Kate Plus 8 has been bouncing all around TLC's schedule. Tonight it's supposed to be at 10 p.m. EST, although oddly many DVRs (including DirectTv and Dish) are as of this hour still listing the slot as "To Be Announced." Which means DVR isn't going to pick up a new episode.
Notice Kate's child exploitation book in the background, I Just Want You to Know. Perhaps trying to unload the last few remaning copies?
Notice Kate's child exploitation book in the background, I Just Want You to Know. Perhaps trying to unload the last few remaning copies?
299 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»Administrator, or anyone else, can anyone explain why in the home improvement episode it was said that Khate refused to let the water softener man put his "dirty" tool box on her grand countertop in her kitchen, yet Khate and the kids are running around their basement with their dirty shoes on? It seems inconsistent to me, if Khate is supposed to be such an OCDish clean, neat freak.
"Mommy of a Life Time" for bringing a banished family pet home??? WTF??? All for the cameras.
Notice in the clip the X marked on the carpet, is that for the child actors to know their spot?
My cable shows Palin on until 10, then Sister Wives then TBA at 11:00. I am watching Palin but I am so afraid they are trying to trick people into watching,by slipping it in that I am only going to watch this first one. I don't put anything past them. And exactly who gave her the mommy of the year award if her kids haven't seen the surprise yet. Like she actually did something.....
She would not win "Mommy of the year" if she were the last mommy on earth. Conceited much, Kate?
Anonymous said...
To those who keep saying they wish Jon would get a job. MAYBE he has. If Jon isn't working in the entertainment industry we wouldn't know about it and we SHOULDN'T know about it. It's none of OUR business and assuming that Jon is just sitting at home and not trying to find work is very sheeple-ish.
IF he had a job, he might not want to announce it to his haters. The employer might not want the attention of the tabloids or have their phones ringing off the hook by Jon's "haters" calling him a douchebag or Ellen fugly. THAT'S why, IF Jon has a job --- nobody except a judge really needs to know about it.
Great point. It's nobody's business. And it's nobody's business what he's doing behind the scenes in terms of raking Kate over the coals when they go to court. I hope all of his ducks are in a row, & that he has details of all the things, including video, that Kate has put those kids through. I wish him luck. I'm back & forth w/ Jon, but he's still the lesser of 2 evils, IMO, and most certainly the better parent.
I don't care when (or even if) it's on, I won't be watching. I would appreciate a recap though.
Dear God it's no wonder the children have issues if this is the way this woman behaves. Yelling and smashing her hands together like that.
Everything this woman does either directly makes the kids work for her, or she's talking about them and using them for votes, ratings, viewers, and so on. She couldn't stop talking about the kids' problems all this week on ET. When did she ever just talk about what she is up to? What she's up to is exploiting the kids.
If Kate could stand on her own two feet Twist of Kate would be in its 40th episode by now. Instead it's still "retooling" which we all know means they got nothing.
It occured to me that if she brought the dogs back, that really is undermining Jon. Unless she asked him if it's okay which I doubt.
Jon took the dogs away because he said they were being neglected. Crated all day and so on. Although it was horrible to take them from the kids, it was the right thing to do for dogs who were being neglected. Daddy laid down the law and sent the message that until everyone, adults included, can be responsible with these dogs, no dogs. Now Kate's basically gone behind him and brought them back. Don't think kids aren't getting the message that Daddy and Mommy are not on the same page....and that the kids might be able to exploit that.
yeesh, all that wasted toilet paper. Must have been a tree or two in all that.
...Yelling and smashing her hands together like that...
You've never done that to get a groups attention? I have, no one thought it was so awful,, so what's the big deal.
You've never done that to get a groups attention? I have, no one thought it was so awful,, so what's the big deal.
Well count me in the strange group that doesn't clap our hands at adults to get their attention! Maybe people were being polite and not telling you that clapping your hands is rude and demeaning? I stopped clapping my hands at people when I was oh, about eight years old maybe, and realized that not only does it make you look dumb, but no one responds anyway.
I always said if you wouldn't treat an adult like this why would you treat a child? But apparently there are other adults out there who behave like this.
Would the school accept Collin and Alexis clapping their hands at other students or the teacher when they want to get their attention, instead of raising their hand, saying excuse me or pardon me, or just being patient? Doubt it.
Here in PA, Comcast has the new episode listed for 10pm in their guide. It's on right after Sarah Palin, so yes, TLC is clearly hoping that Palin fans will be too lazy to click their remotes, and will watch the SS Gosselin as it continues to sink. Here's hoping there are only 8 life jackets on board, and that Kate's heals get caught in the carpet and she falls flat on her face in her hot pursuit to save herself first.
So this is what Kate's fans watch? Episode after episode of her forcefully telling her kids how to act for the cameras, blatant waste (of TP in this case) by bratty kids, all for her to be able to toot her own horn and tell everyone how wonderful SHE is. Again. Seriously, who is entertained by this crap?
Everyone knows the surprise is the dog. Way to "buy" your kids' love Kate with an innocent animal.
What ever happened to the chickens? What happens in the winter with them? Are they back at the amish farm?
Really wish the anon comments would not be allowed.
Just saw the clip, she doesn't even remotely act like a mom, or even a friend. I guess we should be thankful those kids gave each other.
I think Kate only brought one dog back, right? How awful is that, first sending the dogs back to the breeder and then eventually separating the two dogs, after they've been together since birth...several years?? That guy is not a reputable breeder.
His name was Joe Keegan and he was on Kate's flight to Alaska. He said two of the kids threw up on the plane and were up and down the whole flight.
Joe blogs for the Times Union, which is Albany, New York's newspaper. Joe is the MAYOR of the small town of Castleton-on-Hudson, New York. It would not be in a mayor's best interest to make up lies about a family. He says he gets recognized when he's out and about, he mostly blogs about home improvement. Which adds even more credibility in my opinion, he wasn't out there looking to break the next big gossip about Kate by any means.
My prediction:
Kate wants to get rid of the chickens, but knows she'll be criticized for getting rid of them, like she was criticized when she got rid of the dogs.
She brings a dog back. The chickens will suddenly disappear, and she will blame the dog.
Soooo, since "the dog killed all the chickens", it will have to go back because she'll say he's too dangerous.
Problem solved. All animals are gone and she comes out looking like a protective mother hen who did the right thing.
Guaranteed...that dog will not stay long. I give him 3 months and he'll be sent back...again. He's simply there now to do her dirty work.
Trucker said... Really wish the anon comments would not be allowed.
Just saw the clip, she doesn't even remotely act like a mom, or even a friend. I guess we should be thankful those kids gave each other.
November 28, 2010 5:46 PM
I always thought it was miraculous that none of the kids were born with disabilities. God had to have known that those kids would never survive having a disability and Kate as a mother simultaneously. Having her as a mother is a bad enough, they were spared health or development issues. They needed to have all their wits about them in order to survive being raised by her. could you just imagine if one or more had CP? ( Maybe that 7th one is really alive and locked in the attic?....J/K )
I'm sure God has a plan in all this. We will just have to wait and see how it unfolds. Perhaps the only way to bring this woman down 1,000 notches was for her to have 8 kids who grow up and reveal to the world how horrible she is. People can say all they want how horrible a person is, but when their child confirms it, you can't deny it anymore.
I love how she's the one who couldn't handle the dogs in the first place and sent them away and now she considers herself their hero for bringing one back. What makes it even worse is separating those 2 dogs who obviously have been together forever. I feel sorry for the dogs.
Actually Jon sent the dogs away after he said they were being neglected. Kate was crating them all day, big surprise there.
So basically Jon told the family no and Kate is undermining him. Great message to send the kids.
Wow, she sounds like the cruise director rather than their mother. The way she talks to the kids is so detached. And yes, don't all mothers direct their children exactly where to stand before starting an activity? Geesh...this small clip is more than I can stand.
My tv just said +8 next..but guide says the wives. Guess I'll know in a minute.
Saw a documentary about parents with six kids, toddler to 14 years, all six of whom have autism. Now that's heroism.
I had a thought as I was washing the dog (the dog who we love unconditionally despite his epilepsy, aggressiveness toward others, and bad back, by the way). Do you think TLC is intentionally (and sort of secretly according to some TV guides) sandwiching Kate between big ratings earners to see if people DO tune out? I mean, they ARE a business, right? And what business wants to continue on with an unprofitable enterprise? If the ratings plummet as soon as Kate comes on, they'll have their answer and that may be part of the strategy to cut her loose. Yikes, I accidentally said 'cute her loose' but there's nothing cute about her, and not very much cute about the kids anymore either. I'm glad I saw my mistake before I hit 'post comment.'
I've been debating who's to blame with bringing the dog back. Kate certainly gets some of it, wouldn't doubt the TLC producer was also in on it, but I place the majority of blame on the breeder. Who takes back neglected dogs, hangs onto them for over a year and then says "okay, have one back"??? Seriously?
It's bad enough those kids are neglected and trotted out for ratings, they at least have a voice and a father fighting for them. This poor dog has no one.
I really wish the promo clip was not on the blog. It's tempting for some. I hit the play button and watched for about 2 seconds before realizing "WTF am I doing?" and stopped it. The clip being here is free advertising for the show, IMO. It doesn't matter if you're a fan or not, the clip is giving her more attention than she deserves.
I had to laugh at the static image of the clip, with Kart on the couch with her stripey socks. She reminds me of this little Youtube floozie that has a video of herself in colorful, stripey knee socks. This girl sits on a recliner with her legs up, talking about absolutely nothing for probably 5 minutes. I found out about this girl from my husband, one of millions of Youtubers that have watched her. Now, I'm not saying Kart or any other woman can't wear cute, fuzzy socks, but come on! Be classy and mature and put your feet down on the floor. You're on national TV. I'm getting sick of Kart's regression back to her early 20's. It's time to move on and be a mother now.
She is crazy!!!!!!!!!
Oh those sneaky bastards! I live in pacific time zone and have dish network. The schedule for tonight said a new Sarah Palin then a new Sister wives, and then to be announced. Instead what happened was as soon as Palin show ended they (without comercial interuption) went right into Kate plus 8! I turned off the TV right away and hopefully it won't count but if her numbers are up this week it is only by missrepresentation.
Lets see:
Michelle Pfeiffer, Heather Locklear, Meg Ryan, Sharon Stone..shall I name more? THEY can't even find work in Hollywood and they have so much talent.. And Kate thinks that she can just waltz..sorry about the pun..right in and be a stahhh? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
Well I just checked TLC and Kate Plus 8 is on in place of Sister Wives. I got it just in time to Tivo it to the recap.
I agree this is misrepresentation. Ratings good or bad can't be trusted because people are trying to Tivo Sister Wives, which gets good ratings doesn't it?
2exhausted2name said...
I've been debating who's to blame with bringing the dog back. Kate certainly gets some of it, wouldn't doubt the TLC producer was also in on it, but I place the majority of blame on the breeder. Who takes back neglected dogs, hangs onto them for over a year and then says "okay, have one back"??? Seriously?
It's bad enough those kids are neglected and trotted out for ratings, they at least have a voice and a father fighting for them. This poor dog has no one.
November 28, 2010 6:59 PM
did you ever stop to consider that maybe they weren't neglected and that is why the breeder could and did take them back to train them?
also i don't ever recall hearing jon say they were neglected. he said kate wanted to keep them crated most of the time when he wasn't there to let them out and take care of them.
Crating a dog all day isn't neglect? In my book it is.
Most dogs actually LIKE to be crated because it is like the caves of their ancestors, but nearly all dog trainers agree you never, ever crate a dog for more than a few hours. And never as a punishment. The crate is supposed to be like their little house and when done properly they will go right in it. Properly is not leaving them in there all the time. Properly is not leaving them in there so long they wet it.
My dog is crate trained but I rarely ever use it except when the repairmen come over.
Actually I DO think that Kimmie. And so do almost all dog trainers. People have no business getting a dog if they work that long with no one coming by to let the dog out. If you are so selfish to get a dog when you are never home, then at least pay a dog-nanny to come be a mommy to your doggy you don't have time for. That is inhumane and if the breeder/shelter/foster doesn't ask how long you will leave the dog alone, he is not asking the first question every good breeder asks and is not a reputable breeder.
I wanted a dog badly for the past seven years. I mean it was insane. But I waited until I was in a place in my life where I could actually spend time with the dog and give him the attention he deserves. Happier dog, happier family. He's actually cuddled on my lap right now.
kimmie said...
he said kate wanted to keep them crated most of the time when he wasn't there to let them out and take care of them.
Doesn't that qualify as neglect? If the kids were shut in their bedrooms and only let out when Jon was there that would be considered neglect. If the kids were only taken care of by Jon when he was there that would also be neglect. It's no different for dogs.
As for training the dogs, it takes over a year? Has Kate or the kids had any type of interaction with either of the dogs during that time? Wouldn't Kate need to be involved in at least some of the training to ensure the dog(s) would obey her?
Dogs aren't stuffed animals. They have personalities and feelings and make attachments to people. No one in their right mind would allow Kate to adopt a child so I don't get why it would be considered okay to give her a second chance to have a dog she never cared for in the first place.
My boyfriend has programmed our DVR for any new Sarah Palin Alaska's episode. I went into the bedroom to turn off the TV and noted that before it turned off automatically Kate + 8 started right after it.
The To Be Announced show starts in an hour.
FYI Dish TV Guide is telling me that this is Sister Wives. So any ratings for this episode is due to the fact that people tuned in to see Sister Wives, not K+8.
It will be interesting to see if TLC takes the ratings for Sister Wives and give them to Kate.
In any case, this household however turned OFF the TV right after Sarah Palin's show.
kimmie said...
do you think that all dogs whose owners work 10 hours a day and are in crates til they get home are neglected/mistreated? i don't. i have a friend who has 2 dogs and they are crated every day she works til she gets home. and no one could love those dogs or treat them better than she does. they are are "furbabies".
Actually, yeah I do. I've been a dog lover forever and have had a dog (or two) just about every day of my life. Dogs are work so don't get one if you can't be bothered training it. There is absolutely no reason that you cannot have a dog trained and capable of being home alone for many hours a day. No, maybe not the roam of the entire house, but a dog should be able to stay in a room or two while home alone. If the dog cannot do so, I blame the owner.
Btw, one of my beloved dogs that passed away a few years back was a dog that I rescued from someone who kept her in a cage for far too many hours a day. Like I told them, if that's what they want out of a pet, get a bird or a hamster or something. Dogs do not belong in cages all day.
If you do intensive training with your puppy for a few weeks most of the time that's all that's necessary.
Everyone warned me expect this or that horrible thing. It wasn't true. My puppy was 6 months old and he proved to me he could have free reign of the house and woudln't cause a problem. The worst thing he ever did was chew the heel of one of my shoes. Problem solved, I made sure shoes were in the closet. This Apple Bitter spray is also a great tool, once he realized that was sprayed on things good to eat he lost interest. To this day I think he thinks all things he wants to chew will taste like nasty apple bitter. He can roam the entire house and is a great little guy.
It's that old saying there is no such thing as bad dogs just bad owners.
I still can't fathom that the trainer gave the dog back. It was obvious that the dog wasn't being cared for and even more obvious that this was a ploy of Kate's. It is just shameful.
And Administrator: I really like your blog. I have been reading it regularly for awhile now. Even posted once maybe twice. I have to agree with the poster who wrote about keeping the anonymous comments out. I am always up for a good debate and very open to hearing other people's views. Your response was on point and I am glad to see that you are taking the negative posters to task.
It's that old saying there is no such thing as bad dogs just bad owners.
Yes! I couldn't agree more!
The pic of Kate just strikes me as someone who is sooo comfortable on the couch they actually think their show is going to be on until the children are 18.
Thank you Misty. I do the best I can.
Administrator said...
Crating a dog all day isn't neglect? In my book it is.
Of course it is. It's the easy way out when you don't want to take care of the dog. I've known dogs that were crated while the owners were at work, but not all day. The owners came home at lunch and took the dogs on long walks. While that's not quite as bad as crating a dog for eight hours at a stretch, I still would never crate a dog. Some argue that a crate is equivalent to a cave or a den, and that their dogs actually like to crawl into their crates to sleep. Big difference. It's the dog's choice to go in there, and it came come out at will. In a den, there is an exit. In a crate, the door is kept closed all the time. There is no escape.
A dog in a crate all day when the owner is home is a neglected animal. Kate just didn't want to take care of the dogs. No question about it.
Wow - from what you people are reporting TLC went out of their way to deceive the public in order to improve the numbers for kHate's kids' show. That is pretty telling right there. It sounds like they are stuck with her for some period of time and have already resorted to creative ways to improve her image and that of the kids' show.
I've been thinking about kHate the actress and decided that I would support kHate and a jump to the big screen ... *IF* they did a remake of "The Taming of The Shrew."
Yes. The group of MY FOUR DOGS. Did it today to get their noses away from the kitchen counter where they leftover turkey platter was.
My husband? Never in a million years. And I never did really like him much. My offspring? I would rather eat dirt than treat ANY children like that let alone the 4 I have given birth to.
It doesn't surprise me those that think it's just fine and dandy to lock up a dog for 10 hours also feel that it's just fine and dandy to film these children for going on six years. Of course.
I'm eating dinner and watching 60 Minutes, I think I'll tackle the recap later. To Be Announced is another episode of Sarah Palin. So it's a Sarah Palin sandwich and mislabeling the meat as "Sister Wives" to try to salvage the show.
I think they are actually trying to set this up to tell Kate SEE we tried everything you are still tanking, as others have suggested. I hope anyway.
2exhausted2name said...
... If the kids were shut in their bedrooms and only let out when Jon was there that would be considered neglect. If the kids were only taken care of by Jon when he was there that would also be neglect...
No, not to the sheeple.
They consider that great parenting because poor poor Kate needs a breather 22 hours out of the day. They LOVED it when she used to keep the kids confined to their cribs as much as possible when Jon wasnt home.
kimmie said...
did you ever stop to consider that maybe they weren't neglected and that is why the breeder could and did take them back to train them?
also i don't ever recall hearing jon say they were neglected. he said kate wanted to keep them crated most of the time when he wasn't there to let them out and take care of them.
Kimmie, are you for real????? Re-read your post and you’ll SEE the abuse of those poor animals. Jon said Kate kept the dogs crated most of the time??? Ding Ding Ding. THAT alone equals ABUSE. No animal should be crated “most of the time,” least of all a German Shepherd. Dogs need to run and exercise and have freedom to stretch their muscles. Crates are a place to (a) help potty train them as puppies, and (b) later, a safe-spot for them to retreat to. Sometimes there’s the (c) putting them in the crate when service people come by and the dogs can’t control their barking. But those are about the only reasons to crate a dog. Crating is not the “usual” hangout for a dog. It’s a temporary shelter/training arena. Period. People who crate their dogs for hours on end are lazy and ignorant, and don’t give a rat’s ass about the dog’s well-being. And Kate is THAT type of dog owner. She doesn’t know the first thing about caring for a dog, as her show clearly has shown us. The fact that the dog has been re-released to her is positively appalling. Bottom line: it wasn’t the dog that needed training in order to regain entrance to the Gosselin prison; It’s KATE who needs training in how to care for a pet. Clearly she has no interest in learning proper animal care. And any parent who schloffs animal care off to the kids is as equally irresponsible as if she neglected the animal on her own. No animal should be a ‘learning tool’ for small kids. The responsibility for any pet rests in the PARENT’S lap. Sure, teach the kids responsibility by allowing them to help in chores associated with the pet … but one should NEVER put the well-being of the pet in the hands of small children. It’s purely irresponsible. The parent adopted the pet, and at the end of the day, it’s the parent’s responsibility to make sure that the pet is properly cared for. And that care does not include being crated all day.
I post this as someone with years of experience with the Humane Society, both as a dog-trainer and as a Humane Educator. The Sheeple can defend Kate ad nauseum on this one, but I can say with 100% certainty that bringing that dog back was a HUGE mistake. For the dog, that is.
Someone else mentioned the "X" on the carpet--a mark for the camera shot--further dispelling the myth that the cameras are just recording what would normally happen. Also, why did Kate have to instruct the kids what to play while the "surprise" was being prepared? Why couldn't they just play what they wanted (within reason)? Clapping her hands and telling them what their next activity was--how natural and un-staged (snark).
Funny, sister wives was suppose to be on here but it was Kate with her hate, so it is getting that bad? TLC has to try and trick people into watching it? Funny as heck but sooooooo wrong of TLC to put such trash on tv. Kate, clearly is going down!
Re: The article in the local (Lancaster, PA) newspaper last week titled "Country Day Minus Two," prompted an apology from the editor. It appeared in today's edition and reads as such:
"I made a mistake last Sunday.
Sorry if that caused you to spit out your coffee. Some of you might say that I made more than one, so let's just say that one stands out above the others.
That mistake would be printing the name of the school previously attended by two of the Gosselin children of "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" and now "Kate Plus Eight" television fame.
We ran an article on the front page about two of the children departing from a local private school because of behavior problems.
In my judgment, the item was newsworthy — because of the Gosselin fame and local ties — but we named the school and the children. That was a mistake. My mistake.
I could argue that when a family exposes itself on national TV the way the Gosselins have, it forfeits privacy. I could argue that in not naming the school but describing it as other media outlets did — "prestigious private school" — you would figure it out in about two seconds.
I won't make those arguments. The Gosselins, especially their children, and the school deserve that privacy, even if it may be only an illusion of privacy. My apologies to the Gosselins and the school."
Oh, Admin., thanks for the play-by-play, glad you watched so we didn't have to! Thanks :)
From what you are saying about the mixup, the ratings are going to be a mess. Anyone who thought they were recording Sister Wives will be giving Kate+8 their ratings and those who thought Kate+8 was the "to be announced" and either waited to watch it or set the recorder to that show will be getting Sarah Palin. The ratings are going to be really skewed.
"I've been thinking about kHate the actress and decided that I would support kHate and a jump to the big screen ... *IF* they did a remake of "The Taming of The Shrew."
I don't think I would. In the Broadway version ("Kiss Me Kate") even Kate was likeable - spunky, but likeable.
Is there any way to let TLC know their trick was caught? I mean some significant way.
If T.L.C. are trying to trick the viewing public by sandwiching Palin and Kate+8, they are really trying to trick the advertisers into continuing with this debacle. They will not really know the true ratings by this method.
My programming indicated that it was Kate+8, but I have satellite, maybe cable is different.
Anyway, here's to lower ratings.
TLC has stooped to a new low. Switching the show around like a pop up toy never knowing which will pop up. Trying to trick people into watching Kate's show for the ratings. This is dishonest all the way. I hope her ratings sink like a flat biscuit.
The show aired at 10 p.m. here, after Palin. It was announced in local listings as Kate Plus Eight at 10 p.m., not as a TBA.
There is no way that Kate is going to take care of that dog. The dog will be either be crated or spend its life outside. Wait until we get really lousy winter weather - snow, sleet, ice, mud when the snow melts. Can you see the melt-down she's going to have if that dog tracks snow and mud into the house? She's not going to pick the little balls of snow and ice out of its paws. I hope the nanny knows she's going to be on canine duty.
Who wants to win by CHEATING? Oh right, TLC.
I think their little bait and switch is just going to backfire.
Get viewers the right way, on merit, on producing a great show. Not on trying to back people into accidentally watching it.
Could everyone who had the incorrect listings report what cable provider they have?
So far I had DishNetwork and DirectTV were reporting "Sister Wives" or TBA.
I have a 3 1/2 year old Shiz Tzou (boy, I hope I selt that right!! Sorry in advanced if I didn't) He is very loyal, the kind of dog that is happy to see anyone (He thinks if the doorbell rings its for him) He is loyal, that type of dog that if you are crying will come over and snuggle with you. He went from a breeder at 6 weeks old (is that too young?) to a family who was just going to have a baby. They put him out into the streets in winter around Christams time. He went to a shelter, went home witha new family who later decided they didn't have enough room for him in their back yard. How much room can a little dog take up in a modest sized back yard? A friend of mine later bought him from another shelter to give her other dog a companion. He needed more love and attention, and what, sorry to admit, what did my friend do? She called me and asked if I would like the dog because she said he was a bully and she wanted to give her other dog more attention. I paid $100 for this dog and I took off work to go pick up the dog from her house and take him home to my house. I bought him a collar, took him to the vet, gave him a bowl of food and water, give him treats and night and am able to let him out before I leave for work, come home on my lunch break to let him out in the afternoon and when I get home and any other time he needs to. If I cannot I have a family member come over let him out or see if he needs food or even just to pet him on the head. On days when I can't and have no one, he waits patiently for me let him out, only because installing a doggie door would not work because I have two cats. He loves cats and will let you love on him as much as you wanted. He doesn't bark much only if you ring the doorbell. He likes his toys and I only had him once chew on my slipper, it was old, so I gave it to him in the agreement I hoped he wouldn't chew the rest of my shoes...he hasn't. And I cannot bear the thought that every Christmas when I put up the tree he always looks a little sad as if to say, "You aren't going to throw me out are you?"
Dogs ahve feelings, memories, temperments, personalities, love and loytalty to offer any decent human who will give it to them. That I can't imagine doing what Kate has done to her dog or dogs. Its cruel. People may not always be home to let the dog out, I don't crate mine, if he really has to go, accidents happen, no dog is perfect and should not be held to a standard a basic human could not tolerate. If you were denied going to the bathroom all day wouldn't that be excrusiating and uncomfortable? Yes. He doesn't have many accidents and is mostly patient yet on long days after my usual time coming in the door I accept it and clean up his mess. My carpet can be cleaned. Just because I go to work and leave my dog to roam my home as he pleases, sleep at the foot of my bed, lie on the sofa, I feed him scraps from my dinner on occasion and I take him with me to the animal store on occasion and to visit my grandmother where he can go sniff horses and play with her mutt, (whom despite what my friend claims, gets alone quite well with my grandmother's dog.) All the backa nd forth and change of hands could have really made my dog resentful of humans and be snippy, moody, maybe he needed a bit more attention until he got comfortable these past 3 solid years. I ask you, the children who are suffled around from foster home to foster home, some need extra attention, some have resentment, some have anger issues, like my dog would you trade in a child who had all these problems just because you didn't have "the time" to deal with them properly? I hope not. I hope one day Kate will wake up and see how much damage she has done not only to her animals but also in respect one day to her children.
Administrator said...
His name was Joe Keegan and he was on Kate's flight to Alaska. He said two of the kids threw up on the plane and were up and down the whole flight.
No, that's no what he said. You have twisted his words to fit your agenda. He referred to the comings and goings of "the entourage." The kids could have stayed seated the entire flight for all you know and the crew were up and about.
Dogs are amazing and no they do not deserve to have a family "try it out" and see how it goes and if it doesn't work out send him back. Most reputable breeders will sniff out these type of families. Myself, I went through extensive questioning just to get a rescue dog no one wanted. They would rather he stay in a foster home then go to the wrong family.
Dogs have sniffed out cancer, dogs have walked across state lines to return home, in Mexico a dog pulled another dog out of a busy highway.
For me personally my favorite dog story is my cousin's dog Buttons, who when our grandmother was dying, carved out a little place to nap right on her bed and stayed with her all day and all night. We had to pick him up and take him to eat and potty, he didn't want to leave. He just KNEW somehow. This is a dog who cuddled up with my aunt every single night of his life. But somehow he knew our grandma needed him more those last few weeks and he changed his routine of the past 7 years and slept with her. Unbelivable.
They are creatures to be loved and respected, not crated away 10 hours a day no better than a winter coat.
I have a lot more respect for someone who says, my lifestyle is not made for a dog, rather than someone who forces a dog into their lives when they are not suited for it.
When I get four snotty comments in a row, it seems to me someone from the flock is lost. :) I'm not posting these why are we all wasting our time?
I was not twisting anything, I said what I recalled, I last read it in July. I looked again and you're right he said the kids were well behaved. You can point things out without being a total snot. I don't understand it. I provided the link so anyone could read it and do their own fact checking. Forgive my memory it's photographic but not about something four months ago, I should have gone back and read it.
After reading it again I realized I forgot several other things, like Kate ordering the kids to "WALK", Kate not even showing up to baggage claim to get her own stuff, and the photos of the cameras literally inches from those poor kids' faces.
The point was that there is another credible report out their from a flight. From a mayor no less. The fact that he said good things AND bad just gives him more credibility, he clearly is not out there to just trash Kate. He said some nice things too.
Kate a no-show on today's episode of Palin, preview for next week shows a hunting trip with backpacks, no Kate in sight.
How many episodes of this are left? There aren't a lot left for Kate to grace.
disgusted in PA said...
Also, why did Kate have to instruct the kids what to play while the "surprise" was being prepared? Why couldn't they just play what they wanted (within reason)?
Why did it have to be a "surprise" anyway? Is this her new "holiday tradition", making everything, or at least the main events / activities a surprise?
And that toilet paper activity looked so lame. The kids obviously thought so too since looked like they weren't particularly interested.
I knew somehow with all the "confusion" of what was actually going to be on that Kate would be snuck in under the Sister Wives listing. How? I have not seen one preview for any espisode after the honeymoon special. I did however come across the screaming preview of Kate plus 8. TLC is becoming very transparant. I think they purposly "snuck" Kate on to raise her ratings. The do not want to lose their advertisers that they promised X amount of viewers too for the "new season".
I really hope that this backfires. Yes I'm sure Kates rating will be higher this week BUT from peeking at that preview admin posted it took everything I had to finish watching it. I think anyone who has not watched the show and got tricked into recording or watching it will be shocked that THIS IS THE WOMAN THAT IS IN THE NEWS AT SUPERMOM. Most people just think, blah sh's awful from reading about her in the tabloids but obviously aren't tuning in (only 1.5 million actually do) BUT now just think some people are actually going to SEE for the 1st time just how horrible she really appears on her show. Think about it. Kate has Fans and Jellus H8trs. All the inbetween people kinda dont like her but feel she needs to be on tv to support 8 kids because JOn is a deadbeat types. Now anyone who had any possible inkling of sympathy toward her will most likey be REPULSED by this woman and feel awful for her children and the dog. TLC screwed up. At least I really hope so. I do think they realize she is a sinking ship and are desperate to recapture the Glory Days by any means possible. Look for much more drama to try entice viewers for this new season and watch it backfire.
question. I was on another site and someone mentioned they were surprised that one of the little kids didn't know what a triagle was. Is that true? I thought last year on The View Kate was telling everyone her organic eating children were in wondering what the "triangular shaped thingies" all the other childen got to eat. :0)
Bait & switch? Sounds like there was definitely something offside with the schedule for last night, but my question is the same as it has always been...WHY? TLC is in the business of making money and yet they continue to flog this dead horse that is Kate Gosselin - why? The show is boring and has been for a very long time. She is not an interesting or appealing individual and I can't imagine how any 'real' person could relate to her, what with her Hollywood transformation, her screeching, lying, plastic face, entitled attitude - etc., no need to go on. The children are not interesting anymore either - they have their own lives to live now - school, friends, and so on. The travelogue themes and recycled 'storylines' are more dull than watching a neighbor's vacation slides - we don't even know these people called the Gosselins. The ratings appear to be in a nosedive. The mother embarrasses herself and makes herself even more unappealing every time she sets foot outside her home. WHY do they keep flogging this? What's in it for TLC? I don't get it...sob...I just don't get it.
I have a German Shepherd & if you crate them they get..well..stir crazy. They NEED to roam. If you don't give them something to do, like play, fetch, or even walk them daily, they'll start walking the fence. They are beautiful, protective animals. Kate neglected them, simple as that, & she'll do it again.
One more comment about keeping dogs in crates. We adopted a one and a half year old cockapoo who had been kept crated since he was a puppy. The crate was too small and he was kept in it most of the day.
He was blind in one eye because it had been pressed against the side of the crate for so long.
He's 13 now and has room to run and play and is happy and healthy.
Crating for excessive periods of time is absolutely abuse.
It really doesn't matter how well a dog is trained, a dog takes its cues from the person who is handling it. If the person(s) who are handling them are not also trained, it's a recipe for disaster.
I have a gentle German Shepherd mix (a rescue). When she experiences stress around her, her behaviour becomes much more "guarding", and she needs much reassurance that everything is OK.She and I have both been well trained by a dog behaviourist.
At the dog park, when Annie sees a fight starting, she moves between the two dogs and barks loudly at both of them.Much of her behaviour is instinctive to her breed and is correct dog behaviour.
If Shoka were to show some of this behaviour in the Gosselin home, the children and Kate, without extensive training, might see his behaviour as wrong and needing to be punished.
Even with the training, I fear at the first sign of anything she didn't like, Kate would start flapping her hands and screeching,; the kids'wild behaviour would accelerate, and poor Shoka might wind up nipping or biting.
We all know what could happen as a result.
It was a huge mistake to bring that dog back suddenly, without any preparation, and I'm hoping it doesn't cost Shoka his life.
Maybe someone could post the scenes when they got the dogs the first time? When she's freaking over the poop/pee on the carpet? When she's bashing Jon about NOT helping, freaking on the kids to DO SOMETHING? Or how about when the OCC guys are with them having their picnic and she SCREAMS like a banshee when the dogs come to take the food THAT SHE'S PUT DOWN ON THE GROUND.
I saw a lot of scene cuts last night- done poorly, I might add. It looks like they are editing HEAVILY.
And talk about a snooze fest! "I've come to realize that Halloween is special, I never really got it before." WTF?
That episode was so irrelevant, and the zinger was at the end when she says, pretty much, that because of her, the kids's weekends are filled with fun! She stressed "weekends" a little too much for me.
Those kids thanked her enough, but she still had to ask them over and over again to thank her. It seems like she's behaving like the "stereotypical absentee father" who just sweeps into her kids lives every once in awhile, with a fantastic gift (undermining the full time parent) and then disappears again. I said "stereotypical" before anyone gets offended.
Just curious, I am not a dog owner, but do you need two loaded shopping carts of "stuff" IMMEDIATELY when you get a dog? Seems to me, that a mother who belly aches about not having any money, would budget herself. Maybe get some toys and treats over time?
Even the Haunted House stuff, really?? You know what would have been nice, to invite some of the kids' friends to the Haunted House.
Oh, and a P.S. to my above comment. This episode was on last night, especially in regard to the dog coming home, to influence the Tuesday hearing and if a Judge can't see through that, he/she shouldn't be on the Bench.
When a dog chews through a crate that's neglect.
She (Kate) explained: “He called the breeder and took them back for a short period of time. I’m feeling like I have not enough time to take care of my kids, let alone give the dogs what they need, and the kids surprisingly weren’t that upset about it.” Kate added that she’s amazed by the strength of the dogs saying, “They sleep in a metal crate… a huge metal crate. They bent the bars and got out. I think in the winter I’m going to have them pull the kids in a sleigh.” [Radar Online]
Did she have a mouthful of Hubba Bubba while talking, pounding her hands and yelling at her kids? The kids are little actors now aren't they, the two on the couch were talking so scripted and playing the part. Yipe, guess its the most Realist Reality Show of a circus out there.
I have Time Warner Cable. Sister Wives was scheduled at 10pm EST and then TBA at 11pm.
WOW..those kids are so aware of the cameras and waiting for their cue with their demented mother right behind them. I did notice she has a great back yard but yet continues to throw them kids in the front driveway. Maybe cause if they were in the back Chris wouldn't be able to get a good enough picture of her. Sorry guys but just listening to her phoniness=ish drives me a little nuts plus the fact the kids aren't really that adorable-ish like they were when they were 2.
Kate a no-show on today's episode of Palin, preview for next week shows a hunting trip with backpacks, no Kate in sight.
How many episodes of this are left? There aren't a lot left for Kate to grace.
There were many rumors of Kate's atrocious behavior while in Alaska, so I am guessing, Sara wants no part of having Kate on her show. I think Kate burned a bridge on that trip.
Administrator said...
Who wants to win by CHEATING? Oh right, TLC.
I think their little bait and switch is just going to backfire.
Get viewers the right way, on merit, on producing a great show. Not on trying to back people into accidentally watching it.
WOW! Is that the only way TLC can get viewers to watch? By accident?
Pretty f**ked up I say. But not surprising.
You have to admit, Katie Irene & TLC are a match made in heaven- they are professionals when it comes to deception & lying.
By the way, I didn't watch last night...
My conscience is nice and clean.
We've never crated our dogs. When they're puppies we block off the kitchen area with them in it until they're potty trained and then they've got the run of the house. In spite of the fact that they've got toys a'plenty they will occassionally chew on a shoe or the molding (naughty, naughty boy!), however, the molding can be repaired and we make sure to put our shoes in the bedroom with that door closed. What's a little molding compared to the unconditional love you get? When I was going through chemo treatments (10 years ago) my dog sat on the couch with me with his head in my lap every day because he knew I needed the love. Kate will never know that kind of unconditional love and for that I pity her. Hopefully the kids will feel that love but I've got my doubts that they'll be able to spend that much time with the gosselin's latest prop. Kate got the dogs from a backyard breeder who is only in it to make a profit and doesn't care about his animals. Any reputable breeder would never have given the dog back.
When someone does as good a job as 'Admin' on their blog it is really 'kateish' to make snotty comments about facts. This ain't Baby Mama's Blog where every word has to sound like you are discussing the fusion of Mother Theresa and Mary Mother of God. Admin posts the facts as seen and recalled by her (to save us watching this crap) and she (unlike kate) is only human and thus can and does err once in a while (very rarely). She runs a great blog, keeps it real and fun and if you don't like some, any or all of it, do what the sheeple suggest we all do if we don't like kate, don't read, watch or write about it.
OMG, life would be so easy if everyone had made the trip to OZ and gotten the brain they obviously were missing.
Watching the kids on the interview couch is so ridiculous, they are 6 1/2 years old for pete's sake. I spent Thanksgiving with kids 9, 7, 6, 5, 5, and 1 1/2 and everyone of them acts more age appropriately than the tups.
'Good job raising them, MOM!' (that comment goes to the moms of kids I was with and to kate. Guess which mom should read that with the sarcastic inflection!
Great Job, Admin. Keep us informed and keep the rabble in line (I'd go along with your rules and the suggestion from others of dumping the anonymous entries, if loyal bloggers slip up and go 'anon' and are deleted a couple times they'll eventually be more careful and make sure to post their name.)
Administrator said... Could everyone who had the incorrect listings report what cable provider they have?
So far I had DishNetwork and DirectTV were reporting "Sister Wives" or TBA
I have Time Warner. My guide didnt display the "TBA" until the 11pm slot. All other slots were filled with Palin or Sister Wives. Hubby clicked on at about 11:15 and saw Todd Palin in a boat. That's all I know. I have no idea when if ever the children's episode was on.
Did anybody watch that horrible show? I had worked all day and fell asleep watching a Christmas Special on Hallmark Channel. Hallmark has great movies on all month long so if I'm not catching the news on ABC or Fox, than it's Hallmark for me when I do have the time to watch a little tv. The kids with the toilet paper, haha. Like she would actually clean up the mess when they threw it on the rug and ran out the door. She didn't even decorate the damm basement with the pumpkin and whatever else TLC lil interns did. Puleezzzzz this woman is a joke and so are her kids now, little minatures of her, all pretending for the camera. Glad I didn't get involved watching that hot mess, but hope to read the Admins take on it =). As for the dog and making it a surprise, I'd like to smack that woman in the mouth for using an innocent animal for her own benefit.
MickeyMcKean said...It will be interesting to see if TLC takes the ratings for Sister Wives and give them to Kate.
TLC has nothing to do with taking ratings and giving ratings. Measuring the ratings is done my an independent company.
When the next batch of ratings comes out it will show a number for Kate Plus 8, whether the people watching thought they were tuning in to Sister Wives or not. There will be no way of knowing. It was just a lowdown way to see if they could get a ratings boost for K+8.
I watched the Sara Palin shows and was prepared to watch Sister Wives which I'd never seen, and all of a sudden "Kate Plus 8" pops up on the screen. I thought it was a promo for a few seconds then realized it was actually the episode itself being shown. I don't understand how ratings are counted (I've read many different opinions), but if they have a way of counting actual viewers then I was counted as a viewer.
Let's see,she didn't have the kids all weekend and she will be in LA for Skating with the Stars on Monday and then in court on Tuesday(if she even shows up). Does she have to show up? Then she is on her way to NY for the Today Show to explain how good a mother she is. Why wouldn't she be trying to solve her kids problems and not jetting all over the country. And no one will confront her with that!!! I saw a program on Discovery Health channel that talked about kids on multiples that have problems and it all stems from not having enough individual attention. The problems were varied from not learning as fast as his or her brothers or sisters to having rage issues. And these kids were not on a tv show. Some one should ask her about the pressure the two kids are under and ask her why she doesn't take that pressure away. Like quitting the show!!!
ok I abviously didn't watch because I don't have TLC(in my country is now 5 pm ,Tuesday btw) but I read comments on GWOP and apparently the children do not know the shapes,and the surprise was indeed the dog,sadly back in the HAVOC HOUSE) Also, at party city it was indeed Alexis and Collin out of uniforms(so yeah,they were already expelled,freshly expelled,yet filming a new episode) also Cara didn't pick a costume approved by Kate so she got no costume at all and Kate talks a lot about Collin's issues, not even mentioning Alexis(to hell with the boy's dignity, it's the girl's privacy the only important thing here)..I've said it before and I am saying it again:I AM DISGUSTED!(I will read the recap here but won't even watch the youtube version) Stop filming these kids for God's sake!
"Why wouldn't she be trying to solve her kids problems and not jetting all over the country."
She is incapable of helping the kids with their problems. She is a NARCISSIST! They have no empathy, the world revolves around them. It's a good thing when she is gone. The kids get a breather from her constant h haranguing and nagging, and bitching and controlling. Is that not apparent yet?
Fool me once~
Even if the ratings initially showed an artificially high number due to people thinking they were tuning in to Sister Wives, wouldn't they also do the rating stats regarding what percentage of the viewers stayed tuned for the second half?
Which would hopefully show a huge decrease and highlight the probability that the initial number was unreliable?
IDmodo, I agree. IF Shoka were to show any aggression I just hope it would be at the Queen herself. But sadly, we all know that would be the end of Shoka, for good.
BTW, I have Direct TV and "Sister Wives" list listed at 9 pm and "To Be Announced" was shown at 10 pm, so I was scammed.
Fool me once~
Even if the ratings initially showed an artificially high number due to people thinking they were tuning in to Sister Wives, wouldn't they also do the rating stats regarding what percentage of the viewers stayed tuned for the second half?
Which would hopefully show a huge decrease and highlight the probability that the initial number was unreliable?
I don't know if TV By the Numbers usually shows how many stay tuned for the second half. I don't recall seeing stats like that being a regular part of their reporting. I could have missed it, though.
However, that doesn't matter. It will be reported that X amount of viewers watched K+8 and if the ratings drop for the 2nd half, that won't be mentioned. That's the way TLC operates.
Ya know what I find funny? That TLC doesn't put the ratings out right away. Either they're playing everyone, or they suck. Most shows, scratch that, ALL shows have their ratings out the next day. Not Kate's. Are they finagling the numbers somehow? I don't see why they have to wait 2 or 3 days to get the ratings out. It makes no sense. Just end it. First, they say another is on so people will tune in, then, as usual, they don't post ratings. Well, actually, I haven't even checked. But it's the norm, isn't it, that the ratings take forever to come out? It's like Kate's People cover; where were the sales for THAT? That's right...it bombed...
Now that I'm thinking about it, I bet TLC puts out an announcement after the ratings come out for what should have been "Sister Wives" saying something like, "Rating Jump for "K+9." It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Administrator, thank you for doing such a balanced and consistent job. I, for one of many, appreciate your efforts. I don't follow links or watch the show. This site is my source and I trust what I learn here. I actually struggle with wondering why I care about Kate. I don't follow the details of other public faces. She just rankles me for some odd reason. So, I drop by here for reading visits and appreciate having a concise source of updates with intelligent commentary.
I have Dish TV and the listing info others have reported -- no Plus 8 show. Sister Wives synopsis said NEW -- but, it would not have been. The Honeymoon episode aired last week. {I watched it then.) We DVD'd Sarah's show, but haven't had time to view it yet. Sister Wives is an emotionally unsettling program. They address the issue of jealousy and I just keep shaking my head. Not ready to share my hubby under any conditions. The women all seem like lovely, kind ladies.
I have adopted dogs who were crated 24/7 -- greyhounds only released for racing. You cry when you see their response to freedom. I currently have 3 dogs. There is a "cubicle" -- soft sided with no door -- where they can retreat for warmth and privacy when they wish. Dogs do like a den -- sometimes. None of my animals would stay there for longer than a nap, certainly not hours. I have friends who own German Shepherds. They adore their animals, but they would be the first to admit that shedding pillows of hair is one of the drawbacks of the breed. Don't know how Kate would cope with the constant undercoat shedding. They are also heavy-bodied and walk with weight (rather than treading lightly on this earth). My friends accept that their flower beds, landscaping and furnishings will all suffer from the breed of dog they love. Again, not sure if Kate will be able to handle this reality.
Thanks to all of you.
alyssa said...ok I abviously didn't watch because I don't have TLC(in my country is now 5 pm ,Tuesday btw) but I read comments on GWOP and apparently the children do not know the shapes,and the surprise was indeed the dog,sadly back in the HAVOC HOUSE)
So, how many GWOP posters watched? Grrrr. Why can't people stay away?????? Keep adding to the ratings, even though you want the kids off TV...
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
There is absolutely no reason that you cannot have a dog trained and capable of being home alone for many hours a day. No, maybe not the roam of the entire house, but a dog should be able to stay in a room or two while home alone. If the dog cannot do so, I blame the owner.
There are many excellent reasons to crate a dog during the day....
1) restrict access to windows - for dogs that bark at delivery people, wildlife, etc. keeps them quiet, and it keeps them from rehersing undesirable behavior that often escalates.
2) shy/unconfident dogs find security in having their own homes
3) restrict access to other animals in the household - for example, if you have a high prey drive dog and also cats, crating the dog keeps the cats safe. Or if you have two dogs that don't reliably interact, and you don't want to rehome them, you don't want to leave them together unattended so crate them while gone. Dogs can attack a dog having a seizure, so most people I know crate their epileptic dog while gone to keep them safe.
4) some dogs have physical issues that make crating safer - my oldest is epileptic and while excellent most of the time, before a seizure she gets into things - once was my purse she drug off the table in the middle of the night. And lest you say I should try training her, she's a registered therapy dog, has earned over 40 titles in 5 sports with multiple highest score in trial awards, been nationally ranked in various sports multiple times, and has traveled literally all over the US. Yes, she has just a smidge of training! But for her it's safest to keep her crated during the day, in a big crate where she sleeps so soundly that when we come home at lunch for potty duty she often needs awakened.
The key to crating is making sure that the dogs get good quality time with their humans when humans are home. And that humans need to be home - not gone all day and again all night. Crating nonstop IS abusive. Crating during work hours, especially if you arrange for lunchtime potty break, is NOT.
GoPoshGo said...
Crating is not the “usual” hangout for a dog.
I respectfully disagree... When properly trained and used, many dogs interact with their crate regularly, of their own accord. My youngest will often go lay in the super big crate in the living room, while us humans are around. She does love to snuggle with us, but when she's not her prefered spot is the crate by the couch where she can still see us but have her own secure space. She also often sleeps in the bedroom crate a lot, usually starting off with snuggles in bed, then switching part way through the night. The crate doors are always open whenever we're home, and the dogs (all of them, but particularly my middle and youngest ones) will go in and out at will.
udyK said...
Oh, and a P.S. to my above comment. This episode was on last night, especially in regard to the dog coming home, to influence the Tuesday hearing and if a Judge can't see through that, he/she shouldn't be on the Bench.
Judges don't rule based on television shows. I'm pretty sure that Kate's lawyer is aware of that. They're not trying to influence potential jurors here.
Have read the comments about last night's show and, while I didn't watch (have only seen the promos) I find the children behaving as scripted. They also seem immature for 6+ - not surprising some are having problems adjusting to kindergarten.
Since Kate is now a special correspondent for ET, I hope they don't send her to cover the Royal wedding - as in KATE Gosselin meets KATE Middleton.
Actual dog training needs to be done by the owner with direction from a teacher. When we took our dog for training (walking on leash, commands, etc.) the teacher said the person who has the most contact with the dog has to be the one doing the actual training exercises. Dogs are pack animals and the owner has to assert themselves as the leader of the pack, so one person needs to be designated as the leader of the pack. I truly don't see how a dog can be sent off to be trained and then without any training of the owner be considered a trained dog. The owner needs to learn the commands and how to work with the dog at the very least, then practice with the dog. The dog story is another of TLC/Kate's lies.
Does anyone know if there is a way to contact TLC?
Having a crate available for dogs to go in and out of is different than crating them all day with a few hours out of the crate when everyone is home from work, etc., then putting them back in the crate all night. That can add up to eighteen hours or more LOCKED in a crate. Yes, it's natural for dogs to go to their "den." It is not natural for dogs to be locked up for the majority of the day and night.
Was so sad to see how she thru C under the bus. Talked openly about his anger issues, and that sweet little boy just takes whatever attention he can get. When she grabbed his chin in the store, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He was looking at the costumes as instructed and knew he probably only had 3.5 minutes to pick one out. She was going on and on about not getting anything scary after minutes before picking out detached eyeballs and sawed off body parts for the haunted house. So he's looking and she grabs his chin and says look at me while I am talking to you. He had just been told to hurry and pick out a non-scary costume. Makes no sense.
I think the haunted house was NOT APPROPRIATE for 6 year olds at all. I kept my kids away from stuff like that till they were older.
She contradicts herself at every turn and dosen't give a rat's ass if she does.
Also noticed how the 2 naughty kids did their interviews together. Maybe did it during their recess or lunch time.
Seriously one of the most disturbing shows of + 8 that I have seen.
Jon, you really must watch this one. Your kids are in dire straits.
I'm not sure which thread my original comment was in but I just wanted to clarify that my girls are not in a private school. My point was that there are very good public schools too and that school curriculums in general have changed from when we were young.
I personally don't agree with doing away with play time for kindergarteners and even though it is now the school's requirement this year my daughter's teacher does allow some play time (aside from their weekly gym class) if she feels they need it. I think kindergarteners do need play time. I agree that the school curriculums's expect a lot from younger children and it may not be positive thing.
I'm also against homework in the summer and I'm waiting to see what the school's policy is about that.
I didn't watch Kate Plus 8 last night. Did they even address what happened to Nala? Did the kids ask? How sad that they separated the dogs.
Doesn't TLC usually base their ratings on 2 showings of K+8 the same evening with ratings for both averaged together? From my memory of how they have done it in the past there was an early showing (7 or 8 p.m.) then a later showing of the same show (9 or 10 p.m.).
If I wanted to see the show (not likely) I waited until a rerun a day or two later so they wouldn't get the ratings from me. Last I checked there are no reruns scheduled, so it appears there was just the one showing that was listed as another show. Odd. I wonder what they are up to? Any thoughts on how what benefit it would be for TLC to trick viewers into giving ratings to K+8?
In my opinion, crating a dog (other than one that has "seizures" etc) is wrong. Dogs do like their crates, but the door is supposed to remain open for them to come and go.
A crate is like a playpen or crib for a child. It's there for them to sleep in and keep them safe for minutes at a time... you wouldn't keep a child in a playpen or crib for ten hours a day. Same goes for a dog.
Administrator said... Could everyone who had the incorrect listings report what cable provider they have?
So far I had DishNetwork and DirectTV were reporting "Sister Wives" or TBA
I have Suddenlink, and the tv schedule showed two (2) hours of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" (actually there were three (3), followed by "Sister Wives" and then "To be Announced." Isn't it illegal to manipulate ratings???
Erin said.
TLC is becoming very transparant. I think they purposly "snuck" Kate on to raise her ratings. The do not want to lose their advertisers that they promised X amount of viewers too for the "new season".
Fool me once said...
BTW, I have Direct TV and "Sister Wives" list listed at 9 pm and "To Be Announced" was shown at 10 pm, so I was scammed.
My thoughts exactly, Erin.
Just when you think TLC can't get any lower.... What a way to get FAKE ratings for Kate, probably to impress the stockholders and the advertisers. Maybe they promised 1.3 million viewers--or higher--and weren't sure they could deliver. (Imagine the presentation they have to make to their advertisers and Board of Directors on the disaster called Kate.) TLC has sunk so much money into the Queen, and they KNOW people don't want to watch and are even boycotting. But they're still trying to prove that Kate and the children are viable "products," that "she's the mom we love to hate." No, she's the mom that needs to get her children off TV. It's not entertainment, TLC. It's child abuse.
Still, the desperation means the TLC execs know they promised more than they could deliver. It's kind of nice to see them on the run.
I have DishNetwork, starting at 6 pm, Sarah, 7 pm, Sarah, 8 pm Sarah, 9 pm Sister Wives 10 pm TBA. I don't know what was shown, I watched Planet Earth again and Housewives of Atlanta.
Crating depends on the dog. My 1 lb Chi HATES the crate. Never would take to it. (and yes, I do know how to train, had dogs all my life) But she is well behaved, so I don't mind. My other heinz 57 older dog loves her crate, because she can escape from the VERY playful 1 lb Chi. LOL
CanineDivine said... GoPoshGo said...
Crating is not the “usual” hangout for a dog.
I respectfully disagree... When properly trained and used, many dogs interact with their crate regularly, of their own accord.
I agree, as my dog does the same with her crate. Perhaps I should have been clearer and said, "A dog forced to be in a locked crate for hours on end is not where it typically likes to 'hang out.' That was the point I was making.
I also agree with the poster who said the family should have been closely involved in the dog' training. Afterall, didn't Jon report that he returned the dogs because they weren't being properly cared for (not because they weren't trained)? Is a newly trained dog going to fare any better being returned to the exact same environment?
Just a thought on the dog...
You guys have covered the crate issue thoroughly, and pointed out that there is a time and place for crating.
My question is, why not incorporate her 'running' with her kids and dog? Take the kids and doggie for a walk. Integrate it into your lifestyle, isn't that one of the reasons to have a pet in the first place? That is a very large dog and they need and love exercise. It probably wouldn't hurt the kids either to get rid of some energy.
Go on a hike or something a couple times a week - it would also provide some MUCH NEEDED quality time with your kids. Moments to teach and parent and ask about their day...
They say they won't & then they do... said... So, how many GWOP posters watched? Grrrr. Why can't people stay away?????? Keep adding to the ratings, even though you want the kids off TV...
ITA! I haven't watched the show in over a year and it's so frustrating that people can't even wait a week and watch it on YouTube. They simply MUST tune in for the original airings to see how awful Kate is this week and in doing so contribute to the ratings.
I really need to make a resolution to stay away from the Kate boards/blogs. I've been following the blogs for over a year and all it appears to be doing is increasing my frustration. In the year I've been hoping for Kate to go away and things to improve for the kids, Kate's been on DWTS, the Emmys, co-hosted The View many times, filmed all summer, still has primary custody of the kids, and the kids are getting expelled from kindergarten.
What exactly am I accomplishing by following her every move? What has taking my time to write TLC accomplished? Absolutely nothing other than increasing my own frustration over the future for those kids. I think at this point I need to take the "ignorance is bliss" trail regarding the Gosselins.
Since we now know what a year of all of us venting our frustration at the situation has accomplished, it would be interesting to see what six months to a year of complete Gosselin disinterest (yep, the bad stuff too) would accomplish.
I have digital cable through my local phone coop. On my guide on TLC was also Sarah, Sister wives, TBA in that order. So I also had the switch I think. I didn't watch TLC at all.
Mommy of a Lifetime Award: Is it always about you, Kate?
(And what kind of a lifetime are they having?)
Oh yes, and Halloween is "tacky", BUT being that she will always put her kids first, she'll put up with all the "tackiness", she will make this sacrifice for them. Why, after all the years they've had to do a "halloween episode" they now decide one is in order? PLUS, a month AFTER Halloween? Was it just me, or did she look a lot like she did on the couch with Jon when she could barely keep her head up? You know, pre-divorce, where she looked lethargic? I don't know, she was very low key this time, not the manic, hands fluttering, snorty noise making...was she mad that it's come to filming them AT HOME? Where was the screeching, the cackling??
They say they won't & then they do... said...
So, how many GWOP posters watched? Grrrr. Why can't people stay away?????? Keep adding to the ratings, even though you want the kids off TV...
It's odd, isn't it?
I don't understand what it would take to prove to some people that they are not helping the situation. They are just adding more numbers to the ratings.
Sort of makes you wonder if deep down inside, the people that tune in are really just "closet-flock".
There really is no reason to tune in. From what I can gather, there is nothing new that can possibly make Kate + 8 cute, exciting, entertaining, thought provoking, educational, etc... etc... It's always the same story, Kate whines, screams, yells, complains, the kids whine, scream, yell, push each other, etc... nothing new- with the exception that another innocent creature has been added to the mix (Shoka).
Folks that are vehemently against those children being filmed, do not tune in (unless you are the moderator of the website, or anyone else that has been assigned the task of writing the recap).
Very strange.
Talk about one overstimulating weekend! That's too much activity for kids in one weekend, Kate! Geebus, do yourself and your kids a favor and go buy one GOOD parenting book.
My sister who I have mentioned on this blog use to be a big Jon and Kate fan back in the days. She watched Sarah Palin last night but no Kate and the kids. She said the preview looked so lame that she didn't waste her time. I didn't watch and I don't watch anything TLC. I watched the video out Admin posted and it didn't make any sense what so ever. TLC is grasping at straws with this family now. It won't be long before they throw another vacation in for this family soon, its been how long since they put these people on a plane or train?
Administrator said... Could everyone who had the incorrect listings report what cable provider they have?
So far I had DishNetwork and DirectTV were reporting "Sister Wives" or TBA
Time Warner Cable my area. My listing showed Palin's Alaska at 9pm, then Sister Wives at 10pm and TBA at 11. BUT - Sister Wives never aired at 10pm and instead it was the Kate Plus 8 Halloween episode and then Palin's Alaska again at 11pm.
Bait and switch from TLC. I wonder if they'll be forthcoming, credible, responsible, and HONEST and admit when the numbers come out this week that Kate's numbers were skewed, inaccurate and are no indication of true viewers. Bull crap, who am I trying to kid, of course they won't.
DEAR CanineDivine:
Going in and out at will is very different than be locked in there for many many hours at a time like the Gosselin dogs were. That is the issue.
I respectfully disagree... When properly trained and used, many dogs interact with their crate regularly, of their own accord.
That's the key. They can enter and exit at will. They are not confined to a crate for nine hours at a time. The Gosselin's dogs were. Didn't one of them try to chew through the crate to get out? If a dog is happy in a crate, will he make such a desperate attempt to get free?
Mary Ann said...
... I have friends who own German Shepherds. They adore their animals, but they would be the first to admit that shedding pillows of hair is one of the drawbacks of the breed. Don't know how Kate would cope with the constant undercoat shedding. They are also heavy-bodied and walk with weight (rather than treading lightly on this earth). My friends accept that their flower beds, landscaping and furnishings will all suffer from the breed of dog they love. Again, not sure if Kate will be able to handle this reality.
When J&K first brought the dogs home Kate made it quite clear that the dogs were not allowed to come up the stairs to the main living space because they were dirty filthy animals, ie: they were relegated to the basement and outside. She gave Jon and the kids the jobs of pet care and feeding - basically washing her hands of any responsibility of them and made a huge ordeal out of how much of a bother they were to her.
I doubt she is involved at all in their care now and that it's still left to the children and the now full time nanny and other assorted household 'staff' she employs. As much as I dislike the idea of a dog being removed from a family/home, I abhor the thought of Shoka being left with the Gosselins.
I think crating is fine if done properly, just like anything else. I agree Admin, a dog's behavior is a direct reflection on the owner. I have only used mine when the dogs were puppies to learn potty training, for naps, etc. They are like babies and sometimes too small to have the run of the house. Now they get half the house but I have never had a need to crate after puppy stage.
I am pretty sure that Shoka isn't going to get to come in. Bart built a nice doghouse that is heated. No my choice at all, but Shoka will do better if out from under Kate's constant wrath.
He is a beautiful dog. What I would give for a 1.5 old GS that has been trained!
I was super impressed how clam he was with reuniting with the kids. Let's hope this works out for them.
Okay I have to share this with you all, my son who is a college student has a computer right next to mine and saw me watching the video our Admin had posted, he wanted to know why is Kate Gosselin he asked, trying to make herself out to look like Sharon Stone, the woman is a damm failure as a mother. LMAO
This is to all the GWOPers going on and on about every detail of the show, then scolding TLC for airing it. In my opinion, you are just as bad as Kate.
I know this would never post on GWOP, but those people, (not all, just a few) make me crazy.
So, this poor dog was taken away from his sister and other dogs he's been with for a year now..to be left by himself, outside all day? What is the point of having a dog if he's just going to be left by himself outdoors? Sure, the kids will play with him a little each day but that is not enough. Dogs are pack animals and they need to be around others, be it humans or other dogs. They are not solitary creatures. That dog is going to be very lonely and depressed.
I don't understand how any owner can put a dog in a crate in the morning, close the door, look that dog straight in the eyes, and leave the house, knowing that dog will be confined to a crate all day while the owner is at work. I couldn't do it. I've used a crate for puppies, housebreaking, but once that was mastered, the crate was gone. I don't even feel comfortable putting my dog in the boarding kennel while I'm on vacation, even though it has very large areas for the dogs, with great runs, and the dog is exercised in the yard as many times during the day that I request.
Staying away from the window? My dog lives for his window. He loves to watch the kids get off the school bus, checking out the big, beautiful world out there, watching the birds at the feeder. To deprive him of that during the day would be, for him, abuse. He's been taught not to bark, so that's not an issue.
CanineDivine said,
"once was my purse she drug off the table in the middle of the night...But for her it's safest to keep her crated during the day,"
Question: You said the dog had a seizure during the night. Do you crate the dog at night as well as during the day?
I came home from working and I never even turned on my TV to any channel. Frankly, it felt so good! I didn't tempt myself to wait and see which show would come on, I didn't open my paper or the on screen TV guide, I recorded nothing, saw nothing, heard no screeching, saw no Kate. Never even crossed my mind I should miss or be tempted to be frustrated by watching.
INF has pics of kate in PA this morning. DWTS is on tonight. Guess her gig with ET didn't last very long.
Unfortunately I am really beginning to understand we are the one's keeping Kate in the limelight. It's the people who want to see her disappear the most who are keeping her popular. Her popularity is negative but keeps her show and appearances going all the same. Kate made #6 on Bing's most searched person for 2010. She's on the same list as Obama for crying out loud! I for one am done googling this woman. I'll come here for my info. Thanks Admin for this blog. It's the best one on the internet about Kate.
Aside from the caption regarding Kate's "gruelling" mani/pedi - does this INF article sound a tad sarcastic towards Kate?
Jon took the dogs back to the breeder because Kate refused to feed them or care for them in any way. I think she is just trying to make her self look good and knows that she is the reason the kids are so angry. I love how she tells them they need to deal with their anger the right way!!! She has taught them well with her screaming and getting upset over stupid stuff. If she had done the things she is doing now with the kids her and Jon would probably still be together. Instead she was always busy pampering her self while he dressed and played with the kids. He was the one who got the girls dressed for school and brought Kate her coffee in bed as he left for work. She always said "I'm not an outdoor girl" and screamed about every thing. The kids couldn't even eat ice cream on a hot day at Disney world without her screaming. Now she acts like mommy of the year NO ONE IS BUYING IT KATE!!!!! Do your kids a favor and stop talking about them and their problems on TV your only making it harder for them.
Anonymous said...
Jon took the dogs back to the breeder because Kate refused to feed them or care for them in any way.
That's quite an accusation. Do you have any proof that she was starving her dogs?
Doesn't SWTS come on tonight. Should she not be in LA?
The picture was taken this morning!
The kids would have to live in box not to know the dog was coming back. It may have been a surprise reaction at the actual meeting, but there is no way those kids could not have known what was going on - I am reminded of the if we tell mommy the bus is here she will give us a piece of candy episode Khate was decked out from head to toe in the Kitchen stirring some flour around in a bowl making her own poor pitiful me birthday cake when lo and behold the bus shows up to take her to Ace of Cakes for her boo hoo surprise - right.
They may not know their shapes but they know their mother and how she operates - it is all about secrets. What was that Alexis said to the surprise crew that knocked on the door, fully loaded and ready to film - I've got a secret? But wait there was a cameraman inside filming the reaction to the surprise reaction beforehand.
I guess Nicole and Kate don't have much in common, at least not when it comes to protecting the privacy of their children:
"Nicole Richie may take the stand Wednesday during a hearing in which she hopes a judge will slap a permanent restraining order against a photographer whom she feels is getting too close to her young daughter, RadarOnline.com has exclusively learmned.
Nicole is seeking to extend a temporary restraining order -- or TRO -- against the photographer whom she claims is lurking around her daughter Harlow's nursery school. Richie will be in court with her powerhouse attorneys Tamar Arminak and Mark Geragos.
A source close to the situation tells us: "Nicole's attorneys will put on the stand several preschool teachers from Harlow's school that have witnessed this photographer crossing the line trying to get pictures. Nicole is fiercly protective of her children, and won't tolerate this. Nicole could testify also."
Nicole "is very busy planning her wedding to Joel, but she will drop everything to protect their children," the source said."
If she got Mommy of the year for bringing the dog (singular) back what did she get for sending them away, Mummy of the year? Jon could not have taken the dogs back without having said so. I remember when they got the dogs - she was of course flirting with the guy and seemed to know him quite well whereas Jon not so much.
Long time reader, first time poster. I had to write because I'm livid that I taped "Sister Wives" show labeled as "new" and I got Kate + 8. I will never watch Kate's show any longer so I don't want her ratings to climb because of TLC's deception. I have Cox Cable in Phoenix
INF has pics of kate in PA this morning. DWTS is on tonight. Guess her gig with ET didn't last very long.
Well, I must say...she's warm-blooded. It was in the low 30s here this morning; had to scape heavy frost off the windshield. Guess Chris had to see that spanking new outfit. She couldn't hide it under a coat! Open-toe shoes? Good grief!
TLC must be truly desperate to keep Kate plus 8 on the air. I used to watch Jon & Kate plus 8 faithfully for the first 2 seasons. They made a huge deal about not believing in "Santa", Halloween, etc. What happened? Did their belief system go the way of attending church? All of that was a huge deal, even taping them at church services and the kids in Sunday School. Fake and phony to the max. People who are committed to following their faith and attending church don't just quit going because of a divorce. They need their friends and that spiritual support. These people (the Gosselins) are greedy grifters. When the money poured in from TLC, etc. they forgot about the good kind people in churches who supported them.
Kate is all about Kate. Those kids are isolated from other children except when at school. That's why she wanted to buy the McMansion in the country. They appear to act out the "pack" mentality. This is not healthy. Where were the friends at their haunted house Halloween party? Too much trouble for Kate? The kids are trying to be little actors to please their mother. This is a sad state of affairs. We are being played over and over again. This story will not end well.
Thank you, Admin, and I agree that the Anonymous posters should be cut off.
Doesn't TLC usually base their ratings on 2 showings of K+8 the same evening with ratings for both averaged together? From my memory of how they have done it in the past there was an early showing (7 or 8 p.m.) then a later showing of the same show (9 or 10 p.m.).
TLC/TV networks in general, has nothing to do with gathering the ratings! I guess no one reads the posts that are up, just posts something. Sorry, it's irritating.
An independent data collecting company collects the numbers. They put them on their website. I doubt TV by the Numbers collects ratings for 2 of the same program in one night, adds them together and puts that number becomes the rating number.
Every dog is different. Some hate the crate, others are very secure there. Anyways, it is presumably no longer an issue with Kate as she said the dog would live outside, with a heated dog house.
There has been more filming inside the house.
I have been told, but cannot confirm with my own eyes, that the children were put outside on Thanksgiving without proper outerwear, so that Chris could get snaps of them in those costumes.
The FILMING of the kids in Thanksgiving costumes actually took place a few weeks ago inside the house.
The snaps from last week were only meant to leak to the rags to shore up the fake filming timeline.
TLC is aware of all the criticism of the phony trips and the kids being taken out of school to film trips. They intend to try more home-based and daily routines filming of the kids to try to get the ratings back up.
Kate is very unhappy about this but has been given no choice. In exchange for this, she has been given Steve back.
Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
Was it just me, or did Kate look really sad the whole episode? She sounded like she was about to cry in most of her confessionals. Can't say I feel bad for her, though. She brought it on herself.
I have a German Shepherd and she LOVES her crate. She just goes in there to hang out. I disagree with using it for punishment, but do sometimes put her in there and close the door if she is really muddy or something.
LOL at Khate's "She-Devil" Halloween costums. At least she knows she's a b*tch from Hell.
My bulldog (English) has the run of the house and if he didn't get a chance to bark at people through either the window or door he'd never know that he's actually a "dog". We've never crated but rather blocked off in a room while potty training (PupHead is a wonderful product for potty training). We actually tried to get him to go into a crate but he was haing none of it. Please don't tell him that I called him a "dog"! ;=)
I really don't think Shoka's life, outside is abuse. He has 8 kids to play with and a huge yard. He isn't chained.
I think the abuse word is being thrown around a little haphazardly. I know a woman who crates her dog all day and does just fine. She takes her everywhere in the car, on road trips etc. She LOVES her dog. It is a huge kennel.
On the other hand there is a twit I follow on twitter who puts her dog in the crate when he is "bad", barks too much, or wants to go on a walk. Not that is a bad dog owner.
I don't think dogs should sleep outside, but I now plenty of great owners who do.
And if it was a surprise about the dogs coming back what did the kids think they were going to do with the heated dog house? It wasn't built while they were inside doing their prearranged activities with the drill sargent. Why can't just be real - that is what attracted people to the show in the the beginning.
Thanks Anon on this said. Does this mean the show will go on? Uggg... I am sure Kate is not happy if she can not travel. This SUPER MOM does not want to face day to day reality when the filming is done and she is left at home with her kids, without all of her crew helpers and no special attention. How horrible for her!! Reality seems to be her enemy.
The kids need and seem to want stability, routine and reliability all of which will never occur with Kate at the helm.
Waiting for ratings on the show, even with the sneaky bait and switch routine, but I get the impression that TLC may want to unload K +8 once and for all and are filming to appease Kate. Until this show soon dies out once and for all due to ratings, JMO.
If you look at the pics on INF,you will see under them are all the books and dvds from mother of the year. So Kate is profiting from Chris and his pics of her. Some one some where has got to grow a set of huge you know whats and confront this witch. But no one will do that until she is no longer with TLC. Any ratings yet?
anon on thi said...
TLC is aware of all the criticism of the phony trips and the kids being taken out of school to film trips. They intend to try more home-based and daily routines filming of the kids to try to get the ratings back up.
Awww...no more filming trips for Kate & the kids? You mean they may actually have a full year of school? I still think the show will get canned.
Midnight Madness said... Question: You said the dog had a seizure during the night. Do you crate the dog at night as well as during the day?
Generally no, but we're a lot more careful to keep things out of reach since we discovered that indicator. Difference between night and day is that more than likely we'll hear something going on at night, and when we're not home we obviously can't. She's done some peculiar things pre-seizure that I wouldn't have physically thought she could accomplish. If I saw her exhibiting pre-seizure activity I probably would restrict her access at night though to be on the safe side, just as I restrict her access to things like stairs.
Believe me, this dog has a full life, has done far more activities and is far better trained than most dogs. She has 3 vets and gets regular chirpractic and massage to keep her 13 year old body in as good of shape as possible. She is not abused by any stretch of the imagination. I feel sorry for all her former owners (at least 3) because she's the most awesome dog ever! They have no idea what they gave up! :-(
Notice Kate's child exploitation book in the background, I Just Want You to Know. Perhaps trying to unload the last few remaning copies?
Nah, she probably makes each kid read out loud 'their' chapter every evening, just to remind them what miserable kids they are and how wonderful she is cause she laid on bed rest while preg. w/them, for 89 count'em, 89 weeks. 0=) (I believe it was around 24 wks. maybe not even)
Won't watch even a second of the clip, can't bear to hear K8's voice as she spews her lies.
One thing I did notice is how DIFFERENT K8 looks in the still shot ( LOL, K8 indeed looks like a ghoul)on the interview chair and the picture to the right with the fork over her head (she looks very natural and pretty in this picture, IMO). She looks so stretched and plastic now, very scary!
Don't Fence Me In said... I don't understand how any owner can put a dog in a crate in the morning, close the door, look that dog straight in the eyes, and leave the house, knowing that dog will be confined to a crate all day while the owner is at work.
It's hard to look mine in the eyes because as soon as they see me getting ready to leave they're gone - they've run to their crates already. I have to bend over to see them. :-) They come out at lunchtime for potty and stretching legs and because my ex works retail and I work regular business hours the crating time is reduced. They're never in more than 4-5 hours at a stretch, usually more like 3.
Personally I never crated my dogs until I got multiple ones, rescues that happened to have behavioral and health issues that made crating while not supervised the best plan for them. They all enjoy their crate, some more than others. I will always crate train going forward because I saw firsthand how being comfortable crated, in a strange environment with strange noises can literally save their life. My oldest had a blocked gall bladder and was in ICU for a week. She should've died, and likely would've had she not been socialized and trained to the point that that ICU experience wasn't stressful.
I agree with you about disliking kenneling. I did that once, overnight, and we stopped and visited.
Staying away from the window? My dog lives for his window. He loves to watch the kids get off the school bus, checking out the big, beautiful world out there, watching the birds at the feeder. To deprive him of that during the day would be, for him, abuse. He's been taught not to bark, so that's not an issue.
For many dogs it's not an issue. I just chopped down two bushes so my old dog could see out the window easier. I'm on a hill and love seeing her looking out the window when I come home. (She stays with my ex - crated like the other dog(s) - during the work day so she gets a lunchtime potty and daddy time. Otherwise she's home with me and left loose in the house when I run errands).
However, for breeds or individuals that are having issues with barking, guarding, or generally understanding their role in the household, allowing free access to windows (and that stimulus) allows them to practice undesirable behavior. My breed (aussies) have a lot coming into rescue for behavioral issues that get dogs put to death - like guarding which, when reinforced, quickly can turn into aggression. Believe me, it sucks having to take those turn-ins to the vet for the blue juice. :-( Some lose their homes - and are hard to place - due to exceessive barking. For those dogs, altering the environment so they can learn appropriate behavior is key, sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently. Depends on the dog.
That all said, I don't see Kate doing anything textbook with these dogs, other than following a list of everything NOT to do. :-(
TLC is aware of all the criticism of the phony trips and the kids being taken out of school to film trips. They intend to try more home-based and daily routines filming of the kids to try to get the ratings back up.
Kate is very unhappy about this but has been given no choice. In exchange for this, she has been given Steve back.
Well of course Kate is upset about this. One, she has two kids that are being privately tutored and she doesn't want to have to go into details on her show about the reasons for this, and while I know the reason is simply because she's afraid it will make her look bad as a parent, I don't think it should be discussed on the show.
Second, home based shows mean she has to be "on" - she has to interact with her kids and can't pass them off to the nannies. She can't hole up in her office or her bedroom and have some alone time. A trip is also more fun for her. Yes, she brings the kids but she can justify the nannies at that point and she gets to take advantage of any of the hotel amenities while she's there and TLC will pick up the tab. They don't do that when she's home (at least, that's my guess).
Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
Wouldn't a good bottle of wine or two do the same job, and be much cheaper?
anon on this said...
There has been more filming inside the house.
I have been told, but cannot confirm with my own eyes, that the children were put outside on Thanksgiving without proper outerwear, so that Chris could get snaps of them in those costumes.
Well, the pics online show some of the kids in light jackets and some without. It was cold on Thanksgiving...I live in Philadelphia (1 1/2 hours from them)and it snowed here!
What is the point of having a dog if he's just going to be left by himself outdoors? Sure, the kids will play with him a little each day but that is not enough.What is the point of having a dog if he's just going to be left by himself outdoors? Sure, the kids will play with him a little each day but that is not enough.
Exactly. With winter upon us, how much time do you think those kids are going to be outside? In addition to it being too cold to play outside for any length of time, it's dark by the time they get home from school.
This is just not right.
Shame Shame said...
Doesn't SWTS come on tonight. Should she not be in LA?
I don't know. Was her commentating job weekly for the duration of the show? I never heard. Did anyone else?
Of course Kate wouldn't be happy if they're cutting back on the trips. Gosh, I really hope this is true. However, what I'd really like to see happen is to cut back (or out completely) ALL filming of those kids.
Soon, I hope. Soon.
Good news for KATE
Narcissism No Longer a Psychiatric Disorder
Why did it have to be a "surprise" anyway? Is this her new "holiday tradition", making everything, or at least the main events / activities a surprise?
Don't tell me bringing the dog back now, was the kids' Christmas gift again, this year. Talk about 'regifting'....
I just went to TV by the numbers and it looks like AMC "The Walking Dead" was the big hit last night (10 pm) It scored 2.8 mil viewers 18-49 and 5.6 mil viewers all. (actually not really sure how to read that) Anyhow it's one of my favorite shows. Wonderful writing and acting. Though I'm a zombie fan. Weird, no rating for Kate plus 8 posted yet. Only if TLC does really well do the ratings show up the next day.
I think the dog is a different German Shepard. Breeders are ranked and scruitinized very carefully and the owner would not want to risk his reputation by releasing a dog to an unsuitable home, besides caring about the dog. Advertising dollars are more inportant than rating--though obviously linked--as soon as those offers stop coming through TLC will drop K8.
Cordelia, I don't know if it was just you who thought Kate looked sad because most of us don't watch the damn show!
TLC is probably cutting back on the trips because of the hugh production costs and low ratings. The Alaska trip must have cost them a fortune and the ratings were very low. Makes sense to me.
Moose Mania said...
Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
Wouldn't a good bottle of wine or two do the same job, and be much cheaper?
For most, yes, but Kate like to get in a healthy share of emasculating with her wine and "calming" presence of Steve. It gives her that "in control" feeling she needs.
Moose Mania said... Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
Wouldn't a good bottle of wine or two do the same job, and be much cheaper?
Some people become hostile rather than calm when they are under the influence of alcohol.
anon on this said...
TLC is aware of all the criticism of the phony trips and the kids being taken out of school to film trips. They intend to try more home-based and daily routines filming of the kids to try to get the ratings back up.
Kate is very unhappy about this but has been given no choice. In exchange for this, she has been given Steve back.
Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
Perhaps you can find out for us why TLC goes to so much trouble to keep Kate happy?? Why don't they cut her loose?
NT said...
If you look at the pics on INF,you will see under them are all the books and dvds from mother of the year. So Kate is profiting from Chris and his pics of her. Some one some where has got to grow a set of huge you know whats and confront this witch. But no one will do that until she is no longer with TLC. Any ratings yet?
We have been dupped. Chris is working for INF who is working for TLC. On the INF site, there are more Kate comments than any other celeb. This is how it was on Radar online. INF is on the TLC payroll keeping these blogs alive. Hard to understand that this character of Kate is generating so much interest that the websites may be one of TLC's biggest profit makers. Advertising alone is bringing in money.
I crate my dog when I'm at work. I used to leave her out all day without any problems, but I've had to relocate to an apartment and she is just more secure in the crate. When I get ready for work, I often find her there as I'm putting on my shoes.
My vet and the obedience trainer I used have both given my their blessings for this. For one thing, I don't have to worry about her accidentally eating something that could harm her (like the squeaker out of a squeaky toy or the cord to a lamp). Also, if she is too noisy, I would get complaints from my neighbors. I already had a very hard time finding a rental that would take a dog over thirty pounds...I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't stay here with her.
That said, I do not think the dogs should return to the household. For one thing, it is too chaotic and the family travels far too much. Also, dogs are social creatures and I think they are probably happiest when they are inside with the rest of the family. I also don't think the entire family was on board as far as training and discipline were concerned. Dogs need consistency and attention. I think this was all about redeeming Kate's reputation and the needs of the dogs were not considered. Shame on the breeder.
(I'd go along with your rules and the suggestion from others of dumping the anonymous entries, if loyal bloggers slip up and go 'anon' and are deleted a couple times they'll eventually be more careful and make sure to post their name.)
Admin, might I suggest you keep the instructions for how to post using a name on the right hand side of the page, maybe in red letters and tell people that as of say, Friday, December 3rd, (your choice of date of course) Anonymous posts will no longer be accepted. Trust me, they'll come up w/a name.
Moose Mania said... Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
Wouldn't a good bottle of wine or two do the same job, and be much cheaper?
THAT, my dears, is part of the PROBLEM.
Shame Shame said...
And if it was a surprise about the dogs coming back what did the kids think they were going to do with the heated dog house?
The poor kids probably thought their father was coming home.
Kate's still in Reading because she has to be in Court tomorrow, right?
anon on this said:
Steve is Kate's personal attendant. There is nothing in his job about guarding or protecting the kids. The things he does with and for the kids is supposedly to keep Kate calm so that she can continue to film.
No surprise there. He is her "monitor" to keep her safe from herself and to control her so that TLC does not get slapped with a lawsuit because she hit someone or did something that would result in jail or prison time.
So I suffered through a whole episode of ET. Skating with the Stars was such a flop ET wouldn't touch it. Sorry Katie. No more ET, no more fancy trips courtesy of TLC. I'm bleeding for you here.
I kinda wonder if the reason TLC is still filming the show and trying to improve the ratings, etc. is because they have a contract with Kate that has not run out yet and having seen how nasty and volatile she can be, don't want to have to deal with her wrath, her possible public accusations, and the possible legal maneuvering she might try.....and the repercussions for TLC were she to do this.
It seems suspicious that these mystery "sources" are revealing that Twist of Kate is dead in the water and that K+8 is soon to be canceled....with TLC denying these claims, technically, probably to avoid dealing with the wrath of an extremely angry Kate. But where there's smoke, there's fire, IMO....and I suspect these leaks by these sources are based on truth...that is being denied just for the time being to keep Kate placated. But in reality, they want to dump the show at some point.
Jon is passive-aggressive so they knew they could intimidate him, etc....but Kate? Whole other story. And I think they know it....and are just trying to placate her until the contract runs out and they are no longer legally obligated to do what she wants in ANY way, shape or form. I mean hell, I'd be scared of her and would not want to cross her....that's for sure. She's extremely vindictive and who knows what lengths she'd go to in order to cause major problems for TLC if she got really angry at them and flew into a rage for canceling her shows.
Oh...and great info., 'anon on this'....and it all sounds 100% believable to me. I have thought for quite some time that Steve's job has been to control Kate's bad behavior and try to rein it in, keep her calm, soothe her ego and prevent her behavior from becoming a serious concern, especially in public.
My husband grew up in the country and the dogs lived outside. They had a pen and a dog house with straw on the floor -- no heater. My father-in-law says "I don't go into the dog's house and he doesn't come in mine." It's pretty typical in rural areas and certainly not abusive.
I never thought she was having an affair with Steve, for a few reasons:
1. I never got the sense HE was into HER.
2. She just seems far too uptight to even have sex. Seems like she'd find it messy and nasty and generally inconvenient.
3. I long felt TLC employed him to keep her in line. The second I saw him holding her purse the first time, I KNEW he wasn't a bodyguard. They'd never do that. Ever. He's there to keep her from flipping out on anyone, to keep her cooperative.
The fact that people THINK she's with that good-looking guy (and he is pretty good-looking, in my opinion) didn't bother her one little bit.
But no, I never thought they were actually sleeping together. I figured Steve was making that cash being her babysitter.
RE: Ratings
Ratings are probably slow to come out due to the holidays.
Currently, Travis Yanan (whom tvbythenumbers cites their cable ratings from) has only posted up to last week's Wednesday ratings.
If ratings were beyond TLC's expectations, they would probably issue a press release like they did with Sarah Palin's Alaska series premiere. However, last week, TLC didn't release any announcement but other media outlets reported on the decline in viewers for week two after receiving final cable ratings.
"THAT, my dears, is part of the PROBLEM."
LOL, anon!! I figured as much. That, with a few Alium, Xanax, Serax, Ativan, Klonopin, Librium and Tranxene thrown into the mix!
dee3 said... I kinda wonder if the reason TLC is still filming the show and trying to improve the ratings, etc. is because they have a contract with Kate that has not run out yet and having seen how nasty and volatile she can be, don't want to have to deal with her wrath, her possible public accusations, and the possible legal maneuvering she might try.....and the repercussions for TLC were she to do this.
As I understand it, the contract runs through February 2012. Yes - February 2012. So, I think you are right that they may be stringing her along. TLC has to know that this woman is insane and just plain evil. She may well have some good dirt on them that she will have no problem using to her own personal advantage. She is quite capable of extortion. The dirt might be very embarrassing for TLC. While they are horrible, shameless people, TLC still has to keep up appearances. Also, Oprah is now half owner of the Discovery Channel, the parent company of TLC. And I bet old Oprah would not want any crap splashing on her and her Oprah Winfrey Network when it hits the fan.
Admin, might I suggest you keep the instructions for how to post using a name on the right hand side of the page, maybe in red letters and tell people that as of say, Friday, December 3rd, (your choice of date of course) Anonymous posts will no longer be accepted. Trust me, they'll come up w/a name. Admin, might I suggest you keep the instructions for how to post using a name on the right hand side of the page, maybe in red letters and tell people that as of say, Friday, December 3rd, (your choice of date of course) Anonymous posts will no longer be accepted. Trust me, they'll come up w/a name.
Admin., if you do this (and I don't like anonymous posts unless someone has inside information), is there something in place that would prevent a poster from using the NAME option, and just picking the name, "anonymous?" If not, it kind of defeats the purpose. Or, they could all just pick the name "ANON" and you'd be right back to square 1.
TLC is aware of all the criticism of the phony trips and the kids being taken out of school to film trips. They intend to try more home-based and daily routines filming of the kids to try to get the ratings back up.
They can wrap her up and tie her with a bow.. she'd still be that miserable, whiny, abusive, celebitchy wannabe.
(PS, thanks Anon on this, for the update)
JudyK said...
Oh, and a P.S. to my above comment. This episode was on last night, especially in regard to the dog coming home, to influence the Tuesday hearing and if a Judge can't see through that, he/she shouldn't be on the Bench.
The tape of the show is going to be shown at the hearing? Can they do that?
CanineDivine said...
GoPoshGo said...
Crating is not the “usual” hangout for a dog.
I respectfully disagree... When properly trained and used, many dogs interact with their crate regularly, of their own accord. My youngest will often go lay in the super big crate in the living room, while us humans are around. She does love to snuggle with us, but when she's not her prefered spot is the crate by the couch where she can still see us but have her own secure space.
I agree 100%, and my dog also uses her crate as a “safe/cozy” spot to retreat to when she CHOOSES to have some time to herself. If you re-read my post, I believe I addressed this aspect of crates in the “(b)” of my post: many dogs use their crates as their private safe-spots or “rooms.” However, dogs that do this are not LOCKED in their safe-spot for hours on end. In normal families, the crate is in the midst of the family living area, and the door is wide open. Perhaps I should have been clearer in making my point: A crate is not a place for a dog to be forced into for hours on end, when s/he has no desire or need to be crated. When people use crates the way Kate did (does?) – as a prison and punishment – it is ABUSE. Do dogs normally try to CHEW their way out of their safe spot? No dog chooses to be confined to a locked crate all day … which is the point I was making. That said, I stand by my original assertion that a crate is not the primary place a dog chooses to be. A dog is a pack animal who wants to be included in the pack and its activities. Yes, the crate is important as an option for the dog to “get away” or have some “safe spot” time, but it’s not the place in which a normally socialized dog would choose to spend the majority of his or her time.
That said, I agree with the poster (sorry, I’m forgetting your name) who stated that the family needed to be included in the training of the dog. It’s just more proof in the pudding that neither Kate nor TLC really care about the dog – they are using him to garner ratings. After all, didn’t Jon claim that the reason the dogs were removed from the home in the first place was because Kate locked them in their crates and refused to care for them? Is professional dog training going to solve that problem? The Sheeple are touting Kate as a supermom for bringing the dog back into the kids’ lives after “mean old daddy took them away.” They refuse to see that Jon was trying to rescue the dogs from a really neglectful home situation, and, more recently, that the “returned” dog has basically gone from the frying pan into the fire. And all for ratings. Yes, I think there needs to be some professional BITCH training in that household, but the student would not be a canine.
What did Collin say about stepping on Shoka's tail? I don't think that the trick or treating scenes were for real. I think it was staged and maybe filmed at Carla's?? How in the world does she justify to herself the statement that she made to the kids that she always keeps the promises she makes to them? Really? How about at the fake re-wedding saying about 4 times that she & Jon would be together forever yet less than 2 months later she told him that it was over. She still considers herself as her "highness" and her behavior shows her to be her"lowness" - lowest of the low. Oh - arranging visits for Shoka with Nala - that would just confuse the dogs to then be separated again. TLC needs better script writers. All of the kids have "ants in their pants" and it is not cute or pleasant to watch. Their over dramatic couch scenes are painful and make it abundantly clear how staged this entire phony show is.
Janelle said... As I understand it, the contract runs through February 2012. Yes - February 2012.
Where are you getting this information?
She's extremely vindictive and who knows what lengths she'd go to in order to cause major problems for TLC if she got really angry at them and flew into a rage for canceling her shows.
Yep, I agree. TLC now has a "two-edged sword" on their hands. She was great while she was bringing in the ratings, but now...as they well know, who can predict what unstable Katie will do? She may have some knowledge or 'dirt' on TLC that she could get them on, if given the boot. TLC may well be in a precarious position now.
Boo, The Humane Society calls leaving your dog outside potentially the most PSYCHOLOGICALLY DAMAGING thing you can do to your dog:
They said this: "DOGS ARE PACK ANIMALS THAT THRIVE ON COMPANIONSHIP. Much like their wolf ancestors, dogs are very social. In fact, dogs are more social than humans and need to be part of human families. When you own a dog, you become the dog's pack and he wants to be with his pack. Forcing a dog to live outside with little or no human companionship is one of the most psychological damaging things a pet owner can do to a dog."
There is a "right" way to leave a dog outside but it's really not for most families, and I highly doubt the Gosselins are doing this the "right" way unless Kate and the kids are outside all day. Like the Society explains, dogs unlike cats and really most animals WANT humans around all the time, they are pack animals and become part of your pack. It goes against all their instincts to leave them alone outside.
Traditionally "farm dogs" of the past could be left outside because all their needs were being fulfilled. They were part of a busy farm, people coming and going all the time, the majority of the activity OUTSIDE, the people were outside so naturally dogs wanted to be outside. If you spend all day outside as a farmer or rancher would, and only go inside to sleep, there should be nothing wrong with a dog living outside.
Also, farm or ranch dogs have constant stimulation outside--help herd the sheep or cows, chase the chickens, greet the numerous neighbors and farmers coming by, follow their masters around as they go about the day's activities, protect the mistress from strangers. A farm dog would be far more bored inside. Today, since most of are activities have moved to inside the family home, especially in a cold climate like PA, it is cruel to leave a dog out of it. The analogy that all dogs used to be outside dogs just doesn't work because our lifestyles were different back then, humans were also "outside humans." I have no doubt that most families of say the 19th century, had most of their activities been restricted to indoors, would have enough common sense to realize that's where their companion should be too. But it wasn't, so that's why dogs got this reputation of being outside animals. They are not, they are SOCIAL, whether it is outside or inside.
The way I see it, your dog should be where you are most of the time. If you are outside most of time, which is probably only going to apply for the most part, to farmers and ranchers, have your dog live outside. If you are inside, however, your dog should be inside. Don't get a dog if you are not outside and you want the dog outside, it's cruel.
Of course I meant "our." LOL I do know the difference between are and our, thankfully.
We have a German Shepherd, and she is a wonderful dog. Before we adopted her I collected a few books about the breed. When I read that they are "prolific shedders," I knew I was in for it! I have to sweep my floors frequently, keep a lint roller handy, and keep up with visits to the groomer, but I wouldn't trade my Lexi for anything. There are people who should never own a dog, and some of them are wise enough to know it. Unfortunately, our neighbors are not such people. They have a St.Bernard that they keep chained to a doghouse 24/7/365. That dog is a hyper, filthy, neglected mess. She's out in rain, mud, stifling heat/humidity, and snow storms with a dog house she barely fits into. It's truly maddening!
Like the Society explains, dogs unlike cats and really most animals WANT humans around all the time, they are pack animals and become part of your pack. It goes against all their instincts to leave them alone outside.
I never understood why you'd get a dog just to leave it out all the time? Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose? Why have a pet if you don't want it in the house to snuggle with, bond with, etc?
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