So says Kate at the end of her blog post today. Why is she already on her fifth iPhone? We've had the same smartphone for over two years without problems. Is she not taking care of it properly? Losing it? Does she always need to have the latest model? Iphones run $200-$300 minimum--has Kate spent at least $1,000 of the children's money on toys like this? And why is she bragging about running through phones?

84 sediments (sic) from readers:
Oh, she's probably got some kind of "public use"
contract with iPhone. The more she gets seen using it in public (or on her driveway) and the more she mentions it, the more she gets paid. Or they pay the monthly charge as long as she does. Something.
Well, she threw a dirty diaper at Jen and she threw fruit at Jon so maybe she's into throwing things when she gets angry.
ITA. I don't think Kate pays a dime for her phones or service. If she does, they can be written off as business expenses.
I wonder if she uses the phone as a shield so people won't approach her. She pretends to talk.
Actually she always pretends to talk.
For all you cat people out there, please send a little prayer for my Tabitha (age 10). Went to the vet to have a tooth extracted. In the process her lower jaw broke. Off to the surgeon who ended up rewiring her jaw and extracting 3 more teeth. The vet is covering the surgeons fees. Poor vet was in tears. So am I.
Did you not see this at the bottom of the latest blog?
"Sent from my (fifth!) PINK iPhone
(with a second screen ... Almost a SIXTH iPhone!)"
It looks like Kate might be buying the much rumored 4G iPhone when it comes out.
I'm surprised she didn't splurge on the iPad; it would be easier for her to "write" these blog entries. I can't imagine using an iPhone to write those lengthy entries! Maybe that's why she's constantly on her phone.
Awwww...I'll be thinking good thoughts for Tabitha. We have no cats but my son and family have three who are brothers. Wishing your kitty a swift recovery.
Poor baby - I'll be praying for both you and Tabitha.
I write off my personal smartphone for my small business (music thing) and you can only write off the portion used for business use. So if Kate is gabbing away to Pam Anderson about the kids, she can't just write it all off.
Taxes get VERY complicated the richer you get....hopefully Kate appreciates that.
Kate probably throws the darn iphone at the hired help when they don't meet her demands. Kate does have a volatile temper.
My9cats - I'll keep you and Tabitha kitty in my prayers. I can totally relate to what you are going through - I'm a kitty mommy too.
How dare she buy more phones than WE have? She should not be allowed to have as many phones as she wants! What does she think this is? A free country???
P.S. We hope the kitty is well soon.
No kitties, just 2 dogs, but I've been feeding a stray kitty in the neighborhood for the past six months. Will say a prayer right now for your Tabitha. Let us know how she's doing.
Will definitely pray for little Tabitha.
Perhaps Kate actually has six (working) pink iPhones and is just reminding us of her wealth and importance.
I'm sorry about Tabitha. Poor baby!
With Kate, N-O-T-H-I-N-G is accidental. She has an ulterior motive to mention that she is on her fifth Iphone.
Is it any coincidence that Apple is releasing their new 4G Iphone in July.
By saying she is on her fifth phone she is indicating that her model of Iphone is a piece of junk and she wants the new one.
It also makes Kate look like a complete psycho.
Let me try again.
I just saw a Kate lover elsewhere defending this claiming that Kate spent her DWTS money on her 5 iphones. It's her money therefore it's ok.
hahhaha, so Kate just started DWTS in March, she has gone through 5 iphone in three months? Man Kate needs to get a waterproof case for them or something.
Bullshit, she spends her kids' money on HERSELF, again and again and again. How does five iphones benefit the kids???
From the pics with the old hair, she was spending the kids money on her toys long before she ever decided she might as well earn a few bucks on her own. Even when she did actually work for herself on DWTS she couldnt even do that she was so damn lazy and unable to learn a thing and get herself very far.
For Kate to be looking for a free IPhone is just laughable. The woman just earned $500,000 in 6 weeks with little effort expended...$300-$400 for a phone should just be chump change to her. Will she ever have enough money in the bank to show a little pride and quit the begging?
If I remember correctly the first iPhone came out in the summer of 2007. So even if Kate was an owner of the very first iphone, she's gone through more than ONE IPHONE A YEAR. She lives how she THINKS the rich live, not how they really live. The real rich buy a great phone and then keep it until it dies.
No wonder her kids destroy things don't respect anything, they are taught $300 toys should be tossed out in 9 months for a new one.
It's just typical Kate that's all.
And it's just weird and psycho to brag about it....what is the point of mentioning she is on her 5th iphone? She has no self awareness to realize how that makes her look--greedy, wasteful, a bragger.
I have a great smartphone I'm not jealous of her iphones. I picked the BB instead of the iphone after a lot of research--BB makes more sense for business people I thought. I like my phone and I've had it 2 years. I'm due for a discounted upgrade but I like the one I have thanks.
Sending good wishes to Tabitha. I'm a pet mommy too and I totally understand your worrying. My littlest kitty is going in for Dental Surgery soon as well.
Why is it advertised that a message is sent from an Iphone anyway? Is that supposed to mean you're ultra cool? And who is the heck is she pretending to talk to? Get off the phone and interact with your kids!!!
I vote for throwing the phone a la Naomi Campbell. Just who she's throwing it at, I can't guess ;)
Tabitha is in my prayers. Poor little thing. We love our kitties here: 2 Maine Coon brothers.
Murt's legislation streams live tomorrow at 11.
I won't be able to watch. Someone please fill us in?
Ellie said...
Sending good wishes to Tabitha. I'm a pet mommy too and I totally understand your worrying. My littlest kitty is going in for Dental Surgery soon as well.
Why is it advertised that a message is sent from an Iphone anyway? Is that supposed to mean you're ultra cool? And who is the heck is she pretending to talk to? Get off the phone and interact with your kids!!!
Maybe it's because I'm an older mom, but ita! It's my pet peeve when people are on their phones all the time instead of talking to their kids!
"And it's just weird and psycho to brag about it....what is the point of mentioning she is on her 5th iphone? She has no self awareness to realize how that makes her look--greedy, wasteful, a bragger."
I'm wondering how she was able to purchase five phones, considering the fact that she went on national television crying because she had bills in her purse that she couldn't mail because she didn't have any money. I guess she had some extra cash stashed away in a cookie jar, or under a mattress.
After 5 iPhones, you'd start to think maybe they just suck and I'll try a different phone? Any normal person after 2 of the same phones having problems would change to a different type of phone! Yeah, I know this is Kate we're talking about, we all know she's not normal lol. So my conclusion though is that it's all Kate's fault, perhaps she loses them or breaks them herself by being careless with them! Otherwise, if it was a problem with the phone itself, 1) it would be widely reported by the numerous iPhone owners (as far as I read, most people who own iPhones have little to no probs with them), and 2) as I said, if it's a phone problem, any normal person would change to a different type after a couple of fixes or upgrades but keep having problems.
If memory serves me right, this is the second time in the last couple of months she has mentioned that she is on her fifth Iphone. I guess Apple didn't send her send her a new one the last time she mentioned it. Hope Apple doesn't bite, that's one company I can't afford to boycott. How could I read these posts without my Macbook pro?
I've read for a long time but never posted my two cents. I am not trying to defend or explain her actions but I am on my fourth iPhone. I had a first generation (purchased in Sept. 07) but the screen cracked on it after having it for one year. (My purse fell off a picnic table and the phone fell out of the purse and onto the concrete.) The phone was one day out of warranty. I continued to use it for about 10 months before getting a third generation iPhone. I used phone #2 for about six months before the toggle switch for the silent feature stopped working. I was on my third iPhone when one of my twins decided to run it under the faucet. Hopefully, iPhone #4 will last longer than the last two!
I think Kate's situation is she is careless with her phone, or just wants the newest one when she wants it, not that she has had 4 freak accidents and now is on her fifth--who knows though. Anne considering going blackberry. I have two curves, one for work one for home, never had a problem with them except the home one which I use a lot more sometimes gets a dusty trackball and I have to take it out and clean it out--supposedly that's normal. I also am on one or the other of them all day--crackberry! Everyone I work with has one the things have been dropped, kicked, stomped, spit on, you name it, they are rocks they don't break.
nanb said...
If memory serves me right, this is the second time in the last couple of months she has mentioned that she is on her fifth Iphone. I guess Apple didn't send her send her a new one the last time she mentioned it.
Your memory is correct, nanb. She's mentioned it at least once before. IMO, the phone's an image/status thing with Kate. And, Admin is right; she lives like she thinks the celebs/rich live.
Than you everyone for the kind thoughts and kitty prayers for Tabitha. Hopefully I can bring her home tomorrow aftrnoon. Will post her condition on whatever is the newest thread. Thanks again. Very much appreciated.
That's fair enough, Anne - I can see why you're on your fourth lol. I don't have an iPhone but I do have an iPod Touch, so know how handy and addictive apps are, and could never think about switching to another MP3/4 player, but I also take great care of it ( for $400 you'd bet I would! Oh, I'm not saying you didn't take care of your phones, Anne, but someone like Kate wouldn't because she knows she can easily get another). Also, if however I had nothing but problems with the iPod Touch, then yes I would have changed to a different MP4 player (reluctantly lol). My mobile phone (cell phone as you Americans call them) is a few years old, and when my son ran over it with his scooter and cracked the screen, I was devastated lol, I looked at new phones at the time (only 7 months ago) but none (in the same price range) were as good as mine - main feature being the 3.2MP camera with flash & 8x zoom (I've only seen a few now that are equal or are better than that, too). So I ordered a new screen of eBay and fixed it myself (I'm handy like that lol). So I can understand wanting to stick with the same model I guess, but I still say in Kate's case, it's her 5th just because she can - more of what it represents in her mind (I'm so great because I have an iPhone so there!).
I am asuming that no one who has worked for Kate and been fired has come out and sold their story because they signed a confidentiality agreement. How binding are these contracts and what are the consequences of breaking them???? Just wondering.
Anonymous said...
Let me try again.
I just saw a Kate lover elsewhere defending this claiming that Kate spent her DWTS money on her 5 iphones. It's her money therefore it's ok.
hahhaha, so Kate just started DWTS in March, she has gone through 5 iphone in three months? Man Kate needs to get a waterproof case for them or something.
Bullshit, she spends her kids' money on HERSELF, again and again and again. How does five iphones benefit the kids???
It just goes to show how twisted the Kate lovers are. Just with these 3 pictures, it's pretty clear to people with eyes that she has her skunk head, which was well before DWTS. They would defend her if she killed someone in front of a crowd of 1,000 people who saw her do it. Katie can do noooooooo wrong. It's always easier to blame someone else. They all need lessons in personal responsibility.
My9cats, thoughts and prayers for your little kitty Tabitha. I hope everything goes well with her surgery.
Remember when Jon was being criticized for being on the phone, and Kate came out and said she's only on the phone for business ? She must be in such high demand with all of Hollywood wanting and needing her, so that's probably why she's on her 5th phone... the poor phones are wearing out because they just can't handle that much use. ;) Plus with all of her recently acquired BFF's from DWTS, the calls/texts she puts in to them hundreds of times a day, the phones are taking a serious beating.
Kate is running a business. All her expenses will be write-offs. As an aside - what is it with TLC. I noticed last night they had a marathon of Toddlers and Tiaras. I didn't watch but I was reminded last year of when I thought I saw a Jon Bonet video. No, it was a T&T show. I was alarmed to the point that I turned it off when one mother who was looking for a bathing suit for her five year old daughter to wear in the competition, say that she was looking for something that was "sexy but age appropriate". She was talking about her five year old - how on earth could the swim suit be age appropriate if it was sexy???
Not "all" Kate's business expenses are just straight write-offs. I wish, that would be easier. I do my own small business taxes, it is COMPLICATED. I had to take taxes in law school and I still find it difficult. I write off the business use of my car and I do actual expenses for a lot of reasons--let me tell you what a nightmare that is.
A lot of things you can only write off half or a portion. Business meals for one--only half. I believe hotels are half too. Things like cell phones you can only write off the BUSINESS USE. I think it's hard to justify a text message to Erin as business. Texts to the nannies as she says she does is NOT business that's personal use. She has to sit down and figure out exactly what percentage of the phone is truly business.
The richer you get the more Uncle Sam watches!
The difference is Toddlers and Tiara's is spun as something strange and inappropriate....which it is. Jon and Kate has always been spun as normal and cutsie and fun, nothing wrong here just 8 kids enjoying themselves while their parents de-constipate them and banish them to the bathroom to vomit and make them work with double ear infections, isn't it cute?
I'm really hard on phones, for whatever reason. It seems like I am always breaking, losing, or dropping it in the toilet. I don't make a lot of money but still replace my phones frequently.
I do not like Kate Gosselin, but I really don't think this is a big deal.
Anonymous, You really think Toddlers and Tiaras is ok to be on TV?
Kate's phones grow little cartoon legs and at the first chance run away from her. That's why she has to replace so many. Even those poor cell phones can't stand that screechy cackly voice.
anonymous, sexy but age appropriate ?? omg, those mothers need their heads examined.
One of my customers has an iPhone and each time he sends me an e-mail it comes with an automatically inserted footer: "Sent from my iPhone!" Maybe she was just picking up on that and trying to be funny (while bragging about her nouveau riche-ness, of course).
That is so funny. I think Kate is losing track of her inconsistencies. She made a comment about her 5th pink IPHONE on the Kate Take blog weeks ago.
I think she is motivated by lying.
"Sent from my (fifth!) PINK iPhone"
Hopefully she'll stop at eight (count'em eight!) Pink iPhones.
I wonder why the color PINK is emphasized . Is she trying to convince people she's girly (when she's not), just like she's always trying to convince people she's a good mother (when she's not) ?
Whoever writes her blog is so transparent...all of the references to her "hilarious" final dance on DWTS. Yeah, she was in on the joke. NOT!
Oh my ..... Just watched the video of the G's on the airboat. It's the same ole' crap. Kate jumping up and down and of course, the same blood curdling, spine tingling, stick a needle in my eye, scream of hers.
My God, I hate that childish sound. It' like fingernails on a chalkboard .
And yes, the newest addition to the Gosselin family and paid TLC member was there with Steve and another B.G., that being none other than Jamie.
What happened to the claim of being down a helper on the recent FL. trip ? She actually has 3 babtsitters on this trip. Maybe more hidding out at the $5000-$10,000 a week beach house.
She is such a loser.
Hi Judy, funny how she was against her own brother and sis-in-law getting paid for appearing on J&K+8 but it's OK to pay Jamie. Or is Jamie there gratis because she's got nothing better to do? Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
Um, Kate (or whomever the ghostwriter is),
your iPhone is not pink the protective cover is.
Yep, that is what I thought she blogged about her iphone April 12th
I guess we are supposed to be proud of the fool for keeping a phone for 3 months. Lordie bee!
Rep Murt gave a good interview this morning.
Makes you wonder. This ideal tabloid Orphanage mother is more concerned about an IPHONE & the family job then protections for her children against an industry that made $200,000,000 million dollars off her children's childhoods. Yet, Kate still doesn't have enough to stay home & take care of them and let them have a normal childhood.
For those of you boycotting Kate Plus 8, Kate just blogged (basically recapped) about the first hour episode:
Lovebugs on Their Birthdays!
I've been asked a lot about the little kids' birthday and wanted to share my memories with you ...
We arrived in our sunny location just in time to meet our newest friends -- Penny and Peter Penguin met us at the jet bridge to greet us. We waddled -- I mean -- walked behind them as they led us in their fine penguin suits to our destination in baggage claim. The kids were amazed to see two real live penguins from Sea World in the airport!
After we settled into our hotel and had a much needed night of sleep, we were ready to meet Dexter and Tyler bright and early the next morning. They were the first dolphins any of us had ever met up close and personal, and it was an amazing experience! I had to fight tears as I hugged Dexter and thanked him for my smooth, luxurious ride to the shoreline! Their power amazed me and their patience with my exuberant children was shocking!
Throughout the day, we also met many other new animal friends, including a pool full of stingrays, a rain forest chocked full of exotic birds, and two wiry anteaters -- one of whom was named Simon. He was a five-month-old baby anteater, and we were all in total love with him! His scent was rather putrid, but like his mother who was with him, I loved him anyway! The kids of course wanted to claim him as their new pet!
The animal adventures continued for Alexis and me the following morning as we visited Discovery Cove to allow her the same enjoyment that her brothers and sisters had had the day before. (She had begun vomiting on cue at breakfast the day of the dolphins, so we squeezed a quick visit into our trip because she (of all my children) could not miss this!) We swam -- just the two of us, much like our “special days” from long ago -- with our new friends Jenny and Hutch! We fell in love! And I fell in love all over again with my true-to-character, animated and happy Alexis!
Following our quick jaunt to the dolphin park for Alexis's crash course, we headed to our birthday party that had been pulled off by our production crew with direction from me -- from afar! As we arrived, though, we were met with droves of hopeful friends with precious names: lovebugs!
If you've ever had the displeasure of meeting these sorts of bugs, you won't forget them! It was a huge annoyance to have to wave our arms like windshield wipers gone crazy in order to see where we were going -- we were told that only twice a year do these lovebugs make an appearance ... I called them “hate bugs” because I hated them! Their presence was obnoxious to say the least!
Then it occurred to me: we also endured an infestation of inconvenient bugs last year for the little kids’ fifth birthday! Suddenly, in a way, I felt right at home! Despite some obvious differences from last year’s party, there ended up being more similarities than I could have predicted.
A visit with a mean mommy alligator in the swamp (that scared the absolute life out of this mommy!) and a love fest with “fiddlesticks” the baby alligator came next ... It proved to be a day filled with lots of new animal friends -- and some buggy enemies too...
Following our party full of other exciting adventures, including air boat rides, cake and piñatas, we re-boarded the boat and headed for shore once again ...
Sweet dreams, my six-year-old lovebugs (in the true sense of that word!)! Glad we could make new animal friends and lots of new memories together!
It's a beautiful day! :0)
"I had to fight tears as I hugged Dexter and thanked him for my smooth, luxurious ride to the shoreline!"
Huh?? Oh, please!!!
Good grief, I really want this woman to disappear.
Kids take a backseat on new season of 'Kate Plus 8,' source sayThere's one thing Kate and Jon Gosselin's eight kids won't be doing this summer, and that's watching their reality TV show's season premiere.
The two-hour debut episode of "Kate Plus 8" (sans Jon) airs this Sunday night on TLC, and a source tells that the kids "won't watch the show when it airs. Kate trusts the producers, but she does like to see the shows before the kids see them. [Plus] she talks about the divorce and her tough year in the season opener."
A lot has happened to the Gosselins since last season.
Jon and Kate got divorced.
Jon hooked up with the daughter of Kate's plastic surgeon.
Jon hooked up with a tabloid reporter.
Jon hooked up with a skiing enthusiast.
Kate starred in, received a lot of bad press for, and was soon eliminated from 'Dancing With the Stars.'
And those are just the highlights.
But things are finally back to normal, or as normal as they can be if you're a member of the Gosselin family.
A source close to Kate Gosselin gave the inside scoop on the family's life post-all-of-the-above. Kate and the kids are back living their life in front of the cameras while dad Jon is behind the scenes, spending occasional days and weekends with his children in their Pennsylvania home.
"Kate has been in high spirits lately. She's excited for 'Kate Plus 8' and the kids really are happy to be back with their crew," said the insider. "The [crew is an] extended family, and the summer is off to a big bang. They're filming a lot outdoors and Kate is showing a lot more of herself in the new show."
After the uproar over the show last season, and hearings in Pennsylvania over whether they had violated child labor laws, there are changes in the shooting schedule this time around.
"The crew spends a lot of the day with Kate alone while she works and handles her daily chores for the house and kids. Aaden, Colin, Maddie, Cara, Hannah, Leah, Joel and Alexis are still a huge part of the show, but they spend less time filming and more time playing and doing homework off-camera," the source said."It's a great trade-off. They love the crew, but the filming is not invasive to their lives. There are some fun vacations planned throughout filming and the kids are happy about that."
- Kelly Will
How is your kitty cat? So many of us here have both of you in our thoughts and prayers. I felt so badly to hear what happened with her jaw yesterday. Let us know when you can.
Oh, there is just too much to comment on here.
The dolphins have patience with her exuberant children. Does she have the same patience? No wonder it was shocking. What we can learn from the animal world.
Never will I be convinced she found anything good at all about the 'lovebugs'. They did not evoke pleasant memories of the 5th birthday party, they evoked memories of a party she'd no doubt prefer to forget. Remember that party, everyone? Preparty shopping was a chore, she clearly did not choose to spend a single minute of her lunch time speaking with one of her children. The party itself was cold, buggy, she and Jon were not speaking, and she barely spoke to any of the parents who came. Collin was rocking back and forth, Mady stomped off after one picture...
Oh yes, let's evoke these memories! Bring on the love/hate bugs!
WHAT GARBAGE! They are her "lovebugs" in writing, yet she never touches them. She SO DOES NOT WRITE THAT BLOG. Excuse me while I BARF. TLC counts on brainless wonders to buy into this garbage. Fortunately, the people with brains who "can make a difference" know the truth.
"pa mom too said...
I wonder why the color PINK is emphasized . Is she trying to convince people she's girly (when she's not)..."
Well, I think you've got the ticket, because I am CONVINCED she posts as WhirlyTwirlyGirly on another site...ahem.
Kate writing about lovebugs is almost prophetic!!
"The lovebug spends almost its entire adult life coupled (in copulation) with its mate, hence its romantic nicknames. The male and female attach themselves at the rear of the abdomen and remain that way at all times, even in flight. In fact, after mating, the male dies and is dragged about by the female until she lays her eggs."
At least Jon is still alive!!
The person writing these blogs shares Kate's obsession with exclamation marks!!!!!! ;-)
jaunt? droves? exhuberant? infestation of inconvenient bugs? At least the ghost-writer here could use words in Kate's vocabulary if she/he wants us to believe that Kate wrote this!
Thank you to whoever pointed out that it's her protective cover (which apparently isn't so protective) that's pink. There is no pink iphone. I have a white one and unfortunately a pink cover, but I'm going to be fixing that very very soon. Oh and I'm still on my first one. Because I'm careful with it. Because they cost a lot.
I went past Toddlers and Tiaras last night and didn't know what it was at first, and it actually literally made me physically ill. One mom was talking to her three year old daughter about how she has a "fat tummy." The TODDLER, not the mom. They ALL get spray tanned with airbrushes when they get to the hotel. Fake nails. Hair pieces. Five tons of makeup.
But the judges tried to be all "oh we look at the girl's personality!" If that were the truth, they'd just have the girls do a little interview with the judges, not dance around looking like toddler whores.
Shame on the parents, shame on that whole industry (which really just taps into some mothers' insecurities and egos) and shame on TLC.
Some older girl was 10 or 11 (Tootie?) and was an absolute BRAT and I felt sick and had to turn it.
The mean Mommy Alligator in the swamp was probably just protecting her young, something Kate is not familiar with. I saw the promo for this trip; Kate is as usual setting a bad example for the kids by shrieking and flapping and trying to get as far away from it as she can , making sure the focus is on HER and trying to destroy any interest the kids may have had in the alligator.
Steve is not rushing to protect her from this amphibian menace. I wonder if he realizes that the alligator is the one who needs protection.
Quick question: What does IIRC mean in a post?
Thanks in advance.
"If I Remember Correctly" is IIRC I think.
Mickey M:
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
The richer you get the more Uncle Sam watches!
Gosh, I so hope Uncle Sam is/was watching them pocket all that money when they were scammi..I mean speaking at the churches!
my9cats - Hope Tabitha is doing good...I'm a kitty and doggie mom, love our pets.
judyk - Trust me, YOU may think the cat you're feeding is a stray, the CAT knows he's a PET now! LOL...that's how I've ended up w/every cat I've ever owned...and also why they've all been named Kitty...always swore they were going to move on...Kitty #3 here, is now 13 y/o and he's been mooching off of me, sleeping in my bed, eating like a king, all those years! LOL
Carolina Gal, I can't get the little stray to come to me--it sometimes will stay in my flower bed at night and look at me if I go out and talk to it, but it won't get close. If it would, I would take it in and have it spayed or neutered...don't even know what sex it is.
Wait, what? Did K8 say in her blog Alexis was vomiting ON CUE the morning of the dolphin swim?? It wouldn't surprise me to find that she probably knew it would be filmed and made herself sick to get out of it!
Picking up Tabitha this afternoon. Have to get jars of babyfood for her. Will update later. Thanks again everyone for thinking of her.
JudyK...I know what you mean. I have 4 intentionals and 5 UNintentionals and love them all. Tabitha (#2 intentional) is my very special little girl. What happened just breaks my heart. Off to work and then the vet. Later.....
Duh, the magical couch cushions are where she finds her iPhone money...remember? I mean, that's where the mortgage money used to come from.....
What's with all the love nonsense in "Kate's" blog ?
I wonder who received the wrath of Kate over the scheduling of the Florida trip during one of the two times the lovebugs are swarming around. You know someone did.
And this part from NancyB's comment ~~>>"Kate has been in high spirits lately. She's excited for 'Kate Plus 8' and the kids really are happy to be back with their crew," said the insider. "The [crew is an] extended family, and the summer is off to a big bang. They're filming a lot outdoors and Kate is showing a lot more of herself in the new show."<<~~
How sweet...the kids are back with their extended family. It almost makes me want to shed a tear of joy.
Maybe someone is finally insisting a vomiting child should not work. Vomiting never stopped Kate from making them work before. Nor did she care they had double ear infections or were impacted. The show must go on with ALL eight.
My daughter used to "vomit" whenever she had a couging fit OR crying fit. The doctor prescribed a puffer. MAYBE Leah has some asthma/lung issues and this is what happens to her too. I don't think she used to MAKE herself throw up on purpose like Khate would lament about. It was always when she got worked up crying about something, for example when she was dropped off at Sunday School and Kate barks "DON'T YOU DARE!!" Come on, can you not expect SOME separation anxiety from your little kids? One out of six ain't too bad of a ratio!
Grifter Kate wants a free iPhone in PINK, of course. She hints, companies and stupid people deliver. That's how K8 operates.
Prayers for Tabitha. Too bad something like this couldn't happen to Kate when she is getting her choppers done, jaw wired shut..oh yeah!
The production people are trying to make Kate look good. The saddest moment of the new show was brushed over quickly: Kate said the Maddy felt better once she saw that there was a pinata set aside for just "she and Cara." And sure enough, Maddy looked happy hitting it...up until the moment it split open and fell and she discovered that IT WAS EMPTY!
Kate didn't help with their pinatas the way she did with the "little kids." Instead she sat on a bench acting incredibly disinterested. When Maddy got it open and noticed with disappointment that there was NOTHING in it, Kate just laughed her horrid cackled about it being empty. But what a horribly cruel joke to play on two 9 year old girls.
I have a copy of an email blast that Kate sent on April 19th begging for votes. At the end of the email it says "Sent from my (fifth) PINK phone". Not iPhone. So does that mean that she's actually gone through 10 pink phones since April? The way her phones are constantly attached to her ear, they probably melt.
For those of you boycotting Kate Plus 8, Kate just blogged (basically recapped) about the first hour episode:
Lovebugs on Their Birthdays!
I've been asked a lot about the little kids' birthday and wanted to share my memories with you ...
We arrived in our sunny location just in time to meet our newest friends -- Penny and Peter Penguin met us at the jet bridge to greet us. We waddled -- I mean -- walked behind them as they led us in their fine penguin suits to our destination in baggage claim. The kids were amazed to see two real live penguins from Sea World in the airport!
After we settled into our hotel and had a much needed night of sleep, we were ready to meet Dexter and Tyler bright and early the next morning. They were the first dolphins any of us had ever met up close and personal, and it was an amazing experience! I had to fight tears as I hugged Dexter and thanked him for my smooth, luxurious ride to the shoreline! Their power amazed me and their patience with my exuberant children was shocking!
Throughout the day, we also met many other new animal friends, including a pool full of stingrays, a rain forest chocked full of exotic birds, and two wiry anteaters -- one of whom was named Simon. He was a five-month-old baby anteater, and we were all in total love with him! His scent was rather putrid, but like his mother who was with him, I loved him anyway! The kids of course wanted to claim him as their new pet!
The animal adventures continued for Alexis and me the following morning as we visited Discovery Cove to allow her the same enjoyment that her brothers and sisters had had the day before. (She had begun vomiting on cue at breakfast the day of the dolphins, so we squeezed a quick visit into our trip because she (of all my children) could not miss this!) We swam -- just the two of us, much like our “special days” from long ago -- with our new friends Jenny and Hutch! We fell in love! And I fell in love all over again with my true-to-character, animated and happy Alexis!
Following our quick jaunt to the dolphin park for Alexis's crash course, we headed to our birthday party that had been pulled off by our production crew with direction from me -- from afar! As we arrived, though, we were met with droves of hopeful friends with precious names: lovebugs!
If you've ever had the displeasure of meeting these sorts of bugs, you won't forget them! It was a huge annoyance to have to wave our arms like windshield wipers gone crazy in order to see where we were going -- we were told that only twice a year do these lovebugs make an appearance ... I called them “hate bugs” because I hated them! Their presence was obnoxious to say the least!
Then it occurred to me: we also endured an infestation of inconvenient bugs last year for the little kids’ fifth birthday! Suddenly, in a way, I felt right at home! Despite some obvious differences from last year’s party, there ended up being more similarities than I could have predicted.
A visit with a mean mommy alligator in the swamp (that scared the absolute life out of this mommy!) and a love fest with “fiddlesticks” the baby alligator came next ... It proved to be a day filled with lots of new animal friends -- and some buggy enemies too...
Following our party full of other exciting adventures, including air boat rides, cake and piñatas, we re-boarded the boat and headed for shore once again ...
Sweet dreams, my six-year-old lovebugs (in the true sense of that word!)! Glad we could make new animal friends and lots of new memories together!
It's a beautiful day! :0)
Oh my ..... Just watched the video of the G's on the airboat. It's the same ole' crap. Kate jumping up and down and of course, the same blood curdling, spine tingling, stick a needle in my eye, scream of hers.
My God, I hate that childish sound. It' like fingernails on a chalkboard .
And yes, the newest addition to the Gosselin family and paid TLC member was there with Steve and another B.G., that being none other than Jamie.
What happened to the claim of being down a helper on the recent FL. trip ? She actually has 3 babtsitters on this trip. Maybe more hidding out at the $5000-$10,000 a week beach house.
She is such a loser.
One of my customers has an iPhone and each time he sends me an e-mail it comes with an automatically inserted footer: "Sent from my iPhone!" Maybe she was just picking up on that and trying to be funny (while bragging about her nouveau riche-ness, of course).
Kate's phones grow little cartoon legs and at the first chance run away from her. That's why she has to replace so many. Even those poor cell phones can't stand that screechy cackly voice.
Not "all" Kate's business expenses are just straight write-offs. I wish, that would be easier. I do my own small business taxes, it is COMPLICATED. I had to take taxes in law school and I still find it difficult. I write off the business use of my car and I do actual expenses for a lot of reasons--let me tell you what a nightmare that is.
A lot of things you can only write off half or a portion. Business meals for one--only half. I believe hotels are half too. Things like cell phones you can only write off the BUSINESS USE. I think it's hard to justify a text message to Erin as business. Texts to the nannies as she says she does is NOT business that's personal use. She has to sit down and figure out exactly what percentage of the phone is truly business.
The richer you get the more Uncle Sam watches!
Anonymous said...
Let me try again.
I just saw a Kate lover elsewhere defending this claiming that Kate spent her DWTS money on her 5 iphones. It's her money therefore it's ok.
hahhaha, so Kate just started DWTS in March, she has gone through 5 iphone in three months? Man Kate needs to get a waterproof case for them or something.
Bullshit, she spends her kids' money on HERSELF, again and again and again. How does five iphones benefit the kids???
It just goes to show how twisted the Kate lovers are. Just with these 3 pictures, it's pretty clear to people with eyes that she has her skunk head, which was well before DWTS. They would defend her if she killed someone in front of a crowd of 1,000 people who saw her do it. Katie can do noooooooo wrong. It's always easier to blame someone else. They all need lessons in personal responsibility.
My9cats, thoughts and prayers for your little kitty Tabitha. I hope everything goes well with her surgery.
Than you everyone for the kind thoughts and kitty prayers for Tabitha. Hopefully I can bring her home tomorrow aftrnoon. Will post her condition on whatever is the newest thread. Thanks again. Very much appreciated.
After 5 iPhones, you'd start to think maybe they just suck and I'll try a different phone? Any normal person after 2 of the same phones having problems would change to a different type of phone! Yeah, I know this is Kate we're talking about, we all know she's not normal lol. So my conclusion though is that it's all Kate's fault, perhaps she loses them or breaks them herself by being careless with them! Otherwise, if it was a problem with the phone itself, 1) it would be widely reported by the numerous iPhone owners (as far as I read, most people who own iPhones have little to no probs with them), and 2) as I said, if it's a phone problem, any normal person would change to a different type after a couple of fixes or upgrades but keep having problems.
I'm really hard on phones, for whatever reason. It seems like I am always breaking, losing, or dropping it in the toilet. I don't make a lot of money but still replace my phones frequently.
I do not like Kate Gosselin, but I really don't think this is a big deal.
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