Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mediocre hero does fame right

Charles Ramsey is everything an overnight celebrity can be

An unexpected hero emerged yesterday out of the shocking story of three girls kidnapped in Ohio a decade ago who are now free. Neighbor Charles Ramsey, with his backwards baseball cap, missing teeth and colorful storytelling skills, helped kick down a door (half eaten Big Mac in hand) to save the girls from their horror.

In these days of internet and social media, people can become instantly famous, and possibly rich. Many of them screw it up, greedy for more fame and money. However Ramsey has handled his overnight success with amazing fortitude. Here's where he went right:

1. He's humble. He doesn't see himself as a hero. He was just being a Christian neighbor.
2. He's not greedy. He doesn't want any reward money because as he tells it, whipping out his paycheck, he has a job. Besides, he knows the girls need it more.
3. He's not trying to hide who he really is. Ramsey speaks his mind, from the postal system to 9-1-1 operators, to realities about race relations, he calls it like he sees it, even if it takes a curse word or two to get the point across. Ramsey's not polished, doesn't have the best grammar, and at times meanders through a story, but at least he's honest (and often hysterical). Something we see so little of these days on T.V.
4. Anderson Cooper treated him with such dignity it was like he was interviewing the president. Because respect when earned should be freely given, Bro.

As for McDonald's? Stand by, they told Ramsey, we'll be knocking.

597 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 597   Newer›   Newest»
chefsummer #Leh said...

Midnight Madness said... 197

KK got the hats on K+8 when it was the 6 become 7 episode.

FYI said...

Here we go with the tradition stuff again:

Lisa E ‏@lulu2465 5h
@Kateplusmy8 Love that they're wearing their bday hats again! Happy birthday to them!! 🎉🎈🎁

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 5h
@lulu2465 it's a tradition! :) (but heads are getting bigger and hats smaller so this may be the last year for them!)

Kate is shown purchasing those hats on the last birthday episode that was filmed, when the tups turned 7 (the pool party episode). So how is wearing them 2 years in a row a tradition?

Aaden isn't wearing a hat because as Kate explains on her website, "he couldn't find one he liked". Just how many hats do they have?

If you want to see the pictures without giving her website hits you can see them here--thanks to one of her tweeties.

gabby2 said...

Did Milo's check bounce?? Oh no! ~ Administrator said...

Color me surprised Aaden is one of the first to not go along with Kate's crap. Stay tuned!

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, and Aaden is not wearing the same jacket as his brothers. Go Aaden! I have the feeling Collin lost a lot of his spirit somewhere along the way.
Alexis has always been segregated from her sisters. It's nice to see individuals emerging. Hope they don't follow Mady's path of resistance then reform to Mommy's liking.

FYI said...

Here is the birthday episode where they got the hats. About 5:40, you can see the hats on the table. I guess Aaden didn't want to wear the pink princess hat. Nobody is wearing that in the picture Kate posted.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 4
Color me surprised Aaden is one of the first to not go along with Kate's crap. Stay tuned!

Aaden is detaching from The Borg? Go Aaden!

TLC stinks said...

Did you notice the dog bed on the front porch?

Poor kids having to wear those hats on the bus. Embarrassing.

Sidney said...

I am not sure sure that Kate will even mind when her kids grow up and move away. I was the last of 9 kids and our mother thought of no one but herself. As we grew up and moved away, at very young ages, we raised ourselves and one another. Our oldest sister became the "mother" to all of us as we each moved in with her temporarily until we were old enough to be on our own. That meant the ages of 14, 15, 1nd 16, we were on our own. None of us ever entered our mother's home after we left, and she couldn't care less. She didn't care for us when we were little and didn't miss any of us when we were gone. None of our children ever met this grandmother who cared nothing about any one but herself. I am especially interested in the Gosselin children, because I can't help but wonder if this will be their futures.

Linda in PA said...

Thank you for contacting Churchill Downs, Home of the Kentucky Derby for 139 years! In answer to your question below, Kate Gosselin, did not attend the Kentucky Derby this year. It is not known if she had been invited by any of the local parties.

Thank you for your interest in Churchill Downs.


This has been bothering me all week...
I am wondering if Kate really was at the Derby. This picture could have been taken at any Off Track Betting (OTB) facility. I have spent a lot of time at Churchill Downs...I work for the company that provided the wagering equipment. I don't remember ever seeing the green chairs with the padding like that. I could be wrong....but.....

AuntieAnn said...

She posted a pic of the decorations and cake.

Now remember folks, this birthday is not about the kids, it's about what SHE'S done for the kids today. Got it? Good.

Winsomeone said...

The table just has 8 places, so even on their birthday, she doesn't sit and eat with them. Weird, weird mother.

Midnight Madness said...

Milo not tweeting on their birthday? Now that's odd. Geez I hope she's okay. Milo not tweeting on their birthday? Now that's odd. Geez I hope she's okay.


Maybe she invited herself to Kate's house to celebrate with them, and she's stuck in rush hour traffic on 95!

So that's where the hats came from -- TLC paid for them! LOL!!

Parent In Lancaster County said...

She bought those hats while doing the show. I notice two boys did not have them on the bus. Two girls dressed alike.I agree nine is too old for that for school among most kids I know.


All birthday kids are allowed to wear hats in school on their special day. It's a tradition.

AuntieAnn said...

Why is it set for just the kids. It's Friday night, you'd think there would be some friends coming over to celebrate with them. Hot dogs, potato chips and a couple of games maybe? A movie and some sleepover guests? Let's hope.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Katespeak: (from the birthday video link posted above)

"This is the way behindest I've ever been for any birthday."

Sounds like a "best selling author" to me. Yep.

I think she mentioned she was stressed 4,862 times. I got stressed watching her.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

It looks like the Twitterbots are out today. I don't believe that all of those drivebys remembered the kids' birthdays. The keywords seem to be "believe" and "9."

Midnight Madness said...

Winsomeone said..."The table just has 8 places, so even on their birthday, she doesn't sit and eat with them. Weird, weird mother."


Four on one side; three on the other side; one on each end. That's 9. Each of the chairs has a place setting.

Rhymes with Witch said...

It's like that politician whose politics you just hate and they drive your crazy. And then they leave office and a part of you kinda feels
sad they're gone, in a weird way 200

Howard Cosell epitomized that for me.

p.s. Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Arredondo are heroes. Period.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Why did she bake a tiny cake and cupcakes.

Is this the best she can do with 8 hours of free time?

Parent In Lancaster County said...

localyocul said... 196

Do you think the school lets them wear street clothes on their birthdays? Do they have a tradition where kids where birthday hats? If not, how embarrassing.


No to the street clothes on birthdays. Today was dress-down day which is why they aren't wearing uniforms. Yes to the hats. The stranger the better! They were fine. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

"This is the way behindest I've ever been for any birthday."


It's a Pennsylvania Dutch expression. Usually you say, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get." Her "behindest" is common, too.

Over And Out said...

Alexis: ah ha ha ha I can see through to the presents! (I'm busted for using gift wrap from the dollar store! Lol)


I always use wrapping paper from the dollar store and you can't see through any of mine. You just make sure that you buy heavier paper! ~ Administrator said...

It's hard to believe many older kids would still want to do a silly hat thing. They're at that age where being cool is everything, so that means breaking away from what the "babies" are doing.

At least three of the kids, for whatever reason, had already taken off the hats by the time of the second picture.

Hoosier Girl said...

Wow! No Milo on a Gosselin birthday.

1. She's died from spider fright.
2. She's been welcomed into Kate's hearth and home.
3. She's sitting in the woods outside Kate's home with binoculars and a night vision scope.
4. Lights Out Man (LOM) died from spider fright.
5. LOM had finally had enough and didn't pay the internet bill.
6. Steve (while holding Kate's purse) has her in a headlock after finding her peeping through the windows.

Lesser alternatives

1. She's paying attention to her own children.
2. She's sitting outside Deanna's apartment with binoculars and a night vision scope.
3. Iwana left his 'on death's door' for over a year ex wife and Milo has run off with him and they are both on their way to Kate's house.

Just my guesses :-) ~ Administrator said...

I don't understand the stress. No guests, nothing special just a few presents and cake. She had ALL WEEK to prepare. She's unbelievable lol.

prairiemary said...

I want to wish all of you mothers a very Happy Mother's Day! I just finished cleaning everything spotless-I don't have a job, so I have no excuse not to!-and waiting for my DD to arrive, so thought I would see what is new here. I forgot it was the 6's birthday, can't understand why simple birthdays are so hard on dear kate! She has nothing else to do, why is she always complaining that she is so darn tired?! I hate to brag(but will anyways!)the daughter of mine who has the 5 children, age 6 and under, with 1 year old twins, does all kinds of cool things for their birthdays, and she does not have kate's money. And I never hear her complain, or remember her ever saying she is tired. Of course she is tired, but it is not about her, it's about her kids. The twins just turned 1 this Easter, and she threw an awesome party for those boys. If anyone remembers Dr. Suess story books, he had one about 'Thing 1 and Thing 2'. Well this woman-same age as queen kate-made 3 awesome birthday cakes, decorated them so skillfully, using fondant and other decorations, made all kinds of tiny finger foods, beverages, everything, and did it all with a loving heart. She had all of the same colors used in that story, it all looked and tasted so good. And she let the twins each go at their own cakes, for a good old cake-smash, everyone had such a fun time. And there were no plastic garbage bags taped onto anything, it was all just a big, happy mess, and so many memories to never forget.
kate, you take the fun out of everything for your kids. Birthdays are supposed to be fun, memories that the kids will remember always.
kate, you just plain suck.

prairiemary said...

Forgot to say why she made 3 cakes, instead of the twin's 2, their daddy celebrates his birthday during the same week. Daddy was 'Thing 3', and also had a matching t-shirt to go with the theme, she made the 3 t-shirts herself, too. It is someone like her that should be writing on blogs, not kate. kate never has anything interesting to share with other moms, always all about her.

Hoosier Girl said... (Administrator) said... 25
I don't understand the stress. No guests, nothing special just a few presents and cake. She had ALL WEEK to prepare. She's unbelievable lol.
That just bowls me over. Parent's with one kid usually invite several of their friends to the birthday party, so they end up with 10,12,20 kids.
Kate has 8 kids in attendance, and they are all hers, so it should be just like any other night - only additions are b-day cake and presents. Yet, she makes out like it's an ordeal! Poor Katie!

Parent In Lancaster County said...

It's hard to believe many older kids would still want to do a silly hat thing. They're at that age where being cool is everything, so that means breaking away from what the "babies" are doing.


Admin, older kids do the birthday hat much older than the Gosselins. Older kids may wear silly hats, but it's more common to wear sports caps of favorite teams. I remember one kid came to school in an Abe Lincoln stovepipe top hat; another in a mile-high Uncle Sam hat. In LS, it's always been fun to see who can come up with the most outrageous....many of them are homemade and are quite funny and creative.

Formerly Duped said...

Maybe she's having more parties run by the twins tomorrow so as not to interfere with HER day Sunday

Thanks to Parent in Lancaster County for setting us straight about the clothes and hate.Aaden won't have a hat though...

Over And Out said...

So Milo is off sulking again because her spider story got no response from Kate? What's next -- bitten by a snake story?

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Thanks to Parent in Lancaster County for setting us straight about the clothes and hate.Aaden won't have a hat though...


You're welcome. Often when a student comes to school on a birthday without a hat (either forgot or didn't have one) somebody comes through with one for the birthday child!

Parent In Lancaster County said...

3. Iwana left his 'on death's door' for over a year ex wife and Milo has run off with him and they are both on their way to Kate's house.

Just my guesses :-)


Sound plausible to me! Where do Irishcreeper and Dave the wrestler fit into this scenario?

No worries -- Milo will be back tonight or tomorrow; her arrival will be announced by trumpeters and maybe bagpipes.

LB said...

Kate is trying so hard to get people to click the link to her website. I think it's digusting Kate is advertising the birthday celebrations as if it's a business deal or a promotion. You know, celebrities do the same when a company pay them to hawk their product? They send out numberous tweets for a certain petid of time. Its exactly what it feels like when I saw all the tweets she sent, giving them public access to her product, the children.

Also does anyone remember when Jon was viedotaping after Kate gave birth, he said something like 'you just had sextuplets.' then all she said was 'sextuplets'. I don't know if they showed more after that. But I always thought that was an odd conversation. Not one word about how the babies were or the babies are beautiful. They were too focused on the fact the babies were sextuplets. I would not be surprised if Jon immediately took action to think about how to milk that & go after the big bucks. I remember seeing the picture they showed Kate at the news conference a few days later. She did not come off all joyous and excited. She was stone faced and I wondered why. It never did come off as genuine.

A Mom said...

Can't believe Kate Gosselin puts her childrens picture underneath her Love in the mix story on her web page. Kate says her children are her life, but clearly by putting the kids story under the books story reveals where her mind is; her book her her her

Somewhere In Time said...

Kate tweeted:

Alexis: ah ha ha ha I can see through to the presents! (I'm busted for using gift wrap from the dollar store! Lol)

A non-fan responded:

Kate Gosselin thinks she's too good to use wrapping paper from the dollar store

I'm far from being a Kate defender, but why would someone say this? Kate made a comment about the paper. She neither stated nor implied that she's "too good" to use wrapping paper from the dollar store. She only commented that she was "busted."

AuntieAnn said...

Alexis: ah ha ha ha I can see through to the presents! (I'm busted for using gift wrap from the dollar store! Lol)

Busted? Yeah, right. I guess since she was busted by Hoffman about the blank, plain, discarded, FREE, unused newsprint she usually wraps presents in, she had to make sure to mention she wrapped them in real gift wrap this year.

The only thing that is see-through is Kate.

FYI said...

E!online has a brief article on the kids' birthday. They pulled the current pictures from Kate's website of the kids, but they used a picture of Kate from over two years ago!

So far there are only 3 articles about the birthday, and 2 are at the examiner, written by Mary Jane, who seems to get all her stories from Kate's twitter feed.

FYI said...

One, just one, of the sheeple finally became concerned about the fact that Milo hasn't been tweeting.

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 1h
@MiloandJack Hey Firedup are you ok? Feel something is wrong since you have not tweeted to @Kateplusmy8 on her babies birthday!

Milo was tweeting last week how she felt so blessed and was so grateful to have such great twitter friends who have her back and are there for her, yet where are they now when she hasn't been around?

It seems that people here are more concerned about her than her twitter friends.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Hoosier Girl said... 29 (Administrator) said... 25
I don't understand the stress. No guests, nothing special just a few presents and cake. She had ALL WEEK to prepare. She's unbelievable lol.
That just bowls me over. Parent's with one kid usually invite several of their friends to the birthday party, so they end up with 10,12,20 kids.
Kate has 8 kids in attendance, and they are all hers, so it should be just like any other night - only additions are b-day cake and presents. Yet, she makes out like it's an ordeal! Poor Katie!


It's true. What stress? It's a birthday celebration. If done correctly, there should be alot of noise, laughter, and running around.

It would be stressful if she had a room full of kids waiting to celebrate a birthday without food, cake & gifts.

Kate is just an over-inflated b.s. artist.

Anonymous said...

Tonight Anderson is focusing on other missing children.

Improbable Data said...

7,977,561 site counter hits at a little after 9:00 this morning, Kate's time

Now (at 7:24 ET), the stat counter reads: 8,014,088

Improbable, don't you think, that she'd have that many people clicking on her website in roughly 10 hours' time? Unless, of course, she's having her paid tweeties click through all day long, time and time again. (I inserted the commas, so you could easily see that her site hits are in the millions. lol)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

chefsummer said... 20
Why did she bake a tiny cake and cupcakes.

Is this the best she can do with 8 hours of free time?


It looks like a regular 8" cake that has to be divided between her, and the 8 kids.

Hopefully, no one will ask for seconds.

Fun times.

localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 40
One, just one, of the sheeple finally became concerned about the fact that Milo hasn't been tweeting.

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 1h
@MiloandJack Hey Firedup are you ok? Feel something is wrong since you have not tweeted to @Kateplusmy8 on her babies birthday!


Oops! 2 more!

@Truth_Teller201 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I've been really concerned too. I hope and pray she is OK.

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 27m
@MiloandJack @Truth_Teller201 @MY_3BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 Where are you Milo? Inquiring minds are worried about you. ♡

chefsummer #Leh said...

Hey Kate here's a thought get off twitter and enjoy your kids 9th b-day.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I know Kate did not give one of the girls a DVD of J&K.

Please tell me I'm seeing things.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Happy Mother's Day, prairie :o)

Happy Mother's Day to all!

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: controversy in central Virginia. The Boston bomber has been buried in a Muslim cemetery in Caroline County, north of Richmond. some medias are saying Doswell in Hanover County, but local media correctly noted the location is in Caroline. Local Muslims are outraged their family members buried there have to share the cemetery with someone with such notoriety. The local sheriff is concerned about security. The location is almost middle of nowhere off rural road. The County is large, rural, with a small police force. This all happened after the police chief in Worcester where the body was made a public plea for a burial suite, since his police force was having hard time guarding the funeral home with all the local protesters. ~ Administrator said...

It's true. What stress? It's a birthday celebration. If done correctly, there should be alot of noise, laughter, and running around.


I know it would kill Kate to admit it, but she has it easier than parents who have three or more kids. She need only plan two parties a year. Other parents who don't have multiples have to plan separate parties for each child.

People with five, six or more kids who are not multiples must feel like all they do is celebrate birthdays.

It really breaks my heart the lack of relatives involved. Kate has taught them a sad lesson, that we are better off without anyone else, just us nine are fine, if someone upsets you cut them off. What Kate fails to realize is that someday when they are older they might come to the same quick conclusion when it comes to her and cut HER off--without trying therapy first, or talking things out, or at least limited contact as many other kids have tried first before taking that ultimate big step. Kate may be shocked how quick she will be "done" for some of them, as they have been taught that is a good option when someone upsets you.

I hope they see their relatives at Jon's.

FYI said...

Why, oh why, can't she stop tweeting, and just enjoy the kids' opening their presents with them? She can take as many pictures as she wants--but tweet or post them LATER!! She can even say her thanks LATER!!

Put down the damn phone and enjoy your kids. ~ Administrator said...

Well I see Terri Irwin is still hard at work running her husband's blood sweat and tears zoo empire into the ground. Swag birthday packages all around for the kids. Must have cost a fortune to ship from Australia.

What are these kids going to do when they are 15 and awkward and yesterday's news and no one will send them free stuff anymore? How confusing is that going to be for them?

localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 47
Why, oh why, can't she stop tweeting, and just enjoy the kids' opening their presents with them? She can take as many pictures as she wants--but tweet or post them LATER!! She can even say her thanks LATER!!

Put down the damn phone and enjoy your kids.


I notice the number of responses are dwindling. Her materialism is astounding! And Legos again?

FYI said...

Joy-I've read that story. Why did the media have to publish where he is buried? What did they hope to accomplish by doing that? The media saw how people reacted by picketing the funeral home--what do they expect when they tell the public where he is buried?

I, for one, wish they would stop publishing stories like this. I hate when they keep writing stories about the perpetrators.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 48
Well I see Terri Irwin is still hard at work running her husband's blood sweat and tears zoo empire into the ground. Swag birthday packages all around for the kids. Must have cost a fortune to ship from Australia.

What are these kids going to do when they are 15 and awkward and yesterday's news and no one will send them free stuff anymore? How confusing is that going to be for them?


I wonder how much free stuff they's insane! And yes it is sad that there are no family members there. It's just been me and my dd since she was 2 so we always went out for dinner with my mom and some cousins. ~ Administrator said...

Agree she needs to stop. She just needs to stop. Put down the phone and enjoy the birthday. And people who barely know these kids or don't know them at all need to stop sending the kids more CRAP, for their sake.

You know what would mean more? How about a Skype call from Bindi and Robert saying hi and wishing them a happy birthday, have a little chat about what everyone is up to? Instead more crap, more STUFF is their bday present. These kids need to learn to take satisfaction from the intangibles in relationships. A kind word, a birthday hug, a sincere card, a phone call.Everything in their life is defined by the tangibles. The presents, the cake, the hats, the DVDs, the legos, the clothes. Kate is incapable of defining them in any other way.

I'm worried about Milo--and yes the non-fans have always had far more concern for the fans, and the kids and Kate, than the fans ever have. Although Milo is not blocking us from time and access to Kate or interloping in our business, so we have less stake in her going away I suppose.

localyocul said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 8m
This chocolatey face just grabbed me to hug me & said 'you're the best mom ever'
Life is good. Chocolate and all.


chefsummer #Leh said...

Why not wait till the celebration is over then tweet. ~ Administrator said...

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 8m
This chocolatey face just grabbed me to hug me & said 'you're the best mom ever'
Life is good. Chocolate and all.



LOL there it is.

Does it feel like Kate's in constant competition with someone or someone's? Maybe Jon I guess?? To give them the most STUFF way more than most people would even if they could afford it, to show up and prove that she is the better parent. And as she says even the kids agree, best mom evvvver!!! Of course she is, she showers them with crap, most kids love it but it does nothing to develop them into well adjusted adults.

Melissa NV said...

@Kateplusmy8 How adorable and this is the best part of being a mom when they tell you how much they love & appreciate you.


Such enablers. Nothing like encouraging her to tweet about how much the kids squeal and shriek with "thank you mommy." Enjoy your kids' birthdays...make it all about them for once in your life.

localyocul said...

Seriously? Why is she the best mom ever? That little cake and a bunch of stuff from others? I'm sure mine told me that at 9 for some things..don't all kids (not so much now at 16)? What did she do that elicited such a response? ~ Administrator said...

Even Joan Crawford limited the swag that her children were given by fans and such. They were allowed to keep just one gift from fans on birthdays while the rest were given to charity. It's one of the few things I think she did right.

Good lord.

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 48m
Opening gifts:So grateful it makes me cry! Collin said 'this gotta be heaven!' :)
Excuse the improper grammar..I don't even care right now!

Is she saying that she's so grateful, or that the kids are so grateful? I guess she means the kids are sooooooooo grateful to her.

"This gotta be heaven"? If Collin really said that, it just shows that she is teaching them to appreciate all things materialistic in life.

Formerly Duped said...

Of course the kids' first reaction on opening gifts is to tell Kate what a great mother she is.

She really is treating them as a six pack by giving them the same things: a piece of clothing, an Irwin DVD and Lego.I know she has to make it fair, but still... Hopefully they got some more individualized little things too. No mention of how wonderful the twins wee...tet

And someone had to tweet the famous 'unnawears' line.

Melissa NV said...

Thank you SO much @AustraliaZoo @TerriIrwin Bindi & Robert! Favorite gifts by far! And all the way from Australia!


She actually tweeted a photo of the kids opening these presents from Australia? Good lord, Kate...way to brag! What you should have done is to have each of them sit down and hand write a thank you note...not plaster this all over the internet. She really is clueless, isn't she?

Formerly Duped said...

I wonder why the kids changed outfits...they were already in casual clothes. Those pesky school germs?

chefsummer #Leh said...

I find it sad that Kate can put her phone down for 2-3 day when she at the derby.

But she can't or won't put her phone down during her kids 9th birthday. ~ Administrator said...

This gotta be heaven? Some legos, DVDs and shirts that were probably pulled from the zoo store clearance bin?

She is ruining these kids. They would have gotten more out of this had she simply let the grandparents come over. She even said in an episode the kids were asking about them and that she was considering it. So do it then. Have them over. A grandparent is worth a thousand lego sets and DVDs. ~ Administrator said...

I find it sad that Kate can put her phone down for 2-3 day when she at the derby.

But she can't or won't put her phone down during her kids 9th birthday.


Oh my gosh Chef.....AMEN. Just AMEN. Says it all right there doesn't it? It says exactly how much she just wants to USE these kids. They are a means to an end, period.

Formerly Duped said...

And who is Kate to criticize Collin's grammar, lol!

Melissa NV said...

A kind word, a birthday hug, a sincere card, a phone call.Everything in their life is defined by the tangibles. The presents, the cake, the hats, the DVDs, the legos, the clothes. Kate is incapable of defining them in any other way.


I wonder if she's overcompensating by trying to make up for the things she thought she was entitled to get while she was growing up. The "I never got it, but by darn, my kids will. I'll show everyone..."

Anonymous said...

How come the kids weren't in uniforms this morning? Was it because it was their birthdays?

One thing to be grateful for is she stopped dressing them alike. It only took 9 years. Miracles do happen (lol).

Did Kate say if there will be another party with swimming and friends? Very sad no relatives...pitiful.


foxy said...

I feel sad for Cara and Mady. There was never a fuss on their birthdays, and in a few of the clips from different years, Mady even said it is not fair that the younger kids get 3 big parties and she and Cara only get one small party. I don't think Cara cares that much as she seems to have sports and other interests that take her away from the home. Mady was always jealous of it and I don't blame her. Sad...really sad. ~ Administrator said...

The "I never got it, but by darn, my kids will. I'll show everyone..."


Yes, good arm-chairing! :) There is definitely some kind of "I'll show 'em" air to what is going on here.

Either her parents, or Jon, or both, or maybe even anyone else who ever tried to tell her to knock it off with the materialism (I bet you people have) the bottom line is she needs therapy to work through her multiple issues and stop doing such f-ed up things and ruining these kids.

This sets it up to be VERY difficult for Jon, because like normal parents, he probably doesn't want them to be lavished with a bunch of freebies from Australia and whatnot. As many people have chimed in here, other celebs including Prince William are very clear with the public that they'd prefer they NOT send gifts thank you. It's not because they are rude, it's not because they are ungrateful, it's because it's BAD for their CHILD. And the child comes first before fans.

Jon would probably prefer and gave them reasonable birthday gifts. And in Jon doing the right thing and recognizing their bday without going overboard, Kate will ALWAYS win since she will always be willing to one up him. That is until the kids are old enough to realize why he made the decisions he did and that that's what good parents do. He may not be a saint, but he sure has the patience of one.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Well I decided to skip my old mother's day tradition of getting my mom a singing card.

I'm getting her some nice baked treats from Shari's berries.

I'm sure she'll squeal with delight.

Millicent said...

Parent in Lancaster County - I'll take your word for it that the children at the private school go along with the crazy birthday hat theme, and apparently enjoy it, even in their older years.

The last time my son wore a goofy hat on his birthday was in his kindergarten class. After that, we just brought cupcakes or a little treat to be enjoyed by classmates during recess. Certainly by the time he was 9, he would have downright refused to wear anything he considered silly. But each area is different, and I guess private school kids are different from public school kids in some regards :)

chefsummer #Leh said...

So Kate is tweeting and updating her website.

Why doesn't she just stop and wait till tomorrow?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Lisa E ‏@lulu2465 6m
@Kateplusmy8 I sure hope that pizza recipe is in #loveisinthemix!!! You have mad pizza-making skills momma g!!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 4m
@lulu2465 consider it DONE:) Pizza making is a learned skill that once mastered, takes NO time at all! All the tips in LOVE IS IN THE MIX!

I can see it now, Chef BoyarKate tossing and twirling pizza dough high into the air singing Oh Sole Mio.

Melissa NV said...

Fanfare and flourish! Break out the Rumspringa! She's back! Drum roll, please...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m

Appreciate those who expressed concern. Been some rough sailing here...sometimes U have 2take a break..focus on the problem..get it solved!

Melissa NV said...

@Amanda_H_84 yes! Pizza and sauce recipe IS in LOVE IS IN THE MIX To Preorder:

Do you need a recipe to burn pizza?

Kate to Milo:

@MiloandJack oh not good to hear! Hang in there! I'm here to lend an ? if needed! :)

That's right, Kate. Encourage her! ~ Administrator said...

Yes Millicent I give the school credit for apparently getting all the kids to participate and be good sports, older kids alike doing what the little first graders do too. I think you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming when I was a 4th grader to do something the "babies" were doing. I'd love to know their secret.

That said I guess three out of the six kids didn't want to participate since they whipped their hats off as soon as they got on the bus.

Kelly said...

I can only speak for myself, but I personally could careless where Milo is. It's just all drama, drama, drama, head games, head games with Kate and her Tweeties. Enough. Ugh. I hope Kate reads here and she reads this comment. I caught the commercial (I think it's from the Mormon church?) with the message to spend time with your kids now. That is one awesome commercial. Get off Twitter, turn your (dumb)smart phone OFF and spend time with your kids now Kate. Every single day. You're blessed to be able to as I was as well, so do it. Childhood really is over in the blink of an eye, scary how fast it goes. I could almost feel a tad sorry for her if she doesn't because in ten years she will be completely alone. Perhaps she'll still be communicating with strangers via the net, but it's still gonna be damn sad.

They should have given the Boston Bomber the same sendoff as Osama. He didn't deserve to be laid to rest in this country.

FYI said...

Milo is back. She must be ecstatic because Kate even responded to her.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 19m
@Kateplusmy8 Sorry I'm late 4the party...but just wanted 2say...U have EVERY RIGHT 2b PROUD/crow, scream 4joy abt deliverin 6 healthy babes!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 14m
@Kateplusmy8 Life is not been pleasant here...but not going 2rain on ur beautiful day! Enjoy it...savor it...many new memories being made!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 10m
@MiloandJack oh not good to hear! Hang in there! I'm here to lend an 👂 if needed! :)

In all her tweets since she's praising Kate as usual, but not once did she even say HB to the kids or ask Kate to wish them a HB for her.

It's all about Kate for her--she doesn't even seem to care about the kids. She just will keep praising Kate forever and ever.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 U should take more pics of ur kids DEVOURING ur food...will definitely sell more #LoveIsInTheMIx...LOL Tried, tested, tasted!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
Trying (in vain) to get kids to stop playing with their new toys & go to bed.
Alexis says 'We will stay up and YOU can go to bed.'
Um, no.
Okay it's almost 10 in PA so why are they going to bed so early?

Plus it's their birthday.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Yes Millicent I give the school credit for apparently getting all the kids to participate and be good sports, older kids alike doing what the little first graders do too. I think you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming when I was a 4th grader to do something the "babies" were doing. I'd love to know their secret.

Not every student wears a silly hat or a hat for babies on their birthdays. It's their choice. It's not mandatory. If they don't want to wear hats, they don't! Most of the older kids opt for caps of their favorite sports teams. Not all all babyish. Again, caps/hats are not required!

Leslie -- it was dress-down day, which is why they weren't in uniform.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

And you missed her, admin!! LOL!!

@Kateplusmy8 Oh COOL! Time 4me 2start the rhymes...that will send them to BED! LOL

@Kateplusmy8 We will call this night #ChaosAtTheGosselins Late night PARTY TIME....for the kids that just turned NINE! Oh my oh how FINE!

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 4

Color me surprised Aaden is one of the first to not go along with Kate's crap. Stay tuned!


I think the little professor - as Kate calls him - just might have his mother figured out, even at this early stage of the game. He's the inquistive one, the quiet guy who likes to know what makes things tick.

Yes I think if we stay tuned he might have interesting stories to tell.

PatK said...

Good old Kate. Since there was no production company willing to film the birthday, she turns it into another online episode. ~ Administrator said...

Why can't her escapades without the kids ever be subject to public consumption?

Where was the play by play when she was at the Derby? If she mixed things up, a mix of her own VIP swag outings and home life with the kids (just like PW does) she would appeal to a broader audience. And the kids would get a break now and again from being the subjects of her online life all the time.

Regardless whether you are into horse racing, I would think a blog post about being at the Derby, something few people will ever do, COULD BE (and I say could because she stinks at everything she tries) fascinating. Potentially. If someone helped her with it.

Andrea said...

Not every student wears a silly hat or a hat for babies on their birthdays. It's their choice. It's not mandatory. If they don't want to wear hats, they don't! Most of the older kids opt for caps of their favorite sports teams. Not all all babyish. Again, caps/hats are not required!

I went to a school that had uniforms. I know I would have welcomed a chance to go against the normal rules. I liked uniforms for the most part. But, it was nice to express a little individuality.

I doubt that Kate will buy them more silly hats after they grow out of these ones. She is so cheep.

Also, is it possible that the girls got first choice of hats. Aaden may not have had any choice besides the princess hat.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

For the love of all that's holy...Kate -- SHUT UP! She just won't stop!

If I think today was a long day, I think back 9 yrs ago..Late visit to NICU after recovery! MORE Bday pics tomorrow:

@Kateplusmy8 And 9 years later you have six healthy kids. All of that hard work was well worth the reward

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 Ummm, 2the "misinformed person" questioning where Shoka is...he's safe/dry & warm here in Kate's HOUSE in his bed! :)

"HERE" in Kate's house! Milo thinks she's there?

Midnight Madness said...

"HERE" in Kate's house! Milo thinks she's there?


She is freaking NUTS!

@Kateplusmy8 I've got all 6 in TIME what? (Somehow I feel like Kate one-upped me on this!) She's snoozin & I'm losin my min

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Oh good idea Alexis...Kate I'll stay up & oversee them...they R in safe hands here! LOL

FYI said...

Sleepless-Milo's role playing babysitting the kids. Kate tweeted that the kids didn't want to go to be, and Alexis supposedly said something like "we'll stay up--you go to bed" and Milo tweeted:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Oh good idea Alexis...Kate I'll stay up & oversee them...they R in safe hands here! LOL

To which Kate replied:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
@MiloandJack done deal! ;) goodnight then FiredUp. You're in charge!

Of course, now Milo is milking it for all it's worth, as only Milo can. I'm sure that they'll be other tweeties(the younger ones) who'll actually believe that Milo is there.

NJGal51 said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 90
@Kateplusmy8 Ummm, 2the "misinformed person" questioning where Shoka is...he's safe/dry & warm here in Kate's HOUSE in his bed! :)

"HERE" in Kate's house! Milo thinks she's there?
Unless Kate slipped up and Milo is Kate and Kate is

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 90

@Kateplusmy8 Ummm, 2the "misinformed person" questioning where Shoka is...he's safe/dry & warm here in Kate's HOUSE in his bed! :)

"HERE" in Kate's house! Milo thinks she's there?


Alfred Hitchock would have loved this Milo character. He would have built an entire movie around her. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know what on earth Milo thinks she's talking about since Kate herself has said multiple times that Shoka is decidedly an outside dog with an outside bed and that he only comes inside for brief moments for a treat or whatever. You can find this all somewhere in several blogs and tweets. She says Shoka loves it outside. (yeah right, he would love it if he could be with his PACK.) Why we even just saw a photo that shows his bed OUTSIDE. Shoka isn't even in the birthday pics, he can't even come in on THAT special occasion.

By trying to defend her by flat out making it up that Shoka is inside, she suggests that there is something wrong with having an outside dog--not the best way to defend Kate.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Just wondering out loud....I want to make a prediction: we may be shocked to find out the G8 you think will do such and such will actually do the opposite. That is the beauty of life. Like the famous saying goes: want to give God a good laugh? Tell him your plans for the future. The little professor? may end up cutting hair in some hipster salon. Hannah the leader and mommy's helper? waitress at Chiplote or a protester for human rights. When I look at my kids now, they keep surprising me with their plans as they mature and become individuals. Personally, just when I think I've figured things out, plans change very quickly. That is the beauty of life. The unpredictably of life keeps me riveted. It's all good.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Alfred Hitchock would have loved this Milo character. He would have built an entire movie around her.


Oh, would have make a wonderful Hitchcock movie, or a "Misery" movie. Who directed that? Was it Rob Reiner?

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless - Yes it was Rob Rainer. I didn't realize he directed Misery until now - when I looked at IMDB.

Rob was also in Throw Mama From the Train. I think I can now put a face to MIlo. She's Mama! lol!!

Over And Out said...

@Kateplusmy8 please go back to TLC! Get you Program back

Why can't these fans get it into their heads that TLC doesn't want her back? Why do they keep torturing her? :)

Vanessa said... (Administrator) said... 187

The sad thing is that Kate actually believes that she's a a good writer.


And a good mother.

And a good blogger.
And a good speller, cook, driver, marathoner, public speaker, party planner, pet owner, gardener friend, daughter, wife & ex-wife....oh the delusions!

TLC stinks said...

Just shaking my head over her tweeting those pictures and that " best mom ever" comment (yeah, right that was said). Kind of a sad birthday for them each year. No dad, no grandparents, no aunts, no uncles, no cousins, no best friends. Not even a trip to Chuckie Cheese or some other fun place for a kids' dinner.

gotyournumberKate said...

I just looked at the birthday photos. Here are a few of my observations......

That is her "insanely delicious" birthday cake??? It looks to me like a boxed cake mix, can of frosting, with gummies on it. It's sloppy and very mediocre. Canned frosting gets stiff and hard like hers. Any homemade frosting I've used does not. When I make a birthday cake for a family member I take the extra time to make homemade cake and frosting so it's extra special. I use an icing bag and tips to decorate cupcakes and cakes. Mine may not be professional but they look a lot better than hers and I didn't write a freaking cookbook! She honestly thinks she can sell cookbooks by putting very little effort and creativity into her creations. She presents them like this and thinks people are stupid enough to be in awe of them. I'm not trying to pass myself off as an expert cook and my presentations are much nicer than hers. She truly is the most delusional person I have witnessed.

Does that family ever eat off of anything but paper plates??? She's trying to sell a cookbook and every single picture I have seen of her meals has paper plates in it! I had an aunt who served every meal on paper plates and I remember thinking she was the laziest woman I knew. Kate doesn't even use the sturdier, Styrofoam plates. She uses the flimsy ones that leak. The woman has zero class. She can't decorate, put her outfits together, or make a nice meal presentation. She even used a darn plastic tablecloth. This is all well and good for some people but not someone trying to sell a cookbook. She's an idiot in the true sense of the word.

She just HAD to let everyone know Terri, Bindi, and Robert sent the kids gifts. Yes, Kate, we know that you and Terri are friends. We also know that you both exploit your children for profit. Two peas in a pod. Did you ever start that koala bear foundation? Didn't think so.

It just plain makes me sick how these kids have to constantly thank their mother for every mediocre things she does for them. That's what mother's are SUPPOSED to do for their children you stupid, witch! Yes, children should be taught to appreciate the extra things their parents do for them but they don't have to all screech with delight over every meal you cook of lunch you pack them. They don't have to say over and over and over again "thank you, mommy. This is delicious". Who makes their kids do that? What if they don't like what you cooked one night? Kate's kids still have to tell her it was the best they ever ate. Do you, Kate, thank your kids for buying you that big house? Do you thank them for supplying you with all the free clothing, furniture, vehicles, food, and gifts that you don't have to buy for them? Have you EVER thanked them for all THEY have done for YOU? I'll bet not. In your warped mind it was ALL because of YOU. Well, let me tell you something Ms. would be nothing or have nothing without those kids. Why, you ask? Because you are a mediocre, talentless, lazy, greedy, selfish bitch. That's why and you better thank your children every day for the rest of your life for giving YOU everything you have.

More rant over. Sorry for any typos or poor English. lol

gotyournumberKate said...

I meant morning rant, not more rant. I'm not quite awake yet. :)

TLC stinks said...

So in her blog picture at the kitchen table, each child has apparently been told to have their allocated one slice of pizza up to their mouths and each plate was also allocated what appears to be three onion rings. She continues to micromanage their food intake. No free will in that house!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

She actually tweeted a photo of the kids opening these presents from Australia? Good lord, Kate...way to brag! What you should have done is to have each of them sit down and hand write a thank you note...not plaster this all over the internet. She really is clueless, isn't she?
No more like a non-stop shameless promoter of her 6 money makers. To Kate, nothing is worth doing, unless other people know about it. And a waste of her time to ever thank her twitter fans for gifts. Everyone and everything is a means to an end, for her intended purposes.

And one day, these kids will resent her for keeping them from her family, their cousins, aunts and uncles, etc.. whose value and memories can never be replaced. Her priorities for these kids is totally screwed up. Most or all of her priorities have to do solely with her, and not the kids. It's really sad that she thinks she has given them so much (materially) but totally misses the mark on the important things in life.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

They don't have to say over and over and over again "thank you, mommy. This is delicious". Who makes their kids do that? What if they don't like what you cooked one night? Kate's kids still have to tell her it was the best they ever ate. Do you, Kate, thank your kids for buying you that big house? Do you thank them for supplying you with all the free clothing, furniture, vehicles, food, and gifts that you don't have to buy for them? Have you EVER thanked them for all THEY have done for YOU? I'll bet not. In your warped mind it was ALL because of YOU. Well, let me tell you something Ms. would be nothing or have nothing without those kids. Why, you ask? Because you are a mediocre, talentless, lazy, greedy, selfish bitch. That's why and you better thank your children every day for the rest of your life for giving YOU everything you have.

I agree. It is very disturbing how she uses the tups to make everything about her on every occassion. What she misses the mark on is having kids' friends or family over to celebrate their birthday. She overcompensates, making it about her. Deep down, she knows most kids this age have interactions with friends and family, but markets the kids endlessly. Deep down, she knows her Reality Star status is over, but refuses to do what is best for them, and is still stuck on promoting them, through her own "series."

Dmasy said...

Pizza and Lego kits.
A small chocolate cake with gummy decorations.
Decorations (scant) and paper cups and plates.
Creased plastic table cover.

Nothing wrong with any of those birthday preparations.
Nothing to stress about...the twins could have done the same or better.

One word, not an insult or a compliment -- mediocre.

kris said...

What I find unrealistic is that ALL her kids love EVERYTHING she makes. Every one of the every time. I have 4 kids and they each have different tastes. That doesn't mean they don't eat it if it's their favorite but I don't get "Squeals of delight X4 of this is the BEST mom THANK YOU! And I'm a decent cook! lol If I make something new & they like it, they'll say "This is good" I have nice, polite kids. I've taught them if they go have dinner somewhere else to always thank the cook and tell them you enjoyed it but I don't need constant thanks.

Something else I find odd is how many times a day (scheduled) they eat. Breakfast, bus snack, lunch, after-school snack, dinner and before bed snack. Eating (that much)is the last thing on my 7 year olds mind, especially if he's in the middle of something. The other night he & I went to an awards ceremony in the next town over and decided to stop at McDonalds on the way home (his choice, lol). He was so interested in playing the video games (mounted on the table, casino-style) and getting a few minutes to go on the playground that he took 2 bites of his burger and ate a few fries. I wrapped it up & said he could eat it at home. Once home, he wanted to show off his metals to his dad & sibs and watch some Spongebob that he told me he wasn't hungry. He never did finish the burger & fries. I put the apples in his lunch the next day. But he was hungry at breakfast the next morning for sure! I don't get why she has so many snacks. Feed them enough at a meal, their little, they've got fast metabolisms so they don't need 5 meals a day to keep it going. She defiantly has eating issues.

kris said...

I think her home-party was appropriate, it's something I do. Kids favorite meal, homemade b-day cake, some balloons, presents & done. They don't need a blow out every year.

My friend's daughter is having her son's 1st b-day party today, rented a party room at a local Inn, will have tons of food, swimming, games, etc...HE'S ONE! He'll never remember it so why not save a big blowout for a big birthday? Like 13 or 16. What a waste of $$, imo. I don't know, maybe b/c I'm not rich but for me, simple is the way I like it.

TLC stinks said...

Just throwing this out there: every bit of that stuff the kids supposedly got from the Irwin's can be ordered online from the zoo's website. I'd like to see a tweet from Irwin wishing the kids a happy birthday, but silence.

Improbable Dreams said...

I get that Kate was trying to drive traffic to her website yesterday, what with all those tweets enticing visitors to come see new b'day pictures. Likely something to do with another blog mention of her reduced traffic & how that translated into $$$.

But I don't for a single minute believe that she actually had 63,333 hits on her home page within a 24-hour period! Do you?

From Kateplusmy8 site counter:

7,977,561 site visits as of around 9:00 a.m. ET yesterday morning
8,040,894 site visits as of around 9:00 a.m. ET this morning

I'll bet you'll see those numbers skyrocket over the weekend, same as with her pseudo-tweeties. ~ Administrator said...

Just throwing this out there: every bit of that stuff the kids supposedly got from the Irwin's can be ordered online from the zoo's website.


I do think Terri gave them the gifts if you mean it could be otherwise. The reason? Terri's an idiot who hasn't the first clue how to manage the zoo's money. Remember this is the same Terri who said that it's good for kids to be exploited because it gives them "public speaking" skills.

And, kids can't get that by joining the debate club?

Rumor is Steve's parents won't even talk to her at this point.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

But I don't for a single minute believe that she actually had 63,333 hits on her home page within a 24-hour period! Do you?

From Kateplusmy8 site counter:

7,977,561 site visits as of around 9:00 a.m. ET yesterday morning
8,040,894 site visits as of around 9:00 a.m. ET this morning

I'll bet you'll see those numbers skyrocket over the weekend, same as with her pseudo-tweeties.

If you go to Kate's website and refresh the page once the number jumps by anywhere from 4 to 10. Kate did not have 63,333 unique visitors to her site. Her web counter is a sham, a fake, like everything else about Kate.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 115

Yupe I noticed that one day I was hitting the refresh button on my computer.

Wouldn't it be funny if it was KK doing the same on her own site.

chefsummer #Leh said...

kris said... 111

I think her home-party was appropriate, it's something I do. Kids favorite meal, homemade b-day cake, some balloons, presents & done. They don't need a blow out every year.

I agree with you to some point.

KK did those thing to show her fans look at me look what I did.

I mean she tweet photos while the party was going on.

And I wonder if TKC was still around who she have had the same party she did last night?-(I doubt it)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

chefsummer said... 116
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 115

Yupe I noticed that one day I was hitting the refresh button on my computer.

Wouldn't it be funny if it was KK doing the same on her own site.

Chef, it wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Formerly Duped said...

In the photos, Kate's plate is unused & empty yet the kids are already eating. They used to say a (maybe fake) grace before a meal. But Kate just had to snap photos, didn't she? The opening of gifts in the newer pictures looks fun. I hope the 6 had a nice birthday. I wonder if they will still be called the 'littles' now at nine?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Celebrity Dirty Laundry is just as fed up as we are with Kooki-Kate.

"Kate Gosselin: Continues Using Her Children – Birthday Famewhore" by Siyana Riley

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

What gifts did they ask for? X6 has to be insanely expensive. No wonder ur always working..

Who is this delusional suck-up called Irishfan anyway? Saying Kate is always working? I almost fell off my chair. What a load of crap. Boy, he really wants a date. He's sure saying the right things right now. Sometimes I just can't stand how toady these people are......

Sheeple Herder said...

These tweets are from that Irishfan person.

"Legos awesome! Maybe an engineer in the group ;)"

"What gifts did they ask for? X6 has to be insanely expensive. No wonder ur always working.."

Sounds a lot like that Milo person to me. I can't use any pronouns because I can't figure out what gender they are! This is better than TV!

Anonymous said...

I think Kate is aware her star is no longer shining, and will buy twitterbots, and visits to her site. Anything to keep her "apppearance" of being relevant.

TLC stinks said...

ITA glad the birthday celebration wasn't a blow out, it just would be nice to have relatives there too.

Agreed that Terri Irwin most likely sent that stuff, just interesting that Kate had to tweet it to prove something, like I'm still relevant and have famous people sending my children gifts.

AuntieAnn said...

I checked back on some older posts at to look at the page dedicated to the twin's birthday celebrations, but there was no mention of it on the website. There was an Aug 28 entry about what Kate packs in lunch boxes and then a jump to Oct 23 which was an audio recording of the Goss Trap Children singing “Doe a Deer” with mommy in the car.

I recall Mady becoming very upset when the sextuplets had three birthday celebrations for their fifth (?) birthday, whereupon she received a stern lecture from her mother for complaining about it. I guess by now the twins know how valuable they are when it comes to the order of pecuniary mportance in that household. ~ Administrator said...

I agree, deep down she KNOWS this isolation is not normal. But she's made it her life's work to convince us, and herself, that they are better off just the nine of them on their own.

I was going to say it's very stubborn, but that's just not a strong enough word. She will sacrifice her children having healthy normal well rounded childhoods to prove herself right. She must prove that she and only she is what is best for these children, everyone else be darned. That's Kate.

Formerly Duped said...

Wasn't Kate 'grooming' Mady for Disney Channel or the like? All the mentions of her singing, drama classes, wish to be an actress? Preferably the whole family or at least Kate could ride in on her coat tails, a la Von Goss Trap family.What was the surprise in the mail sealed with a kiss- CWS? Cookbook? Or are we still being held captive in suspense?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

kris said... 112
I think her home-party was appropriate, it's something I do. Kids favorite meal, homemade b-day cake, some balloons, presents & done. They don't need a blow out every year. ----------

I totally agree, but wouldn't it have been nice if their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and few friends from school could have joined them for their simple home celebration. That's what my family did with very little extra expense. It certainly made it a celebration.

Am not talking the huge TLC extravaganza parties at all.These kids are way too isolated, in my opinion.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Good point about Kate's plate being empty when she takes the photo. What do you want to bet she puts salad on that plate after the photo is taken. Maybe even Kate can't bring herself to be that phony by placing a slice of pizza on the plate for the photo and then taking it away afterwards. The kids would then realize she has an eating disorder and start asking questions. ~ Administrator said...

Yes, I took the comments that the party was sad was namely because it was just them, isolated. No family, friends, Daddy, nothing. Gifts from some friends they met once who are not their age and who they may never even see again. Gifts from fans they don't know who are only doing it to suck up to Kate. It's all sad. All of it.

The only reason the paper plates and sad little decorations are notable is not because there is anything WRONG with that but rather that Kate fancies herself some Martha Stewart guru throwing these amazing parties with amazing food, and the reality is she does no better than anyone else living a mediocre life. It's not that what she is DOING is bad, it's that how she apparently sees what she is doing just speaks to her many delusions. She really thinks she's living some kind of upper East Side or Nantucket lifestyle and it's really not the case. I'm embarrassed for her.

Even her comment about how the cookbook will educate us all as to how to make homemade pizzas I find obnoxious. Her pizzas always look gross to me, and if someone wants to get educated in making homemade pizza, there are real chefs out there with blog posts and the like that will tell you how to do it. The very idea she thinks she is any kind of authority on such a thing is very sad. Having eight kids doesn't make your homemade pizza any better than what anyone else comes up with.

If she had shown us some photo of a homemade bubbly, gooey, delicious cheese pizza smothered in beautiful grilled veggies, it would be a different story. But we've never seen such a thing. Ever.

kris said...

IA the pizzas looked gross. The crust (around the edge) on the bottom pic was white, it hadn't even browned. A little olive oil brushed on it would solve that problem. Simple.

TLC stinks said...

I think it's a real shame she isolates the kids. Plenty of parents don't have relatives living close by like Kate does to share special times in each other's lives. I guess the bright side of her posting pictures is that the relatives get to see how the kids are changing. And I hope they are with Jon this weekend.

Getting back to her blog at The Stir, I can't imagine how many more times she can regurgitate what she went through with the pregnancy. For those of us who have had kids, you bet it's uncomfortable. Yes, I cannot imagine having six babies moving around inside of me, but can't she please move on? Frankly, she probably enjoyed all the attention from the hospital staff.

Sherry Baby said...

I wonder what sets her off on this random rants, and she tweets them to Kate...

@pettyrivergirl @vl_goda @Kateplusmy8 Trouble maker & lowlife Jon should be tired stirring his revenge filled poison for mother of his kids.


@SiobhanR111 LOL...rehashin old dead issues! By now the world KNOWS how well loved and cared for Shoka is! One lucky dog! :)

The WORLD, Milo? Really? What's it like in Milo's little fantasy world? She's a colorful character, isn't she, but yet so transparent. She didn't have a tweet from Kate in two weeks, tried everything (even a spider story and picture) and nothing. So, she goes away and pouts, then returns saying her life is bad, she has problems...anything to get a response from Kate. She's done this quite a few times before, and she's going to do it one time too often and she will be ignored. The Milo Who Cried Wolf.

Amy2 said...

Rumor is Steve's parents won't even talk to her at this point.

Steve (Irwin's) mother days several years ago in a tragic car accident when Steve was still alive. He never got over the loss of his mother.

Amy2 said...

Sorry... should read "died", not "days". Must drink more coffee before hitting the submit button.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Did anyone notice that Kate seems to be obsessed with pizza?

It seems that she makes it all the time.

During a party.
When Jamie came over.
Probably when Steve came over.
During when she has the pool open.
She ate it during her R&R marathon.

Maybe after the RV breakdown episode she got obsessed with pizza.

Walk On The WIld Side said...

Someone a few days ago (sorry, I don't remember who it was) commented on Anderson and his hatchet job on the professor at FAU. That prof is as nuts as a jar of cashews. Someone should have called him out on his wild theories.

I'm just wondering if he's going to say that the Ohio rescue was staged by the government; Charles Ramsey was a play actor, and the whole thing was an exercise in how to rescue the victim of a kidnapping. That's how far out his theories are. To suggest that the Boston bombings were staged and that the deaths and injuries never happened just go to show how delusional someone can be, and to think that this looney is educating our college kids is mind-boggling.

Good job, Anderson.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Rumor is Steve's parents won't even talk to her at this point.

Steve (Irwin's) mother days several years ago in a tragic car accident when Steve was still alive. He never got over the loss of his mother.


I seem to remember an interview in which Steve said that his father wanted to commit suicide after the death of his mother and he talked him out of it. and said that if his father killed himself, Steve would follow him. Both father and son were deeply affected by her death.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate! I am just curious what type of a nurse were you when you worked at a hospital? I adore your family!


The way that's worded is really a lead-in for a good retort! ~ Administrator said...

The only mistake Andersen made was giving that guy a platform to speak in the first place. Why are we giving total loons a platform to speak? We don't do that in any other context. If someone is crazy, they are crazy, and you don't put them on TV.

I feel the same about Westboro. I'm not saying they can't have their free speech, but just ignore them. They are crazy, IGNORE.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Saying Kate is always working? I almost fell off my chair. What a load of crap. Boy, he really wants a date.


I kind of think that he wants just a little bit more than that! ;)

Millicent said...

Dmasy said... 110

Pizza and Lego kits.
A small chocolate cake with gummy decorations.
Decorations (scant) and paper cups and plates.
Creased plastic table cover.

Nothing wrong with any of those birthday preparations.
Nothing to stress about...the twins could have done the same or better.

One word, not an insult or a compliment -- mediocre.
The only way I can figure out why Kate would feel stressed over this celebration -- is because she actually had to think about something and someone(s) other than herself for more than 5 minutes - and she found that unpleasant and stressful.

I agree that not every birthday needs to be a big bash. Over the years, I made big deals on my son's 1st, 5th, and 10th birthdays - with big parties filled with friends. Those were what I considered milestone birthdays. When he turns 16, we'll have something big to celebrate (maybe not a party per se, but for sure a trip to the DMV for his driving test, then some big outing for him and his best friends). Other birthdays are just family affairs, or maybe he gets to invite one friend and go do something fun (a movie, a baseball game).

For me, this isn't stressful - it's fun. I like thinking of what gifts he would like; what foods to cook for dinner, what type of dessert would he like this year. My parents made each of us kids birthdays feel special in little ways. My mom might tuck a tiny gift into my bag lunch; we didn't have to do any chores that day; we got to request our favorite foods for dinner; and my dad would always say, as we were sitting around eating birthday dessert - "I'm sure glad you had a birthday today!" LOL. I'm one of 8 kids, so as you can imagine, we had a birthday dinner nearly once a month. If my mom stressed over it, she hid it well with smiles and laughter.

Mel said...

Notice in the school bus pic that the bus driver is gazing out the window, not watching the proceedings via the rear view mirror. Interesting body language from the bus driver.

Mel said...

What's with the weird photo angles in Kate's pics? They look like she's standing on the top of a 10' ladder. Think she's taking the pics with cameras mounted high on the walls or something? Or mounted on an extended pole?
Maybe she's found a new use for her stripper pole....

Amy2 said...

I think the reason Kate is stressed over the bday is because as the kids get older so does she. She is no longer the 20-30 year old who is cute. She is want 36-37-38, I forget the exact number but nonetheless she's in her late 30's. And the big 4-0 is right around the corner. ~ Administrator said...

Mel, she has an aerial biplane for such shots. Comes in handy when you like those angles.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Someone posted about the twitterbots and the keywords, "believe" and "nine." It looks like they are still out today. Isn't there a cut-off time for these things, or do they just keep going? I wish I understood how this worked!

Can't believe @Kateplusmy8 's kids are 9 already! Loved the show so much 😢

@Kateplusmy8 I cant believe they are 9! holey cow! so big and so cute. god bless you guys

@Kateplusmy8 Happy late birthday Alexis hannah Leah Aadden Collin and Joel !!! Can't believe there 9 already :')

Then there's Milo:

@Kateplusmy8 Ummm, 2the "misinformed person" questioning where Shoka is...he's safe/dry & warm here in Kate's HOUSE in his bed! :)

"HERE" in Kate's house! Milo thinks she's there?


She's still doing it this morning. Shouldn't the sheeple set up some kind of therapy fund for her (him?) because it's desperately needed? What is WRONG with this person? Some serious issues going on there...some very serious issues.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 GM Mom of 8! Sorry abt the broken light fixture...I told Alexis last nite...playing "monkeytag" N house was a bad idea!

rainbowsandunicorns said...

@Kateplusmy8 happy birthday to you and to your precious babies!


Too funny! It wasn't Kate's birthday, although she did make it all about her!

tate said...

That cake looks tiny for 8 kids to share. I guess everyone gets one piece and that is the end of it. Why not make a couple of cakes or a big sheet cake? I'm sure Kate doesn't eat one bite. Probably didn't eat any pizza either.

I bet she is envious of Terri Irwin and her widow status. Can you imagine how much we would hear from Kate about being a widow? Wow. She would milk that and love every minute of it. That would elevate her to sainthood, in her eyes.

Formerly Duped said...

Why did Kate put the small Happy Birthday plate in the pizza picture? They are eating from larger ones at the table. Kate has a red one though.(probably sturdier for her salad) We KNOW it's their requested birthday dinner!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Why did Kate put the small Happy Birthday plate in the pizza picture? They are eating from larger ones at the table. Kate has a red one though.(probably sturdier for her salad) We KNOW it's their requested birthday dinner!


It's her idea of festive photography -- the whole birthday thing, announcing the event. It's about as creative as she gets when taking photos.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I bet she is envious of Terri Irwin and her widow status. Can you imagine how much we would hear from Kate about being a widow? Wow. She would milk that and love every minute of it. That would elevate her to sainthood, in her eyes.


As far as the sheeple are concerned, she IS a widow. Jon has passed on...

Melissa NV said...

She's still doing it this morning. Shouldn't the sheeple set up some kind of therapy fund for her (him?) because it's desperately needed? What is WRONG with this person? Some serious issues going on there...some very serious issues.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 GM Mom of 8! Sorry abt the broken light fixture...I told Alexis last nite...playing "monkeytag" N house was a bad idea!


My gosh. She really has gone off the edge, hasn't she? Pretending to be in the house with the kids. Kate, be careful. Seriously. You just never know with someone like this. Even if she's just joking, she is really "off." Who does this?

lukebandit said...

I read her bog about the kids, I mean her birthday party! lol

She is just over the top about these bogs! I made a post on the Stir and asked them what they paid her for her bog, by word or letter and if they were and when they were going to dump her!

It is very nauseating to hear the story about her suffering and bed rest having the tups.

I feel so bad for the 8. They are being cruelly trained to be entitled for the rest of their lives. Receiving, and not ever giving.

Hopefully, Jon is teaching them giving to off set the damage that kate has done.

It would of been wonderful to have invited Kevin, Jodi and kids and grandparents to celebrate with them. Remember when Jon was at the house when kate was gone from staying with them, he invited Kevin, Jodi and kids over?

I remember Jodi with her arms out ready for a hug. I have always wondered if they have even seen them since.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of you terrific ladies. Hope your day is blessed.

Meagler said...

My comments would be very much like Admins in post #131.

Kate's bog is another item of proof for the jury that Kate is a classic narcisstic mother!

- her waist grew 2 inches bigger for this story
- the bedrest timing changed once again
- of course if you have a strong enough mind you can "will" yourself to not give birth until you really, really want to! " Mind over matter" comment.
- confirming the kids have learned to stroke mommies ego with " Your the bestest mommy"

The birthday commentary and photos prove she is only about exploiting her 6 and using them to try and keep in the spotlight. If she truly was a " bestest Mommy", she would be sharing photos about the twins birthday. I dont want her sharing anything, but as a celebrity ( former) who did put her kids out there, she might for respect of her fans, post 1 picture of them on the porch in their hats saying happy birthday. Nothing more.

But sadly, in Kate's mind, she loves her twins, I dont doubt that, but she knows that twins are mediocre, everyone has twins, so there is no story there folks, just keep moving on.

The twins live in the shadows of the 6. They are the cinderellas of that family. I hope their stories end like cinderellas did. ~ Administrator said...

- of course if you have a strong enough mind you can "will" yourself to not give birth until you really, really want to! " Mind over matter" comment.


You can also WILL yourself not to get post partum depression apparently!

What a fiasco that comment was. Okay, Tom Cruise!

lukebandit said...

Late yesterday afternoon we were served supper and it was bad (as usual!). I found out that someone was going out to get something to eat.

She was going to McDonald's and I then remembered that they had the Big Mac Combo on sale. I saw the banner on a McD's on my way to the clinic.

I hadn't had a Big Mac in several years and thought I would eat one to celebrate Charles Ramsey eating his Big Mac and rescuing Amanda and her daughter, Gina and Michelle.

He was eating his MCD's and stopped to see what all the commotion that was going on outside.

He even carried his half-eaten Big Mac with him next door, realized what was going and broke the door in so Amanda and her daughter could get out, and then Gina and Michelle.

It is reported that Michelle is not having anything to do with her family. She is refusing to see her mother and grandmother. Her mother and grandmother said she had just broken up with her boyfriend was a runaway and they thought she was dead.

They said that Castro let them watch tv and see the missing media coverage, and I would guess the candlelight vigils. I can't imagine the pain that Amanda, Gina and Michelle thought seeing the vigils and I feel especially bad for Michelle, because her family wrote her off so quickly.

Runaway, Dead, No Candlelight Vigils.

Michelle's brother came to see her at the hospital for a little while.

Hopefully, after some time they can all heal.

Castro deserves the death penalty for these atrocities and all the pain and suffering he has dished out all these years!

Charles Ramsey is a HERO!

Meagler said...

Also, I know having sextuplets is not a usual event, although becoming more and more common. No longer rare. Her bed rest story and complaints of pain, etc, are not specific only to sextuplets.

My pregnancy stories ( I've got 4) the first 2 pregnancies ended with miscarriages, one which required surgery.

The 3rd: involved 8 weeks of bedrest at the beginning, 4 weeks at the end, very highblood pressure, breech baby which they unsuccessfully attempted to turn ( very painful), 1 emergency c-section due a baby in distress, 10 pound baby that required forceps with c-section, and to cut my right side oblique muscles to get baby out, which led to a year of recovery!!

4th pregnancy was 4 weeks of bedrest, extreme nausea and vomitting which required very expensive medication, then pregnancy diabetes ( I forget what they call that), then baby went overdue and I will not go into the details of the process to get me to start having contractions, but it took 4 days of hospitalization and finally they were able to use medication to bring on contractions. baby then presented face first ( which apparantly is uncommon and very dangerous) so emergency c-section was required. There were a few complications in that process and my sternum was almost broken, and I was in SEVERE pain. They rushed to get me out of there, and I then got an infection in my incision which required me to have to go back to the hospital EVERY DAY for 3 months to have my dressings changed!

I have 2 healthy children and I thank God for them every day, even when they drive me crazy! I do not think I am anyone special because of my experiences. I am careful not to share my stories with women who are pregnant because it can be scary to them. I only share them when I am with women and we get into a " let me tell ya about what happened to me".

I share my story today, because I know kate reads here. It angers me when I read her " Mind over Matter" comments.

Kate, yes, you gave birth to 6 beautiful healthy sextuplets. That is a miracle! It is uncommon. But beyond that fact, nothing else that you did was miraculous. Many wommen have suffered far wore then you. Please stop trying to make us think you are a wonder woman. You are not.

Formerly Duped said...

I remember after 12 hours of labor I said " I decided I don't want to have a baby so I'm going home." Well, of course I changed my mind, but unlike Kate, I could not just stop a baby from coming!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 156

Just wanted to stop by and wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of you terrific ladies. Hope your day is blessed.


Happy Mother's Day, LoveMyGrandsons :o)

May your day be blessed as well.

With love,

TLC stinks said...

I noticed the plate switching too. The red plates must be their everyday disposable plates. It was a joke about the dishwasher being broken.

Kelly said...

I haven't read through all the comments but did she really say that you can control when labor begins by mind control? What the hell? And she's a registered nurse..oh I really pray she never returns to practice - which I'm sure she shares that same prayer. You're a doofus Kate, a dangerous doofus. Oh and shut the h*ll up mkay? You do realize that giving out medical advice that is dangerous could net you a nice big lawsuit? You know, cause you hold a nursing license and should know better. SMH

Back to my mediocre nursing job ;) Happy Mother's Day to everyone tomorrow.

Over And Out said...

You can also WILL yourself not to get post partum depression apparently!


I thought I could WILL myself not to get pregnant, but I was unsuccessful. Thank goodness I was, and even though the last one was not planned, he is the joy of my life (as they all are!).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kelly said... 164
I haven't read through all the comments but did she really say that you can control when labor begins by mind control?

What Kate said in her bog was:

"She watched briefly, then went to call my doctor. At 6 a.m. he arrived and declared that, at 29 weeks and 5 days, “we are going to have some babies today.” I weakly and calmly said “okay.” My body had had enough and even my stubborn never-give-up mind couldn't talk it out of delivering on that day."

Over And Out said...

You do realize that giving out medical advice that is dangerous could net you a nice big lawsuit?


I don't think that she has done that recently, has she?

Kelly said...

I stand corrected. Thanks Tweet :)

Millicent said...

LukeBandit - did you enjoy your Big Mac meal? :)

"It is reported that Michelle is not having anything to do with her family. She is refusing to see her mother and grandmother. Her mother and grandmother said she had just broken up with her boyfriend was a runaway and they thought she was dead."

I feel so much sadness for all three of these young women for what they endured, but I feel the most deeply for Michelle. I think she came from a dysfunctional home, and her mother sounds like a piece of work. I hope Michelle can find a true loving family unit of her own, be it staying connected with the two other women and their loving families, or forging a new one on her own. She has a long and difficult road ahead of her and I pray that from now own, her life is full of good things and good people.

Millicent said...

Waving to Love My Grandsons - how are you? Hope you have a very lovely Mother's Day tomorrow :)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

You're welcome, Kelly.

Formerly Duped said...

I think she also said in her book that she by sheer determination and will power did hold onto the babies for longer than medically expected or something. ~ Administrator said...

I do believe in mind over matter when it comes to medicine. I think it does help to be positive and determined. However the implication from Kate is that she just wanted to carry these babies more than the average bear, and that's why the outcome was so good. In other words she gives herself all the credit, and no credit to God or luck. She wants the gold star as usual.

Well, not listening to doctors and not having a positive attitude probably wouldn't have helped this situation, but quite frankly, more likely than not the outcome here was just plain old fashioned good luck (or if you are religious, God). Nothing more, nothing less. She got lucky. Other women in her shoes did not get lucky and either miscarried or the babies died later. It doesn't mean they didn't try very hard to have healthy babies too.

Again it's an "I do everything better than everyone else" attitude that is such a turnoff. If only other women who did not have healthy babies had wanted it more they could have done the same as me, including avoiding post partum depression. Blech.

Meagler said...

Here is what Kate said in her last bog about Mind Over matter...

"I had set my sights on that 32-week mark and mentally told myself that I wasn't giving in until my babies were as safe as they could be -- as close to that mark as possible! Mind over matter, right?"

..her comments frustrate me because this one along with her previous Mind over Matter comment about willing away depression, may lead some other women to believe that if they had just had the right mind set, they wouldnt have gotten depression, or their babies would not have been born premature, or whatever.

I too believe in Mind over Matter or having positivity when dealing with illness, but my belief comes from having faith in a higher power, and what will be will be.

IMO kate truly believes she is in control of all things all of the time. and . she. is. not.

Meagler said...

Just read your post Admin at 173, I think we pretty much have the same opinion...

AuntieAnn said...

She may have had waves of PPD but who the hell would know? This is a woman who needed a private nurse, her husband, her brother, her sister-in-law and an army of volunteers to help her through her first year. Everything on her wish-list was granted. New cribs, donations up the wazoo, clothing, diapers, strollers and everything in between. She wouldn't drag her lazy butt out of bed before eight in the morning. People were doing the feedings, the laundry, the cleaning and the cooking for her. I guess if that's willing away your depression she succeeded. Who wouldn't with that kind of support? ~ Administrator said...

Oh by the way it amazes me how many crack babies come out perfectly healthy. (Of course some do not, but many do fine.)

Obviously there are many things you can and should do during pregnancy to have a healthy baby but really at the end of the day sometimes you just get a healthy baby for no reason at all. Kate gives herself way too much credit.

Here, here's her trophy, now will she please shut up now?

Barb Gilman said...

Remember the Houston woman who gave birth to sextuplets in 2009? Here is her blog about their family. Only 2 children survived. I think she used the same fertility treatment as Kate. Plus she has had 1 child since the babies we born. ~ Administrator said...

Hm, so sad. She must not have "willed" it enough.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 were's Cara and mady??? In the party

Let's see. We know that Kate has EIGHT kids. Count 'em. Eight kids. We know this because she tells us on a daily basis. There were eight kids sitting at the party table eating their pizza. Could two of those have been Cara and Mady? Ya think?

Will someone make me a Bloody Mary?

Ellasmum said...

Gosh I feel so sorry for those kids. Is that it? No friends? No family? She has probably brainwashed them into thinking that everyone is going to tell family secrets or sell them out because they are different from every day folk. So, no visitors allowed! She has 1 child out if 8 that does sports? Really or am I missing something. We live in tx, my husband in from northern va and I am from England. I would give anything to have my family close by to celebrate my daughters birthday or any other holiday for that matter, if I lived close by then they would.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 Hey did you get my little package? Haha

Poor Austin. He's been looking for a thank you for weeks.


Oh oh I'm SO excited! Cara just took my breakfast (in bed) order! I can hardly wait to sleep in & have breakfast served! Yippee!! #grateful


Kate, what are you doing for YOUR mother tomorrow? Making her breakfast in bed?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Here, here's her trophy, now will she please shut up now?


Can you order an additional trophy for Milo so both of them shut up? ~ Administrator said...

Ha I found Kate's trophy!

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Oh oh I'm SO excited! Cara just took my breakfast (in bed) order! I can hardly wait to sleep in & have breakfast served! Yippee!! #grateful
And so it begins. The most amazing kids on earth, who love their mother more than any other kid on earth, are going to give their mother the most splendiferous Mother's Day that any mother could ever hope to have. There will be shrieks and squeals of delight from said amazing kids as they bask in the wonderfulness that is Kate Gosselin.

I need a drink.

Melissa NV said...

Oh oh I'm SO excited! Cara just took my breakfast (in bed) order! I can hardly wait to sleep in & have breakfast served! Yippee!! #grateful


She sounds like a 12-year-old. She thinks she is the center of the universe. You know, it used to be funny, but now it's just pathetic. Her ego is something else. No wonder she's exhausted all the time. Being awesome must be exhausting.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 184

Ha I found Kate's trophy!


That trophy practically has her name on it. It's perfect!

Now may I suggest where she can put it?

Melissa NV said...

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 "Oh please shut ur mouth! If U better be flying pizzas somewhere SOUTH!" U DELETED THIS WHY? EMBARASSED?

@Katethespanker @Kateplusmy8 No dear one..if U knew anything abt me U would know I like my hm page clean..often delete old tweets!

That reason doesn't hold water, Milo. Otherwise, she would delete all of the tweets. She only deletes the controversial ones. She has tweets still there from last year. Why not delete those? ~ Administrator said...

Auntie I believe the place you speak of is already occupied by a stick. Perhaps he'd be willing to vacate the premises?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

And so it begins. The most amazing kids on earth, who love their mother more than any other kid on earth, are going to give their mother the most splendiferous Mother's Day that any mother could ever hope to have. There will be shrieks and squeals of delight from said amazing kids as they bask in the wonderfulness that is Kate Gosselin.

I need a drink.


I'll join you. I'm buying.

Maybe the French toast will be burned.

Over And Out said...

Kate tweeted a photo of Alexis hugging her Calico Critters. Those things are cute -- my niece loves them. She will be five in a few months. Isn't nine just a bit too old for those toys? I don't know...just asking.

AuntieAnn said...

Perhaps he'd be willing to vacate the premises?


I think the poor guy is doing life without parole.

AuntieAnn said...

Oh oh I'm SO excited! Cara just took my breakfast (in bed) order! I can hardly wait to sleep in & have breakfast served! Yippee!! #grateful


Oh great. That tweet has next week's bog written all over it. ~ Administrator said...

Sigh, it's recommended for age 5 to 7. Of course it is.

I can't remember where I came across it but I read something once about some psychologists saying it's actually far more damaging to development than you would think to play with things too babyish for the age. For instance a child who is ready for two and three syllable complex words could do real damage constantly playing a game that only has you spell cat, hat and rat.

Over And Out said...

@Kateplusmy8 Well, of course, we want 2know...what did you ORDER? And who will be "cook N charge" in the mornin? :)

@Kateplusmy8 what did you order?

@Kateplusmy8 whatd ya order ?

@Kateplusmy8 Your a lucky woman;) So what's for breakfast?

Oh, just forget the breakfast. Send Steve in there and close the door.


@Kateplusmy8 Goodness Kate...I just noticed the way Alexis is smiling/tilting her head..she is lookin more & more like her beautiful Mom!

She looks NOTHING like Kate! There is not even one feature that resembles Kate. Alexis is going to be very attractive with those wide-set eyes.

AuntieAnn said...

@Kateplusmy8 Goodness Kate...I just noticed the way Alexis is smiling/tilting her head..she is lookin more & more like her beautiful Mom!


Yes, she is... if her mom is Carrie Ann Inaba.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

That reason doesn't hold water, Milo. Otherwise, she would delete all of the tweets. She only deletes the controversial ones. She has tweets still there from last year. Why not delete those?

Likes her homepage clean? She's got over 6,900 tweets on there! That excuse is as bogus as the one she uses to explain why she drops the "g" because it saves space.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The fact that the Gosselin sextuplets turned nine yesterday makes me want to cry.

What are you going to do next year when they turn 10? Lock yourself in your room for a week, sobbing hysterically and refusing to eat?


Over And Out said...

By golly, Auntie're right. She does look like Carrie Ann, especially in this photo:

Over And Out said...

If @Kateplusmy8 ever responded to my tweets I honestly think I would pass out. And then cry. Tears and tears and tears. I would die happy.

LOL!! Get a grip, woman!
You just have to wonder about these sheeple!

Speaking of tweets, did Kate ever respond to Austin? Isn't it pathetic that he has to ask her over and over again if she got his gift? She just doesn't have the courtesy to thank him, and yet these fans keep sending gifts. Why?

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