Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Big Tip

Once in awhile a reality show comes along that tries to make a difference. "The Big Tip" promises to do just that by singling out people in the restaurant service industry deserving of recognition for community service or just all around do-gooders (one waitress is a foster mom, another gives all her money to a dog rescue, still another is also a firefighter). Rachael Ray will then present the waiter or waitress with a "big tip" in the form of a check.

We're not the biggest fan of chirpy Rachael Ray, her mediocre cooking skills and her ripoff garbage bowl marketed to solve a problem that never even existed, but this tear jerker is a cool idea. And it has a little bit of credibility, since Rachael started out as a waitress herself in her parents' restaurants. She works hard, owns pit bulls, and she promises not to bear offspring because she just wouldn't be a fit mother, which you have to respect. Looking forward to this one. 

Sunday, Food Network. 10 p.m. or check local listings. The series premieres Sunday with promises of more episodes in the fall. 

1604 sediments (sic) from readers:

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jbranck1980 said...

Just saw the latest promo clip. How horrible that they again show Mady throwing a fit (even though she was MUCH younger). I really feel for her and how she is being shown lately in the media. A poster here suggested it might be 'pay back' from TFW for her Today Show behavior and I think that person may be onto something.

Starz22 said...

While watching Sister Wives tonight, I was bombarded with TFW's 2 part special. Just hearing her voice makes me shiver ...seeing her, makes me ill.
I'm so glad I'll be in Vegas when this airs. Altho I'm curious to what is said here and who watches and why.
I am glad I will be back in time to get Roberts book.
We really do say the most with our remotes!

FYI said...

Some of Kate's fans are really laying it on thick:

Brooke Camillo ‏@brookecamillo · 50m
@Kateplusmy8 Havent had cable in 10 years....just ordered it to watch your family's comeback! #kate+8 #truefan #happyforyourfamily!

If she hasn't had cable in 10 years, how did she watch the shows in the first place? Maybe she got the DVD's and watched on Netflix, but if she was a #true fan before the show went off the air, why didn't she get cable then.

Hope she's not going to be disappointed when she discovers that she ordered cable just to watch two one-hour shows. Hope she didn't have to sign a contract with her cable provider.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Hope she's not going to be disappointed when she discovers that she ordered cable just to watch two one-hour shows. Hope she didn't have to sign a contract with her cable provider


I thought it was one three-hour show, followed by four episodes, one per month for six months starting next weekend, Fourth of July.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21m
@Kateplusmy8 I miss the show & all ur unique way of sayin stuff...out here we supporters call it #KateSpeak! U have ur own language! LOL

Time for LOM to make his rounds. Say goodnight, Milo. ~ Administrator said...

I thought it was one three-hour show, followed by four episodes, one per month for six months starting next weekend, Fourth of July.


Is it? I thought it was one TWO hour show, followed by five episodes, one every other week for seven months starting next weekend, Flag Day.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 6m
So @Kateplusmy8 U have had ur 1st week out of school...are U de-stressed yet? Takes a couple of wks 2realize ur actually FREE! #NoHomeWork

First WEEK? Wasn't their last of school last Wednesday? How does that add up to a week? Milo must have taken Kate's speed course in math.

FYI said...

For those of you who have seen the commercial on TLC, someone tweeted a screenshot of Kate in her clown costume.

Amberwinborn ‏@Amberwinborn · 5m
Yeah this pretty much sums up what @Kateplusmy8 has become, dragging her 8 kids through another reality show circus

Here's the picture:

PatK said...

You guys are all wrong.

It's four half-hour shows weekly,starting yesterday, to be followed with five yearly episodes starting a year ago Wednesday. And special appearances on Jamie's spin-off show in three years, followed by last month's special appearance on Deanna and Milo's Fireside Chat Show.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

But there will be a reunion episode with Kevin and Jodi on Tony
Dovolani's birthday, right? (That one's for you, Joy!)

NJGal51 said...

@Xxxxxxxx Yeah this pretty much sums up what @Kateplusmy8 has become, dragging her 8 kids through another reality show circus
Oh dear Lord, there are no words. Word of advice for TFW...put the good bra back on because the girls seem to be going south (much like your career).

FYI said...

I had to laugh when I took a look at the Kate plus 8 FB page, which has the TLC logo on it, and someone asked "What channel is it on?"

chefsummer #Leh said...

bitemebitches ‏@bitemeaholesFU 2m
@Weirdo_Watcher @Kateplusmy8 weird ass u can't get alimony in PA. Kate & her so called source need to do their homework be4 spreading lies.

Nah radar would never lie.

Mel said...

That looks like one of those dresses that she was grifting from someplace in FL a few years ago....

chefsummer #Leh said...

I saw the promos for Kate plus 8 and I thought to myself..I'm not watching this s**t.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

It's four half-hour shows weekly,starting yesterday, to be followed with five yearly episodes starting a year ago Wednesday. And special appearances on Jamie's spin-off show in three years, followed by last month's special appearance on Deanna and Milo's Fireside Chat Show.


What channel is it on?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Re: the update(s). You are ALL awesome.

I think the new show actually starts in September - filmed over the summer.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Oh dear Lord, there are no words. Word of advice for TFW...put the good bra back on because the girls seem to be going south (much like your career).


Dear lord is right. She's going to be in PA, and those girls will be feeding the dolphins at Sea World. Time to get those puppies pumped up again.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

But there will be a reunion episode with Kevin and Jodi on Tony
Dovolani's birthday, right? (That one's for you, Joy!)


Are you serious? I thought it was a new series, and the pilot will be aired next week on Memorial Day. Are you saying it's only one episode, or a two-hour special?

Melissa NV said...

@Xxxxxxxx Yeah this pretty much sums up what @Kateplusmy8 has become, dragging her 8 kids through another reality show circus

If you were ten years old, wouldn't you be humiliated beyond belief if your mother showed up at your party (or anywhere) looking like that?

lukebandit said...

I had just found the clown picture. Wow. She really looks out of it. Mentally. Mentally out of it.

It looks very similar to Anna Nicole Smith in the clown face and high as a kite. Wow. another trip to the plastic surgeon is needed. Those girls would hold several pencils.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 9

But there will be a reunion episode with Kevin and Jodi on Tony
Dovolani's birthday, right? (That one's for you, Joy!)


Well, I heard they've just completed filming an episode where Jane Goodall drops by to pick up some wildlife conservation tips from Kate. When is that going to air? Or has it already?


Beyond Disgusted said...


I was going to say that her boobs are at her waist, and then I remembered that she doesn't have a waist, so I don't know where in the world they are hanging, but they need a good hydraulic lift to get them back where they are supposed to be.

fidosmommy said...

Thanks for the screenshot of the clown and her sidekick. Um, well, um... never mind.

Is Jamie doing the Chicken Dance?

prairiemary said...

Holly Hanna Catfish! Single White Female much! ~ Administrator said...


chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 12


Seems fitting if you ask me lol. ~ Administrator said...

I had to laugh when I took a look at the Kate plus 8 FB page, which has the TLC logo on it, and someone asked "What channel is it on?"


Netflix streaming.

Watch now they'll all sign up for that.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is a twit said... 7

For those of you who have seen the commercial on TLC, someone tweeted a screenshot of Kate in her clown costume.
Here's the picture:


Jeebus. I knew she'd do anything to stay on tv, but...but...

It's true. There are no words.

Anonymous said...

Thank you girls, but there will be no justice until Sharia is anillated.

We have a flower ceremony planned for Gabrielle tomorrow, am, in front of her school, all the girls will be bringing their grad flowers

They still have exams, life goes on, but they will pause to remember, and, I hope, to refect


Anonymous said...

Thank you all for posting, I need this distraction

I cannot grt ABBA outta my head


Virginia said...

"Come and get your flapjacks!!!!"

How much did she pay for that set of sad bags?

Those poor children must be beyond humiliated. I am at a loss of words.

FYI said...

Mel said... 13
That looks like one of those dresses that she was grifting from someplace in FL a few years ago....

I don't know if it's one of those dresses, but she has worn it before. Here's an article showing Kate wearing the same dress in June 2012.

She's looked just as bad in it then as she does now.

TLC stinks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TLC stinks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FYI said...

franky--I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. My condolences and sympathy to both of you.

Berks Neighbor said...

Anyone notice how her small solitaire diamond necklace that she always wore has been replaced by a larger teardrop style (not sure if it's diamond or diamond'esque') ?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Well, I heard they've just completed filming an episode where Jane Goodall drops by to pick up some wildlife conservation tips from Kate. When is that going to air? Or has it already?



Is it a two-part series of a half hour each, or one two-hour special, or an episode of three shows airing over Labor Day weekend in two weeks?

Blowing In The Wind said...

I was going to say that her boobs are at her waist, and then I remembered that she doesn't have a waist, so I don't know where in the world they are hanging, but they need a good hydraulic lift to get them back where they are supposed to be.


They have gone to the Deep South to drop in on Milo. If she's "supporting" Kate, she's not doing a very good job.

My first thought when I saw that photo was, "...and Gladys is lusting after *that*?"

foxy said...

OMG...that picture of Kate in the clown wig and nose is awful. What is with the boobs? I thought implants stood up better than that. The bad part is she thinks she looks good. Those kids must be so embarrassed with the things their mom does.

Vanessa said...

Those girls would hold several pencils.

LOL! Good one
Lordee beee!
Seriously, wear a strapless bra you tasteless, tactless on display famewhore. (empahsis on whore)

Vanessa said...

Starz22 said... 2
While watching Sister Wives tonight, I was bombarded with TFW's 2 part special. Just hearing her voice makes me shiver ...seeing her, makes me ill.

Just curious but why do you watch Sister Wives. He is a misogynist narcissistic pig who is using his family for fame, stardom and wealth. Although he keeps it well under control, I absolutely believe that family is a victim of his narcissistic rage, I've seen it in his eyes. I know those eyes.

Vanessa said...

So she goes from ill fitting vests zipped up to her chin to strapless ill fitting dresses with boobage down to the knees

Vanessa said...

Anyone notice how her small solitaire diamond necklace that she always wore has been replaced by a larger teardrop style (not sure if it's diamond or diamond'esque') ?

Maybe the kids couldn't afford the mother of pearl ring, so they opted for the pendant. ;)

localyocul said...

She is way to old for that dress, and the folds look horrible.

"..unfortunately, even breast implants can't defy gravity forever — and the weight of implants may help exacerbate a woman's tendency to develop sagging breasts. Various factors may affect the speed with which your breasts sag, including:

The number of children you have". (LMAO but this should probably read pregnancies)

"The weight of your breasts

Weight gain and loss. Significant weight loss can lead to sagging breasts,"

NJGal51 said...

I know that she can't help this, but if one is stoop shouldered one should not go strapless.

TLC stinks said...

Kudos to the person who took the time to tweet that screen shot. I had not seen the commercial promo but Oh My God! How embarrassing for the kids.

Now we know that her BFF Jamie is still around, perhaps this is Radar's source? Makes sense to me that Kate is using her.

This just gets better and better although I am horrified for the kids. How could any person in their right mind think it's cute or funny to dress up like that for a 10 year old's party and do that on TV? And she did the clown act before so the woman is incapable of doing anything fresh. It's like she is stuck in a time warp reliving the glory days.

TLC stinks said...

I looked up about saggy breast implants and it could be due to her weight loss. Maybe Steve likes them hanging?

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, Kate seems to enjoy wearing that style of dress. She did on the show a couple of times. Even then she needed a strapless bra.and yes, the kids are the at the age where anything parents do is mortifying- I feel worst for the boys.Why does she do this!!!! Surely she can see how it looks- she had that free Lasik, didn't she?

Teardrop necklaces and saggy boobs said...

Her clavicles aren't poking out as much as they might for a person who's on the extreme end of skinny.

Didn't she used to wear twin diamond necklaces? If I recall correctly, she stopped wearing the second one around the time the RV episodes aired. Maybe she traded in a friend--er, diamond--for this larger gemstone.

JR said...

Is she kidding with that outfit? In what mirror did she think she looked good? I don't comment on her physical appearance...simply because I could care less about it but...she really looks terrible. She needs to cover that mess up....does she honestly think she looks SEXY!!?? What a screwball. I wonder why TLC didn't dress her appropriately and cover those saggy things..or at least put a bra on're on Tee Vee....!!

localyocul said...

I haven't seen the clip but I didn't think she wore that to the party (or we don't know if she did). That was shot at the store. Still, how embarrassing

Vanessa said...

Yes, I think it's the weight loss and she probably didn't get the "lift" part of the surgery, that's extra $

But all she has to do is NOT WEAR sh@t like that.

She's got them standing at attenion here, but it's still NOT flattering.
She's a hoochie mamma. And yes those kids are embarrassed. I'm embarrassed FOR them

Call Me Crazy said...

Hahahahahahaha! You guys are hilarious! But shame, shame on you all. You are causing mass chaos in the pasture!

On a serious note - franky, I am so sorry for your loss. What a horrifying tragedy.

NJGal51 said...

JR asked: Is she kidding with that outfit? In what mirror did she think she looked good? --- I think she must own the "people of Walmart" mirror.

Maybe the theme song for the party will be....
Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder like a Continental Soldier?
Do your boobs hand low?

localyocul said...

JR said... 50
Is she kidding with that outfit? In what mirror did she think she looked good? I don't comment on her physical appearance...simply because I could care less about it but...she really looks terrible. She needs to cover that mess up....does she honestly think she looks SEXY!!?? What a screwball. I wonder why TLC didn't dress her appropriately and cover those saggy things..or at least put a bra on're on Tee Vee....!!


Maybe after that shot is when they decided on the vests. He he ~ Administrator said...

Is she kidding with that outfit? In what mirror did she think she looked good?


On what *planet* did she think that looked good?

FYI said...

That strapless dress seems to get a lot of usage. Kate's worn it on TV before. She wore it on CWS. She had it on when she was teaching Hank, Jr. how to clean up his toys and also when she gave Hank, Sr. her "come hither" look.

The "come hither" look is at 27:18.

At least, she's re-using her clothes from 2012. I guess that's how she's "piecing and patching"

localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 57
That strapless dress seems to get a lot of usage. Kate's worn it on TV before. She wore it on CWS. She had it on when she was teaching Hank, Jr. how to clean up his toys and also when she gave Hank, Sr. her "come hither" look.

The "come hither" look is at 27:18.

At least, she's re-using her clothes from 2012. I guess that's how she's "piecing and patching"


Well, it definately looked better in that year whenever it can see in the meal scene that her skin doesn't hang over.

JoyinVirginia said...

FlimsyFlamsy, thanks!
I have heard from a Reliable Source that actually there will be a special after show to discuss the TFMJG plus 8 update special. Brought to us by Andy Cohen, Co hosted by admin boyfriend Anderson Cooper, special guests Saint Tony Dovolani of the Ballroom, Jodi and Kevin, Carrie.Ann Inaba, Pamela Anderson, Skyjump Guy and Raft Tour Guide Guy with their unique interactions with TFMJG. Extra special guest appearance by Morgan Fairchild to report on TFMJG inability to understand game rules. (remember the bizarre appearance on Watch What Happens Live?) Scott from Coupon Cabin will appear via satellite.
it will be simulcast on A&E and CNN each week right after the specials air. You heard it here first!

TLC stinks said...

I never watched CWS, but I took a peek at the above link and that was a terrible show, very highly edited and just plain dumb. What trash these reality shows are these days.

FYI said...

On what *planet* did she think that looked good?

Planet Kreider. She's actually an alien and that's why she has a "unique" language, as Milo pointed out.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 I miss the show & all ur unique way of sayin stuff...out here we supporters call it #KateSpeak! U have ur own language! LOL

Somewhere In Time said...

Sometimes typos are funny:

mary annastasia ‏@mittsigirl 9h
@Amberwinborn @AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Why are her books hanging down so very low?Lost her "good bra"?

Sad but true said...

So far, all of the clips that TLC has put out seem to be openly MOCKING Kate. So this might be more #SUPERFUN than we thought. :)

chefsummer #Leh said...

If you were ten years old, wouldn't you be humiliated beyond belief if your mother showed up at your party (or anywhere) looking like that?

Plus KK is their mother who America hates,

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 27

I had to laugh when I took a look at the Kate plus 8 FB page, which has the TLC logo on it, and someone asked "What channel is it on?"


Netflix streaming.

Watch now they'll all sign up for that.

To late for that Netflix got ride of K8 and most of J&K8.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Jamie looks like she having a blast lol.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate looks ridiculous in that dress and clown get up.
She's such an attention whore that she can't just let her kids have their day?

I see Jamie is still an enabler- not that I had any respect for her before.
How much does Jamie get paid, I wonder?

I wonder if Ashley wasn't available, or has come to her senses and won't participate in the continued using of the kids for fame and money.

FYI said...

localyocul said... 51
I haven't seen the clip but I didn't think she wore that to the party (or we don't know if she did). That was shot at the store. Still, how embarrassing

I saw the clip, and she wasn't wearing it in the store. In the clip, it looks like she, Jamie and Deanna are walking into the party. Deanna looks like she's holding a present.

Mel said...

I loved it on CWS when little Hank looks over at TFW during dinner, when she's harassing him non-stop about anything and everything, and *deliberately* picks his nose. Cracked me up.

Vanessa said...

You can see the dynamic of that "friendship"
tfw front and centre (as well as the tatas, which are pretty much centre)
and her two minions trailing behind, a la Wicked Step Mother and Wicked Step Sisters. Unfortunately, she's their real momma. ~ Administrator said...

This is s classic, classic narcissist.

Show up at the children's party, which is supposed to be about them you would think, in that getup. Two for the price of one--you get to mortify and humiliate your children at the same time as shifting all the attention to you.

Later if they ever complain, you play dumb and guilt trip them. Mommy was just trying to give you a nice party!! Fine, next time I won't go to your party at all if that's what you want!

She's so textbook it's scary.

FYI said...

Admin-did you watch "The Big Tip"? I'm curious to know what you thought of it. I watched it and it didn't do much for me. That Rossi guy reminded me a lot of Ty Pennington from Extreme Makeover. ~ Administrator said...

They are definitely at the age where they just want to be with their friends at their birthday party and would prefer mom fade into the background.

It's not that they don't love and appreciate their mother but this is just normal child development. You want Mom to be in the background. You want her there, but you want her to just blend in. It's normal and it should be respected.

But what a child desperately needs at this age is not what a narcissist wants. They don't get the right to just enjoy a party with friends with mom just setting up the games and bringing out cake. It doesn't work that way with a narcissist.

Ex Nurse said...

Nay--per your earlier post about Mady's body language, I posted the same thing in the first thread. Her body language didn't seem defiant. It made me think of her "you ruined my dramatic pause" moment on The View. I think she was actually trying to help TFW, by setting up the situation with a wink wink smart aleck remark, that would play off of TFW. Unlike her mother, Mady has great comic timing and presence--IMO. Of course TFW would interpret anything other than shrieks of delight as mutiny.

I have a feeling that having been pare tidied since the ripe old age of 4, usually can talk to her mother, and be an ally (not in a healthy way!). But, when the cameras are rolling, that is another story. I think Mady went off-script. I predict that TFW just snapped at her, under the assumption that she was being undermined--or, maybe, upstaged. Isn't the 13th commandment: Thou must not upstage thy mother?

Tucker's Mom said...

It's bad enough that Kate has to wear tit-hugging, bare-shoulder dresses to a child's party, but to further draw attention to herself by donning clown gear is near insane.
Seriously, what sane parent does this?

I'd be like, "Mom, go put some clothes on, you look like a street walker on crack". ~ Administrator said...

I didn't get to the Big Tip last night we had a marathon car waxing session once the sun went down and I collapsed into bed lol. I'll watch probably today or tomorrow. ~ Administrator said...

I'd be like, "Mom, go put some clothes on, you look like a street walker on crack".


I guess you like losing your iPhone privileges!

Personally I think those dresses are completely inappropriate most of the time. Perhaps if you are at the beach, or strolling the boardwalk on vacation when it's 95. Birthday party, no.

JR said...

Where the hell is her waist in that picture? My God...shes a mess...My 75 year old mother in law looks better than her. What happened to her?

sparkle said...

localyocul said... 44
She is way to old for that dress, and the folds look horrible.

"..unfortunately, even breast implants can't defy gravity forever — and the weight of implants may help exacerbate a woman's tendency to develop sagging breasts. Various factors may affect the speed with which your breasts sag, including:

The number of children you have". (LMAO but this should probably read pregnancies)

"The weight of your breasts

Weight gain and loss. Significant weight loss can lead to sagging breasts,"

My first thought when I saw that pendulous hot mess was that she may have gotten an implant reduction at some point and the skin in that area was stretched to the larger implant size. But I would think the surgeon would also remove the excess skin if the patient was going smaller.

I have several friends and family members who have gotten boob jobs. They do "settle" over time, but not like that. After the surgery there is often a slight mounding at the top of the breast. Over time this receeds, but nothing like those danglers Kate was sporting. Personally, I think it pissed her off that no one would buy her 'good bra' story, so she made them a little less obvious.

Tucker's Mom said...

Personally I think those dresses are completely inappropriate most of the time. Perhaps if you are at the beach, or strolling the boardwalk on vacation when it's 95. Birthday party, no.
June 9, 2014 at 8:16 AM
Kate's dressing up just shows that she doesn't get down onto her kids' level to really interact with them.
I don't think women/moms need to wear sacks, no make up and Birkenstocks, but there's a way to be stylish AND active.
Any smart dressing female knows this.

What's bothersome is that Kate's manner of dress is off putting to the other adults there. This isn't a soiree, it's a kids party and there's no need to out glam, out hair, and out boob every other female there.
It's doesn't say 'welcome, and please be at ease in my home".
Any good hostess knows this.
Kate wants to be Queen Bee, and the center of attention.

ps... I seriously can't take looking at her circa-Pee Wee Herman-before-he-got-caught-jacking-off-in-a-movie-theater-French tips any longer.

Tucker's Mom said...

JR said... 78
Where the hell is her waist in that picture? My God...shes a mess...My 75 year old mother in law looks better than her. What happened to her?
June 9, 2014 at 8:19 AM
I haven't seen the promo, so I wonder if it's how Kate actually looked, or distortion from taking a pic of a tv screen, because, dayum.

localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 68
localyocul said... 51
I haven't seen the clip but I didn't think she wore that to the party (or we don't know if she did). That was shot at the store. Still, how embarrassing

I saw the clip, and she wasn't wearing it in the store. In the clip, it looks like she, Jamie and Deanna are walking into the party. Deanna looks like she's holding a present.


Oh brother what a loon

jolie Jacquelyn said...

She could hold a couple of beer bottles under those puppies!

On a serious note, Franky I'm so sorry about the young girl's death. What is going on in this world?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Personally, I think it pissed her off that no one would buy her 'good bra' story, so she made them a little less obvious.


lol! Epic fail. If this get-up was to make them less obvious, maybe we're so much better off than if she had tried to display them in all her glory. A person's eyes naturally are directed to those two masses yearning to be set free.

FYI said...

This is a comment from the Kate plus 8 FB page, which pretty much sums it up. The promo referred to is the original promo, not the commercial on TLC.

"Sad and pathetic attempt to get herself back on TV, AGAIN!! Not one single time did she even smile on the commercial, and again is making sure the world knows just how much she needs the attention, and I am sure the new special will show even more of Kate needing the world looking at her than ever before. No dice. I am going to turn TLC off that night, and maybe for good."

Vanessa said...

Show up at the children's party, which is supposed to be about them you would think, in that getup. Two for the price of one--you get to mortify and humiliate your children at the same time as shifting all the attention to you.

Later if they ever complain, you play dumb and guilt trip them. Mommy was just trying to give you a nice party!! Fine, next time I won't go to your party at all if that's what you want!

Why oh why do I see that in the near future she will be prancing around coquetishly, underdressed, over-makeup-ed in front of the boys' friends or the girls' boyfriends?? Just because she can

PatK said...

Tucker's Mom, you're circa Pee-Wee Herman/French Tips comment damn near put me on the floor. LOL LOL

getofftwitter said...

Well, if any of you really want to watch this special mess, watch it when it comes on as a repeat. The ratings for repeats are not what matters, only when it is a first run. So, if you want to see it, but don't want to give ratings, watch the repeat. We all know TLC wants to get their moneys worth, so it will be repeated at least 4-6 times.
They have repeated the Duggars last couple of episodes, 6 or more times.

Like I posted earlier, Kate found what she is good at: being a clown, except nobody is laughing.

AuntieAnn said...

Actually, after the shock wears off, I think Kate looks better in short pink fuzzy hair. She should stick with the look. It suits the clowncar driver that she is.

The nose should stay too. It probably muffled that hyena cackle of hers somewhat.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Deanna looks like she's holding a present.


Looks like she should be holding up Kate's boobs instead.

Vanessa said...

Seriously, it's ALWAYS. ABOUT. HER.
Why are YOU the f$#@%ing entertainment? Why are YOU on display? Why do you have to ADD to having the focus on you by dressing like a two bit whore AND putting the nose/wig on? She is purposefully going overboard because of their birthday. Yes,classic narcissist. She will either drum up her behavior, her drama, her shock value or she will make an absolute scene/ass of herself. We've seen it. Imagine any other milestones for those kids? Graduations, proms, weddings....

Blowing In The Wind said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
LOL @Kateplusmy8 We NEVER know what you are willing to try next! Always growing & expanding ur horizons! #LifeIsAnAdventureForYou :)


I don't know about that, Gladys. It looks like two things grew, expanded and sagged, and it wasn't her horizons.

chefsummer #Leh said...

NJGal51 said... 54


FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 18m
"U can only grow if ur willing 2feel awkward & uncomfortable when U try something new." ~Brian Tracy I so admire @Kateplusmy8 4this!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 17m
LOL @Kateplusmy8 We NEVER know what you are willing to try next! Always growing & expanding ur horizons! #LifeIsAnAdventureForYou :)

I guess Milo would be okay with it if Kate did a porn video. That would really be expanding her horizons with her already expanded boobs.

Tucker's Mom said...

Please, cut the show-shaming!

No wire hangers, and no show shaming!

This is a light-hearted, breezy, pithy, sometimes serious and sometimes capricious group of women (mostly), hanging out on a veranda, not North Korea!

Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 88
Actually, after the shock wears off, I think Kate looks better in short pink fuzzy hair. She should stick with the look. It suits the clowncar driver that she is.
She looks like she emerged from her own clown car uterus.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I really hope that Milo is thinking about getting a new book of platitudes. I'm sick of the old ones.

getoff said, "Like I posted earlier, Kate found what she is good at: being a clown, except nobody is laughing."


I don't know about that. Seems like everyone here is getting a pretty good laugh out of it.

PJ's momma said...

NJay and Ex Nurse, I said the same thing about the clip last week. Mady has her eyebrows and hands up, like she thinks she is about to say something witty. Not scowling and mumbling, but very open. In my opinion.
For those who haven't seen the commercial, earlier there was a clip where she said to one of the girls, "I could be the clown at the party." And the girl is mortified and said, "Noooooo." Then they cut to this and when Kate is clomping through the parking lot in that get up, she said, "Wait until my kids see me." (Jamie was fiddling with her bra the whole time, by the way.) Jamie and Deanna, who is on the other side of Kate, give each other a look.
She only cares about herself - doesn't care what the kids think even though it is THEIR personal birthday party that she is broadcasting to the masses. I anticipate that this will be used as a criticism point when it airs because she looks so ridiculous. Every time she thinks she's doing something cutesie (come and get yer popcorn!), she gets annihilated in comment sections.

AuntieAnn said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 18m
"U can only grow if ur willing 2feel awkward & uncomfortable when U try something new." ~Brian Tracy I so admire @Kateplusmy8 4this!

Hey Gladys, here's another Brian Tracy quote: "Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?' "

Platitweet that one to your idol.

swingsandroundabouts said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 97

I really hope that Milo is thinking about getting a new book of platitudes. I'm sick of the old ones.

getoff said, "Like I posted earlier, Kate found what she is good at: being a clown, except nobody is laughing."


I don't know about that. Seems like everyone here is getting a pretty good laugh out of it.


I'm getting a pretty good laugh.

I know some people are afraid of clowns. I wonder how they would feel about TFW as a clown? Terrified I would think.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So TFW is growing, expanding her horizons, and trying something new...
at the already-had-one-for-their-3rd-birthday carnival party. Gladys sure
sets that bar low.

Alberta Girl said...

It is all about her. In the clip - the exaggerated expressions on her face, hand movements, the way she speaks to the kids. All about the "star" Kate. People like that really rub me the wrong way.

As for watching the show (it's the next 10 weeks, beginning on Canada Day, then 2 more after that), I probably would, but we will be on holidays, so if I come across it I will, if not, I look forward to Admin's very entertaining recaps.

Unfortunately for the kids, this is a train wreak, and people will stop to look.

Tucker's Mom said...

getoff said, "Like I posted earlier, Kate found what she is good at: being a clown, except nobody is laughing."


I don't know about that. Seems like everyone here is getting a pretty good laugh out of it.
What is it that Kathy Griffin says?

"It's like a gift from Jesus"

willowmom said...

Auntie Ann...platitweet...another great one!

Millicent said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 4
I thought it was one three-hour show, followed by four episodes, one per month for six months starting next weekend, Fourth of July.
Wait a minute ---- I heard it was 6 1/2 half-hour episodes, as a summer filler, following Sex Sent Me to the E.R. during June, and in July it will be sandwiches between My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding episodes.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21m
@Kateplusmy8 I miss the show & all ur unique way of sayin stuff...out here we supporters call it #KateSpeak! U have ur own language! LOL
There goes Milo again, over-sharing about all the voices in her head!

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 98
NJay and Ex Nurse, I said the same thing about the clip last week. Mady has her eyebrows and hands up, like she thinks she is about to say something witty. Not scowling and mumbling, but very open. In my opinion.
Mady definitely gets into the "act" of filming and is very aware of the camera.
Remember the RV trip at Old Faithful? Mady chirped out a line that the crew gave her- some factoid- but a park ranger stepped on her line and she wanted to do it over.
Kate blew her off and basically said "no one cares".

AuntieAnn said...

swingsandroundabouts said... 99

I know some people are afraid of clowns. I wonder how they would feel about TFW as a clown? Terrified I would think.


Then there was the Seinfeld episode where Kramer sold the last ticket to the opera to "Some nut in a clown suit."

JR said...

I didn't know putting on a fuzzy wig was "expanding your horizons"....I thank my lucky stars every day I'm NOT Milo....What is she/he/it expecting after all this ass kissing? Once Kate closes her twitter account (God willing) Milo will never hear from her again ...isn't she aware of that?

Millicent said...

One thing I can say about that pink synthetic wig - it looks better than Kate's actual hair.

AuntieAnn said...

Millicent said... 109

One thing I can say about that pink synthetic wig - it looks better than Kate's actual hair.


It's a wig made out of the sappy platitudinous fluff Gladys keeps sending her.

TLC stinks said...

Deanna holding "A" present? For SIX kids? I bet that was just an empty box gift wrapped.

Anonymous said...

Happily, I will be camping with family the day the snooze fest airs. Sitting around the campfire talking about the day, the morrow, past trips and beetles. Helping the young ones roast non-organic hotdogs.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I guess Milo would be okay with it if Kate did a porn video

Of course Milo would be okay with that he or she would buy all the sex tapes and watch the over and over zooming in on KK in action,

AuntieAnn said...

willowmom said... 104

Auntie Ann...platitweet...another great one!


ha! I made it up especially for Milo. Distinctively ewe-nique, one of a kind, wrapped in glitter paper.

sparkle said...

PJ's momma said... 98

She only cares about herself - doesn't care what the kids think even though it is THEIR personal birthday party that she is broadcasting to the masses. I anticipate that this will be used as a criticism point when it airs because she looks so ridiculous. Every time she thinks she's doing something cutesie (come and get yer popcorn!), she gets annihilated in comment sections.

Great comment and so true. Let's face it- the tups birthday is Kate's day, a day to celebrate how Kate is the only woman on earth to bring sextuplets into the world without any major medical problems, after selflessly laying on bedrest for 76 weeks. Wait-- there have been other mothers who ... NO THERE ISN'T!! I'M THE ONLY ONE!! MEE MEEE MEEEEEE.... IT'S ALL ABOUT MEEEEEE!! IT'S MYYYY DAYYYY!

She hasn't changed one bit. There she is, treating Mady like she used to treat Jon, stealing the limelight from the kids on their birthday and being her usual unpleasant self. That kind of behavior got the show cancelled. Why, why does she revert right back to it? Unjustly bereating children is not entertainment. Exaggerating behavior so you can show that you're the boss is being a bully, not a parent.

If there were any people remaining who were sympathetic to Kate, she lost them last January when she tried to force her daughters to trash their father on national tv. I'm glad to see the vast negative reaction to Kate's brief return to the small screen. Before, the sheep used to convince themselves that the haters conspired to write all the negative comments about Kate on various articles written about her, because of course, the rest of the world loved Kate. Now, not so much. Heh, heh.

swingsandroundabouts said...

AuntieAnne said...107

Then there was the Seinfeld episode where Kramer sold the last ticket to the opera to "Some nut in a clown suit."

Pagliacci. I love Seinfeld.

TLC stinks said...

ITA, I don't believe Mady was being a smart mouth in that clip. She was saying something, which unfortunately you cannot hear over Kate's big mouth, and then TLC makes sure to caption the "no fun things" which CLEARLY can be heard. I think she made Mady a scapegoat on purpose. Also the "you never trust me" was totally out of context. Also, Mady did not stomp back to the sofa so Kate had to overdramatize that. Cara was also saying something at the same time as Mady and it could not be understood either. I guess we'll understand the context better when the entire scene is aired. And, if you notice, Mady did not seem upset when she returned to the sofa. Get real. My daughter would have sat there and pouted after being yelled at like that. I really have to wonder if the scene was a set up by the producer and Kate, not with scripted lines, but rather an improv that Mady blew because Kate really gave her the stink eye when she walked back to the couch, I think Kate was really upset about the you don't trust me thing Mady blurted out.

Tucker's Mom said...

Also, it would be embarrassing at heck to get yelled at by your mom in front of a crew.
Again, Kate should NEVER put this out there for public consumption.
It's bad enough to embarrass Mady in front of the crew, but on national tv is unforgivable.

TLC stinks said...

Seinfeld, LOL. I never get tired of the show. I remember the clown episode too! Watch the reruns all the time. My son can quote line after line.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I doubt Kate gives a rat's patoot how idiotic she looks. She's no doubt making more $ with these 2 one-hour specials than any of her fans and haters and that's all she cares about.

She can now comfortably lie by the pool all summer honking out orders to the kids and lawn and laundry boys and girls and wait for the interviews and the next piece of crap TV channel to put her whiny mug out there and lovers and haters will once again go bonkers giving her the publicity, positive and negative that keeps her rich and lazy.

Anonymous said...

OT- Thank you all

All the girls brought their Grad flowers to school today, had a moment of silence. DD had her English exam this morning, she couldn't concentrate, I told her it was normal, and to not worry.

She is feeling pretty deflated, but the girls are banding together to make sure no one is alone.

Still no more details


Tucker's Mom said...

Still no more details

June 9, 2014 at 11:35 AM
franky, I'm sorry I missed what happened to your daughter's friend, can you fill me in, please?

JR said... true...shes laughing all the way to the bank. She wants to make large amounts at a time so she can do exactly that ..lay around and be comfortable and pay her bills without lifting a finger. That's her goal. Obviously shes getting just what she wants...and doesn't care about the fact that everyone hates and laughs at her. Mission accomplished!! Shes still driving 3 cars, kids are in private school, and is maintaining her house...for now anyway...

Ex Nurse said...

TLC stinks said...
I really have to wonder if the scene was a set up by the producer and Kate, not with scripted lines, but rather an improv that Mady blew because Kate really gave her the stink eye when she walked back to the couch, I think Kate was really upset about the you don't trust me thing Mady blurted out.
I agree--If she went off-script ala The View, that would explain the "you never trust me" line.

Ex Nurse said...

Seeing the train wreck that TFW is today, it is really obvious how much sanitizing TLC must have done, and how much coaching she must have had. I don't think they have to go out of the way to make her look bad--they just have to do less editing. And, really, how much is TLC investing in a show that is airing at 10:00 PM, every other leap day and 7 th night of Chanukah?

Bitchy Pants said...

Blowing -92 Giggle, snort, chuckle! Gooooooooooooood one! You owe me a laptop screen cleaning. I snorted ice tea all over it.

I'm old enough to be TFMJG's mother and am considerably heavier than she is. My boobs don't sag as much as hers do. Then I don't have 8, count 'em, 8 kids. . . That dress is totally inappropriate for a woman her age to be wearing in public. I'm not sure I'd even wear one like it around the house. Not even when I was 20 and thin and reasonably cute.

Admin -- will we be going back to recapping and discussing Robert's book when it comes out again?

Anonymous said...

Tucker"s mom

DD had her grad ceremony Thursday night. For some reson one of her friends, Gabrielle was in a hotel room not far from school Sat. She apparently was stabbed to death by her 18 yrld bf. ( that is according to grapevine, the news just says arme blanche, which means knife)

She was only 17. I am sure there will be more on the news tonight. It happened in Montreal.

The girls all brought their grad flowers to school this morning as a tribute. Needless to say exams did not go well, of course. DD is staying home today, the girls are banding together


Anonymous said...

OT- here is the article:


FlimsyFlamsy said...

As I've read all your feedback about this cell phone standoff, and the
on-camera shaming of poor M, I can't help but remember TFW weeping about her fallen grove of trees (which of course we found
out later was untrue). She was upset because the lost trees meant
a loss of "privacy:(" Yet she readily, and gleefully, sells her children's
privacy to the highest bidder.

Is there any doubt that this special will contain "highlights" like,
"H pooped in H's unnerwears?" These aren't TV characters -
they're actual children. But their privacy doesn't matter to their
own mother.

NJGal51 said...

Well it seems all the current twitterbots are either crying or want to scream because the just got the best news ever about the show coming back on.

Tucker's Mom said...

I agree--If she went off-script ala The View, that would explain the "you never trust me" line.
I thought Mady was more sassy on The View, and Kate just shrugged it off, like "teenagers!! can't live with them, can't keep them as indentured slaves forever!!!!!!"
I don't believe for a second that Mady's sass didn't go unpunished, nor her silence.

Tucker's Mom said...

You know what pisses me off perhaps even more than Kate crying poor?
Hillary Clinton crying poor.

I don't seem to recall the Clintons piecing and patching when Bill left office.
Poor things.
How ever did they scrape together the funds for that estate in NY?

Talk about out of touch.

lukebandit said...

Law and Order SVU had a huge marathon on yesterday and all night last night on USA. After midnight there was an episode on about sharia law. It was just awful. I hope and pray your dd's friend gets justice swiftly. No one deserves this treatment and the outcome.

When I read that your dd friend was a victim of sharia, I just couldn't believe it. It upset me and I am so sorry. Praying for strength and comfort in Jesus's Name. lukebandit

lukebandit said...

Remember, Elaine had to mace him with Cherry Binaca!

Joe Davola!

I sold the last ticket to some nut in a clown suit. bwahahaha

I wonder what Jamie and Deanna were thinking seeing kate like that in the clown garb. When they looked at each other. Did they think she has finally lost it, did it embarrass THEM? Pink wigs to popcorn balls she has on hooker heels.

Anonymous said...


DD finally talked a bit. After the exam today they (200 or so) walked to her house to bring the flowers. Her mother thanked them, her twin stayed in the house

It is just so sad, she was going to be a nurse


lukebandit said...

What a humble young man!

The following is a statement from Jon Meis, the Seattle Pacific University student who is being hailed as a hero for disarming a campus shooter last week...

"To my brothers and sisters at Seattle Pacific University, and my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the nation and the world. Words cannot come close to expressing the tragedy that occurred this past week on our campus. Like everyone else, I would hear of these horrible events on the news, but go home knowing that it could never happen to us. On Thursday, my life changed. I was thrown into a life and death situation, and through God’s grace I was able to stop the attacker and walk away unharmed. As I try to return to a normal life in the aftermath of this horrible event, I pray above all things for strength for the victims and their families. While my experience left me in physical shock, I know that many people are dealing with much greater grief than I have experienced, and in honesty I probably would not be able to handle it myself right now if I had personally known the victims.

I know that I am being hailed as a hero, and as many people have suggested I find this hard to accept. I am indeed a quiet and private individual; while I have imagined what it would be like to save a life I never believed I would be put in such a situation. It touches me truly and deeply to read online that parents are telling their children about me and telling them that real heroes do exist.

However, what I find most difficult about this situation is the devastating reality that a hero cannot come without tragedy. In the midst of this attention, we cannot ignore that a life was taken from us, ruthlessly and without justification or cause. Others were badly injured, and many more will carry this event with them the rest of their lives. Nonetheless, I would encourage that hate be met with love. When I came face to face with the attacker, God gave me the eyes to see that he was not a faceless monster, but a very sad and troubled young man. While I cannot at this time find it within me to forgive his crime, I truly desire that he will find the grace of God and the forgiveness of our community.

I would like to truly thank the responders who secured the building and the medical staff who looked after myself and those who were injured. After being in this situation myself, it is even harder to imagine what it would be like to have a job where one’s life is willingly put on the line every day. To our police, emergency responders, and armed forces, you have my greatest respect.

I am overwhelmed with the incredible generosity that has been showered upon me. It has been deeply touching to read the comments online and realize that my actions have had such a strikingly widespread effect. Moving forward, I am strongly requesting that any future donations be given to the victims through Seattle Pacific University.

I am grateful for the prayers and support coming from our home city and afar. In these next few days, weeks, and months, please continue to pray for everyone in the Seattle Pacific community. We serve a truly awesome God and I firmly believe that it is through Him alone that we will find the strength to heal from this tragedy."

Jon Meis
Student, Seattle Pacific University

Rhymes with Witch said...

The series premieres Sunday with promises of more episodes in the fall.

This refers to Rachel Ray. What part of this sentence is missing from TLC's promo
for tfw?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I guess we'll understand the context better when the entire scene is aired. And, if you notice, Mady did not seem upset when she returned to the sofa. Get real. My daughter would have sat there and pouted after being yelled at like that.


Maybe Mady didn't appear to be upset because this is all she's ever known. Being reprimanded and embarrassed by her mother is normal for her. She just shrugs it off and accepts it, knowing that's the way her mother is.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Once Kate closes her twitter account (God willing) Milo will never hear from her again ...isn't she aware of that?


Why would she care? She and Kate do their communicatin in so many other ways. That's why Milo plays her questions games with Kate all the time...just following up on what they discussed in DMs or over the phone. Yeah, right.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I heard it was 6 1/2 half-hour episodes, as a summer filler, following Sex Sent Me to the E.R. during June,


June is a heck of a time for sex to send you to the ER. I'd much rather be sent over the winter months when there are no outside activities that you'd miss. Rumor has it that a certain Chief Executive Ewe will be featured prominently in that show. Grow-A-Boyfriend grew a bit too much and got very frisky.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lukebandit ..49

I just rewatched Secretarariat. I was 7 when he ran and I remember that thrilling race, my heart was still pounding


London said...

Anyone know the deal with this book coming back out in another week or so? No one seems to know where it will be available for purchase. Makes it all a little suspect that RH didn't include that info on his website. Did I miss something or does anyone know where people will be able to purchase it.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Very sorry franky to read about your community's loss. It is very shocking, and your daughter and her friends are so vulnerable right now.

A apology to Rachael Ray :-) - guess TFW's frowzy boob look is quite the conversation piece. And you are all right, give her just enough attention and just enough of a pay out from TLC and she will coast on this all summer by the side of her pool. Piecing and patching is exactly what she is good at, but where does it really lead?

FYI said...

London said... 128
Anyone know the deal with this book coming back out in another week or so? No one seems to know where it will be available for purchase. Makes it all a little suspect that RH didn't include that info on his website. Did I miss something or does anyone know where people will be able to purchase it.

IMO, Robert is being smart in not giving out any more information until the actual availability date of June 23. If he gave out the info now, it would give Kate a heads up and give her time to try to stop the book from being published.

Right now, we have no idea where it will be available, but Kate also doesn't know and it must be bugging the hell out of her.

NJGal51 said...

I wonder what Jamie and Deanna were thinking seeing kate like that in the clown garb. When they looked at each other. Did they think she has finally lost it, did it embarrass THEM?
Like - Those two are her paid stooges and like the attention just as much as she does. They embarrass themselves by hitching their wagon to her star. I guess D thinks it might further her career and J just likes the attention. MHO.

Anonymous said...

The details are worse than we could have imagined. DD has ordered a stop to all news, I am respecting that


Unknown said...

London said... 142
''Anyone know the deal with this book coming back out in another week or so? No one seems to know where it will be available for purchase. Makes it all a little suspect that RH didn't include that info on his website. Did I miss something or does anyone know where people will be able to purchase it.''
Robert said the book will be for sale on a certain date in both Kindle and Hardcover. When that date arrives, I'm positive there will be ample information about where it will be available.

Why on earth does that make ''it all a little suspect''???

TLC stinks said...

Yep. She's probably making more in those two episodes than most people make in a year. But it won't ever be enough. And I wonder if she's allowing Jamie and Deanna to get a paycheck from TLC?

TLC stinks said...

Kate is a Twit, ITA. If Kate knew the publisher she'd have her attorneys on speed dial.

FYI said...

If Kate insisted on being a clown for the tups birthday, you'd think Deanna with all her makeup skills would have made her up more. She could have made her up like Pennywise from "It". After all, Kate say she's "piecing and patching", what better clown to be than "Penny Wise"?

FYI said...

Meant to add to my last post--

After all Pennywise is know for torturing children.

FYI said...

Milo is bashing Jon again, but in a subtle way. One of the "haters" tweeted the following:

Here Kitty Kitty ‏@MILOisKATE · 16h
@TLC PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do an update show with JON GOSSELIN & the kids! The WHOLE WORLD is just DYING to see JON & the kids! @MiloandJack

Then one of Kate defenders stepped in and tweeted:

Weirdo Watcher ‏@Weirdo_Watcher · 4h
@MILOisKATE @TLC @MiloandJack They could call it "I have 8 kids, didn't honor my last contract with TLC & don't honor my kids with support "

So Positivity Milo, tweeted in response:

Fired Up 4 Kate‏@MiloandJack ·
@Weirdo_Watcher Appreciate ur #ThoughtfulAndTruthful reply! LOL

Anonymous said...

OT- dd friend death

Apparently was not Sharia, although she was muslim, and no knives used

Her bf apparently beat her to death because she wanted to break up with him.

Although news keeps changing every hour. All I know for sure is that over 200 girls marched to her house and brought flowers. A few were placed behind the school where she hung out.


ps, no more news on in my house, dd's request ~ Administrator said...

They seem utterly incapable of understanding that it's up to the judge what support is ordered and if it was lifted, even by mutual agreement, it would have to be in the children's best interest. They should complain to the judge if they don't agree. If it was lifted which both parties say then Jon is in full compliance with court orders. It's on Kate to raise the issue if she doesn't like that, sheeple. Go whine to her.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 148
Yep. She's probably making more in those two episodes than most people make in a year. But it won't ever be enough. And I wonder if she's allowing Jamie and Deanna to get a paycheck from TLC?
In the very least, Deanna is being paid as Kate's make up person and Jamie has trips, limos, dining etc. for free, for YEARS now.
Thanks, Gosselin kids!

Barb Gilman said...

I wonder if my original version of Robert's book will stay the same and just be updated on my Kindle or I will have to buy the new version.

Lalalalala said...

Anonymous said... 153

OT- dd friend death

Apparently was not Sharia, although she was muslim, and no knives used


So, wasn't your daughter's friend that got murdered? I'm very confused with this news.

Tucker's Mom said...

franky, that's awful- what an atrocity.
I hope the bf never sees the light of day again.
I hope your dd heals soon.
This is really hard.

Tucker's Mom said...

Really, what clown wears a booby-hugging, clingy, short dress to a children's birthday party?.

Holy inappropriate, Batman.

Tucker's Mom said...

OMG, is Jon's not paying support all they've got?
It's getting old, sheep.
Ewe have to come up with something else!

FYI said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rhymes with Witch said...

If it was lifted which both parties say then Jon is in full compliance with court orders. It's on Kate to raise the issue if she doesn't like that, sheeple. Go whine to her. 154

Whine to their queen? Neva!
If they admit that a judge was involved they can't keep calling Jon a deadbeat.
What am I saying? Since when do they let facts interfere with their narrative.

FYI said... (Administrator) said... 154
They seem utterly incapable of understanding that it's up to the judge what support is ordered and if it was lifted, even by mutual agreement, it would have to be in the children's best interest. They should complain to the judge if they don't agree. If it was lifted which both parties say then Jon is in full compliance with court orders. It's on Kate to raise the issue if she doesn't like that, sheeple. Go whine to her.

But they won't whine to her. As far as they are concerned, Jon is wrong in not paying child support, but they forget that Kate's lawyer said that "Kate voluntarily absolved Jon of paying support".

So if they have a problem with Jon not paying support, they should blame Kate for agreeing to it.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Dr.Seuss making us feel good > "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is younger than you."

Actually Milo, the quote from Dr. Seuss is "““Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is
than You.” .” ― Dr. Seuss

Does she also have a problem with reading comprehension? ~ Administrator said...

Exactly. Kate has every right to agree to no support if she wants to. Maybe the children are being provided for out of savings amassed for them from the show, or maybe they have split some of their expenses. They are clearly doing fine. Whatever the reason again it is on Kate. If Kate is not complaining why in the world are her sheeple? Never fight something with more zealousness than the person you are fighting for is also willing to give. Have they even asked her if she has a problem with current circumstances? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

IT? by Stephen King?

OMG, was Pennywise nthat Clowns name?

All I remember is it was a 1176 page-book

And Georgie..I still say it that way


Never looked at clowns the same way


FlimsyFlamsy said...

Yeah, this court nonsense is getting old. I know very little about
the law. But if the fans are accusing Jon of making some
underhanded, shady, cloak-and-dagger deal, well, then they need
to blame their queen for signing off on it.

FYI said...

If Kate is not complaining why in the world are her sheeple?

Because that is that is all they can come up with. They can't comprehend that Kate agreed to it, they just keep on blaming Jon.

The thing is we don't know what kind of agreement they settled on--if they did.

But in the sheeple's brains--it will always be Jon's fault, despite the fact that Kate apparently agreed to it.

Why don't they ask Kate why she agreed to it?

sparkle said...

Kate is a twit said... 163

But they won't whine to her. As far as they are concerned, Jon is wrong in not paying child support, but they forget that Kate's lawyer said that "Kate voluntarily absolved Jon of paying support".

Well Twit, it's all part of the Sheeple code of dishonor. Pretend stated facts do not exsist, like copyrights, two huge (dangly) boobs, frozen face, emails, statements from Coupon Cabin, Today Show and TLC insiders. Fabricate whenever possible, facts that are more pleasing to them, their agenda and the Qween.

Unknown said...

Barb In Nebraska said... 156
''I wonder if my original version of Robert's book will stay the same and just be updated on my Kindle or I will have to buy the new version''
I was also wondering about buying the new book on Kindle, but for a different reason than you. In my case, I WANT to buy the new Kindle version AND keep the original Kindle version! I will also purchase the hard cover book. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...


Yes it was her friend who was killed, apparently by her bf, 2nd degree murder charges were brought against him today.

Since she is a minor, we now have a publication ban on her name and all details, so as to not influence the Jury. I previously said her first name, but cannot now.

over 200 girls went to deliver flowers to her mother and twin, who was also at grad Thursday. I hav e their moment in my camera, was so beautiful, but I will never post it. I will just show dd it


Carole said...


I know it's early in the investigation, etc, but I'm surprised the girl's bf is only being charged with 2nd degree murder. I'm not from Canada, so I don't know the differences in criteria, but in the US, I think he'd be charged w/1st degree where the punishment is much more harsh.
My sympathy to you and your daughter and of course the family and friends of the victim. So very tragic.

Carole said... true...shes laughing all the way to the bank. She wants to make large amounts at a time so she can do exactly that ..lay around and be comfortable and pay her bills without lifting a finger. That's her goal. Obviously shes getting just what she wants...and doesn't care about the fact that everyone hates and laughs at her. Mission accomplished!! Shes still driving 3 cars, kids are in private school, and is maintaining her house...for now anyway...

Yep, SHE's getting what SHE wants with no thoughts about the repercussions for the kids. She never has and never will put the children's best interests first. n. e. v. e. r.

Formerly Duped said...

franky: Let me add my horror and sympathy about the murdered friend of your daughter. How tragic. That graduating class will be forever scarred. May the girl victim RIP and justice be served.We had a similar case here at the mall- the ex bf waited till she came out of closing the store at her part-time job and knifed her to death. Same age. I know how this affected the kids here. What a world where young people commit these deadly offenses.Hug your daughter and I wish her well.

Lalalalala said...

Anonymous said... 171



How horrible, Franky. I'm so sorry this happened and especially on what should have been a joyous occasion and lots of good memories. ~ Administrator said...

Because that is that is all they can come up with. They can't comprehend that Kate agreed to it, they just keep on blaming Jon.


They always say Kate is free to do as she sees fit when it comes to her children.

Is Kate not also free to do as she sees fit when it comes to child support, including waiving it if that is what is best for her family? Is this not her responsibility to deal with?

It works both ways. Either she can do whatever she sees fit or she can't, but they can't pick and choose whenever it suits them what is her concern and what is not.

chefsummer #Leh said...

but they can't pick and choose whenever it suits them

Of course they can cause they're stupid sheep.

Anonymous said...

OT Carole

My dd did the WTF? as I did when we heard that

She (the victim) apparently agonised for hours until he yelled for help, only then did other men call 911 to help HIM

No 17 yrld should ever have to die that way

ss for hogging this blog, I am just sooooooo upset

getofftwitter said...

Lukebandit: What Jamie & Deanna are thinking: better for Kate to make an ass of herself than us. It could have been worse, Kate could have forced those 2 to be clowns too.

Kate looks like a deranged clown. From that movie: Attack of the killer clowns.

I should re-word that: the only ones not laughing are the G8. We find her silly/goofy/ridculious. This circus on circus special birthday should have been done about 3-4 years ago. What they did last year for their birthday is what they should do this year. But we know Kate had to deal here, cause TLC was not going to flip for a trip, anywhere.

The clip & the commercial are both making Kate look like a looney tunes bitch, a real clown. Not the funny type the a-hole type. JMO

chefsummer #Leh said...

getofftwitter said... 178

So Jon was right then his ex-wife is an a-hole?

Unknown said...

chefsummer said... 177
but they can't pick and choose whenever it suits them

''Of course they can cause they're stupid sheep.''
AND because it is all Jon's fault...don't forget that it is ALL Jon's fault!

Anonymous said...


Carole, lala

that was the first thing dd said to me. 2nd degree? WTF???

Life here means 25 years max..second, half off for good behaviour

I am hoping they upgrade to the max


chefsummer #Leh said...

Remona Blue said... 181
chefsummer said... 177
but they can't pick and choose whenever it suits them

''Of course they can cause they're stupid sheep.''
AND because it is all Jon's fault...don't forget that it is ALL Jon's fault!

Of course it's all ways Jon's fault now matter what happens he's all way to blame.

Or it's the haters faults for being mean bullies,

AuntieAnn said...

I have to wonder if Jamie and Deanna helped out voluntarily or if they had to be bribed with some $$.

It's the kids' tenth birthday. Their party, but mommie dearest has to drag her adult buddies into it. I guess that's to show she's popular too.

And something else I wonder about. Do the invited friends of the honored six have to sign nondisclosure agreements?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 20m
@Kateplusmy8 yes !Another week closer until I get to see my buddy #K8 and her kiddos !! = happy girl πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’žπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘§πŸ‘§πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘ΈπŸ‘© @TLC #LoveK8&TLC


Oh, good grief. Is this the same "buddy" who never responds to her and ignored her pleas to be invited to Kate's pool for a swim? She's another one living in a fantasy world, believing that she has a personal relationship with celebrities. What is *with* these middle-aged women? I can sort of understand it coming from a teen, but adults caught up in this delusion is just creepy.

Anonymous said...

I just do not know what to do with my footage.

The twins were so cute, I filmed them.

Do I wait and tell their single Mom I have it,....or do I just delete it?



AuntieAnn said...

Life here means 25 years max..second, half off for good behaviour

I am hoping they upgrade to the max



franky - when we say a person can get away with murder in this country, we mean it. We had a triple murder here a few years ago. A 12-year-old girl was seeing a 23-year-old man. Her parents objected to the relationship, so she and her bf plotted their murder. He climbed through the window and attacked and killed her mom first, dad second but could not bring himself to murder the eight-year-old brother of the girl. He begged for his life. The bf could not do it, so sister slit her brother's throat.

Long story short. The man got life, eligible for parole in 25 years. The 12-year-old got ten years, less 18 months credit time served, four years in a psychiatric institution and four and a half years under supervision in the community and is now attending university, courtesy of our government.

Oh and Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act she can't be named.

If that doesn't make one shake their head, I don't know what will.

PA Dutch Mom said...

This circus on circus special birthday should have been done about 3-4 years ago.


They did a carnival/circus theme five years ago. Remember Nana Janet on the pony?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So was there not one blood relative at this 10th birthday party besides
their mother? No aunts, uncles, grandparents or cousins? Don't the
fans find that the least bit suspicious? And don't even let them try to
say, oh, there was probably a separate party for them, because we
know darn well there wasn't.

The narcissist in my life has 4 children and 7 grandchildren. That's
11 immediate family members. She has a relationship with one.
When I told a friend about that, she laughed and said, "Can't she
do the math?" So I'd have to ask the fans, "Can't you do the math?"

jolie Jacquelyn said...

AuntieAnn said... 186

franky - when we say a person can get away with murder in this country, we mean it.


Don't we just? And I voted for the present government because I believed they'd change things... ~ Administrator said...

There was an element of domestic violence to this murder. Sometimes it feels like if it's DV there are different sets of rules.

I can certainly speculate why this is, but it's almost too difficult to speak of. But in short I think it has to do with ancient ideas that some people hold even subconsciously along the lines of, well she must have done something. ~ Administrator said...

Ok so I watched the Big Tip and I think the concept is a good one. I just have a few questions/criticisms.

If you haven't seen it, they find three waiters/waitresses with compelling stories and two of them get 1,000 bucks and one gets the grand prize of 10,000, chosen by Rachael.

One, I have never liked the concept of picking the "best" charity or charitable act. Just like Kate did with her stupid book giveaway. Why is a foster mother better or worse than someone who saves dogs or is raising their sister or being a volunteer firefighter? They are all doing something wonderful. I wish there was a way to do it without the competition aspect judged arbitrarily by Rachael. Of course she gives the grand prize to the dog lady over the foster mother, Rachael loves dogs. But why was the dog person "better"? I don't get that.

Two some of the stories were a bit of a head scratcher. One young man was very bright but his aunt said he couldn't go to college because it would cost "hundreds of thousands of dollars." Well, yes it would if he goes to an expensive school. But if the young man is as bright as an MIT student as she claims, he should qualify for scholarships and loans. He may have to go to community college or state school, and he may have to pay some money back once he graduates, but that's certainly better than no college at all. College won't be EASY for him but it's not impossible. NO ONE can afford college these days, I don't find this problem particularly compelling. No one can afford it but everyone can make sacrifices to do it.

And 10,000 is not going to help much if you think it costs 100,000. That just didn't make sense to me at all.

The fastest way to lose a viewer is to give them a sob story that doesn't quite add up. Nonetheless I'm going to watch future episodes and we'll see if they can refine the concept a bit.

Anonymous said...

My boss is muslim, when I told him her name and that she was Arab, he was disbieving. Her name un-hyphenated, is French.

I told him that did not matter. SNAP!!!!!

franky ~ Administrator said...

One person estranged shame on you. Two or ten or more, shame on me.

Nobody should have to estrange this many people without the logical question being maybe there is something wrong with the person doing the estranging. It's as plain as the nose on their faces but they refuse to admit it. And why is it Jon doesn't have this sort of problem? He travels in all the same circles or at least did.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 20m
@Kateplusmy8 yes !Another week closer until I get to see my buddy #K8 and her kiddos !! = happy girl ������������������������������������ @TLC #LoveK8&TLC



This is the Uggs Charity Lady. Kate is not her only buddy. She regularly tweets Daymond John and has a crush on Sherrod Small. I have no idea who either one of them are, but as long as it makes her happy! I wonder if she sent them Uggs, too. That could get rather expensive!

I am One of Eight said...

Regarding family members at the party, I just added up family for my child's graduation, we are near 70 with no friends so far. This is what happens with a large family. This just includes aunts, unlces, cousins, who we see all the time. They even hang out with their second cousins all the time.
I hope the Gosselin kids see some family often.

Kelly said...

Oooh I didn't realize Stephen King was writing a new novel about Penny Wise and has chosen TFW for the role. Seriously, does she not have a room of mirrors in the mansion to gaze adoringly at herself before she stomps out? She must have continued the carnival/circus theme there too and went with funhouse mirrors.

I really want to say something totally juvenile and completely inappropriate regarding her breast implant sagage (new Kate type word? My computer's barking at me over it but it's staying) and bedroom antics with her boobyguard but I can't formulate the sentences. Actually just attempting to visualize it makes me feel the need for more vodka. I do have a broken ankle from hauling Rucifer over a baby gate. The good part about being stranded on my bed with an aircast is that I finally got out of work and have time to read here.

Franky, oh my goodness words fail but you're all in my prayers. I am so very sorry.

jbranck1980 said...

Nobody should have to estrange this many people without the logical question being maybe there is something wrong with the person doing the estranging. It's as plain as the nose on their faces but they refuse to admit it.


I have often wondered this about certain people. At what point (if ever) do they stop and think that THEY could be the problem. I have an aunt who does not speak to any of her sisters, 2 (out of 3) of her daughters and no one from her husband's family. It's like, what is it going to take for her and her husband to realize THEIR behavior is what is causing people to end relationships and refuse to deal with the drama they create? Sadly, I think for some people that day of realization and change never happens and they end up lonely and even more bitter.

Anonymous said...

You get it...
That graduating class will be forever scarred.

I really wanted better for her


Kelly said...

Franky you beat me to it. :) I loved 'It'. Actually, I love SK..alot..almost as much as Milo squiggly hearts TFW. I just finished Mr. Mercedes and am now going back and reading Joyland once again.

Does anyone know if you can preorder Robert's book? I looked on his book site but didn't see any info except release date.

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