Monday, August 4, 2014

Beth Carson breaks her silence

The notoriously tight-lipped former best friend of Kate and beloved caregiver of the children has finally spoken out about the book she wrote for Kate, and their fractured relationship. 

Beth's relationships with the children, whom she says she helped watch
for "a week at a time," was  always very loving and warm. In this screen capture
from Gosselins Go Sking, Beth tells Aaden that she has to go home early for her
daughter's birthday but that she would like to take Aaden with her in her suitcase. 
Aaden responds with enthusiastic and adorable nodding.
Some highlights from the interview:
  • Beth wrote Multiple Blessings "absolutely" all herself, and she and Kate had agreed to a 50-50 split of the proceeds. Kate later tried to take back the deal and cut her down to at least a third. Beth had a lawyer and made sure she got her original cut. 
  • Beth's friendship with Kate ended after Kate cut Beth off from the promotion of Multiple Blessings (despite tweets from Kate in 2011 claiming Beth is still in her life). Beth confirms that is a lie, that she hasn't spoken to Kate "for years and years."
  • Beth tried to keep up the relationship with Jon afterward, but it got "messy."
  • Beth "purposely" has not commented for years.
Meanwhile, when asked if what Beth is saying is true, Kate responded on twitter: "no." Give it up, Kate. 

1189 sediments (sic) from readers:

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TLC stinks said...

“But luckily I’d covered my butt with a lawyer and fortunately I have a business-minded husband who basically said we had to take precautions when doing business with friends. If not, I would have not gotten one penny or had any recourse, because Kate tried very, VERY hard to get my name off everything and take my cut.”


I take this to mean that Beth's husband had Kate's number before Beth did. Some people are better at reading people than others.

I would also like to know what measures Kate took against Beth. Kate was partially successful in keeping Beth off the book tour. That must have been an interesting conversation!

I also have to wonder, if Beth was one of Robert's sources, did he take her to task about her nauseating praising of Kate in the book, and if she witnessed any abuse or read about it in the journal. He was not complimentary of her. I think Robert was frustrated with the wall of silence he encountered by many of the insiders. I know many of you think Beth walks on water but have you read her book? She makes it sound like Kate should be canonized as a saint. I guess for now I'll just say she was a poor judge of character and learned her lesson. Really, how often in life do people encounter someone as toxic as Kate Gosselin?

Alberta Girl said...

The stupidity of Milo is mind boggling! If you had the chance, you'd do it for free for her Milo?? Guess what? You're not a "friend". You are some anonymous weirdo on the internet.

Where are all of Kate's friends, neighbours, townspeople, etc, to state what a kind and loving person she is? Yeah, that would be the sound of crickets you hear...

All This Is That said...

Some contract honorer, that little girlcrush of yours...

I don't think this is a girl crush. She's way past that. This is a case of full-blown adult love/lust. Sadly.

AuntieAnn said...

“My interest from day one, and I think it’s hard for money–minded people to believe this, was seeing that the kids got the care they needed,” she said.

“Once it stopped being about the kids, and turned to fame and money , I was out. I really truly just wanted the kids to have what they needed. It was a really easy decision for me once it stopped being about the kids to say, ‘I’m out.'”

These statements make me think something happened in Utah that caused Beth to up and leave right in the middle of it. Why would she agree to go with them on a trip if she knew she had to attend a birthday party back home?

Just speculating, but I wonder if Kate really lost it badly on one or more of the kids and Beth witnessed it. The book and the money issues aside, maybe THAT was the last straw for her.

FYI said...

No matter who comes out and speaks negatively about Kate, the sheeple will never believe them. If Kate's parents, sisters, Steve, Jamie, Deanna and anyone else who had a close relationship with Kate said something negative about her, they still wouldn't believe it.

If, when the kids turn older, and they also have negative things to say, they'll turn on them too.

To the sheeple, nobody but nobody is to be believed when it comes to Kate, except Kate herself.

All This Is That said...

Are Milo or any of the sheep saying that the reason Beth went to ROL is because she needs to pay her mortgage? That seems to be the generous consensus when anyone sells a story to ROL and speaks out against Kate? How would Milo spin that one when she tweets that Beth was/is a rich person? Hmmm...if she doesn't need the money, then what is her reason for talking to ROL?

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Foxy ...............193

Both MB and Eight Little Faces were New York Times best sellers. They each sold 500,000 copies right away, I don't know what they have sold to date.

MB made the first million for Kate and ELF just piled on the money cause it was all her. Just those 2 books made millions for her. In Robert's book he wrote the percentage Kate demanded for each book according to how many books were sold. But he doesn't say if she got what she wanted. Either way I think that's the bulk of her wealth.

The sad part of the book money is that the books are about the kids. She never would have sold one copy if it wasn't for the kids and yet THAT money is all hers. I doubt she put any money into their trust funds.

FYI said...

BTW, the Wendy Williams show is in repeats right now, and tomorrow they're airing the episode when Jon was a guest. Good timing!

Although I'm sure the sheeple conspiracy theorists will say that it's only being repeated due to all the bad press Kate is getting.

Tucker's Mom said...

I completely disagree that Beth has some incredible moral compass. BETH made money off the Gosselin children. Lots of $
I just want to point out that Beth did not make money off the Gosselin children. Sure, if they were never born, there would be no story, but J+K were in the public domain, and if you read anything that Beth wrote, you would see that Beth truly felt God working through her to tell what she believed to be a miraculous and inspiring story.
Beth felt called to this duty.
Now, as for the money aspect, money is not immoral, however, stealing is.
Lying is.
Cheating is.

Beth obviously has a talent for writing that Kate will never posses, and had this whole situation not become a sordid, ugly affair, Beth and Kate's book would have remained highly regarded, instead of sullied by greed.
It was an inspirational story, which drew most of us to it in the beginning.
At some point, Kate's heart darkened.
I don't think Beth's ever did.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Oh, good lord. Now it's all Beth's fault because she should have done this for free? What's next? It's Jon's fault because he convinced Kate that Beth is a ghost writer and not a co-author? Maybe TLC is to blame for the severing of friendship because Beth wanted to be paid for television appearances and didn't have a contract?

Does Milo lie awake at night, thinking up how she is going to spin this? If so, she's going to have plenty of sleepless nights.

PatK said...

White Organza said... 1
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 24m
@Kateplusmy8 Just odd 2me. Beth had plenty of $$..yet obviously wanted big chunk of the bk..she wasn't a experience, yet got 50%?


So Milo really HAS found something to fault Beth with? This is the best she can do? What an idiot she truly, truly is.

sparkle said...

Circling the drain said... 184
Milo's spin on everything is so Kate-centric and the logic is so twisted that I suspect yet again that Milo is Kate.

Yes. Milo's excuses and pathetic attempts to defend Kate always mirror Kate's sick and coldhearted ways of thinking. Defending Kate's attempt to blindside Beth and rip her off as understandable because "Beth was rich and should have done the book for free?" I am waiting for the day for this catfish to be exposed.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

TLC Stinks I agree. In the new Radar article Beth says Kate left the kids for fame and fortune. In the next paragraph Beth says Kate is doing a good job with the kids. I'm confused! Which is it? Good or bad??

Over In TFW's County said...

"Where are all of Kate's friends, neighbours, townspeople, etc, to state what a kind and loving person she is? Yeah, that would be the sound of crickets you hear..."


We're here, but you'll never hear anything like that coming from us! Come on, Milo, get thyself here and talk to locals about Kate. Your head will be spinnin' and you'll get yourself into such denial mode that you'll need intensive therapy (not that you don't already).

Tucker's Mom said...

I know many of you think Beth walks on water but have you read her book? She makes it sound like Kate should be canonized as a saint.
I have liked Beth because of the way she interacted with those kids. She is kind, loving, maternal and soft in a way Kate never was, and kids need that.
Beth impresses me as deeply religious and perhaps felt that she met someone who God chose for a miracle.
Just the way Beth speaks to and writes about Kate's unique situation makes me think that Beth was in awe of God's work, and therefore, in awe of Kate.
That's a mighty high pedestal to have fallen from, and I wonder if this experience challenged Beth's beliefs and made her appreciate the profound fallibility that one can succumb to.

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 2

I know many of you think Beth walks on water but have you read her book? She makes it sound like Kate should be canonized as a saint.


lol! I don't think she walks on water, and I agree she wrote about Kate as if the heavens had opened up to set Kate upon a lofty pedestal above the mediocre. I have not read the entire book, only excerpts and I didn't care for it. Plus, I wish she'd never introduced her to the SPA. Huge mistake.

But I do respect her. She knocked on Kate's door out of kindness before TFW became a well-known reality tv personality. She seemed very genuine in her efforts to help. Of course Kate had to exploit that help too.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 6
No matter who comes out and speaks negatively about Kate, the sheeple will never believe them. If Kate's parents, sisters, Steve, Jamie, Deanna and anyone else who had a close relationship with Kate said something negative about her, they still wouldn't believe it.
Kate's sister gave a couple blurbs to Radar about having no relationship with Kate and the kids- first time I'd ever seen her speak out in all these years- and she was crucified for it.

Not Black and White said...

Tucker's Mom said... 10

I just want to point out that Beth did not make money off the Gosselin children. Sure, if they were never born, there would be no story, but J+K were in the public domain, and if you read anything that Beth wrote, you would see that Beth truly felt God working through her to tell what she believed to be a miraculous and inspiring story.
Beth felt called to this duty.
Now, as for the money aspect, money is not immoral, however, stealing is.
Lying is.
Cheating is.
Yes, she did, likely to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars. I don't see how that is open to dispute. I didn't read the book and have no clue about Beth's "calling" but the bottom line is that she made a nice chunk of change off the Gosselin children. And if the way Beth characterized Kate in the book did not jibe with reality, then she is guilty of lying.

So am I to assume from your logic that you do not believe Kate Gosselin has exploited her children, because it's fine and dandy to make $ off of them?

Sheri said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m
@Kateplusmy8 Just odd 2me. Beth had plenty of $$..yet obviously wanted big chunk of the bk..she wasn't a experience, yet got 50%?


What are you on Milo? Seriously, what kind of meds are they giving you on your planet?

"...wanted a big chunk of the bk..." Uh, let's see...she WROTE the freakin' book Milo.

Just how much "writing experience" did Kate have at the time? Oh yeah, right...NONE and Kate got 50% for flapping her gums.

You never cease to amaze me just how ridiculous (stupid, moronic, deluded, desperate, insane) you can make yourself look in your defense of Kate.

It doesn't matter if Beth had more money than God, she deserved to be compensated for her work. Even Kate thought so enough to enter into a contract with her.

Get a grip.

Over In TFW's County said...

The falling out seems to have been ABOUT $.


Not entirely. The falling out seems to have happened about Kate not honoring a contract. Yes, the contract was about money, but I think that Beth realized that once Kate had what she wanted from Beth (the book) that Beth was nothing to her. Bottom line was that money was secondary; Kate used her and dropped her like a hot potato, and a failed friendship had to hurt.

I had to shake my head over Milo's comments. She once tweeted that her friends pulled out and left her in the middle of the night after all that she had done for them. I specifically remember that tweet. Milo's feelings were hurt. Well, Milo, after all Beth did for Kate and the kids, babysitting them and who knows what else, I imagine that Kate being greedy over money really was a punch in the stomach to Beth. Same thing, Milo. Your friends left you after all you did for them. Not pleasant, is it?

Kelly said...

I agree with your assessment of Beth TLC stinks. I wonder if Beth's attempting to mitigate responsibility for not reporting any abuse she might have seen or suspected. It might be getting a tad hot in the kitchen due to the publication of the book. I understand Beth is decent Christian woman, but I also believe she had to know that TFW's punishments and rules were so over the top that they were ridiculous. All that a sane person has to do is look at the Post It Queen's reminders, rules and bible verses covering any vertical surface. I'm glad Beth spilled, but I also find it reprehensible that she is attempting to blanket blame viewers of the show. Sounds a bit like a guilty conscious to me. We weren't witnessing the family in real time or real life. Did Beth know about the church talks and love offerings as well? Yep, that's her conscious talking.

NJGal..Spikie is a bad boy! Thank goodness he's cute. I tell Rucifer that's his only saving grace at the moment. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who gives my dog the finger. Unfortunately the guy farming the field next to me caught me in action last week and I didn't care because the dog totally deserved it ;)

High Sodium Content said...

In Roberts first book, he wrote about running into Beth at the Giant grocery store. March 24, 2012 "Beth is gorgeous". Beth didn't know who he was. As he was picking his eggs, he sees Kate also in the dairy aisle. There was zero contact between Beth and Kate.

NJGal51 said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 6m
U know me @Kateplusmy8 If I was already wealthy...was asked2 help write a bk aka ghost writer...I'd do it 4free as a gift of friendship!
Milo - Beth got credit as a writer so she is, at the very least, a co-author. Ghost writers don't get any credit for being an author. Their name is not on the cover of the book. Many real authors who used to use ghost writers (James Patterson comes to mind) are now giving those same ghost writers co-authorship credit. Beth was not a ghost writer and she put just as much time, if not more, into the book San she should be compensated. How ridiculous to say that she should have done it free because she was already well off.

Millicent said...

“I do know that Kate’s very, very intelligent, very driven, very focused, very stubborn — the word ‘never’ should never be used with Kate. Everything is possible, for the good or the bad,” Beth told Radar..."
Obviously, Beth has first hand experience with Kate and I respect her opinion. However, I think Kate's intelligence, whatever level it might be, is compromised by her inability to see beyond a narrow tunnel of self-indulgence and just plain selfishness.

As an analogy, I'd say that Donald Sterling, in his prime, was a very intelligent and driven man, and clearly very successful. But with his advancing age and probably Alzheimer's or senility, his intelligence couldn't help him as it had before.

I see similar in Kate. When she was younger, before she achieved the fame she so desired, she was indeed very focused and used her intelligence to obtain a nursing degree, and then to obtain the type of medical intervention to become pregnant with as many babies at once. She then used her intelligence and determination and single-mindedness to land them a tv show.

Over time, I would say her mental faculties have faded. She may still be very focused and driven, but those attributes are compromised by her reported heavy drinking, by her reported obsessive and stingy behavior, and other mental issues.

If she was so intelligent as described, she wouldn't have repeatedly shot herself in the foot and frittered away the golden opportunities she had. She had what it took to get herself to a certain level, and then she flubbed it on the follow through.

Tucker's Mom said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 11
Oh, good lord. Now it's all Beth's fault because she should have done this for free? What's next?
Anyone who comes forward will be accused of making money off the kids.
Ashley, Carla, Jodi, Kevin etc. will face this for the rest of their lives, and fight to have the truth be heard because people will try to drown them out and attempt to pivot the story away from working children on reality tv.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 18

Kate is a twit said... 6
No matter who comes out and speaks negatively about Kate, the sheeple will never believe them. If Kate's parents, sisters, Steve, Jamie, Deanna and anyone else who had a close relationship with Kate said something negative about her, they still wouldn't believe it.
Kate's sister gave a couple blurbs to Radar about having no relationship with Kate and the kids- first time I'd ever seen her speak out in all these years- and she was crucified for it.


TFW's discarded family and friends all took the high road out. Kate can't seem to locate it on the map.

Anonymous said...

I just had a look at TFW's timeline. "Snotty Girl" is doing her very best to rubish Beth Carson and of course canonize KG. "Snotty" seems to be a recent additon to Twitter having only 55 tweets. Just wondering if TFW has opened up another Twitter account.


Tucker's Mom said...

So am I to assume from your logic that you do not believe Kate Gosselin has exploited her children, because it's fine and dandy to make $ off of them?
I think I explained my point clearly and succinctly, and perhaps you should read the book to have the ability to fully understand my point.
Until then, I'll let my counterpoint to you stand as is, without biting at the straw man you presented, but to answer as such"

PJ's momma said...

I visited dear friends in K8's area yesterday, and they took me to see the house. It is very beautiful, as is that entire area. We saw one of the boys lugging a gardening wagon full of brush up a hill. Shoka was tagging along. He is very beautiful too!
Today I am enjoying the Big Apple, including a show tonight.
And most of all, thank you, Beth!

TLC stinks said...

Auntie and others, I do agree that Beth felt a calling to help Kate in the beginning. She was very kind to those babies, and she and Bob went out of their way to help Jon and Kate. And I am thrilled she finally spoke up. I guess my issue is her perception of Kate in that book (maybe Beth is one of those who only sees the good in people). And I take NO issue that she should have been paid. She seems like a well-meaning, decent person who was totally taken in by Kate. I can see why Kate used her to write the book. There would be no questions asked, just acceptance.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 187
Auntie Ann exactly, wait for that excuse.

Because if you're wealthy you don't deserve to be paid fairly for your work because after all you don't really "need" it. Once you reach six figures you should just do straight volunteerism.

Oh sheeple.


Whatever happened to the Sheeple mantra that EVERYONE would beat their babies and prance around a reality show, if they had the chance, for ALL THAT MONEY!!?

So, 'everyone' would do what Kate did/does in the name of the money, but Beth shouldnt because Milo magically knows Beth had ENOUGH money already?

Next out of Milo's grubby little finger taps, will be that Beth has a MAANNNNN to support her. I'll have to break that to my professional female relatives who are both getting married this fall: dont do it ladies, or you will have to take a pay cut once you have a MAN to support you.

TLC stinks said...

Ha,ha. A tup boy called it that Kate would never let them use that Gator. Some birthday present. I do not agree a 10 year old should be driving one, but that Gator is perfect for hauling brush. Get off your lazy ass, Kate. Use the Gator. You got it for free for yourself.

Dwindle said...

kris said... 181

Milo...the titanic is going down, stop trying to bail the water out with a Dixie cup. It won't work.


No Dixie cup needed for Milo. She has a collection of replicate Spanker Spoons. She's using one of those for bailing, determined that the Titanic will "happy up", damn it!

Anonymous said...

Boy, Milo's comments regarding Beth scream, yes scream, her craziness and sickness of her worship of Kate. Does Milo not realize that her tweets about the book are really a terribel slam to Kate. Kate decided to give Beth 50%. So Milo is back handedly slamming Kate for being so stupid to agree to give Beth 50%. According to Milo, Kate was really, really stupid to agree with 50%. And Milo stating that Beth was a ghostwriter is 100% factually wrong. And how does Milo know that Beth was wealthy at that time. Just because Beth lived in a beautiful home did not make her wealthy. But again, that whole point is insane. The whole entire world is full of extremely, truly wealthy people who get honest paid for services. I bet to say Kate probably had more money than Beth at that point anyway.

I find it so interesting that Kate is a sicko, irrational person and her number one defender is a sicko, irrational person.

But the best part of Beth coming forward is the kids will definetely read and learn about what truly happened to Beth being missing from their lives. And all of the kids or most of them will believe this and know that Kate was in it for the fame and fortune and did not have the kids best interests at heart. I am so thrilled that Beth came forward with this. I hope there is a third part of this tomorrow with Radar.

TLC stinks said...

"Hear that, America? It's your fault Kate Gosselin is a horrible mother!"


Hey, it's not my fault!

AuntieAnn said...

I didn't read the book and have no clue about Beth's "calling" but the bottom line is that she made a nice chunk of change off the Gosselin children. And if the way Beth characterized Kate in the book did not jibe with reality, then she is guilty of lying.

So am I to assume from your logic that you do not believe Kate Gosselin has exploited her children, because it's fine and dandy to make $ off of them?


Beth made money for writing the book. It isn't disputed. She didn't birth two sets of multiples for the purpose of exploiting them. There is a difference.

She got sucked into the vortex because I don't think she had seen the Mr. Hyde side of Kate up to that point. She was there to help, as was Nana Janet, for example.

She may not be entirely innocent but I do think she was another of Kate's unsuspecting victims.

TLC stinks said...

Kate's Pity a Party starts.

FYI said...

FYI--The paperback version of Robert's book is available again on both Amazon and Createspace. He probably suspended the sale of the paperback when he had the special Kindle promotion going on.

Here's the link to the Amazon page for the paperback:

rainbowsandunicorns said...

"Snotty Girl" is doing her very best to rubish Beth Carson and of course canonize KG. "Snotty" seems to be a recent additon to Twitter having only 55 tweets. Just wondering if TFW has opened up another Twitter account.


She's been around for about a year, and tweets just to antagonize.

Anonymous said...

Black and White said:
I completely disagree that Beth has some incredible moral compass. BETH made money off the Gosselin children. Lots of $. So her claim that it was never about $ rings very, very hollow. I['m not suggesting that she initially got involved with the thought that she could profit, but the bottom line is that she did NOT walk away before it became about $. The falling out seems to have been ABOUT $.
I disagree with this completely. It was about Beth realizing that Kate had no scruples or morals and did not want to continue with that type of person. Also, Beth realized that Kate began to put the kids on the back burner and let fame and fortune rule her decisions and ife choices. That is why Beth cut her out of her life.

Why shouldn't Beth make money off of a book when she committed over a year to writing it. That is the American way and there was zero wrong with that. And I think it took awhile for Beth to realize that the fame and fortune was more important to Kate than her kids. We don't know when that exact moment came for Beth.

Beth is a very moral, great person. She put tons of energy and love into the Gosselin family. And this relationship started when the kids were infants. Beth did not have a clue that a tv show was on the horizon. Beth's motives were pure. And again, Beth had ever right to fair compensation for her year's work. And she had ever right to fight for what was hers. And I think Bob Carson was very wise and already smelled a rat when he told Beth let's protect us from the Gosselins in case they screw us. I think Beth and Bob already had began to read and see things about the Gosselins greed that prompted them to protect themselves. And what do you know, the Carsons were correct. Kate did try to royally screw them.

And if it was ALL about the money for Beth like Black and White wrote, then why didn't Beth sell her story to the many, many media outlets that her hounding her the past many years. The answer is because she does have a great moral compass.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

And if the way Beth characterized Kate in the book did not jibe with reality, then she is guilty of lying.


Not at all, and I think that Beth explained that. They were friends. Beth wanted to help her and the kids. When Beth wrote the book, I don't think that Kate's fame and fortune desire had really clicked in yet. It was after the book was published when she went into full celebrity mode and Beth saw it. Beth isn't guilty of lying because reality at that time was that Kate's quest for the lifestyle of the rich and famous hadn't kicked in just yet...almost, but not in its entirety, and when it did, Beth was out of there.

At least that's what I got from the article...

Anonymous said...

If I am reading twitter correctly (don't have one, so not that familiar with where to click to see other's replies, etc)...
but it appears that MILO is the only one bailing water out of the boat. I guess Kate can't get her manicured hands wet.


(and I still can't get over her comment that Beth should have worked on the book for a YEAR for FREE.).
Milo HAS to be Kate. surely there can't be two people this stupid. LOL

Over In TFW's County said...

OT, sort of, but it is about reality television...Discovery Channel (Amish Mafia) and TLC (Breaking Amish)...

"At their core, this television series engages in religious bigotry," says a joint statement issued Tuesday by "Amish Mafia is no more acceptable than Jewish Mafia, Catholic Mafia or Evangelical Mafia.
"The show is an affront to all people of faith." is a grassroots organization aimed at supporting the true Amish culture in Lancaster County by denouncing "Amish Mafia," spreading the word that the show is fake and encouraging people not to watch it and not to assist film crews that might be around trying to shoot footage for future episodes, according to its website.

The statement issued Tuesday was signed by the Lancaster County Council of Churches, which consists of 131 local churches; the Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, which has 89 parishes in central Pennsylvania, including 18 in Lancaster County; Lancaster Mennonite Conference; Historic Black Churches; Jewish Congregation; and others."

And ultimately, the statement's supporters "call for an end to the production and broadcast for the 'Amish Mafia' series, and respectfully ask the Discovery Channel and its sponsors to drop support for the series and other Amish-themed knockoff productions," the statement says.

kris said...

I don't see how the Sheeple think Beth made $$ off of the children. #1 She wrote the story of J&K, their life with the twins, how the tups came about and the very early years (before filming). At that point it was just the story of this family & how they had 2 sets of multiples. I don't think anyone thought 'exploiting kids' about the MB book. #2 Beth got out of the filming very early in the game. If you look it up the 1st episode of J&K+8 aired in Oct 2007. The Ski Trip episode aired in June 2008. So roughly 7 mo. into it, Beth could see how Kate's focus was changing and she opted out. Was she getting paid for filming? Doubtful b/c that's what caused the rift b/w Jodi, Kevin & Kate, they wanted to be paid. So yes, she made $$ off the story but I feel not at the expense of the kids.

And one other thing, when Beth says Kate is intelligent, I take that as Cunning. Not necessarily book smart but street smart. She can read people and situations and work it to her advantage.

Sheri said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 6m
U know me @Kateplusmy8 If I was already wealthy...was asked2 help write a bk aka ghost writer...I'd do it 4free as a gift of friendship!


Oh Milo, I should thank you for making it sooooo easy.

I do admit to swinging between being infuriated and delightfully amused at your delusions. Sometimes I want to bang my head, other times I just sit here and laugh at your utter ridiculousness.

Either way, you are pure entertainment.

Let's get to it then...

No Milo, @Kateplusmy8 does not know you. That right there is your first and biggest mistake. You really believe she does though, don't you? That's both mind boggling and sad.

The closest you've come to being in her "inner circle" is that time she mentioned you in an interview. I'm sure you celebrate the anniversary.

Next, Beth was NOT a ghost writer, she was CO-AUTHOR. Why are these simple differences so difficult for you to grasp? Who do you think you're kidding anyway?

Do you really believe someone unfamiliar with the situation is going to read your tweets and suddenly become enlightened to the entire saga?

I'm pretty sure if anyone cares enough to know more they'll peruse more than just your sycophantic rantings. Like, oh I don't know, read Mr. Hoffman's book or check out this blog.

Finally, you would do it for free out of friendship but only if you were already wealthy? So, you would expect to be paid if you weren't wealthy? Your friendship does have a price then?

See Milo, anything can be twisted to suit whomever is doing the twisting. Problem is, Beth is not known for being a lying liar who lies about EVERYTHING and Kate is.

FYI said...

I had to shake my head over Milo's comments. She once tweeted that her friends pulled out and left her in the middle of the night after all that she had done for them. I specifically remember that tweet. Milo's feelings were hurt. Well, Milo, after all Beth did for Kate and the kids, babysitting them and who knows what else, I imagine that Kate being greedy over money really was a punch in the stomach to Beth. Same thing, Milo. Your friends left you after all you did for them. Not pleasant, is it?

I remember that too. And Milo put it all out there on twitter for everyone to see.

Yet Milo has the nerve to tweet this:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 I always liked Beth. She was gr8 w/the Gs..her & Kate seemed 2click. Sad that she would do this now..what benefit? Seems petty.

So it's "petty" when a former friend of Kate publicly says something negative about Kate, but when Milo complains about friends on twitter it's not considered petty.

Here are a few of those tweets:

@CJWhodunit The money and things we gave what! It's the betrayal...the lack of trust...friendship that bothers me!

@CarleneMarie_1 @CJWhodunit I invested alot of myself "emotionally" in them. That's the part that hurts! Well, life goes on!

@CarleneMarie_1 Yeah...I always try 2give the "benefit of doubt"....all I need is just a phone call...a note...some excuse!

Seems like Milo was in the same boat as Beth. She should understand how Beth felt. But because it's about Kate, that's a whole different story.

Rhymes with Witch said...

What I do see in her is a laser-focused drive to achieve any goal that benefits her, especially in creating wealth and fame. Unfortunately, that drive is fueled by subterfuge and dishonesty, a complete lack of empathy and conscious, and a willingness/eagerness to take advantage of others. She has shown no capacity to appreciate all that has been done for her, or to be grateful for everything she has. She truly is a pathetic, sorry little woman, who will, no doubt, find herself completely alone one day. 144

Well stated. Even those few times she thanked people on the show always seemed forced and flat.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

"Hear that, America? It's your fault Kate Gosselin is a horrible mother!"


Hey, it's not my fault!


Blame everything on the alignment of the planets at that time. Maybe the moon was in the 7th House, and Kate was emotional, needy and moody. That's it. It wasn't her fault. There's a spin that Milo hasn't yet tried.

Call Me Crazy said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 6m

U know me @Kateplusmy8 If I was already wealthy...was asked2 help write a bk aka ghost writer...I'd do it 4free as a gift of friendship!

Milo, please. Just STOP with your idiotic, blind worship. Kate does NOT care about you; you are NOT her friend. You are simply a suck-up who is thrilled that a "celebrity" occasionally communicates with you on a stupid social media platform.

The difference between a friend and a suck-up is that a real friend is honest about the difficult stuff. Part of Kate's problem is that she has no real friends to take her to task when she is wrong or behaving badly. All she has left are you suck-ups who continually blow sucking-up smoke up her ass so she will give you some crumb of attention. It's pitiful.

Your queen was wrong, wrong, wrong to try to cheat Beth out of what she was due. You make yourself look like a fool with your constant excuses for her terrible actions. Sheesh. Have some self respect for crying out loud.

Over In TFW's County said...

I bet to say Kate probably had more money than Beth at that point anyway.


I don't think so, Leslie...not at that time. Beth and Bob were very well off and Kate wanted what Beth had.

FYI said...

According to Amber Ryland, Beth has not read Robert's book.

No Minor Matter ‏@BarbaraJean_s · 6h
Did @AmberGoodhand of ROL ask Beth Carson if she's read the explosive best selling book Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World?

Amber Ryland ‏@AmberGoodhand · 4h
@BarbaraJean_s I asked...she has not. In fact, she hasn't kept up on Gosselin things at all. She told me she's been "out of the loop."

Not Black and White said...

kris said... 41
I don't see how the Sheeple think Beth made $$ off of the children.
Um, because she did! That's fact. No sextuplets, no story. Whether or not one thinks that is wrong, child exploitation, etc. is a matter of opinion, but it's not a matter of opinion that she made $ off the children.

Sara said...

I can so see Kate thinking all along that Beth and Bob, "cuz they love us" wouldn't want to take money from her kids! When Bob asked for it to be legal, I can see Kate flipping out and sending Jon over to talk to them just like what happened when TLC wanted to pay Jodi.

Kate is on a downward spiral. I feel bad for the kids right now. I keep thinking it's going to get worse and I believe it will..Lindsey Lohan style.

AND, I think more will be coming out.


Over In TFW's County said...

Kate should tell Milo to just shut up, but then again, Milo provides so much humor with her ignorant tweets. Milo is more of a liability than an asset.


I'd miss Milo. She's the laughingstock of Twitter -- the court jester, the buffoon. She's going to be the one, with her moronic tweets, that helps to put the nail in Kate's coffin. Let her rants continue. I know she's obnoxious, and as Sue Buddy put it, a freakin' fruitcake, but like all fruitcakes, she will get stale after awhile if she hasn't already! It's fun to see what she comes up with.

That said, if she's truly as mentally ill and up to her wazoo in celebrity worship as her tweets indicate, then she belongs in a facility where she can get the treatment that she needs. If she's catfishing, then I'd love to know who or what Milo really is.

Call Me Crazy said...

Over In TFW's County said... 56

I know she's obnoxious, and as Sue Buddy put it, a freakin' fruitcake, but like all fruitcakes, she will get stale after awhile if she hasn't already! It's fun to see what she comes up with.

Hey "Over". Do fruitcakes really ever get stale?? Has anyone on the planet actually ever tried one to determine if that is possible?? :)

Call Me Crazy said...

OT here. Admin's boyfriend's house is up for sale. Here it is:

Virginia said...

Over In TFW's County said... 56

Kate should tell Milo to just shut up, but then again, Milo provides so much humor with her ignorant tweets. Milo is more of a liability than an asset.


I'd miss Milo. She's the laughingstock of Twitter -- the court jester, the buffoon. She's going to be the one, with her moronic tweets, that helps to put the nail in Kate's coffin. Let her rants continue. I know she's obnoxious, and as Sue Buddy put it, a freakin' fruitcake, but like all fruitcakes, she will get stale after awhile if she hasn't already! It's fun to see what she comes up with.

That said, if she's truly as mentally ill and up to her wazoo in celebrity worship as her tweets indicate, then she belongs in a facility where she can get the treatment that she needs. If she's catfishing, then I'd love to know who or what Milo really is.

I agree. She probably gives the nurses and staff an earful! Can you imagine her rantings IRL w/o the character limits of Twitter?

I'd hate to be assigned to the bed next to hers (or his)!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gladys says she'd do something out of friendship, but clearly her
friendship has all kinds of passive/aggressive strings attached.
She has carefully crafted an image of herself as this altruistic,
mild-mannered gal, but she's given waaaaay too many clues
about her dark side. I'm way past the "bless her heart" stage
with this one. She can be just as snotty as the rest of them,
if not more. And I don't believe she gives half a hoot about
the welfare of those 8 children.

Sara said...

A thought to ponder: Beth could have put her proceeds in trust for the kids she was going to raise if Jon and Kate died...If she saw this path Kate was going on and it really, really was about what the kids needed. That could have very well been the last of the money that the kids would see. Just saying.

My thought is, she saw the journals. How could she have not. I think she knew Kate struggled with the kids and saw in writing how Kate handled them. I think she really wanted to help those kids and help Kate be a better mommy. Not by spending all the time at the spa, but overall.

I predict we will be hearing more.

I also wonder if Robert put pressure on Beth to come forward.

AuntieAnn said...

Call Me Crazy said... 58

Hey "Over". Do fruitcakes really ever get stale?? Has anyone on the planet actually ever tried one to determine if that is possible?? :)


I have a dirty little secret.

I love fruitcake.

I love fruitcake at Christmas. I love fruitcake at weddings. I love fruitcake dark, I'll even eat fruitcake light if there's no dark. I love fruitcake soaked and aged in rumspringa. I always enjoy it along with a few slices of dry salami and a piece of aged cheddar.

I may never be able to eat it again without thinking of Gladys. What a shame. I so love fruitcake. ~ Administrator said...

The point for me about Beth was that she realized something was very wrong and took steps to make sure she got out. She ended her involvement completely, even with family members she took no issue with like Jon and the kids. That is a big stand. She was involved very early in the game before anyone was really understanding that this could be very detrimental for the kids. Nobody saw that that early in the game. It didn't cross anyone's minds. Although she was the last to speak, she was one of the very first to get out, and for that she should be both forgiven for any role she may have played in the ultimate exploitation, and commended for refusing to participate anymore.

Layla said...

PJ's Momma (30)
So, while TFW and the twins are getting mani/pedis, the boys (or at least one of them--and I bet we all know which one) had to work outside. TFW doesn't want summer to end, but I bet the boys can't wait to go to school so they can relax a bit. They are just free labor to their mother.

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said...

Oh, my, Milo. She's in total martyr gear, but she loves it. She lives for it. She claims she's been mocked, humiliated, tormented, but it's worth it because it's all for Kate, her one true love in the entire universe. She'd go to the ends of the earth for Kate, even though she's never met her. Milo, Kate wouldn't give you the time of day if you came face to face with her.

Gosh, I'm getting a flashback from "The Omen," when the nanny says to Damien, the anti-Christ: "Look at me, Damien! It's all for you," and then leaps off the building, killing herself.

Milo is one sick puppy.

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said...

Auntie Ann (64): I may never be able to eat it again without thinking of Gladys. What a shame. I so love fruitcake.


lol, AuntieAnn! I know exactly what you mean. I always liked Billy Joel's song, "She's Always A Woman." Now I can't listen to it without thinking about Kate. She ruined it for me, along with Elton's "I'm Still Standing."

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said...

Flimsy (62): Gladys says she'd do something out of friendship, but clearly her friendship has all kinds of passive/aggressive strings attached.
She has carefully crafted an image of herself as this altruistic,
mild-mannered gal, but she's given waaaaay too many clues
about her dark side. I'm way past the "bless her heart" stage
with this one. She can be just as snotty as the rest of them,
if not more. And I don't believe she gives half a hoot about
the welfare of those 8 children.


Oh, I totally agree. Those kids are nothing but a blip on her radar, if that. She's presents herself as being one thing, but her tweets clearly indicate that she has a sinister side. She's slammed Jon right and left and can be downright nasty. She's not only nuts, but scary as well. No wonder those "friends" fled in the middle of the night. I'd love to hear the story on that one (from them). As Gladys said, there are two sides to every story.

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said...

Virginia (61): I'd hate to be assigned to the bed next to hers (or his)!


She'd have the walls and ceiling plastered with pictures of Kate. You'd have to sleep on your stomach so Kate's face wouldn't be the last thing you saw at night!

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said...

AuntieAnn -- I could probably tolerate a piece of fruit cake if it were soaked in rumspringa to disguise the taste. Heck, anything with rumspringa has to be good.

Is it too early to break open a keg?

Tucker's Mom said...

I have a dirty little secret.

I love fruitcake.
Fruitcake has been so maligned!
Not all fruitcakes are created equal. I make panforte around the holidays- Italian fruitcake.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 65
The point for me about Beth was that she realized something was very wrong and took steps to make sure she got out
It turned into The Truman Show when studio lighting and cameras were installed throughout the house.
Things like that, and turning the show into an infomercial, with all the freebies and product placements, changed the game.

AuntieAnn said...

Now I can't listen to it without thinking about Kate. She ruined it for me, along with Elton's "I'm Still Standing."


Kokomo, that is so true. They played "I'm Still Standing." on the radio yesterday while I was running errands (such hard work that is!). Kate automatically jumped into my head and ruined it. She's toxic. She should have a skull and crossbones warning on her.

Jeremy said...

Maybe I just happened to have JK+8 in my Netflix list, and by some coincidence, when the tv magically turned itself on while I was on the couch, the episode "we're having a book!" was on. Very interesting, and now I'm thinking it has to be re-edited, as someone once suggested. The beginning was the kids on the couch with "hi Oprah shirts" and Kate had then chorally practice saying "Hi Oprah", but then the episode was about their trip to NY to promote her book Multiple Blessings. And it was CLEARLY her book. She wrote it. She wrote it for the kids. Once Jon said "Kate's book", and Kate lovingly corrected him "it's our book, we wrote it for our children". Lots of "my book", "I wrote it over the last few years" with a pic of her at her computer, or "our book" referencing Jon and her. And in all their NYC travels, not one glimpse of their bodyguard in the background.

Anonymous said...

Oh AuntieAnn - I have a 25 year old fruitcake that we use as a doorstop. Think it's any good now? I believe a friendly Martian gave it to my husband many, many moons ago

MiChi said...

I don't want to be a party-pooper, but when I saw the headline that Beth spoke out, I thought we were going to get some juicy stories and insight we didn't already know. But even if she hadn't signed a non-disclosure agreement, we'd never get the truth from Beth. God bless her, that's not her style. Even in that article, as she's talking about Kate trying to rob her, she STILL doesn't speak badly of Kate. Beth is a class act, and I'm glad she spoke out at least this much because it does, once again, prove Kate's a lying liar liar-face; and even though this info is old to us, it's new to a lot of others.

Also, isn't it interesting that all of Kate's "friends" that were introduced on the shows were all "friends" of hers she met AFTER the six were born? No work friends, no school friends, no neighbor friends, no childhood friends. None. Like how on CWS, Kendra had to go out with her own friends in PA because they couldn't find any of Kate's.

I mean, we joke about it, but seriously you guys, WHAT is this woman going to do when all of the kids are out of the house? No job, no friends, no hobbies... (Oops, sorry, I'm acting all jealous again!) :)

Over In TFW's County said...

I have a dirty little secret.

I love fruitcake.


I had fruitcake that really wasn't horrible, but I can't remember who made it...Collin Bakery? Someone sent it to me as a joke. It was okay, but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it. However, followed by a Rumspringa chaser, it might not be too bad.

When I hear "fruitcake" I have to think of Aunt Edna in Lampoon's Vacation:

Aunt Edna: You're the ones who sent me the fruitcake for Christmas. It made me so sick!
Ellen Griswold: Oh - we're sorry. We thought you enjoyed fruitcake.
Aunt Edna: Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes Claude?
Clark: Clark.
Aunt Edna: I thought so. Whew! Well am I gonna eat, or am I gonna starve to death?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Another quote from Beth, who also.stayed that she hasn't kept up.with Gosselin news.
I think her last sentence beats witness to that.
"It's a tribute to the character and integrity of those who helped her. It’s also a testament to Kate’s character, for not keeping them in her life. I think she’s got to see that it’s sad.”

I believe that she really doesn't know that the only person Katie gives a shit about is Katie.

Formerly Duped said...

I'd love to know what locals are saying about this. They have experienced the real Kate for years now in various circumstances

njay said...

T.S. I agree. In the new Radar article Beth says Kate left the kids for fame and fortune. In the next paragraph Beth says Kate is doing a good job with the kids. I'm confused! Which is it? Good or bad??
I'm sorry, I really just don't get it. When someone finally comes forward and confirms what had been said AND DEBATED until we all just get sick of reading it, we start to get the microscope out to keep it going.

Beth or anyone else who joined in on this journey, IMO joined in with pure intentions. Beth DID A JOB that had a commitment/contract. I expect to get paid for any job I do at the agreed services and pay. Regardless of what that product is, I do the best work I can. Should I find out later that the product was used for evil intent and I was deceived, I would do just what Beth did. She left . To show you that her intent was pure, if it wasn't for her HUSBAND, she would not have gotten a lawyer. That shows what she thought about Kate in the beginning. She truly believed the good she wrote about Kate. Just like we believed when we first started watching and quit when we REALIZED/UNDERSTOOD what was really happening.

Beth's moral compass has nothing to do with what she said about Kate or the adulations (if that's the word) she gave her. She is no more guilty than any of us who watched and still watch the show for whatever reason, whether it's to be able to chime in with our opinion or because deep inside we still want to see the kids.

So many of us have shared the episode that was the last straw for them. Why can't it be the same for Beth. I'm sure she never even had in her heart or mind the notion that she was making money off the kids any more than we did by watching the show. I highly doubt that she thought Kate was an evil, bad, conniving person that would dupe her in the end. IT WAS A BUSINESS DEAL not an intended act to get money off the kids. A book was to be written. That is TLC's MO for all their family reality shows. If anything she probably offered so Kate didn't spend more for a professional and then she 'Kate' would have more for the kids. A 50/50 arrangement sounds fair to me, especially if it took a year or more like the article says. She had no way of knowing that the book would go over so well. And, I don't know if R's book says anything about TLC's ownership but from what I have heard and read, they usually get the best part of the deal.

Back to the moral comups. IMO, it is so unfair to speak negatively of that part of her life. She has not claimed that that is why she wrote the book. She hasn't even claimed that is why she quit being her friend. She has not even Lorded over ANYONE that she is a christian and therefore she is right/better than anyone. Even the talking to Jon explanation. She said she left when it got messy.

Who is to say what is moral. If we compare ourselves/others by ourselves then how can we improve. The danger there is we can say and believe I'm ok and everyone else is bad/wrong. If we walk in the light/understanding we are given, there is room for more and we avoid being stuck.

All This Is That said...

Dana Evans ‏@djsadlerfan 5m
@BarbaraJean_s @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Only place the stories are showing up is the tabloids. Let me know when it hits a real news source.

lol!! I guess this sheep doesn't watch television and missed the comments made there!

So because the tabloids are reporting this, and Beth spoke out, then that makes it not credible?

Sheeple are funny. Dumb, but funny.

Alberta Girl said...

Sheri said:

Finally, you would do it for free out of friendship but only if you were already wealthy? So, you would expect to be paid if you weren't wealthy? Your friendship does have a price then?

THIS! Exactly!

Excellent observation!

swimgirl said...

All This Is That said... 82
Dana Evans ‏@djsadlerfan 5m
@BarbaraJean_s @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Only place the stories are showing up is the tabloids. Let me know when it hits a real news source.
Unless, of course, it is a negative tabloid story about Jon, then it's the truth!

Tucker's Mom said...

Jeremy said... 75
Wow, that's just the cherry on top.
So, TLC crafted Kate's image and gave her all the credit for writing the book over "years".

Anonymous said...

njay said... 81 Well said, njay. I agree, let's stop picking the poor woman apart. We've been wanting to have the lies exposed, let's not throw her under the bus. Also, the Radar article is a sound bite. And context is everything.

The same way I don't like people beating up on Robert. He did what we wanted him to do. I don't really care how he went about it.

AuntieAnn, I happen to LOVE fruitcake. Light, dark, almond icing. 10 years old, two years old, I love the stuff. Too bad it's sooooo filled with calories. Ya'll can mail me your fruitcakes. I'd be happy to take them off your hands.


Tucker's Mom said...

Jeremy said... 75
Maybe I just happened to have JK+8 in my Netflix list, and by some coincidence, when the tv magically turned itself on while I was on the couch, the episode "we're having a book!" was on. Very interesting, and now I'm thinking it has to be re-edited, as someone once suggested. The beginning was the kids on the couch with "hi Oprah shirts" and Kate had then chorally practice saying "Hi Oprah", but then the episode was about their trip to NY to promote her book Multiple Blessings. And it was CLEARLY her book. She wrote it. She wrote it for the kids. Once Jon said "Kate's book", and Kate lovingly corrected him "it's our book, we wrote it for our children". Lots of "my book", "I wrote it over the last few years" with a pic of her at her computer,
...wonder how that made Beth feel.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I believe Beth got sucked in to the lies, just like us. Think she knew about the extra injections and the plotting for multiples? I doubt it. Give her credit for waking up.

I think her husband saw the way Jon was treated and his radar went off. Some people have very good gut instincts.


Vanessa said...

Finally, you would do it for free out of friendship but only if you were already wealthy? So, you would expect to be paid if you weren't wealthy? Your friendship does have a price then?\***********************

BAZINGA! Good one

Vanessa said...

Hmmm....who's the "contract honorer" in THIS situation?

Dwindle said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 51

Blame everything on the alignment of the planets at that time. Maybe the moon was in the 7th House, and Kate was emotional, needy and moody. That's it. It wasn't her fault. There's a spin that Milo hasn't yet tried.


It is a conspiracy by the (insert your despised political party here). The Government, doncha know. Tiny microchips embedded in TFW's toenail polish, intended to mess with her good Christian judgement and cause her arms to swing until they connect with and harm a little child, because we all know that (insert your despised political party here) decided a long time ago to target Kate. There is war on divorcee's with 8 kids! Pure, innocent, vestal, sainted and holy mommy's of 8 whose names start with K... It is a well known and proven fact. Oh yes it is! No lie! Honestly!

It is turrible, Milo, turrible I say, that I have to think of these excuses and do your job for you. Snap to it, we are dozing off out here.

Vanessa said...

And if the way Beth characterized Kate in the book did not jibe with reality, then she is guilty of lying.


Not at all, and I think that Beth explained that. They were friends.
Until you've been in the tentacles of a narcissist, you really don't know.
They seduce, they charm, they draw you in...just like we alllll watched!
Then slowly, little by little, things change....just like we alllll watched happen!
A narcissist will show their TRUE SELVES eventually, and it's usually under catastrophic/violent/abusive/backstabbing circumstances. Jon, Jodi, Kevin, Beth, parents!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

For you brave souls who are checking TFW's timeline, has she said
anything else yet beyond the "no" from yesterday regarding Beth's statements? She must've been gobsmacked. It takes a lot to shut
that gaping maw, and silence those French tips...

swingsandroundabouts said...

I love fruitcake too. We bought some panforte when we were in Sienna and I wished I had bought more. I love rum and spice cakes from the Caribbean. I love it all.

I make fruitcake and share it only with those select few who also like it. When people make fun of fruitcake I take personal umbrage. LOL It must be my English side coming to the fore.

Anonymous said...

It's pathetic how the sheeple get hold of one piece of info (Beth getting paid!!!!!), while forgetting that Beth helped this family, kept the kids at her home multiple times (up to a week at a time, mind you), her hubby employed Jon, paid for the twins private school tuition, took Kate to her first spa, were thinking about buying them a HOME,etc, etc,.....
And all the sheeple can say is how Beth wasn't a friend.


Anonymous said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 93

For you brave souls who are checking TFW's timeline, has she said
anything else yet beyond the "no" from yesterday regarding Beth's statements? She must've been gobsmacked. It takes a lot to shut
that gaping maw, and silence those French tips...
to answer your question,



AuntieAnn said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 76

Oh AuntieAnn - I have a 25 year old fruitcake that we use as a doorstop. Think it's any good now? I believe a friendly Martian gave it to my husband many, many moons ago


Martian fruitcake - there's one I haven't tried. I'll pay you for some if you can send it up. How much does chairmail cost these days anyway?

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 95
It's pathetic how the sheeple get hold of one piece of info (Beth getting paid!!!!!), while forgetting that Beth helped this family, kept the kids at her home multiple times (up to a week at a time, mind you), her hubby employed Jon, paid for the twins private school tuition, took Kate to her first spa, were thinking about buying them a HOME,etc, etc,.....
And all the sheeple can say is how Beth wasn't a friend.

As soon as I saw that Beth was speaking out, I hoped she was prepared for the blowback from the crazy fans.
Then again, I think she will get a lot of support and understanding, and given that she hasn't cast aside everyone from her life, she'll have the support of loved ones.

Anonymous said...

See, here's the thing with the sheeple. They lack discernment. They can't believe that someone so thoroughly pull the wool over their eyes. (pun sorta intended) They fear their own judgement or lack thereof. A person who is secure in themselves can admit when they've made a mistake. If the sheeple admit they were wrong about KG, they have to question all the other judgements they've made in their lives. Since they are unable or unwilling to look at their own possible failures and bad judgements, they continue with their inane support of a proven liar in order to preserve their own sense of self-worth.

Believe me, sheeple, we wouldn't look down on you, we would admire your maturity and critical thinking skills. Better late than never.


AuntieAnn said...

AuntieAnn, I happen to LOVE fruitcake. Light, dark, almond icing. 10 years old, two years old, I love the stuff. Too bad it's sooooo filled with calories. Ya'll can mail me your fruitcakes. I'd be happy to take them off your hands.



PJ, Swings, Tucker's and TFW's County and other closet fruitcake dwellers - I feel better now that I know I'm not the only one. You are a great fruitcake support group.

No Gladys, you may NOT join.

handinhand said...

Doesn't the original story (from 8 Little Faces) go that Beth was volunteering and one evening after everyone left, Kate found an envelope on a stack of papers/mail on the kitchen counter. When she finally opened it, she found a nice note from Beth and a sizable check. She $potted her early and rode the gravy train that Beth provided (with truly altruistic intent) until it no longer served her purposes.
As Kate said in the RV episode, 'people leave our lives and I just keep on going'. Followed by her saying, 'I can't leave...(tellingly long pause here by Kate)...I wouldn't even if I could.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Milo's tweets? She is one delusional puppy and as nutty as a fruitcake. (I couldn't resist using the fruitcake analogy since it's being discussed here - LOL!).

Linda said...

Beth's very talented! What a gorgeous website. Good for her!

Rhymes with Witch said...

True confession: I've never actually had a piece of fruitcake. On the other hand, thru don't make jokes about it.
Scandinavian baked goods tend to use cardomom.
On another OT note, I love herring.
And cheese. But not together.

JMO said...

Rhymes with Witch

Your queen was wrong, wrong, wrong to try to cheat Beth out of what she was due. You make yourself look like a fool with your constant excuses for her terrible actions. Sheesh. Have some self respect for crying out loud.
Let us not forget, Kate is a "contract honorer." Why not with MB and with an agreement/contract with one of your best friends? If you want to put a book out, and agree to pay someone 50%, you pay it and be grateful, respectful, and appreciative that someone took a year of their time, away from their own family, to fufill your desire.

There is something inherently wrong with Kate, and how she feels people are so disposable and put on the face of this earth to please her. If you look at the heap of wreckage she has left behind(family/friends/husband/kids/crew members, CC, Em Tanner, etc...) and how she treats people who she believes are there for her every need, and disposable when they do not please her, it is not hard to see why she is alone and so disliked. The minor kids have no choice to leave her as she holds the purse strings and is their mother. But those kids are clearly showing plenty of signs and symptoms of wear and tear from being around this self-absorbed narcissist. Seriously, her latest show was horrific, and made me more horrified than ever. And she thought it was great. Great for HER means everything is A- Okay. Seriously, if three of the 8 are happy, I would be shocked.
Who engineers having 8 kids, and then says, I want to travel 2 weeks and be home 2 weeks a month, when your whole premise is being the super caring mom. And don't dare call her while she is away, because she does not do phone calls with the kids unless it is an emergency.

She has no loyalty to anyone BUT herself. It is disgusting.I do think she loves her kids, but in a self-absorbed narcissistic way, that always puts herself first above anyone else. Hope Jon can affect some changes here, as the situation is off the rails.

She really is a Case Study.

AuntieAnn said...

Linda said... 103

Beth's very talented! What a gorgeous website. Good for her!


Wow. That IS a nice website. Very classy.

(FOTK, note that it's Powered by RocketFuel® lol!)

Jane said...

I've never seen yoga mats like those, they're lovely. Thinking Xmas and birthdays...what a unique gift. Her artwork is gorgeous! She's a woman of many true talents, unlike Kate who has no talent for anything. Well, except grifting. Oh, and lying. ~ Administrator said...

Beth has been an artist and consultant for years. Unless she mentioned her business I don't see what a web site has anything to do with it. Few people would even think to see if she has one. She's probably just as soon her business not be associated with such a mess.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Okay, guys, I just went to Beth's website and saw the first design on
the homepage - a peacock mat entitled "Symbol Of Renewal." And
so help me, I'm crying. None of us can know what led her to this
week's revelations, but I have a pretty finely tuned BS meter, and
this woman doesn't register a ripple. I wish her and Bob and their
kids health, happiness and peace. And maybe some day she can
be a part of the G kids' lives again. Who knows where any of their
journeys - or any of ours, for that matter - may lead.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 110
Nicely put ;-)

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw that Beth was speaking out, I hoped she was prepared for the blowback from the crazy fans.
It makes you wonder if Beth waited the six years or so to speak out now because all of her kids are probably in their teens and older and can understand any blow back that may happen by speaking out.

How many sheeple do you think Kate truly has? You know, the hard-core ones. Any guesses from her twitter account?

Jumping In said...

My husband I both worked for a Canadian icon who has a iron-clad public persona to this day. The very thought of speaking out against her makes me shudder.

Working for her was a nightmare, and while she is driven and a hard worker, she is ruthless to all in her employ. Never, ever did we dream of speaking out against her as the blow back would be enormous, plus no-one would believe us anyway. For three long years we worked tirelessly on her project, night and day. Finally, the day came to unveil the finished product with many well-known people in attendance, our moment to shine had arrived. As we walked in to a ballroom behind her, she said "you two don't need to sit with us (she and her husband), you can go find a table somewhere"

There is no worse feeling than being cast aside when the moment of acknowledgment arrives. We were paid employees, so we had been compensated (not nearly enough), so how did Beth feel, cut out, cast aside, then left to fight for compensation!?

Whether you go up against a legend, or a reality-tv star, they will forever have the advantage. I understand Beth putting out her story now, still giving Kate credit for her intelligence, Beth knows Kate's power and she still fears her wrath. Beth just hedged her bets in the court of public opinion.

I admire Beth, this could not have been easy, but she had to set the record straight, that took bravery, but then again timing is everything, and she recognized now what that time.

FYI said...

Kate tweeted yesterday:

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Fun day here! Manis and Pedis for my teens and other kid logistics more than usual... Can summer last forever please? #We'reHavingFun

Hmm, I just read that One Direction appeared at Met Life Stadium in NJ last night. I wonder if Kate and the twins went, and if that's why they all went to get mani/pedi's yesterday. Would also explain the "other kid logistics" in that she had to get someone to be with the rest of the kids.

AuntieAnn said...

Few people would even think to see if she has one.


I'll bet the defective detective chased it down yesterday right after the first article on ROL was posted.

FYI said...

Never mind my previous post, Kate and the twins are at the One Direction concert tonight. This tweeter tweeted a picture of herself at Met Life stadium, and then tweeted about Kate.

caitlin calvert ‏@caitlin_calvert · 1h
One Direction🎉🎉

caitlin calvert ‏@caitlin_calvert · 21m
I was just in a bathroom with kate plus 8 wtf!?!?

Then she tweeted a picture of Kate, the twins AND Steve.

caitlin calvert ‏@caitlin_calvert · 4m
KATE PLUS 8 and the twins

So I guess Steve is still around.

FYI said...

Another sighting--no picture.

Katy Morris ‏@KatyAlley31 · 1h
Kate Gosslin sitting behind us at 1D 🙌 @Julia_Saladino

So the tweeties spend all day trashing Beth in order to boost Kate, and she's in NJ with Steve and the twins going to a concert. They're so worried about Kate, but she's out having a good time without them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

M & C are 2 months shy of 14. They probably would rather have
the stomach flu than having their mother with them at a concert.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 119
M & C are 2 months shy of 14. They probably would rather have
the stomach flu than having their mother with them at a concert.
August 5, 2014 at 5:42 PM
And in that getup!

MiChi said...

Augh! Why the F is Steve there?!?

TLC stinks said...

New thread, please, on false story planted in the tabloids about Steve. He's obviously still with her. Thanks, Kate is a Twit. ROL needs to run a story on this. Enquirer was lied to.

Anonymous said...

RADAR where are you? Didn't you say Steve left his job as Kate's protector?

Hmmmmmmm...maybe he has a new role in public now


Tucker's Mom said...

Well, given that the Meadowlands is about 2.5 hours away, perhaps they'll be heading to their home away from home, The Essex House, afterwards.
How romantic... and awkward.

NJGal51 said...

@djsadlerfan: @GeeWhiz__ @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Beth said that Kate told the story while she wrote it. All she did was write.
Here is a glimpse into a sheeple's mind. All Beth did was write. I assume that this particular sheeple thinks that TFW told her story while Beth took everything down in shorthand and then transcribed it verbatim for the book. This sheeple needs to take a look at TFW's rumblings on her website or reread any of the blog articles that she wrote and then compare them to MB which was well written, cohesive and worlds above anything TFW has written.

It doesn't look like they're getting the VIP treatment at this concert. Good Lord, Steve's there and didn't bar the bathroom door so that no one else could enter? I'm wondering if this was arranged before the alleged split and if he's only there because he actually is a contract honorer. The seats at the last concert they went to seemed pretty mediocre. The girl that posted the pix seemed to be upon the nose bleed section and I'm guessing that's where TFW is also especially since she ran into her in the bathroom.

I'm also a fan of fruitcake. Who knew there were so many of us. I also like the pickled herring (but not with my fruitcake) and I love, love, love those super thin Swedish ginger cookies and any Italian cakes/breads that come out during the Christmas holidays. Panatone!

FYI said...

TLC stinks said... 122
New thread, please, on false story planted in the tabloids about Steve. He's obviously still with her. Thanks, Kate is a Twit. ROL needs to run a story on this. Enquirer was lied to.
I never believed that story about Steve leaving Kate, especially since it was obvious that neither the Enquirer or ROL checked their facts about Steve. They said that he left Kate to take a NEW job at Prudential Associates, when we knew all along he had been Exec. VP there for many years.

High Sodium Content said...

Reading from the bottom up, don't know if it's been mentioned. The broke mom is w/ her special twins at a One Direction concert in NJ, maybe Steve too. Boy those twins sure do benefit from holding all the cards in that relationship. Little kids don't even get a day at the beach. How many "outings" have the twins gotten this summer?

TLC stinks said...

WTH! That story had to be planted! So much for confirming sources, LOL.

T said...

Tucker's Mom said... 120
FlimsyFlamsy said... 119
M & C are 2 months shy of 14. They probably would rather have
the stomach flu than having their mother with them at a concert.
August 5, 2014 at 5:42 PM
And in that getup!


Seriously, that outfit is both inappropriate for the occasion and in poor taste. The kids must be mortified. And what the heck is going on with that GIGANTIC handbag? Are they going camping or to a concert? It looks like a carry on bag, and don't even get me started on those will be hard for her to keep claiming that she is piecing and patching now. Concert tickets out of state for 4 plus a paid "body guard"/ handler. Even if they don't spend the night in NJ it isn't exactly a cheap night out. ~ Administrator said...

Isn't this the band Cara said she doesn't even really like. I remember her talking about this concert ages and ages ago, wasn't this their reward for the People article or something we had speculated? I remember her tweeting about trying to get tickets around about the same time as the People thing.

It really is such a good point in that while her miniature army of tweets are defending her honor Kate continues to enjoy the VIP lifestyle that kind and generous people like Beth helped her build. This is the woman they are defending. And wouldn't 14 year old girls enjoy going to the concert with girlfriends, not their MOTHER and her boyfriend?

How many concerts do the sheeple go to?

Anonymous said...


Maintenance is cheap and he uses a fairly inexpensive fuel...a mix of hot air and an extra helping of beans at dinner.

T said...

I forgot to add in the cost of babysitters for the rest of the kids. I know that Jon usually takes them to dinner on Tuesdays, but who is watching them before and after that? Hopefully Collin went with the rest of them to dinner.

I never doubted that steve was gone. As long as Kate can pay for his services he will be there.

TLC stinks said...

Kate and a Steve must have been laughing their butts off that everyone (almost) bought into their lie.

And yes, she is in full hooker garb. Steve must like that look. I bet the boobs were abouncin' in that halter top. ~ Administrator said...

I'll bet the defective detective chased it down yesterday right after the first article on ROL was posted.


Not only that but they went a step further and googled around to find out who designed the site and when. That's insane? It would never cross my mind to try to figure out if someone has a business. She didn't mention it, so how can this even remotely be about that? Nobody is going to go looking for it except two crazed sheeple.

I distantly remembered Beth being an artist since forever but I couldn't remember how I knew that. Thanks for the article that proves she's been in this field since at the very least 2008.

And you know what, I think I'll buy a yoga mat. My friends keep wanting me to try hot yoga and I decided okay I'll give it a try. So there, thanks for letting me know, sheeple.

PatK said...

Hey, Kate...remember the days when TLC provided transportation, side-door venue drop-off and paid for good seats for you and your kids?

Now here you are walking through the venue like common folk and using public restrooms.

I can't stop laughing.

njay said...

The alleged planted story IMO is the perfect ruse to muddy all the ROL/Robert's book story's. What a slimy but possibly smart way to make ROL to look bad. Hummm, we'll see. ~ Administrator said...

Njay that is exactly what I thought.

Kate plants the story, then just days later makes sure to show up in a very public place happy as can be with Rat Claws where she KNOWS somebody will tweet about it.

Thus making Radar look unreliable and not credible. Even though it was HER side who planted it.

I'd be the farm that's exactly what happened. It's such a random and rather nonsensical story for somebody else to come up with. I have to admit I bought it was possible, but in hindsight I see why it would be a perfect plant.

SCgal said...

Why did the sheeple find out about Beth's business? What was the point they were trying to make? Were they trying to say that Beth wants money because she has a business? I can't figure out their point. ~ Administrator said...

It makes you wonder if Beth waited the six years or so to speak out now because all of her kids are probably in their teens and older and can understand any blow back that may happen by speaking out.


I think that's exactly what happened. I think she knew that eventually she would have to tell the children the truth. It was only right. They have a right to it. But she had to wait until they were old enough both to understand it and to start making up their own minds. I think her timing is very good, they're old enough. They have every right to hear another side of the story from their mother's, and start the process of making their own decisions as they are growing up. They are reaching the same age Missy Francis was when she started realizing she had issues with her mother and started thinking critically about her. They need to hear these things and make their own decisions, but they cannot do so if people like Beth refuse to ever tell them what really happened. I think the timing was quite well done and on point.

Beth's art is outrageously expensive. I'm not partial to her portraits but I like her leaves and other abstract things. This is no little Etsy store. You cannot command prices like that without being well and long established in the community. ~ Administrator said...

Why did the sheeple find out about Beth's business? What was the point they were trying to make? Were they trying to say that Beth wants money because she has a business? I can't figure out their point.


I think they're trying to say that because she set up a web site this summer she then did this interview in the hopes of getting more hits. It's just ridiculous. She's been established in the art world for ages and ages. She commands outrageous prices for middle of P.A. She's overdue for a site given her successes. Sometimes things really are just coincidences. And why would anyone think anybody but a few freaks would ever search out their business that has nothing to do with what you're saying?? Tons of people have businesses with a web presence but unless it's relevant to the public statement you made I would never assume anyone reading the article would seek that out nor would I think that this was a great way to get "hits." That's a round about way to do it that quite frankly is insane thinking, but that's the sheep.

Like I said, had Beth made a point to mention what she's up to now I'd be more suspicious. She didn't talk about herself though. She talked about Kate and the family. For whatever reason she decided now is the right time and Amber contacted her. The coincidence is Robert's book and Amber taking an intense interest, not some silly web site.

Tucker's Mom said...

How much is Beth's artwork? I can't find prices. ~ Administrator said...

Jeanne he works in a restaurant that has a big bar presence. We can't assume he's not just working. Somebody is trying to pay the bills for these kids without exploiting them, and bars/restaurant work can be good money. And when you flirt and buy drinks and take advantage of your celebrity, the customers stay longer and buy more and you make MORE MONEY. He's obviously still with Liz, we just saw him with her.

terri said...

I don't understand why she never takes the tups on any special outings. If we as outside observers notice and think it's not right what must they think. ~ Administrator said...

Always giving the twins special treatment and perks accomplishes two things. One it keeps the twins buttered up so they don't turn on her like they are apt to do. And two, it create division and resentment among the children, which is always a goal when you are a narcissist so nobody bands together with anybody. You especially don't want the younger kids banding together with the much stronger and more assertive and more mature older ones who are starting to get a clue and might clue them in. That's disastrous. So make sure you instill in the older and younger ones a mutual resentment of each other so nobody aligns. It's clear nobody from the two groups are all that close with somebody not in their "age pack." Mission accomplished. Same with the divisions among the boy and girl tups. Much safer to try to keep them in their groups of threes, and breed resentment between the boys in the girls. Much easier to manage than a group of six banding together.

Make no mistake this is exactly what narcissists do.

NJGal51 said...

Well it is looking like the break-up story was a plant by TFW's side. Well played. Now the sheeple can point the finger and say "See! See! Steve hasn't left her so all the stories are lies!"

FYI said...

Now the sheeple can point the finger and say "See! See! Steve hasn't left her so all the stories are lies!"

The sheeple are already attacking Amber Ryland on tweeter regarding the Steve story. One of them is telling Amber that she should apologize to Kate, Steve and Gina.

The thing is--Amber didn't write the ROL story. It was written by "Radar staff".

Over And Out said...

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Fun day here! Manis and Pedis for my teens and other kid logistics more than usual... Can summer last forever please? #We'reHavingFun

If you are piecing and patching and have eight children to support, how do you afford manis and pedis for 13-year-olds?

Amy2 said...

Kate had to know somehow that Beth was going to talk to ROL. That's why she planted the Steve breakup story BEFORE Beth's interview came out. By doing this she made ROL look like they don't check their stories for credibility. My question is how did Kate know about the Beth interview was coming out?

Over And Out said...

Kate can't take two teens to a concert without Uncle Steve leading the way? Why the heck not?

getofftwitter said...

I did not believe purseboy was really gone. Cause, purseboy & Kate have a few companys together and purseboy is on some trustfunds of either Kates money and/or the kids. This does prove one thing, Kate or her people planted the story, to throw people off.

From the pic, Kate looks like a hooker, with a shoplifting bag, and she looks more like some guys GF, and those are the guys kids, not their mother. I don't know of anyone who dresses like that, to go to a concert, especially one with teens. We just had several events, here in Chicago, Lollapooza, and I saw nobody dressed like that. Even women who went to Bears family day, or the Hispanic fest. Most everyone was in shorts/t-shirts or a nice top/flip/flops or low heel sandles, not hooker heels.
But, oh forgot loverboy was there, have to get his attention, and maybe some booty. I wonder if Kate is staying at a local hotel, in NJ for the night?

NJGal51 said...

@GeeWhiz__: .@AmberGoodhand @radar_online U LIE! Steve with Kate & twins TONIGHT RT “@caitlin_calvert: KATE PLUS 8 and the twins”

@GeeWhiz__: .@AmberGoodhand @radar_online Are u going to APOLGIZE to @Kateplusmy8 for LYING? That's what an HONEST journalist would do

@GeeWhiz__: @AmberGoodhand @radar_online @Kateplusmy8 You also owe Steve & Gina an apology!
The sheeple are now calling Amber Goodhand and ROL liars for the story about the break-up. Not the wisest move as it may cause them to do a little more digging and if it comes out that the story was a plant by TFW's team to deflect, well, let's just say it won't look good for TFW. It also might cause ROL to up their game and run with more stories. TFW needs to tell the sheeple to zip it.

Starz22 said...

As for Beth finally speaking out,I think there's more to it than we'll ever know. I don't regard Beth as a hero but I'am glad she finally spoke.
Beth did make it clear that God led her to Kate and Jon way b4 the cameras came to play. Beth's relationship with God is between just them. Beth was the writer and promised many things for writing the book. I don't care if she had more money than Bill Gates himself,she was told and promised things that never came for her. It's easy to see that Beth was never in it for the money,But when you are promised something and never get,it can piss you off.
I also wonder how much a CA agreement plays into that. Admin would know best. When you sign a CA saying you can not speak or reveal anything about what you are seeing does that cover witnessing child abuse? Look what happened to Jon....the father...if he couldn't stop this how could anyone else? Why would anyone else speak out after seeing what happened to the children's FATHER?

NJGal51 said...

My question is how did Kate know about the Beth interview was coming out?
ROL may have called her for a comment.

AuntieAnn said...

caitlin calvert ‏@caitlin_calvert · 4m
KATE PLUS 8 and the twins


Now that Kate is no longer a celebrity why is Steve there? lol!

Thanks caitlin for confirming what Jon suspected all along. Looks like Shmoopy really is whoring around with a married man.

I will reiterate what I said in a previous comment. I hope Amber Ryland scores an exclusive with Gina Neild and every other person who got or is getting screwed over by Kate. Yup, even Ratclaws. He'll get his curb-kick some day, too. Probably when his pension runs out. ~ Administrator said...

The sheeple were WAY overzealous to say "see Radar lies see!" They were waiting with baited breath for this. I fully believe they were behind the Steve story. That was really brilliant if I can use that word for Kate and her cronies. It was a very out of left field story that seems just downright bizarre now UNLESS it was a plant.

See? She's cunning. Not intelligent, but cunning.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 135

I'll bet the defective detective chased it down yesterday right after the first article on ROL was posted.


Not only that but they went a step further and googled around to find out who designed the site and when. That's insane? It would never cross my mind to try to figure out if someone has a business.

They're on a mission to save Kate. Why they're on it is beyond me. Where will it get them? What will they be rewarded with? A free lunch on a dock with a washed-up fishy smelling reality tv star?
It's insanity.

Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 142
How much is Beth's artwork? I can't find prices.
I'm curious as well. I only see prices for the yoga mats. The yoga mat prices are high for a yoga mat but very reasonable for art. And they are gorgeous. ~ Administrator said...

They're on a mission to save Kate. Why they're on it is beyond me. Where will it get them? What will they be rewarded with?


Well I'll tell you what they're not rewarded with. Tickets to one Direction. Or even a tweet or two to have them share in the experience which would be thoughtful of her. Nope, never. She does not give a rat's ass about them when she's out having her own fun.

Anonymous said...

Admin said...

Always giving the twins special treatment and perks accomplishes two things. One it keeps the twins buttered up so they don't turn on her like they are apt to do. And two, it create division and resentment among the children, which is always a goal when you are a narcissist so nobody bands together with anybody.


3. Kate wants to be associated with her young teens, going to concerts, so it makes her look like the young, hip MILF.

As to the sheeple bitching that ROL needs to apologize because Steve never left Kate, you're shooting yourself in the foot. You want people talking about how they're still together and he DIDN'T go home to his wife and kids? How is that going to play to the Christian mother angle? You sheeple need to stop. You're not helping. Bwahahaha!

PJ ~ Administrator said...

3. Kate wants to be associated with her young teens, going to concerts, so it makes her look like the young, hip MILF.


Ah, yes PJ. You nailed it. That too. Her besties.

AuntieAnn said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 132


Maintenance is cheap and he uses a fairly inexpensive fuel...a mix of hot air and an extra helping of beans at dinner.


haha! Renewable energy.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

The sheeple are already attacking Amber Ryland on tweeter regarding the Steve story. One of them is telling Amber that she should apologize to Kate, Steve and Gina.

The thing is--Amber didn't write the ROL story. It was written by "Radar staff".


Would you expect the sheeple to check this see who wrote it? Of course not. Stupid is as stupid does...

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Didn't Kate have those tickets for some time? I though she got them at Christmas, or shortly after. Steve was still joined at Kate's hip then. Maybe he promised her he'd go to the concert with them, and kept that promise.

Who will come out sooner or later.

contract honorer said...

BETH made money off the Gosselin children. Lots of $. So her claim that it was never about $ rings very, very hollow. I['m not suggesting that she initially got involved with the thought that she could profit, but the bottom line is that she did NOT walk away before it became about $. The falling out seems to have been ABOUT $.

Excellent point and not one I had considered. It's nice to be able to hear all sides of the conversation. Refreshing.

Call Me Crazy said...

AuntieAnn said... 64

I have a dirty little secret.

I love fruitcake.

Aha! So you're the one!

Oh, wait. I see more fruitcake lovers are popping up left and right! Who knew??

Whenever I hear mention of fruitcake, I always think of the classic Johnny Carson quote: "The worst gift is fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other."

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 58m
Sometimes @Kateplusmy8 its good 2just enjoy life thru the eyes of ur kids! 4get adult issues & hater opinions...revel N the youth around U!

This one is priceless. Forget adult issues and live like a child. Makes total sense to me. Shouldn't be difficult for Kate, though, since she's stuck in the middle school mentality. Maybe she took Milo's advice, which is why she dressed like a hooker teen at the concert.

Geez, are crazier than a bed bug.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Jabsit ‏@jabsit 1h
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Makes u wonder about veracity of other stories. no fact check. Fail @AmberGoodhand


LOL! Now this is really amusing, considering the sheeple didn't do a check to see who wrote the story, but tweeted it to Amber!

What clowns they are!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Admin, I want to play devil's advocate for a second. Something I do not normally do. LOL. I am usually a black and white thinker and tend to generalize way too much sometimes. Anyway, I was trying to think as a parent.

Do you think there is a part of Kate that is just simply a mother who loves that her twins are now at the age that she can spend quality time with them laughing and being entertained by them? Both girls do seem like they are nice kids and Mady is probably good entertainment a lot of the time. I just hope that Kate is doing the things she does with them simply because she wants to make memories laughing with them and enjoying their company. It is fun when your kids start getting to the age when you can joke with them and have some laughs together. But I do have a bit of a problem with her attire at the concert. Why doesn't she just wear some casual clothes when she goes to a concert with her kids? She looks a little too made up for an event like that with the high heels and backless top. I guess she is still on display for future TV gigs or she is still a celebrity in her own mind and wanting to be seen. In a couple of years, there will definitely be some competition between Kate and the twins if she continues to dress like a 22 year old. Kate is not dressing like a mother but rather an equal. I've seen parents do that and it never seems to turn out well.

As for Steve being there, I truly believe when she reads all the negative comments out there calling her the c word among other things, she is afraid for her safety. I think she worries that someone will throw a drink at her head or start verbally attacking her, calling her a famewhore in front of her kids. This is the one word she dreads having to explain to all 8 kids once they start reading it on the internet. I truly do believe that is why he still accompanies her to places. Imagine if she was alone and someone started in at her. Would she skulk away or fight back. Better to have Steve there so she never has to worry about it.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I thought that Milo was at the top of the sheeple list when it came to being dumb, but you know, this one just may have the market cornered on stupidity:

How do they even function in the real world?

❀ℛεɑℓℤɩɠɠƴℱℓℴ❀ ‏@RealZiggyFlo 4m
@Snotty_Girl @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Well said. Beth showed up at Kate's door with a agenda - to fulfill her hopes of writing a book.

Anonymous said...

If Kate did plant this story about Steve to make fools of ROL, then ROL knows that she or one of her cohorts planted the story. I hope ROL pays her back with a ton of nasty, true stories. You know the general public are not going to know that Steve went to the concert with Kate. They won't know or care that Steve and Kate are still friends or lovers. Only the sheeple care.

She does look look like a tramp with those stupid shoes on. And why is Steve with them in NJ. This is just beyond silly that a bodyguard had to escort them. And I would be mortified to go to any concert with my mother when I was 13 or 14.

And great point about her piecing and patching. How much did three mani and pedi's cost. Plus the cost of Steve's fee and the cost of four concert tickets. Not to mention they probably went to dinner and possibly stayed in NJ for the night. Plus she had to pay for a babysitter.The whole thing probably cost well over $700. It is infuriating. The whole thing of Kate crying poor and the general public stating that the "poor thing" HAS to film because she is a single mother of eight drives me nuts. Nothing could be further from the truth.

contract honorer said...

speculating, but I wonder if Kate really lost it badly on one or more of the kids and Beth witnessed it. The book and the money issues aside, maybe THAT was the last straw for her.

No disrespect but this is how rumors get started. Beth never said anything close to that. Sometimes a duck is just a duck. Or something. lol

contract honorer said...

I guess I meant to say the truth is bad enough. No need to make it worse. Kate's been proven to be a liar and NOT a contract honorer. It appears she has no soul.

Anonymous said...

My figure I gave did not include Steve's fee. This night easily cost her $1,000 bucks or more.

Lynn W. K. said...

Is it possible that Beth's confidential agreement has expired?
Do sheeple see NOTHING WRONG with WOS dating a married man? Breaking up a family is okie dokie because it makes her happy?

I'm disgusted. I hope Beth keeps an eye on her new stalkers and will be ready to take legal action when the line is crossed. ~ Administrator said...

BETH made money off the Gosselin children. Lots of $. So her claim that it was never about $ rings very, very hollow.


While I agree it is a fair point and a fair possibility, I don't think it's fair to say that just because it was a contract dispute this all boils down to the money. This might not be "about" the money at all, even though money is part of the story. Only Beth really knows what it's about, in her heart.

A lot of times in this type of situation you hear people say "it's the principle of the thing." And I believe that is very true for people. It's not the money, it's the principle of it. It's not that Beth needs the money, I doubt she did. It's not necessarily that she perhaps even wanted the money. It could very well be because she has enough self respect to say I did a job, I did it well, and I deserve to be paid for that job. It WAS a huge job that took up her time away from very young children at the time and her husband, and it was hard work. This was yet another time where she really bent over backwards to help Kate and her family. Even if Kate found another person to write it, would they really understand and appreciate the story like Beth? Doubt it. And, they had worked out a contract with appropriate compensation. Even if Beth was happy to kiss the money goodbye, it's not good to give in on things like this or the person will just screw you over the next time and the next, and screw others over. They will never learn if you give in. And some people are so rigid in their principles and beliefs that they just can't let this go. I sense that Beth is wired like a lot of fundamentalists I've encountered, a deal is a deal, fair pay for fair work, and other strong, no compromising values. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it clearly did not sit right with her to let something like this go without a fight.

Could some wealthy people get by just fine if they skipped a paycheck or two? Of course. But it's not right not to pay people the rate you agreed on and that's a value Beth obviously holds dear. Anyway like I said, only Beth really knows the answer, but we cannot assume that this was really and truly about Beth seeing dollar signs. I really don't get that sense at all. She seems far more disturbed by the disintegration of the FRIENDSHIP than she harps on how she might not have been able to buy the newest greatest sound system if she hadn't gotten her cut. ~ Administrator said...

Do you think there is a part of Kate that is just simply a mother who loves that her twins are now at the age that she can spend quality time with them laughing and being entertained by them?


Gosh, I'd love nothing more than to think that's all this is. I hope so.

But I've seen enough of their relationship on the show to find it very dysfunctional. Cara is shut down emotionally and nearly silent, and Mady and Kate spat like cats and dogs. Mady says when she is at home, she holes herself away in her room most of the time. She doesn't hang out with her bestie at home, per Mady.

I think even if it is about Kate enjoying time with them, it's self serving because as PJ says this makes her feel young and fresh to hang out with her teenage "besties." And in that sense she is using them to fulfill deeply empty emotional needs, and these kids will see that eventually and probably resent it.

Alberta Girl said...

Oh, she is cunning...she is what we would call a "Cunning Stunt" (say that fast 5 times in a row!) ;0)

Or maybe sheeple.....she finally landed her silver fox. Maybe it's personal and not business.

I would have died at almost 14 to have my mother at a concert with me. Again, allow the kids some freedom and responsibility. They are together, they will be fine. Drop them at the venue, and let them experience it themselves. They even have cell phones - we didn't have that at that age, and we were FINE.

EJ said...

"I'm still standing" reminds me of Bruno. He's one of the dancers in the original video and he was very young.

jmo said...

so help me, I'm crying.

Selling a yoga mat for $70 does not scream sincere to me. Then again, I'm not wealthy. Do people actually spend large amts of money on yoga mats? It boggles my mind.

Other than that, I love Beth. She's a lovely lady. She doesn't bring me to tears tho. What's to feel sorry for her aabout? She has a lovely family, is expencting grandchildren, and obviously isn't hurting finanacially. good for her.

jmo said...

Beth knows Kate's power and she still fears her wrath.

Good point. The thing that bothers me is if SHE is afraid of Kate's wrath, how could she leave the children with Kate and just disappear??

jmo said...

...a mix of hot air and an extra helping of beans at dinner.


Good lord, that's disgusting! LOL I'm sooooo glad I'm divorced! hee

silimom said...

One thing I noted in the article about Steve leaving Kate was that, in response to Gina's alleged ultimatum (I say alleged because the source was the National Enquirer) was "The mature hunk “made the decision to spend quality time with his family this summer.”

Sorry, but that doesn't sound like a break up to me. And the summer is over now, I guess, so it's back to his mistress/boss/milf or whatever she is.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

All I know for sure is that Kate and Steve have been a couple for years. As far as the break-up maybe yes maybe no. I can see him dumping her ugly ass. But I can see her fighting tooth and nail to hang on to him. She has no one else. She's as pathetic as can be!

Maybe she cried, begged, threatened, begged again, promised that she'll stop drinking and begged again for him not to leave her pathetic self. Oh, did I mention begged him not to leave!

Look all kidding aside Kate has nothing to offer. She's pushing 40, has 8 kids, no friends, no family, no future, anger issues and the personality of a wet blanket. If I was a man I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole. My personal opinion is that Steve is a huge idiot for hooking up with her. They actually make a great couple!

Vanessa said...

Make no mistake this is exactly what narcissists do.

Wake up to read, and the saga continues...yup-a Scandal episode

Vanessa said...

Why did the sheeple find out about Beth's business? What was the point they were trying to make? Were they trying to say that Beth wants money because she has a business? I can't figure out their point.
Probably for the same reason the haters contact every person/business that tfw has any association with.

Tucker's Mom said...

contract honorer said... 172
speculating, but I wonder if Kate really lost it badly on one or more of the kids and Beth witnessed it. The book and the money issues aside, maybe THAT was the last straw for her.

No disrespect but this is how rumors get started. Beth never said anything close to that. Sometimes a duck is just a duck. Or something. lol
If Robert's investigative skills could put together 95% of the Multiple Blessings story (Beth DID get her 50%), then I tend to believe that Beth left Utah because she had an obligation at home.
I find that scenario easy to believe, vs. subbing in Jodi at the last minute, leaving her to find child care for her kids etc.

Perhaps Kate's attempt to break the original book contract happened after Utah. That makes more sense to me.
Why would Beth travel across the country with Kate after she found out that Kate wanted to wipe away any evidence of her involvement in a book that she wrote over the course of an entire year?

Tucker's Mom said...

I really can't stand this red herring about Beth not "needing" the money, or she should have just let the money go, simply because she and Bob appeared to be well off.
Somehow, people get very cavalier about other people's money, as if "needing" money is equivalent to deserving money. As if they can say, "hey, you're rich, what's $X to you?"
It doesn't work that way and btw, people with money often get that way because they account for every single penny that they earn and spend.
$X of dollars means as much to them as it does to anyone else.
People who range from comfortable to rich value their money- their earnings- as much as anyone else.

Besides, Beth apparently volunteers and obviously, she and Bob were beyond generous to Jon and Kate.

I don't believe for a minute that Beth made "hundreds of thousands" from that book. I think she made the $50K advance plus whatever % from books sold.

Tucker's Mom said...

And great point about her piecing and patching. How much did three mani and pedi's cost. Plus the cost of Steve's fee and the cost of four concert tickets. Not to mention they probably went to dinner and possibly stayed in NJ for the night. Plus she had to pay for a babysitter.The whole thing probably cost well over $700. It is infuriating. The whole thing of Kate crying poor and the general public stating that the "poor thing" HAS to film because she is a single mother of eight drives me nuts. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I think it costs way more than that to take her kids to concerts.
She hires Steve (unless they're a couple now), a limo, dinner, tickets, possible lodging.
We're talking thousands.

Paula said...

The falling out seems to have been ABOUT $.

That's not what Beth said AT.ALL - that's the sheeple line.. It was more about the lack of respect and recognition that Beth actually wrote the book.

Wow, not only have I changed and fed your kids for years, at my house for a week at a time, all of them, then for her to not acknowledge me was a slap in the face.

Paula said...

If Kate or her brain-dead sheeple were responsible for providing a false story to the Enquirer, then what idiots. The Enquirer could not, if they think Kate is worth the effort, go after her with a vengeance. Could be the dumbest move yet.

Mel said...

Look at that photo. Read the body language.

A couple with their two kids.

Not a mom and her two kids accompanied by a body guard.

Tucker's Mom said...

❀ℛεɑℓℤɩɠɠƴℱℓℴ❀ ‏@RealZiggyFlo 4m
@Snotty_Girl @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Well said. Beth showed up at Kate's door with a agenda - to fulfill her hopes of writing a book.
OK, I'll play ;-)

Kate showed up at the fertility specialist's door to fulfill her hopes of HOM's.

Tucker's Mom said...

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 169
Good points.
I think Kate enjoys Mady's sassiness at times and thinks it's cool to pal around like an equal.
I am glad that the girls got to go to the concerts they wanted to go to.
They earned it for their inaugural "Set The Record Straight Tour".

TLC stinks said...

I thought The Enquirer broke the story about Neild quitting and Radar picked it up like all the other internet tabloids.

As far as Kate going to the concert with the twins, that is a huge venue in another state. The girls are only 13. I would not allow my kids that age to go alone either. Having said that, it will be interesting to see when they are older if she allows them any freedom by themselves. Somehow I don't think these girls will be driving at 16.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

jmo (#180), I didn't say I was crying because I felt sorry for Beth.
It was that I sensed a person who "walked the talk" with their faith.
TFW sat with her hand out in churches all over the country, and
yet has behaved abominably. And after evidence has surfaced
about the behavior, she blames the people who uncovered the
behavior. I was just touched by thinking about the journey of
someone trying to help someone out and then getting treated
so disrespectfully. If Beth was a zillionaire, it wouldn't take away
from the poignancy of that for me.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

"Sometimes its good 2just enjoy life thru the eyes of ur kids! 4get
adult issues & hater opinions...revel N the youth around U!"

Yeah, Gladys, that sounds super fun, but, you do remember TFW
has 8 kids, and not just 2? She sure doesn't seem interested in
"reveling" with that youth, does she?!

Tucker's Mom said...

Mel said... 192
Look at that photo. Read the body language.

That's what Steve is- the husband/father figure.

Tucker's Mom said...

I was just touched by thinking about the journey of
someone trying to help someone out and then getting treated
so disrespectfully. If Beth was a zillionaire, it wouldn't take away
from the poignancy of that for me.
Many people were emotionally invested in those kids.
I can't think of anyone besides Jamie that hasn't been driven away for good.
So many good people were just treated as disposable and replaceable by Kate.
Nana Janet- a lovely older woman who only had a few more years on this earth, and she was kicked to the curb.
What a waste of opportunities and "memory making". ~ Administrator said...

Somehow, people get very cavalier about other people's money, as if "needing" money is equivalent to deserving money. As if they can say, "hey, you're rich, what's $X to you?"


There's been a lot of resentment about the wealthy lately, the whole 1% thing and such. You can have disagreements about public policy but I've never bought into hating the rich themselves as long as they are being legal, moral and ethical. The bottom line for me is that a job is a job and a paycheck is a paycheck, whether you are Bill Gates or Mother Teresa. It makes absolutely no difference to me how much money is sitting in your bank account when you sign a contract, perform the contract as outlined, and then expect the contract to deliver on its payment terms. None at all. Why it does to the sheeple is really starting to get mixed up in the whole resentment of the rich thing, and it's completely off base. You also have to wonder where they draw this arbitrary line. How much does Beth have to be worth or no worth before she deserves to get paid for her work? They don't say.

And you are 100% right, that's how Beth and Bob probably got rich in the first place. They didn't just let crap like this go. ~ Administrator said...

As far as Kate going to the concert with the twins, that is a huge venue in another state. The girls are only 13. I would not allow my kids that age to go alone either.


Even if you went with them, escorted them in, and then just went to go have a late dinner promising to text each other every hour?

I don't know, I think it's fine.

Another option which is what we sometimes did growing up is that one or two parents from the group of friends would go but they would have seats separate. So parents are still right nearby and can keep an eye on you but they aren't right next to you like a babysitter. And this was before cell phones, which the girls both have now.

The thing is too, it's just One Direction and it's mostly a bunch of teens, not something more adult where you'd see a lot more drugs and inappropriate behavior.

Formerly Duped said...

RH said the kids are very spoiled materially, but abuse, emotional and physical, still go on. This concert jaunt proves the former. As someone pointed out, one of the twins does not even like 1D- why not take a tup girl instead who maybe does like 1D?And I also agree Kate pals up with the twins to be their friend because she may just be a little scared of them when they join forces.

Tucker's Mom said...

At least Beth didn't go on a "I have a purse full of bills" tour when Kate tried to screw her out of $50K! ~ Administrator said...

That's not what Beth said AT.ALL - that's the sheeple line.. It was more about the lack of respect and recognition that Beth actually wrote the book.

Wow, not only have I changed and fed your kids for years, at my house for a week at a time, all of them, then for her to not acknowledge me was a slap in the face.


Exactly. She didn't say, and she didn't give me my Benjamins! She said, and she didn't give me the acknowledgment. There's a difference. A HUGE difference. I find it highly significant and very telling that she used the word acknowledgment. After all she did, she just wanted a little, just a little bit from Kate in the form of "I see you, I appreciate you." That wasn't going to happen.

Formerly Duped said...

Guess what? I bought Kate's cookbook!!


LOL, it was 25 cents at a neighbor's yard sale. She received it as a gift since she loves cooking. I asked her if she got any recipes from it.. She said no, it was pretty basic stuff , but the photos were nice, lol. She did not know who KG even was.I'm going to look through it for organic-ness and the 'typical' and 'rare' traditions. I did see the "Uncle Steve" pizza and Jim or Tim the handyman paninis- she made dinner for him as a a thank-you- would that be Mr Smith? ~ Administrator said...

Selling a yoga mat for $70 does not scream sincere to me. Then again, I'm not wealthy. Do people actually spend large amts of money on yoga mats? It boggles my mind.


She's not selling a yoga mat. She's selling a mat that has her artwork on it. There's a difference. They are 84 bucks, not 70.

Why should an artist not command the price that the art world determines is fair for their art? Artists are so frequently disrespected and asked to do things for free. I'm happy to see an artist confidentially put a price tag like that on their work and not cheap out. She is a very savvy woman who has been in the business for years, I'm sure she knows where to price her art. If you sold that kind of stuff in NY or LA I'd expect to pay 150 bucks or more. Her rates sound right to me. ~ Administrator said...

Here's a site in Miami selling yoga mats designed by sven prominent local artists. Their price? 80 bucks. Sounds like Beth did her market research and knows exactly where she should price her art.

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