Thursday, January 16, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 3, "New Couple Controversy'

Although two episodes have already aired without them, Jon and his girlfriend Liz make their first official appearance on the popular VH1 reality show tonight. Check local listings.

Meanwhile, the fallout continues from the twins awkward and uncomfortable appearance on Today yesterday

Watch Access Hollywood's excellent panel discussion on the debacle. They get it.

1043 sediments (sic) from readers:

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JoyinVirginia said...

Empress has Stripped Bare Nekkid, LOVE your name!
Kelly, thanks for the reminder about flu shots! Its not too late to get a flu shot! And the prevention is much more effective than taking tamiflu after the fact. I do hate that tamiflu commercial.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

This article claims the twins are thinking of trying to get emancipated from their mom.

capecodmama said...


I knew WW would not disappoint and The Today Show interview would be on her hot topics discussion. Didn't expect it to be the first hot topic though. I'm was thrilled when she said TFW lost all credibitily and she needs to go someplace. She's definitely Team Jon.


I believe you when you said your TV schedule has TFW and the twins. I'm thinking after this fiasco yesterday, The View had a rethink and decided not to have the twins on. We'll have to wait and see what happens Monday. I'm going to check their website periodically and see if the twins were added to the lineup.

Suzy said...

She ooked so terrible on the Today show. Very Barbie-looking & too thin. Anyway. I noticed she did a weird thing when she was talking. She put her hands together when she used the word, family. Both times. It looked odd to do that. I wonder uf she was trying to make a gesture that they ARE together as a family? I did notice she didn't emphasize the word as much the 2nd time.

The idea that years later events from when they were filming were good & it was fine doing them was planted in their heads. No way a child could have come up with that in their own, especially tat a pre teen age. She sounded almost like she was pleading with Mady to get her to agree with her. That's prompting. What a disaster.


PDMan said...

Formerly Duped said... 199
If another interview is aired and the girls are talking up a storm, it will not bode well for TFW's reaction to the silence.Wonder what bonding means to Kate as er her tweet.She also mentioned shopping ( bribing?)


"You were just scared, right girls? Spit it out! Your words." clap...clap...clap...clap ~ Administrator said...

Milo is really missing the point. It's not the shyness itself that is getting headlines. It's how creepy it was in light of the vibe from Kate, her demeanor and what she said and did during that very interview and in the past. Professional mental health experts were appalled and it wasn't over a kid just being shy. Get it now Milo?

Vanessa said...

Wonder what bonding means to Kate as er her tweet.
It's just a word she throws out there. Remember, she only "plays" at being mommy.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m
@deannatweeting We've got kids N this world their age, doing cocaine, having sex & all matter of issues.& a moment of shyness get headlines!
Does she not get that people are outraged at their MOTHER? The criticism is directed at HER and her obvious abuse and parental alienation?

Somewhere In Time said...

I had to laugh about the sheeple and damage control. If it's something small, they sound the alarms, DM each other to figure out how to deflect, and formulate their own plan at how to spin it. With this, however, they found it was way over their heads and the few who did try to make light of the issue (such as Milo) found themselves incapable of making any sense at all. Funny, actually! Best for them to just sit back, say nothing and let it blow over rather than to show how dumb and inept they really are.

Vanessa said...

"Yes my mom is what you think she is but their are legitimate reasons for some of her behavior".

Yes, because tfw tells them "why" she does/says this or that or is the way she is. She justifies her behavior to the kids.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Kate is confused between bonding and bondage. Those girls are actually in bondage to her bat shit crazy, her mood swings, her selfish narcissism and desire to keep them babies. " You embarrassed mommy" pretty much says it all. To Milo - this would be a good weekend for you to actually shutupshutupshutup.

Vanessa said...

And what? The morning after this debacle and insider says "that was her last shot at a family show? Now it's on to a dating show?" The day after?
Please, she will take any, ANY type of show. This has been her "job" since cancellation, pimping herself and her kids to anyone who has the same moral compass as she does. Bet she fed that "insider" story herself.

Mel said...

It had nothing to do with being shy, and everything to do with that they couldn't bring themselves to say whatever it was that TFW wanted them to say. IMO.

Would be interesting to know what that was.... ~ Administrator said...

Suzy, exactly and why would a 13 year old even be sitting around contemplating whether filming is good for them or damaging to them? That's nuts. Adults inserted their adult drama and issues over filming into their young minds. They are far, far too young to be able to think about all the psychological affects good and bad of filming like the ADULTS here have talked about so much. There are no 13 year olds on this blog. 13 year olds don't have the slightest interest in the subject nor can they think on this level yet, they're kIDS. Missy Francis was nearly 18 before she even began to get a clue.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 6

Don't try to figure Milo out you'll give you self a headace.

Marie said...

Admin . . . I think Milo does get it. She's just in full protection mode of her idol. She cares more about TFW than the kids.


Vanessa said...

Jumping In 193-great post

Vanessa said...


AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy - warm greetings going out to your sister! I hope she is enjoying her inaugural tour of the rabbit hole.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I one breath Kate say that she doesn't let the kids know what's going on in the media-(as in not internet on phones or other access)- Then in another breath.

She say's they know/tells them what's going on but she filters it so which on is it Kate hmm?

Do you filter the media or do you tell them what going on?

Beyond DIsgusted said...

SunnySkies ‏@floridafamily07 1h
@Kateplusmy8 sorry but I don't believe stage fright. Kate my heart went out to you.., I felt your pain.

HER pain? What the heck? How could anyone, even the slowest, most immature sheep, be this darn clueless?
You just have to shake your head, wondering in what alternate universe these people live.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I read Lilian Glass's piece, and while I usually read her with several grains of salt, she is absolutely right in her descriptions of clenched hands, dipped shoulders, shut down facial expressions. There were no feelings of affection coming from that couch. And if they went straight to film The View, we find the girls more talkative, but I doubt they will be any looser in appearance. The furious woman who left the Today studios could not have changed much in the next few hours.

JoyinVirginia said...

Considering the facts that the twins are growing, and almost as tall as their mother, and capable of calling Child Protective Services THEMSELVES if they experience abuse... Thinking about emancipation is not that far fetched. If legally emancipated they could sue tlc and TFMJG for a fair accounting of their finances and residuals and who knows what else could happen?
Who was it that posted #Should Have Let Me Have Sip of Water?
Those girls have each other and TFMJG will not be able to drive a wedge between them.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read all the comments so don't know if anyone commented on The View today. The ladies were talking about holding a grudge against your ex.
Jenny said you should have more love for your children than hate for you ex or something on that line. Sherri said forgiving and moving on for the love of your child. I am sure someone else can recap this better than I can. Or maybe it's on their website. All I could think of and they are having Kate on the show on Monday. Let's talk about forgiving and moving on for the love of her children. Stop holding a grudge. Think they will mention that to her on Monday or if they pretaped yesterday. If the twins are not with her. ???? Sorry I mainly read here and have not picked a name.

AuntieAnn said...

PDMan said... 5

"You were just scared, right girls? Spit it out! Your words." clap...clap...clap...clap


That clapping was so humiliating. Kudos to Savannah for telling Kate (essentially) to zip it, it's a tough question.

She exhibited more restraint than I would have. If it had been me and she clapped her hands like that, I might have gotten up and slap, slap, slapped her.

Over In TFW's County said...

Oh, .come on, Celeb Dirty your research before putting out a story on Cara and Mady being emancipated. "Any court or judge would grant Cara and Mady emancipation, although they probably have to wait a couple more years to get to the right age. " That simply isn't how it works.

Vanessa said...

. Missy Francis was nearly 18 before she even began to get a clue.

I've said this forever, when they look back on everything, eeevveerrryyyttthinnng through their ADULT eyes? When they have children of their own? What they thought was "normal" will be like a slap in the face, an awakening. You can't comprehend (some of us here can) what this will do to them. It may be their salvation or it may be their demise (metaphorically speaking)

Sheri said...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 2

"This article claims the twins are thinking of trying to get emancipated from their mom."


I'm pretty sure this article is pure B.S., written to merely get hits. What I find interesting is that already the hoopla from yesterday has virtually vanished.

Articles like this one are all over the celeb news sites but are only getting nominal comments if any.

People really just don't care about Kate or her issues, they are indifferent and that is pretty much the worst thing you can do to a narcissist...not care one way or another.

I guess we'll just have to see how Monday goes.

Over In TFW's County said...

After this latest disaster, I wonder if Milo will finally retire her mantra that everyone all over the world loves Kate!

localyocul said...

Jennifer ‏@jenncnd 6m
Did I just hear @Kateplusmy8 will be on the view W/twins on Monday? Those girls weren't happy on @TODAYshow why force them on TV again?

angie said...

I recall Mady saying during the wifeswap episode, "All I've ever known is work."
I am sure WOS has brainwashed the twins to think their life would make an interesting life, 'growing up gosselin'...
and I am SURE that WOS screeches all the freaking time how their dad ruined their lives by ending the show, and if *we* (meaning the 'family') don't get a new show, the kids won't get to stay in their fancy school, have nice things and live at the compound.
I'd hate to be the twins--WOS has to be putting an incredible amount of pressure on them to land a show.

on another note, WOS tweeting about bonding with her twins with dining and shopping...that's the 'bribery' Jon alluded to. All teenagers love to shop. I am sure WOS has told the twins if the family can get another show they will get to go to NYC all the time..but I'd bet my last dollar if they do get a show and the money starts rolling in, the only one going to NYC will be WOS.

JR said...

Anything to this emancipation jazz? Where did THAT come from...

Layla said...

I hope the few people in the media left who defend TFW and say give her a break, she's just trying to put food in the table, saw that interview. That was exploitation, manipulation, emotional abuse, and parental alienation all put on display for the American public to see. She does not deserve a break.

Tucker's Mom said...

Did anyone catch any of Jon's appearances today? Wasn't he supposed to be on ET or something?

I wonder if Kate feels any guilt for this compete and utter catastrophe. Oh, who am I kidding?

Somewhere In Time said...

And then there are these "supporters..."

joy thorn ‏@joythorn 39m
@TheSocialCTV Every time Kate Gosselin gets a job, her internet haters contact the employer and have her fired....

What jobs? Coupon Cabin? Yes, indeed, the haters had so much power as to influence the CEO to dismiss her. Never mind the fact that she was declared unauthentic and didn't fit with the CC team.

What other job? The Stir? Did we ever find out why she left there?

What other jobs has Kate held from which she was fired?

Anonymous said...

yesterday I looked at Savannah Guthrie's twitter to see if she had any comments and before the interview she had tweeted a photo of Kate and the girls in their green room with a "look who's here" kind of message. I saw a few responses after the interview saying how horrible it was. Today that tweet and photo are gone.


Ex Nurse said...

Wow, what a mess. If only they had both just crept away when their marriage imploded. I think that teens across the nation may rise up and put tape across their mouths in a show of solidarity. And, they are just 13. So much payback, and just a few more years to get it all in.

Am I alone in thinking that this might interest a network?

Midnight Madness said...

Nichole ‏@ponytalebow 15m
@Kateplusmy8 I have eight kids too, your a great mom with typical teenagers. Keep your chin up!
Otherwise those implants might drop!

Ex Nurse said...

Dmasy said...
I believe she might be tempted to follow this sordid tale. So, if there is ever a post from dmasy's sister -- it would be real!
Maybe we can all come out of the closet and walk with our head held high! I showed my daughter (she is a kindergarten teacher), the video and she was horrified,

JR said...

I wonder how many bottles of wine Kate has consumed since yesterday...better to stay wasted than to deal with this nightmare.

Everyone feels sorry for the kids...but I also feel for the grandparents and all of her immediate family. How helpless must they feel right now.

Sheri said...

Wow, I guess I should have taken a better look around. While the Daily Mail and Dirty Laundry articles only have 1 comment, there are more out there with plenty of comments.

Speaking of which, Mr. Hoffman has posted a list of links to some of these articles on his gosselinbook dot com page.

Kelly said...

Tucker's Mom, I am glad to be back and thank you for the welcome. I get a bit stabby when work keeps me away from reading and commenting on my favorite blog. You must have gotten you flu jab almost as soon as they were available - very smart. I literally couldn't get off work in a hospital to get to my GP in time. I still don't understand why they were not offered in the hospital to the employees but what do I know?

Joy, I'm with you regarding the Tamiflu. Both the product and the commercials suck. It really does not do that much and is ridiculously expensive. I gotta say that I nearly banged my head against a post when I, yet again, overheard a home healthcare nurse bragging about how she never gets a flu shot because it causes the flu. Uh NO. I asked her if she heard about the eleven year old healthy girl in Kentucky that died from the flu? I'm pretty sure her parents felt the same way as Miss Expert Nurse.

I just got around to watching the interview and wow does TFW look bad. That was with a professional makeup artist and I'm guessing flattering studio lighting. There are so many things to worry about with her and her influences on her kids, but an eating disorder is high on the list. I hope that she not only returns to nursing to find her new cash cow, but a bonus would be if he were a psychiatrist. #killtwobirdswithonestone

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Is Kate licking her wounds today or strategizing her spin? I wonder how the girls are and how Kate is treating them. Is there not school this week?

Tucker's Mom said...

That clapping was so humiliating. Kudos to Savannah for telling Kate (essentially) to zip it, it's a tough question.
That was the best part. It took a couple seconds for Savannah's admonition to sink into Kate's head, and when it did, Kate's fake "OH!" was so funny.

Vanessa said...

I recall Mady saying during the wifeswap episode, "All I've ever known is work."

I absolutely believe that all Mady (&the other kids) has known is work. But I tend to believe her saying "all I've ever know is work" is her mimicking tfw's exact words. This is something my mother would say, a lot. Especially if she was doing something for us at that moment.
Guilt, martyrdom, sympathy, complaining, keep the kids in awe of her, make them feel like her burden...this is what that comment means.

TLC stinks said...

That emancipation gossip article is strictly that author's opinion, not based on fact.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I am not sure if anything that is said on The View on Monday is going to make a difference now. Her goose is being cooked all over the talk show circuits this morning. I just caught what I think was the last 5 minutes of Access Hollywood, and while I only recognize Billy Bush ( who thinks the G girls are 15), the 3 others talking were definitely not pro Kate. One said, talking about her finger snapping, 'who does that? I don't even snap my fingers at my dog.' Lot of comments about this being all about Kate, her need for fame, etc. Her number is so out there, and really being chatted about today. Karma.

Vanessa said...

That emancipation gossip article is strictly that author's opinion, not based on fact.

Like all tabloid reports, take it however you will;..

Sources tell us that the Gosselin kids are starting to rebel, not just because they’re teenagers and that’s what teenagers do, but also because they’re sick of being used by their mother for money and attention. Apparently, Cara and Mady are even thinking of getting emancipated from their parents, and knowing what we do about Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin’s shitty parenting skills, they probably have a great chance of getting it done. Any court or judge would grant Cara and Mady emancipation, although they probably have to wait a couple more years to get to the right age. Of course, that’s if Kate hasn’t stolen all their money by then.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why Robert can't release the book. He can never finish it. New chapters are being written on a daily basis. He needs to change the title to: The Never Ending Story.

PJ ~ Administrator said...

Missy said she didn't really understand her childhood until the doctor placed her firstborn child on her belly and she looked into her son's eyes. I imagine the girls will go through something similar not truly understanding their childhood until a moment like that.

I think she's damned either way on the View. If the girls do better people will just assume she must have happied them up. If they bomb again it will just be a continuation of this.

Formerly Duped said...

I think next time TFW will try her luck with the tups, depending on the girls.Cara did not say much on CWS although Mady did; the boy tups seemed to be in a state of terror of going against the rules. But Hannah, and especially Leah and Alexis seemed pretty chatty, even snarky, and also to KC. I think they would talk on a live show, still too young to really know... and after all they are why the Gosselins are 'famous" I wonder why the twins were 'invited' to be on these shows/interviews anyhow?

Vanessa said...

I haven't read all the comments so don't know if anyone commented on The View today. The ladies were talking about holding a grudge against your ex.

Oh, that's really rich, especially if it came from Sheri!!

PA Dutch Mom said...

Is Kate licking her wounds today or strategizing her spin? I wonder how the girls are and how Kate is treating them. Is there not school this week?


Yes, there is school today, and there was school yesterday. Kids have off on Monday.

PA Dutch Mom said...

That emancipation gossip article is strictly that author's opinion, not based on fact.


I read that article, and it also contains a misleading headline, making it sound like the emancipation process is in the works..."To file for legal emancipation." That doesn't sound like an opinion.

However, when an article is written and it contains erroneous statements, such as "Any court or judge would grant Cara and Mady emancipation, although they probably have to wait a couple more years to get to the right age," it's difficult to separate facts from opinion.

Carole said...

Rene Syler's Good Enough Mother blog:
The GEM Debate: Kate Gosselin: Narcissism Or Setting The Record Straight?

Anonymous said...

From Fox News: "Two of Jon and Kate's eight took the fifth!"


Marie said...

And, they are just 13. So much payback, and just a few more years to get it all in.

Am I alone in thinking that this might interest a network?
I don't think a network wants to deal with teenagers who won't talk and I don't think Cara's personality is going to change. She had also been quiet the last few years of the show.


Carole said...

From a life coach and Parenting expert:
Life Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker and Author of The Real Purpose of Parenting: The Book You Wish Your Parents Read
Los Angeles, California ·

Kate Gosselin brought her twin girls with her to the Today Show interview to talk about a recent article in People Magazine. It was supposed to be an interview telling the world just what is what in their home AND that's exactly the glimpse we got, I'm afraid.

Kate was hoping for a stellar performance out of the girls, telling Savannah Guthrie and the millions of viewers just how wonderful things are at home. Instead, the twins went silent, refusing to answers questions; almost in defiance and protest of their mother and the message being expected to portray.

It was actually backstage, after the interview, where Guthrie and many others found out the truth of what goes on with Kate and kids. Kate went ballistic as she verbally berated her children for the choice of silence.

When will Kate Gosselin realize, it's not how many children you have that makes you a good parent, or whether you can get your child to perform or comply to your vision of them? Healthy parenting is about creating a safe family space for your child to learn your standards while learning to be themselves and having their own voice.

On this day, her twins didn't feel safe to have a voice at all and were obviously not allowed to be themselves. If that were the case, the Gosselin kids would never have been on television to begin with. --PDembo

Berks Neighbor said...

So is TFW EVER going to announce the winner to her 'not-a-contest'?

Over And Out said...

I didn't quite understand what Mady said at the end, something about being fabulous. In what context was this said? The girls are fabulous, or their lives are fabulous because of the reality show and opportunities it gives them?

TLC stinks said...

Did she clap or snap her fingers? I've read she did one or the other.

I did love it when a Mady looked directly into mommy's eyes and Kate exclaimed "oh". Daggers.

Sue said...

Dd I hear right and Mady whispered to Kate at the end that they're a little bit more "fabulous" than normal teenagers? Was she mocking Kate? ~ Administrator said...

Oh yet another expert speaks out. Wouldn't a normal person be mortified that Dr. Dembo, who has a masters in social work and a doctorate in psychology, is writing so negatively about them? Sheesh.

Over And Out said...

Good article, Carole (57) and he nailed it. If some of the sheeple read here, they might take a look at it, and see the whole picture (if they are capable) because they just don't seem to get it. I was trying to decide who is the "slowest" sheep, but it's a difficult pick. I think it's a tie on quite a few levels. They don't understand that it's not about teens being teens, or being nervous. It's about Kate putting them out there to do her work for her. She just had to get "their father" in there, didn't she? Of course, no matter how many times the child support issue is explained to them, they still can't understand it, so not comprehending what the fuss is all about really is no surprise.

@SiobhanR111 @deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack ./AlfredoC Either too many years since they've raised teens or they've never had one

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 43m
@deannatweeting have people forgotten what it's like 2 b 13? Confident 1 minute & the next-not. @AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack

Debbie B ‏@evolmootion 51m
@Kateplusmy8 teenage years are hard. Like people don't remember themselves. #teamkate

Who is this:
kassondra suydam ‏@kassondra_may 48m
@Kateplusmy8 miss the kids so much i cant believe how big they have got, it seems like just yesterday i was their nanny <3

Tucker's Mom said...

Over And Out said... 59
I didn't quite understand what Mady said at the end, something about being fabulous. In what context was this said? The girls are fabulous, or their lives are fabulous because of the reality show and opportunities it gives them?
I think Kate tells the twins they're even more fabulous now that they're teens, probably in the context of telling them how much people would want to watch them now that they're older.
Of course, that couldn't be further from the truth.
I would not watch Growing Up Gosselin, because they are really Growing Up Greedy. Seriously, the twins are greedy- not their fault, really, but they are.
They've been given so, so much and what do they want? More.
They are following in Kate's footsteps by publicly begging for another show.
I hope someday they realize how belittling it is to beg.
They need to move on from the past.

Over And Out said...

TLC stinks said... 60
Did she clap or snap her fingers? I've read she did one or the other.


I wondered that, too. I initially thought she was snapping her fingers because it really didn't sound like clapping.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If SIgmund Freud himself came back from the dead and said,
"This heifer is insane," the super fans still wouldn't care. They'd
say, "Let him walk a mile in her shoes!" And one fan in particular
with her comment about the twins stealing their father's thunder --
what kind of sick and twisted world are these people living in?
LIke these girls would derive pleasure by "upstaging" their father?
Are there any lengths these people won't go to suck up to Her Majesty?

Over And Out said...

Berks Neighbor said... 58
So is TFW EVER going to announce the winner to her 'not-a-contest'?


The detective is still vetting the contestants to make sure that they are not haters in disguise. :) ~ Administrator said...

They don't get it. No one disagrees how teens are, no one disagrees these years are hard, or doesn't remember these years, or doesn't understand they're confident one minute and not the next. That is really the whole POINT actually. She thrust these kids into the spotlight during one of the most vulnerable times in a young teen's life. They have every right to be this way and no one said they didn't. What was said was to please give them the privacy they deserve to go through these awkward years. How can they not get it?

Carole said...

Did y'all who have Robert's book notice that it's cover photo is the same as InTouch this week w/TFW on the cover with the title "Inside Kate's House of Horrors"?
I love it! lol

Vanessa said...

I would not watch Growing Up Gosselin, because they are really Growing Up Greedy. Seriously, the twins are greedy- not their fault, really, but they are.
They've been given so, so much and what do they want? More.

Anyone remember "My Sweet 16" on mtv?

FYI said...

I think doing the interview on the View, is going to generate even more backlash for Kate. After the Today interview, even more people are going to wonder how she could even subject the twins do yet another interview after the debacle on Today. It just shows that Kate doesn't care about her daughters. She only cares about getting her "message" out there.

How will Kate spin it? Will she say the twins were overcome by "stage fright" during the Today interview, but all of a sudden they have calmed down and are now ready to talk?

I find it despicable that Kate would still insist that the twins do another interview after the debacle that happened yesterday.

Carole said...

I have no idea what other interviews they did in NYC, but The View definitely is live Mon-Thursday

In a normal week, yes but I believe that with MLK Day on Monday the union crew has the day off and the studio is dark and the show was taped yesterday, thus TFW's tweet that they did 'interviews'.

Vanessa said...

They don't get it. No one disagrees how teens are, no one disagrees these years are hard, or doesn't remember these years, or doesn't understand they're confident one minute and not the next. That is really the whole POINT actually. She thrust these kids into the spotlight during one of the most vulnerable times in a young teen's life. They have every right to be this way and no one said they didn't. What was said was to please give them the privacy they deserve to go through these awkward years. How can they not get it?

And more proof that she does not KNOW who her children are. A mother who is in tune with her kids would not find what they did so shocking. she was floored and didn't expect that outcome. The fact that she didn't even anticipate it says it all. She has no clue who they are, nor does she have any interest in finding out.

Tucker's Mom said...

I can't believe sheeple believe the twins' silence was just stage fright. First of all, I've seen teens and even young kids interviewed on live tv, and while not polished, they do form words!
The girls were told the questions and Kate coached the answeres. No doubt about it. Kate was mouthing the exact words that came out of Mady's mouth, for Pete's sake!
This wasn't the girls' first rodeo either. They've grown up with cameras, so there's that, of course, but lookie here, when Mady feels free to speak her mind, she's quite the Chatty Cathy, in front of a camera!

Scroll towards the end.

Anonymous said...

Vanessa, you and I know what will happen at home. The 6 will be made fully aware of how the twins screwed up. And they'll use that ammo against one another. Just like they hung A out to dry in the People article. Kreider will never let the twins forget what they "did to her".


Tucker's Mom said...

The Gosselin brood appeared on the Today show before, with Ann Curry and so saying Mady was not exposed to live TV doesn't hold water.
She's been present for numerous live tv appearances.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

How can they not get it?


One word. Sheeple.

When you look at everything that they don't get, this comes as no surprise. It's quite sad, really.

Tucker's Mom said...

With regards to Jon's "string of girlfriends" monthly, weekly and daily, Kate has poisoned the girls' with that. They were introduced to 2 gf's and that's it. Additionally, if it's so horrible and so traumatizing to see Jon with another woman besides Kate, then why would the kids be begging Kate to remarry on a daily basis?
Here's Kate in 2011 saying this, so it's not only OK for Kate to move on, but it's so desirable that the kids want a new Daddy, but Jon's somehow hurting the girls by dating around?
Here, Kate is also pushing the dating show concept where Jamie would "collect" men for Kate to date. Yeah, that happened.

Vanessa said...

Vanessa, you and I know what will happen at home. The 6 will be made fully aware of how the twins screwed up. And they'll use that ammo against one another. Just like they hung A out to dry in the People article. Kreider will never let the twins forget what they "did to her".

Oh gosh PJ, didn't even think of that aspect. Absolutely! The twins are on her shit list, at least until they redeem themselves somehow, right? Or another one of the kids is responsible for something else that is 'wrong' in her life.

Vanessa said...

And further, yes PJ, she WILL make this about what they "did to her". Whatever bs she's spouting on twitter, it's the opposite of what's spewing out of her mouth. I'm sure it's still going on and on and on...

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I bet Kate was hell on wheels at home last night. I hope the girls went to school today to get away from her. Is this Jon's custodial weekend?

Vanessa said...

One word. Sheeple.

ha, should just make that THE comment when we're trying to dissect their tweets or comments
"blah blah..she's great...blah blah...that's teen for ya! blah blah..."


rainbowsandunicorns said...

This short interview was all the more confirmation that Kate could never make it as a talk show host or co-host, despite her claim of gift of gab. She can't talk. Even in this segment, she couldn't put words together. She strings her thoughts together with umms, and the result is such a discombobulated mess that you really don't know what she's trying to say.

Moreover, if something isn't scripted and under her control, she flounders. She would have no idea how to make guests feel at ease, or what to say if the interview is going nowhere, nor how to handle an impromptu situation. She simply just doesn't have "it," and no amount of public speaking/communications instructions would ever do her any good. She's been in the media for years and still hasn't been able to exude any kind of rapport or solicit a connection with the audience.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

This wasn't the girls' first rodeo either. They've grown up with cameras, so there's that, of course, but lookie here, when Mady feels free to speak her mind, she's quite the Chatty Cathy, in front of a camera!


Of course! She's in school plays, for gosh sakes. Kate was talking about Mady's theater experience last year and how she's active in drama workshop, and other related activities at school. She's been on the stage in live productions. That excuse holds no water.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 62

Oh yet another expert speaks out. Wouldn't a normal person be mortified that Dr. Dembo, who has a masters in social work and a doctorate in psychology, is writing so negatively about them? Sheesh.


A normal person wouldn't put their kids through any of this in the first place, but I get what you mean.

What scares me is Abnormal Kate, while she SHOULD be mortified, is probably sitting there today, happier than a pig in a manure pile because she's getting all this attention.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate's been pushing this dating show thing even before 2011. In fact it's the very last thread of 2009 in the archives of this blog.

Here's the article that was linked:

Alberta Girl said...

The "fabulous" reference at the end of the interview is straight from the end of the people article. Twins talk about how "fabulous" their mom is.

No script, my ass!

Unknown said...

AuntieAnn said... 24
''....That clapping was so humiliating. Kudos to Savannah for telling Kate (essentially) to zip it, it's a tough question...''
I haven't read past this comment, so sorry if it has been answered, but I don't remember WOS clapping at the twins. I thought she snapped her fingers at Maddy, not clapped her hands. Am I not remembering correctly?

fonferek's glen said...

Even a day later, that caption under the picture from the Today Show makes me giggle.

"Kate and Twin Daughters Speak Out" It's almost surreal.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

What scares me is Abnormal Kate, while she SHOULD be mortified, is probably sitting there today, happier than a pig in a manure pile because she's getting all this attention.


You're right, AuntieAnn, but this time I think it is far worse than any of the other negative publicity she's gotten.This isn't your garden variety, Kate is a lousy dancer with no self-awareness.

Everyone is chiming in on this...if you look at her TL there are tweeters there who have never spoken out against her before. And when the those with degrees in social work and psychology check in with their professional opinion, it really brings forth how mentally ill and dysfunctional this family is...all because of her lack of parenting skills and her narcissism. She's not getting any better. In fact, this is getting worse and I just can't understand why there is nobody in her close circle who can sit her down and point out how desperately she needs some kind of treatment/therapy. Then again, who exactly does she have -- Steve, Deanna, Jamie (?), Milo (ha!)...I don't know.

T said...

There's a video and article up on the inside edition website. It was much better than I thought it would be.



Ps. Thanks for the feedback regarding my couples therapy comments, (on days when there are so many astute comments, you sometimes wonder if yours ever garner more than glance). As I said earlier, I was multitasking when I watched it, so let's not break out wings and a halo for Liz quite yet, (or hang her from the nearest tree either). I vote we hold at Defcon 3 for now and see how this thing plays out.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Additionally, if it's so horrible and so traumatizing to see Jon with another woman besides Kate, then why would the kids be begging Kate to remarry on a daily basis?


I'm not so sure I'd want to be married on a daily basis. In fact, I think that one husband every 10 years would probably be enough!
Just teasing you, Tucker's!

Anonymous said...

Was Jon on EXTRA today or any other shows? Thanks

Mel said...

As much as I think Jon's a good dad...I'm not so sure that he's a good partner.
I hated the way he behaved on CT...just sitting there with his head down, doing something with his phone, not engaging, while Liz was trying to converse with him.

I can see where Liz would be greatly frustrated with the victim act. It's a great way to not engage, a great way to not 'own' anything, a great way not to connect.

I can see why he'd be like that after being married to TFW, but my suspicion is that he's always been like that. Just puts his head down and doesn't respond.

It's a great way to avoid any accountability, any confrontation. IMO, that's what he could use some counseling for if his relationships are to get any better.

I can see why Liz feels she needs to be a battle axe...she has to do *something* to get his attention, to get him to engage. I can see where TFW would probably have had the same frustrations, thus her referring to him at the 9th child.

On the other hand, I think Jon gets his power by playing the rescuer role with the kids. TFW's the abuser, he's the rescuer, and the kids are the victims. A very dysfunctional triangle, if you will.
I think he and TFW enable each other. Liz doesn't want to be an enabler, and calls him on it??

Serendipity said...

Here's what I can't understand about the few remaining fans. According to them, everything Kate does is right, and ALL of these negative reports are untrue. ALL of them. There are reports of her behaving badly backstage toward the twins. These sheeple can watch the interview and see that it was scripted. How can they deny that she tried to put words in Mady's mouth, or clapped her hands at her? It's right there!

How can you just close your eyes to what is seen on the video? Do they think that it was altered to make Kate look bad because everyone is out to get her? My gosh, there are so many accounts of Kate going off the deep end, what an absolute beotch she is to people, how she behaves when she does't get her own way, how she demands to be treated like a princess.

Sure you can dismiss one or two accounts as tabloid gossip, but when you have so many people weighing in with their feelings of disgust at what Kate is doing to her kids, commenting about her narcissism and that Kate is for Kate, I don't see how these fans can just cry jealousy, or disregard these stories as tabloid trash. Tales of her demanding personality is coming from's not all invented to make her look despicable.

T said...

Tucker's Mom said... 74
This wasn't the girls' first rodeo either. They've grown up with cameras, so there's that, of course, but lookie here, when Mady feels free to speak her mind, she's quite the Chatty Cathy, in front of a camera!

Scroll towards the end.

WOWZA! Holy foreshadowing Batman! Especially from the 3 min mark on... #dontsaytheydidntwarnyouk8

Thanks for posting that Tucker's Mom.

Unknown said...

OK, I just watched the clip again, and WOS snapped her fingers twice and said, ''Maddy, your words'' not even 30 seconds into the interview when Maddy didn't respond quickly to Savanna's first question. Off to watch the rest to see if she clapped her hands at another point!

Serendipity said...

Where are these people coming from? lol! Now Kate has 10 kids!

I Am Brooke ‏@BossyBr00ke 18m
@beauxiemomma @mscatie U sad/bitter souls.Tsk tsk.How would u support 10kids who've a deadbeat dad?Armchair quarterbacks, U R. @Kateplusmy8

I Am Brooke ‏@BossyBr00ke 2h
@Kateplusmy8 So, as usual,every opinionated person who does *not* have teen daughters has crawled out of the woodwork 2 bash U. Ignore them!

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm not so sure I'd want to be married on a daily basis. In fact, I think that one husband every 10 years would probably be enough!
Just teasing you, Tucker's!
January 17, 2014 at 2:20 PM
Oh man, that was bad!
Thanks for the IE link, T. Jon looked really good. I thought his responses were measured appropriately. He supported the twins and you can just see how much he loves them.
Jon made it clear that the only reason the twins were there was to push Kate's agenda, and I totally agree.
btw... dh watched the Today clip, and since he doesn't follow this saga, he hasn't seen Kate in a while. Unprompted, he said that she looks really bad and is not aging well at all. He thought she looked really different and much older than just a few years ago on J+K+8.
I agreed and said she's basically anorexic and her tanned hide is showing the effects of years of tanning beds.

grandee4 said...

Comments coming in fast and I don't have a lot of time to read.
Don't know if it's been mentioned but didn't the girls have school on Wed and Thurs? So she pulled them out to go to New York for the disaster of an interview. How can she get away with this. When they return to school they are going to be bombarded with questions. Their mother has really made their lives a living hell and not sign of stopping any time soon.

I hope someone on the View comes down on Kate for the ugly things the girls said about their siblings, especially A.. It's not the girls fault, it's their deranged mother that let it go to print. She probably thought it was cute. Hello, sick woman, what the kids say and do now, right or wrong, it not cute anymore.

Admin is there a limit on the amount of time those that had to sign the confidentially agreement have to remain silent?

Wish someone, maybe Kevin and Jody can step forward again and speak for the kids or help Jon get her an intervention. Her parents must really not care what is happening to her. I have read that they do keep up with the children from a distance. If they were my grandkids, I would have done something long ago. What she going to do, sue someone else for breaking their silence. She's running out of the kids money lining the pockets of lawyers.

Any normal person would have said enough is enough after all the articles that were plastered all over the internet. Doesn't she get it after all that? She must be reading all of it and see what is on TV. The outrage is incredible, and all the kids friends must have seen some of it or heard about it. So sorry for those poor kids. That's what this site is all about and that's why I'm here.

High Sodium Content said...

I think Jon speaks very well in that interview w/ Inside Edition. He didn't let anger show, just how sorry he felt for the girls to be put in that position. He didn't make an ass out of himself, saying I'm going to court, talking to a judge, etc. Hopefully he's gathering all this as evidence to unfit parenting.

sparkle said...

Carole said... 69
Did y'all who have Robert's book notice that it's cover photo is the same as InTouch this week w/TFW on the cover with the title "Inside Kate's House of Horrors"?
I love it! lol
For Robert to feature this issue with a wordless post, gives me great hope that InTouch is going to help him get the book published.

sparkle said...

kassondra suydam ‏@kassondra_may 48m
@Kateplusmy8 miss the kids so much i cant believe how big they have got, it seems like just yesterday i was their nanny <3
IIRC, this nanny was photographed once picking the kids up at the bus stop. She had blond hair and wore a long black sundress. She had visible tatoos. She didn't last very long. I know.... shocker.

Ingrid said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 92

Additionally, if it's so horrible and so traumatizing to see Jon with another woman besides Kate, then why would the kids be begging Kate to remarry on a daily basis?
----- -----
I'm not so sure I'd want to be married on a daily basis. In fact, I think that one husband every 10 years would probably be enough!
Just teasing you, Tucker's!
Sounds good to me. (10 yrs)

JMO said...

What scares me is Abnormal Kate, while she SHOULD be mortified, is probably sitting there today, happier than a pig in a manure pile because she's getting all this attention.
As TFW said on DWTS, " I just don't get it," when Tony D walked off. My guess is that she never will. Ever.

JMO said...

No, she clapped her hands twice telling Mady, "Your words." Watch the TMZ article/video. The queen was NOT happy!

Jumping In said...


Thank you for the link to Jon's Inside Edition interview. I felt his response showed his parental instincts are strong and true. He seemed mature in his analysis of the position his former wife put the twins in yesterday. He did so without anger, or to further escalate the situation. He felt the girls simply didn't know why they were there, or what it was their mother wanted them to say. I do feel the girls were not going to say anything negative about their father, so as Jon said, they just shut down. So, the girls are principled it seems, unlike their mother. I think his response was appropriate and smart.

Anonymous said...

I just watch CT on VHI and boy Liz is crude and rude. She called Jon a pussy three times (one included previews for next week). She said the word fu** a few times. Then the Dr. had to tell Liz she was showing no compassion for Jon. And Liz said something to the effect that she was going to get it on the show because she speaks her mind. She is the dominant one in the relationship and puts Jon down a lot. Jon was merely looking at his phone and Liz said for him to stop that look of being a victim. WTF? I hope they don't get married at least in the next years. Jon said he is very eager to marry now and Liz isn't. Jon needs to stop being so passive and it will take years for him to accomplish this. I feel Liz is way to dominate for him.

Jon did mention that in October 2008 (right after they purchased the new home) that Kate told him she wanted to divorce. I hope the point is shouted in this show that he was very well separated when he was dating and living above the garage. The world needs to know this about Jon and Kate.

P.S. And Jon and Liz did not show up until the 5th day. The Dr. said it was due to logistically reasons. I do hope Jon received a great paycheck for this show.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

If She Who Must Be Obeyed was displeased yesterday, can you imagine the looks they probably gave her when they got off the bus today? I do feel sorry for the twins as they had to head back out in public to school this morning while mommy got to hide under the covers all day.

GosselinBookStTeam said...

Everyone who bought copy of Robert Hoffman's book 'Kate Gosselin How She Fooled The World' please copy it on thumbdrive (very cheap to buy) and send copy to any or all publishers in your area. Let's help Robert get this out. Hopefully publisher will be found to carry cost of his re-edited book. He can't be expected to bear the cost alone & defend himself in court. Please help.

AnnieD said...

Robert has added some strong words to his blog:
After the embarrassment and humiliation of yesterday's TODAY show interview, if Kate Gosselin forces or even allows her daughters to appear on The View, all of the Gosselin children should be immediately removed from her custody.
What mother in their right mind would allow a possible repeat of that emotionally damaging disaster? A parent's number one responsibility is to PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN."

localyocul said...

Those poor kids with their future relationships. Their role model is frigid, bitchy Mommy and their dad with a woman who swears at him and calls him names. Does not bode well.

Midnight Madness said...

She is the dominant one in the relationship and puts Jon down a lot. Jon was merely looking at his phone and Liz said for him to stop that look of being a victim. WTF?


I know, I saw that and it reminded me so much of Kate making remarks about Jon's breathing and we go again. I didn't see that he was looking like a victim. I can understand rough around the edges, but I was not impressed with this person at all. Something just seemed "off" there. Was it scripted for dramatics...I don't know. Yes, people curse, but this is just not the person I expected him to be with.

And for goodness sakes, at least put on a decent pair of jeans, lose the sweatshirt and take a comb to your hair, Casual is one thing; sloppy is another, and it's not a good look. First impressions are important, and she just didn't do it for me.

Unknown said...

JMO said... 106
''No, she clapped her hands twice telling Mady, "Your words." Watch the TMZ article/video. The queen was NOT happy!''
I did watch the video again, as I said on comment 97:
Remona Blue said... 97
''OK, I just watched the clip again, and WOS snapped her fingers twice and said, ''Maddy, your words'' not even 30 seconds into the interview when Maddy didn't respond quickly to Savanna's first question. Off to watch the rest to see if she clapped her hands at another point!''

I watched the entire clip again, and at no time did TFW clap her hands...but I will agree that she was obviously not happy.

localyocul said...

Rose Kenary ‏@rkenary 25s
@Kateplusmy8 your children's silence says one thing. "Can we live with dad full time?"

FB Seduction System ‏@FBSeductionSyst 9m
Man, Kate Gosselin's Kids Hate Her!

Midnight Madness said...

OK, I just watched the clip again, and WOS snapped her fingers twice and said, ''Maddy, your words'' not even 30 seconds into the interview when Maddy didn't respond quickly to Savanna's first question.


Yes, that's what I heard, too, at the beginning of the interview. Snapping, not clapping. Maybe the clapping was in another part of the interview?

Rhymes with Witch said...

If She Who Must Be Obeyed was displeased yesterday, can you imagine the looks they probably gave her when they got off the bus today? 109

I wonder if she still carries the spanker around.

localyocul said...

Cleveland Dude ‏@ClevelandDude_ 9m
I feel so horribly for those 8 kids of that witch Kate Gosselin. Those 2 poor girls probably can't wait to write the next Mommy Dearest.

Frank Ambessi ‏@frankambessi 7m

Cleveland Dude ‏@ClevelandDude_ 4m
@frankambessi she screamed at them backstage saying 'YOU EMBARRASSED MOMMY!" Those kids should be taken away from her.

Cleveland Dude ‏@ClevelandDude_ 3m
I know I'm not father of the year but I didn't "whore" out my children for money, fame and plastic surgery like Kate Gosselin has.

Frank Ambessi ‏@frankambessi 3m
@ClevelandDude_ she must have gotten a nice chunk of change to go out and promote a friggen interview

Cleveland Dude ‏@ClevelandDude_ 1m
@frankambessi exactly. She has no shame.

TLC stinks said...

Her hands were not shown but it did sound like snapping.

Midnight Madness said...

It doesn't say much for the sheeple, does it, if the twins did better than a 27-year-old? LOL! Who couldn't sit on a sofa and not say anything for five minutes? Kate's made excuses that they had stage fright, and the fans are buying right into it.

Maggie Phillips @MaggieMPhillips
@Kateplusmy8 Ur kids did way better at 13 on @TODAYshow than I would've and I'm 27!!!

Unknown said...

Reading the comments about Jon on CT being passive has reminded me of something I don't think people have considered.

I lived in Japan for a while, and one thing I learned about Asian people is that they do NOT like confrontation. Even when shopping for something not available in the store, we would be told ''Yes, we do not have that here''....they avoided even the word no.

Jon clearly said in the CT episode that he did not like confrontation, and I think in American eyes that would be translated into passive or passive aggressive behavior.

Just something to think about.

TLC stinks said...

I still think the show will be live on Monday because if the same thing happened at a taping on Thursday you'd think it get leaked. MLK is an important federal holiday, but most people still have to work.

I hope the girls are not on The View but nothing will stop Kate. She won't cancel. She's probably been rehearsing her talking points today. Just for once, I'd like to see those women not stick to Kate's script.

localyocul said...

Paul Alves ‏@Paul_Alves11 2m
@Kateplusmy8 your twins showed your true colors on Today. Jon must have been smiling ear to ear!

E.T.B ‏@emmzpiece 2m
There's nothing more hilarious than Kate Gosselin's weave bahahah such a travesty

TLC stinks said...

I think Cara and Mady have had enough, although poor Mady made an attempt at the last minute to please "mommy" on the show. Perhaps they feel it's two against one and are not afraid as much. They were definitely not suffering from stage fright so Kate can just stop that spin.

localyocul said...

Dan D ‏@DanJD34 2m
Wow, Kate Gosselin should probably lose custody of her children #Observations

Meagler said...

I have watched several videos and you can not really fully see what Kate does when Mady doesnt speak. She looks around at Mady and then does something. You can hear the sound. I believe she clapped her hands as that has been her MO in the past .

Regardless whether she snapped or clapped it sent the same message of " chop chop girl, get to attention and begin performing !! "

I only wish we could have had a full face view of Mady as she gave Kate the look that made Kate go "oh" and then Kate quickly regrouped, smiled her plastic smile and then looked towards Cara, who wasnt going to be Kates rescue at all. Cara did not want to look at that camera at all!

I believe the girls piped up when asked about filming a new show, because as I have said before...filming filled a need for those girls they were not otherwise receiving.

- the crew paid attention to them
- the crew played games with them ( tag) and fun practical jokes.
- filming took them to fun places and they got to do fun things. That is the dream of every.single.child.

Any child who never got to do anything or have fun unless a camera was in their face would most def be quick to say they want to film.

Sadly, Mady admitted on National TV that the opinion of people is not wrong ( so what we see is trrue) we just dont kow the whole story ( we havent heard the excuses her mother tells her is the reason all of this has happened)

I dont watch the view, but I do respect Whoopi Golberg, and if she participates in any interview with the Gosselin twins after what happened on the Today show, I will l be very very disappointted. The other three women, well I never did have respect for any of them. Even bawbaw. She always goes for the jugular.

I hope the kids are safe on the compound and that Jon spent today trying to get whatever he needed to get to stop the girls from being on the View on Monday.

localyocul said...

Jk's Wifey ‏@Keta_Ko 5m
LMAO! That's exactly what she did too. RT @marieswanson777: @Keta_Ko @Kateplusmy8 I enjoyed the show before she ripped Johns nuts off!!

Who are those people in the house?? said...

Just watched Jon and Liz's appearance on Couple's Therapy. I like Jon, I like Liz, even though she does seem full-on scared witless. She is young and unsophisticated, but seems real. I think she will eventually marry Jon--maybe. However, 1.) in the video there is about 39 seconds of show to 5 minutes of commercial and 2.) that duck-lipped faux blonde makes me want to call her mother and ask what the hell was she thinking not having an abortion. Anyway here is the link if you can take it.

localyocul said...

Joan Tintor ‏@TintorDetto 28m
I don't think Kate #Gosselin 's daughters were rebelling; I think Kate's spray tan was so dark they thought: "stranger danger!"

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Oh. My. Word. Then you don't put them in the public eye, doofus!

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 31m
I feel for @Kateplusmy8 and her children. It must be so hard to have every move u make judged. They're real ppl. The story goes beyond tv

njay said...

Kate tweeted about the fun time her and the girls had in NY after filming and how it was great "bonding time". By the age of thirteen and all the slumber party's, shouldn't they be bonded yet? lol.

One other thing. I don't mean this as a criticism at all, just something I noticed and am wondering if others have noticed or is it just me. In so many pictures and in the interview Mady tilts her head a lot. I have often wondered if she had been advised or taught that it is a good pose for modeling in pictures or the like.

One other thing I have wondered is if Mady is wants to film again because she seemed to be interested in it when the crew was there. It seems Kate mentioned that she wanted to go that way for a career as well as being interested in being a vet. Does anyone else remember the same?

Unknown said...

Meagler said... 125
''.....I only wish we could have had a full face view of Mady as she gave Kate the look that made Kate go "oh" and then Kate quickly regrouped, smiled her plastic smile and then looked towards Cara, who wasnt going to be Kates rescue at all....!''
Meagler, I read somewhere that WOS said ''oh'' in response to Savanna saying that was a hard question (taking up for Maddy's not responding quickly enough in TFW's opinion. I've read so much about the interview that I have no idea if it was a reporter or blogger or who knows who made that point!

I'm moving on from the clap vs finger snapping because I agree that it is not clear what she can only see one hand when the noise is made. Whichever it was, it was obnoxious and unnecessary!

Montréalaise said...

I wonder whether the twins' silence had anything to do with the fallout from the People article? I think their remarks in that article were simply dutifully repeating what their mother told them to say, and they obeyed as they always had, without thinking about the consequences of what they were saying.
Then the article came out - and they came to realize that they had thrown their daddy under the bus. Shortly thereafter, Jon gave an interview to a tabloid about how bad life in the compound really is for the kids. Kate says the twins are made aware of what is written and said about them, by friends at school, and I believe her on this.
Now Kate wants them to do a live interview, repeating what they told the People interviewer about how wonderful their lives are and what a bad person their father is - and they just can't bring themselves to do it. They know that it's all lies, and they're smart enough to know that their mother is using them for her own agenda.

Ingrid said...

In comments of an article on Kate's hissy fit:

xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx · Top Commenter
Those girls did not want to lie so they didn't say anything.

Brief comment but says it all

PatK said...

njay said... 131

One other thing. I don't mean this as a criticism at all, just something I noticed and am wondering if others have noticed or is it just me. In so many pictures and in the interview Mady tilts her head a lot. I have often wondered if she had been advised or taught that it is a good pose for modeling in pictures or the like.


That head tilt of hers has been noticeable for years. I'm sure she realized early on that's how stars/models pose.

Anonymous said...

Somebody tweeted elsewhere that HLN TV network talked about Kate and this interview all day (not sure if it was today or yesterday). I do know that Jane opened her show with this yesterday but did anybody else see where this was discussed on HLN? If so, what show/s did so? Just curious.

Greedy Gosselins said...

I hope the kids are safe on the compound and that Jon spent today trying to get whatever he needed to get to stop the girls from being on the View on Monday.

I do, too. Maybe in between all the rebuttal interviews he's giving he'll find time. Kate's turn up to bat. *sigh*

ncgirl said...

"It sure looked that way when they didn't want to talk and makes me think Kneepads did one of their glorious jobs of reporting and let Kate do the talking for the kids when they did their "interview.""

The gossip columnist who writes this can't stand People magazine. He calls them Kneepads because to put it nicely, they suck up to celebrities.

An interesting article about why we still care about the G's:

One about Jon and Liz on CT:

Susan said...

Mady tilting her head has nothng to do with what we here percieve.
Mady and her sister are hurting. So horrible that they are subjected to this reptile of a Mother. Ugh. Soon, Gosselin children, soon. You will be rescued by your Dad.

Meagler said...


Tilting the head sideways can be a sign of interest, which may be in what is said or happening. It can also be a flirting signal as it says 'I am interested in you!'

Tilting can similarly indicate curiosity, uncertainty or query, particularly if the head is pushed forward, as if the person was trying to look at the subject in a different way in the hope of seeing something new. The greater the tilt, the greater the uncertainty or the greater the intent to send this signal.

A tilted head pulled back tends to indicate suspicion, as the uncertainty of the tilt is combined with a defensive pulling back.

The tilted head exposes the carotid artery on the side of the neck and may be a sign of submission and feelings of vulnerability.

If the head is propped up by the hand, it may be tiredness or an expectation of continued interest ('This is so interesting!').

Sleepless In Seattle said...

That head tilt of hers has been noticeable for years. I'm sure she realized early on that's how stars/models pose.


She's striking that same pose on the cover of the cookbook.

I wonder where all of the sheeple are right now. You know...the ones Kate appreciates and hearts them all. Leigh, Barb, the one they call the Zipper, MsGoody, the teen fans who have the girl crush on her. It seems like when there are only three or so haters on there, the sheeple have no problem baiting them, then tweeting back with zingers. However, this is different, probably much bigger than anything they ever imagined, and they don't seem to be able to tackle all of the haters and bullies who showed up the past two days. It would take more than one flock to respond to them all and they don't seem to have the sheep-power to do it.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The gossip columnist who writes this can't stand People magazine. He calls them Kneepads because to put it nicely, they suck up to celebrities.


Oh, geez...kind of like when Monica said she was putting on her Presidential Kneepads for Bill.

A Mom said...

administration: Do you know anything if Kate is still on The View either alone or with the girls this Monday 1/20/2014.
For a Mother to try another interview 3 days after a "bad" interview is NOT being a good Mother.
However, the twins may have gotten together and decided on their own "Lets stuff this interview." This could be the start of the terrible teen years for Kate until the others come to be teens. Whatever happens the next 5-8 years will be H E double hockey sticks for Kate.

njay said...

I lived in Japan for a while, and one thing I learned about Asian people is that they do NOT like confrontation. Even when shopping for something not available in the store, we would be told ''Yes, we do not have that here''....they avoided even the word no.
I totally learned this the hard way. I was training a person was Asian and became very frustrated and angry because they would not give me eye contact and just kept saying "yes, yes" when I asked if they understude what I was telling them. Clearly they did not understand because nothing changed in how they worked. I, to my shame, got a little mean and demanding when they wouldn't look at me. I feel so ashamed now for my behavior. I learned later on that in their culture eye contact was very disrespectful to one who was on any teaching level. That person ended up quiting and thanks be to God, many months later she came into the company and I was able to hug her and through some tears, ask her forgiveness.Though she owed me none, she forgave me. It sure was a personality changing lesson for me. I guess there is something good in everything if a lesson is learned and we are better for it.

I guess this is the very reason I can give Jon a break, not that he needs one from anyone except those he has personally harmed.

Over And Out said...

Where's the Uggs lady in all of this? The one who wanted to be invited to Kate's pool and told her that she will always be there if Kate needs her. Looks like she's been busy snuggling up to Chelsea Handler and pestering her for tickets to a show. How quickly they develop new girl crushes!

Whatever happened to the Irish Creeper? Did he give up on Kate? So many sheeple come and go.

AuntieAnn said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 90

You're right, AuntieAnn, but this time I think it is far worse than any of the other negative publicity she's gotten.This isn't your garden variety, Kate is a lousy dancer with no self-awareness.


Oh I fully agree. Lost tribes living in the deep forests of the Amazon, if they were told about this, would agree.

Not Kate. Her only concern is that she's getting attention. She will not see this any other way, except that the people are back to focusing on her. In her mind she'll distort it into a story about how her children are being led astray by their father and that's why she has to look out for them, that her road in life is a difficult one.

And she'd probably tell Dr. Dembo to his face that he just doesn't understand her.


Concerning the clapping or snapping debate, I don't see much of a difference in either. The effect would be the same - humiliating and degrading.

abby said...

Kate's an asshole-coated asshole with asshole filling. The girls have iphones, right? How terrible they must feel reading all the negative articles all over the internet about them. They can't even get away from it by watching tv, as it's all over the tv tabloid shows.

Those poor girls.

JoyinVirginia said...

We drove to Outer Banks this evening and stopped at Currituck bbq for dinner. The TV was on with closed captions on, one of those entertainment shows did a very brief mention of TFMJG and showed pic of the three on Today. sixty-something couple at next table noticed the clip. the man said ” she's had a lot of work done”. And wife said ” she's done too much to herself.”
Very funny! It was hard not to laugh out loud. Yes, everyone can see how TFMJG has spent the Childrens money.

Michelle said...

Anonymous said... 136
Somebody tweeted elsewhere that HLN TV network talked about Kate and this interview all day (not sure if it was today or yesterday). I do know that Jane opened her show with this yesterday but did anybody else see where this was discussed on HLN? If so, what show/s did so?
It was towards the last quarter or so of Jane Velez Mitchell's show yesterday. If you go to the CNN website, at the very bottom right in small type is "transcripts". You can read what was said on JVM's show yesterday and Showbiz Tonight talked about it yesterday too. It was also on Access Hollywood, TMZ, Inside Edition and even Entertainment Tonight yesterday. I can't believe it got this much attention and People magazine hasn't touched it on their website!

After reading some of the other comments here today about Liz, I'm going to try and keep an open mind. She seems tough, but you'd have to be a tough woman to be in a two year relationship with a man who has an ex-wife from hell, eight kids and not much money. If she's not there for love, can't imagine what else would keep her in that relationship.

Unknown said...

njay said... 144
''....I was training a person was Asian and became very frustrated and angry because they would not give me eye contact and just kept saying "yes, yes" when I asked if they understude what I was telling them. Clearly they did not understand because nothing changed in how they worked....''

''.....I guess there is something good in everything if a lesson is learned and we are better for it.
I guess this is the very reason I can give Jon a break, not that he needs one from anyone except those he has personally harmed.''
I smiled when I read this because I was on the other side, being trained by Japanese people. There was a procedure I was taught, and I realized I was doing it wrong because I kept catching them doing it over. It was SO frustrating for me to get them to tell me what I was doing wrong because they simply would not look at me or (it seemed to me) even admit I was wrong! I finally broke the impasse by asking them to show me again how to do the procedure one more time, and I realized my error.

I agree about giving Jon a break because, unlike TFW, he really does seemed to have learned from his past mistakes. This latest episode WOS has stirred up, and Jon's reaction to it, has made it very clear which of the two has learned the lesson and which one has not!

abby said...

Didn't Milo once state that she would never post a pic of her own kids on twitter because she knew that they'd be picked apart? If this is true, how does she explain Kate's decision to throw her girls to the wolves?

Also, an aside to luke bandit. I read your posts with interest and know that you are in a nursing home but what happened? You seem much too young to have suffered such a fate. Did anyone ever find out what happened to you? Also, hang in there. It must be tough to not be able to be with your family.

abby said...

I agree about giving Jon a break because, unlike TFW, he really does seemed to have learned from his past mistakes.:::::::::::::::::::::

I'm not so sure about that Remona. He's doing everything he did back in 2009 - a stint on a reality show, numerous tabloid interviews, tit for tatting with Kate. What, exactly has he learned? His behaviour is much the same as it was back then.

You would think he'd learn that Kate, and Kate alone, can sink her own ship. He needs to stop talking and start walking. Preferrably to the nearest lawyer, judge and courtroom.

lukebandit said...

Joy, that is funny about the couple sitting next to you in the restaurant talking about kate on the TV. Would of been more funnier if he was a plastic surgeon and he got up to the TV to get a closer look to see the work that had been done! Oh, yep, she got a chin implant, botox, ooh hoo Steve-Sized breast implants, chemical peels, blah, blah, blah. lol

Starz22 said...

I'm not to sure that TFW is basking in the glory atm.
I think this just might have hit her harder than we think. The tide is changing. She is no longer un-touchable. I'm betting, she's locked in her room with boxes o wine trying to figure out what went wrong....when she lost all control.
She lost 2 lawsuits...Jon is getting good press..the cook book was another fail..the Today show was an Epic Fail, and did I mention after all these years Jon IS getting good press? People are finally questioning her motives. They are no longer taking her word as gold.
Even shows like TMZ are calling her a witch now...didn't they always have her back and put Jon out to be a dead beat pos?

I really think she's thrown off by all of this. Jon needs to really listen to what the kids are saying now. She is going to lose it and I hope the kids are not the ones who will suffer in her wake.

sparkle said...

JoyinVirginia said... 147
We drove to Outer Banks this evening and stopped at Currituck bbq for dinner. The TV was on with closed captions on, one of those entertainment shows did a very brief mention of TFMJG and showed pic of the three on Today. sixty-something couple at next table noticed the clip. the man said ” she's had a lot of work done”. And wife said ” she's done too much to herself.”
Very funny! It was hard not to laugh out loud. Yes, everyone can see how TFMJG has spent the Childrens money.

Several people at work were talking about the trainwreck today. All agreed she looked odd, old, hard and haggard. If I had to guess, between the time K+8 was canceled and her debut photo for Coupon Cabin, she had a lot of face work done. When that first photo from CC came out, I just kept thinking that she looked like Mrs. Potato Head. I now realize it was the chin implant.

I read an article once where a plastic surgeon was asked to analyze before and after photos of Kate to guess what she had done to her face. He felt she had the tip of her nose thinned, chin implant, possible mini facelift, Juvederm fillers and a heavy micropeel. Despite all this, she looks older than ever. It's all for naught if she's going to continue to quasi-starve herself and roast herself in a tanning bed 3x a week.

njay said...

understude ... Silly me.That's what happens when you don't proof read. lol. Sorry for poking you in the eye with my spelling.

Alberta Girl said...

I think if another outlet other than The View interviewed them on Thursday, we probably would have seen it by now as an "exclusive", because the story got so much attention so quickly. So, I'm going to assume it was The View.

I just wonder if TFW had enough time to recover from her horror before they went there. I also wonder if she had enough time in between to realize the fallout. This is going to be very interesting, because if she didnt know about the huge negative response before filming, she won't be able to "set the record straight", and make up some lame excuse for the girls.

On another note, I went to You Tube to look at some of her old interviews. Most of her talk show career, is about setting the record straight about something or other. It's actually quite hilarious. If I was a bit more tech savvy, I'd put all the clips together about all the hosts introducing her about setting the record straight. It would go on forever!

lukebandit said...

I love the post about the Intouch post on Robert's blog. Maybe since TodayGate, this has open the flood gate for the book to be unleashed!

OT: If there are any Y & R fans, I was watching an Gunsmoke episode titled "Patricia". Jess Walton aka Jill Abbot, was on as Patricia.
Don't want to spoil, but she was very good and very young, early 20's. I have watched Y & R for many years, but stopped cold turkey a couple of years ago. I couldn't stand Nick Sharon Jack Phyliss. I liked their individual characters but could not stand they would all marry and divorce each other constantly, P and J S and J N and P and so on and so on.

Also, the confidentiality contracts that kate made everyone sign. She might of patterned them like the contracts in Scientology. A billion year contract and you break the terms, you get sued. A confidentiality contract is VOID if it involves child abuse or a crime, right Admin?

But kate intimidated them soooooo bad. They are afraid. Very afraid.

Maybe the courage that M and C had on the Today Show will finally bring out some that have knowledge what really went on. If that happens that book will definitely see the light of day!

GO ROBERT GO! The kids take away from her is picking up legs! ~ Administrator said...

The only thing I'm wondering about The View is if it were filmed that morning, that was really before the trending really took off. It wasn't in full swing until about eleven or 12 my time. That could have easily been hours after The View actually taped. They might not have quite realized what a firestorm it was yet.

Alberta Girl said...

LOL Admin! We had the same thought at the same time! ~ Administrator said...

What, exactly has he learned? His behaviour is much the same as it was back then.


Well, he's gotten over Kate and is in a long term relationship, he's gotten a real job and turned down many offers, and he's learned that his kids should not be on TV and kept his promise to keep them off T.V. even despite several lawsuits trying to bully him otherwise. He's also finally learned that Kate is a narcissist, but that she can't hurt him anymore. I'd call that a huge learning curve. Actually, he sounds like someone who has gotten a lot of therapy. Usually you don't come so far in such a short time on your own. That's more than can be said of a lot of ex reality stars and actors.

Bottom line for me at this point he just needs to be a decent daddy, and he's done that, and the kids are lucky for it. I'm really over everything else, who cares. ~ Administrator said...

Concerning the clapping or snapping debate, I don't see much of a difference in either. The effect would be the same - humiliating and degrading.


Yes makes no difference to me, both are degrading and disrespectful. Want your kids to respect you? Try respecting them, which includes retiring the snapping and clapping, they are not dogs. I have a feeling it was a snap but if she did it near her microphone, he could definitely sound as loud as a full on clap. ~ Administrator said...

"It sure looked that way when they didn't want to talk and makes me think Kneepads did one of their glorious jobs of reporting and let Kate do the talking for the kids when they did their "interview.""


The other part of this is Kate Coyne looks like the absolute fool that we always said she was. Her interview looks fake and manipulated now. The kids in that interview bore no resemblance to the real girls we saw on TV with our own eyes. It's Kate Coyne's karma too in all this! What a week!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Even shows like TMZ are calling her a witch now...didn't they always have her back and put Jon out to be a dead beat pos?


Nope. Harvey has never liked her.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Didn't Milo once state that she would never post a pic of her own kids on twitter because she knew that they'd be picked apart? If this is true, how does she explain Kate's decision to throw her girls to the wolves?


Milo doesn't care about Kate's kids. Whatever happens, happens. Milo only has eyes for Kate, and whatever Kate does is right.

njay said...

I'm not so sure about that Remona. He's doing everything he did back in 2009 - a stint on a reality show, numerous tabloid interviews, tit for tatting with Kate. What, exactly has he learned? His behaviour is much the same as it was back then.
The one thing I have to say about what seems to be the tit for tat from Jon. If Kate is truly forcing the girls to do these interviews against their own will, which I believe it is more likely than not, I would be very happy to know that my dad would publicly let people how much he cares about me. I would feel worse if my dad stood up to her. She embarrassed them publicly, why not him defend them publicly?

You have to remember that Kate is trying to convince them that he cares for no one but himself.

I think that many times as adults people forget that they, the girls, are not seeing and thinking about what is going on like we as adults do. It's easy to think they would be mature enough to figure things out and understand that some things said and done could be a big deal. Just like Mady said in the people interview. When they were young they didn't get the big deal about Jon's girlfriends. Now that they are older they understand it different. Of course I get that it's because of Kate that they know that now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the only reason many of the things Jon does is a big deal is because, to some, it would be. To others it's not. "What ever floats your boat" as the saying goes. We all make choices according to what we have been taught and experienced in our lives and by what we value most. Some it's money, some it's love, etc.

abby said...

I'm really over everything else, who cares.

That's cool. Some people still think he's 'changed' though and I don't think he has. He appears to be the loving dad he always has been. And really, he hasn't learned anything from 2009.
Other than wearing Ed Hardy, he's doing everything the very same way he did then.

fidosmommy said...

I love this blog! ~ Administrator said...

I think that many times as adults people forget that they, the girls, are not seeing and thinking about what is going on like we as adults do.


I too think this is often forgotten. A lot of behavior that people find worrisome may not bother a child at all. Or, if they don't even see it or are around it, it's all that worry for nothing. What's more, I think many of us have often felt that it's often better for him to be silent, but that may not be what his kids need right now. They may not understand the value of being silent. They may need to physically hear that he is standing up for them. I keep going back to Missy Francis but she often talks about how passive her dad was and yes it was difficult for her that he didn't do something. Their relationship is good now because they mended fences and came to terms with his inaction when she was a child and he is not mentally ill like her mother, but it was not without its bumps.

Whatever Jon is doing, I think it speaks volumes that the twins were texting back and forth with him from NY. Kate claims they had just a wonderful happy day of eating and shopping and interviews. If it was so wonderfully magical why bother to stop and text dad? Even a dad you have a good relationship with you might not think to text until things are quiet at the end of the day. Kids are so easily distracted and forget their parents at this age. And yet not so here--here the girls were, in the middle of the day, texting DAD.

Speaks volumes about the way they view him and where he ranks in their priorities. Apparently definitely important enough to text during a whirlwind fun day. What's more, that casts incredible doubt on Kate's picture of the twins not really having a relationship with him anymore. That doesn't appear to be the case at all. You don't usually turn to someone you have "no relationship" with for comfort. ~ Administrator said...

I think it's apples an oranges to say that going on a reality show without your kids is the same as doing a reality show with your kids therefore nothing has changed.

And I would say the same about Kate. It is not the "same." It's actually a HUGE difference. No one sits around saying people shouldn't go on T.V. Adults have a right to do whatever they want. There has to be something more to it, and in this case the more to it was exploiting young children. If they're not doing that, that's a huge difference.

Recently I changed my mind and I think because of the endless drama and tit for tat they should both bow out of the public eye, but a year ago I would have said both of them if they want to should just go do their own shows sure why not as long as it doesn't involve the kids.

Ingrid said...

TFW's snap (or clap) makes me think of clicker training for dogs. Hear click, perform, get treat= Hear snap, say words, get shopping in NYC (or 1D tickets or something else.

Starz22 said...

#164 abby

Like the kids, Jon is also damaged from being in TFW's world. Yes he is a grown man...but yet he is injured. What he went through with TFW will effect him til he dies. As much as people should think he should just get over it! It's deeper than that.
Abuse stays with you for ever.
Don't tell me it was wrong for him to get away and leave the kids with her. He had no choice. The man had nothing backing him...he didn't have the status or the money to fight the bitch. He did try and was laughed at and dismissed. He did try to fight for the kids and LOST every time. Now people are seeing TFW for what she really is....Jon just might have a chance now.
I'm not a blinded Jon fan...I believe he messed up too...but he has gotten it together and really cares about his kids. We don't see TFW doing anything to help the kids other than sell them to anyone who'll have her for the money.

Sue said...

The Today show fiasco was brought up on the O'Reilly Factor at the very end tonight. I think the guest host was Greg Gutfeld and I didn't hear the whole thing but after running the clip they showed them on the couch and he said something about them being "bookends of hate" now.

Starz22 said...

Just one more post...going to several sites...this is what I got from the comment section...within the first sentence...

Loser...tyrant...pig....control talent...over breeder...fantasy world...disgusting...

Yeah...I'm thinking she is thinking WTF!!!!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

"Bottom line for me at this point he just needs to be a decent daddy, and he's done that, and the kids are lucky for it. I'm really over everything else, who cares."

Oh exactly. Unless his children are unhappy, I do not care who he dates, where he lives, what he does for work. He does not use his children to further his career. He really, truly cares about his chldren. Yesterday, his ex-wife showed just how far she will go to use, and abuse, those same children in any effort to create a media career for herself. What we have talked about for years was clearly visible on The Today Show. Nothing will change, no matter what happens on The View on Monday.

The only thing that matters is the welfare of the children. The rest I no longer care about - Robert's book, Milo's identity, Jon's behavior sans kids, and so on.

njay said...

Remona Blue said... 149
I smiled when I read this because I was on the other side, being trained by Japanese people.
Too funny!! lol

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 162

Try respecting them, which includes retiring the snapping and clapping, they are not dogs.


You just reminded me of a story I read about Lillian Hellman. She was sitting in a beauty salon having her hair done, and their was a woman sitting next to her who had a whistle in her hand. The two of them were finished at the same time. Lillian got up to leave but the other woman held the whistle to her mouth and blew it. In rushed her personal assistant who had been waiting outside.

Lillian was so outraged, she took the cup of coffee she had sitting in front of her and dumped it on the freshly coiffed head of the woman with the whistle, telling her no one deserved to be treated like a dog.

Anyway I digress.. the nerve of Kate, whether it was snapping her fingers or a clap clap. It must a habit of hers and she forgot herself in the heat of the moment. She went into panic mode the second Mady clammed up on her.

If what those twins did was planned, they couldn't have picked a better place to do it. And Kate probably performed just as they knew she would.

Luke's Mom said...

I was curious if Kate's appearance on The View Monday Jan. 20th was pretaped or will be Live and did a little research.

The View's website says:
Kate Gosselin joined by her 13-year old twins, Mady and Cara, with an update on life inside the Gosselin house; Sunny Anderson with family favorite recipes; performance from five-time Grammy® nominee including "Album of the Year," Sara Bareilles; children from the acclaimed chorus at Staten Island’s PS 22 read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s "I Have a Dream" speech. Fantasia guest co-hosts

So I looked up the other guests to try to get an idea of their schedules in order to determine if the Monday show is Live or Pretaped and I found this on Fantasia's Facebook:

ThreegirlsmommySchnovey Barnes
I wanted to say THANK YOU, You met my baby today she's apart of the P.S. Ps22 Chorus and she told you I was a big fan and you said to say hi! Also thank you for your music " FREE YOURSELF" came out & I was living almost every part of that album & that album helped me to acknowledge what I should not be accepting. Keep up the GREAT MUSIC COMING & CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU & MY BABY MONDAY ON THE VIEW!
Like · · January 16 at 6:39pm

This confirms that The View's Monday Jan. 20th show with Kate and the twins was PRETAPED on the same day as The Today Show interview.

prairiemary said...

The truth is finally making it's rounds,and no one thinks much of tfw anymore. A very good video on Access Hollywood Live, attitudes we have been waiting several years for, the truth is now being told. Karma is here:)

ncgirl said...

This is the episode description of Monday's The View: Kate Gosselin joined by her 13-year old twins, Mady and Cara, with an update on life inside the Gosselin house from The View website.

Greedy Gossselins said...

I think you've misunderstood the texting thing. Jon stated he has NOT talked to the girls since the Today show interview but that he had texted them and told them they looked beautiful. He didn't say they answered him, he said he had not talked to them since the interview. He went on to say that when he DID see them on his custody day, he will hug them and ask how school went.

Just so there's no misunderstandings here. If I'm wrong (but I just listened to what he said on TMZ), I'm sure I'll be corrected.

njay said...

That's cool. Some people still think he's 'changed' though and I don't think he has. He appears to be the loving dad he always has been. And really, he hasn't learned anything from 2009.
Other than wearing Ed Hardy, he's doing everything the very same way he did then.
There is a difference between learning something and practicing that which you have learned as second nature. I have learned many tools to use for things that at one time took me to a place of wanting to end my life. I have yet learned to remember that many of those tools are in the shed waiting for me to reach for them. Sometimes it takes me getting to those low points to remember that they are there. Or someone has to remind me "I know how". We can't give up on or criticize someone for being too weak, angry, confused, tired, PMS'ed, afraid...can anyone add another adjective you have experienced that has caused you to start taking the scenic route in life.

As long as people are willing to ask themselves and are willing to "look for an answer" we should remember where we have been and cut people a break. That is exactly what Jon said he was trying to do with CT. Was that true? That, only he and God knows and has to answer for. I for one have seen a change AND AN APOLOGY since this whole crazy mess fell apart, so I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves he no longer wants to try. Even then, who cares how I feel about it. Who will change one thing because I have an opinion. It would be different if I was trying to be proactive with my opinion.

Most of all, I don't think I could live with my self if my spoken opinion should be that straw that pushed ANYONE who may be going through a hard time into doing anything harmful to them self or someone else.

Kristine said...

lukebandit said... 158
I love the post about the In touch post on Robert's blog. Maybe since TodayGate, this has open the flood gate for the book to be unleashed!


Agreed... what Lukebandit wrote. What amazes me the most, is our ability to remain united-- since 200X. Did anyone see Shmecky's tweets last night, airing on Showbiz Tonite? (HLN)

Common law and I high-fived, seeeing that. (SG on TeeVee again)

Carole said...


I apologize if this is old news but everyone should watch this clip from Access Hollywood. I don't know who Segun Oduolowu is or what he does but he GETS it and he isn't afraid to say it!!

gotyournumberKate said...

Here's Mondays schedule for The View. I'm sure the twins got a serious lecture in the limo between interviews and will speak up and perform at The View. Whether or not the women at The View knew anything of the Today Show interview ahead of time remains to be seen. After all of the backlash from the Today interview The View would be smart to take them off their lineup and make an announcement stating they were no longer comfortable exposing the twins but they won't. It's all about the ratings to these vultures.


Kate Gosselin joined by her 13-year old twins, Mady and Cara, with an update on life inside the Gosselin house; Sunny Anderson with family favorite recipes; performance from five-time Grammy® nominee including "Album of the Year," Sara Bareilles; children from the acclaimed chorus at Staten Island’s PS 22 read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s "I Have a Dream" speech. Fantasia guest co-hosts.

Vanessa said...

Montrealaise-I'm with you, I agree.

My own mother used to whistle for (yes, like whistling for a dog) if we were outside or upstairs...not call us by name, classy right? You heard that whistle, you came running, like a dog!
So whether tfw clapped or snapped, it was basically an order to "obey". Don't think that's the first time she's done it.

The part about Jon being Asian is interesting and hating confrontation is interesting. Maybe he observed a lot of this behavior from his mother? All I know is those 2 coming together was no accident (jon &tfw) they both were getting something from each other that they needed. With therapy though, a 'victim/enabler' CAN get help and change. A narcissist? NEVER EVER EVER will that happen.
This tit for tat, not keeping quiet for Jon? NOT possible with the scale of alienation and abuse he's up against. He can't pull back now and NOT speak out regarding the well being of his children. It's not me or PJ or Remona or any other one of here, or random victim in any small town America/Canada/Europe...she's fighting him in public, he has to fight back in public. Medical professionals are speaking out! There's a lesson to be learned in all this.

Barb Gilman said...

Carole, thanks for sharing the Access Hollywood discussion. It was right on!

Vanessa said...

Jon saying that every year WOS comes up with something else to threaten him with says a lot. Every time he tries to keep things private or between them, SHE goes public with whatever her agenda is at that moment. An abuser's ammo is to slander your character to who ever would be your "friends" let's say. Like an abused wife is going to leave their husband, and he calls her work to bash her, calls her friends to bash her etc...she's doing this on an impossible scale to ignore. She's using the same tactics. If she's feeding this to the press/tabloids, they of course they want to ask "the subject/Jon" what do you have to say? Like any other victim of abuse, why can't he tell his story? There is a double standard here. We applaud Tina Turner or any other high profile person if they're female? I know he's a "douche" and he's made his fair share of mistakes, but he can be an example to other men in the same predicament.

Tucker's Mom said...

The View would be smart to take them off their lineup and make an announcement stating they were no longer comfortable exposing the twins but they won't. It's all about the ratings to these vultures.
Agree, it's all about ratings, but, I've thought about the girls having to do another appearance, and I'd allow it, and encourage it, if the girls were up to it.
First, it's not truly live. Second, it's a chance at redemption.
The usual interview format is that the guest(s) sit with most or all of the hosts, and I think that takes pressure off because it can be more of a banter session that direct Q+A.
I think the twins got a chance to recover, and I hope they did.
At least if it were me, I'd be less mortified and think I'd have a success to focus on, vs. the unmitigated disaster that was the Today show interview.

Tucker's Mom said...

Carole said... 184

I apologize if this is old news but everyone should watch this clip from Access Hollywood. I don't know who Segun Oduolowu is or what he does but he GETS it and he isn't afraid to say it!!
Thank you for this link. This was probably one of the best discussions about the real story- Kate using her children to further her agenda.
Many great points were made, from Kate's snapping her fingers, like, "dance, kids, dance! Mommy needs a pair of new shoes" to recognizing that the girls rebelled by clamming up, especially after Kate spoke for them. Teens do not like that.
Anyway, no one on that panel would tune it to watch any of them, no matter how Kate tries to foist her kids on the public.
They got her number, even Billy Bush. You can see he looked uncomfortable.

Lalalalala said...

Carole said... 184

That was fantastic. I love how true every, single thing he said was.

Kate continues to live her life as if there are no consequences.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Not sure if anyone has posted this, but it's a video of Kate and the girls before the show. You get a glimpse of their facial expressions before going out. Kate looks like the cat who swallowed the canary and Cara's expression is...something. Maybe a little overwhelmed or anxious? If my daughter had this expression on her face, I would have my arm around her and encourage her.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

About the link I just posted, now I see what's happening. They're watching the video montage of themselves just before the interview starts. Kate's smiling because she sees KATE.

Wowser said...

TFW snapped her fingers at the girls in the RV episode and told them when they are doing things for her they should be running at all times! That snap on Today was meant for them to perform now!!!

Upstater said...

Carole said... 184

I apologize if this is old news but everyone should watch this clip from Access Hollywood. I don't know who Segun Oduolowu is or what he does but he GETS it and he isn't afraid to say it!!


Good clip. Sounds like Segun Oduolowu is secretly one of us!

Katykat said...

I love that Jon texted his girls that they looked beautiful and that he loved them. Good, supportive parenting...and a childshould be beautiful to his/her parents. In reality, they are your average, run of the mill teenagers. No TV sparkle. And that's ok. What's GREAT is that ALL of America saw it, and that their mother is being SKEWERED for trying lie and create something that is not there. Even better, so many people in the industry and at home recognize that she was using her kids to try to push them to speak negatively about their father, and for that she is despicable. After that interview, even if they run out turning cartwheels, waving pom-poms and carrying a "Kate is GREATish" banner, America will know that she's a horrible, puppet master Monster mom because there was nothing more REAL than that Today interview.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anyway I digress.. the nerve of Kate, whether it was snapping her fingers or a clap clap. It must a habit of hers and she forgot herself in the heat of the moment. She went into panic mode the second Mady clammed up on her.
Kate totally panicked. Her voice, it was like chirping! "Oh?", with the over-acted shocked look on her face was actually a delicious moment.
Savannah pwned her for just a moment there.
I'm glad to see tv hosts come out and say that the snapping and clapping isn't even for dogs, let alone kids.
Story- my mom had the dreaded "dinner bell" and would ring it to get us to come in to eat. Yeah, caught a lot of grief for that, out playing with the neighborhood kid and DINGALINGALING!!!
Ya think the twins will be snapped and clapped at at school? Nahhhhhhhhhhh.... thank kind of stuff doesn't happy at fancy schmancy private schools!

Tucker's Mom said...

Sue said... 173
The Today show fiasco was brought up on the O'Reilly Factor at the very end tonight. I think the guest host was Greg Gutfeld and I didn't hear the whole thing but after running the clip they showed them on the couch and he said something about them being "bookends of hate" now.
Good analogy. Just the fact that Kate sat in between them shows that he children are her possessions. A mother who wanted their children to be showcased and let tell the audience what they feel would not try to divide and conquer them like that.
No, you would sit farthest away and not be this monolith of a dictator, sitting between a teen girl and the person trying to interview her.
Total c*ck block.

Tucker's Mom said...

Just saw a commercial for Brian Boitano's Italian Adventure on Cooking Channel.

Awwwww, Brian didn't invite Kate to cook with him in the hills of Italy??

T said...

Access Hollywood finally calls it like is! They skewer her in this panel discussion.

This is very pertinent considering their history interviewing her, especially the interview that was conducted by them immediately following the (denying of Mady water) incident that was posted earlier by Tucker's Mom. I urge you to watch it if you haven't had a chance yet the second half of the video starting at the three-minute mark is when the drama really happens. I had never seen it before and wonder if it had been previously scrubbed by TLC.

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