Sunday, May 29, 2016

Recap: Kate Plus 8 ''Blind Date": dating tips and more!

Coming up on The Bachelorette! Er, I mean Kate Plus 8.

Hanger on Deanna is playing the role of the well-meaning but completely misguided friend who wants to set you up, which is just a front for the producers going through a couple hundred head shots and picking this guy out. His first meeting with Kate is awkward, explains Kate. Made more awkward still by Deanna being right there in the middle introducing them like it's 6th grade. Deanna tells hot-stuff that Kate has eight kids. I kind of feel like that's something you should mention to the guy before you set him up with her. It's not an insignificant detail that you can get into later, like you prefer Netflix and chill on the weekends, or you can drive stick shift. And can't you just meet outside Starbucks with instructions that say hey I'm the guy in the green hat and you're the girl with the polka dot skirt, like normal blind dates?

Mr. Swipe Right is cute if I may say so! He unbuttons not one but two of his shirt buttons. He waxes his chest. He drinks out of little tiny tea cups.

Kate claims she has gone on a handful of dates since the divorce. Heh, no she hasn't. Kate is quite vague about how Deanna knows Vann, because she knows him mostly from his head shot, but his resume sounds good. He went to Annapolis (good heavens!). I think it's absolutely f--ing hilarious that as Kate is explaining all this, they show a photo of her with her BFF Jamie. As we know, the running joke, or maybe even truth, is that Kate's relationship with Jamie might not always have been platonic. They have admitted they've slept in the same bed, and there are a number of bootleg photos circling out there for years showing them acting very huggy-kissy. That is truly brilliant editing and has to be intentional. It just has to be. We get the joke, Vann's really just auditioning as Kate's beard. Buh-bum--ching!

More and more Kate has been appearing on camera without a stitch of make-up on, which is not what I would expect from someone like her. Deanna's coming down from New York and will do Kate's hair and make-up and take her up to New York for the date. Who's going to watch the kids? And don't they know the cardinal rule of first dates, the guy should come to her? 

They're doing a wha-what???? A helicopter ride? Well, what the heck, on my last date I only got some Thai food and a game of corn hole.

I don't trust a damn thing Kate says about what the kids have said about this date so I'm just going to ignore her recap of what she claims they said and cut straight to the kids. They're old enough to speak for themselves. Mady says with quite a bit of sass it's good for Kate to date and find a husband so she won't die alone. Heh, well that's one reason to find companionship. Meanwhile the younger kids think she's far too old to date. I love how when you're a kid 40 feels like 80, and 20 is at best, 40. Conversely, the older you get the younger people look, right? I can still remember being a freshman in college and how old and important I felt, but look at freshmen now and they are absolute babies. Goo-goo-gaa-gaa babies! Perception is so interesting. All in all none of these kids seem to mind her going on a date. Most of them are at best indifferent, and those who do care actually seem pretty selfless about this, just wanting Kate to find somebody. They see their father dating and happy, surely they have learned by now watching a parent move on and date is not that big of a deal. Anyway, I enjoy how all this flies right in the face of the sheeple, who have claimed all along Kate doesn't date for the good of her children. No, Kate doesn't date because she can't get a date, doesn't know how to get a date, is a child exploiter, opportunist and narcissist that would not make a wise partner for most men so most men avoid her, kids or no kids.

There is a very, very long segment about some of the kids helping her pick out clothes. It goes on forever.

Isn't Deanna a 40-year-old single woman? What does she know about what one should wear on their first, second or third dates? The second date should be business-like? Wtf? Deanna, that's how you find yourself 40 and single. No one wants to feel like they're meeting up with you to sign a contract, second date or not. Dating tip: Don't trust dating advice from hopelessly single friends.

At the end of this painfully long segment Kate chooses a boring but sensible little black dress.

Deanna provides a very vague story about how she's known Vann for many months (ever since she first saw his headshot), he's handsome and hard working, and would make a good match for Kate. I guess if you're looking for opposites attract you're right on the money.

Kate says one thing that I think is very true, in that having kids makes getting a date harder.  Jon has not had a problem finding dates, but Jon is not nearly as socially awkward, uptight and negative. He sends out good, friendly vibes, and he gets girlfriends, and they seem to accept his children without question. Jon could have six toes on each foot, scales for skin, and a big hairy mole on the tip of his nose, and he'd still always have a girlfriend. For some people dating, and life, comes easier.

I couldn't agree with Kate more, before she should even waste her time, or for that matter his, I think it's very important to let your date know you have eight kids. For some strange reason Deanna feels it's best to hide this fact. That's just plain silly, and can I say rude? If I know I don't want to take on a partner with eight kids no matter how nice they are, I'd appreciate you not waste my time by withholding this information. Putting myself in Vann's shoes, all kinds of thoughts would be running through my head if that information were kept from me for too long. Before they're even out of the gate bad-advice-Deanna is helping Kate to create some major red flags for her date. Good job.

As Deanna does Kate's make-up, Deanna and Kate have a long and conceited conversation about how there's no way on this planet Vann cannot recognize Kate, I mean this is Kate we're talking about here, although Deanna hasn't gotten into who she is with Vann yet. For goodness sake, she's Kate Gosselin, not Gandhi. What Deanna did say is that she told him she's a hot blonde. Kate instructs her to keep applying make-up. Heh, good one, Kate!

Kate seems to be of the mindset that a parent must be 100% focused on their kids and someday when they are grown they can think about themselves again. There are quite a few parents who would disagree with that helicopter-parenting philosophy. This also is Kate's not-so-subtle way to get in a dig at Jon, who has nurtured romantic relationships and friendships alike all along, in addition to being a good father to his children. Not only is it not healthy for you for the rest of your life to come to a screeching halt when you are a parent, but it's not good for your children. Watching a parent in healthy relationships with other people male and female is how children learn to model healthy relationships of their own. It also sends an important message to children that the world doesn't revolve around them. I've known a lot of kids whose parents don't do absolutely anything but be parents, and the kids often end up spoiled. Eventually this approach leaves parents with a crippling sense of emptiness as children grow up and develop other interests outside their parents, which happens sooner rather than latter.

Plus, Kate's kids are way too old to need her attention at all hours of the day. She should be able to find plenty of time while they are at school or with friends to look after herself and develop some interests of her own and welcome other people into her life. Moreover, she has shown time and time again she is very much about herself as much as she is about her kids, and she has spent untoward amounts of time away from them over the years, so she can stop with the martyrdom. Let's be honest, she uses her kids to cover for her inability to get a date, that's the plain truth of it. They're a convenient excuse for her as they often are.

Commercials. We're back, and Kate says goodbye to the kids. I don't see anyone around who looks like a nanny. Her limo pulls up. Seriously, a limo? Could this be any more 1-percenter? I really struggle to grasp how most of her fans relate to this. Also, isn't she at all worried about the first impression that's going to leave on her date? I.e., snob? She lives how she thinks rich people live, but most rich people do not go around taking limos everywhere much less on just a date. At most, they might valet their own car once they get to the venue, but a limo is ridiculous and even the rich know it.

The producer asks the boys how it feels to watch their mom leave for a date. I find that question extremely prying and more appropriate for a therapist to ask, but nonetheless the boys seem genuinely indifferent, they're just like the little birdie finally flew the nest. Ha, the 24/7 D.C. eagle cam is 100 times more interesting than this family, sorry boys.

Mady doesn't understand why Kate is so nervous about dating. She says something about how if you want to be nervous over this, meaning herself, that's on you. I don't know whether to find that comment funny or self-absorbed.

Kate and Deanna have a boring conversation about how Kate's nervous and is hot. Deanna asks about her dating days before marriage. Ohhhh, now we're getting into something interesting. Of course Kate won't even give up any interesting information that's already out there anyway. I'm thinking of that story about her old high school boyfriend and how she was living with him. There was a tabloid interview with him years ago, as I recall. Kate claims her high school class was so tiny there wasn't much dating and her guy friends were more like brothers. Heh, that never stopped anyone before, have you read/been traumatized by Flower in the Attic?! 

You know what's head-scratching? There's a way for her to tell the story of her past in a way that is respectful to the men she's been with while still deliciously interesting. I mean it was 20 years ago, it's not like she's dishing on yesterday's boyfriend. Instead she makes this conversation about as boring as a ham sandwich, claiming she never ever would dream of dating. But the truth is so much more engaging and would make for a much more interesting episode. She just doesn't get it.

Last time Kate dated there were pagers. Heh, yep, and cell phones that made your arm ache if you talked too long. Everyone complains about dating these days but dating was rough back then too.

Oh, finally they show their clearly full-time nanny Andrea, who can smile. I knew she had it in her. Took Kate going out of state to bring that out of her. Glad there is adult supervision here. They're making pizzas, and it's boring. Ha, Joel outs Kate by saying it's Kate's first date. I thought Kate just said she's had a handful of dates. No she hasn't, and her kids say so. I love that the kids are finally old enough to tell us what's really going on here. Her gaslighting days are over.

Mady explains that a first date is really just about assessing whether the guy is a serial killer. Holy smokes, Mady is spot on there. Yes, first things first.

Dating tip: Just pay the $29.99 and do the background check. Here, I'll pay it for you for gosh sakes.

More nosey questions from the producers, most of them I feel like they've already asked six different ways, but the sum of it all is that for the umpteenth time the kids are just fine with Kate dating if not even getting married. Why are so many of the kids concerned she'll progress too fast in this relationship before letting them meet the guy? Several say they really want to meet him and would be upset if they didn't. Exactly what I have been saying for years, many children want to meet and be involved in their parents' new relationships. They actually feel left out if you try to shelter them from it in some misguided attempt to protect them.

Andrea says it's a school night, which is just an interesting tidbit. Seems to me getting ready for school should be the priority, not filming. Stock "Italian" music as they eat the pizza. $1.99 on iTunes.

Deanna and Kate say they're excited to have an adult conversation for once, without talking about vocab words. Oh, Deanna, stop it. Geez, how do you think Andrea feels, she's the one actually taking care of these kids day-to-day.

I have never seen two friends have a more boring and pointless conversation about nothing. I hope I don't sound like this with my friends. Back at Quintland, they're running around outside with balls and a parachute and absolutely nothing happens. Much like the Roloffs these kids have a large property to enjoy, but there is a glaring difference between their episodes showing the property and the Roloffs. And that is at the Roloffs there were always three or four other kids there. Friends of the Roloff kids. There all.the.time. You literally can't go an episode without some friend of theirs popping up. Mueller and several others.

Deanna and Kate are still in their limo saying absolutely nothing worth recapping.

Commercials. Dating tip: It might be terribly awkward. But the last thing you do in a really awkward dating situation is say it's really awkward, Kate. Oy-veh!!!

The addition of a drone to this show has really improved the production values. They get some great shots of NYC. Lol, Kate doesn't want Deanna to leave right away after she introduces them. Oh for cripe sakes.

Vann's patiently waiting for Kate by the helicopter (for reals). What a weird meeting place, they're in a rather shady empty parking lot. He is tall, brunette, and has boyish, classic good looks. His suit coat is a little frumpy, but I find that endearing. Shows he's not vain.

Having been on my share of bad dates, I can tell within about five seconds Vann's not attracted to her. And that won't ever change. He's doing that awkward stare where the wheels are turning and the thought process is "well, she's pretty enough, but she's not really my kind of pretty I don't think, but let me give it a few more seconds.....nope, she's still not my type. Dang it, I have to sit through an entire date now with someone who could very well be quite nice but who is just not for me. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Damn me."

Deanna tells some not credible story about how she met Vann at a "charity" event. Which one? Name names. Was this "charity" a production meeting in Silver Spring where she and a couple producers looked through a couple hundred head shots?

The helicopter pilot looks like he'd be just as comfortable delivering pizzas down in Brooklyn. I love NYC.

This reminds me of the "rewards" Trump used to give on The Apprentice where you got to do something really lavish and once in a lifetime, like take a helicopter ride at sunset. Those were the good ole days when that show was truly the best reality show ever made.

He's from Hoboken??? Hoboken!!!!!! Hall-ahhh!!! Sorry, I have a lot of college friends from that great place.  If you can't live in NYC, please, set up shop in Hoboken.

Vann certainly knows his battleships. I do too, actually. I'll take E-6 please. Well, NYC is a thing of beauty. It really is the greatest city in the world, isn't it? The only thing profound Kate can come up with to sum up this incredible experience was, that was, like, fun.

Like, yeah.

I have to give Kate a little credit, she's trying on this date. She's asking him questions about himself, making eye contact, and trying to act interested. They head to dinner at an Italian restaurant. Gosh, Van's cute. Swipe right, swipe right, swipe right. I'm not sure why Kate thinks a parent can have nothing in common with someone who has no kids. Grr, I hate parents like that. Naturally she finds plenty of things in common with him. Duh.

Dating tip: Don't tell your date your brain is a "fruit salad."

Kate wants to know how it is Vann has ended up single without any kids at this age. Is it me or is that question really rude? Especially on a first date. Not everyone gets a girl knocked up at 18 and puts a ring on it. Some people postpone that aspect of their lives for very good reason. Career, travel, just not feeling ready for it all yet, haven't met the right girl yet. Although let's be real, some people postpone it because they want to live up being single and wealthy and party without any responsibility. Van looks like that type, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'd rather you wait on having kids until you're really ready to be attentive to them, rather than settle down prematurely before you get all of that out of your system and see your marriage end in divorce by the time you're 40.

Dating tip: No overtly personal questions on your first date! Gah!

Vann is very polite about Kate's nosey question, making a joke about how his parents ask that a lot. His parents sound like they're worried he's gay, I'm totally getting that vibe. Not that there's anything wrong with that either. Vann says he's happy, he's comfortable, and he's holding out for the best. Heh, i.e. I want to live up being single and wealthy and party without any responsibility. Got it.

Kate goes into a long speech the crux of which is that you should not just marry the first person who comes along. She is clearly implying that's what she did. She acts like Jon coerced her into marriage. Wasn't it the opposite? Didn't she basically peg him as a dentist's son and promptly steal him out from under his girlfriend, no pun intended? That can hardly be characterized as happenstance, just putting a ring on the first thing that comes along with a pretty enough face and a vagina. Gimme a break. Her bar is set so much higher now, she explains. You know what, her kids are going to listen to this! She is such a f--ing bitch about their father whom they love, there's no other way to say it. It hasn't gotten any better in five years. She's a bit more subtle about it, but not really. She just doesn't name him by name now when she slams him, as if that makes it okay.

There's a gal in the background who looks like Jenna Bush and Julia Styles had a baby. That's so classic New York.

I see the kids have been brainwashed to regurgitate Kate's mantra that it would be tough for anyone to handle eight kids. I wonder how they think school teachers do it with 30 kids or more.

Baw, Van has never seen the show. Of course he hasn't. He's out being single and wealthy when this show airs.

This guy is a professional flirt but it could not be clearer he is not that into her, as much as he is being extremely nice and polite. It's tough for a woman to get through a date where she knows he's not into you, but it's even more embarrassing when she doesn't seem to realize it.

Commercials. Little people and their dogs!

Back at the date, they're diving into the tiramisu. I once met an Italian shopkeeper in Little Italy, Baltimore who insisted he invented tiramisu. He was kind of nutty but had a nice bakery.

How many ways can the producers ask the kids if they are okay with Kate dating??? Stop! They're asking this enough some of the kids are changing their answers. Having actually studied how to interview kids effectively, like really studied what psychologists and sociologists have to say about this, in order that I can do a better job at getting good information about crimes, or child abuse, from little ones who might be a witness or victim, one of the cardinal rules is you don't keep asking the child the same question over and over. You just don't. You ask it enough and they start thinking maybe you don't like their answer and maybe they should change it. By the time a child has been asked about an incident the third time or more, there is very little left they can say that is reliable. You have to basically throw out the interview at that point, it's of no value.

What do the twins dating have to do with anything? How boring.

Vann mumbles, I've noticed. Big time mumbles like as bad as Tyler Florence. That's one of those things where you tell your girlfriends the next day, well he was so cute and sweet, but he mumbles! If that is not already a Seinfeld episode, it should be.

Oh, no, not the pity walk. This is the point in the date where he is such a nice guy he is feeling guilty knowing he will never call you again. So he asks you if you'd like to take a little walk a couple blocks before you say goodnight.

Dating tip: When he wants to take a pity walk, trust me, it's a pity walk.

They take an admittedly cute selfie and send it to Deanna who promptly responds "CUTE!!!" Yes, it was cute.

Why isn't Kate just ending this date already? Painful. Kate says she can't do anything at the end of the date because her kids will be watching this. What was she going to do if cameras weren't there, have sex with him right outside the subway stop?

Dating tip: Don't put out on the first date!!

Kate ends the date by saying "you have my information." Lol, sounds like you're trying to get the Girl Scouts off your front porch, you know where I live hit me up next year. He leans in to go for a little kiss, and she turns away. She actually turns away! He lands on her cheek. I've heard of the Puritans but this is ridiculous. Why is she being so unnaturally prudish?

Vann gives a really polite interview basically saying Kate is really nice and he doesn't know how it would work with eight kids but you go where life takes you. God he's nice.

Kate was impressed he wasn't scared off by the eight kids thing. I'm not sure it's that so much as eight kids wasn't even really registering.

Kate says they're trying to arrange a time to meet up again, which is a nice guy's way of "ghosting" you without actually ghosting you. He will forever be trying to find a good time.

Dating tip: If he likes you, that time will be found. Usually within the next couple days.

Little people fire drills!!! And we're out.

1681 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 193
@MikeB Honestly,does anyone think this I Am campaign is going to help both Kate and Jessa(yes i notice Jessa duggar is on it)?I doubt many people are going to watch it and think"Wow,im sorry for all the times i judged you Kate."and she'll get her 2 million or more audience back?Same thing with Jessa.
Kate's not going to change anyone's mind, or win any new fans at this point, except for those overseas who are not clued into the full picture.
"I am a bad mother" (paraphrasing, I's been awhile since I saw the promo) isn't going to be met with "Oh, no Kate, you shouldn't think that! We think you're an amazing mom! Really!".

The main thing that makes people think she's a bad mother is using her kids for money and fame, and making them work. That's not changed.
Well, also how she treated Jon.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 195
@JoyinVirginia I read on viaviewfiles alot and i saw this part of a comment."He did this several years after Kate cut off communication with him and her lawyer sent him a cease and desist. That’s just one of the crimes he committed against these women. You may not know about all of them. He took his fight to silence these women who spoke out about Kate personally,seeing as he kept it up long after Kate dropped his ass and told him she wanted nothing to do with him"
Wasn't he Kate's knight in shining armor?
If Kate did engage and enlist him to go after her detractors, and they wound up being hurt by him, then she's responsible for inciting this unstable character.
His twitter rants came off as unhinged. Like his motto.

Sherry Baby said...

He took his fight to silence these women who spoke out about Kate personally,seeing as he kept it up long after Kate dropped his ass and told him she wanted nothing to do with him"

Is there a link to this, or one of her tweets? How do you know she told him that she wanted nothing to do with him?

Sherry Baby said...

foxy said... 191
One of the church ladies wants to know who got the most delicates in the primary.

lol, foxy! Like undies? I saw that one of them tweeted a picture of an elderly lady in bed, surrounded by a plethora of religious items, saying that she found Irma Jean like that. However, the picture was lifted from the internet "Sleepover At Grandma's" or something like that.

I guess they have fun with photos, but I still think that their language, spelling, dialect, lifestyle is real.

Sherry Baby said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 184
Is there such a thing as a TIT? Troll In Training?

A TIT? Yes, and they try to milk it for all it's worth! ;)

Sherry Baby said...

Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 10h10 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 What's the name of that "Escape Room" place you went to?! We are heading out to Disney world and then Destin this week!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 6h6 hours ago
@TheAustinMartin @Kateplusmy8 I think Kate may be on the run here ya go my friend! >> We love Destin!

Austin couldn't google that for himself? Milo needed to stick her nose into it and speak for Kate. Oy.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Sherry Baby It's a comment on viaviewfiles which is why i ask if someone here knew if Kate did say somewhere about not wanting anything to do with it.Although she hasn't twitted about him in years,so that makes me think that comment is true.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jeanne said... 199
Jon didn't derail the gravy train. Kate did that herself. She dumped Jon. She insisted on luxury vacations and house upgrades. And, finally, she was the one who went on the date with Vann and had no personality. If she could have found a way to show she could talk and interact with Vann like she was fun and at least a tiny bit intelligent, they might have been able to set up another date, same man or different man. Because she acts like everything should come to her with no effort, she is dead on tv.
June 8, 2016 at 1:20 PM
And what the viewers were seeing wasn't relatable on many levels.
If Kate had cut the diva crap and just gone out locally, maybe even Philly, for lunch or dinner, or maybe a local activity, it would have been relatable. Maybe even endearing.
This is what most blind/first dates are like.
But Kate had to have a fricking stylist do hair and makeup, take a limo to NYC (and have the same spoon-fed conversation with Deanna), leave her kids for at least a night, take a helicopter ride...
It didn't work because this is K+8, not The Bachelorette.
It's like she keeps shooting herself in the foot. Be real and relatable!

Tucker's Mom said...

A TIT? Yes, and they try to milk it for all it's worth! ;)
I don't keep abreast of the trolls-they're just boobs!

foxy said...

Sherry baby 4....I think there is a real Irma Jean, just not the one in the picture. Maybe they found that on line and that is why they said this is his how they found Irma Jean. From what they are tweeting about her it sounds like she needs medical help. They owned up to the photoshop of the clogging Christmas dancers.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Tucker's Mom said... 9
A TIT? Yes, and they try to milk it for all it's worth! ;)
I don't keep abreast of the trolls-they're just boobs!


So it's safe to say that you're not bosom buddies with any of them?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Sherry Baby It's a comment on viaviewfiles which is why i ask if someone here knew if Kate did say somewhere about not wanting anything to do with it.Although she hasn't twitted about him in years,so that makes me think that comment is true.


But they might be doing their communicating in ways other than Twitter. You know, the way that she and Milo do!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

foxy said... 10
Sherry baby 4....I think there is a real Irma Jean, just not the one in the picture. Maybe they found that on line and that is why they said this is his how they found Irma Jean. From what they are tweeting about her it sounds like she needs medical help. They owned up to the photoshop of the clogging Christmas dancers.


Well, at least we know that Dora Clonch joined the Mooslims up in Columbus! :)

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 9
A TIT? Yes, and they try to milk it for all it's worth! ;)
I don't keep abreast of the trolls-they're just boobs!

Fleecing said....12

So it's safe to say that you're not bosom buddies with any of them?

Where is Auntie Ann to add to this?? She's missed :(

Over And Out said...

@mnmomof2inohio @TLC @Kateplusmy8 did you know Kate took thousands from church handouts while closing on a million dollar home?

@mnmomof2inohio @TLC @Kateplusmy8 she stated in her email to tlc #fact what will the public think of this if they find out? She is a thief!

Is this what she e-mailed to TLC? Does anyone remember? What I recall (in Robert's book) that she said something about "how do we explain," but I don't remember her saying anything about what the public will think. Was this just in her journal or was it an actual e-mail to TLC?

fidosmommy said...

TROLLS - Those Relying On Low Levels of Smarts

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Fidosmommy (#18), you get a virtual standing ovation from me!

Tucker's Mom said...

fidosmommy said... 16

TROLLS - Those Relying On Low Levels of Smarts

June 8, 2016 at 9:09 PM

FlimsyFlamsy said... 17

Fidosmommy (#18), you get a virtual standing ovation from me!
from me!!

TLC stinks said...

Unbelievable how Milo continues to make up excuses as to why Kate does not respond to her Twitter questions. What a busy body!

Dmasy said...

OT. My newly retired neighbor rang my door bell early this morning. She was all distraught because a nest that sits low in a shrub near her backdoor and tipped over. 4 immature baby Cardinals spilled onto the ground.

She wanted to save them. The momma bird was flying in circles around the babies. She thought that she could not touch them because that would cause the mother to abandon the young.

I went to her backyard with her. We righted the nest and carefully returned each naked little bird to the safe haven.

I told her that it was not true that human scent will disturb a mother bird. We have all heard that advice. But many google links will educate us -- it is not true.

Neighbor just texted me to say that momma bird is busy feeding her babies and all seems well.

Formerly Duped said...

Dmasy, lovely story. And that's good to know about touching baby birds...wonder if the same is true for all baby animals? I heard you should not touch baby rabbits when we found an unexpected litter while pet-sitting. We used gloves- the mother seemed as confused as we were! That's how we ended up owning two hutch rabbits for 10 years!

Lanc Native said...

OT. My newly retired neighbor rang my door bell early this morning. She was all distraught because a nest that sits low in a shrub near her backdoor and tipped over. 4 immature baby Cardinals spilled onto the ground.


Great story and such a coincidence!

We had some heavy winds yesterday, and this morning I looked out on the deck and there was a Dad cardinal hopping around. I usually don't see them on the deck, but this one seemed frantic about something. No Mom in sight. A few robins were out there with him. Guess the old "birds of a feather" wasn't true in this case. I walked out there, and sure enough, a nest had blown down from one of the trees and I placed it back in. There weren't any eggs, but sure enough, as soon as I went inside, Mom was right there checking out the nest!

Granny57 said...

Dmasy #20...I learned something new today...Thank you...

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Unbelievable how Milo continues to make up excuses as to why Kate does not respond to her Twitter questions. What a busy body!

She continues to live up to the name -- Gladys Kravitz. It's a perfect fit for her!

What's really funny is that one or more of the fans calls the non-fans "busybodies." They have only to look at one of their own, but they just don't see it!

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Well, at least we know that Dora Clonch joined the Mooslims up in Columbus! :)


Whew! Glad that is cleared up. I was lying awake at night wondering if old Dora had become a Mooslim. Now if we could just get another Boosh in the White House!

Tucker's Mom said...

Neighbor just texted me to say that momma bird is busy feeding her babies and all seems well.
Very cool! No doubt you saved them from dying from exposure, or being eaten by a predator.
I just had ~7 birds banded in my yard this week-3 were just fledged, and still had their "bird lips".
So cute!

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 21
Dmasy, lovely story. And that's good to know about touching baby birds...wonder if the same is true for all baby animals?
Apparently you shouldn't touch bison babies.

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker's Mom said... 27

lol, um, I would agree....

Dmasy said...

Tucker's Mom (27) - Ha. That was good!

Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 27

Apparently you shouldn't touch bison babies.
And you especially shouldn't drive them to a ranger station in your SUV. Even if you do put a seatbelt on them.

I kind of feel sorry for the people involved in this. They have said that the baby was wet and shivering and separated from the herd. Chances are it was already doomed, no matter what they did or didn't do.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rainbowsandunicorns said... 24
Unbelievable how Milo continues to make up excuses as to why Kate does not respond to her Twitter questions. What a busy body!

She continues to live up to the name -- Gladys Kravitz. It's a perfect fit for her!
As they say, bless her heart. She really tries to smooth out the wrinkles, as futile as her attempts are at making any reasonable excuse for someone not tweeting!

Tucker's Mom said...

And you especially shouldn't drive them to a ranger station in your SUV. Even if you do put a seatbelt on them.

I kind of feel sorry for the people involved in this. They have said that the baby was wet and shivering and separated from the herd. Chances are it was already doomed, no matter what they did or didn't do.
Some of the viral videos just make me smdh. What is so damn hard about the rule, LOOK, DON'T TOUCH?.
I mean, you should pretty much have mastered this by 2nd grade!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Dmasy(#20), I'm glad your bird story had a happy ending!

Formerly Duped (#21), I learned that rabbit factoid from an unexpected source: an old episode of Leave It To Beaver.

And speaking of classic TV, hello to Redbird if you're reading!

jamezvader1194 said...

When you guys brought up Milo making excuses for Kate being MIA,i was curious as to if she was on the schedule,so i check and while there's still nothing,i saw a picture to the left that looks like a new picture,if you go to this link and look at the top left,are those the clothing that Kate and the kids wore during the I AM trailer?

Ingrid said...

jamezvader1194 said... 34

Yes they are wearing the same clothes.

librarylady said...

I think she is still filming, possibly new things or something different as she has coyly alluded to recently. Blech. The person who tweeted this today lives in that region. (The grammar is just a common way of tweeting in third person between young people.)

Casually met Kate Gosselin and is gonna be on Kate plus 8 šŸ˜Ž

Midnight Madness said...

As they say, bless her heart. She really tries to smooth out the wrinkles, as futile as her attempts are at making any reasonable excuse for someone not tweeting!


I think that she does it because of her ego. She wants people to believe that she knows Kate, keeps in contact with her, is kept up to date on Kate's whereabouts, and has Kate's permission to answer for her. She thrives on the attention and elevating herself to the position of Chief Executive Ewe. Bless her little cloven hoof.

Tucker's Mom said...

(The grammar is just a common way of tweeting in third person between young people.)

Casually met Kate Gosselin and is gonna be on Kate plus 8 šŸ˜Ž
I fear for the future of America.

So, summer's kicking off with the usual filming, filming and filming.

NOIP said...

librarylady said... 36
How do you see people who tweet Kate Gosselin's whereabouts? I'm curious.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom So i guess we can conclude the push back was because they didn't have enough footage,although last year they aired episodes around December as well,so are they filming December specials as well and if so what are they waiting for in regards to the summer specials?

Sheepless In Seattle said...

So i guess we can conclude the push back was because they didn't have enough footage,although last year they aired episodes around December as well,so are they filming December specials as well and if so what are they waiting for in regards to the summer specials?


A vacancy in the line-up.

Jeanne said...

I wonder where the Gosselin family vacation will be this summer. They only get one when filming. More bickering. More bad table manners. More ignorance about history. A new bikini for Kate. Yippee.

NOIP said...

Didn't write that properly. What l meant to ask was/is.... librarylady #36
How do you see the tweets of people who tweet Kate Gosselin's whereabouts? Do you have your phone 'ping' when Kate's name is mentioned? I'm curious.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Didn't write that properly. What l meant to ask was/is.... librarylady #36
How do you see the tweets of people who tweet Kate Gosselin's whereabouts? Do you have your phone 'ping' when Kate's name is mentioned? I'm curious.


I'm not sure what you are asking. I don't have Twitter, but if you go to her timeline you can see those who tweet Kate or tweet about Kate. They're right there.

I think that some of those on Twitter have Twitter alerts on their phones (like Milo and some of the sheep) and this tells them when Kate tweets. That's why they are there within minutes of her tweeting.

NOIP said...

Ahhhh, okay. Thanks for clarifying.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Oh, my gosh! Talk about long time, no see! I have a chat request from Stephanie and she is still only 2.8 miles from me. She really does look like a very young Locklear.

Anyone else have a request from her? This must be my lucky day. I really missed her. I thought she had moved or found someone else. I was a little bit jellus.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

PA Dutch, Steph has been with me all of this time. We just broke up. You are "second fiddle." I just didn't know how to help her, but our split was amicable. The long distance relationship just wasn't working.

Enjoy! ~ Administrator said...

Unbelievable how Milo continues to make up excuses as to why Kate does not respond to her Twitter questions. What a busy body!


There's something rather amusing about Milo making excuses for why Kate is gone, and Goody making excuses for why Milo is gone.

Yet nobody knows why anyone is gone but they all keep talking like they do.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

There's something rather amusing about Milo making excuses for why Kate is gone, and Goody making excuses for why Milo is gone.


lol! Who has been appointed for making excuses for Goody if she takes off? BV? ~ Administrator said...

I don't think anyone cares to try to explain away Goody's breaks from twitter. She's on her own.

This is not in any way an invitation to discuss politics or the issues themselves, but please forgive me for pointing out there was an absolutely hilarious twitter war between Trump and Clinton today. Neither can help themselves. If you missed it, you have to see it. "Delete your account", I'm going to use that one on our next troll here: ~ Administrator said...

I can't even:

fidosmommy said...

lol! Who has been appointed for making excuses for Goody if she takes off?

I think there's an app for that.

TLC stinks said...

I think she is still filming, possibly new things or something different as she has coyly alluded to recently. Blech. The person who tweeted this today lives in that region. (The grammar is just a common way of tweeting in third person between young people.)


What is the location? I assume near a beach? Gotta rock that bikini bod!!!

fidosmommy said...

TLC stinks said... 53
I think she is still filming, possibly new things or something different as she has coyly alluded to recently.

It's delaying the inevitable for Kate's career. If it didn't involve those 8 kids I would just casually toss it off as more TV to not watch and leave it at that. But those kids make being casual about it so wrong to me.

Tucker's Mom said...

If you missed it, you have to see it. "Delete your account", I'm going to use that one on our next troll here:

Delete your account!
You first!
I said it first, YOU delete!
No YOU delete!
I compel you to delete!
Make me!
I don't make trash, I burn it!
I'm rubber, you're glue!
Your mother wears combat boots!


Makes you long for the days of Anthony Weiner tweeting pics of his junk.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sheepless (#47), thanks for explaining Stephanie's disappearance. I wondered why she stopped returning my calls. PA Dutch Mom (#46), sounds like you've got a good chance for a rebound relationship -- go for it!

But I, sadly, haven't been contacted. I just
keep getting ads for label makers, which annoys me, because I am already quite organizationalish, thank you.

librarylady said...

NOIP 43...Heavens, no, there is no way I'd have a "ping" of anything related to her or anyone else, lol. I actually don't have any personal twitter or social media. I happened to be observing a class that was showing folks how social media works, and my coworker sometimes uses names in the media to demonstrate twitter searching and also good/bad things about social media. Always gets a roomful of laughing groans with Kate's name so she uses it occasionally to demonstrate searching and keep things light, lol. (I guess she has to be careful and checks beforehand with media names because so much is too ugly on there for viewing, yet she has to make it interesting - just searching, say, "turtles" doesn't hold much interest.)

Stinks 53...I noticed the poster lives locally or at least regionally, so I assume it was local filming.

I don't use social media and have a love/hate relationship with it for work purposes. Love it for current news and safety, hate it for everything else. Besides the one I mentioned, an innocent post from someone made it very easy to see who exactly was babysitting the G kids at a recent point in time (that's all I'm going to say), and I don't get why people share so much personal information. Different world now, I guess. ~ Administrator said...

Makes you long for the days of Anthony Weiner tweeting pics of his junk.


I'm enjoying this. Campaigns are always so stuffy. If it gets people to pay attention a little more and research the issues, it's good.

Did you see Anthony Weiner replied??! LOL!

(((Anthony Weiner))) ‏@anthonyweiner 17h17 hours ago
(((Anthony Weiner))) Retweeted Will Rahn
Too late for some of us.(((Anthony Weiner))) added,
Will Rahn @willrahn
Tbh we should all delete our accounts.
4,147 retweets 6,060 likes

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Fidosmommy (#54), well put. The kids being in the equation at every turn makes it hard to just laugh off the entire enterprise.

Yesterday I was invited to the middle school graduation of the daughter of a dear friend. We went out to lunch afterwards, and I asked the teenager if she had any plans for the day after graduation. And she immediately said she was excited to be doing nothing. She's worn out after a long school year, and citywide testing, and just the usual trials and tribulations of being 15. And it makes me think of how the G kids are now back in the saddle with filming before they've gotten to get their bearings after a long school year. Maybe one or two of them are looking forward to it -- perhaps there's a trip to a place they're excited to see. But will all 8 be looking forward to long days of travel, filming, and being surrounded by a production crew and gawking strangers? I don't believe it for a second.

TLC stinks said...

Stinks 53...I noticed the poster lives locally or at least regionally, so I assume it was local filming.


Good to know, although you would think by now they have filmed everything there is to film locally.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@TLC Stinks unless they're filming for December specials like last year where they did Spring episodes and then filmed more episodes for December.Although wasn't that because TLC pulled the duggars show?Now that they have Jill and Jessa back and also outdaughtered i think she's not going to get as many specials like last year.At least i hope anyways. ~ Administrator said...

There's something rather amusing about Milo making excuses for why Kate is gone, and Goody making excuses for why Milo is gone.

Yet nobody knows why anyone is gone but they all keep talking like they do.

And so do you....



Delete your account.

Dmasy said...

Stephanie hasn't contacted me since I left Illinois. I was thinking maybe Texas is too hot for her! Glad she is staying in touch with some of you.

Jane said... ~ Administrator said... 62
There's something rather amusing about Milo making excuses for why Kate is gone, and Goody making excuses for why Milo is gone.

Yet nobody knows why anyone is gone but they all keep talking like they do.

And so do you....



Delete your account.


HA! Gets my vote for best comment of the week!

TLC stinks said...

"Jackie" must be bored with her five posters.

Jane said...

TLC stinks said... 65
"Jackie" must be bored with her five posters


She has that many?

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

And so do you....



I wish we knew where Auntie has gone!

Looks like Milo and the Sub Ewes didn't clap hard enough and TLC ignored them. Porn is back on Kate's TL!

Jackie is a hoot. Pathetic and annoying, but still amusing!

Tucker's Mom said...

Delete your account.


HA! Gets my vote for best comment of the week!
Delete your account, then delete yourself.
Delete yourself first.

(for any Veep fans:)

fidosmommy said...

....the Sub Ewes didn't clap hard enough...


Auntie Ann once mentioned a Eweniversity. Perhaps
some in the flock need a refresher course?

Sherry Baby said...

TLC stinks said... 65
"Jackie" must be bored with her five posters


She has that many?


Ha! Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it's just one and others pop out. Think Sybil. Sally Field was so good in that film!

Lynne In RI said...

Fidosmommy (69):
"Auntie Ann once mentioned a Eweniversity. Perhaps
some in the flock need a refresher course?"


Shearling 101. Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon in Shepherd's Crook Hall with Professor Wether. He can get a bit rammy at times, but he's not wool-blind and always has a hoof on his students.

Over And Out said...

What's really funny with trolls like Jackie is that we know exactly what they are doing (stirring the pot), but they don't know that we know! They just plod along, doing the same thing. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result, or so said Albert. ~ Administrator said...

This thing between Gawker and Hulk Holgan is interesting, he's essentially driven them into bankruptcy and he's not quitting.

I'm a huge proponent of free press, but it does have some parallels to BV and messing with the wrong person. Gawker really did mess with the wrong person. I tend to agree with Hogan that posting someone's private sex video is crossing the line.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Lynne In RI (#71), tee hee! For a bunch of black-hearted busybodies, we sure have some witty posters!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Shearling 101. Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon in Shepherd's Crook Hall with Professor Wether. He can get a bit rammy at times, but he's not wool-blind and always has a hoof on his students.


lol!! Because I am not too familiar with sheep (the animals, not the fans) I had to google "wether." Too funny!

fidosmommy said...

Does Prof. Wether use an alias sometimes? Like B.V.
McNibbless? Just curious.

Deliverence said...

Frog run over by lawn mower airlifted to hospital, hopping its way to recovery

Uh, really...a tree frog?

Not sure if I'm speechless or have so much to say I'd never stop.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Does Prof. Wether use an alias sometimes? Like B.V.
McNibbless? Just curious.


Not sure about that, but does "McNibbless" mean "without nibbs?"

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Wow! Porn has taken over Kate's TL. Milo and her minions better get to work having that stuff removed. It might be a full time job for them!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

An obsessed fan? ~ Administrator said...

An obsessed fan?


All signs are pointing to that. Details will come in I'm sure.

Like some celebs, including Kate, she was extremely interactive and chummy with fans. A bestie type relationship. But there is such a danger to that when you encounter an unstable fan without boundaries. To any rational person a "friendship" with a faceless fan who lives across the country is not in any sense of the world a real relationship, but an unstable fan may not be able to distinguish the difference.

I'm a huge fan of Tyler Ward, who collaborating with her a lot. He sounds devastated.

Midnight Madness said...

But there is such a danger to that when you encounter an unstable fan without boundaries. To any rational person a "friendship" with a faceless fan who lives across the country is not in any sense of the world a real relationship, but an unstable fan may not be able to distinguish the difference.


There need to be boundaries set, lines drawn. Kate was never quite able to figure that out. She tweets when she wants something and the fans just lap it up, like she's asking old buddies. We know that there are some fans, one in particular, who considers herself Kate's bestie, speaks for Kate, but yet doesn't want to meet her. Very strange, and yet, if ignored, who knows what turn it could take? One might say that it could never happen...that when a fan loves a celebrity he/she is there to support that fan. However, people snap. It only takes one unstable person who can't face rejection, especially when that person has been there to always have that celebrities "back."

I feel so sorry for the friends and family of this young woman. It's so very tragic, and one just never knows to whom it will happen, and when.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I feel so sorry for the friends and family of this young woman. It's so very tragic, and one just never knows to whom it will happen, and when.


So true. There she was, just signing autographs for fans, and in one split second it happened.

There is no motive yet, but the shooter has been identified. The latest report states that "the suspect drove to Orlando, apparently to commit the crime, and "then had plans to travel back to where he came from."

"There’s no indication that he knew Grimmie personally and investigators are searching his belongings to determine a motive for the shooting," police said.

Police said the shooter carried two handguns, loaded magazines and a hunting knife.

fidosmommy said...

Does Prof. Wether use an alias sometimes? Like B.V.
McNibbless? Just curious.


Not sure about that, but does "McNibbless" mean "without nibbs?"

One might assume so, yes? :) I think he's lost his.

PA Dutch Mom said...

"There’s no indication that he knew Grimmie personally and investigators are searching his belongings to determine a motive for the shooting," police said.

Police said the shooter carried two handguns, loaded magazines and a hunting knife.


I just heard a report on television that his computers were seized. They are looking for a motive, one of which could be that he was a crazy fan who might have been rejected and this was his way of getting attention, or so they theorize.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Oh, my. One of the Church Ladies tweeted this...

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 5h5 hours ago
Just heard bout Christina off a the voice so sad #RIPChristina

...with a picture of Christina Aguilera,

jamezvader1194 said...

@Midnight Madness I don't know if i'd be more worried for Jon or Kate when it comes to Kate's fanbase.I get the feeling if one of Kate's loyal fans (Gladys specifically) got rejected by Kate,they'd play the"She's just stress from raising 8 kids."card.On the other hand if Jon did end up getting custody of one the kids and it effected filming,i wonder what Gladys would do?I remember when the whole Hannah story last year and the fans went nuts.Some were going to his TL and started going after him,Milo kept kissing Kate's butt and said she's always has the kids best interest.What would they do if he ended up getting custody?Will they demand how Jon got custody?Would they go to his TL and start harassing him then delete the tweets?I've always wonder what they would do if Jon succeed in the custody battle.

Over And Out said...

Would they go to his TL and start harassing him then delete the tweets?I've always wonder what they would do if Jon succeed in the custody battle.


It hasn't happened, but if it does, we'll find out. One could speculate until the cows come home, but nothing concerning custody seems to be on the table.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Oh, my. One of the Church Ladies tweeted this...

Patty Parsons ‏@PattyParsonsPat 5h5 hours ago
Just heard bout Christina off a the voice so sad #RIPChristina

...with a picture of Christina Aguilera,


They certainly seem to be confused when it comes to celebrities and politicians. One of them wishes that Farah would make a new movie; one thought that Trump is still married to Ivana; one thinks that Ted Cruise (sic) is a Scientologist who killed JFK and Jon Benet, and one tweeted, when Prince died, that she always loved the movie, "The Color Purple."

You just have to wonder... ~ Administrator said...

Details are very slow to come out about Christina Grimme's death, no word yet whether he was an obsessed fan, but the man who shot her was Kevin James Loibl. Just before the shooting, it was reported Christina thought he was a friendly fan and greeted him with a hug. Then, tragedy.

She was very lovey-dovey with fans, hugging perfect strangers.

Tucker's Mom said...

Like some celebs, including Kate, she was extremely interactive and chummy with fans. A bestie type relationship.
And I hate, just hate, when TLC parents bring their kids to fan functions.
This poor young girl who was shot. What a tragedy.

Prayers to the families and friends of the mass shooting victims in Florida. I think we'll find out they were targeted because they were gay. ~ Administrator said...

There need to be boundaries set, lines drawn. Kate was never quite able to figure that out. She tweets when she wants something and the fans just lap it up, like she's asking old buddies. We know that there are some fans, one in particular, who considers herself Kate's bestie, speaks for Kate, but yet doesn't want to meet her. Very strange, and yet, if ignored, who knows what turn it could take? One might say that it could never happen...that when a fan loves a celebrity he/she is there to support that fan. However, people snap. It only takes one unstable person who can't face rejection, especially when that person has been there to always have that celebrities "back."

I feel so sorry for the friends and family of this young woman. It's so very tragic, and one just never knows to whom it will happen, and when.


I feel the same.

Twitter is the best and worst thing to happen to celebrities. It has created a way of celebs to make fans feel special and important, but with hundreds of thousands of fans, it's inevitable that eventually someone is going to feel like you're not meeting expectations. When that one snaps, tragedies like this happen.

I truly believe that as a celeb, you're better off, and safer, keeping Twitter extremely professional from the get-go, and never foster any kind of one-on-one interaction with any specific fan. That doesn't mean don't tweet or promote, but it means don't make it specific or personal to any one fan. Basically, promote like you did before twitter, when it was a general announcement to EVERYONE via flyer, Facebook, the radio, etc. She may have never sent a single tweet to her killer, but if he saw her interacting with other fans and tweeting them, bitter jealousy could ensue.

Tucker's Mom said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 79
Wow! Porn has taken over Kate's TL. Milo and her minions better get to work having that stuff removed. It might be a full time job for them!
June 11, 2016 at 11:08 AM
If I had Twitter and my account was taken over with porn, I'd shut it down and never tweet on it again. Plain and simple, you endorse what's on there when you tacitly agree to propagate that filth.
Kate's ego is too big to give up her verified account. She's way too proud of that fact that that fact that her account amassed such a large number of followers. ~ Administrator said...

Prayers to the families and friends of the mass shooting victims in Florida. I think we'll find out they were targeted because they were gay.


They're actually calling it terrorism. The shooter was Muslim and had connections to Islamic extremists. The Islamic extremist are very anti-gay, if I recall correctly. The worst we have here is Kim Davis, but at least she isn't KILLING anyone. Trump is going to be all over this one.

Tucker's Mom said...

I truly believe that as a celeb, you're better off, and safer, keeping Twitter extremely professional from the get-go, and never foster any kind of one-on-one interaction with any specific fan.
Any celeb who has 2 nickels to rub together should never do their own social media, be it blog, facebook or twitter.
Their public presence should be carefully crafted and maintained by a professional. At least screened and approved first.
To respond to one person on social media means that the celeb, de facto, snubs another, and you just don't know if that will set someone off.

Tucker's Mom said...

The worst we have here is Kim Davis, but at least she isn't KILLING anyone. Trump is going to be all over this one.

I do credit Kimmie for her passive resistance, BUT, her marginalizing gays only fuel the fire for those with hate in their hearts.
Just look at how she became the cause celebre for the likes of those politicians who's aim is to marginalize and suppress the rights of their fellow Americans.

Tucker's Mom said...

Now the victim count is up to 50 in the Florida masacre.

This is very reminiscent of the club in Paris.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Where are people seeing porn on Kate's TL?Im looking up @kateplus8 and im not seeing any porn tweets?

Jane said...

James, If you search with "Kate Gosselin" you'll find it. Twazzup works well for this .

Deliverence said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 98

Go here. It's Kate's timeline which includes both tweets and replies.

foxy said...

I can't find the timeline of Kate's that everyone is talking about. Kateplusmy8 is her usual account to pre-order her cookbook.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Jane Ok thank you.Now im seeing the porn tweets

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's timeline"

Formerly Duped said...

Busby reply on FB to woman who thinks their family wants hand-outs and took a risk having HOM:

" were dead wrong on every point that you tried to make... We didn't do IVF, the care calendar was actually created to organize all of the volunteers that we had(not to ask for help), and I make way too much money for us to qualify for welfare. Stay positive! We've got a good thing going over here!�� we are a hard working family that is extremely involved with our kids and we have our stuff together. Not everyone on TV has to be a complete train wreck. ��������

(or are we not discussing this family?)

Tucker's Mom said...

Stay positive! We've got a good thing going over here!�� we are a hard working family that is extremely involved with our kids and we have our stuff together. Not everyone on TV has to be a complete train wreck. ��������
You're damn straight you've got a good thing going, you grifting child user!
You know damn well the impunity that comes with HOM and not reducing your pregnancy. You've got a million "get out of jail free" cards, and you'll use them shamelessly at will.

Tucker's Mom said...

Not everyone on TV has to be a complete train wreck. ��������
Based on incontrovertible evidence, not everyone, but most everyone eventually become a train wreck of sort.
Let's see if you're still married in a few years.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think most everyone cast in a reality television show has a weakness that can be exploited. I'm damn sure the Buzzes are no different. If they were strong and steadfast, they'd be boring. ~ Administrator said...

@Jane Ok thank you.Now im seeing the porn tweets


Oh. Good, glad you can see them.

Lol. ~ Administrator said...

They just found an arsenal of explosives at the LA pride festival. I wonder if this is connected and organized. Frightening. This reminds me of 9-11 when various terrorist events were happening in different locations and we didn't know where the next one would be.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 109
They just found an arsenal of explosives at the LA pride festival. I wonder if this is connected and organized. Frightening. This reminds me of 9-11 when various terrorist events were happening in different locations and we didn't know where the next one would be.
Yes, it does. There's a gay pride festival near me today, and they'e stepping up the security.
What a sad day in America.

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh. Good, glad you can see them.

Yeah, it's great to see all those asses in your face!

Tucker's Mom said...

Amy Roloff CF ‏@amyroloffCF 49m49 minutes ago
heading back home from Alaskan cruise - heard the shocking, sad and horrific news of the shooting in FL. Praying! God is grieving as well.

Once again, crickets from Kate. The largest mass shooting in America. ~ Administrator said...

Busby reply on FB to woman who thinks their family wants hand-outs and took a risk having HOM:

" were dead wrong on every point that you tried to make... We didn't do IVF, the care calendar was actually created to organize all of the volunteers that we had(not to ask for help), and I make way too much money for us to qualify for welfare. Stay positive! We've got a good thing going over here!�� we are a hard working family that is extremely involved with our kids and we have our stuff together. Not everyone on TV has to be a complete train wreck. ��������

(or are we not discussing this family?)


We're discussing them, we're just not building an entire blog to them as our troll wanted us to do. She baited, we wouldn't take it.

I do agree that people who end up doing reality tv like this are not going to be able to easily avoid the pitfalls. Their extreme defensiveness and arrogant is actually a huge red flag for me. The more they insist this is NOT about greed, the less I believe them. Someone who is truly in it for all the right reasons wouldn't be on the defensive all the time. They are. I believe they know darn well what their real motives are, and are highly guarded as a result less they get out. I think they're fake, pure and simple. ~ Administrator said...

Several of the fans are mentioning the shootings to Kate, trying to get her to do the right thing and respond like all the other celebrities have. ~ Administrator said...

Wow her timeline really is covered in big butts and fishnet stockings. What a world.

Tucker's Mom said...

Someone who is truly in it for all the right reasons wouldn't be on the defensive all the time. They are. I believe they know darn well what their real motives are, and are highly guarded as a result less they get out. I think they're fake, pure and simple.
They are very secure in the notion that they are coming across as genuine. It's delusional. No one is fooled for the reason that this ain't our first rodeo.
Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Formerly Duped said...

I do get the feeling from the Busbys that they feel they are special superior people whom God selected for HOM and TV show.They appear much nicer than Kate and I hope they are better parents but there is something slick and superficial about them. Time will tell. ~ Administrator said...

I do get the feeling from the Busbys that they feel they are special superior people whom God selected for HOM and TV show.They appear much nicer than Kate and I hope they are better parents but there is something slick and superficial about them. Time will tell.

I don't like the tone the Buzzes are taking with people who are making some very good points based on some very real history.

Telling people they are "dead wrong" is just rude, plus, how do they know? They can't know the future any more than anyone else. To say they WON'T be one of those families, you're wrong, is arrogant. Anyone is capable of being one of those families including them, they are not above it because God is on their side.

The comment that gave me the most pause from the Buzzes was something along the lines of mentioning their family was concerned. If even your own flesh and blood has raised an issue with this, shouldn't you listen?

I think they'd go a lot further if they took a more humble approach with the well-meaning criticism. Something like, "we appreciate the concern and what's more, we understand it. We are going to do everything in our power to make sure this experience is all positive for us and our girls. But, as we are only human, we are bound to fall short at one time or another. We are counting on you to let us know when we get too close to that fine line. We want to keep an open dialogue both with you our fans, and on the subject of this evolving issue of children and reality TV. The only solution to ensure children are not damaged by being on TV is to never put them on it in the first place. But, we have made an informed decision to do so. We want you to know though that we are well aware children on TV can be treated much better than they have been in the past, and our goal is to ensure we are leaders in creating the most protective environment possibly for reality TV kids."

There's a real opportunity here for the Buzzes they are far too arrogant and defensive to take.

Jeanne said...

Of course Kate isn't saying anything about the shooting. If she even knows about it, it has no relation to her insular life. There is no way to turn it around so that she gets attention.

The Busbys have learned to do the double talk already. "You are wrong. We did not do IVF." Ok. Did you do IUI? Or fertility drugs? They are not so special that they will not be affected by reality tv.

Tucker's Mom said...

There's a real opportunity here for the Buzzes they are far too arrogant and defensive to take.
Boom! What you wrote. This is why these dummies need professionals to handle their social media. In fact, TLC should tell them to stfu. Get Laurie Goldberg to handle them.
It's just like when Kate got into it with Twitter. Her flippant "you're blocked!!!!!!!!!" "Have a nice day!!!!!" and other faux pas were so juvenile.
The Buzzes need media training, stat. ~ Administrator said...

The Busbys have learned to do the double talk already. "You are wrong. We did not do IVF." Ok. Did you do IUI? Or fertility drugs? They are not so special that they will not be affected by reality tv.


And, what a silly thing to pick a fight over. Is there something wrong about IVF? They have their whole fertility story on their web site, I believe it was IUI it was definitely some kind of drugs, why not simply link the person to their story with a kind word and leave it at that? I think the average person may lump all or most infertility treatments as "IVF" and not realize the distinct differences, or cares. WHO CARES. The point is the girls are here because of fertility treatments.

Tucker is absolutely right, they are wholly incapable of handling their social media presence. At least they HAVE a good presence, but it's getting out of hand. They need a professional who is impartial and won't respond to all this criticism. They should hire whoever tweeted "delete your account." Bam.

Tucker's Mom said...

The point is the girls are here because of fertility treatments.
Oh, it's wasn't IVF? Well, in that case, my opinions are obviously baseless!
Silly me. Never mind.
As you were... ~ Administrator said...

The point is the girls are here because of fertility treatments.
Oh, it's wasn't IVF? Well, in that case, my opinions are obviously baseless!
Silly me. Never mind.
As you were...


They're so silly and immature getting stuck on the more irrelevant details. It's a convenient red herring for them, i.e. they just hate us because they are against the miracle of fertility treatments.

I wouldn't even engage with the fertility people. Just ignore them. What's done is done, there is no sense rehashing it all.

Debating whether the girls should be on TV is a little more of the here and now.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wonder if the person who emailed Mama Busby for a mailing address for freebies knew the family makes "way too much money" to qualify for welfare.

This chick has less than one month of TV fame under her belt, so I think she would be wise to clam up before making proclamations about how celebrity is or isn't effecting her family. And her defensive tone is not only snarky, but strident. Blech.

Tucker's Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
A mom's worst fear ..have a son/ invest 20yrs raising & loving him only 2lose him 2senseless violence! #Orlando #MassShooting @Kateplusmy8
There goes Milo, prompting Kate to say something, anything, about this horrific act of terrorism. ~ Administrator said...

His ex-wife is giving an interview saying he was bipolar, controlling, seriously mentally unstable, and she was a victim of terrible domestic violence so outrageous her family had to stage an intervention and help her escape. She looks sick to her stomach. Awful.

When someone is that unstable I don't know what laws you can make to prevent this. Also he sounds ripe for the picking for ISIS.

Tucker's Mom said...

When someone is that unstable I don't know what laws you can make to prevent this. Also he sounds ripe for the picking for ISIS.
June 12, 2016 at 5:16 PM
His dad is a nutter, too.

Yeah, he just has no idea how his son got this idea into his head, other than his son allegedly being agitated at the sight of gay men kissing.

Formerly Duped said...

Yeah, the 'way too much money' comment by Buzz was annoying when so many trusting generous people ( as well as savvy businesses) have given freebies to the Busby quints. The parents also talk about Blayke a lot- rightfully so- but also it seems to ensure she gets her slice of the pie. ~ Administrator said...

It must be hell to make way too much money to be unable to qualify for public assistance. Poor things. ~ Administrator said...

Afghani Islamic extremist nutters.

Called it.

So, how did his parents get let into this country??? Dad is a Taliban supporter for gosh sakes.

Math Girl said... ~ Administrator said... 130

So, how did his parents get let into this country??? Dad is a Taliban supporter for gosh sakes.
They came to the US in the early 1980's. The Taliban emerged as a power in Afghanistan in the early 1990s.

It would have taken Busby-like powers to foresee the future to have kept them out! ~ Administrator said...

They came to the US in the early 1980's. The Taliban emerged as a power in Afghanistan in the early 1990s.

True, but even in the 80s we were well aware of terrorism.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Boom! What you wrote. This is why these dummies need professionals to handle their social media. In fact, TLC should tell them to stfu. Get Laurie Goldberg to handle them.
It's just like when Kate got into it with Twitter. Her flippant "you're blocked!!!!!!!!!" "Have a nice day!!!!!" and other faux pas were so juvenile.
The Buzzes need media training, stat.


Give them enough rope, they'll hang themselves. It's only a matter of time before they shoot themselves in the foot and all hell will break loose for them and TLC. It's coming. We'll say, "We called it," and we'll be right.

Tucker's Mom said...

Give them enough rope, they'll hang themselves. It's only a matter of time before they shoot themselves in the foot and all hell will break loose for them and TLC. It's coming. We'll say, "We called it," and we'll be right.
Like saying they make way too much money for welfare!
In other words, they are solid middle class and they have their hands out begging.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#134), they're solid middle class PLUS their TLC paycheck. Not to mention whatever deal they were able to make on a house Mama Busby admitted they couldn't afford.

Sheepless (#133), I agree -- one day sooner rather than later she's going to feel the need to instantly respond to a negative comment and really step in something. I just reread her post and realized she bragged about being "extremely involved" with her kids. Well, I should hope so -- she's their freakin' MOTHER!

Sherry Baby said...

Like saying they make way too much money for welfare!
In other words, they are solid middle class and they have their hands out begging.


Like Kate crying poor to the church people, accepting love offering, and then purchasing a million dollar house and asking how they should explain that to the masses.

DĆ©jĆ  vu all over again.

GollyGee said...

Remember what Kate said about 9/11. Bombs or something?

I can see her tweeting about Orlando. Something about bullets or something. And hashtag it #BulletsOrSomething.

Yea, I can see her doing that. ~ Administrator said...

Uh, how about how a law preventing mentally ill people on the FBI watch list from buying an assault weapon?


Uh, I didn't think of that! While we're at it could we please make a law making drugs illegal? I'm tired of our nation's drug problem and if we just wouldn't let drug addicts get their drugs legally, it would go away.

Also we should ban murdering people, we need a law about that. Because if only we had a law on the books preventing you from murdering people, this Orlando shooting never would have happened with tighter murder laws.

Wait.... ~ Administrator said...

Remember what Kate said about 9/11. Bombs or something?

I can see her tweeting about Orlando. Something about bullets or something. And hashtag it #BulletsOrSomething.

Yea, I can see her doing that.


I think her lack of tweets about ANYTHING everyone else is talking about ever is more due to her total lack of awareness.

But, a tiny part of me wonders if she's too afraid of her own ignorance to venture out into the big scary world of tweeting about current events. I think she knows she's said some dumb things over time, and I think she's embarrassed. Embarrassed enough to just tell herself it's better off not to even go there in the first place, and be ridiculed for acting like you don't care or are not paying attention....than to tweet something about it that comes across as stupid.

KyPastor said...

Each time something like this happens I tell myself humanity cannot possibly be depraved enough to commit this horror. A look at history tells me how wrong I am. I can only pray for a future that moves toward decompression of anger, greater tolerance, and eventually a peaceful coexistence. We have the ability. What is needed is the desire. ~ Administrator said...

It's pretty pathetic that a lawyer, of all people, has such complete disregard for the value of laws. The bottom line is that you don't know what would happen if we had tighter gun control. What we do know for a fact is that most mass murderers obtain their weapons legally. Whether they would have obtained them through other means is pure speculation. Let's stick to reality.


Suggesting a law would have any effect on a man as deranged as his ex wife described him is as speculative as anything, to the point of absurdity. ~ Administrator said...

KyPastor, I know.

And I'm glad you brought the history of violence.

Mass killings are nothing new. Terrible and disgusting violence has occurred for centuries upon centuries. Arguably, we are living in relative peaceful times right now. Mass killings is not some brand new thing that happened to crop up right around when guns were invented. Far from it. People kill people, and they will do it with their own bare hands even if there were not a single knife, gun, or bomb left on earth. Let's start looking at how to treat the whole person. Until then your laws banning this or that are as useless as drug laws that ignore the heart of the matter which is the PERSON, the addict, and *treatment*. ~ Administrator said...

Back to the Buzzes, are they young enough to be millennials? They should be.

They are in this spot where you're certainly not poor, but you really don't have enough money to have all the things you eventually had growing up. Add to that a bunch of kids and the belt tightens even more.

As all our grandparents would say, back in our day that was LIFE. The first decade of marriage and kids most people struggle financially. The struggles may continue long past that point, they may never ease. But no one is going to go hungry or without clothes and everyone is going to be fine and not only that but have a great childhood.

You deal, you make it work, and you don't expect handouts. You're supposed to develop an understanding that your "struggles" are not that bad in context, lots of people are way worse off than you, and it makes you stronger and more resourceful as you figure out how to have a wonderful family life without a lot of money. I daresay young couples NEED this time of struggle in order to emerge and better more appreciative people and have stronger marriages. Many of the people donating to them may be worse off than them!

They don't get it. They're part of the I want it NOW generation. They want the spoils without the journey there. But the journey is the whole point. Kate really was the exact same way, and look what it led to.

KyPastor said...

Many of the people donating to them may be worse off than them!


Those would be the people who have realized they can do fine with a little less, even happily so. ~ Administrator said...

Again, it's sad that you practice law but don't actually believe that laws have value.

There's nothing absurd about what I said except from your skewed POV as a gun zealot.


I am hardly a gun zealot I have never even held a gun. I happen to think the mentally ill and Islamic terrorist shouldn't have guns. If you engaged in a real conversation with me you would have found that out ages ago. Based on what we have learned of this zealot today, I do not believe ANY law would have stopped this. This is hardly an unpopular opinion, it's an opinion all over the media today. Some laws won't touch certain people, if laws had the ability to stop all crime we have have stopped it all by now--come on.

There are a great many lawyers who believe that drug laws are useless. In fact, Michael Botticelli, in Obama's own administration, has harsh criticism for how our drug laws have been framed. I really like him and so do lots of other legal professionals. It's too bad there's no rational leaders like that thinking through this beyond a mere shock and awe level in the gun violence arena. Someone who advocates for reform of useless laws is hardly disrespecting the law. Grow up.

Three strikes laws are a disaster, Malcolm Gladwell can explain to you why. Do you think I don't respect the law in general because I think a particular law is a disaster? That is completely irrational thinking. The world is not black and white. Some laws are useless, some are very good. I have written and seen unanimously passed three laws myself, which I think are good ones which is why I wrote them, and I took a solemn oath to uphold the law. Don't turn this around on me and make such an absurd accusation. Nice try. ~ Administrator said...

I happen to think that anyone who supports the right of a mentally ill person to purchase an assault weapon is in need of some counseling themselves...


And no one here said that. No a one.

What was said, is that such a law would not have affected him. That is not the same thing as saying you think the mentally ill should have guns in the first place, and it's irresponsible to turn it around like that.

This is why the gun lobby will NEVER get what they want. They do exactly what you do all.the.time--continue to twist, turn, and lie about the other side. At a certain point don't you start to say we're doing the same thing over and over and not getting results? ~ Administrator said...

Case in point even having very strict gun laws tragedies will still occur: Belgium and Paris.

How quickly we forget.

Let's delve deeper here, because it's clearly not as simple as banning guns. We can do better than being this black and white. And yet every.time a shooting happens, folks insist on taking it right back to the simple black and white. It's not getting us anywhere.

Tucker's Mom said...

There's nothing absurd about what I said except from your skewed POV as a gun zealot.


I am hardly a gun zealot I have never even held a gun.
Same here. The culture is foreign to me. But that's not my point. My point is that once again, Americans (and maybe others at the club) were slaughtered in an act of terror, and this troll can do nothing but spew invectives and ad hominem attacks.
It's just shameful.

It's like the city near where I live, there's inner city gun violence way too often. Officials decry guns, but guns are not the real problem. The real problem is a culture which devalues human life to the point where conflict on any level, a mere "diss", could mean pumping lead into someone and killing them.
Same with terrorism like this. Gun laws in Florida should be tightened, but this POS terrorist would have gotten his guns somehow, or perhaps he would have chosen another weapon.
We'll be finding out a lot more over the next few days and weeks.

Tucker's Mom said...

They don't get it. They're part of the I want it NOW generation. They want the spoils without the journey there. But the journey is the whole point.
I was recently telling DH that I remembered when I was so happy to have a place of my own-an apartment-to decorate and make homey.
The furniture was cheap with lots of used stuff and hand me downs, but I was happy with it. I never dreamed that I'd own a home back then, drive a nice car etc.
That took a good long while to come along, and that was pretty much what I expected.
The Buzzes and others are part of the "I'm owed" generation. The Go Fund Me, crowd-sourcing mentality and most of all, the "I deserve this" types who think that if you find yourself with HOM's, companies and the public in general will and should give, give and give more to you.
Look and Jon and Kate. Kate cried about scrounging through cash cushions for money, but they were never hungry, never denied anything they needed, never homeless, never really struggled. Sure, things were tight, but they were by no means poor and by no means suffered and sacrificed.
But that brief period of having not much, which was commensurate with their ages and stage of life, left Kate feeling like she deserved riches and rewards for what she went through.
Cut me a break. They would have been just fine, albeit not living the high life.

Q said... ~ Administrator said... 130

So, how did his parents get let into this country??? Dad is a Taliban supporter for gosh sakes.

And if Taliban supporters and terrorists really want to enter our country, they will.

Tucker's Mom said...

KyPastor said... 140
Each time something like this happens I tell myself humanity cannot possibly be depraved enough to commit this horror. A look at history tells me how wrong I am. I can only pray for a future that moves toward decompression of anger, greater tolerance, and eventually a peaceful coexistence. We have the ability. What is needed is the desire.
I don't know how to rid hate from people's hearts. What peaceful coexistence means to these radical Islamists is that we in the West capitulate and accept Sharia Law. Otherwise, we are infidels and must die.
Normal human traits, such as tolerance and acceptance, don't comport with these radicals. There's just no reasoning with them.
It's bone chilling.

TLC stinks said...

Kate does not comment on current news events for one simple reason: it's not about her.

As far as our gun laws, people will always buy guns and it's their right, but specifically assault rifles are the issue, IMO. It is the choice of weapon for mass killers and terrorists; Adam Lanza, Malik and Farook, James Holmes etc. Assault rifles morphed from the M-16 used in the Vietnam War. Assault rifles exist to inflict MASS casualties. Any firearm can kill, but at least a victim has a chance with a pistol.

Tucker's Mom said...

So, how did his parents get let into this country??? Dad is a Taliban supporter for gosh sakes.
The dad emigrated to the U.S. in 1986, I think. Son was born in NYC.
I don't get being in America for so long-living your life here-free to leave at anytime- and staying when you hate it and everything it stands for.
The father reminds me of a shark-totally void of emotion. He seemed to me to be saying what he thinks Americans want to hear. I'm not buying it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Any firearm can kill, but at least a victim has a chance with a pistol.
Yes, I think a chance is possible with a pistol. I don't know why assault-type rifles are legal. I don't get it. ~ Administrator said...

Nobody said it was as simple as banning guns. However, many of us believe that banning assault weapons and making it far more difficult to legally obtain a weapon is a key component of a broader strategy. Not once have I said that banning guns is a 100% guarantee that no mass murder will ever occur again. However, if it REDUCES the outrageous number of such occurrences in this country, then I'm all for it. To say "well, it won't stop all mass killings so why bother" is the height of absurdity IMO. The person who desperately wants a gun and doesn't want to deal with a background check or waiting period is precisely the person who should not be able to purchase one.


You're not getting it. I AGREE with all that! If I'm not mistaken, most polls say the vast majority of people agree the mentally ill should not have have assault weapons and don't oppose background checks--that's just common sense. ( I'm simply saying I do not believe it would have made a shred of difference for this young man. It's coming out today they believe there were multiple people behind the organization of this attack. It was calculated, it was premeditated, it was organized. Tight gun control laws are not stopping it. He would have either gotten his guns illegally, or obtained legal compounds to make explosives strapped them to himself or put them in a truck and blown up the whole place like Oklahoma City. You cannot stop crazy. True, maybe it would have taken him LONGER to prepare this attack, but what's the difference whether it happened Sunday or two weeks from now?

I would like to see a thorough examination of why this guy slipped right through the fingers of the FBI during their investigation. Where is the outrage for how our FBI could fail us so devastatingly? They.failed. But all people want to talk about is guns. It IS a simple, black and white way to address this tragedy. It's merely scratching the surface. The hyper focus on guns whenever there is a tragedy like this one is causing blinders that are missing some HUGE issues that need solutions: our FBI that failed us, our mental health system that has failed us, our immigration system that has failed us, our administration that has failed to crush ISIS and the Taliban. The guns are a red herring to distract from some very serious, stunning failures. Anyone though who wants to bring up those other issues is blasted as being "pro-NRA." Again, this is why the gun lobby doesn't get anywhere. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

TLC stinks said...

I don't know why assault-type rifles are legal. I don't get it.


Simple. NRA is THE most powerful lobbying group in DC. ~ Administrator said...

Miranda wrote a beautiful poem about the tragedy as part of his acceptance speech. It didn't mention that guns should be banned, but it did talk about love.

TLC stinks said...

Actually, our lax gun laws allow the lone wolf foreign or domestic terrorists to easily obtain their weapons of choice. In Dec. 2015, the GOP controlled senate blocked a bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns legally. And these same politicians are offering condolences today.

Jamesvader1194 said...

For those saying that Kate's not saying anything about Orlando.There are some here who believe that this Instagram is Kate's and it said something about it.Sorry im not convince that this account is Kate's.If it is,then why isn't she posting this on twitter as well?

fade2black said...

Troll@145...Again, it's sad that you practice law but don't actually believe that laws have value.
Using this tragedy to pick and poke at someone you don't like is just as reprehensible as any politician using it to garner votes. Enough already.

TLC stinks said...

Thanks, Jamesvader, but I believe it's a faker Instagram account. She has never acknowledged this account and the photos have been posted online before. It's run by a fan, IMO. ~ Administrator said...

The problem is though the fbi cleared Mateen as not a terrorist. All the anti terrorism gun laws in the world won't help if we can't identify the terrorists in the first place. No such law would have prevented this because the fbi cleared him. Start looking at the fbi. In any case terrorism laws don't stop terrorists from getting guns. Belgium and Paris.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 159
For those saying that Kate's not saying anything about Orlando.There are some here who believe that this Instagram is Kate's and it said something about it.Sorry im not convince that this account is Kate's.If it is,then why isn't she posting this on twitter as well?
I'm doubtful this is actually Kate's account. Why keep it on the down low? Doesn't make any sense to furtively post most of the stuff whomever posts on this account, especially thoughts and prayers for the victims of this tragedy.

Tucker's Mom said...

Using this tragedy to pick and poke at someone you don't like is just as reprehensible as any politician using it to garner votes. Enough already.
It's impossible to try to reason with someone who has no, or refused to use, critical thinking skills. Whomever this troll is just hates you, us, this blog, and are blinded by it.
It's pathetic. ~ Administrator said...

You can blame the FBI all you want, but that won't change the fact that a man suspected of terrorist ties was legally able to obtain assault weapons. THAT is a major part of the problem. We put people on "do not fly" lists based on suspicion, but god forbid we put them on a "not allowed to buy a gun" lis


Again, and again, and once again, I like most Americans fully support banning the mentally ill and terrorists from legaly obtaining wapons. But unlike you I see the futility in banning them for a member of ISIS so deranged as Mateen. Thus, knowing such laws won't work for someone like him we must look elsewhere for reform--identifying terrorists, immigration, better mental health treatment, tougher DV laws, more education about DV, mental health, and Islamic extremists, a tougher administration when it comes to domestic terrorism.

That being said, it is very difficult to sneak your way onto an airplane if you are on a do not fly list. But it is very easy to break the law if you are on a do not own a gun list, do not buy drugs list, do not commit murder list. The differences are so blatant that seems like a comparison of very little value. If only all crimes could be banned with as much effectiveness as do not fly lists. Obviously for almost all crimes, that's not possible. ~ Administrator said...

I'm sure we'll learn more about the FBI aspect as time goes on, but I don't know how you can conclude that they failed without more information. It's easy to use 20/20 hindsight to point the finger and say, "well, gee, FBI, how could you have missed the fact that this guy was going to commit mass murder?" but without knowing what evidence they had in front of them to scream "FBI failed" is at this point an unfounded accusation.


And yet you don't see the "just ban guns and this never would have happened" as equally faulty logic if not moreso. ~ Administrator said...

Well at least Kate's fake accounts are engaged with their world.

Tucker's Mom said...

If only all crimes could be banned with as much effectiveness as do not fly lists. Obviously for almost all crimes, that's not possible.***********
I think our troll is conflating banning assault guns with the denouement of crimes committed with assault guns.
If only.

I think murder should be banned.


I do support banning ridiculous weapons such as automatic guns. They don't belong in your average citizen's hands. I do not delude myself into thinking that a radical terrorist wouldn't find one and use it.

Tucker's Mom said...

I have to say I was shocked by the quick release of information from the FBI about investigating and letting this guy go.
We need some 'splaining here.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 167
Well at least Kate's fake accounts are engaged with their world.
Yes! Why would Kate surreptitiously keep this account when it's so, Relatable? Human?

TLC stinks said...

The FBI put Mateen on their terrorist watch list (Terrorist Screening Database) but after two investigations, removed him from the list after it was determined he had broken no laws. Even if his name had remained on the list, and let's just base that on suspicion but no evidence, it would not have stopped him in Florida from buying a semiautomatic gun and an assault type rifle. Currently the FBI list is not tied to gun purchasers. Nor is the Homeland Security list. This why the federal government needs to get involved but has been blocked by pro-NRA politicians. They cannot have it both ways; protecting Americans from terrorists and allowing terrorists to buy guns.

jamezvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom You'd think she would of sent her fans after and reporting that account if it's not hers.Unless she doesn't know of it's existence.

Tucker's Mom said...

This why the federal government needs to get involved but has been blocked by pro-NRA politicians. They cannot have it both ways; protecting Americans from terrorists and allowing terrorists to buy guns.
Very eye-opening.

Anonymous said...

Serious question - if certain individuals, who have not broken any laws, can be put on the "No Fly List", why can't others, who after being questioned by the FBI and without being charged, be put on a "No Guns List". The airlines support the "No Fly List", I have to think gun dealers would welcome such a procedure, I mean who would want to be responsible for selling guns to an individual who would go on to commit such a despicable atrocity.


Deliverence said...

TLC stinks said... 171
Currently the FBI list is not tied to gun purchasers. Nor is the Homeland Security list.

Interesting. I did not know this. Is there a link to this information? ~ Administrator said...

If you don't think there is a black market for fake passports, you are incredibly naive. If you don't support more stringent gun laws because you don't think they can work, you should be against the no fly list as well because it is not a guarantee.


For the million and one time, I support banning people like Mateen from getting guns. God almighty. ~ Administrator said...

Nobody said that it *never* would have happened. We are talking about REDUCING the likelihood by reducing immediate access to weapons.


EVERYONE is saying it. It's all over the internet that if only guns were banned. It's all over facebook, twitter. It's everywhere, and it's so head-shaking.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think the only people who aren't saying we should ban weapons like the one used in Orlando are the politicians and businesses in bed with the NRA.
I just saw one interviewed on CNN who would not respond to the question of why these weapons are available for purchase.
He acted like a snake, slithering out of the question and making straw man arguments. ~ Administrator said...

The argument about the no fly list tied to guns is that it is secretive and there is no due process. If you're on it you're on it, and can't protest it or explain yourself.

There are a number of people on terrorist watch and no fly lists who have done nothing wrong. 60 Minutes did a piece on it, about how many people, the elderly, dead people, and including some 40 something dad from middle America accidentally ended up on it and now can't get off. They shouldn't be denied a right to own firearms because of some government foul-up. And it's not rare, it's been called a "data dump" to create it, full of spelling errors and other mistakes.

If they can figure out a fair grievance process to allow people to appeal their no-gun list if they have information to rebut the government's, I'm all for it. That seems like a fair compromise that should be able to be worked out if someone could lead Congress and get people to work together.

You never want government to get too powerful and you too helpless to defend yourself or lose your due process right to dispute their information. That's when we truly become a Nazi state. It's not about wanting people to get shot up with guns. ~ Administrator said...

I think the only people who aren't saying we should ban weapons like the one used in Orlando are the politicians and businesses in bed with the NRA.


I agree, and the polls bear that out. The vast majority of Americans are FINE with gun control policies. Within reason. I.e. preventing unstable and terrorists from getting weapons, banning assault weapons, waiting periods, background checks, and so on.

I for one am really tired of being lumped into a fringe but powerful lobby group, just because I support reasonable gun control for those who can't handle it while still allowing most people to own guns with certain regulations. I think people should spend more time contacting politicians who are cow-towing to interest groups, and less attacking good American citizens who are not and have never been a part of that.

Tucker's Mom said...

Milo is falling asleep at the wheel. The porn click bait on Kate's twitter is worse than ever.

JustMissy said...

If that's not her Instagram account, how did they get pictures of the decorated table and Shoka off the pillow? Just curious. She also had a Q&A 2 days ago and only answered 6 questions and then got bored. Sounds like her to me. And my heart goes out to the people of Orlando. As I said after the UCLA shooting, this had to stop. Doing nothing about nutjobs getting automatic weapons is no longer an option. But if it didn't happen after Sandy Hook I have very little faith it will happen now. Sad!

Math Girl said...

JustMissy said... 182
If that's not her Instagram account, how did they get pictures of the decorated table and Shoka off the pillow? Just curious.
The family pictures I saw on the instagram had also been posted by Kate on her twitter. I didn't check the dates, but I suspect the pics were copied from twitter to instagram, not the other way around. And not independently posted in both places.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Tucker's Mom said... 181
Milo is falling asleep at the wheel. The porn click bait on Kate's twitter is worse than ever.


If Kate had any sense at all, she would delete that account. Now, now later.

Jeanne said...

I don't believe that's Kate's instagram. The grammar and spelling are good and there's not one exclamation point. The only way it could be hers is if she finally hired someone to handle it.

Formerly Duped said...

Back to Buzzland: They have photos on the FB with captions like "It's A Buzz World with Matilda Jane Clothing." Ads! Having your children advertise as they play- reminds me of how the little Dionnes played and people gawked outside. Or how the Gosslins drank their Juicy Juice in Gymboree clothes...

Tucker's Mom said...

On the instagram account, I can't see all the postings. What questions did she answer? Anything illuminating?

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 186
Back to Buzzland: They have photos on the FB with captions like "It's A Buzz World with Matilda Jane Clothing." Ads! Having your children advertise as they play- reminds me of how the little Dionnes played and people gawked outside. Or how the Gosslins drank their Juicy Juice in Gymboree clothes...
Gymboree, Peace Love World, No Netz, video games, toys...
The Buzz kids are little billboards for Mommy and Daddy.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 186
Back to Buzzland: They have photos on the FB with captions like "It's A Buzz World with Matilda Jane Clothing." Ads!


JustMissy said...

Thanks, Math Girl. I do see those pictures on her Twitter timeline. Very sneaky. Some people must have a lot of time on their hands to create fake accounts for other people. Oy!

JustMissy said...

Her love of organic food, having 8 best friends, going to the beach for summer vacay, kids favorite films are Captain America and Jungle Book, and her love of reading. I should have known it was a fake account by that alone!

Anon today said...

My BIL and sister are in Anaheim at Disneyland and guess who they just ran into??? You got it, Kate plus 8. She texted me and I asked 100 questions. Steve is there. They had Disney employees with them. They were near It's A Small World. They were just in a huddle. She said she didn't see camera's but maybe they hadn't gotten there, or this was a day off and they already filmed. She also said one of the boys had a splint on his arm. Not a hard cast, she thought.

Anyway, we know where they are today and I respectfully ask to be anon on this. Really don't want to be known as a busybody.

Anon today

Tucker's Mom said...

Wow, interesting, Anon. They've got to be filming as I can't see Kate underwriting a trip to Disneyland.
Plus, the red carpet treatment, per usual.

The piecing and patching continues.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#186), and remember part of the cruise promotion was the opportunity to watch the G kids "play on the beach?" Talk about sounding like a carnival barker. Those children are human beings, not circus animals.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anyway, we know where they are today and I respectfully ask to be anon on this. Really don't want to be known as a busybody.

Anon today
Also, you're not a busybody for reporting a "celeb" sighting. I imagine there will be others Tweeting or reporting on other social media about sightings.

Jane said...

If they're at Disneyland on a true vacation, good for them. Based on what we've seen in the past though, it's unlikely that Kate paid for 10 people to travel to CA, paid for special admissions to Disneyland, paid for a hotel, and so on. I vote for filming.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jane (#196), I agree that it's highly unlikely this is coming out of TFW's wallet. It'd be $1000 just for the 10 of them to get through the gate. Then with food and souvenirs, it could be another $500.

But if she did pay, and it isn't being filmed, perhaps it was a bribe to get them to film other things? She's not the only one who can use "currency." Eleven months until she has 8 teenagers. Tick tock...

Tucker's Mom said...

Weren't the kids treated to Disneyland when Kate was on DWTS?
Great if she's taking them there to treat them like normal kids on a normal vacation, but I doubt it.

TLC stinks said...

My relatives, 6 adults and 4 children, just completed a week at Disneyworld in Orlando. $14k for the 10.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 199
My relatives, 6 adults and 4 children, just completed a week at Disneyworld in Orlando. $14k for the 10.

Plus you know Kate's not staying at the nearby Econo Lodge.

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