Sunday, August 30, 2015

Discussion Thread: Breaking the Silence

With little fanfare, tonight TLC airs their promised documentary about sexual abuse awareness. Commercial free. Check local listings.

2142 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 2142   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

I have always been under the impression that elected county officials did not make that much. For example, according to SimplyHired, as of Sept. 2015, the average salary of a county clerk in Kentucky is $49,000 which seems right to me. This woman appears overpaid, IMO. The median household income in her county is $33k-$34k. I found this on multiple sites.


That sounds about right to me.

The thing I'm thinking is has she been there a long time or at least with her county a long time? They might have a pay scale or steps that they follow. She might have started out in the 30's and 40's, but by staying there for many many years, or at least remaining a county employee, she could have slowly creeped up to 80k. 80k might be where she's tapped out, it has a "tap out" feel to it. Usually these salaries should be public record and any pay scales should be public record. Maybe someone can find them.

Even County attorneys really don't make as much as her--initially. In L.A. county attorneys starts in the 70's, which is pretty rock bottom for an attorney. BUT, it goes up. After one year you go into the six figures. As you work your way up, year after year, you are likely to be in the high 100's after a couple decades, and if you are able to make supervisor, 200k and over. You end up in the posse running the whole thing and you're making half a million a year. You could very well be doing the same duties as the 70k person, you could be sitting right next to them--it's just you've been there forever or worked your way up into some sort of supervisor thing--like she apparently has.

I am one of Eight said...

Jessa did have that post up on her instagram and took it down. I saw it when it was up.

TLC stinks said...

True, Admin, apparently she worked for many years as deputy clerk under her mother. I am guessing her son, Nathan, is attempting the same thing.

Rev. Susan Davis, contributor to Huffington Post:

But do not for a moment think that this is the end of the story. Ms Davis has auditioned for and has now won the role of Poster Child for the "Religious Liberty" movement. It is a movement that includes the scores of RFRAs (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) pending in state legislatures around the country designed to do nothing to protect actual religious liberty and everything to turn a fundamental protection of the First Amendment into a weapon of mass discrimination.

PA Dutch Mom said...

You end up in the posse running the whole thing and you're making half a million a year. You could very well be doing the same duties as the 70k person, you could be sitting right next to them--it's just you've been there forever or worked your way up into some sort of supervisor thing--like she apparently has.


Or in this case, you might be a ghost employee and still pulling in a nice salary: ~ Administrator said...

True, Admin, apparently she worked for many years as deputy clerk under her mother.


That's what it is then. She was savvy enough to get a county job when she was young and stayed there. She worked her way up the pay scale chart year after year. She got credit for every year and here she is at 80k, completely protected, when maybe the five other folks she works with make 35.

You should see the pensions some people have from just hanging around for 30 years. Pensions are usually public record. It's fun to find people I know. Take a gander. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder how long Kim will sit in jail over this. The judge has ordered the other clerks to start issuing these things. So what's the point now of rotting in jail other than as some martyr. She might tire of that after a few days of the real deal. This is probably the pits too. County jail. Not some cushie long term place.

I think procedure is she has to be brought out every five days for a new hearing and to reevaluate the contempt, at least that is how you do it in CA. As I understand contempt hearings, of which I've only done one that I actually did end up taking up to the court of appeal and the CA supreme court (hardly ever happens), the judge has to re-hold you in contempt each and every time and throw you back in jail. Here he's also supposed to put the reasons for the contempt in writing.

I'm sure she's got some fundie attorneys churning out a writ of habeus corpus as we speak. I'd offer them my template, but no. ~ Administrator said...

Oh and, it'll be great when they go whining to the Court of Appeal and the Court of Appeal tells them to f off. Which they will. Can't wait for that. They'll have the habeaus ready to file by maybe Tuesday (Monday's a holiday). Maybe they might get it in tomorrow if they have people working all night round the lock. We could have a Kim's in Jail party over the long weekend with recipes from Orange is the New Black. Chocolate and vanilla swirl on tap!

FYI said...

I found a PDF file titled "Duties of Elected Officials--Kentucky Legislature" dated August 2014.

Page 9 explains compensation for elected officials. It seems the compensation depends on the populations of the county where the official serves. According to the table included, the compensation for a county clerk in Rowan County(pop. 23,000) is $79,197.35.

This is the compensation table for the first year in office. I'm not sure if it will format correctly and be readable, so I apologize in advance if it comes out garbled.

Table 1.1 Salary Schedule For County Judges/Executive, County Clerks, Sheriffs, Jailers Operating Full-Service Jails, And Property Valuation Administrators Adjusted By Change In Consumer Price Index, 2014

Group Population
I 0-4,999 $64,531.18
II 5,000-9,999 $70,397.65
III 10,000-19,999 $76,264.12
IV 20,000-29,999 $79,197.35
V 30,000-44,999 $85,063.82
VI 45,000-59,999 $87,997.06
VII 60,000-89,999 $93,863.53
VIII 90,000-499,999 $96,796.76
IX 500,000 and more $102,663.24

Somehow it doesn't seem right that Judges and Sheriffs would also get the same salary, but that seems to be what the table says.

Anonymous said...

I will be Anoymous for this because of the hate that has permiated this website. I have never read such hateful comments as are on her concerning Kim Davis.

Some of us long time posters on here still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman When did this become wrong? My niece is in a civil "marriage" with her girlfriend and I am sad about it but have treated them with great respect.

Please calm down on the meanness toward Kim Davis. I read where she was born again just recently and has come to realize that she was living a sinful life.

I will not comment on this further as I will be jumped on just for expressing my opinion which matches the majority of the people in the United States, the "silent majority" who are afraid to speak up.

Can we get back to Kate and her wonderful life with her charming children?

TLC stinks said...

I know she was elected this past November. I do not get that scale. Surely that figure is not for everyone? Maybe what the figures indicate are the top salaries after accruing years. She is 49. Her mother had been county clerk for 40 years and Kim was a deputy clerk for 26 of those years. Friggin' dynasty with her son, Nathan, a deputy clerk.

TLC stinks said...

I checked, they do have incremental salary steps. Those figures are the top tier. She has maxed out.

Susan1956 said...

TLC stinks said... 9

I know she was elected this past November. I do not get that scale. Surely that figure is not for everyone? Maybe what the figures indicate are the top salaries after accruing years. She is 49. Her mother had been county clerk for 40 years and Kim was a deputy clerk for 26 of those years. Friggin' dynasty with her son, Nathan, a deputy clerk.

So Mama did Kim's annual evaluations for 26 years? Probably gave her a lot of 'merit' raises too. Even if she doesn't get impeached, good luck to her getting reelected. If Nathan is smart, he'll find another job sooner rather than later.

FYI said...

TLC stinks said... 10
I checked, they do have incremental salary steps. Those figures are the top tier. She has maxed out.

The part of the table I posted is for Step 1. There are four steps, with Step 4 being the highest. From the way I understand it they get moved to the next step after one year in office. Since the offices have 4 year terms, Step 4 would be the highest for their last year of that term. According to the table, Step 4 for her position lists the compensation as $ 87,997.06.

This is what the Elected Official Guide(the pdf file I linked) says about compensation and it's tiers:

"The salary schedule provides four steps for yearly increments within each population group. County officers named in this section are paid according to the first step within their population group for the first year or portion thereof they serve in office. On January 1 of each subsequent year, each officer shall be advanced automatically to the next step in the salary schedule until the maximum salary figure for the population group is reached.

Before assuming office on the first Monday in January, any person assuming any of the offices for which the salary is determined by this section must certify to the commissioner of the Department for Local Government the total number of years, not to exceed 4, that the person has previously served in the office. The department places the officer in the proper step based on a formula of one incremental step per full calendar year of service."

I read that as they get placed in Step 1 for their first year of service(which Davis is in) and then get an increase each year they serve in that office.

Although, I wonder what happens when they're re-elected. Do they start at Step 1 again? I couldn't find anything that relates to that. ~ Administrator said...

Some of us long time posters on here still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman When did this become wrong? My niece is in a civil "marriage" with her girlfriend and I am sad about it but have treated them with great respect.

Please calm down on the meanness toward Kim Davis. I read where she was born again just recently and has come to realize that she was living a sinful life.

I will not comment on this further as I will be jumped on just for expressing my opinion which matches the majority of the people in the United States, the "silent majority" who are afraid to speak up.


Anonymous first don't think I'm jumping on you. I don't hate Kim. I hate that she thinks she doesn't have to follow the law and is hurting others in the process. What if everyone did that? This issue is over. The Supreme Court decided it. People need to accept it and move on now. I don't consider the issue a political one at this point. It's now become a moral one.

What I don't understand about Kim is why she has done herself the courtesy of repenting but doesn't seem to think other people are entitled to that grace. It's arrogant. Then when she made that comment about being God's vessel she truly lost all credibility. How can one be so self absorbed?

I am not in any way shape or form trying to tell Kim she can't be opposed to gay marriage. Disagree to her heart's content. What she is not allowed to do, however, is refuse to follow the law in that opposition. If she doesn't want to follow it she has a very simple solution. Quit. Anarchy is not an acceptable way to deal with laws you disagree with.

Now that it's coming out Kim has tapped out at a cushie county salary, a big part of me wonders if this is really about money to her, not morals. If she quits her county job she spent 29 years building, it's back to the regular salary of us mediocre. Do I really believe this is all about morals to her? Doubtful.

It's not the majority. Poll after poll indicate the majority now support gay marriage. People have changed their minds. I myself didn't support it at one time. Now I do. I know a lot of gay people who are happily married and they're not hurting me. I had to change my mind.

I get that gay marriage is uncomfortable for people who have spent a lifetime surrounded by religious convictions, as I have. It was damn tough for me to get past. In fact, I was personally closely involved in a very painful situation where a close friend's husband left her for another man. I was in the wedding. That hurt terribly, mostly for her but to everyone who trusted him to love her. That was hard to reconcile for me. To some extent, I'm probably still a little uncomfortable when I see a gay couple together, perhaps I'd rather look away or would rather see a man and woman. But I came to realize that just because I'm uncomfortable, doesn't mean something is wrong. It's just different than my preferences, that's all. Perhaps my friend never would have married a gay man had he felt that he lived in a society where he was free to just be himself.

Again let me say I understand your perspective. I was once you, and I could have posted what you said a few years ago. I think at this point I would urge you to check out a documentary film like Bridegroom and ponder over it and be open to perhaps changing your mind, as many other Americans have.

fidosmommy said...

Somehow it doesn't seem right that Judges and Sheriffs would also get the same salary, but that seems to be what the table says.


Your resident Kentuckian here - each KY county has a county judge/executive, but that person is not part of the judicial branch. (He) is administrative only. (He) is kind of like a city's mayor, but (his) reach goes throughout the entire county, not limited to any particular city.

Judges who sit on benches and hear cases are a whole other beast.

County judge/executives are usually attorneys but I am not sure it is a requirement. I will have to look that up. Sometime.

When I was a young adult Mitch McConnell was our Jefferson County CJ/E. Yee haw. ~ Administrator said...

Somehow it doesn't seem right that Judges and Sheriffs would also get the same salary, but that seems to be what the table says.


Sheriffs make absolute BANK in L.A.

I know some dude that is planning to retire at 50 and all he's done is a few stints patrolling county jail then was a bailiff and read the newspaper. Of course there are always dangers and you carry a weapon, but even he admits he is living the dream. In seven years I've only ever had to have a bailiff take somebody down once. So the odds you ever have to do much are low.

County jobs, if you can snag one, are the new roads to riches. ~ Administrator said...

Oh according to the pension public record charts I've looked at for LA County, it's several sheriffs who have the biggest pensions of all of them, judges and attorneys alike.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Wonder if Kim and Nathan will be offered a reality show? She
may reconsider her standards of morality if the price is right.
Look at the parade of freaks the Duggars were willing to
share screen time with on TLC. "We don't watch those shows"
was a pretty freaking flimsy excuse, if you ask me.

Susan1956 said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 16

I know some dude that is planning to retire at 50 and all he's done is a few stints patrolling county jail then was a bailiff and read the newspaper. Of course there are always dangers and you carry a weapon, but even he admits he is living the dream. In seven years I've only ever had to have a bailiff take somebody down once. So the odds you ever have to do much are low.

Years ago, I worked as a nurse in a state mental hospital and as such was a state employee. While I was there, early retirement became an option for many. 80 and out is the slogan if I remember right. So if someone had started their career, whether as a kitchen worker, mental health tech, social worker, etc. at the hospital and put in 30 years they could retire at age 50. 30 years service + 50 (age)=80. Of course, they could continue to work past age 50 and the amount of their pension would be more when they did retire, but retiring at age 50 was an attractive option if they wanted to pursue another career.

I wonder if there is such an option in Kentucky. Ms. Davis probably doesn't have enough years in/hasn't reached the set age yet, but 23 or 26 years (I've seen both mentioned) is nothing to sneeze at.

NJGal51 said...

County, state and federal jobs assure a decent/very good salary and job security. I'm under the old Civil Service Retirement System and will retire with 80% of my salary. GS employees top out at a step 10 of their grade level (12 for some job series). So yes, she could very well be making $80K per year and she may even be eligible for retirement and if she isn't ready now, when she is ready her pension may be determined by her "high 3" salary years as it is with the fedgov.

Math Girl said...

Kate is a twit said... 13

"Before assuming office on the first Monday in January, any person assuming any of the offices for which the salary is determined by this section must certify to the commissioner of the Department for Local Government the total number of years, not to exceed 4, that the person has previously served in the office. The department places the officer in the proper step based on a formula of one incremental step per full calendar year of service."

I read that as they get placed in Step 1 for their first year of service(which Davis is in) and then get an increase each year they serve in that office.

Although, I wonder what happens when they're re-elected. Do they start at Step 1 again? I couldn't find anything that relates to that.

The way I read the above, if someone is re-elected, they could certify that the number of years previously served is the maximum (4), and stay at the top tier. I could be wrong, though.

amy2 said...

the "silent majority" who are afraid to speak up.
What are all of you afraid of? If you believe in something that strongly, why not defend it wholeheartedly, like this Kim person is.

Welp, first politics, and now religion, probably shouldn't be discussed here. But I'm done talking about Kate and her stupid apples. lol

TLC stinks said...

Kim Davis has three more years in her term. It appears to that the only way to get rid of her is impeachment, which could happen if pressure is applied to the KY legislature or the governor.

Every religion interprets the bible differently. The bible was written by many people in a different language thousands of years ago. A literal interpretation of second hand stories that have been translated, where gospels have been omitted or cherry picked over the ages is being used by some religions to justify bigotry, not just against gays but women too.

What this confrontation should do, IMO, is open people's eyes to some of the religious conservatives running for president. If they believe their religious beliefs trump the laws of this land, they are not presidential material. We are not electing a preacher-in-chief. Religion has become political, exactly what the founders of this country did not want.

TLC stinks said...

"But even more pressing than the legal dissimilarities are the religious ones. America's history is littered with religious people, with the deep conviction that they are acting under the authority of God, promoting ideas that in retrospect seem impossibly oppressive. Ironically, the treatment of women comes to mind, with ridiculous ideas about what women can and cannot do including having their own bank accounts, voting and divorce (of which Davis herself has had three). But of course the most horrific was slavery and later Jim Crow. Harry Stout at Yale explained how the "authority of God" had deadly consequences in the lead up to the Civil War:

If you pull the church out of the whole equation, it's highly likely that there never would have been a Civil War. Southern clergy had no doubt that slavery was not a sin.
Clearly religious conscience and authority of God in itself are never enough and have been used to devastating effect in America and around the world. There has to be another test and Martin Luther King offered the most concise example of that. His entire life's work was to make the world more equal, more just, and to extend Jesus' vision of the Kingdom of God to all people. He was guided by a deeply spiritual conviction of love that transformed many hearts and he is the highest example of a Christian that America has produced.

Kim Davis is going to jail for precisely the opposite reason. Instead of striving for a more inclusive world, she is going to jail in her desire to exclude. Instead of seeking justice for all, she was the obstacle to justice for gay couples. Instead of showing God's love for all, she is stingy in her understanding of love. Her actions, although she claims they are guided by God and love, have bruised and hurt the very people she was elected to serve. Here's a simple guide: If your love feels like hate then it is not love. If you are using God to denigrate and humiliate then it is not God."


I've also read some articles from The National Review, too, and they can't even justify Kim Davis.

P.J. said...

Anonymous said...9

I will be Anoymous for this because of the hate that has permiated this website. I have never read such hateful comments as are on her concerning Kim Davis.


Not true. Far worse has been said about KG and Josh Duggar and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, to name a few. Disagreeing with your opinion doesn't make it hate.

Anonymous said...9

Some of us long time posters on here still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman When did this become wrong?


I speak for myself here and I'm not sure why you are speaking for others or that you are speaking for others.

This woman is breaking the law. While I don't agree with every law on the books, I am strongly opposed to breaking the law. I've always believed that if you didn't agree with a law you change the law. In this case, enough people believed the law to be wrong and they changed it.

Anonymous said...9

I will not comment on this further as I will be jumped on just for expressing my opinion


I find that sad. We're all adults here and while some times things get a little heated, shall we say, most people are able to have real discussions and not let things get petty.

I have a niece and 2 nephews who are fundamentalist Christians and I think they're quite off the deep end with their beliefs. But, they don't impact my life in any way. I feel the same way about the gay community. I don't get to dictate my beliefs to either of those groups. This story isn't about beliefs, it's about civil rights.

Religious freedom is about the government not discriminating on the basis of religion, yet this is exactly what Kim Davis is doing as a government employee. She is refusing to do her job. She's discriminating against someone's beliefs and the law. Can she refuse marriage licenses to Jews? Muslims? To her, everyone who doesn't believe what she believes is wrong.

As I said yesterday, I almost admire the fact that she's really walking the walk, but she's dead wrong about the issue. The laws will never change back to what they were. ~ Administrator said...

t'. I take great offense at your opinion. Just BEING an LE member is dangerous nowadays. WTHeck?


You do? I agree with you. It's awful the way cops have been vilified and it's cost many innocent cops their lives.

However being a bailiff is in the safer end of LE because everyone you see has been through security and you have tons of backup 30 seconds away. Most of the dangerous people come to you already in cuffs. Becsuse if that it's extremely rare for a bailiff to get hurt so if you're looking for something safe that's a good avenue to pursue.

JoyinVirginia said...

Personal history: raised southern Baptist, my folks even believed dancing on Sunday was a sin. Very uncomfortable with ideas of same sex marriage when it first became widely discussed. Then, really good friend who had been married in Massachusetts to get long term female partner was unable to get a family membership to YMCA because Virginia didn't recognize same sex marriage. These women had been together for decades, it didn't seem right they could not get family membership.
What about state and federal taxes? They are a single household, but had to file separate, could not file as married, and that cost them real money. What about when one friend was in serious accident? If they had not already had signed medical power of attorney, friend's spouse would not have been considered next of kin, her adult son would have been considered the decision maker.
Remember what started all the court cases is the IRS! A a woman's long term partner died and surviving spouse was going to have to pay enormous estate taxes according to irs, being considered a legal spouse by the irs would save her literally teens of thousands of dollars.
So this raised southern Baptist changes her mind. Along with many of my church going friends. We didn't put up a rainbow flag or March in a gay pride event, but we did decide if two people love each other and want to be in a legally recognized union and get the tax benefits and legal protections of marriage, they should be able to do this!
There are many discussions like this that have gone on across America over bunco games and bridge games. Every one talks about their cousin, sibling, uncle, what ever relaive who is gay or lesbian and how this topic affects them.
People can change and have respectful conversations about what made you change your mind.
That is not an atmosphere off hate, that is a good discussion and exchange of ideas.
Most of the time, I believe the anonymous for now posts are from drive bys who are trying to be devisive.

TLC stinks said...

LOL that Trump signed that GOP pledge. They actually trust this guy to abide by that?!

BTW, my estimation of Jeb has gone up quite a bit. He's the only one to tangle with Trump. The others are weak. OK, that's it for prez politics.

I'd like to add a comment to the exchange between the anonymous poster and another here. I, too, have fundamental Christian relatives and I have no issue that they are entitled to their beliefs. I draw the line if they use those beliefs to break the law. We are equal before the law in this country. As far as marriage between gays, I accept it but it took a long time. What changes you are interactions with gays. Kim Davis claims she does not hate them. Maybe true, but in her eyes they are not her equal. Her way to heaven is not necessarily everyone's way to heaven. That's what is wrong with the fundamentalists. In fact, I remember being taught by nuns that the Catholic religion was the "one, true religion", so all religions are guilty of this. That kind of teaching fosters bigotry and even wars, something the Catholic Church is well known for (Crusades, for example). Look at what is happening in the Middle East with the fundamental Islamic clerics. I can totally understand why people become agnostics. I don't know what I believe anymore.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 14
Well said. If Anon doesn't appreciate that you are saying this with kindness and respect, I don't know what to say.
Kim Davis can have her opinions and beliefs. She can not, however, impose them on others and wield her power in a punitive fashion.

I remember about a dozen years ago, I was approached to sign a petition for gay marriage. Wow, have things have changed! It was almost a pipe dream back then.
But anyway, I remember being hesitant to sign it, not because I didn't support gay marriage, but because I knew it was not in alignment with my religious upbringing
Where the Catholic police going to come and un-sacrament me?!
I felt fearful, really, and I shouldn't have and needed to own my own opinions and views.
I signed it and for the first time, state how I felt on the record.

Views are changing and a recent Pew study shows just how accepting Catholics are of alternative families and lifestyles.

You're not the overwhelming majority anymore, Anon, silent or otherwise.

P.J. said...

Joy in Virginia said...

Most of the time, I believe the anonymous for now posts are from drive bys who are trying to be devisive.


I agree with your whole statement, but I completely agree with above.

Just own it if you believe it. Nobody here bites. ~ Administrator said...

The twitter account @nexttoKimDavis is just great, offering a lot of levity. It's someone pretending to be Kim's coworker who doesn't like all this fuss, just wants to do a mediocre job and get home to her (first) husband. Lol.

Mel said...

I don't think that hate permeates this blog about anything. People have not been saying hateful things about Kim Davis. It's been a pretty darn rational discussion.

Just because you happen to disagree with the prevailing thoughts doesn't mean that they are hateful.

And....on this blog we tend to own what we say. You should try it.

And no, no one is saying that marriage between a man and woman is wrong. They're saying that Kim Davis is obligated by her job to issue a marriage permit to any qualified couples. She doesn't get to choose which couples.

On her own time she can rail against same sex marriage all she wants. She can organize protests, marches, lobby her senator, start anti gay clubs, shout in the streets, whatever.

But when she's on work time she needs to issue the damn permits and keep her opinions to herself.

In this country you don't get to choose which laws you'll obey. You obey all of them or face the consequences.

And if you find this "hateful", I feel sorry for you. ~ Administrator said...

My niece is in a civil "marriage" with her girlfriend and I am sad about it but have treated them with great respect.


This shouldn't be sad. They love each other, they're not hurting anyone, and they're happy. Why would that make anyone sad?

Wouldn't it be sadder if the government said two consenting adults who love each other SHOULDN'T be together? Wouldn't it be sadder if those two women felt they had to marry a man they don't love because that's what society tells them? Perhaps bring children into the world only to end up separated and kids who feel like their life was a lie? That would be terribly painful. You're happy I guess, but then many nice people are sad because they can't be together and a family is broken. That doesn't make sense to me. They're IN the situation, not some outsider who is feeling happy or sad for some relationship they're not even in. Shouldn't the people in such situations have a right to choose happiness? ~ Administrator said...

I hadn't seen this video.

It brought me to tears watching the gentleman making reasonable, rational arguments to that bigot about why she should just give them their license.

"You do not understand what you're doing to people."

Oh, and the blond woman sitting there is the one the nexttoKimDavis account has "adopted" as who she is. Is this a bad time to get my burrito out of the microwave? LOL.

Tucker's Mom said...

As I said yesterday, I almost admire the fact that she's really walking the walk, but she's dead wrong about the issue. The laws will never change back to what they were.
Davis wants it both ways. She wants to get paid a very handsome salary and refuse to execute her duties.
Duties that she swore an oath to do, and a salary that the public's taxes are paying for.
Sorry, nope.
I would have a whole lot more respect for her if she abdicated her position which would ensure the continuing issuing of marriage licenses to all who are ENTITLED to have them.
As a public official, you are the office, not the individual.

TLC stinks said...

FYI, the Catholic police years ago took away my sacraments because I married someone of a different faith. Also, I was on birth control, a big no no. I was asked by a priest. So embarrassing.

We were married by a Protestant chaplain and I haven't looked back. I was a good Catholic growing up (Catholic school, weekly confession etc). I detest attending Catholic weddings with a mass because I cannot take communion.

Oh, and my future father-in-law (Southern Baptist) was not thrilled his son was marrying a Catholic. He also did not like Jews. And there you go, why religion needs to stay out of politics. It gets personal. ~ Administrator said...

I would have a whole lot more respect for her if she abdicated her position which would ensure the continuing issuing of marriage licenses to all who are ENTITLED to have them.
As a public official, you are the office, not the individual.


Yes, and I'm surprised that after all that time there she doesn't subscribe to that. Jobs where you take an oath are different. If you don't believe in that oath mind body and spirit, get out. It's a higher calling than other jobs. You're a public servant and you have to follow your marching orders.

I guess you could make the argument well isn't that what the Nazis did, just followed orders and didn't say no. But I don't go down that rabbit hole. This is about a law that is MORE inclusive, not less inclusive. Throughout history, acts of noble defiance from government officials and others were always about a law that OPPRESSED. This law in no shape or form oppresses others. It's about a law that STOPS oppression. I think Kim thinks she is one of those government officials faced with something wrong, in her head, and that she has to defy it because that's what's right. She is not seeing the distinguishing factor between this and other situations where passive resistance won the day. She is no Gandhi.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 27

You list all the reasons that I had to go with my conscience and not religious dogma.

If you haven't watched, try to view Rosie O'Donnell's "All Aboard" Rosie's Family Cruise. It's a documentary about a cruise for gay couples and their families.
It's very touching and real. These are real people with real lives and real children.
When the ship was docked in Nassau, the families that disembarked to tour the town had to pass through a phalanx of frothing, bible-thumping, hateful "Christians" who were yelling at them that they were all going to hell.

It's shameful what people do in the name of God. ~ Administrator said...

If you haven't watched, try to view Rosie O'Donnell's "All Aboard" Rosie's Family Cruise. It's a documentary about a cruise for gay couples and their families.
It's very touching and real. These are real people with real lives and real children.



I think one of the best ways to become more open to this issue is to start by being open to becoming friends with people who have different sexual preferences than you. You can find the gays at art festivals, museums and coffee shops--hehe, totally kidding! In seriousness, turns out, having gay friends is like any other friendship and according to Kathy Griffin, BETTER.

It's easy to say gay people shouldn't get married. It becomes harder when there is a name, face, and friendship involved, and you have to say to Charlie, my sweet friend, I want to stop you from marrying your totally cute and hot boyfriend.

Tucker's Mom said...

We were married by a Protestant chaplain and I haven't looked back. I was a good Catholic growing up (Catholic school, weekly confession etc). I detest attending Catholic weddings with a mass because I cannot take communion.
I strongly oppose priests telling any Catholic who has received the sacrament of Holy Communion.
I'm sorry you went through and still go through that.
It's bullshit.

When DH and I got married, we got married in the Catholic church. Our priest was pretty strict, but whatever, we weren't marrying him!
But, I had no idea how strict.
During our full Catholic mass, when the time came for the attendees to receive communion, our priest told people who had eaten within the past 2 hours to stay seated (paraphrasing).
I looked back and saw several people sit back down.
I was so PISSED.
I seem to recall some rule about fasting beforehand, but really? At my wedding?

He also doesn't allow girls to be alter servers because they'll take positions that future priests could have.
Yeah, like that's why American men aren't entering the priesthood these days.
We switched churches, needless to say.

Tucker's Mom said...

She is no Gandhi.
Nor is she MLK Jr.
She's George Wallace.

localyocul said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 31
The twitter account @nexttoKimDavis is just great, offering a lot of levity. It's someone pretending to be Kim's coworker who doesn't like all this fuss, just wants to do a mediocre job and get home to her (first) husband. Lol.


That account is so funny

localyocul said...

My ex-mother-in-law died two weeks ago. The priest addressed his condolences to my ex and his wife, AND to my sister-in-law and her partner.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#39), I think you hit a big part of it. I suspect many, if not
most, of the people decrying homosexuality have not had more
than a brief encounter with a gay person in their whole lives.
So their judgment is based on hearsay, exaggeration, and lies.

Tucker's Mom (#38), I didn't see Rosie's documentary, but
I have several gay couple friends. One that I don't know
intimately, but knew through another friend, is a male couple
who got together in the '90's and adopted 4 special needs
kids from different ethnic backgrounds. And according to
Kim, not only will these men not get into heaven when they
die, but they are doomed to burn in hell for all eternity? ~ Administrator said...

That account is so funny


Hilarious. Moments like these I love twitter.

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 42m42 minutes ago
We're in fucking charge now, #KimDavis, and EVERYONE GETS TO WEAR JEANS!!!

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 16h16 hours ago

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 16h16 hours ago
.@ScottyRad As long as I get off by noon for Labor Day weekend, I will FUCKING MARRY ANYONE TO EACH OTHER

She's tweeting my girl Carly LOL!
Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 17h17 hours ago
.@CarlyFiorina I want to go to jail and get a million dollars, too. AND I DO MY FUCKING JOB. WANNA GET MARRIED? COME ON DOWN!

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 17h17 hours ago
.@GovMikeHuckabee Be warned, she's probably going to show up 45 minutes late WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO GIVE A GODDAMN EXCUSE


Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 19h19 hours ago
.@shayshinecastle on my lunch break I get to fight for the last splenda packet with @wolfblitzer's FUCKING SOUND GUY.

And it goes on in hilarity. ~ Administrator said...

Admin (#39), I think you hit a big part of it. I suspect many, if not
most, of the people decrying homosexuality have not had more
than a brief encounter with a gay person in their whole lives.
So their judgment is based on hearsay, exaggeration, and lies.


They think they're going to rape little children in the restrooms.

There is a little bit of propaganda, well a lot, that has gone on here for a very long time. Also, people are always scared of what they don't know anything about.

TLC stinks said...

Too bad that twitter account is not the real deal. I doubt there is much laughter in that office.

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Girl again (Hi to you all too!)

Just wondering here.

I wonder if Jacob Roloff is still under contractual agreement with TLC. If not, I wonder if he would be willing to be interviewed about growing up on Reality TV?

What's the work schedule? How does he feel about his parents giving up his privacy when he was a child? Was he told he had to work to enable to family to survive or take trips? What was his relationship to the crew? Why does he think his siblings came through this experience feeling differently than he does? Does he think they do feel differently, or are they seeking spin-off shows? Was he ever forced to film when he didn't want to? How did being on the show affect his education and friendships? There are a million questions.

Susan1956 said...

I've been reading some of the news coverage this morning and it sounds like Mr. Davis is quite the guy. Giving interviews, standing in the clerk's office making comments, etc. I think both sides e-mail porters of Mrs. Davis and gay marriage--should be allowed to be outside the building, but the actual county clerk's office should be off-limits to both sides.

Dmasy said...

JoyinVirginia (27) -- I don't have to write a word. You said it all and so very well. Thank you.

TLC stinks said...

A second same sex couple got their license this morning. Amazingly, demonstrators in support of Kim Davis are allowed inside the clerk's office, I suppose to intimidate people. The couple was called "perverts" and Kim Davis husband said "disgraceful".

Demonstrators outside the Court House are angry at the deputy clerks because they are not standing behind Kim and are "risking their salvation".

There will be a demonstration outside the jail where Davis is being held 11:00am on Saturday and the Liberty Council will hold a press conference outside her jail at 2:30 today.

But wait, there's more:

With same-sex couples expected to show up for marriage licenses on Friday, Joe Davis arrived around 6:15 a.m. and stood in front of door, chanting "Governor do your job or resign."

Joe Davis told WDRB's Toni Konz he was in court with Kim on Thursday, but did not see her as she was being led away in handcuffs. He says he has spoken with her but has not seen her, because visiting days at the Carter County jail are Wednesdays and Sundays.

When asked how long Davis is prepared to stay in jail, Joe Davis replied: "As long as it takes. She will not be bullied." He says she is in good spirits and doing OK.

Joe Davis also says he's a registered Democrat, but he will never vote Democrat again.

He says Gov. Mike Huckabee personally called Kim on her cell phone to support her, and says Huckabee will be coming to Kentucky on Tuesday.

Joe Davis says Kim has no plans to resign, and their son, Nathan Davis, a Rowan County deputy clerk, will not issue any marriage licenses, but will not stand in the way of others.

"Bunning cannot bully me, my wife or my son," Davis said. "I taught my son how to stand up for what's right and what he believes in at any cost. Bunning doesn't know how to pick on somebody that can handle him. The only thing he knows how to do is to pick up on the weak people.

"So therefore, I'm not weak, I'm strong. I would defy him -- I'd defy our government. We have no government in the United States anymore, none whatsoever."

Davis says If necessary,he and his son, Nathan, are prepared to go jail. He says the family has received death threats.

TLC stinks said...

So this husband does not believe in the U.S. government. Does he pay his taxes??

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So Kim's husband says SHE'S being bullied? It's like bizarro
world! Watching the oppressors turn themselves into victims --
it boggles my mind.

Susan1956 said...

#49---seems I can't post correctly on my phone either. LOL.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis and son seem to feel they own the county clerk's office in Rowan County. I'd like to know if Mrs. Davis is being paid during her stint in jail. She should have to use her accumulated paid time off (probably has plenty of hours) to cover her absence.

fade2black said...

I am confused. Mr. Davis says Mrs. Davis will stay in jail "as long as it takes". As long as it takes to do what? She's made her opinion known and marriage licenses are being issued in spite of them. What is she hoping to accomplish before she emerges?

TLC stinks said...

The husband is doing his wife no favors with his mouth. Big talker. He's not the one in jail.

TLC stinks said...

Kim Davis, currently the most famous bigot in The United States (congrats, Kim! You earned it!), is cooling her heels in jail after a district court judge held her in contempt of court for not complying with federal law. But if the embattled county clerk who’s functioning under God’s authority thinks she’s going to make some sweet, sweet dough from her time in the slammer, she’s dead wrong.

Unlike Memories Pizza, which raised hundreds of thousands of dollars when they went under for their bigotry, Kim Davis is a little too late to the party. GoFundMe’s policy has changed, and according to Addicting Info, no matter how her supporters twist it, no money’s coming her way if the site upholds their policy.

From Addicting Info:

After watching several high-profile conservative faux-victims become millions from exploiting their site, the creators finally announced that enough was enough. In April, they announced that they would no longer certain types of disgusting campaigns from thriving on GoFundMe. More specifically – and this is where Davis gets screwed out of the millions surely waiting for her – the site has a specific policy about criminals:

‘Campaigns in defense of formal charges or claims of heinous crimes, violent, hateful, sexual or discriminatory acts.’

And from GoFundMe:

We are also informing users that GoFundMe reserves the right to share the content from a deleted campaign with law enforcement, donors or stated beneficiaries who wish to file a police report about any misuse of fundraising proceeds. The added language can be found below:

By using GoFundMe, Users are representing and warranting that all donations received are being given and being used solely for the purpose(s) stated within the content of the User’s campaign. We reserve the right to provide information relating to your campaign with donors and beneficiaries of your campaign, and with law enforcement or to assist in any investigation.

As Addicting Info points out, Davis fits two of GoFundMe’s campaign deletion criteria. That makes it doubly impossible for her to gather enough money to pay her salary for a year, or her bail, or that new boat she’d probably really like at the end of all this. The only thing Davis can hope for now—besides the media completely forgetting her—is a book deal. But look on the bright side, Kim. At least Mike Huckabee thinks you’re cool.

Susan1956 said...

I'm going to take back what I said in #54. Mrs. Davis SHOULD not be paid her salary while she's in jail on contempt for refusing to carry out the duties of her office nor should she be allowed to use PTO time to cover her lost time/wages. That money can be used to support her stay in the county jail.

I also think the judge needs to take a look at the son. Wouldn't deputy clerks also take an oath or have a job description that mirrors the elected county clerk's?

TLC stinks said...

Holy Crapola!

Appearing on Crosstalk on Wednesday, attorney Matt Staver of the Liberty Counsel compared Davis to Jews under the Nazis.

“Does that mean that if you’re Christian, don’t apply here; if you’re a Jew, you gotta get — what happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment, then they stopped patronizing them in their private businesses, then they continued to stigmatize them, then they were the ‘problems,’ then they killed them,” Staver said. “The fact of the matter is, she has a right to this employment and you don’t lose your constitutional liberties just because you are employed by the government.”

redbird said...

Why are the Duggars so quiet right now about what is going on in bluegrass country?

Can you imagine before the molestations and AM came out and Josh speaking out in support about Kim Davis not issuing the licenses? He would of been rabid!

Some of the pictures of Kim Davis remind me of Michelle Duggar.

Kim Davis's doppelganger is Michelle Duggar!

redbird said...

Oh, I would think she would of had so much sick leave saved up by now. She seems to me to be the type of person who is never late, goes by the books, except this time. If she didn't want to issue a same-sex marriage license, she should of refused the first one who asked and then see what would happen. Then when she was asked again she should of said, due to my religious beliefs, I cannot do this and I am going to turn in my resignation effective immediately.

She should of resigned and let the other deputy clerks issue the licenses. The governor needs to appoint a new chief deputy clerk.

Tucker's Mom said...

The fact of the matter is, she has a right to this employment and you don’t lose your constitutional liberties just because you are employed by the government.”
Where does it say we have a constitutional right to discrimination?
What an utter slap in the face to Holocaust Jews

TLC stinks said...

The son is not in jail because he agreed to not interfer, so that makes me think there was a threat that he would.

I heard that if she were released and then continued to deny licenses, the contempt charges could then become criminal contempt charges because her actions would be deliberate after being warned.

The husband, IMO, sounded somewhat threatening towards the judge.

Tucker's Mom said...

Some of the pictures of Kim Davis remind me of Michelle Duggar.

Kim Davis's doppelganger is Michelle Duggar!
Well, Michelle sports the mullet, but the look is very similar.
I'm glad that the Duggar girls don't have to wear tents anymore.

Susan1956 said...

redbird said... 61

Oh, I would think she would of had so much sick leave saved up by now.

Redbird, I was commenting on her PTO. She should be forced to use that to cover her absence while she is in jail. Not her sick leave. She's not sick, just stubborn and bigoted. I do agree she probably has plenty of time saved up in both categories.

I still say the judge needs to address the matter of her son Nathan more completely. At least one of the other deputy clerks commented that she too holds religious beliefs which do not recognize same-sex marriages (preacher's daughter) but she will issue marriage licenses. To allow NathanBoy to remain in the county clerk's office AND refuse to issue marriage licenses while drawing his paycheck sets a bad precedent.

Susan1956 said...

WTH? I was surfing the net and found out that the son Nathan is only 21 years old! Talk about a dynasty! That is so wrong.

And Mr. Davis? He was both his missus' 2nd AND current husband.

PA Dutch Mom said...

admin said, "Again let me say I understand your perspective. I was once you, and I could have posted what you said a few years ago. I think at this point I would urge you to check out a documentary film like Bridegroom and ponder over it and be open to perhaps changing your mind, as many other Americans have."


Perhaps some, who have been raised believing what the anonymous person posted -- that marriage between same sex couples is wrong -- don't want to change their minds because this is the belief system/moral values they have held all of their lives, and with conviction.

The following is from an editorial in our local newspaper. It seems to be the "in" thing to do -- hop on the gay rights bandwagon because it seems socially progressive, free love and all that, but underneath it all, there may be strong convictions among many that this lifestyle just isn't right but people are afraid of speaking up:

"But what I think it all shows is that while the issue of gay marriage may have been legally settled, it absolutely has not been culturally settled. I know my friends on the left think Davis a backward, hate-filled troglodyte. If that’s the case, I would say there are a lot of “troglodytes” in this country.

And I wonder what the left’s strategy for pacification is.

As I said in a Facebook conversation yesterday, there seems to be this broad belief on the left that the seismic social changes that have been coming so quickly, and have been so sweeping, simply “must” be accepted by everyone. And a failure or refusal to accept all these changes demonstrates a hidebound bigotry. You will accept these changes and like it, the attitude seems to be. And the assumption is, people will acclimate themselves to the new regime, and go quietly."

PA Dutch Mom said...

I am confused. Mr. Davis says Mrs. Davis will stay in jail "as long as it takes". As long as it takes to do what? She's made her opinion known and marriage licenses are being issued in spite of them. What is she hoping to accomplish before she emerges?


Probably nothing. She's taking a stand. It reminds me of when Henry David Thoreau ("Civil Disobedience") was jailed for refusing to pay a poll tax on the grounds that the money might be used to pay for the Mexican-American War, which he opposed. Someone paid the tax for him and he didn't want to leave jail.

When his friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson, visited him in the slammer, Emerson asked him, ""David, what are you doing in jail?" to which Thoreau replied, "Ralph, what are you doing outside?"

TLC stinks said...

I agree about the son. I am confused as to why he does not have to issue marriage licenses like the other deputy clerk despite her religious beliefs. For some reason, he gets a pass which you think would please the husband. Instead, Mr. Davis is making a stink about the judge.

P.J. said...

I'm disappointed that the judge let her son get away with his refusal to issue the licenses. That's confusing to me. What would the judge have done if another clerk had refused? Would he have accepted no for an answer? How could the judge have different standards for 2 different employees? There are some serious politics at play here.

I can see the judge not wanting the situation to escalate, but I believe he dropped the ball by giving the son a pass. That is patently unfair. I believe that son has been given special privileges in that office since the day he started there.

P.J. said...

What's going to happen if a clerk sides with the law and doesn't have a problem with gay marriage? Talk about a hostile work environment. How many of the clerks kept their mouths shut because they feared the wrath of Kim Davis?

TLC stinks said...

Her attorney says:
Ms. Davis would agree to record licenses issued by the clerk’s office, rather than in the name of the clerk, herself. Matt Bevin, the Republican candidate for governor, proposed a license form that couples could obtain online, without a county clerk’s involvement.

PA Dutch Mom said...

..."They love each other, they're not hurting anyone, and they're happy..."


Does this define the Pleasure Principle, if it feels good, do it, the force driving the id? (Freud)? If one follows this, does he ever mature if gratification is never deferred?

There are those who were raised to take the Bible literally and will cite Sodom and Gomorrah, the pleasure cities, where dwellers were guilty of many things, but foremost was homosexuality. If one believes Biblical accounts, what happened there wasn't very pretty.

Gawd, it's hot here. I hope it's cooler under the veranda!

redbird said...

Mr. Davis is #2 AND #4? oh my lanta!

Kim Davis married #1, got divorced, had twins 5 months after the divorce. Married #2 and he adopted the twins. Divorced #2, then married #3, the bio dad of the twins! Divorced #3 and remarried #2 and is currently married to him.

Her mother was chief deputy clerk for 37 years and retired. Kim Davis is elected in and has been working for 27 years. Her 21 yr. old son is a deputy clerk.

3 generational deputies in that office!

Now she is in jail for not issuing gay marriage licenses and causing such an uproar.

Wow, you just can't make this stuff up!

Susan1956 said...

According to MR. Davis and her attorney, his missus is willing to remain in jail until a compromise is reached. Namely, that her name and title would not appear on any marriage licenses issued in Rowan County. Wow, talk about having your $80,000 for only doing most of your assigned job duties.

Blowing In The Wind said...

She didn't "stop and think?" Shades of Kate!

Beth said...

Marriage btw a man and a woman and his sisters. And some porn stars.

Marriage btw a man and awoman. And then this man. And than that man oh, back to this man

1 man. 1 woman --- until someone better comes along

Why Anonymous? I would think you'd be proud of your convictions.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 9
I will be Anoymous for this because of the hate that has permiated this website. I have never read such hateful comments as are on her concerning Kim Davis.

Some of us long time posters on here still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman When did this become wrong? My niece is in a civil "marriage" with her girlfriend and I am sad about it but have treated them with great respect.

Please calm down on the meanness toward Kim Davis. I read where she was born again just recently and has come to realize that she was living a sinful life.
I too will be Anonymous in responding to your comment. First - let me express that I do NOT hate Kim Davis, but I do not respect her or the way she has chosen to express her religious beliefs. Everyone has the right to their personal religious beliefs. No one wants to take that away from Mrs. Davis. No churches will be forced to marry a gay or lesbian couple against their will. However, it is now the law of the land that gays and lesbians can get married, and Kim Davis, in her choice to be a government employee and take tax payer money of close to $80K per year as income, must follow the law.

There was a simple solution to Kim Davis' moral conundrum: She is not the only clerk within her department who can issue marriage licenses. There are at least 5 others who work in that department and I believe any one of them has the ability to issue marriage licenses. Kim Davis told the judge in the latest hearing that she would not allow any of them to issue marriage licenses to gay or lesbian couples. That's one of the reasons she's cooling her heels in county jail right now.

I respect the right of every person to have their own particular religious beliefs. I do not respect Ms. Davis trying to impose her personal beliefs on the rest of the world. That is not right, and in her case, she's breaking the law and breaking her oath of office every time she does so. I find that unworthy of any amount of respect.

The solution is simple: If you have strongly held religious beliefs, then you should probably find a job that does not conflict with those beliefs. But be aware, job descriptions can and do change, and you have to be prepared to deal with that. Davis still has options: 1) Agree to let others within her dept. issue marriage licenses and not hinder them, nor punish them for doing so; 2) Resign her position and find another job that does not require her to deal with gays or lesbians, since she does not approve of them; 3) least likely of all, agree to follow the law of the land and the oath of her office, and issue marriage licenses to all couples, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Tucker's Mom said...

"But what I think it all shows is that while the issue of gay marriage may have been legally settled, it absolutely has not been culturally settled. I know my friends on the left think Davis a backward, hate-filled troglodyte. If that’s the case, I would say there are a lot of “troglodytes” in this country.
I think the author is conflating hating (strong word, really) Davis and her beliefs with hating what she's doing with them in the name of religion.
My feelings of negativity towards Davis are from the latter, not the former.
It's a straw man argument to say that people on the "left" think everyone should like it and stfu. That's simply not true.
What we all must do is obey the law.

Sorry, the law is way, way ahead of some people in this country. I get that and Mrs. Davis can reject gay marriage-just not in her elected, official government position.

It's just so simple. She should have resigned but she wants to make a point, and she's paying for the manner in which she chose to do it.

She won't change the law, pure and simple. I have no idea what her end game is, and can't bring myself to admire the cause for which she's sacrificing.

Frankly, I really feel for the gay couples who have waited years for their chance to marry, and who meet with this type of religious anarchy when they apply for a license.
What a kick in the teeth.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Kim Davis married #1, got divorced, had twins 5 months after the divorce. Married #2 and he adopted the twins. Divorced #2, then married #3, the bio dad of the twins! Divorced #3 and remarried #2 and is currently married to him.


Well, at least there are no strangers there. She's kept it all in the big happy, happy circle of husbands! I wonder if they all sit down together for Thanksgiving dinner.

Tucker's Mom said...

P.J. said... 71
What's going to happen if a clerk sides with the law and doesn't have a problem with gay marriage? Talk about a hostile work environment. How many of the clerks kept their mouths shut because they feared the wrath of Kim Davis?

Mrs. Davis has lorded over that office and I don't get the sense that she'd take kindly to anyone issuing such licenses.
She abused her power, plain and simple.

FYI said...

She's taking a stand. It reminds me of when Henry David Thoreau ("Civil Disobedience") was jailed for refusing to pay a poll tax on the grounds that the money might be used to pay for the Mexican-American War, which he opposed. Someone paid the tax for him and he didn't want to leave jail.

But Henry David Thoreau wasn't an elected official, who swore to uphold the laws of the state and the Constitution. He protested something he felt was unfair, but he didn't infringe on others' rights.

SCOTUS by their ruling struck down state laws that banned same sex marriage declaring them unconstitutional.

SCOTUS didn't make a law, they interpreted the existing law in some states as unconstitutional, (based on the 14th amendment) which some Presidential candidates and others refuse to understand.

Yes, she can take a stand, but she cannot deny others the civil rights to which they are entitled. Henry David Thoreau did not do that.

I've also noticed that the candidates supporting her are using her as part of their agenda against Obama, Hillary and "sanctuary" cities. They don't give a damn about her. They are only using her to further THEIR agenda.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 72
Her attorney says:
Ms. Davis would agree to record licenses issued by the clerk’s office, rather than in the name of the clerk, herself. Matt Bevin, the Republican candidate for governor, proposed a license form that couples could obtain online, without a county clerk’s involvement.
Why in the heck should gay couples have to do this? Because Davis says so?
This is a solution in search of a problem.

Again, this is discriminatory.
I can go into the office and get a license but a gay man has to apply online and jump through hoops.

That's ridiculous.

Tucker's Mom said...

Susan1956 said... 75
According to MR. Davis and her attorney, his missus is willing to remain in jail until a compromise is reached. Namely, that her name and title would not appear on any marriage licenses issued in Rowan County.
I think it's laughable that Davis believes she's got some sort of bargaining power here.

Midnight Madness said...

Marriage btw a man and a woman and his sisters. And some porn stars.

Marriage btw a man and awoman. And then this man. And than that man oh, back to this man

1 man. 1 woman --- until someone better comes along


Didn't someone post that Davis is a recently "born again" Christian, and if so, then these marriages occurred before her new-found religion?

I'm not sure of the timeline there...

TLC stinks said...

From Huffington Post:

One of her attorneys, Roger Gannam, claims:

"Today, for the first time in history, an American citizen has been incarcerated for having the belief of conscience that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. And she's been ordered to stay there until she's willing to change her mind, until she's willing to change her conscience about what belief is."
That is a bald-faced lie. Ms. Davis is in jail for contempt of court, not for her beliefs. Her attorney knows this, but the rubes on the Right, whose pockets they want to pick, don't know this. Gannam's statement isn't legally accurate, but it is good publicity for Liberty Counsel's fund appeal letters and e-mails....

....When she took office, it was already widely known that gay marriage would be ruled on shortly. It was also widely speculated that the Supreme Court would rule in favor of marriage equality, especially given the almost unanimous lower court rulings. So, the "hazard" of having to issue same-sex marriage licenses was one she knew was a very real possibility when she took the job. She went into this with eyes wide open.

The marriage license was legally valid because the Country Clerk issued it, not because Kim Davis issued it. She could resign and issue licenses all day long from her home, but that wouldn't make them legal. Kim Davis has no legal authority other than when acting as Clerk, and, when she is acting as County Clerk she is not acting on her own behalf.

As this is the case, her personal religious views are utterly immaterial. The County itself does not hold religious views. State and religion are separate entities. If Ms. Davis is under the impression the County Clerk should have religious beliefs, she is mistaken. The County Clerk is an office, not a person.

What Davis is doing in issuing a license is merely saying two people are legally qualified to enter a marriage. She is not sanctioning the marriage. She is not saying she approves of their choices. She is merely affirming they are legally qualified, nothing more. She is not approving of it, or disapproving of it. If she can't do her job, then she should resign.

White Organza said...

Job descriptions can and do change, and you have to be prepared to deal with that. Davis still has options: 1) Agree to let others within her dept. issue marriage licenses and not hinder them, nor punish them for doing so; (77)

This is where I don't get it in this Davis situation. Here, in Canada, there is a provision in the law that adresses these situations: the "reasonable accommodation". If for some reason or other (religion, physical disabilities, etc.) you can't do part of your job description, you can propose a reasonable accommodation, -like delegating some of your tasks to others-, and it will be accepted. (It also works the other way around where the "client" can ask for a special accommodation, but that is another story... ) And from what I read on the web, the U.S. seems to have a similar law, no?

FYI said...

Perhaps some, who have been raised believing what the anonymous person posted -- that marriage between same sex couples is wrong -- don't want to change their minds because this is the belief system/moral values they have held all of their lives, and with conviction.

The following is from an editorial in our local newspaper. It seems to be the "in" thing to do -- hop on the gay rights bandwagon because it seems socially progressive, free love and all that, but underneath it all, there may be strong convictions among many that this lifestyle just isn't right but people are afraid of speaking up.

Gay rights is not about the "in thing" to do. It is about giving people who are committed to each other the same rights as heterosexuals. The freedom to love who they want, and to benefit from the same rights that a heterosexual couple have under the law.

Why should a heterosexual couple be able to reap the benefits of marriage(i.e. tax benefits, survivorship rights, and other rights that are give to heterosexual couples), when a couple of the same sex who are in a committed relationship(and want to validate that relationship) be denied those rights?

You have the religious freedom to believe what you want, but you don't have the freedom to deny other people the same rights as you have.

Susan1956 said...

Kim Davis' attorneys just held a press conference. According to them, she slept well, with a clear conscience, has been reading the Bible, going thru Scriptures, and has no animosity towards deputy clerks that will issue marriage licenses. BUT, Mrs. Davis is also of the opinion that any marriage licenses issued today are void, " not worth the paper they are written on".

When will Ms. Davis get it thru her head that she is an elected official AND not the office itself? Does anyone else see any resemblance to some of the other 'public figures' we've discussed on this board? Kate, JoshieBoy, JimBoob? If she was a man, people would say she's got some brass ones. Mark my words, she's holding out for a book deal, the cover of People, etc.

Kaya said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 67
admin said, "Again let me say I understand your perspective. I was once you, and I could have posted what you said a few years ago. I think at this point I would urge you to check out a documentary film like Bridegroom and ponder over it and be open to perhaps changing your mind, as many other Americans have."


Perhaps some, who have been raised believing what the anonymous person posted -- that marriage between same sex couples is wrong -- don't want to change their minds because this is the belief system/moral values they have held all of their lives, and with conviction.

The following is from an editorial in our local newspaper. It seems to be the "in" thing to do -- hop on the gay rights bandwagon because it seems socially progressive, free love and all that, but underneath it all, there may be strong convictions among many that this lifestyle just isn't right but people are afraid of speaking up:

"But what I think it all shows is that while the issue of gay marriage may have been legally settled, it absolutely has not been culturally settled. I know my friends on the left think Davis a backward, hate-filled troglodyte. If that’s the case, I would say there are a lot of “troglodytes” in this country.

And I wonder what the left’s strategy for pacification is.

As I said in a Facebook conversation yesterday, there seems to be this broad belief on the left that the seismic social changes that have been coming so quickly, and have been so sweeping, simply “must” be accepted by everyone. And a failure or refusal to accept all these changes demonstrates a hidebound bigotry. You will accept these changes and like it, the attitude seems to be. And the assumption is, people will acclimate themselves to the new regime, and go quietly."
It IS bigotry, plain and simple. Believing that one group of people is not entitled to the same rights as another group is bigotry. There is not an asterisk next to the word "bigot" in the dictionary that says "unless your views are based on your religion, in which case the term 'bigot' does not apply." Many of those who opposed interracial marriage back in the day did so on religious grounds. Today's opposition to gay marriage on religious grounds is no different. Bigotry is bigotry. You are free to be a bigot in this country, but you are not free to refuse to follow the rule of law.

And I'm sorry, but what in the world does gay marriage have to do with "free love?" Um, gay couples practice monogamy too, just like straight couples. And some of them don't, just like straight couples.

Vanessa said...

Every religion interprets the bible differently. The bible was written by many people in a different language thousands of years ago. A literal interpretation of second hand stories that have been translated, where gospels have been omitted or cherry picked over the ages is being used by some religions to justify bigotry, not just against gays but women too. 
Amen to that

fade2black said...

This whole kerfuffle was summed up perfectly in a tweet by Rachel Held Evans. I don't know her, but the tweet is making the rounds of social media.:

"No one's being jailed for practicing her religion. Someone's being jailed for using the government to force others to practice her religion."

TLC stinks said...

I believe the governor should prepare for an impeachment trial. It will be worth every penny. Kim Davis needs to go.

FYI said...

I vote this for best quote of the day, from an article I read about the Kim Davis situation:

"When a government official uses government authority to impose his or her own religious faith on others, that is not by any definition “religious freedom.” That is the definition of religious tyranny." ~ Administrator said...

Her attorney says:
Ms. Davis would agree to record licenses issued by the clerk’s office, rather than in the name of the clerk, herself.


Well, one night in jail suddenly brought the compromising out, eh? This woman won't last more than three days in some seedy county jail. Gimme a break.

White Organza said...

Well, one night in jail suddenly brought the compromising out, eh? This woman won't last more than three days in some seedy county jail. Gimme a break.

Maybe it's because she WAS haring her cell with a lesbian... as Auntie Ann kinda wished for, last evening.

P.J. said...

Admin said...

Well, one night in jail suddenly brought the compromising out, eh? This woman won't last more than three days in some seedy county jail. Gimme a break.


She might crack, but the people behind her won't. She's such a pawn for them and they'll hang her out to dry. I'm sure she never imagined that she'd see the inside of a cell. I'm also sure they convinced her jail would never happen.

I also get the strong sense that the state is going to do nothing about this situation except make all kinds of exemptions and exceptions to their own rules. I don't see the sitting government of that state being much different in philosophy than Kim Davis. When the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly, they'll want to work things out amicably. ~ Administrator said...

What's going to happen if a clerk sides with the law and doesn't have a problem with gay marriage? Talk about a hostile work environment. How many of the clerks kept their mouths shut because they feared the wrath of Kim Davis?


Yeah that's awkward. You'll end up like @sitnexttoKimDavis, just wishing you could take your burrito out of the microwave and go on with your day. ~ Administrator said...

Does this define the Pleasure Principle, if it feels good, do it, the force driving the id? (Freud)? If one follows this, does he ever mature if gratification is never deferred?


It does when it involves two consenting adults who just want to be together.

Religious arguments no longer move me. Religion has been used to oppress a lot of people. There are biblical arguments that support racism. Religion has been used to oppress gay people for a very long time. I really don't care if someone believes it mind body and soul. A lot of things that hurt others have been felt very deeply.

You can go on believing whatever you want, but when the government says this is how it's going to be now, everyone needs to accept that and move on, or change it legally, through the political process. ~ Administrator said...

I'm disappointed that the judge let her son get away with his refusal to issue the licenses. That's confusing to me.


I think the judge was just trying to get to a quick solution with the least amount of collateral damage possible. Some judges like that tactic.

I don't think the judge wants to make history here. He's just trying to identity the problem and fix it. The problem is marriage licenses were not being given out. As long as at least some of the clerks are issuing them, the problem is "solved."

Sure, the judge could have taken a stronger stand. But then, the plaintiffs weren't asking him to do that. They were fine with Kim being out of jail. I'm betting he feels like dealing with Kim and her son big picture is more a matter for the legislature and perhaps the people, not really for the judge ~ Administrator said...

It IS bigotry, plain and simple. Believing that one group of people is not entitled to the same rights as another group is bigotry. There is not an asterisk next to the word "bigot" in the dictionary that says "unless your views are based on your religion


Kaya, we don't always agree, but on this one I'm 100% with you.

I'm tired of religion being used as some kind of special excuse to be cruel to others, to stop them from their equal rights. And quite frankly, I'm ashamed I used to be one of those people who said no, I'm not okay with gay rights. And that was become of some arbitrary religion telling me that's how it is.

I don't think there's anything trendy about this. I think it's called progress.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Demonstrators outside the Court House are angry at the deputy clerks because they are not standing behind Kim and are "risking their salvation". 51

Then in the name of religious freedom, wouldn't "their" salvation be "theirs" to "risk" ?

I agree with the comment (93) about religious tyranny. ~ Administrator said...

BUT, Mrs. Davis is also of the opinion that any marriage licenses issued today are void, " not worth the paper they are written on".


This story is great, especially when she seems like a really dummy.

So? You can think they're not worth the paper they're written on. But ya still have to issue 'em. Now get to IT. ~ Administrator said...

Frankly, I really feel for the gay couples who have waited years for their chance to marry, and who meet with this type of religious anarchy when they apply for a license.
What a kick in the teeth.


One of the guys arguing with her in the initial video, who was so well spoken, said something like, this is an incredibly happy and special time for the two of us and you are interfering with this happy memory and screwing it up.

I thought that was such a poignant comment. Kim Davis, you are creating bad memories for people during a very special time in their life, marriage, and it's rude, selfish, disrespectful and bigoted. How dare someone be so selfish to ruin someone's wedding memories.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 93
I vote this for best quote of the day, from an article I read about the Kim Davis situation:

"When a government official uses government authority to impose his or her own religious faith on others, that is not by any definition “religious freedom.” That is the definition of religious tyranny."
September 4, 2015 at 1:47 PM
At the end of the day, no one is taking Davis' beliefs away. At the end of the day, she is taking away gay and lesbian Americans' right to be married.
Countless millions of people leave their jobs because conditions changed. I know I have, and you know what? It was so much better than cutting off my nose to spite my face. ~ Administrator said...

Slapping my leg....stop it, stop it, you're killin me:

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 3h3 hours ago
BTW - Nathan has won the ncaa tournament pool three years in a row. AND goddamn #kimdavis runs it.

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 5h5 hours ago
Protesters are still hanging out. THEY KEEP TRYING TO DRINK OUR FUCKING COFFEE. They say #KimDavis said it's OK. SHE'S IN JAIL WE DON'T CARE

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 8h8 hours ago
Protesters just called someone a pervert and cried about Sodom and Gomorrah BUT HE'S JUST GETTING A FUCKING FISHING LICENSE GUYS #KimDavis

Sitnexto Kim Davis ‏@nexttokimdavis 9h9 hours ago
Sitnexto Kim Davis retweeted Dominic Holden
Things we learned in the office this week

AuntieAnn said...

White Organza said... 95

Well, one night in jail suddenly brought the compromising out, eh? This woman won't last more than three days in some seedy county jail. Gimme a break.

Maybe it's because she WAS haring her cell with a lesbian... as Auntie Ann kinda wished for, last evening.


ha! Wouldn't that be hilarious if she had. AND lived to tell about it!

I guess I don't understand why some people have such a problem with this. We've had same-sex marriages in Canada for ten years and God seems okay with it, unless Justin Bieber was His idea of punishment in which case it also proves He has a sense of humor. Other than that, Canada hasn't fallen into the ocean or anything. Planet earth is still spinning on its axis.

Detroit Free Press guest writer John Corvino had a good analogy -- "Her (Davis's) current stance makes no more sense than that of an Amish person who expects to retain a job as a bus driver."

Rhythm Of Life said...

You can go on believing whatever you want, but when the government says this is how it's going to be now, everyone needs to accept that and move on,


They may need to accept that it's law, go with the flow and move on, but if they have been raised to believe that marriage between same sex couples is wrong, and their values and the way they were brought up tell them it's wrong, from a personal perspective they don't have to accept it. This is force-feeding an opposing value system. Yes, the law must be obeyed, but you just can't say that because the law says it's fine, that you need to change your entire belief in marriage just because someone says hey, that's the way it is.

Rhythm Of Life said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 76
She didn't "stop and think?" Shades of Kate!


Oh, geez. What would she do in a national or international crisis? Not stop and think about the consequences of her actions? I'd love to see a woman President, but not that one! She scares me.

Localyocul said...

Haha is Nathan her son?

foxy said...

I love that twitter site...@nexttokimdavis. That person has a wonderful imagination and fantastic sense of humor. Some of those things make me laugh out loud.

summer breeze said...

I thought that was such a poignant comment. Kim Davis, you are creating bad memories for people during a very special time in their life, marriage, and it's rude, selfish, disrespectful and bigoted. How dare someone be so selfish to ruin someone's wedding memories.


What would these couples do if same sex marriages hadn't been legalized? Without a piece of paper (the license), would they not have happy memories of their lives together? ~ Administrator said...

What would these couples do if same sex marriages hadn't been legalized? Without a piece of paper (the license), would they not have happy memories of their lives together


They didn't say Kim ruined their memories of their life. They said she was ruining memories of their marriage. Going to get a license is a special moment on the road to marriage. She ruined that.

Everyone has a right to good memories of their marriage, including the license process, regardless of whether that marriage was legalized yesterday or whenever. ~ Administrator said...

I love @sitsnexttokimdavis. I think the persona that person invented of some fellow employee who isn't a vigor, but mostly just hates the media attention and just doesn't want her Labor Day bbq ruined, is deliciously funny. I wonder who is behind it. ~ Administrator said...

Vigor=bigot. Interesting autocorrect there. ~ Administrator said...

Rhymes when I say they need to accept it and move on I do indeed mean the law. Hence why I said they can go on believing what they want. Personal beliefs often conflict with the law but you have to accept it. Many people still don't believe in abortion but most people accept it's the law and have moved on. I go on every day being against abortion, every day of my life, but I don't try to stop other people from legal choices.

redbird said...

The #sitsnexttoKimDavis is very funny, BUT, I just wish whoever "sits" next to Kim Davis wouldn't take the Lord's Name in Vain.

On Perez Hilton, he has a picture of the blonde headed lady with the glasses and she is looking down and he wrote, I'm twittering as fast as I can! ~ Administrator said...

Why are the Duggars so quiet right now about what is going on in bluegrass country?

Can you imagine before the molestations and AM came out and Josh speaking out in support about Kim Davis not issuing the licenses? He would of been rabid!


I think you're right about this. I think absent the scandals they would be weighing in on this left and right calling her their hero. No question about it.

I think if there's one good to come out of those scandals it's that the Duggars have finally STFU.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

About this Kim Davis, I feel like I want to be perfectly clear that
I think she has every right to be against gay marriage. I would
not try to change her mind about it. And I think that's where the
point is getting muddy. This isn't about getting her to the other
side of the issue. It's not some sappy movie where she's going
to get stuck in an elevator with a gay couple, and suddenly
realize they're just like everybody else. With her dying breath,
this woman will condemn gay marriage, and she is entitled to
do so. The issue is that she is using that right as an excuse to
try to deprive the legal rights of others, which I find morally
reprehensible. ~ Administrator said...

“Does that mean that if you’re Christian, don’t apply here; if you’re a Jew, you gotta get — what happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment,


I don't understand this. Jews weren't removed from their jobs because they weren't doing the tasks required of them. They were removed because of who they ARE. It didn't matter if you were the best Jewish clerk in the land, you were removed and sent off to the ghetto.

Kim was not put in jail because of who she is. Lots of Christians take oaths in their jobs and their faith is never even a factor. I am one of them. Kim was put in jail because she didn't do her job. It's irrelevant WHY she didn't do it. Whether it was her personal religion, moral code, opinions, just didn't feel like doing it, or whatever. She can think and say religion is the issue all she wants but it doesn't make it so. Religion has nothing to do with it and it's really frustrating that the issue is constantly confused with religion.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Yes, the law must be obeyed, but you just can't say that because the law says it's fine, that you need to change your entire belief in marriage just because someone says hey, that's the way it is. 108

I don't see anyone asking her to change her belief system. She is free to hold her beliefs and opinions. What she is being told is that as a public servant, she must uphold the law. She is free to get another job.
Admin, I believe we are on the same page. ~ Administrator said...

Staver said there are "easy ways to resolve this." Officials could change state law and state documents so that marriage licenses in Rowan County won't be issued under Davis' legal authority, Staver said. The method may be as simple as an executive order from Gov. Steve Beshear, he said.


This sounds like a solution looking for a problem. It condones refusing to follow your oath. It opens the door for other people who take oaths, like even myself, to pick and choose which part of the oath you will follow on any given day. I hope this is not their solution. The solution for me is she steps down or is impeached. It's the only one that validates the morally right thing.

I agree about Henry David Thoreau. It's not a fair comparison. I like his take on things, and Kim is no Thoreau. He didn't hurt anyone with his Gandhi like passive resistance. Kim's "stand" hurt others. During Thoreau's time the big issue was prejudice against African Americans and slowly, the country was moving toward allowing and accepting interracial marriage. The Bible was cited to prevent it. Deuteronomy 7:3–4. If Thoreau's job was to give marriage licenses and there was a law allowing interracial marriage and he refused to follow it, he would be called a bigot and forgotten in the history books. Eventually the Supreme Court settled that one too once and for all with Loving v. Virgina. It's no different than Kim. Things that are the norm now were once considered progressive or radical.

Oh, and I disagree with the notion this has been a sweeping change, huge, sudden, hard to take in at once. Um, no. We've been talking about this issue on an almost weekly basis since I was in high school. This has been THEE social issue for over a decade. There was plenty of time to get used to the change. If someone did not mentally prepare themselves for the inevitable one day, that's really their own fault.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

She can think and say religion is the issue all she wants but it doesn't make it so. Religion has nothing to do with it and it's really frustrating that the issue is constantly confused with religion.


I am so confused. I thought all along this was about her religious beliefs and you're saying it's not. How would anyone know, other than the person herself, really what is at the heart of all of this and that religion has nothing to do with it? ~ Administrator said...

I am so confused. I thought all along this was about her religious beliefs and you're saying it's not. How would anyone know, other than the person herself, really what is at the heart of all of this and that religion has nothing to do with it?


I didn't really explain that well. Of course to her it's all about her religion.

What I'm saying, is that her reasons for refusing to issue the license are irrelevant. As a clerk, you either do your job and issue the license or you don't do your job and you don't issue the license. If you don't, you go to jail. The reasons why you don't want to do it, don't have any bearing on anything other than to the person who believes them. You either do it or you don't do it, period. In other words, it's irrelevant WHY you're refusing. You might as well refuse because you don't like that marriage has two R's in it. You still have to do it.

P.J. said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 103

BUT, Mrs. Davis is also of the opinion that any marriage licenses issued today are void, " not worth the paper they are written on".


This story is great, especially when she seems like a really dummy.

So? You can think they're not worth the paper they're written on. But ya still have to issue 'em. Now get to IT.


Her opinion? LOL. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. Big deal.

She in jail because she's in contempt of a court order. She can believe in flying monkeys for all I care. She could be any religion on the planet. The court ordered her to do her job and she not only refused, she forbade her clerks under her to issue a legal document to persons who applied and were qualified to receive said document.

Her "opinion" means less than nothing to me.

She needs to understand the concept of separation of church and state. She doesn't work for the church, she works for a branch of government.

Ulysses said...

I detest attending Catholic weddings with a mass because I cannot take communion.

I'm dying to know what would happen if you did! Wld they throw bibles at you?? ;)

White Organza said...

Completely OT. I must say that all our conversations on the Veranda have been particularly interesting lately. And we hardly mention TFW anymore. Or Milo. What does that tells us? Yup. Kate's fried. Unless she finally relinquishes her supermom image and reveals she's been Purse bearer's mistress ever since her first book tour, she's not even worth the effort of discussing her latest half-assed attempts at staying relevant. Apple sauce? Really?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Unless she finally relinquishes her supermom image and reveals she's been Purse bearer's mistress ever since her first book tour, she's not even worth the effort of discussing her latest half-assed attempts at staying relevant. Apple sauce? Really?


I'm surprised the few non-fans are still hanging on over there on the timeline. For what reason they do, I have no idea. Even the sheep aren't baiting. There's no more Hatfields-McCoys. There are only the Hatfields!

FYI said...

I apologize in advance for another Huckabee rant. I don't want to start a political debate, but just want to voice my opinion on how politicians are jumping in on the Kim Davis situation.

So now Mick Huckabee is not only speaking in Kim Davis' defense, he set up a "Free Kim Davis" petition, and is going to host a rally to support her after he visits her in jail on Tuesday.

Although I totally don't agree with Kim Davis' stance, in a way I feel sorry for her that she has now become the pawn for politicians like Huckabee to be used for their own political agenda. For him, it's not about her at all. It's a way to get all the fundamentalist Christians to vote for him.

After the last Duggar scandal (which he has been silent about), it seems Huckabee needed to find another Christian who he deems is being "persecuted" for being Christian and for him, Kim Davis fits that bill. And other politicians have also jumped on that bandwagon.

Why anyone would even consider him as a good candidate for President is beyond my comprehension.

BTW, it seems Donald Trump apparently agrees that Davis was in the wrong. I do wonder though if that is more his way of disagreeing with politicians like Huckabee, than actually being his own opinion.

The next Republican debate is on the 16th. I wonder if this will be one of the subjects broached.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I agree about Henry David Thoreau. It's not a fair comparison. I like his take on things, and Kim is no Thoreau.


I don't think anyone said that she is. I love Thoreau (and Emerson, for that matter).

There is a similarity, however. Thoreau refused to pay a government ordered tax and went to jail to make a point, taking a stand against a law that he personally believed was wrong.

Davis refused to issue licenses that are mandated by law. She went to jail to take a stand, refusing to uphold a government law because of her personal beliefs.

The difference is that she's nuts while Thoreau, although a bit eccentric, was not.

P.J. said...

tlc stinks said...

We were married by a Protestant chaplain and I haven't looked back. I was a good Catholic growing up (Catholic school, weekly confession etc). I detest attending Catholic weddings with a mass because I cannot take communion.


I'm curious. Why would you want to take communion? ~ Administrator said...

The difference is that she's nuts while Thoreau, although a bit eccentric, was not.


Ha. Yes. That and that Thoreau moved society forward. Kim moves it back.

@NexttoKimDavis for some reason tweeted our girl Maura Wilson, the patron saint of exploited child stars! Lol, awesome.

And no, I'm not NexttoKimDavis hehe.

Lynne In RI said...

Fleecing (128): "I'm surprised the few non-fans are still hanging on over there on the timeline. For what reason they do, I have no idea. Even the sheep aren't baiting. There's no more Hatfields-McCoys. There are only the Hatfields!"


Oh, I don't know about that! There is some very indepth, stimulating tweets on Kate's timeline:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21
What’s the Difference Between Bananas and Plantains? -

P.J. said...

Kate is a twit said...

It's a way to get all the fundamentalist Christians to vote for him.


Ha ha, good luck with that. All the fundies in the U.S. are not enough to win him the nomination. Last I looked at the "standings", he was in second last place. He's rearranging the deck chairs...

Math Girl said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 103

BUT, Mrs. Davis is also of the opinion that any marriage licenses issued today are void, " not worth the paper they are written on".
After the wedding, is the license returned to the county clerk's office so the marriage can be recorded? If so, doe3s that mean that there will be another big battle if/when she refuses to record the marriages? If so, I hope they throw her in jail again!
Aso, there was discussion above about her saying she would stay in jail "as long as it took". For the Supreme Court to realize they're wrong and recant? For her to resign or be impeached? Until the next election?

I can't believe this woman thinks she can overrule the Supreme Court.

Ulysses said...

It's a higher calling than other jobs. You're a public servant and you have to follow your marching orders.

Are you saying your job is more important than everyone else's? What would you do if you couldn't stop and get your Starbucks coffee made jusssst the right way, or you have a Big Mac attack and the people working there went on strike??

Come on. Show a tiny bit of humility.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21
What’s the Difference Between Bananas and Plantains? -

Is there a punch line? ~ Administrator said...

Are you saying your job is more important than everyone else's? What would you do if you couldn't stop and get your Starbucks coffee made jusssst the right way, or you have a Big Mac attack and the people working there went on strike??

Come on. Show a tiny bit of humility.


Most people are not held in contempt and thrown in jail when they refuse to do their jobs. They are simply let go and nothing more is said about it. Those who take oaths are subject to that and many other things.

It is what it is. Being a public servant comes with certain responsibilities to the public you serve and you either accept it or don't and go work someplace else. Those at Starbucks don't take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. If they want to violate the laws they are simply let go.

It's not harder than other jobs but comes with a different set of rules that require you to go outside of who you are personally and represent, or be subject to, an entity instead. If Kim didn't like those rules, there are plenty of jobs where you're not required to follow them. ~ Administrator said...

s left a new comment on your post "Discussion Thread: Breaking the Silence":

MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
What’s the Difference Between Bananas and Plantains? -

Is there a punch line?


Where's Tucker? I'll take a shot. No difference. One's bigger. Bite into the plantain. Take a big bite. Make a plantain split with it. Cut it up for your cereal. Yum! It's just like the banana's big brother!


FYI said...

There is a similarity, however. Thoreau refused to pay a government ordered tax and went to jail to make a point, taking a stand against a law that he personally believed was wrong.

Davis refused to issue licenses that are mandated by law. She went to jail to take a stand, refusing to uphold a government law because of her personal beliefs.

The difference is that she's nuts while Thoreau, although a bit eccentric, was not.

Like I said before. Thoreau was not an elected official, Davis is.

I also can refuse to pay my taxes, but even though I believe I am right, I know there will be consequences if I don't. That is "civil disobedience".

Davis(and her supporters) on the other hand believe there should be no consequences for her actions.

Sue_Buddy said...

No difference. One's bigger. Bite into the plantain. Take a big bite. Make a plantain split with it. Cut it up for your cereal. Yum! It's just like the banana's big brother!

Plantains need to be cooked first. Wouldn't be too tasty as a plantain split. They're actually a vegetable. ~ Administrator said...

Hehe yep Sue. Hence the snark. But why let on to the sheeple? Let them chip a tooth. Darwin award.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee was a baptist minister before launching into politics. I think that may explain why he is so ultra-conservative.

NJGal51 said...

I can't believe I'm doing this, but the article Goody attached to her tweet was kind of interesting. For instance, I never knew that "...Both fruits come from plants belonging to the genus musa, a family of heat-loving herbs native to southeast Asia and the south Pacific (banana trees, biologically speaking, are not trees, but giant herbs)". Giant herbs, who'd a thunk it.

KyPastor said...

The denomination I belong to only very recently allowed ministers to officiate weddings for same sex couples. Before that we could only bless
unions that had been made official elsewhere. Now, we are free to choose what we will do or not do. The rule is that we are free to marry them, not that we are ordered to marry them.

But we are a church. Personal conscience plays a very big part in what we will and will not do in our official capacities. In fact, we are expected to make all our decisions based upon our personal conscience, I.e. voting in meetings, etc. We speak for no conscience but our own, a conscience shaped by our understanding of a loving and gracious God.

Had I decided several years ago to officiate an actual wedding of a same sex couple, I would have been censured at the very least. Now, if I decided to marry 2 men or 2 women, the coast is clear for me, legally within church polity.

The problem would come from dissention within my congregation and its standing in the community. It would not be viewed well at all and it would start to rip apart the seams for them. For this reason I will not officiate a same sex marriage in the church building. The Session (governing board of the congregation) wouldn't approve the use of the
Sanctuary anyway, and it's their job to give approval of all activities in the church. I would, however, be willing to go elsewhere to officiate, a place where the couple is surrounded by supporters and well-wishers instead of questions about the Biblical legitimacy of this wedding.

I get to choose because of the very nature of my job. I have chosen to
not involve the congregation in going against its conscience. I love them and choose not to hurt them. I also understand that Christianity is about widening the circle, not cinching it and I choose not to hurt couples coming to me for a joyous occasion. Somehow those two responsibilities have to come together.

My conscience tells me to do what shows love, since showing love is the best possible way to honor God's Word. God said so. Jesus said so too.

Might I suggest a review of 1 Corinthians 13? "If I have not love..."
Those who believe they are best serving God with strict adherence to law
or tradition are, in my opinion, missing the greater message of the Gospels and Epistles.

I'm up working on a few things tonight so my apologies if this rambling post makes no sense or says nothing. I blame the Diet Dr. Pepper.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

This just gets more interesting...

Check out the last name of the tech broker (near the bottom of the story)!

Midnight Madness said...

Anonymous said... 143
Huckabee was a baptist minister before launching into politics. I think that may explain why he is so ultra-conservative.


Although not actively serving a congregation, he still is an ordained minister.

P.J. said...

Sheepless In Seattle said... 146

This just gets more interesting...

Check out the last name of the tech broker (near the bottom of the story)!


In the story, it says her name is Tania Neild. If you google it, it seems she's got quite an online presence.

Now for a real laugh, I found someone of a similar name, connected to, dun, dun DUN! Blue Apron! Talk about the six degrees of Kate Gosselin. She's everywhere! LOLOLOLOL It's like Freaky Friday on a Saturday.

Vanessa said...

I detest attending Catholic weddings with a mass because I cannot take communion.
I am a non-divorced," Roman Catholic". I remember as a kid, you couldn't take communion unless you'd been to confession in the last week? month? whatever it was.
As an adult, when I am attending services (weddings, baptisms etc) I take communion. I say my little confession while speaking to "my" God to myself beforehand and join in the Eucharist. The "man" up there at the alter, "representing" God does not have the right to tell me "he" needs to hear my sins before I can participate.
How and why does the priest officiating any wedding you attend know that you're divorced? God has forgiven you (my God has anyways). I don't think God holds grudges? At least he/she isn't supposed to in Christian sects? I would just go up and take communion. The sacrament is between you and your God. The Church doesn't know or live your life. What if it was an awful marriage? An abusive marriage? A hateful marriage? A marriage filled with adultery? Annulments are not the way to go for most.

Vanessa said...

Satirical, but good

FlimsyFlamsy said...

KyPastor (#145), I very much appreciated your perspective.
Thanks for your comment.

redbird said...

Oooooh! I wonder if there is any relation to TFM! Hmmm....

Sue_Buddy said...

Sheepless In Seattle said... 146

This just gets more interesting...

Check out the last name of the tech broker (near the bottom of the story)!

LOL. Weird.

And check out the name of the State Department Staffer's attorney - MacDougall. I know--it's spelled differently, but what a creepy deja vu.

P.J. said...

Sue Buddy said...

And check out the name of the State Department Staffer's attorney - MacDougall. I know--it's spelled differently, but what a creepy deja vu.


In the famous words of sKate Gosselin: I don't get it.

What am I missing? ~ Administrator said...

Might I suggest a review of 1 Corinthians 13? "If I have not love..."


I've always thought that there were just as many arguments for gay marriage in the Bible as against, like the general concepts in the New Testament of love, acceptance, fair judgment, justice, and peace.

The point being, you can use the Bible to justify anything. Which is probably why our founding fathers understood it should simply be kept out of government. That was a good call. ~ Administrator said...

I am confused. Mr. Davis says Mrs. Davis will stay in jail "as long as it takes". As long as it takes to do what?


It's ridiculous.

Even if everyone suddenly agreed Kim Davis is right and gay marriage is wrong, legally we couldn't do anything about it ANYWAY. The Supreme Court rule. It's over.

The Supreme Court can't just change their minds even if they wanted to. They need to be in session, they need a case brought to them, they need to agree to hear it, and even if that all happened, they're not going to change their vote on this after just voting to approve it. It's precedent now and they'll continue to follow their own precedent.

It's just such nonsense. Maybe we should send her a care package because she's going to be in there awhile if she's going to be this stubborn about it. Some very generous people offered her multiple compromises and outs. She chose not to take them. That's on her.

Wondering said...

This is off-topic, but an an item in this morning's newspaper reminded me of what has been written in this blog about the possible danger for Kate Gosselin and/or her children due to her seeming failure to set boundaries for intrusive fans (one fan in particular). Today's news item says a Los Angeles judge has issued a restraining order against two fans of actress Selma Hayek. These fans were evidently trying to involve themselves not only with the actress, but with the actress's young child. In the court hearing, one of the fans said she didn't realize she was scaring the actress because, "I thought there was a relationship."

Sue_Buddy said...

P.J. said... 154
Sue Buddy said...

And check out the name of the State Department Staffer's attorney - MacDougall. I know--it's spelled differently, but what a creepy deja vu.


In the famous words of sKate Gosselin: I don't get it.

What am I missing?

Clintons, James McDougal, Whitewater, Rose Law Firm.

P.J. said...

Sue Buddy said...

Clintons, James McDougal, Whitewater, Rose Law Firm.


Ah, thanks for that. All I recall is the blue dress and the cigar.

TLC stinks said...

So to answer the communion thing, I think we were taught that receiving communion was actually taking into our bodies the body and and blood of Christ, therefore you must be in a state of grace: recent confession, no mortal sin, fast. Because I married without the church's blessing, I lost all sacraments including communion. As a non-Catholic, I am not invited to partake of communion any longer. In fact, I recall at a Catholic wedding mass the priest announced that non-Catholics could not participate (i am now Methodist and ALL are invited). Yes, I could have taken communion and no one would have known, except me, and those teachings are just too much a part of me that I would have felt terribly guilty and sinful. I know it's just a ritual but it was pounded into my head all through my elementary and middle school years.

redbird said...

TFW practically gave a road map to where she lived, allowed cameras in the bedrooms so whoever could know which child was in what room, the blueprints. Major advertisement about the remodeling of the kids rooms. Not allowing both GS dogs in the house to protect them.

Twittering things about the kids. The drop-offs and pick-ups. Their schedule and when and where they would be.

I pray nothing happens, but if it does, she can only blame herself for not being pro-active enough about their privacy. Blaming it on Jon is not going to fly, never.

You would of thought the Milo was going to TFW's house that night would of scared the daylights out of her, but nothing came of it, thank goodness. You would think she would of thrown down the gauntlet of protection, but unfortunately no.

TLC stinks said...

ITA regarding Huckabee and Davis' attorneys. She is totally being used. They want the publicity and to cash in. Frankly, Mike Huckabee is a modern day George Wallace. Thank goodness Huckabee is not governor any longer.

redbird said...

Interesting with all of the bluegrass county clerk situation that The Golden Girls showed the episode of when Blanche's brother Clayton brought his partner, Doug to meet Blanche. When Clayton got Blanches arms and told Blanche that he was going to get married, Rose said, Brothers and Sisters can't marry. Then Dorothy said, Rose, you airhead, Clayton is going to marry Doug.

Rose gave that what the heck look and said, WHO?

Then only a few hours later on I Love Lucy, they were showing the episode of Lucy trying to get her passport. Someone posted earlier that all this bluegrass mess reminded them of Lucy trying to get her passport. What I thought was so funny was Fred went over and pulled the plug of the clock so she could get sworn in and plugged it back in when she did. Wow, was he steamed!

The odds of those two shows being shown only 5 hours apart! haha ~ Administrator said...

ITA regarding Huckabee and Davis' attorneys. She is totally being used. They want the publicity and to cash in. Frankly, Mike Huckabee is a modern day George Wallace. Thank goodness Huckabee is not governor any longer.


I agree. They're using her. Taking advantage of her. She's in her little zone and they're encouraging what is perhaps very poor decisions, like stubbornly staying in jail.

If THEY sat in jail with her, they might have a little credibility.

redbird said...

Wouldn't it be funny to start a #JustOutofFrameWithKateGosselin like #sitsnexttoKimDavis and let it rip?


foxy said...

I find it amazing that the Roloffs have several shows coming up after being cancelled and all Kate has to offer is apple sauce. It looks like nobody cares about her bull sh*t any more. I hope Collin is doing well with his new school if indeed he is attending a new school. ~ Administrator said...

Re the Roloffs, I think it's kind of funny TLC is calling it specials. That show has been on, new episodes, near every week all summer long. I swear sometimes it was on twice a week.

I wonder if they stretched out the episodes, created more filler, to try to replace original content they were relying on the Duggars for. It felt like the wedding prep episodes went on forever. How much can you really watch two people prep a regular old wedding? It seems to me families like Kate's and the Roloffs are benefiting from the Duggars being gone.

Winsomeone said...

" I hope Collin is doing well with his new school if indeed he is attending a new school."

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Collin is doing online school at home. Where I live, they have online schools for free online, K-12, and they get regular diplomas. That way she could isolate him even more, and not be held accountable for his behavior.She already has a daily tutor, so that person could over see his work.

TLC stinks said...

Nathan turned away a gay couple in August while his mother was on vacation. He said the Christian law firm Liberty Counsel had advised the office to continue denying licenses to same-sex couples.

Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins said in a Wednesday interview that the deputy clerks were too afraid to disagree with Davis to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

“The takeaways from the Watkins interview are clear. Davis is acting alone in her zealous mission,” wrote Shannon Ragland, of the Kentucky Trial Court Review. “Her conduct has terrorized not just her staff but everyone that works in the courthouse. And all for a foolish mission aided by out-of-state charlatan lawyers trying to raise money for their ‘religious liberty’ mission.”


I believe this situation and publicity will totally backfire on the conservative Christian anti-gay movement. The general consensus will be that this showdown proves their bigotry and disdain to follow the laws of the US government. Isn't it ironic we have PRESIDENTIAL candidates who support Ms. Davis? That makes it clear that have no intention of abiding by their oath of office if elected. Scary.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Wondering (#157), thanks for mentioning that story. Yes, any one
of TFW's rabid fans may believe they have a relationship with her.
When an adult whom you've never met responds to your personal
questions about herself and her children, often with "xo" and
little hearts and comments like, "I miss you guys," it sure sounds
like some kind of connection. I find it especially icky when a fan
says something like "Show this to (insert child's name here),"
as if they child personally.

foxy said...

I agree the Roloffs are benefitting from the Duggars being gone, but there has been no advertising or mrntion for anything Kate Gosselin and they filmed a lot of things, albeit same crap different day.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Redbird (#163), I was the one who mentioned that Lucy episode.
And I caught it again this morning, too!

Winsomeone (#167), I understand your reasoning, but I can't
imagine TFW tolerating any of her kids being underfoot all day.
I think she lives for the minute they're all out the door. Even
with a tutor there, I don't think she'd be willing to pay someone
to supervise him for the whole 8 hours. But who knows!

redbird said...

What great news!

Tough cookies, Big Pharma!

P.J. said...

Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins said in a Wednesday interview that the deputy clerks were too afraid to disagree with Davis to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

“The takeaways from the Watkins interview are clear. Davis is acting alone in her zealous mission,” wrote Shannon Ragland, of the Kentucky Trial Court Review. “Her conduct has terrorized not just her staff but everyone that works in the courthouse."


Called it! It has to be a hostile work environment with her at the helm. Anyone who opened their mouth against her would be looking for another job. And her son there as her little spy? Who could function in that office?

I don't know why any Christian would stand behind her.

localyocul said...

Winsomeone said... 167
" I hope Collin is doing well with his new school if indeed he is attending a new school."

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Collin is doing online school at home. Where I live, they have online schools for free online, K-12, and they get regular diplomas. That way she could isolate him even more, and not be held accountable for his behavior.She already has a daily tutor, so that person could over see his work.


Hmmm I have a relative that works for a major PA online school. Too bad my conscience dictates it's not my place to ask, nor my relatives place to tell. Maybe if I tell myself it's my religious right to know...

foxy said...

Does Lancaster Country Day School have special classes for children who are challenged? They were never treated as individual people and this could be some of his problem beside the devastation of the way his mother treats him. No matter what, Collin will never be good enough for her. He will probably be the kindest, smartest, and most helpful of all the kids in that house when he reaches adult hood.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Isn't it ironic we have PRESIDENTIAL candidates who support Ms. Davis? That makes it clear that have no intention of abiding by their oath of office if elected. Scary.


Not necessarily.. I don't think that it's clear. The ones supporting her are jerks, but it doesn't mean that, if elected, they wouldn't continue to support her convictions and beliefs while at the same time upholding their oath to follow the laws set down by the federal government. They could totally disagree with the rules and regulations passed by the governing body, but still abide by them. It happens every day in politics.

Blowing In The Wind said...

That way she could isolate him even more, and not be held accountable for his behavior.She already has a daily tutor, so that person could over see his work.


Has she talked about this person is it known that a daily tutor still comes to the house?

TLC stinks said...

If some of Kate's fans feel there is a "connection" or friendship, it's totally Kate's fault per her answering their tweets and using a fan to babysit her kids.

I have no idea what has happened to "Milo" but some explanations could be she was scared off Twitter or incarcerated somewhere. Who cares? It's a nice reprieve.

TLC stinks said...

In 2012, there was a Joe Davis that resides in Morehead, KY that was arrested, charged with assault, 4 th degree (domestic violence). I found this on a Google search. The guy is a hothead.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 171

Winsomeone (#167), I understand your reasoning, but I can't
imagine TFW tolerating any of her kids being underfoot all day.
I think she lives for the minute they're all out the door.


Kate's like Kim Davis. She wants all the perks (read $$) that come with the position, but doesn't want to fulfill the duties.

redbird said...

Oh, FlimsyFlamsy! What are the odds of that happening! Maybe Math Girl could consult on that! I had to turn the tv off when Lucy was getting into the trunk because my ride was here.

Over And Out said...

(foxy, 170)...I agree the Roloffs are benefitting from the Duggars being gone, but there has been no advertising or mrntion for anything Kate Gosselin and they filmed a lot of things, albeit same crap different day.


Don't they always wait until the last minute to announce the specials, throwing them in as fillers? ~ Administrator said...

In 2012, there was a Joe Davis that resides in Morehead, KY that was arrested, charged with assault, 4 th degree (domestic violence). I found this on a Google search. The guy is a hothead.


That's really interesting. Granted, Davis is a very common name, but IF that's him, that's something to be looked into. There should have been a thorough background check when he was hired and that should have come up. With a violent charge like that, he shouldn't have been hired. This may turn into a Duggar thing, where once you open your mouth and try to suppress the rights of others, people start looking into your own past and turn up some interesting stuff.

Also, it sounds like the judge removed a tyrant. Now the other clerks, like @nexttoKimDavis, can do their jobs without fear of losing them. Makes you wonder just how many people in government jobs have the control she did. It never should have happened.

localyocul said...

I also found through some tweets that she has a daughter who was accused of stealing a dog a few years ago. The daughter was at Morehead College and asking people on facebook to keep her name out because her mom was running for office (she named her mom). Then a few weeks later she was posting about detoxing

Over And Out said...

Wondering (#157), thanks for mentioning that story. Yes, any one
of TFW's rabid fans may believe they have a relationship with her.
When an adult whom you've never met responds to your personal
questions about herself and her children, often with "xo" and
little hearts and comments like, "I miss you guys," it sure sounds
like some kind of connection. I find it especially icky when a fan
says something like "Show this to (insert child's name here),"
as if they child personally.


Like this tweet (a little late to the party, though).

Heather poe ‏@tweentybird15 30m30 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC kate tell little kids happy birthday from their fan Heather poe

I'm sure that the kids appreciate birthday wishes four months after the fact from someone they don't know. I remember the fan who had an "Alexis" tat, and the adults who imagine that they actually know Kate and the children. There have been some who have asked Kate if the kids will autograph pictures for them, and how pathetic it was for the cruise promo to announce that those who signed up could watch Kate and the kids play on the beach. Yes, they think they have an on-going personal relationship with Kate and the kids and Kate encourages it with her "miss you, hugs" tweets.

However, this "closeness" of Kate's fans isn't exclusive to just Kate. The young Austin fellow has an adult flavor of the month celebrity; Emily tweets Carnie Wilson like she's an old friend, telling Carnie how much she misses her children; Uggs thinks she's going to bump into one of her crushes and have coffee with him...and more!

The whole thing really is creepy, particularly the text sent to Hayek because it sounds so much like something Kate's Number One fan would do. Remember walking by the pond, watching the sun set? ~ Administrator said...

I also found through some tweets that she has a daughter who was accused of stealing a dog a few years ago.


I saw SitnexttoKimDavis talking about that and I didn't know what she was referring to.

Who steals a dog? For goodness sake you can get all the dogs you could ever want for free from shelters or rescues. Nice dogs too.

This family sounds like country club trash.

TLC stinks said...

A commenter on the Morehead newspaper Facebook page:

XXXXXXXX What the hell is wrong with all of you fag lovers? They are repulsive ! They could have went elsewhere. Hope they are happy for causing a woman of great faith to go to jail. They will never be truly married in Gods eyes. That piece of paper means nothing. And NO, I am not a hater. I don't hate the person, but I do hate the actions against Gods word. And I do hate how people are accepting this unnatural mating of two men (or women).
20 hrs

TLC stinks said...

Math Girl said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 172

In 2012, there was a Joe Davis that resides in Morehead, KY that was arrested, charged with assault, 4 th degree (domestic violence). I found this on a Google search. The guy is a hothead.


That's really interesting. Granted, Davis is a very common name, but IF that's him, that's something to be looked into. There should have been a thorough background check when he was hired and that should have come up. With a violent charge like that, he shouldn't have been hired.
Joe Davis is the husband, not the son. He wasn't hired, at least by the county clerk's office.
Some commenters on raw story are saying Kentucky has anti-nepotism laws. Does anyone here know anything about that?

fade2black said...

Speaking of obsessed fans...a SUPER creepy 37 yr old man with a tattoo of one of the Dance Moms girls on his neck has been arrested for sending "illicit materials" to the 11 yr old. This is what putting your child on a reality show gets. ~ Administrator said...

Hope they are happy for causing a woman of great faith to go to jail.


I have to just shake my head at all the blame shifting, gas lighting, rewriting of history.

Kim caused Kim to go to jail. Period. In fact, the other side told the judge they'd prefer she NOT be in jail.

When someone said this just gives the other side credibility I full agree and there are a lot of articles popping up today saying the same thing. Not only is the pro-Kim perspective on this totally wrong, morally, legally, and otherwise, but they're lying and misleading folks to try to bolster their weak arguments. If you can't even defend your position truthfully, what does that say about it? There's no solid foundation here.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

The whole thing really is creepy, particularly the text sent to Hayek because it sounds so much like something Kate's Number One fan would do. Remember walking by the pond, watching the sun set?


I think that there is something really strange about Gladys quitting Kate's Twitter cold turkey. She had always sworn up and down that she'd be there for Kate until her dying breath. I wonder if something went on behind the scenes, that she was told to knock it off, that she got too close and Kate (and her crack security team) was uncomfortable. Gladys was just far too obsessed and addicted to walk away. It is totally out of character for her. If her departure had nothing to do with Kate, maybe her own family stepped in and pulled the plug on her celebrity worship. We'll probably never know.

franky said...

Flismy Flasmy..119

hear! hear!

redbird said...

Ruh, Roh!


Anti-nepotism policies are management policies in which a company will prohibit relatives in supervising a relative, work in the same department as a relative, or exert influence over a relative's hiring, salary, or promotion. Relative is a member of an individual's family, including wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, stepparent, and stepchild.

A woman chief clerk, for 37 yrs., then her daughter, a chief clerk, for 27 yrs., and her son, a deputy clerk. 3 generational reign that looks like it is going to topple!

localyocul said...

Ass-istant to ~ Administrator said... 186

I also found through some tweets that she has a daughter who was accused of stealing a dog a few years ago.


I saw SitnexttoKimDavis talking about that and I didn't know what she was referring to.

Who steals a dog? For goodness sake you can get all the dogs you could ever want for free from shelters or rescues. Nice dogs too.

This family sounds like country club trash.


Yes, that's where I found the trail. One of the persons who replied to her had a pic of the daughters FB, and the FB is still open. Or at least it was as of yesterday

localyocul said...

I got the feeling she might have been high when she stole the puppy. She seems to have only been about 19 because she has Morehead class of 2016 and this happened two years ago. Shortly after the dog stealing stuff she was posting about detoxing

franky said...

OT, again, lol..I should trend on twitter..#OTAGAIN

I really hope our own elections have less than 50% total

Canadian charter of rights has special

localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 187
A commenter on the Morehead newspaper Facebook page:

XXXXXXXX What the hell is wrong with all of you fag lovers? They are repulsive ! They could have went elsewhere. Hope they are happy for causing a woman of great faith to go to jail. They will never be truly married in Gods eyes. That piece of paper means nothing. And NO, I am not a hater. I don't hate the person, but I do hate the actions against Gods word. And I do hate how people are accepting this unnatural mating of two men (or women).
20 hrs


That person also changed her profile pic to a rainbow flag burning back on June 26

localyocul said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 192
The whole thing really is creepy, particularly the text sent to Hayek because it sounds so much like something Kate's Number One fan would do. Remember walking by the pond, watching the sun set?


I think that there is something really strange about Gladys quitting Kate's Twitter cold turkey. She had always sworn up and down that she'd be there for Kate until her dying breath. I wonder if something went on behind the scenes, that she was told to knock it off, that she got too close and Kate (and her crack security team) was uncomfortable. Gladys was just far too obsessed and addicted to walk away. It is totally out of character for her. If her departure had nothing to do with Kate, maybe her own family stepped in and pulled the plug on her celebrity worship. We'll probably never know.


The article about Salma Hayek says the one fan's husband divorced here due to her infatuation with Salma!

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