Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sandra Bullock's chilling 911 call about her fan and stalker

Bullock has been uncharacteristically private since the incident 

Hear the call in its entirety here. 

Read the full transcript here.

Here's some of the facts about this interesting ongoing stalking and burglary criminal case.

  • Joshua James Corbett broke into Bullock's home in June 2014. Bullock, who had just returned from a media event, hid in a locked closet and called 911. The call was released today.
  • Corbett will stand trial in Los Angeles. His preliminary hearing was today, in which he pleaded not guilty.
  • Photos of Bullock and love letters to her were found on Corbett's person. He believes he is her husband.
  • Bullock, normally a staple on the red carpet, has nearly become a recluse since the incident, making very few public appearances over the past ten months. The experience may have permanently traumatized her.

1870 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Rhymes with Witch said...

Why do some of you think Josiah is gay?? How are gay people treated in the Quiverful community? 195

I can't answer your first question but as for the second, every fundamentalist religion that I'm familiar with ( as well as some.others) consider homosexuality a sin.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Blogger is annoyingly hungry lately. Grrr.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm sure Goopy will be relieved to know some far left 27 year old kid named Daniel D’Addario supports her vanity project. Also, he thinks Kristin Stewart is an amazing actress, so there's that.

LMAO! Kristen Stewart gets an Oscar for acting like she's constantly constipated, and smelling a skunk's butt.

Tucker's Mom said...

Any bets that either the husband or wife or both watched Kate's circus on television and thought that hey, they can do it, too! Freebies, a van, we come!

Paging Dr. Glassman...

N.E. Psychologist said...

Statistically speaking, it would not be surprising that 1 of 19 kids ( gender unspecified) would be gay. Not an absolute though.

Tucker's Mom said...

Serendipity said... 190
I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Josiah is gay. No bashing, no pearl clutching or judgement. Just he's gay.


Why would he be "courting" a girl if he's gay? Would he get married to hide it and not come out of the closet? I mean, I know they're nuts, but I'm not sure that they are that far gone.
"Why?" is easy- their fundamentalists and believe being gay is a choice, and they can "pray the gay away".
Many gay men marry in an attempt to repress their true sexual preference.
Can you imagine the pressure on a Duggar? They are known around the globe as fundy Christians who are put on this Earth to make babies that will make more babies.
I don't follow the show, but have read the comments about this boy maybe being gay, and if he is, I hope he is very, very strong.

Call Me Crazy said...

Also, he thinks Kristin Stewart is an amazing actress, so there's that.

Ahhhahahahahahahahahaha! She shoots; she scores!!!

AuntieAnn said...

"It’s God’s gift that we are pregnant with quadruplets, He will be the One to get us through it.


P.J. said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 194

Some sheeple really set the bar low. I guess what's sauce for the goose...


Is there a recipe for goose sauce in her crookbook? Does the goose show up automatically when you make the sauce? How many cups of lemon juice go in the sauce? Enquiring minds.

getoftweeter said...

Don't you just want to smack Kate in the head! She is wishing some of her flock, birthday wishes back, along with I don't want to re-do my birthday again. Tell me people, how many of you get an all expense paid birthday mini-vacation to Mexico with your kids, nannies, sitter boy/flying monkey/love muffin, a spa, etc? And she complains/whines about her 40th birthday! Most people I knew & know, are lucky if they go to a restaurant, or have a small party at home with a cake, or a family party. Very few people can go on an all expense paid birthday, most people pay their own way if they can afford it. Kate's got her gall, to complain/whine.

Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 8
"It’s God’s gift that we are pregnant with quadruplets, He will be the One to get us through it.

April 15, 2015 at 3:39 PM
God better fire up the money printing press. Set dial to Benjamins.

Midnight Madness said...

I don't follow the show, but have read the comments about this boy maybe being gay, and if he is, I hope he is very, very strong.


Where did all of this come from? Just a rumor from someone who doesn't like the Duggar family? It's very easy to say that this person or that person "may be" gay, but geez, if one is going to spread something like that, then he better have something to back it up. This isn't something that a young kid like that would let go in one ear and out the other. He could very well be bothered by it if it were totally untrue.

I don't follow the show because I think they're all a bit on the loony side, but rumors like that hurt, especially if there is no truth to it whatsoever. I seriously doubt that he would be the next one to get married if he is gay. If it's true, and this couple is heading toward the altar, they better hope those prayers to make it go away are expedited and placed at the head of the prayer list.

P.J. said...

AuntieAnn said... 8
"It’s God’s gift that we are pregnant with quadruplets, He will be the One to get us through it.



AuntieAnn, you are brilliant. Comment of the week.

Call Me Crazy said...

In the grand scheme of the over-sharing on social media, I, too, am a card-carrying member of the Royal Order of the Fuddy Duddy. It boggles the mind the crap that people feel the need to share (and share and share and share).

I have a lot of family members and friends who are constantly posting photos and thoughts and feelings on Facebook. It is out of control. It doesn't help that there are five, count 'em, five new babies in town, making Facebook a veritable baby-palooza! Not only is the plethora of baby posts obnoxious, it isn't safe to be plastering a million pictures of "the most beautiful baby in the world" (x5) all over the internet.

This might offend some special little snowflakes, but my personal faves are the photos people post of those god-awful pictures they paint at those wine and painting places that have cropped up in recent years. Hey, I get that it might be fun to get a little tipsy while painting the exact same ugly picture that 10 other people are painting, but are people so needy that they have to share that ugly picture with the world just so they can get a hundred insincere "likes" and "that is awesome" comments? Ugh.

Rant over. I promise I won't start in on the new HOM family begging for stuff. My rant on that topic would qualify me to be the Queen of the Royal Order of the Fuddy Duddy.

Midnight Madness said...

getoftweeter said... 10
Don't you just want to smack Kate in the head!


Not really.. I'm not a violent person and I don't carry a wooden spoon! It sounds like something MsGoody and Milo would like to do to Jon.

I would, however, like to see her get her comeuppance one of these days. I'm not sure what form that would take, but it certainly would be fun watching.

capecodmama said... husband and I saw the movie Woman in Gold starring Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds today. Incredible movie and highly recommend it.

Have alot of comments to catch.up on!

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 Apr 14
HAPPY BDAY! (SO glad it’s yours and not mine AGAIN:) ❤️🎂 RT @SarahHarrrvey: Birthday shout out from @Kateplusmy8 ?
Wow, way to make it

Midnight Madness said...

Some sheeple really set the bar low. I guess what's sauce for the goose...


Is there a recipe for goose sauce in her crookbook? Does the goose show up automatically when you make the sauce? How many cups of lemon juice go in the sauce? Enquiring minds.


lol! I'm not making goose sauce. I'm preparing gravy for the gander. Since the gander is male, you get two extra "organs" with it. Therefore, more bang for your bucks.

I'm not sure if the best way to prepare them is to roast, grill, or fry them and if they can be frozen. Better ask Kate. She took Jon's.

AuntieAnn said...

P.J. said... 13


LOL! PJ. Thanks, and that's without free teeth whitening.

I was reading Mr. Busby's blog (who, btw, looks frighteningly similar to Admin's ex I-an Ziering). Busby and wife are following Kate's grifting formula almost down to the letter. It's almost as if they've copied and pasted the entire saga. What's next? Speaking engagements?

PatK said...

It boggles the mind how people are so irresponsible. Spend big bucks for scientific intervention so that you end up with HOM but are totally unprepared for the financial burden, stress, etc.

If I shake my head any more, it will fly off my neck.

Call Me Crazy said...

I was reading Mr. Busby's blog (who, btw, looks frighteningly similar to Admin's ex I-an Ziering). Busby and wife are following Kate's grifting formula almost down to the letter. It's almost as if they've copied and pasted the entire saga. What's next? Speaking engagements?

From your lips to Godfundme's ears.

Tucker's Mom said...

If I shake my head any more, it will fly off my neck.
If I shake my head any more, pea soup is gonna come flying out of my mouth.
Someone get an old priest and a young priest!

Rhymes with Witch said...

AuntieAnn said... 8
"It’s God’s gift that we are pregnant with quadruplets, He will be the One to get us through it.


That's exactly who they should be asking.
Using science and invoking God to ask for money is duplicitous at best. No sympathy here.

Rhymes with Witch said...

What's next? Speaking engagements? 21

Count on it. TLC won't be gar behind.

Rhymes with Witch said...

gar = far

ncgirl said...

I've never understood why couples with one child are so desperate for multiples. I'm infertile, and one child would be fine by me. I'm an only child because that's all my parents could afford. If you can't afford them, don't have them.

As for the Duggars, people on the internet have speculated Josiah is gay, but there's no proof. But their religion is against gay people, and I would feel badly for any gay child in that family. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder if the public doesn't give anything to the godfundme accounts whether anyone will say it is God's will we pay for this ourselves. I'm guessing not.

redbird said...

capecodmomma, I want to see the Lady in Gold too! I saw the trailer and I can't wait.

Lynne In RI said...

What's next? Speaking engagements? 21

Count on it. TLC won't be gar behind.


TLC will be on them faster than flies on a dung pile.

"Using science and invoking God to ask for money is duplicitous at best. No sympathy here."


Does The Big Guy have internet access to the Go Fund Me page?

Lynne In RI said...

"If he is in fact gay, they'd want to marry him off asap, to a young and presumably naive woman. Doesn't Jim Bob select their partners?"


I hope he doesn't try them out first to make sure they can do what they gotta do to keep the Duggar men happy.

I know that wasn't kind, but those people really annoy the heck out of me.

AuntieAnn said...

Midnight Madness said... 18

I'm preparing gravy for the gander. Since the gander is male, you get two extra "organs" with it. Therefore, more bang for your bucks.


teehee. I wouldn't touch that one with a ten-foot turkey baster. ~ Administrator said...

It's entitlement and a lack of responsibility.

They are not entitled to have fertility treatments or have another child. They should only do so if they can afford all the real consequences including HOM. Some people may only be able to afford one child, it may not seem fair but that's how life works sometimes. There will be heartbreak in life and sometimes being responsible means giving up things you want. It's not up to responsible members of the public who only had one or two children to constantly be asked to bail out others. That's socialism pure and simple. Goopy and her minions should read up on the grand successes of that line of thinking before hawking it so strongly.

AuntieAnn said...

Administrator said... 25

I wonder if the public doesn't give anything to the godfundme accounts whether anyone will say it is God's will we pay for this ourselves. I'm guessing not.


I'm guessing not either. I wish I weren't, but I'm highly suspicious of their motives. It's just too parallel to Jon and Kate's story. As sad as it is to think this way, money, BIG money, was made off those kids' backs and I sure hope that's not the plan in place for the Busby quints.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Someone get an old priest and a young priest!


I want the young one. That old priest scared the devil out of me.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I want the young one. That old priest scared the devil out of me. 34

Fleecing, wasn't that the point? :j
Couldn't resist.

P.J. said...

The comments on here tonight are amazing. I've LOLed several times.

AuntieAnn said...

Busby and wife are following Kate's grifting formula almost down to the letter. It's almost as if they've copied and pasted the entire saga.


They probably read Robert's book and used it as a how-to manual. And since the book was all from sKate's journal, she could probably sue.

Serendipity said...

Serendipity said... 190
I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Josiah is gay. No bashing, no pearl clutching or judgement. Just he's gay.

I didn't say that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't me! Honest!

readerlady said...

"I want the young one."

Not me. I'll take Max Von Sydow over Jason Miller.any day!

Some of you keep saying that couples with fertility issues should just adopt. That's all well and good, but do you realize just how hard it is to adopt? It's VERY expensive, even if you don't go the private adoption route, or go for a foreign adoption. And adoption agencies turn people down for all sorts of insignificant reasons. A young couple who were neighbors of mine tried for 7 years to get pregnant. Had all the testing and everything -- no apparent reason why they couldn't conceive. Around year 4 they decided to try for adoption. Every agency they applied to -- and they weren't picky, they just wanted a child and were willing to take an older child or a child with handicaps -- turned them down. They were college educated, good jobs, nice upstanding good citizens, good Christians who lived the Word rather than just preached the Word. They were turned down because the husband had a very mild spina bifida. He was ambulatory but the agencies all said he wouldn't be able to go out and play ball with a son or carry his daughter around or roughhouse and wrestle with a kid the way a father should. Well, no, he couldn't, but he could read to them, teach them to play the piano, attend their athletic events, feed them, bathe them, tuck them in at night. Teach them how to live an honest and upright life. In short, be a FATHER. But that wasn't good enough. They finally managed to get pregnant using in vitro. Had premature twins. One died at 9 months and the other one had learning problems and vision issues because of prematurity. After all this, they became foster parents and were finally allowed to adopt one of their foster sons -- a child with severe learning and behavior issues -- mainly because no one else wanted the child. They've been wonderful parents, but it was a lot of grief and heartache and unnecessary aggravation along the way.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Did Gladys ever say why she spent time at the wellness center, or whatever it was? With all of her hintin' that she did, was anyone curious enough to ask? ~ Administrator said...

It can be hard to adopt. You do have to pass ASFA, which is strict. If you so much as have an arrest for protesting in your college years you might have issues with passing it. Private adoption agencies can impose their own regulations beyond that.

Here, there's a shortage of foster parents, so if parents are willing to take a child in the hopes of adoption at some point further down the road and can pass ASFA, they have a very good chance of having a child. As long as they are open to taking a child who might not be the same race as themselves or a newborn. And at that point you need to ask yourself is it more important I have a child any child, or a have a BIO child. One would hope having just a child is the priority.

But I think that goes back to what I'm saying that basically, there are situations in life that are not fair. It's not fair when you have fertility problems, sure. Fertility treatments are difficult, so is adoption. It's not fair these things are difficult, but lots of things in life are. Maybe, a second or third child isn't in the cards. Instead of doing the responsible thing and accepting this unfairness like I believe most people do, some people get reckless and start taking on massive amounts of debt and grave risks with treatments. Then to make matters worse once the babies do arrive, they expect the public to help them. I just can't support that. Somewhere along the way something as sad in our private lives as infertility somehow got treated differently than other equally sad things in our private lives that happen to people that people cope with in a way that doesn't put undue burdens on society. It's not okay when society has been repeatedly asked to pick up the pieces.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I have never said that adoption as the alternative to fertility treatments. Both are difficult.
I looked into adopting from a Romanian orphan after Ceaușescu was gone.
The cost was prohibitive. It never occurred to me to ask anyone else to fund it. I still wouldn't.

AuntieAnn said...

And adoption agencies turn people down for all sorts of insignificant reasons.


Maybe the people who opt for fertility treatments should be made to undergo the same regimen as those who try to adopt. Case in point: Katie Irene Gosselin. For significant reasons.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Not me. I'll take Max Von Sydow over Jason Miller.any day!


Is Max still alive? He has to be up there in his late 80s or so. He reminds me of Len Goodman. He was a good "Jesus," though.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Goopy is truly tone deaf.

Vanessa said...

Serendipity said... 37
Serendipity said... 190
I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Josiah is gay. No bashing, no pearl clutching or judgement. Just he's gay.

I didn't say that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't me! Honest!
I said it first Serendipity, someone just copied and pasted "your" copy and paste of my post.


Where did all of this come from? Just a rumor from someone who doesn't like the Duggar family? It's very easy to say that this person or that person "may be" gay, but geez, if one is going to spread something like that, then he better have something to back it up. This isn't something that a young kid like that would let go in one ear and out the other. He could very well be bothered by it if it were totally untrue.

I don't follow the show because I think they're all a bit on the loony side, but rumors like that hurt, especially if there is no truth to it whatsoever. I seriously doubt that he would be the next one to get married if he is gay. If it's true, and this couple is heading toward the altar, they better hope those prayers to make it go away are expedited and placed at the head of the prayer list.
If there is a "rumor" out there, it certainly wasn't started with my comment and opinion on this blog:)
I have formed my opinion through observation and using my own intelligence, gut feeling, so that's how I am backing it up. To me, Josiah "seems" to be gay. That is all.

The BIGGER issue with me, and worth a discussion, is that either straight, gay, bi, WHATEVER...if he wants to be a bus driver, a circus clown a janitor etc., he will never know his TRUE SELF. 18 years old and he's "courting"? I see that as being betrothed, coerced, FORCED, even if it's subconsciously, into following a very strict path his parents have made for him.

The oldest son, Josiah's big brother, is a member of the Family Research Council and a their "celebrity" spokesperson. He is anti gay and anti gay marriage.

His parents ran some kind of Instagram contest for kissing couples. They deleted any same sex kisses.

So when I said I thought he was gay (imo) I said it because I feel some empathy for him and also disgust for his parents. Imagine going through life denying who you are? How you were born? Denying what you are?
I imagine it be the equivalent of me being forced into lesbianism when it goes totally against my straight human nature.

Vanessa said...

Tucker's Mom said... 17
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 Apr 14
HAPPY BDAY! (SO glad it’s yours and not mine AGAIN:) ❤️�� RT @SarahHarrrvey: Birthday shout out from @Kateplusmy8 ?
Wow, way to make it
does she ever stop?

Tucker's Mom said...

I think I lost my last post, so I'll try again:

The Busby's talking points are far too similar to J+K's to NOT be taken from the Gosselin playbook.
Kate and The Duggars are iconoclasts who have paved the way for parents of large broods of children to get freebies, fame and money.
They have ,somehow, made it OK to shirk their sacred responsibility and offer their children up to the world, instead of protecting them from it.
They have made it perfectly acceptable to beg others for money to solve the problems they themselves have created. Further, have made it de rigueur to expect a life replete with all things luxurious, large, shiny and new.
If I was a parent without scruples, I would not ask "why?"- I would ask, "why not?".

Tucker's Mom said...

readerlady said... 38
Wow, that's a discrimination lawsuit right there!

Tucker's Mom said...

The Busby's are going to do a remote interview with the Today Show. I'll let y'all know if they're right on script.

Vanessa said...

Why would he be "courting" a girl if he's gay? Would he get married to hide it and not come out of the closet? I mean, I know they're nuts, but I'm not sure that they are that far gone.
"Why?" is easy- their fundamentalists and believe being gay is a choice, and they can "pray the gay away".
Many gay men marry in an attempt to repress their true sexual preference.
Can you imagine the pressure on a Duggar? They are known around the globe as fundy Christians who are put on this Earth to make babies that will make more babies.
I don't follow the show, but have read the comments about this boy maybe being gay, and if he is, I hope he is very, very strong.


Yes Tucker. The question of him being gay didn't just come out of thin air.
A lot of people have the same opinion, could be true or not, but he seems to have registered on many a gay-dar. A lot of these anti-gay Bible thumpers are asked "what if your child was gay?" Well with this family, it could very well NOT be a hypothetical question.

Vanessa said...

Why would he be "courting" a girl if he's gay? Would he get married to hide it and not come out of the closet? I mean, I know they're nuts, but I'm not sure that they are that far gone. 190

I have NO DOUBT that they go that far.
If he is in fact gay, they'd want to marry him off asap, to a young and presumably naive woman. Doesn't Jim Bob select their partners?
Curious as to why Josiah has 2 or 3? older brothers, but he's the next one to be a-courtin'?

P.J. said...

Tucker's Mom said... 49
The Busby's are going to do a remote interview with the Today Show. I'll let y'all know if they're right on script.


Well, since we're already calling this for what it is, I suspect the media and the rest of the public will be calling them out too and sooner rather than later. HOMs have reached the tipping point, IMO.

Vanessa said...

How are gay people treated in the Quiverful community?

Just a few of the many hits I got when I googled
Gay Quiverfull

Vanessa said...

Wonder how well a gofundme site would do if they asked for handouts
FOR the fertility treatments? Or is it only AFTER they become pregnant with HOM that the real money comes in?

Vanessa said...

Kate and The Duggars are iconoclasts who have paved the way for parents of large broods of children to get freebies, fame and money.
This reminds me of reading or hearing waayyy back in the day of L.A Law, remember that show??
Apparently there was an increase in law school applications during it's run on tv, or during it's hay day.
Or present day- dance schools have seen an increase in ballroom dancing participants.

TJ said...

check out Bethany Frankel's quote re Kate Gosselin on ROL..she commented that "she was definitely dating that guy", referring to Steve and that she "has the money somewhere"

Vanessa said...

Wonder if these Busby's have already trademarked their name.
How many tv show titles can we come up with?

Breaking Busbys
Busy Busbys
Busy as a Busby Bee
A Bundle of Busbys
The Busby Belles

P.J. said...

Vanessa said... 55
Kate and The Duggars are iconoclasts who have paved the way for parents of large broods of children to get freebies, fame and money.
This reminds me of reading or hearing waayyy back in the day of L.A Law, remember that show??
Apparently there was an increase in law school applications during it's run on tv, or during it's hay day.
Or present day- dance schools have seen an increase in ballroom dancing participants.


And when CSI hit the airways, the forensics programs at colleges couldn't keep up to the demand. With what's on t.v. these days, I suspect a lot of people want to become zombies or superheroes. ;)

TLC stinks said...

I do not watch nor follow the Duggars because it's TLC and well, they are just weird, but it would not surprise me that one of those 19 kids would be gay. I don't know anything about the son you guys are talking about, but aren't all their children pressured into marriage? I am surprised the parents don't marry them off as soon as they reach puberty.

Did not know the Busby's were going to be on The Today Show. Can People and TLC be far behind? I gotta laugh that Kate's own masterminding may bring her down as this young family speeds along using Kate's playbook. Who wants to watch a 40-year-old untalented diva and annoying kids when there is a new family with cute baby girls ripe for the picking? Remembering Kate's nasty annoyance at others having multiples in Robert's book, she must be climbing the walls figuring out how the heck she can keep TLC interested.

Tucker's Mom said...

Just watched the Busby's on the Today Show. Hoda Kotb interviewed and didn't throw any baiting questions that lead to grifting, like "what do you need or what and how can people donate?".
Glad for that.
The husband did say he had no idea how they were going to handle all the diaper changes and feeding YET. FFS!
I'd have the sh*t hammered out before the babies are born!
So, that was the only moment I thought "ugh, here we go again".
But, the mother looks amazing- not super bloated like Kate was (and I'm not poking fun or tearing Kate down about that because that's normal and to be expected).
They are a very good looking couple and I hope they choose to be as private and normal (because it's crap that their girls won't fit into society by accident of birth) as can be, and of course, receive help from their community.

P.J. said...

BTW, Duggars, that show about being married to a gay man is already on the air. Compliments of TLC of course.

Actually, the garbage on TLC should be enough for the Duggars to turn their backs and walk away from their show. How do they justify working with people who produce shows that are so against their belief system? Oh, right, they don't watch t.v.

Vanessa said...

I suspect a lot of people want to become zombies or superheroes. ;)

Vanessa said...

Maybe there'll be another huge surge in law school applicants again now that
Better Call Saul is getting such high ratings?
Wonder if the crystal meth business is seeing an increase in supply??

Formerly Duped said...

Thanks. I bought a book on the Quiverfull commuity out of interest, second hand. It was boring though and I didn't learn much, although intolerance and what to me, was crazy ideology about discipline and child-rearing did stick out in my mind. ~ Administrator said...

The husband did say he had no idea how they were going to handle all the diaper changes and feeding YET. FFS!


Seems like this would be one of their easier problems to solve. You ask friends, family and church goers to please volunteer to help. Asking for help with such things from your support system is acceptable, and completely different than asking for cash from strangers.

Karen Kaufman said...

Busby Quints. Sigh. I guess it'll have to play out. The McCaugheys have shown what they're made of. They accepted help for a short while and then became independent and private. They behave like parents who love their children. Kate is pretty fucking unique in that she appears to have engineered the birth of her sextuplets only for the fame and free shit...oh, and as a never ending source of something to whine about. Hopefully she is one of a kind.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TFW may think "the world" knew about the birth of her babies, but
that was waaaay back in 2004. With the explosion of social media,
more people may have heard/read about these quintuplets in the
past week than about the Gosselin babies in their whole first year.
And surely there's a People cover in their future. Will they contact
TFW for a quote? "I had more - I win!" Or maybe they can just
print the journal excerpt expressing her relief when another mother
pregnant with multiples lost her fetuses. ~ Administrator said...

I love this part: "But spies said they never saw any food actually pass Paltrow’s lips." Typical anorexic celeb.

I love too how her publicist actually responds to the criticism with some lame excuse about how that photo was from last week. You're not going to get anywhere engaging with her haters. It's not going to happen.

Goop is just too far into it over the years to be able to pull something like that off. She should know better. But as you said she is one of the most tone deaf celebs of modern times. Maybe that's because she was raised by two celebs, I don't know. Being a child of a celeb can screw you up. I find her fascinating in that there's more "hate" directed at her over, IMO, several legitimate issues, and yet she just keeps on trucking, blinders on, teeth sparkling.

Also notice the article, by a NY Post writer, refers to "food stamps" which is, again, a collequally acceptable way to refer to government assistance that can be used for food. Even for a professional journalist. ~ Administrator said...

I think people are multipled out. The only thing slightly unique about the story and the reason they are making news for a few days, is Dad's sperm threw all girls, but they're not identical or anything interesting like that. By the end of the week this story will be forgotten.

I mean even their God Fundme account hasn't amassed that much money in the grand scheme of things. Even if they raise the full amount they're asking for that's barely enough to pay for the van they want.

Like anything the story gets old and after multiple sets of multiples, the story is stale. There will be a few church goers and do gooders who will always throw 50 or 100 bucks their way in the first couple months, but that will be it. There will never be another Gosselins again, it just won't happen.

TLC stinks said...

TJ, Bethanny said what we've all been saying for years. Of course Kate stashed money. Jon said so. I believe him. And as far as Steve, she can't hide it. It's just a matter of time before it all blows up. She has alienated too many people. It's been the drip, drip, drip for years. When someone is constantly whispered about so negatively, it's got to be based on something.

Formerly Duped said...

I agree, There have been way too many large families, little people, overweight people,multiples shows, as well as physical/mental anomaly episodes on TV to hold continued/continuous (lol- I do mean both) viewer interest..

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said...68

I love this part: "But spies said they never saw any food actually pass Paltrow’s lips." Typical anorexic
Did anyone catch Goop's food trip show in Italy with Mario Batali?
I wanted to ball gag her with a pig testicle.

TLC stinks said...

Admin, I think you are guilty of wishful thinking. There always seems to be an audience. I thought Kate Gosselin would never be back on TLC, but thar she blows. I think our group is tired of multiples, but not others; otherwise, TLC would be off the air.

P.J. said...

The husband did say he had no idea how they were going to handle all the diaper changes and feeding YET. FFS!


Here's a thought. You line up 5 babies and you change their diapers. How do you think nurses or other hospital personnel do it day in and day out, with a lot more than 5 babies. How long could it possibly take? Unless you have a major diaper blow-out, it's not that big a deal. Competent moms could do a diaper change in less than 1 minute. So, 5 x 1 minute x 8 time/day = 40 minutes. My sister runs a daycare and she can change babies this fast, even with a code brown. These people are clueless. Feeding is going to take a lot longer. Stop whining about diapers.

readerlady said...

Sleepless -- Max von Sydow is still very much alive and still acting at 86. He'll be in the new Star Wars film coming out. Jason Miller, sadly, died at 62, of a heart attack. (source

Exterior Designer said...

Radar has a story quoting Bethany that outs TFW and TFM and suggests that TFW ain't a piecin' an a patchin'.

LisaNH said...

With all this Duggar talk, I have to say, I wondered about Josiah too. But I haven't put too much thought into it because, the family simply doesn't take up that much of my thoughts.

I do watch the show, when Bizarre Foods is on hiatus LOL. I know that they have a lot of kids and yes, they really don't need to put everything out there on tv. However, I have to say, I don't have a problem with the number of kids they have. Why? Because they have done it on their own without any government assistance and they were supporting themselves before the TV cameras started to film.

So, as long as they can support that many kids, fine, have as many as you believe God wants you to have. Jim Bob made enough money to support his growing family and it seems like he has passed those skills onto his children (if his oldest son and older daughters are any example).

The way I see it, they are clean living people who try to live their lives as they think God wants them to. They believe they have to answer to God. It is kind of refreshing to see this compared to all the vile, violent crap that networks offer nowadays.

My mother joined the Mormon church years ago (she has since stopped going). Through her I met many church members. Aside from one or two people who worked where I did (and they were the meanest, snarkiest people you'd ever want to meet), they were very nice people. They were always respectful to me, despite not being a member of the church. I respected them because they were very kind and giving. If someone needed help with anything, most of the congregation would rally and assist in any way the could.

I didn't believe a lot of what the church taught (#1 being not drinking coffee-oh hell no!! Not giving up coffee for anything!!!), but I respect the fact that they did try to do what they felt was right in helping others. And that is how I see the Duggars.

Oh and someone wondered what church or religious organization they belong to, I believe it's some form of the Baptist church.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Yes Tucker. The question of him being gay didn't just come out of thin air.
A lot of people have the same opinion, could be true or not, but he seems to have registered on many a gay-dar.


Oh geez. I need more coffee. I read this as "registered on many a gay bar." I you need to register as a member at a gay bar?

P.J. said...

R'uh R'oh! Read the comments before they are deleted. The backlash has begun.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 72

Did anyone catch Goop's food trip show in Italy with Mario Batali?
I wanted to ball gag her with a pig testicle.


How about Chubby Bunnies?

TLC stinks said...

Typical. Men always obsess about diaper changing.

Wasn't Kate on Bethany's talk show? She was kind of hard on her about where the money went, so I am thinking Bethany did not buy Kate's answers since Kate does live a privileged lifestyle. I am sure there are plenty of rumors floating around, other than what is in the tabloids, about her relationship with Steve. Just how long does Kate think she can keep up her act on everything?

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 81

Typical. Men always obsess about diaper changing.


Unless they're Jon, then diaper changing becomes his duty because his lazy-ass wife shrieks and screams at the sight of poo poo.

Remember the episode when one of girls messed the crib and herself so badly that Kate damn near had to call 911? She said, and I quote, "This has never happened to me before!!!!!!"

PatK said...

P.J. said... 79
R'uh R'oh! Read the comments before they are deleted. The backlash has begun.


I got a kick out of the "Good bleed your children" comment. Sounds like Kate fans are branching out. lol

(And actually, it will be reality tv which will "bleed your children".)

Tucker's Mom said...

readerlady said... 38
I have to agree. There will always be plenty of "low information" viewers out there.

Alberta Girl said...

The issues I have with the Duggars, is that they insinuate that their unions are "deeper", because they don't kiss until marriage, etc.

Those poor kids have NO privacy, and that is on purpose. Everyone shares bedrooms, no one goes unchaperoned - I guess they are not allowed to be alone to be able to come up with any independant thought.

I really feel sorry for the girls though. Very young, newly married, just learning about sex, and they probably get pregnant right away, and be in that state for the next 20 years. Both of them had virtually no alone time with their husbands before baby comes along. Just sad.

Formerly Duped said...

Petty remark: why is Blayke spelled that way and is Parker a good name for a girl? lol, sorry! At least they didn't steal one of "Kate's names."

Millicent said...

Tucker's Mom said... 169

I'll save my charitable donations for others, those who have lost everything through no fault of their own. This guy sounds like he was suddenly slapped upside the head with, surprise, surprise, multiple babies growing inside his wife's belly--how'd that happen? DUH!!
Agree, Sue Buddy. I'm a charitable person-we give lots. But, I'm not going to give these people my money because they didn't plan for the very real outcome of having more babies than they could afford.
They rolled the dice.
I would no more give them money than I would a gambler, down on his luck in Vegas.
This sort of thing drives me crazy. Please people - stop having (or risk having) more children than you can afford to support! My pregnancy was unplanned and a surprise. A most happy, wonderful surprise. I knew early on that I would be raising this child basically by myself. While I sometimes wish I had more than one child, the fact is I could not afford it. So I have only one child and have done my best to meet his needs and also give him extras when I could afford to do so.

I have never asked strangers for money to help support my child, and I will never contribute money to people who irresponsibly (IMO) conceived multiple babies and now are crying poor.

Millicent said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 173
It was different then. She had a plethora of helpers and she could let those babies in their cribs until she was darn well ready to deal with them. She didn't have eight kids to get off to school. She needs to make sure that they don't miss the bus. If they did, she would either have to drive them there herself (which she doesn't want to do), or she would have them home with her all day (which she doesn't want to happen)! Getting up at 5:45 is not too early to get up, make sure each child has what is needed for school, and get them to the bus stop before 7.
Blowing - I think Kate has one or more nannies currently. I have no direct knowledge, but it is entirely possible that on some or most school days, the nanny would be present to help with the morning schedule, including driving them to the school bus stop. I do also believe that Kate does get up at least on some mornings and take them to the bus stop, based on a comment one of the boys made about how their mother goes back to bed after dropping them off for school.

I'm not disagreeing that 5:45 is a reasonable time for a normal parent to get up when they have 8 kids to get ready for school. I am merely saying that Kate is not normal, has always been lazy, and I find it unlikely that day in, day out, she gets up at 5:45 a.m. and calmly, in orderly fashion, helps her kids get ready for school and then drives them to the bus stop.

Tucker's Mom said...

Alberta Girl said... 85
The issues I have with the Duggars, is that they insinuate that their unions are "deeper", because they don't kiss until marriage, etc.

Those poor kids have NO privacy, and that is on purpose. Everyone shares bedrooms, no one goes unchaperoned - I guess they are not allowed to be alone to be able to come up with any independant thought.

I really feel sorry for the girls though. Very young, newly married, just learning about sex, and they probably get pregnant right away, and be in that state for the next 20 years. Both of them had virtually no alone time with their husbands before baby comes along. Just sad.
Agree it's sad. I can imagine some of the children want to leave, but know they will be an outcast forever. The bonds they share are wielded as weapons.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 86
Petty remark: why is Blayke spelled that way and is Parker a good name for a girl? lol, sorry! At least they didn't steal one of "Kate's names."
April 16, 2015 at 10:55 AM
It's the special snowflake-effect.
Tukkyr's Mom ;-)

AuntieAnn said...

PatK said... 83

P.J. said... 79
R'uh R'oh! Read the comments before they are deleted. The backlash has begun.


I got a kick out of the "Good bleed your children" comment. Sounds like Kate fans are branching out. lol

(And actually, it will be reality tv which will "bleed your children".)


At least this person has some common sense:

*I've been through those fertility treatments. We really had to consider if we wanted to spend all of our money and take away from the one child we had. We luckily got pregnant before we had spent much at all. One thing that stuck in my mind was that I didn't want to be like Octomom, who had had her children around the time that we were trying. I told my doctor I was not interested in having a bunch at one time. He told me that if I got pregnant with more than one child with his regiment of treatment, than he didn't do a good job. I had one baby and we've decided to not have anymore. We have what we can afford. Your doctor did not do his job. *

P.J. said...

PatK said...

I got a kick out of the "Good bleed your children" comment. Sounds like Kate fans are branching out. lol

(And actually, it will be reality tv which will "bleed your children".)


I caught that too. Practically a Freudian slip.

About the Duggars, my problem is they DON'T raise their own children. They force their daughters to do it. Nothing wrong with contributing to the family, but that is way out of line. I would love to watch Michelle for a day. I'm sure she masterminds just like sKate.

AuntieAnn said...

Vanessa said... 57

Wonder if these Busby's have already trademarked their name.
How many tv show titles can we come up with?

Breaking Busbys
Busy Busbys
Busy as a Busby Bee
A Bundle of Busbys
The Busby Belles


Oh hell, let's start a pool because it's practically a no-brainer that TLC will approach these people. I'll put my money on #3 - Busy As Busby Bees.

P.J. said...

As suspected, the comments criticizing the Bugsbys have been removed. And those who called them on their being unprepared to raise their children are being called nasty. A spade is a spade.

Formerly Duped said...

Tukkyr's Mom ;-)
lol. I see they have a tab on the website celled Princess Blayke. Didn't look at it though

Fourmehrlee Doopyd =- )

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Just noticed the number of comments on the thread and
remembered how many a drive-by would sniff that this blog
was on its last legs. Oh, and that they were no fan of TFW's,
of course!

Millicent said...

Midnight Madness said... 12

I don't follow the show, but have read the comments about this boy maybe being gay, and if he is, I hope he is very, very strong.


Where did all of this come from? Just a rumor from someone who doesn't like the Duggar family? It's very easy to say that this person or that person "may be" gay, but geez, if one is going to spread something like that, then he better have something to back it up. This isn't something that a young kid like that would let go in one ear and out the other. He could very well be bothered by it if it were totally untrue.
Josiah is 18 and technically an adult. Still, I feel uncomfortable with speculation about his sexual orientation because he's so young and he didn't choose to be a public figure - his parents made that choice for him. Whatever his orientation, so be it. He's not identifying as gay. In fact, he is identifying as heterosexual and ready to marry a young lady.

His family's religion considers being gay a choice, and a terrible sin. It's similar to the Mormon religion in that aspect. It is widely known that many young gay Mormon men, raised with those beliefs, do marry, but that doesn't change their orientation. It must cause great pain to their wives and to themselves to live a lie.

I just hope at some point all of those kids will be able to lead their own lives. At this point, they have been so hobbled by their parents' beliefs that they have only a limited education, little to no job skills, and no opportunity to get a higher education or even attend a trade school. Thus, they are effectively dependent upon their father for their livelihood, which means they have to toe the line or face a pretty grim life.

I hope he and this young woman really do at least like one another and enjoy spending time together. And I wonder if JimBob can financially support his 19 kids and their spouses and offspring for the rest of their lives.

Formerly Duped said...

Wonder if Kate will be contributing to these quints.

Millicent said...

Just looked at that GoFundMe page and it appears that comments have been swiffered. Only positive ones are there now.

Tucker's Mom said...

This sort of thing drives me crazy. Please people - stop having (or risk having) more children than you can afford to support! My pregnancy was unplanned and a surprise. A most happy, wonderful surprise. I knew early on that I would be raising this child basically by myself. While I sometimes wish I had more than one child, the fact is I could not afford it. So I have only one child and have done my best to meet his needs and also give him extras when I could afford to do so.
I love reading stories about your son- you're blessed!
I sort of think that some people have a child, sometimes after much trying and medical treatments and procedures, should really think about the risk of tapping out their finances AND irrevocably altering their lives, including the life/lives of the living children they already have.
I think whatever children you're blessed with, be it 1 or 3 or whatever, should be your priority in every sense- time, emotion, money etc.
The Busby's no-longer-singleton is destined for Mady's emotional challenges.

Tucker's Mom said...

At least this person has some common sense:
I thought the same thing. Why can these already-blessed parents be happy with the child or children they have?
Please, I don't buy the whole, "we wanted just one more" bs.
The fact is, God saw fit to give you a child that you desperately wanted, and it wasn't enough.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Wonder if Kate will be contributing to these quints. 98


PA Dutch Mom said...

We haven't heard anything from Zorro lately, and when I looked at the headline, I that's where he is.
Nope. Wrong bird, but still amusing and sounds like something Kate would do:

Police: Woman blames coffee-drinking parrot for car crash

State police say a woman blamed her coffee-drinking pet parrot for distracting her moments before she crashed her car into a guardrail in Pennsylvania.

Troopers from Uniontown say the 35-year-old woman was driving on a South Union Township road just before 5 p.m. Tuesday when she noticed the bird pecking at the lid of her coffee cup. The woman says she struck the guardrail when she glanced down to see what the bird was doing.

The woman told police that the bird likes to drink coffee - and they also found bird seed in a cup holder next to the coffee and a few feathers nearby.

Police say the woman broke her arm and had facial cuts because her air bag deployed.

The bird was safely removed from the vehicle.

Willowmom (now Piper's mom) said...

Other possible show titles:
The Busby Bunch
A Bevy of Busbys

PA Dutch Mom said...

Kate wrote a blog about her lack of water. Kate is a dingbat. She knew that there was no water so why on God's green earth didn't she tell those kids to shower at school after PE...instead of taking them to a hotel?

AuntieAnn said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 102

Wonder if Kate will be contributing to these quints. 98



Oh, I'm sure she's already given her two cents worth after she found out about them.

Math Girl said...

Vanessa said... 57
Wonder if these Busby's have already trademarked their name.
How many tv show titles can we come up with?

Breaking Busbys
Busy Busbys
Busy as a Busby Bee
A Bundle of Busbys
The Busby Belles
Busby Babes or Busby Babies are out, or would be in incredibly bad taste. If you google it, you get to stories about a soccer team in England that lost many members in a horrific plane crash.

Formerly Duped said...

There were plenty of holes in Kate's story,although I didn't read it in detail. She said there were no clean clothes but then packed some; no food but then packed Easter leftovers, and why hadn't she cleaned up /done laundry before? The very rare very part-time-ish babysitter magically materialized Kate has many 'handy man type guy friends ' She did not what a well was. Awn and awn... what a boring come-back post! YAWN!

Math Girl said... ~ Administrator said... 69
I think people are multipled out. The only thing slightly unique about the story and the reason they are making news for a few days, is Dad's sperm threw all girls, but they're not identical or anything interesting like that.
As I understand it, two are identical. Maybe they could milk that for all it's worth, the two identical ones vs the three "others". OK, I'll shut up now and quit giving them ideas.

FYI said...

I'm back from my vacation and am just catching up.

AuntieAnn-did I ever tell you that there is an "Auntie Anne's"(they specialize in soft pretzels) kiosk in one of the rest stops that I stop at during my trip? I always think of you when I stop there.

I see Kate finally, after a year and 2 months, has a new blog post, about how she survived the trials and tribulations of having no water. Of course, as usual, it's all about HER and how SHE survived!!

You'd think by now, she would have removed the "Pre-Order my Cookbook" post that is over 2 years old, but nope, it's still there.

I have to laugh that when she tweeted that she would have a new blog post, that her fans thought she was going to have a "big announcement", but all they got was a recap of her water woes.

Welcome, to the "mediocre" world, Kate. Dealing with breakdowns of equipment and appliances doesn't make you special. It is what the majority of households deal with on a daily basis. It's called "life", and it doesn't make you any more "special" than anyone else.

Mary Ann said...

Well, Kate's blog will go down as one of the greatest works of fiction ever written. What a load of camel crap!!!!

PatK said...

So Kate doesn't contribute a darn thing to her website in a couple years, and decides to write about their water dilemma? What's her angle with this? 'Cause, with Kate, there's ALWAYS an angle.

P.J. said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 103

Troopers from Uniontown say the 35-year-old woman was driving on a South Union Township road just before 5 p.m. ...


We know that couldn't be sKate. She's waaaaaaaaaaaaay older than that. LOL

PA Dutch Mom said...

Another OT post. We've talked about sloppy reporting, mistakes and such in a rush to get out the story. This one is really funny, though. It's local, and the goof was deleted.

Yesterday a man shot himself in the head in a suicide attempt. Apparently he didn't do the job, had second thoughts, got into his SUV and drove by himself to get help. He came upon a cop who had been at the scene of a car fire and the medics were called. An ambulance took him to the hospital (he's in critical, but not life-threatening condition). This is what was written in the online story:

"A person was reported to be inside the SUV with a gunshot wound to the head. A dog also was in the vehicle. It wasn't clear who was driving the car."

My concern was if the dog was in any condition to drive back home. I guess the officer evaluated him and declared him good to go.

"She did not what a well was. Awn and awn... what a boring come-back post! YAWN!"


When you go to her blog, at least you know that her cook book is available for pre-order.

Over And Out said...

I'm not reading that self-serving blog. The woman is nuts. You buy a house with a well and you know that thing isn't going to function perfectly for a hundred years. You deal with it, quietly, and you don't do the me, me, me thing...look how amazing I am.

I guess she doesn't say why the kids just didn't go to their dad's to take showers. If he's still alive, I would imagine that he has running water at his place.

Does a kid really need a shower every day? It's not like they're running around on a hot summer day, rolling down hills and playing in the mulch beds. She doesn't wash the sheets for weeks at a time, but they need showers every day?

Tucker's Mom said...

Millicent said... 99
Just looked at that GoFundMe page and it appears that comments have been swiffered. Only positive ones are there now.
April 16, 2015 at 11:52 AM
Of course. Make sure it's all rainbows and unicorn farts in quint world.
Pay not attention to our outstretched hands, and as always, PTL!!!!

Tucker's Mom said...

"I can’t say that I’ve ever envied a camel’s abilities where “water lugging” is concerned before, but I found myself feeling a bit jealous of those desert animals and their God given abilities recently. Here’s what “no water” looked like in our house over the last few days:"

What a f*cking moron.
Camel humps are fat, not water jugs.

That blog entry is so poorly written and overwrought that I had to just skim it lest my eyes start to bleed.
Typical Kate-hasn't penned a blog entry in over a year? and she just had to let the world know of the tragedy that was shuttling kids to a motel for showers and dinner.
My world's smallest violin is our for repairs, otherwise, I might just play it for poor, poor Kite.

Tucker's Mom said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 105
Kate wrote a blog about her lack of water. Kate is a dingbat. She knew that there was no water so why on God's green earth didn't she tell those kids to shower at school after PE...instead of taking them to a hotel?
April 16, 2015 at 12:18 PM
Seriously. That, and order pizza/hoagies/Chinese and use the paper plates and plastic utensils she's got stocked in that house.
Why let a little loss of water hinder the usual use of disposable dinner and tableware?
All the effort and angst in that stupid missive. Kate should put an iota of that effort into fixing her relationships so she has a support network to help in times like like.
What an idiot.
I mean, #dolt.

Tucker's Mom said...

BTW, Kate can't tell a story to save her life. She truly sucks as a writer.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mary Ann said... 111
Well, Kate's blog will go down as one of the greatest works of fiction ever written. What a load of camel crap!!!!
April 16, 2015 at 1:10 PM
Did you know that camels store that crap in their humps??

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I'm guessing the new blog post is a way to grab a morsel of
attention because the quint story has blown up in the media.
Schmoopie's narcissistic supply is runnin' low, so she needs
a fill up.

P.J. said...

LOL @ Mary Ann and the camel crap comment.

Writing a blog after all this time absolutely reeks of desparation. How pathetic.

"A person was reported to be inside the SUV with a gunshot wound to the head."

Forget whether or not the dog was driving, the SUV had a gunshot wound to the head?

Tucker's Mom, PTL = Praise The Lord or Pass The Loot?

prairiemary said...

Well maybe I should grow a pair and go begging on GoFundMe, as it was not my fault I lost every single tooth due to the strong meds I was taking after I got so sick with gbs. Maybe each person could donate enough money for 1 dental implant(dentures do not work in my mouth!), and with a couple dozen donors, I could once again enjoy real food. I would just NEVER have the guts to do something like that, so will continue eating mostly soft carbs in my diet. What I wouldn't give to eat protein hot off the barbi-que!

Tucker's Mom said...

Over And Out said... 115
I'm not reading that self-serving blog. The woman is nuts. You buy a house with a well and you know that thing isn't going to function perfectly for a hundred years. You deal with it, quietly, and you don't do the me, me, me thing...look how amazing I am.

I guess she doesn't say why the kids just didn't go to their dad's to take showers. If he's still alive, I would imagine that he has running water at his place.
Seriously, your brain could temporarily break from trying to read Kate's tale of woe-is-me.
It's that bad.
Of course Kate wouldn't ask Jon for help. It would KILL her to do that, so, let her and her hired help schlep the kids back and forth to a hotel.

Tucker's Mom said...

When you go to her blog, at least you know that her cook book is available for pre-order.
April 16, 2015 at 1:16 PM
I'm going to pre-say, "no thanks".

Tucker's Mom said...

What I love about Kate's long-awaited blog entry is that she starts off shoveling the bullshit right out of the gate. Sorry, sheep, I've been too busy with "busyness" to take the time and effort to throw you a bone. But, I thought I'd regale you with this tragic tome about how I managed to cope with the unparalleled challenge of losing water for a couple days!

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt her pump fixer had tears in his eyes...

P.J. said...

Oh, dear Lord! Quick! Change my spelling to "desperation" before some sheeple has a scorching case of pizzle rot.

TLC stinks said...

She's hoping a tabloid writes about her blog post.

prairiemary said...

Went to her blog, first & last time ever!
Sad that I could not comment, as the comments were now closed.
DOLT is the right word to describe this dolt!

getoftweeter said...

So what was the purpose of her blog? A pity party? Kate sure did one thing about her blog it was an IIIIIII, mememememe, she managed to make it about how terrible it was for her, cause, you all know, this only happen to Kate, this has never happened to anyone else in the whole world, just Kate.

Her blogging has not changed much from the Stir & Coupon cabin days.

SSDY! So how long do you think she will do this time, the blog, before she gets bored?

Do I sense a bit of desperation?

Millicent said...

Tucker's Mom said:
I love reading stories about your son- you're blessed!
I sort of think that some people have a child, sometimes after much trying and medical treatments and procedures, should really think about the risk of tapping out their finances AND irrevocably altering their lives, including the life/lives of the living children they already have.
I think whatever children you're blessed with, be it 1 or 3 or whatever, should be your priority in every sense- time, emotion, money etc.
The Busby's no-longer-singleton is destined for Mady's emotional challenges.
Oh thank you :) You made a good point. Once you have a child or children, I believe that any big decision should be made in conjunction with how it will affect your child(ren). Sometimes it is very hard to forego a change in career, or very hard to say no to that fun sports car you always wanted and instead choose the less expensive used and boring van, etc. But you have to consider what would be best for your entire family, including the children. I think that this family we're talking about today already had three children, right? They are then three times already blessed! Why weren't they satisfied with the three they already had?

prairiemary said...

OT, can someone give me a link to the entire Barbara Walter's interview with Mary Kay Laterneu & her child husband? I forgot to dvr it, and all I can find are short bursts of it, longest being 5 + some minutes of it. Thanks!

getoftweeter said...

So, Kate did not know what a well was? or that the house has well water? WHAT!

REALLY KATE! stop playing STUPID, it only makes you look & sound like an asshole. Jon was right you are an asshole! LOLOLOL

getofftwitter said...

OT: I really dread the day when I have my bath floor around the toilet fixed, cause I only have one bathroom. I guess I will have a nice talk with my buddies across the alley at the Dunky donuts.

Yeah, just another BS blog from Kate.

getoftweeter said...

So, Kate did not know what a well was? or that the house has well water? WHAT!

REALLY KATE! stop playing STUPID, it only makes you look & sound like an asshole. Jon was right you are an asshole! LOLOLOL

PA Dutch Mom said...

Author MKBrownlow retweeted Kate Gosselin
I don't know how she does it! I'd lose my mind and I have less than 1/2 the kids she has!

...and the blog brings Brownie, the stale "serial" lady out of the woodwork! When she tweeted Kate 70 times or more from the organics store in Morgantown, I think most figured then that her mind wasn't intact.

localyocul said...

prairiemary said... 123
Well maybe I should grow a pair and go begging on GoFundMe, as it was not my fault I lost every single tooth due to the strong meds I was taking after I got so sick with gbs. Maybe each person could donate enough money for 1 dental implant(dentures do not work in my mouth!), and with a couple dozen donors, I could once again enjoy real food. I would just NEVER have the guts to do something like that, so will continue eating mostly soft carbs in my diet. What I wouldn't give to eat protein hot off the barbi-que!


I think the GoFundMe stuff is beyond ridiculous. But what I really want to know is, is GBS Guillain-Barré Syndrome ? What a horrific disease! Did you ever read Bed Number Ten?

PA Dutch Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 128
She's hoping a tabloid writes about her blog post


Exactly. She has to keep her name out there, and with the upcoming MD special, the more publicity the better. Kate is so darn transparent.

localyocul said...

Why didn't they just stay at the damn hotel? Why not have her "rare" babysitter take the kids home? Why did Ms Organized still have dirty dishes from Sunday on Monday evening? So many questions..

localyocul said...

Tucker's Mom said... 125
When you go to her blog, at least you know that her cook book is available for pre-order.
April 16, 2015 at 1:16 PM
I'm going to pre-say, "no thanks".


Tee hee

PA Dutch Mom said...

"A person was reported to be inside the SUV with a gunshot wound to the head."

Forget whether or not the dog was driving, the SUV had a gunshot wound to the head?


lol, PJ! I was so busy laughing hysterically at the thought of the dog behind the wheel (and trying to figure out if it was a lab or a chihuahua) that I totally missed that one. That particular writer consistently messes up with sentence structure, misplaced modifiers and such, and I read her articles to see how much she has butchered the stories! That probably was the funniest one I ever read. There were several comments about it, most of which have been deleted.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I didn't read the blog entry, but it sounds like it makes Globe
Gate read like an Emmy-winning episode of "West Wing."

Did she mine any drama from the cause of the well breaking?
Or did they all decide that J looked guilty, so they just
unanimously vote that it was his fault?


localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 110
I'm back from my vacation and am just catching up.

AuntieAnn-did I ever tell you that there is an "Auntie Anne's"(they specialize in soft pretzels) kiosk in one of the rest stops that I stop at during my trip? I always think of you when I stop there.


Auntie Annes has THEE best pretzels !!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Good grief, did she really say the babysitter was "rare?" Did she
not remember admitting to having 20 hours of help a week? She is
a lying liar who lies, and the fans eat it up with a spoon like
lemony hummus.

TLC stinks said...

Gawd, the woman writes like she's in jr. high. So she did reserve a hotel room strictly just to shower. Odd.

Seems to me that if you notice for days that your water pressure is dropping you'd call someone right away. Did she just think that her well would heal itself?

So there is no one that she could call to ask to come over to their house and shower? Jon? Her parents? Jodi? The babysitter? The kids' friends? A neighbor? Bueller? Bueller?

I'll guarantee you the first person she called for advice was Steve, "a guy friend". Just like that blog post about when her car broke down and she called "a friend".

Anyway, I think the blog post is her way to get attention since her tweeties did not seem to deluge her with concern. You know why? Because even her tweeties deal with household emergencies and think she is a wuss. Man up, Kate. Stuff happens all the time and it's way worse and always more expensive the bigger the house and the property. It is ALL HERS now. LOL. I'm just waiting for the day when she finds her septic tank can't handle all the crap, TP, and tampons because I guarantee you that her septic tank (I assume that is what she has) is not large enough for nine people.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Did you know that camels store that crap in their humps??


lol! They store fatty tissue in their humps. Don't tell Milo that. She'll be dreamin' about living as fat in Kate's camel hump

prairiemary said...

Yes ,local, that is what it is.Having it was pure hell. Yes,read that book, a great read, many, many similarities. I wrote my own book, thought I was ready to publish, then my daughter got cancer, but my angel did not make it. So what should be in this book, my illness of her story? Lots to think about.

prairiemary said...

I am not a fan of GoFundMe either!

PA Dutch Mom said...

REALLY KATE! stop playing STUPID, it only makes you look & sound like an asshole. Jon was right you are an asshole! LOLOLOL


Um, getofftwitter -- She's not "playing" stupid. She's not that good of an actor. What you see is what you get.

TLC stinks said...

So rather than grabbing some fast food and springing for a couple of hotel rooms for the night, she makes the whole thing a major production. She is so cheap sometimes.

Good point why there were still dirty dishes from Sunday in the kitchen. I absolutely cannot stand to leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. I grew up with big ol' cockroaches that came out at night. She lives out in the country so I would guess she has bugs and mice. Yuck.

TLC stinks said...

Sounds like the "RARE" babysitter must live relatively close by. I would think she would have run out of chumps for that job by now.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

"What a f*cking moron.
Camel humps are fat, not water jugs.
Jeebus." (Tucker's, 117)


Oh, good grief. Jeebus is right. She thinks that camels haul water around in those humps? You'd hear them swishing at every step. She really is as dumb as a bag of barber's hair. Kate, if you don't know, Google is your friend, and in her case it's probably the only one she has who knows how to help her.

getoftweeter said...

It just makes me want to : WHAT! I don't know about the rest of you guys, but if I were looking at houses, the first few things I would be asking after the tour is: where is my water, gas & electric coming from, how much is the water bill, the gas bill the electric bill are. Is it well water, what are the maintence for well water? After buying the house, and it was well water i would have it tested, look at and find out how much water is in there how deep is the well etc. But, I forgot THAT WAS JON'S JOB! I would be asking all those questions. Kate was too in lala land or the excuse I have 8 kids. Yeah, so, there are no excuse for being stupid.

TJ said...

Oh my word! I started to read Kate's through two paragraphs and just couldn't read the rest of it...mostly because I just couldn't work up the interest....

angie said...

So ya'll are saying that Kate didn't know she had WELL WATER?

what the hell, did she think it was free? and has she had her water tested, to see what's in it?

oh my sakes.

Rainbirdie said...

Writing the blog was probably the "work" she was referring to when she posted the photo of her hooves in slippers. I did read the blog & found that not only does she have no clue about how to tell a compelling story (read: terrible writer) but unfortunately it was just more of whining about the problems of a 1 percenter (read: Kate Gosselin). To all who did not read the blog post (read: the smart ones), adding the parenthesis with a clarification point is Kate's new favorite, overused, annoying thing to include when writing her story.

Layla said...

Kate claims she didn't know she has well water? I'm almost sure it was discussed in that episode where the guy came over to check the water. It was the one where Kate was making a manual, and she gave the guy hell for daring to put his tool box on the counter. Does anyone else remember that? Is there some way to check?

Alberta Girl said...

Drama Queen! Always has to make things so difficult. She had to write that inane post, because she was probably upset that cameras weren't there to capture all her "masterminding".

Now, if Kate actually had close friends and family, it wouldn't be such a big deal. Hey Milo - try and tell everyone again how many friends your Queen has that were willing to help her, and how everyone in her community loves her!

What an f'ing DOLT!

angie said...

I read her blog entry.
What an idiot. LOL

dang, she sure makes life hard...poor (sniff) Kate....has 8 kids and no water in her 5000 sq ft house....(sniff).

1. has the money to call a plumber
2. has the money to fill up one of her 3 cars for her extra driving
3. has the money to pay her rare babysitter.
4. has the money to reserve a hotel room.
5. has the money to send her kids to private school.
6. has the money to pay for repairs.

SNIFF. oh, I don't know how she manages. Life is so hard for her. (sniff).

SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP you ungrateful wench.

Alberta Girl said...

LOL Rainbirdie!

Formerly Duped said...

I remember Mr Water Man. He was showing her how to change a filter or add softener tablets indoors. I don't think they discussed the well, just water usage etc. I could have forgotten though. Kate was so smug in making that manual, like now she wouldn't need Mr Men to help her run her piece of the world anymore (aka Jon) Maybe she meant she didn't know how wells work, not that she didn't know she had one! bit of the scene, from 3:28 or so on

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Too bad she didn't think to use her blog to publicize the two
charities she supported with her yard sale and her CA appearance. Someone who is truly "addicted to giving" would've thought of that.
But when she's craving attention, she's happy to supply every
grisly detail of her li'l crisis to her "friends," who predictably
offer praise and sympathy.

fidosmommy said...

As of a few hours ago, the Busbys had been gifted with over $16,000 on gofundme. Somebody is taking the bait.

I think HOM births will always bring on an initial outpouring of diapers, formula, volunteers. I am confident many moms of newborns appreciate that immediate response. Not all want it, of course, but many do. But very soon they want to start taking care of the child(ren) themselves, figure out how to manage schedules and finances and just be a family.
I would imagine having to rely on anybody but yourself and the other parent would wear pretty thin. I think in the end we want to create a family environment that puts responsibility where it belongs.

There is a place for the public to get involved. Public health services supported by tax dollars, EBT cards for groceries, supported by tax dollars, are all availaible for those in need. The public will soon enough be financing educational opportunities for the Busbys. .

I think the public will do its fair share to help the Busbys. The gofundme
requests seem out of line to me, frankly.

angie said...

forgot one:
*she had the money to nearly clear out the store of water.

how much of her narrative is fiction? 8%? 88%?


Sue_Buddy said...

I could not find anywhere that Kate said she didn't know she had a well. She said she didn't know she had a well pump. I doubt she ever thought about how the water gets from the well to the house. She's a star, she has more important things to think about:

"To give you a little history……only 14 months ago we spent a few days (over Christmas and New Years) without running water. At that time, I had to replace our well pump— this thing that I had no prior idea that even existed — but learned it’s the thing that pumps your water up from your well and into your home."

If she mentions it elsewhere in that gawd-awful tome I missed it.

localyocul said...

Oh, and she didn't know what a well pump was? She doesn't pay a water bill..did she think water magically appears at her tap?

Rainbirdie said...

angie said... 165
forgot one: *she had the money to nearly clear out the store of water.

how much of her narrative is fiction? 8%? 88%?

How much of her narrative is truth? 1%?

Math Girl said...

I really don't want to go to Kate's blog, so could someone please tell me when she claims to have found out she had well water. Just now is not compatible with her tweet that she had the pump replaced 14 months ago. So is that when she found out? Earlier? She doesn't say?

Anonymous said...

"Many large serving dishes"?? That's new....I thought she doled out the small portions.


Sue_Buddy said...

What got me about that idiotic blog was she packed individual meals plus napkins and cutlery in microwavable containers, one for each kid, for them to take to the hotel for dinner and packed them individual toiletries in bags, too.

The reason I think she might be telling the truth is, she always, ALWAYS makes more work for herself than is necessary.

Why didn't she have kids do homework and eat at home (pizza and paper plates so she wouldn't be adding to the dirty dishes she never cleaned up from the Easter dinner the day before) then go shower at the hotel?

localyocul said...

angie said... 160
I read her blog entry.
What an idiot. LOL

dang, she sure makes life hard...poor (sniff) Kate....has 8 kids and no water in her 5000 sq ft house....(sniff).

1. has the money to call a plumber
2. has the money to fill up one of her 3 cars for her extra driving
3. has the money to pay her rare babysitter.
4. has the money to reserve a hotel room.
5. has the money to send her kids to private school.
6. has the money to pay for repairs.


Sometimes I wonder how someone can go from panicking about how to pay for 8 kids when they were infants to being rich and not seem to appreciate how lucky she is. But I was thinking...I bet that she never did have to struggle financially. First, Jon's dad helped support them and supposedly bought them a house. Then they were dual income with two kids. THEN when the tups came along, yes she was grifting but people came through big time, and then TLC came around. What must it be like to live such a charmed life?

localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 170
"Many large serving dishes"?? That's new....I thought she doled out the small portions.



For her Easter Dinner I guess

localyocul said...

Math Girl said... 169
I really don't want to go to Kate's blog, so could someone please tell me when she claims to have found out she had well water. Just now is not compatible with her tweet that she had the pump replaced 14 months ago. So is that when she found out? Earlier? She doesn't say?


She said until 14 months ago when the well pump went, she didn't know there was any such thing as a well pump

Formerly Duped said...

Why couldn't they just pack one bag of everyone's clothes- share a tube of toothpaste, for example, eat at the hotel, shower and sleep there? (unless it was too far from the bus stop) Hotels usually have those complementary toiletries anyhow.Why eat leftovers at a hotel?

localyocul said...

Sue_Buddy said... 171
What got me about that idiotic blog was she packed individual meals plus napkins and cutlery in microwavable containers, one for each kid, for them to take to the hotel for dinner and packed them individual toiletries in bags, too.

The reason I think she might be telling the truth is, she always, ALWAYS makes more work for herself than is necessary.

Why didn't she have kids do homework and eat at home (pizza and paper plates so she wouldn't be adding to the dirty dishes she never cleaned up from the Easter dinner the day before) then go shower at the hotel?


Right? Or just order a pizza to the hotel! Make it fun! Plus, the hotel would provide soap and shampoo. She is a dolt

redbird said...

Throwback Thursday:

Bethany's interview with the Shrew.




This is one of the biggest lies that has EVER came out of her mouth! Jon is not even allowed to drive up to the house, not given the gate code, spied on when he talks to his kids. Jon said that he doesn't even know who exactly will be walking down to the gate when he goes and picks them up. Oh, and what about Collin?

The mad look TFW gave Bethany was pretty bad in the beginning.

P.J. said...

PA Dutch Mom said...

That particular writer consistently messes up with sentence structure, misplaced modifiers and such, and I read her articles to see how much she has butchered the stories!


Sounds a lot like Effie to me.

fidosmommy said... 164

As of a few hours ago, the Busbys had been gifted with over $16,000 on gofundme. Somebody is taking the bait.


Yesterday it was $14,000 and it's been up for 4 months. Their exposure today only netted them another 2 grand. It's a far cry from the $30,000 they're grifting, ah, asking for.

Formerly Duped said...

The Busby quint mom does not look nearly as big as Kate did, in the photo of her at 28 weeks pregnant with 5 babies.

swimgirl said...

Redbird said... adding the parenthesis with a clarification point is Kate's new favorite, overused, annoying thing to include when writing her story.
TFW also overuses quotation marks. She randomly puts words in quotes where none are needed. It's very annoying to read her writing with all the random quotation marks, words being capitalized randomly, etc. Her writing is a mess!

PA Dutch Mom said...

dang, she sure makes life hard...poor (sniff) Kate....has 8 kids and no water in her 5000 sq ft house....(sniff).


Please. A 5,000 foot house is what I have. For Kate, that would be mediocre. Her abode is 6,200 square feet, give or take a few depending on whether you count Flintstone toes as part of the feet.

TLC stinks said...

So I am guessing the well pump was under warranty since it broke so soon?

AuntieAnn said...

I realized that I needed an outfit and toiletries too… yes, I almost forgot myself!



PA Dutch Mom said...

Why didn't she have kids do homework and eat at home (pizza and paper plates so she wouldn't be adding to the dirty dishes she never cleaned up from the Easter dinner the day before) then go shower at the hotel?


Because she is totally incapable of any logical thinking, and that's what is truly frightening. Yes, you get pizza, use paper plates, and if you don't want to drag eight kids to a hotel, you hand them baby wipes and clean that way. It's not like it's for a week or more. Get a grip, woman.It was short term. You make do with what you have. Then again, she's the woman who didn't want to stay overnight outside at the Palin camping site because it was too damp, the food wasn't Nobu or Kobe beef and she couldn't wait to get to that lodge. She's spoiled, entitled and just plain stupid.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is a twit said... 110

I'm back from my vacation and am just catching up.

AuntieAnn-did I ever tell you that there is an "Auntie Anne's"(they specialize in soft pretzels) kiosk in one of the rest stops that I stop at during my trip? I always think of you when I stop there.

Welcome "home" KIAT. I hope you had a nice vacay.

I didn't know about Auntie Anne's pretzels until someone here mentioned them a few years ago. No relation to me (lol) but I hope the business is a success. Maybe I'll set up a glitter & glue kiosk next to it.

Layla said...

I went back to see the twitter announcement. She really has the art of sheeple teasing down to a science, doesn't she? She claims there is an update coming, knowing that they will whip themselves into a frenzy of excitement, thinking it's a new show. And then she drops the real news, and they have to pretend they're not disappointed. It's almost cruel. There was no update--they already knew about the water situation. She was just toying with them. I wonder if she's disappointed at how few of them even responded to her big tease. Maybe some of them are sick of playing her games. They are finally catching on.

PA Dutch Mom said...

She said she didn't know what a well pump was? She's been there for more than six years. Did she think that the kids were sucking big straws to get the water from the well into the house? I think that she knew that she had a well because otherwise she would have a city water bill, but I bet she had no idea how the water got from the well to the house.

If I were that dumb, I certainly wouldn't put it out there on a blog. Jiminy Christmas, Amos.

Sue_Buddy said...

Why pack toothbrushes and toothpaste? They could have brushed their teeth when they got home using bottle water to rinse. She bought 50,000 gallons of water and lugged it all home all by her little self, yet she takes the time to pack toothbrushes. She also said she was filling toilet tanks with water, so the toilets worked. She's a moron.

Of course it could all be made up to get her followers to tell her how hard she works and that she needs a vacation since she hasn't had one in 3 weeks.

fade2black said...

Math Girl...107...Busby Babes or Busby Babies are out, or would be in incredibly bad taste.
Well that seals the deal, incredibly bad taste is right up TLC's alley.

PA Dutch Mom said...

AuntieAnn-did I ever tell you that there is an "Auntie Anne's"(they specialize in soft pretzels) kiosk in one of the rest stops that I stop at during my trip? I always think of you when I stop there.


Auntie Anne's soft pretzels, based right here in Lancaster, started by Anne Beiler in a farmer's market in Downingtown (PA). They turned a small market stand into a multi-million dollar business. I remember when it all began and they had only one place that sold the pretzels.

localyocul said...

She also said she was filling toilet tanks with water, so the toilets worked. She's a moron


Wait, what? I missed that. I must have read bowl, not tank, because, well that's what you fill hahahahahahahah

AuntieAnn said...

Gads, that blog story is such bunch of hooey. The only thing it has in common with a camel is the droppings it leaves behind. She acts as if going to a hotel was a new experience.

It would have had an entirely different spin had it happened while the TLC cameras were there.

She'd have two or three suites reserved for a week in the nicest place in Reading while the well was being repaired, all paid in full. The kids would have been shuttled back and forth to school and Kate could sit in the hotel spa all day.

Stupid pump's timing was off.

Sue_Buddy said...

TLC stinks said... 182
So I am guessing the well pump was under warranty since it broke so soon?

Here's how stupid she is -- she said she was so happy to have water she didn't ask what to be fixed.

Vanessa said...

What.The . Hell. Was That?

Her "blog", I can't even

Nothing, I've got nothing ladies and gents

Sandylove said...

Did anyone else notice in the blog that she didn't mention ZORRO at all? Was she concerned about him, did she take him with them to the hotel, etc? Hmmmm... And I agree with everyone else. That blog was awful, don't know why I read any of it at all. Lost 5 precious minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

Sue_Buddy said...

Wait, what? I missed that. I must have read bowl, not tank, because, well that's what you fill hahahahahahahah

"I literally screamed with joy and thanked him profusely as I finished filling a toilet tank with water, flushed it and ran through the house, wielding my water jugs, on my way to the next toilet!" ~ Administrator said...

Number one, Kate wrote a blog??? Lol you would think she would have learned by now she sucks at blogging.

Number two, for a "rare" babysitter she sure was available in a pinch. Wow, what luck.

Number three, talk about the problems of the 1%. She and Goopy are battling it out this week for the most tone deaf.

Number four, that bugsy family or whatever wants a bigger house. I have a better idea for them. BUNK BEDS.

"adding the parenthesis with a clarification point is Kate's new favorite, overused, annoying thing to include when writing her story."

I generally hate that.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 So what's the prognosis of the ill...not well...WELL? LOL Will U have 2replace it...dig a new one? 600ft is deep! #Expensive

Wasn't it the well PUMP? Geez, Milo is as dumb as Kate. Yeah, sure, Gladys, Kate is going to roam her "mine, all mine" land with a dowsing rod and dig a 600-foot hole because a pump malfunctioned.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 As much as ur #Aflush w/the joy of running H2O..I know U had 2wince when it came time 2pay the bill! Was it an #Ouch moment? :)

Nosy Glady is at it again, wanting to know the cost of the repair job. She is so obnoxious.

PatK said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha..U had the #PerfectStorm there...piled high dirty dishes, mountains of laundry, 9 folks needing a bath > #WellRunsDry Oh my!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 24m24 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 As much as ur #Aflush w/the joy of running H2O..I know U had 2wince when it came time 2pay the bill! Was it an #Ouch moment? :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 20m20 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 So what's the prognosis of the ill...not well...WELL? LOL Will U have 2replace it...dig a new one? 600ft is deep! #Expensive


Over And Out said...

I think that she knew that she had a well because otherwise she would have a city water bill, but I bet she had no idea how the water got from the well to the house.

Does she know how the water gets hot, or does she think that the sun warms it on the way from the well to the shower?

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