Sunday, May 29, 2016

Recap: Kate Plus 8 ''Blind Date": dating tips and more!

Coming up on The Bachelorette! Er, I mean Kate Plus 8.

Hanger on Deanna is playing the role of the well-meaning but completely misguided friend who wants to set you up, which is just a front for the producers going through a couple hundred head shots and picking this guy out. His first meeting with Kate is awkward, explains Kate. Made more awkward still by Deanna being right there in the middle introducing them like it's 6th grade. Deanna tells hot-stuff that Kate has eight kids. I kind of feel like that's something you should mention to the guy before you set him up with her. It's not an insignificant detail that you can get into later, like you prefer Netflix and chill on the weekends, or you can drive stick shift. And can't you just meet outside Starbucks with instructions that say hey I'm the guy in the green hat and you're the girl with the polka dot skirt, like normal blind dates?

Mr. Swipe Right is cute if I may say so! He unbuttons not one but two of his shirt buttons. He waxes his chest. He drinks out of little tiny tea cups.

Kate claims she has gone on a handful of dates since the divorce. Heh, no she hasn't. Kate is quite vague about how Deanna knows Vann, because she knows him mostly from his head shot, but his resume sounds good. He went to Annapolis (good heavens!). I think it's absolutely f--ing hilarious that as Kate is explaining all this, they show a photo of her with her BFF Jamie. As we know, the running joke, or maybe even truth, is that Kate's relationship with Jamie might not always have been platonic. They have admitted they've slept in the same bed, and there are a number of bootleg photos circling out there for years showing them acting very huggy-kissy. That is truly brilliant editing and has to be intentional. It just has to be. We get the joke, Vann's really just auditioning as Kate's beard. Buh-bum--ching!

More and more Kate has been appearing on camera without a stitch of make-up on, which is not what I would expect from someone like her. Deanna's coming down from New York and will do Kate's hair and make-up and take her up to New York for the date. Who's going to watch the kids? And don't they know the cardinal rule of first dates, the guy should come to her? 

They're doing a wha-what???? A helicopter ride? Well, what the heck, on my last date I only got some Thai food and a game of corn hole.

I don't trust a damn thing Kate says about what the kids have said about this date so I'm just going to ignore her recap of what she claims they said and cut straight to the kids. They're old enough to speak for themselves. Mady says with quite a bit of sass it's good for Kate to date and find a husband so she won't die alone. Heh, well that's one reason to find companionship. Meanwhile the younger kids think she's far too old to date. I love how when you're a kid 40 feels like 80, and 20 is at best, 40. Conversely, the older you get the younger people look, right? I can still remember being a freshman in college and how old and important I felt, but look at freshmen now and they are absolute babies. Goo-goo-gaa-gaa babies! Perception is so interesting. All in all none of these kids seem to mind her going on a date. Most of them are at best indifferent, and those who do care actually seem pretty selfless about this, just wanting Kate to find somebody. They see their father dating and happy, surely they have learned by now watching a parent move on and date is not that big of a deal. Anyway, I enjoy how all this flies right in the face of the sheeple, who have claimed all along Kate doesn't date for the good of her children. No, Kate doesn't date because she can't get a date, doesn't know how to get a date, is a child exploiter, opportunist and narcissist that would not make a wise partner for most men so most men avoid her, kids or no kids.

There is a very, very long segment about some of the kids helping her pick out clothes. It goes on forever.

Isn't Deanna a 40-year-old single woman? What does she know about what one should wear on their first, second or third dates? The second date should be business-like? Wtf? Deanna, that's how you find yourself 40 and single. No one wants to feel like they're meeting up with you to sign a contract, second date or not. Dating tip: Don't trust dating advice from hopelessly single friends.

At the end of this painfully long segment Kate chooses a boring but sensible little black dress.

Deanna provides a very vague story about how she's known Vann for many months (ever since she first saw his headshot), he's handsome and hard working, and would make a good match for Kate. I guess if you're looking for opposites attract you're right on the money.

Kate says one thing that I think is very true, in that having kids makes getting a date harder.  Jon has not had a problem finding dates, but Jon is not nearly as socially awkward, uptight and negative. He sends out good, friendly vibes, and he gets girlfriends, and they seem to accept his children without question. Jon could have six toes on each foot, scales for skin, and a big hairy mole on the tip of his nose, and he'd still always have a girlfriend. For some people dating, and life, comes easier.

I couldn't agree with Kate more, before she should even waste her time, or for that matter his, I think it's very important to let your date know you have eight kids. For some strange reason Deanna feels it's best to hide this fact. That's just plain silly, and can I say rude? If I know I don't want to take on a partner with eight kids no matter how nice they are, I'd appreciate you not waste my time by withholding this information. Putting myself in Vann's shoes, all kinds of thoughts would be running through my head if that information were kept from me for too long. Before they're even out of the gate bad-advice-Deanna is helping Kate to create some major red flags for her date. Good job.

As Deanna does Kate's make-up, Deanna and Kate have a long and conceited conversation about how there's no way on this planet Vann cannot recognize Kate, I mean this is Kate we're talking about here, although Deanna hasn't gotten into who she is with Vann yet. For goodness sake, she's Kate Gosselin, not Gandhi. What Deanna did say is that she told him she's a hot blonde. Kate instructs her to keep applying make-up. Heh, good one, Kate!

Kate seems to be of the mindset that a parent must be 100% focused on their kids and someday when they are grown they can think about themselves again. There are quite a few parents who would disagree with that helicopter-parenting philosophy. This also is Kate's not-so-subtle way to get in a dig at Jon, who has nurtured romantic relationships and friendships alike all along, in addition to being a good father to his children. Not only is it not healthy for you for the rest of your life to come to a screeching halt when you are a parent, but it's not good for your children. Watching a parent in healthy relationships with other people male and female is how children learn to model healthy relationships of their own. It also sends an important message to children that the world doesn't revolve around them. I've known a lot of kids whose parents don't do absolutely anything but be parents, and the kids often end up spoiled. Eventually this approach leaves parents with a crippling sense of emptiness as children grow up and develop other interests outside their parents, which happens sooner rather than latter.

Plus, Kate's kids are way too old to need her attention at all hours of the day. She should be able to find plenty of time while they are at school or with friends to look after herself and develop some interests of her own and welcome other people into her life. Moreover, she has shown time and time again she is very much about herself as much as she is about her kids, and she has spent untoward amounts of time away from them over the years, so she can stop with the martyrdom. Let's be honest, she uses her kids to cover for her inability to get a date, that's the plain truth of it. They're a convenient excuse for her as they often are.

Commercials. We're back, and Kate says goodbye to the kids. I don't see anyone around who looks like a nanny. Her limo pulls up. Seriously, a limo? Could this be any more 1-percenter? I really struggle to grasp how most of her fans relate to this. Also, isn't she at all worried about the first impression that's going to leave on her date? I.e., snob? She lives how she thinks rich people live, but most rich people do not go around taking limos everywhere much less on just a date. At most, they might valet their own car once they get to the venue, but a limo is ridiculous and even the rich know it.

The producer asks the boys how it feels to watch their mom leave for a date. I find that question extremely prying and more appropriate for a therapist to ask, but nonetheless the boys seem genuinely indifferent, they're just like the little birdie finally flew the nest. Ha, the 24/7 D.C. eagle cam is 100 times more interesting than this family, sorry boys.

Mady doesn't understand why Kate is so nervous about dating. She says something about how if you want to be nervous over this, meaning herself, that's on you. I don't know whether to find that comment funny or self-absorbed.

Kate and Deanna have a boring conversation about how Kate's nervous and is hot. Deanna asks about her dating days before marriage. Ohhhh, now we're getting into something interesting. Of course Kate won't even give up any interesting information that's already out there anyway. I'm thinking of that story about her old high school boyfriend and how she was living with him. There was a tabloid interview with him years ago, as I recall. Kate claims her high school class was so tiny there wasn't much dating and her guy friends were more like brothers. Heh, that never stopped anyone before, have you read/been traumatized by Flower in the Attic?! 

You know what's head-scratching? There's a way for her to tell the story of her past in a way that is respectful to the men she's been with while still deliciously interesting. I mean it was 20 years ago, it's not like she's dishing on yesterday's boyfriend. Instead she makes this conversation about as boring as a ham sandwich, claiming she never ever would dream of dating. But the truth is so much more engaging and would make for a much more interesting episode. She just doesn't get it.

Last time Kate dated there were pagers. Heh, yep, and cell phones that made your arm ache if you talked too long. Everyone complains about dating these days but dating was rough back then too.

Oh, finally they show their clearly full-time nanny Andrea, who can smile. I knew she had it in her. Took Kate going out of state to bring that out of her. Glad there is adult supervision here. They're making pizzas, and it's boring. Ha, Joel outs Kate by saying it's Kate's first date. I thought Kate just said she's had a handful of dates. No she hasn't, and her kids say so. I love that the kids are finally old enough to tell us what's really going on here. Her gaslighting days are over.

Mady explains that a first date is really just about assessing whether the guy is a serial killer. Holy smokes, Mady is spot on there. Yes, first things first.

Dating tip: Just pay the $29.99 and do the background check. Here, I'll pay it for you for gosh sakes.

More nosey questions from the producers, most of them I feel like they've already asked six different ways, but the sum of it all is that for the umpteenth time the kids are just fine with Kate dating if not even getting married. Why are so many of the kids concerned she'll progress too fast in this relationship before letting them meet the guy? Several say they really want to meet him and would be upset if they didn't. Exactly what I have been saying for years, many children want to meet and be involved in their parents' new relationships. They actually feel left out if you try to shelter them from it in some misguided attempt to protect them.

Andrea says it's a school night, which is just an interesting tidbit. Seems to me getting ready for school should be the priority, not filming. Stock "Italian" music as they eat the pizza. $1.99 on iTunes.

Deanna and Kate say they're excited to have an adult conversation for once, without talking about vocab words. Oh, Deanna, stop it. Geez, how do you think Andrea feels, she's the one actually taking care of these kids day-to-day.

I have never seen two friends have a more boring and pointless conversation about nothing. I hope I don't sound like this with my friends. Back at Quintland, they're running around outside with balls and a parachute and absolutely nothing happens. Much like the Roloffs these kids have a large property to enjoy, but there is a glaring difference between their episodes showing the property and the Roloffs. And that is at the Roloffs there were always three or four other kids there. Friends of the Roloff kids. There all.the.time. You literally can't go an episode without some friend of theirs popping up. Mueller and several others.

Deanna and Kate are still in their limo saying absolutely nothing worth recapping.

Commercials. Dating tip: It might be terribly awkward. But the last thing you do in a really awkward dating situation is say it's really awkward, Kate. Oy-veh!!!

The addition of a drone to this show has really improved the production values. They get some great shots of NYC. Lol, Kate doesn't want Deanna to leave right away after she introduces them. Oh for cripe sakes.

Vann's patiently waiting for Kate by the helicopter (for reals). What a weird meeting place, they're in a rather shady empty parking lot. He is tall, brunette, and has boyish, classic good looks. His suit coat is a little frumpy, but I find that endearing. Shows he's not vain.

Having been on my share of bad dates, I can tell within about five seconds Vann's not attracted to her. And that won't ever change. He's doing that awkward stare where the wheels are turning and the thought process is "well, she's pretty enough, but she's not really my kind of pretty I don't think, but let me give it a few more seconds.....nope, she's still not my type. Dang it, I have to sit through an entire date now with someone who could very well be quite nice but who is just not for me. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Damn me."

Deanna tells some not credible story about how she met Vann at a "charity" event. Which one? Name names. Was this "charity" a production meeting in Silver Spring where she and a couple producers looked through a couple hundred head shots?

The helicopter pilot looks like he'd be just as comfortable delivering pizzas down in Brooklyn. I love NYC.

This reminds me of the "rewards" Trump used to give on The Apprentice where you got to do something really lavish and once in a lifetime, like take a helicopter ride at sunset. Those were the good ole days when that show was truly the best reality show ever made.

He's from Hoboken??? Hoboken!!!!!! Hall-ahhh!!! Sorry, I have a lot of college friends from that great place.  If you can't live in NYC, please, set up shop in Hoboken.

Vann certainly knows his battleships. I do too, actually. I'll take E-6 please. Well, NYC is a thing of beauty. It really is the greatest city in the world, isn't it? The only thing profound Kate can come up with to sum up this incredible experience was, that was, like, fun.

Like, yeah.

I have to give Kate a little credit, she's trying on this date. She's asking him questions about himself, making eye contact, and trying to act interested. They head to dinner at an Italian restaurant. Gosh, Van's cute. Swipe right, swipe right, swipe right. I'm not sure why Kate thinks a parent can have nothing in common with someone who has no kids. Grr, I hate parents like that. Naturally she finds plenty of things in common with him. Duh.

Dating tip: Don't tell your date your brain is a "fruit salad."

Kate wants to know how it is Vann has ended up single without any kids at this age. Is it me or is that question really rude? Especially on a first date. Not everyone gets a girl knocked up at 18 and puts a ring on it. Some people postpone that aspect of their lives for very good reason. Career, travel, just not feeling ready for it all yet, haven't met the right girl yet. Although let's be real, some people postpone it because they want to live up being single and wealthy and party without any responsibility. Van looks like that type, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'd rather you wait on having kids until you're really ready to be attentive to them, rather than settle down prematurely before you get all of that out of your system and see your marriage end in divorce by the time you're 40.

Dating tip: No overtly personal questions on your first date! Gah!

Vann is very polite about Kate's nosey question, making a joke about how his parents ask that a lot. His parents sound like they're worried he's gay, I'm totally getting that vibe. Not that there's anything wrong with that either. Vann says he's happy, he's comfortable, and he's holding out for the best. Heh, i.e. I want to live up being single and wealthy and party without any responsibility. Got it.

Kate goes into a long speech the crux of which is that you should not just marry the first person who comes along. She is clearly implying that's what she did. She acts like Jon coerced her into marriage. Wasn't it the opposite? Didn't she basically peg him as a dentist's son and promptly steal him out from under his girlfriend, no pun intended? That can hardly be characterized as happenstance, just putting a ring on the first thing that comes along with a pretty enough face and a vagina. Gimme a break. Her bar is set so much higher now, she explains. You know what, her kids are going to listen to this! She is such a f--ing bitch about their father whom they love, there's no other way to say it. It hasn't gotten any better in five years. She's a bit more subtle about it, but not really. She just doesn't name him by name now when she slams him, as if that makes it okay.

There's a gal in the background who looks like Jenna Bush and Julia Styles had a baby. That's so classic New York.

I see the kids have been brainwashed to regurgitate Kate's mantra that it would be tough for anyone to handle eight kids. I wonder how they think school teachers do it with 30 kids or more.

Baw, Van has never seen the show. Of course he hasn't. He's out being single and wealthy when this show airs.

This guy is a professional flirt but it could not be clearer he is not that into her, as much as he is being extremely nice and polite. It's tough for a woman to get through a date where she knows he's not into you, but it's even more embarrassing when she doesn't seem to realize it.

Commercials. Little people and their dogs!

Back at the date, they're diving into the tiramisu. I once met an Italian shopkeeper in Little Italy, Baltimore who insisted he invented tiramisu. He was kind of nutty but had a nice bakery.

How many ways can the producers ask the kids if they are okay with Kate dating??? Stop! They're asking this enough some of the kids are changing their answers. Having actually studied how to interview kids effectively, like really studied what psychologists and sociologists have to say about this, in order that I can do a better job at getting good information about crimes, or child abuse, from little ones who might be a witness or victim, one of the cardinal rules is you don't keep asking the child the same question over and over. You just don't. You ask it enough and they start thinking maybe you don't like their answer and maybe they should change it. By the time a child has been asked about an incident the third time or more, there is very little left they can say that is reliable. You have to basically throw out the interview at that point, it's of no value.

What do the twins dating have to do with anything? How boring.

Vann mumbles, I've noticed. Big time mumbles like as bad as Tyler Florence. That's one of those things where you tell your girlfriends the next day, well he was so cute and sweet, but he mumbles! If that is not already a Seinfeld episode, it should be.

Oh, no, not the pity walk. This is the point in the date where he is such a nice guy he is feeling guilty knowing he will never call you again. So he asks you if you'd like to take a little walk a couple blocks before you say goodnight.

Dating tip: When he wants to take a pity walk, trust me, it's a pity walk.

They take an admittedly cute selfie and send it to Deanna who promptly responds "CUTE!!!" Yes, it was cute.

Why isn't Kate just ending this date already? Painful. Kate says she can't do anything at the end of the date because her kids will be watching this. What was she going to do if cameras weren't there, have sex with him right outside the subway stop?

Dating tip: Don't put out on the first date!!

Kate ends the date by saying "you have my information." Lol, sounds like you're trying to get the Girl Scouts off your front porch, you know where I live hit me up next year. He leans in to go for a little kiss, and she turns away. She actually turns away! He lands on her cheek. I've heard of the Puritans but this is ridiculous. Why is she being so unnaturally prudish?

Vann gives a really polite interview basically saying Kate is really nice and he doesn't know how it would work with eight kids but you go where life takes you. God he's nice.

Kate was impressed he wasn't scared off by the eight kids thing. I'm not sure it's that so much as eight kids wasn't even really registering.

Kate says they're trying to arrange a time to meet up again, which is a nice guy's way of "ghosting" you without actually ghosting you. He will forever be trying to find a good time.

Dating tip: If he likes you, that time will be found. Usually within the next couple days.

Little people fire drills!!! And we're out.

1681 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Formerly Duped said...

I don't think you can accuse Jon of abuse with no proof. He was always the more nurturing parent. ( impaction at furniture store, for example) Kate seems to dislike Collin (snubbing his gift, for example) There is more to both sides of the story we don't and probably will never know. Jon, keep fighting. This is ridiculous. If he has money now, there is not reason not to fight.Something is really wrong in this mixed-up family. Where are those who could advocate for Collin?

jamezvader1194 said...

@The original 4rmine That was also around the time when there was alot of negative stories about Jon.From the Couple's Therapy,to the story of him abandoning the kitten and him being broke and got evicted from his house.IMO 2014 was the worse year for Jon.I hope some people here remember the tweet from Kate where she tweeted about the story of Jon abandoning the kitten and pretty much admitted she shows her kids that story.I have a feeling one of those stories might of upset Collin and he then decide not to go.

Formerly Duped said...

JMO but I think the bad feelings among the G kids might have to do with which parent appears to fight for them, whom they are afraid of, which kids are served on that Golden Platter.I think rivalry for parental affection might be a factor in those awful arguments and alienating of siblings. This might not be clearly stated but either is the situation !

Over In TFW's County said...

What if he doesn't call the cops and have Kate thrown in jail because the kids would be upset by it?If you think about it,Kate getting thrown in jail would make some media and i'd bet the kids classmates would find out about it and start making fun of the kids about it and it would be embarrass the kids?Maybe im just trying to find excuses.


Why would Kate be thrown into jail? The prison system is crowded enough here! It would have to be a serious offense for her to be convicted, and even then, getting off with a slap, fines and probation would be more likely.

I'm not sure why you think that there would be a reason to put her in jail.

TLC stinks said...

She could be arrested but bail out. I don't think she'd end up like Orange Is The New Black, LOL.

RoxyHelen said...

This thing with Collin is frightening in my opinion. Maybe this is a stretch but could it be that at least part of the reason Collin is homeschool is for Kate to make sure there is no contact with Jon?
Does Collin ever see other kids except for his siblings? Other adults except for the tutor, the house workers, camera people and his mother?
Kate could be doing/saying anything to Collin and he'd basically have no one on the outside to tell. How scary is that? Why isn't anyone looking into this? I'm sorry but Jon needs to call the cop and take Collin on visitation, even kicking and screaming, it's his damn duty and it's in his POWER to make sure nothing bad is happening to his child.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Over in TFW'S County Im not the one who started saying Kate would be thrown in jail.Someone else said that Kate should be in jail over this.

Formerly Duped said...

Poor Collin- he who liked to wear fancy clothes- shirt and tie- for dress-down days and his mother scoffed at him. Now he's in virtual isolation as far as we know...hopefully he goes places, apart from Farmer Henry's etc. I always thought it was weird he appeared late in the show at certain evens, like the twins' party, or was absent in certain scenes. Who knows what his life is like because Kate controls his every move- for now. But he's 12 and growing up- one day he will be able to break free unless he's too damaged emotionally.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jon's story is up on TMZ right now -- I haven't clicked on it, but there's a fairly satanic picture of TFW with it.

GollyGee said...

Thanks, Flimsy, for the heads up on the TMZ article!

I came across this:

Discovery Shuts Down ‘The Little Couple’ & Five Other Shows; Producer
LMNO Sues, Alleging Criminal Conspiracy.

It said that The Little Couple makes 127,000 PER EPISODE and they are in their seventh season.

I wonder what Kate actually makes. I'm sorry, couldn't get the link!

ncgirl said...

TMZ links to this article. It has the highlights from the yahoo article.

Sad but true said...

GollyGee said... 10
Thanks, Flimsy, for the heads up on the TMZ article!

I came across this:

Discovery Shuts Down ‘The Little Couple’ & Five Other Shows; Producer
LMNO Sues, Alleging Criminal Conspiracy.

Here's the link:

Sounds very credible. I don't know about the other shows, but The Little Couple would clearly be the biggest loss here. I don't think this really means anything for Kate (not her production company, sadly), but maybe it'll start a shake-up of this whole pseudo-"reality" genre. I still say those kids should be making SAG wages, not relegated to a "side deal" off their mother.

Sad but true said...

And it's not the "talent" of The Little Couple that's making $127K per episode--that's what paid to the production company which, presumably, pays the talent out of that amount. So I don't think they're making anywhere near that.

Mona said...

Does Carla Turner (Ashley's mom) live anywhere near Kate? I think she home schooled her kids and I could see Kate using her to teach Collin. But I don't know the logistics.

Also, "homeschooling" no longer means staying at home. Families within communities can band together to go places, explore, share resources, have mobile classrooms (moving from home to home for a period), etc. The Pioneer Woman's kids are home schooled, but they are hardly just sitting at tables with computers. They have an entire system in place that broadens rather than confines their education. I can see many children thriving in that environment.

Counseling would be a whole separate thing.

Jeanne said...

There is fault for Jon in the custody mess. But I don't believe he physically abused Colin. Why would he bring it up in public? Kate has appeared to not like Colin from the time he was incredibly small. I know some mothers don't bond right with a child but the good ones still do their best to care for them. Kate seems to treat him like any adult who is acting that way to get back at her. When he was a toddler who misbehaved he was normal and she was abusive. (Of course you address toddlers' bad behavior but not Kate's way.) I think she has no motherly feeling for him.

In PA, they do have to submit a curriculum they are using for homeschooling. If she's using a tutor that's who would take care of it. PA also has online school where Colin would get everything off the computer. Beyond that, the school doesn't check on the student.

As far as Jon calling the cops, he might have already. Remember how Robert said the cops treated Kate? They helped her speed away, they brought her luggage in and out of the hotel, they shielded her from paparazzi. The cops might have refused to help him. ~ Administrator said...

I came across this:

Discovery Shuts Down ‘The Little Couple’ & Five Other Shows; Producer
LMNO Sues, Alleging Criminal Conspiracy.

Here's the link:


It's stuff like this that proves how tenuous reality TV is. It is not a stable career, you can't count on it, it can be over just like that for reasons completely out of your control. It's worked out so far for Kate by pure luck, but that doesn't mean her decision to make this how she is going to "support" her children a very unwise one. ~ Administrator said...

As far as Jon calling the cops, he might have already. Remember how Robert said the cops treated Kate? They helped her speed away, they brought her luggage in and out of the hotel, they shielded her from paparazzi. The cops might have refused to help him.


Cops treat family law court orders VERY seriously. I've never had a problem with them not enforcing them when we need to involve them.

You need to have it on hand, and you need to show it to them. They will enforce it. It's their job. If they are not helping you, ask to speak to their superiors.

It really is on Jon now to enforce his family law order. It's come down to this. ~ Administrator said...

Agree that the fly in the ointment is Jon accepting however many kids he gets. So Colin is home schooled and doesn't get off the bus. So what? You alter your arrangement in that case.


I think there's no question Jon is quite passive, B personality, to get along go along, my hands are tied (even when they're not.)

There's nothing wrong in and of itself with this personality. These people are pleasant to be around, aren't argumentative, are peacemakers, calm, can raise very sweet and peaceful children.

Unfortunately this is the worst way to be when you are a victim of parental alienation. You will be kicked around until the cows come home. I'm not sure if he is capable of being the bad guy here, the guy that calls the cops on his children's mother. He needs to have a come to Jesus moment and realize it's his only option left. If he's not willing to take drastic measures, maybe it's time for him to move on too from his complaints about the family law situation. ~ Administrator said...

I do agree that he probably doesn't call the cops because all that would do is make a bad situation worse.


Not really. Usually it only takes one or two calls to the cops to get the other parent to realize you're not fucking around. Cops are used to enforcing family law orders, are used to working with children, and will enforce is as peacefully as possible. It's not like a drug raid.

After that, the parents honor the family law order and the children are better for it. It is better in the long term for the children to follow the family law order than to be alienated. Being a child in a parent's alienation of the other is far, far worse than the cops ringing your door bell one or two times and then you've forgotten about it within a couple weeks.

Sad but true said...

Mona said... 14

Also, "homeschooling" no longer means staying at home. Families within communities can band together to go places, explore, share resources, have mobile classrooms (moving from home to home for a period), etc.

Does anyone honestly think Kate would conduct his home-schooling like this? It's all about what's most convenient for her---and we know how she doesn't like to mix with the hoi polloi. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know why it is so hard to accept that your opinion and "truth" are not synonymous. Your perception based on not knowing these people is your perception. Nothing more, nothing less.


Okay. You can watch her on TV in the episodes and in interviews make parental alienating statements too numerous to count. It's not speculation, it's right there in black and white.

Saying it's an "opinion" she is parental alienator is kind of like saying man has walked on the moon is an "opinion." Parental alienation deniers do the victim children no good.

Sad but true said...

Kate's pulling out the big puppy guns on Twitter tonight. Deflection is her middle name. She's even answering Milo. Acting as though her puppies are her "babies," buckling them in for car rides. From what we know about how her babies were treated, I certainly hope not.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Sad but true Wasn't the Little Couple the lead in show for Kate that helped her viewer count reach 1 million?Before the Little Couple came back,Kate had a viewer count that was below 1 million but when she had them as a lead in,it helped with her viewer count to reach 1 million.With the Little couple getting cancelled,this COULD be kinda of a problem for Kate viewer wise.Unless they find some other lead in popular TLC show.

jamezvader1194 said...

Im not entirely sure what to think of Jon's attitude with this tweet,i know he said he's not afraid anymore about what people think,from the sound of it,he sounds frustrated with people defending what Kate's doing. Jon Gosselin ‏ @jgosselin10 3h3 hours ago

@intouchweekly slammed, really? Bit harsh about a truth article, try using a thesaurus next time when you write a headline, ha ~ Administrator said...

LMNO chose to stand up for itself, and refused to pay this illegal ransom. Instead, it reported the accountant to the authorities. In its darkest hour, however, what LMNO did not count on was treachery. Instead of standing by the side of its long-time business partner, Discovery saw an opportunity to enrich itself at LMNO’s expense. Working with, and using documents prepared by a criminal extortionist, Discovery chose this moment to manufacture bad faith claims surrounding the very books and records that it had received from a criminal in a scheme to steal “The Little Couple” television show from LMNO, and put LMNO out of business.
By this Complaint, LMNO seeks redress for Discovery’s brazen and unlawful acts, which violate LMNO’s copyrights, LMNO’s contractual rights and both the federal and state law of unfair competition.


I'm not at all surprised Discovery would pull something like this. It's Discovery.

Mona said...

Does anyone honestly think Kate would conduct his home-schooling like this? It's all about what's most convenient for her---and we know how she doesn't like to mix with the hoi polloi.

No, but a homeschool taught by someone like Carla might. Sheesh.

Math Girl said...

Calling the police doesn't necessarily mean anyone is arrested (or worse). I was once part of a planeful of annoyed people, some of whom became quite unruly and argumentative, in an airport in a major Canadian city. Believe me, we had good reasons for being disgruntled. The police were called.

As far as I could see, they talked to people and convinced them that we had no other option than to leave the secure part of the airport and come back the following day. I didn't see everything, as I was one of the early persuades, but I believe they defused the situation, as they are/should be trained to do. They had some police dealing with the most outspoken passengers, while others were charged with shooing away the mildly-disgruntled. As a very tired older woman, I was part of the "low-hanging fruit". At least by leaving early I got a chair to spend the night on. And was able to buy a hot chocolate, though all the food was sold out.

Jane said...

If I remember correctly, Carla was very much controlled by Kate. Even if Carla is the tutor, and I doubt that she is, Collin will be schooled the way Kate wants him schooled, even if it's not in his best interest. And this puppy stuff is just deflection. She'll soon tire of it when it's served its purpose.

Sad but true said...

Mona said... 26
Does anyone honestly think Kate would conduct his home-schooling like this? It's all about what's most convenient for her---and we know how she doesn't like to mix with the hoi polloi.

No, but a homeschool taught by someone like Carla might. Sheesh.
Sorry if that came off too snarky. Having seen how she treats this poor child, I don't believe she'll do any more than the barest minimum for him. Come to that, if anything involving any of children came into conflict with her own interests (as we've seen many times), I think she'd act the same with all of them. Mommy's first---and that's never going to change.

NJGal51 said...

TFW is taking the puppies for rides in the car because she's determined to make them like it (since Shoka doesn't). Here's some not so good advice from Milo.

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Good idea..also a short walk w/leash at a park b4 you get hm associates a good thing in their minds w/the car! I've done that!

The puppies are only 9/10 weeks old and have not had all of their shots yet. It's very dangerous to take them anywhere at this point. The parvo virus is deadly and can live in the ground for a year.

Milo, we know you read here so you'd better add that she shouldn't do the walk in the park until the puppies have had all their vaccinations. ~ Administrator said...

As far as I could see, they talked to people and convinced them that we had no other option than to leave the secure part of the airport and come back the following day. I didn't see everything, as I was one of the early persuades, but I believe they defused the situation, as they are/should be trained to do. They had some police dealing with the most outspoken passengers, while others were charged with shooing away the mildly-disgruntled. As a very tired older woman, I was part of the "low-hanging fruit". At least by leaving early I got a chair to spend the night on. And was able to buy a hot chocolate, though all the food was sold out.


Great story.

Most of the time, police come and defuse things. Police have thousands of encounters with people every day and defuse thousands of conflicts. Arrests are not usually made. And the things that make the news like the odd shooting or some other thing that went on is truly an anomaly. Jon if you're reading, just call the police. They're on the side of upholding court orders.

A Ninny Mouse said...

jamezvader1194 said... 195

@Mel I mean i do believe the people who've claimed to met Jon and say he's a nice guy.What if he doesn't call the cops and have Kate thrown in jail because the kids would be upset by it?If you think about it,Kate getting thrown in jail would make some media and i'd bet the kids classmates would find out about it and start making fun of the kids about it and it would be embarrass the kids?Maybe im just trying to find excuses.

You're just trying to find excuses. Jon's laziness or extreme laid back attitude only helps Kate when it comes to alienating those children. Now she can say, "See, your Dad doesn't even care enough to try and see you. He doesn't love you." It's not true but it certainly seems true from the child's POV.

It also hurts the ones that are seeing him because they're little egos think they can decide when to see Dad and when not to. They can have their Dad on a string because they know he won't do anything about it.

Formerly Duped said...

Weren't the police called when Hannah did not want to leave Jon's? Or was it just Kate yelling in the street? Yes, Jon is too passive for his kids' good.
That's why I think they may already resent him for it.Again, JMO

All This Is That said...

@Lyta66 @Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 Kate breeds her dog and says SHE is the parent of puppies. Sick to breed then rip from mother dog. Selfish.

Don't most puppies, after they are weaned, get removed from their mothers and go to other homes? What am I missing?

Becca said...

I think Collin is smarter than Carla at this point. I hope she found someone who can challenge him in some way.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 20m20 minutes ago
Give us an update on the #HaveDogsWillTravel escapades! Make it a habit...a daily ritual if you can! #LifeWithDogs @Kateplusmy8

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 24m24 minutes ago
Advice from JACK to SHOKA >> Hey Bro teach ur kids NOT TO DO what daddy did! #WoofWoof > Skunked!!!! @kateplusmy8

She's nuts. I don't think that's a clinical term, but if the shoe fits. She will not let go of this. Something is seriously wrong with her.

That little snarky "Got it" from Kate just slid right off her. Milo doesn't get it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Blowing (#36), oh yeah, Gladys will not let this go. TFW can disappear and reappear a million times, but she's always there to welcome her back with open arms as if nothing ever happened. If she expects any "daily ritual" from TFW that involves anything but her own bottom line, she's going to be sorely disappointed. How many of those weekly blog posts did TFW churn out during that last little flurry of activity -- a grand total of 3?

Tucker's Mom said...

She's nuts. I don't think that's a clinical term, but if the shoe fits. She will not let go of this. Something is seriously wrong with her.
nutsocephalic ;-)

You don't need to put the dog in the darn car everyday, sheesh. Some dogs are better in cars than others.

Tucker's Mom said...

All This Is That said... 34
@Lyta66 @Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 Kate breeds her dog and says SHE is the parent of puppies. Sick to breed then rip from mother dog. Selfish.

Don't most puppies, after they are weaned, get removed from their mothers and go to other homes? What am I missing?
Ha, this hater is really reaching to find a reason.

Sherry Baby said...

She's nuts. I don't think that's a clinical term, but if the shoe fits. She will not let go of this. Something is seriously wrong with her.

That little snarky "Got it" from Kate just slid right off her. Milo doesn't get it.

Hey, Gladys! We know that you read here. Just move on! You are an annoying nuisance! You claim that Kate is so busy with her work (LOL), and then you ask her to post a daily report and take the puppies for walks. How can she do that when she's so very business with her job and supporting those kids (since Jon is deceased)? Make up your mind!

At least she's given up on the twenty questions about Vann the Mann!

I almost feel sorry for Abner Kravitz, better known as LOM.

Tucker's Mom said...

You're just trying to find excuses. Jon's laziness or extreme laid back attitude only helps Kate when it comes to alienating those children.
IIRC, Jon said he didn't live with is mom when his parents got divorced, so he should know this isn't healthy. I think he's got a good relationship with his mom now, but you can never get back precious time.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sherry Baby (#40), c'mon now, you don't Gladys doesn't give a hoot about those kids! She'd be more than happy to let TFW neglect them during their summer break while she writes post after post about her shiny new puppies.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 42
Sherry Baby (#40), c'mon now, you don't Gladys doesn't give a hoot about those kids! She'd be more than happy to let TFW neglect them during their summer break while she writes post after post about her shiny new puppies


Yeah, and I bet Gladys would just love to see the little pink noses on Kate's puppies.

What's really amusing is when the fans have the balls to call the non-fans "busybodies," when all they have to do is to look in their own barnyard, and at Gladys in particular. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Yeah, and I bet Gladys would just love to see the little pink noses on Kate's puppies.
Fleecing! ;)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

The Jon story is up on US magazine now. It really got some traction.
And yet the Grinch still tries to peddle her image as Mother Of The Year, tweeting adorable puppy stories to her 6 remaining die-hard fans.

Over In TFW's County said...

@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 he should also work with Rep Tom Murt 2 tighten existing state laws overseeing kids who work in reality TV


This was already done, passed in the legislature, and put into law, thanks to Rep Murt, Paul Petersen, and those who cared enough not only about the Gosselins, but all kids being filmed in PA in the entertainment industry. Short of writing new bills, I'm not sure how much tighter this could be.

Jeanne said...

I thought Shoka was fine getting in the car when the groomer comes and picks him up. Shoka just isn't fine getting in the car with Kate. What does that tell you?

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45
The Jon story is up on US magazine now. It really got some traction.
And yet the Grinch still tries to peddle her image as Mother Of The Year, tweeting adorable puppy stories to her 6 remaining die-hard fans.

The tweetee response to her puppies is anemic.
More thoughts on Jon's interview:

1) He gave her 3 million dollars. 3 fricking MILLION! Remember when she bashed him saying his payments couldn't support a lunch plan for the kids?


2) Jon said again that the kids are set with college tuition and fat trust funds. So, why the hell are they still working?!

3) Why doesn't a court order Kate to let her kids speak to Jon when they'er at home? That's bizarre. They should have the ability to speak with him or at least text him.

4) Can a parent take children out of state or the country without consent from the non-custodial parent?
How does Kate get away with canceling Jon's time willy nilly? Do judges stand behind her because it's her "job"?

I can't believe anyone thinks she's a great mom. As if things and travel matter more than well being and facilitating a relationship with Jon.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I thought Shoka was fine getting in the car when the groomer comes and picks him up. Shoka just isn't fine getting in the car with Kate. What does that tell you?


That Shoka read Robert's book, knows what a lousy driver she is, and doesn't want to get pulled over when Kate gets a speeding ticket?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

TFW can disappear and reappear a million times, but she's always there to welcome her back with open arms as if nothing ever happened.


Well, they say love is blind. I'm not sure about lust, but Gladys has been wearing rose-colored glasses for quite some time.

Tucke's Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...doing puppy nails is no easy task! I see you R getting all into this! #DogWhispererKate That takes strength & patience!
Oh, Lord, give ME strength!
You either use clippers or a dremel and it takes a minute or two. My goodness, Milo thinks Kate walks on water because she's doing what she's supposed to be doing.

Tucke's Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 So Mak is not only handsome...he's smart & being easy! Guess you will have to have a #womanToWoman talk w/Miss Nanuq! LOL
Nanuq will be "happied up" and if she hates Kate like Nala did, she'll get her walking papers soon enough. Or, maybe after kate breeds her.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#52), I wonder why Gladys isn't having her dog Katie Irene offer girl advice to Nanuq? Perhaps the dog is a snob like her namesake, and has deemed Nanuq "mediocre?"

ncgirl said...

"Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m5 minutes ago
"@Kateplusmy8 Ha...doing puppy nails is no easy task! I see you R getting all into this! #DogWhispererKate That takes strength & patience!"

Milo, please, she is trimming the dog's nails, not feeding the poor and hungry. Don't nominate Kate for sainthood.

Tucker's Mom said...

Milo, please, she is trimming the dog's nails, not feeding the poor and hungry. Don't nominate Kate for sainthood.
DH just took the dogs out for a walk. I'm writing the Pope.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#55), unless your husband is the single mother of 8 kids, he deserves no credit for menial tasks. Save your stamp.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

4) Can a parent take children out of state or the country without consent from the non-custodial parent?
How does Kate get away with canceling Jon's time willy nilly? Do judges stand behind her because it's her "job"?


When a parent is deceased, as Jon apparently is, I guess she's free to take them anywhere.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
We know one of ur boys has gone thru a lil rough patch. I'm thinking having these dogs & bonding w/them will be good for him? @Kateplusmy8


I wonder if she's this much of a busybody with everyone she knows or "communicates," or if Kate is the sole lucky recipient of Milo's nosiness!

Now she's gotten Collin into this. Her tweet was in the form of a question. She wants a response from Kate. Lord, Milo, Let it go! In the name of everything holy, STOP!

Jamesvader1194 said...

Milo if you're referring to Collin then you're only proving that you hate jon way more then you care bout the children.Sorry im not convince she has a husband,if she does,would she do something like this to him,if they divorced? Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
We know one of ur boys has gone thru a lil rough patch. I'm thinking having these dogs & bonding w/them will be good for him? @Kateplusmy8

Tucker's Mom said...

We know one of ur boys has gone thru a lil rough patch. I'm thinking having these dogs & bonding w/them will be good for him? @Kateplusmy8
A rough patch? His parents divorced and are so angry that they don't even speak. That alone jeopardizes a child and scars them.
He got kicked out of school and is isolated at the compound at the mercy of Kate all day, everyday. He looks medicated and appears to be a shadow of that bright, effervescent boy he was.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Sorry im not convince she has a husband,if she does,would she do something like this to him,if they divorced?


Milo is a moron. Who knows what she would or wouldn't do? Milo has revealed, through tweets, that LOM rules the roost, women are supposed to be subservient to their husbands, and I think that when she's on Twitter, it's one way of putting herself in charge. She can be the boss on the internet, get attention, and it's probably therapy for her to be the dominant one when at home it's a different story. It sounds like she must do exactly as he says, and the two of them have tangled over it (at least she's indicated that in her tweets).

Sheepless In Seattle said...

DH just took the dogs out for a walk. I'm writing the Pope.


And when it's all said and done, you can ride on the dashboard of your car.

ncgirl said...

We know one of ur boys has gone thru a lil rough patch. I'm thinking having these dogs & bonding w/them will be good for him? @Kateplusmy8
A rough patch? His parents divorced and are so angry that they don't even speak. That alone jeopardizes a child and scars them.
He got kicked out of school and is isolated at the compound at the mercy of Kate all day, everyday. He looks medicated and appears to be a shadow of that bright, effervescent boy he was.
But it's only a "lil" rough patch. Nothing the Dog Whisperer and her dogs can't fix.

And she just gave Kate an idea for an episode, Colin and his therapy dog. Milo will squeal with delight. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe Jon asked for 4 at a time don't know. Maybe he feels he gets better quality time that way. Maybe that hurt some of the kids feelings. YOU DON'T KNOW. None of us do, so we all are speculating.


Maybe Jon asked for four at a time? Then why would he speak about the arrangement so negatively and imply that it's Kate who only sends four out a a time? That doesn't make sense at all. I'm all for healthy speculation, but it needs to actually make sense in context.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I think this bonding question about C and the dogs is even more of a violation of the kids' privacy than when Gladys asked about their underwear. How I wish TFW would reply that she appreciates the concern, but that she doesn't discuss her children's personal issues with people outside the family. But, hey, we've watched the kid with his pants around his ankles, so I guess privacy will never be in the equation for him.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Sheepless in seattle Sounds like a duggar type of household.

Susan1956 said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45

The Jon story is up on US magazine now. It really got some traction.

Do you have a link? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

The Church Women Today

Darlene Casto ‏@bigbrotherdar 1h1 hour ago
Oh so England ain't a country no more lets see how that works for ya

And these people have the right to vote?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

And she just gave Kate an idea for an episode, Colin and his therapy dog. Milo will squeal with delight.

Don't you mean squall? :)

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Maybe Jon asked for 4 at a time don't know. Maybe he feels he gets better quality time that way. Maybe that hurt some of the kids feelings. YOU DON'T KNOW. None of us do, so we all are speculating.


None of us does? I would venture to say that there are some locals here who might know, and it wouldn't be speculation.

fidosmommy said...

I thought Shoka was fine getting in the car when the groomer comes and picks him up. Shoka just isn't fine getting in the car with Kate. What does that tell you?


That Shoka read Robert's book, knows what a lousy driver she is, and doesn't want to get pulled over when Kate gets a speeding ticket?

I think Shoka wishes they'll be pulled over so he can talk to the nice policeman about how much the force needs a nice German Shepherd in uniform. Rescue me!

RoxyHelen said...

Oh God, I just realised: if Collin is homeschool then he didn't need Backpack and water bottle and uniforms and stuff. There was no need for him to be at that store, watching his siblings get their stuff.He was there because of FILMING. He was forced to stand there and watch and be reminded how different he is because the show is Kate plus EIGTH and they are the SEXTUPLETS. And then he had to stand there throughout the interview, listening to his brothers talk about school and stuff.
I wonder how many more events like that is Collin subjected to, daily? His siblings come home talking about school and friends and field trips and teachers and he has nothing in common with them, he is probably excluded on a daily basis. Add to that the crappy relationship with his dad and the (at least) verbal abuse you know he must receive from mom. Heartbreaking.

GollyGee said...

Tucker's Mom said... 55
Milo, please, she is trimming the dog's nails, not feeding the poor and hungry. Don't nominate Kate for sainthood.
DH just took the dogs out for a walk. I'm writing the Pope.


Let's start a to get her canonized.

What a smoke and mirrors she is!

GollyGee said...

ncgirl said...63

An idea for an episode, Colin and his therapy dog. Milo will squeal with delight.


Dear, Heavens! I hope Caesar, the real dog whisperer will have enough sense to turn TLC down if they ask him to appear on the "show".

Tucker's Mom said...

RoxyHelen said... 72
Oh God, I just realised: if Collin is homeschool then he didn't need Backpack and water bottle and uniforms and stuff. There was no need for him to be at that store, watching his siblings get their stuff
Of course, Ms. "Set The Record Straight" conveniently left that out of her soliloquy.

GollyGee said...

RoxyHelen said... 72


Kate is a very sadistic woman. That poor child had to be suffering watching hIs brothers and sisters getting their school supplies.

Reminds me of when Kate was inside during the winter and was holding one of the GS dogs while the other GS dog watched from outside whIle she grinned like a Cheshire Cat. Sadistic and cruel.

I agree with the poster that people hate Jon more than the welfare of the kids. When will this all stop and get normal?

Mel said...

She sure does get her jollies watching others be in pain,. Sick.

MabelD said...

The child Kate liked the least will be a burden to her for her the rest of her life. When all the others leave home, there will still be Colin. Maybe then she'll hand him over to his father.

PatK said...

Can't Milo ask her questions and give her pearls of wisdom about the dogs to Kate via the other ways they have of communicatin', instead of showing the whole Twitterverse what a truly drooling and needy person she is? (Yeah, I know...Milo gets off on it. But I can dream, can't I?)

Tucker's Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Train him well...lots of affection along w/setting his boundaries...& he will become the #GentleGiant of the family! :)
And by "train him", does Milo mean send him away for a year?
She's also worried about Kate not spaying and neutering. It's too funny how Milo kind of thinks Kate is one the one hand, "uber mom" and on the other hand, really dumb.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
HaHa..make sure you #TameTheBeast so he & Shoka don't get confused over affections for #Nanuq or YOU! #MaleDominanceIssues :) @Kateplusmy8

Dominance is one thing. Mounting and mating is entirely another and unless Nanuq will have a chastity belt fashioned, the ONLY thing to do is spay her and/or neuter the males.


Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Can't Milo ask her questions and give her pearls of wisdom about the dogs to Kate via the other ways they have of communicatin', instead of showing the whole Twitterverse what a truly drooling and needy person she is? (Yeah, I know...Milo gets off on it. But I can dream, can't I?)


Milo is nuttier than that Christmas fruitcake that nobody wants but is forced to accept, only to dump it in the back yard for the birds, raccoons, skunks and opossums.

foxy said...

I think Kate would keep that one child under her control for ever to do all the chores around that place. I feel so bad for that kid. He is so sweet and for some reason she always cuts him down and makes a fool of him...the dress shirt and tie, the gift he gave her from his heart, announcing what kind of underwear he prefers, and on and on. What is wrong with her.

Lynne In RI said...

Fleecing (81): "Milo is nuttier than that Christmas fruitcake that nobody wants but is forced to accept, only to dump it in the back yard for the birds, raccoons, skunks and opossums."


lol!! Funny, and it's a perfect description!

fidosmommy said...

I think Shoka wishes they'll be pulled over so he can talk to the nice policeman about how much the force needs a nice German Shepherd in uniform. Rescue me!


Shoka wants a K-9 partner, not a K8.

Seredipity said...

I see Milo as a woman (or man) who is cripplingly insecure and that sheepishness has led her to Kate in hopes that Kate would instill in her some self-confidence, thus the references to the "we communicate in so many other ways." Whether that's true or not, Milo has probably convinced herself that it is, and has put it out there for others to believe.

When Kate gave Milo that shout-out on national television, that sealed the deal -- she was Kate's chosen. It's kind of pathetic, really.

Patsy said...

I haven't been here much less posted for a long time but Jon's latest public "poor me" excursion is absolutely ridiculous!!!

Jon -- Grow Up! Get off your ass & act like an adult and get the Police Dept. to enforce your court appointed visitation with all 8 of your kids for one night a week and every other weekend!!!

You are supposed to be the adult so act like one! Quit whining about it & making the situation public and DEAL WITH IT! There is absolutely no excuse not to have had the court order enforced. It does not take $$$ or going back to court etc. etc.

Why haven't you dealt with it in a timely fashion (quit making $$$ excuses)? The kids are growing up fast and damage to your relationship with them may be irrepairable.

Just do it!!!

Layla said...

jamezvader1194 said... 23
@Sad but true Wasn't the Little Couple the lead in show for Kate that helped her viewer count reach 1 million?Before the Little Couple came back,Kate had a viewer count that was below 1 million but when she had them as a lead in,it helped with her viewer count to reach 1 million.With the Little couple getting cancelled,this COULD be kinda of a problem for Kate viewer wise.Unless they find some other lead in popular TLC show.
You're absolutely right. K+8 only got decent ratings when there was a strong lead-in. And TLC used their two most popular shows (Little Couple and Duggars) to pull K+8's rating up to over a million.
If The Little Couple is gone, then that just leaves the Duggars. And there is apparently trouble over advertising for that show. So, what is TLC supposed to do with the already-filmed K+8 episodes? Think about it--the first show has been delayed for two months now. It was supposed to air in late April, then late May, then got dumped onto YouTube. TLC couldn't air it because there wasn't a stronger lead-in show to save it from crappy ratings.
It will be very interesting to see what happens next. Will TLC air the episodes that are already filmed? I think yes, but when? It could be a long wait. And when they do air, how bad will the ratings be?

fidosmommy said...

And when they do air, how bad will the ratings be?

I, for one, am waiting to know. I hope the ratings are lousy on all the family reality shows that feature children starring as themselves episode after episode. We don't need to know this much about any of these children.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Layla (#86), always nice to see you posting! Yes, it should be interesting to see when these episodes finally surface on TLC. I think it is quite telling that the special was funneled over to YouTube so unceremoniously. TFW was the network's darling.

Fidosmommy (#87), dare we hope there is some sort of shift in the viewing public's tolerance for these spectacles? Is there so darn much good scripted TV available now that people are more discerning in what they spend an hour watching? We can only hope. Oh, and Fido, I loved your K9/K8 joke last night!

Layla said...

FlimsyFlamsy (88),
Yes, she was TLC's darling. It still seems like she's getting preferential treatment. When the successful shows (Little Couple, Duggars) air, they use them as a lead-in for K+8 to increase the ratings. Why? K+8, without a lead-in, is a dud as far as ratings are concerned, and it will never get better. So why not use the "good" shows as a lead-in to something else--something that has the potential to become more successful? They are wasting an opportunity for another show to succeed in order to prop up a loser show. There has to be a reason for that.

I noticed someone said that you have to pay for a season pass on YouTube in order to watch the 10-year anniversary special. I wonder if that means the whole season is going to be aired on YouTube. Why else would they call it a season pass? Kate seems certain that the show will be on TV, but you never know. She still has never acknowledged that the show is now on YouTube. She has to know. Why not promote it, or at least tell people it's available there? Good numbers on YouTube might make TLC decide to air it. Maybe she is in denial.

Layla said...

Kate is really pushing these new puppies. I saw that a fans asked about seeing them on TV, and Kate replied yes. But--why is she showing so much of them on Twitter if TLC is filming them? She usually keeps quiet and teases about some surprise coming up in an episode. Now everyone already knows what the "surprise additions" are, and has seen pictures of them. That kind of ruins the surprise.

Also--she is tweeting a lot. She never does that when they are filming. And she says she has seen the puppies every day since their birth. That means she would not have been at Disney a few weeks ago. That sighting was fake.

Is TLC holding off on filming? They just lost several shows, including one of their most successful. They must be desperate for something to air, yet they aren't airing the K+8 episodes they already have in the bag. I think this is the only time they have ever dumped an episode of one of their shows on YouTube without airing it. Something is going on.

Becca said...

Remember when Kate was explaining Collin's issues and stated he would see a change in school's this year and that he was going places? Where has he gone but the house all year? And maybe to the farm store to pick up chicken feed. A kid who is having social problems should not be locked away. How are his skills ever going to get better. The fact that Jon doesn't know what is going on with him....I don't care how much money it costs, beg and plead with every custody attorney in PA, on twitter, find another Tuma.

UNLESS, there is more to Collin's absence than Jon is telling.

Either way, I feel so badly for that kid.


Formerly Duped said...

Becca, I agree with you. I think Jon should do a lot more to help Collin get what he needs, as well as for his legal custody visits. The poor kid looked so alone in those school prep episodes and the other tups did not seem to be concerned with him at all.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 92
Becca, I agree with you. I think Jon should do a lot more to help Collin get what he needs, as well as for his legal custody visits. The poor kid looked so alone in those school prep episodes and the other tups did not seem to be concerned with him at all.
I'm just guessing that Colin keeps saying that he doesn't want to see Jon. But, as a parent, I would compel Kate to produce him. Wild horses couldn't stop me from physically seeing my child.
There is something so rotten going on and until Jon decides to give a truthful and compelling reason for not seeing his own son for over 1 1/2 years, I'm not buying his case.
I'm sure court is expensive, but if he has been awarded visitation with all 8 of his kids, accepting anything like this is on him, afaic.
You call the cops. You make it happen.
At some point, you risk fracturing your bond with your children and there may be no going back.
The tragedy here is staggering, and no one is talking about the elephant in the room.
It's all smoke, mirrors and adorable puppies.
I don't get how sheep don't see the damage and the pain, and think that continuing to film their lives and sell it for profit is victimless.

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, didn't Hannah tell Jon of the abuse the kids received with TFW and especially Collin, when she begged to stay with him? Seems he let her down, too.I wonder what those kids really think about each parent.

TLC stinks said...

And she says she has seen the puppies every day since their birth. That means she would not have been at Disney a few weeks ago. That sighting was fake.


This is Kate speak...seeing as in "physically" seeing the puppies or seeing them as in photos or videos?

TLC stinks said...

@csnyder5 my idea:) which, when mentioned long ago, was met by cheers X's 8! We all wanted Shokas puppy soooo bad, but ended up w 2;)!


Of course it was HER idea....for the SHOW.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 96
@csnyder5 my idea:) which, when mentioned long ago, was met by cheers X's 8! We all wanted Shokas puppy soooo bad, but ended up w 2;)!


Of course it was HER idea....for the SHOW.
Wait a minute. They ALL wanted a Shoka puppy but it was HER idea? She finally got desperate enough for episode ideas. Everything that is in her domain she exploits for her own gain.

jamezvader1194 said...

Milo is now trying to get Kate's attention by asking her about that instagram account. Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4h4 hours ago
This Is #IG acct. people keep asking about Kate. Did you write these words abt Orlando club shooting?@Kateplusmy8 Here some 38,000 followers thought they were #LiveMsg YOU w/ question & answer session! #NotNice. @Kateplusmy8

Blowing In The Wind said...

Milo is now trying to get Kate's attention by asking her about that instagram account. Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4h4 hours ago
This Is #IG acct. people keep asking about Kate. Did you write these words abt Orlando club shooting?@Kateplusmy8 Here some 38,000 followers thought they were #LiveMsg YOU w/ question & answer session! #NotNice. @Kateplusmy8


Milo won't mind her business about anything. She tweeted Kate with a reference to Collin and bonding with the dog. I don't know if Milo is really that stupid, a total moron, or if she just doesn't THINK before she tweets. Why ask Kate about him and open that whole thing for discussion on Twitter? She will never learn to shut up and I just don't understand why Kate doesn't read her the riot act and tell her that some of her questions are off-limits and she just won't discuss it. Lay it on the line!

Then again, I doubt if Milo would get it, or if she does, she'd just go off sulking for a bit and come right back on Twitter, resuming her nosiness.

If they do so much communicatin' in many other ways, you'd think that Kate would have told her about the instagram account. As Kate's representative on earth, she should know these things.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Becca, I agree with you. I think Jon should do a lot more to help Collin get what he needs, as well as for his legal custody visits. The poor kid looked so alone in those school prep episodes and the other tups did not seem to be concerned with him at all.


I don't think we really know what Jon is doing to help him, or what route he's taken on this because it's such a private matter and Jon certainly isn't going to put that information out on the internet. It's very easy to say that he should be doing more, why doesn't he do this or that, but the fact is that we don't know what he's doing or to what extent he is trying to resolve whatever conflict there is. That's the way that it should be. ~ Administrator said...

I'm just guessing that Colin keeps saying that he doesn't want to see Jon. But, as a parent, I would compel Kate to produce him.


The scary thing about this is that Kate is a parental alienator. She has made it very clear to the children she resents Jon. Fact, not opinion. Therefore a child who "doesn't want to see Jon" may only be doing so to please Kate. Not because they can independently identify any problem with him.

She has put the children in a terrible position where because she has taken an anti-Jon position, they are caught between pleasing her, and seeing their father they love and who has been nothing but a good father to them.

She and her cronies can deny it all they want, but the animosity she feels toward Jon is tangible, and children are not stupid and pick up on that. It's actually pretty lucky only one kid has been fully alienated despite all of Kate's efforts, which says a lot about Jon. Colin, due to his special needs, may be especially susceptible to parental alienation.

TLC stinks said...

Admin, I think you nailed it about Colin. He wants to please his mother more than anything. Remember the picnic table painting? Who was the most involved? Colin. There have been other instances. I think he felt her rejection early in his life because she did not treat him well and favored the girls. Yes, I agree, his special needs make him vulnerable. Poor guy.

Tucker's Mom said...

The scary thing about this is that Kate is a parental alienator. She has made it very clear to the children she resents Jon. Fact, not opinion. Therefore a child who "doesn't want to see Jon" may only be doing so to please Kate. Not because they can independently identify any problem with him.
I agree that some of the kids are scared to not be loyal to Kate. I think Colin might feel he needs to be there to make things alright and keep all the pets and everything safe.
Still, I find no plausible scenario in which Jon should not see his son, if even by force of cops.
There isn't a force in the universal strong enough to keep a father from seeing his son. Why it dropped down on his priority list is a mystery.
It's like Jon is saying "Hey, it's on them if they don't want to see me. I'll focus on the ones who show up"
Not how being a parent works and it certainly isn't up to the kids to decide whether they can decline to see him for such protracted periods.
You know, we say this about Kate. She's always claimed that the kids are over the moon about filming, and we call bullshit on that because kids can't see around corners, nor can they know the long-term effects of being so exposed.
We expect Kate to make proper decisions for her kids, so I expect the same of Jon.
This whole Colin thing (and to a lesser extent other kids) is such an epic fail writ large, and what I infer from Jon's multiple interviews on the subject is that he's just given up.
I get that she's an alienator, and she can hate Jon all she wants. It shouldn't have any bearing on him putting his foot down and seeing all his kids.
Maybe I'm wrong, but thus far, his explanations don't hold water.

Tucker's Mom said...

Colin, due to his special needs, may be especially susceptible to parental alienation.
Isolating him by home schooling has Colin completely at Kate's mercy.

GollyGee said...

Wow. Kody Brown is a jerk!

Janelle said that it was their last night in Hawaii and they were going to have a luau. They were all excited except, KODY!

Why, do you ask? Because Janelle said that he wanted to bring in Jesus and do the ways of Jesus into their spirituality and do like Christ did. He was Jewish and he had a kosher diet so that means
No Pork. And he was sitting in a chair putting something together with his head down, moaning and groaning about it. He was mad and said, no one even talked to me about it, so P**** OFF!

Logan was trying to get him to go. But he is worried about eating pork. He wants to follow Christ, like He lived but what about the elephant in the room? When you look at a woman with lust, you have committed adultery in your heart. He has married his first wife, took a second wife, took a third wife, took a fourth wife, divorced his first wife, remarried his fourth wife.

Now he and the sister wives are being interviewed and he said, we have haters and he flips the camera a bird at the camera.

Unknown said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 101
''I don't think we really know what Jon is doing to help him, or what route he's taken on this because it's such a private matter and Jon certainly isn't going to put that information out on the internet. It's very easy to say that he should be doing more, why doesn't he do this or that, but the fact is that we don't know what he's doing or to what extent he is trying to resolve whatever conflict there is. That's the way that it should be.''
I agree! We do not know what Jon is or is not doing because it IS private and that is not something that Jon would be willing to discuss about his son. Jon's refusal to exploit his children is one of the things I admire about him most!! His not commenting IS the way it should be, even if it does give people a reason to trash him.

GollyGee said...

Tucker's Mom said... 105
Colin, due to his special needs, may be especially susceptible to parental alienation.
Isolating him by home schooling has Colin completely at Kate's mercy.


And because C. and all of the kids are at her mercy, this has to be
STOPPED NOW!! Because TLC is still filming Kate Plus 8, and if any custody order that Jon is trying to get the kids or trying to get them while filming, is it possible TLC is providing Kate with legal help?


Tucker's Mom said...

Now he and the sister wives are being interviewed and he said, we have haters and he flips the camera a bird at the camera.
Can't stand him. I hope his ding dong falls off. And not for nothing, but he skeeves me out.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TLC stinks (#103), yes, I remember a very early episode when TFW bragged about C wanting to please her, saying, "Here's your helper boy!"
A sweet comment like that could sound like a compliment to him, but I suspect being helpful was his salvation. And still is.

Formerly Duped said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 101

I agree with you except for the fact that Jon put it out there in the media that he hasn't seen Collin for a year and a half and he didn't say " but I am helping him..." or " it's a private matter but Collin is being looked after " or "I'm trying to get custody on track" or something. I just think the way the comment is made, it sounds like Kate is keeping Collin isolated from his father and any schoolmates. Of course we don't know, but a bleak picture was painted IMO.

TLC stinks said...

Remona and Blowing, I agree it's private therefore he should not be giving interviews that he has not seen Collin for a year and a half. By taking it public and griping about Kate, he opens himself up to questions and to say he has no idea why he has not seen Collin makes no sense.

Blowing In The Wind said...

By taking it public and griping about Kate, he opens himself up to questions and to say he has no idea why he has not seen Collin makes no sense.


I think think that it does make sense. He says he hasn't seen him, but the comment here was that he should be doing a lot more. We don't know why he hasn't seen him, nor do we know that he's not doing anything to help Collin or to take steps to try to see him.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Well, Gladys got that cleared up!

Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 20m20 minutes ago
@MiloandJack not cool. It's not me and I need to let #IG know... To cancel that person... I DON'T HAVE INSTAGRAM!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 That is pretty presumptuous isn't it!! Cruel to fool others that way...& dishonest representation of YOU!

So Kate never acknowledged the Orlando shootings. ~ Administrator said...

Kate GosselinVerified account ‏@Kateplusmy8 20m20 minutes ago
@MiloandJack not cool. It's not me and I need to let #IG know... To cancel that person... I DON'T HAVE INSTAGRAM!


So stop whining and report it already. Good grief, it takes all of 10 seconds. Instagram is very good about taking down offending accounts. She's so lazy. ~ Administrator said...

I wasn't getting the impression that Jon objects to Colin being homeschooled. He's a straight shooter and usually says so if he's not a fan of something.

It was custody that was clearly bothering him. I thought he brought up the homeschooling simply to explain why he doesn't just pick Colin up from school with the others. That would surely be our first question, wait a second why can't he just get the child from school and screw Kate.

Blowing In The Wind said...

From the Church Lady:

Darlene Casto ‏@bigbrotherdar 6m6 minutes ago
Think if Ted cruise liked gays and wasn't the zodiact killer I could vote for eem. TO bad

Uh, Ted Cruz is out of the running! LOL!

This is the one who thinks that Cruz murdered both JFK and JonBenet Ramsey! I wonder what it would be like to sit down and have a conversation with these women!

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Blowing in the wind So if that Instagram account is not Kate's then the Mady and Cara accounts that are following it have to be fake as well.Though i looked at the twins accounts and its pictures that are never before seen and pictures of them with friends.Not sure where those accounts are getting the pictures from.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Wait a minute,Milo said that the fake Kate's instagram account is a dishonest representation of Kate and the two post she pointed out was the pray for Orlando and the Q and A post.Is she admitting that real Kate wouldn't care to tweet about Orlando and ignores fans?Way to shoot yourself in the foot milo.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

James (#199), I had the same thought. Yes, it was surely a "dishonest representation" of TFW to portray her as someone who could see the world beyond her nose, and express compassion and concern about a national tragedy. Beautifully put, Gladys -- thanks for your help.

Sherry Baby said...

Wait a minute,Milo said that the fake Kate's instagram account is a dishonest representation of Kate and the two post she pointed out was the pray for Orlando and the Q and A post.Is she admitting that real Kate wouldn't care to tweet about Orlando and ignores fans?Way to shoot yourself in the foot milo.

LOL!! I was just thinking the same thing. Wouldn't it have been better to let fans believe that Kate had the compassion to tweet about the victims? Now Kate, through Milo, has admitted that it's not her account and she never said anything about the victims! Way to go, Gladys!

Milo has contradicted herself, saying that she knows Kate has no such account, but she asked her if that was her account. Milo's had too much sun, or too many margaritas!

Kate wants IG to step in and cancel the account, but she apparently isn't concerned that her Twitter has turned into a porn fest.

Sherry Baby said...

This is the one who thinks that Cruz murdered both JFK and JonBenet Ramsey! I wonder what it would be like to sit down and have a conversation with these women!

You'd be pulling out your hair and would need a wig by the time the conversation was over!

Sherry Baby said...

Someone asked Kate if she still has Shoka.

...and here comes Milo:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 12m12 minutes ago
Fired Up 4 Kate Retweeted Kate Gosselin
@snowytree42 @Kateplusmy8 Kate posted this a few days U can see she still has Shoka & 2of his puppies now!!

OMG. The woman really is under the delusion that she can answer for Kate. I wonder if she thinks that she actually *is* Kate. Scary stuff!

Jeanne said...

I have to wonder if the interview *is* Jon's way of doing something about Colin and custody. I don't know if he's called the police about it. I don't know if he knows he can. I didn't know police would do that til reading here. But if his court pleadings failed, would he give a public interview in hopes of getting things to change? I don't know that you can use public shaming to make Kate do anything but he could try.

Over And Out said...

James (#199), I had the same thought. Yes, it was surely a "dishonest representation" of TFW to portray her as someone who could see the world beyond her nose, and express compassion and concern about a national tragedy. Beautifully put, Gladys -- thanks for your help.


Milo certainly does have a special talent for shooting herself in the foot. With so many holes in her feet I'm surprised she can still go on those nature walks by the pond!

It's actually kind of sad that she's so obtuse that she can't see what she's doing. Keep it up, Gladys. With friends like that...

Over And Out said...

But if his court pleadings failed, would he give a public interview in hopes of getting things to change? I don't know that you can use public shaming to make Kate do anything but he could try.


Kate is a narcissist. Can a narcissist be shamed? ~ Administrator said...

I have to wonder if the interview *is* Jon's way of doing something about Colin and custody. I don't know if he's called the police about it. I don't know if he knows he can. I didn't know police would do that til reading here.


One of a policeman's main duties is to enforce the law. A family law order is the law. Not only do they enforce them, they HAVE to enforce them.

njay said...

Ok, I know this dumb to ask but when they film,does she get paid if they don't air it? ~ Administrator said...

Ok, I know this dumb to ask but when they film,does she get paid if they don't air it?


Yes, you're paid for the work of the episode, not whether the network decides to actually use it or not. I don't sense a sense of urgency from her about these episodes not airing. As long as she's still filming she doesn't seem as worried as she really should be about all these scheduling delays.

TLC stinks said...

That's right...she already got her paycheck for what has been filmed and her contract may even settle, if she's canceled, for an agreed amount. She's not hurting for 2016. Because she is tweeting like a maniac again, she's not filming right now. We know the routine.

I do kind of chuckle to think those puppies must be a handful so it just proves she'll do anything to keep the TLC money rolling in. Poor Nala was cast aside so let's see if these guys make the grade with Kate. It's a good opportunity for Jon to remind people how she treated Shoka and Nala. She used to say they were Jon's dogs and she was not a dog person. My, how things change when you need to stay relevant.

Tucker's Mom said...

Yes, you're paid for the work of the episode, not whether the network decides to actually use it or not. I don't sense a sense of urgency from her about these episodes not airing. As long as she's still filming she doesn't seem as worried as she really should be about all these scheduling delays.
Yup, as long as TLC keeps filming, and she keeps thinking up and pitching ideas, she doesn't care.
She's summer filler at this point, but she says they're still filming (the puppies) so she's still making a living filming her kids.
There's no reason for another "Piecing and Patching" tour just yet.

Although, this Youtube season pass and 10th anniversary thing is weird.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 127

I have to wonder if the interview *is* Jon's way of doing something about Colin and custody. I don't know if he's called the police about it. I don't know if he knows he can. I didn't know police would do that til reading here.


One of a policeman's main duties is to enforce the law. A family law order is the law. Not only do they enforce them, they HAVE to enforce them.
Jon knows and he's called the cops on her before. Why he portrays himself as helpless to see all of his kids is the hinky bit that doesn't smell right to me.
It also doesn't sit right with me that this seems to be a crafted talking point. "I get who I get" is passive and non-sensical when he has said himself he gets the kids for one evening and every other weekend.
I also do not know how Kate can schedule her kids for filming and cancel Jon's visitation repeatedly. Surely, Kate can tell TLC days or weeks do and don't work for filming.
Finally, I don't know how she can take them out of state and country without Jon's consent, but I don't know if that's also a ruling that she's violating.

Tucker's Mom said...

Remember when Whoopi chewed Kate a new orifice on The View over Kate stepping on Jon's custody time?

"In mid August, Gosselin made an unannounced visit during her husband Jon's court-allotted time with the children. She said she was upset about her husband's choice of babysitters. The resulting argument led to the cops being called.

When Gosselin cohosted "The View" last week on ABC, she was forced to deal with Goldberg's tough line of questioning about the incident.

"When you go in to a custody thing with someone you have your specific time… and you're not supposed to walk on [that]," Goldberg said. "And I'm sorry that's the law."

"I've learned my lesson and I have learned that it was not a good thing" Gosselin responded, "I realized that I was wrong and it was his custody and will I do it again? No, but it doesn't answer to me, like, a babysitter I've never met or approved of. And that bothers me."

My bad- it was Kate who called the cops to come to the compound when she tried to get in on Jon's custody time.
Either way, they both know that cops can be called.

TLC stinks said...

Collin is it calling the shots about visitation with Jon. According to PA law:


The standard used to determine whether a child may decide not to visit with a parent is even stricter than the one used to weigh the child’s preference for custody. Because the Courts recognize that children can be influenced by the parent who has primary physical custody or alienated against the non-custodial parent by the parent with primary custody, the child’s preference will be given some weight but never will be controlling.

TLC stinks said...

In PA:

There are no reported cases of a court honoring complete denial of visitation for a parent. Even in cases of abuse, the only reported cases have upheld supervised visitation. Supervised visitation is when the parent is only allowed to visit with the child in the company of another person. This person is usually a friend or relative that the two parents agree will be allowed to act as a chaperon. Supervised visitation often calls for a restriction of visitation to a particular location and time.

TLC stinks said...

This could be why Kate gets away with visitation interference:

From the court's perspective, the options for dealing with repeated visitation interference are limited. Contempt judgments often are less effective than intended; the parent who violates a final decree may be no less inhibited about violating another court order. Further, penalizing the interfering parent financially could potentially hurt the children involved. The same holds true for the more severe penalties of imprisonment and change of primary residential custody. Simply put, the judge's hands often are tied...
When a full-blown parental alienation syndrome is in effect, the parent and the child share antagonistic beliefs about, and behavior toward, the other parent. In other words, the syndrome exists when both parent and child are afflicted. In such cases, visitation is chronically interfered with and the child has been trained to engage in visitation denial quite independently.

The severity of parental alienation syndrome varies from case to case. Gardner believes that 90 percent of all custody battles bring out some aspects of it. He also reports that the mother is the perpetrator in 90 percent of cases. However, necessary scientific research on this syndrome has yet to appear. ~ Administrator said...

Kids aren't allowed to dictate visitation in CA either. Allowing them to do so is a sure way to get yourself reversed in the Court of Appeal, every time.

Not only are kids suseptable to being influenced by the other parent, but they are also not emotionally ready to make the decision whether their parent will be in or out of their life.

An adult can decide if they would like to estrange their parent. A child is simply too young and emotionally immature to make an important decision like that. The law says your mother and father are going to be in your life until you are 18. Too bad if you don't like that. At 18 you can do what you like with that. It's not that far away.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 136
This could be why Kate gets away with visitation interference:

From the court's perspective, the options for dealing with repeated visitation interference are limited. Contempt judgments often are less effective than intended; the parent who violates a final decree may be no less inhibited about violating another court order.
This seems so true in the Gosselin case. Kate has been emboldened by her big-wig attorneys and deep-pocket employer.
Someone's got to break the damn circle jerk.

Ingrid said...

Has Jon been allowed to meet and approve the "babysitters" Kate hires?

I can't wait to see how she handles 3 dogs while the kids are away for hours during the school year. Will they be left outside til the kids get home?

Tucker's Mom said...

I can't wait to see how she handles 3 dogs while the kids are away for hours during the school year. Will they be left outside til the kids get home?
Gosh, I guess Colin will be tasked with that. I also hope the puppies don't get put outside for the majority of the day and night, especially young and not fixed.

Formerly Duped said...

Ingrid said... 139

No, Collin will care for the pups as part of his homeschooling.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Ingrid (#139), good question about the puppy's care. And I'm assuming the family isn't going to be glued to the compound for the rest of the summer (whether or not that Disney trip was real). Who will care for them then? Or even if they stay in town, what about TFW's monthly spa visits? I can't imagine she hasn't hired a part-time dog trainer, or at least a helper, to handle the bulk of these tasks. Except for when the cameras are rolling, of course.

Ingrid said...

Duped... I forgot he will be there. Poor kid.

Formerly Duped said...

About homeschooling- I think it can be a wonderful thing, but IMO it's better if there is more than one child. Of course C would be lonely, on the spot at all times, no peers to laugh with and play with, do projects with, share opinions and ideas with...I remember Becki Dilley did it with her SIX kids and they had an amazing time and did all sorts of field trips and shared their work. I think some of the kids chose to go back to public school after. But Collin , I assume is on his own( but of course idk that) and would be so isolated, after being part of the 8 and in a school community.The kids are isolated somewhat being away from their friends in the country and in limited extracurricular activities. The music lessons the tups were taking were done at school.As far as we know .So, I think Jon as any parent would object to this scenario. Again, an assumption on my part!!

GollyGee said...

Nala was cast aside so let's see if these guys make the grade with Kate. It's a good opportunity for Jon to remind people how she treated Shoka and Nala. She used to say they were Jon's dogs and she was not a dog person. My, how things change when you need to stay relevant.


Remember when the dogs were crated up in the back of a pick up truck and Jon was telling them goodbye? I was in tears because he loved those dogs. I am certain, IMO, that she threatened to have them put down if he didn't get them out of there. He didn't want that and saved them.

I watched Billy Graham this weekend and he was talking about reaping what you have sown and the consequences you face in a bad harvest. He said that you will do what you please but it will come to a halt. And you have to face and be held accountable.

The fraud, the lying, the cheating, abusing and cheating on Jon, the child abuse, the animal abuse, the cheating and fraud in the house of the Lord, the theft, the manipulation, the deception.

Her day is coming. Slow, but, surely. ~ Administrator said...

I would definitely argue that Jon has been a good father the entire time. In fact there were a couple of years when I think most of us might say he was an absent father who made very poor choices that put him in the place he is now.


I see you bought the spin TLC peddled to you hook line and sinker. They live for folks like you.

Jon was never an absent father. It was Kate who took off all over the country during her heyday doing various promotions and participating in events like Comedy shows, the Derby and the Emmys opening and various swag tents.

Jon actually expressed several times great frustration that she was not honoring his right of first refusal to take the children on her custodial time if she is not in town.

CC said...

It's Kate who prefers to be with her kids only 26 weeks out of the year.

SHE said she would prefer being with her kids only every other week for a week at a time. One week with them, the next week away from them. She said that is what works best for her.

She's disgusting.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon actually expressed several times great frustration that she was not honoring his right of first refusal to take the children on her custodial time if she is not in town.
Another thing that I can't wrap my head around insofar as how Kate gets away with this. I'm guessing it's because she's counting on him not having the money to take her to court every time. ~ Administrator said...

Another thing that I can't wrap my head around insofar as how Kate gets away with this. I'm guessing it's because she's counting on him not having the money to take her to court every time.


She's also counting on Jon not calling the cops. They'll honor right of first refusal too and transport the children directly to him and out of the babysitter's custody. They'll do it.

I think Jon has drawn a line in the sand that he won't subject his children to having to go to him via the police. I get it. The idea of it upsets people. If people really understood how such exchanges usually go, they wouldn't be so afraid to call. The police in such scenarios are generally calm, gentle, good with children, and most have done custody exchanges hundreds of times. It's not a raid, there's no guns involved, no breaking down your door. But if he isn't willing to involve law enforcement and doesn't have enough money to keep going to court, he's stuck and might as well move on. Kate got her way. Congratulations, Kate, well done.

Mel said...

Who will watch the puppies when they're out of town filming?

The same people who watch the chickens and the bird and Shoka....the hired help. ~ Administrator said...

Nope, still an opinion.


Nope, still a fact, along with man walking on the moon and Obama being born in the U.S. All facts.

The Original 4rmine said...

Formerly Duped said... 144

Cyber School is a popular choice in PA. You are at home taking classes online based around your schedule. My neighbors' children have attended both public school and cyber school. They have 4 children, and at times some went to public school and some attended to cyber school. It wasn't a traumatic event for them. In PA if you are home schooled or in cyber school you can participate in the local public school's extracurricular activities. You are not necessarily isolated, and you have guidance.

I think that Collin is the type of person who enjoys working with his hands. There is nothing wrong with him taking care of the animals. That's what children living on farms do. Also, Collin truly seemed to be enjoying working on the picnic table. Good for him!

School is not ever kids' "cup of tea". I know many kids that would prefer to do hands on work, and that's one reason they struggle in school.

I don't think Collin needs all of this "pity". ~ Administrator said...

School is not ever kids' "cup of tea". I know many kids that would prefer to do hands on work, and that's one reason they struggle in school.

I don't think Collin needs all of this "pity".


It's not the homeschooling in and of itself that is the problem. Context is everything for this particular family. ~ Administrator said...

Oh, and if Colin likes "working with his hands" so much, why didn't he jump in and help Mady with her antique project, sanding and painting? Aaden was the only child who wanted to work on that. You would think if Colin really was so into hands-on work, he'd be first in line with a cool project like that. Not buying that one.

Tucker's Mom said...

In PA if you are home schooled or in cyber school you can participate in the local public school's extracurricular activities. You are not necessarily isolated, and you have guidance.
Yes, in many states and counties, home schooled kids get the best of both worlds. It's just that in no world can I see Kate integrating Colin into public school activities.
Maybe she'll try to get him onto public high school. Six more years of staying at home...yikes.

fidosmommy said...

Jon is not a dramatic person, therefore will not be sharing his feelings or recounting his activities in a dramatic fashion. There are those who seem to think he should be flapping his hands, screaming into the phone and parking himself on the judge's doorstep until he gets his way. Kate would do that, and we would call her a lunatic who is more interested in the dramatics than in the real issue. Jon is simply not going to add circus show to the list of things his children have to endure. He hasn't, to my knowledge, done a thing to make life harder for his children, but is actually acknowledging their individual feelings.
That is something Kate is not known for.

Circumstances in my own family convince me that children who are angry at their parents for abandonment issues (taking a dangerous child out of the home, back to foster care) can come around by mid-teens to be in a good relationship with them. I pray it could come earlier for the Gosselins, but will be happy if it happens a lot earlier.

Tucker's Mom said...

I pity Colin because I don't believe for a minute that if he's kept at home it's because he likes "farm work".
I LOVED taking care of animals and was thrilled to do "boy" stuff like building. Didn't mean that socialization wasn't at least as important and didn't need to be addressed.
These kids have their school as their chance to experience the outside world-outside of their bubble on the compound and filming-and now Colin's lost this, and I think it is indeed sad.

Plus, just look at the MANY instances Colin has seemed listless, tired, self-isolating and withdrawn. We're not just making this up.
There's been a seismic shift in the boy, and further isolating him isn't going to help him learn necessary life skills.

TLC stinks said...

I agree that Collin does not need pity because he is home schooled; what is pitiful is that he is alienated from his father and I think he and Kate are both responsible for that, Jon with his excuses and Kate with parental alienation.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 157
I agree that Collin does not need pity because he is home schooled; what is pitiful is that he is alienated from his father and I think he and Kate are both responsible for that, Jon with his excuses and Kate with parental alienation.
The dichotomy isn't working on either end. I find nothing noble in Jon's inaction where clearly, action is possible.
When good men stand by and do nothing, and all that.

Mel said...

I do think the two below statements encompass a lot of what Jon thinks. It does seem that he's pretty determined not to add public humiliation to the list of things those kids have to put up with in their young lives.

I think Jon has drawn a line in the sand that he won't subject his children to having to go to him via the police.


Jon is simply not going to add circus show to the list of things his children have to endure.

Tucker's Mom said...

It does seem that he's pretty determined not to add public humiliation to the list of things those kids have to put up with in their young lives.
Have you seen Couples Therapy? Oyyyyyyyy....nicht gut ;-)

The Original 4rmine said...

At this point and time, the ball is really in Jon's court (no pun intended). If he has an order, and he is not having the visitations call the police. Shame on him. As I stated before, I believe he knows why he is not seeing all the kids.

We have no idea what is going on with Collin, and we shouldn't. However, I do remember last spring Kate tweeted something very similar to "I listened and learned a lot today." That stuck in my head, because I that she would elaborate on it -- she didn't. However, in the following months she that Collin wouldn't be attending the school in the fall.

A reason for his zoned out look could be if he is on medication for behavioral issues or a learning disability. That can happen until the dosage is properly adjusted. My nephew gets that look. One minute he is the happy go lucky kid, and then if you ask him something he will have a blank stare for a period of time. He was diagnosed with a concentration issue.

Admin, I understand the issue; however, we don't know ALL of the facts behind the issue. I wasn't stating my point to be argumentative, I was just stating my point. All is good ;)

jamezvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom Said this before but 2014 IMO was the worse year for Jon.There were so many negative stuff that came out about him.Couples Therapy,getting evicted from his house and being broke,the story of him abandoning a kitten,(which i still believe Kate admitted to showing the kids that story)and there was alot more.Like i said,i believe the stuff that happened to jon back in 2014,one of those things might of upset Collin and that was when he started not going to jon or at least refuse.

Mel said...

Have you seen Couples Therapy? Oyyyyyyyy....nicht gut ;-)

Oops! I forgot about that. That was awful!
I take it all back. :-)

fidosmommy said...

I didn't watch Couples Therapy. It's not something I'm interested in. It is for adults, really, and I'm guessing Jon assumed his kids would not be allowed to watch R-rated tv shows.

Many of us have said we don't care what job Kate takes on as long as she does not use it to exploit her children. The same goes for Jon. Do whatever you want, but leave the kids out of it. My understanding was they Jon concentrated on his relationship with Liz and made some references to Kate. Again, adult stuff. Were the kids involved? If not, I don't care about his Couples Therapy time.

TLC stinks said...

"Couples Therapy" was definitely a poor decision. Embarrassing for him and the kids.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 166
"Couples Therapy" was definitely a poor decision. Embarrassing for him and the kids.
June 27, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Very. Very unfortunate.
But I do agree about it not being for kids. Sex, masturbation, foul language and unbelievably nasty things said about your ex. Yeah, you don't want your kids watching that.

Formerly Duped said...

I agree about Couple Therapy, but I think the kids might watch it if it's online. Most children would be interested in things their parents are involved in, especially on TV. And it would be a chance to 'see' their dad, sadly.

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (157),
Yes, there is definitely a seismic shift in Collin. He was such a feisty, stubborn little boy, and now he's just checked out. I said a short while ago that my Aunt Win, who used to love the show, stopped watching. She said it was too painful to watch Collin in the couch interviews, just sitting there, looking completely vacant. She showed me a clip on YouTube--I don't know which episode, but it was alarming. He was just sitting there, staring blankly into space, while his brothers talked. Aunt Win was right--it was painful to watch. Just a few years ago Kate was claiming that the kids were "doing great across the board" and all of them were at the top of their class. Well, then, what happened? He went from doing great to being removed from school entirely in a couple years' time? I don't buy it.

The episode with Collin helping with the picnic table--he was trying to win his mother's approval. That's why he was so eager to help her, but didn't help Mady refinish her tables. Poor thing, he is desperate to please his mother and she just ignores him--or gets angry at him.

Anyone else remember the Australia episode (2010?), she was all excited that she caught 8 fish, and ignored Collin when he wanted to show her the little crab he caught? He was so eager to show her, but of course, she had the magic number (8) fish, so unless he had 8 crabs, he was unworthy of her attention.

Math Girl said...

Abby Lee Miller has pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud. The part that I love (from an earlier article):

Fittingly, the investigation into potential fraud started when the overseeing judge in Miller’s bankruptcy case saw Dance Moms on TV and wondered why no mention of the show had been made in Miller’s Chapter 11 filings starting in 2010.

Tucker's Mom said...

Math Girl said... 170
Abby Lee Miller has pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud. The part that I love (from an earlier article):
I read she laundered money also. She's got cajones, that's for sure.
Jeez, wth. You get luckier than you ever deserve and find an exploitative network to make a show out of your exploitative, nasty self and what? It's not enough?

PA Dutch Mom said...

I would definitely argue that Jon has been a good father the entire time. In fact there were a couple of years when I think most of us might say he was an absent father who made very poor choices that put him in the place he is now.


Apparently you weren't here all those years when it was JON who supported his kids in everything they did at school. Jon, not Kate. Jon.

Or were you here and just didn't want to see it and acknowledge it?

fidosmommy said...

PA Dutch Mom and other locals who actually know the Gosselins, thank you for re-affirming (for me anyway)
that Jon is a good guy and a dad full of genuine love for his children. I really could not have it on better word than the word of a person who knows him but is not compelled to speak of him only in glowing terms. I trust your take on both Jon and Kate.

Sherry Baby said...

Good lord. What stage of CW is this? The final stage? This isn't funny anymore. This is serious.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ok...we can both walk N this together #Ignorant...LOL I swear the teens just thrive on this stuff. I'll help where I can.. :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 I know ...I can see that. So Kate...don't you leave your tweets behind here. #CanWeTalk venue is still best here!

Sherry Baby said...

So I guess the mini-sheep think that they are buddies with Kate's friends! Does this make them feel important?

Denise ‏@Mydmaxx 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @Pumpkinbottom3 Hey Jamie did you see who's on IG!!!

Jane said...

Hey guys!Exciting news! I'm FINALLY ON INSTAGRAM! Haven't posted yet but will soon! Same username as twitter: @kateplusmy8 šŸ‘šŸ½#FollowMeOnIG

Sherry Baby said...

Hey guys!Exciting news! I'm FINALLY ON INSTAGRAM! Haven't posted yet but will soon! Same username as twitter: @kateplusmy8 šŸ‘šŸ½#FollowMeOnIG

Oh, my! So exciting that I can't stand it. I think I'll open some bubbly stuff just to celebrate this memorable occasion!

Hey, Kate. How about taking care of that blog, you know the one where the cookbook can be pre-ordered and the words of inspiration tab is coming soon?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Jane So Kate decides to create an Instagram account following that one fake account getting deleted.Hmm i wonder if "they" will follow her.

Over And Out said...

Denise ‏@Mydmaxx 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @Pumpkinbottom3 Hey Jamie did you see who's on IG!!!

Yes, indeed. Jamie needs Denise to tell her because I'm sure Kate didn't let Jamie know. LOL! Denise is second in command (after Milo) who wants to be Kate's spokesperson. These sheeple are so predictable, but amusing. Where is Carlene?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Oh, my! So exciting that I can't stand it. I think I'll open some bubbly stuff just to celebrate this memorable occasion!


An event such as this is of historic proportions and the bubbly should be followed by a Rumspringa chaser!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 40m40 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Check DM please.

Oh, geez. Now what is she pestering Kate about? You know, I sometimes feel sorry for Kate that she has Kravitz dogging her and watching her every move.

Then again, Kate could tell her to knock it off. Maybe she has done that, but Milo just can't help herself. I wonder, though, if Kate is wise enough to hide the bunny.

Over And Out said...

Ah, but here's the question. Will Milo and the sheep be able to sleep tonight, or are they so excited about Kate's announcement that they'll be checking her IG every hour on the hour in hopes that Kate has posted for the enjoyment of her little minions? Will Milo's pillow be wet from drooling? ;)

NJGal51 said...

I wonder if she'll buy Instagram followers to make it seem like she's still relevant.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 OK..I've done the deed. Only for you..LOL. @MiloAndJack1 is following you! Now I have to learn HOW to use this forum! šŸ˜®

Milo announced her account publicly so if the haters latch on she's got no one to blame but herself.

TFW announced that she wants to post videos. I wonder if she's testing the waters for a YouTube channel.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

@MiloAndJack1 is following you!


I bet Kate is thrilled to death to know that!

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

@Jane So Kate decides to create an Instagram account following that one fake account getting deleted.Hmm i wonder if "they" will follow her.


I know absolutely nothing about instagram, but can't "they" just set up another fake account?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#184), good guess about the YouTube channel. But anything
that requires effort and consistency will languish and die under TFW's watch.

Tucker's Mom said...

TFW announced that she wants to post videos. I wonder if she's testing the waters for a YouTube channel.
I remember when TLC canceled K+8, Kate quickly set up her blog which of course, shriveled up and died.
I don't think IG or other platforms like Periscope can do anything for her career or wallet. But, it's a shiny new ball.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 183
I wonder if she'll buy Instagram followers to make it seem like she's still relevant.
After all the fake Twitter followers that were amassed on her account, it meant nothing in the end. Kate let her Twitter account wither away and become a porn fest.
So, that didn't exactly work out for her.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sheepless In Seattle said... 181
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 40m40 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Check DM please.

Oh, geez. Now what is she pestering Kate about?*******

Milo seemed nervous that Kate was going to abandon Twitter for a platform that isn't as interactive.

Molly12 said...

I wonder if she'll buy Instagram followers to make it seem like she's still relevant
When she announced her new Instagram account, she already had just over 1200 followers which leads me to believe she probably bought most of those. Let's see if her numbers jump in increments of 1000.

Tucker's Mom said...

When she announced her new Instagram account, she already had just over 1200 followers which leads me to believe she probably bought most of those. Let's see if her numbers jump in increments of 1000.
Kate had a handful of fans say on Twitter that they would follow her on IG. Don't know how she got 1200 followers before she even announced.

"Kate Gosselin Mom of 8 human kids,3 furry kids &1 feather kid.Watch Kate Plus 8 on TLC to see the chaotic fun that is our lives!ONLY REAL ACCOUNT!"

So, yeah, she's doing IG to promote her show.
I think the Busby's (and others) are making Kate step up her social media game.

TLC stinks said...


@Mydmaxx I already have snap chat but I only use it to snap chat Mady and Cara... We have fun with it...


She just confirmed what I thought that those girls use Snap Chat.

TLC stinks said...


I think this is real. Questions were asked when Mady was 14.

TLC stinks said...

I wonder if TLC will be ok with her posting videos?

TLC stinks said...

It makes sense she bought followers for IG. She has to show she is popular to TLC and any advertisers.

TLC stinks said...

So I ran an audit on Kate's Twitter (I have a Twitter that only follows a particular business so I could do the audit on three additional accounts for free).

FAKE 33%


GOOD 21%

So of her 259.6K followers, she only has 54,516 real Twitter followers.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Why am I picturing TFW with a Twitter hangover, wondering what the heck she got herself into last night? While Gladys scours the Internet for Insta tricks and tips.

Two weeks after a young singer was murdered by an ardent fan, TFW decides to up the wattage of the spotlight on her minor children. Her desperation for attention is palpable. Hey, TFW, was there a family vote about posting private family videos on Instagram? Or have you finally given up that pretext?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@TLC Stinks You also have to take into the possibility of sock accounts.There was speculation that some accounts are socks of some loyal fans.

Martha said...

I have no problem with Milo's yapping. Kate deserves it all, in my opinion. She uses her (him) to her advantage, just as she will use anyone and everything to shine the spotlight on her, or as a deflection.

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