Friday, May 22, 2015

TLC "has pulled" all episodes of Duggar show in light of sex abuse scandal

TLC has released the following statement:

"Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time."

Meanwhile, Gawker has compiled a comprehensive timeline of events, the best we've seen so far.

1351 sediments (sic) from readers:

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angie said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 181
Over And Out (#176), it's worse than that. Gladys didn't imply
she took the bird picture. She actually said she took it!
"No..not my bird...belongs 2someone else...but loved her smile
& had 2take the pic! :)" She didn't say "found this online," or
"check out what I googled." Nope. She had to "take" the pic.

Haha! seriously?
May 26, 2015 at 12:42 PM

This is yet another reason why I think Milo is a fake. Milo is probably Jamie or Kate.
It's just too much of a coincidence that Kate can tweet something and within minutes or even a few seconds there she is!

No one can be THIS stupid...c'mon Milo, you know you read 'mommy's journal'. If you're a mom like you say you are, you can't read Kate's words and still profess she's the greatest mommy in the world. It took me weeks to read the first edition of Robert's book, that's how sickening it was. I purchased the second just to show support, I wasn't going to read it again. It was just too horrific.

And one of these TLC days, someone in the media is going to acknowledge 'mommy's journal.
The truth always outs itself in the end.

Formerly Duped said...

Kate made a mistake in her Memorial Day post of thanking those who have served/are serving our country: 'Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces'.She means Veterans' Day. Oh well, the sentiment is's just such a Kate-like error.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 181
Over And Out (#176), it's worse than that. Gladys didn't imply
she took the bird picture. She actually said she took it!
"No..not my bird...belongs 2someone else...but loved her smile
& had 2take the pic! :)" She didn't say "found this online," or
"check out what I googled." Nope. She had to "take" the pic.

Haha! seriously?


Yes, seriously. It's right there in a tweet. There can be no deflecting, no excuses saying you misunderstood what I said. She "had 2 take the pic!" Fact is, that she didn't take the picture. She just figured that nobody would be the wiser, proving once again that she's a complete doofus and a liar. I wonder what celebrity lived in HER basement! LOL!

So what lies, er...excuses would she come up with for not meeting Kate this weekend?

angie said...

Kate might not see anything wrong with 'borrowing' other's pics...she did it herself in her 'cookbook'.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So that bird Gladys tried to make a Zorro love connection with is
a male? Just when I didn't think the story could get any better!

She'd said she was out playing golf with her hubby and some
friends yesterday. So maybe she was trying to make it sound
like she just snapped that picture while she was outdoors.
Why don't I believe the golf story, or anything else she tweets?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

It's just too much of a coincidence that Kate can tweet something and within minutes or even a few seconds there she is!


If she has a Twitter alert app, then it would notify her when Kate tweets, wouldn't it? She would be there in a flash, like a fly on a dung heap.

Milo dismisses Robert's book as having been embellished and just a bunch of lies. According to her, he was out to make money on this and therefore "wrote" the whole thing. She can't or won't grasp the idea that Kate copyrighted her mommy journal, and therefore, Milo doesn't address this. Moreover, even if she would acknowledge that there is some truth in what Kate wrote, her defense would be that this happened years ago and all moms make "mistakes." Same stance the Duggar supporters are taking.

Localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 190
"A sex-abuse cover-up isn't the most disgusting thing about the Duggars, it's their repulsive, pious hypocrisy" by Piers Morgan is available at


That's a great article!

Lynne In RI said...

Angie (1): "No one can be THIS stupid...c'mon Milo, you know you read 'mommy's journal'. If you're a mom like you say you are, you can't read Kate's words and still profess she's the greatest mommy in the world"


Yes, she can read that and still proclaim it. The fact is that Milo is not your garden-variety fan. She has no logical or critical thinking ability. Think Jim Jones and his cult. She drinks the Kool-Aid and is deep into Celebrity Worship Syndrome. This is, in fact, a mental illness in which one's eyes are closed to all reason. In addition, if she would ever admit that Kate isn't the world's most perfect mother, she wouldn't be able to show her face on Twitter again. She lives for the attention and this involves her undying support of Kate. She would never live that down among the other fans.

Milo needs Kate. She's desperate for the attention, and no matter what Kate does, or if any serious allegations are shown to be true, Milo will never jump that Kate ship. She has too much invested in it. Kate is her life support system. She thrives on it.

angie said...

Formerly Duped said... 2
Kate made a mistake in her Memorial Day post of thanking those who have served/are serving our country: 'Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remem

yes, I noticed that, too, but many people do that. (a local realtor's signage has the same sediments Kate professed).
But, maybe she's making up for forgetting Veteran's Day last yr (I'm pretty sure she forgot to tweet about that day of honor).

Stuff like this I let slide...I watched American Sniper over the weekend. If you haven't read the book, please do so. I thought it was better than the movie.

redbird said...

Jim Bob's statement that was quoted in the Gawker article is just too incredible to wrap your brain around!

He states that he believes “rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes.”


Those poor girls. My heart breaks for them.

angie said...

One last thought for the day...we've always wondered why TLC protected Kate; how mighty and powerful the tentacles of TLC stretched....
Well it looks like TLC can't even protect their golden goose (Duggashain's).
And all those yrs ago, there is was, a post from Alice.

One of these days, mainstream media is going to get their hands on 'mommy's journal'..and I think inside of those pages is quotes from THIS blog.
And the internet world will say the same thing.....bloggers knew about Kate YEARS ago, why was this hidden for so long.

tick tock.

NJGal51 said...

Armed Forces Day: For those who currently wear the uniform.
Veteran's Day: For those who used to wear the uniform.
Memorial Day: For those who never made it out of the uniform.

As an Army wife this is what I was told way, way back when my husband was a 2LT and it has always stuck with me.

FYI said...

They're still talking about Milo's bird tweet on twitter. Milo must love it because now she gets to play the martyr and deflect them from criticizing Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 11m11 minutes ago
@Fly_On_TheWall @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 LOL. Slow news if Kate is quiet...Im next N line. That's ok...better me than her. 😊

getoftweeter said...

Admin: the reason everything is from Josh's point of view, is cause, he is male, and is way more important than any female, in the Duggars religious teachings world. The females are like merchandise, to be dependent on daddy, then given to husband. And taught to be subservient to both. Very close to the fundy Mormons. Just about 3 steps up from them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Lynne In RI (#8), well put. Gladys' attachment to TFW goes way,
way beyond fandom. And that's why I'm still not convinced she has
children of her own, or is even married. Her interest in TFW is
more like the fervor a teenager has for a boy band or a movie
star. That sort of attraction burns white hot for a while, and then
disappears. But her feelings for TFW are frighteningly still as
deep as ever, if not deeper. She can't jump ship. It's all she has.

redbird said...

What did Michelle do for years, sit on her behind next to the baby blanket with a rod in her hand just waiting for the baby to get off the blanket, so she could wail on the poor thing? Why not have a play pen so they could play so you could get some things done in the house.

Someone posted that they thought blanket training was nurturing a baby with a blanket. I thought the same thing until a few years ago. It is a very sadistic way to treat an innocent learning baby. It doesn't make sense. It is pure evil. IIRC, this is what those PEARLS teach and have gotten rich on. Still s'ingmh over Ben's dad's manifesto. Those girls heads have to be spinning.

Yeah, I am going to say it. Josh, Jim Bob, Michelle, Mike Huckabee, TLC, State Trooper, carpenter counselor, yeah, right, Senator that wants the police chief fired, Grandma Duggar, Ben's dad, people who want the show to go on, businesses that won't pull their ads are just Absolute. Freaking. Idiots.


FYI said...

And another sponsor bites the dust:

Pure Leaf Iced Tea @PureLeaf · 12m 12 minutes ago
@MsErinMurray Thank you for contacting us to share your concerns. Please know that we will no longer be advertising on 19 Kids and Counting.

General Mills, Choice Hotels, Payless Shoes, and now Pure Leaf. Someone on FB also said that Jimmy Dean pulled their advertising too.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

@MiloandJack @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 This pic is why the haters are frothing at the mouth? You never claimed it was yours.


No, the picture isn't why the haters are frothing. It's the blatant lie that Milo tweeted. Milo said she "had 2 take it." It's there. Sheeple are grasping, and this time it's not going to work. Why not just admit that this was a lie? The more they make excuses for this, the deeper they dig that hole, but they don't know enough just to SHUT UP about it!

getoftweeter said...

Auntieann: A few years ago, there was a book out, by some Fundy, who believes in harsh punishment in raising children. The don't spare the rod, but beat the kids into submission, or the child will be spoiled. According to them, you beat the kid, for every time they do something wrong or not as you instructed. And the training starts when they are about 4-5 months old with a blanket. This couple was brought up on child abuse charges, cause, one of their followers used their training ideas and the kid died or almost died. I read a piece from their book, and thought they were nothing but child abusers. I would have liked to take a metal rod and beat them, like they beat their kids with.

Call Me Crazy said...

Gladys didn't imply she took the bird picture. She actually said she took it! "No..not my bird...belongs 2someone else...but loved her smile & had 2take the pic! :)" She didn't say "found this online," or
"check out what I googled." Nope. She had to "take" the pic.

Well, we all know exactly what she was doing there, but good, old Gladys will say she is technically not lying (in the same way that TFW isn't lying when she practices her verbal gymnastics to obfuscate and conceal real truths). Gladys did "take" the picture, if by "take" she means she stole it from an online source.

However she tries to spin it, she is as looney as they come.

NJGal51 said...

Well Redbird must really be mad because she said "Freaking" instead of finding some creative way to semi-curse. LOL! You go girl!

P.J. said...

I refuse to comment on the doofus, but all this talk of "stock photos" makes me laugh. Isn't Mr. Millionaire in the stock photo business?

Can we sue?

FYI said...

Milo backpeddling even more:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 36m36 minutes ago
@GeeWhiz__ @Fly_On_TheWall @Kateplusmy8 My 1st tweet 2Goody said "I borrowed the pic"...but 140 limit made me change 2 "I took the pic" LOL

This was her original tweet to Goody:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 22h22 hours ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 No..not my bird...belongs 2someone else...but loved her smile & had 2take the pic! :) #TryingToBefriendZorro

She said "had 2take the pic!" which has the same amount of characters as "I borrowed the pic".

She really must be dizzy from all the spinning, and it still hasn't got her a response from Kate.

getoftweeter said...

Redbird: thanks: the Pearls, their book: To Train Up A Child. IMO, a book on how to abuse & torture children. They are a bunch of sickos. It's too bad we can't do the same to the Pearls. That would be justice. And this a-holes call themselves people of God. We always use God to hide behind and use him in vain.

Mel said...'s a good article. She nailed it.

What’s frightening is that we’re so accustomed to giving powerful, famous men the benefit of the doubt that, on a cultural level, we treat men’s reputations with the same reverence as victims’ safety. “Sure, it’s important to protect the vulnerable and sexually traumatised or whatever, but what about that nice man’s TV show? He worked really hard for that! You can’t just take away a man’s stuff!”

Midnight Madness said...

I refuse to comment on the doofus, but all this talk of "stock photos" makes me laugh. Isn't Mr. Millionaire in the stock photo business?

Can we sue?


I'm not sure where Milo got the photo. Kate Is A Twit would know. I thought it was a photo that someone had posted somewhere of her own bird (FB, instagram).

The thing is that Milo got caught with her pants down, taking a photo from somewhere and claiming that she took it. There's no getting around that, no matter how much damage control the sheeple try to do. This, of course, makes Milo's photos suspect...her kids, her dogs, the walks by the pond. I wouldn't believe anything that she's tweeted.

Midnight Madness said...

Pure Leaf Iced Tea @PureLeaf · 12m 12 minutes ago
@MsErinMurray Thank you for contacting us to share your concerns. Please know that we will no longer be advertising on 19 Kids and Counting.


Cool! We drink that tea religiously. I will contact them and tell them that we will continue to purchase their product!

Rhymes with Witch said...

"You can’t just take away a man’s stuff!” 25

I'm going to rephrase that slightly and say I'd love to take away his "junk".

Mel said...

And yet another good link:

When confession was made in the ancient church, it was not wholly about righting oneself with God, though that was obviously part of it. It was also about repairing the breach in the community caused by the wrong.
Sin is a communal problem and requires communal redress. What’s galling about Josh Duggar’s statement is that it’s all about him. It’s as if the victims don’t really factor.

Midnight Madness said...

"The Hollywood Reporter adds that "Walgreens said they planned to 'monitor the situation,' according to it's official Facebook page. However, a spokesperson for the chain said late Tuesday that 'in the wake of recent news, we are no longer advertising on the 19 Kids and Counting program.'"

Any word on Keurig?

Over In TFW's County said...

Sin is a communal problem and requires communal redress. What’s galling about Josh Duggar’s statement is that it’s all about him. It’s as if the victims don’t really factor.


Of course it's all about him. Remember the song, "Harper Valley PTA?"

"Well, this is just a little Peyton Place
and you're all Harper Valley hypocrites"

Fits the Duggars to a T.

TLC stinks said...

The advertisers keep bailing and the articles keep coming. This is a runaway train.

Good article from Slate

"Duggar has this much access in part because he was the executive director, at the precocious age of 27, of the Family Research Council's FRC Action, a Christian-right lobbying group that fights against gay rights, reproductive rights, and even the Violence Against Women Act, calling it a “slush fund.” The FRC is a big deal in Christian-right circles, and therefore it's a big deal with Republicans. Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Cruz, Jindal, Perry, Bush—the Values Voter Summit, FRC's big annual shindig, is a veritable murderer's row of Republican politicians seeking religious-right votes. In many ways, FRC is the current face of the Christian right in America. Hiring a member of the Duggar family for such a major role in the organization sent a signal that the Duggar family's extremist views fit right into the larger Christian-right message."

"While most Christian conservatives reject the Quiverfull lifestyle for themselves, the Duggars' extremism elicited admiration and maybe a little envy among the ranks. Fundamentalism, regardless of the religion, always has a whiff of competition to it. Just as urban liberals compete to see who can eat the most organic food and libertarian types race to see who can have the most polluting truck, Christian conservatives compete to see who can deny women's autonomy the hardest. But perhaps now Republicans will learn a lesson about the dangers of embracing religious extremists."


My two cents is that women are a powerful voting block, so the GOP needs to stop catering to the extremist politicians who endorse religious zealots like the Duggars if they want to win the White House.

Over In TFW's County said...

Mel, thanks for the link. Excellent article, and so dead-on:

"One pastor’s wife who also subscribes to the Duggars’ “Quiverfull” movement (which, apparently, is where you pretend your nutsack is a quiver and your penis is a stout longbow and your wife is a pile of hay or rags that you shoot sperm arrows into), argued that Josh was just “playing doctor” and deserves to be “left alone to live a good life”.

TLC stinks said...

I wish the advertisers would drop TLC completely.

Anonymous said...

According to published reports today, "The Highest Paid CEO In America Is The Guy Behind TLC". Discovery Communications' David Zaslav will rake in $156.1 million this year. This information is being reported by the Associated Press and Equilar. For comparison purposes Les Moones (CBS CEO) made $54.4 million.


Ex Nurse said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 168
A female officer took them to an interrogation room and gave them a talking to. When she came out, she said that she also talked to them about the consequences of unprotected sex.


She went a little rogue on that one....she said that as long as she was talking about long-range consequences of impulsive behavior, she would throw that one in. She was a character--the other girl's parent is very religious--she wasn't offended by it. The officer was clearly trying to get the girls to think it through before acting--nothing more than that.

TLC stinks said...

"Just how far will Mr. Huckabee's grace extend? Does he believe in second chances only for wealthy, white, or religious teenagers who use their influence and connections to get diverted from our juvenile and criminal justice systems or will he support the same second chances for the poor, mostly black and brown teenagers who fill our juvenile and criminal jails and prisons?"

PA Dutch Mom said...

mamaof2 @eggbert9476 · 1h 1 hour ago
To all you people judging josh dugger and kate Gosselin...god is their judge not us and hes not hiring.leave these people alone

Leave Brittney alone!

Good gawd. From where do these people come?

According to the Duggars, God is not going to judge them. Josh has confessed, he's forgiven and they all are closer to Him. Case closed.

Good article by Piers Morgan. I've never really been a fan or followed him, but he really told it like it is. There are some excellent articles out there right now, many with different perspectives, but all with valid points. Thanks to all those here who have posted the links.

Localyocul said...

Yes, seriously. It's right there in a tweet. There can be no deflecting, no excuses saying you misunderstood what I said. She "had 2 take the pic!" Fact is, that she didn't take the picture.


Makes me wonder who those kids in her tweets a few years ago really are

TLC stinks said...

There's more from CNN Money:

So why is Zaslav making so much when shares have tanked for nearly 19 months and counting?
Discovery is not just underperforming the market, it's also done worse than other independent cable stocks AMC Networks (AMCX), Starz (STRZA) and Scripps Networks Interactive (SNI).

The company was not immediately available for comment. But to be fair, Discovery's stock has more than quadrupled (a gain of over 300%) since Zaslav took over as CEO at the start of 2007.
Discovery acknowledged Zaslav's successful track record over the long haul when disclosing his pay package, which was part of a 6-year contract extension.

But Discovery added that a huge chunk of his compensation is in the form of restricted stock. It's not as if he got a check for $156.1 million at the beginning of the year.
"This contract rewards Mr. Zaslav for the value he has created and the continued strategic direction he provides and requires sustained performance over time for that award to have value," Discovery said in an SEC filing.
So will Discovery put up the kind of "sustained performance" that's needed in order for Zaslav to really cash in big? That remains to be seen. Ratings have to turn around.

FYI said...

This is Walgreen's customer care twitter:

WAGSocialCare @WAGSocialCare · 17m 17 minutes ago
@cancel19kids In the wake of recent news, we are no longer advertising on the ‘19 Kids and Counting’ program.

So there goes another sponsor. What is TLC waiting for?

I wish these sponsors would pull all their advertising from all TLC shows, just not 19 kids. But at least it's a start.

Bubbles said...

Here's some random tin-foil hat thinking. In January, Josh and Anna bought a house in Arkansas. There were pics on TMZ or Radar Online, and it was mentioned how it was interesting they could buy a house, even a foreclosure, when they owed around $14,000 in back taxes. I'm just wondering why they bought a house back in Arkansas in January when it appeared they were in DC to stay for the foreseeable future, with Josh safely ensconsed in his job with the Hate Group.

Now here it is May, and he voluntarily resigned the position. I think there's a very good possibility he wouldn't have been fired over this scandal, based on the support he's getting from the conservative Christian groups and leaders.

I can't figure out what the motive would be, but it almost seems like this is orchestrated to some degree.

Also...I'm somewhat skeptical of all the advertisers saying they're not showing their ads during the Duggar's show. Technically it's true - because there aren't any shows airing right now. But will they continue to hold their ads when/if TLC reinstates it?

Serendipity said...

In reading so many articles, it seems like in addition to people being outraged over the molestation, they are appalled at the hypocrisy and cover-up that went down by the Duggar parents. They present themselves as that goody goody family who loves God, all the while harboring a child molester and doing nothing to protect those girls in the family, their own flesh and blood. That isn't sitting too well with many people, and even if TLC continues with the show how many people are so disgusted with this entire family that they will even watch it.?

TLC stinks said...

From what I read, people think Josh got wind someone was poking around (I'd say from the sheriff's office) and he knew the details would eventually come out. You can see the house he bought. It's a small version of his parent's home. Needs plenty of work. Maybe Jim Bob gave him the money to purchase the house? I doubt he was able to save any money living in DC. Very high cost of living.

FYI said...

Looks like Arkansas Child Protection Services is getting involved:

FYI said...

Forget my previous post, I forgot that the National Report is a satire website. So obviously, that story is not true.

jbranck1980 said...

One of the best articles I've read about how the Duggar are taught about sex and sexual assault.

Angie said...

I don't see how 19kids can continue-- sponsors are dropping their ads due to their own decision or public outcry/pressure.

If the show does go on it won't be for long-- the ratings will plummet. The Duggars can't agree to dropping Josh because that would admit a degree of guilt.
Tlc ought to man up (hell, their stock might go UP) and say they are dropping the show.
As far as boob and michelle choosing to protect Josh instead of the daughters, it might be due in part to the ridiculous 'first born son' thing.

FYI said...

Good article analyzing how Josh Duggar's "confession" was all about him.

An excerpt:

"That’s more than 20 personal references and only two passing nods to his victims and the harm he inflicted. What’s more, he blunts the second reference. In the first he mentions people he “hurt,” but the second only mentions “those affected by my actions.”

And it gets even worse at the end because Duggar plays the Jesus card. He asked Christ for pardon, he says, and we should all know that he’s grateful for the forgiveness.

It’s impossible to escape the idea that the entire focus of Josh Duggar’s statement is Josh Duggar being okay with Josh Duggar. As if anyone cares about that.

This seems like a wider issue. Public apologies very often feature people saying they accept full responsibility without actually accepting any. And the religious version of this is particularly irksome because the offender doesn’t really feign any acceptance of responsibility.
Jesus already has it covered, and the rest of us better not judge.

Sin is a communal problem and requires communal redress. What’s galling about Josh Duggar’s statement is that it’s all about him. It’s as if the victims don’t really factor.

Worse, we’re supposed to rest easy. Josh Duggar is off the hook because Jesus has taken care of the mess. That may be true so far as it goes. It just doesn’t go far enough. And that’s why public “apologies” that reference God this way are so unsatisfying. The admission is totally beside the point."

Sue_Buddy said...

Kate is a twit said... 46
Forget my previous post, I forgot that the National Report is a satire website. So obviously, that story is not true.

Doesn't look like satire. Am I missing something?

"A representative from the Arkansas Child Protective Services made the following statement via press release, “The recent admission of guilt from Josh Duggar surrounding his involvement in the abuse of children is not only troubling, but it is a clear sign that our involvement is needed. With our current knowledge of the events that transpired in the Duggar home, it would be against the law for our organization to turn a blind eye to the potential abuse transpiring in the home (the Duggar home).” - See more at:

"Dale Lancaster, a veteran social worker within the Department of Arkansas Protective Services, told CNN correspondent Lisa Cornia, during a brief interview, “It is not uncommon for a parent to feel the need to cover up the mistakes of their children, however mistakes that result in the abuse, physical or sexual, of the other children in the home, cannot be ignored. It is hard for a parent of 2 or 3 children to have a full understanding of everything that is happening in the home, I can only imagine trying to keep up with the activities of 19 children, 8 of which are under the age of 16. Our hope is that our presence is welcome by the entire family, including Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.” ~ Administrator said...

It’s impossible to escape the idea that the entire focus of Josh Duggar’s statement is Josh Duggar being okay with Josh Duggar. As if anyone cares about that.

This seems like a wider issue. Public apologies very often feature people saying they accept full responsibility without actually accepting any. And the religious version of this is particularly irksome because the offender doesn’t really feign any acceptance of responsibility.
Jesus already has it covered, and the rest of us better not judge.


Thank you for posting this. Another excellent article and analysis. Said many of the same things we said, in particular that Josh's statement was all about Josh, not the victims.

His particular version of religion is just unacceptable when it comes to personal responsibility.

Also, does anyone think it's arrogant for him to say Jesus forgives him? How the hell does he know? I don't have a problem with believing in forgiveness and asking for forgiveness, but no one knows whether a higher power has forgiven you if there even is such a thing.

And again Josh, it's not JESUS that needs to forgive you or the public or anyone else. You don't seem to even begin to understand that your first and only duty is to your victims. ~ Administrator said...

It's a parody, although not a funny one. CPS generally doesn't make statements. Child abuse is strictly confidential. I suppose they are making fun of the fact that they are NOT getting involved? I guess that's rather funny in a totally horrifying way. Although in fairness how do we know what they did or are doing? They keep investigations quiet.

I love news parodies and love the Onion but it has to be clever to work. This wasn't.

FYI said...

Sue--This is from the National Report's website:

National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.

So although I would like the story to be true, obviously it is fake.

Sue_Buddy said...

Admin, KIAT, thanks. I certainly missed the humor in it.

fidosmommy said...

From the National Report's website:
National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.

Nancy said...

They had a predator in their house and then basically handed him his victims on a silver platter and they or TLC can't seem to understand the outrage.

This has nothing to do with religion, politics, personal beliefs or any other crap people are using as an excuse.

At the very least he is a child molester seems pretty damn simple to me.....

Warmth Of The Sun said...

@MiloandJack @Fly_On_TheWall @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 The bitter black hearted busybodies always LIE! #VileLosers

With this "reasoning," it's fine and dandy for Kate's Number One Fan and Chief Ewe to lie! What's one lie among the flock, even it the person took a photo off the internet, named the bird, and passed it off as having taken the picture? I can't wrap my head around their logic, or lack of it.

Well, heck, Mr. Cop Man. Bubba stole a can of beans from the store, so I figured it was okay for me to do it, too!

redbird said...

Thanks, NJGal51! You ought to have seen the word that was there before I changed it. lol

Your welcome, getofftwitter. I haven't read the PEARL book, but just bits and pieces of the baby blanket training and the book and news articles and a little tv mentioning them let me know it was bad news.

That book is nothing but a book with the title:

Physical and Verbal Abuse for Dummies. The Kids Edition.

Angie said...

I wonder how much money was set aside all these yrs from 19kids for each duggar child?? Or were they running in and out in front of the cameras too?
His owing 14 grand in back taxes doesnt sound like the kids got their fair share...... Boob and michelle live completely off their kids- from the show income to making their kids raise their siblings and doing all the housework.

getoftweeter said...

Angie: I remember something that JimBob said about the kids, once they were married, they were on their own. That means financially. JimBob would not pay for any of them, once they are married. I guess this is on the concept, that JimBob & Michelle were in debt when they married and got them selves out of debt. So the married ones are on their own. As for if any of the kids get any money put aside for them, I don't think so, I unless, when they hit 21, then they get a percentage from the show, but the rest JimBob keeps and gives out if he thinks they need it. I think that is what they are doing.

FYI said...

Milo's fessin' up to where she found the picture of the bird. Guess she's worried that Kate will think ill of her for saying she "took" it.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 14m14 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 seems like folks R just frantic 2tell me where I found cute #Zooey. (My name 4dat cute bird!) So here ya go...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Here's where I found that cute pic.." @AnimaILife
This looks like the friendliest bird in the world"

Bubbles said...

I wonder how much the ratings would truly be effected. The same core group of people will continue to watch, I'm guessing.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Milo's fessin' up to where she found the picture of the bird. Guess she's worried that Kate will think ill of her for saying she "took" it.


Has she explained why she tweeted that she had to take it?

When I first saw that picture, there were red flags, which is why I asked if there were a way to tell where it came from. It wasn't like her other photos. She's never used a plain background like that. I guess my hunch was right. She can fool the sheep, but there are many on here whose eyes just can't be blinded by the wool.

FYI said...

Has she explained why she tweeted that she had to take it?

She blamed twitter's 140 character limit.

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
· 5h 5 hours ago
@GeeWhiz__ @Fly_On_TheWall @Kateplusmy8 My 1st tweet 2Goody said "I borrowed the pic"...but 140 limit made me change 2 "I took the pic" LOL

Her last tweet tonight:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 24m 24 minutes ago
U know I don't believe I've ever met someone w/such an obsessive need 2b right all the time! #NotHealthy How do U live w/someone like that?

But she has an obsessive need to always be "right" when it comes to Kate.

I think she enjoys getting into these twitter skirmishes with the non-fans, just so she can say to Kate "see what I have to go through by being your friend?" and then she can play the martyr.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Warmth Of The Sun said... 57
@MiloandJack @Fly_On_TheWall @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 The bitter black hearted busybodies always LIE! #VileLosers


Is this "black hearted busybodies" the new buzz word among the sheeple, or just one of them? It's getting old. Time to come up with something new.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

KIAT (#64), yes, there is some kind of glory in the harassment for
Gladys, and that inflates her ego. She said something earlier like,
TFW hasn't been around on Twitter, so she was the next best
person to bother. Like there is an actual, genuine connection
in people's minds between the two of them. In Gladys' fantasy
world, I truly think she believes they're best friends, or even
something more. I've never seen anything like it.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 24m 24 minutes ago
U know I don't believe I've ever met someone w/such an obsessive need 2b right all the time! #NotHealthy How do U live w/someone like that?

But she has an obsessive need to always be "right" when it comes to Kate.


She has an "obsessive need" to be loved by Kate. She has an "obsessive need" to know what Kate is doing. She thinks this is healthy? Perhaps she should ask her own family how they live with someone like that!

Mel said...

I don't understand why Milo thinks she's interchangeable with TFW. She seems to think that she's TFW's alter ego or something.

Millicent said...

Getofftweeter: What JimBob said about once the adult children marry, they are on their own, is more phoniness and hypocrisy. Supposedly, their Gothard religion says that before a young man can marry, he is to have a job/income that would support a wife and family, and enough money to purchase a home, or a piece of land and then build a home. They are very against "going into debt," which would include taking out a mortgage. Most people understand that having a mortgage is necessary to home ownership, and then you pay it down.

Anyway, when Josh married, his dad let him run a used car dealership and they pretended like Josh was the owner. He was not - it was owned by JimBob. I don't know how much Josh was paid - did he get the commissions on car sales, or did his dad pay him a salary, or did he and Anna just get paid by TLC for any episodes in which they participated. Could be one or a mix of the above. But clearly, Josh had help from his dad, and was not self-sufficient. The home they lived in is still owned by Grandma Duggar and if they paid any rent, I'm sure it was minimal.

Next, daughter Jill gets married, amid much hoopla. JimBob lets them live in a McMansion he bought (I think that home was in foreclosure so he got it for a relatively low price). More hypocrisy. Why is he giving a home rent-free to his daughter and her husband?

Next, Jessa marries Ben, an 18-year old boy still working on finishing his two-year AA degree from junior college. (Hey, at least he's attending an institution of higher learning) Ben works for JimBob mowing lawns and cleaning toilets and goodness knows what else. They get the home owned by Grandma Duggar, but this time, it's all fixed up. I presume they live there rent free or at a greatly reduced rent.

So, out of the three adult children who are married, not one has been self-sufficient and living on the income earned all by themselves. In Ben's case, he could not support himself and Jessa on his income so according to their Gothard rules, he shouldn't have married Jessa until he could do so.

Jill's husband is the only one who is a college graduate and got himself his own real job. I hope that they decide they no longer want to live off JimBob's "generosity", move out of that huge house and purchase or rent a small home more appropriate to Derick's income, and be self-supporting.

While I am very sorry that the victims of Josh's sexual abuse have had their privacy taken away, I hope that they can get the counseling they need to truly deal with the whole load of crap that got dumped on them, first by their sick brother, then by their equally sick parents, and their creepy religion. I am heartened to learn of every advertiser who is choosing to withdraw their advertising support for this show. That is really what will decide for TLC if they continue the show or cancel it. No ad money coming in = no show. It would not be sufficient to remove Josh JB and Michele from the show.

Those who are defending the Duggars may not yet realize it, but they are showing their own creepiness by doing so. This really is a black and white situation. Either you do not support allowing a sexual abuser around your children, or you do. Either you are someone who thinks incest is a "mistake" or you think incestual acts are indicitive of a very serious problem that needs to be immediately addressed (and I'm not talking about sending your kid off for 3 months to build houses and then return home as if nothing happened). The fact the Duggars chose option 2 tells me all I ever need know about them, and it's all bad.

TLC is reaping what it has sown. I feel sure they were aware of this situation years ago, but they didn't think it would ever become general knowledge. So they continued filming. TLC has no conscience and cannot be trusted either. I plan to boycott TLC indefinitely, because they are tainted in my eyes. Molester enablers.

AuntieAnn said...

Is this "black hearted busybodies" the new buzz word among the sheeple, or just one of them? It's getting old. Time to come up with something new.


If they're going to keep using it, the dimwits should abbreviate it otherwise they're wasting precious characters. BHBB would at least leave room to use that 140 limit for more inanity.

Millicent said...

Bubbles - if the show were to continue to be shown on TLC, I am sure you are right - there is a hardcore fan base that will still watch. But remember, these people are often a minority yet the most vocal. "Normal" people will not watch, except perhaps to see what advertisers are still participating so they can write letters to them. This scandal touches a very deep nerve in most people. It is truly shocking to most people to find out that the Duggar parents are not the "nice" people they pretend to be, and that they allowed their son to continue to molest his sisters when they knew there was a problem. It is also disturbing to learn how they attempted to cover it up, how they maneuvered around the law, how they lied to the police, etc. No, that kind of behavior and twisted attitude does not sit well with the average viewer. Thankfully, some things are still beyond the pale.

Millicent said...

BTW, I just was thinking about my last sentence, bout some things being "beyond the pale," and I think that might be unintentionally racist. I'm not sure, and I didn't mean it that way. I just meant, some things are still considered heinous and incestual acts are one of them. ~ Administrator said...

She said something earlier like,
TFW hasn't been around on Twitter, so she was the next best
person to bother. Like there is an actual, genuine connection
in people's minds between the two of them


That's one of the creepiest things she's said lately. She also has a martyr complex, which she has adopted from Kate. Total Single White Female thing going on. They're going to merge together until they're the same person. I'm not sure it's so much Milo wants to be Kate's BFF so much as Milo wants to BE Kate. Get help.

Bubbles - if the show were to continue to be shown on TLC, I am sure you are right - there is a hardcore fan base that will still watch. But remember, these people are often a minority yet the most vocal.

That's right, it's a small minority speaking as if they are representative of public opinion. That's not so. Often those with the most to lose or the most to hide speak the loudest to compensate for how much ground they have to make up. That's what's happening here. They know this is big. Huge. And they're desperately squawking as loud as they can.

Again, the "GOP" does NOT support the Duggars. The fact that one or two vocal Tea Party type Republicans defended them in no way suggests that Republicans as a whole back them. Most Republicans or for that matter Christians have absolutely nothing to do with them, never wanted absolutely anything to do with them, and certainly never would now. They...are....FRINGE. The way they live their lives is like no Republican or Christian I have ever met in my life.

Even though TLC boasts about their ratings, compared to how many people live in this country, over 300 million, only 2-3 million and sometimes less of those even bothered to tune in every week. Or, less than about 1% of Americans even have bothered with them in the first place.


"Beyond the pale"
We're really going too far if we're going to start saying an expression in such common use like that, that has lost any of its history by now if it ever even did have racist connotations (many historians insist it does not), is racist in 2015. I give up. ~ Administrator said...

This really is a black and white situation. Either you do not support allowing a sexual abuser around your children, or you do. Either you are someone who thinks incest is a "mistake" or you think incestual acts are indicitive of a very serious problem that needs to be immediately addressed (and I'm not talking about sending your kid off for 3 months to build houses and then return home as if nothing happened). The fact the Duggars chose option 2 tells me all I ever need know about them, and it's all bad.


I really agree. Few things in life are black and white, but this is one of them.

They're trying to frame this situation as if it were multi layered shades of grey, in a desperate attempt to give Josh an out. As long as you can just say hey this is complicated, there are shades of grey, Josh gets by. Except there is no grey here. None at all. And I think if they were truly honest with themselves and put pride aside, they would see that.

FYI said...

I took a look at TLC's FB page and they updated it a bit and did make an announcement about the Little Couple airing tonight.

A lot of people are saying that although the love the Little Couple, they won't watch until TLC pulls 19 kids. Then you have the people saying they won't watch unless they bring back 19 kids.

So it seems people are boycotting(or saying they are) for both reasons.

It'll be interesting to see if it has any effect on the Little Couples ratings which usually run about 2.4 million. Maybe TLC is waiting to see if this all has an effect on the new shows they're airing before they make a definite decision. Both the Little Couple and the Willis Family were new episodes tonight.

FYI said...

"Beyond the pale"
We're really going too far if we're going to start saying an expression in such common use like that, that has lost any of its history by now if it ever even did have racist connotations (many historians insist it does not), is racist in 2015. I give up.

I don't know what you're referring to, but if someone is trying to say that the phrase "beyond the pale" is racist they are ever so wrong.

beyond the pale

"A pale, originally a stockade made of pales of wood, was an area under the authority of a certain official. In the 14th and 15th centuries the British ruled Dublin, the surrounding area was outside the law. Anyone or anything beyond the pale was considered savage and dangerous, and the expression came to mean anything unacceptable or beyond the limits of accepted morality or conduct."

PA Dutch Mom said...

I'm channel surfing (can't sleep, air con bit the dust), and I stumbled on the Willis Family. The young boy was lost...ran off and they eventually found him behind the stage hanging out with the crew guys. Mom said that she wasn't worried, they knew the crew and the youngster was in a safe environment.

I don't know if I'm just too much of a Mom Grizzly, but if I couldn't find my five-year-old and he was missing for some time, I'd be a basket case. Mom didn't seem to be the least bit upset. It reminded me of Kate on her many trips when she plowed ahead of her kids, not looking back, trusting that someone else was watching them.

Rainbirdie said... ~ Administrator said... 73
We're really going too far if we're going to start saying an expression in such common use like that, that has lost any of its history by now if it ever even did have racist connotations (many historians insist it does not), is racist in 2015. I give up.
Seems to me that after posting, Millicent was concerned that the saying might have a negative meaning & quickly posted again to clarify. Why would anyone take a regular poster to task for trying to be careful about not offending other readers? I actually appreciate that Millicent was concerned that she may have used a phrase that could bother someone. And thanks to her, I looked it up & now know the origin of "beyond the pale".

Kirkland said...

Reading this article just gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is referring to an interview by the Duggar girls and the fact they have never kissed. Jessa was asked about kissing and whether she would ask anyone for advice. Her answer:
"My parents are pretty good kissers! They very much like to show their kiss in public places, so they kiss in front of us all the time. [And I’d ask] my oldest brother. He’s been married for five years. And friends and people around me who I look up to. But I don’t think it’s too hard to figure out though."

Ingrid said...

Here's two articles I found on Yahoo about the advertisers dropping from Duggar's show.

JoyinVirginia said... now has a story about Mama June and her plans to sue TLC for discriminatory treatment, for not immediately canceling the Duggar show. People had the Duggar daughters and grandchild on more than one cover with extensive stories about them. There has to be some sort of corporate connection. maybe discovery is monitoring the response to these negative stories and that is part of their decision making process. Interesting to observe the changes in people, and who is the reality flavor of the month.

FYI said...

The person who wrote this article for The Hollywood Reporter holds nothing back when discussing the Duggars and TLC and he nails it.

An excerpt:

All this does, unsurprisingly, is thoroughly out one famous TV family of religious bigots as sanctimonious liars and, ahem, sinners, themselves. History is littered with the righteous having all kinds of dirty secrets. And who knows, maybe TLC wanted those to come out eventually because then the show would be even more of a gross curiosity and Americans would tune in to rubberneck. Ratings would rise. Profits would rise.

It’s pretty much the business model at TLC to put on schlock and let everybody else praise it or loathe so long as they watch it. TLC is or was home to My 600-lb Life, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, America’s Worst Tattoos, Breaking Amish, Gypsy Sisters, Hoarding: Buried Alive, Kate Plus 8, four shows about “Little People,” My Five Wives, My Strange Addiction, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Sex Sent Me To the ER, Sister Wives and, well, a colossal collection of other crap.

Once you get in the business of producing shows like that -- shows meant to be little more than a televised circus -- perhaps you lose the capacity to know when it’s time to pull the plug on one where sexual molestation and perhaps incest have taken place, right under the series’ mantra of pure conservative values.

There is currently a sustained push to shame TLC into abandoning the Duggars and their sanctimonious lies and horrible family secrets. But that’s the thing. I’ve written a lot of these “TLC is the worst channel in the universe” columns through the years, but guess what? Nothing changes. You can’t shame TLC and the people who run it because they don’t have any shame left.

Whatever happens to the Duggars, trust me, another scandal will follow. And TLC will once again pretend to be shocked."

Tucker's Mom said...

They're trying to frame this situation as if it were multi layered shades of grey, in a desperate attempt to give Josh an out. As long as you can just say hey this is complicated, there are shades of grey, Josh gets by. Except there is no grey here. None at all. And I think if they were truly honest with themselves and put pride aside, they would see that.
I don't think Michelle and Jim Bob would ever see that this is black and white. I just don't. They are too entrenched in their positions in their religion, views of women, separatist views when it comes to the law, and maybe most of all, their prosperity belief that they have been bestowed an inalienable right to The Duggar Show in perpetuity.

Jim Bob, most of all, will go down to Chinatown defending his actions and inactions.
Josh, a different generation, might rethink things and change his life and his family's lives going forward, so that none of those women will suffer like the women in this cult, and can realize the endless possibilities that their lives hold.

Tucker's Mom said...

the Duggar parents are not the "nice" people they pretend to be, and that they allowed their son to continue to molest his sisters when they knew there was a problem. It is also disturbing to learn how they attempted to cover it up, how they maneuvered around the law,
They obfuscate the facts.
"Reported Josh to police"= took him to a family State Trooper friend to have a talking too. No further reporting or formal report was done.
"Josh received counseling"= Josh was turfed off to a family friend to help with construction.
"Josh confessed"- to no one that really matters. Even church "elders", although perhaps not be legally bound to report abuse, should have anyway.

Vanessa said...

So, out of the three adult children who are married, not one has been self-sufficient and living on the income earned all by themselves. In Ben's case, he could not support himself and Jessa on his income so according to their Gothard rules, he shouldn't have married Jessa until he could do so.

So true. And realistically, how can these "kids" be self sufficient? What skills, qualifications, education do they have at 18? How are they expected to raise and support these large families they are programmed to have? The Duggars are the exception since they are obviously millionnaires. What of the other Quiverfulls? Poverty?

angie said...

Millicent at #60, great post!

I'd like to add that placing the married couples in Boob's houses gives him continued control over his daughters, and now their husbands.

Why doesn't he just build lil' houses on his compound so eventually all the kids can live within a stone's throw away?
what a creepy family. blech!

another note...I feel sorry for the oldest daughter. After the other two married I read that household responsibilities had to be reorganized to make up for two less females. On the flip side, I wonder what the two married daughters did with all their free time after marrying-- they went from taking care of an army to sitting around the house waiting for hubby to come home.

Layla said...

Quote from Jim Bob in 2002: "Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes,"
So, in his mind, incest is capital crime...unless it's committed by a Duggar? Or perhaps it's a capital crime unless it ends up costing JB a lifetime in front of a camera? Gee, maybe he should elaborate on this a bit. I'd really like to know how what goes on in his mind. At the time he said that, his own son was molesting his daughters. According to Jim Bob's own words, Josh is deserving of the death penalty.

P.J. said...

Beyond the pale...

"From pale (“jurisdiction of an authority, territory under an authority's jurisdiction”), suggesting that anything outside the authority's jurisdiction was uncivilized. The phrase was in use by the mid-17th century, and may be a reference to the general sense of boundary, but is often understood to refer specifically to the English Pale in Ireland. In the nominally English territory of Ireland, only the Pale fell genuinely under the authority of English law, hence the terms within the pale and beyond the pale. The boundary of the Ashdown Forest (a royal hunting forest) was also known as the Pale, consisting of a paled fence and a ditch inside, to allow deer to jump in, but not back out."

Or this:

"The phrase "beyond the pale" dates back to the 14th century, when the part of Ireland that was under English rule was delineated by a boundary made of such stakes or fences, and known as the English Pale. To travel outside of that boundary, beyond the pale, was to leave behind all the rules and institutions of English society, which the English modestly considered synonymous with civilization itself."

I didn't realize that anyone considered that phrase racist. Never heard that one before.

Vanessa said...

As for if any of the kids get any money put aside for them, I don't think so, I unless, when they hit 21, then they get a percentage from the show, but the rest JimBob keeps and gives out if he thinks they need it. I think that is what they are doing.
so the same thing tfw did with her kids? If Pennsylvania didn't have proper child labor laws, I'm sure Arkansas had even less.

Vanessa said...

Not sure if this one's been shared yet.

Vanessa said...

"Josh received counseling"= Josh was turfed off to a family friend to help with construction.
I think they did this because they believe idleness or laziness gives you opportunity to "make mistakes". So they "distracted" the temptation of sin out of him. He wouldn't have time to fall into the clutches of his seducing baby sisters

Vanessa said...

I don't think Michelle and Jim Bob would ever see that this is black and white. I just don't.
i think they follow THEIR own version of black and white.
Gay? shunned, never to be spoken to again
Premarital sex? Pregnancy out of wedlock? you're gone!
Transgenderd? you don't exist
Son molests younger sisters? you have been tested by God, you failed, but you are forgiven.
Molested by older brother? you also have been tested by God, you failed as well. God hasn't decided if he's forgiven you yet

FYI said...

I ventured over to the Figure 8 films website, to see if they had anything about 19 kids. They had a list of they shows they produce, and the pop-up for 19 kids says it's supposed to return in the fall with new shows. But that could have been up there before all this mess happened.

The pop-up for Kate plus 8 says the following:

"Kate and the kids are back! In two brand new summer specials, Kate and her eight fly down to Mexico for a fun-filled family vacation in Cancun and get ready to celebrate six birthdays at once as the sextuplets turn 11. Be sure to look out for even more episodes coming later this year on TLC."

But they didn't list any air dates.

Tucker's Mom said...

In a shocking twist of events, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar land another People magazine cover.
I'm shocked. Shocked!

People cover

P.J. said...

angie said...

Why doesn't he just build lil' houses on his compound so eventually all the kids can live within a stone's throw away?
what a creepy family. blech!


They did say that. Years ago, when they were building their McMansion. There is enough property to build houses for all of them. I guess TLC didn't want to foot the bill.

Exterior Designer said...

Perhaps we are concentrating our efforts in the wrong place. Maybe we should be pressuring/writing the cable companies to drop the network until they clean up their programming. This is the third strike for TLC's lead programs. First, Jon and Kate's divorce. Then Honey Boo Boo child molester. Lastly, the Duggar family member incest and child molestation.
Seriously how many scandals do you get before you're out?

capecodmama said...

In today's Cape Cod Times, on their business page, was an article titled: How Was Your Year, CEO Pay, Breaking it Down. The article listed the top five CEO's with rising pay and the top five CEO's who pay has fallen between the years 2013 and 2014. The number one CEO with rising pay was Richard Hayne of Urban Outfitters whose pay rose 682% up to $535,636. Now that paltry compared to #2 on the list of rising pay. That person is David Zaslav, CEO of Discovery Communications, parent company of TLC, whose pay rose 368% up to.....are you ready for this....$156.1 million!!!!!!! Mr. Zaslav was also listed #1 out of 10 of the highest paid CEO's last year. #2 on the list of highest paid CEO's was Leslie Moonves of CBS who got paid over $100 million less at $54.4 million. So yea, the Duggar train has to keep rolling cause Papa Zaslav needs to get paid. Unfreakin believable.

I have a couple of questions for anyone who watched this show on a regular basis. Was JimBoob brought up in this religious sect or is this something he turned to as an adult? If he was brought with this, why did he chose Michelle as his wife? She has admitted to JimBoob not being the first male she kissed and she admitted to mowing the lawn in her bikini as a teenager. She was a cheerleader which means wearing a short skirt and jumping around so your little cheerleading bloomers are showing. God forbid someone gets aroused while you're doing that. So how did he pick Michelle? Also, was her family ever discussed? It seems you know about his family but not hers. Just curious. I would love to know what cousin Amy thinks about this since she is not part of that religion.

angie said...

I can't believe (well I can, since Boob has connections) that Arkansas doesn't have some sort of laws protecting 'reality star' minors.
These kids have done the same as the G kids, some have worked all of their lives (hell, some of them have worked in-utero)!

And Boob keeps ALL the money. What a guy.

There was an article that showed how Michelle used to dress (think 'prairie dres's) and what she and the girls wear now..completely different. I guess they are no longer buying used and saving the difference. She was recently sporting a North Face jacket in a footage clip.
The girls do have the flowing hair that gives Gotthard a hard on, but it's curled and coiffed...and the clothes and shoes are a lot more mainstream..the girls are all sporting lots of makeup.

What gives, Boob?

I wonder what's been going on at the compound.. I am not one to mock anyone's religion (but it's hard not to when Boob's religion has allowed a molester to live within their house and Boob did nothing), but I bet Boob thinks he's being attacked by satan and they've been trying to pray the problem away. I don't think it's going to work this time.

I sorta compare this to those Duck Dynasty folks..they were on top of the ratings, had their controversy, and when the dust settled the ratings went to shit. (Are they even on tv now?)
TLC can try to weather this storm, but this show is toast. They better tell the little people and the willis family they're moving on up!

TLC stinks said...

TLC gets hammered in this article.

"It shouldn’t come as any surprise that TLC, the most socially irresponsible channel on the planet – and growing! – has yet to officially cancel 19 Kids and Counting, another of its dubious creations to find itself in trouble.

Why? Because TLC is probably too busy counting the money before sussing out the PR damage and whether or not the Duggar family can keep on selling its particular brand of religious double-standards and moral finger-pointing...."

"Where other channels or companies might think that the stink and heinous implications of a sexual molestation “problem” involving someone on their TV show would be the perfect time to run in the opposite direction, TLC is about as worried about public opinion as it is whether the shows it peddles are reprehensible. In short, it doesn’t."

"But the Josh Duggar situation only took off in the news when In Touch Magazine got records of the initial police investigation. The question, then, is when did TLC know they had a child molester on their hit TV show, which preaches family values? Beyond that, now that TLC -- and everybody else -- knows, why wasn’t there a swift cancelation of the sham that is 19 Kids and Counting?

It seems kind of obvious, yes?"

"It’s pretty much the business model at TLC to put on schlock and let everybody else praise it or loathe so long as they watch it. TLC is or was home to My 600-lb Life, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, America’s Worst Tattoos, Breaking Amish, Gypsy Sisters, Hoarding: Buried Alive, Kate Plus 8, four shows about “Little People,” My Five Wives, My Strange Addiction, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Sex Sent Me To the ER, Sister Wives and, well, a colossal collection of other crap.

Once you get in the business of producing shows like that -- shows meant to be little more than a televised circus -- perhaps you lose the capacity to know when it’s time to pull the plug on one where sexual molestation and perhaps incest have taken place, right under the series’ mantra of pure conservative values.

There is currently a sustained push to shame TLC into abandoning the Duggars and their sanctimonious lies and horrible family secrets. But that’s the thing. I’ve written a lot of these “TLC is the worst channel in the universe” columns through the years, but guess what? Nothing changes. You can’t shame TLC and the people who run it because they don’t have any shame left.

Whatever happens to the Duggars, trust me, another scandal will follow. And TLC will once again pretend to be shocked."
The author says this which explains to me why Kate is still on the air and the other crap shows:

"At some point, you have to wonder how much TLC knows. Since the channel profits on exploitation, how much of that has it let fester despite warning signs? Certainly there wasn’t a need for some kind of genius to look at the Honey Boo Boo situation and surmise that it was a disaster waiting to happen. So, basically, TLC execs only had to watch their own show for a short period of time and think, “This will end badly.”

It did."

So there it is. The implosions happen because TLC execs let them happen and then act all surprised. No amount of protesting will affect TLC because they are all about EXPLOITATION. If you think TLC was in the dark about the Duggars or Kate's abuses, think again.

FYI said...

From the Boycott TLC 19 Kids and Counting FB page, this is a list of advertisers who have said they will pull their ads from any future episodes. This campaign seems to have taken off.


angie said...

Vanessa said... 89

thanks for sharing the link. it was very interesting.
So Boob is sitting on over 3million and Babytalk can't ask Boob for some money to help out her lesbian sister? (not that she probably asked, but even if she did,he'd say NO).

I hope the Duggar girls are watching cousin Amy do her thing and follow suit. She might be the one that helps those girls escape duggarworld.

FYI said...

InTouch has a new article stating that Josh Duggar sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services and a hearing was held in August 2007.

"Police referred the matter to the Families in Need of Services agency, which has jurisdiction over minors. The Department of Human Services (DHS) was then brought into the case, In Touch has learned. Nine months after those agencies entered the Duggar molestation case, Josh Duggar sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services. A trial was held on August 6, 2007.

The results of the investigation into the Duggars and Josh’s trial are sealed. But a source familiar with the Duggar investigation told In Touch it was likely that Josh “appealed the DHS decision or finding from their investigation.” The source notes that DHS had the authority to apply “restrictions or stipulations about him being at home with the victims.

Josh would be considered an in-home offender, giving DHS the authority to do an investigation. As part of your appeal rights you can request a DHS hearing to challenge what they found and their ruling.”

The Duggars are refusing to comment on the intervention by either department and Josh’s trial against DHS. They also are refusing to say if their family was monitored by a state agency after the 2007 actions and forced to undergo counseling by a licensed mental health professional."

I would say "sued" is too strong a word. Sounds more like he appealed their findings and decisions, but those records are sealed so there's no way to verify what the outcome was.

Vanessa said...

I think they did this because they believe idleness or laziness gives you opportunity to "make mistakes".

*doesn't* give you

Vanessa said...
I think the Duggars didn't start off as the fringe nut jobs they are today.

Ma mom said...

I believe this mess has the smell of backroom political cover up on the behalf of the Duggars...Jim Bob and wife had huge future political aspirations for Josh and family. Josh, without any formal education is offered a top job with a powerhouse right wing lobby group, he moves to Washington, rents a house, chums up with some of the most powerful men in the right wing of the republican party, learns public speaking, use of social media etc...Meanwhile Ma,Pop, family back home becomes politically involved in campaigns and issues from the right wing, making lots of needed connections. In Jan 2015, before any hint of whats about to spill out, Josh buys a house in Ark establishing his residency there -- needed to run for office. The statements released by Josh and family are statements that read like
a political handler wrote them. If you notice, not one of the statements speaks of what he did exactly--sex with minors and incest. They refer to the "sins" as actions, mistakes etc.(.How can one ask or be forgiven if he/she refuses to name the sin exactly. And
how can a person feel closer to God if he/she refuses to name the offense)? In my mind, he hasn't received forgiveness because he hasn't yet asked for it by naming it exactly) His statement was a political apology. I believe there was a great deal of political pressure on the criminal/legal system not to charge him. When do the police wait when a suspect, who refuses to come in for questioning?. And did waiting, by the police, help run out the SOL? I would hope that DOJ
would open an investigation to find out if the victims rights were violated? Girls matter too. Perhaps not in their nick of the woods.And why hasn't TLC cancelled? Just money? or is there political pressure being placed on them not to? HBB wasn't connected,to powerful right wing of the republican party as the Duggars are...Remember this clan seems to speak and act like they have been chosen by God to fulfill a his mission,. It seems according to them, all sins commented by the chosen ones must be forgiven and more importantly, forgotten. And those chosen, not only not be held accountable but rewarded with success,all to the glory of Godt The Duggars divine mission is solely to have political power, not for the glory of God, but to indulge their own ungrown egos. And they may get what they want.

Vanessa said...

but I bet Boob thinks he's being attacked by satan and they've been trying to pray the problem away.
Oh absolutely

Vanessa said...

InTouch has a new article stating that Josh Duggar sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services and a hearing was held in August 2007.
lots more to come, I'm sure

TLC stinks said...

LOL, we called it....Cancun. I bet she is filmed in her rockin' hot bikini.

Really absurd that TLC does these vacays but I believe the producers realize Kate at home is BORING. No dates for the airing? No surprise. TLC is waiting to see how the custody hearing goes, but these episodes will air because TLC, if you read my previous post, has no shame. They want to air AFTER the custody hearing so it'll make the tabloids and generate viewers. That's how they play the ratings game.

Paula said...

Sounds like we've just seen the tip of the iceberg with this Duggar scandal. And TLC has yet to cancel this series. If it were any other network I'd be astonished, but well, TLC....

TLC stinks said...

I agree Jimboob had political aspirations for Josh. Good point, Ma mom. TLC has probably heard from conservative evangelical politicians too, thus the hesitancy to cancel the show outright. The scandal grows

P.J. said...

Kate is a twit said... 102
InTouch has a new article stating that Josh Duggar sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services and a hearing was held in August 2007.


Okay, stick a fork in them. They're done. ~ Administrator said...

Why would anyone take a regular poster to task for trying to be careful about not offending other readers?


No one was taking her to task. I'm tired though of perfectly decent people who have never had a racist bone in their body being made to feel guilty and walk around on eggshells convinced that maybe a small part of them is racist, if even unintentionally. That's another case of a tiny minority trying to convince everyone we are all racist and make us all walk around on eggshells when most of society is good people who really don't care what your skin color is. Sorry if I took that out on Millicent.

fidosmommy said...

I mentioned earlier that Josh might have been given his own room to lock him away from his younger siblings at night. It could be that it was court mandated. Very interesting, if true. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a twit said... 102
InTouch has a new article stating that Josh Duggar sued the Arkansas Department of Human Services and a hearing was held in August 2007.


Okay, stick a fork in them. They're done.


Whoa. So done. So major revelations today. CPS WAS involved, and apparently, CPS made them do something they disagreed with. What was that, I wonder? It was enough for them to want to appeal it.

Perhaps their referral was substantiated as opposed to unfounded and they tried to get that changed?

Here, you can't really sue CPS. They're immune, except under very rare circumstances. You can go to the court of appeal, but in that case you're actually appealing the ruling of the superior court (who made certain rulings based on CPS recommendations), and CPS is not really anything more than a real party in interest. ~ Administrator said...

I believe this mess has the smell of backroom political cover up on the behalf of the Duggars...Jim Bob and wife had huge future political aspirations for Josh and family.


I think this is on the money. The Arkansas house was not because he was trying to escape D.C. It was because of residency issues.

And that proves it right there they are narcissists. They actually thought he could run for so much as the school board let alone a seat somewhere without this coming out???? Or if it did come out, they'd explain it. They're INSANE.

Many politicians are narcissists. It attracts them just like Hollywood does.

Also the 2007 hearing was right when TLC was ramping up filming. TLC didn't know about that? Uh huh.

FYI said...

I watched clips of both Dr. Drew and The Talk talking about the Duggars. Both sets of panelists are appalled how the Duggars seemed more worried about Josh than the girls. And the one thing they kept saying was how hypocritical the Duggars are. On The Talk, Melissa Rivers was very vocal about the hypocrisy. I can just imagine what Joan would have to say.

Here's Dr. Drew:

Here's The Talk:

Anonymous said...

I wish you are right but I doubt they are done. I bet anything TLC is not done with them. People magazine covers are done and Today Show interviews are done but not TLC. If they were, their show would not be listed on their webiste nor full episodes and numerous video clips. I bet anything TLC is just letting the topic die down for a few months and then new episodes without Josh will return.

I am surprised they sued because I would think that would draw more attention to what they wanted to disappear.

Ma mom said...

I wonder if Health and Human made Josh go through a forensic evaluation; including, but not limited to psychological testing? The results of an evaluation may have diagnosed him with multiple mental illnesses.and may have placed him at high risk for offending again. I could see the Duggar parents wanting to diminish their findings

Susan1956 said...

In a shocking twist of events, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar land another People magazine cover.
I'm shocked. Shocked
Now we know how the Duggars spent their holiday weekend. Honoring those who fought for our freedom? Family picnic or cookout?

Nah. Hey Jim Bob, quit hogging the hairspray! The photographers from People are here.

Anonymous said...

This may surprise a lot of folks but the Duggars religion is Baptist. That is a very mainstream protestant denomination. Baptists have no relationship with ATI, the homeschooling program, nor do they have a relationship with Gothard. In fact, the vast number of Baptists date without escorts, kiss, and other things before marriage. Of course, like Catholics and all protestant religions they do believe in no sex before marriage. But Baptists certainly believe in birth control and public schools. In summary most Baptists are not like the Duggars in the weird lifestyle they adhere to.

Anonymous said...

Duck Dynasty is still on the air (currently off season) and their ratings did drop. But their ratings certainly aren't shit by any means. ~ Administrator said...

This may surprise a lot of folks but the Duggars religion is Baptist.


They can call themselves Baptists but so much of what they believe does not in any way shape or form fall into any major Protestant denomination.

Anonymous said...

Putting the Duggars on the cover of People magazine? Disgusting. Slap the victims in the face yet again. Giving Duggar Doughboy yet another national venue for his 'apology'? Also disgusting.

And seeing in print that what was assumed is now truth, that The Lying Channel paid for a Cancun vacay for Kate, kids, Skeeve and a few not a nannies, so that the narcissisic bitch could film the crap out of the kids, again, oh that also makes my morning. Meh in double time.


TLC stinks said...

I am kind of confused about the letter in the book, but could the letter have possibly been written by Jana? There's been so much speculation about her in the tabloids.

Upstater said...

"16. It's true that Arkansas has a three-year statute on most sex crimes. But in cases of sexual offense against a minor, authorities can bring charges against an alleged perp until his or her victim reaches age 28. The 33-page police report on Josh's molestations is chock-full of the victims' memories of what happened to them. How did the police find no probable cause to arrest Josh?"

Admin? True? ~ Administrator said...

"16. It's true that Arkansas has a three-year statute on most sex crimes. But in cases of sexual offense against a minor, authorities can bring charges against an alleged perp until his or her victim reaches age 28. The 33-page police report on Josh's molestations is chock-full of the victims' memories of what happened to them. How did the police find no probable cause to arrest Josh?"

Admin? True?


Their statute of limitations should be in the penal code. IT's going to take some reading and research to figure it out, which unfortunately I don't have time to do at the moment.

There also might be some fact specific elements of it that we are not sure of, like the age of the victims now and exactly WHEN it was reported and when the SOL started to run. We might not be able to determine those dates exactly, which leaves the SOL still in question no matter how much we research.

Anonymous said...

I have been convinced for a long time that TLC/Discovery has paid huge bucks to People magazine to have their stars (HA!) on their covers. I mean Jill and her baby were on the cover. And both girls were on the cover for their weddings. And I am not certain but I bet their courtships were also on the covers. And I am sure their were other covers of them that I am not mentioning. And I think the Little Couple have been on their cover at least once and probably more. And Kate has been on their cover numerous times. I think in 2010 she was on three to four times. Gee, the year Kate Plus 8 was debuting. Really the birth of Jill's child is something so interesting that America wants to read a long article about it. Hell no...and that includes reading about their weddings too. But gee TLC has two hour specials on both their weddings and Jill's birth. TLC just counts paying People as marketing costs. It is no biggie for their budget. By getting their stars on the covers it garners more viewers & new viewers for their shows hence more ratings and more money.

The vast majority of people that watch The Duggars are very conservative Christians and are not even interested in following closely celebrities and the likes of People magazine. The Duggars and even the Little Couple are not People magazine material. But People can't resist the big fat check that TLC/Discovery throws at them.

I bet anything People magazine is NOT allowed in the Duggar home. I bet they just cut out the articles about themselves. No way would they let that magazine or any secular magazine into their home. The ads alone would be shocking to them. Not to mention all the couples dating, living together and divorcing. How hypocritical of them that they can continuously be on their cover and in addition to the numerous articles written about them but the magazine is not even allowed in their home.

It doesn't surprise me that the Duggars on the cover. The scandal is very big and people want to always read about scandals. But it will shock me if Jessa is on the cover when she gives birth or if Josiah is on the cover when he gets married. Or when another Duggar gets into a courtship.

Can somebody that receives the magazine summary the article for us. I am curious what Ma and Pa Duggar have to say about the incest that happened in their home. ~ Administrator said...

Reading this article just gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is referring to an interview by the Duggar girls and the fact they have never kissed. Jessa was asked about kissing and whether she would ask anyone for advice. Her answer:


As others have pointed out, they are extremely preoccupied with sex and everything that leads up to it. It's strange.

I have never heard people talk so much about the birds and the bees.

I'm not sure what to make of it. They doth protest too much, or their might be sex addicts among them, more sexual deviance legal or illegal, or what all else. Something is off and always has been.

JoyinVirginia said...

Scandal sells! So a people cover this week, look for more tabloid/ entertainment magazine covers in the next few weeks. If the Duggars are not as adored by their family and neighbors as they might think, we will see more stories coming out. Paparazzi, go to Arkansas and get some photos! Pretend your car needs a tow and interview the boys on the tow truck! Go buy a car at their car lot! Something, anything to have some fresh Info to publish!
I agree, the spin off possibilities of watching Josh run for office would be logical explanation. We have already married off two daughters, let's give Josh his own series!
What do you want to bet, the episode outlines were already written?

Anonymous said...

They can call themselves Baptists but so much of what they believe does not in any way shape or form fall into any major Protestant denomination.
Admin., that was the point I was making. I listed a lot of the differences between how Baptists act and believe and how the Duggars differ. I just made the post because a lot of people keep referring to how weird their religion is. But really most of their beliefs are not like the vast, vast majority of Baptists. In fact ATI and Gothard have NOTHING to do with Baptists. The Duggars are a very weird, very odd bunch of folks.

Sheri said...

Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while because I've been too disheartened to come up with anything new to say. Still reading regularly however and though I'm not at all surprised by the recent Duggar revelations, I am truly saddened for those girls.

It recent days it has occurred to me that the first TLC special about the Duggar family started with 14 kids and they've had 5 more children and a handful of grandchildren since.

Is it just me or does it not seem like these kids were conceived and born explicitly to be exploited?

Surely if the Duggars could barely, if at all, afford the children they had then the only reason to continue having children (after all, that IS their brand) was to put a camera in their faces and cash the subsequent checks.

Another thing that screams hypocrisy about the Duggars is that they do not allow their kids to watch television.


No t.v. for you, it's bad. But we will sell your private childhood moments to a TELEVISION network in order to entertain (I'm sure they prefer the term "enlighten") the unwashed masses.

I don't care how 'nice', 'wholesome' or 'loving' someone comes across as, if you are selling your children's privacy to make a living, you are a scumbag. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

According to the Duggars, sex before marriage is a SIN, but molesting your young sisters is a MISTAKE.


Blowing In The Wind said...

They can call themselves Baptists but so much of what they believe does not in any way shape or form fall into any major Protestant denomination.


I was raised Baptist and there is no way, shape or form, that their religion or whatever it is, is anything that I learned growing up in that church.

Anonymous said...

I don't care how 'nice', 'wholesome' or 'loving' someone comes across as, if you are selling your children's privacy to make a living, you are a scumbag. PERIOD.
I agree with the above. But I think the Duggars being on tv was a ministry to them. Yes, in their eyes they were showing to the evil, world the truly Christian way to live, act and raise your kids. And all the talk about courtships, sidehugs, etc. was again their ministry.They wanted to show the wicked world there is another way to do things. They wanted to inspire people.

I truly believe if cameras never graced their home that the parents would have still had 19 kids and more if they could. After all they had 14 without any cameras. I never understood why they had to have so many kids. I don't get it and will never get it. I mean even the most devout Catholic stops usually under 10 or 12 at the most. I do think Michelle is addicted to having babies but Jim Bob led the way or at least went along with it. I mean he could have had a vasectomy at any time. So it had to be more than just Michelle being addicted to having babies.

AuntieAnn said...

Anonymous said... 127

I bet anything People magazine is NOT allowed in the Duggar home. I bet they just cut out the articles about themselves. No way would they let that magazine or any secular magazine into their home. The ads alone would be shocking to them. Not to mention all the couples dating, living together and divorcing. How hypocritical of them that they can continuously be on their cover and in addition to the numerous articles written about them but the magazine is not even allowed in their home


I've managed to ignore this family for the last 9 years, so with some research I find out on a Duggar fan blog FAQ page that they don't even have a tv. WTH? I don't believe for one second that they don't watch themselves.

The Duggars call it an irony but I think it leans more toward hypocrisy.

Q: How can the Duggars justify having a TV show when they don't have TV service?

A: In their second book, the Duggars admit the irony of starring in a weekly reality show but not allowing broadcast television into their home. While they are not against TV, they do not agree with much of the content portrayed on the tube. Jim Bob and Michelle and the kids would rather spend their time being active and enjoying family game nights. They see their show as a family ministry.

TLC stinks said...

My impression on reading the People online version was that People did not interview the Duggars, just reprinted a regurgitated statement from the family.

When People originally came out years ago, it was a good magazine but has detoured into a tabloid. You bet TLC pays to have its "talent" on the cover. It's propaganda to get viewers.

BTW, anyone who thinks TLC was unaware of trouble in the Gosselin marriage is smoking dope. I remember reading that the Figure 8 crew would shut down filming when Jon and Kate had heated arguments.

TLC stinks said...

That People cover may be a photo of Michelle and JimBoob pulled from an old TLC shoot, but who knows? Maybe TLC flew them to NYC for a photo shoot. If that's the case, the Duggars aren't going anywhere. Is there a photo credit anywhere in the magazine?

Mel said...

Jim Bob and Michelle and the kids would rather spend their time being active and enjoying family game nights.

What's with the stupid family game night thing? You can't tell me they all sit around playing Monopoly every night.

TLC tried to sell that stupidity with TFW, also. Some producer must have it in their head that that's what 'normal' families do. He/she needs to get out more.

TLC stinks said...

I had not heard about this latest TLC trash show...Labor Games.

On the Richter scale of reality TV despicability, Labor Games ranks somewhere between the tepid Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and the glorious hot mess that is The Real Housewives of wherever. Parents are ambushed (supposedly without prior knowledge, although I find that very hard to believe) in a hospital delivery room, which has been rigged with flashing lights and a hidden “LABOR GAMES” sign. At convenient intervals, the expectant mother has contractions, which are measured for pain by a “contraction meter” that pops up on screen. It is all so terribly gauche.

The sneak peak episode of Labor Games ended on a suitably low note (spoiler alert, if you care). The parents strike out on the last question, losing the $10,000 prize for their unborn son’s college fund. Arch responds with the following kind words of comfort: “There’s always community college!”

TLC stinks said...

Does it occur to you that TLC does screen their reality wannabe "talent" but have no problem if there are skeletons? I think this is just how low they go. Perhaps this time incest finally trumps controversy publicity and ratings. I hope so. It appears so.

angie said...

I'm not sure what to make of it. They doth protest too much, or their might be sex addicts among them, more sexual deviance legal or illegal, or what all else. Something is off and always has been.
JimBoob's preoccupied with keeping the missus knocked up with his seed..he reminds me of polygamists (who's the weird TLC guy that has all the wives?) It's like Boob wanted a harem but there was a sliver of conscious that kept him from doing it, so he joined the quiverful movement. These quiverful men are all about the seed...look at their leader Gothard, who had to resign his position due to sexual misconduct)

I think JimBoob is one degree left of a sexual predator; instead of multiple victims, he only keeps Michelle under his control. He gets off on it. And I think he gets a sexual thrill knowing he's marrying off his daughters to be treated just like Michelle. I am surprised he doesn't insist on watching. I am not joking.
It was also stated that the older girls were privy to Michelle's monthly periods, etc; they kept the info on a calendar so they could see when a pregnancy might occur.The whole family was focused on Michelle's uterus.

And TLC won't cancel it if there is any money to still be made. It's all about the money for them. nothing more, nothing less.

TLC stinks said...

Josh Duggar lied; said back taxes owed to Arkansas were paid.

TLC stinks said...

Josh Duggar and family Thanksgiving message implies his political intentions. You guys are right. He most likely was going to run for some political office. What an idiot or narcissist to think his past would not surface. Maybe he was confident it would be covered up?

Tucker's Mom said...

Re: TLC's Labor Games- the couples know they could be ambushed and that they might be picked for a tv game show.
They have a general idea of what the show will entail.
They are lured into participating by being told that they can win big money and start their child's college fund, or pimp out their nursery, or some such predatory coaxing that first-time parents will jump at because they're probably overwhelmed financially speaking.

getoftweeter said...

Actually, The Duggars use to be Baptists, some years ago, JimBob started his own version of religion. Duggars and a few other families meet at the Duggar house, on Sundays for church and JimBob is almost the Jim Jones, of this church. So I'm thinking that Jimbob has his property classed as church, and he pays no taxes. And then he can also get church exempts for just about anything. Since they don't have any farm animals, they can't be classed as a farm.

readerlady said...

I've had some computer issues the past few days, so I'm just now getting caught up. Forgive me if I repeat what others have said.

Formerly 2 (802) -- Much as I hate to defend TFMJG, she is correct about Memorial Day. It was created as a means of remembering those who died in service. However, she plagiarized from Wikipedia in describing it. gives a good history of the celebration of Memorial Day, which was originally called Decoration Day, for the custom of decorating the graves of war dead.

I'm still flabbergasted and angry over this whole Duggar fiasco. I've never watched the show, but everything I've read about the family gave me the creeps. I'm so happy to see that sponsors are pulling out. I hope TLC does the right thing (who am I kidding?) and cancels the show, rather than retooling it.

Millicent said...

I don't understand the compulsion that some people have to be on tv, even if it means sharing one of the most intimate and special moments of your life (giving birth). I wish viewers would not tune in to watch these types of shows. Turning your child birth into some sort of competition? That's starting off parenthood on the wrong footing.

LisaNH said...

Okay I have to chirp in here about the Duggars. I was very disappointed about the whole Josh scandal. While I'm not a fan of the family and have only watched the show occaisionally, I was impressed that for once, for once, a clean living family was finally being shown on TV. I mean lets face it, television today is more about how smutty and dirty and immoral people can be in front of a camera (espeically reality TV shows). It was a refreshing change to see a family who were clean living people who were so devoted to God.

Did I agree with all of their practices? No, but just like the fact that I am Protestant and I don't believe in a lot of Catholic practices, or Buddhist practices or Jewish practices etc...They just seemed like they were doing what they felt was right for their God. And they were doing no harm, at that time. They were just sharing their lives with the nation.

Some people like to rant that Michelle and Jim Bob did nothing when confronted with their son's atrocities. Why is it that I read that not only did they seek help for their son and their daughters, they took them to counseling, contacted law enforcement, sent Josh away etc...? So they did do something. Maybe it's not to the public's satisfaction since many commenters on blogs and online articles want to see Josh burned at the stake and offer no other appropriate ways this was dealt with.

My question to many is, if these were your son and daughters, what would you do? Would your choices be any better, or worse that what the Duggars did? Would you have him thrown in prison? Have him castrated? Would you send him to therapy? Would you give him a second chance or just wash your hands of him?

I'm not asking these questions to be provacative, but I have read on many comments sections of many online articles about the Duggar scandal critisizing Jim Bob & Michelle for what they did or didn't do. So what should they have done better when faced with this type of horror? What would have been the right steps to take? ~ Administrator said...

I think JimBoob is one degree left of a sexual predator; instead of multiple victims, he only keeps Michelle under his control. He gets off on it. And I think he gets a sexual thrill knowing he's marrying off his daughters to be treated just like Michelle. I am surprised he doesn't insist on watching. I am not joking.


There is a somewhat minor character in Game of Thrones who reminds me of JimBoob. He is obsessed with spreading his seed and has like 20 daughters. He apparently doesn't want sons and kills them. He then impregnates his daughters to have more daughters/granddaughters.

Needless to say everyone finds him creepy, and one nice young man tries to help one of the daughters escape with her baby.

Obsessive need to spread your seed and have a million little mini-mes has to be part of narcissism. ~ Administrator said...

Some people like to rant that Michelle and Jim Bob did nothing when confronted with their son's atrocities. Why is it that I read that not only did they seek help for their son and their daughters, they took them to counseling, contacted law enforcement, sent Josh away etc...?


It does kind of remind me of how everyone says Penn State did nothing. That's absolutely not true. Multiple people did something, including reporting it to the police and much more. But the real details get buried and the headline becomes, "they did nothing." I empathize with your frustrating over that.

You're right, the Duggars did do something. The issue really should be that what they did was lip service, a band-aid, and what they did was more about trying to make this go away then really addressing the issue head on. I think you make a good point that we need to be careful not to paint it was a broad brush. Yes they did something. But no, it was not enough. Their own statements in 2015 prove to me they learned nothing from this experience, cannot be trusted to have good judgement about keeping their children safe, and are engaging in minimizing behavior and putting their son over the victims. Their own statements suggest the family learned nothing from the "treatment" they sought for him, which is all the proof I need.

As for your question about what would you do as his parent, again, this question is not as hard as people imply it is, and hundreds of parents have followed the following protocol both with kids acting out sexually as well as mentally ill children and drug addict children. No, of course you don't castrate him. You 1. remove him from the home. 2. send him to get intensive therapy with a licensed therapist experienced in this area or some sort of licensed program. 3. send the victims to intensive therapy with a licensed therapist 4. don't let him back home until an extensive evaluation has been done with all the service providers to determine if the girls are safe around him. 5. if necessary, involve child services and the police.

It really isn't rocket science, and this is how these things are handled by child abuse courts every day. Had they actually called a licensed therapist, she or he could have guided them to follow this protocol. They chose not to, and the consequences have been grave.

jbranck1980 said...

The People magazine article is just a break down of the time line of events, snippets of the statements posted by the Duggar last week and stating people are upset at the coverup/hypocrisy. It doesn't look like any new photos were taken but did cite sources from someone "close to the family".

Millicent said...

Thank you Kate is a Twit for the history lesson re "beyond the pale." I was not aware of the phrase's origin and worried that perhaps it had a different original meaning. ~ Administrator said...

The People magazine article is just a break down of the time line of events, snippets of the statements posted by the Duggar last week and stating people are upset at the coverup/hypocrisy. It doesn't look like any new photos were taken but did cite sources from someone "close to the family".


I suspected it might just be a rehashing. I don't think People did a new photoshoot. The first thing I thought about the photo was that it was old. They look just a bit younger in it. They probably went looking for a solemn looking photo from a previous shoot they did. You can tell the photo was a reject. Michelle looks so much larger than Jim, and it looks like it might be a test shot for the lighting before the photographer instructed them to smile or look pleasant. But if it's all they had where they looked sad I can see them going with it.

Anonymous said...

I certainly am not a regular watcher of the Duggar show but I somewhat remember them saying they went to somebody's house to watch their show. I wonder if they watch a tape of the show given to them by TLC or if they watch the show with all the commercials. I would be shocked if they watched all the commercials especially with the little kids. I mean they call out NIKE when a woman/girl is dressed in shorts or something they deem not appropriate so the boys can look away. So can you imagine the stuff shown in commercials would be shocking to them. I doubt they would allow that.

There are three words that describes the parenting style of the Duggars: EXTREME CONTROL and BRAINWASHING.

angie said...

Don't discredit the OT law of the 'first born son'.

Josh probably bought that house to establish residency (as posted above in comments).

The Duggars had big plans for Josh and there's no way they wanted those plans thwarted.

Daughters are just a liability, they are to be married off to be bred.

Paula said...

Apparently there was an interview done with the police chief/child predator now in jail that Jim Bob went to with Josh...he says Jim Bob lied to him...what a shock!

Jim Bob Duggar Lied to State Trooper

Formerly Duped said...

readerlady: well, I'm from Canada and we have Remembrance Day on 11 Nov. but I have always thought it was the opposite. Memorial Day for those who died in war, and Veterans' Day for those who died and those still alive who have served and died /still living who once served or currently are.To me Kate was describing Veterans' Day?

Millicent said...

Capecodmama said:

I have a couple of questions for anyone who watched this show on a regular basis. Was JimBoob brought up in this religious sect or is this something he turned to as an adult? If he was brought with this, why did he chose Michelle as his wife? She has admitted to JimBoob not being the first male she kissed and she admitted to mowing the lawn in her bikini as a teenager. She was a cheerleader which means wearing a short skirt and jumping around so your little cheerleading bloomers are showing. God forbid someone gets aroused while you're doing that. So how did he pick Michelle? Also, was her family ever discussed? It seems you know about his family but not hers. Just curious. I would love
I read a blog that discusses this show and other fundamentalist families and beliefs, so I know a little bit about the Duggars from the things posted there, and from what JimBob has talked about on the show. Another area of hypocrisy is that JimBob's religious beliefs say that the father is the headship of the family, even after his children are grown. That headship is supposedly the authority, and is to be respected. Yet JB doesn't give that respect to his own father. He has talked about his father in negative ways, such as implying he couldn't earn a decent income, that he didn't provide good moral guidance, etc. I think JB clearly has daddy issues. But his mom was/is religious and JB attended a private Christian school (while his sister I believe went to public school. I think JB was always a mama's boy.) He met Michele when she came to work for his mom at a yogurt shop. I think he developed a huge crush. Michele was raised in what sounds like a fairly normal home, but she was the youngest - perhaps an accidental baby because her siblings are all quite a bit older than her.

I think JimBob has always been insecure. He was not popular as a teenager, was probably gawky and rather goofy around girls, wasn't particularly athletic, and being a mama's boy probably didn't endear him to his peers. So to prove everybody wrong, he wooed and won the pretty popular cheerleader, then had 19 kids with her. Wow, how virile! *eye roll* I'm pretty sure his mom helped finance his political campaign, and perhaps his initial real estate endeavors. I'm not buying into the whole "JimBob is a savvy businessman and successful real estate investor" story line, because before TLC came along, he and his family were crammed into a tiny two-bedroom home. That doesn't sound like he was very successful to me. His mom is probably more business-savvy than he is. He just happened to luck out and have a photogenic family that TLC was looking for -- sort of like Kate. She lucked out in the timing of having sextuplets and marketing them to various networks.

And I had no idea that my off the cuff remark about "beyond the pale" would generate any comments at all :) A wonderful benefit to this blog is that I learn something new nearly every day. Thank you!

Formerly Duped said...

Eeek, I didn't word my post well about Memorial vs Veterans' Day! But I think you know what I mean...I live in the US now, btw!

LisaNH said...

As for your question about what would you do as his parent, again, this question is not as hard as people imply it is, and hundreds of parents have followed the following protocol both with kids acting out sexually as well as mentally ill children and drug addict children. No, of course you don't castrate him. You 1. remove him from the home. 2. send him to get intensive therapy with a licensed therapist experienced in this area or some sort of licensed program. 3. send the victims to intensive therapy with a licensed therapist 4. don't let him back home until an extensive evaluation has been done with all the service providers to determine if the girls are safe around him. 5. if necessary, involve child services and the police.

It really isn't rocket science, and this is how these things are handled by child abuse courts every day. Had they actually called a licensed therapist, she or he could have guided them to follow this protocol. They chose not to, and the consequences have been grave.

I do see your point, but I also have to question did they know these protocols? I mean we are talking about people who may have never faced this type of horrible situation before. Yes, maybe they do infact live in a rose colored glasses world. So I guess my point, earlier, was that perhaps they did what they thought was the best way of dealing with such an awful situation.

In a lot of ways they did follow protocol by doing what you listed. The only thing they did do was allow Josh back in the home.

Then again we don't know the whole story either. Like you said, a lot can get lost in the headlines.

Could things have been handled differently? Certainly. Could they have been handled better? I'm sure they could have. But I look at it as they did the best they could, with what knowledge they had on how to deal with this vile situation. They have probably never had to deal with something so ugly in their lives before so they did the best they could with what limited knowledge they had.

I know in my case, I was molested by a step brother when I was very, very young (he was an adult). I told my Mom. My mother went into Momma Grizzly mode and informed my stepfather that his son was no longer welcome in our home or lives. My stepfather (father) agreed 100% and I never saw him again. Now this was back in the late 1960s so therapy wasn't an option because it wasn't talked about and going to the police was out for the same reason. But I feel like my parents did the best thing for me. I am not resentful or harbor any negative feelings about the way my parents dealt with it.

LisaNH said...

Okay another thing I have to get off my chest, completely OT with regards to the Duggars.

This year, I keep seeing posts and MEMES about Memorial Day and people splitting hairs over "Don't thank me for me service on this day becaue Memorial Day is about those who died in service to their country." Or people quibbling over Memorial Day not being about current military members etc...

So what? Any time our military is appreciated it's a good thing. Please people (on the interwebs) stop splitting hairs. Yes Memorial Day is about those who gave the ultimate sacrafice, but it's not out of bounds to thank and appreciate active Military Members who could be put in harms way at any time.

angie said...

ok, so here's some questions I'd like answered.

1. Who put the letter in the borrowed book, and why was it done at that time? It stands to reason that a family member put the letter in the borrowed book-- I wonder how that went over with Boob..I bet the rod was used to find out who betrayed the family with that letter.

2. Which minor child asked the police to destroy the report? And exactly how was this done..apparently Boob had to ask this victim (I assume it was one of his daughters) if she'd go with him to the police station and ask that this record be destroyed. And how does that work exactly, could she have signed off on a document at the home and had it sent to the station?

Just read a Gawker article describing blanket training. I am sickened...sounds just like Kate with her wooden spoon. There were a few times when some of her kids were punished, sent to that stupid mat by the front door, and they knew exactly how quick to get there and how to sit. I remember once she walked up to the child and he flinched. It made my skin crawl.

It's about time TLC got called out for enabling abusers. Kate's next. Viewers are tired of the lies and abuse.

PatK said...

I hope there will be protesters at TLC's Block Party in Philly.

Kaya said...

In a lot of ways they did follow protocol by doing what you listed. The only thing they did do was allow Josh back in the home.
No they didn't. There was no intense therapy with a licensed therapist for perpetrator or victims. They send Josh away to build houses with a fellow cult member. That is not a substitute for therapy.

redbird said...

PatK, I agree! Hoping there will be a massive number of people protesting, chanting with signs that say Kancel Kate!

TLC and Kate deserve it.

Tucker's Mom said...

I mean we are talking about people who may have never faced this type of horrible situation before. Yes, maybe they do infact live in a rose colored glasses world. So I guess my point, earlier, was that perhaps they did what they thought was the best way of dealing with such an awful situation.
These people want to reap all the benefits of living in America, including becoming rich and famous as a result of our very culture, but want to claim religiousity when it comes to skirting the laws, from taxes to criminal acts.
I don't believe that they didn't know better. I think they believe their insular community is immune to the laws of the land that they live in.
This is a big problem in America. It's not just the Duggars or their religion.

I think Jim Bob is nowhere near as dumb as he looks.

redbird said...

I wonder how many millions of dollars out of the 154.1 million were earned off the backs of 8 innocent little kids? The molested victims, thanks to Josh Duggar?

Absolute. Blood. Money.

Kirkland said...

The question was asked..what would I do if the same situation happened to me? I just had to share what happened to my cousin. She has a daughter who was molested by her brother. The son was turned over to the authorities, he was arrested and served time. He is currently out of prison, but he was not allowed to see his niece until she turned 18. Then it was up to the niece, who did choose to see him. She did receive extensive counseling as a child to deal with the molestation and she is currently in college and seems to be well-adjusted. But of course, you never know.

Meanwhile, the brother (my cousin) seems to have his act together as well. He visits his family, but is never allowed to be alone with any of his other nieces and nephews (makes sense of course).

Bottom line, if the family had chosen to ignore the issue, who knows how well the situation would have turned out. But they didn't ignore it. So as a parent, I think you have to do what's best for all your children.

No matter how you look at it, Michelle and Bob Dugger may have supported their son, but it was done at the expense of their daughters.

Tucker's Mom said...

They have probably never had to deal with something so ugly in their lives before so they did the best they could with what limited knowledge they had.
I don't believe this for a minute.
JB and Michelle do not live in some insulated tribe deep in some rain forrest. They know what incest, molestation and rape is.
JB himself called for incest to be punished as a capital crime!
Any "aw shucks, I didn't think my son fingering his sisters is a big deal" doesn't fly.
If the Duggars didn't know better, they should have. As you can imagine, I believe they are in the very least willfully ignorant and at worst, defiant, hubris-filled scofflaws with feel above the rest of us Godless heathens.

So if they didn't know better, they're now going to get a lesson is just how serious what their son Josh did actually is.
But they won't be enlightened and shamed by their ignorance.

They will be angry, and they will lash out, and they will point fingers. They will not take responsibility for not doing the right things.
They will not be sorry.
They will not try to rectify their mistakes (mostly by making this about the victims)
If things don't go their way-if their show gets cancelled- look out. ~ Administrator said...

I think it's fair to say that in in the 21st century it should be common knowledge to good parents that if child molestation is going on, you need to involve licensed professionals including therapists as part of the treatment.

Let's assume for argument's sake they didn't know that. Well, if you don't know what to do, they could have called someone and asked. How about his pediatrician? That would be a great place to start.

Good parents either know what to do in these situations, or, they know who to CALL to ask for help.

They are smart people, very capable people, and yet they failed both Josh and the victims very deeply. We know they failed based on their very concerning, minimizing, statements made in 2015. These parents needed therapy themselves to understand how they failed their children to deeply. I guess because I've seen so many other parents able to handle similar situations very capably, I find it much harder to excuse them. If a poor mother from east Los Angeles with three jobs and no husband can scrape together every last penny to get her molested daughter proper treatment, so could they.

redbird said...

Talking about not watching your children and keeping them safe, remember when the Duggars went to NYC and they were at the airport? And Jackson, I think it was, as little as he was, was he was allowed to go to the bathroom by himself. Then he got lost. Michelle didn't seem too concerned. But when he resurfaced, the little boy RAN TO JILL, IIRC. But not his mother. He was in agony that he was lost, he was soooo upset.

I remember my oldest ds, my sil were in a Payless shoe store and he was 2 years old and he was very strong and could open very heavy doors. In a split second, he had went and opened the heavy glass door and got outside and was standing on the sidewalk because he knew his dad was sitting out in the car in the middle of the parking lot.

Then I noticed that he was not right there. I panicked and started running and hollering his name and my sil didn't even bother to get up to help look for him. I finally saw him outside and I almost fainted!! He was crying and a WOMAN had him by the hand and was walking off with him!! I ran and dove, grabbed him and screamed he is my son!

Then I realized she was more scared than I was. She said, he was just standing here by himself. I can't remember if she said if she was going to get help or not. It was 30 years ago and it is hard to remember every tiny detail. Thank you, Guardian Angels!

Tucker's Mom said...

I know in my case, I was molested by a step brother when I was very, very young (he was an adult). I told my Mom. My mother went into Momma Grizzly mode and informed my stepfather that his son was no longer welcome in our home or lives. My stepfather (father) agreed 100% and I never saw him again. Now this was back in the late 1960s so therapy wasn't an option because it wasn't talked about and going to the police was out for the same reason. But I feel like my parents did the best thing for me. I am not resentful or harbor any negative feelings about the way my parents dealt with it.
I'm so sorry that happened to you.
Your mom is a Grizzly and your step-dad really did the right thing.
Most importantly, they protected you!
I don't know if or what could be done further with the laws at the time, but no matter what the law required, you needed to be safe, and you were.
You are VERY lucky that your protection came first and foremost.

Can you imagine telling your mom and step-dad, and they did a bunch of praying and forgiving and then told you that your molester was coming back to live in your home, under the same roof?
That's what I can't wrap my head around!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

PatK (#163), with the tide turning as quickly as it is with the
sponsors dropping out, I'm starting to think TLC will pull the
plug on the block party soon. We'll see what happens.

Tucker's Mom said...

Millicent said... 158
Thanks for the background info!
I hope JB is taking care of the money he's made from TLC because I don't think he had anything to fall back on before the scandal, and certainly not now.

TLC stinks said...

Good interpretation of Duggar police report.

"Reading the police report, while we can't know for certain the accuracy of allegations, there's no ambiguity about what the accusations were - standard fondling molestation with girls who appear to have been substantially younger than Josh Duggar at the time. Sometimes the girls were asleep. Sometimes they were not. Again, very clear what the accusations were."

"I suspect that some of the caginess and ambiguity of these accounts was rooted not only in how rushed the reports were but also because of an effort to talk around the family relationships that are clear from reading the police report.

The other point that jumped out at me is that the father Jim Bob pretty clearly lied to the police about sending his son to a counseling program after discovering the molestation incidents. He even went into some detail about where it was and details about it, though he claimed to have forgotten the name of the center."

"One thing that comes through fairly clearly in the report is that a lot of people who came into contact in some way with the facts of these incidents really wanted and tried to get his parents to get Josh Duggar some sort of counseling or treatment. While adult pedophiles may be close to untreatable, there is evidence that treatment interventions for teens can be effective. But his parents appear to have resisted this advice at pretty much every turn - even to the point (the interview transcripts are a bit ambiguous on this point) lying to people in their church and local police about sending him for treatment."

"This resistance came out in other ways. I mentioned that in addition to sending his son to Little Rock for a few months, Jim Bob Duggar took his son to speak to State Trooper Jim Hutchens. A couple years later Hutchens was convicted and sent to prison on child pornography charges. After he was released he was convicted again and is now serving a 56 year state prison term. Some press reports have referred to this as Duggar turning his son in to the police. But that's not what happened. He took his son to talk to Hutchens as someone he knew as a friend. So why him? The police report explains that Duggar used to be a car salesman and Hutchens was the state trooper who did inspections of car dealerships."

"One final point: police decided there was no evidence of any assault within the three year statute of limitations. That's why there's was no referral for prosecution."

TLC stinks said...

The Arkansas state trooper who was first made aware of the Josh Duggar molestation allegations has refuted Jim Bob Duggar’s version of events.

In an interview with In Touch Weekly, Joseph Hutchens, who is serving a 56-year sentence for child pornography, said that the patriarch's account of his son's actions led him to decide not to report Josh to an abuse hotline.

In 2006, the Springdale, Ark. police department ended its investigation into allegations that 14-year-old Josh had molested five girls (including possibly his sisters) in 2002 because the statute of limitations had run out. The police were unable to proceed with the probe because Hutchens did not file a report after Jim Bob told him about the abuse.

Jim Bob had told police in 2006 that that there had been five victims and multiple incidents of abuse — but the former trooper alleged he was only told of a single incident.

“Josh had inappropriately touched (name redacted) during the time she was asleep,” Hutchens said. “He said he touched her through her clothing and he said it only happened one time.”

The former trooper added that he has “lost a lot of sleep” over his lack of action in bringing the Duggars’ situation to police attention.

“I did what I thought was right and obviously it wasn’t,” he said.

“If I had to do it over again, I would have told him immediately I am going to call the hotline and contacted the trooper that worked those cases and have a full report made. I thought I could handle it myself.”

TLC stinks said...

Meanwhile, Kate Gosselin is hiding under a rock.

LisaNH said...

Tucker's Mom said... 172
I know in my case, I was molested by a step brother when I was very, very young (he was an adult). I told my Mom. My mother went into Momma Grizzly mode and informed my stepfather that his son was no longer welcome in our home or lives. My stepfather (father) agreed 100% and I never saw him again. Now this was back in the late 1960s so therapy wasn't an option because it wasn't talked about and going to the police was out for the same reason. But I feel like my parents did the best thing for me. I am not resentful or harbor any negative feelings about the way my parents dealt with it.
I'm so sorry that happened to you.
Your mom is a Grizzly and your step-dad really did the right thing.
Most importantly, they protected you!
I don't know if or what could be done further with the laws at the time, but no matter what the law required, you needed to be safe, and you were.
You are VERY lucky that your protection came first and foremost.

Can you imagine telling your mom and step-dad, and they did a bunch of praying and forgiving and then told you that your molester was coming back to live in your home, under the same roof?
That's what I can't wrap my head around!


Thank you. I think the reason why I never felt any ill effects was because my parents protected me as best they could and the best way they knew how and I knew that.

I can only hope that the Duggar girls did or will feel that same way at some point in their lives.

redbird said...

WOW! Guess who pulled their ads from 19 kids!!!


Pretty funny that all they are having now is wedding specials. I think John David has a girl, but they haven't officially come out as courting. Josiah has a girl. Jim Bob thinks that airing more big specials of courting and marrying and babies will get them through this
Category 5 Feces Storm.

About being funny because it is David's Bridal, I mean no disrespect to the Duggar girls. #JusticeForDuggarGirls

All This Is That said...

Where is the list of the sponsors who have pulled their advertising?

getoftweeter said...

I truely think that most of Kates fans are mental challenged, in the sense of being a normal person and asking totally stupid common questions that have common sense answers. For example: recently on Kates TL: after Kate posted a pic of the dog: What kind of dog is that? I don't know, it's a pit bull (snark) I bet if someone said that as an answer to that person, the idiot would probably believe it. There have been countless stupid questions asked by her fans. My question is how long have some of these fans been of hers? Most say from the beginning, then they should know what kind of bird, dog, age of the kids, what grades they are in, where they live(location: PA) etc. Cause Kate says every year, on twitter. They make me laugh!

Math Girl said...

TLC stinks said... 143

Josh Duggar and family Thanksgiving message implies his political intentions. You guys are right. He most likely was going to run for some political office. What an idiot or narcissist to think his past would not surface. Maybe he was confident it would be covered up?
The video was political, but I think it's quite likely that it was made at the behest of his employer at the time in support of their agenda, and doesn't imply that Josh was intending to run for political office. My opinion is that Josh is bone lazy, just like Kate, and wouldn't want all the work of running for and holding office.

The video itself was quite interesting. He said "time to get your coats on" repeatedly. He addressed Anna as "Mommy". He only got into his political messages when he was reminded of them by Anna, and then more-or-less repeated what Anna had just said.

Based on my very limited exposure to them, Anna seems to have matured and blossomed since her marriage, while Josh has gone in the other direction.

I actually enjoyed the video. Of course I hadn't heard about any of the "causes" he was espousing, and I didn't believe a word he said about them.

Math Girl said...

All This Is That said... 180
Where is the list of the sponsors who have pulled their advertising?
There are many at various websites. Here is one:

I saw a better one, with just a list, but couldn't find it again.

All This Is That said...

They see their show as a family ministry.


Family ministries preach that molestation and incest is sanctioned by God, the perp is forgiven, a cover-up ensues and the victims are closer to God because of it?

Of course Swaggart had his "family ministry," confessed that he had sinned, but his show tanked after that, even though his sheeple acknowledged that, according to the Scriptures, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Ingrid said...

All This Is That said... 180
Where is the list of the sponsors who have pulled their advertising?
There is a huge list on facebook at

And they update as more come on board. I didn't know if I could copy/paste the current list here or not.

redbird said...

TLC stinks said... 177
Meanwhile, Kate Gosselin is hiding under a rock.


Under the rock of de-ages!

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 173

PatK (#163), with the tide turning as quickly as it is with the 
sponsors dropping out, I'm starting to think TLC will pull the
plug on the block party soon. We'll see what happens.

May 27, 2015 at 12:22 PM
I bet Kate is finagling her way out as we speak.
I would just about chew my arm off to get out of that shitstorm waiting to happen.

FYI said...

All This Is That said... 180
Where is the list of the sponsors who have pulled their advertising?

They also have screenshots of tweets from sponsors showing the sponsors saying that they will not advertise on the show. Just click on the Photos to see those tweets.

They update the page regularly as more sponsors get added to the list.

Anon this time said...

Redbird I know that you were probably scared but I'm sure the woman was only trying to help. If I saw a child standing by himself crying I'd ask where his parents were. If he didn't know I'd take him by the hand and either take him to mall security or call the police. She was probably just being kind and you should think of her in that way rather than as the "WOMAN" that had him by the hand. Relax and maybe thank her for protecting him.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Just watching a "The Middle" rerun on ABC family. The parents
go out bowling and leave the kids home alone, and the mom says,
"Those Duggars have it right -- let the kids police each other!"

All This Is That said...

Thanks, KIAT. I was wondering if Kohls made the move yet. I have some coupons and discounts to use there, but I'm waiting to see what happens with them.

getoftweeter said...

Millicent: I could not agree with you more. Everything Jimbob has said over the years, they are doing just the opposite. All that fundy crap at the beginning, and now they are doing almost the opposite. What a bunch of hypocrites.

I wonder what TLC rating have been for any of their shows now?

Anonymous said...

Jim Bob does have a lot to fall back on. He owns a lot of commerical properties and houses. And they pay for everything in cash. And I am sure he is a few million socked away from many years filming with TLC. Also I think he owns a tow trucking company and a used car lot. And this is just what we know about. I do think he probably is a very good business man.

I bet the parents did not let Josh be alone with any of the girl siblings at any time. No, this was not enough by any means but it was a start if it is true.

You know the reason they probably did not ask their doctor or seek a professional therapist is because they don't want outside influences in any area of their lives. This is why all the kids are home schooled. Not to defend them in any way but according to THEIR beliefs they probably did do the best THEY knew how at that time.

Math Girl said...

I see that the Washington Post has picked up the child protection service story from the National Report. It's interesting that the people here (collectively) were better at detecting that this story is false/satire than the Washington Post was!

TLC stinks said...

Hmmm. Wonder if Jeff Prescott/Jones aka Millionaire is having second thoughts about associating with Kate?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing us to the list of the companies that won't advertise. I had no idea the list was that long. I think TLC will continue to film at a later date unless of course they can't find any sponsors. If I was a company I sure would not advertise during their show. It is a kiss of death for a company.Why risk it. There are plenty of other shows to advertise for. ~ Administrator said...

Dr. Drew is saying they should have gotten Josh a formal ASSESSMENT, exactly what I said (step 4). He is horrified that to this day we have no idea what that was all about without it. Great point.

( 4. don't let him back home until an extensive evaluation has been done with all the service providers to determine if the girls are safe around him.)

Mel said...

It was a refreshing change to see a family who were clean living people who were so devoted to God.

At least that’s what they wanted you to think--that they were clean living. That’s the schtick they’re selling.
Personally, I don’t classify one of my sons molesting my daughters, more than once, and then lying about it, and covering it up, as clean living.

I also think that being as they are making a fortune off of selling their lives as wholesome and clean living that they are held to a higher standard than the average family.
They’re not selling themselves as an average, every day family.

They’re saying look at us! We’re holy! More close to God than the rest of you riff raff! Listen to what I think! God speaks only to me! (Remind you of anyone?? Like TFW? She also believes that God speaks only to her and cares very much about her 1% problems.)

One of those higher standards is not telling the public how holy they themselves are, holding themselves up as the gold standard of pious, telling others that they shouldn’t have the same right to use the bathroom as anyone else, when they themselves have a child molester in the family, that they not only lied about, but tried to cover up.

Did they do something? Sure, they did. They did their very best to see that he was not going to be held accountable through the legal system, like an ordinary person would have been.

They sent him away for a mere 3 months to work with a friend of theirs. When that didn’t solve the problem, and the molestation was continuing a *year* later(!) , they took him to see a personal friend who was a trooper, and who could be counted on to keep his mouth shut.

What should they have done? More than what they did. Be honest about it, for one thing.

I don’t see any humility here…just arrogance.

TLC stinks said...

The next scandal: someone proves TLC bought those steamy photos of Kate and Steve in Cancun. I bet she lied to Jeff that nothing was going on.

jbranck1980 said...

And now People is reporting a spinoff with the girls is in the works.

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