Saturday, July 29, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Six Teenagers!": Glitter and sawdust and an awesome gender-specific party that Mother will never leave

The Duggars have the patience of Job, I'll give them that. It's incredible the way JimBoob has gradually eased himself back into the show over the years, with the promos for next week prominently featuring him at yet another wedding. Nobody will notice the family actually got fired, right?

Coming up on Kate Plus 8. Well, this party looks reasonably cool, with camping, mani-pedi's for the girls, archery tag, and the return of some yesteryear characters in Ashley, Jamie and Steve.

The thing is, kids don't need fancy ski trips, lavish parties, private lessons in whatever, or to get on a plane and go somewhere where the humidity is 90% and it's off season so the Air B&B mansion is half off. Rather, kids just want to blow up an air mattress and sleep in their own back yard. I'm glad they finally get to experience something cost effective and normal on their special day.

Kate has dreaded age 13 since they were born, Kate says. Well, that's a rather negative outlook on a rather wonderful age. Need we say more, she asks?

Pretty please do not say more.

But, of course, we're not getting off that easy. She will say more. A lot more. Kate struggles with party ideas, and to top last year's birthday every year. Not only is this woman in a competition with everyone else, but for goodness sake she's even in competition with last year's Kate. Sheesh. Her kids can speak now, and have minds of their own. Why not ask them what they want to do for their birthday. That will take a lot of burden off you to think of something. You'd be surprised how much a teen knows exactly what they want for their birthday.

Between Aaden and Mady and Kate, and producers of course, they came up with the idea to do a camping birthday, with the boys camping and the girls "glamping."

Sounds like an excuse to do a huge shopping spree at REI to me!

Lol, why make something easy. Kate has to remove an entire giant swing set in order to have room for one of the tents. The kids are bummed about this. At least she's not just dumping it into the dumpster, she's going to give it to a friend. That's nice. I actually remember when we removed the swing set at our house when I was a teen and I did find it surprisingly sad, even though like these kids, I hadn't used it in years. I remember us kids protesting, and our parents calmly reasoning with us that we never use it, and it will make caring for the lawn easier and provide more room for things we do more of now, like kicking a soccer ball around. Every kid should grow up with a swing set, and then have to watch it go when they are a teen. It's a right of passage and actually, a life lesson.

No one consulted Mady about this, Mady protests. And that's another reason that seemingly little things like removing a swing set are good for kids to see. I guess these kids are an exception since they do pay their way, but, for most kids, it's a life lesson in that it wasn't really your swing set, it's your parents' set to decide what to do with it, and it's not really your lawn, you aren't paying the property taxes and mortgage or doing the lawn upkeep. In life, many things that don't really belong to you will be taken away by someone else it does belong to making the decision. And if you don't like that, you need to work hard to get your own property someday so you can make your own decisions about swing sets. And also, it's good to teach kids that it's okay to let something go that was special to you, move on and let other children enjoy it, and just have the memories. Kate is too busy actively trying to teach her children things to notice that she just did so without trying.

We go on some long unrelated tangent complete with flashbacks about which sibling is which's favorite. Weird, divisive question and who cares?

Some guys who apparently don't want their business associated with Kate (their shirts are blurred out) set up the tents. Heh.

Some intern had fun with the drone getting a nice high speed shot of the house from above. It really is a sprawling property, with impeccable landscaping. I would do so much more with the outdoor space though. All they've got is a "meh" pool, and that deck fit for preachers and gays alike. I'd do an expansive outdoor space with an outdoor TV for watching sports, built in grill area with a sink and fridge, a bar, and lots of kinds of plush seating to choose from. A ping-pong table, corn hole, and other outdoor games are a must, and these kids would have everybody over at their house all the time. Seeing it now from above, the deck doesn't really serve much of a purpose. You have plenty of room at ground level to house all the same furniture across a much bigger area, instead of crammed onto a small deck. I don't get the point of the deck at all. The only thing I remember Kate saying about it is that she was tired of carrying things from the kitchen upstairs, I guess, to the original patio area downstairs. Well, that's a poor layout of a house then, and something you should have thought of upon purchase. Also, that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to create a smaller outdoor area when you could use the huge area downstairs and make it up really nice.

Jamie's back again. They must have come to terms on her contract because she was gone for awhile prior to these past few episodes. The boys' tent is going to be deep in the woods, which is cool, but kind of strange how isolated they are back in the woods when the girls are right near the house. The kids are arranging a cool fire pit, which should have been done years ago, but better late than never.

It's kind of nice the girls come to help the boys set up their stuff, though they seem to only be doing it to have an opportunity to boss them around, and the boys don't really appreciate much of it. Aaden is in that stage of his voice changing where he mostly just sounds stuffed up. Heh.

Kate's already called it quits even though I haven't seen her helping with much anything, announcing exhaustedly this is the last big birthday party she's doing for them. Good, she should butt out for once and let them go off with their friends for their birthday or heaven forbid have Jon host the party one year.

The day of the party is here, and Kate has a million and a half excuses why she had to do everything last minute (i.e. why she intentionally creates drama for the cameras). Funny thing is as she says this she and Jamie are doing things that absolutely could have been done ahead of time, like putting a pillowcase on a pillow. It's really a good thing she is not someone's regular employee because she would be a pain in the neck.

Wow, we're getting a knock in at her parents and childhood early this episode. We're only 16 minutes in and this is the party Kate always wanted as a kid but never had. I'm really, really sorry to her parents they have to continue to hear spiteful comments like this from their daughter on such a public platform. I'm betting her parents did the best they could with what they had, did not value spending money as the only way to show a child love as Kate does, and I hope, hope they know that for the vast majority of adults, a good childhood does not mean an over-the-top, lavish, expensive birthday party. If all they threw for their children were modest birthday parties here and there over the years, they did nothing wrong. Many families can't afford to throw parties at all, other than just inviting family and a few friends over for cake and ice-cream. It's expensive to throw a big party with a bunch of kids every year. Kreiders, ya got dealt a nasty kid here who is in the minority, not the majority, when reflecting on what makes a great childhood, okay?

Kate and Jamie are assembling things. Kate argues with everyone, even the instructions, yelling at the instructions and Jamie that clockwise, counterclockwise, it doesn't matter.

Jamie is like, eh, it probably does matter. (It probably does!). But Jamie was never one to push her until absolutely necessary.

Steve is our "Head of Security" Kate says with a straight face as he shuttles her around the property and does shit for her more like a personal assistant would do than a bodyguard on the roof watching for snipers.

I just spit my orange juice. Head of security?! Lol. Like there's an entire secret service in place for these has-beens. And for head of security, he sure hasn't taught her well, as just the other day she was encouraging fans to approach her and talk to her in The Cheesecake Factory. Not very wise to invite such close access to total strangers.

More like Head of Dolts, chief head! Steve is usually behind the scenes, explains Kate. Ha, he sure is!

I guess this is part of the slow master plan to ease Steve into the picture. A long conversation about a compass and setting up a scavenger hunt for the party. There is something about how he is talking here that rubs me the wrong way. He's so matter-of-fact, direct, and rings rather arrogant. Nothing is thought through because he already instantly knows the answer. He seems like the kind of husband who never asks for directions, always decides what the plan will be for the family without caring what anybody else thinks, and never lets you touch the credit cards. In other words, an ass. I never liked anything about Steve, unlike friends like Ashley and Jamie, who seem okay to even really cool sometimes.

This also seems like something that could be mostly set up the day before. They're like an old dysfunctional married couple, with Steve making a-hole comments to Kate like she should go back to the house to be safe, and that she's disorganized. I don't like someone like this. I know it's Kate, and she's annoying as hell, but it doesn't mean you get a free pass to be an asshat to her.

Steve says, interestingly enough, that a lot of people don't tell her things, but he tells her the truth. If she's wrong, he tells her. I'm not at all surprised people don't want to offend Kate, because when you do, you usually get cut off from the children. Doesn't seem like Steve would care much if that ever happened. But again, Steve sounds like an ass. Yes, of course you should tell someone the truth about themselves. Prince William said years ago he can't stand lackey friends, and only surrounds himself with people who are willing to call him out. Otherwise he fears he'll go haywire. But, the way Steve says it, he makes it sound like he's always right and Kate's always wrong, and thank goodness he is around to save her from herself. I can't believe Kate puts up with this condescending crap. I'd fire this guy within a day if only for the terrible example he's setting for the kids.

Mady is working on the girls glamping area, and it's really nice, with lots of pinks and whites and comfortable seating. Cara is nowhere to be found. Maybe she is doing what normal kids do on the weekend, go play sports, hang with friends, off at a music lesson, upstairs doing homework.

The archery tag people arrive in an absolutely gigantic vehicle. Yeesh! This party is really starting to $$$$$$$$$$. Also this is a good excuse to kill time showing a bunch of flashbacks to archery tag. Aw, the kids are absolutely thrilled about this.

Boys vs. girls, Kate announces immediately. Good golly, enough already!!

The kids are conforming to the usual gender stereotypes, with the girls wanting a prissy glamping experience and the boys a more rugged, GI-Joe like party. They are this bound to their gender stereotypes because they are being raised by a mother who adheres to strict gender stereotypes. On the one hand, this rigid adherence to typical gender roles is beyond antiquated, and is the kind of thinking that eventually makes some children uncomfortable to be who they really are. I'm not implying gay necessarily, but just non-conformist or just not into things like nails and dressing up (perhaps, Alexis). On the other hand, there is a lot of pressure on parents lately to do away with gender roles and raise kids homogeneously or nearly so, and in my view, that is really crossing a line into parental rights that people have no right to interfere with. We say a lot about Kate's bad parenting here, but I think the only thing she should be legally forced to do is not abuse her children and get her kids off T.V. Otherwise, if a parent like Kate, possibly in large part due to religion, or for other reasons, wants to raise a boy or girl in a certain way based solely on their genitals, that is their right to do so and they should not feel pressured or shamed by social constructionists for doing so.

Ashley's back, wearing an awesome Johnny Cash shirt. Ashley is going to take on the drudgery of sticking with the boys for the party. Poor thing. It looks like for much of the party the girls and boys will be separated. Wouldn't a good mother want to help out with both parties? It's so sad she sticks Ashley on doing the bulk of the work with the boys, instead of switching off so she spends equal time at both parties. If she thinks her boys don't notice this, she's mistaken.

I don't see Kate doing much work herself, but she sure can delegate the work to everybody else. She is manipulative and everybody falls for it for some reason. Or maybe the only people who fall for it are the ones willing to stick around.

The party begins, with a few friends arriving. I don't think this is going to be a big blowout with dozens of kids, but it's okay, smaller parties are okay too. I've always wondered if the reason they never seem to have endless friends is because a lot of families won't agree to filming, and that would be sad.

Mady is being really great as she helps out with the girls party. I saw shades of Mady's kindness when she was a tyke, along with a flash of temper, too. But when she's regulating herself, she is a kind, cool big sister. She helps organize the mani pedis and the crafts and the girly girls love it.

Oh, their hair stylist hanger-on Ronnie and main beard is here, lugging around water like a regular cabana boy. He sure is their toy, isn't he?

Andrea is here now too. I think this is the same Andrea nanny, or is it? She seems to be incredibly close to Ashley. I'm so lost, are they sisters, BFFs? I had no idea there was a connection between Andrea and Ashley.

The boys and their three or four-odd friends start a scavenger hunt with the A's. They're so cute with the war paint and camouflage. If they cover them all in paint and never show the boys in the same frame, you'll never notice Collin is gone. Typical teen boy stuff, like daring each other to eat a worm.  Aw, Collin would have loved this.

All the girls can do is complain that the boys are making noise. They're having fun! Geez! The girls are nothing if not obnoxious. Not only do they seem to do everything they can to ruin the boys' fun, but once the boys are actually having fun, they resent it. It's sad the animosity that has built up, mostly on their end. For the boys' part, they seem far less annoyed with their sisters, and were even pointing out earlier how cool Hannah is. Incidentally, Hannah is the one complaining the most about them. I wonder if she felt guilty afterward. Probably not.

Poor Alexis, she admits this is not her thing and she would rather be down with the boys. But her mother, as is her right, has decided her genitals dictate that she will have her toes painted for her birthday, so alas, here we are.

I'd rather be down with the boys too, they're having a blast on their scavenger hunt, using a compass and finding all the clues. "America!" Aaden shouts as he finds a clue. They're so funny. But he forgot, "F--- yeah!"

Kate can only discuss what she heard about the boys' party, as God forbid she would actually help with any of theirs. Kate was shocked to hear (she didn't actually witness it) Joel took the lead on the scavenger hunt, but, it's okay that he doesn't normally take the lead, as that's just a very normal boy thing, Kate remarks. To not take a leadership role? What in the world is she talking about? Okay, her gender stereotypes are out of control. Girls are bossy and boys are just blind dumb followers? Maybe in her family, because she made it so. She's insane. If anything, for many children it's the opposite, with boys easily falling into leadership roles without opposition, and girls having to be encouraged to take on roles of leadership in a society that has for many years discouraged it or at least made it harder to do so. She's lost her mind.

There's Kate over at the girls party of course, doing the only work I've seen her do this entire time, hand out lemonade. I hope the duchess takes a long rest after that, looked taxing.

Well I'll hand it to Steve, the scavenger hunt he allegedly set up is legit. One clue they have to cut out of a tree, another they have to wade into a creek to get it. Kiwis just intuitively know cool bushwhacking stuff to do like this I think.

They have a creek on their property? I never remember seeing this! What a lost opportunity to get a canoe or kayak and have hours and hours of fun every summer. An idyllic childhood is at their fingertips right in their own backyard, and mostly for free.

It's approaching time for food, and you can't take Kate out of Kate. She screams at the girls to come over and find their seats immediately. Why? Why can't they meander over and sit down like a normal party? She's so high strung and ridiculous, there's no way these kids are going to put up with much of her as adults. Naturally the boys are eating their meal totally separate out in the woods, and Aaden has learned what every growing child should learn, that food tastes so much better cooked over an open fire. Unfortunatly, this lesson wasn't thanks to his mom or dad, but his nanny.

The girls are probably doing glitter, the boys say, which is probably true. "You know what man glitter is? Sawdust!" one of their friends says. Heh! I love their friends, too!

Can Kate please stop hovering over the girls during their filet minot meal yammering on? They're 13 for gosh sakes, nobody wants Mommy there! I don't have any problem if she's there for the party, but hang back with your friends and watch, you're not just one of the girls. Sheesh.

I'm scratching my heads a little over the girls party. There are only five girlfriends there, which is less than two friends per girl, and they all fit easily around one table. But the tent is set up more for a party of 20, with several tables, chairs, and tablecloths. Did a bunch of people not show up? Weird. The demographic of their friends is interesting, too. Mostly nerds with glasses. I don't think these girls are all that popular--filming doesn't necessarily make you the toast of the school by any means. But as long as they are nice friends, that's what's important. I'd put money on these boys being far more popular, their friends are definitely the cool guys. And no surprise, as they are kind, easy going and funny, unlike the girls usually.

At least they finally come together for cake and ice cream, though separate cakes. The cake for the girls is double the size of the boys' little cake. Sheesh. The boys' cake is super cool though, in the shape of a campfire. The girls' cake is so pink I couldn't tell you what it's about.

Happy birthday to Collin? Who's Collin??? And what kind of facility doesn't allow a child to have a birthday visit and party? F that. Kate reads her PR statement, she is comforted that Collin is receiving exactly what he needs, and that hasn't changed. Yeah, not much is changing with Collin--he ain't coming home. She admits this is the second birthday without him, and for those not paying close attention, I think that knowledge is going to hit them like a ton of bricks. Second birthday without your son? Woman, get off the camera and get your priorities back out of whack. Outrageous.

It's "bittersweet." What is sweet about your child being gone for over a year? There is nothing sweet about this. They can't do anything without realizing Collin is missing. Eh, Kate seems to be getting along just fine without him, I don't get any sense any of this is painful for her. She only finally said something, and she should, because she opened the barn door and everyone got pissed she never closed the loop on it. Only, this was not the closure everyone was seeking here at all. If anything, her statement only raised more questions, and provided no indication of when the end will be in sight, as people naturally want to know. Dolt.

I'm glad they're coming together again for archery tag. Watch some kids you don't know play archery tag. You guessed it, nothing interesting happens. Why the holy F is Kate playing? God, go away!!! They are not toddlers where it's appropriate to get right in there and play with them. Leave them alone to have fun with their friends and go watch with your adult friends. I cannot remember a single parent my own or my friends ever butting into our parties like this, not at this age. It would be bizarre. I wonder what their friends think of her helicoptering, it has to be annoying.

Pool time, and all the girls can do is complain about the boys, who are doing nothing wrong. Kate says the boys were off the wall. Because they splashed each other a little? Please. The girls bail on the pool, to which I say good riddance. Kate says the most developmentally accurate statement I've ever heard her say, in that at this age they talk a big game about how boys and girls are gross, yet there's this little underpinning of curiosity there, like hmmm. Heh, yep that's thirteen all right.

Nighttime arrives, and Kate is still at their damn party like she's also turning 13. Go away. 

The girls find a spider in their tent, and embrace all their stereotypes reacting dramatically.

Kate goes around to all the girls and hugs and kisses them goodnight. What about the boys, did they get all this fussing? And does this mean she's finally going to leave their party? Go already!

Meanwhile, the boys sneak into the girls tent with bull horns. Lol. Kate goes on about how she had just got them settled into bed and now they're going to be all crazy again. What's the big deal? Let them run around a bit while you go to bed. They're not toddlers, you can close your eyes and leave them be, with a few ground rules (no pool, stay in the tents area), and they'll be fine. She really is a classic helicopter parent, still thinking she has to tuck her toddlers in at night and keep a close eye on them all the time. It's obnoxious and strange. Kate makes some remark about all the girls taking showers and how long it took. I never remember taking a shower at somebody else's house for just a one-night sleepover, that's kind of odd.

Kate says, well, maybe she'll consider another party next year, if she's alive. I don't find that joke funny. Especially in light of the constant advertisement in the corner of this episode for Princess Diana: Tragedy or Treason?, which I guess must be TLC's contribution to the endless stream of documentaries out this summer as we approach the 20th anniversary of Diana's death. Her son Harry turned thirteen weeks after his mum died, and twenty years later is still crushed over losing her. The things Kate jokes about are not funny, and the things she finds no humor in are usually hilarious.

Where we you when Diana died? I vividly remember it was a Saturday night, and like normal kids Prince William's age, I had two or three girlfriends over and we were hanging out, giggling and doing whatever it is teen girls do. We had the T.V. on and watched as the news scrolled by at the bottom, then interrupted the program. I went to tell my mom something bad had happened to Princess Diana, and I remember it seemed like only a few minutes later Peter Jennings showed up to announce she was dead. Even at my age I clearly remember saying, "Oh my gosh the poor boys!"

Twenty years later, after they have broken their silence this year about how they really feel (still crushed) I'm still saying those poor boys. I wish them lots of help, whether it's therapy or some other outlet, so they can finally process so much of which they say now they never did. Their mum would have wanted them to find closure with this and be happy, and I think they know that.

Kate's still out with all the kids, freaking out over a snake they found. For the tenth time for goodness sake go away and leave the kids alone. The boys remark that Alexis was showing off about the snake, picking it up, and she never would have done so if it weren't for their friend Luke. Lol, nice. She need not fear though, for all the tomboys I've known growing up who are straight, me being one of them, they eventually end up in surprisingly stable and healthy relationships with men, and early on. I wonder if it's because while all the other girls were off with girls, we spent a lot of time getting to know boys without the baggage of a romance. Which means our social skills with boys got really good really fast, because we've had a lot of practice. So by the time we were teens we knew what boys are all about while they are still a mystery to other girls. It does not surprise me Lex is apparently one of the first to show an interest in a boy, and I think she will do well with the opposite sex like other tomboys I've known. I would love to see her have something to one-up the other girls for once, like the best boyfriend. Crossing my fingers.

The boys adored the party. That's sweet. It looks like the girls loved it too. All in all it was a great party despite the gender stereotypes and poor Lex really wanting to hang with the boys. I doubt Kate noticed that other than buying all the camping equipment and the archery tag, this was a very economical party--and the kids seemed to love it the best of all their past parties.

Kate takes the time to blah blah on and on about herself and how in five years she's not sure if she'll still be single. The kids are annoyed she is single. Judging by this party, probably because they want to see her off with a boyfriend and out of their damn hair. Sorry, was anyone asking about Kate and her love life? I thought this was about the children's birthday. Also, in five years? She'll still be single.

770 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Get medicated said...

Off topic, since Coupn Cabin and Scott's post was fairly recently brought up I thought it would be interesting for you all to know that Scott, the CEO, founder and author of the letter is dating a lady from Real housewives of New York. Her name is Tinsley. He was on an episode this season as a set up date for her and they're still dating. He seems fun!

I know so don't comment much but I read here frequently and I like to say to PA lady, don't go!

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Sad but true Someone correct me if im wrong but i looked up Jazz's ratings a couple of months ago just to see how many people watch and i got a website that said around 1 million at the start of the series but it went under 700,000 towards the end of the series.In some ways it reminds me of I am Cait show which had 2 million for his show and went down to 500,000.The problem with these transgender shows is that no one can relate to the person because transgender only make up 0.3% of the population.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Dmasy, I love the idea that some of you ladies have connected with each other. Has anyone by chance been in touch with Auntie Ann? She left in mid-sentence, so to speak, so I hope she & her family are okay.

Layla said...

Yikes! I was away for a bit and come back to find things a bit difficult here. PA Dutch Mom and James, I always appreciate your comments and insights, and I hope you both stick around. PA Dutch Mom, I know you're a local, and there are things that you may know, but cannot share. I have family in that area, and I hear things, too. It's hard to keep quiet, but it's interesting to me that some of the things I hear from my PA family, I also hear from you. It validates the information that I otherwise don't know whether to believe. And James, you're such fun to interact with. You are both valued posters, please don't forget that.

The Duggar/Jazz thing is reminding me once again of what Matt Roloff said years ago--"The crazier the chatter, the more attractive you are for filming". This fiasco draws attention to both shows, increases awareness of both, and TLC can shrug off any negativity by saying that Derrick's opinions are his own. If more fundies watch Counting On out of support for the Duggars, and more of the LGBTQ community tunes in to support Jazz, then TLC comes out the winner.

Dmasy said...

Jolie, I wish. I wonder what happened with Auntie. I would like to know that she is fine. She had shared here that her husband had a serious stroke and she was his primary care taker. I hope life has improved for him and for her. Maybe some day she will pop back up and we will have a virtual celebration wth our own real versions of rumspringa!

Blowing In The Wind said...

What's hard to believe is that Derick couldn't manage to keep his mouth shut, after TLC brought them back from the Siberian exile which Josh put them in.


I don't think he's all that bright. I really don't. TLC should know this and be prepared for something like that. They certainly know the history of this family, their odd-ball ways, their addition to fame. Not that it's TLC's fault, but when you're dealing with a cult such as this, you have to be prepared if they open their mouths. It was bound to happen.

Tucker's Mom said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 3
Dmasy, I love the idea that some of you ladies have connected with each other. Has anyone by chance been in touch with Auntie Ann? She left in mid-sentence, so to speak, so I hope she & her family are okay.
August 4, 2017 at 8:29 AM
Layla said... 4
Yikes! I was away for a bit and come back to find things a bit difficult here. PA Dutch Mom and James, I always appreciate your comments and insights, and I hope you both stick around. PA Dutch Mom, I know you're a local, and there are things that you may know, but cannot share. I have family in that area, and I hear things, too. It's hard to keep quiet, but it's interesting to me that some of the things I hear from my PA family, I also hear from you. It validates the information that I otherwise don't know whether to believe. And James, you're such fun to interact with. You are both valued posters, please don't forget that.
What Layla said!
And, I'd love just to know that Auntie is doing OK ;-(

Formerly Duped said...

I watch I am Jazz with my daughter.

I also have a background in pediatric nursing in a major teaching hospital where I had many children patients recovering post-op from gender reassignment surgery and other genital operations. Of course these kids were not transgender but had congenital anomalies,ambiguous genitalia, hormonal syndromes, had been in accidents, had botched circumcisions or a variety of defects. That's what caused my interest in this issue, seeing how these kids, if assigned a new gender were only as male or female as their brain was.One girl in her teens had been born a boy, but had a circumcision that left her with a necrotic genital area and there was no choice but to 'make her a girl.' However she always felt male, despite the fact her parents had not told her the truth. A true TG child knows what gender he/she is and persists in that feeling into adulthood.I firmly believe Jazz is a true case of TG and her parents have done their very best for her.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Dmasy, I love the idea that some of you ladies have connected with other. Has anyone by chance been in touch with Auntie Ann? She left in mid-sentence, so to speak, so I hope she & her family are okay.


I was wondering the same thing. The last we heard from her was when she was poking her head around in the freezer, looking for a pork roast.

GollyGee said...

I miss Auntie Ann too! Hope she is well and just reading when she has time.

Wowser, Dutch Mom, PLEASE don't leave! We are a strong, healthy blog here due to the Admin and the pool girls and boys diligent work.

I really enjoy both of your posts and Layla's also!

Please reconsider!

GollyGee said...

Sherry Baby,

Auto correct!

I was trying to say abominable behavior.

But, abdominal would work also, she is the type to hit you below the belt when you aren't looking.

She is a gut buster!

GollyGee said...

I agree.

Derik has nothing better to do than harass a child.

Something bad happened when Jill was giving birth.

First of all, she was at home and went 40 hours with a horribly unqualified "midwife" deliverer. She wasn't suppose to. She was suppose to go in and have a C-section. There is high speculation that her uterus ruptured when she got to the hospital and had to have an emergency C-section.

The baby and Jill were still in the hospital for 3 weeks. The baby looked like he was in the NICU. Now it is came out that the baby was in he NICU for a while.

They usually have the happy baby birth pictures on People as soon as a Duggar girl has a baby. People gets the word, It's a go! Then the next day, BAM! Duggar Baby Cover!

I hope and pray the baby is OK.

GollyGee said...

Derik graduated from U of Arkansas with a Bachelor's in Accounting. He got an accounting job with Walmart and was working.

All of a sudden, he quit, set up a missions deal and started asking for money for him and Jill to go to El Salvador. Many people gave. Then they noticed that they would be flying back and forth on a regular basis for babies, weddings, whatever was going on at the Duggar

Were they taking money out of the mission's money to pay for this? People are very upset. Then the big blow. The church said they were not qualified to be able to be missionaries because you have to be trained and meet the criteria and pass exams or get certified to be able to go.

I know a married couple who had to go through 2 years of certification through an organization to be able to go and be missionaries in a foreign country. They just got their visas for 2 years where they are now!

They are wonderful, HUMBLE people. He is a elder at his home church.

GollyGee said...

What makes me ill at the Duggars missionary trips is that they do not supply the poorest with the means to help them help themselves.

They had out candy, which is great. But what about buying local chickens from farmers and give them to the poor so they can have eggs and sell them and have food to eat?

Why not buy goats locally and the family can raise them, sell the milk and the family can use the milk for feeding their babies and cooking?

This would help tremendously to the families who have to pay for their kids to go to school.

All they do is slap up something in construction, girls, in flip flops! and Jim Bob tries to talk in Spanish but just stupid like. Car-o for a car. Eat-o for eating.

Oh, and hand out candy.

Tucker's Mom said...

Not that it's TLC's fault, but when you're dealing with a cult such as this, you have to be prepared if they open their mouths. It was bound to happen.

BiTW, good point. I think I have to remember that TLC tries to normalize and de-cult them, but when you scratch the surface, you realize who they really are.
Like, 'Oh, yeah, they think the earth 3000 years old', and it all makes sense again.

Tamara said... ~ Administrator said... 165

Tamara said... 136
Why wouldn't Derick feel emboldened to tweet this? His countrie's President says stupider things every day. Recently he said those things about the transgendered population.


He never said any such thing even close. He is concerned about the high costs of health care for those in the military, because unlike many other politicians, he is willing to tell his constituents that money doesn't grow on trees for complicated medical treatment. Even transgenders themselves admit it is an extremely costly state to maintain. People go broke doing so. It's really sad how costly it is, and if we could bring the costs down, I for one would be happy to welcome them into the military, I think it's great as long as we can afford to do so. The costs will get there, I think, but it's not there today.
The cost IS there already. It's cheap. The military had a study done and was continuing to study it.

What does any of this have to do with Obamacare? Why are you bringing that up?

As for racism, not people didn't blame Obama but they did point out the obvious correlation of the first black President and more coverage of these shootings. Just as the ridiculous birther movement came to be because there were people who couldn't stand a black man as their President and used "Muslim" as insult.

There are also multiple studies that show that hate crimes are up in the months since Trump was elected. That's not because America has suddenly become more hateful. It's because hateful Americans have realised they can back up what there saying with "look at the President".

GollyGee said...

When I said that I hoped the baby would be OK, I meant Jill too!

Sue said...

First of all, she was at home and went 40 hours with a horribly unqualified "midwife" deliverer. She wasn't suppose to. She was suppose to go in and have a C-section. There is high speculation that her uterus ruptured when she got to the hospital and had to have an emergency C-section.

IMO she's got no one to blame but herself. If the doctor wanted her to have a C section buy she chose home birth then that's on her. You can lead a horse to water....

GollyGee said...

Sue, I totally agree.

She is brainwashed like Jessa was when she had her first baby. Jessa was bleeding out and Michelle was cool as a cucumber on the phone with 911 saying that Mother was bleeding.

Like, well, daughter wants no onions and son wants pepperoni. Like ordering a pizza.

Your daughter is BLEEDING OUT!

The paramedics are much more qualified to deliver babies than this specific woman who is a untrained baby deliver. Who has a couple of very bad outcomes in her "practice".

It is on Jill, but she is too scared to defy her parents. She puts the baby and herself in danger. She is that brainwashed.

NJGal51 said...

I work for the Army and I had to go to mandatory training on transgender issues. What can and can't be said, how service members are to be addressed once their "gender marker" has been changed, how long they'll be out of commission if they elect to get surgery, etc. Here's some info if you're interested.

Layla said...

I'm a little jealous that some posters have been able to connect IRL. Wouldn't it be fun to have a get-together? I even have the perfect dress for it! I bought it for vacation--it's a really cute maxi dress, but would convert perfectly into a muumuu if I don't wear the belt. I need a pair of crocs in a color that completely clashes with the dress, and I'm ready to go!

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 20
I work for the Army and I had to go to mandatory training on transgender issues. What can and can't be said, how service members are to be addressed once their "gender marker" has been changed, how long they'll be out of commission if they elect to get surgery, etc. Here's some info if you're interested.
Based on the comments, this is going over like a lead balloon.

On another note, still no social media posting from Jon?
It's been awhile...

Mel said...

Interesting how Miss Piecin' and Patchin' had probably $800 worth of tents set up by professionals for a kids party.

Over In TFW's County said...

I need a pair of crocs in a color that completely clashes with the dress, and I'm ready to go!


Don't forget the white knee socks. You can buy them at the Dollar Tree.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Like, 'Oh, yeah, they think the earth 3000 years old', and it all makes sense again.


I remember when that doofus, Sherri Shepherd,said that she didn't think anything pre-dated Christians.

NOIP said...

A Doctor And The Boy With No Penis. Botched circumcision leads to tragedy. Boy raised a girl in experiment. Sad!

Tamara said...

PA Dutch Mom, if you take time away I hope it's because you want to not because you've been forced to by a poster or two. Then again I'm surprised you've stayed this long. I think if I had to live 'with' and around this sad saga like you do I wouldn't want to relive it online. Thank you for doing that.

Tamara said...

Tucker's Mom said... 22
On another note, still no social media posting from Jon?
It's been awhile...
He's probably doing something original. Like living his life, raising four children, visiting family and friends. So mediocre. ;)

Layla said...

Over In TFW's County (24) said...
Don't forget the white knee socks. You can buy them at the Dollar Tree.
Can I get the ones with the contrasting stripes at the top? Now, those are stylish!

Over In TFW's County said...

Can I get the ones with the contrasting stripes at the top? Now, those are stylish!


Yes, that acceptable, as well as the ones with the contrasting knitted heel.

Tizzie said...

Tucker's Mom said... 197

I look forward to finding out whether "Counting On" numbers take a hit.

If they do, they'll need to change the show's name to Counting Down :P

Tamara said...

Re talking about gender stereotypes in the recap, the UK is banning them in ads.

ncgirl said...

Nothing new, but this Kate article is dated today. Must be a slow news day or TFW is just trying to get attention during the Duggar chaos.

Sad but true said...

ncgirl said... 33

OMG, can they NOT just let go of this famewhore? I absolutely do not get it. How many times can this lame publication recapitulate the same exact quotes? It doesn't sound like she was even questioned for this piece. If there IS a god, I hope he will tell this b*tch to take a seat, for the very last time.

Susan1956 said...

ncgirl said... 33
Nothing new, but this Kate article is dated today. Must be a slow news day or TFW is just trying to get attention during the Duggar chaos.
She's still working on damage control re: Colin's absence. Too little, too late.

GollyGee said...

She better start fathoming it!

She better get a regular job, or she will have to tap in to that mountain of cash she has stashed somewhere in Switzerland or the Caribbean.

I wonder if she called Coyne and asked to do something because of the Duggar scandal or Coyne did it on her own out of celebrity worship for TFW.

GollyGee said...

Sad but true, God is there and He will take care of TFW in His own time. She has stacked up a pretty good pile of millstones for making her children stumble and other children also.

The little boy in the toy store when she stomped her spiked heel on his foot and kept on going, didn't look back, screeched out SORRY! and kept on going so she wouldn't lose ANY camera time.

The awesome young lady who survived cancer and was their tour guide at St. Jude's and she paid no more attention to her than Shoka and Nala getting outside the gate and running in the road while she drove off.

She wanted them gone. Even in the worst way. She would of claimed they jumped or dug out under the fence and the sheeple would believe it.

Jon was awesome with the tour guide.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I used to "count down" in my posts how long it would be before TFW had 8 teenagers under her roof, and that she had no idea how tough it would be, and then I'd say "tick tock."
Son of a gun, she avoided it by kicking one out before his 12th birthday.

FYI said...

Sad but true said... 34
ncgirl said... 33

OMG, can they NOT just let go of this famewhore? I absolutely do not get it. How many times can this lame publication recapitulate the same exact quotes? It doesn't sound like she was even questioned for this piece.

They didn't question her for that piece. They just re-used quotes from her August 2016 interview and what she recently said on the show re Collin.

I guess People doesn't want to pay for a new, exclusive interview with a photo shoot, so they just recycle old news and act like it's current. Even the videos included in the article are from last year. The first video is about the photo shoot and article from last year, and says "for more on Kate Gosselin and her children, make sure to pick up the latest issue of People on news stands everywhere Friday." I wonder how many people saw that video and went to buy People and wondered why Kate and the kids weren't on the cover.

Also, someone over at People really should proofread their articles before publishing. The article first talks about the tups celebrating their 13th birthday, but later on states:

"For the sextuplet’s 16th birthday, Kate, 42, threw a “camping and glamping” themed party to mark the occasion."

Layla said...

Kate's working hard to get her name in the news these days, isn't she? Over the last 3 years that the show was back, there weren't many news stories, and now that TLC "doesn't have any announcements" about her show, there has been a constant trickle. Problem is, the stories don't become big news because people don't really care. She's old news, boring, repetitive to the general public. She has nothing to talk about but her kids. People are more interested in their own kids.

TLC will probably try to bring the family back (in a limited capacity) in the future, but their time has passed. There isn't much interest left, and ratings for anything but a 1-2 episode run will be dismal. As Golly Gee (36) said above, she better get a regular job--or get used to dipping into her stash of cash to pay bills.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

TLC will probably try to bring the family back (in a limited capacity) in the future, but their time has passed. There isn't much interest left, and ratings for anything but a 1-2 episode run will be dismal.


We've been saying this for years about Phoenix Rising. I'll believe it when I see it. Sigh.

Over And Out said...

Does Coyne still have the hots for Kate? I would think that girl crush would have ended by now.

Layla said...

Rainbowsandunicorns (41)
I think the day has come. It's been 19 months since any episode has gotten over 1M viewers, no matter what they try. TLC already cut this season down to 3 episodes, they don't have another season to announce (unlike most of their other shows, where they announce new seasons as soon as the current one ends). It's hard to imagine what would have to happen for the show to sustain high viewership in the future if they can't do it now. If they do a 2-part special for the tups' 16th, they might get good ratings. But if they try to follow it up with more seasons, the viewer numbers will drop. It did that when the show debuted as K+8, and that happened again when they brought it back. Maybe, this time, the producers learned their lesson.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Layla, 43...It's been 19 months since any episode has gotten over 1M viewers, no matter what they try. TLC already cut this season down to 3 episodes,


I thought these three episodes were just a continuation of the previous season. I'm confused.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Golly 37...Sad but true, God is there and He will take care of TFW in His own time. She has stacked up a pretty good pile of millstones for making her children stumble and other children also.


What other children?

ncgirl said...

"Does Coyne still have the hots for Kate? I would think that girl crush would have ended by now."

Last year, Coyne put out a book about celebrities. She was still defending Kate.

"Who do people ask you about most often?

"Kate Gosselin. During the heyday of Kate Gosselin, I got very, very, very lucky. That story was a huge deal. [It was the] right place, right time, right instinct, I guess, if I want to give myself any credit. I think she has contended with a level of misogyny that is so under-appreciated. I think feminists should be furious at the way Kate Gosselin’s been treated. She’s a mother of eight — and make no mistake, she’s a single mother of eight."

"My position on her, generally, is the minute you have twins and then sextuplets, and marry a man-child who you go through an absolutely hellish divorce from — the minute you’ve walked in all of those pairs of shoes, you can judge her all day, every day. But if that’s not your life, be quiet, because she has been through a hell of a lot."

We all know this is BS.

Layla said...

Blowing (44),
They have flip-flopped quite a bit on what they are calling these 3 episodes. I guess time will tell if they plan to do another full season. It sure doesn't look like it, but we'll see.

Susan1956 said...

Layla said... 43

I think the day has come. It's been 19 months since any episode has gotten over 1M viewers, no matter what they try. TLC already cut this season down to 3 episodes, they don't have another season to announce (unlike most of their other shows, where they announce new seasons as soon as the current one ends). It's hard to imagine what would have to happen for the show to sustain high viewership in the future if they can't do it now. If they do a 2-part special for the tups' 16th, they might get good ratings. But if they try to follow it up with more seasons, the viewer numbers will drop. It did that when the show debuted as K+8, and that happened again when they brought it back. Maybe, this time, the producers learned their lesson.
While I don't rule out a follow-up episode of Khate and her ATM's, I think she's done for a while because there's nothing left to film. The twins had their 16th
and the sextuplets - 1 their 13th birthday bashes. We've seen the kids out trick-or-treating, a haunted basement and a haunted barn. They haven't filmed Christmas since all the kids were little. The twins are about a year away from any college tours. At this point, bringing Colin back (even if his treatment professionals were ok with it) would only lead to a lot more questions and accusations (deserved) of using him to keep the show going. I can't really see TLC shelling out for a Christmas break vacation and there's nothing to film at the konpound. Nobody wants to see her date or even a show revolving around her and Skeevie if they ever decide to go public. They've done the 'giving back' episodes. So I'm hoping we're done for 2017.

I want to hope filming is done until the twins turn 18/go on college tours and/or the sextuplets - 1 16th birthday. We'll see.

NJGal51 said...

Blowing -On iTunes it's listed as "season 6" and there are only 3 episodes. The few fans she's got left are going to forget about her if she doesn't throw her them a bone and post something soon. Milo's already taken her to task on it.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Last year, Coyne put out a book about celebrities. She was still defending Kate.


Have they gotten a room yet?

"The few fans she's got left are going to forget about her if she doesn't throw her them a bone and post something soon. Milo's already taken her to task on it."


Hide the bunny, Dan!

Is Zorro still alive?

GollyGee said...

BiTW, the boy she hurt in the toy store and totally blowing off the precious tour guide at St. Jude's.

And I just thought, Jamie's kids on the RV trip. She let Cara torture Jamie's son and didn't do nothing about it.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

I want to hope filming is done until the twins turn 18/go on college tours and/or the sextuplets - 1 16th birthday. We'll see.


They will think of something sooner than that, even if it's rehashing. Bet the farm on it.

ncgirl said...

The Roloff daughter is married.

Sad but true said...

Kate Coyne's book tanked big time. All-time hardcover sales on Amazon are 400; I believe the book came out 14 months ago? Kindle sales were somewhat better at around 1,700. A paperback version came out in January, but I can't find any sales info on that one (oddly, it's currently selling for more on Amazon than the hardback). She might have done slightly better than K8's cookbook, but that's not saying much.

GollyGee said...

We all get a little uneasy when it comes to even thinking about psychopaths. People detached from human emotion manipulating people around them, no thanks!

There are tons of psychopaths living in this world unnoticed, sure not all of them are murderers or criminals but that doesn’t make them not a psychopath. If you know someone who meets the following criteria chances are they are a psychopath.

8 Most Accurate Signs That Someone Has Psychopathic Tendencies:

1. They do not feel guilt.

When we hurt someone we usually feel guilty about it. A psychopath will not feel guilt.

2. They do not feel empathy.

We as humans are usually very empathetic towards others. The psychopath will not be. They cannot understand and do not care to the emotions of others.

3. They love to make people feel guilty.

They pick up a lot of small things about everyone in their lives. They use this sort of thing to get in your trust. They use your vulnerabilities to gain control over you. One of their favorite things to do is guilt someone and then cashes in a favor.

4. They only value themselves.

No one else matters to them but themselves and their well being.

5. They think they are better than everyone else.

They feel superior to everyone they encounter. This is how they are able to dodge guilt and things of the sort, the common person is only here for their amusement.

6. They are liars.

They lie all the time even when it is not something that will benefit them. This gives them a false sense of power.

7. They have appealing personalities.

Psychopaths are often people who are liked. They are approachable and friendly, not how they are portrayed in movies.

8. They do not take responsibility for their actions.

No matter what they do it is never their fault anything ever gets put back on them.

Tucker's Mom said...

"Kate Gosselin. During the heyday of Kate Gosselin, I got very, very, very lucky. That story was a huge deal. [It was the] right place, right time, right instinct, I guess, if I want to give myself any credit. I think she has contended with a level of misogyny that is so under-appreciated.
OMG, Coyne, GFY!!
Kate Gosselin is not a victim, she HAS victims. MANY victims.
Kate Gosselin is a mean, hateful MISANDRIST.

There. Fixed it for ya!

Tucker's Mom said...

I think feminists should be furious at the way Kate Gosselin’s been treated.
Feminists are embarrassed by this lazy-ass famewhore.

Tucker's Mom said...

"My position on her, generally, is the minute you have twins and then sextuplets, and marry a man-child who you go through an absolutely hellish divorce from
Wow, Coyne totally drank the Kool Aid. She's another man hater and it shows on her puckered, botoxed, pinched, squinty-eyed face.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#58), and Coyne didn't get the memo that the "man-child" didn't WANT to have sextuplets -- he was quite happy with his family of 4. And that "hellish divorce" was initiated by TFW herself, was capitalized on by her and TLC, and kept her in the public eye as a professional victim.

Susan1956 said...

"My position on her, generally, is the minute your years of scheming to have twins and then sextuplets comes to fruition, and the man-child you married in order to facilitate those plans takes back his balls and tries to do what's best for his children, she has to play the victim. And that little magazine I work for, People, is more than happy to help her with that.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Susan1956 (#60), well put!

Tucker's Mom said...

Susan1956 said... 60
"My position on her, generally, is the minute your years of scheming to have twins and then sextuplets comes to fruition, and the man-child you married in order to facilitate those plans takes back his balls and tries to do what's best for his children, she has to play the victim. And that little magazine I work for, People, is more than happy to help her with that.
We haven't had a Comment of the Week in SO long, and I vote for this^^one!!!

Layla said...

Coyne thinks Kate has had to deal with a lot of misogyny???? Seriously? Hmm, let's see...Kate is a woman who got where she is by using the oldest trick in the book--a deliberate "oopsie" pregnancy. If she's dealing with misogyny, may I say it's well deserved.

Dmasy said...

Susan (60) -- you have my vote. Well said.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Kate Coyne's book tanked big time. All-time hardcover sales on Amazon are 400; I believe the book came out 14 months ago

Where can I purchase it? Is it on pre-order?

Dmasy said...

MTV news. One of the teen moms from the second season franchise just gave birth to her 3rd son. Three different daddies. The last one is no longer in a relationship with her.

This is documented, glorified and paid for. She is all over celebrity sites right now. I don't get it.

She has "fame" and an MTV following for doing nothing but popping out 3 kids before she is 26 years old.

Her custody weekends should be a nightmare of logistics.

Another girl from the same season also has 3 children by 3 daddies. Her second marriage will be to the 3rd father.

I am from the generation where you had a shotgun wedding or mothers-to-be were hidden in some convent backroom before the baby was given up for adoption. Feeling kinda' old and out of touch right now.

Layla said...

Bravo! You have my vote for Comment of the Week!

Midnight Madness said...

Kate Coyne's book tanked big time. All-time hardcover sales on Amazon are 400; I believe the book came out 14 months ago

Where can I purchase it? Is it on pre-order?


She's been looking at Kate through rose-colored glasses. Her eyes are so clouded over, fell under Kate's spell for some reason that I'm surprised she could even see to write a book.

And I think she hates men!

Tamara said...

Dmasy said... 66
MTV news. One of the teen moms from the second season franchise just gave birth to her 3rd son. Three different daddies. The last one is no longer in a relationship with her.

This is documented, glorified and paid for. She is all over celebrity sites right now. I don't get it.

She has "fame" and an MTV following for doing nothing but popping out 3 kids before she is 26 years old.

Her custody weekends should be a nightmare of logistics.

Another girl from the same season also has 3 children by 3 daddies. Her second marriage will be to the 3rd father.

I am from the generation where you had a shotgun wedding or mothers-to-be were hidden in some convent backroom before the baby was given up for adoption. Feeling kinda' old and out of touch right now.
I'm from the generation where you used this magical pill called birth control and you didn't pop out kids to get on tv. Feeling kinda old and out of touch right now too.

GollyGee said...

Teen Mom is disgusting!

Not only are the girls keeping the money/train fame a chugging along each year they or the babies daddy's are in and out of jail!

Layla said...

I'm kind of hoping that K+8 is over for a long time because I want to see what Kate does about it. She always says she stands on her own--well, let's see her do just that. If the show is drastically cut back, she will have to either A) have to get a real job, or B)stop pretending there isn't a mountain of cash stashed away. I can't imagine her ever stooping so low as to get a real job, and the older the kids get, the more ridiculous her fall-back excuse of having to give her whole check to a babysitter will be. She'll either have to come up with a more plausible excuse or just come out and admit she's rich. She loves to cry poor (thinking she can get more stuff/sympathy from people that way), but if she really were broke she wouldn't be able to maintain her lifestyle for years and years. She says she's never moving, and that house would be impossible to maintain without some really deep pockets.

So, let's see what you've got, "can-do Kate". Can you really do it all, or does TLC do it all for you? I, for one, really want to see.

NJGal51 said...

And she's back with a picture of the dog's crate with a toy horse in it.

I love that my kids know when I need a good laugh...came home from the grocery store, rounded the corner to say hello to Nanuq....and instead found THIS in her crate! Scared me to death....and then I burst out laughing! #IHaveTheBestKidsEver #SenseOfHumorMakesEverythingBetter

First of all, just WTF! Is she still trying to make us think they're toddlers? "Oh, those little rascals put one of their toys in the dog's crate to fool me!" Secondly, if the kids are home why are the dogs being crated when in the house? At 15 months old they should be able to behave when left out of their crates to be with their humans. Finally, WHY did it scare her to death? Did she think the dog turned in to a toy horse? What a dope!

jamesvader1194 said...

@Layla I remember when the show was first cancelled back in 2011 Kate went on the pity tour and kept insisting that the kids REALLY miss filming and that they kept asking her if they were going to film ever again.I also herd somewhere that the fans started blaming Jon and haters for the reason filming stop because of all the negative press that was out there of her.Who knows,maybe the people story was put as a last resort to try to play victim.

Gigi Be said...

Does Coyne still have the hots for Kate? I would think that girl crush would have ended by now."

I still remember watching Coyne's interview on the "inside Kate's World" .The whole show consisted of one interview after another of journalists, Skeeve, and others. It was a whole "let's kiss Kate's azz" fest. It was very nauseating to watch. It painted Kate as a mother Theresa, raising 8 kids by herself and dodging the paparazzi. At the time,TLC was really going above and beyond making Kate look like Christ incarnated . (My how have things changed!) Coyne came off as nasty person.

Blowing In The Wind said...

NJGal51 said... 72
And she's back with a picture of the dog's crate with a toy horse in it.


Is Milo right there? I don't look at her IG.

Layla said...

jamesvader1194 (73)
Yep, I do remember. She went on and on about how much they missed their "crew daddies", and how worried the kids were about whether they would be able to stay in their house and their school. And she said she'd work her fingers to the bone to keep them in their school and house--but she never did.

She's just worried that people will forget about her. Every little blurb like the one in People mag would end up trending back then. Not now--nobody takes much notice these days. If TLC backs off for awhile, she may just fade into oblivion. I want to see what she does if that happens. Will she step up and prove herself, or will she whine and cry and play victim? I'm thinking the latter.

Sad but true said...

LOL at the new photo. She's beyond pathetic. I don't believe for an instant her kids did this. I DO believe she'd walk around all day working on a photo op like this, though. She's definitely been away. I wonder when we'll see photos of the "new and improved" version. K8 8.0?

NJGal51 said...

Nope, no Milo yet Blowing and it's been up about two hours.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Molly Roloff just got married. And Matt (of whom I'm no big fan) was classy enough to acknowledge his ex-wife Amy when posting about it, saying Molly is the apple of her mother's eye as well as his. And that Amy and he are so proud of her.

Here's hoping M & C reconcile with their dad before (if and when) they get married, so Uncle Ronnie isn't walking them down the aisle. Mark my words -- those girls will regret rejecting their father's love someday.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#72), and notice the parentification: the kids knew she needed a laugh. Poor Schmoopy had to go out grocery shopping like a commoner -- no wonder she needed cheering up.

Susan1956 said...

Flimsy Flamsy (61), Tucker's Mom (62), Dmasy (64), and Layla (67) . . .

Awww, thanks for the recognition. Sometimes the board moves so fast with lots of different areas of focus it's hard to know if others find your comment relevant.

capecodmama said...

Susan1956...Agree. Well said.

Sherry Baby said...

Nope, no Milo yet Blowing and it's been up about two hours.

Maybe she and LOM haven't yet returned from their Sunday-go-to-meetin' services.

Susan1956 said...

NJGal51 said... 72
And she's back with a picture of the dog's crate with a toy horse in it.

I love that my kids know when I need a good laugh...came home from the grocery store, rounded the corner to say hello to Nanuq....and instead found THIS in her crate! Scared me to death....and then I burst out laughing! #IHaveTheBestKidsEver #SenseOfHumorMakesEverythingBetter

First of all, just WTF! Is she still trying to make us think they're toddlers? "Oh, those little rascals put one of their toys in the dog's crate to fool me!" Secondly, if the kids are home why are the dogs being crated when in the house? At 15 months old they should be able to behave when left out of their crates to be with their humans. Finally, WHY did it scare her to death? Did she think the dog turned in to a toy horse? What a dope!
She is quite a dope. There are so many things wrong with her IG post and the message she puts out there. 1) I don't know when she posted on her IG, but isn't she putting the lie to the all my money goes to babysitters saga? Even if 4 of the kids weren't with Jon, I doubt she had a sitter come in to be with 'the littles' for a trip to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon. Five 13 year olds and two 16 year olds are capable of coexisting in that house for an hour or so with Mady and/or Cara being in charge.

I think people would have so much more respect for her if it was evident that those kids, especially 'the littles' were getting off the konpound sans cameras and doing normal things---NO KATE/TLC YOU MAY NOT USE THIS FOR THE SHOW--such as going to the grocery store in order to see the selection of food available, prices, etc. Has she taught any of them the basics of how to do laundry? If she doesn't these kids are in for a rude awakening because precooked, frozen meals won't magically appear in their house nor will the grocery shopping, laundry, lawn care, etc. be done without their lifting a finger once they're living on their own.

Sad but true said...

Didn't take long. I swear s/he reads here religiously.

miloandjack2016 BibbityBobbityBoo! #FairyGodmother change this lil horse back into Nanuq!! 😋 Where are your #Furbabies?? #Nanuq #Mak #Shoka @kateplusmy8

GollyGee said...

Congrats, Susan1956 on comment of the week!

A round of non-alcohol strawberry daiquiri's on me!

NJGal51 said...

<====OMG - There's a pig on my dog's bed instead of my dog! It didn't scare me to death and I didn't burst out laughing because, well, I put it there for a photo op.

Susan1956 said...

capecodmama (82)

Thank you.

Susan1956 said...

GollyGee said... 86
Congrats, Susan1956 on comment of the week!

A round of non-alcohol strawberry daiquiri's on me!
Slurp:) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am from the generation where you had a shotgun wedding or mothers-to-be were hidden in some convent backroom before the baby was given up for adoption///////////////////

Ok. So what are you trying to say? That women should still be 'hidden away' when pregnant without a husband? Or that women should never BE pregnant without a husband?
Or is it just that these women are making money and are famous for being teen moms?

Feelin' kinda' out of touch with your comment!

-- amy 1, 2 or 3 lol ~ Administrator said...

I'm concerned she is abusing the purpose of a crate. It sounds like the dogs being confined is a very regular thing. At this point the crates should be packed away, only for limited use when guests come over who are uncomfortable with dogs, or a heavy package is being delivered inside the house by a crew.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm concerned she is abusing the purpose of a crate. It sounds like the dogs being confined is a very regular thing.
Absolutely. Why on earth would the dogs be in crates with the kids at home?
I was chatting with 2 young girls who were walking their very Nookie-ish white GSD last night, and I asked if their doggie gets to sleep with them at night.
They said, "no, he sleeps in his crate".
Why? I don't get it.

Formerly Duped said...

The Teen Mom stories were supposed to encourage young girls to use birth control/abstinence and consider options such as adoption. i think only one or two has been to college. But they get big paychecks from MTV and can afford cars, homes, vacations, lifestyles theyotherwise wouldn't so I think the message is lost on may, including the girls themselves. They have fan followings and a number have had another child since being a teen mom. I think the purpose of the show backfired by the girls being paid so much and living the high life - for now.

Formerly Duped said...

I agree about the crates. some dogs like them- with the door open- for their beds and 'safe place' but those large dogs should be able to have the run of a great deal of space in that huge house and grounds. It was sad seeing Shoka I think when Kate was wrapping the Halloween present costume, and he was in a crate nearby, which looked pretty small, door locked.

I also hear them talk about Nu-Nu but Mak (male) not so much.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Duped (#94), poor Mak may want to watch his back. Next thing you know, TFW will complain that he "smells like dog," and doesn't know how to help her, and takes away too much of her time and energy from her other dogs, and, poof, he can disappear. After doing that with her son, doing it with a dog would be a cakewalk.

Dmasy said...

Amy 1, 2 or 3 lol (90), I should have been more clear.

Certainly, I do not believe the way teen pregnancy was handled years ago was healthy. The solutions were extreme and stigmatizing.

Also unhealthy and extreme is making a profit from conceiving irresponsibly with every serious boyfriend.

The Teen Mom girls live in nice homes and drive new cars. None of them has a job that is the equivalent of the night shift at McDonalds (while Grandma watches the baby). Many of them have had cosmetic surgery. One has become a "part time" porn star.

They do not represent reality. However, they are reality TV stars.

I feel old and out of touch because I cannot understand why.

Tucker's Mom said...

I feel old and out of touch because I cannot understand why.
You're not alone!

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker and Dmasy : I agree too. Glorifying a less than ideal teenage situation.

Dmasy said...

I probably should not have spoken up about the Teen Mom franchise. I don't watch often enough to support my statements with life style statistics.

At one time, I was interested the the couple who chose open adoption. I think they are the only original mother and father combination that stayed together. They have since married and have another daughter.

They wrote a book about their life and overcoming some serious environmental hardships. I read that book.

I think the show may have begun with a Dr. Drew educational goals in mind. The production company has strayed far from that premise.

Sad to think some cute little 15-year-old girl would watch the lifestyles of "The Pregnant and Affluent" and think, I'm gonna get myself knocked up and get me a TV show.

It will be the children of these choices who suffer. Oops. Now I have come full circle back to Kate Gosselin.

Midnight Madness said...

They said, "no, he sleeps in his crate".
Why? I don't get it.


Our dogs have the run of the house. They may sleep wherever they want, including on my pillow. There are two crates set up, and that's where they sleep with the doors open. I don't know why, but they both prefer to sleep there. It's like it is a space they can call their own.

Tucker's Mom said...

Our dogs have the run of the house. They may sleep wherever they want, including on my pillow. There are two crates set up, and that's where they sleep with the doors open. I don't know why, but they both prefer to sleep there. It's like it is a space they can call their own.
One of our dogs sleeps on the bed and the other likes to jump down, so we put her bed next to our bed at night.
I totally agree about a space of their own.

Tucker's Mom said...

I've never seen Teen Moms but know who some of them are. Is that one (Farrah?) still doing porn?

All This Is That said...

Oh, Geez. Gladys is now directing Kate to a site suggesting she look into service dogs for kids with special needs. Butt out, Milo! What in the world is wrong with her/him?

Fired Up 4 Kate‏ @MiloandJack 57m57 minutes ago

Would you consider looking into this? :) #SpecialNeeds #SpeciallyTrainedServiceDogs … …

Anonymous said...

Milo has tweeted asking if K8 would consider, 'Boy With Autism Gets Dog Who Changes His Life' and provides a link to the video. She may have overstepped the mark by mentioning autism; K8 may not appreciate that.


GollyGee said...

The kids had to cheer her up just from going to the grocery store?

Placing a stuffed horse toy with a caged dog just to cheer her up means that the Parentification of the Gosselin Children is a complete and utter success!

If she is that bad off to have to be cheered up just going to the grocery store, why not stay home, hire someone to go for you, put the twins in charge, let them put the food up, take a sedative and go to bed.

That is where you are the most happy.

capecodmama said...

All this talk about dogs, crates, run of the house and where they sleep reminded me of a conversation I had with my younger daughter the other day. She and her family adopted a black lab/pointer mix back in April. He'll be a year old next month. He's a very sweet dog but of course still needs correcting occasionally because he's a puppy. They do not crate him when they are gone and he's been fine. He has his dog bed but when I asked my daughter where he sleeps at night, she laughed and said, "usually on my head." TFW dog person my ass.

GollyGee said...

BibbityBobbityPuke! #FairyGreedMother change this lil horse back into Nanuq!

The dogs are caged up just like Shoka and Nala were and also the babies were in their cribs for 4 hours each day till Jon came home.

NJGal51 said...

My dog is the same age as TFW's and he's got run of the house when we're gone. Does he do naughty puppy things? Of course he does, he's still a puppy. We know that he loves shoes so we close the bedroom doors so that he's not tempted to go in and chose from the smorgasbord of fine leather calling his name. He doesn't pee or poop inside any more but he will pull all the cushions off his couch but he hasn't chewed them. We watched him once and the joy must be in knocking them off and then jumping on them. Milo seems to be a dog lover so I don't know why she never calls TFW out on this. Well, yes I do.

Tucker's Mom said...

WTH, Milo? Kate has 3 dogs- 2 of them replaced 1 child. Collin has probably never so much as petted them.

FYI said...

Hmm, is Milo calling herself a "hater"?

Fired Up 4 Kate‏ @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
A hater tries to control you by controlling how others see you thru misinformation & lies! Stay above it! Truth will prevail! @kateplusmy8

Doesn't she try to control Kate by trying to control how others see Kate by spreading misinformation and lies?

All This Is That said...

Fired Up 4 Kate‏ @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
A hater tries to control you by controlling how others see you thru misinformation & lies! Stay above it! Truth will prevail! @kateplusmy8

Milo, you are a hoot. Remember when you were spreading lies and misinformation about Jon, such as a restraining order, that he was stealing groceries, and so much more? Look in the mirror, doofus!

We know you read here!

All This Is That said...

,,,and the lie Kate told on television about just getting a good bra? How do the sheeple explain going from two fried eggs (in the Florida beach photo), to humongous girls as seen in bikini photos? Oh, right, it's that invisible bra that Kate should have marketed.

NJGal51 said...

I think that Milo tweets these things because she knows that TFW doesn't use Twitter unless forced to have a "live tweet party". It makes Milo feel good about herself without having to face the wrath of TFW by posting it on her IG timeline and possibly getting blocked for bringing things up that that may strike a chord.

Layla said...

Ugh, Mama June got another season of "Not to Hot", and her unmarried teenage daughter, Pumpkin, is pregnant. Reality TV has hit a new low.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

capecodmama (#106), aww, your daughter does indeed sound like a dog person! And TFW might have been able to carry off the charade if we didn't know what we do about how she treated Shoka and Nala. She's as much of a control freak as ever, and I bet there's a list of dog restrictions a mile long for the help to follow.

ncgirl said...

"The kids had to cheer her up just from going to the grocery store?"

Maybe TFW was sad because it wasn't filmed, and she didn't get a paycheck.

Honey Boo Boo's 17 year old sister is pregnant. No surprise. Mama June was a teen mom and another daughter was a teen mom. I imagine Honey Boo Boo will be one too. Also Mama June's show is coming back next year on the WE channel. Katie Boo Boo probably doesn't like that.

Sad but true said...

All This Is That said... 103

Milo posted this same link a couple of months ago. We don't even know if Collin is autistic. If that was the issue, based on his film history he was pretty high-functioning, which would make his removal from the home that much more questionable. She should butt out, her speculation doesn't help her idol in the least.

capecodmama said...

FlimsyFlamsy 115...She is a dog person. They had to put their beloved black lab, Mona, down a few days after a Christmas. She had mammary cancer. My daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago this past March and Mona never left her side through her chemo and recovery from her double mastectomy. My daughter has two young children and she is convinced Mona took the cancer from her because she knew she had to be here for her kids. She was heartbroken when she was gone. Their new pup, Eddie, has helped ease her pain.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

capecodmama (#118), what a poignant story. I do hope your daughter is doing well now. And I hope Eddie is helping her and her family heal from Mona's passing.

Over In TFW's County said...

Ugh, Mama June got another season of "Not to Hot", and her unmarried teenage daughter, Pumpkin, is pregnant. Reality TV has hit a new low.


Shouldn't that be, "She's Not Too Hot?"

Milo is such a dork. Of course Kate never lies. Milo was right there to confirm that all of the trees were lost during the Halloween snow storm. Kate has never grasped the fact that there are locals who know the truth. Milo is not one of them.

Over In TFW's County said...

ker❥‏ @hesgleaming 28m28 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 why hasn't your show been on this week or last week):

Come on, Gladys. You're Kate's spokesperson. Answer this!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

ncgirl (#116), "Katie Boo Boo" -- tee hee! Oh, yeah, Mama June just scored herself an extension on her 15 minutes, while TFW and her pepper fade further into the background.

Over In TFW's County said...

she is that bad off to have to be cheered up just going to the grocery store, why not stay home, hire someone to go for you, put the twins in charge, let them put the food up, take a sedative and go to bed.


What does that mean..."put the food up?" I never heard that expression before.

Milo has shot herself in the foot so many times that I'm surprised she doesn't need corks to plug up the holes.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I didn't click on Gladys' link, but if she's talking about a companion dog for C so he can come home and have extra support, Mommie Dearest ain't interested. She made her little statement about how they notice he's missing (couldn't even manage a poke-and-dab tear after a year?), and I suppose that fulfilled her contractual obligation to feign interest in his situation. Okay, I'm being rather harsh, but, c'mon, that child was removed from his house, and his mother has never been happier.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

All This is That (#111), yes, it was Gladys herself who dubbed Jon and Robert Hoffman "wimpy boys," and has disparaged Jon about everything from his occupation (she being an expert on DJ salaries) to his weight. I'd call that being a hater.

NJGal51 said...

@Xxxxxxxx: Just ordered @Kateplusmy8 's book 'How She Fooled the World' . Very excited to read it
Ooops! If she thinks she's ordered a book sanctioned by TFW she's in for a big surprise.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#126), ruh roh, Gladys better get on the case and set that misguided person straight ASAP!

Jamesvader1194 said...

I notice that the majority of the twitter haters have left Kate.There's still some left but for the most part,i haven't seen that many haters nowadays then years ago.Guess most of them even got bored of Kate.

NJGal51 said...

Putting the food "up" means putting it away.

Over In TFW's County said...

Putting the food "up" means putting it away.


Ah. Thanks. My grandmother always put up jelly, but I never heard it used to refer to putting away groceries!

One learns something new every day!

Over In TFW's County said...

@Xxxxxxxx: Just ordered @Kateplusmy8 's book 'How She Fooled the World' . Very excited to read it
Ooops! If she thinks she's ordered a book sanctioned by TFW she's in for a big surprise.


Sheeple or hater?

Sad but true said...

The infamous braces cake. I'm assuming it's Joel? He seemed to be the only one without.

kateplusmy8 Guess who this time? #BracesOnParty #LessGummyCandy #BecauseEveryoneElseHasBraces #FiveInBraces #OhMy #GosselinTradition

Sherry Baby said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 128
I notice that the majority of the twitter haters have left Kate.There's still some left but for the most part,i haven't seen that many haters nowadays then years ago.Guess most of them even got bored of Kate.

If Kate has basically abandoned her Twitter, and has the haters blocked, why do they continue to tweet her? She's certainly not going to answer them.

Layla said...

Jamesvader1194 (128)
Milo's must mad that the "season" was only 3 episodes, and Kate wasn't able to drop her "see you next season" hint. Milo's looking for someone to blame for this horrible misfortune that has befallen her hero. It couldn't be due to Kate's own nasty personality, it couldn't be due to the fact that people don't idolize a mother who institutionalized her high-functioning child so he wouldn't get in the way of filming--so it must be the haters' fault. I'd like to see what information the haters are spreading that cost Kate 5 episodes. Or how those same haters spread so much damaging information that it was enough to influence the execs at TLC. Perhaps Milo will clarify.

Susan1956 said...

OT watching the A&E program Escaping Polygamy (looking forward to the return of Leah Remini's series on Scientology)and scrolling my FB feed. I always take these articles with a grain of salt, but I think it's obvious there's some 'division' in Duggarland--what most of us would see as children growing up and forming their own views/becoming truly independent of their parents, which is not looked on favorably in JimBoob's world. And just like Khate, what we see on TV is not what actually goes on in the family. For the local posters on this board, do the locals have a special name for Khate's estates?

If Wernersville='Ghettoville', the Gosselin home=?? ~ Administrator said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Kate's run into a vicious cycle of crating the dogs. Wherein the dogs are bad so you feel like you always have to crate them to keep them out of mischief, but the dogs are bad in big part because they are being crated too much. The worse the dogs get the more they are crated. The more they are crated the worse they get.

Bottom line a dog this age is old enough to have run of most of the house and be trusted for short periods inching toward longer, as long as the house has been dog proofed. A fully trained and comprehending dog is such a relief-- I never come home dreading what I'll find, nor do I worry about him while I'm away. I trust him to be a good boy and he is. It makes me breath catch to think about trying to train another boy or girl someday like this. It's been like this for over a decade and I can't even remember how I did it.

GollyGee said...

Over In TFW's County said... 123
she is that bad off to have to be cheered up just going to the grocery store, why not stay home, hire someone to go for you, put the twins in charge, let them put the food up, take a sedative and go to bed.


What does that mean..."put the food up?" I never heard that expression before.


Thanks, NJGal54. Yes, it means put the groceries up. We say in the south, put the food up.

Over in TWF's Co. how are the kittens doing? And can you believe the sales for things for the shoe boxes? Wow! I got 25 packs of glue sticks that had 2 in each one and a free extra in that pack for a total of 3 per pack. 25 cents per pack.

I have some Pringles cans and I am going to try to make pencil boxes out of them.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 136
I wouldn't be surprised if Kate's run into a vicious cycle of crating the dogs. Wherein the dogs are bad so you feel like you always have to crate them to keep them out of mischief, but the dogs are bad in big part because they are being crated too much. The worse the dogs get the more they are crated. The more they are crated the worse they get.
I also wonder if Kate made some poor choices when getting 2 puppies after having Shoka for so long. Dogs, like people, get set in their ways and don't get along with everyone.
If you have 2 alphas, good luck.
Then, there's the bird, which I NEVER would get with dogs large enough to get into or knock over a cage.
My yellow lab is a good hunter and it would be reckless of me to bring a bird into the home.
It would take me not paying attention for a moment and she'd present a danger to a bird.
I'd have to isolate the dogs constantly like Kate does.
No way would I do that.
I think birds are really cool, but I made my choice to have a dog home where they are our primary focus and concern.

Tucker's Mom said...

-- I never come home dreading what I'll find, nor do I worry about him while I'm away. I trust him to be a good boy and he is. It makes me breath catch to think about trying to train another boy or girl someday like this. It's been like this for over a decade and I can't even remember how I did it.
If we think about how much work it was, we'd never do it again!
It's a process and you just start at day ONE and go from there.
Before you know it, they're grown up and trained up and then you want time to stop so they never get old!

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8 Guess who this time? #BracesOnParty #LessGummyCandy #BecauseEveryoneElseHasBraces #FiveInBraces #OhMy #GosselinTradition
Does Kate even hear herself?
Five in braces in not everyone/all the tups.
Out of sight, out of mind. She's moved on.

Sad but true said...

As usual, K8 ignores this woman, who has posted often on Twitter and her IG about the medical issues of her son. But never fear, Milo's here!

proutfamily We have had a bad summer. Our youngest, latry jr, had to have 6 more surgeries on his spine bringing the total to 99. We cancelled our vacation. It has been rough and sad. He has truly had the worse summer. We are all tired. However, in his recovery, we have started rewatching all the old episodes off of Amazon. All the way back to Jon & Kate Plus 8 season 1 2 3 at cetera. Great way to pass the time with him while he recovers. @kateplusmy8

miloandjack2016@proutfamily So sorry to hear you have had such a tough summer! Chronic health issues for such a young man is heartbreaking and affects the entire family. Let's hope going forward life deals you a better hand...remain optimistic that tomorrow is a new day! ❤

miloandjack2016 5 kids in braces... soon to have perfect smiley faces! 😃 And what will Mom get? An empty wallet! 😋 @kateplusmy8

Mom's wallet isn't empty, dear, we all know the kids' earnings are paying for the braces, along with everything else.

GollyGee said... ~ Administrator said... 91
I'm concerned she is abusing the purpose of a crate. It sounds like the dogs being confined is a very regular thing. At this point the crates should be packed away, only for limited use when guests come over who are uncomfortable with dogs, or a heavy package is being delivered inside the house by a crew.


Of course she is abusing the dogs!


GollyGee said...

The 5 in braces is a big blank you to Collin.


Oh my, you will never get them and that is never going to change.

I hope that there is some way that he is able to get them because he does still have insurance and money in his account to pay for his expenses. It should be used to get his braces.

No dipping in his account for yourself, FW.

She is a horrible mother.

GollyGee said...

Sounds like they have TFW-entitlement-itis.

This is in England.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#140), it is CHILLING that TFW let that slip out. No, 5 tups are not all the tups. There are SIX. He's never coming back.
That poor, sweet child.

Schmoopy should pass that post to People to try to get some attention.
Let a few hundred readers remind her she has 6 tups.

GollyGee said...

So funny when Milo said that she would have a empty wallet!

If she was truly piecin' and a patchin' none of those kids would even have braces.

We will hear one day when those kids get older how they were treated by their mother. How they possibly begged her to feed and stop hurting the dogs, how she was treating Collin.

How their family was banished. It has been years but when Jon had the kids, Aunt Jody, Uncle Kevin and their kids came to the house.

Formerly Duped said...

I ask again, will Collin get braces? A cake and gummy treats beforehand? ~ Administrator said...

That Latry mom sounds like a catfish out for attention. Six surgeries in one summer?? It's possible, but highly unlikely.

It may be possible said...

It may be possible.

I had 3 in one week. I had been given so much twilight for the first 2 surgeries (didn't have to use GA) that on the last surgery, I had been given 3 to 4 doses of twilight. I felt a little loopy but not enough to knock out.

Surgeon came in and raised my arm up and I resisted, then he dropped my arm and stated, She needs more stuff!

I hated the next step. General Anesthesia.

I hate GA with a passion.

Blowing In The Wind said...

If she was truly piecin' and a patchin' none of those kids would even have braces.


Maybe that's why she's piecin' and patchin'...because she's running low on funds due to the cost of braces!

Blowing In The Wind said...

miloandjack2016 5 kids in braces... soon to have perfect smiley faces! 😃 And what will Mom get? An empty wallet! 😋 @kateplusmy8


It is really creepy that for her everything is about Kate. Everything.

FYI said... ~ Administrator said... 148
That Latry mom sounds like a catfish out for attention. Six surgeries in one summer?? It's possible, but highly unlikely.

Perhaps you should do some research before calling someone a "catfish" and jumping to conclusions. Here's a story about Larry Prout,Jr. that was published last year.

Just because she happens to be a fan of Kate, doesn't make her story less true. Although some fans of Kate use their difficulties in life to get Kate's attention(ahem, Milo), I think Mrs. Prout just wants to share with Kate that her son likes the family and
watching old shows helps him during his recovery.

Layla said...

Five in braces/Everyone else has braces? Wow, that is cold. She's basically denying that C is a member of the family now. Of course, she'd prefer that everyone forget that C ever existed (because she doesn't want to be bothered with questions about him) but other people seem to have more concern for her child than she does. She won't get away with tossing him aside like trash and walking away. Other people care even if she doesn't. I wonder how the kids are handling this. Are they also pretending C never existed, or do they miss him? If they miss him, do they dare mention it around their mother?

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 153

Five in braces/Everyone else has braces? Wow, that is cold. She's basically denying that C is a member of the family now.
You know what? I think Kate is dying to tell the truth about Collin.
She's not even trying to slap lipstick on that pig any longer.
She is all but saying that Collin's not coming back and I think she really, really wants to "set the record straight".

Mostly just so people would just stfu about him already.

Does she pretend she gives a hoot about her parents? No.
Her brother and SIL? No.
Her nieces and nephews? No.
About Jon? Hellz no!
About Beth? Nah.

Why should Kate be made to preten?. I think it's actually pissing her off at this point.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder how the kids are handling this. Are they also pretending C never existed, or do they miss him? If they miss him, do they dare mention it around their mother?
Here's what I imagine Kate's reaction would be:

"Man up!"
" I did this so the rest of you wouldn't lose your home and your school"
"If we can't film, we'll be poor and you won't have anything".
"I can't spend all my time with one child, there are too many of you!".
"We all have to sacrifice"

kris said...

Ree Drummond (Pioneer Woman) has a picture on FB with her nephew and a cute little blurb about his nickname she had for him. Simple & sweet post. Too bad Kate has no relationship with her nephews or nieces and can share something sweet and simple about them. Nor can her siblings share about her kids. Sad.

Confused said...

Kate is a twit said... 152 “It’s a special relationship, and if we can be that source of hope and positivity for Larry, that’s something that makes us really happy,” O’Korn said afterward. “He’s somebody, as you saw today, that just flows with positivity, flows with grace and dignity.”

Thanks for taking the time to do the research and find out who that lady really is.

From the article:

“It’s a special relationship, and if we can be that source of hope and positivity for Larry, that’s something that makes us really happy,” O’Korn said afterward. “He’s somebody, as you saw today, that just flows with positivity, flows with grace and dignity

As for Larry, he hopes kids like him can learn the same lesson. Asked what he would tell others going through the same issues, the boy who has overcome so many of them spoke briefly but meaningfully again: “Not to be afraid.”

Gigi Be said...

Maybe that's why she's piecin' and patchin'...because she's running low on funds due to the cost of braces!

Didn't the kids get free dental work though Jon's father who was a dentist? I thought I read somewhere where there dental work would always be comped. I could be wrong though! Maybe it was for a short amount of time

Tucker's Mom said...

Didn't the kids get free dental work though Jon's father who was a dentist? I thought I read somewhere where there dental work would always be comped. I could be wrong though! Maybe it was for a short amount of time
IIRC, the dental office took insurance only for the Gosselin kids.

Susan1956 said...

Gigi Be said... 158
Maybe that's why she's piecin' and patchin'...because she's running low on funds due to the cost of braces!

Didn't the kids get free dental work though Jon's father who was a dentist? I thought I read somewhere where there dental work would always be comped. I could be wrong though! Maybe it was for a short amount of time.
In Robert's book, maybe under 'miracle' he talks about how Khate made Jon talk to their dentist and convince him/her to accept as full payment only what their insurance allowed for basic dental work. So they did not have to pay the deductible amounts. I doubt she has been able to get the same deal from the kids' orthodontist.

Layla said...

Gigi Be (158)
Yeah, the dentist who was Jon's father's partner agreed to accept only the insurance payable amount for the kids' dental work. But she was a pediatric dentist, not an orthodontist. An orthodontist would have to handle braces, and they are expensive, even if you have insurance.

CC said...

Gigi Be said... 158
Maybe that's why she's piecin' and patchin'...because she's running low on funds due to the cost of braces!

Didn't the kids get free dental work though Jon's father who was a dentist? I thought I read somewhere where there dental work would always be comped. I could be wrong though! Maybe it was for a short amount of time.


I don't know what they were comped as far as dentistry, but braces are orthodontics, and that's a separate specialty. Usually you go to a separate practice for orthodontics. I think some offices may have both available, but that's very unusual.

Sue said...

Gigi Be said... 154
Maybe that's why she's piecin' and patchin'...because she's running low on funds due to the cost of braces!
Didn't the kids get free dental work though Jon's father who was a dentist? I thought I read somewhere where there dental work would always be comped. I could be wrong though! Maybe it was for a short amount of time

Dental work and orthodontic work are two very different things. I would be surprised if the orthodontic work is free.

Anonymous said...

Five in braces - guess who this time - it looks like no one has guessed "Collin". I suppose even her fans know Collin is not only gone but forgotten as well. I'm beginning to think she has forgotten she had sextuplets and thinks of the 'littles' as quints.


Susan1956 said...

Tucker's Mom said... 154

You know what? I think Kate is dying to tell the truth about Collin.
I wonder what's stopping her? TLC? No magazine willing to pony up the $ for an article with photos?

I've always thought that the People cover & story without Colin was done without TLC's blessing . . wonder if TLC told People no more cover stories until/if Colin returns home.

Tucker's Mom said...

Interesting article on Radar about Tamara Judge who's been on the RHOC for many years. She's been estranged from her daughter for quite some time, and has been very public about it.
Articles about them catch my eye, so I read.

There's no doubt that Tamara is abusive and a master parental alienator.

"“The reasons I left my mothers house are that she was neglectful (leaving us at home with no food or simply ignoring us entirely), she constantly put herself first and the biggest reason was that she was mentally and emotionally abusive,” she continued. “She was no mother to me. This was an unhealthy environment for all of us kids and unfortunately I was the only one to recognize this and take steps to get out of that toxic environment. I have explained this to her numerous times in court, in therapy, and when we would meet up that the ONLY reason I am not living with her is because she continues to do the things that pushed me out of her house, like talking about me on the show/press/social media, doing embarrassing things on the show, lying to me and putting herself first to name a few.”
. If she would have put the effort into actually working on our relationship, instead of talking and crying about how much she “misses me” on the show and wishes things were different she wouldn’t have missed my entire high school career.”
Not even two weeks after I graduated she posted a photo of me and shared it with her one million followers knowing that it would get picked up by the press. The one thing I asked and have been asking for 4 years now has been to not talk about me because I don’t want to be in the spotlight. But Again breaking her promises as per usual, she puts herself, her fame, her reputation, and her bank account before me.

Compare that to the unicorn farts that Tamra IG'd out when she violated her daughter's condition of attending her graduation:

"So many things to be proud of this month. Our family has come a long way and I couldn't be happier. Simon and I are so proud of these amazing, smart, funny,beautiful & crazy kids. Congrats Sidney ❤️ your smile lightens up the room and your future is so bright. #gaveituptojesus #2017 👨‍🎓 #family

Sounds just like Kate...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

bm (#164), isn't it disturbing? For better or worse, viewers felt a connection with that little boy they watched grow up on TV. And yet his own mother acts like he never existed. And did you notice how easily Gladys was on board with the "all 5" concept, as if C wasn't one of the tups?
She doesn't give a rat's butt about those kids.

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

RIP Glen Travis. Thanks for the memories that go way back, for your incredible music, for your friendship and for the fun times. Even though we knew it was coming, the news is so sad. My heart is breaking. You'll always be gentle on our minds.

Tucker's Mom said...

RIP Rhinestone Cowboy.

NJGal51 said...

You know what? I think Kate is dying to tell the truth about Collin.
She's not even trying to slap lipstick on that pig any longer.
She is all but saying that Collin's not coming back and I think she really, really wants to "set the record straight".
I think that she wants to "set the record straight" and try to put all the blame on Collin to show the world what a martyr she was to have put up with him for so long. Maybe she can get the latest designer ash cloth and ashes to wear. I'm sure that in her warped mind it was all Collin and she will never take any of the blame. She wants to be able to speak out before he does!

ncgirl said...

Could a gag order be keeping Kate quiet about Colin? Or it could be TLC. She would want to keep in TLC's good graces no matter how many episodes she gets.

Tucker's Mom said...

Speaking of gag orders...where is Jon? no DJ announcement in a month.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Tucker's Mom said... 169
RIP Rhinestone Cowboy.


I was so sorry to hear of his passing. There will never be another Rhinestone Cowboy. I am so glad that I got to see him in concert several times. He was amazing. ~ Administrator said...

I think feminists should be furious at the way Kate Gosselin’s been treated.
Feminists are embarrassed by this lazy-ass famewhore.


She's the biggest dolt. I think feminists should be outraged at the free pass Kate has been given over and over because she has eight, er, seven kids. That is the most anti-feminist thing I can think of. A true feminist wants everyone treated equally. That means, no free pass on bad behavior because you popped out a kid or whatever other reason. Men never get any such free pass for a kid, and neither should women. Equal treatment means EQUAL, good and bad.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Tucker's Mom said... 154

You know what? I think Kate is dying to tell the truth about Collin.


Do you really think so? I'm not so sure that she would want to admit she has a child with special needs, nor discuss behavior problems or what he did that he had to be removed from the home.

Remember how she lamented when Aaden needed glasses, and when she was talking about the camp for special needs's a godsend for parents who want to get away from their children. I just don't know that she'd want to talk about Collin, but then again, it's Kate. ~ Administrator said...

and marry a man-child who you go through an absolutely hellish divorce from


I know this is a recycled comment, but um, Kate picked him, Kate. Nobody forced Kate Gosselin to marry a man child. She seemed very thrilled to do so. ~ Administrator said...

You know what? I think Kate is dying to tell the truth about Collin.


I do think she would like to put out her own thoughts on the matter. I think she's been advised by the likes of Steve, TLC, etc., to only say what she has already after the People article fiasco. I do think she's itching for a bit of control of the narrative here, and she's not going to get it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#176), and TFW chose to remarry that man-child in Hawaii for all the world to see, promising her children Mommy and Daddy would be together forever.

JM said...

Re: Jon. -- I recall he said in an interview earlier this year that he was working on a TV show, not a reality show, that would be shown late summer or in the fall. Perhaps he is working on that.
I have wondered if they are under a more restrictive court order about the kids and even if such an order affected this last "season"?

Cruisin' Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

I don't read Kate's twitter or her IG. Does she say anything about Zorro? Did he fly the coop, so to speak?

Does Milo have any sheeple friends, or do most of them think she's as crazy as a bed bug?

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure she would like to tell the truth about Collin (her "truth" that is). Robert Hoffman's book about what went on with Collin in the house of horrors has given a lot of people are very good idea of what Collin's early years were like away from the cameras.


Susan1956 said... ~ Administrator said... 177

I do think she would like to put out her own thoughts on the matter. I think she's been advised by the likes of Steve, TLC, etc., to only say what she has already after the People article fiasco. I do think she's itching for a bit of control of the narrative here, and she's not going to get it.
But for how long? Khate has always thought that she knows best/knows that she knows what's best for her family and I can't help but think that at some point she'll go rogue and start putting out her version of what led to Colin's removal from the home.

She's probably ok for a while since she got some sun on her vacation with Skeevie and is getting the kids ready to go back to school, all without TLC cameras. But TLC is busy getting ready for the new season of Counting On and launching some other new shows so Khate's going to have a lot of time to think this fall. If TLC doesn't film at all during the rest of 2017 and/or give her a firm filming date for at least one episode in 2018, I worry that it's going to get even uglier in that house.

NYY Julianna said...

Glen's death is such sad news. I heard he had not been doing well and although Alzheimer's took away his ability to speak and recognize anyone, his music will live on.

"I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Broadway..."

NJGal51 said...

On and launching some other new shows so Khate's going to have a lot of time to think this fall. If TLC doesn't film at all during the rest of 2017 and/or give her a firm filming date for at least one episode in 2018, I worry that it's going to get even uglier in that house.
The problem that she may run in to now is that the kids are older, bigger, stronger and more vocal. If she tries her strong arm tactics she may get more than she bargained for. Hannah's already shown that she's not afraid to go to Jon. We can only hope that the kids are going to find their voices and not put up with her bullshit. ~ Administrator said...

Perhaps you should do some research before calling someone a "catfish


I said she sounds like a catfish. And she does. I looked at her sites. The fact that she isn't one in the end doesn't make her any less catfish sounding. You have to be very wary of people out for your money for medical conditions, as she is asking for money, not just sharing her story. Thank goodness it's true, more or less, as she's raised a lot of money.

How dare you said... ~ Administrator said... 185
I said she sounds like a catfish. And she does. I looked at her sites. The fact that she isn't one in the end doesn't make her any less catfish sounding. You have to be very wary of people out for your money for medical conditions, as she is asking for money, not just sharing her story. Thank goodness it's true, more or less, as she's raised a lot of money.

At the bottom of her gofundme page it says--"They (her children) know that life is not always what it seems and that judging others is not the way to go."

You could learn something about not judging others. And what did you mean when you said it's true "more or less." What do you know about her and her family that makes what she said more or less true?

No one is safe from your biting, judgmental criticizing when it comes to defending your over-inflated ego. You need to grow up and admit when you rush to judgment before thinking. You think you're so cool using your catchall terms--catfishing- parentifiction) I understand now better why you even have this blog of nastiness and negativity. It's so you can have people agree with you because you're the administrator and they don't want to get banned for disagreeing. I'm sorry you're so insecure. It's made you a mean, judgmental person. ~ Administrator said...

You are right, I just want to be "cool." Lol.

I will not apologize for my gut reaction to be that of skepticism for someone with an elaborate tale of medical issues who is very blatantly asking for your money. Turns out this time it was true. Turns out, more often than not, it's not true, and good people like yourself lose their money. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone to catfish over the year claiming similar medical issues? There is nothing wrong about questioning a story on the internet. What's that expression? Trust, but verify.

More or less is just a figure of speech, goodness gracious. ~ Administrator said...

The problem that she may run in to now is that the kids are older, bigger, stronger and more vocal. If she tries her strong arm tactics she may get more than she bargained for. Hannah's already shown that she's not afraid to go to Jon. We can only hope that the kids are going to find their voices and not put up with her bullshit.


I've brought this up a lot, but Missy Francis's book is a must read in order to see first hand what an exploited child experiences as they go through the stages of grasping how exploited they are or have been. For her, it progressed from stealing her own money back to eventually estranging the mother who exploited her. And her true realization hit her like a ton of bricks at about age 16, with her able to do something about it by 17 and 18. They're knocking on that door, hard, Duchess. ~ Administrator said...

It is really creepy that for her everything is about Kate. Everything.


Creepier still, she uses the children and dogs as bait to try to squeeze more out of Kate. Shudder.

Blowing In The Wind said...

At the bottom of her gofundme page it says--"They (her children) know that life is not always what it seems and that judging others is not the way to go."...You think you're so cool using your catchall terms--catfishing- parentifiction) I understand now better why you even have this blog of nastiness and negativity. It's so you can have people agree with you because you're the administrator and they don't want to get banned for disagreeing. I'm sorry you're so insecure. It's made you a mean, judgmental person.


But isn't that what you are doing here by judging admin and bloggers? The troll has always been mean, rude, condescending and judgmental. Is she/he insecure? The pot calls the kettle black.

GollyGee said...

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 173
Tucker's Mom said... 169
RIP Rhinestone Cowboy.


I won 2 tickets to see Glen when I was about 11 or 12. I begged my mother to stop by the florist so I could buy a red rose to try to give him. Early 70's, 5 dollars was a lot to pay just for one flower.

I was able to walk up to the front of the stage and I handed it to him. What a thrill!

During his 50 years in show business, Campbell released more than 70 albums. He sold 45 million records and accumulated 12 RIAA gold albums, four platinum albums, and one double-platinum album. He placed a total of 80 different songs on either the Billboard Country Chart, Billboard Hot 100, or Adult Contemporary Chart, of which 29 made the top 10 and of which nine reached number one on at least one of those charts.

Campbell's hits include his recordings of John Hartford's "Gentle on My Mind"; Jimmy Webb's "By the Time I Get to Phoenix", "Wichita Lineman", and "Galveston"; Larry Weiss's "Rhinestone Cowboy"; and Allen Toussaint's "Southern Nights".

Campbell made history in 1967 by winning four Grammys in the country and pop categories. For "Gentle on My Mind", he received two awards in country and western, "By the Time I Get to Phoenix" did the same in pop. Three of his early hits later won Grammy Hall of Fame Awards (2000, 2004, 2008), while Campbell himself won the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.

He owns trophies for Male Vocalist of the Year from both the Country Music Association (CMA) and the Academy of Country Music (ACM), and took the CMA's top award as 1968 Entertainer of the Year.

Campbell appeared as a supporting role in the film True Grit (1969), which earned him a Golden Globe nomination for Most Promising Newcomer. Campbell also sang the title song, which was nominated for an Academy Award. ~ Administrator said...

I trust but verify, but I don't disparage someone who has a fundraising page by publicly insinuating that their overwhelming burdens might be faked, especially if I actually viewed the situation through pictures posted and newspaper articles.


Oh my good golly, I was mistaken in getting a red flag about her story. Some red flags I spot are correct, some turn out to be nothing. Human error. Calm down. It's not like nobody in the world ever faked a medical story.

Dmasy said...

How Dare You (186) -- For the record, I have disagreed with Admin and she didn't ban me.

Why would you ruin your day by spending time reading on a blog that clearly irritates and angers you?

Please, and I mean this with kindness, read a book, walk in the sunshine or learn to knit. All those activities would be healthier for you heart and soul. If you don't like us or Admin, find a blog that does match your interests and feelings.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Please, and I mean this with kindness, read a book, walk in the sunshine or learn to knit. All those activities would be healthier for you heart and soul. If you don't like us or Admin, find a blog that does match your interests and feelings.

Yes, I second that. I wonder if the troll is as mean and miserable and unhappy in everyday life as she presents herself on this blog. If so, that's sad. Life's too short.

You asked why the person would ruin her day by reading a blog that irritates and angers that person? I guess perhaps some people just have a penchant for being negative, kind of a martyr for the cause, and they enjoy it. They aren't happy unless they're unhappy. They like being that way. I never understood it.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Creepier still, she uses the children and dogs as bait to try to squeeze more out of Kate. Shudder.


I think that there are parts of Kate that she's particularly interested in squeezing.

GollyGee said...

Josh Duggar had 2 Ashley Madison accounts.

Could he get 3500 dollars for each one in this Class Action lawsuit?

Sherry Baby said...

How Dare You (186) -- For the record, I have disagreed with Admin and she didn't ban me.

Ditto. I have disagreed and am still here. Come to think of it, the troll who posts here has been nothing but nasty and disagrees with admin. Then why is SHE (or HE) still here and has not been banned? The troll's accusations make no sense whatsoever.

Midnight Madness said...

"You could learn something about not judging others."


As could YOU. What a hypocrite!

Midnight Madness said...

"I think that there are parts of Kate that she's particularly interested in squeezing."


"All of me. Why not take all of me?"

Susan1956 said... ~ Administrator said... 188

I've brought this up a lot, but Missy Francis's book is a must read in order to see first hand what an exploited child experiences as they go through the stages of grasping how exploited they are or have been.
So I guess I'm off to the library/bookstore to get this book. But I want to ask you Admin, is it possible that the reason behind Cara's non-participation/lint-picking is because she's realized just how much Khate has exploited the kids? I've always thought that Cara is more of a deep thinker than Mady so maybe she caught on a lot quicker, but is in no position due to her age and estrangement from Jon to do anything. So she has to settle for planning to go far, far away to college.

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