don't think they need to do pageants to get a foot in the door of the entertainment industry; they're already in it.
I'm sure you know your NAME is offensive Spanish slang, right? Are you a solo sheep or part of a larger flock? Hmm?
Pick a Gosselin child - any Gosselin child.
Would you recognize him or her is he/she were alone on a park swing? Most of us only recognize them when they are in a group or when
the picture tells us that this is a Gosselin.
Who would even snap a picture of a solo Gosselin?
In order to make any kind of an impact on a competitive TV show they would have to be all dressed alike and doing it as a group. You know, like the Brady Bunch Singers in their
jumpsuits and dresses (I'm still having nightmares over that!)
The world knows them as The Six Plus Two. As
individuals they are no more recognizable than Susie Malarky from Hoboken.
Personally I think what should be off limits is the children's personal private reactions to the heartbreaking breakdown of their parents' marriage. Of course Kate told us all about that.
The question about their teeth relates to whether the children will be required to make any alterations to themselves for the purposes of the show, a fair question. It's never been confirmed or denied whether the children were held back from school to be able to film them more often--a plan which was distrupted by the divorce. Alterations are not uncommon at all both in pageants and for kids on TV. The Full House twins wore retainers with fake teeth for years. As I said, a fair question.
Fidosmommy, which begs the question what does that do to a child's self-esteem, self-worth, identity, to feel like they are a nobody on their own and only worth something as part of the six-pack/eight-pack. What does that do to a child's identity? I think it's hard enough being a high-order multiple without having to deal with being nationally known as well.
Hey Troy Chula Vista - check out rule three. I don't need you to tell me what the name I chose means (it's called a joke, ever heard of it?) and I definitely don't need you accusing me of being a sheeple because I respectfully disagreed with Snow Globe. I've actually been posting here for a while.
Admin, I think Kate has done an excellent job of
diminishing the self esteem of her children in lots of ways. Making them promote themselves as some kind of freaky thing that needs to be noticed is but one of them. She wanted multiple babies. Once she got them she decided
it was cute to make them look like one child.
It's promotion, it's attention seeking, it's
limiting. And, IMO, it's wrong. At what point, on what date, will they be set free to
decide what else they are besides sextuplets?
Thank goodness Mady and Cara are at least allowed to dress like they want to dress. But then twins don't draw attention like HOMs, do they? My guess is that it will take Kate a lot longer to loosen the matchy rule with them. It is no longer cute.
I hope they each confront Kate and announce what extracurricular activity they are interested in. I hope one wants to take voice lessons, one wants to play the tuba, one wants to dance hip hop and twirl batons, one wants that piano back, one wants to do martial arts and one wants to raise pet mice. I hope they practice their special activities when Kate is home. Can you imagine? Oh, my. I need to go confess my evil thoughts now.......
Well, my bad. However, what kind of JOKE is a name that is offensive. I don't find that name funny and your postings don't seem to appear that often... I read this site with consistency. My apologies for calling you a sheeple.
Hmm, I don't know Snow Globe... don't you think that having a TV show already opened up that world? I don't think they need to do pageants to get a foot in the door of the entertainment industry; they're already in it.
They may be in it NOW, but what happens when TLC pulls the plug and they are cast aside? Who is going to recognize them in a few years when their faces aren't plastered on television and in the media? If she wants to get them into acting, I don't think she's going to have any luck going to the networks and saying, "We were once the Gosselin multiples. Don't you remember us?" You know darn well she's going to milk them as long as they can give milk. Didn't she expect filming to last into the teen years? She may need to keep them alive in the industry and by whatever means she can.
For once I agree with the Kate fans. Those cellulite pictures are all photoshopped--and poorly at that. Kate's legs wouldn't even work at the angle they are made to appear, and some of the other pictures are laughable, too. Don't have a clue why a magazine would think this was good journalism but it is Star which did have Kate Major as an editor so they do seem to have a fantasy department.
This morning TLC aired "Jon and Kate Plus 8" at 5:00 & 5:30 am central time. It was the valentine episode in their old house. I believe it was in 2008. Then the other episode was B-ball with the Harlem Globetrotters and preparing to go on Oprah's show again. I think this show was originally aired around March 09 in the new house. I think Kate had her boobs done by then. It was so strange to see Kate and Jon kissing and interacting with each other. Kate came off reasonably well in both episodes.
I looked at TLC schedule and I don't see any "Jon and Kate Plus 8" reruns or "Kate Plus 8" scheduled for the rest of March. I wonder why they showed these 2 reruns of "J&K Plus 8" just this one day?
Kate COULD put them in pageants & then put them on Toddlers & Tiaras! A whole new show for her to exploit her kids!!
In my little ole' humble opinion, that Star magazine is not photoshopped. We have seen the pictures of Kate running, & it ain't pretty. A quick run down (no pun intended) of Kate running:
She is not really jogging. She kinda just shuffles her legs to & fro, making her legs, which SHOULD be tighter, more lean, & much more muscular if she claims to be running 8 miles a day, not even look like jogging. I believe she has cellulite. Even the skinniest women in the world can have cellulite, it's not the worst thing in the world.
The sheeple are so...UGH. WHO CARES if Kate has cellulite? I'm positive that they have cellulite, I'm sure that there are people here with cellulite. Beyonce has cellulite!! J.Lo, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jeez!! Kate does too, we've seen it before. Who cares! She is NOT a jogger. We have heard this FROM joggers themselves. She does everything half-assed, which includes parenting her kids. Why the sheeple need to deflect THIS is beyond me...
Personally I don't care if Kate or any celebrity has cellulite and I think this is sort of like picking on someone for having a mole or having short fingers or something. It is what it is.
Cellulite is not like the issue of tanning or boob jobs or botox--things benefiting the body on the kids' dime and good will. Cellulite is cellulite. It's genetic and as far as I know there is very little you can do to prevent it. You can run 8 miles a day and still have cellulite.
The celeb I worked for had a lot of cellulite on her thighs and I remember her assistant whispering to me once gosh do you think I should say something, what should we do? I nearly laughed. So she has cellulite, so what, I'm sure she KNOWS.
Why the sheeple need to deflect THIS is beyond me...
Sheeple don't need a reason to do anything. They have no reasoning ability. The fact that they are sheeple says more than enough. I'm not even sure a sociologist could figure them out, but it would be fun doing an ethnographic study on them...gender, demographics, education, economic scale, etc.
I just did a quick google search and found the statistic that 80-90 percent of women have cellulite. So basically, the vast majority. I think Star Magazine is silly to pick on this, like picking on a woman for having a vagina.
I think it is hilarious Star chose Kate's picture to show her cellulite. They are no longer showing her in a favourable light. Tick tock, tick tock, tick..........
Regarding the kids losing teeth, I don't think Khate would hide that at all. Excitement over which tups lost which teeth and the Tooth Fairy (Khate would pretend she engages in the Tooth Fairy schtick, if necessary) is enough fodder for an episode. With milestones being fewer and farther between, there has been less to film, except the "manufactured" vacation events. And I do agree, the kids teeth is none of our business, along with the potty training and various medical/dental appointments. Khate just decided to make it our business by having it filmed and shown on national TV.
Totally my opinion, but I think pageants are beneath Khate. The Gosselin 8 are already in showbiz, and many pageant parents are trying their hardest to break their kids into showbiz, via pageants.
Years ago, I had envisioned Khate forming a pop idol group with her five girls. Youtube search "7 Princess" or "Princess 7" as an example of one in Korea. These are popular in Asian countries, and I could imagine the girls being marketed in Korea as English-speaking performers that would sing/dance and teach basic English to Korean children. Khate and kids could work from home and even get a few trips to South Korea as a bonus. This is REALLY far-fetched, I know, but I think any opportunities for the kids in entertainment are totally far-fetched. I don't see any of them burning with a passion to act or entertain, and they're almost too old to get the "bug" now.
"Do you want to know if Cara got her period too?"
No, but I bet when it happens, if Kate has anything to say about it, Cara will be filmed buying supplies. After all, nothing is sacred or private there -- not poops, not bare butts, not vomiting, not visits to the dentist (x ray of the girls' teeth flashed on the big screen), not a constipated child, etc. etc.
Re: the pic of Kate and other's cellulite. The photos are old and they're re-running them for their article. In fact the pic of Kate was featured side by side - natural and photoshopped approximately a week after the photoshopped pic ran in a magazine last year.
The pic of Kate's cellulite is NOT photoshopped, but the pic that originally ran in a magazine showing smooth skin WAS and it was not until the photos were posted side by side did people believe one set had been doctored. Almost everyone has cellulite, but let's not deny that photos are "enhanced" like the ones taken of Kate last year in the Bahamas with no bellybutton. Nothing wrong about the common practice of the press fixing pictures, but to deny it takes place is laughable.
There was a pic online of the kids this past year where one of the girls (I think it was a girl tup) was missing a tooth.
I think it is hilarious Star chose Kate's picture to show her cellulite. They are no longer showing her in a favourable light. Tick tock, tick tock, tick..........
That cellulite photo was published on the internet back in September and yet she still is around, with or without cellulite. Whenever we think the clock is ticking down, she resurfaces and manages to get her photo in the tabloids, favorable or not. Sadly, it's not over until it's over.
Speaking of that episode where they were getting ready for the Oprah show (if it's the one I'm thinking of), Kate was flipping out about Cara & Mady's hair and saying she was making them get bangs because their hair was so messy. They even showed Cara crying at the hair salon because she didn't want to get bangs...but yet when they made the appearance on Oprah, the twins didn't have bangs. And I don't think they have since.
It's a little thing, I know, but it makes me wonder why it was such a big deal that they showed the poor kid crying about it but then it never even happened. More inconsistency in Gosselin world.
Nothing wrong about the common practice of the press fixing pictures, but to deny it takes place is laughable.
If my bellybutton was as far north as hers is, I'd be thankful if they airbrushed it out of there entirely. With her penchant for perfection, I'm really surprised that she shows it off so much. It's not her fault that the tummy tuck resulted in its misplacement, but I'll be darned if I'd want the world to see it.
Of course, Kate blogged about one of the children losing a tooth:
Thankfully, she doesn't blog anymore. Let's hope it stays that way.
It's been an exciting day in blogging land today! :)
OK, why is it fair game for magazines to take pics of different women's body parts with cellulite and print them as a magazine cover? This is so demeaning to all women. Forget that it's Kate for a sec, she has a whole lot of karma coming but I think this practice is awful in general. Women should not be shamed because some part of their body has some cellulite or fat or freckles or whatever! I can't imagine a mag cover of different shots of men's anatomy that have a little jiggle. This sends the wrong message, IMO. It is too bad that Kate has made her looks her priority instead of the relationships in her life. These magazines just feed into the superficial value of women and having two daughters myself that work so hard to reach their goals, I resent this!
The reason they put Kate on the cover of Star is because she is one of the people covered in the past with cellulite. They re-run the same damn articles over & over & over...In the summer, every month or so, they will have a "Who looks bad in the bikini"? edition. So, they are just reusing Kate's picture. No big.
And to the poster who thinks Kate will use the kids losing their teeth as an opportunity to film, IMO, I'm thinking she'll do the same thing she does every holiday & tell the kids there is no Tooth Fairy, & take the credit herself for leaving the money under the pillows (if she even does that). She likes to take credit for EVERYTHING, including Christmas presents, doesn't she?
Cathy518 - excellent coment. I wholeheartedly agree.
Cathy518 - excellent coment. I wholeheartedly agree.
It's been an exciting day in blogging land today! :)
Hmm, I don't know Snow Globe... don't you think that having a TV show already opened up that world? I don't think they need to do pageants to get a foot in the door of the entertainment industry; they're already in it.
It's none of our business whether they've lost their baby teeth or not!!
Do you want to know if Cara got her period too?
Well, Khate made Star Magazine's cover piece about cellulite, lol:
To Melissaf - I looked at the expanded list and she's NOT on it. What a surprise? (not!!)
Wow,BerksPA, that was really funny,kudos to Tom Hanks! He was spot on.These parents do live their lives through the kids and enroll them in pageants since they are babies, literally which is just awful if you ask me(and I happen to know I am not the only one who feels this way)
Here's another awesome Toddler and Tiaras mock
Now, many people say that this video is out if line because you shouldn't diss a child,but this woman is not dissing the child,she is dissing the parents and the show.
Re: Baby Mason Disick not appearing on tv.
"Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are trying to keep Mason out of the spotlight as much as they can. This decision includes choosing not have their son, 1, on their new reality series “Kourtney and Kim Take New York”.
"You’re not going to see Mason. Scott and I decided not to have him on the show this season.”
“he can’t make the decision if he wants to be involved in this craziness or not.”
The reality mom isn’t regretting the decision:
“I think we made a good decision to leave him off the show because it was really crazy and really hectic any time we left the hotel. There was massive paparazzi, so we tried to keep him as protected as possible.”
She did add that they aren’t ruling out any future reality plans for their tot, however.
“I think we’ll take it season by season with Mason,” Kardashian says. “We’ll see how it goes and how we’re feeling at the time.”
1/14/11 http://www.babyrazzi.com/2011/01/14/kourtney-kardashian-says-mason-will-not-be-part-of-new-reality-show/
Congrats to Kourtney and Scott for making the decision to not film their baby - whatever the motive and for however long.
I can't remember if I raised this topic here, or on some other blog, but I had been watching Tori Spelling's show. My feeling with her show (and also with Bethenny's) is that the show is about the person who's name is in the title. The kids are there, but the show isn't about them.
IMHO this is very different to Kate + 8. The Gosselin show is about the kids, they are the focus of the show.
The Bethenny show (and RHONY, Tori and Dean, Scary World etc) are about the adults, who happen to have kids that are sometimes included.
With this in mind, I do live in Australia. The only show I have seen of Bethenny with the baby was the final show where she brought Bryn home. I haven't seen anything else.
I remember at University taking a subject on Australian Popular Culture, we looked at some episodes of a show called Sylvania Waters (Synopsis here)
I'm wondering if, as this seems to be the start of the reality TV genre, what happened with the families that were filmed in the UK and US series.
I don't know who this woman is, but I have noticed on this season of the Kardashian show that the baby has rarely been seen. In fact, I'm not sure that he's been on at all. He was when he was first born, but is now over a year old....maybe they have made the decision to not show him now that he could be portrayed poorly by E! and isn't just an immobile newborn. If so...good for them!
Bethany - have never watched a show with her on it but she doesn't seem any better than any other of the famewhores. HOPEFULLY, she will keep the filming of baby Bryn to a minimum.
Charlie Sheen - his very public mental breakdown is not funny to me in the least. It is shocking and sad. It amazes me that the media is portraying him as simply being an ass when he is obviously in a emotionally & physically dangerous, downward spiral.
Toddlers and Tiaras - couldn't watch more than one episode. Those poor little girls and their pathetic moms (and dads) living vicariously through their daughters.
Duggars - have never watched an episode and have read enough that I never will.
Isla - isn't her first daughter's name Olive? To my knowledge, the second daughter's name has never been revealed.
Re: children's birthday parties.
Just this week a friend of mine from 12 years of public school changed his Facebook picture to one of him as an 8 year old. There he was
sitting at the dining room table with a birthday cake in front of him. Just a cake with
8 candles. The grin on his face shone through his eyes. He was happy to celebrate his birthday with a cake and his family (they are all still really close to each other). Clearly that party was important to him, because he's using the picture of it.
I remember birthday parties in my own childhood.
The biggest thing we ever did was have about
6 neighborhood kids in, play croquet and badminton, play with my dog, and eat cake and ice cream (and William ate the candles - it was his thing). Simple, simple, simple. It probably cost a dollar per person ($2.50 a person in today's dollars) to throw a
wonderful party, worthy of remembering 50 years
later. We were not trying to impress or outdo
anyone. The point was to have fun and honor the
birthday child.
Then that night, my family would all get dressed and go to the restaurant of my choice.
That was a BIGGIE.
Do children not appreciate the simple pleasures
anymore? What are they being taught about value
vs. price?
I think that the TV shows we used to watch in the 60's helped shape some of our thinking. Opie Taylor didn't live extravagantly, but he was happy. Ditto Beaver Cleaver, and a host of
other TV children. Simple lives, full of family and good moral lessons. I miss my Black and White TV shows! How times have changed, and not always for the better, IMO.
Bethenny is another narcissist who thinks everything is about her. I feel sorry for her husband, in particular, and the baby. Would never watch anything she was part of.
T.I.N.I.C., I agree completely! Did anyone see Craig Ferguson last night? In his monologue, he said he wouldn't be doing any more Charlie Sheen jokes because it was past the point of entertainment and made him uncomfortable. I've always enjoyed Craigyferg, but I really admire him now.
This is also somewhat off topic, but I believe speaks to something similar. The New York Times magazine did an interesting piece on "mommy bloggers" last weekend, and what I found most interesting (besides the fact that the main blogger being profiled probably makes one million dollars per year blogging about her life and kids) was the notion of blogs and reality - they are presented as a form of reality but of course the writer chooses what to put in, and what to leave out. As they should. But the faithful reader believes they are being presented with some level of reality, which is in fact quite careful and studied.
I remember when a blogger I was following, and thought I 'knew' fairly well, announced that she and her husband were divorcing. Huh? Never had that been mentioned, in fact she often wrote glowing posts about her wonderful husband. I know she was devastated, but I have to wonder about all these forms of self-expression (blogging, reality tv) that require one to present one 'reality' when in fact you may be living an entirely different one.
I find life complicated enough to even begin to consider living it that way.
Here is the link to the NYT's article:
Bethenny is a reality ho. She was on Martha Stewart's Apprentice, RHoNY, Skating with the Stars, Beth....well- you see the trend! Her poor baby doesn't stand a chance! The difference- Bethenny is very up front and is not denying Bryn's part in the show. That baby will probably have her own reality show as a toddler! Personally, I stopped watching her- she's way too crass for me- and that says a lot!
I caught Toddlers & Tiaras ONCE, for maybe 10 minutes. That is all I could take. The mother was a total bitch, obviously living her dream of being a pageant queen through her own daughter, and her young daughter was a snotty little spoiled brat with 5 tons of make-up on her face. I thought this was sickening & could not understand how this could take place in our culture. I guess to each our own, but seriously, these girls tan, get their teeth whitened, get lash extensions, the whole she-bang.
And the moms? UGH. Stage moms to the core. There is a new show on Lifetime about 4 sisters, quadruplets, (I can't remember the name), they are all older, around 15-16) so, the consent to film is there I suppose. But here we go again, using multiples as freak shows. It is SO over. Who cares?? Enough with the exploitation of these damn kids already.
I don't care if watching the Duggars prompts discussion of homeschooling and kids raising kids. But I don't understand why this comes up as some kind of "argument" when discussing reality tv. It's like if someone said I don't think we should have gone to war in Vietnam and your response is I don't think we should polute the earth. One has nothing to do with the other.
It is not the cameras themselves that cause the homeschooling and the kids raising the kids. The family homeschooled and had their kids raising kids long before cameras ever came in, and I suspect will continue to do so long after. I see this same thing with Toddlers and Tiaras. It's not the filming of it that is the exploitation, it is the pageants themselves, which existed long before this and outraged people long before this (JonBenet Ramsey) and will sadly probably continue to exist long after the cameras go away.
With the Gosselins the exploitation is directly related to the cameras in their faces. When the cameras go away, the exploitation stops.
And can I respectfully request that Jon's caricature be removed from the blog header? He's long ago transitioned to being a private citizen.
I kind of think the day has finally come that Kart is insignificant.
Look at this thread - a move away from Gosselin and toward a general look at kids on TV???!!!
What a kick in the ego this must be for Kart!
The Gosselin machine and all the 'fans' are quickly dying. The end, predicted for a long time, is finally in sight. Even her papparazzi army of one, Poor Chris, seems to have flown the coop. And PUrseboy hasn't been seen for a while either.
I am breathing a huge sigh of relief.
The only tickle in the back of my mind is this: I have to wonder how long it will be before some Kart crisis raises its last-ditch ugly head? She and her PR machine will surely come up with something to drag her back, once again, into the public eye.
Admin, thank you for leading the focus away from Kart. This might truly be when the end comes, when the blogs start to NOT report on her!!!!
I have an off topic comment.
Why is Charlie Sheen being showcased? The man is having a very obvious break with reality and we are being treated to it as entertainment? I am becoming totally disgusted with the whole voyeuristic approach to mental illness. The man needs help, not ridicule.
Have our sensibilities been so deadened that we now use mental illness as entertainment? Is this where "reality" viewing is leading?
Sometimes I think Netflix was the answer to reality TV. When there is absolutely nothing on, which is the majority of the time, there's Netflix and Netflix streaming. I cannot recommend Netflix streaming enough. For 10 bucks a month streaming is unlimited, plus you can still get DVDs. If you have a playstation, xbox, or Netflix built into your TV you can stream it right through your TV. I sound like an advertisement but I think this is one of the best legitimate true values for your money in ages.
We've been working our way through Dexter. Plus several other decent movies they have. Hey I liked Dex before Kate ever said she did.
I used to watch Bethenny last year; tonight's episode was about bras, boobs, farting and poop. Really? This is all they had to offer? Hopefully for everyone involved, this show will be cancelled asap.
I'm guessing even the sheeple will have to concede that Bryn is NOT old enough to consent to filming.
Unless maybe if you say to Bryn now suck your thumb if you want to be filmed! There, she did it, she's sucking her thumb, she wants a life of cameras and paparazzi!
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